#no more 2 am bedtimes for moose
sparklecryptid · 1 year
uni is turning me into a morning person and i can say that i am going KICKING AND SCREAMING
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 5 months
WELCOME BACK!!! That’s right fellow humans, it’s the second episode of
Bedtime Stories With PCE
And man did I enjoy writing this one, my sweet boys, Stan with the broken ribs and struggling with being hurt for the first time since running dry, his super awesome sponsor, Kyle w the solutions, Moose being the best lil cat ever, just!!!!! And this one is really important to me, because it is SMACK DAB in the middle of Broken Bottles From Apartment 2 after our beloved vet tech Stan gets kicked by a scared horse at work, setting the ball rolling for the rest of that story. Essentially I wanted to address more of his mentality following that incident, and to have y’all meet his AA sponsor! Iconic. Here’s
•coconut yogurt•
“Jesus, dude, that looks bad.”
“I’m-“ Stan cut off with a sharp *schh* as Kyle helped him the rest of the way out of his scrub shirt. “Fuck, I’m okay.”
Breathing fucking hurt. More than that, he was seriously bummed that not only was he on bed rest for two weeks (something that his partner would no doubt enforce with an iron fist), but he was gonna be stuck to paperwork once he could finally go back to work. And it wasn’t like he could quell the boredom by slipping away to the clinic for a few hours while Kyle was at his own job, because Wendy ran the front office and would not hesitate to rat him out.
“Baby, they’re only a little cracked.”
Kyle rolled his eyes and carefully helped him ease to a more comfortable laying position on the couch, gently resting one of the big ice packs they always kept on hand over his side. “Where’s your discharge shit?”
“Front pocket,” he muttered.
Kyle grabbed the papers and scanned them quickly. “Hairline fractures… bone bruising, sweetheart, how on earth are you breathing?”
“Carefully?” His partner didn’t seem to like that response. “Ky, I’m okay. You know how much worse it could’ve been?”
“YES! Yes, I do, Stan! Don’t fucking-“ his face softened. “Don’t smile like that about broken ribs, dude.”
“I’m not smiling about that; I’m smiling about you.”
“You’re hopeless,” Kyle laughed. “The hell am I supposed to do with your hopeless romantic ass when you say sappy bullshit?”
Stan might’ve been a little foggy from the pain. Maybe. “Aww, babe, C’mere,” he struggled to open his arms, which was annoying, yeah, but he wanted to hold Kyle.
“Dude, I am SO not laying on you.”
“Just a little?”
Kyle went to read the paperwork again, fully ignoring Stan’s efforts to get cuddled. “Babe…”
“Your prescription should be ready, dude.” Kyle knelt down to kiss him. “Gonna be good if I’m gone for a few?”
Stan pouted, knowing damn well he was being dramatic, but not caring. “I don’t want it.”
“We went over this, sweetheart. You had a problem with alcohol, not pills. Is it just because you don’t like taking stuff anyway?”
“Okay.” Kyle kissed him again. “You’re sure?”
Honestly, he wasn’t. There were a lot of feelings coming up right now. Kyle noticed, because of course he did. “Stan, I know that face.”
Against his will, tears started trailing from the corners of his eyes.
“Oh, dude, I know.” Kyle took Stan’s face in his hands. “Look, I really don’t want you to hurt, okay? I know you’re emotional right now. I’ll give you your meds when you need them, and you don’t need to think about it. I can ask the pharmacy about the info too. Hon, we’re gonna know exactly what you’re taking, and you’ll be just fine.”
“I- I always heal fast.”
“You do,” Kyle assured him. “And there’s nothing wrong with needing a little help, okay?”
“Uh huh.” Yeah, he would call his sponsor. He needed to talk this out, with someone who got it. Kyle understood for the most part; he literally had a degree in psychology and had been firsthand through an eating disorder, which was its own form of addiction, but, well, specifics. “I’m- *hic*- gonna text Mark, maybe zoom into tonight’s meeting.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Kyle rose and ran his hand through Stan’s hair. “Ten minutes, hopefully.” He glanced at the corner and laughed. “Oh, poor thing doesn’t know what to do! It’s okay, Moose, c’mere, keep your dad company.”
Their cat slowly crept up to the couch, perching on the arm like a sentinel and making a cute little “mrrmm”.
“Good boy.” Kyle spun his keys once around his finger, and put on a serious face, staring down at Stan with one eyebrow raised. “Now, don’t you move.”
“Just stay where I can see you douse the lights.”
Kyle laughed. “You’re incredibly lame. I’ll be right back.”
That laughter seriously helped so much. “Okay, dude, you know where to find me.”
Moose had started purring, asleep next to him by the time Stan worked up the motivation to get his phone and send Mark a “yo I got the fuck kicked out of me by a horse I won’t be there tonight”. The old man immediately called him.
“Hey,” Stan answered, trying not to laugh at how fast that call was, because he knew that would feel awful.
“The hell do you mean, “hey”, Superman? How’d you get kicked by a damn horse?”
“Oh, you know.” Just hearing his sponsor’s voice helped. Some of the older crowd at AA had taken to calling him “Superman” too, which was objectively funny, and also comforting to hear, especially right now, when he was feeling vulnerable. “Went to give him an antibiotic shot, he got scared and bucked around, broke my ribs.”
“Christ.” He could practically hear Mark rolling his eyes through the phone. “Leave it to you. How ya doin’ with all of that? Gonna be able to come chair tomorrow?”
Judging by how much he was hurting, definitely not, even if Kyle would let him leave the apartment. “I was thinking I’d Zoom in. Will you, uh, do you think that’d work?”
Mark chuckled. “Well, I don’t know much about the video callin’ you young folks do, but I’ll figure it out. Might need ta get Laura to help me. She’s good with technology.”
Laura was a woman even older than Mark, who was not good with technology. Oh yeah, this was gonna be fun.
“Seriously though, kid, are you okay?”
Stan sighed. “It’s- I’m nervous,” he admitted. “About the feelings this is gonna bring up. We’ve talked about my coping mechanisms before, like how I like to move, when I start feeling down, instead of drinking? But I…”
“You can’t go for a hike or work out with busted ribs,” Mark finished. “I know being injured, havin’ to stay put, that’s a trigger for you. Like the bender you told me about in high school, after you broke your arm.”
“Yeah…” Not even Kyle knew how bad he had spiraled that time. He knew it had been bad, but not to the extent that it had gotten to. Getting hurt because of something he loved, combined with the timing and completely changing his career path senior year, all of that had led to a full depressive episode, complete with binge drinking and attempting to cut his cast off with bolt cutters. “I still could’ve been scouted in the spring,” he muttered dejectedly.
“But you chose to quit football,” Mark reminded him. “You’ve said you don’t regret that. You remember why you don’t regret it?”
Reaching up to pet his cat, the little creature who had been the driving force to him actually applying his degree, Stan was reminded that he really did like how his life was turning out.
“Yeah. I’m where I’m supposed to be, right?”
“Not for me to say, Superman,” Mark said. “You’re a damn good vet, and gettin’ hurt because of your job happens.” The smile was clear in his voice. “You’re more worried about the horse, ain’t ya?”
Stan once again had to force himself not to laugh. “Dude, he was scared. I was literally coming at him with a needle.”
“And what would you do if you were in his horseshoes?”
“Mark, dude, please don’t make jokes, laughing hurts like a bitch.” He checked the time. Kyle would be back home any minute. “Same thing, though. Ky’s gonna be on my ass about painkillers. That’s… uh, kinda why I needed to talk.”
“Hmm. I gotcha. You’re worried about the addiction potential? Combined with being home alone until you go back to work?”
Hit the nail on the head. Stan nodded, then remembered that Mark couldn’t see him. “Pretty much. I’m just… I haven’t been hurt this bad, since running dry. I’m not sure what to do to distract myself, honestly.”
“Alright.” Mark could be pretty straightforward, when it came to a course of action, a lot like Kyle. “You like them video games, right? And reading your fantasy books? Bet you got one downloaded on your phone right now.”
As a matter of fact, he did. “Uh, yeah, Atherton, I think”
“I don’t know what the hell that is, but you catch my drift?”
Moose had moved down to drape over him like a scarf, warm and little and soft. Sweet little guy; he always took care of his dads. And Stan had a support system. He’d be okay. “I’m picking up what you’re putting down, dude,” he said into the phone. “Distractions that aren’t physical, but keep me engaged, right?”
“And bingo was his name-o,” Mark confirmed. “Good to think of some that you can do when you’re my age, anyway. You ain’t gonna be Superman forever, right?”
“Dude-“ Stan heard the security door open, finally. Kyle.
Mark interrupted. “I know you got that whole thing about age, kid, sorry. I know you’re strugglin’ so how’s about we just focus on today. That boyfriend of yours taking care of ya?”
“Mhm. I’m pretty sure he just got home.” Yeah, definitely, because Stan could hear the voice of Sheila Broflovski through the door, and Kyle probably didn’t even have her on speaker. “Yeah, he’s home, and on the phone with his mom.”
“Uh oh,” Mark laughed. He had heard many a tale. “She’s gonna give you an earful. I’ll let ya go, then. You can call me anytime, okay? It works if you work it.”
“It works if you work it,” Stan repeated. “Thanks, dude. I’ll probably skip tonight, but I’ll call into the meeting tomorrow, okay?”
“Gotcha. Tell Kyle and y’all’s critter I say hi.”
“Will do.”
Right as he ended the call, Kyle burst in, arms full of Walgreens bags and his phone sandwiched between his ear and shoulder, looking hilariously frazzled. “Oh my GOD, Ma, look okay, he is literally right here just- OKAY, Jesus, yes I’m putting him on-“ he gave Stan an expression that clearly was asking if he was up for this. Stan nodded and grabbed the phone so Kyle could get everything set down.
“I’m here.”
“STANLEY!!! Are you okay?! Oh my GOODNESS I can absolutely drive up- do you need anything?! Have you told Sharon?”
Kyle mouthed “don’t blame me”. Stan shifted a little. He’d been talking a lot for the past half hour and he was actually starting to have trouble catching his breath. “No ma’am, I- wait, how did you find out?”
“Your friend Bebe’s gossip list! She posted to Facebook and said “a certain vet got kicked by a horse” and I just KNEW IT WAS YOU! Kyle said he was picking up your medication?”
“Fuckin-“ Kyle took the phone back. “Ma, okay, I’ve got him. I’m going to take care of him and- Ma. I’m not putting Stan back on the phone. It hurts him to talk. Yes, I’ll tell his mom. No, he’s on bed rest. Do you seriously think I’m letting him out of my- okay, okay, sorry, no- oh my God, I’m not making chicken noodle soup, he’s been vegetarian for twenty years, Ma. Alright. We love you too. Christ, yes, I’m eating. Please don’t start right now. Alright. Yes. We got it. Okay. I’ll keep you updated. Yeah, love you. Bye.”
Kyle slumped over the kitchen island, groaning. “If you say anything about me being exactly like my mother, I’m gonna be super annoying and not run interference next time she calls.”
“Pretty sure you’re not beating the Sheila allegations, baby.”
Stan reached his hand backwards, eyes closed, waiting for his partner to take it. “Talked to Mark.”
Kyle took his hand, kneeling by the couch and kissing his forehead. “Good, sweetheart. Do you think you’re okay to get some medicine in you? I know it hurts.”
He was always so thoughtful, so gentle with him, and not in a condescending way, either. No wonder Kyle was so good at his job. He could handle a grown ass man emotional over broken bones; angsty preteens were probably a cakewalk to him.
Stan bypassed the cat across his chest, lifting the ice pack from his lower torso. “How’s it looking?”
“Oh, honey.” Kyle sounded genuinely distressed, and Stan opened his eyes to see his partner actually genuinely distressed. “Stan, I can see the hoof print!”
“Jesus, dude, you poor thing. ” He stood back up and grabbed the prescription bag from the counter, along with a snack sized yogurt from one of the bags. “Solution time.”
“I’m listening.” He’d take just about any idea. It hurt.
“Here’s what I’m thinking. I got a few things of that coconut yogurt you like. I checked with the pharmacist and she said we can crush up your painkillers into it if you want, if you’re not feeling the swallowing pills. I can keep up with your dosage schedule so you don’t need to think about it.” He tilted Stan’s face up to make sure they were seeing eye to eye. “But if you want to take them less often and stick to ice and over the counters, that’s okay. I’ll handle the thinking about shit, and you handle the taking it easy.”
Stan eyed the bottle. “Are they gonna make me sleepy?” The thought scared him.
“Oh, dude.” Kyle could strategize incredibly, though. “We can start with half, okay? It isn’t likely that they’ll knock you out, sweetheart. You’re not a small guy, and I asked. Dosage isn’t high. And you say the word; we work something else out. First priority is keeping you comfortable so you can heal, okay? Does that help?”
“I’m gonna be okay.”
“Yeah, you are,” Kyle assured him. “I’m right here, you know how to deal with this, and you’ll be better before you know it. Now, some meds and I’ll help you upstairs? We can take a nap? I’ll be right there, dude. Keep you from moving around too much.”
He knew damn well Kyle wouldn’t be sleeping a wink. But he nodded. “You’re for real gonna feed me my painkillers in yogurt like I’m a puppy?”
Kyle grinned. “Whatever works.” He reached over to pet Moose. “Whatcha think, young nastyman? Do I have good plans or what?”
Stan slowly sat up, an arm around his midsection and definitely not comfortable, but that was alright. Pretty soon he’d be able to breathe a little better. “What would I do without you, Ky?”
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amethystpath-writes · 3 years
P3 A Girl on the Battlefield
Continuation of this!
Tag list: @chaoticgoodandi @moose-teeth @for-the-love-of-angst @kemonoinuzuka @tears-and-lilies @whatwhumpcomments
Mistake. Mistake. Mistake. This was all the princess could think about as she sprinted down the hall, down the stairs. She passed guard after guard and began to think she was dreaming as they all stood still, heads simply turning as she ran by them. They watched; they didn’t chase.
They had to have heard her bicker with their prince, the Billiard Son. So why did they do nothing? That wasn’t a guard’s duty. Their duty was to protect the kingdom.
Maybe that was why. Their duty was to protect, and Shiya wasn’t someone the kingdom needed protecting from. She was the uselessly daggered girl on a battlefield, the one that was picked up and carried away to her greatest enemy’s kingdom.
She stopped, in the middle of a hall- which seemed to have no end- with a thought. Amid her escape from the prince, she forgot the reason she was even here, in the Billiard King’s land: her brother was in battle. And he was here, somewhere. Shiya needed to find him…but where? She knew nothing about this kingdom except for the scary stories her father would tell to make herself and Rius behave at bedtime.
Where is he? Not Zypherius- though him, too. No, she meant the prince- Aldis. Because, surely, he was on her heels, furious with the green dagger in his side. I should have ripped the blade out- let him bleed out.
What a violent thought from such a little girl. What a violent thought from a girl who climbed apple trees, only to have one thrown at her by her brother unprompted. It happened often enough that Shiya should have learned to expect it every time- should have known the outcome well enough to stop bringing a book- which was always dropped in the mud, ruined.
A scraping stole Shiya’s attention. The sound was shrill and the princess practically whimpered. That couldn’t be Aldis catching up to her already, could it be? He should have been crippled, unable to walk because he was unable to breathe.
“I just want my brother,” she said, her voice raspy from all the running and crying. “If you let me see him, I…I promise to return home without a word. There would be no war from Stinemarch, no vengeances from my father. He would- he would appreciate my safe return and look the other way.”
The laugh which responded wasn’t the prince’s. It was older, colder, and impossibly more amused, as if they knew to expect Shiya’s pleas and promises. “You think you are in a position to negotiate freedom? You are lucky to still be alive.”
