#real estate poster frames
belmottetower · 1 year
3.11 - Council Estates and the Right To Buy
In 3.11, we saw Jamie go home to his mum’s, and we learned that she still lives in the council house that Jamie grew up in. This has interesting implications and possibly negative ones if construed the wrong way. In the Subjectify articles, we've already discussed those implications, because it's something I've been concerned about since we first saw the trailer shot of Jamie's childhood bedroom. I knew even then that the story beat would have to be about throwing back to the Roy poster - that's why they had to keep Georgie in the house Jamie grew up in, rather than have her in a new house elsewhere. It was a choice made specifically so Roy could see the poster. 
But in making sure that could happen, it leaves us with the unfortunate framing that Jamie didn't buy his mum a house when he got rich, and "buying your mum a house" is basically the first thing a working class footballer like him would do with his money. It's a really standard baseline. I have been nervously obsessing about Ted Lasso accidentally implying that Jamie wouldn’t have done that, for months now. I had already decided, before the episode aired, that if they did not clarify either way, I would have to assume that she did not want to leave the place she lived, and that rather than a new house, Jamie had bought her their old house on the Right To Buy, a government scheme introduced in the 1980s that allows most council tenants to buy their council home at a discount. (I do have issues with this policy generally, and the impact it had on the amount of council housing available, but that’s not for now.)
There is sort of a level of visual evidence for this - the inside of his mum’s house is really well maintained and clearly full of pretty expensive furniture and items. They definitely own it, and having now met her, gotten her vibe and seen the kind of house it is, it makes a huge amount of sense to me that she stayed there. It might have felt different if we saw a different KIND of council home, but in this specific situation, it tracks. 
There’s a bit in my primer about this, but in the UK, council housing comes in a lot of different shapes and sizes. Some of them will be flats in tower blocks (like the one Roy points to from the Westway sports pitch in 2.05 - in real life that is a council housing block in Ladbroke Grove and private apartment buildings like that simply don’t exist, Roy is a council estate kid too) or the flat fronted buildings with outdoor walkways (think Kingsman, or Rose’s place in Doctor Who) but a lot of them are houses like the one you see Jamie’s mum living in - solidly built terraced houses on car-free streets, inside the boundaries of an estate. Sometimes the estate in general contains both apartment blocks and rows of houses, with some green spaces built in too. That No Ball Games sign is a staple in any and all council estates across the UK and is ignored in council estates up and down the country by children just like the ones seen in this episode and it is lovely to think about Jamie once doing the same thing. I really liked getting to see the kind of estate he grew up on.
So, TL:DR - they would own that house now, even though it’s on an estate, otherwise they would not be eligible to still be living in it. And it’s not universally horrible to live on a council estate, or in a street of ex-estate houses.
But that “Jamie didn’t buy her a house” discourse is definitely brewing - I have seen people discussing this already as “wrong,” and I agree that it is wrong in the sense of they should have taken a line or two to clarify the way that situation might have worked, specifically to not accidentally paint Jamie in a bad light. What I don’t agree with is that it’s “wrong” for her to have stayed put - that living in that area, in that type of house, on that estate is somehow inherently bad and a situation she should have been rescued from by Jamie. And at this point, insisting that she should leave or have something better is swiftly bordering on classist.
There are a lot of stereotypes that exist about working class families and council estates. That they’re all shitty places to live, that everyone who lives in them is a benefits scrounger, or a druggie, or an alcoholic, or are involved in crime or gangs. Frankly it’s an awful stereotype that just furthers the classism and class divide in the UK. There are issues in some places, but it is not ubiquitous. Georgie clearly had Jamie pretty young and would have been granted a “family home” house by the council. Living in a little cul de sac like that, it’s very likely she had a strong community of neighbors, other families with kids who all would have supported one another. She would have been looked after, as a young single mum, and Jamie would have been safe to run about and be cared for by everyone in the street if Georgie was working. It would not have been perfect, but it may have felt safe and warm in its own way.
So once Jamie got rich - given that Georgie doesn’t seem to have any other kids who might benefit from a bigger house or anything - I can honestly see Jamie trying to buy her a fancy house somewhere else and her being like “What the fuck would I do in some fancy suburb in Chesire? This is my home, I’ll stay here thanks,” and so Jamie just bought her the council house they’d grown up in and paid to get it renovated and done up nicely so Simon could have his laboratory, and Georgie a nice place to live, with her friends still close by. Except for his childhood bedroom, which she clearly refused to let him touch and him being the biggest mummy’s boy ever he didn’t argue. 
Britain used to be incredibly proud of its strides in social welfare, and council housing was once very good quality building work. (If you ever want to watch a show that depicts the origins of, and pride in, social welfare for the working class communities in the UK in a beautiful, nuanced way that will make you sob every other episode please go and watch Call the Midwife from the beginning and come scream at me about it.) These are desirable homes - in fact, Right to Buy aside, a lot of older council housing, both houses and flats, are “de-counciled” and sold off privately to new home buyers who were never in the welfare system. I actually rent an ex-council flat in London, from a landlord who bought it privately. And I have a friend of a friend who privately bought and renovated an ex-council terrace almost exactly like Georgie’s. It’s not the greatest thing when council housing gets privatized, especially when the new replacements are of such terrible quality. But the original places are built to last, so Georgie’s house definitely could be done up to a high standard once they had the right to do improvements that were not the bare minimum of the overstretched housing organization. And between Right To Buy, private sales, and people who are still in the council housing system, an estate like Georgie’s these days may have any number of privately owned homes mixed in, and different incomes and circumstances within the same street or block of flats. Some are quite gentrified and even trendy.
I’m explaining this so people know the context when they talk about a council estate like the one we saw. I think there is a tendency to want to make Jamie’s background and childhood the most traumatic it could have possibly been, even more so than is on screen, and so it’s possible people who are less familiar with the UK and how council housing works or what council estates are like, could think that Jamie’s home growing up and the estate he lived on was awful and shitty and very very rough. And that could have been the case if he had lived on one of the rougher estates or in a flat in tower block that was falling apart and hard to do up not worth salvaging (a lot of them are being torn down) but that is not the kind of place the episode chose to show us. So now, having seen it, saying “How dare Ted Lasso not show him buying his mum a big house in order to help escape his traumatic upbringing and dirty poverty life” is honestly not a great take and is a pretty classist way to look at the millions of families in the UK that live in council housing. The episode absolutely should have stated that he bought that house rather than risk letting anyone think she’s still living within the welfare system because Jamie didn’t take care of her, but there’s a difference between that and removing her from the environment entirely if she was happy and at home there.
But speaking of adding extraneous trauma, there’s another element of Jamie having been brought up on an estate that I also want to talk about. 
