rreskk · 6 months
HEADCANONS: Fem!reader in a relationship with the Holy Trinity
MICHAEL DE SANTA – - “Ah, I’m sorry honey. The movies on.” His love language depends on how much quality time interferes with his own interests. While it may seem neglecting, you’ll come to understand that he’s in his own world. And he makes up by gifting you presents – unwanted or not – trying to reamend the many times he’s bailed on dates, etc. - He may have been a charming man at first, but being in a relationship with Michael really highlights his unfamiliarity with intimacy and connection. He’ll find it hard to communicate his wants due to that barrier between short-term desire and long-term love. You’re usually the one to make a move and give him a foundation to build his trust on. - Michael loves to be glamoured with your compliments and praises. One time he bought a new suit and showed you. After commenting on how handsome he looked, it encouraged him to dive deeper, attempting to drink and eat healthier products but also wear more fitting outfits. You make him look more presentable as you provide support and comfort. - He is a father! When dating a father, here comes responsibilities like parenting advice, and what NOT to say. You’ve experienced how dysfunctional he is. Michael knows he’s a troubling father and he listens to your advice – to an extent. He’ll mostly always add a little twist that completely destroys the meaning of your words, but it’s the consideration that counts. And maybe the tearfulness of his children after. And you annoyance because he dismissed your advice. But hey, that’s Michael! - “You’re dating a movie producer, honey.” Michael will always find a way to be prideful. In all cases where you find a flaw, he’ll shrug it off by mentioning how successful he is (in these flaws), making it sound like a good thing by paradox-ing whatever the hell he’s done – whether that’s criminality or being a selfish ass. -Surprisingly vanilla in the bedroom department. The typical rose petals on the bed and his infamous boxer shorts for when sexy time does occur. Though vanilla, it’s charming because it’s Michael. It’s more bonding he focusses on. Because he’s a bit estranged romantically, he tries to ensure sexual activity is maintained. - He invites you into this nostalgic journey. Allowing him to reminisce really brightens his mood. Even more if you engage and ask questions. It may boost his ego, but he’ll assume you are genuinely interested. - Out of the trio, due to his maturity (even that?) and experience, he’s the most likely to keep you out of the criminality, and so he should! Michael protects you from any dangers and will seclude you from his own issues.
TREVOR PHILIPS – - “What do you mean you were busy?” The most clingiest. He’s very dependant when you earn his trust. Everything has to be outwardly expressed, whether that’s a doctors appointment or Jerry from down the road talking about his heater breaking. Trevor won’t even be interested but he’ll feel safe knowing due to his trust issues. You may get interrogated a lot when you forget to tell him certain things, but if you apologise MEANINGFULLY, he’ll forgive you. Maybe… (The grudge stays there though). - He does carry this intense aura around him and it gets a bit uncomfortable. Trevor has got something constantly making him angry or sad, so you’ll have to deal with this baggage, even if that’s listening to him rant or holding him – as requested. It’s better to say nothing because if you try and be rational, he’ll assume you are devaluing his feelings. - “Why are you closing the door? Leave it open. Ain’t no one here except me.” Trevor does not understand privacy and boundaries. You could be going to the bathroom or wanting time to yourself and he’ll demand you leave the door open. For no reason. He just like hearing you shuffle around. It makes him feel less alone and more safe. However, it can be annoying for you since you are forced to deal with his smell and intensive clinginess. - Very touchy and physical. Trevor has a high sex-drive and will crave bedroom time A LOT. From quickies to a passionate 3 session afternoon which leaves you both gasping for water and the bible. He does make you feel loved though. Not an inch of your skin has been left cold. He has touched you all. One way or another… - Unfortunately includes you in his drama a lot. Trevor doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut, let alone his impulses. And he gets into situations all the time. You are either a target of revenge or a cover-up. No in between. SOS babe, you’re in some trouble.
