#real estate appraiser montreal
leam1983 · 2 years
The Menu - Thoughts
My father used to be a Real Estate Appraiser for most of his career, first on the private sector and then for Montreal's City Hall. It's the kind of job that doesn't come with a lot of perks, except for an office-paid Expenses account that allows for small displays of largesse, mostly to flatter a client's ego or appease someone else's doubts. Repeated exposures would sometimes result in small, more personal perks; like getting to know someplace's sous-chef by their first name, cracking jokes in out-of-office settings and eventually scoring the occasional token of friendship. Say a pass at an exceedingly ritzy table, the kind where everything is deconstructed, remixed, replated, revised and reviewed, and a table for three with four courses each goes for well over a few thousand bucks. Normally.
I say normally, because I grew up with the sous-chef's daughter, skinned my knees on the same rough concrete stairs in Montreal. She was my friend for a long time. We shared toys, hobbies, game consoles - and the occasional table.
Twice in all my life, I was given a rare gift.
Take what I've just described, convince yourself that you'll never taste it, see it for yourself, spend years thinking that food's just something you use to either find comfort or fuel yourself - and then get invited at that kind of table.
Not because you've got the cash for it, not because you're their usual clientèle, far from it - but because you're a friend.
The one course that's etched into my brain is a kind of phyllo pastry, but lighter and bigger than your usual stuff - like a blown-out and refined spanakopita, except it's not just feta cheese and spinach. Oh, no. It's organic goat cheese fresh from this morning, with a drizzle of sorrel sauce. The plate is eons above your pay grade and at the time, if you're me, you're still a teen eking out a living with some volunteer work that occasionally translates to a paycheck. A few hundred words here and there and bam - the big finish. Three hundred bucks richer.
That plate was something I could've never afforded, something I was never so much as born to eat. But there it is. Sorrel sauce and goat cheese, with puff pastry's snootier cousin crackling between my teeth, ever-so-sweet.
What tasted the best in it was the friendship I could sense. The exclusivity of the moment. I'd earned my way to this dish for free with years of bad barbecues, of letting Jenny win at Mario Kart, of helping her out with French while she tortured multiplication tables out of me. This was something some bougie asshat would've paid for with a Platinum Amex; and it was something I'd paid for in time. In patience. In kindness. In realizing that food, sometimes, is a gift. When that gift is given freely, it tastes all the better.
The Menu, directed by Mark Mylod, is what you'd get if some of the chefs I ended up getting to know could speak freely, sometimes, or what you'd get if Ratatouille's Anton Ego had been an ass and had driven Remy the Rat to nadirs of obsession. We follow one Margot Mills (Anya Taylor-Joy) as she seemingly serves as the accompaniment to foodie Tyler (Nicholas Hoult) during an evening at Hawthorne's.
What is Hawthorne's, you might ask? It's the isolated island restaurant helmed by the ultra-perfectionist Julian Slowik, played by Ralph Fiennes. Forget your usual celebrity chefs, Slowik is someone that's talked about but rarely seen, the exclusive priest of Epicurus to an even more exclusive table - the kind of place that invites you by text, instead of waiting for you to place a reservation. Apparently, it's a bit like a geisha house: if you know someone who knows someone, you have a chance to get in. This fosters a very small black book's worth of clients - and obviously limits it to the ultra-wealthy or to those with a desperate need of being seen.
As you'd expect of a horror-comedy with a very serrated edge, there's plenty of odd shit right off the bat and the menu only gets spicier once Slowik introduces one of the courses, titled The Mess, by asking of one of his maîtres de partie that they shoot themselves in the mouth in full view of the paying customers.
You laugh because everyone plays it off, predictably. They all think it's part of some sort of act - Murder Mystery on the house, except the victim is the culprit and everyone knows about it - but then the staff makes it clear that everyone is going to die, tonight.
Diners and staff included.
As this is The Menu, a tale of bloody vengeance on a Molecular Cuisine-sourced mix of absolutely luscious Food Porn, served as cold as biting cynicism demands.
A few courses in, I'm reminded of Peter Greenaway's The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and her Lover, its similar piles of food and the way the lavishness of the setting reflects the odiousness of those involved. There's no gangster styling themselves as a gourmand in sight, though, no Albert Spica expies to torture. Instead, each table gets its own just desserts, pun intended, and the wider assembly gets a few darkly-amusing digs at the cruelty of the fine dining experience in its own right.
The amuse-bouche, for instance, is a plate of oils and infused creams, obviously intended to serve as dippings or garnishings for bread - but no bread is ever provided. Instead, the guests have access to a little paper in the same plate, on which is stated that the bread they will not be eating will be sourced from and served to a struggling community's food bank. We never see the more deserving bread-havers, but just knowing that somewhere out there is someone who might be having the best baguette of their lives while these caricatures of Upper Crust asshats have to dab little wood spoons in tarragon oil and pretend to like it is brilliant.
Suffice it to say, things go progressively to thematically-appropriate levels of shit and the movie delights in torturing everyone between has-been movie stars begging for scraps to Wall Street finance bros glad-handing one another for "crushing it at work" while their personal lives implode. It's gleeful like I haven't seen a horror movie be in several years, and extremely self-aware in its own tone, like an actor who's told to act all snooty and snobbish but who then lets it slip that they're entirely aware of the clownishness of it all.
A few tropes are on offer, I won't say which ones, and their placement is predictable, but the pacing is perfect. You see everything coming a mile a minute, but this is Grand Guignol-grade, in the sense that you'll delight in seeing it all coming. Unlike the chefs featured, who give their lives to Art in the very literal sense, the movie very clearly has fun in setting up its own stakes, in deconstructing its own recipe and serving you a final payoff that, like its two last dishes, are the epitome of comfort foods.
Suffice it to say, Walter loved The Menu and is now combing the Web for an exact listing of the dishes created, associated recipes - and if it's possible to whip up variations on them on a tighter budget.
I mean, all three of us are foodies, sure, but pine nuts are beyond prohibitive and truffle oil is better off being seen as something you make last over several years, like that one perfume bottle you splurged on six years ago and that your S.O. insists on using sparingly.
Unless you're rich, that is, in which case you can probably bathe in the stuff if you'd care - but you know what we say about the rich while at the table, right? Wink-wink and whatnot...
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1prabhatsingh · 6 months
A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieve Your Dream Home In Canada 
Realtor Advertising
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For many individuals, it is a dream come true to have their own house. Whether you are a first-time buyer or thinking of an upgrade, Canada's real estate market is quite varied enough with lots of offerings.  
With so much realtor advertising going on, it often becomes hard to know what’s the right way to get your dream home. Worry not in this guide, we are going through the steps of fulfilling your dream of owning your own home.
1. Financial Preparation
Budget: Decide on how much you are able to pay. Consider your income, current debts and monthly expenses. Utilize online calculators to compute your mortgage amortisation.
Credit Score: Credit score is a pivotal factor for getting a mortgage. Make sure you check your credit rating and rectify any issues.
Down Payment: Putting money aside for a down payment. In Canada, the minimum set for a home cost up to $500,000 is 5%. However, for the homes with the cost higher than that, the down payment will be increased.
2. Research and Location
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Explore Cities: Canada has lively cities including cities like Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Calgary. Research their real estate market, employment possibilities, and scenarios of life there.
Neighbourhoods: Choose the neighbourhoods which match your specific predilections, like nearby workplaces, schools, parks, and amenities.
Market Trends: Analyze local real estate trends. Is it a seller's or a buyer's market? Visit the agents and market reports.
3. Mortgage Pre-Approval
Lenders: To start the process, approach banks, credit unions, or brokers for pre-approval. They’ll scrutinize your financials and issue a pre-approval letter.