As someone who has been, in my fic, flying the flag for Jamie’s mum being alive and lovely and for them to have been super close for what feels like an eternity, this episode was so so so good for me. I’ll be honest, I always found the fact that some people were certain Jamie’s mum was dead quite baffling, because in the show, the way he talks about his mum right as far back as Two Aces, using present tense means it always seemed clear she was alive and I really just took the “Don’t think she would be lately” part about not being proud to mean that she didn’t know how he had been acting at Richmond, in training, with Ted and Sam, because he didn’t tell her. Not that she’d died, or had become estranged or something.
And then even aside from like, grammar, I just never thought the show depicted Jamie as someone who had suffered the loss of a parent. Especially when you compare him with Ted - who we all know did. Jamie was just not written as a character who is carrying around grief, especially recent grief, and his apology to Roy in season 2 proves it - "I aint used to being around dead people. It just, it did something to me, emotionally." This is very different to Roy’s explanation of why he acted so weirdly towards Keeley at the funeral itself - namely that memories of his grandad’s death were messing with him. It would be a very weird choice by the writers to have Jamie lie and say he hadn’t been around death if he had lost his mum.
So yeah, I always thought she was alive, and I always assumed - based on the ages kids tend to get scouted and acknowledged as good by the academies - that James hadn’t been around much until Jamie’s mid to late teens, and as such that Jamie didn’t ever live with James, just saw him occasionally. He certainly would not have ever had custody rights, if he walked out when Jamie was a baby and showed back up when he was 14.
But while I found the “Jamie’s mum is dead '' takes surprising, I almost preferred them to the theories and fics (sorry, people have the right to write what they want in fic, but I just hate it) that his mum was probably an alcoholic or a drug addict, or absent, or complicit to the James abuse, or just generally a bit shit and anything less than fantastic. Because Jamie talks about her in nothing but the nicest, softest terms, and Jamie himself - when not in his prime prick era, which legitimately only lasts for about three episodes - is the nicest, softest boy with the strongest sense of self. Even if he’d never mentioned his mum, his whole personality felt like it was the product of an upbringing with a whole lot of love and kindness and nurturing and being made to feel special. 
The swiftness with which he reverted to sweetness and openness even in season 1, as well as his natural ego, the funny version of it, felt like his natural state of being, not a new development, and I always attributed this to his mum, which we now obviously know to be true. I’ve seen lots of people this week saying “As soon as we saw Jamie with his mum, EVERYTHING about him suddenly made sense,” and I am thrilled that people see this now, because this is what I always thought. I reverse engineered what his mum must be like based on his character so far, and it turned out just as I thought but even more so. I’ve also seen ideas that even if nothing was “wrong” with her, Jamie was somewhat estranged from her due to James and also sounding wistful when talking about her, or something, but I very much disagree. The two times he’s spoken about her, he has ALSO been talking about James, which was the thing he was sad about - they weren’t moments where he was being peppy and enthusiastic about how much he loved his mum. But also, now that we’ve met her and seen them together, I can kind of imagine him talking wistfully about her after not seeing her for like, a month, just because he is always missing her, LOL.
Anyway, how people interpreted their closeness or estrangement before this week is obviously something we did not know for a fact. The thing is, what we did know is that she was a single mum and that Jamie lived on a council estate in North Manchester, and that knowledge is what made me really side-eye some of the interpretations that framed her as either an addict or a kind of deadbeat figure that meant they had a bad relationship in some way. Because in the UK, there are a lot of stereotypes and stigmas around single mums in general, but in particular working class single mums who live on council estates. It’s really really awful and often revolves around them being unemployed, benefits scroungers, being neglectful or abusive, being drug addicts or sex workers, and it’s a really pervasive part of UK society and classism, and it felt like the details we knew about Jamie’s childhood on an estate is why people leant that way about his mum in a way they wouldn’t have if the council estate thing hadn’t been specified.
Where I work, we represent people across the UK and help get their stories shared to impact politicians. In one instance we got someone we represent onto the national news to talk about the cost of living crisis. She’s a single mum. When the clip got shared on social media she faced so much abuse and harassment and stigma because of these pervasive ideas people have about single mums and ended up having to delete her social media to get away from it. It was deeply upsetting to her, myself and my coworkers.
So I honestly always found fic or meta in which a character who, based on canon, is only ever mentioned as being attentive, loving and someone Jamie has a good relationship with, was portrayed along the above lines really hard to read. It just always felt rooted in the worst kind of stereotypes and classism, even if not intentionally. Anyway, point is…I am so fucking thrilled that we finally got to meet Jamie’s mum, that Georgie is lovely and kind and cuddly and supportive, that Jamie is an even bigger mummy’s boy than I ever could have dreamed, and that he even had a bonus soft baker stepdad father figure who had been around long enough to know that Roy Kent’s poster never left Jamie’s room. And the fact that his parents live in a house they now own, on a council estate where Georgie had a long-established community, is a perfectly fine choice. It isn’t something you need to retcon, you just need to know about the Right to Buy scheme.
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dontsteponsnek · 2 years
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sims 4 HUGE midwest (ish) emo post hardcore punk band posters cc! hi! these are my first cc's so they are pretty sloppy but i was so excited to do them tbh. this one is with 50 albums! here they are: 1. the get up kids – something to write home about 2. jets to brazil – orange rhyming dictionary 3. fall out boy – take this to your grave 4. archers of loaf – icky mettle 5. jawbreaker – 24 hour revenge therapy 6. fugazi – red medicine 7. rilo kiley – take offs and landings 8. sunny day real estate – the rising tide 9. team dresch – personal best 10. death cab for cutie – you can play these songs with chords 11. saves the day – in reverie 12. sunny day real estate – diary 13. moss icon – complete discography 14. the used – the used 15. fall out boy – from under the cork tree 16. jimmy eat world – clarity 17. the juliana theory – understand this is a dream 18. penfold – amateurs and professionals 19. panic! at the disco – a fever you cant sweat out 20. dag nasty – can i say? 21. brand new – your favorite weapon 22. brand new – deja entendu 23. sunny day real estate – how it feels to be something on 24. the promise ring – nothing feels good 25. brand new – daisy 26. brand new – science fiction 27. hawthorne heights – the silence in black and white 28. orchid – orchid (gatefold) 29. my chemical romance – i brought you my bullets, you brought me your love 30. mineral – the power of failing 31. braid – frame & (and) canvas 32. saves the day – stay what you are 33. rival schools – united by fate 34. pretty girls make graves – good health 35. brand new – the devil and god are raging inside me 36. texas is the reason -  do you know who you are? 37. la dispute – somewhere at the bottom of the river between vega and altair 38. q and not u – no kill no beep beep 39. fall out boy – (fall out boy’s) evening out with your girlfriend 40. one last wish – 1986 41. american fooball – american football 42. taking back sunday – where you want to be 43. taking back sunday – tell all your friends 44. cursive – (cursive’s) domestica 45. jawbreaker – dear you 46. bright eyes – i’m wide awake, it’s morning 47. the get up kids – four minute mile 48. farside – the monroe doctrine 49. saves the day – through being cool 50. rites of spring – rites of spring https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XfLUIRiJKz1D3YHdG629N1ro0Z3D0-Zw/view?usp=sharing
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neonponders · 1 year
For @billyhargrovebingo​​ 📚
~ read on ao3 ~
C2 - Bookstore AU
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Billy had meant to buy a new car. His old blue beauty was still going strong, even if she creaked through left turns and the air conditioning went out every summer.
