#rebels wererex x reader
writer1 · 3 years
soft cuddles
A/N: This is a little drabble I thought up, I hope you like it!
Warnings: None, maybe a pinch of angst but not much.
You nuzzle quietly into Rex's chest, feeling the fur that lies there. You chuckle when you think of the circumstances that caused this. It wasn't anything major, Ezra had pranked Rex, but it had startled him so much he transformed. It's been about six hours since then, you and Rex had decided to take a little nap, transforming takes a little bit more of his energy now that he's older. He's okay at first but once the adrenaline from transforming wears off he's so tired and extra cuddly.
That leads you to this situation, where you are trapped in your werewolf's large arms. But you don't mind, you love Rex more than anything, and you actually love him like this. He's so soft and fluffy, you absolutely love cuddling him. The only thing you hate is how unsure and almost scared he is sometimes. Even after all these years he still asks you if you love him like this... As a werewolf. You always reassure him that nothing could ever make you stop loving him.
Rex groans as he starts to stir, his eyelids fluttering open to show the yellow color. You smile and cup his cheek softly, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose. Rex smiles lazily as he looks at you with so much love in his gaze. "Hey, did you have a good nap, Cyare?" You smile at the sweetness in his voice.
"Of course, I always sleep well with you cuddling me." Rex chuckles, the sound much deeper in this form. He nuzzles your forehead gently, giving you a toothy smile. "Good. m'glad you slept well, sweetheart." You smile, gently running your fingers through the white fur around Rex's chin and mouth. It's where his beard usually is, Rex hums, a deep rumble of content coming from deep in his chest. You smile and press a kiss to his cheek.
"Did you sleep good, Rex? You definitely needed it after transforming." Rex smiles at you, he still looks a little tired but much better than before. He gives you a quick lick on the top of the head, his way of kissing you in this form. You smile, letting out a tiny chuckle
"I slept well, I'm still tired though. The transformation takes a lot out of me sometime's. Especially when it's such a surprise like this one was." Rex frowns, ears pressing back, worry creeps up on you. You gently cup his cheek, turning his head so that he's looking at you. "Hey, what's wrong? Whatever it is you can tell me?" Rex sighs, letting out a little whine as he pulls you a little closer, nuzzling you gently.
"I... I just hate that I can't protect you as well, I-I'm so much weaker now. What if someone attacked us after my adrenaline ran out and I was too tired to protect you." Rex nuzzles you again, whining softly. A few tears escape his eyes as he thinks about what could happen. "Hey, you aren't weak, Rex. You are the strongest man I know."
You press a gentle kiss to his forehead, gently wiping the tears that wet his fur away with your thumb. "If you had to, I know that you would be able to protect me no matter how tired you were. I've seen it happen before after you got tired in your wolf form, you will always be able to protect me, and I'll always do my best to protect you." You press a soft kiss to his cheek, Rex sighs softly, smiling and pressing his forehead against yours. "Where did I ever find someone as amazing as you, Sweetheart?"
You smile and press another kiss to his forehead. "I could ask the same thing, Darling. Would you like to get a little more sleep? You still look tired." Rex let's out a big yawn, showing his sharp teeth. But you don't care at all as he cuddle's up to you and settles down, quickly drifting back to sleep. You smile and run your fingers through the fur on his chest before also falling back to sleep, the both of you feeling safe and happy in eachother arms.
Taglist: @ahsokatano-thetogruta @lightning-wolffe @captainrexisboo @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life
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writer1 · 4 years
Rex x reader: Changes
You were a Jedi before the purge, you were reckless and broke the rules. But you broke a major one, you fell in love and later married a clone. Not just any clone but Anakin Skywalker's clone Captain, Captain Rex.
You and Rex loved eachother more than anything, but you lost him after the purge. It's been fifteen years and you miss him every day, you wish to see him again but you don't think that it's going to happen.
You met up with Ahsoka about ten years after the purge, and you've been helping her with fulcrum business ever since.
She's sent the ghost crew to find someone that can help with finding a new base, but for some reason she won't tell you who they are.
You've asked a few times but all she ever says is that it's a surprise and she gets excited, you don't understand what the surprise would be. Maybe it's an old friend from the clone wars. It's been two days and you have started getting impatient.
"Y/n, the ghost crew are back." You smile and follow Ahsoka to where the ghost attaches to the ship, you can't wait to find out who it is.
The ghost crew walks out, smiling you wonder what they're smiling about when an old man with a white fluffy beard walks out from behind them, freezing when he sees you. You can't believe it, it's Rex.
"Rex?" You walk closer to him when he looks down and pushes past you.
"I'm sorry, I have to talk to Commander Tano." You feel hurt encompass your heart, Rex just completely ignored you. He didn't even care that you both haven't seen eachother in fifteen long years, you stifle a sob as tears come to your eyes and Hera walks over to hug you.
She knows that Rex hurt you, she doesn't know your past but she can tell that you have a broken heart. You hug her and bury your face into her shoulder, you can't hold the tears back any more.
It's been about two months since Rex joined the rebellion and he's been avoiding you the whole time, you should have known that he wouldn't love you anymore. You only dated for two years, he must have fallen out of love with you. You wonder if he maybe found someone else, but it seems that you aren't the only one he's avoiding.
He's hardly talked to Ahsoka as well and she's been feeling very hurt over it as well. You don't understand why he's acting like this, it's really pissing you off. So you and Ahsoka came up with a plan, she's asked Commander Sato to send both you and Captain Rex on a mission together.
Once you're on the planet, you will corner Rex and talk to him about what's happening. You and Ahsoka hope to find out why he's doing this.
You and Rex head out on a mission, heading to lothal to see how things with the empire is going. It's pretty bad when you search but then you lead Rex into a field, finally able to confront him.
"What's wrong with you." You ask him bluntly, and he turns around do fast you fear he might have whiplash.
"Why have you been avoiding Ahsoka and I. Did we do something wrong, I understand if you don't love me anymore but to ignore Ahsoka. Your little sister, that's not right Rex." He stares at you with wide eyes, you stand there waiting for an answer.
"I... I don't hate you." What other reason does he have to avoid you then.
"Then why Rex!" You yell, completely pissed off now. You don't care what the Jedi taught you about controlling your feelings. You're done!
"Why have you been avoiding me! Why did you not even spare me another glance when you got to the rebellion! Why did you break my heart." The last part is whispered, Rex is looking at you with tears in his eyes. You don't understand. You suddenly see a blaster shot fly past your head and turn to see a large group of storm troopers running and shooting at you.
You and Rex start running, only to realize that there's another group of storm troopers running from the opposite direction.
You pull out your lightsaber and start deflecting shots as Rex starts shooting, you're fighting your hardest but it's to no avail as you get shot in the arm with a force inhibitor and pushed to the ground. Loosing your lightsaber, you're staring at the end of a blaster barrel.
You try to think of a solution when you hear a growl, you look up to a grey blur striking the storm troopers, they start running in fear, when the blur slows down you realize that it's a giant bipedal Wolf. You can tell that you would only reach the bottom of its chest when you're standing straight, it's gigantic.
You stare at it in fear, until you see the tattered remains of Rex's pants on it and look over to see Rex's armor on the ground. You put two and two together, realizing that this is Rex, your husband. You watch him run, standing up and following him, leaving your forgotten lightsaber behind.
You follow him into a cave, composing yourself outside for a few minutes before walking in. You see your husband's now large for sitting in the back, you walk over and realize that he still teaches your face while sitting.
You walk close to him, making your steps loud as not to startle him. You place a hand on the back of Rex's shoulder, feeling the grey fur underneath of it. You feel him flinch and he growls.
"Get away from me." He says quietly, his voice is so much different from the man you knew. But it's still Rex's voice, you don't know how you can tell with how deep and growly it's gotten but you somehow know. You try to ignore the feeling of hurt that comes from him growling at you.
"No. I'm not leaving you Rex." He grows again even louder.
"I SAID LEAVE! Please." The last part is whispered, almost a plea. You feel so bad for Rex, you start to softly run your hand up and down his shoulder, wondering how long he's been going through this alone when you suddenly realize.
"Is... Is this why you've been avoiding me? Why you completely ignored me when the ghost crew brought you?" Rex is shaking now and he nods, you feel tears come to your eyes as you realize that the past few months of him actively avoiding you wasn't because he hates you but the opposite. He wanted to protect you, and he was afraid of what you would think of him.
"Oh Rex." You exclaim, you can't believe that he's gone through this alone. You wonder if his brothers even know.
"Do Wolffe and Gregor know?" Rex shakes his head and you sigh, he's been going through something this big all alone. Not even telling his own brothers. You walk around his side slowly and he freezes, you can tell that he's terrified of you seeing him.
You reach the from of him and can finally fully see what's happened, he's changed so much. His head is a wolfs while his body is more human esque, you can see that his body is much more muscular than when he's human.
You look into his eyes and feel your heart clench, they're yellow and filled with fear. A tear falls down and into his fur, so you reach your hand over slowly, stopping when he flinches. You freeze, as soon as he looks at you once again you reach over and softly wipe the tear away.
You move your hand down to his snout, there's white fur where his beard is when he's human. You can see white fur speckled all over him, but theres quite a bit on his stomach. You hear him whimper in fear, so you lean down and kiss his forehead.
"Oh Rex, it's okay sweetheart. I'm not leaving you, I promise."
"You need to leave, cyare. I could hurt you." You sigh and lean your forehead against his, giving him a keldabe kiss. You try to put all your love for him into it.
"You'd never hurt me, Rex. You're still you, fur and all." You kiss his forehead again and he finally breaks, pulling you against him softly until you're sitting in his lap. He lays his chin on your shoulder since he's taller than you and starts crying softly.
He's trying to hide it from you, feeling embarrassed but he can't help it. He loves you more than anything and staying away from you these past few months has killed him.
"I'm so sorry, cyare. I know that I broke your heart, and hurt Ahsoka. I'm so sorry." You shush him, rubbing the back of his head softly.
"Shhh, I forgive you sweetheart. I'm not happy that you ignored and avoided me but I understand why, I still love you more than anything." Rex pulls you closer, you reach up and kiss his shoulder softly. You can't believe that the whole reason he was avoiding you was because he is a werewolf now.
"I love you so much, cyare. I was so scared of losing control and hurting you, or you being afraid of me." You wish that he had told you sooner, but you are going to fix this. You won't let anyone or anything hurt him.
"I'll never be afraid of you. Like I said, you're still Rex. Just fluffier." You run your fingers through his fur for emphasis, getting a little chuckle out of him. You smile but you have to get back to more serious matters.
"You're going to have to tell Ahsoka, and your brother's. When did this even happen, Rexter?" You ask him and he sighs, snuggling into you.
"It was only a month before the ghost crew came and got me, I was bitten by a strange creature. Next thing I know I'm hiding from my brothers who were shooting at me, I told them after I was human again that I was searching in another place for the monster."
"Oh, Rex. You should have never had to go through that, and you won't have to go through this alone anymore. Okay. I promise." Rex nods, he loves you so much. More than he could ever say in words. You kiss him on his shoulder again, you know that you and Rex will work through this. And neither of you will ever part again, no matter what happens. Even if this is permanent, he's still Rex. And that will never change.
Taglist: @captainrexisboo @a-dorin
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writer1 · 4 years
A regretful Wolf and his Beauty
Chapter One
Beast!Rex x fem!reader.
Summary: As punishment for his actions, young prince Rex was cursed to become a monster by a witch. The only thing that saved him from his fate was an enchantress, who gave him a condition. He has to find true love in order to redeem himself and he only has until the last petal of the enchanted rose falls. Rex's family helps you by guiding your way into his heart. Rex's fate now lies in your hands."
A/N: Hey, this is a collaborative fic between myself and @ahsokatano-thetogruta. We have created a star wars the clone wars fanfic based off the story Beauty and the Beast, so we both hope that you love reading this as much as we had fun writing it. Enjoy!
It's a crisp winter's day, the untouched snow was glistening, as more beautiful soft snowflakes danced through the air, swirling around each other in time as they waltzed their way to the ground. The slowly rising sun peers over the horizon, it feels magical as the sun shines over the sparkling snow, glistening and gleaming, creating a beautiful, breathtaking winter wonderland, and the inhabitants of the royal castle start to stir, the younger kids are already running around. They were waiting Impatiently to open the nicely wrapped presents under the tree. Christmas day is finally here again.
Rex was surrounded in peace until he was abruptly awoken to the sounds of exciting cheers and shouting of his younger brothers and cousins who are now running around the halls of the castle outside of his room.
Rex groans at the sound. He tries to go back to sleep, pressing his face tightly into the pillow. He had a late night, and is absolutely exhausted.
He almost growls when his door swings open and Fives, Echo and little Stutter run in. The ten year old twins and four year old kid run over to Rex, with Fives picking up Stutter, dropping him on top of his side. Rex almost growls again, but holds it back so as not to hurt his little brother's feelings.
He turns over, Stutter sitting on his stomach now, hands against his chest. The cute smile on his face makes Rex give him a small little smile.
"Come on, Rex. It's time to get up, right Stutter?" Stutter looks at Fives, nodding happily.
"Yeah! C-C-Come on, O-Ori'vod" Rex smiles tiredly.
"Okay! I'm up Vod'ika, can you three please leave so I can get dressed." They all nod, Echo walking over and grabbing little Stutter from Rex. They all walk out.
"Hurry up, Ori'vod." Echo yells back, causing Rex to huff a little. Rex rubs his face and yawns, trying to wake up more. He feels like he could go right back to sleep for the rest of the day, but that's not happening. He sits up, stretching his arms and legs out.
Once he's half woken himself up, he hops out of bed, padding over to the wardrobe slowly. He looks through his collection of clothes, finding his favorite shirt inside. He smiles, grabbing it and a nice brown pair of pants. Once fully dressed, he starts walking towards the door to leave his quarters.
On his way, Rex's vision goes slightly blurry and his eyes struggle to stay open from fatigue, so he yawns again, but because he couldn't see where he was walking, he clumsily stumbles into a small table making him curse as he snaps his eyes shut for a second. When he opens them again, he can see a vase wobbling around on its base, almost ready to topple over at any second. It all happens in slow motion and Rex is unable to move quickly enough to stop it from hitting the ground.
It makes a loud crash as it shatters into a thousand pieces. Rex feels his frustration earlier come rushing back to him, his annoyance growing with every passing second. A few moments later, he hears his door swing open. Without bothering to turn around to see who it is, his words come out snappy. "Don't you know how to knock?" He turns around to see Cody standing in the doorway. "Oh...sorry Cody. I didn't mean to lash out like that."
"It's alright, Vod'ika. I heard a loud noise so I just needed to make sure that you were okay, I was worried for you." Cody smiles knowing that Rex is okay, he saw the frustration on his face for a second after he turned around. "Are you okay?"
Rex feels a guilt wash over him like a ferocious wave, regretting being so rude, especially in front of his Ori'Vod. "I'm sorry, Cody. I accidentally bumped into it." Cody smiles kindly at Rex, he knows that it's not his fault.
"It's fine, Vod'ika. It was an accident. I'll clean it up, are you okay, you look frustrated." Rex nods, Cody's been here for him ever since their parents died two years ago. The reason Rex is crown prince is because Cody and his other brother Bly didn't want the crown.
"I didn't sleep well last night, and I was woken up by all of the noise." He mumbles a bit, still tired.
"I'm sure you'll feel throughout the day. We have a lot of fun things planned." He says with a big smile, hoping it will make Rex feel somewhat better.
"I'm sure I will too." He thanks him with a tired smile. Being thirteen and having hormones is not making his morning any better, but he tries to power through it the best he can and hopes he'll have a good time.
"I'll meet you in the ballroom to open presents once I've cleaned this up for you."
"Thanks, Ori'Vod."
"You're welcome, Vod'ika."
It's always very busy in the kitchen on Christmas. Many Chefs are preparing the vegetables and various foods for the Christmas dinner and snacks throughout the day. Gregor is a fifteen year old chef in training after being promoted from a dishwasher to a sous chef. He was given the day off today to spend with his brothers and cousins, but asked the head chef if he could make some cookies for everyone when they all open their presents. His boss is really nice, so he lets him do what he needs to do. Gregor gets up early to start making them. He hears the younger kids start running around upstairs, waking up the oldest of the family. He chuckles thinking of the kids running into his room to find an empty bed, he won't be woken up by someone jumping on him this year.
Gregor grabs all the ingredients he’ll need for the cookies, starting with the flour. He pours it into a bowl, there's a cloud of flour in the air after he pours but he just ignores it. He grabs the milk and eggs next, being careful to measure it correctly, the eggs are cracked in a separate bowl then, once checked for shells, are poured in with everything else. Next is Gregor's favorite ingredient, sugar.
He measures out a little more than the recipe calls for since his brothers and cousins love it when he adds extra into the mixture, because they all have a big sweet tooth. He mixes it in, giving the batter a quick taste. Once he finds that the taste is good he adds the baking powder and butter, checking the taste just to make sure it's still good.
Once the batter has reached the desired consistency and sweetness, he grabs a selection of Christmas spices from a cupboard and places them on the counter. He separates the batter into 3 different bowls, each one for a different flavour. He will make some cinnamon, ginger and vanilla cookies, though he makes about a batch more of cinnamon cookies because almost everyone goes crazy over those.
He mixes in the spices in and then puts the batter onto the counter. Gregor goes to get a rolling pin and some cookie cutters shaped like Christmas trees and stars to give them that extra Christmas feel to them. He rolls out the batter evenly and then cuts some out, placing them onto a tray ready to go into the oven. Once they are all cut out and placed on baking trays, he puts them into the oven that was preheated earlier on and then grabs a sand timer that will tell him in 20 minutes that the cookies will be baked and ready. He turns over the small timer and takes it with him so he can join everyone to start opening presents.
Rex sits in a circle with the kids, everyone between the ages of 2 to 15 is there. They all have presents in their laps, ready to be opened, the older kids and adults just have to give the say. Cody walks into the room, glancing around and smiling.
“Okay, you can all open your present now!” 99 calls out, he's the oldest among them and is everyone's uncle. All the kids start ripping open their presents, Rex feels a little bit of fear for Anakin's present when he starts to shake it.
“Be careful, ani. You’ll hurt him.” the twelve year old knight in training looks at Rex with wide eyes.
“Him?” he asks, setting the box down gently. He rips it open, hearing a bark when he opens it. He gasps loudly.
“A PUPPY!!!!” he yells, hugging the young dog to his chest. Rex smiles at his best friend's happiness, it was hard work keeping the puppy a secret. And getting it into the box a little while ago was tough, he had to ask Obi Wan for help. The older knight was surprised when Rex had asked him about getting Anakin a puppy, but agreed. He could see why Cody loved the guy. Anakin put the puppy down, pouncing on Rex.
“Thanks Rex, I love him!”
"Aw, he's so cute! What will you name him, Skyguy?" Anakin looks to his left to see Ahsoka petting his new dog gently on its head.
He smiles at her, she's only three years old but he finds her so enthusiastic and sweet "Hmm…" Anakin thinks for a moment, looking deeply into the puppy's eyes. "I'll call him Artoo!" He says, and the puppy lets out a little bark and wags his tail. Anakin feels tears of happiness well in his eyes as he hugs him close to his chest again, feeling Artoo snuggle into him.
After a few moments of admiring the adorable sight, Rex sees Stutter hand him a present. "Here y-y-you go R-R-Rex. T-T-This is f-for you."
Rex takes the wrapped up box from Stutter,smiling as he does so. "Thank you." He is only four years old, so the wrapping is a little bit untidy, but he is just so sweet and thoughtful. He peels back the paper to reveal a box with a lid. Discarding the wrapping paper on the floor, he carefully lifts off the lid to reveal a drawing inside. "Wow! This is so good, I love it. Thank you very much, Vod'ika!" Rex thanks Stutter, making him smile and then giving him a big hug. "Is that me and you that you've drawn?"
"Y-Yeah! We are p-p-playing t-t-together." He grins, happy that Rex loves his present. Stutter loves art so much, so any chance he gets to do something creative he will go and make more pieces of artwork.
While everyone is busy exchanging presents and making conversation with one another, the air is filled with a delightful and sweet aroma, making the ballroom feel even more Christmassy. Gregor notices that the sandtimer has almost run out, so he gets up and heads to the kitchen.
Rex watches as Hardcase rips into the wrapped present, he shakes his head. He swears that Hardcase is younger than him, not the same age. Hardcase finds a jigsaw puzzle inside, it's a puzzle of knights in shining armor, riding their horses into battle.
“This is awesome!”
“Did you remember to check who it's from?” Rex asks, Hardcase makes a sheepish expression.
“Oops!” he looks around. Finding the name tag, it says that it's from Jesse.
“Thanks Jesse!” hardcase yells to the twenty year old, who smiles.
“Your welcome, Vod’ika!” Hardcase laughs, he absolutely cannot wait to put it together.
Not a moment later, Gregor returns with some plates of his freshly baked cookies. Everyone's eyes go wide as he starts to hand them out to everyone. They always love his baking, especially his Christmas cookies, they are his speciality.
Rex runs over to Gregor, grabbing a handful of cookies. He runs them back over to the group, handing them to Anakin, Hardcase, Ahsoka, Stutter and everyone else in the group. Each person gets one for now to be fair, they'll have more once the presents are all done.
Ahsoka is next to open a present. She rummages through the various other presents under the tree until she finds one with her name on it. It's wrapped in silvery white paper with snowflakes and has a big blue ribbon tied around it. The tiny Togruta's eyes light up and the cutest smile graces her face. "Found mine!" Ahsoka exclaimed excitedly. She runs back over to her Ori'Vod.
Ahsoka lost her family about a year ago and Rex took her in, taking care of her and it wasn't long before everyone in the castle became her new family. She is so happy to have so many great brothers and cousins there for her. When they found out that she could use the force, Obi-Wan suggested that Anakin should be her mentor in her training to become a knight when she is old enough.
"Who's it from, Soka?" Anakin asks, still petting Artoo in his lap.
"It's from…" she searches the box for the label and then reads it out loud. "Rex."
Rex smiles at her kindly. "Go ahead, open it. But be careful with it."
Ahsoka nods and her eyes sparkle with excitement as she begins to peel back the paper, revealing a wooden box. She holds it and looks a bit confused at it for a moment.
"Here, you open it like this." Rex gets up from his chair and crouches down next to her, showing her how to open it. She then opens it all the way.
There's a little ballerina posing as if she was dancing. The lady is wearing a cute pink dress and has a pair of slipper silhouettes in the same colour as the dress. Her hair is tied up in a bun with a ribbon.
“I tried to get you a Togrutan one, but I couldn’t find one anywhere, sorry.” Rex says apologetically, he searched for one for weeks but they were always sold out or just didn't sell them.
"It's okay, I love it so much! Thank you, Ori'Vod!" She puts down the box and gives Rex a big hug, wrapping her arms around his neck. Rex chuckles and hugs her back.
"You're welcome, Soka. There is something else to it as well." Ahsoka looks at him puzzled, not sure about what he means. Rex picks up the box and shows her the little key on the back. "Turn this around a few times and see what happens."
"Okay!" She is excited to see what happens. When she lets go of the key, the ballerina starts to turn around as music from inside the box plays a beautiful song. Ahsoka is in love with this gift. "Wow! Thank you so much, I love it!"
"You're very welcome." Rex smiles at her and then she runs off to another room to carry on listening to the melody that the box produces, completely amazed with her present.
Taglist: @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @captainrexisboo
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writer1 · 4 years
A regretful Wolf and his Beauty
Chapter Thirteen
Beast!Rex x Fem!reader
Summary: As punishment for his actions, young prince Rex was cursed to become a monster by a witch. The only thing that saved him from his fate was an enchantress, who gave him a condition. He has to find true love in order to redeem himself and he only has until the last petal of the enchanted rose falls. Rex's family helps you by guiding your way into his heart. Rex's fate now lies in your hands.
Warnings: panic attack, slavery, self hatred.
A/N: This is a collaborative fic with @ahsokatano-thetogruta. This chapter is a long one.
Stutter jumps at the sound of his name, looking up towards exactly where the sound came from. It was your voice. You sit up and swing your legs over the edge of the bed. Stutter tries to float again, but he's too tired, so instead he shuffles himself away from you and leans up and presses back against the wall away from your bed, whimpering. “Hey, it's alright.” You tell him with a soothing voice.
“P-Please, don't h-h-hurt m-me.” He starts sobbing hard again, wanting to curl up, but being a paintbrush makes it difficult. “I'm not going to hurt you Stutter.”
His breathing rapidly increases as another one of his panic attacks hit him. Some time ago, you read a book on basic medical studies. You thought that if you want to be a great knight, you need to know the basic medical skills. “Stutter? Stutter, I need you to concentrate on your breathing, okay?” He gives you a tiny nod in response. “Here, breathe with me.” you take slow, deep breaths, noticing that he's trying his best to copy what you're doing. 
You get out of bed, still feeling weak but not as bad as when Rex found you. You ate some soup a few minutes ago so you’re stronger. You walk over to the tiny paintbrush, sitting down against the wall beside Stutter. “There you go, keep breathing. It’s okay.” You reach your hands out, stopping right in front of Stutter. “Is it okay if I pick you up?” 
“O-Ok.” As soon as Stutter says that you gently wrap your hands around him, picking him up and placing Stutter in your lap. He’s shaking like a leaf, but breathing better. “Shh, it’s okay Stutter. You’re okay, shh.” Stutter sobs, flying up and cuddling into your chest.
You softly rub his back with two of your fingers, doing your best to soothe him. You can tell just by his voice that he's young, and you hate to hear a kid cry. You both sit like that for a good twenty minutes until Stutter's sobs turn into whimpers and sniffles.
"Are you okay?" You ask quietly, trying not to startle him. Stutter looks up at you, nodding. "Y-Yeah." 
You smile kindly at him. "Can you tell me what happened? Take as much time as you need." Stutter thinks about it, trying to figure out if he should trust you or not. You wait patiently for him to decide, you can sense the unease and fear around him. 
"Okay, R-Rex y-y-yelled at m-me." Your eyebrows furrow, from what you've seen of Rex, he cares for his brothers. You've never seen or heard him yell at them. Ever. "Why would he yell at you?"
Stutter sniffles, he almost starts crying again. "I a-accidentally broke a p-picture f-f-frame w-with a p-p-painting of h-his p-parents. I d-d-didn't mean t-to, b-b-but he y-yelled at m-me." 
