#reasonable bedtimes like 11:30 must be had instead
sparklecryptid · 1 year
uni is turning me into a morning person and i can say that i am going KICKING AND SCREAMING
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keefwho · 2 years
January 14 - 2023
10:25 AM
I gotta stop isolating when I’m lonely. I know I get into this mental trap of thinking no one cares but it’s because I’m literally ceasing contact with others. Although trying to make myself be social doesn’t always help either. But I think it’s still better if I at least try to get myself out there. 
11:51 AM
I have that feeling again that I should be focusing all my energy on being productive. But I’m trying to stick to a plan instead of staying stunlocked all day. I’m trying to spend 1 hour doing anything I want to do or feel like I should do. I should be able to put a little bit of time into everything that way. 
4:21 PM
Its the weekend, nothing is expected of me. I’m supposed to follow how I feel, not how I think. I dont want to be stressed for no reason. 
8:38 PM
Another sad drinking night because I’m a loser I guess. And I’m constipated which is pissing me off. I just wanted a good Saturday. I got the same old shit. Unneeded stress and loneliness. If it’s always going to be like this then I don’t want to keep existing. 
Why the fuck am I so pathetic sometime. Why can’t I figure out why I feel like this. It has to be rooted in something, this isn’t just how I am. There is a cause and a solution. 
9:03 PM
I really am just tying my lack of social experience directly to my personal value. Even though I have reasons for how I turned out, I can’t help but feel like something is wrong with me for having never dated, never kissed, never had sex, etc. Even though these are things I was fine without, I have the overwhelming feeling I should do them because everyone makes such a big fucking deal about it. I also feel like it’s too late even though I know it’s not. But like, who wants to fuck around with a 26 year old virgin loser. 
9:52 PM
I dont know what to do. Maybe watch Twitch and put a little work into projects so I can feel just a little bit worth something 
I also haven’t had a good nut in like a week. I’ve nutted but its been soooo lame. I need some good release 
Everything fucking bloows
I submit, I surrender all my hope. I’m going to let my body relax and not move until bedtime unless I somehow feel better. I give the fuck up. I don’t want to work on anything? fine. No one wants to hang out? fine. My life going nowhere? fine. Who cares 
10:42 PM
I feel like my meager life will fall apart if I can’t pull myself together. Everything I have going for me will crumble and everyone I love will leave me. I’ll be alone and better off dead. 
I can’t even chat with my bestie because I’m bawling my eyes out right now. 
11:27 PM
FUCK how I feel, it’s all about how I think. No matter what I can still choose what I do. I keep forgetting that. I feel some amount of power in that fact. Even if I’m depressed I can still identify the things I care about and put work into them. I’ll feel better eventually. 
1:30 AM
I’m up late because I’m being foolish.
I wish I was more confident that people would be upset if they knew I was sad. I know my friends care just like how I care when they aren’t doing well. But I don’t really KNOW that when I need it the most. Because I do this stupid thing where I pretend they should know how I’m feeling and if they don’t reach out then they must not care. But I know how stupid that is. It’s just one of the many ways I end up sabotaging myself for some reason. I shouldn’t care that much if other people care. Not to the point where it hurts me. 
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Hi! So, I just saw an interview to Kit Harington from GOT, and he's got the most ridiculous moustache because of some proyect that he's filming or something. Can I request a one-shot in the BotB universe where Killian has some ugly/funny/ridiculous hairstyle or beard or moustache for one of his movies and Emma can't have sex with him or just simply look at him without laughging? And the talk shows' people find about it and ask about it in every interview or something. Thank you!
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Hi, nonnie! I’ve been saving your ask for awhile now (I had to finish the story first), and I’m too thrilled to get to answer it now! And to the others who have sent me Betting on the Bullseye prompts, I’m working on them ❤️
AO3: Beginning | Current
Tumblr: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29 | Part 30
Tag list: @ultraluckycatnd @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @wellhellotragic @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @mayquita @captainsjedi @teamhook @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @kmomof4 @ekr032-blog-blog @andiirivera @superchocovian @cs-forlife @qualitycoffeethings @notoriouscs @mariakov81 @jonirobinson64 @bmbbcs4evr @thejollyroger-writer @lifeinahole27 @ultimiflos @galaxyzxstark @idristardis
He settles down in the bed, pulling the covers up over his shoulders and inching closer to Emma until he can get one arm slung over her waist and the other underneath the pillow, his chin on her shoulder and her feet tucked between his calves. Her moving her feet is how he knows that there’s still some kind of consciousness left in her and that she’s not dead to the world as she slumbers.
“You smell good,” she mumbles, and he smiles at that, spreading his hand out across the width of her stomach and tapping his fingers against her skin as he nuzzles further into her.
Working these long days on set has been killing him physically, but mostly it’s been killing him emotionally as he’s away from Emma and McKenzie, only really seeing Emma on the rare occasions that he’s home in time for her to go to sleep. He’s thankful that he’s shooting in LA so that they’re not far apart distance wise, but it doesn’t feel that way sometimes when he only sees his wife when she’s asleep and only sees his baby girl when she’s in that post-nap phase where she could care less that Daddy is home and all she wants to do is play with her toys. The ache he feels missing them almost reminds him of being away filming during the early stages of Emma’s pregnancy with his Kenzie girl, but that may have been far worse as he very literally couldn’t be there to hold her when she was suffering through nausea and fatigue.
At least he can hold her for all of that now even when he’s not around as often.
“It’s my aftershave,” he whispers in response, turning his head and kissing just below her ear, pressing his nose into her skin as he works at the skin there, listening to the little moan Emma elicits. God, he loves that. “The one you bought me for my birthday. Good to know that you – ”
Emma very suddenly twists in his arms, kneeing him in the stomach and kicking at his calves as she lands on his hand and is staring at him with their noses less than an inch apart, her lips parted and eyes widened with her brows raised.
“What the hell happened to you face?”
He recoils is head, furrowing his own brows while he looks into her eyes and tries to understand just what about his face has her so shocked. Is he bleeding and hasn’t realized it? Did he nick himself shaving? Is he getting a black eye from filming? Did he get hit without noticing?
“What do you mean, love?” he questions, pulling his hand out from underneath her to grab onto her waist, squeezing her hip as Emma’s hand rises to touch his cheek.
“You shaved, KJ,” she whispers, almost as if she can’t accept the words she’s saying.
“Aye, I know. I shave all of the time.”
“But, babe,” she continues, her fingers moving up and down his cheek, seemingly unable to stop touching him everywhere that she can get her hands on, not that he would ever mind that, “you never shave all of the hair on your face off. You just trim your scruff. It’s so…”
“Handsome? Dashing? So attractive that you simply have to kiss me right now?”
“Smooth,” Emma says instead, her brows pressing together as she concentrates on the movements of her hands. “It’s like baby skin but still the tiniest bit prickly.”
“Funny, that’s what I say about you.”
“Shut up, you idiot.”
“You’re so good to me.”
“I really am.”
“And forever the most humble and kind woman on the planet.”
“I mean, I wasn’t going to say anything.”
“You never do.”
“Gah,” Emma groans, running her entire palm over his cheek while he slowly pulls her closer to him, their hips nearly touching, “this is so weird. I’ve never seen you with no facial hair. I’m not sure how I feel about it.”
“Well, I’d hope that you do still find me handsome. I’d hate to think a movie role is what’s going to break apart our marriage.”
“I know. I always thought it was going to be a mid-life crisis where you go out and spend all of our money on a new boat or something.”
“That could still happen.”
“Could it?”
“Yeah, I’m only thirty-seven. Still plenty of time for me to spend McKenzie’s and baby Jones’s university fund.”
“All over some facial hair,” Emma sighs, leaning in to gently slide her soft lips over his, seemingly happy to linger there instead of moving. But then she does, encouraging him to open his lips with a flick of her tongue a little pressure from her lips as he forgets about everything but Emma and how she feels with her body against his and her lips effortlessly moving while she lets out this little gasp that he doesn’t think he’ll ever get over. He doesn’t really want to when she makes the most glorious sounds that only he elicits from her. He’s about to fully tangle his tongue with hers and press her body down into the mattress, but then Emma’s trailing her mouth away from his lips and across his cheek and his jaw, rubbing her nose into his skin. “It’s like I’m kissing a different man.”