FRANKLIN CLINTON – - He treasures normality out of them all. Franklin craves a normal relationship where you do your own thing, and he does too. Independence is key. However, sometimes you’ll wonder why he hasn’t messaged in days after he left the house last Tuesday. It can strain a bit of your relationship as you don’t share much details about your everyday life, so you have no idea about the activities he gets up to. Vise versa. - “You need a ride out?” Franklin is also observant though. He sees you getting ready and offers you a ride. He sees you looking for something, offers to look. He sees you frustrated, he offers a solution. Despite being the youngest, he’s got a heart of gold towards  the people he loves. - You don’t have to prove your self-worth by being sexually active. Franklin is open-minded enough to understand boundaries and feelings. Just because you’re distant that day doesn’t mean you hate him, and he knows that. Just because you haven’t been sexually active in the past month doesn’t mean you hate him, he knows that too. - Franklin tries to keep you out of his business but sometimes information slips. He can trust the wrong people and get into some trouble, causing you to be a target of revenge. He tries to be private but he’ll talk to people he’ll deem “trustworthy”, and sometimes they can be the wrong people. - Takes you out a lot in dates. You’ll visit new diners, movies, bars, discos. Whatever. Franklin loves quality time and will ensure you are taken out every week. That’s how he bonds. You can share memories and moments together, whether that’s funny memories or romantic, or maybe sad. He finds value in everything. - The people he surround himself with can strain the relationship. Criminals and gangsters. He’ll invite strange people home and you’ll have to deal with their antiques. Franklin shrugs it off as it’s “business”, but you’ll always find the strangers invading your personal space and privacy. Dangerous strangers as well. It puts you on edge.
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extrasour2 · 8 months
I know all of us want to get fvck3d by Mizu, but is it that hard to ask for a wholesome, fluff Mizu X Reader in which maybe you tend her injuries, or reamend her clothes or whatever 😭😭
(Also don't get me wrong I really like smvt and 18+ fanfics but I just want to read something where Mizu allows herself to be vulnerable)
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brightwingedbat · 9 months
I see a post going around with worry over anet doing another expac next year and another the year after. But to me I fully expected this to happen with the studio updates they made before SotO.
As it is, yes, it does cost more than what players used to get, it is essentially half a living world. But honestly getting multiple years of absolutely free content on an MMO without a sub fee is extremely generous. Me being a late start to the game though I had to buy them all anyway, I never had free living world content for being there early, it's not something I've 'lost' with the new way anet is doing content.
To me right now, I do see SotO as yes, half of living world's worth of story. But am I fine buying that? Sure I am! I had to buy living world content anyway. I've been enjoying the story, I've gotten hundreds of hours worth out of SotO already even outside of story content and have enjoyed every moment of it. Just for £21.99.
I also see comments that anet is being greedy and money-hungry for selling expacs rather than making free living worlds. (Which feels more like legacy player privilege, not everyone got those for free.) So let's put this into perspective with another MMO. Square Enix's Final Fantasy XIV.
FF14 expac + 2 years of sub = £30 + (£92.28 x 2) = £214.56 2 gw2 expacs over 2 years = £43.98
Guild Wars 2 is almost 5 times cheaper over the same course of time than a competing MMO to play even with the new yearly expacs.
If this were equivalent of a sub fee, it would be £1.85 a month, except you permanently own that content forever past the year.
Edit: adding something about my opinion on this overall from earlier reblogs.
My argument is the generosity of Living Worlds came at a hit to profit which potentially impacted the devs in such a way that grind was required. Less profit = less money to spend on hiring devs to avoid grind.
My ideal thing is we get content like lws4 was, even if it costs more than getting 3 years of content for buying PoF at the time did. If that profit goes to making better working conditions for the employees working on the game.
Edit 2: shgfsghf I reamend that. PoF to lws4-6 was September 2017 to May 2019. We got 11 maps in less than 2 years, no wonder PoF-LWS4 stretched Anet so thin.
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overescapeau · 2 years
hello there, im still someone who is new to tumble. in fact a friend reamended it to me, but as i was looking about i came across your art and mini comics and is interested. the thing said ask anything so ill ask this, is it true that comics take a long time to do as well as trying to get the comic to look as good as you can? thanks for reading this comment
Hello and welcome to Tumblr! ^^
And yes. Comics that I personally make usually take as long as my finished art pieces (if I do the whole coloring and rendering portion of it, it takes a couple of hours). However small sketched ones usually take little to no time at all. But either way, you need to plan out the whole thing. Which takes a long, long, time.
Thanks for asking :D
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star153 · 1 month
Questions about MLP so I can redesign them EP.29
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Since I'm redesigning Twilight, She might need a bio. So I'll need a list of her likes, dislikes, skills, personality and abilities. I came up with a few ideas. However, I'll need to ask a few MLPFIM experts if any of them should be cut due to not being accurate to MLPFIM's Twilight Sparkle himself. So Any Suggestions to add, cut or are worth keeping?
Twilight Sparkle
Race: Pony (Astro Class Magic)
Alignment: Good
Age: 15-17
Likes: Reading books. (as in the type school reamends like history, Myths, Legends and poetry. She also reads fiction) Making note about what happens to and round her, Time with Spike, and time with her friends.
