#rebageling for later
kaarnalaiva · 1 year
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🔥 or something like that
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fauvester · 1 year
What was garak like as castellan? (ps your art is 💞💕❤️❤️💕💞💕❤️💕💞💕)
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I think his time in the Federation has, despite his best efforts, affected his outlook on politics. He's a wary centrist now, as if Cardassia has the luxury of political discourse not related to basic sustenance.... trying to delicately excise the most distasteful parts of the prior totalitarian regime while still supporting the structures that keep people alive.
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I don't think there's a way to be a well-liked leader after an annihilative disaster, honestly. Garak's not an exception. He's NOT a popular Castellan, but he WAS the least bad choice immediately on hand, and he's adept at securing badly needed aid from Federated interests. He can be very persuasive and diplomatic, and he circumvents or cuts through the bureaucratic and political obstacles that would've trapped less canny men. He's in power during the setting of the foundation of the Cardassian economic miracle and he stalwartly weathers years of vicious criticism and assassination attempts (that he easily evades). As soon as he retires his approval rating goes from like 15% to 80%. He's the Grandfather of Cardassia, their mercurial constant, their deviously bitchy figurehead who can hold his own against any rival leader. The wily old regnar who raised a generation of hungry utopian statesmen. A Castellan to be privately eviscerated and publicly saluted.
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Mostly he's just trying to go home at some point during the night to quietly whisper 'good-night' to his kids and husband, though
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red-hemlock · 9 months
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”Shoot me with a flower.”
Riversong Locke Semi-Selective Arkhamverse OC Bio//☣//Rules//☣//Other//☣//Opens//☣//Timeline//☣//Verses//☣//Headcanons//☣//Memes
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brittleskyblue · 3 months
Hey. Hey remember this post. Yeah I wrote something based on it. Just how I would see my Hunter, Nelan, reacting in the moment and how this would all go down for them. The result is angst. But if you have seen the cutscene after Excision, you'll know there is light.
Also wrote this while listening to Hammock's Ten Thousand Years Won't Save Your Life, so do with that what you will.
Found below the cut due to spoilers for The Final Shape/post-Excision cutscene
It’s not the jarring sensation of their Light vanishing into thin air that brings it all crashing down, but Ivo falling to the ground, like a stone sinking to the bottom of a pond.
(Like tying rocks to their heart and tossing in into the ocean, never to be seen again)
“Ivo!” She cries, running over to him and skidding to a stop where he lay.
(This wasn’t supposed to happen)
Hands shaking, she reaches down and carefully, gently, picks him up. She cradles him in her hands as she looks down at him and all her hope shatters.
(Not that it mattered in the first place)
“I-Ivo?” Her voice comes out small and strained.
In her hands, Ivo’s shell has turned an ashen grey, devoid of color and Light. She can’t even see the telltale glow of Light that flowed like wisps from the cracks and splinters that had formed across his body. Those cracks were reduced to looking more like burn marks, as if the Light had scorched him inside and out.
(Maybe it did- she heard his scream in that moment; felt her chest constrict with an echo of that pain)
They can’t even get a resonance response, the essence of their bond, but they know there will be none, because all they hold is a cold shell with an empty optic staring back at them. Their bond is severed. Their Light is gone.
And Ivo is dead.
No no no-
“No… I-Ivo, you-” Their voice breaks. “Wake up, please. Come back to me, Ivo. You can’t-”
This wasn’t supposed to happen. Things were supposed to be okay; Ivo was supposed to be okay. When this was over they’d both be able to rest and Ivo would start feeling better and everything would be fine. They were both going to be okay. She promised him they’d go to the Cosmodrome again when this was all over. She’d take him anywhere he wanted to go, really.
He was supposed to be-
“Nelan, I know what we need to do. Channel the Traveler’s Light through me!” “What?! A-Are you sure about that?” “As certain as the day I found you.” “Ivo…” “It’s okay; I can do this. I have to.” “...Alright then. I trust you.”
The realization hits Nelan like a drop pod. They collapse down onto their knees, still holding Ivo’s lifeless, burned out shell in their hands. Their vision blurs.