“Oh Stutter, it's alright. If you didn't do it on purpose, he might not have meant to lash out at you like he did. You seem like a really nice person, I don't see why anyone would want to shout at you.” You give him a sympathetic smile, feeling a spark of happiness in the force coming from Stutter, but then he sighs a little. “A-After my m-m-mother d-died a few d-days after I-I was b-b-born, m-my father a-a-and b-b-brothers would a-a-abuse me, m-mentally a-and p-p-physically.” You feel fear at his words, thinking that they are the brothers that he lives within the castle now. “Your brothers here in the castle? But they all seem so kind.”
Stutter is confused for a moment, until he realises who you thought he was talking about. “O-Oh, no. Both R-Rex and h-h-his b-brothers are t-technically m-my c-c-cousins, but I t-think of R-Rex and h-his brothers a-as m-m-my brothers, because a-about thirteen years a-a-ago, they had r-rescued m-me from m-my p-p-previous family. I-It took m-me a-a-a while t-to trust e-everyone, though it's s-s-still difficult now, e-especially when I-I meet new p-p-people.”
“I hope I don't intimate you Stutter. If I ever make you feel uncomfortable, you can always let me know.” You smile kindly at the paintbrush who snuggles into you a bit more, happy that you have listened to him get his worries off of his chest. “I-I feel t-t-that I c-can trust you. Y-You are v-very nice.”
His kind compliment makes you smile wider, your heart filled with happiness. You wouldn't get many compliments back at the village apart from your father and the librarian “That's... That's very kind of you to say. Thank you, Stutter.” Stutter hums a little in response, feeling a lot better than he was earlier. He no longer felt like he was going to break down. A moment later, the bedroom door swings open and you both look up, seeing Obi Wan and Cody who both look like they have been rushing around.
“Stutter, there you are. We’ve been looking everywhere for you, Vod’ika.” Cody tells him, sounding relieved. You smile. “It’s okay, he’s been with me for a while.” Cody shuffles over to you both, followed by Obi Wan. “You okay, Stutter?”
“Y-Yeah, I’m f-f-fine C-Cody. S-Shiny h-h-helped me.” Obi Wan turns his helmet towards you, and Cody shuffles around to look at you. “Thank you for helping him, you didn’t have to do that, especially after how we treated you and your father.” You smile kindly.
“It’s fine, you all have already apologized for what happened. And my father had hurt your brother, I can see where Rex would get protective. Besides, who could say no to such a cute little paintbrush.” You smile at Stutter, as Cody and Obi Wan chuckle, they’re happy that you bonded with Stutter.
“I’m s-s-sorry, Cody. I d-didn’t mean to m-make R-R-Rex mad.” Cody wishes that he could pull Stutter into a hug. “You don’t have to be sorry, Stutter. It was an accident. I’m sure that Rex’ika didn’t mean to yell at you.” You stifle a laugh, you don’t know very much mando’a, but you know that ‘Ika’ means little. “I-I know, w-w-where is h-he? I w-want to t-talk to h-h-him.” 
Obi Wan sighs. “We don’t know, he ran after he yelled at you. He felt really bad for Stutter, I could feel it in the force.” You feel bad for them, and Rex. You are positive that it was an accident. You try to stand, wobbling a little, but Obi Wan grabs and steadies you. “Let’s go find him then.” 
“What! Miss Shiny, you are still hurt.” You glare at the desk. “I’m fine, and it’s just Shiny. Now let’s go.” You walk out, carrying the paintbrush with you. Cody sighs. “Her and Rex are made for eachother.” Cody whispers to Obi Wan, making sure that you won’t hear him. “Definitely.” Obi Wan agrees, then they both follow you and Stutter out, moving as fast as they can to catch up to you. 
“Rex, come on out please.” Kix has a worried face and so does Jesse. “NO!” Rex's response makes the two of them frown at each other.
“I have an idea.” Jesse whispers to Kix, who nods back at him. “Okay, what is it?” Without telling him, he unfolds himself out from a little man so he is now just a sheet of paper. Jesse slips through the slight gap underneath the door and into the room that Rex has locked himself into.
You, Stutter, Obi Wan and Cody all see Kix floating outside a door. “Kix, have you found Rex yet-”
“LEAVE ME ALONE!!” The loud, growly voice makes Stutter jump in your arms, but you can sense that he isn't as frightened when he is being held. Jesse slips back out from under the door, quickly folding himself back into a man and a slightly annoyed look. “No luck?” Kix asks?
Jesse shakes his head and sighs. “No…” You all feel slightly bad for him. His reaction was out of his control, and once he had yelled at Stutter, he knew that the damage had been done and could not be taken back. He hurt his Vod'ika, Stutter, so he'll never forgive himself.
Cody calls out to him comfortingly. “Rex'ika, it's alright. We know you didn't mean to yell at Stutter. You were angry and you weren't thinkin-”
“That doesn't matter! I still hurt his feelings…” Rex ends up whining at the end of his sentence, his ears pressing back at the thought of what happened. You feel bad for him, hearing the sadness in his voice “Rex, we're not mad. Even Stutter is here to make sure you are okay.”
“Shiny?” Rex is surprised to hear your voice. He didn't realize that you would be here, but instead thought that you'd be back in your room getting some rest. “Yes, could you come out please?” There's only silence as a response.
After some thought, you turn to the others. “Maybe I should talk to him alone.” You suggest quietly. They all nod. “That might be best, it might be because we were there when...you know.” Cody whispers and you nod, knowing what he means. Rex doesn't want anyone to see him that watched him yell at Stutter.
“Thank you, here Obi Wan. Could you take Stutter for me please?” You hold out the paintbrush towards the suit of armor. “Of course, Shiny.” Obi Wan nods as he gently takes Stutter into his arms. “We'll leave you to talk to him.”
“Thank you, Obi Wan. All of you as well, thank you.” They all nod at you as they leave until it's only you in the hallway standing just outside Rex's door. “Rex? It’s just me out here, can we talk?” You listen, but don’t hear anything. You sigh, walking over to the door and sitting with your back against it.
“I know that you didn’t mean to yell at Stutter, you were just frustrated right?” You still have no answer from him, making you sigh, again. “You know, I understand what it’s like to get frustrated and yell. Believe me, I’ve yelled at my Papa a few times from frustration.”
“You have?” You can barely hear the whisper, but you feel happy that he’s finally talking. “Yeah, a few times. It happens to everyone, now can you let me in so that we can talk face to face?” You wait, then hear footsteps come to the door and the click of the lock, then the footsteps walk away again.
You open the door, as soon as you walk in you see Rex sitting against the far wall. You walk towards him, sitting cross legged right beside him to his right. He turns to you with wide eyes full of surprise. You turn and offer him a comforting smile. “It's nice to talk to you face to face, Rex.”
"Why would it be nice?" Confusion fills you, you don't understand what he means. "Why wouldn't it be nice?" Rex's ears press back against his head tight, you don't know why you find it cute?
“Because... because I look like a monster. Isn't it obvious? And I yelled at Stutter too, he's probably feeling so scared right now.” You place a hand gently on his forearm. Rex flinches at the sudden touch as he looks down at you, seeing your comforting smile. “Stutter's okay, Rex. He had run to my room, so we talked for a little while, until Obi Wan and Cody had found us. That's when they told us that Kix and Jesse had gone to find you.”
“I see… was he talking about me?” a little whine escapes him as he thinks about the question, thinking that Stutter told you about how Rex yelled at him. You feel Rex's thoughts. “Yes, he told me about what happened earlier, but he was also saying about how you saved him from his abusive father and brothers.”
Rex's ears perk up. " He told you about that?" You nod. "Yeah, he told me about how he was abused. I'm happy that he has people like you and your brother's now."
Rex feels a small smile come to his face. "I remember the first time I ever saw Stutter, he was only about a day old. Me and my Aunt were close, she was one of the nicest people I had ever met. She invited my family over to her house to meet Stutter, I was the first one to go in. He was so tiny, and I held him in my arms, even then I felt that he was more of a brother then a cousin." 
You listen to Rex's story, it's starting to change the way you thought about him. You originally thought that he was just a cruel monster, then a lonely cursed man. Now you aren't sure what to think, Rex continues on with the story. “Stutter would never have deserved to keep living with his horrible father and brothers, that's when me and my brothers took him in as our own brother, to give him a better and safer life. He…he would always get shouted at, and that's why I feel so horrible after what happened earlier, because I brought back to him all of those awful memories that cause him so much pain.” Rex takes a deep breath to hold back his tears. “I just want Stutter to be safe and feel loved, because that's what he deserves.”
“Oh Rex, Stutter knows that you want that for him, he truly does. He knows now that you didn't mean to yell at him like you did.” Rex smiles at your reassuring words, thankful for your help by talking to him. “Thank you, Shiny. I'm glad to hear that he's okay.” You nod and smile.
“You're welcome. What would you like to do now? Sitting here all by yourself may not help you, so I'm happy to stay with you if you'd like?” You let a minute of silence pass, allowing Rex to think clearly about what to do next. He breathes in quickly and deeply, letting it out slowly. “I think I'll go and see the others now.” 
You nod as the both of you stand up, though your legs still feel a little weak. Rex notices and steadies you as you begin to wobble, afraid that you might fall otherwise. “Thank you, Rex. I guess I should rest some more, huh.” you let out a little nervous chuckle as he gives you a small smile. “That might do you more good than walking around. I'll help you there if you'd like?” 
You appreciate the kind gesture “That would be great, thank you.” gently, he helps you off of the ground and you hold onto his right arm, securly. “Are you okay?” Rex's thoughtfulness warms your heart, making you grin a little. 
“Yeah, I'm okay. Let's go.” You both walk out of the room and into the hallway. Thankfully your room isn't too far away, so at least it means that you get to rest sooner. Meeting everyone here, including Rex, has made you happy. They are all so kind to you. Even though the first few days here at the castle were rough, you've left those behind you and just enjoy talking to the others you've met, and of course helping Stutter. 
“Um, Shiny? D-Do you like the feel of my fur?” You look up at Rex a little confused.
You realise that you've been playing with the fur on his arm. “Oh, sorry. I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable, I didn't mean to. I guess I got a bit lost in thought.” 
“No need to be sorry, I don't mind at all. To be quite honest, it feels nice.” Rex shows a promising but nervous smile. He finds that he likes you, not love or anything of the sort, but as hopefully a… friend.
Rex knows that he treated you pretty badly the first few days, but he hopes that you could forgive him. Even if you're not the one to break the curse. You smile at Rex and continue to play with his fur a little, you then look at his arm and notice a patch of fur, as white as snow. “What’s this?”
Rex chuckles when he realises what you are asking about. “That’s from my brother Fives, it was a few hours after I was turned into… this. Fives, Echo, Stutter and Fives' friend Kiara all decided to do a group hug with me, but he had forgotten to put his candles out. So my fur lit on fire and I got burned, it healed quickly but when the fur grew back it was white.”
You chuckle at the story. “Fives must have felt bad, from what I’ve met of him he seems like a sweetheart.” Rex nods. “He is, but he’s also a prankster sometimes. Him and Echo have gotten into all kinds of trouble over the years.” You nod, smiling again as the two of you arrive at your room. Rex walks you in and helps you to your bed, you both sit down. 
“I bet they thought it was worth it though?” you laugh, making Rex laugh too. “Yes, especially Fives. He loves to make trouble, but they are both my brothers, so I'll always love them for who they are.” Rex smiles, but he feels a stab at his heart, remembering the night of the curse, how he yelled at the two of them for pranking him. “You okay, Rex?” He feels your hand on his shoulder. You feel his pain in the force.
“Yeah, everything's fine.” You raise an eyebrow, you know that everything isn’t fine. “Do you want to talk about it?” Rex shakes his head no, and you don’t push. “Okay, you don’t have to. So are Fives and Echo twins? They act like it but it’s kind of hard to tell… “ Rex chuckles.
“Yeah, they don’t look very alike right now, but when we were human you could hardly tell the two apart. Although their personalities are vastly different.” You chuckle again. “They are both very sweet, and Fives is fun to talk to.”
“Yeah, I also have a younger sister, Ahsoka, she’s fourteen now. I’m sure you’d love her, she wants to be a knight someday, but it’s hard for her to train with what she was turned into.” You look at him, confused. “What was she turned into?”
“She was turned into a music box, or technically the figure on top. When we were all transformed for the first time, Ahsoka looked so much older than she actually was. She doesn't look like she's aged a day.” Rex frowns a little “It's been difficult for her with not being able to train to become a knight. On the night of the curse, Ahsoka had comforted me when I needed it most, despite how scary I looked to her. She's very brave and strong, willing to help others whenever she can.”
“She sounds like a wonderful girl, that's so kind of her to help you. I can't imagine how difficult it was for you and her, along with  everyone else, on that day. I can't wait to meet her.” you give Rex a toothy smile, and he gives you one in return. “Y'know, you and your family are the most new people, who don’t call me odd, I’ve ever met.” 
Rex frowns at that, you haven’t met that many of them. He doesn’t like how your village has treated you. “That’s not right, you’ll never be called odd here, Shiny.” a smile graces your face when Rex says that, you're happy that everyone here in the castle is so kind. Despite starting off on the wrong foot, you strongly believe that this is the start of a new friendship.
You suddenly start to feel sleepy again. “I'm going to rest some more now, if that's okay?” Rex gives you a smile “Of course, I'll leave you to rest up.” You nod and yawn in response, making him quietly hum happily. He stands and waits a moment more to make sure that you'll be okay on your own, then he turns and leaves your room. Something deep inside of him makes him want to stay with you, but he buries that feeling a little further down to conceal his feelings. 
You stay sitting for a little while until you want to lie down for a bit. As you shuffle around on the edge of the bed, you hear a barking sound coming from the hallway. A dog? You think to yourself, but all that appears at your doorway is a small footstool prancing around. “Artoo! Come back here, Buddy!” You instantly recognize that voice as metal footsteps jog down the corridor. The footstool pads its way across the floor to you, then sniffs by your feet near the ground, yapping happily and jumping up onto the bed. Artoo pants and climbs onto your lap, lying down instantly. You chuckle. “Why hello there, little one.” 
A suit of armor suddenly appears by the door, huffing out a sigh as he's finally able to catch up with Artoo. “Artoo, how are you so fast?” Anakin shakes his head, chuckling a little to see his dog lying in your lap while you pet him. “Anakin, it's good to see you. I'm guessing he's yours?”
“Yeah, I'm sorry if he's being a bother. Sometimes I wonder if he's still actually a puppy because of how fast and energetic he is. It's unbelievable.” Anakin sighs, Artoo just seems to have so much energy. You chuckle, petting the dog in your lap “He's no problem at all, he's so adorable. How old is he?” 
“He is twelve now, but he'll be thirteen in December.” You smile as you continue to pet Artoo. “Well, he’s absolutely adorable.” Artoo barks, making you chuckle. Anakin walks over to you. “Do you mind if I sit beside you?” 
You smile. “No, go ahead.” Anakin sits down beside you, you can hear the creak of his metal joints. “Do you mind if I ask a question about Rex?” Anakin turns to you. “Not at all, go ahead.”
“Has he always been the way he is, not him being a wolf, but I noticed that he has a little bit of a temper?” Anakin feels a little sad, remembering back to the times before the curse. “No, not always. It was ever since the curse happened. It changed him, not just physically, but he had gained a slight temper and been a little more... distant from us all.” Anakin doesn't really know how to describe the way that Rex has been feeling for the past twelve and a half years, but it has been rough. “Most days, he'll still blame himself for what happened, what we have all become. Everything that he did on Christmas day, Rex regrets it all. He says how it's his fault that everything happened, happened because of his behavior. Despite how Rex was kind enough to allow Ventress to take shelter from the cold, she still had the audacity to use her magic on him. On all of us.” 
“I'm so sorry that this happened to all of you, none of you deserved this. Not even Rex.” Artoo whines a little, nuzzling Anakin's leg a little. “From what Stutter told me about his past as well, I can tell that Rex was kind. It's awful that someone could even want to do this to you all.” 
“There are some very bad people out there, I know…” You can feel his sadness and some fear in the force coming from Anakin, noticing that he spaced out for a moment. “You alright, Anakin?”
“Yeah...yeah I'm okay. Just...remembering things is all.” without realizing it, Artoo had climbed over onto his lap, allowing Anakin to pet him. Anakin is glad that he's got his buddy with him to keep him calm and make him feel better through the difficult times. “Would you like to talk about it?” 
Anakin freezes for a second, but then pushes his fear aside. “I...I was a slave as a child.” You look at Anakin. You knew that slavery existed in some places. “I’m so sorry, that must have been terrible.”
Anakin nods. “It was, my mother and I were both slaves. I was saved when I was nine by a knight, his name was Qui Gon Jinn. My mom wasn’t so lucky, I don’t even know if she’s still alive.” You can’t believe that Anakin went through that. “I’m sorry, I lost my mom when I was younger too. The plague had come to my old village, and my mother caught it. Me and my Papa had to leave her because of how contagious she was, we couldn’t even be there for her final days. I was six.”
“I’m so sorry, that must have been tough. The plague is such a horrible disease, I’m so sorry that you had to lose a loved one from that.” You smile at Anakin, and even though he doesn’t have a face, you can tell that he’s smiling as well. “You and Rex must be close, with the way you talk about him.”
Anakin nods, chuckling. “Yeah, we’re best friends. But it wasn’t always that way, I actually hated him when I was first brought to the castle.”
Sixteen and a half years earlier...
The blood and sweat stains his body. Images still flashing behind his eyelids when he tries to sleep. The torture leaving him with scars all over his body, especially his back, from the dreadful punishments that he deserved if he wasn't doing his job efficiently enough. Everyday would be a challenge, every second being on edge, losing sleep at night from the fear and terror. Him and his mother huddle together as close they can in their small cell, trying their best to ignore the restraints, chaining them to the wall. 
Screams of dying men could be heard outside of the cell. Anakin squeezes his eyes shut at the sound of whipping and a sword clattering around. Anakin's mother holds him close as he sniffles and whimpers, scared of what has just happened. Suddenly, a suit of armor appears at the cell door. They hilt their sword and remove their helmet, crouching down to look closer at the fearful, unfortunate souls, who quake as they huddle impossibly closer together. They have shock collars around their necks, most likely used as punishment.
“It's alright now, I'm here to rescue you. My name is Qui Gon Jinn, I mean you no harm.” he sees the woman shoot a glare at him, unsure of whether to trust him or not. Qui Gon holds a hand out to the young boy. “I promise that I won’t hurt you, now how old are you, Little one?”
“I-I’m nine, my name is Anakin.” Qui Gon smiles, looking Anakin over. “Well, it’s very nice to meet you Anakin, and I’m guessing that this is your mother?” Anakin nods, and so does his mother. “I’m here to get the two of you out of here, now we have to move quickly, understand?”
Anakin and his mother nod. “We understand, you are really here to rescue us?” Anakin’s mother asks, she doesn’t dare to hope. Qui Gon nods. “Yes, I’m here to get you and your son away from here, miss…?”
“Shmi, Shmi Skywalker. And my son is Anakin Skywalker.” Qui Gon nods, smiling. Then he frowns. “Is there anyone else I need to get? Anakin’s father perhaps?” Shmi shakes her head with a frown, and Qui Gon can feel her unease in the force. “What is it?”
Shmi looks down at Anakin, then back up at the knight that was going to rescue them. “There was no father. I carried him, I gave birth, I raised him. I can't explain what happened.” Qui Gon looks inquisitively at Anakin. “Hm, interesting indeed. We’ll talk more about this once it’s safe, now we need to go.” Shmi nods, and both her and Anakin follow Qui Gon out of their cell. Neither of the two slaves can believe that they’re being rescued. It’s hard to traverse the small alley’s of their town once they get out of the small prison where slaves are kept, they all have to be quiet. Anyone who lives in the town of Tatooine is certainly a slaver.
“What are you doing!” Shmi, Anakin and Qui Gon turn to see a slaver coming towards them, both Anakin and Shmi cower, with Shmi wrapping her body protectively around Anakin. Qui Gon jumps into action, slicing the slaver down with his sword before he could warn anybody of their escape. He turns back to Shmi and Anakin. “I’m sorry that you had to see that,  but I couldn’t have the slaver alerting anyone of our presence.”
Shmi nods. “We understand, thank you.” Qui Gon nods to her with a smile, and the three continue on their way, Shmi covers Anakin's eyes as they walk by the body.
A little further on, the alleyways of the town are quiet and give good cover for the three of them to stay out of sight as much as they can. Qui Gon looks back to see Shmi getting tired and struggling to keep going while carrying Anakin. She is so exhausted from protecting her son on her own the best she could for all these years.
Qui Gon stops and looks at her. “Would you like me to carry Anakin for you?” Shmi's embrace around Anakin tightens around him protectively, but after a moment of thought, she nods and gently hands over the small boy. “Thank You, Qui Gon. Sorry for the trouble.”
Qui Gon shakes his head and smiles “Not at all, I'm here to help you, Miss Shmi.” They all continue to walk, entering the open areas of the street. They'll have to move quickly if they are to escape without any trouble. “Stay close to me.” Qui Gon says quietly to Shmi, who nods understandingly. 
Slavers are everywhere, making sure that their slaves are working efficiently. Cracks of whips and sound of cries fill the air. Shmi can't wait to get out of here with her son, to finally live a safer and happier life- 
Suddenly, a whip wraps around her leg and pulls her to the ground, making her shout in pain as she hits the floor. “Mama!!” Anakin screams as he sees his mother on the ground, making Qui Gon turn around to see her. The Zygerrian slaver only smirks as he grabs her by her hair, pulling her up and locking her arms behind her so she can't move. Her struggling only makes the slaver angry, so he puts a number into his wrist device and then presses a button, activating Shmi's collar and electrifying her. Screaming out in pain, Anakin starts to cry as he watches her struggle in the slaver's grasp.
Qui Gon takes a few paces towards the Zygerrian, but he's stopped when a few other slavers get in the way, pointing their weapons towards him. The electric collar is deactivated, leaving Shmi gasping for air. “Q-Qui Gon, get Anakin out of here, please!” 
“No, Mama!” Anakin screams while holding out a desperate hand towards her, wanting her to hold him. “I love you, Ani. You're going to be safe now, this man will take good care of you.” Shmi looks pleadingly towards Qui Gon, who nods in return.
As the other slavers start walking towards him, Qui Gon turns and runs away with the wailing young boy in his arms. Tears stream down Shmi's face, being dragged away to another dark cell, this time with a guard there to ensure she won't escape again.
Qui Gon runs as fast as he can, feeling in the force that the slavers are catching up. Almost effortlessly, he jumps up onto a building and over the wall of the town, finally escaping. Qui Gon sighs, able to catch his breath. Anakin sobs into his armour, tears making it shine brightly in the light.
“Qui Gon!” a deep voice calls out from a carriage. He looks to see Plo Koon waving him over, so Qui Gon swiftly moves to go and sit down. Once in, Plo grabs the reins and commands the horses to gallop as fast as they can down the pathway and back to the castle.
Qui Gon helps Anakin out of the carriage when they arrive at the castle. “This is your new home, Anakin. I hope that you will like living here.” Anakin nods, he doesn’t want to speak at the moment, his mother is gone and there's a good chance that he’ll never see her again. Qui Gon walks Anakin in as Plo follows, both men can feel the sadness in the force from the boy. They walk to the throne room and see the king and queen immediately along with a few of their sons. The six year old twins, Echo and Fives are on the floor playing with their older brother Rex. “My king and queen. We only managed to save one slave from the town of tatooine. This is Anakin Skywalker, he’s nine years old.”
Qui Gon gently pulls Anakin forward from where he was hiding, Anakin doesn’t look up at them. He hates royals, they have everything while people like him and his mother get absolutely nothing.
“Oh, the poor boy. We’ll have to get that collar off of him as soon as possible.” Queen Daria tells them, her heart goes out to the young child standing before her. He’s only a year younger than her son Rex, it’s not right that he had to go through this. “Daria is right Qui Gon, the young lad can stay in the guest room next to Rex for tonight, so that we can be close by to help him out. Then we can find a more permanent placement tomorrow.”
Qui Gon nods. “It shall be done, king Rélíar. Why doesn’t young Rex show Anakin around, they are close in age, it might do them some good.” Rex looks at Anakin, offering a kind smile, but Anakin gives Rex a glare that makes Rex flinch. None of the adults notice at the moment. “That is a great idea, and remember that you don’t have to call me and my husband king and queen all the time, you can call us by our names. Now, go ahead and show young Anakin around, Rex.” 
Rex nods at his mother. “Come along, Anakin.” Anakin huffs but follows Rex, he’s too scared of repercussions to say no. Rex shows Anakin all over the castle but Anakin remains silent, once they get to the room that is Anakins for the night, Rex turns to him. “Do you have a problem with me? Because I don’t think that I did anything to you, but if I did then please tell me. I promise that you won’t get in trouble.” Anakin growls. “Do you want to know what you did, you royals get everything while people like me get nothing. You’re probably a spoiled brat.”
Rex frowns. “I’m sorry that you feel that way, Anakin. But you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, me and my family haven’t gone through what you have, but we have had bad things happen to us.” Rex turns and leaves after that, leaving Anakin to his thoughts. He doesn’t believe Rex, Anakin has been lied to before.
A little while later Qui Gon walks in with some fresh clothes for Anakin. “Here you go, I thought that you might rather sleep in some fresh clothes. They are Rex’s so they might be a little big, but they should work for now. Tomorrow you can meet some of my fellow knights.” Anakin nods while Qui Gon sets the clothes on the bed. “You better get some sleep now Anakin, you have a big day tomorrow. Goodnight.” With that, Qui Gon closes the door, Anakin sighs and goes and changes his clothes. It’s been a while since he’s had clean ones to wear, once he finishes changing Anakin turns the light off and lays in bed. 
Comfort and complete bliss surrounds him as he sinks into the soft mattress, pulling the comfy duvet over himself. He takes in a deep breath through his nose, smelling the freshness of the linen cover. As a slave, Anakin has never had any luxuries whatsoever. He never even knew anything like this even existed. It's like a dream. He lets out a yawn and feels his eyes begin to drift close, letting the comfort from the bed soothe him to sleep. Once his eyes are shut, he falls asleep almost instantly...
The shouting of orders and screaming of unfortunate slaves, heard throughout the town, filled Anakin's ears, leaving them painfully ringing. His mother is being taken away, so Anakin screams. When he does, not a single sound comes out. He tries again and again to scream for them to stop, but nothing's working. Shmi just smiles at him, being dragged away, blood covering her face and body, the scars from whips show in a bright red. 
The final time he attempts to shout, his voice can be heard this time. Everything goes black and his eyes snap wide open, still screaming out. “Mama!!” Anakin sits up quickly, breathing rapid, fear consuming him.
His vision is slightly blurry, so he vigorously rubs at them, trying to rid his mind of the awful memories and pain he was put through. His face feels wet as he wipes his face, pulling his hand away to see some tears glistening in his palm. Light from the hallway seeps through the ajar door. 