The price was right, and Billy might not know a lot about real estate, but he knew books. And the whole location, location, location thing.
There just wasn’t a bookstore where both kids and adults could be taken seriously, ie. comic books as well as the New York Times’ hoity toity favorites list. Billy had distinct, annoyed memories of having to travel across his California home town just to get the stack of Spider-Man and novels that he wanted. Not to mention the amount of times he’d had to listen to his stepsister complain about walking into a comic book store like the grown ass men had never seen a woman before...
So he bought it.
It was a real fixer-upper, but he bought it, and that felt great. The ground floor was the store, and he could renovated the second floor too, but he didn’t have the money to rent an apartment and get a business off the ground.
So he lived on the second floor’s barebones floors while the electrical and plumbing got sorted out. The summer heat had certainly sweetened the price on this place - air conditioning units were a small fortune - but as they say, some like it hot, and Billy never shied away from heat.
That gave him an idea. Aside from his pillow and mattress right on the floor, the first thing to go into his new shop was the movie poster for Some Like it Hot. It went right onto the one finished wall of the place: a typical brick wall. Terrible for insulation, and Billy didn’t give one rat’s ass about it.
Slowly but surely, his money dripped into the repairs on the place. He collected more and more pictures for the walls, a whole stack of frames upstairs just waiting to be mounted. The place was going to be a real queer dump when he was through with it:
Plants everywhere. Pictures of men in drag for movies and stage. If things finally settled, he’d get a shop cat. Or a dog. The laziest geriatric the shelter had. A record player was a must. Between the books, ambiance, furry shopkeeper, and plants, if some stiff even noticed all the queer on the walls, then Billy could keep a sheet of gold star stickers for his ass to get kissed on their way out.
That was the dream. Dreaming is easier than building.
Maybe the heat did get to his head, because somewhere in July, Billy officially lost it. The floor of the upstairs wasn’t finished, meaning that he had to be very careful with his showers, or else create water damage in both his home and business. He was officially in debt, because goddamn books were expensive the longer her held onto them because the shop wasn’t ready yet. He was walking on unstable floorboards in his own home, so how the hell was he supposed to bring a hookup over to blow off some steam?
Welcome to my place. If you fall through my bookshop’s ceiling, you’re paying for it.
The final straw was a bug. Admittedly, Billy didn’t know what termites looked like, but a small bug crawling out of one of those goddamn boards just did him in. He ripped the floor up, throwing down shards and heavy boards of wood. Soon, he didn’t have a second floor at all. Just a staircase that didn’t even connect to a loft holding up a poor excuse for a kitchenette -
“Uh, hello?”
The short curl right at the top of Billy’s forehead stuck to his sweaty skin as he stood up straight, and looked into the fresh face of a tall guy with huge brown eyes and a crown of soft, glossy hair on his head. “What d’you need?” Billy said gruffly.
That cupid’s mouth gaped like a fish until he scrounged together, “I work next door at the ice cream shop. I heard the noise, I thought you were being robbed.”
That explained why the guy somehow didn’t sweat in July. Billy shamelessly opened his arms at his travesty of an investment. “Steal what?”
Those big doe eyes wandered, clearly looking for an answer. He pointed at the Marilyn Monroe poster. “Anything with Marilyn on it sells.”
“It’s a poster,” Billy clipped.
“A big one,” the guy corrected, stepping onto the staircase to touch the corner of the frame. “The kind that might’ve been in the theaters when the movie released. You’d be surprised how much movie nerds would pay for this.”
“Well that’s great. Really great. Will it pay for a new floor and ceiling? Otherwise Marilyn isn’t buying me shit.”
That closed the guy’s mouth and he preoccupied himself with reading over the names on the poster. Then from memory, he recited, “And why would a guy wanna marry another guy?”
“For security,” Billy huffed.
All at once, the ice cream man smiled at him. And...Billy should’ve invested in ice cream.
“The movie hasn’t aged well, but I always liked that joke. Sometimes Hollywood accidentally gets things right. So,” his shoes clapped the floor as he stepped off the stairs, “you need some fresh lumber. It’s good that you rage-ripped these up. If they were from old trees, they’d be sturdy, but these were cheap when they were put in.”
Billy cocked a brow at him. “You know construction?”
“My dad’s a contractor. Well, that’s the easy way of putting it. He’s a real snob about architecture and real estate.”
“Then why aren’t you working for him? Sounds like there’s real money there.”
“Because in my dad’s effort to make me a respectable man like him, he made me too much like him. We can’t exist in the same room together for more than fifteen minutes.”
Billy huffed a laugh and kicked a plank of wood out of his way. “Yeah. I get that.”
“Do you have power tools?”
“I have one drill and a spare battery.”
“I know a guy who can loan you saw horse and an electric saw. Hell, show him your lack of a ceiling, and he might just build it for you. He’s a retired guy who needs the chores. Just pay for the supplies and lunch, and he’s in.”
“I’m not interested in an old man breaking his leg for my pursuits. That’ll only make the property value go down further when I try and get rid of this place.
The guy put his hands on his hips and looked around, visibly thinking hard on something. “What about two losers who don’t have anything better to do?”
Billy smiled. “Who’d you have in mind?”
That’s how Billy met Robin Buckley. And Steve. His name was Steve.
Billy couldn’t be sure which was more frightening: a retired carpenter with rickety bones, or a lesbian with a power drill walking over the beams overhead. But the three of them got the floor reinstated that afternoon, and the following morning, Robin and Steve arrived with linoleum and caulk to finish and waterproof his floor.
Even more, Steve got the fire department and city to repair the fire escape in the alley between the bookshop and the ice cream parlor. He shrugged when Billy asked him about it. “Some things have to be built to code. Code name: Harrington. Are those fries?”
Billy smiled and slapped the fast food bag against his abdomen. Steve took it eagerly and stuffed four fries into his gullet. Billy couldn’t believe his luck at having one of the city’s precious heirs getting humbled in the ice cream shop next door.