Dislikes: Things being disorganized and letting those close to her down.
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awolgina · 2 years
Watch "clone 4 rescued tent talk cat pee smell in tiny tent on fingers boomer learning to grow series" on YouTube
just tended my plants & smelling my fingers, there's that cat pissy smelling so familiar in local upstate NY weed but now in my tent!!! so now I know it's not old stale weed or bad per se. 🤷‍♀️ my clone attempt 4 is still going but needed some rescue & propping into place so it's not jostled while developing teeny root threads in much dryer, reamended wonder soil, loamy ti plant soil with perlite on top but the branch cut is directly in wonder soil, dry, close to bottom.
my mistake was watering soil & roots can't drink from wet soil yet, so the water needs to be finely misted onto leaves (i over trimmed it before I knew better too), every few hours, so far so good still going & not rotting or anything, branches appear to have new growth despite lack of roots.
boomer learning to grow series 🤷‍♀️👵😁
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minxtriss · 2 years
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fire signs (leo, sagittarius, aries)
general message from your spirit guides
this energy is incoming within a few hours to 3 days. there is a got a big realization on it's way to you, whether you want it or not. it is mostly regarding your home life and/or romantic connection(s) (incoming or current). pay extra close attention to your dreams at this time and what they are trying to tell you. it is best for you to be open to what you are learning/seeing/experiencing at this time and be even more open to what needs healing right now. a cycle is waiting to be broken. you may not know exactly what is it yet, or how, but this complication or delay will not last long. there seems to be some parallel past life connection or cycle here- one that possible needs to be reamended or broken. whatever this challenge may be, you are protected and able to persevere it. some of you are going to have to go within to figure out what this is, through some guided mediation or consulting with your spirit guides. if that isn't your thing, then I would seek out a tarot reading or some healing related reading by a trusted individual and be open to hearing what comes through. it may be difficult to hear, or to realize, but it is absolutely necessary for your growth and your projection forward towards a happier, healthier, more fulfilled life.
"sometimes we have to look back in order to move forward"
"every climb has it's complications"
apply to sun, moon, rising and/or venus.
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arrgh-whatever · 2 years
have u ever seen "Steven Universe"? if so thoughts?/if not I would reamend it.
I've seen it, it's good. not something I would watch again tho
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gardenwitch13 · 2 years
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Container Gardening with Lettuce.
I just started container gardening with lettuce last October. I’m a total noob at it. But I had a bee in my bonnet to give Texas winter gardening a try. The key - cool weather plants. What cool weather plants? All the salad greens you can think of. My first go around consisted of Red Romaine and Arugula. My second go around I only planted Red Romaine. 
So what does this little set up consist of? Well I’m glad you asked. 
I found an old, under-the-bed storage container in my garage and drilled a handful of holes in the bottom for drainage. But because it was an obnoxious purple color, I did opt to paint the outside in a dull green color. The soil is pure compost and I add egg powder to help amend the soil with nutrients - this is for slow release, long term use as egg shells, as a general rule, take a long time to break down. For a quick release, water soluble fertilizer, I use fish emulsion. I let it sit like this for at least a week before adding plants. Lightly tilling it during thie time with my fingers - I use this process to ground myself, but also pour my energy into the soil. 
I’ve been also using the harvesting has a I go method. Since both my husband I work from home, I’ve been making chicken sandwiches for lunch and using freshly harvested lettuce leaves. 
But alas, all good things must come to an end and that includes this second round of lettuce. After 7 weeks of delicious sandwiches, my Red Romaine finally decided to bolt. So, I’ve pulled it up and added it to the compost. I’ve already started the process of reamending the soil with nutrients and with a little luck...I may try to grow more lettuce in the summer. I may need to move the container indoors for the sake of temperatures, but hey! if I can keep harvesting lettuce for sandwiches and salads, then it’s so worth it! 
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purpledeathninja · 3 years
Hello! My name is Shy, I am 21 years old and a friend reamended this website to me! I plan on doing Ninjago, writing, art and roleplay content. I was originally on Wattpad but it kinda became a VERY toxic place. But I really hope y'all like my content!
Shy (Aka: PurpleDeathNinja)
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rogueonestan · 4 years
wopc : chapter 3- the connection
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pairing: the mandalorian x f!reader/ ofc
word count: 4.1k
warnings: minimal canon violence (that trandoshan scene from 1x02)
summary: after bringing to the peace to the land of Arvala-7, you and the Mandalorian begin to make your way back to the Crest when three uninvited guests join your travels.
previous part | when our paths cross masterlist | main masterlist | next part 
You never thought you could ever be this exhausted after a hunt, and you haven’t even made it back to the Crest yet. 