Anakin turns his head around to see a figure standing in the doorway. As the door opens more, it's clear to see who it is. A boy with short, blonde hair looks at Anakin with concern and worry clearly showing across his face.
Anakin turns back round, staring down at the sheets, his expression full of sadness and fear filling his heart that's still racing at a hundred miles an hour “What do you want?” Anakin snaps, trying to hide his sniffles and face the best he can. He wants so badly to cry, but he doesn't want to. Not in front of the prince anyway.
Rex winces slightly at the tone of voice, but he tries to ignore it and walks a little closer to Anakin. “Are you okay? You were screaming in your sleep.”
“I wasn't-” Anakin remembers the nightmare he had, he now just furrows his eyebrows with confusion. “But, I-I couldn't scream. I couldn't do anything…” Anakin shakes a little.
Rex frowns, sitting next to the boy and gently, hesitantly, places a hand on Anakin's back “Could you not hear yourself? You were screaming for someone to stop. You shouted "Mama" out as well. Was it a nightmare?” 
Anakin faces the prince now sitting next to him, his eyes welling up with tears, eventually spilling out and rolling down his face. Anakin sobs again, shocks of pain and fear coursing all through Anakin's small body. Rex worries for him and pulls Anakin gently into him. The small boy falls defeatedly into Rex, feeling like his whole world is crumbling down around him.
He lost his Mother, got rescued from the slavers and now he's in a royal castle. It's been a lot to take in during such a short period of time, he's not sure he can handle it alone, but how do you ask someone for help? Especially when they are royalty. All Anakin can think about is how much Rex and his family wouldn't care for him, he's only a slave after all.
“Shh. It’s okay, Anakin. I’m here, you can tell me about your nightmare.” Rex does his best to comfort Anakin, he had heard his mom and dad talking about what had happened to Anakin. Rex hates slavers.
“I… I don’t want to talk about it.” Anakin whispers, and Rex nods in understanding. He lets go of Anakin now, the two boys sitting on the edge of the bed. “Okay, do you want to talk about something else? What were your friends like from where you’re from?” Anakin looks down at the ground. “I… I don’t have any friends.”
Rex frowns, then he smiles at Anakin. “Well, you do now.” Anakin looks up at Rex, eyes wide with surprise. “What? But I'm just a slave.” Rex looks at Anakin, confusion evident in his expression. “So, what does that matter?”
Anakin looks at Rex. “But I was mean to you, I called you a spoiled brat.” Rex gives Anakin another comforting smile. “Yeah, but I don’t blame you. Some royals are spoiled brats, but not all of us, and I think that we could be good friends. If you want to be my friend.” Anakin nods shyly, making Rex shine a bright smile. Anakin then frowns.
“I… I’ve never slept alone before, Rex. I’ve always had my mom, can I maybe sleep with you?” Rex smiles kindly at Anakin, then a thought hits him. “Yeah, of course. But I was thinking that we could go cuddle in with my older brother Cody, and his boyfriend Obi Wan. They are the best at offering comfort after a nightmare, if you’re okay with that?” Anakin nods shyly. “If Obi Wan and Cody don’t mind.”
“I’ll go ask them, you wait here Anakin.” Anakin nods, and Rex runs out of the room. He runs down the hall to Cody’s room, Rex already knows that Obi Wan will be in there, he sneaks in so much that he pretty much lives there. Rex knocks on his older brother's door. The door opens and a grumpy looking Cody looks down at Rex. “What do you need, Rex’ika? It’s the middle of the night.” Rex looks up at Cody. “Anakin, the kid that knight Qui Gon saved, he had a nightmare and needs comfort. And I told him that you and Obi Wan are the best at providing comfort.”
Rex hears a groan as Obi Wan pads over. “What’s going on?” He asks, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Well, Rex’ika said that the new kid, Anakin, had a nightmare and needs comfort. Seems that we were recommended as being the best at that.” Obi Wan chuckles, looking down at Rex. “Why don’t you go get him, Rex. I’ve been wanting to meet young Anakin since Qui Gon told me about him. And we do give the best comfort in the castle.” Obi Wan coos, nuzzling Cody's cheek with his nose lovingly. Rex smiles, running back to Anakin’s room to grab him.
Anakin is still sitting on his bed where Rex left him, waiting patiently for the older boy to return. His sobs had subsided, now there are only quiet sniffles. “Hey Anakin.” The young boy looks a little anxious at Rex, afraid that he won't be allowed to cuddle and sleep with them. “Can we go and sleep with them?” Anakin clenches the bed sheets in his hand softly, trying to keep himself calm.
Rex nods, smiling. “Yes, of course we can. Obi Wan can't wait to meet you either.” Anakin looks surprised “R-Really? No one's ever really wanted to see me, unless it was a slaver who-- nevermind, I-I look forward to meeting him too. And your brother, Cody.” Anakin feels a spark of relief, happy that he won't have to sleep alone.
“Would you like a piggy back ride to their room?” Rex offers kindly, helping Anakin stand up, who looks at him confused. “What's a piggy back ride?”
Rex internally face palms, not thinking that Anakin may not have known what it is. “Well, it's like how it sounds. I'll carry you on my back and we'll ride around different places. Would you like to do that?” Anakin nods “Yes please.” 
Rex smiles crouching down “Okay, here. Wrap your arms gently over my shoulders and around my neck. Then you'll jump up and I'll hook my arms under your legs, okay?” Anakin nods again and does as he's told, feeling a little nervous about what it is he's about to do. “Alright, ready? One, two, three.” Rex catches Anakin's legs and shuffles the small boy into his back more. 
“Woah, ah.” Anakin panicked a little at first. “You okay, Ani?” The small giggle escaping Anakin gives Rex all the confirmation he needs to know he is okay.
Anakin no longer feels nervous, Rex starts speed walking down the hall, making Anakin squeal with delight. He loves it! Once they get to the end of the hall Rex slows down, stopping outside of Cody’s door. He opens it and walks in, still carrying Anakin. Obi Wan and Cody are sitting on the bed, and look up when Rex and Anakin come in. Obi Wan stands up with a smile. "You must be Anakin, it's very nice to meet you." Anakin hides behind Rex a little bit, making Obi Wan frown.
"It's okay, you can trust me. I promise." Obi Wan gives Anakin a comforting smile, walking towards him. I'm Obi Wan." Obi Wan holds out a hand to Anakin, waiting patiently for the nine year old to come out of hiding. It takes a few minutes and Rex has to tell him that Obi Wan is nice, but Anakin eventually comes out and shakes Obi Wan's hand.
"It's nice to meet you, Obi Wan." Anakin tells him quietly, making Obi Wan smile. Cody walks over beside them, smiling at Anakin. "It's very nice to meet you, I'm Cody, Rex's older brother." Anakin shakes Cody's hand as well, Rex then pulls him over to the bed while Obi Wan and Cody talk quietly to eachother.
“He seems like a very sweet young boy.” Cody smiles, stifling a yawn. Obi Wan nods in agreement. “He does, but there's...something about him. In the force I feel that...”
Cody slightly raises an eyebrow “What are you saying?” The two of them look over at the bed to see Anakin shuffling towards Rex, who wraps his arms around the nine year old comfortingly. “I feel that Anakin is strong with the force.”
“So he could train to be a knight?” Obi Wan nods “Yes, though it is his choice to become one or not.”
“Of course. I can remember when we were ten years old and you decided to become a knight, so we could be together.” Cody says lovingly, walking closer to Obi Wan and cups his face, looking into his eyes. “I'm happy that you stayed here. Happy that I can be with you, to spend everyday with you. I love you so much, Sweetheart.” 
Obi Wan smiles, his gaze lost in Cody's honey eyes. “I love you too, Cyare.” The two of them share a loving kiss before going over to the bed and joining Rex and Anakin, who look cozy and warm. Cody climbs in first, followed by Obi Wan who wraps his arms around Cody's waist, letting one of his arms drape over to Rex's side, who gently holds Anakin between himself and Cody.
The four of them all snuggle together, Anakin, feeling much better now, hums quietly in content, feeling safe. He soon drifts off into a much nicer sleep, thankful that the nightmare didn't come back. 
He does dream a very weird dream, he's playing in the snow with Obi Wan and Cody, but they are both older than they were before. Then a giant wolf appears. It stands like a human, arms and legs a bit longer, but Anakin still finds it scary. He whimpers in fear of the wolf, but Obi Wan and Cody crouch down next to him. “It's okay, Ani. It's just Rex.” Cody explains to Anakin, soon making him notice that the wolf has blonde fur. 
“Rex?” Anakin's voice quivers slightly, but Rex nods his head, ears pressed back, crouching down to make himself seem smaller so as to not scare the nine year old boy. “Y-Yeah, it's me.” He sounds older too.
Anakin walks up closer and pets Rex's fur, giggling. “So fluffy.” Rex chuckles at that and his tail starts wagging, making Anakin giggle even more. Anakin runs through the snow as Rex pounces in it on all fours, playing tag with Anakin. He's going easy on him due to his size, so he let's Anakin win. 
Cody whispers something into Obi Wan's ear, a smirk spread wide across his face. Using the force, Obi Wan forms some snow into a snowball, lifting it up in the air and then launching it at Rex. The snow sticks to Rex's fur, so he shakes himself off. Cody and Obi Wan both burst out laughing.
Rex shows a toothy playful grin as he gathers some snow, forming it into a snowball and throwing at the two of them, knocking the both of them over. The two of them laugh as they lie in the snow before cuddling and kissing one another.
Anakin giggles as he feels Rex pick him up and put him on his back, standing on all fours “Hold on okay?” Anakin nods and holds onto Rex, not too tightly though as to pull on his fur. Rex runs around in the snow, making Anakin shout out joyfully.
“Rex! Dinner's ready!” Anakin hears someone calling for Rex, making him slow down and eventually stop. It sounds like a female's voice. Anakin looks in the direction the voice came from, seeing someone he has never met before. 
Anakin feels Rex's happiness, when he responds with “Okay, Shiny. We'll come in now.” Obi Wan and Cody get up from where they were lying in the snow, holding hands as they walk into the castle. Rex walks with Anakin still on his back. Before Anakin gets to the castle, he hears a squawk, making him look up to see a green feathered Convor circling around in the sky, then everything goes dark.
“Anakin. Anakin, you okay?” You ask as he has been sitting on the edge of your bed for some time now. He looks at you. “Uh, yeah sorry. Just remembering things is all.” Anakin can’t believe it, he had forgotten all about that dream until now. He always wondered why Rex’s wolf form looked so familiar. He’s going to have to bring this up to him later.
“What was it?” Anakin turns to you, he wonders if he should tell you, but decides against it. He doesn’t know what the dream meant, or why he didn’t remember it until now. Anakin thinks that it may have something to do with Ventress, or the Enchantress. But Anakin won’t know for sure until he could talk to the Enchantress again.
Anakin can’t believe that you were in it, he wants to tell Rex about that but the force is telling him not to, it gives him a bad feeling just thinking about it. Anakin doesn’t like not being able to tell Rex, he always tells Rex everything. “It’s just the memory about how I came to the castle and met Rex. I’ll tell you about it another time.” You nod, smiling at Anakin, you can feel that there’s something he’s not telling you, but you leave it be. Besides, he'll tell you some other time.
Taglist: @ellie1366 @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @lightning-wolffe  @pinkiemme @captainrexisboo  @trash-dino-5000
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writer1 · 4 years
A regretful Wolf and his Beauty
Chapter Ten
Beast!Rex x Fem!reader
Summary: As punishment for his actions, young prince Rex was cursed to become a monster by a witch. The only thing that saved him from his fate was an enchantress, who gave him a condition. He has to find true love in order to redeem himself and he only has until the last petal of the enchanted rose falls. Rex's family helps you by guiding your way into his heart. Rex's fate now lies in your hands.
A/N: This is a collaborative fic with @ahsokatano-thetogruta.
Warnings: Sickness, weakness, mention of injury.
Rex leans against the counter, thinking about what he did. He feels so bad, he knows what he did was so wrong, he was just so desperate that he didn’t think about the consequence of what he said to you. “Hey?” Rex looks down to see Cody nudge his leg, he sighs. 
“I was such an idiot to say that to her Cody, I… I didn’t even think about her taking it seriously, I really am a monster.” Cody’s heart breaks and he sighs. “You are not a monster Rex, you made a mistake, we all do. She's okay, we figured it out soon enough. She’s eating right now.” Rex nods, feeling better to know that you’re eating.
“Rex!!!” Rex and Cody turn to see Fives and Echo run in, they look worried. “What’s wrong!! Did she do something to you!!!” Rex asks in fear, but the two shake their heads.
“We went into her room when she didn't collect her food. She's asleep right now and she doesn't look well at all.” Fives explains, making the guilt stab right through Rex's heart. “We think she's feeling a little sick from not eating for the past few days.” Echo adds.
At that moment, Kix and Jesse had flown in “Is everything alright?” Jesse asks them, seeing how guilty Rex looks. “Well, we found out earlier that the girl hasn't eaten anything since she arrived. Now she isn't feeling too well. Fives and Echo have just told us.”
Kix's eyes widen. “What?! Where is she now?” He turns to the twins. “She's in her room right now, sleeping. She looks pale too.” Fives explains.
Kix thinks that finding out how you haven't had food yet isn't important, all that matters is making sure you are okay and not too poorly. “Right, could you take me to her room, please? I need to make sure that her health hasn't faltered too much.” The twins nod as they lead the way out of the kitchen. 
Cody decides to follow them, but before he leaves the kitchen, he realizes that Rex isn't following them. “Rex'ika, are you coming with us?” Rex just shakes his head as his ears press back against his head, whining a little. “She won't want a monster like me to be around her…”
“It's okay. It's not all your fault that this happened, we should have checked on her too, but after what happened to Echo we were scared.” Cody shuffles closer to Rex. “But it can be different now, we can help her.” Rex looks at his older brother, knowing that what he's saying is right and then nods his head. 
“Okay, I'll go with you.” Rex follows Cody to the others who are on the way to your room. Rex and everyone walks into your room to see you laying in your bed, your armor is on and you’re curled up in a fetal position. Rex feels worry filling him at the sight of you.
“Is she okay, Kix?” Rex turns to see Jesse climbing up on Cody, his face that Kix drew on him has an expression of worry. None of them know how Jesse can animate his face so that it makes any expression and his mouth can move when he talks, but it does.
Kix flies up to you, looking you over, you are really pale and none of them know how you can sleep in your armor. You let out a tiny, raspy cough, Rex hears how sickly it sounds. “ I don’t think that this is because of her not eating, at least, not fully.” Rex doesn’t like the sound of that, at least before they knew how to fix it.
“So what should we do, Kix?” Cody asks, he’s really worried about you. Kix sighed, turning to Rex. ”I need you to come feel her forehead, Rex.”
Rex’s ears press against the back. “I don’t think that she would want me to touch her.” Rex tells him, but Kix just huffs. “Tough, none of us can feel the temperature right, I need to know if she has a fever. And my thermometer is downstairs and it will waste time to get it!” Rex sighs, but he listens to Kix and walks over to you.
Rex presses his hand softly against your forehead. He can feel the sweat wet his fur but what’s worse is the heat radiating off of you. “She’s burning hot Kix, she definitely has a fever.”
Kix hums, he knows what’s wrong with you now. “I’m almost positive that she has the flu, she was looking for her father in the cold, and probably rain, I’ll have to ask her how long when she wakes up, the dungeon probably didn’t help either, plus not eating. Can anyone explain why she wasn’t eating?” Rex rubs the back of his neck.
“I… When she first got here, I told her that if she doesn’t eat with me… that she wouldn’t eat at all.” Kix and Jesse's eyes widen. “Rex… Why would you say that?” Rex’s ears press against his head again.
“I… I don’t know, Jesse. I was mad at her attitude towards me and how rude she was being that I just said it, then I forgot about it and assumed that she was eating at night.” Rex looks down, Fives hops over and rubs Rex’s leg with his candle. 
Kix sighs. “Well, there's nothing we can do about it now. Now I’m going to need some help getting her armor off.” Rex is the only one out of all of them who knows how to take the armour off because Anakin has shown him how before.“I can.” His hands are shaking a little with nerves, but he does the best that he can to keep them steady. 
The position that you're in is going to make it difficult to take your armour off, so he gently picks you up slightly to move you flat onto your back. He removes the gauntlets first, followed by the biceps and shoulders. He moves onto the breastplate, unclipping the straps and then sits you up to slide the backplate from underneath you. He places the pieces of armour on top of Cody for now. Next is the bottom half of the armour. He takes off your boots carefully and then the armour protecting your shins, knees and thighs, carefully unclipping each one. Placing the last bits of armour with the rest on Cody, he sighs with relief.
“Thank you, Rex. Would you be able to get some cold water in a bowl along with a cloth, please? To help bring down her temperature.” Rex nods at Kix, walking into the connected refresher to your room. While he fills up the small bowl, he hears shuffling about in the bedroom. Rex grabs a cloth, soaking it in the water, and then walks back out. 
“Where's Cody?” Rex is puzzled but places the bowl of cold water on the table beside you. “He's taking her armour to Obi Wan to be cleaned up a little.” Jesse says, hoping off of the table and onto the bed, far away from the water. He doesn't want to get wet because otherwise his little paper body would just rip apart. 
“Echo, could you go and ask Gregor to make some soup? It'll help to make her feel better while she heals.” Echo nods and waddles out of the room and down the hall. Kix turns back to Rex “Okay, could you wring out the cloth a little so it's just damp and then place it on her forehead please, Rex?” Rex appreciates that Kix is helping him with what to do, he's never had to do this before. He grabs the cloth and squeezes out some of the water so it's just damp. The only problem is, his fur is getting soaked, but he doesn't mind. All that matters is making sure that you feel better soon. He places it gently on your forehead. You feel the coolness from the cloth, making your eyes begin to flutter open.
You look up to see the monster in your room, you let out a tiny gasp of surprise and fear, then you try to scoot away. “Wait-!” Rex tries to stop you, but you’re too weak to move anyway. You still struggle to try to get up, no matter how weak you are. 
Kix flies straight up to your face. “Lay back down, now! You’re too weak and sick to move.” you look at the pen in shock. “I’ve either gone crazy or I’m dreaming.” you whisper weakly to yourself, making Rex chuckle. “No, it’s not either of those. Now lay down, you’re sick and need rest.” Rex tenderly uses his hands to lay you back down, you’re way too weak to even attempt to stop him. 
“Good, how are you feeling miss…” you look up at the talking pen, noting the concerned look on his face. “Shiny… I’m Shiny. And I feel like I’m going to throw up.” Kix nods. “Yeah, you will be feeling like that for a while. May I ask when the last time you ate was, Miss Shiny?”
“You can just call me Shiny, the last time I ate was probably the day before I arrived here. It took me a while to find this castle.” Kix hums, he is not happy at all about how long you went without eating. “Okay, we’re getting you some soup so you should be okay.” you nod, then turn to Rex.
“Why are you helping me?” you ask in confusion, your voice is very quiet and weak, making Rex’s ears press back in guilt. “I… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that you had to eat with me or starve. You are allowed to eat whenever you want from now on. I promise.” Your eyes widen in surprise, you didn’t expect that. “I… Thank you, I’m sorry for being so rude and stubborn.”
You look down at yourself, realizing that you aren’t wearing your armor anymore, all you’re wearing now is your underclothes and Kama. You feel nervous. “Where's my armor?” You ask quietly, you hate feeling so vulnerable. You try to get up again but end up in a coughing fit.
“You have to sit her up now!” Kix looks at Rex and uses an alarming tone, causing Rex to place a hand on your back to sit you up right. He keeps it there to keep you steady while you keep on coughing. Fives hops as quick as he can to the refresher and back again with a glass of water, placing it on the table beside you. A moment later, your coughing calms down and you gesture to Rex for the glass of water. He hands it over to you, but he notices your hand shaking. “Would you like me to hold it for you while you drink?” 
You feel embarrassed that you can't hold it by yourself, but you nod, despite how vulnerable you feel. Rex tips the glass ever so slightly, bringing it closer to your mouth. The cold water soothes your throat as you take small sips at a time, in case you start coughing again. You pull away from the glass and Rex places it back down. “Thank you.” You give him a weak smile, wobbling a little as your energy begins to deplete again. “Woah, steady.” Rex's tone is much softer now as he lays you back down on the bed, positioning the pillow better beneath your head. 
“Sorry, I never asked you your names.” you feel bad that you've told them your name but you haven't asked who they are yet. “It's alright, I'm Rex. The pen is Kix, Fives is the candelabra over there and this is Jesse.” The little paper man pops up from behind one of the pillows at the end of the bed. “It's nice to meet you all-”
“I've got the soup, it's still nice and hot.” Echo calls out to Kix, handing the soup to Rex who puts the bowl on the table. You peer over the bed to the ground to see a pendulum clock. Echo freezes when he catches you looking at him, then he screams and hides behind the end of the bed. Fives goes over to his twin to comfort him. You look at Rex with a nervous look. “Sorry, I didn't mean to scare him.” Rex sadly smiles. “It's alright, it's not your fault. A few days ago, when your father was here, he had taken a gear out of Echo, over there, which made him suffer in a lot of pain.”
“Oh gosh. I am so sorry that happened. My papa, he... he's an inventor so he didn't mean any harm, he is just very interested in how a variety of different things work.” Rex frowns a little as he replays the memory back in his mind. “Maybe, but my brother was in a lot of pain.” You can understand why Rex is upset about what happened, the thought of losing his brother must've been scary. 
The sound of whispering voices could be heard from behind the bed, stopping just before the little clock, Echo, steps out into your view again. You can see a guilty look on his face “I'm sorry that I screamed. I didn't know that you were awake.” You do your best to smile kindly at Echo even though you don’t feel good.
“It’s okay, I’m sorry for frightening you. It’s very nice to meet you Echo. I’m Shiny.” You weakly hold your finger out to him, and he takes it softly and shakes it. “It’s very nice to meet you, Shiny.” you smile at the clock, you find him adorable. You look over at the soup.
“Is that for me?” You ask and Rex nods, he picks it up. “Do you need help eating it?” He asks quietly, you want to eat it yourself but you’re so weak. “Yes, please.” Rex grabs the spoon, picking up a little and bringing it to your lips carefully. “Make sure you take little sips, it’s not good to eat fast after going so long without food.” Kix warns and you nod to the pen, taking tiny sips slowly off of the spoon. This continues until you eat about half the bowl.
“I’m full, thank you. It was really good.” Rex smiles. “I’ll have to tell Gregor that you liked it.” You smile, but do your best to  keep your guard up, you still don’t trust Rex fully after what happened in the beginning. “Where’s my armor? I remember wearing it when I fell asleep.” Rex rubs the back of his neck.
“I had to take it off of you, It’s not very good for you to wear it all the time, especially while sleeping. My brother Cody took it to be cleaned, we have a couple of Knights here, so they’ll take good care of it.” You nod, glad to know that it’s being taken care of. “I’ll have to thank them, my armor hasn’t been cleaned in a while.” You feel your eyes grow heavy and before Rex or anyone knows it, you’ve fallen asleep.
“Is she going to be okay, Kix?” Rex asks, he feels really bad for leaving you without food still. Kix hums. “She should be okay as long as she has lots of fluids and rest. It will probably take a week or two for her to be in tip top shape.” Rex feels relief fill him, he finds that he likes you, only as a friend right now though. He hopes to make it up to you once you’re better.
Rex hears shuffling and Cody comes in, free of the armor. “How is she doing?” Rex smiles at his brother. “You actually just missed her, she woke up, ate and fell back to sleep.” Cody hums happily. “That's good, I’m glad that she got something to eat.” 
“Yeah, I am too...Kix said it'll take her a couple of weeks until she fully recovers, so we'll have to watch over her, keep on checking on her every now and then.” Rex looks at you again, you look so peaceful as you sleep. “How did it go when she woke up?” Cody asks, unsure of how you reacted.
“She was a little frightened and confused at first, but she soon calmed down once we started to talk to her. I told her our names, you as well, and she said that her name is Shiny.” Cody feels himself smile. “It's a fitting name, it sounds more like a nickname, but it suits her. Being a knight and all.” Rex nods, agreeing.
“Yeah, I agree. It's a nice name for her.” Rex smiles as he decides to lay you down into a better position to sleep tonight. “Maybe we should let her rest for tonight now?” Everyone else in the room nods as they make their way out. Rex looks back, seeing you roll over onto your side and snuggle into the sheets. He shuts the door quietly and sighs happily with relief. Looking down, he sees the discarded sandwiches still on the tray on the floor, so he picks it up and takes it to the kitchen to be put in the fridge. He'll take them to you tomorrow if you are feeling any better.
Obi Wan is scrubbing away the dirt from your armour while Anakin finishes off the cleaning by polishing each piece with care.
Anakin starts some conversation “I can't believe there's another knight in the castle now. It's pretty exciting!” Obi Wan  smiles “Yes, you're right. It's a shame that she is sick though.” They remember when Cody brought you armour to them to be cleaned up a bit, also saying about how you weren't feeling too well. 
“I hope she feels better soon, it would be great to talk to another knight.” Obi Wan chuckles a little at Anakin's enthusiasm. “It would indeed.”
Rex wakes up to a scream, he already knows that it’s yours. He jumps out of the bed and runs on all fours to your room. As soon as he opens the door he sees you, writhing around on your bed, with tears in his eyes. You’re still asleep, screaming out and whimpering. 
Rex runs over to you, placing his hands gently on your shoulders. “Shiny! Shiny wake up, you’re having a nightmare!” You gasp as you wake up, then you go into what Rex knows is battle mode and start to punch him. It hardly hurts him at all since you’re so weak, but he’s more worried about you making yourself sicker by using up your energy.
“Shiny! Calm down, it’s me Rex. I… I won’t hurt you, I promise.” You finally realize what's happening and stop fighting Rex, relaxing as he lays you back down. You feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. “I’m sorry for waking you.” You whisper, feeling bad. You don’t know why you feel bad for waking Rex, he’s only just started being nice to you and you hated his gut’s only yesterday.
“It’s fine, I’ve had nightmares before too.” Rex hates seeing you upset, he doesn’t know why but he wants to hold you. He wants to comfort you. You nod. “Is it okay if I go back to sleep now, I can hardly keep my eyes open.”
“You don’t need to ask, go ahead. If you need anything just call, someone will hear you.” you nod, turning over and curling up to go to sleep. Rex smiles at the sight, leaving your room and closing the door gently, as not to disturb you. 
He heads back to his bed, curling into the blankets. Rex wonders what you were dreaming about that was so horrible, he’s already decided to keep an ear out for you, just in case.
