izzythehutt · 2 years
As horrible as Walt's parting words to Jesse in Ozymandias were, in some ways it seems like they would be psychologically freeing for him.
Walt giving him over to people who he clearly hired to kill him and telling Jesse, "oh, before these people torture you for information and then shoot you, I want you to know I also let your girlfriend die of an overdose" with zero additional context is such clear and unequivocal proof that Walt was always a soulless monster who never cared about him. Which like, we the audience know is not true, Walt is grief-stricken, blames Jesse for Hank's death (lol Walt actually it is 10000000% your fault and you're projecting but what else is new?) and this final parting shot is a big fat "I never loved you" shaped-lie and the kind of deeply personal knife twist you could only give someone you loved like family and felt betrayed by, but Jesse has zero reason to think that.
Jesse can't comprehend that Walt thought Jane was so bad for him it would be better if she died rather than drag him down into a heroin-fueled OD spiral with her. Maybe years down the line he would be able to understand that was the rationale for this repulsive act, but there's a very good chance he will never understand it, and this will just be one of the giant mysteries of their relationship that haunts him for the rest of his life.
In the moment, though, his cruelty is the ultimate bridge-burning severance. All "complication" and gray areas are gone. No more mixed feelings.
A lot of what makes the relationship so uniquely upsetting for him is never really knowing if Walt cares about him or not, because so much of their dynamic is built on lies and manipulation. And in the short-term, this removes the ambiguity! Mr. White really always was the devil in a family man, chemistry teacher skin suit! Even if Jesse is beating himself up for loving this monster and having such misplaced faith in him, at least he can now just hate the guy in peace.
(Though...was Jesse even thinking much about Walt in that five month period of servitude? I get the sense that in Granite State the two of them in their respective prisons are avoiding thinking about each other because they both blame one another for where they ended up.)
Then the finale happens and all that uncomplicated hate gets mucked up again, because hey, what is Walter White good for if not messing with your head?
Walt comes into the compound with a plan to kill everyone there, has Jesse brought into the room where he's going to set off his robot machine gun death trap, clear proof that Jesse was one of his intended victims (if he'd come there to liberate him he would have done it and then gone to the lab to let him out.) Then he sees Jesse, pathetic and in chains, and....tackles him to the floor and shields him with his body before setting off the trap, calmly watches as Jesse strangles his chief captor, then once everyone in the room except the two of them are dead he...slides Jesse his gun and tells him to shoot him. Which is Walter accepting that he deserves death at Jesse's hands, an apology, forgiveness and what he wants to happen all rolled into one. Jesse demands he admit this is what he wants, sees that Walt has been shot (meaning he will forever live with the knowledge Mr. White literally took a bullet for him) and refuses to indulge him in this final act of murder/suicide.
Then he follows Jesse out of the clubhouse and has the gall to SMILE AND NOD AT JESSE before he jumps into Todd's car and speeds off to freedom?? Like, really? How DARE you, Mr. White!
Everything about this is completely consistent with the selfish asshole that Jesse has known for the past two years....but also very clearly and unequivocal proof that he cares about Jesse and always did! There is zero reason for him to do this except for the history between them. This is the bizarre swan song of their demented criminal partnership.
And Jesse gets his second chance...solely because of Walter White.
Walt freed Jesse in the only way he possibly could that would keep him out of jail. He could have turned himself in, reported Jack and Co. and gotten them all arrested, Jesse included. Instead he perpetrated incredibly fucked up, science-adjacent violence to kill everyone who hurt his partner and died in the act. This is the Heisenberg equivalent of a giant-ass apology.
Which means that in the years that follow, Jesse will have to parse through everything that happened between them, reevaluate it all, live in that bizarre gray area when in many ways it would have been easier to just hate him. Not to say there won't be a part of him that does. But it won't be the only part.
Poor Jesse. He will forever have to live with the knowledge that Mr. White did, in fact, care about him, and the inevitable ambivalent and complicated feelings that come from that.
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peachenle · 2 years
enhypen as frat boys
genre: head canon | fratboy!au | suggestive themes
members: enhypen's hyung line
word count: 1k
warnings: mentions of drinking, hook ups; a lot of Greek life lingo
perm tag list: @ozymandia-s
༄࿔˚✧ synopsis: the older enhypen boys as typical frat bros, with glimpses of them in all their party glory.
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an executive board member for the chapter for SURE. Not quite president, something less taxing like Alumni Liaison or House Manager. Heeseung LOVES to help DJ at parties, he’ll drop his mixes if the party that weekend was successful.
Heeseung’s not above hookups at the house and is (notoriously) clumsy about forgetting to sexile/warn the other brothers. Super flirty with or without alcohol, making him a big fan amongst regular partygoers. Outside of parties you will never see him outside doing charity runs or any events that are super outdoorsy… he’d opt to volunteer to be the bro at the check-in table, or a driver… he’s a lil lazy… but he never fails to complete his duties! Strangely good at kegstands despite being so tall. Beer pong and beer die king.
When he was pledging, he was so enthusiastic and willing to do whatever embarrassing thing the upperclassmen threw at him… Heeseung’s passion, it almost scared them. He was paired with everyone’s desired Big AND was the most sought after Little in his pledge class.
"Theoretically, do I really have to play beach volleyball with the dudes?" "Heeseung, it's rush AND you're an exec, the answer is always going to be yes..." "Yeah, but it the League LCK semi finals..."