After you and Mando were able to successfully disband the mini-city of mercenaries, you began making your way back to the Crest with the asset by your sides when you were suddenly ambushed by three Trandoshans, the same ones you felt staring at you back at the cantina on Nevarro.
As you and Mando turned to walk down yet another lengthy pathway, something felt off. You kept looking over your shoulder, again and again, to see if you could spot anything out of the ordinary, but the only thing that caught your eye was a few small reptile creatures that would come out of their hiding spots once your figure got further away from them. Everything seemed fine but you should’ve known better than the trouble on this trip wouldn’t have ended once you left the mini-city. 
The words ‘I got a bad feeling about this’ were on the tip of your tongue, but before you were able to open your mouth to say them, one of the Trandoshans suddenly appears right in front of you and knocks you down to the ground with a harsh shove. When your body collides to the floor, your head hits on the edge of a nearby at a weird angle. Luckily the area between the base of your neck and your head is the area that hits the rock, so the injury isn’t as fatal as it could’ve been, a wave of pain flutters throughout your body. The pain is so intense, however, that you are unable to aid your partner in combat. Luckily, after a few minutes of resting, you were able to get back on your feet and continue the journey back to the ship, all thanks to your partner. 
As the two of you continue your walk, you’re grateful for the silence that falls between you. 
You’re not even sure if you would even be able to make conversation at this point because of the aching pain that’s in your head. You don’t dare to mention anything to your partner because all you want to do right now is to sleep in your quarters. 
The throbbing pain in your head eventually begins to subdue over time. Before, all you could focus on is the pain and just muscle through it, but now, you’re finally able to focus on your surroundings and admire them. For example, you’re able to see the occasional fauna scurry off to the side as you and Mando pass by them. The sight of the creatures, even if it’s for a few seconds, puts a smile on your face because Arvala-7 doesn’t have much to offer. Besides the cliffs that linger on the upper levels and the rocks and fauna that reside where you currently are, there isn’t much to see. 
You don’t notice how late it’s getting until your partner mentions something. 
“We should make camp soon.” He suggests as he looks over in your direction. 
 “Yeah,” you say as you take notice of the now night sky.
The bright oranges that complimented the sunshine is now replaced with a dark, gloomy purple sky. Speckles of stars also glitter up the sky, acting as a natural light source to help guide you. 
“We should also check on the little one to make sure he’s okay.” You propose as your partner nods his head in agreement as you continue with your travels. 
It’s not long after that you find a suitable spot to make camp for the night. The area that you decided to rest at is an open area where the only options to rest are on a slab of rock or on top of the dirt. It’s not ideal but you have no other choice. 
You join your partner’s side and lean up against a large slab of rock- it’s uncomfortable but it’s better than sleeping on the cold floor. Taking off the strap of the bag that you take everywhere with you, you begin to settle in for the night. You’re about to close your eyes and try to get some sleep, but you hear a series of grunts to your right. Once you find the source of the noise, you find your partner is using some sort of heat pen to try to mend his wound, the same item that you’ve seen him use to make small repairs on the Crest. Just glancing at the wound he’s trying to mend, you can’t imagine how much pain he’s currently in as he tries to heal it with the tool in his hand. 
Before you’re able to do anything about it, another sound to your right catches your attention. You find the green little baby has made his way out of his pram and is slowly walking towards the Mandalorian. As he gets closer to Mando, one of his arms reaches out as his eyes squint shut in concentration. A faint humming sound reaches your ears and the sound only intensifies as the little one gets closer to the injured man.
A soft groan leaves the baby’s lips as he uses all of his strength to reach out in front of him, but Mando, oblivious to the baby’s true intentions, scoops the baby up in his arms and places him back in the pram where he belongs. 
After seeing what you just witnessed, you feel even more curious about the baby than ever. 
Upon meeting the little one, you’re not sure what was about him, but something seemed different about him like something was pulling you towards him when you first entered that room. You haven’t felt an immediate connection to anyone like this since the rise of the Empire. There’s just something different about him that entices you. You can’t exactly pinpoint it, but the slight humming that you can feel in the air around you isn’t something you experienced since you were younger, since you first began your journey. 
Thoughts about the baby, where he’s from, how he got to be in an abandoned building in the first place, roam your mind. How long has the Empire been looking for him? But the thoughts stop when you hear the grunts to your right continue and become louder than they were before. 
“What the hell are you doing?” You ask as you immediately sit up and look at your partner with a horrified look on your face.