The next morning, you feel a little groggy and under the weather, but you focus on how comfortable the bed is to take your mind off of your fever. You shuffle in the bed so you are sitting upright, rubbing your eyes as the morning sun shines through the slightly ajar curtains. Muffled voices could be heard from behind your door, so you try your best to concentrate on what they are saying.
“They're awake, I just heard them.” “Anakin, we need to let them rest.” “But, Obi-Wan…” 
You chuckle a little before calling as loud as your scratchy voice can go. “It's alright, you can come in if you'd like?” The voices stop muttering to each other just before the door opens. 
Your eyes widen in excitement at the two suits of armour standing at the door. There isn't much difference between them, except what they have on their helmets. One of them has a piece of brown cloth attached to the helmet and the other has orange feathers coming out of the top. “Hello there, you must be the girl everyone has been talking about. You're a knight too?” The one with orange feathers asks and you nod.
“Yes, my name is Shiny. It's good to meet you…” you pause for them to tell you their names. “Oh apologies, my name is Obi Wan. This here is-”
“Anakin, I'm Anakin.” the one with the brown cloth steps forward to you, holding out his hand for a friendly hand shake. You smile and shake his hand. “Wow, a female knight!” 
“Why are you surprised?” You asked, an expression of confusion on your face. “It’s just been a while since we’ve seen one.” You nod, it makes sense. “Yeah, female knights aren’t well liked so I understand that it’s been a while.”
Anakin and Obi Wan glance at each other. “What do you mean, there's nothing wrong with female knights, what do you mean that they aren’t well liked?” Obi Wan asks and you look at the two suits of armor, surprised. “Is it different here? In my village, women aren’t supposed to be knights, it's considered abnormal and odd. I’m the only female knight in my village, and I’ve never seen another one come through either.”
Obi Wan and Anakin would have an expression of anger if they could, but you could feel the anger in the force. “That’s not right, anyone can be a knight as long as they train. Your village sounds horrible.” 
You nod, sighing. “Believe me, it is. I’ve been called odd my whole life in the village, and teased by the male Knights. It’s not fun.” Obi Wan walks over, placing a hand on your shoulder. “That’s not right, my dear. They have no right to treat you that way, may I ask who trained you in the force?” Obi Wan’s already sensed that you were force sensitive, that was very clear.
“None of the knights in my village wanted to train me. The only one who would was a retired Knight who worked at a bookshop, we had to train in secret, since no one liked me using the force so I’m not as trained as I would like to be.” Obi Wan is not happy at all about how your village had treated you, it was abuse! “You know, me and my fellow knight’s can help train you? If you would like?”
“Really? That would be amazing, thank you! You don't mind do you?” Obi Wan shakes his head. “Not at all, dear. We'd be more than happy to train you, wouldn't we, Anakin?” The night named Anakin nods his head enthusiastically. 
“Of course! It'll be great to have another knight to hang out with.” You smile at him, thankful that they are kind enough and willing to teach you skills that the knights in your village refused to teach you. “Thank you, I appreciate it.” You cover a cough, you still don’t feel well at all.
The door swings open again, two more knights appearing. One has feathers like Obi Wan's, but instead of orange ones they are brown. The other knight has a Kel dor shaped helmet, he carries a tray with a pot of tea and four little teacups. “Good morning, Miss. I thought you'd like some tea?” The Kel dor offers.
“That would be lovely, thank you.” Your voice is a little croaky, but hopefully a hot cup of tea will help it. The knight slowly tips the teapot to fill a little teacup, carefully picking it up and handing it to you. You take it from him and sip some of the hot warm, making sure you don't burn your mouth. 
When you pull it away from your mouth, you notice a small scratch and when you look closer, the teacup has eyes and a mouth. “Hi there. You're so adorable.” You chuckle when the little teacup shows a grumpy expression.
“I-I'm not cute!” He tries his hardest to be annoyed, but he feels a bit flustered from the compliment. The other three teacups on the tray laugh at Wolffe.
“You really do look adorable as a teacup, Ori’Vod.” One of the teacups says and you chuckle as the one in your hand pouts. “I’m not cute, Comet. I’m 21 years old, too old to be cute.” Everyone chuckles at Wolffe, and you stroke the scratch over his eye, making him hum.
“Well I don’t think that you can ever be too old to be called cute, and you’re all adorable, not just Wolffe.” The other three’s mouths open wide, as the Kel dor looking knight chuckles. “All four of you are adorable.” You smile at how sweet the Keldor is to all of them, he then turns to you.
“I’m sorry, I never told you my name. I am Plo Koon, but you can just call me Plo. and these are my son’s.” he gestures to all four of the teacups. “You already met Wolffe, these two are the twins, Boost and Sinker, they’re twenty years old. And this is my youngest, Comet, he’s 18.” 
You smile at the teacups. “Well it’s very nice to meet you, Plo. and it was very nice meeting these three as well.” You smile at the little teacups, finding them absolutely adorable. “So, you’re a Knight like Buir?” Wolffe asks and you nod.
“Great! We haven’t had another Knight in years, by the way, what's your name?” You internally facepalm when you realize that you never told Plo or his kids your name. “Sorry, my name’s Shiny.” Wolffe and his brother’s smile, they like the name.
“That’s a nice name, Shiny.” Comet tells you, hopping over. “Yeah, its so cool!” Boost hops over as well.
“That is a very pretty name, Miss Shiny. Its a pleasure to meet you.” You smile at the Kel dor, then you turn to the other Knight that came in with him. “Hello, What’s your name?” You ask, noticing that this Knight is quieter than the rest.
“My name's Kanan, it's nice to meet you Shiny.” The kind tone to his voice makes you smile. He wishes that he could smile back at you, but it's been years now that he's gotten used to just showing his emotions through his words. “It's great to meet another knight. It's been a long time, how are you feeling?” He asks as you take another sip from the little tea cup still sat in your hands.
“I'm feeling a bit better after this drink, thank you.” You smile at Plo and he nods back at you. 
“So how did you get your name, Shiny? It sounds more like a nickname.” Anakin asks inquisitively. “It is a nickname, the male knights in the village always picked on me and called me that. I guess it kinda grew on me, and it wasn't long before my whole village was calling me Shiny. My given name is y/n.” Anakin frowns a little, feeling sorry that he made you bring up the other knights who would pick on you.
“I'm sorry that they weren't very nice to you. We'll definitely have to help you train and teach you loads of new skills for sure!” You smile gratefully at the suit of armor. “Thank you so much, that would be amazing.” You hand Wolffe back over to Plo and join his brothers.
The knight named Obi Wan turns to you “So, what name would you prefer us to call you by?” 
“I prefer my nickname, Shiny, over my given name.” You explain to them as they share a small nod with each other. “Great, we'll call you by that then, Shiny.” Obi Wan's cheery voice makes you smile once again. You lay down against the bed, you’re starting to feel weak again. The knights leave to let you rest, they all wish you well.
A few moments later, a pen floats through the door followed by a paper bird gliding through the air. Kix hovers near you “Good morning, Shiny. How are you feeling today? You look a lot better.” Kix asks and you nod. “Yes, I'm feeling better after having some food and some sleep thank you. I am starting to feel weak again, but I had quite a few visitors this morning.”
You watch the little paper bird circling around the bed a few times, and before it lands, it unfolds and folds back up into a paper man. “Mornin', Shiny.” you realise who this is now as he moved the ink around on his face to create his features. “Morning, Jesse. That was amazing! How do you do that?”
“Well I kinda just imagine whatever I want to fold into and then it happens.” He chuckles to himself, not really knowing himself how he can do the things that he can do with moving the ink around his paper body and folding himself into multiple shapes and figures. “That's so cool.” 
Jesse smiles at you once he folds himself back into a human shape. “It definitely is!” you then turn to Kix.
“So Kix, how did you become a doctor?” You ask the pen, trying to make conversation. Kix looks up at you smiling. “It was about thirteen years ago that I finished my training, Jesse here was actually my first patient. He was supportive of me all the way, even though our parents weren’t exactly thrilled.”
“That’s interesting, do you mind if I ask how Jesse was injured.” Jesse looks down in embarrassment while Kix chuckles. “Jesse and a few of our cousins were having a snowball fight, he ended up getting a black eye and I had to take care of him, he was my first patient while I was… Younger.” You heard Kix’s pause, but from his story you already know why and what he was going to say.
“You mean when you were human?” You ask, making Kix and Jesse’s eyes go wide. “How do you…?” Kix asks, making you smile even though you don’t feel well.
“It was pretty easy to figure out from your story, a pen wouldn’t be able to become a doctor and a piece of paper can’t get a black eye. Or play in the snow.” Kix and Jesse glance at each other, you were not supposed to find out, Rex is not going to be happy. At all.
“Will you excuse us, Shiny. I’ll be back in a little bit to give you a checkup.” You nod and both of them fly out of the room, Jesse folding himself into a bird again. You wonder what’s going to happen now. You lay down and decide to get some rest, hoping to find out the answer when you wake up.
Taglist:  @lightning-wolffe  @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life  @ellie1366 @pinkiemme @trash-dino-5000 @captainrexisboo
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writer1 · 4 years
A regretful Wolf and his Beauty
Chapter Six
Beast!Rex x Fem!reader.
Summary: As punishment for his actions, young prince Rex was cursed to become a monster by a witch. The only thing that saved him from his fate was an enchantress, who gave him a condition. He has to find true love in order to redeem himself and he only has until the last petal of the enchanted rose falls. Rex's family helps you by guiding your way into his heart. Rex's fate now lies in your hands.
A/N: Hey, this is a collaborative fic between myself and @ahsokatano-thetogruta. 
Warnings: Hurt, hatred of self.
Rex sees everyone around him shuffle as best they can towards him a bit more, but not too close as to make him feel uncomfortable. A small dessert fork hop over towards him. "Rex! I'm glad you're okay." The little fork smiles with relief that his Vod'ika is okay. It takes Rex a second to know who this is, but then he sees patterns along the handle. "Bly?" The small fork nods.
"Yeah, I'm glad you're okay Rex. We were all so worried as soon as you ran away from us." Rex feels guilty that he had run away from everyone, but he was also so scared and hated that everyone transformed because of him.
"I'm sorry this happened. To all of you. I should've just controlled my actions more, then…" Rex's ears press back against his head harshly, trying to avoid eye contact from everyone as much as he possibly can. "Then this wouldn't have happened to you all."
Everyone disagrees, shaking their heads as much as they can, seeming as they are now objects. "It's okay, Rex. This was never your fault." Bly hops over to Rex and leans against him, giving him as much of a hug as he can. Rex feels slightly better with a hug and his ears perk up slightly. His tail starts to wag from the happy feeling. Rex grabs his tail, feeling embarrassed that it's wagging in front of everyone.
“It’s okay Rex, you don’t have to be embarrassed.” Rex nods, hugging his fifteen year old brother with one hand carefully. He acts so much older than he is sometimes. “Everyone's right young one, this isn’t your fault.” Rex looks up to see another suit of armor, this one has a helmet that looks like a Kel Dor’s, Rex realizes that it’s Knight Plo. He’s followed by four little tea cups, one with a scratch through its eye. “Uncle Plo.” Rex whispers, the thirty-five year old Knight walks up to him.
He pets his head, not like he’s a dog but like he’s trying to comfort him. “It’s going to be okay, we’ll all figure this out. Together.” the little teacup with the scratch through his eye hops up. “Yeah Rex, we’ll all figure it out together, like Buir said.” Rex nods, recognizing the little teacup to be Wolffe.
“Thanks Wolffe, what happened to your eye?” Rex asks, and Wolffe flinches a little at the memory. “The witch threw a glass at me, it cut my eye, I can’t see out of it now.” Rex carefully picks Wolffe up, taking a closer look at his eye.
“WHAT!!!” Kix comes flying over to them, getting in between the two, he takes a close look at Wolffe's eye while Rex, Plo, and Wolffe’s brothers watch. Kix sighs. “I can’t fix it, even if we were human. You’re blind in that eye now, Vod’ika.” Rex whines, feeling bad for his Vod’ika. He pulls the teacup up to his face, nuzzling him.
“Thanks Rex, it’s okay. It’s just one eye.” Rex pulls him away, resisting the urge to lick him to comfort the kid, he has no idea why the urge came up and he’d rather not. “I hate that she hurt you, she already transformed us but she had to take your eye too.” A deep growl emanates from Rex’s chest, startling  everyone, including himself. "Sorry…" 
"It's alright, we have all changed so we are all bound to be different in some way." 99 shuffles over, the bad batch follows close behind him. 99 wishes that the young prince could see his smile, but being an old-looking broom means that he doesn't have a face. Rex nods, he understands that everyone has changed, but he feels bad because some of them don't have faces anymore and most of them don't even have anything that resembles that they were once people. 
Ahsoka strokes the fur on Rex's finger, still hugging it. "Yeah, you're just a giant puppy now!" Her little face is too adorable and Rex just chuckles at her. "I guess I am, little Soka." Her smile beams brightly as she nuzzles Rex. 
"I love how soft it is." She adds, making some of the others make little aw sounds at the young Togruta, because of how adorable she is. 
Rex smiles shyly "It is?" Ahsoka giggles a little, nodding her head. "Yup!" A moment later, Rex's stomach growls loudly, making the little music box jump. He feels embarrassed and his cheeks heat up. 99 chuckles at Rex. “Looks like you're going to have to get the boy some food, Cody. We’ll all talk more tomorrow, it's starting to get late anyway.” Cody nods at the broom as best he can, shuffling over to Rex.
“Yeah, we’re going to bed once we get him something to eat, does anyone want to come to the kitchen with us?” Obi Wan, Kix, Jesse, Anakin, Bly, Fives, Ahsoka and Echo walk up to them. “Kiara and Padme offered to put  Stutter to bed for us. He's tired, but Ahsoka isn’t yet, or so she says.” Fives explains, but Cody shakes his head. 
“You four should be going to bed too, it's late. You too Anakin.” Obi Wan nods, agreeing with Cody. Fives and Echo have pleading looks on their faces, so does Bly, Anakin would too if he could, but Cody stands firm. “Can they… can they please come Cody. I need you guys around me, even if it isn’t everyone.” Rex pleads, making Cody sigh. He can’t say no with how much his Rex’ika is hurting right now. 
Cody turns to Obi Wan, who nods in permission for Anakin to come. “Fine, you can all come, but as soon as Rex is done, everyone is going to bed. Understood!?” they all nod, including Rex, and start heading to the kitchen while everyone who can move head to their rooms, the ones who can’t are camping out in the ballroom for the night. 
Rex and the little group make it to the kitchen, Rex is once again walking behind the others. “Rex! Cody! Somebody!” they both turn to see a talking Oven mitt with eyes and a mouth. Rex knows only one cousin that would be turned into an oven mitt. “Gregor?” Rex asks, but the Oven mitt looks at them, more precisely at Rex, with wide eyes.
“What the kriff is that monster!” Rex whimpers, dashing through the kitchen and out of the door, Cody feels absolute anger at his cousin. They just got Rex to feel better about himself, and Gregor might have completely destroyed it. 
Obi Wan strokes Cody’s desktop, trying to calm him down, even though Obi Wan is just as angry. “Why the kriff did you say that to Rex, Gregor?!” Gregor raises an eyebrow at them. “What are you talking about? That's not Rex, Rex isn’t a beast! Wait, Cody?!”
Cody feels confusion fill him, then the realization occurs to him. He couldn't see who, but someone leaves the kitchen and the door shuts behind them, but his attention turns back to the situation at hand “Gregor? Where were you when everything happened?” The oven mitt floats over to the desk, not believing what his cousin has become.
 “I came to the kitchen shortly after you invited Miss Ventress in because we got a shipment of supplies for waffles and strawberries. I wanted to surprise Rex. Not long after we brought the supplies in, I felt pain as I started to change. Then this happened.” Cody sighs, Gregor wasn’t in the room when the curse happened so he had no way to know that Rex was a werewolf, and no one checked the kitchen, they forgot about it at the time.
“Ventress was a witch, Gregor. She spilled a drink on Rex on purpose, Rex had a stressful and just plain bad day, so he snapped at her. She cursed us to be objects but Rex… His curse was much worse.” Gregor can’t believe it, they invited Ventress in out of the goodness of their hearts, how could she do this! Then Gregor’s heart sinks when he realizes what Cody means.
“You mean… That was Rex!!!” Everyone nods sadly, Gregor can’t believe that he said that. “I… I didn’t… I’m so sorry.” Gregor tears up, thinking about how what he said must have affected Rex.
“It's okay, Gregor. You didn’t know that it was Rex.” Gregor nods, he has to fix this. 
Rex bursts through the kitchen door running away from everyone as fast as he could, but he doesn’t run all the way away this time, he runs down the hall a little ways. Tears run down his face as he still thinks about what Gregor said, this was the first time someone in his family actually called him a monster, and it made his heart ache. Rex sits against the wall, tail wrapped around his legs with tears streaming down his face and into his fur.
He sits like this for a few moments before he hears the kitchen door swing open. He flinches with fear, but then he sees Ahsoka. Seeing her big brother cry makes her feel sad. She hops over to him and presses herself against his leg. Rex puts his face in his knees as the memory of Gregor calling him a monster clouds his thoughts. "Don't cry, Ori'Vod. It's okay, he probably didn't know that it was you." She hears Rex sobbing into his knees.
Ahsoka doesn't know what to do, but then she walks in front of Rex and turns round the little key in the back of the box. Once it stops turning, it goes the other way and starts to play a relaxing song. Rex's sobs soon turn into sniffles and hiccups as he looks up a little bit to see Ahsoka twirling around on the spot and dancing to the tune. Ahsoka's older appearance makes the dance much more elegant and beautiful, allowing Rex's mind to relax and take his mind off of what happened earlier, so he sits contently watching his little sister dance.
Rex wipes the tears away as they start to dry and he smiles. His tail wrapped around his legs wags gently, letting Ahsoka know that she is cheering up her Ori'Vod. She smiles and giggles a little, but the song and dance soon comes to the end as the key has stopped moving. Rex smiles at her. "Thank you, Soka. I feel better now." Rex pats her head gently with one finger. 
Ahsoka giggles again and then hugs his finger. "I'm glad, Ori'Vod." A moment later, the kitchen door swings open again, but this time it's Gregor who steps out and floats over to the two of them.
Rex whimpers, looking down at the ground. His ears press tightly against his head and his tail stops wagging, tears filling his eyes again. Gregor's heart breaks, he can't believe that he called his cousin a monster.
"Can you go back into the kitchen, Ahsoka. I need to talk to Rex alone." Ahsoka looks at Gregor nervously, she doesn't want to leave Rex with him after what he said last time. 
"Come along Ahsoka, leave these two to talk." Obi Wan walks out of the kitchen, gently picking up the little music box. He carries her into the kitchen, allowing Cody to explain to her what had happened.
Rex stays sitting, looking down at his feet. He doesn't want to see the look of disgust that Gregor must have. 
Gregor feels his heart break when he sees the tears in Rex's eyes, The oven mitt floats over to his cousin, landing beside him. "I… Rex, I am so sorry." Rex doesn't look up, and Gregor feels his heart break even more.
"Rex? Can you please look at me?" Rex obliges reluctantly, looking up at his cousin. He has tears in his eyes, and Gregor can see the damp fur under Rex's eyes. He knew that he had messed up. Badly.
"Rex, I'm so sorry. You aren't a monster." Rex just shakes his head. "No. You're right, I am a monster now." Gregor's heart shatters, he absolutely hates hearing Rex talk about himself like that. And knowing he caused this hurts even more.
"Rex, no! I was wrong! You aren't a monster. I shouldn't have said what I said earlier, I regret it so much." Rex doesn't say anything, but his eyes just fall to the ground again. "I…I understand if you hate me now and don't forgive me for what I called you." Gregor floats a little bit down to the ground and the guilt really sinks in for making his cousin, the Prince, feel this way.
Rex looks up a little to see Gregor turning around and slowly floating back towards the kitchen. Seeing the sad oven mitt made Rex's heart feel so somber, that Gregor thinks that he hates him now. Before he could float away any further, Rex gently cups his hands in front of Gregor and carefully pulls him into his fluffy chest. "I don't hate you, Gregor. You didn't know that it was me, but it just hurt me to be called a monster." A wave of regret washes over Gregor again.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know what I was thinking." Rex holds his cousin closer into him, being careful not to hurt him. 
"It's alright, I know now that you didn't mean it towards me so we can put this behind us, yeah?" Gregor pulls away and looks up to see Rex smiling kindly at him. "Yeah." Gregor nods, he's happy that Rex could forgive him. Rex's stomach growls loudly, making the heat rise to his face. Gregor chuckles.
"That reminds me, the reason I came into the kitchen before was because I had a surprise for you, Rex." Rex's ears perk up, he smiles and his tail starts wagging. Rex groans, grabbing his tail. "That's really starting to get annoying." Gregor chuckles. Rex turns back to him, his look of annoyance turning to a smile.
"What's the surprise, Vod?" Gregor smiles at Rex. "Well I left the ballroom because we got a shipment in for Waffles and strawberries." Rex's whole body perks up, and his tail starts wagging faster. But Rex doesn't notice this time. 
"Can you maybe make me some, Gregor? Please…?" Gregor smiles, outright laughing. "Of course, I can't let my baby cousin go hungry, now can I?"
"I'm not a baby." Rex grumbles, ears pressing back in anger. Gregor laughs at him happily, this is a normal conversation for them. "You will always be a baby to me!" 
"You're only two years older than me!" Rex tells him angrily, but he secretly likes the normalcy of this conversation. "Well come on, let's get you some food." Rex nods, following the floating oven mitt back into the kitchen. Everyone turns to see Rex, they are all happy to see a smile on his face.
"Is everything good now?" Cody asks, shuffling over and pressing himself into Rex. "Yes, it's all good." He says, smiling towards Gregor who collects the ingredients for the waffles and strawberries, including some flour, eggs, butter, milk, baking powder and some sugar because he knows that Rex has a big sweet tooth. 
He sets all of the ingredients down on the counter and then turns around to Rex. "Would you like to watch me make the waffles, Rex?" 
"Yes please, that would be great to see how they are made." Being a prince meant that Rex didn't go in the kitchen a lot when the chefs were cooking because he would be sat down and ready for the food to be served. 
"Great, would you mind grabbing a bowl for me please? It's a bit heavy for me to carry." Rex obliges and gets a large mixing bowl off of the shelf while Gregor grabs a spoon from the utensil pot. Rex places the bowl on the counter, stepping back to watch as Gregor puts all of the ingredients into the bowl and picks up the spoon, mixing everything together into a smooth batter. Rex is very intrigued, it all looks complicated but also very fun.
Gregor grabs a waffle mould placing it next to the bowl and then collects a ladle to make it easier to transfer the batter into the mould. He puts a ladle of mixture into each mould to make sure that they are equal in size. After the mould is full, Gregor heads over to an oven and places the waffles on a shelf. He grabs a sand timer for 15 minutes that'll let him know when they will be ready.
After the 15 minutes are up, Gregor grabs the waffles out of the oven. He takes them out, pulling the finished products out of the mould. "Can you grab a plate for me, Rex?" The boy nods, walking over and grabbing a plate out, he carries it over to Gregor. Rex is using the counter for support, practicing on two legs. He struggles a bit, but he manages. 
Cody stays close by to catch him, just in case. So does Anakin and Obi Wan, Fives, Ahsoka and Echo are all watching along the side. Rex sets the plate beside Gregor, sitting down tiredly. "Great job, Rex'ika!" Cody tells him, making Rex smile. "Yeah, great job, Rex." Anakin walks over, patting Rex's shoulder. Rex smiles at his friend, thankful that both him and his big brother are proud of him.
Everyone who can give Rex a little applause, embarrassing him. Everyone who can't, which is Cody, Bly and Gregor, give him lots of encouragement. They tell him how good he did.
"Okay, enough embarrassing Rex. Are the waffles ready, Gregor?" The oven mitt looks up. "Oh, yeah, I just have to put the syrup on top of the strawberries and waffle." Gregor grabs the syrup, putting a good amount on the large stack. He made more since he figured that Rex is bigger, it makes sense that he'd eat more. 
Rex sits down as he licks his lips, seeing one of his favorite meals. Gregor pushes it towards him, letting him eat it. Rex grabs a fork and a knife, fumbling to use them with his larger hands.
"It's fine, Rex. You can just eat off the plate." Rex looks down at Cody, ears drooping in embarrassment. He does not want to eat like an animal, at all. "It's fine little one, no one will judge you. We promise." Obi Wan tells him. "Yeah, Rex, it's okay, Ori'Vod." Fives tells him, trying to comfort his older brother.
Everyone nods in agreement. "Fives is right, we're your family. We aren't going to judge." Rex sighs, nodding at Anakin, he puts the knife and fork down. He leans in and starts taking bites out of the pile of waffles, using nothing but his mouth. 
The others say nothing about it, they just talk amongst themselves. Bly, Gregor and Anakin strike up a conversation about what happened. While Echo and Fives have a nice conversation with Rex as he eats, keeping his mind off of how he's eating. They talk about everything from some prank the twins had pulled last week to a new book Rex had read. It was nice, it felt almost normal.
"How's the waffles, Rex?" Rex turns to Gregor, swallowing the bite that was in his mouth. "They are delicious Gregor, I absolutely love them." Gregor laughs. "I'm glad that you like them, I'll be sure to make you more in the morning." Rex nods quickly. "Yes please!" No one notices the way Kix is keeping an eye on Rex as he eats.
Rex finishes eating, but he realizes that he isn't full. He blinks in confusion, wondering why he wouldn't be full after so many waffles and strawberries. "I'm... I'm not full." He feels so nervous, he doesn't want to seem like he is being greedy after eating a lot already. His stomach growls ever so slightly and everyone just feels bad for him. 
Kix thinks that he might know why Rex isn't full yet. "You might still be hungry because you are now physically like a wolf, so you can still eat some foods that you used to eat, but it won't be as nutritional as eating lots of meat. Which is the base of a wolf's diet." 
Rex understands, but he feels bad that Gregor made all of those waffles but they didn't fill him up. "Sorry, Gregor. I loved them, but I feel like you've wasted your time making them for me and I'm not full." Gregor looks at Rex and shakes his head the best he can "No, it's alright Rex. I enjoyed making them for you and I'm glad you enjoyed eating them too. Would you like some meat now?" Rex feels weird about his mouth watering more than it was. It's almost as if his wolf-like instincts have kicked in. He feels shy but Gregor smiles and heads into the kitchen. 
Sometime later, the sweet aroma of meat trails over to Rex as Gregor exits the kitchen carrying a plate of beef. "Here you go. I cooked it for you as well, the way you usually like it." Rex nods as he dives straight into it, feeling his hunger slowly go away as he finishes the plate of meat.