Interest Rates: Evaluate the interest rates and mortgage terms.Fixed or variable?Short-term or long-term?
4. Search for a Real Estate Agent
Expertise: A real estate agent knows the market, acts as your rep, and leads you to the destination.
Interview: Meet the potential agents. Ask them about their accomplishments, the stories they have to tell, and how they deal with people
5. House Hunting
Wishlist: Develop a list of must-haves and would-be nice-to-have items. Always look at the size, the plan, and the finish of the bedroom.
Viewings: Attend open houses and spend some time on site. Take notes on features, do a comparison, and contrast different brands.
6. Make an Offer
Negotiation: Together with your agent, prepare to make an offer. Since price, conditions (e.g. home inspection) and closing date are involved, reflect on them carefully.
Deposit: Suggest a deposit (normally it would be from 1 to 5% of the sale price when having the agreement) with the offer in.
7. House Condition and Valuation
Inspection: Get in touch with a thorough professional inspector. They will look at the state and condition of the property. They will check the structural elements, plumbing and electrical components.
Appraisal: But the lender needs to find out the exact worth of the property by hiring the appraisers.
8. Finalize Financing
Mortgage Approval: Once the offer of your purchase is accepted, the loan you have chosen should be finalised with the lender.
Legal Representation: Find a real estate attorney whom you can trust to take care of the legal matters in the sale/purchase of your home.
9. Closing Day
Paperwork: Make sure the dealing is registered, money is transferred, and you pay the closing costs required (e.g., land transfer fee, legal fees).
Possession: Get behind the wheel and start your amazing homeownership journey!
10. Post-Purchase Considerations
Utilities and Services: Use electricity, water, and gas facilities at your service and change your address.
Home Insurance: The best protection against the risks associated with home ownership is home insurance.
Enjoy!: Celebrating your accomplishment is the culmination of a long and hard journey, the easiest part is finally settling home.
Buying your dream house in Canada is a matter of considering and analyzing the options and engaging professional help when needed. Finally, follow through these steps. Within days you will be sipping coffee on your patio with a view of the Canadian countryside.
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giuseppecartolano · 1 year
The Importance of Pricing Your Montreal Property Right
When it comes to selling your Montreal property, one of the most critical decisions you'll make is determining the right asking price. Pricing your property correctly from the outset can have a significant impact on the success of your sale. In this blog, we'll explore why pricing your Montreal property right is of paramount importance.
1. Attracting the Right Buyers
Setting the right price is akin to casting a net in the vast sea of potential buyers. If you price your property too high, you risk alienating a substantial portion of your target market – those who can afford homes in your area but are deterred by the inflated price tag. On the other hand, if your price is too low, you may attract a lot of interest, but it could lead to suspicion or even deter serious buyers who may think there's something wrong with the property.
2. Maximizing Your Property's Exposure
In today's digital age, buyers have access to an abundance of information. They can easily compare properties online and determine whether a listing is competitively priced. Overpricing your property could result in it languishing on the market for an extended period, causing it to become stale and less appealing to potential buyers. Correct pricing helps your property gain traction, leading to more showings and a quicker sale.
3. Creating a Sense of Urgency
When your property is priced accurately, it can create a sense of urgency among buyers. They'll recognize that well-priced properties in Montreal tend to sell quickly, and this urgency can lead to multiple offers, which can drive up the final selling price. On the other hand, an overpriced property may sit on the market, allowing potential buyers to adopt a "wait and see" attitude, leading to lower offers over time.
4. Minimizing Negotiation Hassles
Pricing your property right can also reduce the need for extensive negotiations. Buyers may feel more confident in making an offer close to or at the asking price when they perceive that your property is competitively priced. This can streamline the selling process and lead to a smoother transaction for both parties involved.
5. Avoiding Appraisal Issues
In Montreal, as in many real estate markets, an appraisal is a crucial step in the homebuying process, especially for buyers relying on financing. Overpricing your property can lead to appraisal issues, as appraisers compare the property's value to recent sales in the area. If the appraisal comes in lower than the sale price, it can jeopardize the deal. Pricing your property right from the start reduces the risk of such complications.
In the competitive Montreal real estate market, pricing your property correctly is a strategic move that can help you achieve a successful sale. Collaborating with an experienced local real estate agent in Montreal is essential in determining the optimal asking price for your property. They have access to valuable market data, trends, and insights that can guide you in making this crucial decision. Remember, it's not just about setting a price; it's about setting the right price to attract the right buyers and ensure a smooth and profitable transaction.
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courtierimmobilier · 1 year
How to Master the Art of a Successful Home Sale
In real estate, only some undertakings are as significant and life-altering as selling a home. The process can be a mix of excitement, anxiety, and anticipation, all bundled into one pivotal event. Whether you're a seasoned homeowner or a first-time seller, mastering the art of home sale in Montreal requires careful planning, strategic thinking, and a dash of patience. This article will delve into home sales, exploring valuable tips and insights to ensure a successful and smooth transaction.
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Setting the Stage: Preparing Your Home for Sale
Before you list your home on the market, creating an environment that's appealing to potential buyers is essential. This involves decluttering, cleaning, and some minor repairs. Remember, the goal is to showcase your home in its best light, allowing potential buyers to envision themselves living there. Consider repainting walls with neutral colors, enhancing curb appeal, and ensuring all essential systems (plumbing, electrical, HVAC) are in good working order.
Pricing it Right: The Art of Appropriate Valuation
Determining the right price for your home sale in Montreal can be a delicate balancing act. Overpricing could discourage potential buyers, while underpricing might yield a different return than you deserve. Consulting a real estate professional for a comparative market analysis (CMA) can provide valuable insights into the current market trends, helping you set a competitive and realistic price for your property.
A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words: Professional Photography
In today's digital age, online platforms play a crucial role in home sales. High-quality, professionally-taken photographs can make a difference in attracting potential buyers. Invest in a skilled photographer who can capture your home's best features, ensuring your online listings stand out.
Effective Marketing: Reaching the Right Audience
It's time to spread the word once your home sale in Montreal is prepared, and the price is set. Utilize various marketing channels, both traditional and digital, to reach a broad and relevant audience. Real estate agents often have a robust network and access to marketing tools that can enhance the visibility of your listing. Additionally, consider staging an open house to allow interested buyers to experience your home firsthand.
Negotiation Skills: Finding Common Ground
Negotiating the terms of a home sale can be both challenging and rewarding. Be prepared to engage in constructive discussions with potential buyers regarding the price, contingencies, and other terms of the sale. Flexibility is key here, as finding common ground is often crucial to finalizing the deal.
The Legal Landscape: Dotting the I's and Crossing the T's
As you move closer to sealing the deal, it's imperative to navigate the legal aspects of the transaction. It typically involves drafting a purchase agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the sale. Having a real estate attorney review the agreement can help ensure that your interests are protected and that the paperwork complies with local laws and regulations.
The Final Stretch: Inspections, Appraisals, and Closing
Before the home sale in Montreal is finalized, the buyer may request inspections and an appraisal to ensure the property's condition and value. Be prepared to address any issues that arise during this phase. Once all contingencies are satisfied, you'll be ready for the closing process. It involves signing the necessary documents, transferring ownership, and receiving the proceeds from the sale.
Selling a home is a multi-faceted journey that demands careful planning, market awareness, and effective communication. By preparing your home sale in Montreal, pricing it right, marketing effectively, negotiating skillfully, and navigating the legal and closing processes with care, you can ensure a successful home sale experience. Remember, each step brings you closer to unlocking new possibilities and making way for the next chapter in your life. Embrace change; selling a home opens doors to exciting opportunities ahead.
