#really need to focus on wg content at times but i just live writing the other stuff too ajdnsns
pangtasias-atelier · 5 years
On the spirit of Valentine's Event, something I kinda of want is small drabble of either (or both) of local Proud Kings Caster!Gilgamesh and Ozymandias receiving some large chocolate offering from their Master, and while they initially eat it up with their normal attitudes, they slowly grow addicted and fatter with it, discovering that their chocolate offerings regenerate themselves with some magecrat
This was a really fun one!!!! Fun fact, (not really lol) during last Chaldea Boys, I really tried for Ozymandias but failed with 60 summons and the only good thing I got was CasGil who I was mad about but soon grew to love ajdnsns. But now Ozymandias is in my Chaldea at 7/10/8 and I'm happy. Fuck pages tho, Merlin and Ozy are bleeding me dry of them
Hope you like this even tho I kinda deviated a bit and the fat content feels a bit secondary? Don't know how this became 2k words tho lol (it's cause I love banter and both are good for it)
Obnoxious haughty laughter ringing through Chaldea's halls, Ozymandias gloats as he approaches his master.
"Wonderful! Your offering may be meager for one as great as I, but I treat all of my loyal subjects with fairness," Ritsuka having prepared a cart of handmade chocolate for Ozymandias, he stands patiently.
"Ah, mongrel," The caster form of Gilgamesh rounding out the corner, his normal disapproving frown is instead replaced with the smallest of grins. "You have learned from your error last year, such a simple fix normally would be undeserving, but for someone of your standing, it is commendable,"
Gilgamesh and Ozymandias catching each other's glance, they stare at each other.
"You both deserved chocolate so-" Their master ends up interrupted, both kings ignoring them.
"Who received their chocolate first?" Both ask, staring at their master.
"As a kind yet almighty pharaoh, I believe the decision to deliver my chocolates first was clearer than the floor in my pyramids,"
"Hmph, I'm the greatest servant, regardless of this caster form I may take. I would have received them first,"
Their master shuffles under their gazes, not making eye contact.
"Answer," Both demand, their arms crossed over their chest.
"I had Da Vinci deliver both of your Valentine's gifts at the same time. I made sure to offer no instructions of who should receive their chocolate first," Having already expected a childish temper tantrum from both Ozymandias and Gilgamesh, they had decided to take an impartial as possible route. Hanging his head, Ritsuka shifts uncomfortably as the hallway remains silent. Both pairs of eyes staring intently at him, he remains quiet, waiting for either of them to speak up.
Ozymandias letting out a small chuckle, Gilgamesh follows his example. The hallway soon becoming enveloped with their raucous haughty laughter, Ritsuka lifts his head, nervously glancing between the two. He stands at attention as Gilgamesh and Ozymandias turn their attention to him, Ritsuka's eyes wide.
"Very well! You have learned well in dealing with almighty servants such as us," Holding a hand to his chin, Ozymandias introspects, humming to himself.
"Your gift is still paltry in compassion to Uruk's great treasury, but I will allow it," Gilgamesh taps his fingers across his thigh, pondering as well.
Ritsuka cocks his head to the side, unsure of what to do. Leaving probably his best option, to do so would only incur both Kings' childish wrath.
"As one of my loyal subjects, I shall gift you with my presence! A gift exceeding all others, the task of basking in my glory and attending me equal to nothing else," Ozymandias proclaims, his cape swishing as he bangs his crook.
"As a proper reward for your achievement, you have the honor of presiding by me and attending me. As my lesser of course," Gilgamesh states, grinning as he hold his hand to his chin.
Both giving their return gifts at the same time, neither hear the other, both laughing at their charitable nature.
Both of their gifts entirely selfish as fitting their self-absorbed nature, Ritsuka bites his tongue. Honestly appreciative of spending more time with them, he still feels skimped out on. His glum face shifts as Gilgamesh and Ozymandias suddenly stare at each other, both now comprehending what the other said.