Shiya was frozen in her place. “Are you the captain?” It was the same voice- the one from the battlefield Shiya was sprawled out on before being brought here. She heard Aldis, telling the captain she was alive. He’d wanted to kill her; she remembered hearing it briefly. Focusing on what their words meant required so much effort that she couldn’t remember why they decided to keep her, besides to obviously torture her.
“Captain, Commander, General, Great Lord, Billiard King…the titles are all the same here.”
The Billiard King.
No. No, that wasn’t right. It couldn’t be. It couldn’t be because he was a myth, a story, a falsity created by the princess’ father to scare her. That was all.
“Most people pass out when they hear the last one. I suppose your quaking is enough of a response.”
“You can let my brother and I go.” Shiya swallowed. She was speaking to a captain of the Billiard King, she told herself. Because if it were the Billiard King, the princess would have passed out just as the captain man suggested. “No word will be spoken of our capture. I can tell my father I poisoned my brother’s cup and-”
“And what?” That scraping sounded again. It was coming closer, and closer to Shiya. “You dragged him into the woods to make it look like he still went to battle? Ran into a bear and that’s why you both have scarred gashes on your delicate skins?”
What a terrible way to refer to someone’s body. Skins, as if Shiya and Zypherius were meant to be hunted like rabbits amongst dogs.
Wait. He didn’t deny that Rius was alive and able to be taken home.
The princess spun on a heel, her breath and courage regained. She faced the captain. “My brother is alive?”
“I do not recall saying that-”
“You didn’t not say it.” Her voice was confident for the first time since entering the Land of the Wicked.
Another chuckle followed, one dry and callous. “Such a small capsule, how is it so full of hope?”
Thankfully, the scraping stopped, but in its place was a feeling on Shiya’s shoulder, then her neck, as the captain took another, last, step towards her. It was her dagger which made the noise as the man dragged the metal blade against the stone walls of the hall. Shiya could have stepped away, having watched the man approach.
“Take it,” he said, “your dagger.”
Really? Shiya bit her cheek. A captain wouldn’t give an enemy girl a dagger. Unless maybe he thought she could do no harm to him, or anyone else, with it. She almost informed him that she stabbed the prince only minutes ago with that dagger, but, (1) that would be a thoughtless confession, and, (2) he probably already knew based off the red of the blade.
“What would you expect me to do with it? I am not so stupid to attack a captain.”
“You attacked a prince.”
He does know, the princess realized with a great magnitude of dread. Her throat went dry in an instant. She shook her head.
“Refusing to take your own pretty weapon?” The captain clicked his tongue, licked his bottom lip, then licked a canine tooth. He tilted his head at the enemy princess, the one which had the audacity to stab her captor prince with a jewelled dagger. “You were so fond of using it before. Why not now?”
“I said,” she reiterated, stupidly confident, “that I am smarter than to take it. I am your enemy, and I know well that enemies do not hand other enemies weapons.”
This made the man laugh. It was now that Shiya took the time to observe his features, the ones which made him a man instead of a brute.
He was older- though no older than any captain Shiya knew- perhaps in his forties. Late forties. He had crows feet beside his right eye, but on the left, instead of a bird’s print, was a scar which stopped just short of his eyebrow and reached down to the corner of his lip. It was jagged, uneven, thicker in some spots, thinner in others.
“You are not so much an enemy as you are a prisoner.”
“An enemy prisoner,” Shiya responded, nearly in question. She was still an enemy, by definition, wasn’t she?
Another pot of laughter boiled from the captain at the princess’ easy comment. She took the short time to make more careful observations. Why? She didn’t know. Maybe it was what helped her maintain the calm she possessed now.
The scar was particularly wide where it stopped above the captain’s eye, as if someone had a knife and twisted it there. It certainly wasn’t the mark of an animal. Animalistic, but not made by a wolf, or bear, or such.
One of the captain’s cheekbones was more prominent than the other. Actually- Shiya squinted for a moment- they were both prominent, only one was dented slightly, it seemed. How was that possible?
“How much of a threat do you think you are, Princess of Stinemarch?”
The weakness which the captain insinuated didn’t go unnoticed by Shiya. She knew it was a shot more at her kingdom than herself. Either way, it rendered her in a way that made her seem like a speck on earth and nothing more.
“Your prince is bleeding, is he not?” Shiya jutted her chin away from her own blade, disliking the way it was warming against her skin from having sat there for so long.
“Take the dagger. I will not tell you again.”
This time the princess did as she was told. She reached for the handle, where the captain’s hand was settled, and she tugged.
“The blade.”
Shiya’s eyes widened. “What?”
“Grab the blade.”
“The bla- but the blade is sharp.”
He looked at her expectantly, waiting, knowing very well that it was sharp. Even if it weren’t sharp, he’d make it cut deep. “There’s a good girl.”
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pigeons-scrawlings · 4 years
"Oh no! There's two of us, and only ONE BED!" Ship of your choice! 💕
Heck yea, hittin' me with a classic! (Btw, sorry this took forever, my dumb brain kept getting stuck XP)
Alright, let's give this a shot, I'm going with Speeding Bullet cuz it's my OTP :D
Oh, and something to note: I know most people tend to headcanon Snipers first name as Mick but I call him Richard/Rich.
And idk why but I like to think that Snipes and Scout know each other's real names so yeah, their names will be used a few times here.
Anywho, on to the fic!
Scout's been dealing with a lot of feelings lately that he doesn't know what the hell to do with. It's been throwing him off his game pretty badly, and he's gotten very irritable.
He's been picking more fights with his teammates and he can't seem to keep a clear head during matches.
He'd talk to the one friend he's got on the team to vent and get some advice but...
His one friend happens to be the cause of these issues.
He doesn't know how or when exactly it started, things were fine and they could hang out and chat no problem, but then one day all of sudden he can hardly hazard a glance at Sniper without his thoughts wandering to... things.
Things like... How great his voice sounds. How wonderful his eyes are. How much he'd like to touch him, to-
'Jesus, there I go again...' Scout thought as he sighed deeply and put his face in his hand.
A hand on his shoulder snapped him back to reality. Oh yeah, he was talking with Snipes.
"You alright, mate?" Sniper looked at him with clear concern written on his face. Scout brushed his hand off "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine."
Sniper crossed his arms and his expression became more stern "Scout, I know you, something's clearly off. Something's been off for a while now, everyone can see that."
"It's nothin', really"
"Jer, you know you can talk to me, what's-"
"I said I'm fine!" He said that probably a bit louder then he should have, he practically yelled. Scout sighed again and quickly left, leaving Sniper a bit shocked and very worried.
Scout locked himself away in his room and spent the next few hours thinking and sketching out his emotions.
"What the hell am supposed to do..." he muttered to himself as he half-heartedly continued on his drawing.
"The hell can I do? Jus' walk up an' be like 'hey you've been the subject of my fantasies lately'?" Jeremy sighed again and tossed his sketchbook and pencil onto his bed.
He laid back on the bed, put his hands over his face and groaned. 'Even if I did, what would even happen? I don't even know if he... if he even swings that way. With my luck, he'd probably just hate me, think there's something wrong with me.'
He jumped when he heard knocking at his door. "Scout" Fuck. It's Sniper. Fantastic. "Scout I know you're in there, an' that you don't want to talk but I need to speak with ya."
Scout didn't move, hoping Sniper would just go away.
"Jeremy, don't make me get heavy to break your door!" Goddamit. "Alright, fine! Jus' gimme a sec!" He hopped up from the bed and quickly went and opened the door.
Scout leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed, giving Sniper a half-hearted glare. "What?"
"We're going on vacation."
"You need a break, everyone else needs a break from you, and I'm not comfortable with leavin' you alone right now, so you and me are gonna take a little trip." Sniper tried to give an encouraging smile.
"You gotta be kiddin' me. No." He stepped back and attempted to close the door only to be stopped by Sniper shoving his foot in.
"No choice, mate, like I said, everyone else needs a break from whatever the hell has been going on with you. Either take a trip with me or, well, I don't know what they'd do but I'm sure you wouldn't like it."
Jeremy mulled over the idea for a few moments before reluctantly opening the door.
"Alright. Alright fine, when we leavin'?"
~Time Skip~
The drive out was quiet. Sniper occasionally tried to make small-talk, to lighten the mood but of course, it wasn't doing much.
He wasn't pushing questions though, Scout could be thankful for that.
After another bout of silence, he decided to be the one to break it this time "So, ya gonna tell me where we're goin' yet?"
"You'll see in a bit, we're almost there."
And yet again, the Scout sighed. Sniper wasn't wrong though, in a just about ten or fifteen minutes the path they were following through the woods came to an end.
They were now in a wide clearing. Sniper parked the vehicle and they both hopped out.
'A campground?' There was a well-used fire pit surrounded by logs for seating and a few hiking trails here and there leading back into the woods.
Sniper grabbed a few bags and made his way over to the pit. Scout looked around to see if there was anything interesting to be found here.
He noticed some old, worn-looking railing on the furthest side of the clearing and went over to investigate. On the other side of the railing was apparently a cliff.
As Scout leaned over a rail to peer down it Sniper made his way over to him, grumbling a bit as he went.
Scout glanced at Sniper "Y'alright there, Snipes?" he asked as he continued examining the bottom of the cliff.
Sniper sighed "Well, looks like I somehow forgot somethings, namely the sleeping bags."
As Scout turned to look up at the tall man he was suddenly struck with the mental image of grabbing Sniper by his shirt collar to yank him down for a kiss.
Scout coughed and leaned back on the railing, trying to look calm and casual and praying to God he wasn't blushing
"Ok, so? We can just sleep in your van."
"I only got the one bed in there, mate."
"Oh. Right."
"Yeah. So unless ya feel like sharin', " Sniper began with a mildly amused tone, as he turned to walk back to the camper "I'll just take the floor."
Scout was glad Sniper had turned away because he was definitely blushing at the thought of sharing a bed with him "What? Wait a second!"
Scout quickly walked after Sniper, grabbed his shoulder, turned him back around and gave him an incredulous look "No way, man! I'm not makin' you sleep on the floor!"
"It's fine Jer"
"No, I'll take the floor."
"Wha- Jeremy no, you have the bed, it's fine. Besides, whatever's got you stressed'll just be made worse if ya don't sleep comfortabley."
"I don't care, just- ugh. Alright, ya'know what?" Scout immediately regretted what he was about to say but he didn't stop himself
"We're sharin' the bed!" and with that, he stomped off towards the pit, where Sniper had apparently already gotten a fire going
"Now get yer ass over here, your fire looks like it's dyin'!"
Sniper stood there a moment, a bit stunned, before moving to follow "... Ok, mate."
~Time Skip 2: Electric Boogaloo~
This place had a very relaxing atmosphere, it helped ease Scouts nerves a fair amount. As the sun finished setting the two men were sitting near the fire, eating s'mores and talking.
Sniper was recounting an interesting creature encounter he once had.
"Bullshit, that did not happen," Scout said through a mouthful of graham cracker and marshmallow.
"It's true mate! It was like a jackalope but big as a moose! I'd've shot the thing but I was worried a bullet wouldn't do more than piss it off."
"A big ass kangaroo with antlers, sure. I'll believe that if I ever see it." He finished off his s'more and yawned, feeling a bit drowsy now that the sun was down.
He looked up at the sky, appreciating the stars. Sniper let out his own yawn and spoke "Alright, think we might as well turn in for the night."
Scout hummed an agreement, stood up and stretched as Sniper put out the fire. As they walked to the van some of Scouts drowsy-ness was suddenly replaced with anxiety as he remembered what he'd said earlier.
'Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit,' He's gotta share a bed with Sniper. Well, he's not backing out now, he's too stubborn for that. Yup. Stubbornness.
That's it. That's the only reason. The only reason he's gonna go through with it. Certainly not because this has been a fantasy of his. Certainly not because he would very much like to cuddle with the man. Because he doesn't. Really.
After they entered the van they both set about removing their shoes, brushing their teeth, y'know, standard bedtime routine stuff.
Scout was the first to finish and climbed into the bed.
"Y'know, I can still just take the floor, we don't have to-"
"Rich, just shut up and get the hell over here."
Sniper chuckled "Alright."
Scout scooted closer to the wall to make space as Sniper made his way over.
Once he was in the bed Sniper pulled the blankets over the both of them and turned to face away from Scout "G'night, Jer."
Scout stared at the ceiling. He wasn't gonna be able to sleep like this, he was far too aware of the warm body lying next to him.
He wanted to curl up to the bushman, to rap an arm around him, to tangle their legs together.
But of course he can't really just go and do that without having to admit some things.
He turned to face the wall and closed his eyes, deciding to at least try to sleep but he was restless, after a few moments he turned to lay on his back again.
Then sighed.
Then turned back to the wall. And tossed and turned a few more times.
Then Sniper sighed and shifted. Turning to lay on his back, he looked at Scout "Jer, you alright, mate?"
"Yeah, m'fine."
"Y'sure? Your tossin' about quite a bit there."
"Yeah, well, not every day I gotta share a bed."
"I can still take the floor if ya want."
"Nah, I'll live."
"Jer, I don't want you gettin' a bad nights sleep 'cause of me."
"Definitely will if ya keep talkin'."
Sniper huffed in amusement "You grew up with seven brothers, didn't you? Can't imagine noise being all that much of an issue."
Scout grumbled quietly, unsure of what else he could say.
Sniper sighed again and shifted to fully face Scout 'Oh God what now' Scout thought.
"Listen. I know you don't want to talk about it, and I promise you if you still don't want to say anything after this then I won't ask again.
But you're my friend, Jeremy, I care about you, about your wellbeing, and I want to help. You know you can talk to me about anything, I won't judge you if that's what you're worried about. So, please. Will you talk to me?"
Scout was quiet for a few moments, trying to think of what the hell he could say. He sure as hell wanted to confess but he was scared of losing his best friend.
He decided to test the waters.
"... Alright..." Scout sat up and turned to lean back on the wall, looking at anything but Sniper, as he collected his thoughts.
Sniper sat up as well and patiently waited.
"Ok, so... I guess it's, uh... I, uh... Ugh... I think... I've, uh..." Scout swallowed nervously and took a deep breath.
"I think I'm... I-in... love?" he glanced at Sniper who gave a bit of confused look
"Not to make light of it, mate, but... Is that all? All of this fuss 'cause of some sheila?" Sniper chuckled and grinned.
"I-it's a... guy... actually..."
Snipers grin dropped and eyes widened slightly "Oh."
"Alright, I suppose I can see how you'd be a bit more inclined to secrecy then. Still wish you'd've told me sooner though. Like I always tell you, you can talk-"
"Talk to you about anything, I know, but... I dunno, I just... I dunno..."
"S'alright, Jer... If you don't mind me askin', it's not someone on the team is it?"
Scouts eyes widened and he stared in shock at Sniper "What?! No! Why the hell would I fall for any of those bozos!"
"That's fucking ridiculous! How can even you suggest that?"
"There is no way in hell I would ever even consider one of them-"
"Jeremy!" Sniper clamped a hand down on Scouts shoulder "Would you calm down?"
Scout shut his mouth tightly and stared at Sniper "Listen, mate if telling me who it is is that much of an issue you don't have to!"
"I don't-" Scout was about to deny the idea again but was quickly silenced by Snipers stern expression
"You know you're a terrible liar, mate. You ramble and get defensive every time."
"I- but it's not- It- Fucking Goddamnit!" Scout covered his face and groaned "It's not- ugh!" He sighed lowering his hands but not daring to look at Sniper
"I-I do... want to tell you, I just... I don't..."
Scout felt his throat tighten, his could feel his eyes start to water. Sniper pulled him into a tight hug "It's okay, Jer."
"I don't want you to hate me."
"I could never hate you, I don't give a 'roo's ass who you love, it could never make me hate you!"
