#real estate led light pocket
mika-no-sekai-blog · 11 days
Double trouble
Word count: 1900+
Warnings: brawling doggos → mentions of blood and wounds
For @erisweekofficial, Day 4: Tradition/Hounds
Dividers by @tsunami-of-tears
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It was quite warm autumn day and Eris headed to the secret pathway that led from garden straight to a long forgotten ruins of temple hidden among the trees on the hill behind the Forest House. He loved that place ever since he found it as a child and he often played between the half collapsed walls. Under the ruins dwelled source of ancient powerful magic that pulsed through the ground and called to him, filling his veins with fire, connecting him with essence of Autumn on a primal level. It didn't give him a real power though, only recharged him and his tired soul, but the experience was so magnificent that his body asked for it every now and then.
Eris was in a good mood, his steps light. His amber eyes shone happily as he imagined all the things he could do today. With Beron on a business trip and all paperwork done, he had an entire day to do whatever he wanted. Of course he was going to spend it with his hounds. There was nothing that could bring him more joy than the twelve four legged furry creatures.
He used to keep them in a stable, but ever since he took them to the ruins, they didn't want to return back to the estate. Maybe they also felt the power breathing under their paws or they just liked that place; he didn't know. It was the first and only time the whole pack disobeyed him. Thus he warded the ruins to keep them safe and turned it into their home.
When autumn heir was sure that nobody would hear him, he started to whistle melody that nonstop played in his head for weeks now. As he got closer to the ruins, the quiet forest filled with a sound of barking that was quickly getting closer. His smokehounds heard him coming and decided to go to welcome their master.
The first hound that reached him, was naturally Lightening, the fastest of them. He came running in a full speed and without slowing down jumped at Eris. Even though he expected it, the impact threw him off his legs and he landed on his back sprawled on the soft forest ground. In a blink of eye, he was surrounded by the whole pack.
The hounds barked happily, wagging their tails, jumping around him and on him. Most of them was just trying to lick his face affectionately, some wanted to be scratched between ears or have their bellies rubbed.
Eris laughed from the bottom of his heart. "Enough. I love you too, guys. It tickles." But they ignored his attempts to at least sit up and merrily continued in the game. It was rare to get their master's face within the reach.
However, two of them, namely Badger and Scotches, didn't seem to be interested in their master. They sniffed all his pockets, trying to get their snouts in. No matter how much they tried, they couldn't get inside, so they tried to tear the fabric with teeth and paws. Eris pushed them away, but they returned aiming to get some treats.
As much as Eris loved to snuggle and play with his loves, he couldn't tolerate such behaviour. He whistled shortly and hounds immediately lined up, waiting patiently.
Eris stood up, brushing the leaves and dirt from his clothes while eyeing the two miscreants. They both hung their head guilty, avoiding his eyes.
"You have to deserve them," he raised a brow at them and the rest of pack gave them judging looks, grumbling. If it wasn't for these two, they could still play with master.
Eris whistled again and hounds straightened up, their attention trained on him. As usual, Eris went through the simple commands, closely watching whether all hounds accomplished them properly. After completing command every hound was rewarded with Eris's special dog crackers that he prepared himself according to his personal secret recipe. It took him years to find the perfect balance of nutrients and good taste.
Ten hounds performed perfectly, only Badger and Scotches were sluggish and apparently didn't want to cooperate. Eris narrowed eyes at them. They ignored him though. In result, they didn't get crackers, not even once. They watched enviously as everyone around them crunched the treat between teeth, happily wagging the tails. By the time the training was over, they were frowning at Eris and angrily growling at their comrades.
Eris decided to treat his hounds with one extra portion of crackers and that was when those two snapped. Eris was giving cracker to the hound standing between them, when they launched at it almost biting into Eris's fingers in the process. He managed to yank his hand back in time before the sharp canines snapped together. Greystone that stood between them, closing eyes jerked his head back to avoid the collision.
Scotches, a bit faster one, almost got the cracker, but Badger slammed into him from the side. The treat fell to the ground and the two started to fight over it. The rest of the hounds backed up from them creating a circle around. Two brawlers growled at each other, trying to kill the opponent.
Eris took out a silver whistle that he used only rarely as Scotches was the one who usually stopped every fight between hounds. It didn't work. Completely ignoring every command, they fought rolling on the ground. When the first few drops of blood sprinkled the grass, Kama, the softest and kindest of them all, launched forward. She fearlessly jumped between them, snapping her canines at the one and then the other, but engrossed in the fight they ignored her until Kama cried out in pain. Everything including Eris's heart froze in that moment.
Badger's teeth were closed around Kama's paw, blood dripping from his muzzle. Scotches whined and backed up with ears down, cringing. Badger slowly let go of the paw and cringing and whining started to lick the injury he caused.
Eris was in a blink of eye on his knees in front of Kama, gently holding her paw to examine it. The wound was quite deep, but fortunately nothing seemed to be broken. However, it needed stitches. Immediately.
Eris quickly sent the rest of hounds back to the ruins while ordering the two culprits to sit where they were until he returned. They were injured too, but thankfully it wasn't anything serious and all wounds would heal within an hour or so on its own. On purpose, he left the cracker as it was, on the ground in front of them, so the punishment was even more severe.
He scooped Kama into his arms and winnowed with her to the closest veterinarian who usually checked the hounds and knew them well. In the end, Kama ended up needing ten stitches. The veterinarian assured him that she should be fine and heal until the next day, but Eris was worried anyway.
Despite having big plans for his day off and especially looking forward the hunt, Eris couldn't stand the idea of letting Kama alone somewhere. Instead of returning back to ruins, he headed to the Forest House. Beron was very clear when he banned bringing hounds into rooms and specifically bedrooms, so Eris had to sneak through the hallways, looking around every corner to make sure that nobody was there. His father had spies everywhere and nothing could make them happier than to report on young heir and his breaking of rules.
"Good girl," he whispered to Kama who licked his face with gratitude. "Just stay silent, okay? If they catch us we will be in a huge trouble."
When they reached his chambers' door he waved his hand to undo the ward and quickly slipped in, immediately closing the door behind. Wards fell on its place and Eris breathed out in relief. It was hard to believe they managed to get in without being caught. Real miracle.
Eris looked around, hesitating where to put his wounded hound down. She deserved the best for her bravery. He was deciding between armchair and sofa, both soft and very comfortable, when his eyes landed on a big pillow. It was decided. He tossed it on the ground in front of hearth and gently placed Kama down on it. Flicking his wrist he lit up the fire. He reached into the pocket between the worlds, taking out two bowls. He set the bowls with water and food within Kama's reach and sat down on the floor beside her, gently scratching her between ears.
"I'm so sorry for what has happened to you," he sighed and hound looked up at him as if telling him to not worry about that. She rolled on her back, letting him rub her belly. She grunted contentedly.
"I wonder why those two vagabonds were so off today. Especially Scotches. He usually doesn't fight with others like that. Did you have some misunderstandings? Hm? Would you tell me?" He leaned down, nuzzling to her soft fur. Kama just snorted like a tired mother whose children were always in some kind of trouble.
"You need a bath, do you know it?" he teased her grinning and she gave him angry look. "I think that as soon as you get well, I'll take all of you to the river and we will have a wash day. What do you think?"
Kama whined and dramatically plopped her head down on the pillow, pouting.
"Oh, c'mon. It won't be so bad. We'll have a lot of fun." She rolled her eyes, sighing through snout deeply as if saying that he would be the only one to enjoy it.
Eris spent the rest of the day taking care of his small patient. He didn't want to leave her side even for a moment and ended up sleeping on the floor with her. Thankfully, smokehounds were magical creatures and could heal pretty fast just like Fae. Next morning Kama was healthy and again stood on all four paws. At sunrise she jumped at him, licking his face until he reluctantly opened one amber eye.
"Is this repay for the bath you'll get today?" he grunted, but he was happy that she was already healed. After eating breakfast together, he successfully sneaked her out.
They walked through the forest side by side, enjoying the early morning's cool air and bird's chirping, but before they got to the ruins, they were greeted by two hounds soundly sleeping in the grass. Badger and Scotches were exactly where Eris had left them, they didn't dare to move a single inch. Even the cracker was on the same place, now half soaked with morning drew. Eris stopped, folding hands on his chest and nodded at Kama. It was her turn to get angry with them. She nodded back and quietly stalked to the sleeping brawlers. She sat down in front of them and barked.
They both jolted, immediately sitting up with ears down. They didn't dare to look at their master nor Kama, heads hanging down. Kama narrowed her eyes at them, growling lowly and gave them a proper scold. When she was done with them, she simple walked with her nose high to the ruins where the rest of hounds was waiting, watching them curiously. The rest of comrades warmly welcomed her, nuzzling to her sides and sniffing around now healed paw.
Eris stepped to the two and crouched down. "Was it necessary?" he eyed them strictly while they uncomfortably shifted from one paw to other, still too ashamed to meet his eyes.
"Today is the wash day," he announced aloud so all hounds heard him. "You two will be sitting in the water until others get washed. All the time. No exceptions. And you, Badger, will be the last to get washed. Now come. It's time for breakfast."
Both hounds stood up and followed after Eris with tails between legs, as tame as sheep.
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to build a home
a/n: just something small i cooked up while i work on something big for the end of the month. part of same mistakes-verse
summary: Coyote and Hangman buy a home
warnings: swearing, unedited, alcohol mentions
word count: 1.1k
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You slam the paper down next to the stove where Coyote’s cooking, earning a curious glance from him. 
“What is this?” He asks, taking the paper from you. 
“It’s the listing for the house next to mine and Bradley’s. I think you should buy it.” 
Bradley groans from behind you, where he sits at Jake and Javy’s kitchen table. Jake sighs, pushing himself off of the countertop, coming to stand next to you. He sets his hands on your shoulder, giving them a little shake. 
“You know that I love and adore you.” You nod. “Absolutely not.” 
It’s your turn to groan as you step out of Jake’s hold. “Why the fuck not? You’ve both been talking about wanting to buy a house for a while now, it’s in your price range, it’s in a good neighborhood, it’s right next to me, I’m not seeing any cons here.” 
Coyote chuckles, turning the stove off. “We’ll think about it.” 
“So?” You prompt, bouncing up and down on your heels as Coyote looks at the empty space. He’d nudged Jake into coming into looking at the house, but asked the real estate agent to come by the house a second time by himself. 
He sighs, sticking his hands in the pockets. “It’s a really nice place.” 
You nod, looking around. “Same floor plan as our house but the owners put a lot of effort into renovating this place. Practically brand new.” 
He nods, moving to look out the sliding glass doors. “I like that it has a huge backyard.” 
You hum, moving to stand next to him. “Only a fence separates us.” 
He tilts his head. “We could always take it out.” 
“Oh, they’d hate that.” You say, referencing your partners. He chuckles, turning away from the backyard. 
“When has that ever stopped us?” 
You nod your head in acknowledgement of his statement, turning to watch Javy roam around the space. 
“Surprised you didn’t drag Jake back for a second look. My opinion doesn’t really matter much here.” You say after he walks around in circles for a few moments. The nice hardwood beneath his feet gleams underneath the bright LED light in the center of the room, something you’re sure they’d change if they bought this place. 
He shrugs. “Jake actually didn’t have too many complaints. Loved the place actually.” 
“So what’s holding you up from making a bid?” 
He shrugs again, giving you a sheepish smile. “You’ve always been good at knocking my head on straight.” You raise an eyebrow in silent question and he sighs. “I just- it’s crazy to me that Jake and I could actually buy this place. This could be our home.” 
“And that’s a bad thing?” 
He shakes his head. “No, not a bad thing. Just- do you think I’m making the wrong choice here? I mean, Jake and I aren’t even engaged and we’re thinking about buying a home together.” 
You cough awkwardly, looking away from Coyote. 
What Coyote didn’t know about Jake’s proposal plans wouldn’t hurt him.
He doesn’t notice, starting to pace again. “I mean- do you think I’m crazy?” 
You shake your head, taking a step closer to him. “Javy, you’ve lost me. Jake’s a great guy-”
“Never thought I’d hear you say that.” 
You shoot him a look, continuing on. “-and he’s good to you. Sure, you’re not engaged yet, but I mean if the right house comes up, what are you waiting for?” 
“You know, from the first moment we stepped into this place to tour it, it felt like, you know, this could be our forever home. I could see Jake and I growing old here, having kids here, getting a dog and maybe a fish or something but I just-” He shrugs, looking down at his feet. “I don’t know, I guess part of me is scared I could do all of that and we’d still fall apart.” He’s silent for  a moment before sucking in a deep breath. “I don’t know, maybe it’s stupid.” 
“I don’t think it’s stupid.” You say automatically. “Hi, remember who’re talking to?” 
He chuckles a little bit. “Yeah, but like, you had a reason to be that way. I don’t know, you guys are like, the perfect couple. I feel more at home at your house then probably anywhere else besides my place with Jake.” 