"Surely even a mongrel can understand the nature of my importance, though I may have been shot by Tiamat, without me graciously welcoming you in Babylonia, your time would have been destroyed," Gilgamesh gloats, standing proud.
"And I dared in giving you my assistance in dealing with that pesky Lion King in Camelot, her radiance no match for my own. Had I not intervened to aid you, you would have been stopped even before reaching Babylonia," Ozymandias retorts.
Both stand tall, glaring at each other as they bicker back and forth in describing their own greatness. Ritsuka stands to the side, his own leg twitching as he ponders on just leaving and running away. Their argument growing louder, Ritsuka's purses his lips before huffing.
"Enough!" Ritsuka promptly grabs and latches onto both of their hands in their confusion, both staring angrily at him. "I will attend to you both at the same time, no buts," His command seal glowing, the threat hangs in the air, Ritsuka's chest huffing.
He groans as both of them snap at him for daring to touch them without permission. Taking a step, they follow behind him as he drags them. A second step taken, he yelps as Gilgamesh and Ozymandias lead the way, both of them quickly walking through Chaldea's halls.
Ritsuka forced to follow, his plan at taking charge falls through, Gilgamesh and Ozymandias opening his room and making themselves at home. All the while criticising his minimalistic furnishing and decorations, they command him, telling him to bring them their chocolate offerings.
Taking his sweet time, Ritsuka wheels both carts to his room before opening the door, unwilling to deal with another playing favorites scenario. Upon opening it, he mentally sighs as he sees most of his room crushed and destroyed, a massive lavish bed overtaking and replacing most of the space.
"Now, show us your offerings," Both state, grinning as they recline in the bed. Both of them on one side, the middle is left barren, a spot obviously made for Ritsuka.
Suddenly fumbling, he reaches for two chocolate bars. Mouth dry, he climbs into the bed, making his way towards them. Both retaining their grins, Ritsuka blushes, unwrapping both chocolates. Ritsuka sits on his knees in between both of them. Taking a deep breath, he breaks off a portion from both.
Both Gilgamesh and Ozymandias waiting expectantly, they open their mouths. Ritsuka slowly bringing both hands to feed them at the same time, he cowers as they accept the morsel, suddenly aware of their critical nature.
"Sweet yet bitter. Acceptable, mongrel" Gilgamesh compliments, keeping his grin up.
"Your offering as my mage pleases my divine palette," Ozymandias replies.
Both huffing, Ritsuka catches the way they attempt to hide their small huff, their tongues licking their lips.
"You have exceeded our expectations," Both utter, their eyes plastered on the rest of the chocolate. "You may continue," Leaning back into the plush soft bed, they greedily open their mouths as Ritsuka begins to unwrap and feed them more.
Expecting their 'kind' gift to last only a day, Ritsuka finds himself displeased yet content as Ozymandias and Gilgamesh demand more of his time, both claiming it only fair and showing their kindness.
Nutrition and food unnecessary for servants, Ritsuka soon has to take both of them off of the team for noticeable and growing reasons.
Binging on nothing but chocolate, the expectation of a limited quantity was met with surprise from the both of them upon finding about Ritsuka making the chocolate magically replenish, a trick he had learned from Semiramis in return for keeping silent upon learning about her reason for researching and producing chocolate.
By the time the two had found out about such a thing, their trim fit figures had already been replaced with a sliver of pudge, their growing bellies hanging and squishing down. Their pecs had budded into little moobs, the bit of flab noticeable. Their smug faces had been rounder and softer, their haughtiness not diminished in any way.
That had only been the first time the more chocolate had regenerated, a time that felt like eons ago to Ritsuka, his time occupied with pleasing and feeding two kings. Growing more desperate and hungering for said chocolate, the intervals between devouring their offerings was growing smaller and smaller.
Soon, the small sliver of pudge became a noticeable pile of fat, becoming a gut and further. Despite it, both were demanding, craving and wanting more and more chocolate, Ritsuka at the end of their commands. Despite loading their muscled definition, both instead took to their weights, aware of Ritsuka's gazes and stares.