“People are always telling me to help keep the spark alive with things like that.”
Emma giggles into his cheek before he gently nudges her down onto her back, placing his knees on either side of her thighs to keep himself from weighing down on the small curve of her stomach as he slowly, leisurely, desperately melds their lips together. God, he misses her so much, and after this baby is born in six months, he’s not working for a solid year so he can spend time with his wife and his children. He doesn’t have any other commitments, and he plans on keeping it that way.
“I don’t think that’s what they meant.”
“Probably not,” he hums, nipping at the dip in her skin just above the collarbone. She smells of vanilla strongly enough that she must have taken a bath just before he got home. Or maybe Kenzie got her wet when she was trying to give her a bath before bedtime. He misses bath time. In the morning he’s going to get Kenzie to take an extra one so he can watch her giggles as they play with the letters that stick to the tub wall. “But I know that I romance you well enough to not need advice from others.”
“Can you use romance as a verb like that?” she asks on a gasp of broken air as her hips push up into his and her hands start running up and down his arms, staying at his biceps while he teases her skin.
“Does it matter?”
“Only for – ah – for future reference.”
“Well, I say that you can,” he murmurs into her skin before he starts working his way down her body, slowly pushing away clothes to kiss the tops of her breasts and her nipples, biting and teasing and driving her wild all the while she whimpers and moans and encourages him to keep doing exactly what he’s doing.
When he makes his way down to her thighs, having taken her pajama pants off, he’s just about to work his way past her underwear when he hears another giggle that he knows has nothing to do with the way that he’s kissing her. He ignores it, nudging his nose into her skin just above where he knows that she wants him when he hears it again, this time a little louder and more insistent as Emma’s legs close in a little on him.
“Darling?” he questions, poking his head up to look at her over the very slight swell of her stomach. He can’t see her face as it’s twisted to the side and into a white pillow case, but he can see her shaking from laughter. “Emma, love, I know I’m a confident man, but I can only take so much of my wife laughing at me when I’m about to have sex with her.”
“It’s y-your…it’s your face,” she sputters out before falling back to the pillow.
“That doesn’t make it any better.”
“Oh, KJ, that’s not what I mean,” she insists, propping herself up on her elbows while he starts moving away from the crevice of her thighs, his ego a little bruised even as he moves back up her body, trailing his lips and his teeth up her stomach and sternum and down her arm until he’s planting a kiss against the little MJ inked into her skin where the dot used to be. They’ll both have to get another one soon whenever they decide on a name for this baby.
He still wants to get Emma’s name somewhere, but he hasn’t decided where yet. They’re not going to have any more children after this, so he doesn’t have to worry about needing a place for a third initial for a child. He’s thinking he might get their wedding date tattooed around his ring finger for when he has to take his ring off for work even if it’ll have to be covered in makeup every day. He’ll know it’s there.
That’s really not the point right now, though. Emma laughing at him for no apparent reason when he was primed to do his best work is, however, is most definitely the point.
Falling back against the pillow himself, he stretches his arms and legs out, trying to cool the heated blood in his veins down as he takes several deep breaths, Emma still laughing beside him. What the hell is happening?
“What do you mean?” he growls, likely a little more agitated than he should be.
“I – okay, it’s going to sound stupid,” Emma says more quietly as she moves around on the bed until she’s sitting next to him and looking down at him with a soft smile on her face and her hair matted up in a way that makes her look like McKenzie when she wakes up from a long nap. He’d love baby Jones to be a boy, but he thinks he might like another girl too so that he can have all of his girls.
Really, though, he simply wants the little lad or lass to be healthy. That’s all that matters. That’s always what’s mattered.
“But?” he encourages, taking her hand in his and twining their fingers together despite him being a little annoyed with her.
“Your face is really smooth, babe. Like, it kind of feels like when I’ve just shaved my legs, so when you’re kissing my thighs, that’s kind of what it feels like and I can’t – I can’t stop laughing at it. It kind of tickles to be honest, which is totally the opposite of how it should be. I’m just really used to you going down on me and feeling your scruff.”
He sighs before he laughs himself, unable to stop as he shakes his head from side to side, disbelief at this woman never ceasing. He seems to remember her once saying her legs felt like a dolphin when she shaved. Maybe that’s what his face feels like to her, and it’s too foreign of a feeling. “You’re telling me you can’t have sex with me because of my face.”
She raises a brow. “Am I allowed to make a joke here or not? Because you totally set yourself up for that one.”
He reaches over and pinches her leg, watching her squirm and settle back down next to him so that their intertwined hands rest on his chest while his free arm wraps around her shoulder. “I did set myself up for that one despite knowing better.”
“Mhm,” Emma agrees, adjusting her head and her legs until she’s comfortable and totally intertwined with him, just not in the way he thought they would be. “I love you. I do. And I love your face no matter how it looks, but I have known you for five years and never once experienced you with a totally clean shaven face. It’d be like if one day I showed up as a brunette.”
“That’d be hot.”
“Shut up. You know what I mean.”
“I do, I do.” He turns his head to the side and kisses her temple, purposefully rubbing his chin into her skin. “You know, just because my face is different doesn’t mean my tongue works any differently.”
“Later,” she yawns, running her foot up and down his calf in a way that is not at all helping the situation. “I just got really tired.”
“Did you nap today?”
“Didn’t have time.”
“I know, but I got home from work and Kenzie was super whiny about everything and the nap didn’t happen. I was in bed by nine, though, and then you came home and I got all distracted by that handsome face of yours.”
He smiles into her hair and shifts a bit under her weight, running his hand up and down her arm. “You’ve got a bit of a Russian nesting doll situation happening. You need your sleep.”
“A Russian doll situation?”
“Yeah, like the dolls where you – ”
“I know what they are. Are you saying that’s what pregnancy is like?”
“Isn’t it?”
Emma laughs and shakes her head. “If only I gave birth as easily as those things come apart.”
“Now that would be a sight.”
“A really creepy one. Kind of like your face right now.”
“Sleep, love,” he chuckles. “You can make fun of me some more in the morning.”
“Sounds like a plan, Stan.”
She doesn’t make fun of him the next morning, and he mostly thinks it’s because they don’t get a lot of time together before he has to go to set. Mckenzie wakes up a little before six, the monitor they have in their room going off for her, and instead of staying in bed and waiting for her to go back to sleep, he slowly unwraps himself from Emma and heads down the hall to his daughter’s room, picking her up and holding onto her as she babbles to him. She’s got quite a few words down now, and for a sixteen-month-old, he thinks she’s doing pretty well. She’s happy and healthy, and even if he doesn’t get to do bath time with her, they do spend a little more time together than they’ve been getting, Emma eventually coming down the stairs with her pajamas still rumpled up.
But then he’s off to work, and it’s the same routine over and over again for the next month.
He thinks that Emma gets used to his lack of beard of his face, no longer giggling uncontrollably when he tries to romance her, but when the time comes for him to start growing in his sideburns and mustache, he braces himself for her to hate it.
But she doesn’t.
Mostly because she doesn’t notice.
He knows that Emma is busy with work and with balancing a million things on one very small plate, but for the fuss that was made about his clean shaven face, he really did think that she’d notice he was growing a handlebar mustache and some seriously thick sideburns for his movie. The seventies were an odd time, and he cannot wait to be able to shave all of this off and grow back his normal facial hair.
But he’d also kind of like Emma to notice.
He knows the exact moment she does. They’re sitting on the beach with Kenzie, trying to keep her from stuffing sand into her mouth because that’s the phase they’re going through with her, when Emma’s gaze lands on his and her lips part and brows rise high on her forehead, eyes most likely widened under her sunglasses.
“What is happening with your face right now?”
“Darling, no offense, but I’m beginning to think you don’t pay attention to what happens with my face since you are continuously shocked by these changes.”
“I swear I look at you and pay attention to you, but I don’t…no, no, Kenzie,” she sighs, getting up from the towels and reaching to grab their daughter and pull her back to them. “We don’t eat sand.”
“You’re such an odd child, little love,” he chuckles, reaching forward to tickle her stomach until she dissolves into a fit of giggles, “but we don’t eat sand. It hurts our tummies.”