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All services under one roof. Get 3-5 quotes for each service
If you're looking to sell or buy a property in Canada, including Quebec, Compare Home Quotes is here to help. Whether you're located in Sherbrooke, Trois-Rivières, Montreal, Quebec City, or any other city in the province or country, we provide a platform to compare offers from local professionals who can assist you at every stage of the process. Are you currently in need of: • Selecting a real estate agent • Finding a reliable building inspector • Choosing a real estate notary • Finding a reputable mover • Selecting a renovation contractor Compare Home Quotes brings together a wide range of services related to buying or selling a house. To get started, simply fill out the quote request form on our websitehttps://comparehomequotes.ca/ with your contact information and selection criteria. Our team will carefully match you with professionals who best fit your needs. It's a free service with no obligation, available 7 days a week. Our offered services include: • Renovation • Home Inspectors • Real Estate Agents • Paving • Telecom Packages • Heat Pump • Landscaping • Prefabricated Houses • Movers, Storage Services, Boxes/Packing Supplies • Home Expansion • Mortgage Loans • Air-Conditioning Systems • Insurance (Life, Home, Car, Mortgage...) • Property Appraisers • Alarm Systems • Notaries • Excavation-Drainage • Kitchen Cupboards • Home Automation • Hot Water Tanks "
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ucasappraisal · 4 years
As per UCAS, a well-established Residential Real Estate Appraisers Montreal, brokers or non-listed appraiser can tell you the amount of the property but can't provide the significant value of each component through a written report that is detailed enough to offer great importance.
UCAS, who holds colossal experience in conducting residential appraisals Toronto explains for hiring certified appraisers is that they have access to the market as well as government data which helps them to do a fair valuation.
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leam1983 · 3 years
It’s the end of the work week and, well...
I’m having thoughts on labor culture.
My father was born in 1958. He lived as the son of an absent father of five children who had no ability to truthfully express his love and care, and who instead chose to bury himself in work as a means to display his commitment. My paternal grandfather made and sold mattressees and died quite young of a cancer strain that today would’ve seemed benign. He was described as a hard worker, either up to his neck in his business or wanting just a scant few hours per day to himself. It made an aloof lover out of him and a distant father - who still loved his wife and children to bits but who felt emotionally castrated in a sense, as were men of the era.
The family consensus is that his work killed him.
My father is now 65 and survived a bout of Non-Hodgkinian Lymphoma. The oncologist and anyone with half a brain agreed that stress was the culprit. Early on, Dad had the family as an excuse for his tendency to overwork. He had to provide for us, after all, and garnish my mother’s meagre savings. All she has is her government-issued pension plan, while my father does have his own pension as a retiree of the City of Montreal’s Real-Estate Appraisal service. Considering, he felt obligated to pull a heavier load to bring in more, so they’d have better investment opportunities. Later on, he kept working out of a sense of fealty and attachment to his division, breaking out of retirement during the pandemic to join the work-from-home team. He wanted to help techs and city officials find ways to bring more of the traditionally snail-mail-based parts of the system online so the city’s Land Management service wouldn’t be paralyzed by COVID-19. What was supposed to be a single month turned into four, which turned into twelve.
By the end, they were begging him to stay on the team and to pull longer hours. We’re talking twenty hours per day, in some particularly grueling stretches. That means being logged in by breakfast and scarfing bagels down with Urban Design techs on Zoom instead of your own family, or having supper with your boss because she needs a play-by-play of the situation to stave off her executive anxiety.
Long story short, I didn’t see Dad much during the first wave. His reasoning was that he’d eventually stop, pool all this cash, and chuck it into his and Mom’s Registered Retirement Savings Account - with maybe an extra two thou or so in case the country reopened enough for their postponed trip to Cuba to take place.
Guess what? His zona flared up and he ended up with odd, shingly bumps along his scalp which to this day the local dermatologist grimaces at and tentatively has us dab with cortisone cream.
Mom, though? She’s a retired and registered nurse with a self-negating streak and a chronic propensity to undervalue her own physical ailments. Someone who quite literally understands the pain of busted hips on a clinical level because she was trained in Gerontology - and also someone who refuses to schedule an appointment with her GP and who inexplicably self-medicates with white wine.
As for me, I’m a 37 year-old man with a paycheck I consider massive with its meagre six bucks above the minimum-wage threshold - someone who chose to shack in with his folks until the current crisis ends and who therefore has a history of a single, willingly terminated apartment lease that originally began in the Planned Housing market. The apartment I want is basically a Barbie doll house for adults, a gleaming fantasy I’ll never have enough capital to touch unless I feel like trying my hand with criminal applications of my skills. The apartment I can get right now is a shithole, and I have the audacity to think I deserve a shithole that at least wasn’t someone’s former cockroach den.
Now here’s the kicker: I value my sanity and my health. I know my mental stamina levels and I know from experience that after working seven-point-five hours per day with the occasionally shorter Friday, I’ve found my limit. I could invest more if I worked more, yes, and I’m already in a better position than my parents, retirement-wise. I’ll never be rich, but I’m already set to be comfortable, provided I don’t spend my golden years trying to make it as an unsponsored TechTuber or anything else that’s equally ludicrous.
Where that’s a problem is in the toxicity this is generating. See, I have the gall to slide my daily schedule later so I can start at an hour that fits my biological clock and ends at an hour where I’m at my most creative. That means the folks saw me spending my pandemic mornings on Animal Crossing while Dad was trying to wrangle Excel spreadsheets for non-tech-savvy fellow Boomers while preventing the dog from eating his meeting notes. That means they guzzled vinho verde like it was Kool-Aid after seven while I made sure to find more concrete means to distance myself from work - ideally ones that didn’t involve functional alcoholism.
Naturally, what was bound to happen, happened: Dad soon spent his evenings calling me shiftless or “unwilling to commit”, while I was stuck watching him miss all the cues his stressed-out body were sending him. We already had Trump’s last desperate months and a global plague to handle, I really didn’t want my work to turn into more of a nuisance than it already is. I already love the people I work for and hate what I do (repeating the family cycle, it seems), but I’ve at least decided to give myself ample Me time every single day. 
I’ve paired that with smaller, if consistent portfolio investments, along with a few new habits I wanted to get into to stay saner. Dad pulls crosswords or plays competitive chess in the wee hours, while I usually lay down to meditate around midnight and fall asleep by 1 AM at the latest. I’m half-expecting my father to pull a Tyler Durden and to sneer at me, at some point. “Self-care is masturbation,” he’d probably say.
Looking at classifieds for rentals, it’s obvious that the entire system is predicated on abuse. Work yourself down to the therapist’s office, right down to the fucking bone, and you just might earn a half-decent retirement because nobody’s taught you to invest incrementally. Nope, Society seems to say, you’re supposed to buy, buy and buy some more, until you realize you have ten years left to start from scratch!
I remember Dad’s face on my eighteenth birthday. “Why would you want a Disability Care Savings Account, Brain? You just turned into a legal adult by Canadian standards - you’re in no rush, right?”
I told him the real gift I wanted for my birthday, that day, was a ride to the family’s Financial Investments counsel. I pulled up the PDFs I’d printed out and filled and brought them over. From then on, if I dropped a penny in my nest-egg, Ottawa would drop another one. If my share grew, so did the government’s. In the twenty-odd years since, it’s expanded exponentially.
Dad thought I’d done this to have a big cushion by the time I’d retire. Mom thought I’d done this in case my disability worsened and I started requiring equipment or physical assistance. Honestly, my dumb, if slightly prescient eighteen year-old self figured I’d rather spend my time reading or playing video games than working. I knew I’d need something to help cushion my admittedly low career-related ambitions. I might throw several thousands at a new computer every seven to eight years, but that’s because I’ve saved them up for just as long, little by little. I have no vices beyond what sillicon offers and what you’d find in the pages of a book and don’t exactly need a big ‘ol, stonkin’ humidor stuffed with conoisseur stogies.