Gilgamesh took often to purposefully huffing and rubbing his gut, demanding Ritsuka to do it for him. Ozymandias would instead rub his moobs, complaining about some non-existent ache. Both would often pin him against the wall or against each other, Ritsuka powerless to do anything. Ritsuka happy to indulge in their wants, their figured only continued to expand, their fatty forms losing more and more definition as they began to stay more often in Ritsuka's room.
Currently standing in front of his room, or what was once his room, the living space commandeered by two greedy fat kings, Ritsuka sighs before knocking.
"You may enter," Two wheezy voices respond. Ritsuka's annoyance washes away as he blushes, still unused to such a sight despite living with it everyday.
Opening the door, the two main occupants remain in their typical spot, taking up most of the immense lavish bed. The expansive spot once reserved for Ritsuka is instead taken up by their mammoth guts, Ritsuka squeezed in-between the two.
"Mongrel, even my patience has its limits," Gilgamesh complains, his stomach growling. A chain reaction, Ozymandias's stomach growls as well, their bodies sloshing to and fro.
"Ah mage, you have returned just in time to-" Ozymandias lets out a huff, attempting to readjust himself.
Already unwrapping the chocolate as their incessant whines pick up, Ritsuka's eyes never leave their massive bodies.
Both lying down, their massive doughy guts rise high into the air, they faces blocked with such a mountainous beast in the way. Their guts sagging down, it spreads across the bed as it squishes all in its path, the other's gut the only thing stopping the encroachment. Ozymandias more top heavy, his gut rises higher, Gilgamesh's pushed back by Ozymandias' stomach. It spreads out further, more of his gelatin like thighs covered. Gilgamesh more bottom heavy, his thighs are far more dimpled and roly poly than Ozymandias's, both of his legs squishing and pressing against each other down to his knees despite his legs spread wide. Gilgamesh's titanic ass covered under his massive weight, the mass of it still pool out from under him, the definitionless ass pushing him up. Both of their entire bodies lacking much definition, if any, their feet appear sunken into their gigantic calves.
Ritsuka unwrapping the chocolate, he carries it in a massive tray, delicately carrying it in his hands as he squeezes his way onto the bed in-between them. Jammed in-between both of them, Ritsuka takes his time in being careful, unwilling to receive another earful from stepping on either of their rolling hills of fat. Huffing, the friction and pushback great, Ritsuka sighs as he reaches past their guts.
Finally face to face, Ozymandias' and Gilgamesh's necks are a pool of rolls, the sagging spare tire for a neck spreading out. Their breasts fall back into their face, Ritsuka having to move them out of the way for the.. Their jowls jutting out and sagging, they dig into their pillow.
Both of them spotting Ritsuka, they groan as it signifies chocolate.
"Hurry up mongrel," Gilgamesh huffs, opening his mouth.
"Your pharaoh demands sustenance," Ozymandias whines, his tongue lolling out.
Ritsuka smiles as he reaches for the chocolate. Ready to feed them, he pauses.
They both glare at him, their eyes squishing against the fat on their cheeks.
"Say please," Ritsuka demands, placing the chocolate by their lips but not going further.
"A king needn't ask permission from a mongrel," Gilgamesh retorts, huffing as he tries to reach for the chocolate, unable to.
"I concede, my mage," Ozymandias groans out. "May you begin?" He sighs as Ritsuka offer him his chocolate, fondling over him and rubbing his gut as he hands him even more chocolate.
"Of course. Anything for my pharaoh," Ritsuka coos, pinching Ozymandias' nipples.
Gilgamesh watching from the side, he grinds his teeth. "Fine! Hand over the chocolate mongrel, please,"
"Good enough," Turning back, Ritsuka reaches down into the basket, handing a piece of chocolate to Gilgamesh.
The taste dancing on his tongue, he huffs as he only craves yet more. Ozymandias is in the same state, his breaths coming out staggered.
"Now, who are good obedient kings? You two should be happy that a master as great as me is offering all their time to feed such hungry servants such as yourselves" Ritsuka jokes as he rubs both of their heads. Both of them unwilling to retort with the threat of less chocolate, Ritsuka is happy to finally be in charge of both of the proud kings.
