cherryyharryy · 4 years
this is fascinating! I have long complicated conversations with myself ALL the time. its the only way I know what I should do or say. I feel all the feelings as well but I also have discussions with my self about it. I tell myself "stop talking so much" "ask them a question" "don't forget this" and then I list my entire shopping list or I sing songs in my head or I repeat lines from a book I'm reading or whatever gets stuck in my head. my mind literally NEVER shuts off. ever!
It sounds like your head is so busy all day!
It would be nice to sing songs in my head!! Do you hear the music?
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luminescencefics · 4 years
absolutely loved the new chapter! awkwardness is my thing and this story is full of it on all sides. can't wait for pizza night! xoxo
Thank you so much! Awkwardness is definitely my thing too, so I’m super glad you resonate with it. Can’t wait for pizza night either! x
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strawberriestyles · 4 years
hello sweetheart! miss you loads! how about #6, 20, 55, and 88. just because! happy holidays! hope your semester went well! xoxoxo
MWAH MWAH MWAH!! I have my last assignments due this coming week and I’m struggling through RIP.
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nightingiall · 4 years
i love the way you write niall. it sounds so authentic, i can just see it all. your new story is wonderful- I'm reading it now on wattpad and it's made me laugh out loud so many times. I'm a sucker for awkwardness, secret pining, and happy endings. xoxo
omg this is so sweet!!!! thank you so much for reading and sending me a message!!! i really appreciate it 💕
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harryknowsme · 4 years
Lmao we had a loooong discussion at work one night about whether pretzels were chips. The consensus was no.. pretzels are not chips they're just their own thing. Kinda like cereal and hot dogs.
Hmmmm...Pretzels are not chips, but I think they are bread.  Wait.  You’re saying that cereal and hot dogs are their own thing?  You’re agreeing with the non-soup and non-sandwich side? 
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So, about having lot's of people in the room while giving birth in the US- I work at a large teaching hospital so there are ALWAYS extra people around observing EVERYTHING. All Drs have residents following them. Nurses have clinical nursing students with them. So, yeah, people everywhere during your personal private moments.
Yeah, that’s a really good point! At the same time, I kind of feel like if you decide to have your birth at a teaching hospital you have an idea ahead of time that it’s a strong possibility that you’ll be asked (I’m assuming you are asked permission) if students can attend your birth and observe. I would think if you weren’t comfortable with students being involved/present that would be respected (at least I hope it would). Plus, people have to learn, and being able to witness actual scenarios with real people is incredibly beneficial. But I definitely see what you’re saying, petal! xx.
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kasiopeiae · 7 years
Really enjoyed your Rings of Saturn story! I haven't found many writers as good as you, honestly, your story was up there with those from looselucy (the absolute queen of storytelling), islareeveswriting, and domestic-styles. If you haven't read their stories, check them out. They are the best of the best in my mind and I've added you to that list. Thank you for sharing! xo
you know........when i got this message, i didn’t really know what to say, tbh. because i’m definitely acquainted with @islareeveswriting and @looselucy works and......to be mentioned in the same sentence as them, let alone to be compared with their storytelling talents is absolutely one of the best compliments i’ve ever received. that is truly amazing, especially since this fic meant so much to me. 
i’m happy to be on your list now, i hope you’ll enjoy the other pieces i have in store. thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts with me.
and i’ll definitely have to check out @domestic-styles‘s work! 
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stylesrecord · 5 years
I'm from Michigan but lived in Dallas for 17 yrs so it's basically home. I'm going to the Houston show with @heart-attack-harry and the other 2 alone. I'm way to short to do pit tickets. Also going to Toronto nite 2 and Detroit. Also REALLY want to do Las Vegas or the last LA show but I have NO idea how to make that work.... cannot wait till summer! Happy Holidays xoxo
ahhh, gotcha! i usually enjoy going to concerts alone, so i should be able to stick it. i’m short as well and i’m hoping i can manage (i’m trying to avoid thinking about it tbh). it sounds like you have a busy summer filled with harry - who doesn’t want that - and i hope you have LOOOOTS of fun!!! maybe things will work out for you to go to those shows, you never know. fingers crossed. happy holidays to you too 💚
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soysauceharry · 6 years
reality-whoneedsit replied to your post “i hope all my followers in the midwest are trying their best to stay...”
Currently a wind chill of -24. Not leaving my bed! At least I don't have work tonight ⛄
oh my GOODNESS wow i literally cannot begin to visualize how cold that is............pls stay safe in bed w lots of warm blankets friend!!!
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ihearthes · 3 years
Houston, 22November2021
I have been blessed to see Harry live multiple times this tour, and Houston was a wonderful night to enjoy and bathe in the small moments.
This man makes me smile so hard. His shows bring such joy into my life. The night started for me when we (my sister, my niece, and I) were walking past the Harries in line for GA. One fan was wearing a yellow shirt that said “This is my banana costume.” It made me grin instantly, and I went to her and sang, “She’s dressed as a banana, she’s dressed as a banana, heeeyyyy.” We both giggled, and she thanked me quite sincerely for noticing. Damn I love Harries.
Managed to meet up with @tobesocourtney and @reality-whoneedsit out front and got my hugs in! I truly adore Harries. Best people on the planet in my humble opinion. They also all seem to give amazing hugs! And finally connecting via a wave with @aggresivelyfriendly from her brilliantly (and maybe too?) close position by Ny added to the fun.