You sigh, taking a step closer to him. “You know what my Dad told me when I moved out of our place? A house is just four walls and a roof. A home is what the people inside of it make of it. You guys could make this place a home.” Javy watches you carefully as you reach out for him. “I think you guys should put a bid in for this place. Settle down, move out of that shitty apartment the two of you have been living in for way too long and start the next chapter. Get a dog, have kids, take out that fence so we can annoy the shit out of Bradley and Jake for the rest of our lives.” You see, squeezing him as your arms wrap around his middle. “I know that a new chapter can be terrifying. It’s easier to stay in what we know and what we��re comfortable with. But a new chapter is also so exciting.” 
He smiles, returning your hug. “This is exactly why I brought you.” 
You hum. “I know.” 
He laughs, letting you go and you smile, taking a step back.
“Listen, all I’m saying is that I need new kids to be the cool aunt for. Payback’s kids are getting older, Elijah’s in high school now.” 
Fanboy chuckles into his beer as Jake sighs with fond exasperation, crossing his arms. “I can not just start adopting kids because you want me to.” 
You scrunch your nose, picking up your wine glass. “Oh don’t hide it Seresin, you want kids so bad.” 
“You also want another dog. Doesn’t mean you’re gonna get that any time soon either.” 
“Hey, Buddy, needs a brother. Or a sister.” You say as the dog in question comes pattering into the kitchen, toy plane in mouth. Fanboy’s face lights up as he pulls the golden retriever into his arms. You laugh and shake your head at the sight, Fanboy’s arms overflowing with all 66 pounds of Buddy, who is happily wagging his tail, always content with the attention Fanboy gives him. 
Someone places a key next to you and you glance up, catching Coyote. “What is this?”
He sighs. “That’s your house key.” 
You raise an eyebrow. “What?” 
“To our new place. That’s your key.” Jake says. 
Your eyes widen as your head swings between the two men. “Are you serious? You guys got the place next door?” 
They both nod, confirming your questions. 
“Wait, that’s so fucking awesome, I-” 
Your sentence is interrupted by Bradley entering the kitchen, catching sight of Fanboy and Buddy. “Fanboy…” He sighs. 
“I just love your dog, okay!” Fanboy shouts defensively, voice slightly muffled from the dog’s fur. 
“I hope you know we’re taking the fence out.” You saying, fiddling with the key. 
Both Jake and Bradley’s heads snap up. “No.”
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dankusner · 3 months
50-mile trail loop comes into focus
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It’s never too hot to check out a fabulous new hike-and-bike trail, especially one where you might get the chance to see local artists at work on two huge murals celebrating all things Dallas.
The Loop Dallas’ Hi Line Connector links the Katy and Trinity Strand trails via a path adjacent to the American Airlines Center and through the Design District.
Its water fountains aren’t installed, but you’ll find pockets of shade along the wide medians through which the path meanders.
Most importantly, the 1-mile Hi Line allows you — whether on foot, bicycle, skateboard or scooter — to cross under Interstate 35E on safe wide pathways and connect to trails and new vistas you’ve likely never explored.
The Hi Line’s opening, with a formal ribbon-cutting later this year, marks The Loop’s most significant milestone in its plan for a 50-mile circuit around Dallas.
With two projects completed — the Hi Line and the East Dallas phase of the Trinity Forest Spine Trail — The Loop has delivered a contiguous 16 miles of trail from beyond White Rock Lake to the Trinity River.
The finish line remains far in the distance, but it’s coming into focus for the city’s many trail users.
The project grew out of a conversation 10 years ago among a few well-connected bikers frustrated Dallas was home to many beautiful trails but few of them connected.
Routes generally dead-ended at daunting impediments, some man-made and others created by nature.
A careful look showed if 11 miles of gaps — some big, some small — could be filled, the existing trails could create a seamless loop.
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At then-Mayor Mike Rawlings’ urging, the group of bikers, led by real estate executive Jeff Ellerman, created The Loop Dallas.
The private-public partnership’s work has been difficult, expensive — and worthwhile.
With a little luck, they will wrap up the work in 2027.
The funding for the $135 million loop will come from $110 million in public money and $25 million from private.
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“It’s bananas the way we have been able to secure public funding,” executive director Philip Hiatt Haigh said as we walked under the I-35E and rail bridges.
“The public entities are so excited about these projects because they are aimed at so many different issues like pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, health, the environment.”
Dank to dazzling
The Hi Line’s cost was $15 million, which reflects the difficulties of installing new intersections, lights and other basics in a densely built-out urban environment.
While much of that work is invisible to trail users, the Hi Line’s amenities sizzle.
The formerly dank and unsafe highway passageway linking Victory Park and the Design District features colorful lighting, expanses of white rock and helpful signs.
The day I visited, six area artists had begun to paint two huge murals commissioned to transform the space into a show-stopping trail gateway.
Muralists Mariell Guzman, Mari Pohlman, Will Heron, Alec DeJesus, Sam Lao and Hatziel Flores created detailed elements capturing the spirit of Dallas, its landmarks and its trail users.
Briefly removing their hot protective spray-painting masks and climbing down from their ladders, they told me Dallas’ first brutal heat wave didn’t diminish their excitement to be chosen for this work.
When The Loop team approached Guzman about the project, she felt it was important to collaborate with others on such a significant piece of art.
“The work is a visual celebration of our city’s cultural depth brought to life by the diverse interpretations of multiple artists,” she said, “fueled by the vibrant essence of Dallas.”
Next steps
Elsewhere on the Hi Line, runners, bikers and dog walkers navigated the last bits of intersection construction.
Soon to be activated are traffic signals designed to better separate pedestrian and car movements.
Later this year, construction will begin on the Loop Plaza, a series of ramps and bridges that drop down from the Katy Trail at the intersection of Victory Avenue and Houston Street.
While trail users will still be able to take the Katy all the way to the American Airlines Center, the plaza will provide a direct shot onto the Hi Line and points west and south.
Bicyclists and runners who wind their way onto the Trinity Strand Trail will soon begin to see construction at another spot on The Loop: the Sylvan Avenue bridge over the Trinity River.
The Dallas Park and Recreation Board will consider the construction contract in August to reduce the Sylvan bridge from six to four lanes and create a trail in each direction.
A new trailhead, dubbed Discovery Gateway, will be built with a ramp to take bikers and pedestrians into the Trinity River trail system.
On the other side of The Loop sits the most arduous job, which involves filling in the remaining seven miles of the Trinity Forest Spine Trail from Interstate 30 through southeast Dallas.
The Loop has divided the project into segments and is working from both ends toward the middle.
While decades of infrastructure — for instance, water pipes in a spot where no map showed them to be — complicated the Hi Line work, the floodplains of southeast Dallas challenge the east-side work.
The goal is to build the trails in such a way that they aren’t under water more than a few days annually.
Filling the gaps
The next phase to be finished is the two-mile stretch from the Pemberton Hill Road Trail just north of the Trinity River Audubon Center in southeast Dallas to near the Second Avenue exit off C.F. Hawn Freeway.
Construction began in late June and will likely be finished in 18 months to two years.
The Loop partnered with the Texas Department of Transportation on the design and construction.
An elevated trail will run in the green space alongside C.F. Hawn and connect into a much-improved Lake June Road bridge, with bike lanes and wide sidewalks. Also included in the plan is a short trail running east to the Lake June DART station.
Hiatt Haigh expects crews to start turning dirt before year’s end on the third piece of the Trinity Forest Spine Trail, from Samuell Boulevard to the Lawnview DART station.
This trail will provide the public’s first access to the city’s newly acquired Parkdale Lake, where a 110-acre park is planned.
The final sections to be designed and built are Lawnview to Second Avenue and a costly bridge over an existing Union Pacific rail line.
The Loop Dallas is seeking a final $10 million from private funders to help complete the project.
I was among the reporters who covered Ellerman’s initial dream of
The Loop’s 50-mile circuit.
Ten years ago, it seemed like a fine idea; today I have a far deeper appreciation for the gaps The Loop seeks to fill.
Not just gaps on trail maps but in Dallas transportation priorities.
In a city where pedestrians and bicyclists and scooter users are at the mercy of automobiles, The Loop is the backbone of a city with safer trails for all of us.
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tusharswan5 · 1 year
Maintaining a Villa on a Budget: Myth or Reality?
In the world of real estate, owning a villa is often considered a symbol of luxury and opulence. The very idea of a villa conjures up images of sprawling gardens, pristine pools, and grandeur living spaces. However, the question that often arises is whether it's possible to maintain a villa on a budget. In this article, we will explore the myths and realities surrounding the concept of maintaining a villa while keeping a tight rein on your expenses.
Myth 1: Villas Are Inherently Expensive
Many people assume that owning a villa means constantly emptying your pockets on maintenance and upkeep. While it's true that villas can come with significant upfront costs, the idea that they are inherently expensive to maintain is a misconception.
Reality: Budget-Friendly Villas Exist
The reality is that there are budget-friendly villas available in various parts of the world. These villas may not have the extravagance of high-end properties, but they offer comfortable living without breaking the bank. Choosing a villa house in Lucknow or a less-expensive location can significantly reduce ongoing maintenance costs.
Myth 2: Maintenance Costs Are Exorbitant
Another common belief is that the maintenance costs for villas are exorbitant due to their size and amenities.
Reality: Cost-Effective Maintenance Strategies
While maintenance costs can be substantial, there are several cost-effective strategies to keep them in check. Regular maintenance checks and DIY repairs for minor issues can prevent major breakdowns that would cost significantly more to fix. Additionally, hiring local contractors and service providers can often be more economical than relying on high-end, specialized companies.
Myth 3: Villas Require Constant Renovation
It's often thought that villas need continuous renovation to maintain their aesthetic appeal and functionality.
Reality: Smart Renovation Choices
While it's true that villas may need periodic renovations, it's not a constant requirement. Smart renovation choices, such as focusing on high-impact areas like kitchens and bathrooms, can breathe new life into a villa without emptying your bank account. Moreover, incorporating sustainable and durable materials can reduce the frequency of renovations.
Myth 4: High Utility Bills
Many believe that villas come with sky-high utility bills due to their size.
Reality: Energy-Efficiency Measures
Implementing energy-efficient measures can significantly reduce utility bills. Installing solar panels, using LED lighting, and optimizing heating and cooling systems can lead to substantial savings over time. Additionally, being mindful of water and electricity consumption can keep costs down.
Myth 5: Maintenance Equals Costly Professionals
There's a misconception that hiring professionals for villa maintenance is always expensive.
Reality: DIY and Local Expertise
While some tasks may require professional intervention, many maintenance activities can be done by homeowners themselves. Learning basic DIY skills can save a considerable amount. When professional help is needed, seeking out local experts can often be more cost-effective than hiring upscale service providers.
In conclusion, maintaining a villa on a budget is not a myth but a reality. By making informed decisions, embracing cost-effective strategies, and being proactive in maintenance, villa owners can enjoy the luxurious lifestyle they desire without draining their finances. Villas can indeed be a dream come true, even for those with budget constraints.
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Low Maintenance Family Home
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silvawardrobesvd · 1 year
10 Tips For Optimising Your Built In Wardrobe
In an era of streamlined living, decluttering and organising have become the heart of maintaining an aesthetically pleasing and harmonious home. One often-overlooked avenue for achieving this desired neatness is through maximising the space in your built in wardrobes Sydney. These integral parts of your home have the potential to be functional and sophisticated space that caters to your storage needs. 
Here are some helpful tips to help you make the most out of your built-in wardrobe.
Utilise Every Square Inch
When it comes to storage, every inch counts. Even the smallest nooks and crannies can be transformed into valuable storage real estate. For instance, the inside of the doors can be used to install hooks or pocket organisers, creating a perfect place for accessories like scarves, belts, or ties. This not only maximises your space but also helps to keep these smaller items accessible and untangled.
Embrace Dividers for Organisation
Dividers are unsung heroes when it comes to organising your closet. They help to compartmentalise your space, keeping things neatly in place while also making it easier for you to locate your belongings. You can use dividers for shelves, drawers, and even hanging spaces, differentiating between various types of clothing, shoes, and accessories.
Think Vertically
One common mistake many people make is only using the area at eye level. However, your storage space extends from the floor to the ceiling. Take advantage of this by installing high shelves for less frequently used items. Use step stools or retractable rods to safely access these areas when needed. This vertical approach allows for maximum utilisation of your closet space.
Opt for Flexible Systems
A flexible system is invaluable as your storage needs evolve. Consider adjustable shelves and rods, which provide the option to alter your closet layout based on your current requirements. This flexibility allows your integrated storage to adapt to your lifestyle changes, ensuring its functionality and efficiency throughout the years.
Categorise Your Items
Grouping similar items is a simple yet effective organisation strategy. By categorising your clothes, shoes, and accessories, you not only know where to find a particular type of item but also how much space you need for each category. It also allows for a visually pleasing and systematic arrangement of your belongings.
Use Appropriate Hangers
Different types of clothes require different hangers. Padded hangers are ideal for delicate items to maintain their shape, sturdy wooden hangers work well for heavy coats, and slim velvet hangers prevent everyday clothes from slipping off. The right hangers can protect your clothes while also saving space.