Scout gripped tightly to his only friend as if he'd lose him if he let go, he certainly felt like he would.
He pulled back a little ways, still not letting go, and looked Sniper in the eyes, those fantastic eyes. He doesn't know what prompted him to to do it but,
Next thing he knew his lips were on Snipers. He jumped back as soon as he realized what he was doing.
Sniper looked just as shocked if not more so. Scout covered his face again, fully expecting some kind of negative reaction.
Instead, Sniper pulled his hands away, held one of them and put one of his own to Scouts cheek, wiping away a tear with his thumb and returned the kiss.
Scout couldn't believe it, he had to be dreaming! But it definitely felt real, and it felt amazing. It made his heart pound.
Sniper broke the kiss and looked Scout in the eyes "...Told ya I wouldn't hate you." He gave a soft smile and kissed Scout on the nose.
Scout smiled and couldn't help but laugh a little "Guess I was really worried over nothin', huh?" He didn't wait for an answer, instead opting to kiss Sniper again.
~The End~
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thefantasygirl3 · 4 years
Negaverse stories: Megavolt's backstory
Genre/warnings: Comedy, Slice of life, Action, Drama.
Word count: 3 725
Summary: After the events of Darkwing Duck coming to the Negaverse and helping the now called “Darkwing Ducks” save st. Canard, the four heroes decided to adopt the adorable little Gosalyn, buy a house and start a life together. But the little duckling is curious over how all her dads became heroes to start with, so she asks them to tell her that story.
Notes: This is the first of four chapters, for each of the Negaverse’s Friendly four, starting off with Megavolt’s backstory. Link to other parts of the story: 2 - Quackerjack. 3 - Bushroot. 4 - Liquidator.
A hero's backstory is really something else. It is the reason for who they become. For being a crime fighting symbol of justice. And that backstory can be exciting and inspiring, it can be tragic and heart-wrenching or it could just be downright underwhelming. But whatever the tone of the story, it is the most interesting thing a hero got to tell about themselves
In the city of st. Carnard, in the negaverse, night was approaching and covering the city in the pale moonlight. It was about time for all the kids to get themselves ready for bedtime and for the parents to tuck their kids into bed so they can drift off into dreamland. This was the same for the Darkwing ducks' household. After the help of The original Darkwing Duck, the group formerly known as The Friendly Four were able to restore peace to the city, adopt Negaduck's kid and get themselves a house to live in, like any regular family of four dads and a daughter. It was in this house that the very tired looking rat was trying to be like every other parent and settle his duck daughter into bed so she can finally doze off.
Gosalyn was bouncing around in her bed, struggling against Megavolt's attempts to get her into her proper place in bed. Head against pillow, body under the blanket, still and calm. But boy was she making that really difficult. "I don't want to sleep! Not if you're gonna make me go to camp tomorrow!" she whined and clutched tightly onto the bed's bottom railing as her dad was trying to pull her back into place on the bed. "But hun! It is obligatory! You. Have. To. G-go!" he groaned as he tried his best to pry her off of the foot of her bed, but lost his grip and flew back into the wall. While she was free, the duck girl quickly got off of the bed and hid herself underneath the bed, trying to do whatever she could to not have to go to bed. 
As the electrified rodent regained his composure, he spotted his daughter hiding in the shadows of the underside of her bed. He sighed and crouched down beside her hiding spot, looking at her exhaustedly as he was too worn out from her struggling to try and get her back into bed again "Come on, Gosalyn. You can't skip out on the field trip by staying up all night" he tried to reason with her as he sat himself down beside her, showing he was no longer going to wrangle with her. The pair of eyes peering back at him responded with a grumpy "You're just saying that so I'll go to sleep and then you can force me into the forest with all the bugs and bears and snakes and moose!" and then huffed sharply. The rat sighed at her resistance, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he tried to think up something to say. 
"Please, hun. You're only punishing yourself by doing this. Whether you sleep or not, you're going on the field trip" he groaned and sank down further onto the floor. "Papa said I didn't need to go!" Gosalyn pointed out as she crawled out from under the bed to pout at her dad on the floor. "You know very well that Bushroot can't say no to you when you make that face at him! His decision is invalid!" he scowled at her as he sat back up and moved to sit cross-legged in front of her. All she did was puff up her cheeks at him and cross her arms with a mad grunt. Letting out a sigh, Megavolt tilted his head back and stared up at the roof, until an idea suddenly hit him and he lit up like a light bulb. 
"... How about we make a deal then?" he asked and looked over at his daughter, a small grin growing on his face. She just gave him a suspicious look, not sure if she would like this "deal". The adult stood up from the floor, saying "If you promise you will go to bed and go on the field tomorrow, I will give you the best gift I can". Crawling out from under the bed, the little duck looks up at him curiously. "A doll?" she asked. "Much better" he responded to her. "A doll house?!" she then inquired while scuttling up onto the bed. "Even better!" he then told her and sat down beside her on the bed. "A HORSE?!?" she then shouted in excitement, throwing her hands up in the air. "O-Ok. Not THAT good! We're not made of money" he chuckled as he then put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down. 
"I'm going to tell you the story of how I became a hero, if you promise me right now that you'll go to bed and go on the field trip tomorrow" Megavolt suggested to her while trying to hide his smug, delighted grin from her. Gosalyn's face lit up and she jumped up on him, gripping onto his arm like a koala. "Really?! You'll tell me your backstory?!" she asked as she stared at him with big, sparkling eyes, full of hope. "Maybe… if i hear those two magic words" her dad said as he looked down at her expectantly. Immediately, faster than a lightning bolt, she let go of him and shot over towards her spot in bed, getting comfy under her blankets. "I promise, dad!" she said and looked at him with her cute, innocent eyes. He chuckled at her and reached out his hand, patting her head before clearing his throat, getting ready to start his story.
So it all started pretty much in high school. I was a very talented and smart teen, my grades very high, just like my ego. I thought so highly of myself, as if no one could be smarter or more successful than me. I was practically the biggest bully in the entire school. Or at the very least… the second biggest bully in the school… no one beat Drake when it came to malice.
"What?! You were a bully?! No way!" Little Gosalyn said in surprise as she was listening to him starting to tell the story. "Yes. I know. I am very ashamed of how I used to act. But let's continue the story, alright?" the rat told her before trying to recall the next part of the story.
I was the smartest kid I knew, with straight A's across the board. I used to hold my intellect above everyone else, especially the sport kids and the kids with average grades. I used to bully them relentlessly, taunt them about being losers, doomed to working in retail and fast food service jobs for the rest of their lives. I'd even make the more timid kids partake in some of my experiments, constantly telling them that that was all they would be good for.
Particularly this one kid. Hamilton Ham String.
He was… the typical stars-in-his-eyes sports fanatic that dreamed of becoming a football player some day. He would partake in every sport the school could offer and would constantly talk about the sports on TV. Now I was never that… involved with him, though it may sound like I knew him well. It's only that after that fateful day… he's been a big influence to me. 
It was the day before prom. I had been working on this machine and I had finally managed to finalize a prototype. All that I needed was for someone to test it out. And obviously that wouldn't be me. So I headed out of the school workshop and took a look around for who would be my… lab rat. And there, down the hallway, I saw him. My favorite victim, Hamilton. He was throwing the pigskin around with a friend of his yelling stuff like "Radical catch right there, Daddy-o!" and "My shots are the most tubular around!"
"DAAAAAD!" Gosalyn whined as she pushed her dad, getting him to stop the story for the moment. "What?" he asked, completely clueless. "No one says stuff like that anymore!" she muttered annoyed and looked at him with an unsatisfied pout. "Really? It was the hottest lingo around when I was just a teen. Everyone said stuff like "Cool beans" and "Funky" at that time!" he said with a confused look on his face while scratching his head. "DAAAD!!" the little girl groaned as she physically cringed at his outdated slang. "Ok ok! Fine. I'll change it to be more modern, for you" he then chuckled at her, continuing on with his story short after.
Hamilton was laughing about his throwing skills, winking at a girl that was walking past. I saw her blush at him as he did, giggling and covering her face with her bag. I remember rolling my eyes so hard at them, finding their flirting so stupid and meaningless. Then again, I thought love was a ridiculous concept anyways.
But as he was giving his girlfriend those flirty glances, I just marched up to him and grabbed him by the back of his shirt. He seemed rather surprised by it and he looked at me, only able to say "Huh?!" as I pulled him down towards me. I could see his face turn into that usual nervousness as he realized just who it was that grabbed his attention, literally. "O-oh! Hey there, Mr. Sputterspark! E-everything alright today?" he asked me with this awkward grin on his face, as if trying to get on my good side. I didn't care, I just dragged him along towards the workshop while ignoring his protests and excuses. I could see his girlfriend across the way, I remember it very clearly, she looked terrified.
As we got inside the room, he kept telling me he didn't do anything and that he's sorry about whatever he did. I completely ignored him and pushed him forward onto the floor. "Shut up, pig" I growled at him as I observed him shuffle back to his feet, now quiet at my request. "I don't care about your low IQ attempts to excuse yourself! Just do as I say!" I growled and walked on over towards my machine. It was a simple treadmill, with a carpet fastened to the running belt and restraints added on to the handles. He just stared at it, confused and worried. Understandable. I didn't have the most promising track record. 
"Um… wh-what is that, Elmo?" Hamilton asked me while trying to sneak over toward the door. I stopped him by grabbing his ear, saying "This, as simply explained as possible, is a machine meant to power this here light bulb. Through the power of static electricity, the friction against the carpet will generate powers high enough to give power to at least this entire room! Just imagine how much electricity could be generated with a full warehouse of these soft, metallic beauties!". I then turned around to him and started pulling him in close, so close our noses were squishing together. "And I just so happen to need someone to test it out for me" I told him very bluntly before forcing him over towards the machine.
Just as I started doing so, the boy began to struggle against my grip and begged for me to stop. "H-Hey! Let me go! Stop!" he pleaded with me, which I of course ignored, as if it was just hot wind blowing by my ears. But something very unexpected happened. I heard him let out a growl and yell "N-NO! I'M NOT GOING TO BE A GUINEA PIG AGAIN! STEP OFF!!!" before he ripped his arm loose and raised it up out of my reach. I was stunned into silence as all I could do was stare at him. I couldn't believe he told me off! It actually caused me to step back and feel a slight tad of fear stir up in my chest. Only a few seconds thereafter his hand came flying towards me and smacked me back. I was flung back towards my machine, landing on the carpeted belt and grunting in pain. As I tried to pull myself up from the belt, I grabbed onto the handles and the restraints I had built in immediately snapped shut over my arms. "Wh-What the-!" Was all I could manage to say before the treadmill started up and the belt began slowly building up speed. I did my best to pry my arms loose but I had done a little too well when building this thing.
It got faster and faster as my legs were forced to start running. I felt how, for the first time since starting High school, fear was taking over and I was panicking like crazy. I looked up at Hamilton and begged for him "Please! Help me! Hamilton, please save me!". But he just stared at me with this abject horror over his face. I'll never forget the look he had as he then turned away from me and ran out the door, leaving me to try and save myself and my poor poor legs.
"WHAT?!? He just LEFT you to run your legs off?! What a meanie!" Gosalyn said angrily as she stood up in bed, throwing her hands up in frustration. Megavolt lifted her up, laying her back down in bed before tucking her in once more. "You got to understand, sweetie, I was about to force him into the same situation I got myself into. He was probably scared over what I'd do after he just pushed me into my own torture machine" he sighed as he reached out and rubbed her head, smiling sadly as he was thinking about those times. "I kinda think I deserved worse than that. But either way, I'm thankful it happened…" he said softly, transitioning back into the story.
I remember running on that treadmill for almost an hour, my legs being at the brink of death. They felt like if I were to stop, the movement of the belt would pull them right along with it. I was sweating like a melting ice cube and panting so hard I could move a sailboat on my own. I think I even blacked out at a few points, only to be brought back to reality by my knees burning from the friction on them.
But after that painfully long hour, the lamp that was connected to the machine had begun to flicker violently from an overflow of electricity. After it had been unstably wavering for a long while, it finally broke. So did the rest of the lights in the room. I could even tell later that the hallway lights had lost power. Luckily, that power outage put a complete stop to the treadmill and released my arms at the same time, causing me to be flung forward and crash into the wall, covered in loose papers that were stuck to me, thanks to the overabundance of static electricity.
When I came to, I was laying on the floor, homeworks and instructions stuck to my face and making it harder to see. I removed them and saw even less than before, being surrounded by complete darkness. "... Hamilton? Hey… anyone there?" I called out weakly as I pushed myself up and wandered over towards the door. As I grabbed the handle, a sudden shock of energy shot through my body and I was paralyzed as it coursed through my limbs, until I was flung back into the wall once more. I stared at the door in shock as I was trying to come up with an explanation to myself. 
After a few moments of dumbfounded silence, my eyes drifted down to my hands and I noticed slight sparks traveling between my fingertips. I started to panic and shook my hand around, yelling "GET IF OFF! GET IT OFF!" as I stumbled around the room. As I did so, a bolt of energy shot out of my fingers and hit my machine, causing it to fry for a moment, then explode. I just stopped right in my tracks and stared at it, surprisingly calm at that point. All I could think of was what in the world just happened to me. But then feelings of exhaustion suddenly hit me and all I could think to do was go home and crash in bed.
And so I did. I went home and went to bed, ignoring the weird things that happened until the next morning. I did some tests with my newfound electricity powers, after having blown up my toaster accidentally. I discovered that I had the power to store electricity in my body and discharge it at choice. It was an amazing discovery. A breakthrough in science! I had given myself superpowers! It was a revolutionary event! I had to tell someone! I had to go tell Hamilton! He was the one who had caused me to make such a discovery after all. I had been so busy testing my powers that I realized I was going to be late for prom. And prom would have been the perfect place to make this announcement. So I got dressed in the fanciest clothes I got and headed out towards school. 
As I reached the big double doors leading into the gym, I didn't hesitate a second. I busted right through them and yelled "Can I please have everyone's attention!". The band on stage stopped the music and everyone in the room turned their heads to look over at me in shock and fear. They probably thought I was finally going to blow up the school or something. I reached up towards the singer on scene and snatched the microphone from him. "I have a very important announcement to make, everyone! I was involved in a scientific accident yesterday!" I began explaining as I scanned the room. I found Hamilton as I did so and could see the expression of absolute horror on his face, as if he was writing his will in his head already. "But listen! After this failed experiment caused a blackout in school, I discovered that I have gained superpowers! I can produce electricity from my body!" I then continued as I started approaching him and his girlfriend, smiling in excitement about the amazing news. 
Everyone was quiet, just glaring at me as if I had gone mad. Then I heard Drake start to laugh like a hyena, falling over onto the floor from how funny he apparently found it. Quite a few other people joined in too in laughing at me. I started to panic and I could see Hamilton and his girlfriend start to back away from me, like I was a mad man. "N-no wait! It's true! I have superpowers! Look!" I told everyone as I then fired off a bolt of lightning, which bounced off of the punch bowl and fried Drake's back feathers. He looked extremely mad about it. Hamilton shivered while gripping his girlfriend, telling me in a shaking voice "A-alright! I believe you! P-please don't hurt me! I didn't mean to push you into that thing!". "H-huh?! No! Dude! I'm not going to hurt you! I wanted to thank you, actually! If you hadn't defended yourself against me, we might have never made this breakthrough! Do you realize how big this is?! How these powers could be used to help further technology?!" I rambled at him as I was getting myself worked up about all of the possibilities that had opened up to me. 