Mando doesn’t say anything at first, mainly gesturing at his wound on the bicep, “healing.”
“Why don’t you use some bactaspray?”
“It’s not that bad-“ 
You scoff at him as you rummage through your bag, “give me your arm.” You say with a slightly assertive tone as you kneel in front of him. Mando doesn’t budge, his visor only continuing to look at you, “please?” You plead this time. 
Letting out a deep sigh, he relents, as he gives you permission to help him by moving his body towards you. Lightly placing a hand on his elbow, you lean towards Mando and before you apply the medication to his wound, you look up in his visor and give him a warning, asking, “ready?” With his approval, you begin spraying the affected area. Upon immediate contact, Mando lets out a muffled groan of pain. A mumbled ‘sorry’ escapes from your lips as you look away from his wound to see his reaction. His visor doesn’t help you whatsoever, but you can tell the medication is already taking effect by his body language. The rapid rise and fall of his chest from before is now replaced with his chest taking in deep breaths. As you glance down at the affected area, what catches your eye isn’t the traces of blood that remain, but the tan skin that now peeks through the tear of his tunic. 
Lightly squeezing his elbow, you let go of your grip on him but not before your hand now lingers above his exposed skin. 
Your fingers ghost a few inches above his exposed skin, but before you make skin-to-skin contact, you quickly remove your hand and have it lay on top of your thigh. A deep sigh leaves your lips when you get up from your kneeled position, trying your best to get as comfortable as you possibly can when you lay against the slab of rock, “just ask next time.” You comment with your eyes closed.
The moment you close your eyes, though, you suddenly hear a loud noise coming from your right. Craning your neck as far as you possibly can, another sigh leaves your lips as you find Mando reamending his cuirass with the same tool that he was trying to heal his wound earlier. Instead of bothering your partner for a second time, you try your best to at least get some rest. 
But before you’re able to, you vaguely hear your partner saying something. Reopening your eyes, the first thing you see are big, brown owl-like eyes. You move to scoop him up in your arms so you can try to get some rest, but as soon as his hand touches your arm, a series of memories from your past begin flooding your mind. 
The first memory that runs through your mind is one from when you were younger.
With your hands clasped, you run down the halls alongside your best friend. After finishing your training for the day, you and your best friend decided to let loose and roam free of the premises. Giggles are exchanged between the two of you when you accidentally collide with one of the older individuals of the facility. The older gentleman that you knocked into scolds you, telling you that you need to slow down, but your friend only pulls on your arm so can you continue to race down the halls. You mutter out a ‘sorry’ as your friend continues to tug on your arm. 
As you continue to weave up and down multiple hallways, you turn your head to glance at your best friend, only to find that a huge smile is on their face as laughter escapes from their lips.
“Where are we even going?” You ask.
“It’s a surprise.” Shaking your head, you laugh alongside them. 
You’ve never felt this free before. 
The second memory that flashes through your mind is one that you’ve tried so hard to forget.
Running in the mud alongside one of the many swamps that could be found on Saleucami, adrenaline fills your body as you try to run as fast as you possibly can. A cloud of tears blocks your vision as you try to recollect everything that happened within the past hour.
Everything went normal as always then something changed. You’re not sure when, or why, but one moment you were waiting for your mentor to return from a quick patrol when your allies by your side suddenly turned on you. 
While you were waiting, a dark cloud took control of the minds of your allies- thoughts of hatred entering their minds as they aimed their weapons at you. Luckily for you, you were able to escape their attack with minimal injuries, but fear still lingers in your system as you run as far and as fast as you can. 
With your weapon in your hand, you try your best to focus on the task at hand. You need to find some way off of this planet. 
“Where is she?” You can hear a voice ask from a distance. 
“She couldn’t have gone that far. Take a speeder and scan the area.” Another voice says. 
You can hear the sound of a speeder’s engine warming up as they quickly drive away. 
Upon hearing this, you quickly make your way in the opposite direction- a small attempt of avoiding another fight and being spotted.
Hiding behind a rather large tree, you’re finally able to catch your breath. You’re not sure of how long you’ve been running but you know this fight is far from over. 
Now, you need to find some way off of this planet before it’s too late. Maybe there’s some sort of settlement that you can rest at for a short while.
The next memory that flashed through your mind was even darker than the previous. 
After all of the years of surviving from the Empire, you’ve been able to know when something’s off. You felt it when your allies suddenly turned on you on that fatal day and you could feel it now. Taking your weapon from your side, you prepare yourself for the upcoming fight that you can sense. 
“I see nothing has changed.” 
