#really cares about canon URLs anymore? it used to be such a big deal way back when!
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cannot fucking BELIEVE some little idiot like me was able to get both of these. mash fandom you guys are really dropping the ball here wtf. well this ought to teach you a lesson. someone with a fucking 2012 era superwholock blog has these canon URLs now and there’s nothing you can do about it.
on a completely unrelated note hi guys I know I’ve never changed URLs once in the almost-decade since I first made this blog but what if I did now. would you be mad. 
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universal-kitty · 5 years
.: Drama Involving AJ :.
   Stylized ‘til I die, I guess. Anyways.
   This is talking about phasefuck/huckerbee/teafrogs/whatever their URL is this week. AJ/Lee. The compilation of what’s happened involving them.
   So... Starting at the beginning.
   D was the reason I got into Borderlands. I watched her play TFTBL and gush about Rhys and get more involved and understand the ship she had! Also got my first crush on Zer0, but... Y’know.
   So I did some art, started plotting ideas for who’d eventually be Gremlin- aka Rena Marlow, my SI for BLands- and that led...to us meeting AJ. They wanted me or D to join their server. D preferred because of her self-ship with Rhys, but I could join, too. D was nervous about new, strange people and I wanted to learn more about Borderlands and try new things, so... I hopped in, D stayed behind.
   The time with them was pretty fun! Ended up making some friends, plotted fun ideas for AJ’s idea of the time, Borderlands Infinite. A continuation of Tales as AJ saw it. The server was made PRIMARILY for this endeavor and everyone in it was allowed an OC or self-insert to be paired with whoever they wanted to be with....long as they were open, that is. AJ had HJack, and everyone else... Well, most of the spares had been paired off by the time I joined.
   Rhys was potentially still open, cause someone AJ had previously been talking with...either wasn’t responding, or had dropped out entirely. I forget by this point. Zer0 wasn’t an option and I didn’t know much of the others, so.... I accepted Gremlin to be paired with Rhys.
   Thus the origins of my verse with Rhys. (As well as the OT3 with him and Vaughn... They started here.)
   Tension was pretty high in the group and- though I didn’t acknowledge it at the time- it was primarily from AJ. Nobody else could like Handsome Jack “too much”... You could be playful about him, a little joke-flirty...but if you were suspected to like HJack, then you were “stealing” him from them. Because of this- while the group was friendly enough- it was hard to get into the “share faves” vibe that a lot of us seemed to have; gushing about a character that wasn’t your own just......felt weird.
   Not sure if anyone else noticed, but that was my experience.
   Anyways, I helped AJ with their story a lot due to being online a ton, with no work to do. We talked on the daily about what Rena could do, what Helios was like, how the story would go... The long-term slowburn we were putting Rena and Rhys through. I praised their art and ideas, they cheered for Rena/Rhys. It was pretty mutually supportive....
   ...Until AJ kicked fits. I was always online, so what about everyone else?? When I wasn’t online- sometimes if I was- I’d get put on a pedestal for helping out while others said nothing. (Essentially saying something like “Aki helps out all the time, but nobody else does” or, the popular one, “maybe I should just delete this since nobody cares.” I don’t have screenshots of this for reasons that’ll be explained in a moment.)
   We typically talked them out of these, but eventually... It did happen. AJ messaged me that the old group had been deleted and there was now a new group of only the ACTIVE people. This left me and a few others, thought some other people would eventually cycle in. (One of which still being someone I look up to even today!! Even if we don’t talk much, lol.)
   I got more creative freedom during this time, since other people “lost out” in their spots and... Somehow, this led to me taking on Nisha, too. I paired her with my OCs, Pyrotech and Meowzer. (Ex-Creepypasta OCs revamped for BLands. Is this my origins for my Nisha ship? Kinda!!!)
   But by this point... I had grown to *really* like HJack. I’d made a slip before (more on that later), but learned his character very well and even played him for roleplays AJ and I were doing. AJ played themself and Rhys; I controlled Jack and Rena. All that research led to feelings....and ones I knew AJ wouldn’t approve of. So I did two things, right off the bat: kept my head down and immediately worked on justifying why I liked him. See, it’s because...it’s not the “canon” Handsome Jack!! The one I ship with has golden clasps! So they’re not the same!! And uhhhh....more bad things happened to him? He dresses more lavishly...?
   I kept trying to come up with ways AJ might approve of my AU Jack without invoking their wrath. Not that...it would end up doing much, in the long run.
   I invited one of my friends to join during this. One who also liked HJack...and proved my worries right. (Checked my Discord; I still have some of the messages!!! Whoop, here we go...)