“It yummy,” she repeats.
“No, it’s not,” Emma sighs, resting McKenzie on her thigh and tickling her hands across her stomach to make her laugh. “KJ, I really don’t think I noticed the mustache.”
“What about the sideburns?”
“There are sideburns?” she laughs, placing her hand in front of her mouth in a pathetic attempt to cover up her giggles. “I’m…I’m so sorry. I – I shouldn’t…Killian, how long are you going to be sporting this kind of facial hair?”
“At least two more months.”
“Okay, okay,” she nods, her eyes most likely shining under her sunglasses, “I can deal with that. It’s just going to take some getting used to. If anyone can pull off this look, I have faith that it’s you.”
“Thank you, love,” he smiles, a little at Emma but mostly to himself at how much Emma’s affected by his changing facial hair. He knows she would never love him any less no matter what he looks like. It’s simply amusing to see how she takes the changes. “Alright, Kenzie, let’s put on your floaties so we can go out in the water and look for fish.”
Their life goes on, Emma’s stomach and his facial hair growing every day, and while he appreciates the roundness of Emma’s stomach and the growth in her breasts as their son (that’s right – they’re having a boy!) grows healthily within her, Emma does not seem to appreciate his facial hair. Nothing really changes with them. If there’s one thing he’s come to appreciate about his marriage – and really there are far too many to count – it’s that while he and Emma do get into disagreements, they’re a team who laughs together. She makes him laugh more than anyone just as he does to her, and no matter where they are or what they’re doing, they always have that playfulness that comes with being so comfortable with someone. It’s special, what they have, and he never wants a day to come where Emma doesn’t laugh at least once a day.
But the fact that she’s started laughing during sex (more so than usual, really since the two of them definitely aren’t the type of people where it’s always serious. Where’s the fun in that?) when she gets a good look at his face is definitely not what he was expecting. He doesn’t mind. He laughs too. His appearance isn’t what it usually is and sometimes when he gets a good luck at himself in the mirror, he can’t help it either. But it becomes this constant, consistent thing that he grows used to, and even if some people think that it’s a bit harsh, he’s forever charmed by his wife.
When filming is over, he gets to shave, his face returning to almost normal, and when he and Emma celebrate the night after filming is finished, Emma carefully situates herself on his thighs to help with her stomach as she runs her lips over his jaw.
“I kind of miss it,” she lets out on an exhale as she sinks down onto him, her walls enveloping him in all of their goodness, the slick warmth nearly driving him into the madness that it always does.
“My darling, we slept together four days ago. I don’t think you missed my cock too much.”
“Sometimes you shouldn’t say the things you think,” she giggles into his neck while his hands find her hips to help guide her a bit.
He waggles his brows even if she can’t see them with her head resting on his shoulder like it is. “We were both thinking that.”
“I was actually thinking about your mustache.”
“Emma,” he gasps, sliding his hand down to rest at her ass, squeezing the slightest bit, “you miss my mustache? You hated that thing.”
“It grew on me.”
“Technically it grew on me.”
“Your jokes have become so much worse since becoming a dad.”
“I have a reputation to uphold for all other dads when it comes to telling dad jokes.”
She hums, swiveling her hips a little bit more and making him nearly lose himself right there. “You do have a reputation to uphold. I’d hate to make someone think that you weren’t keeping up with your quota of dad jokes.”
“Next thing you know they’ll find out I haven’t been wearing the cargo shorts.”
“Killian, my love,” Emma says very seriously, pulling back from his neck so she can cup his cheeks while her hips do something indecent to him, “I will accept the mustache, but I will not accept the cargo shorts.”
Six months later his beard is back to its normal length and shape, has been for awhile now, and he’s on James Cordon to promote his movie. It’s the last piece of work that he has to do before he can finally take a break to be with Emma and the kids without any work interruption, and as fun as this is, he cannot wait to go home in two hours.
“So you know I have to ask,” James starts from behind his desk while Killian smiles, wishing the lights weren’t quite so bright as he reaches up to scratch behind his ear, “about your wife, your family. It’s a bit of a tradition with my producer threatening me if I don’t.”
“Well, what does she threaten you with?”
“I’ve signed an NDA and can’t tell you that.” He laughs and nods his head, waiting for the words he knows are coming. “So, I love your wife. She’s a sweetheart, but there’s a rumor making its way through the Hollywood grapevine that your facial hair in your latest movie caused a bit of an issue in your marriage.” Killian rolls his eyes and leans down to bury his face in his hands before peeking through his fingers, wondering if this story is ever going to go away. “Would you like to expand on it a bit?”
“Would I like to?” he laughs, sitting up against the couch and pushing his hair back while he smiles. “No, likely not, but I will. So I was out to eat lunch with my brother. We were chatting. It was all fine, and I, being an idiot and forgetting that people care about things that I say, was telling him that my wife found my moustache and sideburns to be quite a…she couldn’t stop laughing at me. Like, she’d look at my face and bust out laughing, and it’d get particularly bad when we were having private time.”
“When you were fucking?”
“Oh hell,” he chuckles, his laugh mixing in with the audience as they play the fake censorship bleep over the speakers since that’ll have to be censored later. “Pretty much, yes. Sometimes she couldn’t help herself and would laugh until she couldn’t breathe, completely taking us out of the moment because then I’d start laughing too.”
“Really?” James hiccups as he laughs too, leaning forward on the desk. “It didn’t hurt your pride?”
“No. Emma, you have to understand that Emma is the funniest person I know. Far funnier than me, and we’re always laughing. Usually not at each other’s faces, but we’re always laughing. I looked ridiculous for a really long time, and honestly, I’d keep that damn mustache for the rest of my life as long as it makes her laugh.”
“But at what cost to your sex life?”
“Well, we just had a little boy, so I think things are still looking up there.”
He finishes the interview, his face hurting from laughter as they thankfully move away from his personal life and onto other things, and when he and Emma settle down to watch the interview that night, at her insistence of course, she laughs throughout the entire thing, their bedroom filled with the melodious sound he’ll never tire of.
“KJ,” she giggles, peppering kisses all over his face, “I love you and your face always.”
Seeing this tiny, sarcastic, fun-loving woman smile or laugh or cuddle with their children or light up like a constellation in the sky gives him life and reminds him of just how much he loves her and her face always.
Though, Emma with a mustache and sideburns would be quite the sight to behold.
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timclymer · 5 years
All You Need To Know About The 6th Month (From 23 to 27 Weeks)
I have spent nights of reading and searching to give you this complete pregnancy guide. In this article we will go through fetus development, physical symptoms and infrequent symptoms. I did my best to simplify the presentation of this article to help you easily find your answer.
Fetus Development
Your baby’s eyes can open and close and react to light, vocal cords are functioning, eye brows are forming now. Your baby is still active, since he is still relatively small about 30 cm long and is comfortable moving, punching and changing positions.
He weighs around 2 pounds. The facial features looks like a minuscule newborn baby.
The lungs are not fully developed so a baby born can still survive but with intensive care. Remember though, every day spent in the womb gives your baby a higher chance of survival and better odds at gaining the functionality it needs to survive.
Common physical symptoms:
1- The baby’s movements becomes more definite enjoy the punches from those little arms and legs.
2- Baby’s hiccups become more visible from the outside:Fetal hiccups usually shows up around the second or third trimester. Fetal hiccups are reflexive and do not seem to cause discomfort. In addition, hiccups prepare the fetus’s lungs for healthy respiratory function after birth and they help regulate the baby’s heart rate during the third trimester.
3- Whitish vaginal discharge (Leukorrhea)
4- Abdominal pain: It is often when pregnant women experience abdominal pain, and most of the time doctors hear complaints describing pain in the back and especially abdomen. There are many possible causes of such pain.
The most common cause for such pain is that round ligament stretching will cause minor or even moderate pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. A pregnant woman has to differentiate what is and what is not a cramp. A cramp could easily be confused with a minor contraction, which happens from time to time and is no cause for alarm. It is just a signal that the uterus is preparing itself for the upcoming birth. Severe or persistent abdominal pain during pregnancy is never normal and it requires an immediate doctor’s exam.