The blood flowing through your veins suddenly turns cold upon hearing this voice. The voice that once brought you warmth and joy when you were younger now only brings fear in you where you stand now. The friend that you thought you had when you were younger has been gone for a long time and is now replaced with someone you don’t recognize. The lightness of your friend’s voice is now replaced with one that’s only filled with hate- a coldness you wish you never saw. 
“I wish I could say the same.” You say with a shaky breath as you turn around. You try to keep your emotions together, something you were taught to do along your friend’s side many years ago.
“You were always so quick to fight- never waiting. I wonder what your precious Rebel friends would think of you if they knew the truth. How much you’ve fallen.” They spat at you. 
You say nothing in response as tears now run down your face. Even though your mind tells you that everything you’ve done up to this point has been for the greater good- some of your actions go directly against what you were taught as a child, but you did it to survive. 
“What would they think of you? What would they call you?”
“A survivor.” The words come out as a whisper, more of you reminding yourself-justifying the actions of your past. 
The final memory that goes through your head is one that’s not as dark as the others- one that you remember distinctly before everything changed for the worst. 
Sitting crisscrossed on your bed with your eyes closed, you try to focus on the fresh air that enters your lungs. After being assigned a simple patrolling mission of a deserted planet, you wanted to clear your head before you met up with your mentor to leave. Your palms rest against your knees comfortably as you continue with the breathing exercises you’ve been taught. Taking in a deep breath, you’re brought out of your trance by the sound of gentle knocks on your door.
“Come in.” You say as you reopen your eyes. Seeing that it’s your mentor, you immediately uncross your legs, beginning to get up when the woman in front of you holds a hand out, silently telling you to stop.
“My young one,” she begins, “I have a gift for you before we embark on our journey.” With the calm tone you’ve familiarized yourself since you met her merely a year ago, “It is a tradition for a young one, such as yourself, to be given a gift by their mentor at around your age, so I wanted to give you yours before we left.” The gentle tone of her voice removes any anxiety you were feeling before you left for the mission. You can’t help but feel at ease with her by your side. 
With both of her arms stretched out, a simple black box rests in her hands. As you take the box from her hands, she continues, “my own mentor gave this to me and I believe it’s the right thing for me to do the same.” 
When you open the box, a simple crystal rests inside. Taking the crystal in your hand, you lift it in the air as the sunlight reflects off of it. Shadows of the reflection bounce off of your bedroom walls as you admire the gift. 
“A crystal?” You inquire with your head tilting, “but I-“
“This one’s special.” She insists, “this one is unlike any other one you will have seen before- you will need to connect with it. Only then, will you understand.” With that, she leaves the room, quietly shutting the door behind her. 
Lifting the crystal into the air again, seeing how the sunlight reflects off of it, you quickly place it in your pocket, not knowing the importance it would bring you in the future. 
A sharp exhale leaves your lips as memories from your past no longer plague your mind. Your breathing only continues to get heavier as you try to take in everything that you just experienced. 
Thought after thought enters your brain as you try to comprehend what just happened, how it happened. You can now feel the necklace that’s been resting against your chest is now being pulled by an unseen force. To your right, you find the mysterious baby is somehow pulling at the crystal that’s resting on your chest.
Once again, you can hear a slight humming in the air as the baby is in close proximity to you. It’s like a slight breeze against grass- faint but still there. 
Grabbing the piece of jewelry in your hand, the little hand that was once held out in front of you is now resting against the baby’s side. 
You get up from the hard floor and scoop the baby up in your arms as you walk towards his pram- hopefully he’ll actually stay there this time. 
When you glance down at the owl-like eyes that are staring at you, you can’t help but wonder if he had the weird experience that you had. You’ve never had such an odd experience as this for as long as you can remember. One moment you’re trying to fall asleep for the night, the next you’re reliving the best and worst memories that you can think of. 
“Don’t give me that look.” You warn the little one as you gently put him back in his pram. 
“What did you mean before?” Mando asks you once you retake your seat next to him. 
“When?” You ask as you look in his direction.
“Earlier- you said that you knew someone of its kind.”
“Oh, that,” You trail off as you lay back down next to your partner, “they were someone I trusted when I was younger. They helped train me, taught me that lightness and darkness aren’t two separate things, but rather, one cannot live without the other.” 
“Not only was he one of the wisest teachers I’ve ever had, but he also was a dear friend.” Mando doesn’t say anything in response, only nodding as he reflects on your words.