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   Don’t have screencaps of the drama that proceeded to unfold- especially due to AJ blocking me on Discord and so losing all of our conversation- but.... That’s just how THAT is, I guess.
   They did get super cold after and I had to explain things to my friend, while also assuring AJ that I would handle things and it’d be alright. It was an uncomfortable hiccup, but one that went by easily enough...
   Though as I said, it was a significant event to show me how careful I needed to be when it came to HJack and AJ.
   Also during this time... Another friend I’ll just refer to as P. We’d also been roleplaying in this time and having a blast. Absolute joy and- we don’t talk much anymore- but I do still consider them a dear friend. I played as CEO Rhys for them and they were Handsome Jack for me; we played our characters (my SI, their OC) and just... Had so much fun with it all.
   So then... Amidst all the fun, it eventually happened.
   What I described in this callout post.
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   AJ and I...we ended up dating at some point. I thought they were cool, we got along well, talked a LOT and all this... So I didn’t see a problem with it. Why not? I’ll get to have an awesome artist S/O with their cool ship and all their ideas... We’re gonna be unstoppable!
   ...But I also had abandonment issues. Too many times did I pour my all into someone, only to be left empty. I’ve always been the most supportive person in a room, trying to uplift EVERYONE to feel good! Cause yeah, everyone deserves that! AJ knew this. We’d talked about our issues and vented.....
   And they still did that.    They left my server as I slept. Blocked me on Discord, though I didn’t notice it at first.
   ...It was the one day I checked Tumblr first. They left their blog for a new one. Okay!! I’ll follow them on there, then! I did, and checked Discord. That was in the vent channel, and this was sent to me by a mutual friend.
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   So that’s how I woke up that day. Suddenly alone and single. And very, very depressed. I would end up posting these as my friends had to help me down:
“ ……now I wish I would’ve gotten lost after all or kept sleeping ….nothing is work being awake right now”
“ I just don’t want to exist I hate myself all over again I can’t get past that”
“ AJ just…..dropped me. Just like that. I didn’t know and tried to follow her new blog….. Either they just soft-blocked me or outright blocked me
“I feel so fuckin’ horrible”
   At the time, I was horribly depressed due to outside causes. I was suicidal at the time and getting into some light, risky behavior in hopes it could be a factor in the end of my life. (I would walk around at night, hoping that the growing heat would either cause heat exhaustion or someone would attack me. Abduct me. Whatever meant that I would be gone and in pain.)
   I later learned that this is actually learned behavior; my dad would react in extremist ways to things (something broke? “I want to kill myself.”) and so I probably learned it from him. This has actually made managing my suicidal thoughts easier, but at the time, I did not know this and put me more at risk.
   Though this then kept continuing.... Because of course these things do.
   It starts all over with me trying to move on. Someone was advertising their self-ship server, I wanted to try again and make friends... So I gave it a shot and joined!
   ....AJ was in there.
   I quickly left as soon as I had entered, telling the owner I couldn’t stay due to troubles with someone else in there. They were understanding and, thankfully, that was that.
   ...But it STILL wasn’t. These are older messages, so I can’t get them together as much as I’d like to (in one screenshot, is what I’m saying) so I’ll also quote these, but if anyone needs screenshot proof, I can get that on request.
   Anyways, our mutual friend (I’ll nickname her MF for “mutual friend” lol) later piped up with this:
05/19/2018 “So, aj invited me to a group chat and I'm a pushover who hasn't been able to cut them off yet so I said yes and boi I'm big uncomfortable now Like I thought I could maybe juggle being friends with both aj and Rachel even after what aj did but I was wrong.
“But idk what do now. I don't know what to say to them because I don't want to just drop them without saying anything. No doubt that'll get them talking about me behind my back”
“I might try that. I might mute the server so that I don't have to deal with that because i can't stay in it but I don't want to start shit by leaving I mean they are acting like Rachel is in the wrong”
“That they "stole their f/o" and that they are going to take the dragon idea that Rachel had for blands and "make it better" out of spite And I'm not happy”
“Well I just typed up a long message and while I'm glad I'll finally cut out a toxic person I'm also super nervous
“I sent it and left the server
“Wow okay all I got was a "Bye then" I sent a long ass message. Explaining my side and why. Hoping they'd understand and they just said bye then??????”
   As you can see.... Everyone who’d been in that server (me, P, and MF) were on-edge about the “talking behind our back” issue that MF confirmed above. I figured it would happen, but it did...and that was a league all it’s own. (Especially when the callout post went around, and it got confirmed AGAIN that slander in my name was still going around.)
   But one more thing happened that triggered this onslaught... Remember my RP w/ P? Well, this happened.... [TW for daddy kink mention? Calling themself Daddy?? That thing.]