5- Constipation: Constipation in pregnant women occurs due to hormones that relax the intestinal muscle and to the pressure of the expanding uterus on the intestines. Relaxation of the intestinal muscle causes food and waste to move slower through your system. To avoid constipation you must eat fibers, lots of greens and fruits. and drink plenty of water up to 3 Liters per day.
6- Heartburn: Hormonal changes is the main cause for heartburn during pregnancy. Hormones, particularly progesterone, can relax the valve that normally prevents stomach acid from backing up into the esophagus what will cause an irritation.
To avoid acid reflux, eat six small meals instead of three large ones. Abstain from eating tomato sauce, thyme, orange juice, spices and full-fat dairy products.
7- Headaches
8- Bleeding gums: hormonal changes are the reason of all our pregnancy problems. Pregnancy hormones causes a swollen gum that bleeds easily. Take a good care of your teeth and gum during those 9, long, months. Brush your teeth 3 times a day, floss and rinse with salt and water to ease any gum pain or bleeding.
9- Nasal congestion or rhinitis: Nearly every woman suffers from nasal stuffiness. that’s because the high level of estrogen and progesterone circulating in the body bring increased blood flow to the mucous membranes of the nose causing the to swell. The congestion won’t get better until after delivery but I beg you not to use any nasal sprays unless they are prescribed by your doctor. Always check with your Ob-Gyn even if the medication were prescribed by another doctor.
10- Increased appetite
11- Leg cramps: Most leg cramps are caused from the fatigue of carrying around that extra weight. Cramps can also be aggravated by the expanding uterus putting pressure on blood vessels. While some experts believe they are due to an excess of phosphorus or a shortage of calcium, magnesium or other body minerals. Your doctor might suggest you take magnesium supplement could decrease legs cramps.
Try following these instructions to prevent those annoying nighttime leg cramps:
1- Stretch your legs a few times a day, especially before bedtime
2- Rotate your ankles and shake your toes to increase circulation
3- Avoid sitting with your legs crossed
4- Avoid standing for a long period of time
5- Eat Calcium rich foods
6- Reduce your intake of phosphorus rich foods such as soft drink, processed meat and snacks
12- Mild feet and ankles swelling (edema): Most women suffer from Edema. This symptom is the result of excessive fluid accumulation around feet and ankles. Here are few tips to help you deal with normal swelling during pregnancy:
* Try to rest and lift your feet whenever it’s possible. * Drink plenty of water, up to 2 liters a day. The extra fluids will help flush out your system of waste products which may have increased swelling. * Wear comfortable shoes. * Excessive swelling that doesn’t seem to ease down after many hours of rest should be reported to your doctor.
13- Lower back and leg pain: this is another symptom of expectant motherhood. The pressure of the enlarging uterus, which has been responsible for so many other discomforts, can also affect the sciatic nerve, causing lower back, buttock and leg pain. To relieve this pain you can try to exercise more often, practice pregnancy yoga or Pilates, pelvic tilt, swimming or walking. Take care to sit in a good posture and lift your feet from time to time this may help reduce the pain.
14- Itchy Belly: This occurs when your uterus grows and expands to accommodate your new baby and your skin stretches. Pregnancy hormones can also result in some itching during pregnancy as well as changes in your liver enzymes.
15- Enlarged breasts: For small breasted women, this could be the best pregnancy symptom ever. Hormonal changes during pregnancy cause increased blood flow and changes in the breast tissue which makes your breasts feel unusually swollen, sore and tingly.
16- Fewer mood swings
17- Absentmindedness
Uncommon Symptoms
Numbness and tingling fingers and toes is normal in pregnancy and is thought to be due to swelling tissues pressing on nerves
Clumsiness: The loosening of joints and the retention of water, can both make your grasp on objects less firm which will cause temporary clumsiness.
Gestational Diabetes: It first may be noticed in the sixth and seventh month of pregnancy. It occurs when the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin or the body is unable to process the insulin properly, resulting in high levels of glucose. Gestational diabetes occurs in women who have not previously had diabetes, and the condition likely disappears after giving birth. The symptoms you should watch out for are:
* Excessive weight gain * Excessive thirst * Vaginal infection * Excessive fatigue * Excessive hunger * Blurry vision
In case you notice these symptoms please contact your doctor.
Source by Maria M Elaaraj
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/all-you-need-to-know-about-the-6th-month-from-23-to-27-weeks/ via Home Solutions on WordPress from Home Solutions FOREV https://homesolutionsforev.tumblr.com/post/187185052230 via Tim Clymer on Wordpress
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homesolutionsforev · 5 years
All You Need To Know About The 6th Month (From 23 to 27 Weeks)
I have spent nights of reading and searching to give you this complete pregnancy guide. In this article we will go through fetus development, physical symptoms and infrequent symptoms. I did my best to simplify the presentation of this article to help you easily find your answer.
Fetus Development
Your baby’s eyes can open and close and react to light, vocal cords are functioning, eye brows are forming now. Your baby is still active, since he is still relatively small about 30 cm long and is comfortable moving, punching and changing positions.
He weighs around 2 pounds. The facial features looks like a minuscule newborn baby.
The lungs are not fully developed so a baby born can still survive but with intensive care. Remember though, every day spent in the womb gives your baby a higher chance of survival and better odds at gaining the functionality it needs to survive.
Common physical symptoms:
1- The baby’s movements becomes more definite enjoy the punches from those little arms and legs.
2- Baby’s hiccups become more visible from the outside:Fetal hiccups usually shows up around the second or third trimester. Fetal hiccups are reflexive and do not seem to cause discomfort. In addition, hiccups prepare the fetus’s lungs for healthy respiratory function after birth and they help regulate the baby’s heart rate during the third trimester.
3- Whitish vaginal discharge (Leukorrhea)
4- Abdominal pain: It is often when pregnant women experience abdominal pain, and most of the time doctors hear complaints describing pain in the back and especially abdomen. There are many possible causes of such pain.
The most common cause for such pain is that round ligament stretching will cause minor or even moderate pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. A pregnant woman has to differentiate what is and what is not a cramp. A cramp could easily be confused with a minor contraction, which happens from time to time and is no cause for alarm. It is just a signal that the uterus is preparing itself for the upcoming birth. Severe or persistent abdominal pain during pregnancy is never normal and it requires an immediate doctor’s exam.
5- Constipation: Constipation in pregnant women occurs due to hormones that relax the intestinal muscle and to the pressure of the expanding uterus on the intestines. Relaxation of the intestinal muscle causes food and waste to move slower through your system. To avoid constipation you must eat fibers, lots of greens and fruits. and drink plenty of water up to 3 Liters per day.
6- Heartburn: Hormonal changes is the main cause for heartburn during pregnancy. Hormones, particularly progesterone, can relax the valve that normally prevents stomach acid from backing up into the esophagus what will cause an irritation.
To avoid acid reflux, eat six small meals instead of three large ones. Abstain from eating tomato sauce, thyme, orange juice, spices and full-fat dairy products.
7- Headaches
8- Bleeding gums: hormonal changes are the reason of all our pregnancy problems. Pregnancy hormones causes a swollen gum that bleeds easily. Take a good care of your teeth and gum during those 9, long, months. Brush your teeth 3 times a day, floss and rinse with salt and water to ease any gum pain or bleeding.
9- Nasal congestion or rhinitis: Nearly every woman suffers from nasal stuffiness. that’s because the high level of estrogen and progesterone circulating in the body bring increased blood flow to the mucous membranes of the nose causing the to swell. The congestion won’t get better until after delivery but I beg you not to use any nasal sprays unless they are prescribed by your doctor. Always check with your Ob-Gyn even if the medication were prescribed by another doctor.
10- Increased appetite
11- Leg cramps: Most leg cramps are caused from the fatigue of carrying around that extra weight. Cramps can also be aggravated by the expanding uterus putting pressure on blood vessels. While some experts believe they are due to an excess of phosphorus or a shortage of calcium, magnesium or other body minerals. Your doctor might suggest you take magnesium supplement could decrease legs cramps.