"Yeah! Just think about all the security systems you could disable. All the cops you could electrocuted! All the electronic stores you could take over!" Drake suddenly spoke up as he stomped over to me and gripped me by my shirt. "W-what?!" was all I could respond with before he continued talking. "Your powers would be very useful. If I had those abilities, I'd be able to rob all the banks in st. Carnard! No…  I could take over st. Carnard!" he started laughing in this diabolical voice, still having a tight grip on my shirt. 
I gasped at his proposition and pulled his hand loose, yelling at him "No! I would never do something like that!". "Bah! What a waste of superpowers. Going to a nerd like you! Maybe it should have gone to the pig!" Drake growled as he poked at my chest, clearly trying to provoke me. But I just slapped his hand away, backing away towards the door. "You… I'll show all of you that my powers will be put to good use! I will use my powers for GOOD! I'll put an end to villains like you!" I yelled and pointed at him. Drake just walked right up to me and grabbed me by my throat, tossing me out the big double doors. "Sure thing, nerd. I'll show you that I'll take over st. Carnard, even if some super freaks try to stop me" he told me as the doors slowly closed behind me.
It was after that day that I decided to change my ways, to drop my bad attitude. I needed to become more like Hamilton. Someone who hoped for a better future, then would do what they could to make that dream a reality. I would become a hero.
"Wow… dad. That was amazing. You were so mean before, but now you're so sweet to my other dads!" Gosalyn muttered tiredly as she gave away a big yawn. Megavolt sighed with a big smile on his face as he tucked in his daughter, who snuggled up in bed. "Yes. I am proud of myself for making that change. And I bet Quackerjack is very thankful for it" he chuckled softly and pat the duckling's head. "Wait. What do you mean by that?" she asked confused as she looked up at him curiously. "Heh heh… guess you'll have to ask for his backstory to figure that out" Megavolt said with a smug voice as he stood up and headed over towards the door. "Now go to sleep. Remember, you promised" he chuckled softly and turned off the lights, closing the door behind him.
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bastardnev · 6 years
That Guy Next Door Ch. 16 (Final)
 HHHHHHHHHHHooooookay i honestly can’t believe that we’re up to the Last Chapter Of This Fic. like i deadass cannot believe how quickly this all went
before i get into my usual Spiel i just wanted to say thanks real quick to everyone that’s read the fic up till this point. it means so much to me that ppl have been enjoyin it ❤️❤️❤️ (and i also wanna thank the ppl on mobile that are Not interested who’ve scrolled past each chapter on the off chance that the read more didn’t work dkjfgfjk)
tagging: @tylerblacks​ @joonhobi​ @rivela​ @aliciasfox @sailor-slam-dunk​@kidvoodoo​ @smolsammichu​ @simulated-heat​ @douglas-leon-michael​@1dluver13xx (lemme know if you wanna be added to my tag list!!)
Prev.: Ch. 1 ♡ Ch. 2 ♡ Ch. 3 ♡ Ch. 4 ♡ Ch. 5 ♡ Ch. 6 ♡ Ch. 7 ♡ Ch. 8 ♡ Ch. 9 ♡ Ch. 10 ♡ Ch. 11 ♡ Ch. 12 ♡ Ch. 13 ♡ Ch. 14 ♡ Ch. 15 ♡
Neville and Mustafa had been discussing their anniversary plans for a little while now, but that didn’t mean that the former was any less nervous when the big day finally arrived.
If anything, his knowledge of the conversation that they would be having was making him even more nervous. Far more than he probably should be, considering that this was supposed to be a fun day. Where he didn’t have to worry about anything.
Least of all inadvertently scaring Mustafa away, or freaking him out.
All that he needed to do was stick to his little plan, and everything should be fine. He’d been going over it in his mind for what felt like ages now. He knew what he was going to say, and he’d practiced it so many times that he’d lost count. It was fine. Everything was going to be fine.
He hoped.
The day was set to go according to the following itinerary: First, Neville would spend a good part of his morning making proper preparations. Everything needed to be just right, straight down to his outfit. (Wade had made a comment the other day about Neville most likely dressing as a dork on his anniversary. The spiteful side of Neville was determined to prove him wrong.) Then, later that evening, Mustafa would meet up with Neville at his house and have dinner with him and the rest of the family -- something that he admittedly was unsure about. Their initial plan had been to go out someplace to eat (Neville was far more fond of fancy restaurants when it wasn’t a tacky, love-centered national holiday), but it turned out that Jen and Daisy had different plans for the two of them.
After having planned it out for weeks -- apparently that was what they had been talking about during the nights when they’d stayed up way past their bedtimes -- they insisted that, seeing as it was such a big day, they wanted to do all the cooking. It was their anniversary, so why should they have to pay their hard-earned money to eat out someplace? (Neville wanted to say something about how he was the one that paid for the ingredients that they would be using to cook, but he kept that part to himself.)
And besides, Jen was on a mission to prove that she was almost an adult (“I’m almost eleven. Eleven! That’s two ones! Not one, two!”) and could handle such a lofty task. Neville knew damn well that when she got in one of these “grown-up” modes, it was difficult to get her out of it. It was better to just let her do as she pleased. Daisy, on the other hand, was primarily going along with it just so that Jen wouldn’t be the only one getting all the attention. All-in-all, it was business as usual with them.
Neville had at first been skeptical of their idea, as leaving a couple of children in charge of cooking an entire meal was risky for many reasons -- the main one being that he wasn’t in the mood to put out any fires that evening. That, and he was in a way looking forward to going out with Mustafa so they could have some time to themselves. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to spend time with his family -- he just believed that a couple should be able to have some private time on a night that was so important to them.
They managed to wear him down enough with their begging, however, and he figured that if he could convince Wade to lend them a hand then there was nothing to worry about. There would be some form of adult supervision -- much to Jen’s annoyance, but to Neville’s relief. And, he had to admit, he was curious to see what they would come up with. Their cooking skills were very limited, and as such so was the menu. Though he was predicting disaster, part of Neville wanted to see how this would all play out.
As such, one conversation with Mustafa later, it was officially decided that their anniversary would be spent at home with those closest to them. “Let’s hope we don’t end up getting food poisoning from this, though,” Neville added.
“If we do, then it’ll definitely be a night we don’t forget, right?” Mustafa replied with a little chuckle -- a nervous one, Neville had noted.
Of course, because nothing in Neville’s life could ever be simple, there was plenty of discourse over what exactly would be made. Neither he nor Mustafa really minded and had no real preference, but it had become a big argument starter with the children -- much like everything these days, now that he gave it some thought. Neville had received far more phone calls from home while he was at work than he’d have liked to, each one giving him a mini-heart attack and leading him to think that there was an emergency going on that required his attention.
But no, it was usually just Jen, insisting that Daisy was ‘abusing her power’ that she supposedly had by being the younger sibling, and she was trying to dictate what was cooked.
The truth was, she’d just said that she didn’t like green beans, and Jen took this as a personal attack.
From the moment that he’d woken up on the morning of the anniversary, Neville had had an odd feeling in his stomach. For the last couple of days he had been planning out exactly what he was going to say and when he would say it, so as to avoid being interrupted like he always seemed to be. Be it by adults, children, or birds, someone or something always took issue with him trying to have serious conversations.
Not this time.
Not when it’s this important.
Checking his phone after he’d rolled out of bed, Neville saw that Mustafa had already sent him a few texts, and he smiled at the sheer amount of heart emojis that were sent along as the final message.
 Resident Bear Fanatic: Happy anniversary!!
Resident Bear Fanatic: I love youuuuu
Me: Someone’s excited :)
Me: Happy anniversary to you too, Moose. I love you + I’ll see you later xx
 Taking a page out of Mustafa’s book, Neville also sent an entirely heart filled message, sending it off while a little voice in the back of his mind chastised him for it. He’d never been one to overuse emojis and preferred to use his words to communicate what he wanted to say, but Mustafa was a huge fan of the little things. Every conversation they had ended with some kind of emoji, even if it didn’t exactly fit what they were talking about. Mustafa was the only one who could get Neville to start over-sending them.
Man, Wade was right.
I really am head over heels for him.
Any hopes Neville had had for a quiet morning were dashed when he exited his bedroom and immediately heard the sounds of an argument brewing down in the kitchen. He didn’t think that the little chefs would be awake this early. Letting out a sigh, he made his way over the the stairs, Jen’s voice growing louder with every step he took. He could have easily just turned around and gone back into his room, but he knew he couldn’t leave Wade to deal with this fight all by himself. They’ll maul him. Again.
“She doesn’t like anything I wanna make!” He heard Jen yell, and he stopped to listen for a moment, sitting on the bottom-most step. “She’s only here to spite me!”
“Jen, be reasonable.” The next voice he heard was Wade’s. “Just because she doesn’t like something, that doesn’t mean she’s out to spite you.”
Wade clearly doesn’t know Daisy as well as he thinks he does. Neville mused to himself before going back to listening.
“But she conveniently hates everything that I suggest. I bet you could say the same thing as me, and she’d like it.”
“How do you know that?”
“When she wakes up, ask her if she wants to make a salad. Go ahead, I dare you.”
When she wakes up? Neville could have sworn she was already awake. Then again, if she had been awake, she’d probably be defending herself right about now. Neville had to wonder if Jen was up this early to make some sort of secret preparations so that her sister didn’t try to intervene for once.
“Alright, enough of the dares,” Neville finally spoke up, standing and entering the kitchen. “There’s no need to be fighting this much over dinner. There has to be something that you and Daisy can agree on.”
“I’m trying to find out what that is, but she’s being so difficult!” Jen insisted, crossing her arms and pouting. “She just says no to everything. She’s so immature. She’s almost an adult now.”
“Jen, she’s seven.” Her birthday had only passed a few weeks ago. She’d made almost as big of a deal about it as Jen did when she turned ten -- she’d even told Mustafa that she was ‘everyone’s lucky charm’. “I get that it can be frustrating, but you gotta remember that she’s still a kid. Be patient with her.”
“She needs to grow up already! I wasn’t like that when I was her age.”
Neville couldn’t help but give her a look that said, “Really?” at that little comment. Neville could recall many instances of her being intentionally difficult when she was Daisy’s age, but he kept that to himself, instead saying, “Try to work something out with her, please? Fighting solves nothing.”
“I’ll try…”
“Good.” He gave her a kiss on top of her head. “And I don’t want youse fighting when Mustafa comes over later.”
“Tell that to her.”
“I’ll tell her, and I’ll tell you again, too. We all need to be clear on that.” He pointed to Wade. “You, too.”
“What?” Wade was aghast. “What did I do to deserve a talking to? I’m just standin’ here.”
“Gee, I dunno, Mr. Interrogator. What did you do?”
As he finished saying this, Daisy came down the stairs and entered the room, looking groggy, still in her star-studded pajamas. “Mornin’, kiddo,” Neville greeted, ruffling her already messy hair. “You’re up early. Sleep well?”
“Mm…” She replied, leaning up against him.
“Got a big day ahead of you, don’t you? You all ready for tonight?”
“Hmm…” She nuzzled her face into his side, and he gave her a pat on the shoulder.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Neville said this while keeping an eye on Wade, who now had a look on his face. Like he was just dying to ask something.
“So, kid…” He started. “I was just wondering -- did you and Jen decide on what you were gonna make tonight?” At her lazy shrug, he continued, “Have you considered… salad?”
Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and she looked more awake. “That’s a great idea!!”
Neville didn’t say anything to this. Instead, upon hearing Jen’s sharp inhale, he braced himself for round two of the morning fight. And he wonders why he needs to be spoken to about being on his best behavior…
Throughout the day, Neville couldn’t help but get a sense of deja vu.
As he went through the motions of the day, he got the feeling that he’d done all of this before -- not in the sense that this was his typical weekend routine and he was used to it, but that every single thing he did was something he’d done one other time before.
Specifically, the first time that Mustafa came over to dinner.
Just as he’d done the first time and as he’d promised to do that morning, he’d spoken to the everyone about how they should be conducting themselves that evening. Jen and Daisy were still fighting literally right up until they’d been sat down on the couch. And likewise, everyone had also given the same response that they had last time -- they swore they’d be on their best behavior, and they promised that there wouldn’t be any arguments (or, in Wade’s case, impromptu interrogations) while Mustafa was visiting. They all wanted this night to go smoothly, and they wanted to make sure Neville and Mustafa had the best night possible.
And of course, just like before, they hadn’t stayed true to their word.
Neville wasn’t sure what he was expected.
Mustafa had barely been in the house for a few moments before Wade led him over to the couch, making casual conversation about this and that before launching into his latest cross-examination. Previously, he had been asking him about if he were truly fit to be dating Neville, but since the two had been together for quite literally a year at this point he had to come up with new questions, each one increasing in terms of ridiculousness.
“Is ‘Mustafa’ really your name?”
“It’s you guys’ one year anniversary? Are you positive it’s only been a year? Because I’m suspicious of that.”
“How old am I?” (“Wade, that has nothing to do with him! Why are you even asking that?” Neville protested.)
All Neville was able to do while this ridiculous questioning was going on was stand back and watch, growing more and more humiliated with each passing moment. Mustafa didn’t seem to mind -- in fact, he was joking around with Wade, apparently enjoying it and even firing back with a few questions of his own -- but that didn’t make Neville feel any better. Why is it that whenever I tell Wade to do something, he does the exact opposite? Once again, Neville was reminded of Wade’s reaction upon being told to act appropriately. He truly was genuinely shocked.
Neville had actually gotten the feeling that the girls were trying to keep their promise to him, but that was proving to be too difficult. In the end, they’d decided on an entirely vegetarian dinner (secretly to Neville’s relief, as he would admittedly be a little afraid to eat any meat they may have cooked -- or undercooked, for that matter). This didn’t appear like it would cause any controversy, and for awhile it didn’t. There was good food, good conversation, and it looked like it would be a good night as well.
That is, until Jen decided to bring up how difficult Daisy had been throughout the whole process.
“It was fun, but… I ended up doing most of the work,” she’d said, shooting a glaring her sister’s way. “Since someone didn’t want to be a team player.”
“Jen…” Neville said as a warning, but he knew it was already too late. Nothing he said was going to work. At least he tried.
“I was a team player!” Daisy insisted, forking clanging on the table as she tossed it down, causing everyone to jump. “Daddy, wasn’t I a team player?”
“Please just stop fighting…” As futile as it was, he was still trying to diffuse the situation. On a day as important to him and Mustafa as this, were they really about to see an all-out war? He looked at Mustafa apologetically, as he was about to witness his first real fight between the siblings.
“It took Wade suggesting that we make something just to get you to agree!”
“Woah, don’t bring my name into this,” Wade said in his own defense. “I’m just an innocent bystander!”
“But I’m not wrong! I told you that she’s always trying to go against me, and I proved it! I don’t get why no one will believe me!”
“Because you are wrong!” Daisy yelled. “I’m good!”
“You are not! If you’re so good, then why didn’t you help? You mostly just sat back and made me do all the work.”
“Because you wanted me to. You never asked me for help because you wanted to show you’re a grown-up!”
“Ladies, we had this discussion earlier, can we please drop it?” Neville rose his voice and attempted to speak over their yelling, but that didn’t work, and the fight continued.
Suddenly, he felt a light tap on his shoulder, and he looked at Mustafa. “You want me to help you out?” He asked. “I can take care of this.”
“Can you?”
“You’re forgetting that I’m breaking up fights between little kids on an almost daily basis whenever I’m at work. Trust me, I got this.”
Neville frowned, but he shrugged, figuring that he may as well give him a shot. He was desperate to get this fight to end, he’d try anything. “Go ahead.”
“I’m so sick of you!” Jen yelled, her face now red with anger. “You’re so lazy, it’s unreal! You’re borderline useless--”
The next voice to enter the phrase was Mustafa’s, and both Neville and Wade looked at each other, stunned that the first thing he’d chosen to say was her full first name. She hadn’t been in this much trouble in ages, and the fact that Mustafa of all people was the one that said it made everything even more startling.