   Link to Ask.
   Was never reblogged. Sent to me by a friend. To my knowledge, nobody spread this around AT ALL. But this was brought up in the same vent/time period as the above conversation.....
MF: Aj said that Rachel stole hj from them.
Me: Me, apparently. It's somewhere between that post and the ask (I think?) P sent me..... Which I loved and was hella surprised over, but. Oh boy.
Fren (aka owner of Karma): My god wtf can she like calm tf down
MF: They actually were mad that people were reblogging a post of yours, probably the kitten thing, that was about hj because it's "gross"
Fren: geeze Aj grow up
Me: ??????? Nobody reblogged it, tho
MF: Hmmmmm they vagued about someone shipping with him, someone they had blocked, that liked the daddy kink and stuff
   I mean. I get it’s a gross thing for people, but.... HJack has also called himself “daddy/papa” on more than one occasion. It’s up for debate if he does it because he is Literal Dad or because he’s that nasty, but... Considering everything else he does, the latter seems the most obvious. That’s just how he is.
   Anyways. The point being that we had each other mutually blocked by this point. I had people either block me, soft-block me, OR just outright unfollow + soft-block me because they were more trusting of AJ than of me. So to hear that they somehow knew P was sending me that ask...... Either someone TOLD them or they were stalking my blog to see what I was doing while they were gone.
   Either way, not great. (What was pretty funny is I later made a joke about “stealing the rights to Handsome Jack from 2k so nobody else can do anything with him” and that “I’m a wanted man”... That’s nice.)
   And so... We get to more recently.
   Last I personally heard, I had to do some personal checking that led up to this... Saw leeships in self insert tag. New self-ship blog, so I blocked, as well as checking their blocked main to make sure everything lined up....and was greeted with this.
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   They’ve since changed their URL- again- but the fact they’re STILL being petty towards D is just....something else.
   Speaking of, I’m not actually...sure where that started. There was a whole conversation we had over how AJ treated D out of sight of others (they talked over IMs, I guess because we were budding friends at the time, and what else do I do but hype up all my friends?) There was a lot of attention-seeking behavior from AJ (showing their art and then getting mad when D or Fren tried to compliment them for “lying” about the compliment...?), but far as I knew/remember, there wasn’t any bigger issue.
   ...After we broke up, however, an issue began as D and I became better friends. Friends stick with friends, D knew AJ, so when the blocking-bug was going around, D blocked them, too.
   Which eventually snowballed into the bullshit you can still see today. With AJ trying to claim that D is the one dealing out harassment when- at worst- maybe D did talk too much and AJ didn’t deal with it in a healthy way. (Because that is an issue I’ve heard of; except AJ freaked out over it, instead of talking it out like a healthy adult and figuring out how they could balance out the conversation. Seriously. I’ve had this talk with D. We don’t dominate our conversations at all; nobody over the other. If there ever was a problem, then literally just saying “Hey, I don’t feel heard/listened to when I talk about my ship” was all AJ ever needed to say, but....... Y’KNOW.)
   I’m not D, so I can’t say the full scenario of that, but this is the best way I can show there was a middle ground AJ could’ve used to work things out, but they didn’t.
   Oh, and just so I’m not saying things if you haven’t already seen this... Here’s a screenshot someone (for privacy’s sake) got of AJ trying to pin the blame on D for being the “real harasser” in their BYF:
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   We all just wanted to get over this. However, D and I especially don’t want to get involved with or be AROUND AJ/Lee in any way. So we keep an eye on what they do so we can feel safe. We DON’T want to forgive AJ/Lee (for obvious reasons), so we keep blocking their accounts and/or make sure they’re still on our blocklist.
   I know I’ve resorted to putting their URLs on BLACKLIST to make sure I don’t see them at ALL because of how much stress they put me under just seeing them around.
   What the hell do THEY have to be stressed about? Dealing with people they hurt for BEING hurt and not wanting them around us anymore?? Fuck....
    Anyways. I guess that about concludes all I wanted to write about. Friendly reminder that their old callout post is here and while I doubt a new one will crop up any time soon (as I sure don’t want to write one that’ll get around, after the last time I had a friend try to help me do a callout post on someone like this), you can at least look up that one more time after reading this.
   So...... That’s the end. Thanks for reading this and I’m sorry if anything was upsetting.
   ...If you want, you can come to the ask box and ask for a gif of your F/O? Or a cute puppy or kitten? Maybe I can find some nice fanart for you as comfort...? IDK, options.