Rex smiles "Thank you, I'm glad you aren't mad at me that the waffles weren't enough." Gregor's expression turns into confusion. "I'm not mad at you in the slightest, Rex. You didn't know that you wouldn't be filled up with only these waffles, so it's not your fault." He smiles promisingly at Rex. "In the morning, I'll make you some more waffles and strawberries, along with some meat?" 
"Yes please, that would be great thank you." Gregor nods. Smiling at Rex, who smiles back, Rex feels so lucky to have such a kind family. A moment later, Rex lets out a big yawn. 
Cody chuckles "C'mon, Rex'ika. You must be exhausted. And I think we all are too." He looks around and sees everyone nod in agreement. "Let's get you to bed, Little one." Obi Wan places a hand on Rex's back. Rex stands up when Cody shuffles closer to him, so he steadies himself with Cody's help. 
He tries to walk but he’s still wobbly, Rex does notice that he’s not as wobbly as before. Rex gets on all fours, he’s too tired to try to walk on two legs anyway. Cody carries Fives, Echo, Ahsoka and Bly. 
Ahsoka has fallen asleep already, the three year old being exhausted. Fives and Echo are almost falling asleep to, leaning against each other, Bly is the only one out of them still fully awake. They walk up the stairs, Anakin and Rex are walking slow and sluggish. Rex stops when they get to his room, whimpering, he really doesn’t want to go in and see his destroyed clothes, another reminder of what happened. “It’s fine Rex’ika, we aren’t going to force you. You can sleep in my room.” Cody offers, and Rex sighs in relief.
“Thanks, Bubby.” Cody would have smiled if he could, They arrive at his room. Anakin followed because he wanted to tell Rex goodnight. “Would you all like to sleep together, tonight?” Cody asks, he's pretty sure that none of them want to sleep alone after what happened today. They all nod, especially Rex, everyone shuffles in to see Padmé, Kiara and Stutter already there sleeping, they wake up as soon as everyone walks in.
“Prince Cody, we’re so sorry. We must have fallen asleep with Stutter.” Both girls go to leave but Cody stops them. “It's okay, everyone’s having a sleepover here, would the two of you like to join?” They both nod.” I’m going to go and ask my parents.” Padmé tells them, flying off.
“Would you like to go and ask your parents Kiara?” The little feather duster tears up. “ I… I can’t find them. They went to grab something from town, but never came back.” “Well, don’t worry. We’ll find them, like I said you can stay here tonight.” She nods, wiping some tears out of her eyes, she flies over and presses against the desk. “Thank you, Prince Cody.” Cody does his best to nod.”you're welcome, but just call me Cody, okay?”
Kiara nods before flying over to Fives, who hugs her comfortingly. Rex grabs some extra pillows out of the cupboard, carrying them over and throwing them onto the floor.  He lays down. “You guys can have the bed.” Rex suggests, but Kix shakes his head. “No, you are sleeping in the bed, you'll hurt your back otherwise.” Rex sighs, nodding. He lays down in the bed before Stutter, Bly, Fives, Kiara, Echo, and Jesse jump in, cuddling into Rex’s fur.  Fives makes sure that he extinguishes his candles this time.
It brings Rex a lot of comfort, they all get comfortable, Obi Wan carries Ahsoka over while Anakin gathers up the blankets that Rex had, he bunches them up. Sitting against the bed near Rex’s face. Rex lays on his side while Stutter and Bly lay against his arm, Fives, Echo and Kiara lay against his stomach while Jesse lays on his shoulder. 
Ahsoka sits on the desk beside him while Padme sleeps on Anakin’s shoulder once she returns. Kix sighs, but joins in next to his twin. They all fall asleep, while Obi Wan and Cody leave them be, it warms Cody’s heart that everyone would cuddle with Rex. He’s also thankful that Rex isn’t one to move in his sleep.
Obi Wan and Cody walk down the corridor to a different room to spend some alone time together. They've all had a busy and tiring day, so they are ready for some well needed rest. They find an empty spare room and share a look at each other before they go in. There's a bed, a wardrobe and a desk with a chair, so Obi Wan grabs the chair and sets it by the wall. He sits down in it and Cody shuffles closer in front of him. "How are you feeling, Cyare?" Obi Wan places his hand on Cody's table top.
"I'm alright, just tired is all Sweetheart. Today has been rough." Cody feels sad, playing the events from today over and over in his head. Obi Wan senses Cody's struggling emotionally, so he runs his finger over his scar that's in the form of a scratch on the table top. 
Cody sighs, falling into a more relaxed state as Obi Wan continues to stroke his scar. "Would you like to talk about what's bothering you?" Cody wants to cry, feeling stupid about what is upsetting him, but maybe telling someone, especially his lover Obi Wan, will help him get it off of his mind. "I just...I find it so difficult now to get around to places. Now I can't walk anymore. I feel vulnerable and..." Cody begins to sob, unable to cry any tears.
"Oh Cody, it's going to be alright. We'll get through this together." Obi Wan continues to rub Cody's scar. "It's really difficult to feel anything physically, but I still feel things inside, like sensations. It's just strange. I don't feel like myself anymore." Obi Wan’s heart breaks, hearing what Cody is saying. He understands exactly what he means, Obi Wan feels the same way. He leans down, pressing his face against the top of Cody.
“Umm, what are you doing Sweetheart?” Cody asks, confused. Obi Wan pulls away, feeling embarrassed. “I… I was trying to kiss you, Cyare'' Obi Wan whispers, Cody can hear the embarrassment in his voice, but there's also sadness. Cody presses against Obi Wan’s leg. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I don’t mind, can you maybe kiss me again, please?” Obi Wan looks down at Cody, nodding. He leans down, pressing his face against Cody again. It’s the only way he can kiss Cody, he has no mouth. Cody finds the gesture comforting, even if it's not like the kisses they had shared before, it’s still better than nothing. Any kiss from his Obi Wan is amazing.
“I’m sorry, I can’t kiss you back Sweetheart.” Obi Wan strokes Cody’s scar, trying to comfort his boyfriend. “It’s fine, Cody.” The desk feels so bad, he can’t do anything for Obi Wan. He can’t even kriffing hug him! 
“Do you still want to be with me, because you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to. I’d understand.” Obi Wan’s heart breaks. “No!! Why would I ever leave you?” Cody starts to shake a little. “Because I can’t do anything for you, I’m unable to do anything couples do. I can’t even hug you let alone kiss you.” Cody would be crying if he could, but all that comes out are sniffles and a few sobs, he’s trying to hold them back. Obi Wan stands up out of his chair, kneeling down and wrapping his arms around Cody the best we can.
“You aren’t the only one who’s changed in this relationship, Cody. I can’t kiss you either, I know it’s hard. I… I’m scared too, darling. I am so scared, I don’t even know what’s underneath my armor, is it just emptiness. Would I disappear if it was taken apart, would it even come apart or is this all me. Is there some disgusting mix of organs and metal in there?” Obi Wan shudders slightly at the thought, but Cody is there with him so he feels safe. 
Cody presses into Obi Wan the best he can, trying to deepen the hug. "I still love you, Sweetheart. Nothing will ever change that, not even this. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, Obi Wan. I...I really and truly do, Sweetheart. I'm just glad you don't mind me looking like this." Cody can't gesture at his new form, but Obi Wan presses his helmet onto the edge of Cody's table top. 
"Of course I don't mind you looking like this now. I've changed too, so you aren't alone in this, I'll be right here with you. Always." Obi Wan traces Cody's scar again, making Cody sigh with contemptment. "Mm, that still feels nice."
Obi Wan chuckles. "I'm glad that you still love it." Cody nods as much as he can, but he just enjoys the moment. "Very much."
Briefly, Obi Wan's yawn travels around the room as his vision goes a little bit bleary. He tries to hide it, but he doesn't want to stop giving Cody love and affection. "You can get some sleep if you'd like, Sweetheart." Hearing Cody's voice makes Obi Wan jump a little as he fights to stay awake. "Yeah, that might be best." 
He leans on Cody for support as he stands up and sits back down into the chair. Cody shuffles himself closed to Obi Wan again. Obi Wan yawns again as he tries to figure out what position would be best to sleep now he's sat up. He usually lies in bed with Cody when he sleeps, so it's different not laying down like he's used to. But then he has an idea. "Cody?" He places his hand on Cody's table top. "Yes, Sweetheart?"
"Could… could I rest on you while I sleep, please?" Obi Wan asks shyly, making Cody confused as to why he has to ask. "Of course you can, Sweetheart. There's no need to ask."
"Thank you, Cyare." Obi Wan smiles as he leans down gently as to not make a loud clattering noise of his armour, he folds his arms and rests his head on them. He looks to see Cody's scar, so he traces it with a single finger again. "You're welcome, Sweetheart. I love you."
"I love you too, Cyare. I'll always love you, now and forever." And with that, Obi Wan struggles to stay awake much longer, drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
Rex wakes up with a startled gasp, tears threatening to fall, he almost sits up before remembering that his cousin’s, brother’s and friends are on him. He looks around, sighing in relief when he finds everyone still asleep. They are all in the same positions as before, Stutter and Bly by his arm, Fives, Echo and Kiara near his stomach, Ahsoka on the desk and both Jesse and Kix on his shoulder.
Rex feels something on his shoulder move before Jesse and Kix hop down in front of his face, Kix is sporting a worried expression. “Are you okay, Rex?” Kix asks, and Rex can’t hold back the tears. “No.” He whimpers, his nightmare had been about the curse, except nobody else transformed. They were all disgusted by him, his whole family hated him. Even his Bubby. Jesse jumps into action, moving up to Rex’s forehead and wrapping his arms around him the best he could. Kix presses himself against where Rex’s cheek is.
“Hey, it’s okay Rex. we’re here, do you want to talk about it?” Rex shakes his head no, and the twins look at eachother. “Do you want us to get Cody?” Kix asks this time, but Rex shakes his head again. “No, I don’t want to be any more of a burden than I already am.” The twins look at eachother again. “You aren’t a burden Rex, we love you.” 
“I love you too, but that doesn’t make me any less of a burden, I’m going back to sleep now.” Rex closes his eyes, but Jesse and Kix already know that they need to tell Cody about this tomorrow.
taglist: @captainrexisboo @ellie1366 @pinkiemme @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @lightning-wolffe
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writer1 · 4 years
A regretful Wolf and his Beauty
Chapter Eleven
Beast!Rex x Fem!reader
Summary: As punishment for his actions, young prince Rex was cursed to become a monster by a witch. The only thing that saved him from his fate was an enchantress, who gave him a condition. He has to find true love in order to redeem himself and he only has until the last petal of the enchanted rose falls. Rex's family helps you by guiding your way into his heart. Rex's fate now lies in your hands.
A/N: This is a collaborative fic with @ahsokatano-thetogruta.
Warnings: mistreatment of kids, abuse, experimentation, neglect, guilt, small mention of injury.
Ezra doesn't have much in life. He's been too busy following Maul around that he hasn't really learned how to make time for himself. Not knowing what to do with himself means going to Maul and making sure that he is okay and if he needs anything. If Ezra doesn't do something right, it will end up with him either getting shouted at or beaten. Sometimes it will be both.
He sits on his small, broken bed as he takes care of his freshly made bruise. He doesn't know what he's doing wrong, but he always makes sure that he does better, even if it's still not enough. His thoughts of running away linger in his mind for moments at a time, and today they are screaming at him to escape, run away as far away as he can. But he reluctantly decides against it.
The pain from his leg makes him tear up a little, but he fights through the pain. Ezra's parents died when he was 6 years old. He was wandering around the streets for a while until a Zabrak found him and took him in. Maul doesn't really care for Ezra, he just wants to use him and make him do things that he is too lazy to do himself, things like cleaning, bringing him drinks and running errands. 
All the work he does makes the young boy feel exhausted every night, and he'll go to bed late and wake up early to have things ready for Maul. It's almost already midnight, so Ezra listens out for Maul, hearing him go to his room and get into bed. Ezra knows that he's safe to go to sleep now, knowing that he won't be needed until morning. He tucks himself in, forcing his eyes shut as he slowly falls asleep.
A few hours later and after some much needed discussion, Kix and Jesse both rush towards the west wing, they need to tell Rex about what you know. Neither of them can believe that you already figured it out, you’ve only been in the castle for about four days, and most of those were spent alone in your room.
They arrive in the room to see Rex, Stutter, Cody and Obi Wan, they stop talking once they see the frantic look on Kix’s face. Jesse, in his bird form, flies over and lands on Cody, folding himself back into a paper man, Kix flies over as well. Rex looks between the two. “What’s wrong? Is Shiny okay?”
Kix and Jesse look at each other nervously, neither knowing what to do about this, Kix, being the medic, flies forward. “Yes. She seems to be a little better. She was starting to feel weak again when we left, but she did have a few visitors, so that’s normal.” Rex smiles, happy to hear that you’re getting better. He still feels guilt over what he did.
“That’s good, but what's wrong, the two of you looked frantic when you came in?” Cody would have an expression of confusion on his face if he had one. Jesse sighs and steps forward. “The thing is, Shiny... she knows.”
“What? What do you mean Jesse?” Rex asks. Jesse frowns. “She… She knows about the curse.” Rex’s eyes widen significantly, he feels fear fill him. “WHAT!!! Did you tell her?!” Jesse shakes his head frantically. Stutter cowers a little, he hates to hear yelling. Rex’s ears press against the back of his head when he sees Stutter cower.
“Sorry, Stutter. I didn't mean to shout, I just…I don't understand how she could have found out.” Rex has an expression of a cross between stress and confusion. Jesse rubs his paper neck nervously “Well, she figured it out. Kix was telling her the story of how I was his first patient, saying how I got a blackeye. That's how she figured out we were once human.” 
Rex doesn't look impressed at all and he huffs, trying to control his temper “I see… I guess there's no hiding it now.” his head lowers a little as he thinks of what to do next. 
He feels nervous thinking about how you may think of him as more of a monster now that you know that he was once human, and that a prince can be such a beast. “We better go and talk to her.” everyone nods at Rex and follows him out of the room. 
You awake to see that you are the only one in the room. Kix and Jesse had left you to get some rest, but you ended up falling asleep for a few hours. After being in bed for so long, you feel fed up and need to stretch out your legs a little. Kix had said that you have to stay in bed and to call someone if you need something, but you honestly can't take it anymore. 
A little wobbly, you manage to stay on your feet without feeling the need to sit back down on the bed. As steadily as you can, you leave your room and walk down the corridor to explore a little. You feel fatigue take over your body again, so you slide down the nearest wall and sit down, trying to catch your breath after using the little energy you had. 
Sitting down, you look up to see a framed painting hanging up on the wall. Two boys, an older one with black hair and a younger one with blonde hair, stand together in partly formal and partly casual clothes, smiling as the one with a scar on his face wraps an arm around the other boy's shoulder. 
They look very similar to each other, like they are closely related. Brothers maybe? The blond one looks younger than the one with the scar, who looks more like a young man.
Lost in thought, you hear your name being called out. “SHINY?!” The voice is loud and deep, making you realise that it's Rex. Kriff, he must have gone to check on me in my room. You think to yourself as Rex gets closer. “Shiny!! Where are y- There you are. What are you doing on the floor?” Worry consumes him as he gently helps you stand upright.
“I got tired of being in bed, so I went for a wander. But I guess that didn't end so well…” You look down and then back up to see Rex's concerned expression. “No, it didn't. C'mon, let's get you back to your room.” You nod, but just before you leave, your interest is still focused on the painting of the two boys.
“Rex, who are those people in that painting?” you point up to the painting of the two boys. His concern turns into nervousness, remembering that you know about Kix and Jesse being human before, but he doesn't know if you know that he was once human too. 
You look closely at the painting and then back at Rex a few times, realising that the colour of the blonde hair in the photo is the exact same as Rex's fur. Your eyes widen in realisation. “Is...Is that you?” You ask, pointing to the youngest of the two boys.
Rex sighs. “Y-yeah, that’s me, and the other is my older brother, Cody.” You can feel Rex’s nervousness in the force, and even though you are still mad at him, you feel bad for making him feel this way. “Are you okay?” Rex nods, though he still feels nervous.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” You look back at the painting. “How old were you in this?” you ask him, he smiles, there was a nice memory with this painting. “I was thirteen, it was my birthday that day. Cody is seventeen.” You smile, turning to Rex, but he suddenly frowns. “This was painted only a few months before…” You know exactly what he’s talking about.
“Before you and the other’s were cursed?” He nods. “You were so young, who in their right mind would curse a child? What happened?” Rex grimaces. “I… I don’t want to talk about it. Let’s get you back to your room.” You nod, not pushing the issue. You follow him back to your room, something’s changed. You don’t feel anger towards him anymore, just sadness and a sense of empathy. 
You both arrive back at your room, and you lean against Rex as you start to feel weak again, he helps you over and into your bed. You notice the others in the room.
There’s a desk and a paintbrush, who you haven't met yet, along with Obi Wan, Kix and Jesse. “H-H-Hello.” the paintbrush flies up to you as you lay in your bed again. “I-I’m Stutter! R-Rex's younger b-b-brother.”
You smile at the sweet paintbrush, he’s so adorable. “It’s very nice to meet you, Stutter.” suddenly Kix flies up to you, he does not look happy in the slightest. “And what were you doing out of bed?” You smile sheepishly, you know that it was stupid to get out of bed while you’re this sick.
“I...I was bored and just wanted to have a little walk around, but I guess it didn't really end well.” Your sheepish look grows as Kix huffs. “Well at least you're back in bed now. From now on, unless you are back to full health no getting out of bed unless necessary. Am I clear?”
“Yes, of course. Sorry if I've caused you any trouble.” You hear a shuffling sound moving closer to you. Turning your head a little, you see a desk stopping just beside you. “It's okay, Shiny. We're all just worried about you.” Everyone in the room, who can, nods in agreement. “I'm Cody.”
“It's nice to meet you, Cody. You must be Rex's older brother.” you smile at him. “What's it like having younger siblings? I'm an only child you see.” 
“It's nice to have brothers to hang out with. I'm also an older brother to Fives, Echo and Stutter, who you've met, and also Bly and our youngest sister, Ahsoka, but you haven't met either of them yet. Though I do have the best embarrassing stories about Rex when he was younger.” Rex presses his ears back a little in embarrassment, scowling slightly at his older brother “Cody, please don't…”
“I'd love to hear them!” You say with enthusiastic interest. If Cody could, he'd be smirking playfully at his Rex'ika “There was a time when Rex was five years old, he tried to feed me some slices of Meiloorun from his mouth.” You do your best to hold back a laugh, while feeling Rex's embarrassment through the force. The chuckles from around the room finally make you break into small laughter. 
Rex feels his face heat up. He wants to be annoyed at Cody, but hearing stories about his past makes him feel happy, though that story is quite funny, so he can't help but chuckle as well.
Obi Wan clears his nonexistent throat, causing everyone to turn to him. “I loved that story, but we do need to discuss a certain something with Miss Shiny here.” Rex’s ears press back, you can feel his nervousness in the force. 
Cody sighs. “Obi Wan’s right, we wanted to talk about the curse with you, Shiny. Since you figured it out, what do you know so far?”
You look at Rex, then turn to Cody. “I figured out that you were all human once, and Rex told me that he was thirteen and you were seventeen when it happened, but thats all. I saw a painting of the two of you, and asked him about it.” Cody hums to himself, happy that you didn’t figure out too much. The group had already discussed what to tell you.
“Did Rex tell you what happened that night?” Rex shakes his head. “Can you tell it, Cody?” The desk does it’s best to nod, you can feel sadness from everyone, Obi Wan walks up to Rex, patting him on the back. “Don’t worry, little one. Cody and I can tell it.”
The knight then turns to you, the desk shuffles around to face you more as well. “The day we were cursed was Christmas day, Rex was thirteen years old. He had woken up on the wrong side of the bed, so he was tired and cranky, but he did his best to join in on the fun.” You nod along, thinking about the boy in the picture. 
Cody continues on. “We had a few bumps that piled onto Rex’s already bad day, it started with him breaking a vase, then the kitchen was out of his breakfast, then he was pranked by Fives and Echo. he snapped at them then him and I got into our own fight over how he had treated them, we made up later but it just piled on to the things that had already went wrong. Then she showed up.” You can hear the venom in Cody’s voice when he says the word she, and the force is suddenly filled with the feelings of anger and hatred from everyone in the room.
“She? The woman who cursed you?” You ask and Obi Wan nods. He places a comforting hand on top of Cody. “Yes, though she wasn't just any woman. She was a witch, named Ventress.” Obi Wan almost hisses the name out, hating saying it. 
Cody continues after calming down. “She then decided to pretend to trip over and spill some drink on Rex's favorite outfit. When the drink was already starting to stain his shirt, Rex lost it and snapped at her. Ventress then found the perfect opportunity to use her magic for fun. Then…” Cody takes a deep breath in and out before speaking again. “Then she transformed Rex into this werewolf. Everyone else in the castle got turned into inanimate objects.” Cody wants to frown, but he can't.
Obi Wan feels Cody's sadness and anger, so he traces his scar to comfort him. “The other knights left just after breakfast, so they weren't here at the time of the curse. It seems that Ventress made them forget about us.” 
“That was about twelve and a half years ago, we also realized that we don’t age right. We haven’t aged as fast as we should have at all, for example Rex is twenty-four, while he should be 25. But a few years ago we all stopped aging for two years, none of us understand it.” You nod. You can’t believe that this happened to them.
“I'm so sorry that this has happened to you all, no one deserves this.” Rex looks at you, he can see the sincerity in your eyes. He can’t believe that you don’t hate him anymore, at least not fully. You let out a yawn as your eyes become heavy. “We'll let you get some rest now, Shiny. Call us if you need anything.” You smile at Rex. “Thank you, Rex. Thank you everyone for telling me your story.”
Rex smiles at you. “Well, you did figure it out first. Now get some rest, just call if you need anything.” You nod, turning over and falling asleep almost immediately. Rex and the little group all leave, Kix is already planning to check on you in about an hour, and so is Rex.
Rex finds that it’s nice telling someone about the curse, it felt good to get it off his chest. Everyone is going to be happy, they don’t have to hide that they were human. The only thing Rex has told everyone is not to tell you about them being royalty, he doesn’t want you to know that he is a prince.
They all walk off in different directions; Rex wanders off towards the west wing, while Jesse, Kix and Stutter find Sabine to have an art session. Obi Wan and Cody, on the other hand, go to their shared room to spend some time together. 
A few years ago, they both wanted to be in the same room together. They decided on this after they had talked about taking their relationship to another level. As kids, they would always sneak into each other's rooms to cuddle at night. 
Cody would be so scared during stormy nights, so he used to run to Obi Wan's room. Obi Wan would keep him safe and comfort him until he felt better, though he would never stop giving Cody affection. They both enjoy sleeping together, giving each other sweet and loving kisses until they fall asleep.
Anakin and Rex would also always sneak in with the two. First it was just Rex sneaking into the bed on stormy nights, Obi Wan and Cody always provided comfort. Then Anakin joined in when he came to the castle at nine years of age, the young boy was always so frightened at night. 
Rex made it a habit to check on Anakin, even though he was only a year older. If the younger of the two was having trouble sleeping, Rex would lead them to Obi Wan's room where Cody would already be there. The two older brothers would always provide comfort, especially to Anakin once he joined.
This went on even after the curse, only stopping when the boys got older. It still happens once in a while during the worst storms, or when Anakin has flashbacks of his life as a slave.
Most times, Cody and Obi Wan will just end up falling asleep with each other when they are super relaxed, but nevertheless they always enjoy being with one another, no matter what it is they do together. Obi Wan walks beside Cody, who shuffles along beside him, while having a hand placed on his table top. It makes the both of them feel like they are holding hands together as they walk. Cody has gotten better with moving around, but it can still be pretty difficult sometimes, physically and mentally. “Here we are.” Obi Wan pats Cody gently before opening the door.
He lights an oil lamp as Cody shuffles sideways through the door and over to the side of the bed, ready for when Obi Wan lies down beside him. Obi Wan feels himself smile, laying down on the bed and draping an arm over Cody. He thought being in his armour while laying down would be uncomfortable, but it just feels like his human body. 
It's still strange when he tosses and turns, hearing the creaking and scraping of metal, though he has gotten used to it over the years of being like this. Same with Cody, he's still not fully used to not being able to walk or do the things that he could before the curse. At least they both still have each other. 
Cody lets out a humming noise crossed between happiness and sadness, making Obi Wan reach out in the force to feel how his Fiancé is feeling. “Are you alright, Cyare? I can feel that you are a little sad.”
“I'm okay, I just… telling Shiny about when me and Rex were younger just...brought back memories is all.” Cody wants to smile, but not having a face means that he can't show his expressions very well, so he has to show them through his words. “It's been so long, Sweetheart. Everyday it becomes a little bit easier, but also more difficult at the same time all at once.” Cody lets out a small sob for a moment. “I wish things were how they were before all of this.”
“Oh, Cyare.” Obi Wan strokes Cody's scar gently as he sits up and leans down to press his helmet against Cody, kissing him lovingly. Cody takes in a deep breath as he composes himself to carry on. “I-If only I hadn't fought with Rex that day, then maybe he would have been a bit calmer. Maybe this wouldn't have happened. Maybe we could have gotten married by now. Maybe-”
“Cody, it's alright, Cyare. This isn't your fault. It's no one's fault except Ventress'. If she hadn't purposely spilt her drink on Rex, then we would have been fine. And about the fight, you were only looking out for your other Vod'ika. Though it wasn't right, it just goes to show that you care about protecting those close to you.” Obi Wan traces Cody's scar. “And that's why I love you, Cyare. I'll never stop loving you, because you are so wonderful.” He can feel Cody's sadness fade away into nothingness, being replaced with emotions of love and adoration.
“Thank you, Sweetheart. I love you too, so much.” He leans up into Obi Wan before relaxing again, starting to feel a little tired. “I feel slightly tired, could we take a nap together?”
Obi Wan nods as he reluctantly pulls his face away from Cody to lie back down. “Of course we can, I'd love to.” He places an arm over Cody again as his non-existent eyes drift close, so does Cody's. It doesn't take long before they both fall asleep and dream nice dreams about each other.
 Rex walks to his room, he’s deep in thought at the moment. He has no idea how you knowing about the curse is going to affect everything. “Hey, Rex!” Rex is startled out of his thoughts by Anakin, who’s standing by Rex’s bed in the west wing, Rex sighs. 
“What are you doing up here, Anakin?” Rex asks in confusion, not that it’s weird for the knight to be up here. Most of the time you can find Anakin sitting in the west wing, having been there for hours talking to Rex, it was like that before the curse, and stayed the same even after.