Steve’s opening day gift to him was a movie projector. After hanging up a white sheet in the back of the shop, they played Some Like it Hot while Billy rang up the first purchases from his shelves.
And yet...even with money finally dripping back into his pockets, Billy looked forward to 4pm, when the ice cream shop closed and Steve and Robin strolled into his place with a carton of chocolate-chocolate chunk, and a gift collar and leash for the old German shepherd mutt waiting to be picked up that Friday.
As the movie said, “It’s not how long you wait, it’s who you’re waiting for.”
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wanderingnork · 1 year
Beautiful Horror Movies
This set of movies are all built around the idea that they’re a treat for the eyes and ears. Even if you don’t like the plot or characters, you can still enjoy the visuals and sound. They’re all undoubtedly horror, but still beautiful.
It Follows: A movie full of carefully-crafted shots where every other frame could be a movie poster on its own. The costumes and sets create a world somewhere out of time, where silent films with organ music live side by side with e-readers, and the whole world is green and summery while the cast wears scarves and wool coats. Even background objects, like a lamp or a set of homemade windchimes, are deliberately made to evoke a specific mood. The soundtrack is eerie and discomforting, but serene. The plot is simple and even a bit derivative, but the world itself is immersive.
Annihilation: The colors are bright, even psychedelic. The Shimmer fills the air with rainbows. Within the altered world live uncannily beautiful creatures, like graceful white deer with flowering antlers, and plants grow in a profusion that would make the Garden of Eden jealous. Even death is beautiful here. The body of a dead man has become a mosaic of lush fungus and plants, growing up an entire wall like a sculpture. A character’s impending death is signaled by the growth of flowers from her body.
A Wounded Fawn: Shot on 16mm film, the textures and colors of the whole movie are rich. Red is terribly vivid, blues and purples and greens are jewel-like, and light and shadow are more intense. The costumes are precisely chosen, evoking a great deal about each character without needing exposition. Many of the effects are done practically, and the supernatural elements are stronger thanks to real snakes, masks, feathers, and puppets. It’s as disturbing and absurd as the Greek myths on which it’s based.
Carnival of Souls: Made in black and white in 1962, light and shadow become the primary visual driver of the movie. Many of the sets are dreamlike, and filming choices only reinforce that. Pipe organs, barely-lit abandoned ballrooms, distorted mirrors, empty streets seen from the sky--they take on the sense that the whole movie is a dream. Eyes and faces are brightly lit against pitch-dark backdrops. The sound is eerie: most of the movie is silent, except for the music of a pipe organ. The atmosphere is powerful and uncanny.
Crimson Peak: A movie that fully captures the aesthetic and power of Gothic horror. From the beautifully bloody designs of the ghosts to the crumbling estate of Crimson Peak itself as it perches on sinking red earth, the world is vivid and violent from the start. Costumes are stunningly lush, focused down to the smallest detail on making the themes of the movie clear. Styles reinforce the way that the estate and its inhabitants have fallen out of time, with the residents wearing styles a decade or more out of fashion. Even nightgowns worn during the climax of the movie are ethereal, turning living women into ghosts.
Some questions for thought: how does beauty play with fear in these stories? Do you find that auditory and visual richness enhances the horror, or detracts from it? Would the addition of more senses, if it were possible for you to experience smells, textures, or tastes from the movies, add to this? I think it’s interesting that all of these movies focus on women, and that all but one focus on matters of sexuality and reproduction--what do you think of that? Are there other movies you’d add to this list? Why?
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biggestbrainidk · 2 years
i may,,, have written a duke x lia fanfic. for context this is set in an au/possible future where duke gets chased out of frame by roist and flees. he ends up at the eresby estate where stuff ensues. enjoy.
Sometimes, in an ill-afforded moment of empathy, Lia thinks that even the rats in the gutter look at the stars.
Some came close once, she knows. There are towers to heaven that are built every day. Some collapse almost immediately: the unaffiliated awakener ground down and destroyed before having a chance to live in this world. Some last for longer, and collapse in a maelstrom of dust and broken wishes: any mistake can bring monuments to ambition crashing down. Some almost touch the stars before they fall.
Thoughts like these don’t come easily to Lia. It’s far easier to ignore the fact that her ladder to the stars was built for her, and that she only has to climb it. The pursuit of power is all she’s ever known, she thinks, and following that path is easier than falling asleep. The people she knows, the leading Awakeners of her generation, are all doing the same, climbing monoliths to reach the remote stars. Some fell away, left that path, took more dangerous, more ruthless craft to the skies.
(And then what? The stars remain as far away as when they’d set off.)
They were thrust into this world too soon, Lia thinks. She remembers those youth-summer days at the Academy, from a time where power was of so little consequence and the stakes only of reputation. Scenes rush through her mind with the wide, careless strokes and vivid colours of an oil painting. A boy standing at ease while his power swells,  a roaring surge of crimson and jet-black so massive it almost deafens, drowning the arena in shades of scarlet and rouge. Eyes glittering like garnets, a cold smile, a refined voice; the moment when charm and gentleness are swept away and his speed doubles and the very ground starts to shudder under the weight of so much power. Vignettes streaked with shadow appear too: a body with long dark hair and a gaping wound through the chest– body of a friend, she thinks– and the image of hands bloody, blood flecking, distinctive, on white hair, mirrored in eyes of ruby. 
(Later, when Lia sets foot on the first steps of the tower and begins to scale it for herself, she starts to understand.)
That was the kind of man Duke was. So who was this child, who showed up bloody and desperate at the Eresby estate that day, who staggered through the flowerbeds to fall at her feet like a man sending a last, hopeless prayer to his god? 
In that moment, Lia saw it: his path to the stars had crumbled when he had yet to reach them. 
Over weeks, she learns the truth. The towers fall because the ground they’re built on is wrong. Whether it is the gold-marble halls of Family mansions, or the World Awakened Union’s sterile white training rooms, or the bloodstained castles and forests of Frame– none of them provide stable foundations to touch the stars. What difference is there between Duke, chased out of Frame by a fellow apprentice more vicious than even him, and her, chased towards more and more power, towards Family headship, by siblings one step behind? What difference is there between the open ruthlessness of Frame and the veiled threats of Family politics?
Their world is broken, grotesque, and, stumbling through the dark, they find each other. He is the only real thing Lia has had to hold, growing up in the smoke and mirrors and the illusions and false promises of politics. But behind her now-forsaken inheritance hides a trembling, desperate thirst for freedom. It makes her wonder: was it a noble denial, or terror-fuelled penance? 