Light It Up
Proper lighting can transform your integrated storage from a simple closet to a personalised boutique. It's essential to have good lighting fixtures that illuminate every corner of your space. LED lights are an excellent option as they are energy-efficient, have a longer lifespan, and reduce the strain on your eyes, making it easier to find what you're looking for.
Use Boxes and Bins
Boxes or bins can be a lifesaver for items that you don't frequently use, like seasonal clothes, extra bedding, or keepsakes. They provide an organised, compact storage solution that can be placed on top shelves or under hanging clothes, keeping your immediate space clutter-free.
Rotate Your Wardrobe
A seasonal rotation of your wardrobe keeps your closet relevant and manageable. Store away off-season clothing and bring forward the clothes you'll wear in the current season. This not only saves space but also reduces the time you spend rummaging for suitable clothing each day.
Maintenance Is Key
Once you have achieved an organised closet, it's crucial to maintain it. This means regularly returning items to their designated spots after use. Try to make this a habit and encourage all members of your household to do the same.
Additionally, routinely declutter your storage areas. Remove items that you no longer wear, are out of style, or no longer fit. You can donate these items, sell them, or recycle them. This regular maintenance ensures that your closet remains functional and organised, preventing the accumulation of clutter.
These tips and strategies can significantly enhance your integrated storage solutions. However, remember that everyone's needs and preferences are different. Use these tips as a guide and modify them to suit your lifestyle and your space. With careful planning and regular maintenance, your integrated storage solution can become a highly efficient, personalised space that simplifies your daily routine and adds value to your home.
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raiyan1 · 2 years
Urban Lane Elegance
Bengaluru has always led the race in the top real estate bracket in Karnataka, however, several tier II cities like Mysuru are closing the gap in residential and commercial sections. Known as the heritage city, Mysuru is touted to develop as the next IT hotspot after Bengaluru. Real estate prices in Mysuru have surged in the past few times as the government is keen on developing land pockets and spearheading industrial growth that entails a semiconductor hub, promising future development. Located at Huyilalu, Mysuru, Urban Lane Elegance is a premium residential layout that has seen an increase in demand and is rich with facilities like wide roads, parks and trees, power supply, children’s play area, water supply, jogging track and more. Those who have invested in the layout have seen a surge in property rates as the residential land has and will appreciate over a quick span of time and also in the long run too. The project is equidistant and accessible to both Mysuru and Bengaluru. Urban Lane Elegance a pet project of Lishitha Infra has evoked a good response from several investors and stands out tall among the best residential layouts in Mysuru. The project is MUDA and RERA approved with clear titles. It is a feather in our cap and we are happy to announce that the project garnered a lot of interest. It is strategically located at the heart of developed residential layouts in Huyilalu, Mysuru. The project was developed on the lines of our vision to develop and cater to residential properties that will define future urban living. The project features a vast 25 residential sites in an area span of 1 Acre 25 Guntas. It is well connected and located just 15 kms from Mysore Suburban Bus Stand and 13 kms from Mysore Railway Station. Investors can buy the land and rent it out or develop houses and later sell it off as the real estate prices appreciate. It is wise to invest in this long-term project as the returns seem plenty fold than what was invested. Bank Loans will be disbursed from all major bankers and NBFCs. AMENITIES AT URBAN LANE ELEGANCE ENTAIL:
Wide asphalted (tar) roads up to 40ft
U-shape drains and boundary marking stones clearly measured
Fully developed parks and civic amenities area
Street light poles on all roads
Water & sanitary connection for each individual site
Exclusive sewage treatment plan
The project was developed with attention to the smallest details including the legalities. The sites in this project were developed keeping the environment in mind. We offer efficient environment management across all our projects. High safety standards and environmentally friendly standards are the common norms in our projects. We continue to develop and nurture premium layouts and ready-to-build sites in the city of Mysuru.
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roshini · 2 years
Urban Lane Elegance
Bengaluru has always led the race in the top real estate bracket in Karnataka, however, several tier II cities like Mysuru are closing the gap in residential and commercial sections. Known as the heritage city, Mysuru is touted to develop as the next IT hotspot after Bengaluru. Real estate prices in Mysuru have surged in the past few times as the government is keen on developing land pockets and spearheading industrial growth that entails a semiconductor hub, promising future development. Located at Huyilalu, Mysuru, Urban Lane Elegance is a premium residential layout that has seen an increase in demand and is rich with facilities like wide roads, parks and trees, power supply, children’s play area, water supply, jogging track and more. Those who have invested in the layout have seen a surge in property rates as the residential land has and will appreciate over a quick span of time and also in the long run too. The project is equidistant and accessible to both Mysuru and Bengaluru. Urban Lane Elegance a pet project of Lishitha Infra has evoked a good response from several investors and stands out tall among the best residential layouts in Mysuru. The project is MUDA and RERA approved with clear titles. It is a feather in our cap and we are happy to announce that the project garnered a lot of interest. It is strategically located at the heart of developed residential layouts in Huyilalu, Mysuru. The project was developed on the lines of our vision to develop and cater to residential properties that will define future urban living. The project features a vast 25 residential sites in an area span of 1 Acre 25 Guntas. It is well connected and located just 15 kms from Mysore Suburban Bus Stand and 13 kms from Mysore Railway Station. Investors can buy the land and rent it out or develop houses and later sell it off as the real estate prices appreciate. It is wise to invest in this long-term project as the returns seem plenty fold than what was invested. Bank Loans will be disbursed from all major bankers and NBFCs. AMENITIES AT URBAN LANE ELEGANCE ENTAIL:
Wide asphalted (tar) roads up to 40ft
U-shape drains and boundary marking stones clearly measured
Fully developed parks and civic amenities area
Street light poles on all roads
Water & sanitary connection for each individual site
Exclusive sewage treatment plan
The project was developed with attention to the smallest details including the legalities. The sites in this project were developed keeping the environment in mind. We offer efficient environment management across all our projects. High safety standards and environmentally friendly standards are the common norms in our projects. We continue to develop and nurture premium layouts and ready-to-build sites in the city of Mysuru.
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madhuin · 2 years
Urban Lane Elegance
Bengaluru has always led the race in the top real estate bracket in Karnataka, however, several tier II cities like Mysuru are closing the gap in residential and commercial sections. Known as the heritage city, Mysuru is touted to develop as the next IT hotspot after Bengaluru. Real estate prices in Mysuru have surged in the past few times as the government is keen on developing land pockets and spearheading industrial growth that entails a semiconductor hub, promising future development. Located at Huyilalu, Mysuru, Urban Lane Elegance is a premium residential layout that has seen an increase in demand and is rich with facilities like wide roads, parks and trees, power supply, children’s play area, water supply, jogging track and more. Those who have invested in the layout have seen a surge in property rates as the residential land has and will appreciate over a quick span of time and also in the long run too. The project is equidistant and accessible to both Mysuru and Bengaluru. Urban Lane Elegance a pet project of Lishitha Infra has evoked a good response from several investors and stands out tall among the best residential layouts in Mysuru. The project is MUDA and RERA approved with clear titles. It is a feather in our cap and we are happy to announce that the project garnered a lot of interest. It is strategically located at the heart of developed residential layouts in Huyilalu, Mysuru. The project was developed on the lines of our vision to develop and cater to residential properties that will define future urban living. The project features a vast 25 residential sites in an area span of 1 Acre 25 Guntas. It is well connected and located just 15 kms from Mysore Suburban Bus Stand and 13 kms from Mysore Railway Station. Investors can buy the land and rent it out or develop houses and later sell it off as the real estate prices appreciate. It is wise to invest in this long-term project as the returns seem plenty fold than what was invested. Bank Loans will be disbursed from all major bankers and NBFCs. AMENITIES AT URBAN LANE ELEGANCE ENTAIL:
Wide asphalted (tar) roads up to 40ft
U-shape drains and boundary marking stones clearly measured
Fully developed parks and civic amenities area
Street light poles on all roads
Water & sanitary connection for each individual site
Exclusive sewage treatment plan
The project was developed with attention to the smallest details including the legalities. The sites in this project were developed keeping the environment in mind. We offer efficient environment management across all our projects. High safety standards and environmentally friendly standards are the common norms in our projects. We continue to develop and nurture premium layouts and ready-to-build sites in the city of Mysuru.
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innogreys · 2 years
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The information contained herein is furnished by the owner to the best of his/her knowledge but is subject to verification by the purchaser, and agent assumes no responsibility for the correctness thereof. Note: All room dimensions, including square footage data, are approximate and must be verified by the buyer. All information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Real estate listings held by brokerage firms other than Ainsworth Real Estate LLC are marked with the IDX logo and detailed information about them includes the name of the listing office. The data relating to real estate for sale on this web site comes in part from the IDX Programs of the Valley MLS.
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How to choose real estate led window display- top 5 notes you should be aware of
To buy or not to buy, that’s not question, but where to buy, that is not an easy decision - especially if you are new to building your office window with real estate led window displays.
Due I am a real estate window designer, and I usually buy the real estate led light pocket from on-line shop, in the past 5 years, I have ordered such display from more than 15 one line shops at least, well, I don’t want to write all here, due some of them are really a nightmare experience for me. I try to choose some big of them and with a good purchasing experience to enjoy with you.
Most of them are dealers, not the real producer, but I think it is better to buy from real producer, the price is the lowest of course and they can produce something according to your actual need, and the quality is really good, and it is very flexible. the most of important, those factories now accept the trial mini order below 100pcs.  and service is not bad. take Litplus for example, Litplus is a real producer from China and can supply 3 years warranty, and in fact, their display is really good performance, seldom need the aftersale service. I bought a parcel display 5 years before, they now still work without any problem.
Before buy from Litplus,  as I said, I also buy such real estate window displays from several big on-line shops. part of them like vitrinemedia.com , display2go.com , prodisplay.com , novadisplay.com , deesign.com , showcaseartanframing.com, during of them deesign is USA secondary agent for vitrinemedia. they locate different countries. they really can supply a good sale service for you if you are from their local market. but the price are really expensive. but the product quality are nearly same as product be produced Litplus,   that let me doubt if they all buy such product from Litplus, although the people from Litplus said no, and I think that should be their business secrets. and refuse to release any.
Vitrine media is one of big companies, they have sales company whole Europe. they supply a good sales aftersale service. and their price is really considerable. the display quality is same as display be produced by Litplus,  The real estate window led display produced by Litplus has soared in popularity in recent years, and boasts a ton of celebrity fans including vatrine media, meanwhile, powers a third of the real estate display market today.
They are both great supplier for real estate led window display, although Litplus are more pay attention to develop and produce new model to satisfy the diversity of market and vitrine media show importance on the marketing, their sales companies locate whole Europe. but they are actually very different:
The price of real estate display be produced by Litplus is more competitive, no matter what order quantity it is, even only 1pc display, also enjoy a wholesale price, due Litplus focus on the small and medium business, it is China factory directly without any middle-dealer, that can save lots during the business.
Competitive price not mean low quality product. all the display are made of high quality acrylic sheet and long lifespan led light strip, all the display and its parts with 3 years warranty.
Litplus pay more attention to produce new model to satisfy the diversity of market, from its led strip brightness to led light colors, display appearance(sharp corner or round corner, with or without transparent hem, display sizes) and its flexible hanging, if clients need, Litplus can do it totally. and their customize order can be delivered within 7-15days, the delivery for normal order is 3-7days.
Litplus have a professional after-sales team, if there any question on display and its installation,  can directly feedback and their people will deal with it sooner. they also make clear installation video to make the installation more easy. no need to hire a electrician with additional cost.
Vitrine media company show importance on marketing, their sales companies locate whole Europe, they are really a big company, and more powerful than Litplus, but that mean requires more cost on everything. although they are same quality display as Litplus.
Think you already know which one’s right for you? check out some more specific reading below:
1. Thickness and quality of acrylic led panel - who is the best?
As we all know, the acrylic light panel quality and its thickness decide the window display lifetime and effect. high quality acrylic led panel will not very easy to bent and yellowing when meet heat, and high quality acrylic sheet with high lighting transmittance rate, can reach above 90%, the whole window display will more bright and vivid.
Litplus display with 6mm thickness acrylic light panel, those acrylic panel are top grate quality. so the whole display with very good light effect and can guarantee 3 years warranty.
Some other competitors also produce such display, but their display just look same from appearance, the inner content are great different, they make a plastic shell with 6mm thickness around the display to make the whole window display and inner of it with only 2mm thickness acrylic led light panel, can only use half year at most, but they give you a 1 year warranty, their price is very very low, but can you dare to buy?
2. The technology of frame color are also very important.
All of Litplus faceplate are silk screen printing, very smooth and uniform in color, it can better hide the led light strip. the metal pieces for magnetics are sticked tightly in the right place with 3M sticker. to make sure the metal pieces not fall down when meet the heat that generate from the electrical power, I saw some competitor make display frame color with oil printing, not smooth and uniform, the printing oil leak out from the frame edge, can be seen everywhere.  and smelly.