I have a shoebox with a poked-out Ziploc bag and a sponge, with a handful of joints and a few Santa Anas I got off of a buyer’s pool from work. Five of us occasional chair-bar goons pooled cash together on Cigar Chief and cushioned prices with a single, shared and massive order. I’m nowhere near rich, but assuming the housing market can catch its breath eventually, I’ll be able to live modestly - with one or two markers of occasional luxury I’ll have chosen.
I have a shittier job than my father has had and I’ve chosen to be happier than him. It’s just sad that the usual response elevates overwork as the supposedly one, true way to leave a mark in society.
No, Dad. I don’t want to die while my own cells eat me alive, I want to die blazed out of my fucking mind, happy because I’ll have had time to enjoy my friends’ company and to finally make some sense out of Kerouac’s Subterraneans or to figure out what the fuck is going on in Joyce’s Illiad. I’ll die crusty as shit and fulfilled as a Pop Culture jockey, because I’ll have either finished Persona 5: Golden in my lifetime or I’ll have watched the entirety of the MCU’s output before Disney finally manages to kill their golden goose.
I want to die decades from now, feeling like I at least owned my choices and didn’t spend my time tethered to someone else’s professional expectations of me.
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jessicadire · 3 years
How can real estate agents help sellers?
An evaluation of the property is one of the first things a Realtor will conduct for a home seller. This price isn't always the same as the one listed on the website. An expert Realtor will be quite familiar with the local real estate market. If comparable houses in the neighbourhood are selling for more than their appraised valuations, the Realtor will know how much higher the seller can go. However, if the market is truly depressed, the Realtor may advise listing the home at its appraised value or perhaps somewhat below.
Many Realtors will also advise the seller to perform a thorough inspection of the property. The benefit of examining a home before putting it on the market is that you won't be surprised by hidden flaws. Before making an offer, most purchasers will seek an inspection, and hidden issues such as crumbling foundations and rusted plumbing could derail the transaction.
A Realtor, like other real estate brokers, is knowledgeable about the features that purchasers seek in a home. Most homeowners become acclimated to their houses' quirks, oblivious to the fact that a few minor changes could dramatically improve their property's marketability. A fresh coat of paint, the removal of excess furniture and clutter, or the ripping up of carpet to reveal hardwood flooring can all help. Alternatively, a Realtor may recommend major upgrades, such as upgrading a kitchen or bathroom, that will significantly increase the home's value.
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Realtors, like other real estate brokers, know how to advertise and market a home in the most successful way possible. A Realtor has access to a large network of buyer's agents because he or she is a member of the local real estate association. Cooperative transactions, in which a seller's agent works with a buyer's agent, account for more than half of all home sales. Your home could be included in a caravan, when many properties are toured by groups of buyer's agents.
Once a buyer has expressed interest, the Realtor will function as the primary negotiator and point of contact for all documentation. The seller will be guided through the closing process by the Realtor. If you want to sell your property, Jessica Dire, a promising best real estate agent montreal and lifestyle broker, is the person to contact.
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marioconte · 11 months
Are Real Estate Agents Worth the Investment?
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With regards to trading property in Montreal, numerous people wrestle with a critical choice: would it be advisable for them to employ a realtor or go solo? The housing market in Montreal is known for its intricacies and changes, making it fundamental to have the right direction. In this blog, we will investigate whether real estate agents in Montreal merit the venture. We will dive into the advantages they offer that would be useful and why their skill can have a significant effect on your land process.
Expert Information on the Montreal Market
The job of a real estate agent in Montreal can't be undervalued with regards as far as anyone is concerned of the neighborhood market. Montreal's land scene is extraordinary, with neighborhoods that differ significantly concerning valuing, request, and conveniences. Realtors are knowledgeable in these complexities and can give important experiences into which regions line up with your inclinations and spending plan.
Access to Elite Listings
One of the main benefits of working with real estate agents in Montreal is admittance to select postings. These are properties that are not freely publicized but are accessible through a specialist's organization. By enrolling the assistance of a specialist, you make the way for unexpected, yet invaluable treasures that you could somehow pass up.
Negotiation Skills
Arranging the cost of a property is many times the most difficult aspect of a land exchange. Realtors are talented arbitrators who can advocate for your benefit to get the most ideal arrangement. Whether you're trading, their aptitude can set aside your cash or assist you with amplifying your benefit.
Market Analysis
Real estate agents in Montreal approach an abundance of information and devices that permit them to act top-to-bottom market examination. They can assist you with deciding the honest evaluation of a property, guaranteeing that you don't overpay while purchasing or undervalue while selling. This examination is pivotal in settling on informed choices in a unique market.
Streamlined Process
Exploring the desk work and legalities engaged with a land exchange can overpower. A real estate agent in Montreal is knowledgeable in the neighborhood guidelines and can smooth out the cycle for you. They can assist you with finishing the important documentation precisely and guarantee that everything follows neighborhood regulations.
Time and Energy Savings
Looking for the ideal property or finding the right purchaser can be tedious and debilitating. Realtors can save you both investments by reducing your choices and dealing with the legwork. They plan property viewings, coordinate with different experts (auditors, appraisers, and so on), and handle discussions, leaving you to zero in on different parts of your life.
Guidance for First-Time Buyers
If you're a first-time purchaser in Montreal, the housing business sector can be especially dismayed. Realtors are significant in directing you through the cycle, making sense of the complexities of home loans, assisting you with figuring out your spending plan and giving bits of knowledge on areas that match your way of life.
Marketing Skill for Sellers
For those hoping to sell their property in Montreal, realtors offer promoting aptitude that might be of some value. They can help you exhibit your property in the best light, making convincing postings with proficient photography and portrayals. This expanded permeability can draw in possible purchasers and lead to a quicker deal at a superior cost.
Local Network
Realtors have a broad nearby organization, which incorporates different specialists, industry experts, and expected purchasers or vendors. This organization can be utilized for your potential benefit, whether it's to track down the right property or interface with qualified purchasers.
Continuous Support
The help of a realtor doesn't end when the exchange is finished. They can give exhortation on home upkeep, suggest respectable specialist co-ops, and even help with future land exchanges. Their obligation agreeable to you stretches out past the end date.
All in all, real estate agents in Montreal offer an abundance of information and skills that would be useful, making them an important venture for anybody exploring the neighborhood housing market. Their capacity to give market bits of knowledge, access elite postings, haggle, and smooth out the cycle can save you both time and cash. Whether you're a first-time purchaser, a carefully prepared financial backer, or a merchant hoping to boost your property's estimation, cooperating with a real estate agent in Montreal is a choice that is in many cases worth the speculation. Thus, while living your land process in Montreal, think about enrolling the direction of a confided-in realtor to guarantee a smooth and fruitful experience.
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montrealhomelove · 4 years
Step by step instructions to Choose a Home Inspector
Looking for a home? Try not to stand by until you have an acknowledged proposal to look for a home reviewer. You need to permit time to meet a few applicants with the goal that you can make certain to enlist an accomplished Montreal home inspection companies proficient.
All things considered, a home examination is your one occasion to get an away from appraisal about the genuine state of something that, for some, is the most costly acquisition that should not be taken lightly. Follow our guidance for how to discover great up-and-comers and what to search for in an Montreal home inspection companies investigator.
What Matters to You Matters to Us
Your realtor may offer to give you some house controllers' names. He might be entirely benevolent—or not—however the references present an irreconcilable circumstance.