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evscabuwazi · 4 years
It’s called Butterfly paint. You draw it with your cursor and then it starts moving around. A really cool and “useless” web aplication- just for your own amusement, still it needs some creativity and focus. Thank for this, dearest Martina! Try it out. :) Buy the way, talking about Martina...this is her with Carla. The Latin sisters by coincidence dressed up very similar, but you might already noticed that. I think I took this at one of my last visits to my dearest friends from the “Morustrasse department”  before I started taking seriously the quarantine.
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About Solidarity, I reminded myself, after our coordinators also reminded us several times, it’s time to do act somehow in this way. So, I took my pencils and made this table below. The idea of doing this was shared with us previously.  Then I had an interesting inside story, I want to share with you: No one filled it out since two days, BUT the day after I put it out in the hallway of my house, an older woman I know from long time ago contacted me from Budapest- if I could help her buying some groceries. :) Can you sense? After talking to her and seeing my sign again, I had a moment of lucidity when I understood the humor of the universe- I announced my offering of help in Berlin, and I got a request, as a response to it from Budapest. I think it’s like karma- something you do to someone won’t come back from the same person, but it will from another one. In my case I think the same mechanism worked, trough different spaces. Eventually I managed to help her even from far, giving her the information about where she can get help in her environment. I was really amused by this process. 
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Anyway. Just another fun fact. I bought one normal sized cabbage, and this is how many kind of food we prepared from it:  There is still left in the fridge and also in the freezer, we just couldn’t handle it...
So, if you want to buy a cabbage, think for a week or try to live in a bigger WG then me.
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And the last but not least thing I want to share is my answer to this: 
We got it as homework to answer the question of this text: What world do you want to build for yourself? I will answer it even if I am a bit skeptic about the validity of the source- it doasn’t really matter, since the content is positive.
My answer to this is, that I would like to build a world that I am building already: one with strong attention to myselv and to the people around me, where I can live in my own rhythm, planing from one day to another with short term but important goals- which make me and the community I live in stronger and more beautiful, wiser and more fun...using my time to things I value most, like connecting with people who I love...trying to give, to pass something useful or joyful for people who need it and being creative about that, since my tools are different now from the ones I had one month ago...developing myself in order to be more positive- to strengh my immunity and to have power for solidarity...to make movement every day, to ask my body and discover what it needs and to give it...to grow plants, to cook, to meditate, to do mindfullnes and therapy more deeper then before, since I don’t need to rush anywhere...to look around me and to look inside of me, to enjoy and respect nature, to think, to read, to draw, to write, to do pictures, to dance, to learn, to share... and the list is progressively forming itself in the future. 
How are you REbuilding the world?
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phantoms-lair · 7 years
I wish you would write a fic where Shaggy didn't win the race in RW and has to stay a werewolf forever - but he goes back to work at Grimwood's w/ Scoob & Scrappy, and tries to make the best of it by working w/ the community to help out in cases of more antagonistic monsters (like Revolta, Krudsky, etc) in secret. Then he's called in to help out with a case on Moonscar Island - and has to hide his presence from the gang, who are also investigating. Could branch out into WG, AI, etc.
There was a song about having friends in ‘low places’. Well Shaggy had certainly had friends in strange ones. Debts were important in the world of magic, even ones he didn’t think he was owned. But saving the girls, giving the Boo Brothers a home, had earned him enough help, enough allies that freed him and the others from the mad vampire’s control.
But he was still bound by the terms of his own bet. He hadn’t won the race, and no matter how much cheating had been levels against him, his wager was lost. He would be a werewolf forever.
(more under cut, this got long)
Had had to give up a lot, but the worst, by far, was Scooby. Not that his oldest friend wanted to go, but Shaggy knew Scooby would never be happy living in a world of monsters. Scooby would wake up back in Coolsville, remembering only that Shaggy had been kidnapped.