3. What brightness the led light can reach ?
All Litplus display led lights are customized with cool white color(around 6500K) , the brightness can reach above 4500lux. Litplus also have high light display and the brightness can reach above 7000lux. except for the cool with color, Litplus also produce other color temperature window display, one of clients ordered a parcel display with led light around 3000K, a warm color.
Litplus also make special cooler inside the display to reduce the heat from the electronic power to prolong the lifespan of display.
Some competitors only design a single side led light into display just to decrease the heat from the electronic power, they choose a normal white led light, such led light usually not very stable performance in color temperature, so such window display always appear blue led color,  they have no other cooler technology, thus the whole display look dim.
4. Workmanship and monthly production are also one of important element.
With 2000 Square Meters Plants, More Than 20sets Advanced Machines And Comply With ISO9001:2008 Management Keep Us Produce 50000pcs Qualified Real Estate Displays Each Months. Litplus make sure every displays be produced with good workmanship.
It is great different from those competitors who make the display with hand-making only.
5. Aftersales and supports
As to the after sale service, Litplus insist 2 "R",that is "repair" and "replace", for all display, they supply 2-3years warranty, thier engineer will supply you a detail guiding for you to self-check the product problem within 3days once get your detail problem report, most of them can better get resolved, if unlucky, they will replace it. and they will responsible for the shipping. they will not responsible for the problem that caused by any mistakes human making.
If you are for the first time to import sth from China, not quite clear the import affairs, like the import tax and vat, please don't worry, their stuff will guide you, they will better help you with better service with their rich experience.
Other competitor also promise a 12month after sale service, in fact, their display can not last to 1year. how could they supply aftersales service for you?
Above all, if you are really looking For Professional Manufacturer With Good Trust, Contact with them Now To Benefit their Qualified Products, Competitive Price And Good Service.their website is https://www.ledwindowdisplay.com 
Composted by Jessica 
Real estate window designer 
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best laid plans, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: It’s the middle of the night. You’re asleep next to your model boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook, who is jacking off while touching your tits. Wait. Hold on a second. What? (He is still your model boyfriend though, even after all that.)
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; established relationship; playful banter and shitty jokes; actually low-key crack and fluff; smut (fem reader, m-masturbation, handjob (while sucking on JK’s balls, lucky guy), tiny bit of nipple play and pussy slapping, edging, cowgirl, penetrative sex); non-idol!BTS; the parenthesis are the reader’s inner thoughts and i did make a Dynamite lyric reference with JK’s dick and you can’t stop me
yes, the title is a pun, channeling my inner seokjinnie it’s what you think it is and it’s also not
Your dreams were always vivid and intense. 
Was it normal to have movie-level, hyperdetailed, sometimes not even involving you or anyone you knew (at least consciously), insane storyline dreams on a constant basis (without medication causing them)? You know, maybe not. You should get that checked out. But not today, because this is not the story about that (you really should get that checked out).
This is the story about you dreaming about your boyfriend jacking off next to asleep you and then realizing it was not a dream. 
At first you were like, man, that sure sounds like Jeon Jungkook breathing hard. Was he working out? Why are you having dreams about Jungkook working out? That's literally the most pointless, mundane dream you could ever have. Also, you weren't seeing anything, just blackness. What was the damn point of this dream you couldn't even look at him?
(To be honest, that’s very rude of you, brain.)
Jungkook always asked you to work out at home with him but, one, he was annoying as fuck to work out with because all he did was stare at you ("oh yeah, my bad for thinking you're sexy, holy shit, what a crime to think my girlfriend and future wife is hot!"); two, you literally had zero motivation to work out (not lazy, just, you know, didn't give a shit and Jungkook called that your great flaw of being his perfect girlfriend – but he loved all your soft bits so he was sending you mixed messages, tsk tsk); and finally, three, it always led up to fucking, so why go through all that trouble hyping yourself up in your leggings and sports bra, only to spend five minutes in them and forty-five doing a whole different kind of workout that didn't require clothes?
Just skip that shit and get to the naked part. 
Oh, right, back to the whole deep-breathing Jungkook and you seeing darkness thing. 
Sometimes you had dreams with only sound and very little visual. It was disorienting, giving you the feeling of being trapped in a maze with no way out (dream analysts would be all over that shit) and once the images returned, you were usually naked (psychologists would have a field day with that). But this time, you were unmoving. Listening to tense inhale, drawn-out exhale, over and over, and you only recognized it as Jungkook because he did that thing where he sucked on his teeth a little, making that almost inaudible hiss noise. 
You felt heavy, tired, sluggish, as if you were dragging yourself through mud, in between the brink of conscious and subconscious, in that brief moment where you could control the dream but not your body, that little pocket of utopia. You searched for Jungkook in the darkness, curious to find him, and you couldn't, but he seemed to be beside you, to your right, where he usually was when you slept. Next to you, sometimes snoring so you'd have to smack him in the chest and he'd snort and stop (for a hot second, then you'd roll him to his side so at least he wouldn't be snoring in your ear). His pectoral muscles were bigger lately (you hated working out but you sure as hell didn't hate Jungkook working out) and the slapping sound was pretty satisfying now, palm to hard muscle. 
Kind of like the sound right now. 
You weren't slapping Jungkook's pecs.
You furrowed your brows. Huh? Why were you hearing that soft smacking sound over and over, Jungkook's low hiss and then your name in a deep hazy whisper and why was your front cold? You usually slept with only panties, no bra, but you weren't usually cold up top – that's what the linen duvet was for (you paid way too much for that, but you saw it on Instagram and, hey, it's your money, go off) and, to be honest, you used to be a cute pajamas person but, ever since you started living with Jungkook, he wanted you to wear as much as he did when he slept (read: literally only his boxer briefs). Lots of begging (and him being on his knees for you) later, and now it was your habit to strip before sleeping.
Anyway, back to being cold. 
You scrunched up your face and listened to the labored breathing in your right, a hand drifting on your stomach, tracing your bellybutton, moving up, light, delicate touches, the sound of skin on skin. A gentle fingertip brushed your nipple. 
You cracked your eyes open.
There was a tiny bit of light from your computer, the RGB keyboard casting a faint rainbow. You shifted your eyes to your right.
Jungkook's left arm was in an awkward position, softly caressing your nipple as he violently pumped his dick. 
On the bed. 
Underwear gone.
On the floor? Probably. 
He looked pretty damn hard. (Nice.) 
Your eyes floated to his face and his eyes were closed, mouth open, trying not to make any noise, gasping your name. Shapely jaw, soft cheeks, dark lashes, ash blond hair framing his handsome features, so beautiful it was unreal. His head turned towards you and his dark brown eyes slowly opened, purring your name lovingly. 
"Yeah, Jungkook?"
You saw the single blissful second it took for Jungkook's brain to catch up. 
Then he choked.
On air and his dick by squeezing it far too hard in complete and utter shock. 
He yanked his hand back, off your chest (feels bad man) and released his cock, causing it to bounce a little in the air (kind of sexy, not gonna lie), both of them shooting up to cover his rapidly reddening cheeks, one tattooed, one not, his inked right arm tense and his hand glistening with points of pre-cum.
You blinked innocently at him. 
"Oh, shit, fuck, I'm so sorry, um, l–listen," he sputtered, dick still sticking straight up, completely oblivious to Jungkook's embarrassment (ignorance is bliss). "I... I have a good reason, I s-swear."
You rolled onto your side and squished your tits together. Jungkook's brain seemed to implode a little, staring at your squashed breasts and hard nipples like it was the first time (even though you knew he literally sees them at least once a day).
"You're horny?" 
Your voice cracked a little from sleep and you coughed to clear your throat (not sexy, but such is life). 
Jungkook's shaking pupils were too busy staring at your titties. "Y-Yeah, I just woke up randomly horny as fuck, but I know how much you hate having your sleep disturbed so I was just going to edge myself a little... well, maybe finish…"
"You masturbating while touching my tits is not going to disturb me?"
"I... I've done it before..."
"I don't touch you very much!" Jungkook blurted, grabbing your hands. "P-Please don't be mad! I only touch you a little and always very carefully! I never try to take advantage, I'm just horny, please, please, please don't be mad!"
He grabbed you by the shoulders and hugged you tightly. You grimaced, not because of the hug (Jungkook’s hugs were top tier), but because his hard dick jammed right into your thigh and smeared a giant line of pre-cum onto your skin (a little cold and not nearly as sexy as internet smut stories make it out to be, but maybe that was because you literally woke up to Jungkook jacking off without giving you so much as an invitation, rude). You gasped and retreated a little, but that made Jungkook try to grab you tighter and his cock bent upwards and jabbed you in the lower belly. 
Still leaking everywhere, by the way. 
"Oh shit–"
"Look here Excalibur, I'm not the stone waiting for the king," you winced, swiping your hand across your skin and wiping it on the side of his ass (hey, it's free real estate). Jungkook yelped, letting go of you. 
"If you're horny, let's fuck, not joust. I don't have the proper equipment for that and I'm not an undercover Lancelot, as dope as that would be."
"I should be turned off by now," Jungkook muttered under his breath (probably cursing your poorly timed King Arthur jokes – you did have a tendency to wear your mind on your sleeve). "But I'm not because, fuck, look at this body..."
His hands were already running all over your skin and, if there was one thing Jungkook had an extra zest for, it was fucking you – all the time, twenty-four seven, rest in peace responsibilities if you ever decided to become a nudist, but thankfully you had self-control (not when it came to terrible jokes at inappropriate times though, that was your vice). However, sleepy you had less self-control and let him do whatever he wanted, running his fingers all over your chest, making you shiver and slide closer to him, rubbing your thigh against his length and he sucked in a breath, whispering your name hotly against your cheek.
"S-Stop, I'm going to get horny..."
"You're already horny," you hummed into his chin, running your fingers through his blond hair, closing your eyes again, listening to his soft moan against your cheek (he always sounded so good, so fucking sexy, it was sinful), your left hand sliding down between you both. his palms pressed into your breasts, squeezing them roughly as you cupped your hand around his length and balls (Jungkook was really warm and your hands were kind of cold, this turned out to be a win-win situation, sweet). You wound your fingers around his length with two fingers hooked around his balls, bouncing them lightly as you rubbed his velvety skin, sighing against his neck.
"Do not Twitch chat talk to my dick," Jungkook muttered. "Also, what kind of weak-ass handjob is this, are you just warming your cold-as-fuck fingers–" (well, shit) "–oh, fuck!"
You gripped his cock with your left hand and buried your fingers in his hair, tongue between your lips as you roughly stroked his length, making Jungkook squirm and gasp above you, jerking back. You kept your hold on him, tighter, feeling him swell and get harder, grinning, your eyes still closed, working him fast and firm.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Jungkook swore repeatedly, pinching your nipples and rolling them between his fingers (damn, he was making you work to keep this smirk on your face, but it was worth), tendrils of pleasure snaking through you. You bit the side of your lip, increasing your pace, squeezing just under the head the way he liked, pre-cum pooling around the pocket of your index finger and thumb, adding lubrication.
"Stop, s-stop, I'm gonna e-explode," Jungkook moaned, planting his hands onto your tits and sinking his fingers in the softness once more (hello? where's the titty love, this ain't all about you, Jungkook). 
"I like dynamite," was you answer, cracking one eye open. "Light it up." 
Jungkook growled in his throat, glaring at you. "I swear to God, if you weren't so fucking hot, I'd be so fucking limp right no–aah, d-don't, oh fuuuck, please..."
You slid down the bed, switching hands, attaching your mouth to his balls (he was probably grateful for that, can't talk with a mouthful of nuts, sad) and put your breasts on his thigh, rubbing your nipples all over his hard muscle as you sucked, starting off slow, then faster and faster, one to the other, tongue all over, Jungkook loudly rambling nonsense above you (you weren't paying attention, you had a dick to jack off and some balls to rearrange with your masterful tongue) until Jungkook squealed at your firm grip on the head, cutting off his orgasm once again.
"Stop edging me," he hissed angrily above you.
You blew a raspberry on his nuts.
"A-ah, fuuuuuuuuck!"
Oh, that turned out to be more pleasurable than either you or Jungkook imagined, because his eyes were gigantic and his hips were furiously humping your hand, but you weren't holding him tight enough for him to cum. You raised your eyebrows at him and Jungkook gave you the most displeased expression he could muster (he looked cute as fuck, a complete fail), ash blond strands clinging to his forehead, nose scrunched up.
"That was for jacking off without me," you tutted.
"You would have gotten pissed if I woke you up to fuck," he pouted.
"I need beauty sleep to be beautiful."
"I hear facials actually help quite a lot."
You burst out laughing and Jungkook followed suit, his rich, full, almost wheezing laugh, until he realized you had swiped a condom from the nightstand (yup, they were casually in a little moon-shaped dish by the bed next to the chap stick and phone charger, says a lot about you two), fitted it on him, and then you sat on his dick.
"W-Wait – oooooooh, fuck!"