Jen stammered, finally now realizing that she was in big trouble for causing such a scene. “But I-- She-- It’s her fault-- You!!”
“What about me?”
“You!! Stay out of this! Don’t butt in!”
Now Neville had to say something. “Jennifer, don’t talk to him like that. That’s disrespectful.”
“Jen,” Mustafa started. “Drop the subject.”
“Drop. The. Subject.”
Jen had clearly had enough, and she stood up, chair nearly falling over from the force. She stormed out of the room, angry footsteps dissipating as she went up to her room. Neville sighed when he heard the door slam. “Jesus…”
Daisy hadn’t said anything since Mustafa joined the conversation, and she looked torn on whether to be upset at what happened or gleeful that Jen had been told off. Eventually, she settled on the latter, but this didn’t sit well with Mustafa either -- though he was far calmer now. “Daisy, you should’ve ignored her,” he said.
“Why’m I getting yelled at? She started it…” She moped.
“You’re not getting yelled at. I know she started it. You’re not in any trouble. But from now on, just ignore her when she tries to pick a fight over something like that, okay?”
She was still unhappy that she was spoken to, but she nodded, slumping back in her chair and going back to eating. Mustafa let out a breath, and he looked to Neville, giving him a nod of his own. “It’s handled,” he said.
“I…” Neville was still in awe. “I didn’t think you’d actually step in there like that. I’m impressed.”
“Got it down to a science.” With that, Mustafa went back to eating as well -- but it was obvious that his enthusiasm wasn’t there anymore. Neville figured that it was safe to assume he’d had enough of this family for one evening.
Suddenly, he’d lost his appetite.
“I’m just… so fucking sorry.” Neville said when he and Mustafa escaped outside to the porch following dinner -- he hadn’t even meant to swear, but he was so frustrated with how the night turned out. “I tried to talk to them before you came over, and they said they’d behave, but… God, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, you had no way of knowing that was gonna happen,” Mustafa replied, sounding disappointed. Neville’s heart sank. Everything that he’d been planning to do that night, what he’d been planning on asking Mustafa when all was said and done -- could he even do that anymore? The mood was sour, and when they looked back on their first anniversary all they would remember was the fight that interrupted dinner.
Fuck. Me.
“I should’ve known,” Neville argued. “They’d been fighting for the last couple of days over what to make, and they were even fighting this morning. I should’ve known that they were gonna get into another argument. All they do is fight nowadays…”
“Well… If I were you, I still wouldn’t blame yourself. You did everything right. In the end, they’re two young girls who spend a lot of time together. Too much togetherness is bound to cause problems like this. It happens. It’s no biggie.”
“I still feel so bad. Why didn’t we agree to go out someplace instead… That’s what you wanted to do, right?”
“I… Well, yeah, I kinda did.” Mustafa shrugged. “I didn’t say anything before, but I was hoping that’s what we’d end up doing. I didn’t wanna hurt the girls’ feelings, though. But, there’s nothing we can do about it now. Can’t change the past.”
“God… Again, I’m sorry.” Neville sat down on the front step, propping his elbows on his knees and holding his face in his hands.
Mustafa sat down next to him. “Hey, chin up. Technically there isn’t any law that says we can’t still go out somewhere to celebrate. Not everyone goes out for anniversary dinner the day of -- sometimes they have to wait until they have time.”
“That’s true.” Neville recalled not only his parents, but also him and Marina doing the same thing in the past. “So you’re saying we should go out sometime soon?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.” He smooched Neville’s cheek. “We’ve earned it. Especially after tonight. Take two, next weekend. Just us.”
“I like the sound of that.”
A cool September evening breeze blew, and Neville scooted closer to Mustafa, the latter resting his head on Neville’s shoulder. Though the night had been hectic, at least they had this moment to themselves. So long as it stayed like this, then maybe Neville might have a chance…
“I mean, hey,” Mustafa started with a small chuckle, interrupting the silence, “sooner or later we can look back and laugh at all of this. And by the time our second anniversary rolls around, this’ll just be a distant memory, ya feel? Something we can all joke about.”
“Second?” Neville grinned. “You’re already thinking that far ahead?”
“Would you rather I said ‘tenth’ instead?” He winked. “Because I can easily see us having a tenth.”
“Damn, and here I was worried that you were pissed at me after what happened.”
“Never!” Mustafa waved his hand. “Your family is… something, but I love them. And I love you. It’s gonna take a hell of a lot more than a sibling rivalry to get me to leave you, Nev.”
Neville felt warm inside. “I’m glad. And I love you too.”
Mustafa took Neville’s hand, gently rubbing his thumb along the back of it. “Man, it really has been a whole year, huh? It honestly doesn’t feel like it..”
“Right? I still remember when Jen threw that ball over your fence.”
“And you came over to come get it. You got all tongue tied.”
“I was a mess. I wasn’t expecting this to answer the door.” He gestured in Mustafa’s direction, making him laugh. “I thought some angry old man had moved in.”
“I’m not angry, but I am old, so you’re not exactly far off there.”
“You are not old.” Neville shoved him. “We’re the same age -- if you’re old, what’s that make me?”
“You’re younger than me! You’re a spring chicken. I’m ancient.”
“I’m younger than you by, what, five months? That’s nothing. Neither of us are old.”
“...Man, you were so cute on that day, though. And when I found out that you were single, I instantly knew I had to ask you out.”
“Even though I never actually told you I was into guys before you asked.”
At that Mustafa, put a hand on Neville’s shoulder. “Nev. Trust me on this one. I knew.”
Neville snorted. “Alright. But then Wade interrupted you right as you were about to ask…” Neville grumbled. Wade’s poor timing would be the death of him -- he was surprised he hadn’t come out to join them yet. There was still time.
“That sucked, but I did get to ask you eventually. And you did say yes.”
“And thank the Lord I did.” Neville squeezed his hand. “I know I told you all this before, Moose, but you’re the first guy I’ve really… dated since my split. The date we went on was the first time I’d gone out with someone in years. You truly did help me to rediscover how amazing it feels to love someone.”
Mustafa smiled. “I’m so glad I could do that for you.”
“I really wasn’t sure if I’d ever love anyone again after getting divorced. Not many people want to date a single parent -- they don’t want to have to deal with the children. And I was so sure I’d already met The One, I didn’t think I’d ever feel so strongly for another person. You make me so happy.”
“Aww, Nev, you’re such a softie.”
“I really am, aren’t I?” He swallowed. “And you’ve made the girls so much happier, too. I know what happened tonight was bad, but I’ve seen the way they both interact with you. I remember being so concerned after the split that they’d start to resent me for it -- they were young, but not young enough to have no idea what had happened.”
“Do you still think that way?”
“Not really. Even if I didn’t think that they resented me, things had definitely changed. Especially after Marina moved and she couldn’t come to visit them anymore, or take them out on little day trips. But ever since I’ve gotten with you and you’ve started to hang out with them, they’ve changed. Fighting notwithstanding, they’re so much happier. I really can’t thank you enough for that, Mustafa. Thank you for making my girls so happy.”
“Geez, Nev, you’re turning me into a softie now…” Mustafa laughed. “You have too much power.”
This is it. Just do it.
“...Moose, I… I gotta ask you something.” Neville started, tone more serious. “And you don’t have to answer right now if you don’t want to, that’s totally fine, but I have to ask.”
Mustafa’s eyebrows rose, and it looked like there were a million different thoughts running through his mind. His boyfriend wanted to ask him a question on their anniversary? Right after they’d had a discussion like that? It was cute watching him try to figure out what Neville was going to ask. “W-What’s up, Nev?”
“Moose, would you…” He took a deep breath. “Would you… be interested in maybe moving in with us?”
The smile on Mustafa’s face grew even wider. “You want me to move in with you?”
“It doesn’t have to be tonight or anything. It can literally be whenever you want -- or, if you don’t want to at all, then that’s okay, too. Whatever you’re most comfortable with.”
Mustafa didn’t say anything for a moment. He was thinking again, licking his lower lip and letting out an awed chuckle. “Wow,” he finally said. “That’s… not what I expected to hear this evening.”
“Caught you off guard, didn’t I?”
“Would I be able to ask you a question of my own, Nev?”
“And now you’ve caught me off guard,” Neville joked. What was this about? “Go ahead.”
“Well… This is just from what I’ve heard, but… typically, when couples start talking about moving in with one another, that usually means that… y’know, marriage is on their minds.”
“Hence why I’m now wondering… Have you been thinking about it?”
Neville looked up at the sky, watching an airplane fly overhead. “I won’t lie, it’s definitely crossed my mind once or twice. Maybe three times. Or, four times. I think you catch my drift here.” He quirked his eyebrows up at him. “I guess you could say that I wanna marry you.”
“...And I guess you could say that I wanna marry you.”
Neville hadn’t done anything even remotely athletic in ages, but he truly did feel like he could start doing backflips after hearing Mustafa say that.
“But… maybe not any time soon, though?” Mustafa continued. “Weddings are super expensive. Not sure if I’m ready to put myself through all that planning just yet.”
“Neither am I,” Neville agreed.
“And besides, I want there to be a real engagement.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way, Moose. I’ll surprise you good.”
“...Who said that you’ll be doing the proposing?” He narrowed his gaze at Neville, who mirrored his expression.
“I see how it’s gonna be…” Neither one of them could keep this staredown up for any longer than a few more seconds before they both went back to grinning. “We can put that off for now. So… about that moving in thing that I mentioned before…”
Mustafa giggled. “I didn’t forget, don’t worry.” He took both of Neville’s hands. “The answer to that question is ‘yes’. Of course I’ll move in with you guys.”
Neville didn’t reply to that. Instead, he leaned in to kiss Mustafa, feeling more love for him in that moment than he ever had up until that point. After so much doubt, so much worrying, and so many nights of laying awake telling himself that no one would want to date him because ‘no one wants a single dad’ -- he could put all of that to rest.
It was when they heard the sound of the front door cracking open that they pulled away, and they spotted Daisy peeking at them. Her eyes were wide, mouth agape, like she’d just witnessed something that she wasn’t meant to see. “You good, kiddo?” Neville asked as she opened the door a little wider.
“Ah… Ah?” She breathed out, looking between the two of them. “You?”
“Is… everything alright?” Mustafa asked.
“He…” She looked to Neville, pointing at Mustafa. “He said yes? You asked him, and he said yes?”
“Wha?” Neville was confused -- did she not hear the part where he said that he’d move in? What did she think Mustafa agreed to?
“He said yes…” After muttering this, she suddenly spun on her heel, bursting back into the house. “He said yes!! They’re getting married!! It’s happening!!”
“Oh my God…” Neville put his face in his hands, the next thing he heard being Mustafa’s laugh. “It’s like she conveniently ignored what the question I asked you was.”
“All she needed to hear was me saying yes.” Mustafa patted Neville on the arm. Neville looked up, seeing the happy expression on his face. When Mustafa was reacting like that, how could he possibly be embarrassed?
And he looked over towards the open door, staring off in the direction that Daisy had run in. Faintly, he could hear her trying to explain to Wade that this was for real this time -- not a false alarm, but the real deal! It was totally a proposal! They really were getting married!
Maybe we are, Daze.
Maybe we are.
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Aaa a oh my gosh i need fluUFf!!1!1!?? Could you do an imagine with 17 and 20 where Crowley finds reader overworking themselves??
Yes, love. Absolutely yes! Let me embrace your ideas!
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Name: Go to sleep.Prompts: 17. “Shush and go back to bed.” 20. “I don’t like hugs. I only like yours.”
“Y/N?” Crowley walks in your room just to see you staring at the computer screen, working on another project of yours. You are absorbed by the lines on the bright screen - even though your eyes are tired and burning, it is easier to concentrate on the work rather than go to sleep. “What are you doing up so late?”
“Work,” you answer quickly, reaching out for your cup of coffee but find his hand, as Crowley puts the cup out of your reach. “Coffee! Look, I could fall asleep, so I decided to work!” you point at the unmade bed behind you.
“Sleep,” he takes your hand and gently pulls you out of your chair. You murmur something about your work, but Crowley simply laughs at you and pushes you towards the bed, shutting the computer off with one hand. “Shush and go back to bed.”
“But…” you stop talking.
“But what, love?”
“I can’t fall asleep alone,” you say under your breath. Ever since your accident on a hunt, you have problems sleeping. Sam and Dean used to keep you company, but now you live on your own again, and it is hard.
“Is that all?” you nod slowly, and Crowley laughs, quickly taking his jacket and tie off. “Then come on, I will get you to sleep.”
“And we will cuddle, and I will hold you, and whatever,” he adds.
“But I thought you don’t like hugs!”
“I don’t like hugs. I only like yours,” Crowley sits down on the bed and smiles at you. “Come on, it is way past the bedtime of any functional human being,” you get in bed, and Crowley wraps the blanket around your shoulders, then pulls you into a tight hug, so you rest your head on his shoulder. Even though he may have acted like he didn’t want to sit there with and ‘cuddle’, but now he seems too happy about it. He breathes quietly, tickling your ear a little, his fingers gently stroking your hair, calming down your mind, until the only thing you really concentrate on is the soothing rhythm of his movements - soft but protective. There are no nightmares coming. You don’t see any of your usual signs - your brain coming up with new ideas, the computer looking too attractive to ignore at 2 am… It is calm. Crowley’s shirt smells like fire, but this smell calms you down even more. “Shhhh…”
“Thank you,” you whisper, slipping away in a long-wanted dream. It can have unicorns. And giraffes. And a moose. And squirrels. But no work. No hunting. No problems. He will take care of that.
“Just sleep, I will not go anywhere,” but just to ensure that, you wrap your hands around his shoulders - just to make sure that Crowley is here to stay. He chuckles softly. “Y/N, I would not leave when you need me,” you don’t get to hear that though - you are half-asleep. And you know that when you wake up, he will be there. Because King of Hell always keeps his promises. Especially when they concern you and your health.
158 notes · View notes
rp-meme-central · 7 years
The Game Plan - sentence starters
1. “Oh, you call this a life? This ain’t life, _____.” 
2. “Blah blah blah blah blah. You come talk to me when you have your own action figure, _____.” 
3. “Look kid, I don’t do girl scout cookies, okay? You don’t get abs like these by eating peanut butter patties.” 
4. “Listen, you can’t just come walking into strangers’ homes like this. There are a lot of weirdos out in the world. Didn’t your mom ever teach you that?” 
5. “My name is _____. I’m your ______.” 
6. “Time out. _____ and I never had a kid.” 
7. “You sure got a lot of pictures of yourself in here.” 
8. “You expect me to believe you’re my kid based on this? Anybody could have written this.” 
9. “Fix it.”
10. “It says here that your ______ is not coming back for a month.” 
11. “So, on his/her way to save the world, your _____ just suddenly decided to leave you here?” 
12. “How do we get in touch with your _____?” 
13. “Do I sound okay? What did you put in those cookies?” 
14. “I’m not a fan, I’m _____’s ______.” 
15. “I didn’t know _____ had a kid.” 
16. “You should be happy. I remember how happy I was when my kid(s) were/was born.” 
17. “’Stupid’ is a mean word.” 
18. “That’s _____’s very special underwear. S/he has to wear them every game, or s/he thinks we won’t win.” 
19. “Like I said, please don’t touch. Fingerprints. I don’t like fingerprints.” 
20. “You’d better eat your food before it gets cold.” 
21. “I don’t have a guest room because I don’t like guests. You sleep here.” 
22. “Stop touching things.” 
23. “Aren’t you going to tell me a bedtime story?” 
24. “Bedtime story... bedtime story. Yeah. The... big bad wolf... blew down the... grammy’s house, and ate the... goldilocks... and then there was something about the... porridge. The end. Good night.” 