Keen Strategies for Millennials to Build Credit
A realtor needs to finalize the negotiation, and that motivating force might be at chances with that of the controller, who gets paid for his report. On the off chance that the report raises an excessive number of issues, or genuine ones, it very well may be utilized to arrange a lower cost or even leave the Home Inspection Services Montreal arrangement. An overseer who has been alluded by your representative may feel committed to back off of the review.
Distinguish Qualified and Trusted Candidates
To locate a respectable investigator, first ask companions who have as of late bought a home whether they suggest the individual they utilized. You can likewise discover references through neighborhood online networks, where individuals some of the time post their encounters. A publicly supported catalog, may likewise be useful.
Different assets to discover controllers incorporate proficient associations, for example, the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI), the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI), and the National Academy of Building Inspection Engineers, which guarantees proficient designers and planners who perform home examinations. Some state associations, for example, the California Real Estate Inspection Association, likewise have an information base of reviewers. Go to each gathering's site to discover insights regarding nearby part monitors' insight and expert accreditations, and the administrations they give.
Whenever you've discovered a couple of up-and-comers, search online to see whether there have been any grumblings about them. Take a stab at doing a web search with the name of the organization and such terms as "objections" and "surveys." Your neighborhood Better Business Bureau part may likewise may have data on the home reviewer you're thinking about.
Favor Credentials, however Know Their Limits
Recruiting somebody who's confirmed by an expert association can give you somewhat more confirmation that the assessor is learned.
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ucasappraisal · 3 years
One of the best Independent commercial property appraisal and valuation service experts in Montreal, Toronto & Ottawa. Understand the current value of your property or portfolio of properties when buying, selling or managing ongoing operations, with a property appraisal.
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Harlem property investor who could’ve been rich may lose it all - real estate
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Gisele Allard should be a multimillionaire by now. Instead she’s worried she could end up homeless.On Thursday, two Harlem properties that Allard bought in the 1980s -- 239 Lenox Ave., three blocks from a new Whole Foods -- and 32 W. 120th St., across from Marcus Garvey Park -- were sold at a foreclosure auction for a combined total of $5.5 million. Last month, her home at 50 E. 126th St., was sold at auction for $1.2 million, her lawyer Robert Strougo said.Allard, 75, will realize none of the gains from the sale of her property portfolio -- which began when the Montreal native arrived in New York after a divorce and couldn’t afford to live in most neighbourhoods.“I had no money and I needed to be in a place that was relatively inexpensive,” Allard said in an interview. “The only place I could afford was Harlem.”It was the 126th Street property that was Allard’s undoing. She bought it 21 years ago for $135,000. But the place was known for drug dealing, and banks wouldn’t touch it, so she took a $100,000 personal loan from the seller. Then he died, and unsure where to send the payments, she eventually stopped making them, she said. Allard and her lawyers say that the debt, through the cruelty of compounded interest, is nearing $8 million.Bankruptcy FilingShe filed for bankruptcy in 2018, hoping to stave off the foreclosure of the home on East 126th Street. Instead, the move made her other assets fair game for liquidation to settle her debts. She still owns one more property, on 119th Street, which could also face foreclosure if the court determines her debts haven’t been satisfied.“This will throw me on the street,” Allard said. “I’m very close to becoming homeless.”This week, there were 28 bidders at the auction for the 120th Street property, which sold for $2.78 million, according to court records. There were 22 bidders for the building on Lenox Avenue, with the winner agreeing to pay $2.73 million.The median sale price of a townhouse in Northern Manhattan last year was $2.04 million, according to a report by appraiser Miller Samuel Inc. and brokerage Douglas Elliman Real Estate. That’s more than double the $890,000 median price a decade ago.Harlem Home Sets Upper Manhattan Record With $5.1 Million Sale“These bricks are in the right location now,” she said of her brownstones. “Ten years ago, nobody wanted them.”(The story has been published from a wire feed without any modifications to the text.) Source link Read the full article
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mcrealestateph · 4 years
Condo For Sale Near Makati and BGC PAG-IBIG Sunshine 100
Sunshine 100 Mandaluyong Condo For Sale Near Makati and BGC PAG-IBIG
Condo For Sale Near Makati and BGC PAG-IBIG Sunshine 100
Affordable 2BR Condo with Furniture For Sale Near the Business Centers in NCR
A Condominium selling like a hotcake, Now offering Tower 3
Pre selling Condominium in Mandaluyong that brings you closer to where it all matters
-» Pag-Ibig Financing Accepted -» No Lumpsum Payment
»Walking distance to Robinson's Pioneer and MRT BONI Station
»Strategically located converging 4 MAJOR Central Business Districts: -» Ortigas CBD -» Bonifacio Global City -» Eastwood City -» Makati CBD
Contact: Michael Canino 09327173600 09179373514 09293785308
»Surrounded by remarkable and exclusive schools: -» Pedro Poveda College -» La Salle Greenhills -» Lourdes School -» Jose Rizal University -» Asia Pacific College -» British School Manila
»5-10 minutes away from major shopping malls: -» Shangri-La Plaza -» Eastwood Mall -» The Podium -» SM Megamall -» Robinsons Galleria -» Glorietta -» Greenbelt -» Market Market
»Accessible to public transportation -» MRT -» Jeepney -» Tricycle -» Taxi and Grab
»Proximity to Hospitals -» St. Lukes Medical Center -» VRP Medical Center -» The Medical City
»Amenities -» Function Hall -» Garden/Yoga Area in the Roofdeck -» Reception Area -» Fitness Gym -» Swimming Pool
»Affordable Payment Scheme -» 3,054,635 (Studio A - 20 sqm) -» 3,425,595 (Studio B - 22 sqm) -» 4,476,750 (1Bedroom - 30 sqm) -» 5,286,936(1Bedroom - 34 sqm) -» 7,218,013 (2Bedroom - 48 sqm)
Sample Computation - Studio A Area: 48 sqm.
-» Furnished Turnover Units (With free furnitures) -» No Hidden Charges -» Target Date: 2021
Total Price: P7,218,013 (inclusive of Processing, Transfer Fees and E-VAT) Reservation Fee: P20,000 20% Downpayment  payable in 30 mos: P47,453.42/mo
*Upon Move-In*** Estimated Amortization for Pag ibig/Bank Financing 80% PAGIBIG Financing: P5,774,410 5 years @ 6.75% interest  -» 113,660/month 10 years @ 6.75% interest  -» 66,304 /month 20 years @ 6.75% interest  -» 43,906/month 30 years @ 6.75% interest  -» 37,452/month
For more details, FREE site viewing contact:
Michael C. Canino Licensed Real Estate Broker and Appraiser Sun: 09327173600 Globe: 09179373514 Smart: 09293785308 Email: [email protected]
Website: www.propertyguidepinas.com www.mcrealestateph.weebly.com www.mcfamrealty.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/propguidepinas Twitter: www.twitter.com/propguidepinas Instagram: www.instagram.com/propertyguidepinas Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/propertyguidepinas
Viber / Wechat / Line / Messenger / Kakaotalk / Skype : mcrealestateph or 09327173600
==================================== Buying, Selling or Leasing your Properties? Need Real Estate Appraisal Services? Need Property Management Services? We can Help!!! Contact: Michael Canino, REB, REA Licensed Real Estate Broker and Appraiser PRC Real Estate Broker License No. 21484 PRC Real Estate Appraiser License No. 7252 Sun: 09327173600 Globe: 09179373514 Smart: 09293785308 Landline: 86927556 Email: [email protected] Website: www.mcfamrealty.com www.propertyguidepinas.com www.mcrealestateph.weebly.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/mcfamrealtyph Twitter: www.twitter.com/mcfamrealty Instagram: www.instagram.com/propertyguidepinas Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/mcfamrealty ===================================
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0 notes
mcfamrealty · 4 years
Affordable Preselling Condominium for Sale in Mandaluyong - Pioneer Heights by Cityland
Pioneer Heights is a 24-storey office, commercial, residential condominium in Mandaluyong City. It is strategically located near the on-going construction of the Bonifacio Global City - Ortigas Center link road project which aims to reduce the travel time to cities of Pasig, Makati, and Mandaluyong.