He’d stayed with the Boo Brother for a bit till he got his feet back underneath him.  He later moved into the Scrawggins’ old place (Apparently the real Shierriff Buzby wasn’t too pleased when he’d learned how close Billy Bob came to shooting both Shaggy himself and TJ, The Scrawggins were ‘strongly encouraged’ to leave town.)
Most monsters, he learned, weren’t overly fond of humans and didn’t understand his being upset with his new situation. The two he found himself resonating most with were ghosts and his fellow werewolves. Ghosts understood the longing to be human again, and while werewolves didn’t, they at least understood the pain of being separated from his loved ones.
It was years later when he was approached by a swamp monster of all things. The monster lived in the bayou near New Orleans and was sure something was wrong. (And with how slow Plant monsters tended to be coming to conclusions, it had been going on for a good long while) Whatever it was was only targeting humans, so he didn’t think most monsters would help. In addition Shaggy used to belong to a group of Mystery Solvers.
Shaggy wasn’t one to run into a mystery, but he also wasn’t one for letting people get hurt if he could help it. One assumed name later and he was hired on MoonScar island as a field hand. Thankfully his extensive knowledge of food extended to growing it. He was sure the swamp monster was right. Underneath the overwhelming scent of cats and peppers there was the smell of death and something...dark.
It was the day of the harvest moon and Shaggy knew something would have to give. Today whatever had been happening would happen and it it didn’t happen before nightfall, he’d transform and everything would get more complicated.
Still it seemed like any other day. Simone kept to herself. Lena went about her chores. Beau just kept his nose to his work, digging his holes and placing flowers. It wasn’t until Lena came back form the market with a familiar van in tow that Shaggy felt himself lock up.
Why were they here?!  Of course, there was a mystery. He was torn between wanting to run to them, or just run away. He missed them terribly and he wanted to hug all of them and not let go. But the thought of telling them what he had become froze him in terror.
But running away wasn’t an option. Whatever had been targeting people was here and now the gang was in it’s path. At least they hadn’t recognized him from afar. The straw had he was wearing to protect him from the sun covered most of his face, and the rest was hidden behind a thick beard (the one benefit of being a werewolf as far as he was concerned)
He tried to focus on the peppers when he heard Velma’s voice suddenly asking “And what about him?”
“Oh Sammy, he’s a drifter looking for work Lena picked up.” Simone answered, using Shaggy’s fake name. “He doesn’t speak much. In fact, I don’t know if he can.”
Velma shot him a look across the yard and Shaggy felt his stomach curdle. It was the look she had when deciding someone was a suspect. Aimed at him. He wanted to cry but held it in, fighting the urge to run even more as Velma came up to him. 
“Sammy right?”
He couldn’t answer. She’d recognize his voice and then she’d know, so he merely nodded.
“How long have you been working with Miss Lenoir?”
He held up two fingers.
“Two years?” He indicated less.
“Two months?” An confirming nod.
 “Have you heard anything about the so called haunting of Morgan Moonscar?” This got a shrug. Shaggy had heard some of the stores, but hadn’t seen anything like a haunting while he was here.
Velma studied him a moment, as if weighing his answers. He heard Scooby give out a small whine behind her. Of course Scooby would be the closest to recognizing him. But he looked and smelled different enough from what he used to. He’d be familiar, but not Shaggy.
“Do you believe the island is haunted?”
Shaggy hesitated this time, but ended in another shrug. He honestly didn’t know if the ghosts had anything to do with what was happening, but he didn’t know they didn’t either.
“Can you talk?”
Another vigorous negative. It wasn’t that he was physically unable to, but to her, to any of them? No he couldn’t.
And she walked away Shaggy chanced a glance towards her, towards them. Velma had changed the least. She was definitely taller and walked with a lot more confidence though. Daphne was as lovely as ever, though her style had defined shifted from Fashionable cute to Fashionable mature, but where Velma had been more confidant, Daphne had somehow become more bubbly and enthusiastic. Fred’s shoulder’s had squared more and Shaggy could see his arm muscles were more defined, he could also guess the large camera he was holding was partly to blame. He also seemed to have mellowed out a bit, more content to let Daphne take the lead.