“I’m just here to talk to my friend, besides I… I heard about what you said to Miss Shiny.” Rex’s ears press against the back of his head, he knows that what he said was bad. “I know that it was bad, are you mad at me?” 
Anakin wishes that he could smile, just so that he could comfort his friend. “No, I know you Rex, you wouldn’t hurt anyone. You are the nicest werewolf I know.” Rex chuckles, cracking a smile. He raises an eyebrow at Anakin as well. “Aren’t I the only werewolf you know?”
“Yeah, but you’re still the nicest. Probably. So, you might finally get a girlfriend! Let me give you some relationship advice!” Rex groans. “Just because you and Padmé are together doesn’t mean that you are the relationship expert, and...can we please not talk about relationships right now, Ani? I just want to talk about anything else but that right now.” 
Anakin can hear the little bit of a pleading tone in Rex’s voice, he decides to stop joking and talk to Rex about other things. Anakin knows when Rex needs a break. “Yeah, of course. Let’s talk about having another knight in the castle, it’s been so long since I’ve had someone new to spar with!” 
Rex smiles, watching Anakin walk over to the bed. He jumps on, sitting criss crossed as he usually does. Rex smiles, he sits on the end of the bed, across from Anakin who’s up near the pillows. “So, has Shiny told you about how she got her nickname?”
Rex looks at Anakin with a confused look. “Nickname? I thought that was her given name.” Anakin shakes his head. “No, a few of us were talking to her this morning. She told us that her given name is Y\N, but the way she got the nickname, Shiny, isn’t really a nice story.” Rex looks at Anakin with a confused look. “What do you mean?”
Anakin sighs. “Well… I guess that her village doesn’t approve of female knights, at all! She’s the only one and nobody, but a retired knight, would train her, especially in the force and how to wield it. She got her nickname because the other male cadets would make fun of her all the time, calling her Shiny, which if I remember correctly, means naive and new for knights in certain places.” Rex feels anger at your village for treating you like that, he’d heard his father talk about the abuse towards female knights in other kingdoms before, but to hear that it’s happening in his own kingdom is even worse. And he can’t even do anything about it.
“That’s not right! At least she likes the nickname, but still.” Anakin nods in agreement. “Yeah, all the knights here already offered to train her, including me. She deserves to be trained, everyone in the village also called her odd for being a knight.” Rex can’t believe that you had been treated this way, it’s disgusting.
“It is going to be nice to have someone closer to my age to train with, it was getting kind of tiring, always training with someone older. Sometimes I wish that you were a knight instead of a prince.” Rex chuckles. “But then who would you protect,  Ani? I did appoint you my private protector, there's no one I trust more than my best friend.” 
"Yeah, there's no one I trust more than you either Rex. You were my first friend ever." Anakin goes a little quieter, Rex knows that he is thinking about when he first arrived. "You okay Ani? I know that it's hard to think about… about before you came here."
"I… yeah. I wish that I could have saved my Mother, I miss her so much, Rex. And I wish that she could have met everyone, especially you. I know that she would absolutely love you." 
Rex chuckles, then he frowns. "Even like this?" Anakin looks at Rex, nodding. "She's the kind of person who doesn't care about what you look like, it's what's inside that matters."
“Your Mother sounds like she was a very caring person. I know that she'd be so proud of you, you've done so well to be where you are now. The kingdom couldn't have asked for a better Knight. Nor I, a better friend.” Rex gives Anakin a friendly, toothy smile. He's glad that his fangs don't scare anyone, especially his younger siblings. 
“Thank you, Rex. I really appreciate it, you've been there for me, helped me through the darkest and most difficult times of my life, so I'm glad that I get to serve in protecting you. And I’m honored to call you my brother.” Anakin shuffles towards Rex, leaning forward a little to give him a hug. Rex sighs and hugs him back. Their friendship has only grown stronger over the years, even after the curse.
“You're welcome, Ani.” Rex whispers, letting his instincts take over and giving Anakin a little affectionate lick. Anakin chuckles, this isn’t the first time Rex has done this, he just doesn’t understand how the armor doesn’t hurt his tongue.
As dusk begins to fall, the candles along the corridors are lit up as 99 sweeps his way down the halls, cleaning up for tomorrow. He enjoys cleaning around the castle, knowing that his hard work and help is appreciated. 
The bad batch are currently in the ballroom, making conversation with each other. “It's so cool that there's someone new here, especially that she is a knight too!” Wrecker exclaims, his face showing much excitement. “Yes, it'll be nice to get to know them.” Tech nods and agrees, reading a book from the library that Jocasta Nu had given him to read. He himself is a book, and for some reason he can control the movements of other books too, so he is able to flip through the pages and read them whenever he likes.
“It's not that exciting.” The grumpy hatstand pulls a face. “Oh cheer up, Cross.” Hunter nudges his twenty three year old brother, before throwing himself across the almost empty room to hit a target board of wood that Hardcase had chopped up for him to train with. He floats back to his brothers. “Another knight will be super fun to train with too! I wonder how skilled she is.” 
“I can't wait to play some music for her!” Wrecker suddenly starts messily playing music using his keys. The way he plays sounds good but bad at the same time. Crosshair wishes that he had actual hands to cover his non-existent ears, or something to whip at the piano. “Wrecker, knock it off.” 
“Aha, sorry Vod. I'm just so excited!” Tech and Hunter nod in agreement as Crosshair just eyerolls. He doesn't want to admit that he is slightly curious to meet you, so he just pulls his usual grumpy face.
The door swings open, making the bad batch turn around to see 99 sweeping his way over to them. “Buir!” They all shout, making their way over to him. He feels himself smile at his sons. “Hello you four, are you all alright?” They all nod happily. 
Hunter flings himself past 99, showing off his knife throwing skills. “Nice one, Hunt’ika!” Hunter feels himself smile, wishing that he could show it, He’s the only one out of his brothers who doesn’t have anything that resembles a face. “Show off!” Crosshair yells at him, but Hunter knows that his brother is being his normal grumpy self. He starts to feel a little tired, panting as if he’s out of breath. 99 and his brothers notice immediately.
“You’ve tired yourself out again, Hunt’ika, go rest on Cross’ika.” Hunter turns to the hat rack, who has a worried look on his face. Crosshair nods, waddling over, he leans down and picks the little knife up in his hooks. “You rest, Ori’Vod. I’ve got you.” Hunter nods, letting his body go… limp? In Crosshairs hooks. 
No one knows why Hunter always gets tired out when he floats, their best guess is that it’s because of his enhanced senses, but they can’t know for sure. Crosshair gets tired easily as well.
Crosshair holds on to Hunter gently as he rests, he hates when his Ori’Vod tires himself out like this, the first time this happened the knife had kept going and passed out for about a day. It was scary for everyone, especially their youngest, Tech. They couldn’t see him breathing, the only way they figured out that he was alive and only passed out was when his Buir had leaned down and heard Hunter’s quiet, steady breathing.
Tech floats up, nuzzling Hunter’s face, making him chuckle, he then does the same for Crosshair, Wrecker and 99. 
The bad batch all show their love with touches instead of words, it’s how 99 had gotten them to trust him originally. All four of them were touch starved and abused by their parents, not to mention experimented on.
He also gave their name the bad batch a much nicer meaning than what their parents, mainly their mother, had used it for. He said that their abilities make them unique and special, that they are all loved no matter what their parents did to them. 
25 years ago...
Their parents called them the bad batch because they were all failed experiments. 
Hunter was their parents' first born. At night, his cries would be so loud they were almost deafening. Their parents didn't think that his cries were above the normal level that a baby cries at. A few years later when he reached the age to start understanding what people were saying, he could see their lips moving but no sound at all could be heard. It had then occurred to his parents that he was born deaf. 
They then tried experimenting on him to bring his hearing back. They'd use a serum that they'd inject into him in different doses for a few days until it was time to let it get to work. The sound around him was like thunder banging against his eardrums. 
He had woken up at night to a rainstorm, the water hitting his windows. It scared the force out of him, making him feel frightened of the sounds that had always been there but unable to make themselves present to Hunter.
His parents were happy with the results that the serum had worked, but then they were disappointed that he was kept up at night because of all of the noise. They had failed, making his hearing and senses too good. They pushed him aside, trying to work on making it better. Hunter would lose sleep and cry with how much his ears hurt. The pain had lasted about a year, but he was still kept up for hours at a time for years.
Two years after Hunter was born, Crosshair came along. He was born premature, he was a little sick with a few deficiencies and had his mother, Nala Se’s, skinny build. He was sick for the first few years of his life, after His brother’s experiment failed, his parents experimented on him next. 
They tried to cure his sickness for a whole year, they failed, managing to make him sicker than before, they did however make his eyesight much better than before. 
Whatever they gave him made his hair turn grey as well, so whenever they'd look at him, they'd think about how weird he looked. they threw him to the side as they did Hunter. 
His parents always ignored him when he got sick, leaving Hunter to try to care for Crosshair the best he could, even though he was only three, nearly four, years old. His enhanced senses allowed him to be aware of dangers, keeping him safe from anything that might harm him whole having to take care of his Vod'ika.
Wrecker was born a year after Crosshair. He was the smallest out of the three of them, but after two years, he hadn't been growing much at all, staying small. He was way too skinny for his height, unlike Crosshair who was the tallest of them.
Their parents noticed that he was very weak as well, so they decided to experiment on him next. Their plan was to make him strong and healthy, but they never expected what happened. 
Wrecker had gotten so strong and his physique was not like his brother's at all. He was a lot more muscular and his frame was broad. At night, the serum they used on him would make his body, especially his muscles, hurt a lot, also causing his growth spurt pains to start early. 
His pain would be unbearable sometimes, but Hunter would help him through it the best he could. Once Crosshair was a few years old, he'd start helping Hunter to look after his little brother.
Five years after Wrecker was born, they had a new baby brother, Tech. He was the tiniest and weakest out of all of them, their parents thankfully learned their lesson after Wrecker and didn’t try to fix it. He had horrible eyesight once he got older, but no one cared. Except for Crosshair, Wrecker and Hunter, who all took care of him, their parents simply stopped caring. Their father left after Tech was born, he grew tired of having failed and deficient children.
Tech was three, and his brother’s found that he loved to learn. Little Tech craved new information, but he had a hard time learning new things like walking, talking and other normal things, he just didn’t develop the skills. As soon as the other three figured it out they did their best to hide it from their Mother, they knew that Tech would be an experiment like them if she found out.
It was all for not, Nala Se quickly figured out about Tech’s disability, the young boys tried to fight her when she came for Tech, but she sedated them. She started to give Tech a new serum, it made him smarter, but much smarter than she had wanted. She hated it.
After the serum was given to him, Tech would get severe headaches at night, and his dreams would be intense from all the new knowledge he would learn from books during the day. He would let out tiny whimpers at night from the pain and visions he had during his dreams, so his brothers would often sleep together. 
Tech would be sandwiched in the middle, while being comforted by his brothers when his dreams got too much for him to handle. Thinking about his brothers being near him would give him something to focus on instead of several different thoughts at once. The three boys hated that they had let Tech down, and they hated their parents.
Even though they were neglected by their parents, they still had each other to take care of one another. Not long after Tech had turned four, their Uncle 99 had come to visit. When he turned up, she grimaced at the sight of him, the way his back was hunched over. “What do you want?” what a way to greet your brother who you haven't spoken to in years.
 She was so jealous that 99 got to live in the castle to clean around for the prince, their nephew. Rex didn't allow her to visit him after what he told him about Nala Se, how she would be nasty to him. “I've come to visit you, Nala-” 
“Don't you dare use my name. Get out of here, I don't want to see you!” Before he leaves, he sees four boys down the hallway of the house, peeping out of a room. “Who are they?” Nala Se whips her head around, making the boys run away in fear. “Nothing, just failed experiments. A bad batch.”
99 feels anger rise in him. “They aren't nothing. I'll ask again, who are they?” Nala Se huffs in annoyance, not even going to bother to fight with him. “They are my sons.”
99's eyes go wide “And you think you can just call them Experiments? Failed experiments at that! A bad batch? How could you say that! They are children. Also I have nephews?” he's angry that Nala Se, his own sister, hadn't even bothered to tell him about his four nephews. “Let me in please, I’d like to see them.”
“No.” Her answer was quick and short, almost said as a warning. “I made you leave years ago for a reason, there's no need for you to come back. You live with the prince now, living a wonderful life while I'm stuck here, trying to have the perfect family, yet my son's won't let me.”
99 doesn't bother to fight with her, he doesn't have the strength to, so he turns and heads back to the castle. He thinks about what he should do now, he wants to go to young Rex, but the child is still mourning his parents. 99 sighs, those kids his sister had need help, she called them experiments. He grew up with Nala Se, 99 knows what she does with experiments.
99 hobbles into the throne room, he sees his two young cousins, Rex and Cody, talking. They turn to him once he walks in. “Uncle 99! How was your visit with her.” 99 sighs, he can hear the anger in 15 year old Cody’s voice. “It didn’t go well at all, I need some help from Rex.” Rex perks up at that, the 11 year old jumps up off the throne, walking over to his uncle, Cody follows behind.
“What do you need Uncle? Did she do something?” 99 shakes his head. “No, she has four sons there, Cody, she didn’t even call them her sons at first, she called them failed experiments.” Cody’s face turns into an expression of disgust, Rex’s does the same. 
“She actually called them that!? That’s not right. At all.” 99 nods sadly. “That’s why I need Rex’s help, I want to go down with some of the knights, this can’t go on any longer!”
“I agree Uncle! What about you, Cody?” Cody nods in agreement. “We can send Plo, Mace and Obi Wan to arrest her, if our parents were here, they would be furious. They already were with the way she had treated you!” Rex’s parents had been furious, and so had the crowned prince, even if he was young at the time. 
She was banished from ever coming to the castle. Nala Se had come to the castle a few months ago after they had died, she didn’t know that Rex had known about everything, the young prince had made sure that she knew exactly what he and the family thought of her.
With not a moment to waste, 99 was on his way back to Nala Se's house with Plo, Obi Wan and Mace right behind him, ready to rescue his four nephews. They got to her house and knocked on the door. “Nala Se, this is knight Plo Koon, protector of his royalty, Prince Rex. We have been reported that you have been mistreating four young boys, your Sons.”
There's no reply, so Obi Wan uses the force to unlock the door. Mace runs in first, seeing that the house is in darkness with the curtains shut. It looks abandoned. 
After doing a sweep of the house, they were about to leave before they heard a child crying. The knights and 99 share a worried look with each other then rush to one of the bedrooms. They try the door but it's locked, so they use the force to open the door.
They see the four boys huddled together behind the bed. 99 hobbles over to them, speaking softly. “I-It's alright now, you're safe. Everything is going to be okay.” Tech stops crying and sniffles as he sees 99 smile softly towards him. Hunter can sense that he isn't dangerous, but he doesn't trust them. 
99 reaches out a hand “Here, come with us. We'll keep you safe.” Tech, Crosshair and Wrecker look towards Hunter, making sure that it is safe to go with them. Hunter stands up first, picking up Tech who wraps his small body around him. Hunter nods at 99 and the knights as Wrecker and Crosshair stand up and follow close behind their Ori'Vod. 
Hunter keeps an eye on the adults as they walk out of the house, he doesn’t trust them. Every adult he’s met in his life has experimented on him and his brother’s, who's to say that these ones aren’t different. Hunter carries Tech as they walk to the castle, the little boy is already sleeping, but Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair are all very tired too, but they know not to ask for help.
“Are you three tired too?” Hunter looks up to see the one man looking at him, he’s the one that was at the door earlier. Hunter bites his lip, looking back at his exhausted brothers, then nods. Everyone stopped, the knights had been watching the boys too.
“I can take the little one from you, lad.” Hunter looks up at the Keldor, he doesn’t know what to do. “It’s okay, you can trust us. I’m 99, the Keldor is Plo and the other two knights are Mace Windu and Obi Wan.” Hunter eyes them and nods. “Okay, I’m Hunter. This is Tech, the big one over there is Wrecker and the skinny guy is Crosshair.” Hunter gestures to each of his brothers as he says their names, the knights and 99 nod. Plo walks over slowly, opening his arms for the sleeping kid in Hunter's arms.
Hunter’s hold automatically tightens around Tech, but he calms down and places him in Plo’s gentle arms. Tech immediately wraps his arms and legs around the Keldor, who chuckles. Hunter then see’s the other knight, Obi Wan, walk over to Crosshair and pick him up. 
Crosshair protests a little but then settles down, letting out a big yawn. Then the knight Mace walks over and picks up Wrecker, he grunts a little, but is able to lift him better after he closes his eyes in concentration. Hunter doesn’t know why.
Plo then moves Tech around so that he’s on his hip, which is not an easy feat with how the four year old clings in his sleep. The Keldor then leans down and picks Hunter up, holding the two boys in his arms. Hunter’s eyes start to close, but not before he sees and feels 99 pet his forehead lovingly. He does it for each of the boys, 99 knows that these boys are going to be his son’s, he can feel it.
Taglist:  @ellie1366 @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @lightning-wolffe  @pinkiemme@captainrexisboo  @trash-dino-5000
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writer1 · 4 years
A regretful Wolf and his Beauty
Chapter Eight
Beast!Rex x Fem!reader
Summary: As punishment for his actions, young prince Rex was cursed to become a monster by a witch. The only thing that saved him from his fate was an enchantress, who gave him a condition. He has to find true love in order to redeem himself and he only has until the last petal of the enchanted rose falls. Rex's family helps you by guiding your way into his heart. Rex's fate now lies in your hands.
A/N: This is a collaborative fic with @ahsokatano-thetogruta. 
Warnings: harassment, Hurt, injury, wolf attack.
Twelve and a half years later…
"(y/n)?" You hear a couple of knocks at your bedroom door. "Are you awake yet, Sweetie?" 
"Yeah, I'm awake, Papa." He hears your muffled voice from the other side of the door, making him smile. "Okay, I'll go and make you some breakfast."
"Thank you, I'll be down in a bit." You call to him as he heads downstairs. You blink your eyes open to see the sun shining through your curtains, brightening up the room. Getting out of bed, you head over to the corner of your room where your armour sits on its stand. You grab your clothes that go under it, putting them on. Piece by piece, you strap the armor to your body securely, making sure that nothing is loose so it won't fall off.
Once fully armoured, you head downstairs to the kitchen where your Papa, Bail, has set out the table with cutlery and has almost finished making breakfast. "How are you this morning, Shiny?" You smile at the nickname as you sit down in your usual place at the table. "I'm good thank you." You remember how the nickname came to be, female knights weren’t exactly… encouraged in your village. 
The boys that trained with you would make fun of you and called you Shiny. It means naive for knights, but you stuck it to them when you took a liking to the name and kept it. Now no one calls you by anything but Shiny. You’re almost positive that some people have forgotten your given name. You start eating your breakfast, wondering what's going to happen today in this boring town.
You begin to sing out as you leave your house "Little town, it's a quiet village. Every day like the one before. Little town full of little people, waking up to say…" 
You hear the Townsfolk greeting one another as you walk through town.
You gesture to a bigger set twi’lek man. “There goes the baker with his tray, like always. The same old bread and rolls to sell, every morning just the same. Since the morning that we came, to this poor provincial town, never an adventure for a knight.” 
The baker walks over to you. "Good morning, Shiny." You turn to him with a smile. "Good morning monsieur."
"Where are you off to?" He asks, it's not very often that you don't stay in your yard to train. You smile, holding up the book you have in your hand. "The bookshop, I just finished the most wonderful story. It was about a beanstalk, and an ogre, and a---" 
"That's nice. MARIE the baguettes, hurry up." The baker walks away, you huff. You never have anyone to talk to about books, or being a knight. Besides your father. 
The Townsfolk talk to each other as you pass by, all dressed in your armor and feeling proud wearing it. "Look, there she goes. The girl is strange, no question, wanting to be a knight like all the men.
She's dazed and distracted, can't you tell?"
"Never part of any crowd."
"Cause her head's up on some cloud
No denying she's a funny girl, that Shiny." You walk through as you see so many different people and aliens talking to each other.
"Good day!"
"How is your family?" a Chiss man asks another Togrutan woman.
"Good day."
"How is your wife?" A human woman asks another human man. His wife hits him in the head with a rolling pin, making you flinch.
"I need....six eggs." 
"That's too expensive!"
"There must be more than this provincial life!" You sing out as you walk through town. You walk into the bookstore.
“Ah, Shiny. It’s good to see my favorite knight in here.” You smile at Tera Sinube, he is a retired Cosian knight, now a librarian. He tells stories of working in a castle to protect a king and queen. The castle was filled with their family. It was a big family, as he says.
“Good morning. I've come to return the book I borrowed” you hand him over the book.
He looks surprised as he chuckles. “Finished already?”
“Oh I couldn't put it down. Have ya got anythin' new?” You ask looking around the bookstore at the variety of fantasy books. You climb up on one of the ladders.
“Not since yesterday.” Tera Sinube chuckle's out again.
“That's alright. I'll borrow this one!” You grab a familiar book, handing it to librarian Sinube. “That one? But you've read it twice!” He laughs out. “Well it's my favourite. With far off places, daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise!” you tell him as you move the ladder with wheels so that you glide to him.
“Well, you will have your own adventures with daring sword fights some day, but if you like it all that much, it's yours!” you feel surprised “But sir?!?” He hands you the book, smiling.
"I insist, Shiny!" He gestures that it's no problem, your eyes sparkle with excitement “Well thank you, thank you very much!” You exit the shop into the busy street. You start reading the book as soon as you leave, you know the town well enough that you won’t get hurt.
“Look, there she goes, that girl is so peculiar
I wonder if she's feeling well.”
A group of girls stare at you as you walk by them, they don't sing but they grumble. “With a dreamy, far-off look.” some of the men sing, but you don't hear them. “Always training and her nose stuck in a book.” some of the other women sing.
“What a puzzle to the rest of us is Shiny.” the whole town sings, but you don't hear it at all while reading.
Your eyes widen when you read your favourite part of the book “Ohhhhhh....isn't this amazing?! It's my favorite part because....you'll see. Here's where she meets Prince Charming, but she won't discover that it's him till chapter three!”
“Now it's a wonder that her name doesn’t mean beauty. Her looks have got no parallel” A Twi'lek woman peers out of the window of her home.
A shopkeeper stands by the door of his shop “But with that tough façade, I'm afraid she's rather odd. Very different from the rest of us.”
“She's nothing like the rest of us
Yes, different from the rest of us is Shiny.” The whole townsfolk sing, then Maul walks into the picture, but you walk past him and his naive, eleven and a half year old follower Ezra Bridger. “Wow you didn't miss a shot Maul! You're the greatest hunter in the whole world!”
“I know.” A red Zabrak with black tattoos, named Maul, runs his hand over his head, feeling the small horns.  
“No beast alive stands a chance against you, haha...and no girl for that matter.”
“It's true Ezra, and I've got my sight set on that one.” Maul crouches down to the eleven year old boy, pointing towards you walking by. 
Ezra is surprised. "The inventor's daughter!? The only female knight in town!!?” Maul nods at him, eyes trained on you. “She's the one, the lucky girl I'm going to marry.”
“But she's--” Ezra tries to add in but he gets interrupted. “The most beautiful girl in town”
“I know but--”
“That makes her the best! and don't I deserve the best?” Maul crouches down to the boy, getting in his face, scaring Ezra.
“Well of course, I mean ya do, but I…” Ezra mumbles something, but Maul begins to sing.
“Right from the moment when I met her, saw her, I said she's gorgeous and I fell. Here in town it's only she, who's as beautiful as me. So I'm making plans to woo and marry, Shiny.”
Three Twi'lek triplets swoon at Maul. "Look there, he goes! isn't he dreamy?
Monsieur Maul! oh, he's so cute!
Be still, my heart! I'm hardly breathing!
He's such a tall, dark, strong, and handsome brute!" They sing together as Maul tries to get through the crowd of villagers.
“Bonjour.” one man yells out. “Pardon!” Maul asks as he tries to get through the crowd.
“Good day.” “Mais oui!” Maul keeps getting blocked by people, no matter what way he goes. “You call this Bantha?” one man exclaims to a vender. “What lovely Meilooruns!” a Chiss woman tells another.
“Some cheese…” “Ten yards!”  “One Credit.” Maul pushes his way through. “`Scuse me!”  “I'll get the knife.” the cheese merchant tells the customer.
“Please let me through!!” Maul demands. “This bread.” “Those fish.” “It's stale.” “They smell!” Maul can't believe that the streets have to be this busy on this particular day.
“Madame's mistaken!” the Baker exclaims angrily.
 “There must be more than this provincial life!” You sing out again, wishing for more adventure.
Maul strutting through the crowd
“Just watch....I'm going to make Shiny my wife!” He's still unable to get to you.
"Look there she goes....a girl who's strange but special. A most peculiar mademoiselle." The whole town sings again, but you hear none of it, you once again have your nose in your book.
"It's a pity and a sin, she doesn't quite fit in. Cause she really is a funny girl. A beauty but a funny girl. She really is a funny girl.....that Shiny!!" The whole town sings, followed by many bonjours before they all close their doors and windows, going back to their business, finished with the song.
You shrugged as you went back to reading your book. A second later, someone jumps down in front of you. “Hello, Shiny.” you recognize his voice. “Bonjour, Maul.” you greet him, reluctantly looking up from your book. 
While he had your attention, Maul snatched the book from your hands. You feel annoyed, but you are still polite to him. “Maul, can I have my book back please?”
Maul opens the book, looking at it closely while you try to take it back from him. He huffs as he struggles to read it. “How can you read this? There are no pictures." You step back and cross your arms “Well, sometimes you just gotta use your imagination.” Maul's eyes widen and then he turns around to you, smirking.
”Shiny, you need to get your head out of those books.” He throws your book behind him into a puddle. “You need to focus on more important things.” he steps in front of you before you could get to your book. “Like me.” 
Off to the side of the street, a group of girls sigh dreamily as they admire Maul. 
"The whole town's talking about it. It's not right for a woman to read, let alone be a knight. That's a man's job. Soon she starts getting ideas, and thinking." Maul starts to sound almost like he's grossed out, making you mad. You earned your place among the knights, and he has no right to tell you otherwise. You pick up your book, turning to him.
"Maul, you are positively primeval. I can be whatever I want to be, and I'm a knight." Maul huff's at you, but brings back his smile.
"Right… Right. What do you say you and me take a walk over to the tavern, and take a look at my trophies?" Maul starts pulling you towards the tavern, you've had enough. No more nice Shiny.
"No." You tell him, ripping your arm out of his grip. You give him a challenging smirk. "What's wrong with her" "she's crazy." "He's gorgeous." The triplets say in rapid succession, as you try to walk away from Maul.