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gyeheoni · 3 years
tag game - the interview
tagged by: @kpoppinandlockin (thank you savvy ;-;/ hope you’re doing well and taking care lovely <3) 
1. Why did you choose your url?
... i unfortunately looked up the lyrics to get away by verivery at 4am in the morning when i was fragile™ and fell down a hole i was not emotionally prepared to ... and then decided to make my whole personality online about it :D idk get away is neat and my url is canon 
2. Any side blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them?
this is technically a sideblog ... it used to be where i dumped my multi group rbs but then it became an x1 blog, and when x1 d*sbanded it went back to multi and then dormant until now... 
i also have @haknew my tbz blog ^^ and what i consider my “main” blog now just bc i’m most active there... and then @sunnhoon for enhypen ! my main @hearttoshu is for seventeen but i don’t use it all that much anymore >.< i also have some inactive sides that i won’t list tho lmao
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
hmm i was on tungle before i was a kp*ppie but idr how long ago that was so i think i made my main blog maybe 4 or 5 years ago ? 
4. Do you have a queue tag?
yes ^^ i like switching my queue tags around after a bit but rn it’s “invitation just for queue” and it’s LITERALLY just a response to gyehyeon’s first verse line in get away where he says “invitation just for me” but i made a pun and it went from “invitation just for you” to “queue” bc i’m embarrassing 
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i started out on tungle in the first place just bc i wanted to talk to more carats ;;;; since no one i knew at the time followed seventeen and then when i turned my main into just svt i made this blog for other groups >.< 
6. Why did you choose your icon / pfp?
LISTEN DONGHEON IS KINDA CUTE idk man i have no idea who that dude is ... also i’m a sprout and so i edited a sproutling onto his head bc I’M EMBARRASSING 
7. Why did you choose your header?
it’s ... from... the get away ... mv.... it’s sparkly ..... heoni is standing in the middle ;((( i don’t like these questions why do i feel like i’m bein attacked-
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
it’s this gifset i made of poetic beauty jaehyun and it has 1.6K + notes bc jaehyun. if you mean more recently it’s this oneus set i made bc i think keonhee is cute T-T and then my first ever vrvr set of heon ending fairy has the most notes for my vrvr posts >.< it doesn’t even have 100 notes yet tho haha 
9. How many mutuals do you have?
hhh a lot ;-; which is wild since i’m actually super antisocial ;;;; on this blog specifically it’s probably only a handful >.< and i feel bad that they have to deal with me bc i don’t shut up here DLKJKF
10. How many followers do you have?
hmm on main i have 5, on haknew it’s like 2, here it’s like 0.4 and on sunnhoon it’s about 0.03 followers U.U (exactly !) 
11. How many people do you follow?
283 ! 
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
usually only on here ;;;; or idk if you count tag ramblings i act very neurotic all the time on this blog it’s unfortunate ... i feel sorry for everyone who follows me here hhhhh
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day?
very ? a couple months ago i spent way more time on twt but with k*ngdom i came crawling back to tungle for my mental health ... and then tungle made my mental health EVEN worse somehow so yeaaaa love this site so much <3 
14. Did you have a fight / argument with another blog once? Who won?
not really ? unless you count deobiblr collectively attacking me so i’d admit to biasing kevin moon .... 
15. How do you feel about ‘you need to compare this’ posts?
what posts are those ...? >.< 
16. Do you like tag games?
yea actually ! i really love doing them and reading what my moots have to say ! and i love doing them too but ;;;; idk i usually get tagged in a lot on all my blogs but i always feel bad about spamming personal posts T-T even on here i feel kinda bad about it bc i’m sure a lot of people don’t want to see it so i never get around to doing all of them and people stop tagging me LOL also i’m always scared to tag people just bc i don’t want to be annoying and that stops me from doing them too ;;;; 
17. Do you like ask games?
yea aabsolutely ! i really love rambling LMAO idk if you can tell but again it clogs my blogs and then i feel bad about it even if i wanted to do it ;;;; or i get scared no one will want to send me anything haha ....
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
a lot of them ? i consider a lot of my moots “big blogs” in their respective fandoms like my enha blog is only like 6 days old but some “big” engene ccs follow me it’s pretty funny ... 
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
yes of course all of them i would give them kithes (virtual ones and only if they were okay with it u.u) but on a more serious note ... i have like ?? friend or cc crushes... blogs who i think are neat or i like their tags / content and would love to be friends with but .... i’m too scared to talk to LOL 
idk who to tag bc again this blog is tinie >.< but thanks again for the tag savvy <3 ! sorry i’m so bad at maintaining a convo i swear i’m kinda just bad at talking to people T-T so if anyone sees this and wants to do it ! go ahead and say i tagged you ^^ i’d be happy to see it haha
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