Silence fills the air as the three of you rest up for the following day. The only sounds that could be heard are created by the local wildlife. You can hear soft snores coming from the other two but you, on the other hand, cannot keep your eyes closed for longer than five minutes. Whenever your eyes begin to droop, millions of thoughts scramble in your mind. 
The memories you re-experienced earlier keep replaying in your head over and over again. When the baby’s hand touched your skin, you felt a sensation that you haven’t felt in years. It’s a similar feeling you had when you were younger- when you first met your best friend all of those years ago. Like it was fate that both of your paths crossed. Did the kid feel the same thing? Does he feel the same pull towards you as you feel? With this in mind, you can’t help but feel guilty by the thought of giving the child to Imperial hands. Not only because he’s a vulnerable child, but also because you can’t help but think that somehow you were supposed to meet this mysterious child. Like your journey with him is far from over. 
The more you think about this possibility, the more you reflect on the limited time you’ve spent with the green little baby. Even before you met him, you felt like something was off. On Nevarro, you felt like something was wrong when you first received the bounty but you brushed it off as it 
was because it included former Imperials- not because it was something so much more. When you entered that room, you could feel the pull towards the baby without even realizing it. You just knew there’s something about this child that you could feel a connection to. You can’t exactly put your finger on it, but you’ve experienced a similar attraction towards someone before and it lead you towards the path that eventually lead you to Mando.
Maybe your path was supposed to be linked with this child, not Mando. No. You disregard the thought from your head. There’s no way that your paths are supposed to emerge. The only journey that you’re supposed to have with this child is limited- only for a few days at most, you tell yourself. 
You remind yourself that you can’t get attached to the baby. If you do, it’ll only make it that much harder to actually go through with the bounty. And even if you did want to, how would you mention this to your partner? How would you even begin to explain everything that you’ve been feeling ever since you entered that Imperial-occupied building on Nevarro? Would you have to tell him everything and just hope that he would believe you? 
Unlike your partner, the stars looming above you are awake and as bright as ever. As you glance over them, a feeling of peace overwhelms you. No more thoughts running through your brain at a pace faster than you can keep up with. No matter where you are in the galaxy, you’ve always felt at peace whenever you look at the midnight sky. It’s always been comforting to you to know that even though you’re just a tiny speck of the galaxy, you’ll always feel at home by looking at space. Whether it’s whenever you’re traveling to another planet with Mando or you’re making camp for the night, like tonight, glancing at the empty sky puts you at ease. Maybe it’s because nothing in the sky is in a rush like you are. With your lifestyle, you’re always on the move, but the stars always stay put. It may seem dumb when you put it that way, but you’ve always found solace whenever you glance at the night sky. 
The longer you see the stars twinkle, the calmer you feel. Even if it’s just for a moment, you don’t worry about anything- not what you’ve experienced over the past day or what the next day will bring.
Even when life is going at an alarmingly fast rate, you were always taught to take everything in and live in the moment- to reflect on everything. 
The pants that escaped from your chest earlier are now replaced with deep breaths as you continue to lazily look at the sky above you. Breathe in. Breathe out. 
Even with the stars calming your nerves, you can’t help but think of how things will be so different once you and Mando return back to Nevarro. During this short amount of time, you’ve never gone this attached to someone before only after a few days. By this time tomorrow, you’ll probably be flying off to another planet with Mando as you continue with the busy bounty hunting lifestyle that you’ve gotten used to by now. The little one will no longer be in your lives. Only another successful bounty that the Guild will remember you for. 
But as you skim over your partner’s unconscious form, you wonder if he’s feeling as uneasy as you are. Usually, the bounties you bring in are people who usually deserve it- people who skipped bail, were sympathizers of the Empire, but never helpless children. If you both crossed this line, would there ever be a limit? Would you just do what you were told just like you did during the war? 
You don’t know what your future will bring, but your journey with the Mandalorian and the little one is just beginning.
tags (let me know if you want to be added): @unstoppableforcce​ @remmysbounty​ @ayamenimthiriel​ @randomness501​ @itspauvr​ @sarahjkl82-blog​
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NiGHTS AU - It Could’ve Been Great
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What if NiGHTS successfully convinced Reala about the magic and goodness in Nightopia, setting him/them on a road of positive change as well?
(More info about it is under the cut! Be warned, though, that it’ll contain alot of headcanons for NiGHTS’ past, aaand will be kinda long. And, if you reblog it, please don’t tag it as a ship. Enjoy nonetheless!)
Reala suspected that NiGHTS’ solo visits to Nightopia had a reason, connected to that red Ideya shard she obtained in an accident. However, instead of following their loyalty to Wizeman and ratting out NiGHTS’ rebellious thoughts (as he did in the main timeline), Reala decided to follow his twin alone.