You waited a second for your body to adjust, forcefully stretched out by his thick girth, but it wasn't that bad when you were controlling your muscles and expecting it, so you started rocking your hips after the second, sighing in satisfaction. Jungkook's eyes rolled back into his head, his long fingers bunching up on his chest, raising his ass to get deeper with every slap of hips to hips, your body talking to his, heat rising through you, branching out your spine and to your limbs, the best kind of workout (your only workout, be honest here), clenching your core, making Jungkook snap his head back in panic, shaking his head furiously.
"I'm g-gonna cum if you keep going l-like that..."
You leaned down, brushing his hands away and spreading your fingers over his pecs, running your nails over his hard nipples. Jungkook whimpered, chewing on his lip, you turning the tempo from a fast one to a longer, slower, more complete stroke from head to base, soft ass smacking his soft balls. He looked up at you, moaning softly, pupils blown wide, rainbow shadows over his face (damn, he's pretty, eleven out of ten, for sure), gasping your name, his hands finding your forearms and caressing them, eyelashes fluttering.
"O-oh, fuck, p-please... faster... wanna cum... you're so fucking sexy... ah, fuck, wanna cum for you..."
No one could say no to that, especially not you.
You slid your arms down to the bed, right beside his head, and increased the force, intensifying it all, Jungkook's fingers flying up and holding onto your nipples, the sheer wildness of your own pace tugging and pulling on them, your breathing deepening, panting hard, wispy and hot, his name on your lips, pleasure all over, passionately fucking him into the bed, and him jutting his hips back into your soaked walls, throbbing against the tightness, so hot, fire coursing through you, your juices soaking his crotch and balls.
“Jungkook, oh, fuck, yes...”
You squeezed him hard and Jungkook thrust into you with a groan, all hardness and thickness violently burying itself into your overwhelming heat and you moaned lustfully, pussy shuddering around his wonderful cock, feeling it shiver repeatedly, his orgasm filling up the condom so much that you felt the latex stretch inside you, jarring jerks with each of Jungkook's soft cries, his head shoved into the pillows, blond hair fanning out like a halo and practically wearing out your name with how many times he was chanting it.
You reached and held down the condom as you unsheathed (the beast), collapsing against the bed and laying down, wheezing a little, greatly satisfied at your work.
You weakly reached up and mimed a firework with one hand.
"Like dynamite."
"Oh, my fucking God," Jungkook muttered, peeling off the condom and immediately snatching the towel next to the bed (also says a lot about you two) and another condom, yanking off the other one (trash can next to the bed already, again says – never mind, you get it) and cleaning himself off before putting on the new one. "On your back."
You rolled on your back, snickering. "Three parts dynamite, with a nitroglycerin cap–"
Jungkook clapped a hand on your mouth and it smelled a whole lot like his cum. "This is not the time to be quoting the Addams Family, you animal."
You nuzzled out of it, grinning. "I'm just saying I want an orgasm equivalent to blowing up a small house."
"Oh, you'll get it," Jungkook growled, yanking your hips to the center of the bed, pushing your legs up to your chest, almost bending you in half. "You ready?"
You bit your lip, still grinning. "Of course."
One hand left your leg and you were confused for a split second.
The next you were gasping, Jungkook rapidly smacking his hand into your clit and pussy, not hard, but constant, swift smacks that got you wetter and wetter, quivering and struggling for breath.
"J-Jungkook, oh f-fuck, Jungkook..." you whined, fingers digging into the sheets, twisting them, bouncing your hips towards him. He inhaled sharply, fitting his finger onto your clit and raising himself.
"W-wait – oh fuck!"
Jungkook chuckled and thrust into your wet warmth, rubbing your clit at the same time. Your body squirmed, trying to alleviate the sudden high rush of pleasure, but Jungkook was stronger (was this the reason he worked out? no complaints here), his free hand pressing your leg down into your chest, your other leg crammed against his shoulder, his hand snaking in between and stimulating your clit, not having to move because you were moaning helplessly, rutting against him repeatedly, pulsating all around him, so good, so good, throbs of desire against his callused fingertip, eyes rolling back. Hard cock, engorged clit worked into a frenzy, your own hips fucking him back so hard that Jungkook was moaning with you, your name tumbling out from those pink lips.
"Cum for me, fuck, you sound and look so sexy, come on, come on..."
You would have praise for him too if you could breathe, but you couldn't, pleasure so overwhelming that your eyes closed, getting there, getting so close, and Jungkook he kept going until you wailed his name, back arcing, your tits hitting your thighs, forearms taut and straining, lower body lurching towards him and leaking out slick juices all over his crotch and yours, so much so that his finger slipped and his nail nicked your clit, turning your moan into a howl of ecstasy.
"Oh, shit, are you ok–"
You grabbed his hips, ignoring whatever the fuck he was saying, and slammed him down into your pussy, making Jungkook lose his balance and put his hands on the bed, yelping, and you hissing in his face, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, please, Jungkook, give me your cock, and Jungkook was saying something but your body gave no fucks, ears mysteriously broken at that specific moment, raising your hips to meet his as he sank down, Jungkook's face scrunching up and his pleas finally reaching your ears.
"H-Hold on, I want to last, stop, stop, stop..."
"Who cares about that, I need dick," was your very impatient response, but Jungkook grabbed your thighs and pinned you down, stopping you and him from moving, you whining and clenching around him.
"This is not p–"
Jungkook immediately fitted his hand over your mouth, narrowing his eyes at you. "No. Bad. Shush."
(How did he know you were going to say 'this is not poggers'?)
You wiggled your ass and Jungkook growled, pulling out and slamming back in, not fast, but powerful, cock getting harder and harder with your whines and cries behind his palm.
"This is what you need," he panted, deep and gravelly, one hand on the bed and one on your mouth, fucking you so hard that your ass was bouncing on the bed, creating a wet spot on the sheets with how drenched you were for Jungkook's lust-filled, husky voice. "Need me to fuck you silent, fuck, you're so tight and wet, come on, cum for me, cum for me, you sexy, sexy woman..."
Your body was already complying, pleasure wrapping all around, body so hot from the fire within, tongue pressed against his palm, moaning lewdly around his fingers as you came again, and he was so hard, fuck, Jungkook was so fucking hard right after he woke up, always, (a fucking mystery and eighth wonder of the world and your pussy was thoroughly investigating), so deep and so thick, your muscles clutching him tight, sucking him back in. His fingers separated a little, loosening his grip, and you heard your needy whimper mildly muffled by his digits.
"You're so good Jungkook, I love you, fuck, I love your cock, Jungkook..."
You looked up into his eyes, at his long hair hanging around his face, jaw clenched, smirking as he saw your gaze, biting the side of his lips in concentration.
"I love you too," he breathed. "You're the sexiest, most beautiful woman in the world."
You clamped around him and Jungkook groaned, eyelids fluttering, grunting as he forcefully thrust into you, your name mixed with a moan as he came again, fully sheathing himself in your quivering, abused heat, warm pulses soothing him and you all over. The sheets stuck to your ass, covered in your sweet-smelling cum.
(Good thing that was on his side of the bed.)
His hand glided up your face, pushing back your hair, shuddering as he rutted into your core a few more times, savoring your tightness.
"You alright, my dude?" you whispered nonchalantly, gasping slightly.
Jungkook cracked one eye open. "Yeah, I'm fucking fantastic, bro."
Jungkook shoved two fingers into your mouth and you choked a little, pouting around his fingers (you weren't surprised though, you knew it was coming).
"I will whip this dick out and slap you in the face with it."
"That's kinda nasty, but also sounds kinda hot," you gargled around his fingers.
"... You're right. Damn, he's asleep. Shit."
Jungkook pulled his fingers out and wiped them on the towel, frowning as he glanced down.
"Only him and not us, something seems a little inverted here."
Jungkook chuckled and leaned down to kiss you (another reason why he was the perfect partner, still being affectionate, regardless of your loony antics).
"I love you."
in which you anger jjk by being annoying - wait, that’s every day well, he still wants to bang you counter point
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starlightxsvt · 4 years
Sweeter Than Sweets
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Pairing ➳ CEO!seungcheol x baker female!reader
Genre ➳ kinda enemies to lovers, arranged marriage au, romance, angst?? clicheeee :)
Warnings ➳ hella cursing, reader's going through a lot lol
Word count ➳ 2.5k
part 1 l part 2
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The plot owner is going to visit you today. I'm sincerely sorry for my mistake, I misunderstood. Please resolve the issue with him gently.
You scoff at the message. What the actual fuck? Fury floods through your blood and you clench your fists.
This cannot be happening.
After such a long time you had finally scraped enough money to lease a place for your bakery shop. It's been your dream since so long and after years of hard work it was finally coming true- until today. Apparently the real estate agent is nothing but a fathead and for whatever goddamn reason, she leased you the place when it was clearly not up to be leased. The building owner is on his way now- to possibly kick you out.
No, you cannot let that happen. It is their fault and because of their miscommunication or whatever you are not going to give this place up which you worked so hard for.
If he thinks you'll give in so easily, he has another thing coming.
A Mercedes Benz pulls up in front of your shop just as you finish screwing one of the decoration lights.
He's here.
You take in a deep breath and march out of the shop as a tall male comes of the car. You almost stop in your tracks to gape at him- broad shoulders, gorgeous rich black hair that matches a sculptured face- he's simply breathtaking. No one should be that gorgeous. And he's young- why the fuck is he so young? Does he seriously own this building?
No no no. Stay focused.
He takes long steps towards you and even before he can reach you, you snap, "I'm not giving up this place so don't waste your time."
He stops right in front of you, his hands in his pockets and raises a brow at you. He chuckles- how dare he, before saying, "You do know that this is my building, right?"
"So, it means I can kick out a nuisance like you anytime I want." His eyes go dark as he stares you down.
Nuisance? What the fuck? You take in a deep breath, trying to stop yourself from reaching out and choking him. He's so fucking gorgeous and infuriating, damn it.
"Mr. Choi, I've leased this place for two years and if you want it so much, come back two years later and we can talk about it."
"Leave while I'm being polite," his tone is gravelly and his eyes bore into yours. You shiver slightly.
"But I paid for this place! This is mine now!" You yell, unable to hold yourself together. "If you were so concerned about your building then you should have been careful that your agent was leasing it!"
"I admit that it was her fault, a huge one at that matter but I need this building. I'll give you 3 days to take everything and leave. My workers will start their renovation work from next week." He says and turns around his heel, ready to head back.
"No! I will not be moving out! I've worked so hard to lease this place! I even brought all the furniture for my shop! You have no right to do this!" You shout at him. Fuck that son of a bitch.
He stares at you with a bored look, "You've 3 days."
"No!" You whine, stopping him in his tracks again. "If you really want this place then give me some more time. At least a few months."
He marches back to you, his jaw ticking, "Do you think I'm here to play games? You move out in 3 days or my men will drag you out from here." He warns, eyes glinting.
You can't hold in your temper. So you walk past him and towards his fancy car and draw a long nice scratch on the body using your screwdriver. After being satisfied with your handiwork, you turn back to him.
He stares at you, dumbfounded. His driver looks the same except he looks a bit scared. You smirk at Choi, crossing your arms.
He still looks surprised and he scoffs as if he can't believe what happened. He rakes a hand through his hair, his jaw clenched.
"Expect a call from my insurance company. You'll have to pay for what you just did." That's all he says before walking past you to car as his driver quickly fires on the engine.
You mutely watch him leave.
Fuck. Oh fuck.
What have you done?
You stare at Choi's personal number that you managed to get from the real estate agent. Shit. You've to call him. You've to apologize. You're in no condition to pay for his damn fancy car.
Shit. Shit. Why did you do that?
You bite your lip, staring at your phone screen, mustering up the courage to call him. You've to apologize and somehow get him to forgive you.
Oh heavens, here goes nothing.
With shaky hands you ring him up and hold your breath. After several rings he picks up, his voice gruff, "Choi here."
You clear your throat and inhale deeply, "Mr.Choi, it's me, ___. We...uhm, met earlier today." You try to stable your voice.
The line is silent for a moment and you're afraid he has hung up but he speaks, his voice laced with a chuckle, "Well, well, to what do I owe this pleasure?"
You swallow, "Mr.Choi I called you to um... apologize for what I did to your car. Please understand that I was really angry then and I sincerely apologize for what I did. I'm so sorry."
"Okay," is all he says. You ask nervously, "So, will be please be kind enough to cancel the charges against me?"
"Do you think that a sorry from you will repair my car?"
"I- please, sir, you've to understand that I'm in no condition to afford for the damages... I-I know I'm responsible but please understand-"
"You want to keep the place to yourself, you want me to drop the charges against you- what you think I am? Some sort of genie who'll grant all your wishes?"
"No- sir-"
"Besides you don't even sound so sorry," His voice sounds teasing and you exhale loudly.
This son of a-
"I don't have time for this bullshit so-"
"No sir please! I'll do anything, please cancel the charges. Then we can talk about your building, I'm sure we can come to a conclusion."
"Are you trying to make a deal with me?"
"Sir- I just-, please, please understand my situation," you almost beg.