Try following these instructions to prevent those annoying nighttime leg cramps:
1- Stretch your legs a few times a day, especially before bedtime
2- Rotate your ankles and shake your toes to increase circulation
3- Avoid sitting with your legs crossed
4- Avoid standing for a long period of time
5- Eat Calcium rich foods
6- Reduce your intake of phosphorus rich foods such as soft drink, processed meat and snacks
12- Mild feet and ankles swelling (edema): Most women suffer from Edema. This symptom is the result of excessive fluid accumulation around feet and ankles. Here are few tips to help you deal with normal swelling during pregnancy:
* Try to rest and lift your feet whenever it’s possible. * Drink plenty of water, up to 2 liters a day. The extra fluids will help flush out your system of waste products which may have increased swelling. * Wear comfortable shoes. * Excessive swelling that doesn’t seem to ease down after many hours of rest should be reported to your doctor.
13- Lower back and leg pain: this is another symptom of expectant motherhood. The pressure of the enlarging uterus, which has been responsible for so many other discomforts, can also affect the sciatic nerve, causing lower back, buttock and leg pain. To relieve this pain you can try to exercise more often, practice pregnancy yoga or Pilates, pelvic tilt, swimming or walking. Take care to sit in a good posture and lift your feet from time to time this may help reduce the pain.
14- Itchy Belly: This occurs when your uterus grows and expands to accommodate your new baby and your skin stretches. Pregnancy hormones can also result in some itching during pregnancy as well as changes in your liver enzymes.
15- Enlarged breasts: For small breasted women, this could be the best pregnancy symptom ever. Hormonal changes during pregnancy cause increased blood flow and changes in the breast tissue which makes your breasts feel unusually swollen, sore and tingly.
16- Fewer mood swings
17- Absentmindedness
Uncommon Symptoms
Numbness and tingling fingers and toes is normal in pregnancy and is thought to be due to swelling tissues pressing on nerves
Clumsiness: The loosening of joints and the retention of water, can both make your grasp on objects less firm which will cause temporary clumsiness.
Gestational Diabetes: It first may be noticed in the sixth and seventh month of pregnancy. It occurs when the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin or the body is unable to process the insulin properly, resulting in high levels of glucose. Gestational diabetes occurs in women who have not previously had diabetes, and the condition likely disappears after giving birth. The symptoms you should watch out for are:
* Excessive weight gain * Excessive thirst * Vaginal infection * Excessive fatigue * Excessive hunger * Blurry vision
In case you notice these symptoms please contact your doctor.
Source by Maria M Elaaraj
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/all-you-need-to-know-about-the-6th-month-from-23-to-27-weeks/ via Home Solutions on WordPress
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blogsandphotos · 5 years
So let me tell you about my “Sleep Study”…
From September 28, 2011 at 7:40 AM
So I get to the hospital at 8:50PM. Had to be there by 9 and me being me I try to be on time and for the most part am usually early.
I fill out the typical paperwork and change into a pair of shorts and a tank top to sleep in.  “Bob” comes in and starts to tell me about the electrodes he has to put on me to record my sleep.  Oh no biggie…  HAH!
Now you would think that putting these little electrodes on would be a piece of cake… no such luck!  First the guy takes measurements of your head, then takes a red marker and marks where he wants to place the electrodes.  I swear he was like a 3 year old with a marker coloring on the walls!  Umm ouch!  That’s skin!!
Then they stick the little metal ends of the electrodes in goo. Goo is the only way I can describe this! Then they place them on your body and with the palm of his hand he smashes them down, I swear he was trying to push them under my skin!!!  Then as if that’s not enough, they cover each one of them with at least 2 pieces of tape.  I had two on each leg, one at the corner of each eye, one on my forehead, one at each temple,one behind each ear and 2 on each side of my jaw.
Then I had at least 6 on my skull. Same nasty goo and tape in my hair. That’s nice… Cant tell you how bad it hurt when he was coloring with that marker on my skull!  This is just un-natural!  No one colors their skull with a marker!
Then I had a small microphone taped where my thyroid USED to be. This is to pick up snoring, talking in your sleep, etc.
They I had 2 little stickys for the heart monitor stuck on my chest and one on my side.
As if that’s not enough, they put an elastic belt around the top part of your chest, armpit to armpit. This is to measure your breathing. Really? Who the hell can breath now??
Then they place one around your waist, just as tight. What this is for??? I have no freaking idea, nor do I think I want to know!
Wait, we are not done!!  Then they place this little device across your face. The only way to describe it is, if you have ever been in the hospital and had to have oxygen, the little thing that goes in your nose, well this was pretty much the same thing except instead of plastic or rubbery ends that go in your nose to administer oxygen, these are two metal wires. Why?  Why to measure the temperature of your breathing obviously! WTF?  This is in your nose and the sides are looped over your ears and oh yea…TAPED ON YOUR FACE!
Finally they place the little finger monitor on to measure your oxygen as you sleep.  Or lack there of from the straps that are crushing your lungs!
This all took at least an hour to put into place! The man looks and me as he is doing all this and says, “The goo in your hair will come out very easy if you shower in hot water. Really?  So in the morning, Im to get in the shower when I get home and scald myself to get this crap out of my hair. Hmm sounds reasonable!  Then as he is putting the last 37 pieces of tape on my face he says, “A lot of people say, how am I supposed to sleep with all this crap on me? He says, don’t worry, you’ll sleep, our beds are very comfortable.”
I get into bed, he hooks everything up to the computer and as he is walking out of the room he says, Goodnight.
So I’m lying in bed thinking…I just drove to a hospital, at 9PM to sleep and I’ve had an hour of torture before hand. Yea this is relaxing.
So I look at the clock and its now 10:30. Way past my normal bedtime.  And I lay there…and I turn this way….and then the other way.  The tv shuts off at 11 and Im still awake.  Ive got tape ripping hair out of my head, Ive got two belts strangling me, two wires shoved into my nose and that damn thing on my finger.
Did I sleep?  Well…lets see. The tv went off at 11 and I was still awake.  I remember looking at the clock and it was 12:10AM.  Then I remember it being 1:15AM.  Must have slept cause the next time I looked it was 3:05AM.  The next time I looked it was 4:34AM and finally at 5AM the nurses come in and say in a nice pleasant voice, “Lou Ann..its morning…and im thinking to myself ”THANK GOD”!!
So I sit up and they start to remove all these items. I’m pretty sure I’ve lost some skin off my legs and face from the tape and more then a few hairs from my head!  While they are doing this one lady says, you didn’t sleep much. You tossed and turned all night. Hmm Imagine that.  Then one lady says, I like your bunny. I didnt say nothing at first, Im thinking...what bunny? Thats a strange thing to say haha.  Then it hits me and I realize she means my tattoo..which I politely respond with...oh thanks...but thats a deer.  She must be more tired then me! haha
They ask if I want to get a shower.  No thanks; I can do that at home. So she gives me a washrag so I can wash off my face. Got rid of the goo and the red marker. When I come back to my room she says to me, ….Wait for it…..wait for it…you will want to wash your hair at least 3 times with shampoo when you get home. Really? 3 times?  I’m pretty sure I don’t want my hair to look like straw…and with shampoo? Really? Compared to what? Dish soap? Toothpaste?  What would I use to wash my hair with other then shampoo?
Then she gives me, what tasted like the best cup of coffee EVER while I fill out forms to describe how well I slept. Ummm I didn’t.
Finally I am done with everything and I can leave. As I’m walking down the hall the lady says to me, “Thanks for filling out the paper work and have a great day.  Oh and if they need you to come back they will call you.”  Say what?  Come back? Are you freaking kidding me?  There is no way on Gods green earth I would do this again!
So to all you people who told me, “its not so bad” and you know who you are haha, I have one thing to say…. LIARS! Haha
Anyhow, I was home by 6AM, got my shower, melted the goo out of my hair and am now working on coffee #3 trying to wake up before my day starts.
Today would be a perfect day for a nap, however I have to drop my car off at the dealer to get a part replaced at 9AM. Then my brother wants to go to lunch. By time I get home it will be time to take Taylor to cheerleading.  Then when I get home at 7 I have to finish dinner.  Ill either be in bed by 8PM or be so tired Ill be delirious and not be able to sleep.