At first, Reala initially observed NiGHTS interacting with the Nightopians, and even with the ocassional Visitors, barely being able to comprehend why his sibling was sympathizing with “preys” and going against everything Wizeman taught. The confusion would turn to annoyance, and then, anger driven by jealously, which prompted them to try and steal a Ideya of Hope from a Visitor NiGHTS was befriending just so he could prove the Visitor couldn’t trust her... But it backfired once Reala had a similar accident, being blessed with a yellow Ideya shard.
Once NiGHTS gave the Visitor their Ideya of Hope back, she and Reala talked. Reala, somehow, felt inspired by his twin’s words, and he couldn’t tell if it was them being contamined by NiGHTS’ joyful spirit, or the Ideya shard filling their heart, but he began to think... perhaps, Wizeman wasn’t the one right. Perhaps, Wizeman should be, and could be stopped.
While Reala took a long while of thinking to finally agree with NiGHTS, he began to help them sneak out of their duties and visit Nightopia, as he began to understand how emotionally exhausting the 1st level duties were becoming to her. Unfortunately, Wizeman caught on very quickly about it. He was initially planning to only punish NiGHTS, but to his shock... Reala stepped in and defended his twin’s ideals and mindset, despite the fear of oblivion that previously prevented him from even disagreeing with anything the Wicked said.
On that moment, he fully chose fraternal love over loyalty to his creator.
As much as he was angry about both of his most perfect creations betraying him, Wizeman ultimately decided to banish both of them to Nightopia, while vowing to find a way to make them, and any future 1st level Nightmarens, completely loyal.
Reala and NiGHTS
Reala, while no longer cruel and dirty, is definitely the one amongst the duo to be more pragmatic and intimidating in combat. Could also be considered the strategist, and the one more worried/serious/respectful about things (to the point NiGHTS jokingly calls them stuffy).
Although he betrayed Wizeman and learned to view him as the evil overlord he is, Reala still has a mild need of fulfilling a duty, which was channeled at the need to protect Nightopia even when there’s no imminent worries.
While NiGHTS helps Reala be less uptight and appreciate the freedom he has now (something he usually forgets thanks to the above), Reala helps on bringing NiGHTS’ more serious side, and confessing to others she and him are Nightmaren, but no longer under Wizeman’s rule.
Once the duos of Visitors with powerful Ideyas of Courage reached Nightopia, they split the duty of guarding, guiding, and recovering their Ideyas, with one taking care of the other and vice-versa; Reala guarded Claris and Will, NiGHTS guarded Elliot and Helen. By the end, the duos would’ve dualized with the Nightmarens they bonded with.
Sometimes they disagree/argue over things (varies between minor and major), especially each other’s methods and/or how Reala still didn’t fully get over some of their Nightmaren general mindset. However, they can reamend quickly; and if it’s not for each other’s sake, it’s for the Visitors.
Both are close to Owl, but Reala is the one more willing to listen to his “rambling” for a longer while.
Other Characters
While the Nightopians appreciate the two renegade Nightmaren’s protection over them, they find NiGHTS a bit more approcheable. Some of the more corageous ones tend to approach Reala too.
Owl tries to give both NiGHTS and Reala equal levels of appreciation, despite being exhasperated with NiGHTS’ attitude.
Jackle replaced both NiGHTS and Reala as Wizeman’s chief enforcer, due to lack of option and the difficulties of making a new 1st level. Try to imagine something like Bill Cipher in a orange jester’s shape.
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rainsapphic · 7 years
I love your blog's aesthetic,,, so good,, so consistent and reliably 10/10
i’m !!! so happy to get such a sweet message, thank youuu ♡♡ i love your blog too, such a calm and pretty aesthetic, and that love for your gf is truly inspiring :’)
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headspaen · 3 years
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touchoflovecannabis · 2 years
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Day 62🧡 So excited for this run to be over! Lots of herb coming out of this tent just excited to see how these all smoke! Heavy reamend coming soon —————————————————————— Cultivar(s)🌳 Frosted Fruit Cake x MacMosa by @sacredcutseedco Gorilla Breath Pancakes —————————————————————— What I use in the garden 🪴 @blackswallow_livingsoils @buildasoil @aeliusled @acinfinityinc @miimhort @grassrootsfabricpots https://www.instagram.com/p/CidMUEsuWge/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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saberin · 8 years
reamended replied to your post “wouldnt it be…….. nice……… if somebody could make me write……… or……….....”
go write something >:[
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