Contact: Michael Canino 09327173600 09179373514 09293785308
» Amenities include: -» Jogging Path and Children's Playground -» Administration Room -» Garden -» Swimming Pool -» Multi-Purpose Function/Event Area -» Residential/Information Area -» Residential Lobby -» 5 Elevators with CCTV -» AFSS, Fire Alarm System -» Smoke Detector -» Emergency Power Backup System -» Four Fire Exits -» Overhead and Underground Water Tank System -» Central Garbage Storage -» 24-Hour Association Security -» CCTV at the Lobby
» Available Units -» Office Commercial Space (21.31sqm) -» Studio (22.37sqm) -» Studio Deluxe (26.99sqm) -» 1 Bedroom de luxe (48.04sqm) -» 3 Bedroom (54.11sqm)
» Payment Options -» Spot Cash -» 10% Spotcash - 90% Financing -» 3% Spotcash - 97% Financing
For more details, FREE site viewing contact:
Michael C. Canino Licensed Real Estate Broker and Appraiser Sun: 09327173600 Globe: 09179373514 Smart: 09293785308 Email: [email protected]
Website: www.propertyguidepinas.com www.mcrealestateph.weebly.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/propguidepinas Twitter: www.twitter.com/propguidepinas Instagram: www.instagram.com/propertyguidepinas Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/propertyguidepinas
Viber / Wechat / Line / Messenger / Kakaotalk / Skype : mcrealestateph or 09327173600
==================================== Buying, Selling or Leasing your Properties? Need Real Estate Appraisal Services? Need Property Management Services? We can Help!!! Contact: Michael Canino, REB, REA Licensed Real Estate Broker and Appraiser PRC Real Estate Broker License No. 21484 PRC Real Estate Appraiser License No. 7252 Sun: 09327173600 Globe: 09179373514 Smart: 09293785308 Email: [email protected] Website: www.propertyguidepinas.com www.mcrealestateph.weebly.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/propguidepinas Twitter: www.twitter.com/propguidepinas Instagram: www.instagram.com/propertyguidepinas Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/propertyguidepinas ===================================
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teiraymondmccoy78 · 6 years
The Prophets of Cryptocurrency Survey the Boom and Bust
The Prophets of Cryptocurrency Survey the Boom and Bust
Not long ago, I was in Montreal for a cryptocurrency conference. My hotel, on the top floor of a big building downtown, had a roof garden with a koi pond. One morning, as I had coffee and a bagel in this garden, I watched a pair of ducks feeding on a mound of pellets that someone had left for them at the pond’s edge. Every few seconds, they dipped their beaks to drink, and, in the process, spilled undigested pellets into the water. A few koi idled there, poking at the surface for the scraps. The longer I watched, the more I wondered if the ducks were deliberately feeding the fish. Was such a thing possible? I asked the breakfast attendant, a ruddy Quebecer. He smiled and said, “No, but it is what I tell the children.”
My mind had been marinating overnight—and for more than a year, really—in the abstrusities of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain technology on which they are built. Bitcoin and, subsequently, a proliferation of other cryptocurrencies had become an object of global fascination, amid prophecies of societal upheaval and reform, but mainly on the promise of instant wealth. A peer-to-peer money system that cut out banks and governments had made it possible, and fashionable, to get rich by sticking it to the Man.
Some of this stuff I understood; much of it I still did not. If you’re not, say, a computer scientist or a mathematician, the deeper you get into the esoterica of distributed ledgers, consensus algorithms, hash functions, zero-knowledge proofs, byzantine-fault-tolerance theory, and so on—the farther you travel from the familiar terrain of “the legacy world,” where, one blockchain futurist told me, pityingly, I live—the better the chance you have of bumping up against the limits of your intelligence. You grasp, instead, for metaphors.
Blockchain talk makes a whiteboard of the brain. You’re always erasing, starting over, as analogies present themselves. So, Montreal bagel in hand, I considered the ducks and the carp. Let the pellets be a cryptocurrency—koicoin, say. Would the ducks then be currency miners? Every altcoin—the catchall for cryptocurrencies other than bitcoin, the majority of which are eventually classified as shitcoin—has its own community of enthusiasts and kvetchers, so perhaps the koi were this one’s. The koicommunity. The breakfast attendant who had put out the pellets: he’d be our koicoin Satoshi—as in Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous and still unidentified creator of Bitcoin. Yes, the koicoin protocol was strong, and the incentives appeared to be well aligned, but the project didn’t really pass muster in terms of immutability, decentralization, and privacy. Koicoin was shitcoin.
A few hours later, I was at lunch in a conference room in another hotel, with a table of crypto wizards, a few of them among the most respected devs in the space. (Devs are developers, and even legacy worlders must surrender after a while and ditch the scare quotes around “the space,” when referring to the cryptosphere.) Four of these devs were researchers associated with Ethereum, the open-source blockchain platform. Ethereum is not itself a cryptocurrency; to operate on Ethereum, you have to use the cryptocurrency ether, which, like bitcoin, you can buy or sell. (Among cryptocurrencies, ether’s market capitalization is second only to bitcoin’s.) The devs were specimens of an itinerant coder élite, engaged, wherever they turn up and to the exclusion of pretty much everything else, in the ongoing construction of an alternate global financial and computational infrastructure: a new way of handling money or identity, a system they describe as a better, decentralized version of the World Wide Web—a Web 3.0—more in keeping with the Internet’s early utopian promise than with the invidious, monopolistic hellscape it has become. They want to seize back the tubes, and the data—our lives—from Facebook, Google, and the new oligarchs of Silicon Valley.
One of them, Vlad Zamfir, a twenty-eight-year-old Romanian-born mathematician who grew up in Ottawa and dropped out of the University of Guelph, was scribbling equations on an electronic tablet called a reMarkable pad. He narrated as he scrawled. The others at the table leaned in toward him, in a way that recalled Rembrandt’s “The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp.” To the two or three people at the table who were clearly incapable of following along, he said, earnestly, “Sorry to alienate you with my math.” Zamfir is the lead developer of one strand of Casper, an ongoing software upgrade designed to make Ethereum scale better and work more securely—an undertaking thought to be vital to its viability and survival. “It’s shitty technology,” Zamfir, whose Twitter bio reads “absurdist, troll,” told a journalist two years ago.
Zamfir was showing the others some rough equations he’d worked out to address one of the thousands of riddles that need to be solved. This particular effort was an attempt (jargon alert) to optimize the incentive structure for proof-of-stake validation—that is, how best to get enough people and machines to participate in a computing operation essential to the functioning of the entire system. “We’re trying to do game theory here,” Zamfir said. The others pointed out what they thought might be flaws. “It doesn’t seem reasonable,” Zamfir said. “But the math works out.” This summarized much of what I’d encountered in crypto.
To his right sat Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum’s founder and semi-reluctant philosopher king. Buterin, who is twenty-four, occasionally glanced at Zamfir’s formulas but mostly looked into the middle distance with a melancholic empty stare, sometimes typing out messages and tweets on his phone with one finger. He was a quick study, and also he pretty much already knew what Zamfir had come up with, and to his thinking the work wasn’t quite there. “When the models are getting overcomplicated, it’s probably good to have more time to try to simplify them,” he told me later, with what I took to be generous understatement.