In any case, with her poster-child facade completely dissolved, she leaves the ugliness of her inherited world behind. She allows a deep compassion to flood her– the first sense of understanding the Awakened world has allowed her. 
The inheritance-impoverished days blur into each other– days filled with the burning aftertastes and technicolour-seared impressions of Awakener fights, liquid-gold sunsets, arched windows, torchlight, closed doors, nights entwined in shadow. 
(If her shield could arrest fragments of peace in time with a sliver of the ease with which it arrests familiar shards of crimson, they would stay in this moment forever.)
And Lia, awake and wasting the ephemeral night, looks at the boy sleeping beside her. The clouds move, and a shadow falls, as if cast by a monolith just short of heaven, over them.
let me know what you think. enjoy this brain fart. apologies if the sentences are too long or incoherent. i did this at night within 2 hours.
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How to Spice Up Your Living Room Wall Decor: Tips and Ideas
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Transform your living room walls from bland to beautiful with these creative decorating ideas. Learn how Looking to give your living room a stylish update? Check out our expert tips and creative ideas for transforming your walls into a stunning focal point. From choosing the right color palette to creating a gallery wall and using statement pieces, we've got you covered. Whether you're a minimalist or maximalist, our guide will help you elevate your living room wall decor with ease.
Here’s the deal. Choosing art for your home doesn’t always come naturally. For some, it may even be the most challenging part of tying a room together. And while questions like how do I choose the right size or the right colors to fit my space? and how do I pair different pieces of art together? are common, they can also feel overwhelming if you don’t know where to begin.
Whether you feel stuck trying to decide what kind of art will look good in your space, or you already know what you like and simply need to find the right one, we’re here to help guide you toward identifying pieces that fit your style and your space.
We've found that embracing this simple statement can help set the tone for making your wall art selection:
Consider viewing your walls as a blank canvas. As an opportunity to showcase your personality in a fun way—through color, subject, and composition. Because it’s often what we choose to hang on our walls that makes a space feel uniquely our own.
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Black Love Kiss Canvas Painting Abstract Print Poster Pictures Home Bedroom Living Room Decoration Wall Art
That’s the beautiful thing about art—it’s a reflection of how personal and individual telling the story of your home is. It exists to remind us where we’ve been, what we love, and it reflects the beauty we are drawn to.
With that in mind, it’s important to understand that choosing art is more of an intuitive process than you might think, and no one is better equipped to tell your story than you. But, from a practical point of view, there are a few steps you can follow to help guide your purchase, and make it a worthwhile investment.
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BANMU Canvas Painting Wall Art Picture City Night Art Print on Canvas Posters Wall Art Painting Home Decor Landcape Art Print
The first step to choosing a piece of wall art is determining what kind of real estate you have. If you want to get the sizing just right, now is the time to grab the tape measure.
If you have a larger wall to fill or are wanting one statement piece to anchor your space, look for large-scale art. These pieces have the potential to make a really big impact on a space!
Whether you have a large or small wall to fill and are hoping to bring several pieces of art into the space, consider a gallery wall. A good starting point here is to pair complementary styles and colors together. Assessing what’s currently in your space—style, color, and pattern themes—can also help you decide what makes sense on your gallery wall.
If you’re looking to add a little visual interest in a cozier space or something simple to finish out a corner or nook, opt for smaller frames.
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Before purchasing new wall art for a specific space, take stock of what decor and furniture you already have in there. For a mostly neutral room, rich or colorful art could be great to infuse. Or, if you already have plenty of color, texture, and pattern, look for simpler, more subdued art pieces.
Our wall art is categorized by style to help you identify pieces that you're naturally drawn to. Go bold and mix styles or stick to the genre that feels right to you. To make it even simpler, consider art that’s sold as a pair.
There isn’t a set formula for grouping art together, so enjoy the process of trying something new in your space!
This robust collection is filled with pieces for any space and any style. We hope you’ll find something here that you love, and that adds a renewed sense of joy and meaning to your home.
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pinkiepiebones · 1 year
I'm home and I want to hang up my poster but I don't have a frame and the only wall I can put it on where the sun won't fade it (I have this weird arch above my window that I can't put a curtain over) is the spot where I have the four Copia prints from a Revolver special box thingy... I also feel like if I take these down that I'm betraying Ghost somehow. Nevermind that Ghost adorns the rest of the wall and the one opposite it. Hmm. I've also got that weird arch part of the wall that's all prime poster real estate. I just remembered I still have a POSSESSOR theatrical poster I need to put up... I'm just rambling now.
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milenasolis · 1 year
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❝ ...it had counted after all, every evasion and every procrastination, every mistake, every word, all of it. ❞
Age: 30
Gender identification: Cis female, she/her
Residential area: Glenn Estates
Occupation: Owner of The Mayfair
Gang Affiliation: The Enterprise
Two positive traits: Venturesome & resourceful
Two negative traits: Hedonistic & dreamer
Length of time in Tonopah Valley: 25 years (arrived in Tonopah Valley around 1 year old and spent 4 years in NYC for university)
Faceclaim: Priscilla Quintana
stacks of books everywhere, empty coke cans abandoned on tables and shelves, vintage rock band t-shirts, framed movie posters decorating the walls, an ever tempting crumpled pack of marlboros on the bookshelf, 2am cups of coffee, fitted jeans, scattered meaningful fine line tattoos, paragraph texts in the middle of the night
trigger warnings: death, adoption, drugs, alcohol, depression
A life where everything came on a silver platter was far from what Milena Solis’ mother could have hoped for when it had come to her children. Life for her had been a struggle in her homeland of Mexico; poverty, dwindling family for support, and lack of options set the woman on a mission for something better. Especially when she found out she was pregnant, and with twins no less. A friend of a friend had spoken of a job opportunity in the United States, if she could get to Nevada then she’d have the means to care for her coming children. What she hadn’t expected was how grueling the journey was and how much it would take out of her. Not much is known about Milena’s mother and the family she’d come from, just that she’d passed away not long after childbirth. There were complications and in the long run she had been too weak to overcome them.
The twins were fairly young when they were adopted. So young in fact that Milena has no recollection of any life before Nevada and Diego and Dale Mejia. With origins unknown to the State of Nevada, the twins went into the system and won the lottery when the very wealthy Diego Mejia chose them.
Growing up in Glenn Estates, Tonopah Valley, Nevada she was surrounded by family. Close bonds and an acceptance of differences. Never once had Milena been made to feel like she didn’t belong, as though she wasn’t real family because she didn’t share actual DNA. In fact, Milena, often called Mila or Lena, was groomed from the time she started schooling to eventually take part in the family business. As she got into her teens she would learn and understand that Mejia Morales Homes was more corporation and industry than a simple family passion project. At times it was overwhelming; the pressure to perform well in school, to be apart of certain social circles and noteworthy clubs, and achieving wins in sports all to support the family business. An understanding had been laid on her from the very start that she was to be a piece of the pie, as with all the other siblings in the mixed family.