The line is quiet for a long time and you're about to break into tears but then you hear his voice, "Fine, I'll text you a place. Meet me there at 8 tomorrow evening. Don't be late." Then the line is dead.
You're not dumb enough to go where a stranger tells you to go without telling anybody. So, on the morning of the appointment, you tell your friend the location of the restaurant and in case you were found with a slitted throat, at least the police will have a lead. After that you decide to google Choi, wanting to have a little bit more info on him. Sure enough, he's the son of a filthy rich businessman well known in the country and Choi, himself is the creator of two business companies.
Sure, it'd be nothing for him to dump your body in the water or poison your food.
Evening comes quicker than you expected and you rush to get ready. You pick a maroon knee length dress that is what you believe- hope- to be appropriate for the fancy restaurant. It's not like you have a lot of dresses to choose from. You take a cab and just as the clock hits five minutes past eight, you're rushing into the restaurant.
The receptionist asks you if have booked a seat to which you reply that you're here to meet Mr.Choi. Then you're led through a fancy lobby and into the private dining area, where the said male sits. He's dressed in a grey vest and a pressed linen white shirt underneath, with the sleeves rolled up, showing his muscular arms- damn.
His eyes meet yours and you feel an electricity jolt up your spine.
Lord please help me tonight.
"Good evening, Mr.Choi," you murmur, gently sitting down.
The bastard has the balls to smirk as he crosses his arms over his chest, "Good evening, Ms___. I was wondering if you bailed out on me."
You chuckle nervously, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. He grins, motioning towards the menu in front of you,"Shall we order?"
Your eyes glide over the fancy food and the fancier prices. 85$ for a fucking piece of meat?
After chewing on your lip and thinking too much about what to order, you go with a plate of salad and pasta.
"Do you have any wine preferences?" He asks, eyeing the wine menu. Why's he acting so nice? What's his deal?
"Er...I'll let you choose," you say.
After ordering a fancy bottle of wine, Choi folds his hands over the table and looks at you, a small smile playing on his lips.
"So..shall we talk business now?" You offer, unsure.
He nods but stays quiet which you take as a sign to start first, "I only have two things to ask for. Please cancel the charges and please give me a little more time to look for a place. It's impossible to find another place in 3 days. I've paid for the lease here and I've also ordered the furniture. And then there is a monetary issue. Please understand my situation."
He pretends to think, pursuing his lips, "Hmm, I'm afraid that's too much you're asking from me."
"Mr. Choi, I'm sure a man like you can help me with that much." You try to butter his ego.
"Again, I'm afraid you don't know me. If you had any idea about a man like me, you wouldn't say that." His eyes darken.
Fuck. He won't bulge. Why is he so stubborn?
"Sir- please, I sincerely apologize for my actions yesterday, I wasn't in my right mind."
"If only sorry could cover it," he says, nonchalant, leaning back into his chair. He eyes you quietly, his eyes scanning you carefully as your palms grow sweaty.
You are interrupted as the waiter serves you your dinner and pours you the wine. As soon as he's gone, you gulp down the wine, trying to calm yourself.
Damn, it tastes nice.
Choi laughs at your actions before an evil smile crawls up his face. You swallow, meeting his gaze. What's he thinking?
"You see, nothing comes for free. I'll take off the charges against you and I'll give you time to look for another place- actually no, I'll pay for a nicer place for you to open your shop. But in return you've to give me something."
Fuck. You eye him warily.
"What?" You squeak.
"Marry me."
You choke on your food very unceremoniously followed by a lot of coughs. You sputter, trying to get yourself under control. Meanwhile he simply watches you, a playful smile on his lips.
When you can somewhat speak, you breath, "I...I think I misheard you."
"You didn't. I asked you to marry me."
You gape at him, utterly confused, almost certain this is a dream or nightmare. He simply offers you silence as you try to process what he said.
You're left even more confused.
What? Marry him? What the actual fuck?
"Would you please... enlighten me?" You murmur.
He grins, leaning over the table, "You're thinking too much. It'll be a pretend marriage. I need someone who'll pretend to be my wife for a year or so, so that my father hands over his company to me- which he won't unless I get married and settle. It's as simple as that."
Your mouth only grows wider. That's nowhere near simple.
After processing his words in your head for a long time you mumble, "So...you need me to be your pretend wife for like a year and in return you cancel the charges and give me more time to look for a place?"
"It's actually more than that sweetheart. I'll pay every penny for your shop. I'll make sure you have a successful business. Be my pretend wife and I'll give you the biggest and best bakery shop this country has ever seen."
You're dumbfounded and you can only squeak out, "Is this some sort of a hoax?"
He chuckles, "Say yes and I'll have a contract prepared with all our terms and conditions."
"I- I need to think about it," you rush out. Think? Damn it, were you seriously considering it?
Yes, yes you were.
This is a lifetime opportunity.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Choi nods, "I'm sure you need to. But I expect an answer quickly. You've until tomorrow evening."
"H-huh?" You're lost.
He stands up putting on his jacket, "You've my number, call me when you make your decision." He gives you a look and just like that he's out of the room.
You're left with your half eaten plate of food.
"So you are telling me that a filthy rich, smoking hot motherfucker asked you to marry him?" Jane's voice echos through the phone.
You rub your temples, staring at your lap, "Yes."
"Bitch if you don't want to do this then give me his number. I'm more than willing to help him out."
"Jane, I'm serious."
"Me too, babe."
You groan, flopping into the bed. "Can you believe it? I still can't wrap my head around it." You whisper.
"You're thinking too much. It's not like you're going to be married to him forever."
"I know but still it's so scary...If I say yes I'll be living with a stranger for the next year."
"A sexy as sin stranger for that matter."
"Gosh- will you stop!"
"Okay okay," you hear her sigh. "Listen I know it's scary and all but this is a win win situation for you, think about it. You're going to be living as a millionaire's wife and when you're divorced you're gonna have your own shop. This is a lifetime opportunity, I mean how many of us gets this? This is like one of those romance movies where-"
"Okay I get it. Thank you for your precious help." You roll your eyes.
" You're welcome!" She laughs. "I'll be waiting for updates!"
"Piss off." You laugh, hanging up.
You stare at the ceiling, your mind numb. This is overwhelming- unreal. Why can't he just marry someone prettier, richer? He can have any woman he wants. Dozens of questions gather in your mind but despite the answers, you've made your decision.
You're going to get married.
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A/N ➳ heyyy~ it's ya girl's birthday today lol! I've been wanting to write a fic like this for quite a while but yk, couldn't muster up the courage. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Please please leave your feedbacks, my ask box is always open- I'll really appreciate it! 💖
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Tag list: @chimikima @all-i-needislovee @peekabooseoksoon @masterpiecejoonie @sorrywonwoo @sweetiescoops @diamondsvts @insidesvt @bononswife @ayla-hathway @kpopssuregi @justasoftstan @top-crop @wainrain
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unstoppableforcce · 4 years
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a santiago garcia regency valentine’s day fic
pairing: Santiago “Pope” Garcia x reader (regency-ish au)
this is for @waatermelon-sugaar as a part of @sergeantkane valentine’s day fic exchange !! the secret is over, here it is, I truly truly truly hope that you enjoy !! trying my hand at something fluffy and somewhat historical was fun, I hope it turned out to your liking, I really do !! (honestly, pride and prejudice was a big inspiration here lol one of my favorites)
His hands. 
The most casual extension of himself. A simple handshake, a gentle touch to ease you up a step, a fleeting touch as he maneuvered through a crowded room. A resounding comfort even when he had to hold himself back, refrain from touching you the way he truly wanted to. An overwhelming strength in his grip, keeping you steady as you slipped, holding you tight when he feared you may float away. 
His hands were everything that he was. Firm and resolute. Soft and comforting. Gentle when needed and unbreakable otherwise. 
His hands were a bridge, a tether to the man you loved no matter how much distance he was forced to keep. But in the end, his hands weren’t enough. Stolen touches across the candlelit rooms of reverie, soft gazes cutting through the half-light… it could sustain you, but you didn’t want to be sustained. You just wanted him. 
All of him. 
The moonlight sparkled across the spread of tousled bed sheets that just couldn’t hold you anymore, you couldn’t speak to exactly what woke you from your gentle sleep, but you could feel it in your chest, something urging you from the artificial warmth of the linen, urging you to the very real chill of the night that seeped in through the gilded window. Starlight cascaded down around the field just beneath your seat on the window sill, midnight dew covering the greenery with a floating cloud, a pillow of soft you would sink right into. Tightening the silky edges of your robe over your shoulders, you leaned into the chill of the glass pane separating you from the twilight beauty, watching with a careful stare. Not just admiring the beauty, but watching. Waiting. 
Waiting for something, you didn’t even know what, but you could feel it in your chest. The quiet promise wrapped its way around your heart, beating gently beneath your skin, echoing in your chest until you had no choice but to listen. 
A promise of what? You truly didn’t know until you saw the fog break, surrendering to the speed of the horse and rider cutting through. 
The man you loved. 
Why bother with tossing rocks for your attention when he had it the second you locked eyes on the familiar crest of his shoulders and tuft of his curls atop his head, damp with the evening fog he fought through. You wanted him. You needed him. 
And his hands caught you the second you ran out to him, drowning in the heavy excess of fabric you had thrown on in the rush that compelled you to his side. Firm as they gripped you tight to the warmth of his chest, soldier-like precision to the way he held every inch of himself to you. Soft as they trailed in gentle paths of loving heat up and down your back in ways they never could with so many eyes following you in the daytime. His hands held you tight, reiterating the unspoken promise that kept a torch lit in your chest all this time, that he loved you, that he always would. 
No matter how many wars they sent him to fight, no matter how many battles tore through him. Santiago loved you, and that was the most important thing. 
The only important thing. 
“I’m sorry to wake you,” he sighed out, the simple tone acting as a glass plane itself, letting you see straight through him. Letting you see the way his heart glowed for you. “I just had to see you.”
“I was already awake.” Waiting. Waiting for you. 
“Ride with me, will you?”
You couldn’t agree any faster, your head nodding furiously before the question even fully escaped his lips. 
It didn’t matter how long the journey was, nor did it matter how cold the night was. Twists of a midnight wind began to curl and spiral around the two of you as his horse picked up speed, but it didn’t come close to penetrating the pocket of warmth you had constructed around the two of you. Your hands held tight around his center, a connection of warmth keeping a flame lit deep within each of you, feeding on the love that overflowed from each of your hearts in the mere presence of one another. As long as you had him, had him right there to touch, had his hands reaching back to hold yours when the ride slowed to an occasional trot, as long as you had him, nothing else mattered. It never would.
The cottage was small, practically non-existent in comparison to the estate he had pulled you from, but it might as well have been a palace given the awe that struck you the second your stare landed on it. Tucked back into the woods, it wasn’t too far from the trickling stream and pond of croaking frogs, you could even hear it as the horse slowed to a stop near the door, the drips of the creek as it filtered through the rocks and forest, the bellowing barks of the toads who sat alongside it, awake in the midnight light. 
Santi hopped off first, slow on his battle-worn legs to land with an easy thud, and in the same second, he had his hands extended for yours. 
His perfect hands. The hands that sustained you. 
You had been his one and only for years, even if only in stolen glances and illicit passing, but you still felt a spark when you slipped your hand gently into his. Every touch was a burning ember, ready to start a new fire, ready to keep you warm for a lifetime. 
He carried you down off the horse, carried you all the way inside the small cottage as your eyes fought the shadows cast by the moonlight for a glimpse of the hidden beauty of the modest home. Twisted vines spiraled up the sides of the cobbled stone walls, a garden of flowers flanked the simple pathway he led you up, and small patches of grass, mere sprigs really, shot up between the stones he stepped carefully on to avoid the mud, individual beauties, each little breakthrough. And as he led you inside, the beauty only grew, no longer hidden in the twilight shadows as Santi began meticulously lighting each candle, one by one, until the one room cottage was drowning in the golden glow of it. 
A bed, a kitchen, a fireplace he had burning the second he got the last candle lit. You had never felt so warm, this was everything you needed. The perfect space and him. 
Each move of his hands and you fell even more in love with him. 
“It isn’t much…” his sullen tone nearly knocked the wind from your chest. It wasn’t much, but it was everything, he had to realize that, didn’t he? 
You whipped around, coat still settled snug over your shoulders even as the room began to heat up, the fire running the midnight chill away, and found him sat back against the little wooden table, holding a beautiful bouquet of natural, hand-picked flowers in his hand. The vibrant colors were overflowing from the small tie of ribbon he had holding them all together, all your favorite colors, all wild, so different from anything you had ever been gifted. Unique. Perfect in his grip. 
“I don’t know… It’s mine now, it’s ours, if you want… it isn’t much--”
“Santiago…” you cooed, padding gently across the room until you found yourself inches from him and his sullen stare, directed down at your feet like he feared your reaction, feared he wouldn’t find the electric smile that currently lit up your face. “It’s perfect.”
Your fingers slipped delicately around where his held tight to the gorgeous bouquet, easing his grip until you were sharing the light weight between the two of you. They were everything you had always wanted. 