It was Scooby that broke his heart though. He stuck close to the group, switching between the three other members, but always being next to one of them. Not even the cats seemed to draw his attention away.
He’d hoped that Scooby would be able to get over losing him. After all, he’d still have the rest of the gang and his family. But he could still see the pain in his expression, his stance.
Shaggy did the only thing he could do to keep from moving towards his old friend. He went in the opposite direction. Forcing himself to take each step until he was in the trees where he could safely break down.
“What do you think?” Daphne asked.
“I think we need to figure out the person behind it pulled it off. That will tell us a lot.” Velma was in deep thought. “Beau’s actions were strange. And Sammy certainly seems suspicious.”
“I...I don’t think he’s involved.” Fred shuffled nervously.
“A drifter without even a last name, doesn’t talk, and has no known history?” What about that isn’t suspicious?”
“I thought so to. After you talked to him, I saw him leave the field, so I followed him. He-” Fred looked even more uncomfortable. “He was crying.”
“Crying, why?” Daphne gave Fred her full attention.
“I didn’t exactly ask, Daph. If a guy goes off alone to cry, he usually doesn’t want anyone to know he’s there. But maybe he’s here for the same reason we are.”
“The ghost of Morgan Moonscar?” Velma raised an eyebrow.
“No, well, not exactly. But part of the case is a bunch of people who disappeared, right? Maybe one was someone he knew.” Fred theorized.
“It’s a stretch, but not completely outside the realm of possibility.” Velma allowed. If she was right and the goal of whoever was behind this was the theft of Morgan Moonscar’s treasure, an emotional reaction like crying wouldn’t fit in. “What do you think Scooby?”
“Ri riss Raggy.” the great dane choked out
The wave of grief hit them all like a slap in the face.
“Ri reep rinking re’s rhere, rut rhe’s not.” Scooby was shaking slightly. “Ri rant Raggy back.”
“We all do Scooby,” Velma leaned down and hugged him.
“Why don’t we take a break after this case?” Daphne suggested. It had been a long shot, but she'd hoped that in solving cases like they used to and airing it on TV maybe, just maybe, Shaggy would see it wherever he was and come back to them.
They didn’t talk about how long the odds were that Shaggy was even still alive, or if he was that he’d have access to a TV or the ability to come home if he hadn’t already. It was all they could think of when it seemed everyone else had already given up.
But if going back to the old days was hurting Scooby, maybe it was time to pull the plug.
This was going to be it. Mystery Incorporated’s last case.
But they’d see it through to the end. There was only one case they’d never solved and they weren’t giving up on that either.
There was a time when Shaggy would have fled from the sight on a bunch of ghosts becoming zombies. And he was still more than ready to do so in a moment’s notice. But living with monsters, as one, gave him at least the courage to try and talk to them. He didn’t realize how much he hadn’t been talking till his voice came out raspy and hoarse.
The zombies, it turned out, couldn’t really vocalize, but they understood well enough and could at least make gestures to get their point across to answer his questions. Yes, they were the missing people. No, they hadn’t hurt anyone. Yes, there was something evil here. His final question ‘Were the people brought to the island in danger?’ got an enthusiastic yes. At which point Shaggy no longer cared about hiding who he was. He had to warn the others.
And oh-too familiar scream had him running towards the docks as the sun began to slip beneath the horizon
“Those were zombies. Real zombies!” Daphne gasped as they ran from where they had been looking for clues.
“I noticed!” Velma was right behind her. Fred was leading them while Beau brought up the rear, Scooby in the middle. They had tried to get back to the manor, but the path was blocked by the living dead.
“We’re back at the docks and I don’t believe it, It’s Jacques!” Fred pointed straight ahead to where the ferryman was just visible heading towards the island.
“I thought Lena said the ferry didn’t run at night,” Velma remembered.
“Who cares, Jacques, over here!” Daphne waved him down.