25. “Hey, ______. Why didn’t you answer me when I called? I was starting to get worried.” 
26. “Is there a ballet school close by?” 
27. “Why is my dog wearing a dress and pink nail polish?” 
28. “What’s with the Beethoven?” 
29. “Do you have an iPod? Because I’m going to buy you one. Immediately.” 
30. “That smells worse than school food.” 
31. “Speaking of school, why aren’t you in it?” 
32. “This is your game play. Learn it, live it, love it.” 
33. “Pick a nanny, _____.” 
34. “Hey, _____. You forget something?” 
35. “My ______ says that ______ makes kids fat and gives them gas.” 
36. “Good morning, _____. I’m ready to start.” 
37. “You’re fired.” 
38. “Come on. This isn’t a sport. Football. Football’s a sport.” 
39. “I’m sure we can work something out. Money’s no object, as you probably know.” 
40. “I think you can make a little exception for me.” 
41. “S/he doesn’t know who _____ is. S/he must be living under a rock.”
42. “Aw, we missed it!” 
43. “You bedazzled my football.” 
44. “I have to practice.” 
45. “_____, are you okay? Why are you still here?” 
46. “I just knew you were one of those parents. The kind that thinks that his/her life is more important than anybody else’s.”    
47. “You’re a... freakishly large man, and you’re telling me you’re incapable of playing a tree?” 
48. “Trust me, no one is ever going to confuse you with a ballerina.” 
49. “We’re just warming up. So come on.” 
50. “So what were you saying about ballet not being a real sport?” 
51. “Your daughter/son has all the makings to be a professional dancer. S/he has passion, talent, discipline. I guess s/he inherited more than just your charm.” 
52. “Where were you last night? You missed a great fight.” 
53. “I need my bed back.” 
54. “I love it! I love this room! This is awesome!” 
55. “What’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you?” 
56. “Is _____ your girlfriend/boyfriend?” 
57. “Are you _____’s long-lost daugher/son too?” 
58. “Is your coat... bedazzled?” 
59. “To think, you walked out on my _____, just to hang around with the likes of that.” 
60. “I didn’t walk out on your _____, s/he walked out on me.” 
61. “Thanks a lot, _____. Traitor.” 
62. “I wonder why I am/ singing this for/ when you will not even/ open the door.” 
63. “I don’t want to see you.” 
64. “I think s/he was tone deaf, and you sound more like a wounded moose than the King.” 
65. There’s that smile I’ve been waiting for.” 
66. “I would do anything to keep that beautiful smile on your face.” 
67. “Little girls don’t speak ‘football’, ____.” 
68. “You call your dad/mom ‘_______’?” 
69. “Thank you for saving me. Totally out of my league. Only mothers can do this stuff.” 
70. “I can’t do it. I’m not big enough. My shoulders aren’t strong enough.” 
71. “Are you ready for your big debut?”   
72. “No, no. In case you’ve forgotten, I’m a freakishly large man, and these are freakishly small tights.” 
73. “You know, ____, I’m not feeling too good. Maybe we should just go home. Yeah, let’s go home.” 
74. “You just have pre-game jitters, that’s all. All athletes have those. Even me.” 
75. “We’ve worked way too hard to quit now.” 
76. “Listen, I don’t care how ridiculous either of us look out there, okay? We’re gonna go out on the stage, and we’re gonna dance our tutus off.” 
77. “That is the stupidest outfit I’ve ever seen.” 
78. “What are we doing here? _____, did you really think the team was going to miss this?” 
79. “You ran away?” 
80. “The press is going to eat me alive! What a stupid, stupid, stupid thing to do! Did you ever stop and consider how this would impact me?” 
81. “Oh stop it. That’s not going to work this time. You’re in serious trouble.” 
82. “Where’s the nearest hospital?”
83. “I’m _____’s dad/mom.” 
84. “You’re lucky I haven’t called the police.” 
85. “The most important thing is that you’re okay. But we’re gonna discuss everything else when we get home.” 
86. “Are you saying you want _____ to live here with you?” 
87. “This isn’t about you. This is about ______. What’s best for her/him.” 
88. “______ needs her/his _______. S/he needs me.” 
89. “I wanna go home.” 
90. “I just want to go home with ______. I never should have come here.” 
91. “______, there’s nothing under there. S/he’s gone.” 
92. “Tell me what I’m supposed to do.” 
93. “The only thing you can do is make sure s/he knows you love her/him. And that nothing’s going to change that. And then, when s/he’s ready, s/he’ll find you again.” 
94. “There’s nothing that I love more than my _______. Nothing.”  
95. “Don’t worry. S/he’s tough.”
96. “_____, it’s your call. If you think you can handle it, uh.... What do you say?” 
97. “Please tell me you’re not on the lam again.” 
98. “I thought you’d be better off without me. But judging by the butt-whoopin’ you got out there, I guess I was wrong.” 
99. “I love you, ______. I wanna come home.” 
100. “So why aren’t you out there playing?” 
101. “I thought the team would be better off without me.” 
102. “_____, you won the championship!”  
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Croatoan- Part 1
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1,939
Warnings: Typical Supernatural violence, angst, language, minor character death, blood, you know the usual,
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. Please, if you want to be tagged for this series, let me know and I’ll add you! If you want to be tagged for my other fics, I’ll add you! I want to hear what you guys think about this. If you want something requested, send it in!
Feedback is the glue that holds my writing together.
Tags at the bottom
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Urban legends, bedtime stories, monsters under the bed: they are all things you hear about but never really believe. You hear about them from your friends and you think about them all the time, it never really leaving your mind until one day, you finally do some more research.
You ask your parents about it and they always say it isn’t real, that you have nothing to worry about. So, you forget about it for a few months. Until it comes up again and the cycle starts all over again.
That’s how kids live their lives. Always knowing the unknown but never being afraid because they know it could never be real. However, with the way you grew up, those nightmares came true and you had to face them every single day.
You didn’t get to have a shortcut in life. You didn’t have parents to tell you otherwise. All you had were guns and rock salt to protect yourself with.
And that’s all you needed.
But that never stopped you from looking up some of the world’s greatest mysteries because with what you knew, anything could be true. You got to digging around and much to your pleasure, you came across the Croatoan Mystery. You thought that was very fascinating and have been obsessed with it ever since.
How could someone leave a ton of people on some island, only to come back 3 years later and have no trace of anyone ever lived there?
“Sweetheart? Are you in there?” You looked at Dean who was at the counter of the gas station, buying some food and beer.
“Yeah, sorry, just thinking, I guess.” You said, shrugging.
“Is this about the last hunt we went on?” He asked, keeping it vague for the cashier.
“You two hunt? What kind of animals do you hunt?” The cashier asked you with a smile. You looked at him and gave him a tight smile.
“Deer mostly.” Dean grabbed his change and took the beer and the jerky he bought.
“I hunt them too. Once I got a moose but don’t tell anyone.” He said with a laugh.
“We won’t. Thank you.” You said, walking out of the gas station that was right across from the motel you were staying at. Dean immediately opened the bag of jerky and started to munch on it.
“Damn, this is good. You want some?” He offered.
“No, Dean, I don’t want any. Are you just going to ignore what happened with that demon? You were going to sell your soul without any consideration of who it might affect?” You asked, walking with him.
“Look, I was trying to get her on our side. I wouldn’t do that to you.” Dean said, looking at you while you two walked.
“Why don’t I believe you?” You looked at him with a sigh.
“Believe what you want but that is what I’m sticking with.” Dean said, walking ahead of you.
“Dean, please, wait,” You reached out and grabbed his arm, making him look at you. “I love you so much and I know you want John back. I know you miss him but this isn’t what he would have wanted. He did this to save his son who he loves. It would kind of defeat the point if you died trying to bring him back.”
“Yeah, I know you’re right. You’re always right.” He muttered. You smiled and stroked his cheek before pulling away. Dean grabbed your waist with his free hand and leaned down to kiss you but you stopped him.
“You know I hate jerky. I am not getting that taste on my tongue.” You teased, pulling away from him and walking to the motel room. You slid the key in and opened the door, frowning when you saw Sam on the floor, holding his head in pain. Dean walked up behind you and saw Sam as well.
“Sam, are you okay?” You asked, rushing to him. You got on the floor and moved some of his hair that was damp with sweat, away from his eyes.
“We have to go. Rivergrove. Another vision.” Sam said, squeezing his eyes shut. You looked up at Dean who was already packing his things. Well, that beer would have to wait to get drunk. Right now, you had another case to solve.
It was late at night and you’ve barely gotten sleep. Sam was so sure that Rivergrove was the place that he needed to be. You didn’t know what his vision was about because he wasn’t talking. You tried 2 times to get him to talk. Maybe third time is the charm.
“Sam, please tell us what your vision was about. You do want our help, right? I can’t give it to you if you don’t tell me.” You said, scooting closer to the seat.
“Fine, there was a dark room, a few people inside, and Dean was there, holding a gun. One of the guys in the room kept pleading with Dean that it wasn’t inside him but Dean shot him anyways.” Sam said with a sigh.
“What was in him and who was it?” You asked, looking at Dean who kept his eyes on the road.
“I have no idea. I don’t know what half of these visions mean anymore.” Sam said, looking at the GPS.
“And how are you so sure we are heading in the right direction? Aren’t there two Rivergroves in this country?” You asked.
“There was a poster on the wall of Crater Lake which is in Oregon.” Sam answered.
“Okay, there was something inside of him. Was he possessed? Your visions are always tied to the yellow-eyed demon somehow. Did I exorcise it? Any black smoke?” Dean asked.
“No, nothing like that. You just shot him.” Sam said, biting his lip.
“Maybe he had a good reason.” You said.
“Yeah, I hope so.” Sam said quietly.
“What does that mean?” Dean asked, looking at his brother. When Sam didn’t say anything, Dean scoffed. “Sam, I wouldn’t kill an innocent man.” Sam looked at his brother with his eyebrows raised.
“Hey, he wouldn’t!” You defended your boyfriend.
“Fine! Look, we don't know what it is. But whatever it is, that guy in the chair's a part of it. So, let's find him, and see what's what.” Sam said, leaning back in the seat, closing his eyes.
“Fine.” Dean said, looking back at the road. You sighed and laid down in the back seat, closing your eyes to see if you could get a few hours of sleep before you had to go to work.
“Sweetheart, wake up.” Your eyes fluttered open and you looked to see both Winchesters stare at you from the front seat.
“Can’t we leave and say we took care of the problem?” You joked.
“No, that would be cheating. Come on, Sleeping Beauty.” Dean chuckled, getting out of the car. He helped you out and you took in your surroundings. You were definitely in Crater Lake. You were parked in front of a wooden shop with a man who was cleaning a rifle outside of it.
Sam and Dean walked to him and you followed, looking around the town.
“Good morning, sir.” Sam said politely.
“Good morning, what can I do for you?” The man said with a smile.
“My name is Billy Gibbons and this is Frank Beard and she is Margaret Wells. We’re U.S. Marshals.” Dean said, taking out a badge. You wished you brought yours along but luckily, he didn’t ask for yours.
“What’s this about?” The man lost his smile.
“We’re looking for someone.” Dean said, looking at his brother for help since Dean didn’t have any idea who this kid was or what he looked like.
“A young man in his early twenties who has a thin scar right below his hairline.” Sam said, remembering his vision.
“What did he do?” The man asked worriedly.
“Well, nothing. We're actually looking for someone else, but we think this young man could help us.” Sam said.
“He’s not in any kind of trouble. We think you might know who he is, Master Sergeant,” Dean said, smiling at the man. You looked at the man and saw a tattoo on his arm that represented the Marines. “My dad was in the Corps. He was a Corporal.”
“What company?”
“Echo-2-1.” You loved how proud Dean was of his dad.
“So, can you help us?” Sam asked.
“Fine, Duane Tanner’s got a scar like that. But I know him and he’s a good kid.”
“I believe you. Like they said, he isn’t in any kind of trouble. Where does he live?” You asked, stepping in.
“With his family, up in Aspen Way.”
“Thank you for your help.” You said, turning around and walking with Dean and Sam back to the car. On your way, you looked up and frowned when you saw a telephone pole with the one word you’ve been thinking about lately.
“Dean, Sam, look at this.” You walked closer to the pole and examined it. They followed you and frowned when they saw the word.
“What the hell is a Croatoan?” Dean asked. You and Dean both stared at him with your mouths open.
“Dean, don’t you know the story of Roanoke, one of the first English colonies in America in the late 1500s?” You asked, not believing your ears.
“Yeah, Dean, didn’t you pay any attention in history class?” Sam asked.
“Didn’t need to.” Dean shrugged.
“Well, story goes is that an Englishman named John White came to America to start a colony. I’ll spare you the details but he eventually left to get help from England but ended up coming back because of the war in Spain 3 years later. When he came back, the whole town was wiped out. It was like no one ever lived there. He left behind over a hundred people but they were all gone and there was no trace of anyone ever living there. The only thing he found was the word Croatoan carved into a post.” You said, pointing to the word on the pole.
“So, you think that’s what’s going on here?” Dean asked, looking at his brother.
“Whatever I saw, it wasn’t good, that’s for sure. But what do you think could do that? I mean, there had to have been some explanation why those people disappeared.” Sam said.
“Well, no matter the answer, your visions always are tied to the yellow-eyed demon. Maybe we should call Bobby or Ellen for help?” Dean suggested.
“Let me call Jo. I haven’t talked to her in a while,” You pulled out your phone but frowned when you didn’t have any bars. “I don’t have any service.” Dean and Sam took out their phones to check. It was the same thing with theirs.
You looked around and spotted a pay phone and hastily walked over to it, picking up the phone. You frowned when you heard the “out of order” beeping. You tried again but you always got the same result. You hung up and turned to the guys.
“The line is dead. You know, if I was going to wipe out an entire town, this would be my first step.” You said, sighing.
“Okay, then I guess the only thing to do is visit Duane.” Dean said, walking back to his car. You looked at Sam and sighed, getting into the car. You looked back at the shop where the man with the rifle was and didn’t see him there. You had a feeling that was bad but you ignored it for now.
The Queens:
@maddieburcham1 @ginamsmith @mogaruke @whit85-blog @inlovewithbja @spn67-sister @kdfrqqg @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @roxyspearing @supercalifragilistic26 @mishamigose @cobrakai1967 @essie1876 @wishedworld @crispychrissy @laqueus-ludovicus @nostalgic-uncertainty @jerk-bitch-and-an-angel @potterhead1265 @starswirlblitz @untitled39887 @ta-n-ja @deans-fallen-angel-boy @scarletluvscas @notnaturalanahi @tahbehonest @stay-in--place @dreaminofdean @posiemax @donnaintx @mikey1822 @alexandriajanae4 @li-ssu @just-another-winchester @obsessivecompulsivespn @emoryhemsworth
Dean Beans:
@akshi8278 @mega-mrs-dean-winchester @winchesterandpie @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @tahbehonest @carribear31 @tacklesackles @oreosatmidnight @not-naturalfangirl @missselinakitty @iam-a-cutiepie @kristendansmith @milo-winchester-4ever @jensenackesl @codyshany316​ 
Series Rewrite Junkies:
@helllonearth @amyisabellal @deanwnchstr @caseykitten6 @roxalya19 @quixoticcat @supernaturalblogging @notmoose45 @crowleysminion @mina22 @tahbehonest @hadleymcallister2177 @destielsangels @spnhybrid @oreosatmidnight @valerieshubin
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gemmaandcamilla · 4 years
Our Summer isn’t Ruined!
I did not expect our summer to be like this. Between working from home, finishing a certification course, being quarantined, and having a newborn...it's been interesting. The person who has been affected the most, though, is Gemma. 