In youth Milena took much for granted with her older sister shouldering the expectations of their parents and leading the way. She’d set a great example and Milena had always looked up to her sister, in many ways finding that she wanted to be a lot like her. Or at least have her approval. Where she saw her sister doing what was expected and take the path set out for her, Milena began to discover that she wanted something very different for her life. Real estate and flipping houses was far from a passion for her. She was obsessed with films, everything from classics to horror to indie and foreign, and knew that she wanted some sort of life and career involved in that industry. The big dream Milena quietly cultivated was to be a filmmaker of some sort, with arthouse and indie genres being her biggest interest.
When university approached talking about film school went nowhere. Instead she was steered away from schools like UCLA and NYU and more encouraged to find a path like her sister’s. UC Berkeley was pushed on Milena, or any top university with a great business or architecture program. In the end she agreed to go to business school at NYU and left Nevada for four years to pursue her degree, yet was encouraged to come home and work for the family business and her Master’s simultaneously upon completion of her Bachelor’s. New York had been a culture shock but one she loved to the fullest. Life and the people were so different in the melting pot city. Milena found herself in creative circles, going to open mic nights and slam poetry, nightclubs and a party scene, and for the first time in her life really let loose.
Returning to Tonopah Valley had been tough after New York. Family of course always won over, she’d do anything (or just about) for them, and the call to obligation rang. She worked real estate, selling homes and brokering deals, completely dispassioned while she did so. It made the family happy though and who was she to deny that? Except when her sister nearly died during an operation to hand over a kidney to their brother and thus had an epiphany, her departure had left Milena to pick up all that she’d left behind. It became overwhelming and while she understood her sister’s need it turned her a little bitter, because that had been what she wanted and now she’d become so tied to the family business.
It spawned a rebellion. Melina found her way into partying, much heavier than anything she did in New York as this was all about escape. Drugs and excess drinking numbed the regret and longing but made her miss time. Either she was coming in late, hungover or strung out, or Milena would be passed out on her couch all day. Only to rise when it was time to go out burn off the weight of fealty and expectations. It didn’t help that Milena and her twin had begun looking into their origins around this time too, the results only further plunging her into her depression and hedonism.
Eventually an intervention righted the world, turned what had flipped upside down to something she could firmly plant her feet on once more. Only this time Milena found she had room to bargain, she would return to the family business on a more part time status and clean herself up if her father’s, Diego and Dale, signed over The Mayfair to her. If she was to be ensnared in the family business then a lot more respect had to be given. Not only did Milena possess a shiny, prestigious degree from a top university but she had the savvy to do more than broker real estate deals. The last thing she wanted was to go through each day feeling like she was living life as some robot, arguing that the business of real estate, as grand as their success had been, just wasn’t for her. Thankfully an agreement was made and it had become Milena’s saving grace.
With a powerful name and grand success in the world of real estate, The Enterprise had sought out Milena when she took over The Mayfair, and following the vetting process she found herself a board member and with more power at her fingertips than a once orphan had ever thought possible. Milena’s feelings about the divided lines in town are troubled; she can understand the need for balance and order, knows the feeling of power at her fingertips, yet feels strange intrigue to those who’s roots trace back to the same country as where she’d been brought into the world. Nevertheless, the goal is to make her family proud and to solidify their legacy. If only secrets and temptations can keep her from swaying…
Quite the film enthusiast, Milena has plans for a new theater in town. She has a dream of a place that can house both stage and screen audiences.
While Milena and her twin are seeking out who their mother was and her story, doing what they can to discover their origins, they are going to inadvertently find out who their father was and that he has loose ties to the cartel.
She has an irrational love for deep dish pizza.
Something of a car enthusiast, Milena has a small collection of vehicles with her favorite being anything classic and/or muscle variety.
Somehow she’s turned it into an art: seeing how far people will go to bribe or gain any kind of favor from her. Milena is actually friendly, fun, flirty, and easy to get along with but she has no problem saying no and walking away after stringing someone along.
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tamanna31 · 1 month
Bedroom Furniture 2020 Industry – Challenges, Drivers, Outlook, Segmentation - Analysis to 2027
Bedroom Furniture Industry Overview
The global bedroom furniture market size was valued at USD 220.6 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.5% from 2020 to 2027.
Shifting consumer preference towards high-end furniture products owing to technological advancements in the home furnishing industry is a key factor driving the market for bedroom furniture. In addition, the prevalence of the mini-housing boom across the globe is paving way for greater demand for bedroom furniture. Increasing per capita income of consumers, particularly in the developing nations, easy access to digital tools, and adoption of newer lifestyle trends, have revamped the traditional households into modern luxury residential dwellings.
Increased attention towards gaining trending bedroom styles has influenced major bedroom renovation projects inducing minimalist appeal for the serene and calming environment of bedrooms with functional furniture. For instance, the Culla Collection by Article, a Canada-based furniture company, offers a single-drawer nightstand, bed frame, and three-drawer dresser, which is made from veneered American white oak. In addition, the rising adoption of four-poster beds as a need to accommodate bigger mattresses is gaining traction in the market. These modern four-poster beds also feature a clean and simple style, which stands out without overwhelming the space
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Bedroom Furniture Market
According to the American Housing Survey by the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies, the home improvement industry size was valued at USD 383.3 billion in 2017. Moreover, the increasing wave of millennials buying homes, particularly older homes, which require more refurbishment, is boosting the market growth. According to studies by HomeAdvisor, millennials are investing in a greater number of home improvement projects each year compared to other age groups.
Increased splurge on real estate investment is helping drive the furniture industry, thereby increasing demand for bedroom furniture. According to the Global Real Estate report published by HSBC, real estate was valued at USD 228 trillion in 2016, which grew by 5% from 2015. The growing need for new houses as a result of the growing population across regions is also expected to boost the market growth.
According to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), the number of single-family permits in the U.S. has increased by 8.4% in 2018. Thus, rising developments in the residential household category are expected to drive the need for residential furniture, thereby resulting in the rise in the demand for bedroom furniture.
Browse through Grand View Research's Homecare & Decor Industry Research Reports.
The global extended stay hotel market size was valued at USD 53.24 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.4% from 2024 to 2030. 
The global personal chef services market size was valued at USD 15.86 billion in 2023 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.5% from 2024 to 2030.