“Now whatch’all doing down here and not enjoin Lena’s fine cookin’?”
“Zombies, Jacques. The plantation is full of them.” Fred said grimly. “We couldn’t get back to Lena and Simone.”
“That a fact?” Jacques lifted his hat. “Dey gettin started mighty early this year.”
“This-This has happened before?” Beau stepped forward angrily. “And you knew?”
“Course we knew. We da reason dat dey’re here.” Jacques grinned and his face seemed to split apart as his features warped and twisted. Daphne screamed as they turned to run, but they didn’t get far as the creature Jacques had become grabbed Fred.
Scooby turned, ready to put his fear aside if it meant saving one of his remaining friends. But he was beaten to the punch by a blur that shot out of the wooded area and landed on Jacques.
“Freddy run!” Shaggy shouted, even as his wolf side manifested.
Scooby froze but Velma picked him up and ran now that Fred was free.
“Sammy knew my name. How did he know my name?” Fred gasped. The place where Jacques grabbed him seemed to burn.
“I don’t know, but did you see, he was turning into one of those things too!” Daphne gasped.
“Ro,” Scooby seemed to wake up and twisted out of Velma’s grip. He turned around and began running towards where the fight had been.
“Scooby, where are you going?” Daphne cried, but Scooby didn’t listen to her. For the first time he separated from them, beelining back to the voice that was so achingly familiar it could only belong to one person.
Shaggy slumped against one of the many trees, sliding down into the damp ground next to the swamp, letting the moon fall off his face.  Whatever the heck Jacques was, his claws hurt. It felt almost like his very life had been drained from the wounds. Thankfully the moonlight boosted him too, the injuries would be healed soon. Still if it weren’t for the zombies coming to his aid, he very well could have been dead.
He needed to recover enough to find the others and keep them safe. He didn’t know how, he hadn’t been able to handle one of whatever Jacques was and the zombies had confirmed Lena and Simone were the same.
Not to mention getting the others to trust him now that they’d seen what he really was.
He heard the rustle of something approaching. It was too fast for a zombie, but too light for a cat monster. He swore if it was Snakebite and that hunting pig of his…
Scooby burst through, the others right behind. They recoiled at the sight of what was clearly a werewolf bathed in moonlight, but Scooby pressed forward, ending up dragging Fred along when he grabbed his collar.
He walked right up to the werewolf until he was practically nose to nose with him. Scooby looked into the achingly familiar eyes and he knew. “Raggy?”
Whatever resolve Shaggy had shattered in that moment. “Scooby Doo!” he cried, wrapping his arms around his oldest friends neck and began sobbing.
He jumped slightly when he felt Fred’s hand on his head. “Shag...what happened to you?”
“Like, stupid vampire wanted to play Pokemon with real monsters. Collect them all, you know.” Shaggy shrugged, not knowing what to say. “He made me into his pet werewolf.”
“Pet!” Daphne’s voice raised to a near screech.
“Shh!” Shaggy didn’t know where the cat monsters were, but he didn’t want them to find them.
“Okay, this is just a little too much. You guys know Sammy, he can in fact talk, and he’s a werewolf? What’s going on?” Beau demanded.
“Sammy, it seems, is really our friend Shaggy, who was kidnapped about six years ago.” Velma explained.”And I’m guessing the not talking is because he didn’t want us recognizing his voice. At least since we’ve been here.”
Shaggy nodded. “There’s another monster that lives in the swamp. He knew something bad was happening here, but he didn’t know what. He asked me to look into it.”
“Why you? And how long have you known about what’s going on?” Beau continued his questioning.
“I live in Louisiana too, and I can fit in with humans, at least for a little while. As for the rest, I, like, kinda found out about the same time you did. I talked to the zombies and was able to get that Simone, Lena, and Jacques were behind the disappearances, that the zombies were the victims, and, like, you were in danger when I heard you scream. Also, whatever they are, I think their claws are cursed.”
“You live in… Shaggy you’ve been right here the entire time?“ Anger began to creep into Daphne’s tone. “Do you have any idea what it was like losing you? For us, for your family?”