“You knew.” Their voice comes out in a sorrowful murmur. “You knew this would happen. You knew doing this would kill you.” Tears spill over and run down their cheeks. “And I let you do it.”
When he told them what needed to be done, they had gotten a bad feeling. Taking into account Ivo’s condition at the time, the sheer exhaustion mixed with determination in his voice, the implication of what such an action might do to him made them hesitate. It had made sense though; Ivo was a being made from the Light of the Traveler, so much more closely linked than Nelan was. And here in the Pale Heart, Light was everywhere, even then as they battled the Witness one final time.
So they trusted him to know what he was doing, and they agreed. They would finish this together.
Ivo may have known channeling the Light like he did would have destroyed what was left of him, but at the same time, Nelan had a hand in ending his life. They’re the one that pulled the metaphorical trigger.
She tries to breathe, but it catches and turns into a sob instead. She holds Ivo to her chest, as if that will do anything to ease the despair that has pierced her like her own golden gun has shot her through. This wouldn’t be the first time she has been met with loss, but this time is is no much more excruciating and consuming. Even worse than when Cayde died.
Deep down, she thinks she knew the truth all along; that Ivo wasn’t going to survive this. That he was likely dying. She had seen him after they fought the Witness the first time- he was barely holding on. He’d used up most of his remaining strength to bring her back one last time too when she died during that escape. Though there had been a few days to breathe in between then and now, even when Tyrell did his best to help fix Ivo up, she had known back then.
Still, she held out hope. Ivo was a resilient Ghost and they had been through too much together for it to end here. He had suffered too much over the past several years and she wanted him to have peace for once. She wanted to hope against clear evidence that things would be okay, because she didn’t want to think of a life without Ivo. Nelan wouldn’t give up on him, because he never gave up on her. So she willingly blinded herself with that hope.
(Because that’s what they do, right? They hope against the impossible, in the darkest of times. Ivo shared in this as well, in his own way.)
What hurts even more is that back after the incident at the Veil, when neither of them were okay Nelan remembers something Ivo had asked her. He asked if they regretted not taking the shot to prevent the link from being formed to open the door to the Pale Heart to the Wintess, who had used Ivo as the catalyst for said link. They had told Ivo then that sacrificing him was not an option, even in a scenario like that.
But look where they were now. She had done exactly that, and at his insistence as well.
“Ivo.” She stutters in between breaths. “My Ghost…”
Their Ghost, their north star, the other half of their soul, is gone.
Something around her shifts.
Nelan opens her eyes and all she sees is Light. All around her; nothing but it.
She’d caught someone’s attention.
Cayde had told them that, after Luzako had led them to that Light fissure, that he experienced something similar for moment. He hadn’t really said much else about it, except that Sundance had been there (and really, he didn’t need to say any more; it was probably hard to talk about to begin with). Nelan recognizes this from his words and knows exactly where she is.
“Bring him back.” The words leave her in a desperate whisper. Slowly, she tries again. “Please, bring him back. He’s just a Ghost. You tasked him to find me- you raised me, along with an entire army. You can bring back a single Ghost.”
No answer, but in Light she remains.
They take in a shaky breath, look back down at Ivo. “I can’t… I’m lost without my north star…”
They don’t know what else they can say, or if there is really anything left to say. They don’t even know why they’re here; only that their Ghost is dead and there’s no getting him back.
They might as well be swallowed up by a void and never return.
In their grief, they don’t even notice the footsteps that echo quietly across the Light filled space and stop before them.
“He sure shined bright back there, huh kid?”
Their head snaps up. “Cayde.”
The former Hunter Vanguard, their mentor, stands before them, looking down with an expression they can’t quite identify.
“You know,” He says. “between the two of you, I’d always imagined it’d be you who went out first. Didn’t think it’d be the other way around.”
Swallowing around the sorrow that threatens to drag her under, she stands, holding out Ivo to him.
“Cayde.” She manages. “I- He’s-”
“What comes from the Light, returns to the Light.” Cayde says to her “My gal Sundance told me that.”
They stare at him for a moment and then look back down at Ivo, resigned. Cayde doesn’t have to say any more to get the point across.
“He… Ivo knew he was dying. He knew that and told me to channel the Light through him anyway. I think I knew too that he was... But I just didn’t want to believe; I wanted to hope.”