He was everything you had always wanted. 
“Santiago, you’re perfect.” 
He had a smile that rivaled the moon on its brightest night. 
“Santiago, I love you more than anything.”
That was all he ever needed to hear. 
He wrapped his hands carefully around your waist, drawing you in as close as he could possibly hold you, leaning in to share your breath as the warmth of his forehead nuzzled gently into yours. This was the future he wanted, no more dancing around each other under the unbearable weight of prying eyes, this was what he wanted, he wanted to hold you close and never let you go. He wanted to have you until the end of eternity, this close, no outside eyes, just the two of you. 
His hands traveled up with that same soldier-like, careful precision he applied to everything he did, holding at the base of your chin, against the back of your neck, keeping you close, close enough to bump your nose against his as he watched your eyes flutter shut. 
It was just a kiss, a simple kiss, nothing you hadn’t shared with him a hundred times, but this was different. It wasn’t a stolen moment, it was a whole moment, it wasn’t hidden in a hallway, shadowed by the light of too few candles, it was well-lit, bright and free. It was loving, and gentle, not rushed and hushed. 
He loved you. He loved holding you, he loved kissing you. He loved you and he wanted to love you forever, just like this, just the two of you. He pressed kiss after kiss to your lips, holding you close, as tight as the moonlight began to fade and the gentle touches of morning sun began to slip through floating white curtains that covered the windows. 
“Will you stay?” He hummed as he held you from behind and watched the early morning fog settle gently across the vibrant green grass of the expansive fields stretching just outside the small cottage. “Will you stay with me? Here?”
“As long as you’ll have me…”
“Forever.” He pressed a kiss to your cheek, intertwining your fingers with his where he held them flat across your stomach. 
This was exactly the forever you wanted, the forever you wanted with him. This place was perfect, he was perfect, everything was perfect. 
“I love you, Santiago,” you sighed out gently, letting your head fall back against his shoulder as you traced over his knuckles gently. “I love you with my whole heart.”
“You are my heart. My whole heart.”
And you would be. For an eternity. As long as you had him like this, with his hands wrapped around you. His perfect hands.
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theheartsmistakes · 3 years
Any Other Name- Chapter 4
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Smoke unfurled from the end of the cigarette hanging from James’s mouth as he rested his forearms on the bordering wall that lined the rooftop across the street from the London Institute where he used to call home. Ashes flickered in the placid breeze that drifted in from the North and mixed with the dusting of snow the gray sky had finally decided to release upon the wasteland that was SoHo.
The cold bit at his fingertips, exposed by his fingerless gloves as he took the last drag and then stamped the stub out on the bricks.
It was nearly five in the afternoon when they arrived; he’d been waiting on the roof across the street for nearly an hour when he finally saw the flash of red hair standing out like a beacon in the otherwise gray and dismal world. She stepped out from the cab with a black duffle bag in her hand, in an oversized jumper and bicycle shorts.
She had to be freezing, he thought, as he released the smoke from his lungs. The last time she came to London it was summertime. He remembered the time well. He’d just been expelled from the Academy and kept home from the summer trip to Egypt his friends and sister went on to see the infamous pyramid Institute there. It wasn’t his parent’s intention to keep him behind, but since a number of his academy peers would be attending the trip as well, it wasn’t advised that he be amongst them after the recent series of unfortunate events that led to his unjust expulsion. He wasn’t entirely convinced he wouldn’t purposefully release a demon in the same room as Augustus Pounceby and Alastair Carstairs and their cadre of idiotic sycophants if given even the slightest chance.
Besides, he didn’t mind being left behind. He got to spend the summer catching up on his reading and training in the Institute’s gym. He’d nearly perfected throwing his blade directly into the target without looking when the Carstairs arrived for official Clave business. Their daughter, who was around the same age as Lucie, arrived with them. Cordelia wasn’t able to go on the Egypt trip either because of a training injury that left Cordelia on crutches and in a cast that wouldn’t be healed for several weeks. He couldn’t recall what happened, but he did remember that her ankle snapped in three different places and the Silent Brothers couldn’t mend it fully without her taking some time off of it. So, like him, she had been left behind. While his mother entertained Cordelia’s mother, she volunteered James to entertain Cordelia.
They spent the entire week she was there reading together while Cordelia rested her foot, sharing their favorite stories until hours into the night. She read to him passages of Layla and Majnun and he showed her all of his favorite parts of London from the top of a Mundane tourist bus. When the days would come to their end and they’d go off to their separate rooms, he found himself staying up at night craving the sound of her voice, the pitch of her laugh, the way her smile transformed her whole face and made his insides unfurl. He couldn’t stop his thoughts from finding their way back to her. One moment he would be reading Hemingway and the next he would be highlighting a passage to share with Cordelia. He’d be eating breakfast with his parents and find himself comparing the color to her hair. Each moment he was with her, it became more and more of a challenge not to give in to the overwhelming desire to kiss her.
He cursed himself for the better part of five years for not saying something to her before she left to go back to Tehran.
It may have been nothing more than a childhood crush at the time, but it flickered somewhere deep in his chest at the sight of her loose hair tumbling in the breeze as she looked up at the Institute.
“Daisy,” he whispered, the word curled in white smoke from his lips.
She turned to look over her shoulder towards him as if she’d heard his voice. He resisted the instinct to duck and instead held her gaze. From where he stood on the roof, he couldn’t make out her profile or even see if her lips were moving. There was no possible way that even if she did see a figure on the adjacent roof a few yards away, that she would recognize him. Still, he found himself holding his breath until she looked away again.
He watched as the Carstairs moved their things into his home with help by the very same Shadowhunters that voted him and his family out. Boxes filled with items his parents didn’t have time to collect before they were evicted from the estate were thrown out like trash to the curb.
“I don’t know why you choose to torture yourself in this way, Jamie boy,” said Matthew as he came up behind James and leaned his back against the railing. “It’s fucking freezing up here.”
James hadn’t heard Matthew come in through the roof door. He was still growing accustomed to the absence of intrinsically knowing when Matthew was near since their Parabatai runes had been destroyed.
“What can I say?” said James, leaning onto his forearms. “I’m a glutton for punishment.”
“And what have you done this time to deserve this self-assigned penance?” asked Matthew, kicking an empty beer can across the gravel. “And why was I not involved in the crime?”
“Thoughts of murder,” said James, “and revenge.”
“Nothing a few hail Angels and hours of demon hunting can’t forgive.” Matthew spun around and leaned on the railing beside James. “Ah, it’s move-in day. I should’ve known you be stalking the Institute like a starving crow.”
“Have you talked to her?”
James nodded towards the Institute.
“The Carstairs girl?” Matthew pulled a cigarette out of his coat pocket and stuck it between his lips. After a moment of fighting with his lighter, smoke drifted from the corner of his mouth. “Considering she’s only been here for all of seven minutes, no, I haven’t talked to her. Is she cute?”
James turned to glare at his friend. “How would I know?”
Matthew shrugged. “I just figure if you’re willing to freeze your balls off on the roof of this mundane hotel to watch her move into your old place then she must be cute. Didn’t the two of you have a short fling a few years back?”
“It wasn’t a fling.”
“Sorry,” said Matthew around a puff of smoke. “A relationship.”
“It wasn’t a fling nor was it a relationship,” said James laced with annoyance. “We spent a short summer together when you abandoned me to go to Egypt. We read books and I showed her around London.”
Matthew clutched his chest, right over his heart. “Please, James, spare me the intimate details.”
James gave his shoulder a hard shove. “Come off it. I haven’t seen her since we were children, I was just curious if you spoke to her and could tell me how she... seemed.”
Matthew’s pale eyebrows raised. “How she seemed?”
“Forget I asked.”
“No,” laughed Matthew. “Genuinely, I’m happy to see you pining after someone other than Grace Blackthorn.”
A flash of betrayal coursed through James at the mention of his ex-girlfriend’s name. He’d been in a fairly serious relationship with Grace (serious on his part, but rather noncommittal on her end) that ended abruptly when the Clave sided with Inquisitor Bridgestock in exiling the Herondale family. That very night Grace approached him outside the Institute in Idris and while hugging him, told him that her mother no longer thought it would be appropriate if they saw each other and then left.
He indeed pined for her for some time afterward. He got roaring drunk and sent her a series of fire messages that went unreciprocated and progressively turned to beg until Matthew took away his stele and paper until he was sober and could control himself. Not even a month later, Matthew told him that she started seeing Charles, Matthew’s brother from time to time. James went out and got himself so drunk that he passed out underneath a bridge like a deranged troll.
Grace had been his first real relationship. He’d taken other girls out before, and it was on a date that Grace approached him—or rather stole him—from his date and started snogging him in the back alley of the Devil’s Tavern. That was Grace’s way with him: stolen, secret moments that left him reeling and in desperate need of a cold shower.
But when he tried to hold her hand in public, she’d find a reason to move away from him. If she spoke to her within a group, she barely made eye contact with him. When they attended parties or went out, she insisted they arrive and leave separately. He never asked her why she wanted it that way; perhaps he knew the answer and didn’t want to hear it.
He stayed with her because of tender moments when he felt the real Grace, his Grace, show herself. Like when they snuck out to Richmond Park and spent the night together lying on the grass, looking up at the stars, and talking about plans for their future. It hadn’t occurred to him then that none of her plans included him.
No, he’d long since stopped pining after Grace Blackthorn and wished for her demise with as much sincerity as he wished for the rest of those who exiled his family.
Matthew could be relentless in his teasing, so James made a quick attempt at changing the subject. “Did you bring what I asked for?”
Matthew shoved his hand into his light blue corduroy jacket pocket and brought out a three-toothed brass key about the length of his pinkie finger and handed it over to James. “I need that back before my mother realizes it’s missing which shouldn’t be until Monday morning when she returns to her office, so make sure that you get whatever it is that you need done with it finished by tomorrow night.”
James clutched the key in his fist. “Shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Shouldn’t?” Matthew blanched. “No, no, it won’t be a problem, because if it is a problem then my mother will take the blame for it. James, I need that key back by tomorrow night.”
James placed a hand on Matthew’s shoulder. “I understand, Math. I will leave the key at your flat tomorrow morning underneath the ceramic dog on your porch.”
Matthew’s mouth flattened into a straight line. “I have your word?”
“Of course,” said James and pocketed the key. “Do you not trust me?”
“Yes, of course, I trust you,” insisted Matthew. “My family has just been under a fucking microscope since everything happened. I had to tell the Penhallow boy that I was going to the shops to pick out new underwear and the bastard trailed me all the way to the strip mall and only left when I started picking out briefs. I would be insulted by his assuming that I am lying if I weren’t so goddamn irritated.”
James tensed. “Are you sure no one tracked you here?”
“Yes,” said Matthew as he took another long drag of his cigarette, “I’m sure. In fact, I tracked Penhallow to the Institute where he is one of the volunteers helping to move the Carstairs family in.”
“You didn’t volunteer?” asked James.
A stream of smoke flowed from Matthew's nostrils. “God no, I may have mentioned assisting my mother on official Clave business regarding a demon possessed artifact in an abandoned warehouse on Bleeker Street, so that is where they all expect me to be. Thomas, I believe, volunteered or perhaps he was wrangled into the job by his parents. The boy hasn’t stopped growing since he turned thirteen and his voice dropped. He looks like a linebacker on one of those American football teams. He will come more in handy than I ever could.”
Nearly a month has gone by with no word from Thomas or Christopher since the exile. As hard as James tried to understand the position his closest friends were put in, he couldn’t stop the sharp pang of abandonment, no matter how desperately he tried to convince himself that it was not like that for them. If the tables were reversed and he had to decide whether to risk seeing his friends or protecting his own life and the life of his family, then he could understand the hesitation.
Still, the anger ripped at his logic. He missed his friends— more than anything else he’d been forced to leave behind, he missed his friends.
“Is there really a demon possessed artifact in a warehouse on Bleeker Street?”
Matthew flicked the ashes off the end of his cigarette. “Yes, but it’s being dealt with by Anna and a few others. I told my mother I volunteered to help the Carstairs move. Everyone believes me to be in one place, when in fact, I’m actually here with you. As long as no one speaks to each other about my elegid whereabouts then they’ll all be none the wiser.”
“Clever,” said James, fiddling with the key in his pocket. “Thank you, for risking what you have to bring me what I needed. I know it’s a lot to ask.”
Matthew shook his head and stepped away from the bordering wall. His trainers crunched against the gravel as he spun on his heels to face James. “I may have to appear to be obeying their rules, but that doesn’t mean that I agree with them and it doesn’t mean that I will allow them to win. My life is still very much my own and I still choose to have you in it. You’re more than my friend, you’re my brother, more than my own even. I’ve told you before Jamie, they can erase my rune, but they cannot erase my promise, I will honor our vows as parabatai until I meet my end and not before.”
James embraced his oldest friend, clutching him tight around the shoulders. “I feel the same.”
Matthew returned the embrace. “You’ll take care of yourself, yeah? You haven’t told me yet what you intend to do with that key and I’ve been trying to give you your space and not ask, but if I’m invited to your trial after they catch you, I will deny ever being involved.”