Hopefully my little story has made at least one of you chuckle or even smile... but what ever you do...if you have to have a sleep study...dont let anyone tell your.... "its not so bad".  BULLSHIT! haha
Oh yea..I forgot one thing....  Good ole Bob puts on the TV, sets the sleep timer and puts the remote somewhere on the back of the bed and leaves the room after shutting the door behind him.  He put on the History channel...which is fine, I love the history channel...but the show was called "TopShot".  Im sorry I dont need to watch 4 teams of men trying to prove they are better then the others by way of their shooting skills.  Really?  Cause this who experience hasnt been nightmarish enough!  Now I have to try to sit up enough to find the damn remote to change the channel!  And yes Taylor...I put on American Dad! haha
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peacefulheartfarm · 5 years
What is A2A2 Milk
You have heard me talk about A2A2 milk. Some of you may not know what that means. You may wonder if it really matters to you and your family. I’m going to fill you in on some of that information today.
First let me say welcome to all the new listeners and welcome back to you veteran homestead loving regulars who stop by the FarmCast every week. I appreciate you all so much. I’m so excited to share with you what’s going on at the farm this week, a little bit about A2A2 milk and a great and tasty recipe. Let’s just jump right in.
Today’s Show
Homestead Life Updates
What is A2A2 Milk?
Ice Cream Base Recipe – with downloadable document with flavoring ideas
Homestead Life Updates
The cows are doing great. We have a new calf and the last one for a while. There is likely one more, but that cow is way behind the others. In fact, we are getting ready to breed some of them again in a few weeks. Cloud will deliver so late that she likely will not get bred back this year.
We are selling all of our bulls. We have six. Yes six. There is 2-year-old Sam. He is 95% Normande genetics and the sire of this year’s crop of calves. Then we have 1-year-old Ray’s Rocket – mostly we call him Rocket Man. Lastly is the group of newlings born this year. All four are for sale. Some are currently being negotiated for but I’ll put a link in the show notes to the Facebook page where all of their information can be found. If you are looking to improve the genetics of your herd, this is the bull for you. 
Lambert is so fat right now. He will be receiving his bottle twice daily until nearly all of the milk replacer is gone. Then I will switch him to once a day for a week or maybe two before weaning him completely off.
If you want to get a whole or half lamb, speak up now. It will be months yet before these are ready for your freezer. We have one lamb and/or 2 half lambs currently available.  A whole lamb yields 30 to 35 pounds, sometimes more of meat. Half lambs, half that. You can see the cuts that come on a whole or half lamb on our website. www.peacefulheartfarm.com/shop/lamb-package. 
Orchard and Garden
There is always so much going on around here that a lot of stuff gets pushed back. Thinks like birthing, gathering and storing milk, making cheese, taking care of animals all have the highest priority. The garden and the orchard, not so much. My garden is still overrun with weeds, though I was able to dig out my carrots and surprisingly there are lots that beat the grass. Watering the garden does have a priority or it would all simply die. Other stuff slows down or stunts growth. The bottom line is we will still get a crop, but perhaps not as large as if we had gotten the weeds out and fertilized more often.
The peas are just such a crop. They are producing like mad and I will be picking them within the week, I think. Then they will have to be processed in some way. I’m scaring myself with all of that. There are just not enough hours in the week.
I still don’t even have everything planted. The green beans need to be put in the ground. The peanuts need to be replanted; I have no idea why not a single one sprouted. And the eggplant is going to wither away to nothing if I don’t get it out there in the garden.
Everything needs to be weeded. Everything needs to be fertilized.
Scott is diligently digging out the orchard from the waist high grass. It would be great if we could graze some of the animals in there, but they all eat the trees. We are still investigating how to get the sheep in their without having them raise up on their back legs as high as they can and eating all of the leaves off the branches they can reach. The goats are a complete disaster anywhere near the orchard or the berries. They will eat the bark off of the trees, killing them. And because they like to eat woody stemmed plants, they will decimate blackberry vines and blueberry bushes. No, we don’t want them anywhere near the orchard.
On the upside, they did a really great job of clearing out the wild blackberries on the island in the big pond. It is now quite pleasant to sit out there and enjoy being surrounded by water and nature.
We are newbies with the quail. It is unbelievable how quickly those quail grew. They outgrew their brooder box a good week before we had planned. Outside they went as we were having a warm spell. There were a couple of cool nights but these are wild birds and they faired very well. They are only barely over 2 weeks old and are fully feathered. The tiny birds that were barely the size of a gold ball are now the size of a baseball – perhaps even a softball. It’s amazing. They will begin laying eggs in as little as six weeks from now. Yum, yum, we look forward to it.
Four eggs are required to equal one chicken egg. Our plan is to have about 30 laying hens and 6 roosters for breeding. We will need to continually hatch out new ones as their lives are actually quite short and they only lay for a year or two.
The creamery – ah the creamery. So much still to do there and Scott has so little time to do it. We really need that building completed. However, as I mentioned earlier, there are priorities. First the animals, then the perishable milk and cheese, then the garden and orchard. The creamery, as an inanimate object comes in last place. There are even maintenance projects that take precedence. Fences, driveways, pathways, other infrastructure – all has to be kept up to ensure the safety of our animals.
It’s a lot but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. We work long hours every day – very long hours every day. Alarm goes off at 6:00 am and though 10:00 pm is bedtime, more often it is 11 or 11:30 before that happens. And every bit of it is worth it. There is never any lack of meaning in our lives. Boredom is something very distant in the past. The constant attention to the next task makes us know that we are alive in God’s wonderful creation.
One thing that evolved through nature is the composition of milk in cows. Recently, some of the genetic content and protein structure of milk has changed.
What is A2A2 Milk?
There is a great deal of scientific gobbledygook about the proteins and how they are broken down or not. I’ll try to keep this layman friendly and skip most of the mumbo-jumbo lingo. By the way, did you know that gobbledygook is an actual word that my spell-checker knew? Who knew? Well, my spellchecker knew.
A2 milk is cow's milk that mostly lacks a form of beta-casein proteins called A1 and instead has mostly the A2 form. 
A1 and A2 beta-casein are genetic variants of the beta-casein milk protein that differ by one amino acid. Casein is a family of related phosphoproteins. These proteins are commonly found in the milk of mammals, comprising about 80% of the proteins in cow’s milk and between 20% and 45% of the proteins in human milk. Sheep and buffalo milk have a higher casein content than other types of milk with human milk having a particularly low casein content. Casein has a wide variety of uses one of which is being a major component of cheese. We respect our casein.
A genetic test, developed by the a2 Milk Company, determines whether a cow produces A2 or A1 type protein in its milk. The test allows the company to certify milk producers as producing milk that does not metabolize to beta-casomorphin which is an opioid peptide or protein fragment derived from the digestion of the milk protein casein.
I know, I’m getting too scientific with the lingo there. All that means is that the chemical composition of A2A2 milk may benefit our health because it is digested without inflammation that might arise from BCM-7 produced by A1 beta-casein. Consequently, A1 proteins may be detrimental to our health. That causes great push back from the gigantic dairy industry as A2A2 genetics is rare in Europe (except France) and the US. That would really disrupt their operation if their milk was found to be harmful – while others had milk that was beneficial.
As with so many health-related topics, the science is divided on whether or not there is reason for concern regarding the A1 protein in milk – whether there are adverse health effects from its consumption. Personally, I’m erring on the side of caution, as I do with so many other foods. I’ll go with tradition as opposed to modern fads in nutrition. We are breeding our cows for the A2A2 genetic conformation.
And when I say modern fads in nutrition, I mean everything that came pouring out of the 20th century and that continues to pour out in the 21st century. I’m talking about three square meals a day, the food pyramid, and the modified food pyramid. I’m talking about low fat diets, vegan and vegetarian diets, the Mediterranean diet, the South Beach diet and so on. All of these so-called nutrition experts are literally experimenting with our health as human beings. We evolved over thousands and thousands and thousands of years eating locally grown food, whatever it was. Historically, in the tropics the diet was heavy in fruits, nuts and greens, in Alaska fat predominated. In other regions protein was the main source of dietary sustenance. You must find what works for you.
Which brings me back to A2A2 milk.
In the 1980s, some medical researchers began to explore whether some peptides (including peptides from casein) that are created during digestion might have negative or positive health effects.