“I know, I lost you guys too!” Shaggy snapped, then buried his head in his paws. “But bad things happen when the monster world and the human one mix. Things like this place. I was...it’s better for you if you just forget about me.”
“Nuts to that!” Velma stomped over. “You listen to me, Shaggy Rogers. We are all going to get off this island alive. You are coming with us back to Coolsville. And you are going to apologize to you parents and your sister for not coming straight home the minute you could. Do I make myself clear?”
“Y-Yes Ma’am.” Shaggy stuttered.
“Let’s focus more on the ‘get off this island alive part’.” Beau looked around. “We should probably keep moving.” He couldn’t say he was comfortable with a werewolf being with them. But even more than the kid’s faith was the fact that he could still see the injuries from when Sammy had protected his friend. “Can you think of anything that can help us?”
“Sorry, I, like, really don’t understand what was going on myself. It might help if I could really talk to the zombies, but this kind of thing doesn’t happen anymore.”
“Anymore?” Beau narrowed his eyes.
“Like, the stories come from somewhere. But it wasn’t good for either side. Monsters weren’t the only ones doing the hunting. Like, if people didn’t disappear in the bayou all the time, this would have been noticed earlier and taken care of. And, like, not by me. I’m with the get out of here option.”
“You’re not going anywhere.” Simone, or what had been Simone, stalked out of the brush, Lena and Jacques behind her.
Shaggy growled, his fur puffed up. Lena hissed back. The zombies did their best to swarm the monsters, but were easily thrown away.
“Why are you doing this?” Daphne asked.
“For life, mon chere,” Jacques laughed. “Life everlasting fer da three of us.”
“And the extermination of you wretched dogs”  Simone snarled, raising her claws.
“That   is   why   you   hunt   in   my  swamp.” A slow voice burbled out of the water. “You   have   caused   much   pain   and   death.   You    have  drawn   unwanted   attention.   Your   presence   will   no   longer   be   tolerated.”
Large thick vines sprung from the trees and swamp water, wrapping around the cat creatures and pulling them in. They struggled and thrashed, but their fangs and claws couldn’t dent the vines that slowly drug the murderers to a watery grave. They tried to grab onto anything to anchor themselves, but the zombies continued in their quest for vengeance, some of the pirates and soldier instead circling the humans and canines, protecting them in case their killers broke loose. All three were pulled screaming into the water.
When the bubbles stopped the zombies seemed to dissolve. Their spirits rose from their remains, singing thanks and songs of freedom, as Shaggy and Fred’s injuries stopped their ever-present ache . From the swamp a large mass of vegetation rose. “You   have   found    what   was   wrong   in   my   swamp.   I   owe   you.”
“You saved my friends, man. We’re even.” the werewolf shrugged.
The swamp monster seemed to regard him for a moment. “You   are   a   strange   man   Shaggy   Rogers. Good   fortune   to   you   and   your   friends.” He descended back into the water.
“Is it over?” Fred whispered.
“I think so,” Daphne whispered back.
“We made it.” Beaus almost didn't believe it. The undercover detective had no idea what he would tell his superiors, but he’d survived to tell them and that was something.
“Shaggy,” Daphne gulped. “If word got out about what happened today, it would be bad, wouldn’t it? Really bad?”
“It would.” Shaggy agreed. “It could start a new wave of hunts that innocent monsters would get caught in.”
“Including you.” Fred opened up his camera and handed the film to Daphne who smashed it over her knee, exposing the film.
“Guess you’ll have to find something else for your show.” Beau commented.
“Show?” Shaggy asked.
“We got what we wanted, footage was secondary.” Daphne said, smiling at where Scooby was firmly planted in Shaggy’s lap. “And he’s talking about my Show, Coast to Coast with Daphne Blake. Fred films it and Velma does the research. Come on, we’ll catch you up on what you’ve missed for the last six years on the way home.”
Home. He convinced himself he’d never see it again.
But maybe a monster could have a happy ending after all.
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