“I could tell, because that’s just like you, and because I know you’d go to the ends of this world for Ivo. Hell, I still remember how you were when Andrix hurt him. I also remember when you were brought back from Europa after you nearly died fighting some Gelida. Ivo didn’t leave you- wouldn’t leave your side.”
Nelan nodded in solemn contemplation. “I remember... Ivo’s always been there for me, no matter what. So much happened after you died, Cayde, and I know hearing it second hand might not explain it all, but he was there through everything.”
“Anyone can see you two share a connection stronger than most. That’s something else Sundance told me- that we’re all connected. Guardians, Ghosts, the Traveler- all of it.”
“Ivo told me that too.” They mutter, their voice still choked with tears. “I think I understand now; how lonely he was in the centuries he looked for me. It must have felt something like this, even though he didn’t know me yet. He… He deserved better than me.”
A hand reaches out and touches her chin, tipping her head up.
“You know that’s not true. He always talked about how proud he was to be your Ghost, even with all the trouble you two got up to. He told me all this when he was waiting for you to wake up. He told me he made the right choice in choosing you.”
“I don’t regret any of it. I’m yours, and you’re mine.”
Yes; Yes, they remember. Those words make her heart ache at remembering them.
“Even at the end he was so sure.”
“He chose his own fate.” He turned his optics to Ivo. “Doesn’t mean the story has to end here. Now,” Cayde places his hands over hers. “You tell the others this was my choice. My Light.”
“ ‘Your choice’? What are you-” She stops, looks at Ivo, and looks back up at her mentor. She realizes what he’s saying, what he’s about to do. What was it Ivo said to them- As he was now, Cayde was just Light taken form, almost like he was a Ghost himself. “Cayde…”
“It’s okay, Nelan. You know why? Because nobody makes my fate but me.”
They’re at a loss for words, only able to watch as Light begins to gather around Cayde. It illuminates him like a fire and concentrates on where his hands are placed over theirs, around Ivo.
Part of her doesn’t want Cayde to go after all this, but she knows she cannot make him stay. It was his choice, like he said. She had already mourned him and moved on, even if it was difficult. This way, Cayde was giving her and Ivo a second chance.
“Hey, you’re my favorite. Don’t ever forget that.”
And as the Light gathers around them, as if absorbing them both, the last thing she sees is Cayde smiling at her.
And then it all goes white, as if blinded by a star exploding.
* * *
The world of the Pale Heart returns around them, remaining the same as if they never left.
Nelan blinks the remaining dancing spots of light from her vision and glances around. They are alone, Cayde nowhere to be seen.
A familiar shape in her hands draws her attention, glancing down and seeing Ivo. To her surprise, he looks fully restored; no more charred burn marks or cracks, no more light seeping out of him, and no longer looking so ashen. Actually he looked as if it never happened at all. If they didn’t know better, she’d say he was perfectly fine… save for one thing. His optic was still dim.
But she does feel something familiar- a faint resonance she knows.
Did they dare hope?
Suddenly, his optic lit up and stuttered into focus. His shell shudders and he gasps, as if he had actual lungs that needed air. Nelan startles slightly, but keeps their eyes focused on him, their heart beating hard in their chest.
They can tell when his optic finally focuses on them, finding them.
“Guardian- Nelan…” And after a pause, as if catching his breath, he says so gently. “There you are.”
It was such a simple thing, but it brings them to tears all over again.
Ivo was alive, and Cayde had helped bring him back.
And Nelan smiles, even as she begins to weep, holding Ivo close in approximation of a hug. Ivo says nothing, perhaps too tired to, but she can feel the resonance of his Light within hers. Pulsing out in comforting waves. The fact this means her own Light is back is secondary; Ivo is alive and that’s all that matters.
Their beloved Ghost is back, and they don’t want him to ever go away again.
‘Thank you, Cayde.’ They think though the wave of emotions soaring through them. ‘Be at peace.’
It was because of him that Ivo was still here. This was his final gift to them.
And it was one they would cherish the most.