Interest in the distinction between A1 and A2 beta-casein proteins in milk began in the early 1990s via epidemiological research and animal studies initially conducted by scientists in New Zealand. The scientists found correlations between the prevalence of milk with A1 beta-casein proteins in some countries and the prevalence of various chronic diseases. The research generated interest in the media, as well as among the scientific community and entrepreneurs. If it were indeed true that BCM-7 created by A1 beta-casein is harming humans, this would be an important public health issue.
Scientists believe the difference in genetics originated as a mutation that occurred between 5000 and 10,000 years ago—as cattle were being taken north into Europe with the mutation subsequently spreading widely throughout herds in the Western world through breeding.
The percentage of the A1 and A2 beta-casein protein varies between herds of cattle, and also between countries and provinces. While African and Asian cattle continue to produce only A2 beta-casein, the A1 version of the protein is common among cattle in the western world. The A1 beta-casein type is the most common type found in cow's milk in Europe (excluding France where our Normandes with predominantly A2A2 genetics originate). It is also the most common type found in cow’s milk in the US, Australia and New Zealand. 
Let’s talk about the possible health benefits.
Health Benefits
Symptoms of stomach discomfort, such as gas, bloating, and diarrhea that occur after consuming dairy products, are typically attributed to lactose intolerance. However, some researchers believe that it is BCM-7, not lactose, that affects digestion and produces symptoms similar to lactose intolerance, in some people.
A study on Chinese adults with self-reported milk intolerance compared the effects of drinking regular milk that contained A1 and A2 proteins with A2-only milk on intestinal function, stomach discomfort, and inflammation.
The participants consumed 8 oz of milk twice a day for 2 weeks. They reported worse stomach pain after they consumed the regular milk but no change in symptoms after they drank the A2 milk.
Participants also reported more frequent and looser-consistency stools while they drank the regular milk. These symptoms did not occur after they consumed the A2 milk.
So, what MIGHT be happening on the other side of the coin?
Potentially Harmful Effects of non A2A2 Milk
Notice the words “might and “potentially” there. I’m not making any claims here. Some of the effects can include:
In the same study mentioned above, researchers also looked at markers of inflammation in the blood. They found the participants had higher levels of inflammatory markers after they drank the regular milk.
Brain function
The research showed that milk could impact brain function. Study participants took longer to process information and made more errors on a test after drinking regular milk compared to A2 milk.
Type 1 diabetes
The potential risks associated with milk containing A1 proteins include an increased risk of developing type 1 diabetes.
Some studies have shown that children who drink cow's milk protein at an earlier age than others have a higher risk of developing type 1 diabetes. However, other studies have not shown the same association.
The research also suggests that the amount of milk a child consumes could influence their risk of developing type 1 diabetes, with higher milk consumption observed in children who develop the condition.
At least one study showed a link between the consumption of A1 protein and incidence of type 1 diabetes, although this kind of study fails to prove that it is a direct cause.
Some animal studies have shown associations between cow's milk consumption and a higher incidence of type 1 diabetes. One study in mice found that 47 percent of the mice that had A1 protein added to their diet developed diabetes, while none that had A2 protein added did so.
However, other research does not support the hypothesis that there is any association between milk consumption and a higher incidence of type 1 diabetes. There are links in the show notes for both sides of this discussion. Debate about the potential health effects of A1 and A2 milk is ongoing.
Research suggests that A1 beta-casein causes adverse digestive symptoms in certain individuals. But the evidence is still too weak for any solid conclusions to be made about the supposed links between A1 beta-casein and other conditions, such as type 1 diabetes and autism.
That said, A2 milk could be worth a try if you struggle to digest regular milk.
There you have it. The basics to the why of A2A2 milk. I’ll let you decide. Again, we like to err on the side of caution. We have two A2A2 certified cows and will be testing the rest of the herd as we move forward with our dairy operation. Go to the show notes for the links to the research I referenced.
Speaking of milk, how about an ice cream recipe for your A2A2 milk and cream.
Ice Cream Base Recipe (Download Flavorings)
When it’s warm outside, a cold refreshing dish of ice cream can really hit the spot. This is a basic ice cream recipe that can be used as a base for many different flavors. I’ve included a download link to the flavorings.
This silky, luscious and very classic custard can be used as the base for any ice cream flavor you can dream up. These particular proportions of milk and cream to egg yolk will give you a thick but not sticky ice cream that feels decadent but not heavy. For something a little lighter, use more milk and less cream, as long as the dairy adds up to 3 cups. You can also cut down on egg yolks for a thinner base, but don’t go below three.
Time: 20 minutes plus several hours’ cooling, chilling and freezing
Yield: about 1 ½ pints
What You Need
2cups heavy cream
1cup whole milk
⅔ cup sugar
⅛ teaspoon fine sea salt
6 large egg yolks
Your choice of flavoring (download here)
What To Do
In a small pot, simmer cream, milk, sugar and salt until sugar completely dissolves, about 5 minutes. Remove pot from heat. In a separate bowl, whisk yolks. Whisking constantly, slowly whisk about a third of the hot cream into the yolks, then whisk the yolk mixture back into the pot with the cream. Return pot to medium-low heat and gently cook until mixture is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon (about 170 degrees on an instant-read thermometer).
Strain through a fine-mesh sieve into a bowl. Cool mixture to room temperature. Cover and chill at least 4 hours or overnight.
Churn in an ice cream machine according to manufacturer’s instructions. Serve directly from the machine for soft serve, or store in freezer until needed.
Final Thoughts
I hope your days are filled with as much love and joy as you can stand. We love our lives here. Yes, we are busy beyond belief. Yes, it’s a little stressful sometimes. I just find it so fulfilling. From the time I was a child I was told to work hard for what I wanted. I was also told that I was too smart to not be college educated and have a career. So, no physical work. That was for those not smart enough to get out of that poor and decrepit existence. Funny isn’t it? In the end, educated to the max, I prefer the hard work. And indeed, some of it is smart brain work. But the best and most enjoyable part involves sweat.
Particularly, I love our cows and our dairy operation. Check out the references I provided for the research around A2 beta-casein. Then sign on to our herd share program with our A2A2 milk and value added products, go to www.peacefulheartfarm.com/virginia-herdshare. Read, ask questions, download the documents. We’d love to do business with you.
And as this Memorial Day weekend stretches into Monday, I hope you’ll try that ice cream recipe. There is nothing more traditional than everyone taking turns operating that crank on the ice cream machine. Well, we use the electric method. Likely you do too, but the principle is still the same. Enjoy your time with your family and friends.
If you enjoyed this podcast, please hop over to Apple Podcasts, Subscribe and give me a 5-star rating and review. Also, please share it with any friends or family who might be interested in this type of content.
As always, I’m here to help you “taste the traditional touch.”
Thank you so much for stopping by the homestead and until next time, may God fill your life with grace and peace.
Peaceful Heart Farm Bulls for Sale
NIH published study
Nutrition & Diabetes Study
The A2 milk case: a critical review
Recipe Link
Ice Cream Base
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northpolenotes · 5 years
Tips For First Time Babysitters
Are you new to babysitting? Are you a little nervous about your first-time babysitting?
Whether you’re new to the babysitting world or just new to a family, use these tips to make your experience successful and much easier!
I’ve been a babysitter 20 years. Having watched children who were related to me and those who were not, there are certain universal guidelines for a successful babysitting experience.
When first becoming a babysitter, clear and proper communication is crucial. You must determine what’s to be expected of you, what’s to be expected from the kids, and what’s to be expected from the parents. The responsibility doesn’t fall on any one person’s shoulders. It’s a teamwork effort.
Before you look for a babysitting job or go on your first visit, make a mental note of these important tips!
1.) Ask the parents for their ground rules.
Don’t leave it up to the kids to tell you what’s expected of them. Parents will most likely have guidelines laid out for you to follow. If they don’t, make sure you ask for them. Depending on the day and time you’re babysitting, you need the following:
How many hours do they need you for?
What do they have planned for a meal or snack?
Are there any food allergies you need to be aware of?
Any foods that are off-limits completely? i.e. no food or drinks before bed?
Are there school projects or homework that needs to be completed?
When is bedtime?
What’s their bedtime routine?
Are they allowed to watch TV or a movie? How much time?