// JAY is…
definitely another exec: either VP or Risk Manager or Panhell Chair or something like that — he’s the strictest one on board. Everyone’s intimidated by him, he’s strict about deadlines, he’s always the one assigned to do the scolding… but he can DRINK (all the bros wanna be him). Jay is also not shy about hookups and letting loose at parties. He charms people by making drinks, offering them his special brandy/cabernet/etc he’s been “saving for the right person.” The bottles are always at least half gone because of the amount of people he’s shown. A wild card when it comes to beer pong. Some nights he'll dominate, but other nights, he's truly a disgrace.
Had a HARD time during pledge, (a lot of the dudes were jealous of his popularity!) and was picked on a lot, so Jay had his doubts. But getting his bid meant way more than he expected. Would definitely be the type to stay in touch as an alumni, going to events, dropping fat checks here and there. Every potential Little wants Jay as their big, he SPOILS them like crazy… (rumor has it that he’s planning on buying his latest Little a whole new custom PC...)
"Please I don't want Jay as my partner!" "Why? I beat them at pong last time?" "Yeah, but your track record dude... one and done..."
// JAKE is…
the life of the party. He’s the most welcoming to new people at the house, ushering wallflowers to the core of the action. He’s all about slinging arms around people, drunkenly claiming new friends, and his giggly laughter is CONTAGIOUS. He doesn’t have much interest in a leadership role, but he’s been Rush Chair for two terms and he absolutely killed it each time. Jake often volunteers to be a sober chaperone, because “I know how to have fun sober too!”. In this role, you’ll always see his hands full of mini water bottles and a plastic bag or two in his pocket as he patrols the house. Jake is the more studious type of frat bro, sometimes snapping at his bros to keep quiet the night before an exam (he’s studying physics, of course). And no, not really the hookup type at parties… Jake is too soft for that and enjoys the energy of the party too much to leave it for a quickie. His drinking game of choice is King's Cup, just because he likes to try to fool people into drinking more.
Surprisingly breezed through the pledging process despite not being that big of a drinker, and got picked up by a really good Big in the same major (they put each other as number 1 choice). As an upperclassman, he’s a little awkward navigating as the Big Bro - referring to his Little as his son. He means well, but can be a little embarrassing!
"Oh, you're the Question master? What was your name again?" "Nice try, you're not gonna get me." "Sorry, what? Music's too loud." "I said, 'Nice tr-'" "Gotcha. Drink up!"
not your average frat boy - only in looks <3. He was way more reluctant to be involved than one may expect. He genuinely pursued it for the friendship/camaraderie/The Brotherhood. But the parties and attention were a plus. To outsiders, he looks a step out of place, always laughing AT his bros, not usually WITH them. Real ones know that he can be just as chaotic. Especially after a pint of beer and maybe 1.5 shots - that’ll do it for him. Always cracking lame jokes, earning the nickname of Dad amongst his class. Hooking up is not his thing, but if someone has really caught his eye… well, a private conversation on a balcony doesn’t have to mean too much, right? Sunghoon surprisingly really enjoys Rage Cage, and honestly, he's the type to purposefully miss his ball sometimes just to have to drink.
He's really good at tabling and mingling with potentials. His frat wants to make him their poster child - there's a solo picture of Sunghoon in every Instagram slideshow that's posted.
He barely rushed, but he worked his ass off as a pledge. Sunghoon was also another fan-favorite to be picked up as a Little. As a Big… other than him paying for a lot of things… when it comes to advice and the mentorship side of things, let’s just say its hard to tell who’s the Big and who’s the Little sometimes.
"You guys have used my pictures like 5 times this week for all the rush posts..." "Hey, don't look at me, Sunghoon. Blame our media guy! He says your face attracts the most likes." "I should charging... can you take it out of my dues?"
// SUNOO is…
desired by every social frat. But he couldn’t find any that appealed to him. Embarrassing for them really, their desperation. Sunoo found more of his home in a service frat! Has access to parties, the classic Big/Little pairing still, but in a more diverse environment with less pressure and more focus on the academic/philanthropic side of things.
Sunoo still gets invited to the crazy frat houses, in case he changes his mind, but only goes for the alcohol and the excuse to go out with friends. He’s friendly and magnetic at parties, befriending nearly everyone that gets lucky enough to talk with him. Every next morning he wakes up to tens of new follow requests from people he doesn’t even remember.
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the-iron-fjord · 4 months
It's like the fat, ugly bastard version of Ozymandias, but this time it's a happy ending.
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duckapus · 1 year
WOTFI: Mario vs Mario
The alternate Mario from Stupid Mario Movie has arrived to finish killing our Mario along with anyone who stands in his way. Fortunately, X(the youtuber, not the assassin who can possess people) and SMG4 manage to Bugs Bunny Logic him into settling this through a War of the Fat Italians. This confuses him enough that he only comes to his senses and remembers he's here for vengeance about halfway through the ending rap battle, and by that point it's pretty much too late and he gets launched all the way to that one part of the desert that looks uncannily similar to Ozymandias's prison. After that, he gets recruited by Susie because of course he does.
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literal-ghost · 11 months
I tried fucking with AI generation in Bing just to make the Oz Squad and here's what happened.
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Ozymandias. Tried versions with giving her yellow hair but it looked Bad. It just made an awkward Karen-esque haircut on a little girl. All versions ended up making her look much younger than she really is. It's hard to describe the exact shape of her face in AI, so she ended up looking pretty generic. She consistently resembled the protagonist kid from "Home".