"I have to get home to help my father now, Maul. Maybe some other time. Goodbye." You tell him, a little too happily. Then you hear the snickering coming from young Ezra.
"That crazy old loon, he needs all the help he can get." The young boy laughs as Maul joins in.
"Ezra Bridger, don't you dare talk about my father that way!" You yell, Maul stops laughing. He fixes Ezra with a stare that the boy knows means that he's going to get a beating when they get home.
"Yeah, don't talk about her father that way!" You are mad. "My father is not crazy, he's a genius." They suddenly hear an explosion and you go running. Leaving Maul and Ezra's laughing behind.
You rush into your house, running straight to the basement. You grab your helmet on the way down, just in case there is flying debris. It wouldn't be the first time. "Papa!" You call out through the smoke, coughing. "Papa!!" You yell again, almost down to your father's workshop.
"How in the force did that happen?!" You hear Bail yell out as the smoke starts to clear. "Are you alright, Papa?" You see him stuck beneath some rubble, so you reach your hands out and close your eyes, concentrating. The wood and machinery parts start to lift up into the air.
"Thank you, Shiny." He sighs with frustration. "I'm about to give up with this hunk of junk!" You chuckle at him.
"You always say that." He kicks his invention and storms away from it. "I mean it this time. I'll never get this boneheaded contraption to work!"
You smile and shake your head, walking over to him. "Yes you will. And you'll win first prize at the fair tomorrow." Bail raises an eyebrow at you crossing his arms, turning away from you in a huff "Hmph."
"And become a world famous inventor." You smile at him as he turns his head round "You really believe that?" He doesn't sound so convinced. 
"I always have." You give him a promising smile. Bail soon feels so much better from your words of support. "Well, what are we waitin' for?" He runs over to his invention. "I'll have this thing fixed in no time!" Grabbing a spanner, he gets to work on his machine. 
"Now, did you have a good time in town today?" Your father asks as you get your training dummy ready. "It was good, Papa. I got a new book!" You grab your sword, then go at the dummy, using all the techniques you've been taught.
"Papa? Do you think that I'm odd?" 
"My daughter! Odd! Huh, where would you get an idea like that?" Bail asks as he slides out from under the machine, his magnifying goggles making his eyes look hilariously huge. You laugh as you continue practicing your sword fighting, but get sad again. Your father slides back underneath the machine.
"Oh… I don't know, it's just that everyone thinks I'm different. Especially since I'm a knight, I'm not sure that I fit in here, Papa. There's no one I can really talk to." You stop fighting the dummy, sheathing your sword. "Well, what about that Zabrak fellow… Maul, right? He's a handsome young man." 
You huff, feeling sickened at the thought of talking to that oaf. "Oh, he's handsome… and rude, also conceited. That guy is definitely not for me." 
"Well, don't worry. This invention will be a start of a new life for us, you will get your dreams of being a knight. And I know for sure that you will find someone perfect for you!" 
You roll your eyes with a laugh. "Sure Papa, but I know that no one will ever want to be with me. I'm too odd, too different for someone to love." Your father sighs, finally coming out from underneath his invention. 
"Now, that's not true. Now I think that I've finally done it, Sweetheart. Let's give it a try!" Your father pulls a lever, and you hear a whistle. You put your helmet on and pull your father behind you, just to be safe. You wait, and finally the invention is chopping wood, just like it's supposed too. You smile, your father's finally done it.
"It works." Bail hears the excitement in your voice, making him equally as joyful. "It does?" He looks towards the machine that continues to chop up the wood. "It does!" He shouts out with joy.
You love how excited your father is about his working invention. "You did it! You really did it!" You give him a big hug and jump with joy. 
"Hitch up Threepio, Shiny. I'm off to the fair!" He cheers out, overjoyed that his invention really works.
"Goodbye, Papa. Good luck!" You wave your father off as Threepio pulls along the invention, neighing as he trots with Bail on his back. "Goodbye, Shiny! And take care while I'm gone!"
Bail travels across the land, through fields and over mountains, taking in the scenery around him. He crosses over a small bridge and enters a dark, gloomy forest. Threepio keeps his head down low, feeling nervous. "We should be there by now." Bail sounds confused, looking up to see a green and white Convor sitting on a tree branch, watching him as he passes.
"Maybe we missed a turn. I guess I should've taken the- wait a minute." He lifts up his lantern to a sign, reading it. Threepio's ear twitches, then he turns to the left of the path, but he gets pulled by his lead. "No, let's go this way."
Threepio shakes his head and looks down the path that Bail wants to take, eyes widening as the poor horse sees the foggy, dark path. He looks to the left again, seeing that it's much more pleasant. Threepio attempts to go left again, but Bail refuses. "Come on, Threepio! It's a shortcut, we'll be there in no time!" The horse trots on into the dark woods. Feeling more and more nervous with each passing second.
Suddenly, something not too far away runs past them. Threepio startles, looking around for the danger, backing up with fear in his eyes. Bail looks confused at the map. "This can't be right." A howl echoes deep within the forest, making him look up from his map and hold out his lantern. "Where have you taken us, Threepio?" 
Threepio backs up even more, ready to leave as soon as possible. Worry fills Bail. "We better...turn around." The constant sounds of howling frightens the horse, backing up into a tree, causing a cloud of bats to fly around the both of them. Threepio begins to gallop away as fast as he can. "Woah! Woah Boy!" Threepio halts as they come to the edge of a cliff "Back up! Back up!" He does as he's told, Bail sighs. "Good boy, good boy. That's Good that's- back up! Steady, steady. Stead- Woah!" Threepio bucks, causing Bail to fall to the ground. His lantern bursts into flames causing his horse to run away, a couple of wolves chasing after him. 
Bail gets up off of the ground "Threepio!" He loudly whispers. Nothing. Bail stands up off the ground, he turns to see wolves coming towards him. He starts running as fast as he can, hearing the howls and growling behind him. He tumbles down a cliff, coming to a stop at a gate. He quickly jumps up, running and grabbing on to the bars.
“HELP!!! Please, is someone there!!!” he calls. “HELP!!!” he calls one more time before the gates suddenly open, he falls to the ground, slamming them closed with his foot, saving him from the wolves. A wolf bites his pant leg, but Bail kicks it off. It starts to rain as he walks up to the gloomy castle, Bail knocks at the door and it immediately creaks open, he walks inside. It looks much more cosy inside than out, but it's still dark. 
“Hello?” he asks into the darkness, hoping to ask the owner if he could stay the night, but it seems abandoned. “Hellooo?” he suddenly hears whispers. “The fellow must have lost his way in the woods!” it whispers before being shushed. “Keep quiet! If we’re quiet he might leave, Fives! You know how dangerous this could be.” Bail can’t seem to find where the voices are coming from.
“Is someone there?” Bail asks, trying to find the voices' owners. “Not a word, Fives! Not one word!”
“I’m sorry to intrude, but I lost my horse, and I need a place to stay, just for the night?” 
“Aww, Echo, have a heart, Vod.” Echo presses a metal hand against Fives’ wax mouth. “Shhh!” Fives sighs, placing his one candle against his brothers hand. “ OW, ow! ow! Owww!” Echo starts hopping around.
“Of course. You are certainly welcome here, kind sir.”
“Who said that?” Bail grabs the candlestick, making Fives surprised as he's picked up, Echo is worried for his twin. Fives then smiles as he taps his shoulder. "Over here." Fives calls out.
Bail is confused, looking around. “Where?” Fives taps Bail's head, making him turn to see the candlestick looking at him, smiling at him “Hello.” 
A gasp escapes Bail as he drops the candlestick. Fives groans as he hits the ground, making his candles burn out. "Incredible." Bail leans down to take a closer look at the candlestick who just spoke. 
“Now you've done it, Fives!” Echo hops down from the table and crosses his arms.  “Splendid, just peachy- AHHH!” He screams as he is lifted off the ground.
“How is this accomplished?” Bail's expression is full of amazement as he turns the clock around to examine it. Echo is a little afraid. “Put me down at once!”
Bail turns Echo upside down and shakes him about. Fives just watches and chuckles at his Twin. Then Echo gasps as Bail opens up his little glass door and starts digging around. “Now to take you apart and see how you tick.” Bail whispers, he has no idea that this is a living being. Fives gasps as Echo screams, Fives turns and screams as loud as his voice will allow. “ REX!!!!!!” There's a roar and Bail freezes as a giant Wolf-like creature with blonde fur runs down the stairs, followed by four suits of armor and a desk shuffling behind them, seemingly having a hard time. The wolf’s honey brown, yellowish eyes widen when he sees Bail holding the clock in one hand, and a gear from it in the other.
“ECHO!!! Let go of him, NOW!!” The wolf runs over to Bail, who drops the clock and the gear, Rex runs and catches them, handing both over to Fives, that's when he stands to full height, he’s much, much taller than any man Bail had ever seen. “What have you done to my brother.” he growls angrily, standing as close as he can to Bail, showing his large, sharp teeth. “B-Brother? But that's a clock!”
“Yes, and you hurt him!" Rex's deep voice sends shivers down Bail's spine as he looks towards the clock cradled in the candlestick's arms while a suit of armor with orange feathers on its helmet puts the gear back into Echo's body. 
Bail tries to run away, but Rex runs on all fours, stopping in front of him to prevent him from leaving. “Please! I-I meant no harm! I just needed a place to stay!” Rex growls deeply. “I'll give you a place to stay, and for what you did to my brother, you deserve it!” Rex grabs Bail as he storms off deeper into the castle, leaving everyone else to make sure that Echo is okay now and that nothing harmful has happened to him.
Rex sighs as he walks back up the stairs from the dungen, he can’t believe that that man had hurt Echo, it wasn’t right. He runs up, immediately seeing his brothers. Fives and Echo are standing on Cody, with Obi Wan beside them. “Is he okay?” Rex asks as he walks over, he's on two legs at the moment.
“I’m fine, Ori’Vod. Just a little sore.” Rex sighs in relief, his brothers are only twenty one at the moment, the curse had slowed their aging a little. They get a letter when they do age a year. It's weird. “I’m glad you’re okay.” Rex whispers, kneeling down and nuzzling the little clock. Echo chuckles, reaching up and placing a hand on Rex’s nose.
“It’s okay, Vod. You know that I’m fine, but you should let that man go.” Rex pulls away, eyes narrowing. “No, he could have killed you, Echo. He’s staying in the dungeon where he belongs.” Rex holds back a growl, he's so angry at what that man did. When Fives screamed and then he came running down to see Echo with one of his gears out, it scared the living daylights out of him. He had believed that he was going to lose his little brother. “Hey!” Rex looks down to Cody nudging his leg.
“It’s okay, Rex’ika. Echo’s fine. We are all fine.” Rex sighs “I was scared, I didn't want to lose Echo… but I am not letting that man go. And that's final!” he turns around, his cape and tail swishing behind him as he storms off into the castle. 
“Oh boy! Shiny's going to get the surprise of her life! Huh Gaston?” Ezra looks at Maul who stares at your house, wanting to propose and marry you today. “Yes, this is her lucky day.” Maul turns to leave, letting the branch he was holding swing back a little into Ezra's face, but Ezra just shakes it off and follows Mail to the party. 
Maul clears his throat. “I'd like to thank you all for coming to my wedding. But first...I better go in there and propose to the girl.” He says with a wink and laughs, so everyone else laughs too. The three girls are crying that they aren't the ones to marry him. “And you, Ezra” He presses his finger on Ezra's nose “When Shiny and I come out of that door-”
“Oh! I know, I know!” Ezra exclaims excitedly. “I tell the band to start playing!” he gestures to the group of Bith aliens to play some music. Maul feels annoyed. “Not yet!” 
Ezra quickly stops the band from playing and feels a bit guilty. “Sorry.”
You are lost in your book when you hear a sudden knock at your door, making you jump. You quickly get up and place your book on the table, making a note of the page that you are on. You brush back your hair out of your face a little as you reach for your father's invention that allows you to see who's at the door with having to open it. You peek through the scope to see Maul. You groan “Ugh.” 
Being the polite person you are, you open the door. “Maul, what a pleasant surprise.” he just grins at you. “Isn't it though? I'm just full of surprises.” he walks closer to you, making you back away from him. “Y'know, Shiny. There's not a girl in town who wouldn't love to be in your shoes. This is the day…” He stops to check himself in the mirror. “This is the day your dreams come true.”
“What do you know about my dreams, Maul?” You find his big ego pretty amusing, so you hold back a laugh and try to be as kind as you can. “Plenty! Here, picture this...” he sits down on a chair and puts his muddy boots up on the table on top of your book. “A rustic hunting lodge, my latest kill roasting on the fire, my little wife massaging my feet.” You feel disgust when he takes his boots off and wiggles his toes. You hold your nose to block out the stench. “While the little ones play on the floor, with the dogs.” He stands up right in front of you. “We'll have six or seven.
“Dogs?” you really hope that that's the right answer as you brush the mud off of your book “No, Shiny! Strapping boys, like me.” You try to be enthusiastic and play along. “Aheh, imagine that…”
As you walk away, he creeps up behind you. “And you know who that little wife will be?” you snap your book shut, not wanting to know in the slightest. “Hm, let me think.” you turn around to see Maul right in your face.
“You, (y/n).” You duck under his arm and back away from him yet again, really wishing that you hadn’t left your sword in your room, you also feel uncomfortable with him using your given name. “Maul. I'm... I'm speechless.” you're back all the way up to the door. You put your hand on your chest. “I really don't know what to say!”
Maul backs you up to your front door, placing his hands on it either side of you. “Say you will marry me.” you look up at him as you try and find the door handle. “Im sorry, Maul. But…” you found the handle. “I will never, ever marry anyone, especially you!” you say, opening the door wide open, making Maul fall out of the front door and into a puddle. He goes to lift his head up, but you use the force to make sure that he gets a mouthful of mud. Maul looks up angrily, wiping the mud from his face. The band starts playing, Maul stands up, walking over to Ezra.
“So? How’d it go, Maul?” The eleven year old asks, but Maul cuffs him. “Shiny will be mine, have no doubt about that.” Maul storms off, Ezra following close behind him.
“Is he gone?” You ask a little while later as you walk out to feed the chickens, you’re wearing your armor as usual. “Oh, can you imagine? He asked me to marry him. Me, the wife of that boorish, brainless...” you growl as you tell the chickens. Then you start singing. "Madame Maul! Can't you just see it? "Madame Maul! His "little wife", ugh!” You kick over the bucket of chicken feed angrily. 
“No sir! Not me! I am a knight! Never a wife!” you sing in disgust. The thought of being someone's wife disgusts you, especially if it's Maul’s.  “I want much more than this provincial life! I want adventure in the great wide somewhere. I want it more than I can tell.”
“And for once it might be grand. To have someone understand. I want so much more than they've got planned.” You hear a horse's whinny, as Threepio runs up. “Threepio? What are you- Wait! Where's papa, where is he threepio?” You know that something must have happened, you run into your house, grabbing your helmet and sword. You run back down, jumping onto threepio’s back.
“Take me to Papa.” The horse runs off with you on his back, you will find your father, if it is the last thing you do.
taglist: @ellie1366 @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @lightning-wolffe  @pinkiemme
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writer1 · 4 years
A regretful Wolf and his Beauty
Chapter Twelve
Beast!Rex x Fem!reader
Summary: As punishment for his actions, young prince Rex was cursed to become a monster by a witch. The only thing that saved him from his fate was an enchantress, who gave him a condition. He has to find true love in order to redeem himself and he only has until the last petal of the enchanted rose falls. Rex's family helps you by guiding your way into his heart. Rex's fate now lies in your hands.
Warnings: mental and physical child abuse, injury, blood, dislocation, trauma, feelings are hurt, anxiety, emotional and physical pain, fear, shouting, blame, guilt, manipulation, lies, neglect, mistreatment, mention of death. 
A/N: This is a collaborative fic with @ahsokatano-thetogruta.
Stutter would be sticking his tongue out in concentration, if he could that is. The sixteen year old is painting a picture of a stunning sunset at the moment. Jesse is watching him as Kix watches sixteen year old Sabine paint a picture of an explosion.
The two have always loved to paint, it’s the reason the two were turned into paintbrushes. Stutter especially loves it, it started as a way for him to bond with Rex and his brother’s. Rex had gotten him into painting when he first arrived at the castle, and it grew from there. Stutter’s family didn’t treat him right, they hated his stutter. His mother died a few days after he was born, his father would beat him when he got angry, but never laid a hand on his brothers.
His brothers would push him around and make fun of his stutter, they told him that he was nothing, and that no one would ever love him. No one outside the household knew what was really going on, his father made sure to never hit him where it was visible. 
Rex and his brothers always came for visits to their uncle’s, they loved their cousin’s. But they had noticed something off, Stutter always seemed afraid of his father and brothers. He seemed to hide away from everyone a lot, no one realized what was going on until Stutter was three. 
It was one of their few visits that they finally figured it out, and none of them will ever forget it. 
Thirteen years ago
Stutter's oldest brother, Adam, has just turned twelve years old. Rex, Cody, Fives, Echo and Bly have gone to their Uncle's to celebrate their cousin's birthday. The extravagantly decorated cake sits on the table, along with lots of presents that he has had from his family and other relatives, though most of them are from his Father because he spoils his sons, except for one.
“Where is Stutter?” Everyone is sitting in the lounge as they partake in the activities that Adam has chosen. Adam rolls his eyes. “Why? Does it matter where that Shrimp is?” His half hearted answer makes Rex's blood boil, but he keeps calm and level headed as Cody places a hand on his shoulder, sensing his Rex'ika's anger.
How dare he call him that horrible name, they always call Stutter that, and he hates it. Rex stands up “I need to go to the refresher.” No one but his own brothers acknowledge him. Rex walks upstairs, looking through the few rooms that are on the upstairs floor. He comes to a door and tries to open it. It's locked. Rex worries a little as he hears a quiet sobbing sound. “Stutter? Are you in there? It's Rex.” 
“R-Rex?” the three year old boy sniffles as he frantically wipes away the tears from his face, not wanting Rex to see that he was crying. “May I come in?” There's a long pause before he hears the click of the lock. The door slowly opens, revealing Stutter's sweet, little face peering through the gap. 
He steps away from the door to allow Rex in. “Are you alright, Stutter? Do you not want to join us for your brother's birthday party?” The question almost makes Stutter cry again. He doesn't want to think of Adam as his brother, not after what they do to him. Stutter just shakes his head. “N-No, I-I-I'm not f-feeling well.” His shoulders droop a little as he holds one arm nervously.
Rex can tell that something is wrong. “Have you been crying?” Stutter shakes his head abruptly. “It's okay, Stutter. You can tell me anything, you know that right?” He goes to walk closer to the three year old to give him a hug, but Stutter jolts away. Rex shows a concerned expression, seeing Stutter give an apologetic look. “What's wrong?-” that's when he sees it.
There's something dark at the collar of Stutter's oversized shirt. It looks like he buttoned his shirt up the best he could to hide whatever it is underneath. “What is that? Could you unbutton your shirt slightly for me please?” Rex asks kindly, but the young boy freezes and doesn't say anything, so Rex approaches him slowly so as not to startle him, crouches down, then gently starts to unbutton the shirt. Four buttons later, he can see it fully now. A black and purple bruise is apparent at the base of his neck and just above his chest. 
The shock and fear in Rex's eyes makes Stutter feel nervous, scared that his Father will find out that someone knows about his bruise. Stutter was threatened that if someone else found out about his bruises, then he'd get another one. “What…how did you get this?” The worry in Rex only increases as Stutter trembles and tears fill his eyes. Rex pulls him into a hug, trying to make the small boy feel safe as he cries into his chest. “Shh, it's alright. I'm here for you.” 
Once he had calmed down, Stutter sniffles as he pulls away from Rex, his nose slightly snotty, eyes red and sore from crying so much in one day. “I...F-Father s-s-said t-t-that I d-deserved i-i-it.” Rex feels anger. “No, this is not what you deserve Stutter. Why would you think that, what did he tell you?”
Stutter tears up more, choking up on a sob. “Father a-a-and b-brother’s said that I-I k-k-killed mother, t-they s-s-said that I-I-I’m b-bad. My b-brothers also s-said that I-I’m not g-good e-e-enough to be t-their b-brother.” Rex feels anger flow through him, who in their right mind would tell a child that they killed their mom. That’s disgusting! 
“It was not your fault Stutter, they are lying to you! Your mom was sick, it was no one’s fault. Now, we need to talk to Cody.” Stutter trembles in fear, tears spilling from his eyes, Rex wraps his arms around him. He picks the three year old up, carrying him out of the room and carefully downstairs. Rex carries Stutter straight to the lounge, rubbing the sobbing child’s back gently.
Rex walks in, he sees that his Uncle has joined everyone in the room. “Cody!” Cody jumps up as soon as Rex calls, running over to the two. Stutter’s father jumps up as well, Rex sets Stutter down, and Cody sees the bruise right away.
“What the hell happened?” Cody asks, wiping Stutters tears away gently and taking a closer look at the bruise. Rex turns, glaring at his uncle. “Ask him.” Rex tells him with disgust, staring straight at Stutter’s father. Cody’s brow furrows in confusion, and he turns to his Uncle. “What is Rex talking about, Uncle?”
His Uncle shakes his head, giving Cody a comforting smile. “I have no idea, Stutter must have fallen, come here son.” Stutter’s father goes to walk over to Stutter, who cowers in fear, grabbing onto Rex for dear life. Rex scowls at him “If he fell, then why did he lock himself in his room and not come to us straight away?” Stutter's Father glares at Rex, in warning, as he continues to walk closer. 
Cody’s eyes narrow. “Stay back.” He tells his Uncle firmly, then he turns to Stutter. “Stutter, you need to tell me the truth. Did your father do this to you?”
Stutter whimpers, nodding. Cody feels anger coarse through him. “Stutter also told me that his father said that he deserved it, Cody. And both our Uncle and our cousins told Stutter that he killed his mother!”
“They told him WHAT!!?” Cody turns to his Uncle who has started storming over. “I said nothing of the sort, the brat’s lying.” He pushes Cody out of the way, grabbing Stutter roughly by his left arm and yanking him away from Rex, so hard that a loud snap-like popping noise sounds around the room. Stutter screams and cries out in pain, making everyone, but his father and brothers, gasp. Cody jumps right into action. He grabs his uncle's arm and gently pry’s Stutter’s hand from his grip, the little boy runs straight into Rex’s arms while clutching his left arm from the pain, being unable to move it whatsoever.
Rex hugs him close, wrapping his arms tightly around Stutter. “It’s okay now, I’ve got you, he can’t hurt you anymore, I promise.” 
Cody does his best to keep as much distance between his Uncle and Stutter “You're such a little brat, Shrimp! Get out, NOW! You're not staying here anymore, I've had enough of your stupid behavior!” His Father shouts at him, making Stutter scream out, just wanting to never hear his voice again, wanting to be free of the agonizing pain he's been in for so long, mentally and physically. Cody shoves his Uncle back. “ENOUGH! You have no right to call him that!” Cody turns to Rex. “Rex, get Stutter out of here, now.”
Rex doesn't waste another moment. He turns on his heels as quick as he can and bolts down the hallway and out of the front door. He can hear footsteps following behind him, also running at a fast pace. Without stopping to see who it is, Rex just holds Stutter close with a hand cupping the back of his head. Stutter looks behind Rex to see his three older brothers chasing both of them. The three of them had picked up some rocks along the way to throw at their brother and cousin.
Rex took all of the hits on his back, making sure that none hit Stutter. A few painful hits later, the rocks had stopped being thrown at them. Rex stops to see Fives, Echo and Bly tackling them to the ground, holding them down. “Rex, just keep running! We've got them pinned!” Bly shouts over to him, holding down the oldest of the brothers, making Rex start to run again, comforting Stutter by giving him words of reassurance that everything will be alright now.
Back at the house, right after Rex had run outside with Stutter, his three cousins and brothers running too, Stutter's Father just stands completely still, not too far away from Cody. The sixteen year old turns to leave him be, but the low, dark voice sends a shiver down his spine. “Where do you think you're going?” Cody feels fear and confusion at the same time. “I'm going back home now. I don't want to stay here any longer-”
“You took him away from me! It's All Your Fault! If you and your kriffing brother hadn't got in the way, then that Shrimp would have still been mine!” The venom in his voice angers Cody, making him turn around again. “I told you not to call him that!!” Cody runs towards him, swinging his fist at his Uncle. Cody wishes Obi Wan was here. 
His boyfriend is brilliant when it comes to hand to hand combat. Cody on the other hand, he's too slow, allowing his Uncle to dodge his attack. A fearful gasp escapes Cody as he feels a hand yank him backwards, then a burning sensation around his neck as his Uncle wraps a hand around his throat, lifting him off of the ground. Cody claws at the hand, desperately gasping for air, some fearful tears spilling from his eyes. “S--t-op. P-Ple--ase.” Cody chokes out, wanting to be let go of and put down.
Instead, his Uncle tenses his expression and widens his eyes as he throws the sixteen years old boy across the room. Cody's life flashes before his eyes as he heads straight for a small coffee table. There's no way of stopping in mid air now. He wishes that Obi Wan was here to save him, just wanting to be held by him, wanting to--
Cody makes harsh contact with the edge of the oddly shaped table, cutting and splitting the left side of his face from his temple to his cheek, around his eye. He lands on the floor with a painful thump, letting out an agonizingly pained scream that echoes throughout the room. He clutches his face, tears flooding out of his eyes now. Cody sees red flow in front of his left eye, making it sting, a lot. Moving his hand away from his face, he sees, using his right eye, that his hand is covered in blood. Lots of it.
His Uncle walks forward, towering over him. “Get out…NOW! I SWEAR THAT I WON'T GIVE YOU ANOTHER CHANCE, BOY!” Not a moment later, Cody scrambles to his feet, hand clutching his face again as he runs as fast as he can out of the house. He sees Rex running in the distance as the three of his cousins push past Cody and back into the house, slamming the door shut behind them and locking it immediately.
“Cody!” Fives, Echo and Bly call out to him, rushing over, only to see the blood seeping through his fingers. “What happened?” Fourteen year old Bly asks in complete worry for his Ori'Vod. Cody doesn't respond, he just wobbles on his feet as his vision becomes blurry. “Woah, hey. It's okay, we've got you, Ori'Vod.” The three of them support Cody as they make their way back to the castle.
Rex and Stutter finally arrive at the castle, pushing through the gate and running up the stairs and into the main hall. At the moment the only people in the hall are Obi Wan, Knight Plo, 99 and the bad batch. They all look confused when they see him breathing heavily, with young Stutter clutched in his arms.