Segments Covered in the Report
This report forecasts revenue growth at the global, regional, and country levels and provides an analysis of the latest industry trends and opportunities in each of the sub-segments from 2016 to 2027. For the purpose of this study, Grand View Research has segmented the global bedroom furniture market report on the basis of product, distribution channel, and region:
Product Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 - 2027)
Wardrobe & Storage
Dressers & Mirrors
Night Stands
Distribution Channel Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 - 2027)
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2016 - 2027)
North America
The U.S.
The U.K.
Asia Pacific
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa.
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The market has been characterized by intense competition. Companies are focusing on expanding their product lines and are adopting innovative technologies in order to meet consumer demand for custom furniture products. For instance, in August 2019, Malouf launched a new bedroom furniture line, including two complete designer beds, two headboards, and two bases available in five fabric options of five colors. Some of the prominent players in the bedroom furniture market include:
Bed Bath & Beyond Inc.
 Williams-Sonoma, Inc.
 Target Corporation
Wayfair Inc.
 Home Depot, Inc.
 Ashley Furniture Industries, Inc.
 Heritage Home Group
Mattress Firm Inc.
 Herman Miller, Inc.
Order a free sample PDF of the Bedroom Furniture Market Study, published by Grand View Research.
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highwayking · 8 months
There's pros and cons to each size, I'm just trying to see what's most popular
11x17 is standard tabloid size, so most print shops already have this paper in stock, and it's much easier to find frames if framing a poster is something you're into
12x18 gives you more real estate for drawing, and is also a standard 2:3 ratio making it much easier to scale down and offer the same art in multiple sizes
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advanceddisplayau · 8 months
Real Estate Display Stands Manufacturer
All of our stands have a professional appearance and include adjustable pockets to store brochures, brochures and catalogs, regardless of their shape and size. We also make poster frames to beautifully display the logo and key information about your agency. You can contact our real estate display stands manufacturers, express your needs and ask them to create the type of stands that will become the platform on which to launch yourself. all your promotional memos. Contact us at Advanced Displays today! Visit our site for more details: https://www.advanceddisplays.com.au/
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etsy1234 · 1 year
Inject Laughter into Your Real Estate Experience with Hilarious Property Content on Etsy
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The real estate industry is often perceived as serious and formal, focusing on the intricate details of property transactions. However, humor has found its way into this realm, bringing a breath of fresh air and lightheartedness to an otherwise intense field. Whether you're a real estate professional, a property owner, or simply someone with an appreciation for humor, incorporating funny and witty content into your real estate journey can provide a much-needed chuckle. In this article, we explore the humorous side of the real estate industry and how you can find hilarious property-related content on Etsy, an online marketplace known for its unique offerings.
Humor in the Real Estate Industry:
The inclusion of humor in the real estate industry has gained momentum in recent years, with professionals and enthusiasts alike finding creative ways to infuse lightheartedness into their work. From witty social media posts to hilarious real estate videos, humor has become a powerful tool to engage clients, alleviate stress, and create memorable experiences.
Hilarious Property Related Content on Etsy:
Etsy, known for its wide range of handmade and unique products, also serves as a hub for hilarious property-related content. Sellers on Etsy have tapped into the growing demand for funny real estate items, providing a plethora of options that can spice up your living space or act as conversation starters. Whether you're looking for humorous wall art, quirky coffee mugs, or witty doormats, Etsy offers an extensive selection of products that combine humor with the world of real estate.
Humorous Quotes about Real Estate:
Humorous quotes about real estate can lighten the mood and bring a smile to anyone's face. Etsy sellers offer a wide variety of real estate-themed quotes printed on various mediums such as posters, framed prints, or even decorative pillows. These quotes often playfully capture the unique quirks and challenges of the real estate industry, offering a humorous perspective that both professionals and clients can appreciate.
Buy Funny Posts for Social Platforms:
In the digital age, social media has become an integral part of the real estate industry. With Etsy's diverse collection of funny real estate-themed social media posts, you can enhance your online presence and engage your audience in a light-hearted manner. Whether it's an amusing infographic, a witty caption for your property listing, or a clever meme to share, Etsy sellers offer a range of customizable options that will add humor to your social media strategy.
Funny Property-Related Memes:
Memes have become a language of their own in today's internet culture, and the real estate industry is no exception. Etsy showcases an array of funny property-related memes that encapsulate the joys and frustrations of buying, selling, or even renting properties. These light-hearted visual jokes provide a relatable and entertaining way to connect with others in the real estate community, making the industry more approachable and enjoyable.
Injecting humor into the real estate industry can help foster positive experiences, alleviate stress, and create connections between professionals and clients. Etsy's marketplace offers a treasure trove of hilarious property-related content, including quotes, social media posts, and memes. By incorporating these amusing elements into your real estate journey, you can bring a smile to your face and create a more enjoyable and memorable experience for all involved. So why not explore Etsy's offerings today and infuse your real estate world with laughter? visit us at https://www.etsy.com/shop/RealEstateLaughs
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marielle-heller · 1 year
with the addition of my second diploma I am using like every bit of free real estate I have on my walls (had to move my beloved print of some donuts to the only other spot big enough for an actual frame, though I suppose I could still put up some small posters or unframed photos) and it’s just like so funny to move from my room to my parents’ where, in contrast, they have 1 single thing on the walls
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coloradocanopies · 1 year
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When you need real estate signs then look no further! We offer everything from lawn signs, a frame signs to post signs and window posters. Whatever you need, we are your one stop shop for flyers, cards, flags, tents and signs, we can even wrap your vehicle in branded graphics! Get out, get branded, get noticed! #realestate #broker #forsale #realtor #sign ##branding #coloradocanopies (at Denver, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqTxERpr_dF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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processmains · 2 years
App store screenshot psd
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The requirements for the icon of the app are: This is making the app icon also visible and enhancing the potential impact. Keep in mind that, while the users scroll down the app page, the header stays visible. Therefore, it is imperative to have an icon that arouses the interest of the visitor while being faithful to the app’s utility and purpose. App IconĪlongside screenshots, the app icon is one of the first elements that users see on your App Product Page. One step after the other, as described here. You don’t want them to seem awkward and out of place. One important bit about poster frames: make them in the same style as your other screenshots. If you find an image that will please the retina, you are close to providing the necessary impulse for your visitors to press play, thus bringing them closer to downloading your app. Choose the frame carefully having 2 things in mind: impact and engagement. This particular image will be used as a thumbnail for the video. You should think of the poster frame as an image snapped from the App Preview Video. Just like you can see below: Poster Frame Resolution wise, you are to choose between Apple’s native resolutions and some allowed resolutions that get scaled to native. Keep in mind that Preview Videos always appear before screenshots, in the Gallery. The iOS App Store requires a set of screenshots for every device: App Preview Videosįor App Preview Videos you can choose from portrait and landscape format. With most occupied screen real estate they are likely to influence most visitors of your product page. You should know by now that your screenshots are the component with most impact in the First Frame of your Product Page. Let’s jump right in! 01Apple iOS App Store Screenshots To ease up the process for you, we crunched the essentials into an artwork guide with requirements for the iOS App Store and Google Play. And you should be aware of them when creating artwork for the stores. All set with your shiny new app! Congrats! Now before you hit the Apposphere, there are few rules of the playground.