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lemon-wedges · 3 months
Ok I'll stop there
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bawnjourno · 1 year
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would anyone buy this design on a 3x3 inch vinyl sticker? i’m thinking $2 usd per sticker and free shipping usa (i have lots of stamps) but $1.50 usd shipping for non usa (i don’t have any international stamps)
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amplifyingtrace · 2 years
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{Not that I needed an excuse to draw my daughter, but here she is in a cute winter themed one! I tried to base it off of the ones they all wore at the dorms and yee!
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jiggleb0ners · 2 years
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small bit of a WIP I've been dragging my heels on ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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paragonrising · 2 years
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give this a like for an adventure-y starter of some description. multi-muse please lemme know who you’d like Carol to bother. 
please note i may pop into your ims to discuss. 
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theoogtree · 2 months
Hello,I hope you and your family are well.Can you help me Share Or Replog the post my Family on account? 🙏
I Relly Need Your Help To Evacuate Them To A Safe Plece As Soon As Possible Outside Gaza,I need your help more, my friends. I need and support you. Our lives are really in great danger. Don't go beyond my story. Contribute a little.❤️
Vetted Gaza Fundraiser List #218 🇵🇸🇵🇸
Verified by @palestinegenocide @queerstudiesnatural @90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @northgazaupdates @apollos-olives @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @nabulsi
🍉Link GoFundMe in My Blog🍉 https://gofund.me/b477b817
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vanessarama · 5 months
Feeling very discouraged lately. I would love love love to live in my own place, ideally get out of this fucking state, but it feels so impossible. No matter how much money I save, something happens and I have to use a huge chunk of it. I got a promotion and I, excited, did the math of what I could afford for rent. Still not enough. Rent here is insane. Trying to move out of the city and either have a nightmare commute 2 days a week or find work elsewhere feel so daunting and idk what the right choice is. The idea of finding a new vet for my cats, and WORSE new doctors for my fuckiiiiing history of cancer feel EXTREMELY daunting.
But lately everything about living in this house with my family chafes me. I love them, but I’ve realized how enmeshed I am with them, how I’m never really myself talking with them because there are some things that aren’t safe to talk about without it turning into a fight.
It’s so fucked up that a single person can’t afford to live in their own place here. I don’t make minimum wage by any means, but it’s still!! Not enough!!! The only way I could live comfortably is living with someone else and that’s not what I want!!!
Anyway. You know. It’s the usual. I’ll get over it. Have a nice day.
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lesbianjasonvorhees · 10 months
When u start getting emails from ur prof saying they’re worried about you
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onlymorelove · 9 months
My friend just saw you reblogged a thiam gif set and I decided to be bold and say: did you know I wrote a thiam fic? If not, you should check it out���https://archiveofourown.org/works/49161766
But if you did know and it’s not your jam that’s also cool! I’ve decided to be more bold about reccing my own fics this year so you’re first up in that endeavor 😂
I hope your new year is off to a good start ♥️♥️♥️
Hi, Stella. :) Happy New Year! How are you? I meant to ask you: did you get your car back after it was stolen? Your friend is correct. ;) I fell deep in a thiam-shaped hole in 2017 and still rebagel GIFs for them occasionally. I'm not reading much fic at the moment because I'm currently in a book phase, but I didn't know you'd written a thiam fic, and I will happily add your story to my AO3 marked for later. Thanks for the link. I appreciate your being brave about reccing your fic; I know a lot of us struggle with that, and I'm all for it. *hugs you and cheers you on* Things are hard on my end right now, but I'm hoping 2024 will be kinder to all of us. If it isn't, we'll just do the best we can, right? ♥️
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lairde-lampblack · 4 months
Got anymore stuff about your ahit Broadway au? Like props and stuff. Or like, fun little bits on the characters
I KEPT MEANING TO RESPOND TO THIS WITH MORE TRIVIA BUT I GOT BUSY A ill rebagel this later if i remember what my thoughts were
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brittleskyblue · 2 months
Just realized that Temperance and Nulalyn never knew Cayde, so meeting him in TFS would be so funny and probably go something like this-
Cayde: Uh.... What've you got there? Temperance, with xer Hive Lightbearer girlfriend floating next to xem: A Glaive.
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hooloooo i see you rebagel a lot of stuff for mcyt... what is that? how do i watch it? it sounds so dramatic and full of lore! thankya!