I was so excited to have this AMAZING summer with her. We were going to be constantly out and about - learning new things and going on adventures. That has changed completely now, and it's been hard. Gemma has a new sister who takes up all her parent's time. She can't see her friends or go to school. She can't even go to Chick-fil-a, and trust me, she wishes she could. Through all of this, though, she’s been a trooper. The main thing she wants more of is attention on her and a sense of normalcy. 
To give her this, I came up with a modified schedule that we have been calling "school" - her choice - that makes the day surround HER and her needs. It's still a work in progress, but I wanted to share how it was going! The times vary every day, but this is a rough estimate of how it goes! 
Click the READ MORE link (bottom right) to see an explanation of what I do during each time, pictures of a day in our schedule, and links to easy activities you don’t have to buy a ton of stuff for! Warning: I am wordy! 
Gemma’s Homeschool Schedule:
8:00-9:00: Breakfast, TV, and quiet time
9:00-9:30: Independent Activities
9:30-10:00: “Calendar Time”
10:00-1100: Family Movement Time
11:00-12:00: Learning Centers 
12:00-3:00: Lunch, Nap time, and movie rest!
3:00-4:00: Active Time
4:00-5:00: Free play, Gemma’s choice
5:00-7:00: Dinner time, clean-up time
7:00-8:30: Bedtime Routine
8:00-9:00: Breakfast, TV, and quiet time 
This is where I get things set up for the day. I try to prepare stuff the night before, but it's hard sometimes with Camilla. I do set limits for screen time, but I give myself some grace with it. I get it’s not for everyone - it’s whatever works for you! 
Our Current Favorite Shows:
Ryan’s World, Scooby Doo, Creative Galaxy, and Blippi
Current Favorite Apps:
Homer, ABC Mouse, Crayola Creative Color 
9:00-9:30: Independent Activities 
I don’t know if you’re like me, but I rarely eat with Gemma. I use the time she’s happy eating to do dishes, feed Camilla, fold clothes, set up for later things...so I need this time to eat myself and to just get in the right mindset for the day. My mom has been WONDERFUL, and she has gifted us these great learning bags every month. 
I reserve time in the morning for independent work. This is mainly because I don’t wake up well, and I want time to just scroll my phone and drink tea. Gemma wakes up READY TO GO, and I can’t handle this sometimes. I set up 4-5 “independent stations” that she can choose from, and I walk her through them while doing my own thing. Here are some examples of what we’ve used. 
Cutting Practice: 
Gemma loves to cut! We have had the best luck with these Melissa and Doug scissors. She struggled at first, but she LOVES doing this. It’s amazing to see how much better she is at cutting now with so much practice. 
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Told you I had laundry to fold haha! 
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Sensory play (water beads, kinetic sand, etc):
We hid letter tiles in the water beads today, so she could go on a letter treasure hunt. 
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Learning Bag (credit to linked company and my Mom!):
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Other Center Ideas:
Life Skills (working with clothespins, tweezers, scooping, etc)
ABC Mouse, Homer, or Crayola Creative App
9:30-10:00: “Calendar Time” 
This week our theme is “M.” She recognizes all her letters, but we are still working on the sounds. I’m introducing them based off this site! My mom taught elementary school for 30+ years, and it was what she recommended! 
Example Calendar Time:
We created a blank anchor chart together for the letter “M.” Throughout the week, we’ll fill in words we learn that start with “m,” and we’ll draw pictures around it that represent those pictures. I teach Middle School not Elementary school - I’ve never had to work on my handwriting to be anchor chart ready! :)
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After that, we read “If You Give a Moose a Muffin,” and we made Moose Antlers! I also conveniently had muffin mix, so we made muffins for breakfast earlier! We were able to add all of the M words to our anchor chart as we went! 
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10:00-1100: Family Movement Time
Gemma has a lot of energy, and I try to save 2 hours a day for active activities. Buddy will take her outside many times if it’s not too hot, but when we are inside, I do things like:
Action songs, Simon Says, Yoga, Olympic Challenges, Dance Battles, and cleaning as animals (aka Mama is lazy and Gemma hates cleaning...”Hey Gemma, can you take your pillow back to your room...like a turtle??”)
Today, I also created an active game around the letter M. We made Marshmallow Shooters, and we shot them during a letter recognition game! Always remember to count how many marshmallows you have - we lost a few! 
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11:00-12:00: Learning Centers 
I have carved out this time for preschool-styled learning. I do it after action time because, as a teacher, I recognize that it’s easier to get kids to sit still after they have expended a lot of energy. 
I always have five centers to do. We do not always do all five during this hour. I do not make her stop a center she’s loving. I do not force her to finish one she hates. I try to stick to play-based learning, but Gemma likes doing worksheets sometimes too. I try to have a lot of different choices and let her lead. During this learning time, though, I am doing them with her. It lets me do harder stations like science experiments that she could not do alone. 
Example stations: 
Magic Milk Experiment: 
We did this one for a good 30 minutes one day. It was so fun! Chemical reactions are so fun to watch! As much as you want to hate him, I thank Ryan from Ryan’s World for making Gemma love science. We got a lot of science experiments off of his channel during this quarantine. 
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Paint Dots - this sheet was from my Mom and the centers too. Gemma could do this by herself, but she likes painting with me! 
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Rainbow Candy Experiment 
We got this one from Ryan’s World. We did it with jelly beans in this photo, but I redid it with M&Ms for the letter M this week. You just put the candy in a circle, pour warm water on the plate, and watch the magic happen! 
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Nature Collage 
We ended up putting plastic wrap over it and shading with crayons to make an impression picture. Credit to Ryan’s World for the idea- my child is obsessed. 
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Number/Letter Bingo - 
I used a random generator on my phone that I let her press to get each number. 
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12:00-3:00: Lunch, Nap time, and movie rest! 
Gemma has pretty much outgrown naps unless something crazy happens, so many days we just do quiet time and a movie rest! The time on this varies each day, but it’s nice to get some quiet time with the baby and rest each day too. 
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3:00-4:00: Active Time - same as above! 
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4:00-5:00: Free play, cleaning up, Gemma’s choice
Like I’ve mentioned, Gemma does really well on a schedule. She loves when I have things planned just for her. That being said, she’s very creative and wants to run the show too. I save time each day for her to create activities for all of us to do together. This turns into a lot of pretend play, repeats of favorite science experiments, and karate with Dada. 
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5:00-7:00: Dinner and Clean-Up Time
I’m super messy, so I am trying not to pass that on to Gemma. I have to remember she can’t do it alone, though, so we always make it into a game! Some of her favorites are cleaning up by color or cleaning up like a certain animal. 
7:00-8:30: Bedtime Routine
That’s it! Let me know if you guys want any more sample activities! We’re starting our next letter tomorrow! 
0 notes
72 Signs of Alien Abduction
Detalied by Abductees
1 – LOST TIME: A period of time, from minutes to several days, in which you cannot recall what happened to you or what you have done. 2 – UNUSUAL MARKS: On your body like scars, scoop marks, laser cuts in series on ankle, wrist or back. Any scars which you’re unable to explain where you got them from. 3 – TAPPING OR HUMMING NOISES: Hearing these sounds upon odd occasion such as bedtime, just prior to sleep. (Many times, just prior to bedtime, for a period of many years, traveling on the road in my job, I thought an 18-wheeler was idling outside my room. Never was any truck, just the sound in my head.)
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4 – BEING WATCHED: A feeling you get, during or just prior to sleep at night. 5 – SLEEPWALKING: You wake up in a different place from where you went to sleep and do not know how you got there. (As detailed in my book, I did this from age seven to age sixteen.) 6 – SEEN A UFO: During your life you’ve seen UFO’s or seen strange lights in the sky. (Many times, in my teenage years, I saw silver discs, very high in the sky.) 7 – NEED TO TRAVEL: A strange compulsion to walk or drive to another location without any explanation. (This happened four times to me.) 8 – UNEXPLAINED MEDICAL PROBLEMS: Sudden illness, sinus problems, fatigue, migraines or rashes. 9 – UNABLE TO SLEEP: You experience insomnia by way of nightmares, dreaming of UFO’s or being devoured by animals with large black eyes. (Usually associated with common wild animals such as owls, coyotes or wolves.) 10 – IMPLANTS: Your physician or you discover small, strange object inside your body that cannot be explained. Common places are the hip, ankle, foot, nose or hand. (Both Peggy and I have implants in our bodies.) 11 – TERMINATED PREGNANCY: You become pregnant and within a few months the pregnancy is terminated, without any explanation or discharge. 12 – SPERM SAMPLES: You believe you have had intercourse in the night or have had semen extracted from your body. 13 – PSYCHIC ABILITIES: You suddenly feel as though you have obtained some degree of psychic ability without any explanation for it. 14 – PARALYZED IN BED: Waking with immobility. For some reason you cannot move your body for a few seconds or minutes. 15 – BALLS OF LIGHT: Flashes of light or beams of light glimpsed through the corner of your eyes or seen directly, head on in your bedroom at night. 16 – DREAMS OF FLYING: Repeated dreams of having the ability to fly or of flying over your house or a familiar area. 17 – STRONG MEMORY: A very strong memory of something unusual such as floating through the air, lying upon an examination table, seeing a hypodermic needle or seeing a strange, skinny baby. 18 - COSMIC AWARENESS: A sudden interest in ecology, environment, vegetarianism or you just become very socially conscious for no apparent reason in your adult life. 19 – YOUR MISSION: You become aware of a strong sense of duty, a mission in life. You have a compulsion to fulfill a task in life but you don’t know exactly what it is or why you have this feeling. 20 – “SPECIAL”: You have a feeling that secretly, known only to yourself, you are special or chosen by someone, somehow. 21 – UNEXPLAINED EVENTS: You have had occurrences in your life which you cannot understand or explain to anyone. 22 – PSYCHIC: You have had the experience of knowing something was going to happen before it happened and then – it did happen! 23 – EYE DREAMS: You remember dreaming about large eyes. Usually familiar wildlife animals such as deer, elk, moose, owl, wolf or coyote. All you remember about the dream are the unusually large eyes. 24 – STARTLED: You awaken in the night, sometimes frequently, feeling a sense of panic or anxiety for no apparent reason. 25 – PICTURES OF ALIENS: You have an aversion to looking at any picture or drawing of an alien, similar to the greys shown on the cover of the book: “Communion”. 26 – FEARS OR PHOBIAS: You have inexplicable feelings of aversion to heights, snakes, spiders, large insects, certain sounds, bright lights, personal safety and/or a fear of being alone. 27 – SPECIAL PLACE: You have a memory of a special place with spiritual significance when you were a youngster. 28 – SELF-ESTEEM PROBLEMS: You have experienced that low worth feeling much of your life. 29 – SEEN IN SLEEP: Someone with you, a partner, become paralyzed, motionless or frozen in time, especially at or during bedtime. 30 – CRAFT OR ALIEN: You have someone in your life who claims to have seen a UFO, been abducted or has witnessed missing time. 31 – BLOOD: You have had times when you found blood, or small drops of blood on your pillow with no explanation how it got there. 32 – UFO’S OR ALIENS: You have had an interest in these topics in your mind with no idea why. 33 – AVERSION: You have an extreme aversion to talking, seeing or listening to any mention of the subject of UFO’s, aliens or abductions. 34 – BEING WATCHED: You have the feeling you are being watched most of the time, especially at night. 35 – SOLID OBJECTS: You have the feeling of having had your body pass through solid objects such as doors or windows. 36 – FOG OR HAZE: You have seen fog or haze when it should not have been there. 37 – NOSE BLEEDS: You have had nose bleeds at some time in your life without apparent cause or you have awoken with a nose bleed. (I had nosebleeds from childhood through my teenage years.) 38 – SORENESS: You awaken with soreness in your genitals which cannot be explained. 39 – BACK OR NECK PROBLEMS: Your back aches without cause or you awaken with unusual stiffness in any part of your body. (I still have that symptom, but it might just be arthritis at my age. Ha!) 40 – ELECTRONIC MALFUNCTION: Certain electronic appliances, (computers, digital watches, etc.) seem to malfunction in your presence with no explanation. Street lights going out when you walk under them or radio and television being affected when you walk by. 41 – RINGING IN THE EARS: Frequent or sporadic ringing in your ears on just in one ear. 42 – BEHIND YOUR EYE: A headache, especially in the sinus, or in just one ear. 43 – MEDICAL PROCEDURES: Dreams of doctors doing medical procedures upon your body. 44 – GOING CRAZY: Having the feeling that you are going insane for even thinking about these sorts of things. (Both Peggy and I have thought that, many times.) 45 – PARANORMAL: Experiencing psychic or odd experiences including intuition. 46 – COMPULSIVE/ADDICTIVE: This behavior either throughout your life or onset at adulthood. (I have had this problem, throughout my life.) 47 – URGE TO TAKE VITAMINS: Do you feel compelled to take more vitamins as the years pass? Do you feel somehow it is helping ‘replenish’ your body? (I started taking a lot of vitamins at age 50. I kept telling myself it was just because I wanted to be ‘healthy’.) 48 – AFRAID OF THE CLOSET: Have you ever been or are you now afraid of your closet or any closet in the house, having to make certain the door(s) are always shut? 49 – SEXUAL OR RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS: Have had or are having an odd feeling that you must not become involved in a relationship because it would interfere with something. 50 – REMAIN VIGILANT: Fear that if you do not remain vigilant you will be taken away by someone. 51 – DIFFICULTY TRUSTING: Have trouble trusting other people, especially authority figures such as doctors. (I certainly have that now!) 52 – DREAMS OF DESTRUCTION: Dreams about catastrophes such as the end of the world. 53 – DON’T TALK: You have the feeling you should not talk about these things or that you are not supposed to talk about these things. 54 – SLEEP AGAINST THE WALL: You feel you must have your bed against the wall. 55 – LOCKING ALL DOORS: You double and triple-check locking up at night to prevent something or someone getting into your home. (I am still compulsive about that, from time to time.) 56 – CHILDREN OR PARENTS: Have talked about things on this list or you have heard them talk to others about things on this list. 57 – NO SUCCESS: You have tried to resolve some of these problems in your mind but with little success. 58 – NO RECALL: You have experienced many of these traits but cannot remember anything related to any abduction experience.
59 – DREAMS OF FLOATING THROUGH WINDOWS 60- DREAMS OF FLOATING IN A BEAM OF LIGHT 61 – DREAMS OF ALIENS, DOCTORS AND OPERATIONS 62 – COMPULSION TO BECOME A VEGETARIAN 63 – COMPULSION TO STUDY ASTRONOMY 64 - COMPULSION TO STUDY QUANTUM PHYSICS 65 – EXPERIENCE SYNCHRONISTIC HAPPENINGS 66 – EXPERIENCE BEING OUT OF BODY (OBE) 67 – EXPERIENCE FLASHBACKS – (Strange craft, conference, corridors, glowing-misty oval room with table, alien exam, instruments, babies, hybrid children, ufo sightings, etc.) 68 – HAVE FEAR/WARINESS OF A CERTAIN PLACE  (In my case, cell repeater towers, triangular in shape, make me afraid when I see them. Still do not know why.) 69 – HISTORY OF FAMILY UFO EXPERIENCES 70 – SEE SAME NUMBERS ON THE CLOCK LINED UP (Such as awakening at 1:11 a.m. or 3:33 a.m.) 71 – SEE HOODED FIGURES, STRANGERS DRESSED IN BLACK 72 – AWAKE IN OTHER POSITION/PLACE  (I was sleepwalking, I thought, at a young age and my Grandmother awakened me in the front yard in the middle of the night!)