Buterin had been working, simultaneously, on another version of Casper. So he and Zamfir were both collaborating and competing with each other. There seemed to be no ego or bitterness—in their appraisal of each other’s work, in person, or on social media, where so much of the conversation takes place, in full view. Their assessments were Spockian, and cutting only to the Kirks among us.
They had first met before a conference in Toronto in 2014. Zamfir was amazed by Buterin, whom he called a “walking computer,” and he joined Ethereum as a researcher soon after. Now good friends who meet up mostly at conferences and workshops, they had greeted each other the day before in the hotel lobby with a fervent embrace, like summer campers back for another year, before quick-walking to a quiet corner to start in on the incentive-structure-for-proof-of-stake-validation talk. Whenever and wherever Buterin and Zamfir convene, people gather around—eavesdropping, hoping for scraps of insight. The two are used to this and pay little heed. There were no secrets, only problems and solutions, and the satisfaction that comes from proceeding from one toward the other.
The first time I heard the word “Ethereum” was in April, 2017. A hedge-fund manager, at a benefit in Manhattan, was telling me that he’d made more money buying and selling ether and other cryptocurrencies in the past year than he’d ever made at his old hedge fund. This was a significant claim, since the fund had made him a billionaire. He was using words I’d never heard before. He mentioned bitcoin, too, which I’d certainly heard a lot about but, like most people my age, didn’t really understand. I’d idly hoped I might be just old enough to make it to my deathbed without having to get up to speed.
As the year wore on, that dream faded. The surge in the price of bitcoin, and of other cryptocurrencies, which proliferated amid a craze for initial coin offerings (I.C.O.s), prompted a commensurate explosion in the number of stories and conversations about this new kind of money and, sometimes more to the point, about the blockchain technology behind it—this either revolutionary or needlessly laborious way of keeping track of transactions and data. It seemed as if language had been randomized. I started hearing those words—the ones I’d never heard before—an awful lot: “trustless,” “sharding,” “flippening.” Explaining blockchain became a genre unto itself.
The dizzying run-up in crypto prices in 2017 was followed, this year, by a long, lurching retreat that, as the summer gave way to fall, began to seem perilous. As with notorious stock-market and real-estate bubbles, innocents had been taken in and cleaned out. But both boom and bust reflected an ongoing argument over what cryptocurrencies and their technological underpinnings might be worth—which is to say, whether they are, as some like to ask, real. Is crypto the future or a fad? Golden ticket or Ponzi scheme? Amazon 2.0 or tulip mania? And what is it good for, anyway? It sure is neat, but for now it lacks its killer app, a use that might lead to mass adoption, as e-mail did for the Internet. “We need the hundred-dollar laptop, the iPod,” a blockchain apostle told me.
Now and then, legacy titans voiced their scorn. Jamie Dimon, the chief executive of J. P. Morgan, labelled crypto “a fraud”; Warren Buffett used the phrase “rat poison squared.” Legions of skeptics and technophobes, out of envy, ignorance, or wisdom, savored such pronouncements, while the true believers and the vertiginously invested mostly brushed it aside. They had faith that a new order was nigh. They pumped but did not dump.
Among a certain subset, it was both fashionable and integral to ignore the fluctuations in price. The idea was to build and shore up a new system—for everything from payments and banking to health care and identity—that was either a replacement for the old one, or at least an alternative to it, one that was borderless, independent of state control and of exploitation by Big Tech. “It’s definitely nice to try to eke out some completely parallel kind of world that’s totally separate from the existing one,” Buterin said. “It does interact with the rest of society, and the goal is definitely to help improve the mainstream world, but we’re on a different track.” Such an undertaking would, at best, take many years and likely span several economic and investment cycles. While the old armature rots, a new one rises alongside it, much as the new Tappan Zee Bridge, over the Hudson, gradually took shape next to the rusty old one it would one day replace. To Buterin, however, the benefits were already clear. “The cryptocurrency space has succeeded at making certain aspects of the international economy more open, when politics is moving in the exact opposite direction,” he said. “I do think that’s a meaningful contribution to the world.”
Buterin is a striking figure, tall and very lean, with long, fidgety fingers, sharp elfin features, and vivid blue eyes, which, on the rare occasions when he allows them to meet yours, convey a depth and warmth that you don’t expect, in light of the flat, robotic cadence and tone of his speech. People often joke about him being an alien, but they usually apologize for doing so, because there’s a gentleness about him, an air of tolerance and moderation, that works as a built-in rebuke to such unkind remarks. As we spoke, on the first afternoon of the Montreal conference (the crypto life is a never-ending enchainment of conferences, and is pretty much wall-to-wall dudes), he aligned some items in front of him: pens, Post-its, phone. He forgoes most social niceties and overt expressions of emotion but, when he finds questions or assertions agreeable, is generous with notes of encouragement: “Yep, yep, yep”; “Right, totally”; “Yes, yes, exactly.” Arguable remarks elicit a mechanical “Hmm.” He seems to anticipate your question before you even know quite what it is, but he forces himself to allow you to finish. He has a dry sense of humor.
He said, “I definitely don’t have the kind of single-minded C.E.O. personality that a lot of Silicon Valley V.C.s lionize—that thing of being ambitious and wanting to win at all costs, like, basically, Mark Zuckerberg.” He was dressed that day, as on the day before and the day after, in a gray turtleneck, black track pants, and laceless Adidas sneakers over turquoise socks. He often wears T-shirts with unicorns and rainbows. He likes to cite Lambos—as in Lamborghini, the cryptobro trophy ride of choice—as shorthand for the excessive trappings of wealth, which do not interest him. He’s about as indifferently rich as a man can be. Although he sold a quarter of his bitcoin and ether well before the prices began to soar last year, he is said to be worth somewhere in the vicinity of a hundred million dollars. (He recently gave away a couple of million dollars to a life-extension research project.) He has no assistants or entourage. He owns little and travels light. “Recently, I reduced my bag size from sixty litres to forty,” he said. “Forty is very tolerable. You can go on fifteen-kilometre walks with it.” The Adidas, he said, were his only pair of shoes. “Actually, I have another pair that’s in one of the many places I call home.” These are friends’ apartments, where he sometimes sleeps for a few nights at a stretch—in Toronto, San Francisco, Singapore, Shanghai, Taipei. He especially likes East Asia. He speaks fluent Mandarin.
After Montreal, he was headed to Berlin and then Switzerland. His home, really, is the Internet. At one point, I referred to an Ethereum outpost in San Francisco, which I’d read about, as a “base of operations,” and he rejected the term: “Home. Base of operations. The more you invent your own life style, the more you realize that the categories that have been invented are ultimately, at best, imperfect devices for understanding the world, and, at worst, fake.”
I’d been trying for months to talk to Buterin. In January, I reached out to his father, Dmitry, who reported back that Vitalik was not interested in an interview. “He is trying to focus his time on research,” Dmitry said. “He’s not too excited that the community assigns so much importance to him. He wants the community to be more resilient.” Dmitry Buterin, forty-six, is from Grozny, in Chechnya. He studied computer science in Moscow and then started a financial-software business, before emigrating to Canada, when Vitalik was six. Dmitry settled in Toronto, with Vitalik; Vitalik’s mother, a financial analyst, chose Edmonton. Vitalik, when he was three, got an old PC and began fiddling around with Excel. By ten or eleven, he was developing video games. “Vitalik was a very smart boy,” his father said. “It was not easy. His mind was always racing. It was hard for him to communicate. He hardly spoke until he was nine or ten. I was concerned, but at some point I realized it is what it is. I just gave him my love.”