OH WOW ok!!! alright. sit down because i am about to learn you a thing!!!! so MCYT stands for "minecraft youtube" and it actually encompasses a HUGE amount of youtubers/twitch streamers, minecraft smps, content, and storylines. A LOT of different creators fall under the MCYT umbrella, but the SMPs are probably what you're talking about, because those are FULL of lore. you don't have to watch one to understand another, although some might make references to other SMPs. think of it like... huge DND campaigns but in minecraft. they roleplay as fictionalized versions of themselves and do a lot of improv acting
the servers i'm into right now are the DSMP and QSMP!! the DSMP was a server owned by Dream (who is kind of a shit person which is part of the reason the server ended) but the storyline created by creators on the server like Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit, Technoblade, and a lot of others was AMAZING. they created this insane story about a small nation who went to war, there was a revolution, an election that resulted in a dictatorship, and so much more. oh my god it was so cool. someone named EvanMC made videos summarizing some major plot points (playlist here), but if you REALLY want to get into it, there's a channel called Blueberry TV that's making full recap videos, and the playlist (here) has like. over 300 videos so far. BUT NOT ALL OF THEM ARE NECESSARY TO UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING!! you can skip ahead at a lot of points, or even just find a single creator's character you like and watch vods or videos from their point of view. i would highly recommend Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit, Tubbo, BadBoyHalo, or Quackity because their roleplay was consistently just absolutely insane, but i'd also recommend POVs like Fundy, Captain Puffy, DropsByPonk, or Jack Manifold if you want to explore different viewpoints! I know Wilbur and Tommy have made edited down videos of many of their DSMP vods, so that might be a decent place to start if you're curious (although searching for those in the mess of their other videos might be a hassle lol), or you can skim the wiki if you'd like (here!!!) it officially ended i think late 2022-early 2023 (i can't remember) but the official canon ending to the overall story is really up in the air, so it's mostly left to fan interpretation now.
THE QSMP IS SO GOOD oh my god. it's a huge multilingual server that started around March and is still going!! it was started by Quackity, and the plot really started when a bunch of eggs appeared on the island and the members were paired up to take care of them, with one English speaking creator and one Spanish speaking creator to a pair. eventually five Brazilians were invited to the server, and later some French creators as well!! they're all trapped on this one island by an organization called the Federation, and no one knows exactly what's going on, but there are mysteries to solve and monsters to fight and lots of found family elements in the overall plot. if you want some general recaps, the official QSMP Info channel has a couple videos recapping stuff (link here) and there are channels like Angry Thomas that make bite sized videos (like 5-20 minutes) about some general plot points. Quackity ofc has his own vod channel where you can watch his streams and learn about his character's lore. you can also skim the wiki (link here) to familiarize yourself with some of the characters. if all else fails you can probably make a post asking for the plot and throw it in the qsmp tag here on tumblr and you'll get a decent handful of people in your notes giving you a sparknotes summary. we love talking about our weird little minecraft guys
The DSMP and QSMP are so good in their own ways, the DSMP for its insane improv roleplay and the QSMP for its crazy planned events and and the way it brings multiple communities and cultures together!!! you don't have to watch one to understand the other. i suggest you only get into one at a time because they are both crammed with backstory and lore. i'd recommend getting into QSMP first because it's still going, and once you feel more or less caught up, you can probably test the DSMP waters. they can both get quite heavy in their stories, so if you need a list of trigger warnings or anything feel free to ask and i can def provide :3 if you're intrigued by either of them but don't know exactly where to start, i'd suggest the Blueberry TV playlist for DSMP and the Angry Thomas videos or the Quackity VODs for QSMP. see if there are any creators you enjoy watching and go from there!!!! consuming the stories of these SMPs is a bit difficult because there's so much content, but no one is expected to watch every single video or stream by every creator. a lot of the story gets passed around through word of mouth through the fandoms, so don't feel bad if you feel like you miss anything!!! if you have questions, you can ask just about anyone in the fandoms and they'll probably have an answer!!!
if you're interested but need a little more convincing, feel free to shoot me another ask. i will gladly ramble about my favourite minecraft roleplay characters. it's like my entire life at this point i think it's a problem <3
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