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How to choose real estate led window display- top 5 notes you should be aware of
To buy or not to buy, that’s not question, but where to buy, that is not an easy decision - especially if you are new to building your office window with real estate led window displays.
Due I am a real estate window designer, and I usually buy the real estate led light pocket from on-line shop, in the past 5 years, I have ordered such display from more than 15 one line shops at least, well, I don’t want to write all here, due some of them are really a nightmare experience for me. I try to choose some big of them and with a good purchasing experience to enjoy with you.
Most of them are dealers, not the real producer, but I think it is better to buy from real producer, the price is the lowest of course and they can produce something according to your actual need, and the quality is really good, and it is very flexible. the most of important, those factories now accept the trial mini order below 100pcs.  and service is not bad. take Litplus for example, Litplus is a real producer from China and can supply 3 years warranty, and in fact, their display is really good performance, seldom need the aftersale service. I bought a parcel display 5 years before, they now still work without any problem.
Before buy from Litplus,  as I said, I also buy such real estate window displays from several big on-line shops. part of them like vitrinemedia.com , display2go.com , prodisplay.com , novadisplay.com , deesign.com , showcaseartanframing.com, during of them deesign is USA secondary agent for vitrinemedia. they locate different countries. they really can supply a good sale service for you if you are from their local market. but the price are really expensive. but the product quality are nearly same as product be produced Litplus,   that let me doubt if they all buy such product from Litplus, although the people from Litplus said no, and I think that should be their business secrets. and refuse to release any.
Vitrine media is one of big companies, they have sales company whole Europe. they supply a good sales aftersale service. and their price is really considerable. the display quality is same as display be produced by Litplus,  The real estate window led display produced by Litplus has soared in popularity in recent years, and boasts a ton of celebrity fans including vatrine media, meanwhile, powers a third of the real estate display market today.
They are both great supplier for real estate led window display, although Litplus are more pay attention to develop and produce new model to satisfy the diversity of market and vitrine media show importance on the marketing, their sales companies locate whole Europe. but they are actually very different:
The price of real estate display be produced by Litplus is more competitive, no matter what order quantity it is, even only 1pc display, also enjoy a wholesale price, due Litplus focus on the small and medium business, it is China factory directly without any middle-dealer, that can save lots during the business.
Competitive price not mean low quality product. all the display are made of high quality acrylic sheet and long lifespan led light strip, all the display and its parts with 3 years warranty.
Litplus pay more attention to produce new model to satisfy the diversity of market, from its led strip brightness to led light colors, display appearance(sharp corner or round corner, with or without transparent hem, display sizes) and its flexible hanging, if clients need, Litplus can do it totally. and their customize order can be delivered within 7-15days, the delivery for normal order is 3-7days.
Litplus have a professional after-sales team, if there any question on display and its installation,  can directly feedback and their people will deal with it sooner. they also make clear installation video to make the installation more easy. no need to hire a electrician with additional cost.
Vitrine media company show importance on marketing, their sales companies locate whole Europe, they are really a big company, and more powerful than Litplus, but that mean requires more cost on everything. although they are same quality display as Litplus.
Think you already know which one’s right for you? check out some more specific reading below:
1. Thickness and quality of acrylic led panel - who is the best?
As we all know, the acrylic light panel quality and its thickness decide the window display lifetime and effect. high quality acrylic led panel will not very easy to bent and yellowing when meet heat, and high quality acrylic sheet with high lighting transmittance rate, can reach above 90%, the whole window display will more bright and vivid.
Litplus display with 6mm thickness acrylic light panel, those acrylic panel are top grate quality. so the whole display with very good light effect and can guarantee 3 years warranty.
Some other competitors also produce such display, but their display just look same from appearance, the inner content are great different, they make a plastic shell with 6mm thickness around the display to make the whole window display and inner of it with only 2mm thickness acrylic led light panel, can only use half year at most, but they give you a 1 year warranty, their price is very very low, but can you dare to buy?
2. The technology of frame color are also very important.
All of Litplus faceplate are silk screen printing, very smooth and uniform in color, it can better hide the led light strip. the metal pieces for magnetics are sticked tightly in the right place with 3M sticker. to make sure the metal pieces not fall down when meet the heat that generate from the electrical power, I saw some competitor make display frame color with oil printing, not smooth and uniform, the printing oil leak out from the frame edge, can be seen everywhere.  and smelly.
3. What brightness the led light can reach ?
All Litplus display led lights are customized with cool white color(around 6500K) , the brightness can reach above 4500lux. Litplus also have high light display and the brightness can reach above 7000lux. except for the cool with color, Litplus also produce other color temperature window display, one of clients ordered a parcel display with led light around 3000K, a warm color.
Litplus also make special cooler inside the display to reduce the heat from the electronic power to prolong the lifespan of display.
Some competitors only design a single side led light into display just to decrease the heat from the electronic power, they choose a normal white led light, such led light usually not very stable performance in color temperature, so such window display always appear blue led color,  they have no other cooler technology, thus the whole display look dim.
4. Workmanship and monthly production are also one of important element.
With 2000 Square Meters Plants, More Than 20sets Advanced Machines And Comply With ISO9001:2008 Management Keep Us Produce 50000pcs Qualified Real Estate Displays Each Months. Litplus make sure every displays be produced with good workmanship.
It is great different from those competitors who make the display with hand-making only.
5. Aftersales and supports
As to the after sale service, Litplus insist 2 "R",that is "repair" and "replace", for all display, they supply 2-3years warranty, thier engineer will supply you a detail guiding for you to self-check the product problem within 3days once get your detail problem report, most of them can better get resolved, if unlucky, they will replace it. and they will responsible for the shipping. they will not responsible for the problem that caused by any mistakes human making.
If you are for the first time to import sth from China, not quite clear the import affairs, like the import tax and vat, please don't worry, their stuff will guide you, they will better help you with better service with their rich experience.
Other competitor also promise a 12month after sale service, in fact, their display can not last to 1year. how could they supply aftersales service for you?
Above all, if you are really looking For Professional Manufacturer With Good Trust, Contact with them Now To Benefit their Qualified Products, Competitive Price And Good Service.their website is https://www.ledwindowdisplay.com 
Composted by Jessica 
Real estate window designer 
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