He also gave Vitalik his first glimpse of Bitcoin. It was 2011, somewhat early, but Dmitry was an avowed anarcho-capitalist, a cynical child of Soviet and post-Soviet Russia. For many others like him, especially in those early days, the first encounter with Bitcoin was like a religious epiphany—powerful, life-altering, a glimpse of an entirely different and perhaps more agreeable way of ordering human affairs. “Bitcoin looks like money’s dream of itself,” the technology journalist Brian Patrick Eha wrote, in “How Money Got Free.”
“Before Bitcoin came along, I was happily playing World of Warcraft,” Vitalik told me. He had already been nursing some inchoate ideas about the risks and intrinsic unfairness of centralized systems and authority. He once told a journalist, “I saw everything to do with either government regulation or corporate control as just being plain evil. And I assumed that people in those institutions were kind of like Mr. Burns, sitting behind their desks saying, ‘Excellent. How can I screw a thousand people over this time?’ ” Bitcoin scratched this itch. But in many ways what drew him in was the elegance of the system, invented, it seemed, by a rogue outsider out of thin air. It suited a world view, a dream of a fluid, borderless, decentralized financial system beyond the reach of governments and banks, inclined as they inevitably are toward corruption and self-dealing, or at least toward distortions of incentive. Buterin said, “If you look at the people that were involved in the early stages of the Bitcoin space, their earlier pedigrees, if they had any pedigrees at all, were in open source—Linux, Mozilla, and cypherpunk mailing lists.” These were subversives and libertarians, ranging in political affinity from far left to weird right, as often as not without institutional or academic stature or access. “I found it immensely empowering that just a few thousand people like myself could re-create this fundamental social institution from nothing.”
In the eighties, cryptographers and computer scientists began trying to devise a foolproof form of digital money, and a way to execute transactions and contracts without the involvement (or rent-seeking) of third parties. It was the man, woman, or group of humans known as Satoshi Nakamoto who, with Bitcoin in 2008, solved the crux—the so-called double-spend problem. If you have ten dollars, you shouldn’t be able to pay ten dollars for one thing, then spend the same ten for another. This requires some mechanism for keeping track of what you have, whom you gave it to, and how much they now have. And that was the blockchain.
Definitions of blockchain are as various as the metaphors—bingo, Google Docs, a giant room of transparent safes—that people use to try to illustrate them. Broadly speaking, a blockchain is an evolving record of all transactions that is maintained, simultaneously and in common, by every computer in the network of that blockchain, be it Ethereum, Bitcoin, or Monero. Think, as some have suggested, of a dusty leather-bound ledger in a Dickensian counting house, a record of every transaction relevant to that practice. Except that every accountant in London, and in Calcutta, has the same ledger, and when one adds a line to his own the addition appears in all of them. Once a transaction is affirmed, it will—theoretically, anyway—be in the ledger forever, unalterable and unerasable.
Historically, records have been stored in one place—a temple, a courthouse, a server—and kept by whoever presided. If you distrust central authority, or are queasy about Google, this won’t do at all. With blockchains, the records, under a kind of cryptographic seal, are distributed to all and belong to no one. You can’t revise them, because everyone is watching, and because the software will reject it if you try. There is no Undo button. Each block is essentially a bundle of transactions, with a tracking notation, represented in a bit of cryptographic code known as a “hash,” of all the transactions in the past. Each new block in the chain contains all the information (or, really, via the hash, a secure reference to all the information) contained in the previous one, all the way back to the first one, the so-called genesis block.
There are other words that are sometimes included in the definition of blockchain, but they are slippery, and grounds for endless parsing, asterisking, and debate. One is “decentralized.” (Some blockchains are more decentralized than others.) Another is “immutable”—the idea that, in theory, the past record can’t be altered. (This is different from having your crypto stolen or hacked, when it’s stored in an online “wallet.” That happens all the time!) Then there’s “privacy.” The aspiration is for a digital coin to have the untraceability of cash. Because bitcoin was, at the outset, the dark Web’s go-to tender for the purchase of drugs, sex, weaponry, and such, many assumed that it was private. But it isn’t. Every transaction is there in the ledger for all to see. It is, fundamentally, anonymous (or pseudonymous, anyway), but there are many ways for that anonymity to be compromised.
The odds are high that someone, somewhere, has attempted to make an explanation like this one to you. The chain-splainer is a notorious date spoiler and cocktail-party pariah. Here he comes—you’re trapped. You should have known better than to ask about mining.
Mining is a reward system—compensation for helping to maintain and build a blockchain. The work of establishing and recording what’s legit takes machinery, memory, power, and time. Cryptocurrency blockchains require that a bunch of computers run software to affirm (or reject) transactions—it’s a kind of automated convocation. During this ritual, the computers in the network are competing, via brute guesswork, to be the first to get the answer to a really difficult math problem. The more computational power you have, the more guesses you can make, and the more likely you are to get the answer. The winner creates a new block and gets a reward, in, say, bitcoin—new bitcoin, which has not previously been in circulation. (Satoshi ordained that there be a finite number of bitcoin ever created—twenty-one million—so that no one could inflate away the value of existing bitcoin, as, say, the Federal Reserve does with dollars. Other cryptocurrencies, including ether, don’t necessarily have finite supplies.)
This system is known as Proof of Work. The problem-solving exercise is proof that the computers are doing the work. This approach has serious and, some would say, fatal, flaws. First, it requires a tremendous amount of electricity. This year, it is said, the Bitcoin network will use as much energy as the nation of Austria, and produce as much carbon dioxide as a million transatlantic flights. Mining rigs—computers designed specifically to do this work—are thirsty machines. Mining farms tend to sprout up where juice is cheap (typically, in proximity to hydropower projects with excess capacity to unload) and where temperatures are low (so you don’t have to burn even more electricity to keep the rigs cool). There are open-air warehouses in remote corners of sub-Arctic Canada, Russia, and China, with machines whirring away on the tundra, creating magic money, while the permafrost melts. Second, a small number of mining conglomerates, or pools—many of them Chinese—have wielded outsized influence over the network and the decisions that get made. Last month, one of the biggest of these, Bitmain, confirmed plans to go public.
The alternative, which Zamfir and Buterin were working on in Montreal, is called Proof of Stake. In this scenario, the holders of the currency in question become the validators, who typically take a small cut of every approved transaction. Theoretically, the more crypto you have, the more influence you have, so PoW partisans consider PoS to be plutocratic as well—a new gloss on the old problem of too much in the hands of too few.
In 2013, Buterin travelled to San Jose for a Bitcoin meet-up, and felt that he’d encountered like-minded people for the first time in his life—a movement worth devoting himself to. “The people that I had been searching for the whole time were actually all there,” Buterin told me. Zooko Wilcox, a cryptographer, recalled Buterin telling him, “This is the first technology I’ve ever loved that loves me back.” Buterin had been writing blog posts about it for five bitcoins per post. Together, he and Mihai Alisie, a Romanian blockchain entrepreneur who’d read his posts, founded Bitcoin Magazine. Buterin had a knack for explaining things—at least to an audience already primed to understand. But, as he travelled around the world to Bitcoin meet-ups, he began to think that the technology was limited, that attempts to jury-rig non-money uses for this digital-money platform was the computational equivalent of a Swiss Army knife. You basically had to devise hacks. He envisaged a one-blade-fits-all version, a blockchain platform that was broader and more adaptable to a wider array of uses and applications. The concept behind Bitcoin—a network of machines all over the world—seemed to be a building block upon which to construct a global computer capable of all kinds of activities.
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