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Liadan. Finer details got missed pretty hard (unsurprisingly) and it couldn't seem to decide what to do with her spine in a lot of generations. As with Ozy, all the images made her look rather young. Overall not terrible, but lacking the details that make her design distinct, especially the shape and length of her hair.
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Su. Her features are pretty typical of a cute little round faced kid with brightly colored hair, so there isn't much to miss in her design. Fairly spot-on. I actually really liked the details in the stripes on her sweater, and I had been looking for ways to add some more detail to Su's design. I might actually borrow that element and incorporate it.
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Rapscallion. Results were pretty mixed, but to my surprise, she was consistently fat and had a square-shaped face, and she consistently looked older. This one is unique in that this AI generation actually helped me to decide on *what* particular shade I would want to make her hair most times. While it would be in character for Raps to shift the color of her hair at her fancy, before I had it as a hydrangea blue. I like this faded teal, emerald green color better, and this is a detail I want to keep.
And finally---
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Unsurprisingly, Svanhilda had NO good results. I tried so hard to give her dark skin. Even when I described her has "a black woman" in the prompt, it threw white skinned results at me. Most results were too feminine, too pale, didn't lean heavily enough into the scales, and in general were just a very solid indicator for why AI generated art is a very poor stand-in for a human artist/character designer. Svanhilda again suffers from looking too damn young--she's actually supposed to be the oldest one in the group, and not in the way of 'being half-dragon means you age slower', either.
in conclusion...
AI generation is a useful tool for finding some semblance of shape for your ideas--and on occassion, if can surprise you with a few touches you might not have ever thought of on your own--but it's no way to make finished art, and it's certainly no way to maintain stylistic consistency between different images. Fun to fuck around with, but ultimately it's a novelty. And like...no shit.
Bonus AI generated Trawler, which again is pretty cool but will probably never replicate the real design I have for them.
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rwby au part 2
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Bast Ozymandias proud daughter of Raven Ozymandias. She rather to solve problems with words and such. She is very verse with the magic she gain from her linage. Bombastic and naïve. Believing the best in people till proven otherwise. One of the few people who aren't shown with the same hate that other humans are shown in Menageria. Due to her powers and the Empress taking interest with her. Whether it because of genuinely like or a ploy to have the magical powers in the royal line is up to debate.
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Ruby Schnee wife of the high commander general. To describe her is big, fat and passive. Ruby size and weight surprises a lot of people who first meet her. Doesn't go out very much so is a big mystery for the people of Atlas. Usually agree to anything that Skadi wants. Some people might recognize her has a famous snow border from Patch that disappeared from the public eye some time ago.
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gluttonygirls · 2 years
Which male Servant do you like seeing fat the most?
A copout would be Asotlfo, but if you want someone more Masculine...
Merlin, Holmes, and Ozymandias come to mind as my favorites.
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longgc · 2 years
Spine unique back tattoos womens
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#Spine unique back tattoos womens skin
Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed: And on the pedestal these words appear: ‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’ Nothing beside remains. I met a traveler from an antique land Who said: “Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Rey has also observed, in her own experience and through her clients, that as a result of both nerves and bones the “lower back or spine is the area where people are most likely to have a bad time.”
#Spine unique back tattoos womens skin
Areas of the body that are bony, especially under relatively thin skin, are nearly always more uncomfortable to get tattooed than areas with thicker skin and greater underlying fat, like the upper arm or thigh. The boniness of the area is also an important factor, according to Alba Rey, resident artist at Berlin’s UNIKAT tattoo studio. This is also the reason “tattoos that span over the spine may send strange sensations or buzzes down your arms or throughout your body,” she says.īut nerves are only one of the reasons spine tattoos tend to hurt more than others. And because these nerves are so plentiful there, the spine is more sensitive to pain. The spinal area is home to a large number of sensory nerves-the nerves responsible for our response to all physical sensation, including the puncture of a tattooer’s needle. “It’s a major part of the nervous system,” explains Portland-based tattooer Seven McDougall. And, in general, the spine is a more uncomfortable location for ink than others. Still, while it’s impossible to say for certain how much pain a spine tattoo will inflict, it is possible to promise that it will cause at least a bit of discomfort. Two people getting matching designs in exactly the same location can experience very different levels of discomfort because each has a unique pain tolerance. How painful is a spine tattoo, though? Like every other tattoo, regardless of placement, it really depends.
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pangtasias-atelier · 5 years
On the spirit of Valentine's Event, something I kinda of want is small drabble of either (or both) of local Proud Kings Caster!Gilgamesh and Ozymandias receiving some large chocolate offering from their Master, and while they initially eat it up with their normal attitudes, they slowly grow addicted and fatter with it, discovering that their chocolate offerings regenerate themselves with some magecrat
This was a really fun one!!!! Fun fact, (not really lol) during last Chaldea Boys, I really tried for Ozymandias but failed with 60 summons and the only good thing I got was CasGil who I was mad about but soon grew to love ajdnsns. But now Ozymandias is in my Chaldea at 7/10/8 and I'm happy. Fuck pages tho, Merlin and Ozy are bleeding me dry of them
Hope you like this even tho I kinda deviated a bit and the fat content feels a bit secondary? Don't know how this became 2k words tho lol (it's cause I love banter and both are good for it)
Obnoxious haughty laughter ringing through Chaldea's halls, Ozymandias gloats as he approaches his master.