Harry may have just learned the word “edging”, but he’s always known how to edge us, and Houston was no exception. With no opening act, the venue said the show would start at 8:00. By 7:50, it was clear we weren’t yet on the preshow playlist. No way was he going to be on stage at 8:00. Sure enough, it was 8:30 before we heard the opening strains of “Sweet Thang”, and then we were off!
The boy came onto stage smiling and never stopped. He was in a joyous mood, happy as a lark. I’ll forgive him the recycled “burnt tongue” story because we also got Mitch in a white cowboy hat, Harry chatting on the phone without telling us a damn thing, a pregnancy chat, and a yeehaw. What more could a Harrie ask for? Who would have expected him to have us all raise our hands and smack our asses as we said “boop”? He teased some twins (“What’s it like being a twin? ‘Amazing’ they say at the same time.”), caught a sunflower 🌻 during the song named for the bloom, and wore two cowboy hats.
I’m so proud of the entertainer he continues to evolve into. When he said, “Do not let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do with your body. It’s yours,” I was so proud of him for speaking up for what he believes. There was a time when he might not have said anything remotely political (outside of the SeaWorld pronouncement).
Tonight is my final show (“Welcome to the final show”), and I’m so excited for the rest of the world to get to spend time with him as he schedules shows in Europe, South America, Asia, and Australia (soon, my international Harries! Patience is a virtue. Especially since you’ll be the first to hear HS3 live as I’m convinced he’s tired of performing Fine Line). I’ll be spending the show tonight just soaking him in. His smile. His dimple. His dancing. His pure joy. Our boy is happy, and it’s an infectious feeling. May he always be filled with this intoxicated love of what he does. May all Harries get to experience it at least once.
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I saw this book tag thing going around and wanted to do this so here goes:
hardcover or paperback / rent or buy / reads in silence or reads with music / standalone or series / annotations or pristine pages / ebook or physical copy / dog ears or bookmarks / mismatched series or complete set / cover matters or you don’t judge / lend books or keep them to yourself / enjoys lit classes or despises them / browses shops or orders online / reads reviews or goes in blind / unreturned books or clean library record / rereads or once was enough / fanfic enthusiast or a stickler for canon / deep reader or easily distracted / must read the book before seeing the movie or order doesn’t matter / neat bookshelves or messy bookshelves / skips ahead or resists temptation / reads aloud or in your head / guesses plot twists or never sees them coming
Tagging everyone from the bookclub!
@stylishmuser @adoremp3 @calm-and-wine @sunflwrvolume6 @stepdadharry @wildflowercapture @sunflowrcanyon @gloryhalleloujah @floralguccistyles @midnghtcities @tinyfelthat @obsessivecorner @booksncoffee @fineline-hs @reality-whoneedsit @fallingforyou123
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cherryyharryy · 4 years
Books: so know that I read anything and everything- adult, YA, fiction, biographies, history, poetry. I read a lot. I also read multiple books at once. I'm currently reading A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf, some poetry by T.S. Elliot, and The Course of Love by Alain de Botton. I wish it was something i read much earlier in my life bc it's a very accurate description of marriage. I recommend The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang and Tell Me 3 Things by Julie Buxbaum. what about you?
Adding all of these to my goodreads list:)
I prefer literary fiction and poetry, but I’ll at least try other things. And right now I’m reading nothing:/ I read sooo much back in March when quarantine first started, but now I have a stack of books sitting on my nightstand that are all half finished. I usually read multiple books at once too! Gives me options for whatever mood I’m in.
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luminescencefics · 4 years
enjoying yflh so much the awkwardness, the anxiety, the overthinking... totally get it. jackson is adorable. i think when people write kids its a hit or miss. they're not adults so i think it'd be difficult to capture them and you do it beautifully. very excited for the rest of the story! xoxo
Thank you so much! Honestly kids scare me hahaha, so I don’t even know what part of my brain Jackson came from, so I’m glad I didn’t completely butcher it! thank you again for reading and enjoying! x
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strawberriestyles · 4 years
I've been at work my friend! How about a little blurb to update on Blood Moon. Has harry learned his lesson? Is he teaching her some magic? Or have they gotten into more trouble? Idk I really enjoyed that story xo
Now I don’t wanna get anyone’s hopes up bc we ALL KNOW how I am with commitments and time constraints....but......I may have something planned for Halloween this year
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Do you know of the harry fanfiction where he meets an older women who is a writer. She has two daughters and one of them has special needs. Its mainly about harry with a older women.
Sorry, I’ve never read or seen anything like this!
That’s Too Far From Texas by @heart-attack-harry! Thanks @reality-whoneedsit!
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harryknowsme · 5 years
Ok so you know I work in a cardiac icu so we've been seeing corona patients for a couple weeks. Problem is, some patients were diagnosed after they'd been there a while. Now I'm sick. Might just be the flu or annual sinus infection from allergies. But yeah. Scary scary times rn. Not just elderly people with lots of other medical issues. Many in their 40's and 50's. Some in their 20's. So off work for 2 weeks then we'll see what's up. Stay home and stay safe everyone! xoxoxo
😭I didn’t know you working in a cardiac ICU.  My heart and appreciation both go out to you.  I’m crossing my fingers and praying hard that you get well quickly.  This thing is scary beyond belief, and I’m so pissed at those people who ignored the early warnings.  
Yes, I know that there were many who couldn’t skip work, and I understand that.  But the people who chose to ignore the warnings or those who blatantly continue to go out and mix with others without regard to human life....
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Saturday Sleepover
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