What’s off limits in the house? A specific room? Pool? Trampoline?
If there are minor cuts or injuries, where’s the medical kit?
2.) Ask about what MUST be done
Some parents want chores to be taken care of before any fun activities. Ask what’s to be expected of you. Are you to help them or just supervise that it gets done?
Do they have clothes to put away?
Toys to clean up?
Homework to complete?
Be proactive with homework. Parents will most likely go over the homework and projects, but it’s always a good idea to check it with the child while you’re there.
3.) Establish your own rules
At some point, you’ll likely hear “But my Mom lets me.”
That may or may not be true. Hard truth: kids lie.
They also like to get their way, so even if it is true, it doesn’t mean that you have to be comfortable with letting them do it while they’re in your care. You’re not their parent, so your level of caution should be higher. Parents need to know their children are safe with you, so use your best judgment.
It’s best to talk about any of these occurrences with their parents after they get home. If the kids are trying to outsmart you, the parents should be aware so they can have a talk with them before you come over next time.
4.) Enforce the rules.
You’re most likely watching the kids at their house, so they’ll be comfortable in their space. However, comfort can sometimes mean they’re too comfortable and don’t want to listen. The more time they spend with you, the more comfortable they’ll get which means at some point they won’t listen.
It’s completely normal for children to be defiant at one point or another while you’re babysitting. They don’t want to eat what Mom left for dinner, they don’t want to do their homework, they don’t want to go to bed, etc. However, it’s important that you meet the expectations of their parents because they’re the boss, not the kids.
So what are your rules? It’s important to be stern but fair. I never take away rewards or privileges without warning. I resort to the 3 strikes and you’re out rule.
Some things to never tolerate are:
Talking back or becoming sassy
Fighting, hitting, kicking, spitting, etc., especially with their siblings.
Anything that’s dangerous. Playing with fire, sharp objects, climbing to high places (other than bunk beds).
Disrespecting their house such as writing on the walls, couches, etc.
And no throwing balls other than in designated play areas.
Depending on the offense, I may take away part of their privileges. For example, if they’re only allowed an hour for tv or screen time, take 10 minutes away as their first punishment. If it continues, take away another 5 and so on. The crime and frequency determine the punishment.
5.) Use Positive Reinforcement
Contrarily, if they’re really good, reward them (within reason and with parental consent). I usually watched kids after school, so if they were having a really good day, such as doing their homework without fighting with me or their siblings, I’d reward them for good behavior.
My go-to treats were a piece of chocolate, an extra 10 minutes of TV before dinner, let them play a game on my phone, or play with Snapchat, etc. It’s a good idea to let them pick the treat so they can set their minds on what they’d like to work toward achieving for the day. If they misbehave, their treat is the frist thing to go.
I don’t give them rewards all the time. After all, they should behave just because it’s the right thing to do. Instead of giving something tangible, I’d simply say “Thank you for being so good today. I had a great time with you.”
6.) Wear Comfortable Yet Presentable Clothing
If you’re going to be a great babysitter, that means that you’re going to play with the kids, not just watch them. The kids will have a better time with you and the parents will most likely ask you back if the kids enjoy having you around.
You’ll want to wear your “play clothes” but nothing that’s ratty with holes or stains on them. Seems like common sense, but you’d be surprised at what I’ve seen people wearing to babysit. It’s still a job, so you’ll need to look presentable.
7.) Be open to feedback from kids and parents
No one does everything perfectly, especially their first time around. If the kids or parents aren’t happy with the way you go about doing something, listen to their feedback.
With kids, listen to their likes and dislikes with entertainment. As long as it’s nothing too extreme, they’ll have to learn to live with the rules you’ve put in place.
For parents, they may make adjustments in games or rewards that you’ve implemented. Respect their wishes and make adjustments accordingly. Ultimately they have the final say with the kids.
8.) Have time limits
No one does anything perfectly, right? That includes parents. Before you say yes to babysitting their children, know the amount of time that they’ll need you for.
They have to respect that you have a life too, so if you need to or want to schedule something around babysitting their kids, you’re entitled! That means that you need set hours, not roundabouts.
While on the phone or texting ask what time they’ll need you for and until. If they say from 3:30 to about 6:30, reply with something like “Okay no problem, I’m available to watch the kids from 3:30-6:30.” If you have plans for 7:00 make sure they know that beforehand so they’ll stick to the 6:30 deadline.
If they go over your set hours, address it immediately. I’m not suggesting that they won’t pay you for your time, but boundaries and expectations have to be set from the beginning. Just because they’re paying you doesn’t mean that they can come and go as they please. Trust me, I’ve been there.
9.) Track your hours
Don’t leave it up to the parents to keep track of your time for you. Know your hourly rate and the amount of time you’ve spent with them daily and weekly.
When you get paid at the end of the night or week (depending on what type of babysitter you are), you should have a set dollar amount in your head. People make honest mistakes, so keep track of your time.
10.) Have a plan for games and activities
Kids will have games to play with in their house, but it can be fun to have different ones in your head or to bring with you. Check out these 20 Fun Games to play with kids while babysitting!
They might also enjoy a coloring!
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11.) Check in the parents
If you’re their new babysitter, be proactive about checking in with the parents especially if it’s your first day at taking them off the bus or picking them up from school.
Let them know they’ve arrived safely at home and starting their snack, homework, etc. It’ll show them that you’re responsible and put their mind at ease.
If it’s a nighttime babysitting job they’ll probably be the first to check in with you. Have your phone nearby while tending to the kids so that they’re not waiting too long for a reply. They’ll probably be a little nervous because you’re new.
12.) Bring something to do for downtime
At some point during your stay, you’ll be left to your own devices. The kids might be asleep, reading, or watching TV. Whatever it is, you’ll want to keep yourself occupied during this time.
You may or may not want to watch the movie or TV show with them. You can still keep them company without having your eyes glued to the screen. Read a book or have a quiet activity for you to do while they’re occupied elsewhere.
I hope that you’ve enjoyed my tips on babysitting! If you have any questions, let me know if the comments below! And make sure you get your FREE coloring book to take with you on your next babysitting job!!
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billgsoto · 7 years
Response to “Organic food won’t help you get pregnant”
Response to the National Review op-ed “Organic food won’t help you get pregnant” by Julie Kelly published on December 6.
Photo credit: Lisa Williams
Did Julie Kelly actually read the peer reviewed scientific article she is bashing?  It appears not.
The study by Harvard University Researchers and published in the scientific journal JAMA Internal Medicine did NOT gauge how often study participants ate organic fruits and vegetables. In fact, organic or not organic was in no way considered in the study’s methodology.  Instead the study assessed the intake of fruits and vegetables known to have high levels of pesticide residues vs fruits and vegetables known to have low levels of pesticide residues – without reference to production method. Kelly makes the same error in her reference to a previously published study that links consumption of high pesticide fruits and vegetables to lower sperm count and quality in men.
Kelly also seems to be either confused about what constitutes peer review or just throwing out lies. JAMA Internal Medicine is a well-respected, peer-reviewed scientific journal.  What that means is that all articles published in that journal must go through a rigorous peer review process before they are accepted and published.  To claim that the study was not peer-reviewed is just plain false.
While Kelly is correct in pointing out that the study has not been replicated yet, it’s also worth pointing out that that’s because it was only published a month ago.  Believe it or not, it is going to take more than one month for other scientists to replicate the study and publish their research findings.
The study authors recognize that their research identifies a correlation (as opposed to causation) between the consumption of high pesticide residue produce and negative reproductive outcomes in their study population and they call for more research to address this. They also note – in an interview with CNN and not in their publication – that organic is just one option for those that want to reduce risk that may be associated with pesticide exposure.  While Kelly interprets this suggestion as industry-influenced “dishonesty and shamelessness” to “exploit a vulnerable group,” it could also simply be that the researchers are making an informed recommendation based on their research results in hopes that it will lead to improved health outcomes for others.
It’s clear that Julie Kelly likely cannot be convinced that these research results are not part of a larger conspiracy, but she should at least read the research paper before she attacks it.
  from Blog – The Organic Center http://ift.tt/2ADdXfc
from Grow your own http://ift.tt/2zVRIA9
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