"Wonderful! Your offering may be meager for one as great as I, but I treat all of my loyal subjects with fairness," Ritsuka having prepared a cart of handmade chocolate for Ozymandias, he stands patiently.
"Ah, mongrel," The caster form of Gilgamesh rounding out the corner, his normal disapproving frown is instead replaced with the smallest of grins. "You have learned from your error last year, such a simple fix normally would be undeserving, but for someone of your standing, it is commendable,"
Gilgamesh and Ozymandias catching each other's glance, they stare at each other.
"You both deserved chocolate so-" Their master ends up interrupted, both kings ignoring them.
"Who received their chocolate first?" Both ask, staring at their master.
"As a kind yet almighty pharaoh, I believe the decision to deliver my chocolates first was clearer than the floor in my pyramids,"
"Hmph, I'm the greatest servant, regardless of this caster form I may take. I would have received them first,"
Their master shuffles under their gazes, not making eye contact.
"Answer," Both demand, their arms crossed over their chest.
"I had Da Vinci deliver both of your Valentine's gifts at the same time. I made sure to offer no instructions of who should receive their chocolate first," Having already expected a childish temper tantrum from both Ozymandias and Gilgamesh, they had decided to take an impartial as possible route. Hanging his head, Ritsuka shifts uncomfortably as the hallway remains silent. Both pairs of eyes staring intently at him, he remains quiet, waiting for either of them to speak up.
Ozymandias letting out a small chuckle, Gilgamesh follows his example. The hallway soon becoming enveloped with their raucous haughty laughter, Ritsuka lifts his head, nervously glancing between the two. He stands at attention as Gilgamesh and Ozymandias turn their attention to him, Ritsuka's eyes wide.
"Very well! You have learned well in dealing with almighty servants such as us," Holding a hand to his chin, Ozymandias introspects, humming to himself.
"Your gift is still paltry in compassion to Uruk's great treasury, but I will allow it," Gilgamesh taps his fingers across his thigh, pondering as well.
Ritsuka cocks his head to the side, unsure of what to do. Leaving probably his best option, to do so would only incur both Kings' childish wrath.
"As one of my loyal subjects, I shall gift you with my presence! A gift exceeding all others, the task of basking in my glory and attending me equal to nothing else," Ozymandias proclaims, his cape swishing as he bangs his crook.
"As a proper reward for your achievement, you have the honor of presiding by me and attending me. As my lesser of course," Gilgamesh states, grinning as he hold his hand to his chin.
Both giving their return gifts at the same time, neither hear the other, both laughing at their charitable nature.
Both of their gifts entirely selfish as fitting their self-absorbed nature, Ritsuka bites his tongue. Honestly appreciative of spending more time with them, he still feels skimped out on. His glum face shifts as Gilgamesh and Ozymandias suddenly stare at each other, both now comprehending what the other said.
"Surely even a mongrel can understand the nature of my importance, though I may have been shot by Tiamat, without me graciously welcoming you in Babylonia, your time would have been destroyed," Gilgamesh gloats, standing proud.
"And I dared in giving you my assistance in dealing with that pesky Lion King in Camelot, her radiance no match for my own. Had I not intervened to aid you, you would have been stopped even before reaching Babylonia," Ozymandias retorts.
Both stand tall, glaring at each other as they bicker back and forth in describing their own greatness. Ritsuka stands to the side, his own leg twitching as he ponders on just leaving and running away. Their argument growing louder, Ritsuka's purses his lips before huffing.
"Enough!" Ritsuka promptly grabs and latches onto both of their hands in their confusion, both staring angrily at him. "I will attend to you both at the same time, no buts," His command seal glowing, the threat hangs in the air, Ritsuka's chest huffing.
He groans as both of them snap at him for daring to touch them without permission. Taking a step, they follow behind him as he drags them. A second step taken, he yelps as Gilgamesh and Ozymandias lead the way, both of them quickly walking through Chaldea's halls.
Ritsuka forced to follow, his plan at taking charge falls through, Gilgamesh and Ozymandias opening his room and making themselves at home. All the while criticising his minimalistic furnishing and decorations, they command him, telling him to bring them their chocolate offerings.
Taking his sweet time, Ritsuka wheels both carts to his room before opening the door, unwilling to deal with another playing favorites scenario. Upon opening it, he mentally sighs as he sees most of his room crushed and destroyed, a massive lavish bed overtaking and replacing most of the space.
"Now, show us your offerings," Both state, grinning as they recline in the bed. Both of them on one side, the middle is left barren, a spot obviously made for Ritsuka.
Suddenly fumbling, he reaches for two chocolate bars. Mouth dry, he climbs into the bed, making his way towards them. Both retaining their grins, Ritsuka blushes, unwrapping both chocolates. Ritsuka sits on his knees in between both of them. Taking a deep breath, he breaks off a portion from both.
Both Gilgamesh and Ozymandias waiting expectantly, they open their mouths. Ritsuka slowly bringing both hands to feed them at the same time, he cowers as they accept the morsel, suddenly aware of their critical nature.
"Sweet yet bitter. Acceptable, mongrel" Gilgamesh compliments, keeping his grin up.
"Your offering as my mage pleases my divine palette," Ozymandias replies.
Both huffing, Ritsuka catches the way they attempt to hide their small huff, their tongues licking their lips.
"You have exceeded our expectations," Both utter, their eyes plastered on the rest of the chocolate. "You may continue," Leaning back into the plush soft bed, they greedily open their mouths as Ritsuka begins to unwrap and feed them more.