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baibaibitches-blog · 8 years
OMG I KNOW YOU'LL THINK IM INSANE BUT HEAR ME OUT, YEAH?? •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Okay, so I've been really interested in Alien stuff lately and I found this list of symptoms of abduction and found them scarily similar to my experiences. Such as loss time, fear of closets, being alone, feel like someone is watching me at night, etc. Basically there is a lot that I correspond with. http://humansarefree.com/2015/01/72-possible-signs-of-alien-abduction.html?m=0 I dunno if it linked so I'll just give the list ••••••••••••••• 72 signs you were abducted by aliens... 1 – LOST TIME: A period of time, from minutes to several days, in which you cannot recall what happened to you or what you have done. 2 – UNUSUAL MARKS: On your body like scars, scoop marks, laser cuts in series on ankle, wrist or back. Any scars which you’re unable to explain where you got them from. 3 – TAPPING OR HUMMING NOISES: Hearing these sounds upon odd occasion such as bedtime, just prior to sleep. 4 – BEING WATCHED: A feeling you get, during or just prior to sleep at night. 5 – SLEEPWALKING: You wake up in a different place from where you went to sleep and do not know how you got there. 6 – SEEN A UFO: During your life you’ve seen UFO’s or seen strange lights in the sky. 7 – NEED TO TRAVEL: A strange compulsion to walk or drive to another location without any explanation. 8 – UNEXPLAINED MEDICAL PROBLEMS: Sudden illness, sinus problems, fatigue, migraines or rashes. 9 – UNABLE TO SLEEP: You experience insomnia by way of nightmares, dreaming of UFO’s or being devoured by animals with large black eyes. (Usually associated with common wild animals such as owls, coyotes or wolves.) 10 – IMPLANTS: Your physician or you discover small, strange object inside your body that cannot be explained. Common places are the hip, ankle, foot, nose or hand. 11 – TERMINATED PREGNANCY: You become pregnant and within a few months the pregnancy is terminated, without any explanation or discharge. 12 – SPERM SAMPLES: You believe you have had intercourse in the night or have had semen extracted from your body. 13 – PSYCHIC ABILITIES: You suddenly feel as though you have obtained some degree of psychic ability without any explanation for it. 14 – PARALYZED IN BED: Waking with immobility. For some reason you cannot move your body for a few seconds or minutes. 15 – BALLS OF LIGHT: Flashes of light or beams of light glimpsed through the corner of your eyes or seen directly, head on in your bedroom at night. 16 – DREAMS OF FLYING: Repeated dreams of having the ability to fly or of flying over your house or a familiar area. 17 – STRONG MEMORY: A very strong memory of something unusual such as floating through the air, lying upon an examination table, seeing a hypodermic needle or seeing a strange, skinny baby. 18 - COSMIC AWARENESS: A sudden interest in ecology, environment, vegetarianism or you just become very socially conscious for no apparent reason in your adult life. 19 – YOUR MISSION: You become aware of a strong sense of duty, a mission in life. You have a compulsion to fulfill a task in life but you don’t know exactly what it is or why you have this feeling. 20 – “SPECIAL”: You have a feeling that secretly, known only to yourself, you are special or chosen by someone, somehow. 21 – UNEXPLAINED EVENTS: You have had occurrences in your life which you cannot understand or explain to anyone. 22 – PSYCHIC: You have had the experience of knowing something was going to happen before it happened and then – it did happen! 23 – EYE DREAMS: You remember dreaming about large eyes. Usually familiar wildlife animals such as deer, elk, moose, owl, wolf or coyote. All you remember about the dream are the unusually large eyes. 24 – STARTLED: You awaken in the night, sometimes frequently, feeling a sense of panic or anxiety for no apparent reason. 25 – PICTURES OF ALIENS: You have an aversion to looking at any picture or drawing of an alien, similar to the greys shown on the cover of the book: “Communion”. 26 – FEARS OR PHOBIAS: You have inexplicable feelings of aversion to heights, snakes, spiders, large insects, certain sounds, bright lights, personal safety and/or a fear of being alone. 27 – SPECIAL PLACE: You have a memory of a special place with spiritual significance when you were a youngster. 28 – SELF-ESTEEM PROBLEMS: You have experienced that low worth feeling much of your life. 29 – SEEN IN SLEEP: Someone with you, a partner, become paralyzed, motionless or frozen in time, especially at or during bedtime. 30 – CRAFT OR ALIEN: You have someone in your life who claims to have seen a UFO, been abducted or has witnessed missing time. 31 – BLOOD: You have had times when you found blood, or small drops of blood on your pillow with no explanation how it got there. 32 – UFO’S OR ALIENS: You have had an interest in these topics in your mind with no idea why. 33 – AVERSION: You have an extreme aversion to talking, seeing or listening to any mention of the subject of UFO’s, aliens or abductions. 34 – BEING WATCHED: You have the feeling you are being watched most of the time, especially at night. 35 – SOLID OBJECTS: You have the feeling of having had your body pass through solid objects such as doors or windows. 36 – FOG OR HAZE: You have seen fog or haze when it should not have been there. 37 – NOSE BLEEDS: You have had nose bleeds at some time in your life without apparent cause or you have awoken with a nose bleed. (I had nosebleeds from childhood through my teenage years.) 38 – SORENESS: You awaken with soreness in your genitals which cannot be explained. 39 – BACK OR NECK PROBLEMS: Your back aches without cause or you awaken with unusual stiffness in any part of your body. (I still have that symptom, but it might just be arthritis at my age. Ha!) 40 – ELECTRONIC MALFUNCTION: Certain electronic appliances, (computers, digital watches, etc.) seem to malfunction in your presence with no explanation. Street lights going out when you walk under them or radio and television being affected when you walk by. 41 – RINGING IN THE EARS: Frequent or sporadic ringing in your ears on just in one ear. 42 – BEHIND YOUR EYE: A headache, especially in the sinus, or in just one ear. 43 – MEDICAL PROCEDURES: Dreams of doctors doing medical procedures upon your body. 44 – GOING CRAZY: Having the feeling that you are going insane for even thinking about these sorts of things. 45 – PARANORMAL: Experiencing psychic or odd experiences including intuition. 46 – COMPULSIVE/ADDICTIVE: This behavior either throughout your life or onset at adulthood. 47 – URGE TO TAKE VITAMINS: Do you feel compelled to take more vitamins as the years pass? Do you feel somehow it is helping ‘replenish’ your body? 48 – AFRAID OF THE CLOSET: Have you ever been or are you now afraid of your closet or any closet in the house, having to make certain the door(s) are always shut? 49 – SEXUAL OR RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS: Have had or are having an odd feeling that you must not become involved in a relationship because it would interfere with something. 50 – REMAIN VIGILANT: Fear that if you do not remain vigilant you will be taken away by someone. 51 – DIFFICULTY TRUSTING: Have trouble trusting other people, especially authority figures such as doctors. 52 – DREAMS OF DESTRUCTION: Dreams about catastrophes such as the end of the world. 53 – DON’T TALK: You have the feeling you should not talk about these things or that you are not supposed to talk about these things. 54 – SLEEP AGAINST THE WALL: You feel you must have your bed against the wall. 55 – LOCKING ALL DOORS: You double and triple-check locking up at night to prevent something or someone getting into your home. (I am still compulsive about that, from time to time.) 56 – CHILDREN OR PARENTS: Have talked about things on this list or you have heard them talk to others about things on this list. 57 – NO SUCCESS: You have tried to resolve some of these problems in your mind but with little success. 58 – NO RECALL: You have experienced many of these traits but cannot remember anything related to any abduction experience. 59 – DREAMS OF FLOATING THROUGH WINDOWS 60- DREAMS OF FLOATING IN A BEAM OF LIGHT 61 – DREAMS OF ALIENS, DOCTORS AND OPERATIONS 62 – COMPULSION TO BECOME A VEGETARIAN 63 – COMPULSION TO STUDY ASTRONOMY 64 - COMPULSION TO STUDY QUANTUM PHYSICS 65 – EXPERIENCE SYNCHRONISTIC HAPPENINGS 66 – EXPERIENCE BEING OUT OF BODY (OBE) 67 – EXPERIENCE FLASHBACKS – (Strange craft, conference, corridors, glowing-misty oval room with table, alien exam, instruments, babies, hybrid children, ufo sightings, etc.) 68 – HAVE FEAR/WARINESS OF A CERTAIN PLACE 69 – HISTORY OF FAMILY UFO EXPERIENCES 70 – SEE SAME NUMBERS ON THE CLOCK LINED UP (Such as awakening at 1:11 a.m. or 3:33 a.m.) 71 – SEE HOODED FIGURES, STRANGERS DRESSED IN BLACK 72 – AWAKE IN OTHER POSITION/PLACE ••••••••••••••••••••••••• I find this very interesting because when I was younger, I was OBSESSED with aliens and space and used to constantly build ships out of legos and draw spaceships. Heck, I have a space calendar in my room rn. Don't even get me started on Star Wars, Star Trek, and Doctor Who. When it talks about technology going weird around you,(I think it's in this list but if not this was a common symptom as I was researching earlier.) that happens all of the time. My light in my room constantly goes out, my phone is always freaking out, and the microwave light comes on at random times. I'm only going to explain a few of the things that have/do happen to me. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• There are literally WEEKS of my life I can't remember. I will wake up and think, what just happened. Because I LITERALLY have no clue what I did the past few hours, or days, or weeks. The weeks usually happened when I was around 6 or 7. It's usually just a day or two to a few hours at a time. About every other month or so. I wake up a lot with random bruises scattered across my body. I have them on my upper arms, shins, ankles, and back mostly. It's the weirdest thing. It's been happening since about second grade. As of the tapping and humming noises, oh my gosh. I sometimes think I'm actually going insane. I always hear tapping at my door, my wall. And I hear humming while trying to sleep like, In my ears. This hasn't happened a lot lately. Just every once in a while. I have told my friends this over and over again. I always feel like I'm being watched. My friends are always so confused when I keep looking behind myself because there's nothing there. In the fourth grade, at least 2-3 times a week, I would wake up feeling like I had just had sex. I used to think I got raped every week. ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sorry for the long post~ I just think it's cool even though my stuff is boring;; sorry lol
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ams7 · 7 years
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? Closed 
2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? Who doesn’t? 
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? Ummmm Idk. In? 
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before? Lol yeah 
5: Do you like to use post-it notes? YES 
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? Yep 
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees? A bear 
8: Do you have freckles? Yes 
9: Do you always smile for pictures? eh mostly 
10: What is your biggest pet peeve? OMG I have too many lol 
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk? ALL THE TIME 
12: Have you ever peed in the woods? Yes 
13: What about pooped in the woods? Yeah 
14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing? Yep 
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils? 
16: How many people have you slept with this week? 1 
17: What size is your bed? King 
18: What is your Song of the week? I have WAY too many but a few are The Story Never Ends (Piano Version) by Lauv, I Run To You by Missio, Way Down We Go by Kaleo, Black Ships by Gem Club, Paralyzed by NF, Stay Close by Kastle, Dancing On My Own (Acoustic) by Calum Scott, and Wait by M83. 
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Yeah, go for it 
20: Do you still watch cartoons? You bet your booty I do  
21: Whats your least favorite movie? Ugh too many to count but probably Sharknado. It’s so annoying and stupid and terrible acting. 
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some? I wouldn’t, I’d probably spend it all in like 3 days. 
23: If you're a girl, bra size? 36 C
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in? Ranch 
25: What is your favorite food? It’s a 3 way tie between cheese pizza, steak, and mashed potatoes. 
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Oh lord there are so many lol  
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you? My boyfriend Landen 
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout? lol yeah  
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? Idk, probably not but if I was paid a lot then maybe. Depends on how nude id be and like what was showing and all that. Im not gonna say yes or no but probably not  
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? 2 weeks ago to my God Mother, She’s everything to me and we send each other letters. It’s so fun waiting for the letter to come and then reading it. It’s sad that more people don’t send letters. 
31: Can you change the oil on a car? You bet you butt I can 
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket? Nope 
33: Ever ran out of gas? nope, my dad would kill me if I did but ive come close before. 
34: Favorite kind of sandwich? well everyday is PB and J but from Subway I get a footlong meatball marinara on flat bread with american cheese, toasted and then lots of salt and pepper and spinach. 
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast? Waffles, scrambled eggs, my mom’s biscuits and gravy, cereal. 
36: What is your usual bedtime? lol ummmm idk probably midnight or 1 am 
37: Are you lazy? I can be. 
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? Uhhhh well i had many costumes. when i was really little i was like a princess and a balerina so like girly stuff and then one year i was an angel but as I got older I got more creative. One year I was YouTube and the next I was Sam Winchester and I had this plaid onesie and it had a little badge that said “I’m a Moose, see my caboose” and the butt had a moose on it and it said Moose Caboose.  
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39: What is your Chinese astrological sign? Rabbit I think or maybe tiger lol idk
40: Are you horny? lol not right now no
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions? no I do not 
42: Which are better legos or Lincoln logs? Lincoln logs duh
43: Are you stubborn? Hell yeah I am 
44: Who is better...Leno or Letterman? Um Neither 
45: Ever watch soap operas? No, they are annoying a cliche to me. plus the acting sucks in my honest opinion. 
46: Are you afraid of heights? No
47: Do you sing in the car? yes 
48: Do you sing in the shower? Sometimes 
49: Do you dance in the car? Yep 
50: Ever used a gun? I sure do
51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? Last June, I was in a wedding. 
52: Do you think musicals are cheesy? Sometimes
53: Is Christmas stressful? It can be 
54: Ever eat a pierogi? OMG YES 
55: Favorite type of fruit pie? I don’t like fruit pies, the texture is gross to me.
56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? A vet, a surgeon, a lawyer, a chef, and then a writer and that’s what I am now. 
57: Do you believe in ghosts? You bet your ass I do
58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? Yes
59: Take a vitamin daily? I used to but not anymore
60: Wear slippers? Ummm well I lived in Hawaii and there slippers are flipflops so yes to those as for slippers as in fluffly little bunny shoes no I dont
61: Wear a bath robe? No
62: What do you wear to bed? Sweats or my boyfriends clothes or just panties
63: First concert? Jason Mraz I think
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? TARGET!!!!! 
65: Nike or Adidas? NIKE
66: Cheetos Or Fritos? Oh lord idk both
67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? both
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien? no
69: Ever take dance lessons? when i was like 6
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? Some type of fancy business person. Maybe the CEO or the President of a company. lol idk
71: Can you curl your tongue? Yes
72: Ever won a spelling bee? yep 5 actually 
73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy? Yes
74: Own any record albums? Actually yes
75: Own a record player? No but my dad does
76: Regularly burn incense? No, I’m more of a candle gal
77: Ever been in love? Yes
78: Who would you like to see in concert? Aquillo, Lauv, M83, Missio, Cinders, and Gem Club
79: What was the last concert you saw? My friends’ band Once Around
80: Hot tea or cold tea? Uhhhh Sweet Ice Tea, I’m from Texas, that’s the only tea we have
81: Tea or coffee? Sweet Iced Tea
82: Sugar or snickerdoodles? Both
83: Can you swim well? Yep
84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yes
85: Are you patient? I can be
86: DJ or band, at a wedding? DJ for someone else’s wedding, band for mine
87: Ever won a contest? Yes
88: Ever have plastic surgery? No
89: Which are better black or green olives? EWWWWW NEITHER
90: Can you knit or crochet? I can crochet 
91: Best room for a fireplace? Living room
92: Do you want to get married? Yes
93: If married, how long have you been married? 
94: Who was your HS crush? his name was Drew
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? When I was like 6 but not anymore 
96: Do you have kids? No 
97: Do you want kids? I want lots of kids but all boys. I don’t want girls 
98: Whats your favorite color? Slytherin Green 
99: Do you miss anyone right now? My sister died in 2015 and so did my grandpa and a few close family friends. I also moved away from all of my best friends and I miss them terribly
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