James released him. “But you just said…”
“No where in the vows does it say that I have to stand by you when you do something stupid that I clearly warned you against!”
“It’s implied,” said James.
“I only follow explicit instructions, not implied instructions,” said Matthew throwing his cigarette onto the ground and crushed it under his trainer before glancing at the watch around his wrist. “Shite, I’m going to be late. The Inquisitor saw fit to put a curfew on those of us who were affiliated with you. If I’m home even a minute after seven then I am forced into a meeting with both Bridgestock, Pounceby, and a witness to verify that I am being truthful about my whereabouts. Also, I’m supposed to pick up Christopher to help my father with one of his experiments on weapons infused with holy water.” Matthew’s eyes widened. “That doesn’t effect your demony issue, does it?”
James rolled his eyes. “No more than it effects yours.”
Matthew grinned as he slowly walked back towards the roof door. “My demons have far more expensive taste in poison, I’m afraid.” With that, he opened the roof door and disappeared leaving James staring over the edge as his life once again shifted into something he couldn’t recognize.
Whispers of the exiled Shadowhunters crawled through the streets of Hackney, one of London’s most dangerous boroughs and home to most Downworlders that had effectively been pushed out of the bigger, better boroughs by the Clave. Lined with crowded pubs and coffeehouses, and veined with dark and minacious alleys fraught with all manner of salacious activities, the whispers followed James around like his own shadow.
It’d taken him not even a week to develop a reputation in Hackney that allowed him to wander the streets unbothered, though it did involve a significant amount of blood on his hands and a few scars that couldn’t be healed fully with an iratze. Afterward, the whispers turned to warnings and rumors of his ruthlessness; those standing on the streets as he walked back averted their attention or moved out of his path. There were the occasional few that stepped out to challenge him from time to time, but he’d simply have to fling a blade within an inch of their skin and they’d let him pass.
James flipped one of his throwing knives between his fingers as he walked: a silent reminder to those around him of who he was and what he was capable of doing. It was an unnecessary safety measure, but a comfort all the same. The knives were the last remnants of being a Shadowhunter that he has left; now he lived amongst of the shadows he once hunted.
As he approached the great stone arch that marked the entrance to The Hell Ruelle, Hepatia Vex’s nightclub, without uttering a word, the burly guard stepped out his way and allowed James entry.
The place was packed with a mixture of mundanes gifted with the sight, Fae, Warlocks, Witches, Vampires, and Werewolves dancing in the strobing lights that swayed in the exposed rafters to the electronic music that pulsed throughout the building. James dodged dancing bodies until he reached one of the many ladders that went to the second level. The steel bars were warm underneath his palms and littered with glitter amongst other unmentionable things. Once on the second level, he went straight, passed the NO ACCESS signs that flickered above the doorway, and pushed aside the heavy curtain that kept patrons out. Once the curtain closed again, the music went nearly silent except he could still feel the beat of the dancers and music underneath his trainers.
He slipped silently down the hallway, scanning the shadows in the rafters above for any of Hepatia’s spies until he reached the rouge door at the end and knocked three times.
“Who is it?” asked a deep feminine voice.
“James Herondale,” he said and crossed his arms. “I’ve brought what you asked for and I’m ready to trade, that is if you still want to do business with—“
The door swung open and standing on the other side was not Hepatia Vex, as he has expected, but a half-naked girl with star-shaped nipple covers and a skirt that was nothing more than a belt with two long strips of fabric covering her front and back. Long, tanned hips and legs that James had a difficult time ignoring were laid bare and glistening in the dull lamplight. Her opulent eyes reflected like those of a cat as she smiled lasciviously at James.
“Come in, Herondale,” said a voice from within the darkroom.
James shouldered past the courtesan that may or may not have smelled him as he passed and walked towards the plush green sofa where Hepatia stretched out in a black leather skirt and white bralette that nearly glowed against her deep, rich skin tone. The room smelt heavy with magic laced with weed and sex.
Hypatia's eyes wandered lazily over James as she uncurled her hand towards him. “Where is it? Give it to me.”
“No until you give me what I asked for,” answered James and glanced over his shoulder at the courtesan. “And she needs to leave.”
Vex started at James for a moment, the corners of her full, sensuous mouth turned up at the corners until she swung her body into a seated position and crossed one leg over the other knee. “Why the secrecy? Afraid to tarnish your reputation… but wait, hasn’t that been done already?”
“I don’t need all of the boroughs to know my business,” said James, staring at Vex around the ends of the curls that had fallen into his face. He’d been told on countless occasions that a look from him set people on edge. Perhaps it was the color of his eyes or the intensity within them.
Whatever it was, it worked. “Leave us, Femi. Bring us back some refreshments.”
Without a word or much of a sound, Femi left out the door.
Vex bounced the foot resting in the air and drummed her long red-painted fingernails on the couch cushion as she continued to look James up and down. “You look thin. Life in the dirty Hub not treating you so nicely, little angel.”
“Don’t call me that,” snapped James.
“Why not?” grinned Vex, satisfied to have found a wound for which she could press. “Oh, is that not accurate anymore? Should I refer to you as, little demon, instead?”
“Do you want to make the trade or not?” James’s voice dropped into a low, miserable timber. “I have other business to attend to.”
“I’m sure you do,” said Vex as she stood up and walked around the couch towards the minibar at the back of the room. She waved her hand over the ceramic ice holder three times as flecks of red and magenta smoke uncurled from her fingers. The lid to the ice bucket shook until she took it off and removed what was inside.
She sauntered her way back to where James stood. Her cat-shaped eyes slid over him from brow to chest to hips and back up again. Her pupils dilated slightly. “My you’ve grown into a handsome young man, haven’t you?”
James resisted the urge to cross his arms or crumble under her stare.
“But then you’ve always been handsome.” Elongated incisors flashed as she grinned. “Something you inherited from your father.” She reached and grabbed James by the wrist-twisting his arm until his palm was flat and facing up. She dropped three bags of iridescent powder into his hand. “Now for the key.”
James pocketed the powder and retrieved the key. Hypatia snatched it from his hand and held it close to her chest. “Pleasure doing business with you, Herondale. You should go have a dance. You look like you need to unwind and there are other ways to do that without the use of those drugs. I can fall up Fima and show you one of my favorite ways.”
“Thanks for the offer, but I need to be going,” said James, but before he turned to leave he remembered his conversation with Matthew. “I’ll need that key back by tomorrow afternoon and no later. It’s important that I return it.”
Vex dropped the key into the ice bucket and replaced the lid. “That shouldn’t be a problem. I will have someone meet you at Blackfriar bridge.”
James nodded and turned to leave. As he reached for the door handle, Vex’s voice came from behind him.
“And James, if you ever find that you want a real job and not to sell magical drugs on the street, come and see me.”
James didn’t bother to turn around, he turned the handle and stepped out, with absolute surety that a business with Hypatia Vex was not one that he wanted any part in.
Walking out of The Hell Ruelle, James felt as if he could breathe freely again. The warm July night had the streets crowded with miscreants and the company of such, especially in Hackney. He skirted past couples doing more than just making out against the alley walls and avoided the gang of werewolves lighting dumpsters on fire outside of a liquor store and proceeded to howl mockingly at the moon.
He made his way down Briar Street towards the canal where his regular customers would be waiting for him to provide his recently acquired goods under the troll bridge where all manner of questionable deeds went on. He needed to be one of the first ones to get there or all of the most desperate would have bought from someone else.
As he passed an alley towards the end of the busy street, he heard the sound of a female voice coming from the alleyway. He wouldn’t have stopped if it hadn’t sounded so familiar.
He backed up several steps and looked down the alley. Three tall male Fae warriors stood in a row and over the middle one’s shoulder, James could see a flash of red hair, the curve of her face, and the golden hilt of a sword resting over her shoulder.
Something twisted in his gut as recognition overtook him. She looked different, older, beautiful.
“I don’t want to harm any of you.” There was a slight waver in her voice: fear and determination. “I’m here by accident and I’d like to leave without any unnecessary bloodshed. If you would kindly move, I will happily be on my way.”
The Fae warrior in the center removed two blades from the scabbards at his sides and glided them across each other so they made a spark. “I say we remove her clothes piece by piece and allow everyone in the Mill to look their fill of her nakedness.”
“She is a lovely thing,” said the Fae to his right. “Perhaps we could take turns with her and return her back to her people used.”
James’s blood boiled in his veins at the threat and he reached for the throwing knife tucked in his jacket pocket. He hadn’t answered the call in his blood in some time, fighting as a Shadowhunter was too painful. He preferred to get his knuckles bloody and his skin to split, but there wasn’t time for that now and it was far too kind of a punishment for the threat they made towards her.
Cordelia drew Cortana and positioned herself to fight. “You can try.”
“What will you do?” grinned the head Fae. “You’ll cut all three of us down by yourself with that little blade?”
He moved towards her again, but Cordelia stood firm. James couldn’t help but smile at her stony resolve. She would do it, he could see it in her eyes that she would not hesitate, but the bloodshed from either side would surely make waves in the water that his parents and several other Downworlders were trying to still.
James leaned his shoulder against the wall and crossed his arms. “Oh, I wouldn’t doubt her, Bevan. I’ve seen her take down men twice as skilled as you.”
As the three Fae men turned to look behind them, Cordelia lunged.
Thanks for reading! Comments, like, and reblog are my primary motivation.
Next update: Fri, 6/25
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blueiscoool · 3 years
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An Ultra-Modern Beverly Hills Mansion for 1,000 Bitcoins or $65Million
Today’s bitcoin valuation in US dollars topped $62,000, up $3,000 from just a few weeks ago. If you’ve been deep into the crypto craze and amassing bitcoin, all you need is about 1,000 of them to buy this stunning Beverly Hills estate. Or you could just use regular old coin—$65 million worth.
The property is part of a recent uptick seen in real estate owners willing to take either dollars or cryptocurrency for the purchase of a home.
This particular slice of Southern California heaven is over-the-top—but still tasteful—in nearly every thoughtful detail, from the architecture to the sleek Italian millwork and cabinetry. The entrance features a floating slab of marble, which is a hint to some of the other highlights built into the home, such as a 20-foot stone wall of water and a cantilevered primary suite that feels like it’s floating over the pool.
The marble-and-stone theme continues throughout the seven-bedroom mansion. A massive custom island for the bar is book-matched to look like a single block of stone. The island and the beautiful rack behind it both have integrated LED lighting to put the spot on singular bottles and set the mood. In the primary suite’s bathrooms, a Pibamarmi tub is made with Nero Marquina marble and the shower is lined with book-matched Calacatta marble. You’ll find more of it gracing the fireplace in the great room, as well as the floor of the stunning wine cellar, which holds 2,000 bottles.
The main kitchen—yep, there’s more than one—features a 14-foot leathered-stone island imported from Italy and floor-to-ceiling cabinets from Dada. All appliances are by Gaggenau. The table—included—has a custom top from Poliform and a hanging cube light fixture by Baxter. The space also connects to a casual hangout room with a fireplace and modular sofa by B&B Italia. Sliding glass pocket doors retract and open on to the terrace.
The second butler’s kitchen can be accessed by staff through the garage and is made for major entertaining with its dual Viking stoves that have a total of 16 burners. Concrete finishes give it a more commercial feel, but the fittings are still all ultra-luxe, with cabinets again by Dada and Gaggenau appliances.
The primary bedroom suite is just off the great room and includes a den and a private 400-square-foot terrace, offering some of the estate’s best views of the Los Angeles cityscape, especially from the hot tub. Heaters are integrated into the cantilevered roof. Dual primary bathrooms include a shower spacious enough for a dozen, and that incredible marble tub, which weighs more than a ton. The vast walk-in closet is a showstopper. The cabinets and island are by Rimadesio and Molteni, with a bench by Kelly Wearstler. Natural light from a skylight permeates what is often a dark space in many other homes.
A VIP bedroom and the remaining five bedrooms are all en suite.
One of our other favorite highlights to this residence—called Wallace Ridge and located in the Trousdale section of Beverly Hills—is the Zen-like glassed-in courtyard where a single olive tree stands like a sculpture against the background of a stone wall. The 150-year old tree was imported from Tuscany. Water cascades down the marble wall, and the glass doors open to let in breezes and the soothing sound of the waterfall.
The house also includes a home office plus a fitness studio already kitted out with a Technogym Kinesis wall and two Peloton bikes. The spa has a massage space as well as a sauna and a steam room. The screening room seats up to 24 on gorgeous plush sofas and has a 220-inch wide screen and a Dolby Atmos sound system. Last but certainly not least is the loungy entertainment room, where the bar sets the vibe and the massive media wall’s four screens can tee up four different sports games at once or all play together for a movie.
From there, sliding doors lead out to the pool deck, where a swimming lane that’s half-Olympic-sized is integrated into the infinity-edge pool. The listing is held by Michael Chen and Aaron Kirman of the Aaron Kirman Group at Compass.
By Janice O'Leary
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