Expecting their 'kind' gift to last only a day, Ritsuka finds himself displeased yet content as Ozymandias and Gilgamesh demand more of his time, both claiming it only fair and showing their kindness.
Nutrition and food unnecessary for servants, Ritsuka soon has to take both of them off of the team for noticeable and growing reasons.
Binging on nothing but chocolate, the expectation of a limited quantity was met with surprise from the both of them upon finding about Ritsuka making the chocolate magically replenish, a trick he had learned from Semiramis in return for keeping silent upon learning about her reason for researching and producing chocolate.
By the time the two had found out about such a thing, their trim fit figures had already been replaced with a sliver of pudge, their growing bellies hanging and squishing down. Their pecs had budded into little moobs, the bit of flab noticeable. Their smug faces had been rounder and softer, their haughtiness not diminished in any way.
That had only been the first time the more chocolate had regenerated, a time that felt like eons ago to Ritsuka, his time occupied with pleasing and feeding two kings. Growing more desperate and hungering for said chocolate, the intervals between devouring their offerings was growing smaller and smaller.
Soon, the small sliver of pudge became a noticeable pile of fat, becoming a gut and further. Despite it, both were demanding, craving and wanting more and more chocolate, Ritsuka at the end of their commands. Despite loading their muscled definition, both instead took to their weights, aware of Ritsuka's gazes and stares.
Gilgamesh took often to purposefully huffing and rubbing his gut, demanding Ritsuka to do it for him. Ozymandias would instead rub his moobs, complaining about some non-existent ache. Both would often pin him against the wall or against each other, Ritsuka powerless to do anything. Ritsuka happy to indulge in their wants, their figured only continued to expand, their fatty forms losing more and more definition as they began to stay more often in Ritsuka's room.
Currently standing in front of his room, or what was once his room, the living space commandeered by two greedy fat kings, Ritsuka sighs before knocking.
"You may enter," Two wheezy voices respond. Ritsuka's annoyance washes away as he blushes, still unused to such a sight despite living with it everyday.
Opening the door, the two main occupants remain in their typical spot, taking up most of the immense lavish bed. The expansive spot once reserved for Ritsuka is instead taken up by their mammoth guts, Ritsuka squeezed in-between the two.
"Mongrel, even my patience has its limits," Gilgamesh complains, his stomach growling. A chain reaction, Ozymandias's stomach growls as well, their bodies sloshing to and fro.
"Ah mage, you have returned just in time to-" Ozymandias lets out a huff, attempting to readjust himself.
Already unwrapping the chocolate as their incessant whines pick up, Ritsuka's eyes never leave their massive bodies.
Both lying down, their massive doughy guts rise high into the air, they faces blocked with such a mountainous beast in the way. Their guts sagging down, it spreads across the bed as it squishes all in its path, the other's gut the only thing stopping the encroachment. Ozymandias more top heavy, his gut rises higher, Gilgamesh's pushed back by Ozymandias' stomach. It spreads out further, more of his gelatin like thighs covered. Gilgamesh more bottom heavy, his thighs are far more dimpled and roly poly than Ozymandias's, both of his legs squishing and pressing against each other down to his knees despite his legs spread wide. Gilgamesh's titanic ass covered under his massive weight, the mass of it still pool out from under him, the definitionless ass pushing him up. Both of their entire bodies lacking much definition, if any, their feet appear sunken into their gigantic calves.
Ritsuka unwrapping the chocolate, he carries it in a massive tray, delicately carrying it in his hands as he squeezes his way onto the bed in-between them. Jammed in-between both of them, Ritsuka takes his time in being careful, unwilling to receive another earful from stepping on either of their rolling hills of fat. Huffing, the friction and pushback great, Ritsuka sighs as he reaches past their guts.
Finally face to face, Ozymandias' and Gilgamesh's necks are a pool of rolls, the sagging spare tire for a neck spreading out. Their breasts fall back into their face, Ritsuka having to move them out of the way for the.. Their jowls jutting out and sagging, they dig into their pillow.
Both of them spotting Ritsuka, they groan as it signifies chocolate.
"Hurry up mongrel," Gilgamesh huffs, opening his mouth.
"Your pharaoh demands sustenance," Ozymandias whines, his tongue lolling out.
Ritsuka smiles as he reaches for the chocolate. Ready to feed them, he pauses.
They both glare at him, their eyes squishing against the fat on their cheeks.
"Say please," Ritsuka demands, placing the chocolate by their lips but not going further.
"A king needn't ask permission from a mongrel," Gilgamesh retorts, huffing as he tries to reach for the chocolate, unable to.
"I concede, my mage," Ozymandias groans out. "May you begin?" He sighs as Ritsuka offer him his chocolate, fondling over him and rubbing his gut as he hands him even more chocolate.
"Of course. Anything for my pharaoh," Ritsuka coos, pinching Ozymandias' nipples.
Gilgamesh watching from the side, he grinds his teeth. "Fine! Hand over the chocolate mongrel, please,"
"Good enough," Turning back, Ritsuka reaches down into the basket, handing a piece of chocolate to Gilgamesh.
The taste dancing on his tongue, he huffs as he only craves yet more. Ozymandias is in the same state, his breaths coming out staggered.
"Now, who are good obedient kings? You two should be happy that a master as great as me is offering all their time to feed such hungry servants such as yourselves" Ritsuka jokes as he rubs both of their heads. Both of them unwilling to retort with the threat of less chocolate, Ritsuka is happy to finally be in charge of both of the proud kings.
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dunscaiith · 3 years
     Where the actual fuck are Rider Julius Caesar and Saber Augustus Caesar???
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
We can get like a/b/o part 2?? Pretty please bubby 🥺
Harry’s head bobs at the deviating aura of Harry's surrounding, shedding from the lucid perfectness of quite to the homey whimsicalness due to the presence of his bubbles in his house.
His already warm ears perking up tuning into the chirpy chattering taking place downstairs at her arrival as his pack greets her with hugs, though he gets fussy over their blarney because he doesn’t want his human to be littered in anyone’s scent except his.
He’s a jealous poor thing.
He chuckles amused when Niall grunts down at Y/N's cat and she hisses back galloping away from Y/N's arms how much she tries to keep her in place, yeah ... a cat around many wolves isn’t one of the greatest idea but for Y/N, Harry had to make amends with Ozymandias.
An almighty name for a kitten who’s extra clingy and clever to get you to pet her.
He flops onto the neatly pleated duvet on his bed, leaning into the heels of his palm to wait for her and his brows stickers into confusion then they sink down in realization upon sniffing the scent that's getting closer and closer to him.
It’s like when puppies are born but less daunting; the aroma that confesses his tender assisduousness will be needed that he has to be extra caring with his lovie.
“Hi.” Harry’s eyes gleams when she pops up infront of him tuckered out, skin pale, eyes watery and hair messy with her hoodie squeezed around her small head.
“Hi poor lug.” Harry sighs breathily with a pout arms instinctively looping lazily around her waist to pull her down on his lap, she straddles his thighs in order to squish herself closer to him hiding her face into his woody smelling crook of neck.
“Missed youuuu.” She groans dragging her nose in gentle strokes to the side of his throat, eyelids closed feeling herself divulge into his warmth as if dipping her toesies into a carnelian bubbling bathtub, “Heyyyyy who’s the puppy here??” His whines muffled from peppering mellow kisses to her temple patting her bum to get her attention getting a disgruntled response in return.
“I know bubbles, I know -- moon-phases sucks.” He coos sweeping her hoodie down to feel her hair against his palm, “What?” She murmurs and he gives her a sheepish smile.
“Wolfie language.” He pecks her cheek when she giggles softly and Harry tipples off into the mattress dramatically when she smashes her face into his chest whimpering when another cramp hits her in bottom.
Harry shakes his head and tries to wiggle her off to bring her something to relax, “Don’t gooo,” She pouts wrapping herself around him like a spider web, a burrito bread where Harry’s a tall chicken tender.
He cackles loudly at which she smiles, when she crooned sweetly, “You sooo toasty.” Harry runs his hands up and down her arm not liking the way she’s all brumal.
“Not goin’ anywhere baby just bringin’ y'a heating pad.” He lays her on her side and suckles in his plushy lip to stop himself from cracking a silly joke when she blinked up at him owlishly, “How d'you know that ‘m on periods?” Harry glances down at her comically while fetching the pad from his nightstand.
“We could sniff onto satan sacrificial waterfalls from miles away.” She laughs boisterously at his gelastic statement shrinking into a shrimp next moment when her cramps starts getting more painful, “Are y'okay?” Harry asks worrisome immediately scooting back to her reach and rubs her tummy in soothing circles in effort to do anything possible to get her comfy and in unknotted position.
“It feels like a fat man’s sitting on my uterus.” She huffs and Harry fawns at her coodling her against his chest, sandwiching the heating pad in between his bicep and her tummy.
“How ‘bout we take a nap then binge eat ‘cos the fridge’s loaded with goodies Rikoo baked today, hmm?” He nudges her socksied feet with his own socksied feet tangling them from ankles then gradually sliding his thigh between hers to give her something to squeeze on.
“Sounds good ‘cos you’re really warm ...,” She yawns knuckling at her eyes, “Can you shimmy the curtains away there’s a lil dreamwork of silvers outside -- wanna see your wolfy ears.” How’s she has mastered an art to makes him this shy and giddy with these little innocent requests!? He’s very whipped for this clumsy, teensy and adorably sleepy human.
“Your wish me command.” When he’s exposed to the twinkling light there are two floppy cute ears buried into his tufts the soft fur on them matching the colour of his chocolate brown curls and his body gets warmer with his body getting slight furry.
“Can’t believe I get to have such a cutie boyfriend.” Y/N grins sleepily scratching under his ear and he gives out the softest yet most appealing purr against Y/N's cheek that's getting balmy from attaining his heat.
“Bubbles...” Harry scolds her locking his elbows around her neck to keep her head in one place and to stop her from squirming, “Y’need to rest baby.” Shakes his head in defeat when she still manages to pop herself out from his grip.
“Promise me that the ears will be still there when I wake up.” She quips and Harry strokes her cheek with the back of his knuckles and smacks couple kisses at her lips giggling when she tries to have the sensation for longer.
“Promise.” When she gives him an unsatisfied whine he hooks his pinky with hers and brings it to his mouth pretending to kiss it but instead nips at her soft flesh with a wolfish growl making her squeal and fall into spurts of giggles.
She’s grateful that with every hard day she gets to experience how caring and loving Harry is.
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ardenssolis · 3 years
@caemthe​ said (inbox):
[ fantasy, conall ] The mactíre yawned and scratched the back of his head as he made his way to table where all the important documents were, not caring about the bad image he was giving to his 'guest'. His ears were ringing and his vision hurt from the constant lack of sleep, but he didn't show anything more than annoyance. "Alright, so let me get this straight. You're not an offering from Sunnyland or whatever your homeland is called to try to make me and my guys leave the trade routes alone. But the actual princess, who is now making demands and throwing a tantrum in my tent?" King, he had heard the stranger say it before but he still chose to call them princess. After all, they were as pretty as one and he liked how those golden orbs threw daggers at him whenever he said it.
Conall snorted. "I'm not sure you're aware of the position you are in, princess. Making demands isn't gonna work well for you in the long run. Because, let's be honest, for how long do you think your little kingdom will manage to stay self-sufficient? It doesn't have to be like that tho. If you give me a good reason to leave, then I will. If you don't, then I might start pillaging the villages and the outskirts of the capital." He wasn't so needlessly cruel all the time, but... the way that man looked at him as they knew him... he wasn't very fond of it.
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      IT WAS HARD TO believe this was CONALL – the Conall he had known since he had been a mere boy, bright-eyed and still unaware of the world around him. There was no recognition in his gaze when he looked upon Ozymandias, and if anything, his eyes were…empty. There had been life in them that had reeled him in back then, had captured his attention and his heart as he had looked upon the other with awe, for he had never met anyone like them. Even as the years had passed since the destruction of the Land of Wolves, not once had he ever encountered anyone who was so similar to a tempest like they had been. But this man in front of him…this wasn’t Conall, was it? It couldn’t be. However, those eyes were unmistakable even with the countless years that had passed. Why was it, then, that they didn’t recognize him? Why was it, then, that they treated him like a stranger? It frustrated Ozymandias to no end, made him question whether he was looking for something that was never there in the first place. Maybe he just assumed this man was someone familiar to him and nothing more...?
     Hopeful thinking, perhaps…
     ❝I wish you would cease with calling me a princess when I have clearly stated many times exactly what I am. Anyway, that aside, unlike those you stop on the road and force to pay a toll, I refuse to bend the knee to you. You will leave this area and you will go elsewhere.❞ They had been parked here for too long – cutthroats and criminals growing fat from their tributes, drinking to their heart’s content each and every night as if they were kings of the world. If Ozymandias had to, he would form a temporary alliance with one of his neighbors to chase this issue out. If they happened to run elsewhere and cause problems in a different kingdom, well – that wasn’t his business unless it effected him personally. ❝I need not tell you a ‘good reason’ to do just that.❞ He could not go along with any demands the other had to offer. If he did that, even a little, his sovereignty would be called into question. To the older officials from his father’s rule, he would be no different from a pup with its tail between their legs and would no longer be taken seriously. Thus, he had to continue his part as the strong leader.
     He could be nothing but.
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bluespiritfire · 2 years
Oh boy am I glad I held off on Temple of Time, because now we have the Leyline Stones that can revive you in story battles.
First Solomon got in an unexpected stalemate with my Mothman - who is literally just 1/1/3, like zero investment - who REFUSED to die and ended up victorious over Solomon. Mothman’s too pretty for your bullshit, Solomon.
And then in the Goetia final fight there came the absolute unbridled joy of reviving everyone so that Ozymandias can drop a fat 250k NP and 140k buster crit on goat boy’s head to CRUSH him. You thought you had killed my frontline with a surprise NP charge that murdered them all on turn 2, BUT IT WAS I, OZYMANDIAS!
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klonoadreams · 3 years
I love how Oberon is trying to give Achilles and lancelot a run for their money, since he showed up on all three of your accounts. He’s not quite Ozy level yet, but we’ll see if that changes ^w^ you have such a big harem Noa
Bruh, I'm getting to a point where I'm starting to see a pattern now.
on my NA accounts, Gilgamesh NP2'd himself, with him showing up TWICE in a roll last year on Gilfest for my main account, while rolling for fucking event CEs gave me my second copy of him for the fanfic account, and then there's tiddy account that ALSO got a fucking copy of him...AND THEN HE HAD THE GALL TO SLAP AWAY EVERY LIMITED SERVANT WITH FAT TIDDIES ON THE NEW YEAR'S GSSR TO NP2 HIMSELF.
Gilgamesh might not be as aggressive as Ozymandias, but he's already making a fucking point to follow me in ways that are him just basically going "HEY."
I'm not complaining, but it says a lot when right after he got NP2'd on fanfic account, that this anniversary's GSSR got me ANOTHER copy of Arthur, so now HE"S NP2.
He also haunts my tiddy account. Which is...hilarious, now that Gil is there. Prototype lmao.
Anyways I do not know peace with these harems. Freaking Fairy Knight Lancelot isn't the Lancelot that usually follows me around (Saber and Berserker), but for fuck's sake, the FACT that she showed up while I was pulling for Percival on two separate accounts, and then, on the one where she wasn't THERE, when I was trying for Douman on the GSSR, GUESS WHAT?!
She shows up. I am forever doomed to be a Lancelot magnet. Which is hilarious, because my Mash is forever at level 52/54 (because that's all you really need when you only use her defensive form - this bad girl got me through three hours of staring at 0 KP Kiara's fat tiddies with a Merlin and a Nightingale).
Speaking of GSSR, shenanigans, despite the hell Dantes gave me trying to get him on my main account, he sure slapped away the child I wanted to nab off the GSSR (Voyager) for New Year's on the Single Dad Waver account. My dude is picky.
Speaking of GSSR shenanigans, I'm still reeling over Grandpa Hassan NP2-ing himself, LIKE...
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This man looms behind me, watching, WAITING.
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doctor-roman · 4 years
I know FGO has waifus, but as a gay man, does it have anything in the husband department?
You want husbands? You want husbands?! I’ll show you husbands!
Do you like your husbands to be basic shonen protagonists? Maybe all-in on the knight in shining armor trope?
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Or maybe you like your husbands edgy and brooding?
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“Ehhh, I like my husbands to not be twinks :/“ you might be thinking.
Okay, you want bara husbands with their fat tits out, got it, Napoleon and Kintoki are for you.
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“But what if I’m more of an ab man?”
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Look at those abs. Look at them.
Or maybe you’re into the intellectual. The suave academic.
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He even comes with baby pictures so you can poke fun at him and make him hide his face in embarrassment!
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“I don’t know, all of these dudes are pretty basic...”
Oh, so you’re a monster fucker. Okay. Have some fucking..some fucking dinosaur man.
Cu Alter
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YES that spear and pose are suggestive, we kNOW, we WANT those mental images, that’s what we’re HERE for
What’s that? You like your dudes on the older side? Aged like a fine wine? We got dilfs.
Vlad III and Moriarty
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I’ve hit image limit, but maybe you like your men himbo flavored?
Hijikata. Doesn’t give a FUCK about the “optimal strategy”, just goes fucking HAM with a sword AND gun, you’ll need to give him medical care later, be careful not to be too tender, lest you both get flustered and avoid each other’s gaze as you bandage up his pecs.
FGO is just as much a husband simulator as it is a waifu game.
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aftgficrec · 4 years
Hey there! Are there any other eating disorder fics? (I've read everything you've recommended so far) Thank youu love what you do
Along with the new (to our blog) fics we found that feature EDs, there are many hidden in previous asks for unrelated things, so hopefully several will be new to you. And of course some stories just reference it while some dig deeper. Please mind trigger warnings. - A
From previous recs:
andreil with eating disorders
Kevin with food issues
‘Advice and Amusement’ here
‘(My Heart) Pierced By a Pin’ here
‘Tenuous’ here
‘The Wild Fox Den’ and ‘Roses Grow Between Bone’ here
‘broken alone (together we mend)’ here
‘until you’re all white-knuckled’ here
‘Even the Darkest Night Will End and the Sun Will Rise’ here
‘the wrong end of a wishbone’ here
‘Another Minyard’ here
‘He's the same as always’ here
‘Fire burns away, but I like the ashes’ here
‘flour petals, sugar stitches’ here
‘Blood//Water’ here
‘Your idiot smile’ here
‘control doesn't come without a steep price to pay’ here
‘distinctly i remember, it was in the bleak december’ here
‘If You Must’ here
‘Here Comes the Sun’ here
‘Holding On and Letting Go’ here
‘eat their young - Fox!Riko au,’ ‘You are the lucky ones,’ and ‘Violinist!Riko AU’ here
‘Birdhouse’ here
‘The Ghost In You’ here
‘The Unkindness of Ravens’ and ‘Black, The Night That Ends At Last’ here
‘Trust Fall (And Welcoming Arms)’ here (Katelyn with an ED referenced in chapter 4)
Ice Cream or Cigarettes by literary_shitstorm [Not Rated (we say M), 3121 Words, Complete, 2019]
Sighing, Andrew snatched the cigarettes that Neil, most likely, had pulled out of his back pocket and drew his lighter to his lips. Smoking laws be damned.
“It’s obvious, Junkie, but I suppose I shouldn’t expect so much when it comes to you.”
“For fucks sake Andrew-“
“I’m getting fat, Neil.”
Or, Andrew gains a bit of weight due to his eating habits and decides to take extreme measures.
tw: negative body image, tw: eating disorders, tw: implied/referenced self harm
rotting away by @jemej3m [Tumblr Fic, 2019]
Andrew decides that smoking, reckless driving and straight whisky aren’t efficient enough for his taste. 
It’s not that he doesn’t want to eat. Or that he cares about what he looks like. He just has the sudden urge to disappear into oblivion. And, well, the way that his stomach looks hollow makes he feel like he is. Fading into oblivion. Cells, tiny, tiny cells, being sucked into the void and never coming back. 
tw: eating disorders, tw: suicidal thoughts, tw: depression 
This Time (She's) Gonna Take The Crown by Tori_Scribbles [Rated T, 6232 Words, Complete, 2020]
When Allison was fifteen she chose Exy over her health.
When Allison was seventeen she chose Exy over her parents and their inheritance.
When Allison was eighteen she chose Exy over the best education in the country.
When Allison was twenty-three she chose Exy over a business career.
When Allison was twenty-seven she was ready to choose her love over Exy...
...but she didn't have to.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: eating disorders, tw: involuntary outing, tw: vomit, tw: homophobia
Pinky Promise by BelaBellissima, threekingbelt [Rated M, 11461 Words, Complete, AFTG Reverse Big Bang 2019]
When Neil is ten years old, he makes a promise. It changes everything.
tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: eating disorders, tw: referenced human trafficking, tw: murder, tw: gun violence, tw: blood/gore, tw: canonical character death, tw: homophobia, tw: violence
NB: Art prompt for this fic by @sisaloofafump here
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