“Rex? What happened? Why do you have Stutter here?” 99 asks, and Rex carries Stutter over. “Uncle has been abusing Stutter, so we took him.” Rex sets Stutter down, and everyone gasps when they see the large bruise. 99 hobbles over, kneeling to take a closer look.
“Did your dad really do this, Stutter?” Stutter nods, tears still drip down his face. “His father and our cousins also told him that he is the reason that his mother died, I also don’t think this was the first time that this has occurred either. Remember the times we offered to help with Stutter, but Uncle wouldn’t allow us to change his diaper or clothes?” 99 nods while Plo leaves the room for a minute, when he comes back he has Kix with him. His cousin is training to be a doctor, he’s almost done so he’s certified enough to check Stutter over.
Kix Starts checking him over when Cody, Fives, Echo and Bly all walk in, everyone gasps when they see Cody bleeding profusely from a wound on the corner of his forehead. Obi Wan goes running, so does Kix. Rex’s eyes widen. “Cody, what happened?!”
“It- It was Uncle! He attacked me.” Cody stumbles, and Obi Wan has to grab him so that he doesn’t hit the ground. Rex hears another gasp, he turns to see 99 and his uncle Plo with Stutter. They have taken his shirt off so that everyone can see the bruises littering the young boy's body, some are yellowing, telling everyone that they’re older and some are bright purple.
Kix looks angry when he sees them, but he continues patching up Cody first as Rex, Plo and 99 take care of Stutter. Everyone is angry over what happened. Wrecker hugs Stutter close, him and his brothers know what it’s like to be unloved by their parents. “It’s okay Stutter, you’re going to be safe here.” Wrecker whispers quietly, nuzzling the top of the three year old's head.
“Uncle Plo, do you think that you can gather a group of knights and go to arrest my uncle?” Plo nods. “Of course, I would be happy to.” with that Plo leaves the room, and Kix finishes up with Cody, who’s already looking a little better. A bandage has been wrapped around the left side of his face and over his eye, leaving him to only see out of his right eye. Obi Wan gives Cody a sweet kiss on his right cheek.
Kix leaves Cody with Obi Wan, walking over to check Stutter over. “Can you check his left arm, Kix? His father grabbed and yanked it pretty hard. Then there was a sort of snap-like popping noise.” Rex asks, and Kix nods. “Can you move Wrecker? I know that you want to comfort him, but I need to check him over.” Wrecker nods, moving to stand beside his brother’s. All four of the boys look angry, they’ve visited Stutter before in the year they’ve lived with 99 and absolutely love their little cousin. They can’t believe that they’ve never noticed anything wrong.
Kix checks Stutter’s arm, he gasps, then sobs when Kix presses on his shoulder. “It’s not broken, It is dislocated. Obi Wan, can you come over and hold him still, I’m going to have to pop it back in.” Obi Wan nods and walks over, not wanting to leave Cody, but making sure that Stutter holds still while popping his shoulder back into place is important. He grimaces. He knows that this is going to hurt him. “Boys, why don’t you leave the room, I’ll call you when they’re done.” 99 tells the bad batch. The boys nod, leaving the room. 
“Bly, please take Rex, Fives and Echo out.” Rex shakes his head. “I’m not leaving him.” Cody sighs. “Rex’ika-”  “No! I’m not leaving him. Not after what he's been through.” Rex stresses, standing his ground. Cody turns to Bly. “Take the other two out, Rex can stay.” Bly nods while he takes the twins out of the room, Rex walks over to Stutter.
“You can hold my hand if you like.” Rex offers out his hand, making Stutter feel nervous. “I...I-I've n-n-never held a-anyone's hand b-before.” Rex, Cody and Obi Wan all look at eachother, sharing a sympathetic look for the three year old.
Rex smiles sadly. “It's alright, you can hold my hand whenever you'd like to.” Stutter reaches out his hand, touching Rex's palm but instantly flinches away. Rex smiles comfortingly “It's alright, you're safe now.” The final bit of encouragement makes Stutter cautiously but comfortably take his hand. The feeling is nice and comforting, way more pleasant than being hit or beaten. The soft feel of Rex's skin feels nice, making Stutter let out a small sigh of relief, feeling safer.
Obi Wan holds onto Stutter as Kix gently grips his arm. “Okay, I'm going to count to three. One. Two-” on two Kix quickly pops his arm back into place, making the three year old scream, then start crying. “Shh, shh. We’re done Stutter, it’s okay.” Kix comforts him quietly, he hates seeing kids in any kind of pain. Rex gently hugs Stutter close to his chest while Obi Wan pets his hair. Kix starts putting a cast on Stutter’s arm since he thankfully brought everything with him in his bag. Once he finishes and It’s dry Kix places it in a sling.
“There, all done. Why don’t you go show him around the castle Rex?” Rex nods. “C'mon, Stutter. Let's give you a tour.” Before he starts to walk, he feels a small hand hold his right hand, seeing that Stutter still looks nervous, but he's seeming a little braver already. 
Rex takes Stutter around most of the castle, showing him the most interesting places like the library, drawing room, conservatory, all those kinds of places. When they reached the kitchen, the lovely aroma of food made Stutter's stomach growl. “Are you hungry?” Stutter shakes his head. “I-I-I'm f-fine. I'm n-n-not hungry.” His stomach growls again, more violently. 
“You are allowed to eat something whenever you'd like. My cousin Gregor can make you something if you'd like?” Rex offers the boy with a smile, and the boy nods his head. “What would you like?” 
“I-I'll have w-whatever I-I-I'm given, I promise I w-will eat it e-e-even i-i-if I d-don't l-like it.” Stutter's reply was quick, making Rex frown a little. “If you don't like something, I promise that we won't force you to eat it.” Rex squeezes Stutter's hand reassuringly. 
“O-Okay, t-t-thank y-you.” Stutter smiles for the first time, filling Rex's heart with happiness. “You're welcome, though may I suggest the waffles and strawberries? They are very tasty and I live having them for breakfast.” Stutter nods, making him a little excited for it just by the name of it. He was never told the names of food he was given, all he knew was that it tasted horrible.
About ten minutes later, Stutter sat down at the table, enjoying his waffles and strawberries. It's the best thing that he has eaten in his entire life. A few tears of happiness spill out of his eyes and roll down his cheeks as he munches away. Rex smiles as he watches Stutter finish the rest of his food, letting him know that he's full now. 
They carry on the tour for a bit, when suddenly Stutter yawns. “S-Sorry.”
“There's no need to apologise, Stutter. Would you like a nap?” the three year old hesitates before he yawns again, nodding his head as he rubs his eye sleepily. “Here, would you like me to carry you?”
“Y-Yes p-p-please.” Stutter lifts his arms up a little as Rex picks him up, allowing Stutter to wrap his little body around him.
Rex carries Stutter to the West wing to have a nap on his bed. Setting the sleepy three year old down gently into the bed and readjusting the pillow beneath his head, Stutter speaks again “R-Rex?”
“Yes, Stutter?” Stutter has a nervous look again. “I-If it's not a-a-a p-problem, c-could you s-s-stay w-with me?” 
“Of course I can, would you like me to lie next to you?” Rex smiles as he sits on the edge of the bed, seeing Stutter nod. Rex swings his legs onto the bed, wrapping his arms carefully around Stutter.
Stutter wakes up with a quiet gasp, he had a nightmare again. Stutter takes in his surroundings, seeing Rex and remembering where he was. That’s when he felt the wetness underneath him, he looks down and sees the wet spot on his pants and the bed surrounding it. Fear strikes him, his dad would beat him for wetting his bed, and he knows that he’s going to get a beating from one of the adults for wetting Rex’s bed.
Stutter gets up, panicking. He doesn’t want a beating, he’s breathing rapidly and he feels so much fear. Stutter ends up throwing up all over the floor, waking Rex. Rex jumps up out of bed and rushes over to Stutter, rubbing his back soothingly “I-I'm s-s-sorry, R-Re-” the young boy continues to throw up, choking on his vomit a little as tears prick in the corners of his eyes. “Shh, it's alright. Just let it out.”
Stutter spluttered out the last drops of vomit, shivering a little. Rex frowns “Here, come to the refresher with me.”
“B-But t-the mess and t-the wet b-b-bed, I'll g-get told o-o-off if I d-d-don't c-clean it u-up.” “Nevermind that, it's alright. You're not in trouble. These things happen sometimes, but it's okay. I promise.” Stutter feels confusion as Rex helps him to the refresher. All Stutter had ever been told that if he makes a mess, he'll get in big trouble that ends up with him being beaten. 
“Alright, let's get you cleaned up shall we?” Rex smiles at the three year old, still looking terrified. “Here, let me wipe off as much as I can and then you can have a bath if you'd like one?” 
Stutter nods as Rex uses a towel to wipe up as much of the vomit as he can. Rex starts the bath up, squeezing some soap into it, and soon Stutter sees the steam and fluffy bubbles coming from the bath “W-Who's t-that for?” Rex looks over to what Stutter is pointing to, seeing that it's the bath he is asking about. “It's for you,  why?”
“I-I was o-o-only allowed t-to h-have c-c-cold water b-baths.” 
“Wait, you haven't had a hot bath before?” Rex sounds surprised, Stutter shakes his head nervously. “N-no, sorry.”
“There's no need to apologise Stutter, it wasn't your fault, I just…Here, wait here, I'll be back in a few minutes. I'll be back soon.” Rex smiles as he leaves the refresher, leaving Stutter just staring at the bath, mesmerised by the steam coming up and off of the bath water. He's fascinated by it. A few moments later, Rex arrives back with some clean clothes.
“Here these might be slightly big for you, but they should be okay. They are some of Tech's clothes, he's only two years older than you so they might be a bit big, but not overly.” Rex places the top, trouser and jumper on the sink. Because Stutter was shivering, he thought that the jumper after the bath would keep the three year old warm. Rex walks over to the bath and switches it off, just before it rises halfway. He checks the water temperature. “Perfect. It's ready for you, if you undress and hand me your clothes I'll put them in the laundry basket and have them washed right away for you.” Stutter nods as he strips himself off. 
The clothes are passed to Rex, who takes them into his room before going back to help Stutter into the bath. “You ready? I'll help you in.” Stutter puts his arms in the air some before Rex gently lifts him up and places him gently into the warm water, making sure to keep his left arm out as too keep the cast dry. Stutter gasps in surprise, he's never felt anything like this before. He hums happily as he leans back in the water. “T-This i-i-is nice, t-t-thank y-you.” Stutter closes his eyes, enjoying the warm water swirling around him as he shuffles. He then plays with the bubbles a little, scooping some up in his hand and blowing it off. 
The giggle makes Rex happy that the bath is helping. “Would you like me to wash your hair for you?” 
“Y-Y-Yes p-please.” Stutter feels comfortable with the touch of Rex's hands, but always being beaten, being touched is a very scary thing for Stutter, afraid that someone will want to hurt him again.
Rex gently rubs the shampoo into Stutter's hair, who enjoys the feeling of having someone wash his hair for him, instead of struggling himself. He'd always cry at the stinging sensation when the soap got in his eyes, but Rex is being careful not to get a single drop in them.
Rex then grabs a cup off the counter. “Close your eyes.” Stutter does as Rex told him, Rex cups a hand in front of Stutter’s eyes, gently pouring the water. The little boy hums at the nice feeling of the water flowing through his hair and down his back. “You like that?” Rex asks with a chuckle, only getting a sleepy nod in response.
He finishes up washing Stutter’s hair, he then grabs a towel. “Time to get out.” Stutter nods, standing up and letting Rex wrap the towel around him and lift him out. Rex sets him down and softly dries Stutter off, being very gentle around his bruises. 
He then helps Stutter get dressed, the clothes are a little big, but not by much. Rex then carries Stutter to Obi Wan's bed where he knows Cody is, laying down with the two older teens. Before Stutter closes his eyes, he sees the sun setting over the horizon, bright shades of oranges and yellows shining into the room, making him feel cozy and warm before closing his eyes to get some sleep.
Stutter finishes his painting. "L-Look Jesse. I-I-I'm done." He would be smiling if he could, the memory of being rescued by Rex and his brothers always makes him happy. It was the best day of his life, even if his father and brothers got away.
Stutter loves drawing sunsets, a sunset was the thing he saw the first time he ever felt safe and warm, loved, and it always relaxes him to draw them.
The paper man runs over to Stutter, being careful of the paint. "That looks amazing Stutter, you did a great job." Jesse smiles at him, and Stutter wishes that he could smile back. "D-Do you t-t-think t-that Rex w-would like it?" 
"Of course he would, why don't we go give it to him. We could go get Obi Wan to help us carry it." Stutter makes a nodding motion, and Jesse runs over to Kix. "Come on Kix, you can come help me and Stutter get Obi Wan." Kix sighs, but nods.
"Fine, but if he's busy we're leaving him alone. We can always just grab Rex and bring him down here, okay." Both Jesse and Stutter nod, and with that the three fly out of the room. Jesse folded into a bird as usual.
They fly to Obi Wan and Cody's shared room, and Kix hits his body on the door, making a thumping sound. It's the only way he can knock. They wait a few moments, then Kix knocks again. After a few minutes this time the door opens and they see the suit of armor looking at them.
"Did you three need something?" He asked, it's not very often that someone interrupts him and Cody. Stutter stays behind the two older cousins, even after so many years he's still afraid of some things. "Stutter painted a picture and wanted to give it to Rex, we were wondering if you could carry it up for us?" Jesse asks.
Obi Wan chuckles. "I can definitely help with that, let's go get it. Do you want to come Cody?" Cody shuffles towards the door. "Sure, let's go. Do you three want a ride?" Kix, Jesse and Stutter all nod and fly up, Jesse holds onto Kix instead of folding himself this time. They sit on Cody as him and Obi Wan make their way to the drawing room, once they get their Sabine is still painting and Stutter's painting is sitting right where he left it.
Obi Wan picks it up, admiring it. Stutter starts to get nervous, he doesn't know if Obi Wan likes it or not. Obi Wan senses Stutter's nervousness. "This looks amazing Stutter, you did a great job on it. Look Cody." Obi Wan holds the picture where Cody could see it, and the desk hums when he sees it. “Wow, this looks stunning. I love the colours you used, you're so talented. Rex is going to love this.”
Even though he doesn't have one, Stutter's face is beaming in delight. “Thank you so much, I hope he does.” The four brothers and Obi Wan, who carries the painting with care, head up the stairs towards the West Wing. As soon as they arrive at Rex's bedroom door, they hear a soft snoring sound. Obi Wan gently knocks as he opens the door to see Anakin lying on top of Rex at a slight angle across his fluffy chest and stomach. As Rex breathes, letting out the soft snores, his chest slowly rises and falls. 
A few moments later, Anakin starts to stir, looking up to see Obi Wan standing in the doorway. He can't see Cody or the others at the level he is lying at. Anakin lets out a yawn and whispers, as to not wake Rex “Obi Wan. Is everything alright?” Obi Wan nods and whispers back “Yes, everything is fine. Cody, Stutter and the twins are here too.”
Anakin hears a shuffling and sees them all come into view now. “Hey you guys.” they all respond with a quiet greeting. “What you got there, Obi Wan?” Anakin nods towards the canvas.
“It's a painting of a sunset that Stutter did for Rex.” Obi Wan explains, smiling invisibly to Stutter. “I-If h-h-he's asleep, I-I-I c-can just l-leave it h-here f-f-for him.” Stutter offers. 
The sound of quiet talking to each other eventually wakes Rex up. He goes to sit up when he remembers that Anakin is lying down on top of him. As he lets out a yawn, the others see his sharp teeth and fangs showing on display. It doesn't bother anyone in the slightest that he has them. Anakin chuckles a little as he gets up, allowing Rex to sit up “Nice nap, Rexster?” 
Rex smiles at the nickname that Anakin gave him when they were younger. It started out as something to bug Rex with, when they first met Anakin didn't really like Rex very much, but things have definitely changed since then.
"Yeah, it was nice. So what are you guys doing here?" Rex asks, gesturing to the group. Stutter is hiding behind Obi Wan now, suddenly very shy. "Well, Stutter painted a picture for you, Rex'ika." Rex perks up, he loves when Stutter paints him pictures. He looks around, but doesn't see the paintbrush anywhere.
"Where is he?" Rex frowns while he asks, he knows that Stutter must be hiding. It happens sometimes, even after all the years away from him, Stutter still has habits and scars from his father. Physical and emotional.
"Come on out, Stutter. You know that I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." Stutter flies out from behind Obi Wan, who walks forward. "This is the painting that Stutter painted for you." Rex takes the painting and Stutter flies over while Rex looks at it.
"This is amazing, Stutter! I love it!" Stutter beams, flying up and snuggling into Rex's fur. Rex chuckles, nuzzling the paintbrush. "Thank you, Ori'Vod." 
Rex smiles, it always warms his heart when Stutter calls him that. It took him so long to get up the courage to call Rex his brother.
"You're welcome, Stutter. I love it. I'll make sure to find a place to hang it up later." Rex stands up to find a place to put the painting, and that's when Stutter backs up. Accidentally bumping into a glass framed painting of Rex's parents, it falls to the floor, shattering. The loud noise scared Stutter, but even more so knowing how important that painting is to Rex.
Anakin knows this too, and he starts walking towards Rex to calm him down. "STUTTER!!!! HOW COULD YOU!!!" Rex yells, making Stutter flinch and whimper loudly. Stutter flies as fast as he can out of the room. The room falls silent, regret fills Rex as he feels everyone in the room staring at him. “Rex!! Why would you yell at Stutter like that?!” Cody makes Rex press his ears back, whimpering as he realizes what he just did. “I...I didn't mean to-” Rex bolts out of his room to go and hide from everyone, embarrassed at what he just did. Obi Wan places his hand on top of Cody to calm his boyfriend, feeling his anger boiling up inside of him. 
Stutter sobs hard as he floats down the hallway, trying to fight away his pain caused so many years ago, on the verge of letting it consume and destroy him. He bursts into a room, falling to the floor from the loss of energy. He chokes on his sobs, wishing that he had tears that would allow him to cry away his pain for a short time, before his episodes of panic attacks fully developed into outbreaks that would uncontrollably happen every now and then. 
Taglist:  @ellie1366 @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @lightning-wolffe  @pinkiemme
@captainrexisboo  @trash-dino-5000
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writer1 · 4 years
A regretful Wolf and his Beauty
Chapter Seven
Beast!Rex x Fem!reader
Summary: As punishment for his actions, young prince Rex was cursed to become a monster by a witch. The only thing that saved him from his fate was an enchantress, who gave him a condition. He has to find true love in order to redeem himself and he only has until the last petal of the enchanted rose falls. Rex's family helps you by guiding your way into his heart. Rex's fate now lies in your hands.
A/N: This is a collaborative fic with @ahsokatano-thetogruta.
Warnings: Self hate, nightmares, panic attack, abandonment, mention of injury, guilt.
The sun blares through the window, reflecting off of Obi Wan's armour in just the right place to brighten up the small room. Cody lets out a quiet yawn and goes to stretch but he can't. He can't believe that he forgot that he was like this, remembering the curse and the events that happened the day before. He sighs, but then ever so slightly feels Obi Wan snuggle into him, pressing himself into Cody's table top as much as he possibly can.
Cody feels himself drift off back to sleep, but Obi Wan begins to stir. Cody chuckles with content "Good morning, Sweetheart."
Obi Wan stretches his armoured limbs out as he lets out a big yawn, his vision coming back to him as he sits up and looks down to see his boyfriend, still a desk, and then looks at himself still fully suited up in armour. "I...I thought it was all just a nightmare…" Obi Wan goes to rub his eyes, but then he hears his metal fingers scraping against his helmet, making him groan. 
Cody wants so badly just to cradle Obi Wan's face, feeling his slight stubble brush against his hand. "Oh, Obi Wan. Are you okay?" Obi Wan shakes his head. "No, I forgot about everything. I hoped it was all just a bad dream and I would wake up to see you...to see your face, and hold you while we cuddle." He sees Cody shuffle to him a bit closer.
"It'll be alright, Sweetheart. I'm right here for you. We'll get through this together. I promise." Obi Wan feels himself smile as he gets up and crouches down, wrapping his arms around Cody in a hug. "Thank you, Cyare. I'm lucky to have someone so wonderful like you in my life."
"I can say the exact same thing about you, Sweetheart." Cody leans into Obi Wan's embrace wishing he could hug him back, but this is the best that he can do while he's like this. A moment later, Obi Wan groans a little in discomfort.
“Are you okay, sweetheart?” Cody asks in a worried tone, Obi Wan stands up, stretching out his back. “Yeah, I’m just a little sore. Mostly in my back.” Cody realizes now that it probably wasn’t a good idea for Obi Wan to sleep on him.
“Maybe it would be better to sleep in the bed from now on, Obi Wan.” Obi Wan sighs, walking over and sitting on the bed. Cody shuffles over to stand in front of him. “I… I just don’t want to sleep without you, Cyare.” Cody sighs, shuffling closer to Obi Wan and pressing against him.
“I could sleep right beside the bed? Then you can place your hand on top of me and know that I’m there. Will that work, sweetheart?” Obi Wan nods, placing his hand on Cody’s scar.. “Yeah, that will work Cody. Thank you.” Cody would be smiling if he could, it makes him so happy that he could help his boyfriend. Obi Wan presses his face against Cody in a kiss, making the desk sigh with contentment. He loves being kissed by Obi Wan, even if it is different now.
“Do you think that anyone else is awake yet?” Obi Wan asks when he pulls away, and Cody hums. “Probably, hopefully the kids are still sleeping, they went to bed pretty late yesterday. And after the whole ordeal they deserve to sleep in, especially Rex.” Cody feels a spark of sadness at the thought of everything that Rex had gone through the day before, he really hopes that they can fix this, if not…
“Do you think that we can find a way to fix this, Obi Wan?” Cody asks, a tiny tremble of fear in his voice. Obi Wan sighs. “Truthfully Cody, I have no idea. Every curse I've ever read about had a condition or conditions set to end it, this one doesn’t.” Cody sighs, he was afraid of that answer. He hopes that they will find a way to end it. If not for their stakes then Rex's stake, Cody doesn’t know how being stuck as a werewolf might affect his Rex’ika mentally. Before him and Obi Wan can talk more, the door opens and both Kix and Jesse walk and float in. Kix’s face looks urgent. "Um, sorry to disturb you both." Kix looks sheepishly as Cody shuffles away from Obi Wan a little. "It's alright, Kix. What's up?"
"It's Rex, he had a nightmare. He didn't want us to come and get you because he said that he doesn't want to be any more of a burden on us than he already is." Kix feels bad that he went against Rex's wish, but he knows that he needs help right now, especially after having a nightmare.
Cody feels sadness and pain, hearing that his Rex'ika thinks that he's a burden to everyone. "Thank you for coming to me, Kix. I'll go and talk to him." He looks back at Obi Wan, who is now sitting up on the bed. "Would you like me to come with you, Cyare?" Cody nods, making Obi Wan get up and walk behind Cody who shuffles over to the door. Kix and Jesse lead the way to Rex's room as quickly as they can.
Kix stops just before the door, turning around to Cody and Obi Wan. "Rex was still sleeping when we left, so he might still be now." The both of them nod, being as quiet as they can as they push the door open to see Rex still asleep.
Rex looks so peaceful with the kids still sleeping in their same positions as they were the night before, but really inside he is hurting, being torn apart by the thought of what he has become. He whimpers a little and twitches ever so slightly. He was having another nightmare. 
Cody shuffles over to Rex, pressing his leg into Rex's arm, nudging him to try and wake him up. "Rex'ika?" Rex doesn't wake up and he moves his legs, as if he was trying to run away from something, or someone. Cody is finding it so difficult to keep nudging Rex, so Obi Wan goes over to help him out. "Rex? Rex, it's okay, Little one. You need to wake up." Obi wan shakes Rex's arm.
A moment later, Rex screams as he sits up quickly and his eyes snap open. His breathing is heavy as he struggles to get rid of the image in his mind. As Rex sits up, Fives, Kiara and Echo get thrown down. They all let out a startled yell as they fall onto Rex’s lap, after they get up and jump onto Cody, giving Rex some space. 
Rex’s scream also startled Anakin, his first thought was that Ventress had returned to hurt his friend. He jumps up, knocking Padmé off of his shoulder. She screams and keeps her eyes shut tight, too tired and shocked to remember that she can float. Her fall suddenly stops and she is left floating above the floor, she opens her eyes to see Obi Wan, arm outstretched, he had thankfully caught her using the force. 
Anakin feels so guilty “I am so sorry Padmé. Are you okay?” The little angel nods. “Yeah, I’m fine, Ani. Thanks Obi Wan.” 
“No thanks necessary, my dear.” Padme floats over to Anakin, nuzzling against him. Bly and Stutter are on the table beside Ahsoka, they had woken up as soon as Rex had screamed, and jumped onto the table. All three look at Rex, wondering what kind of nightmare he must have had. Rex sits on the bed, taking deep breaths.
His breathing becomes rapid and out of control, starting to hyperventilate. His mind floods with the visions from his nightmare, making him curl up and holding his head, trying to get rid of the horrible and terrifying thoughts plaguing his mind. His ears press back hard against his head. Everyone feels scared as they watch Rex break down, but Kix jumps straight into action. "Rex. Rex it's okay, just breathe for me, you're safe." Rex finds it difficult to concentrate as he sobs and his heart is beating out of control. Kix keeps his worry for his cousin under control. "Okay, could everyone except Jesse, Cody and Obi Wan please leave? There's too many people right now." Everyone nods at Kix as they leave, Anakin picks up Ahsoka as she is the only other one who finds it difficult to get around places. 
Once it is just the four of them and Rex, Kix begins to talk to Rex again. "It's alright, Rex. I need you to focus on your breathing, can you do that for me?" Rex finds it difficult to process what Kix is saying, but a small part of him begins to slow down his breathing. He's finding it difficult to breathe properly with all the sniffles and hiccups, making him lose focus for moments at a time. "Here, breathe with me. Take a deep breath in through your nose, holding it for five seconds…..and slowly out of your mouth. Like that, okay? Can you do that for me please?" Rex does as Kix says, inhaling a deep breath through his nose, holding it and then letting it out as gently as he can through his mouth, trying his best to hold back his sobs threatening to escape. Jesse, Cody and Obi Wan watch quietly. All they can do is hope that Rex will be okay. 
Rex's senses gradually come back to him as his heart rate slows down to a much steadier pace, doing as Kix had told him to. He feels shaky and weak as he tries to stand. "Rex, what are you doing? You need to stay sat down." Rex looks at Kix. "I-I'm fine."
"No you're not, you've just had a panic attack. You need to sit down and rest until your mind and body has recovered."
"I just…" Rex stumbles back down into the bed, letting out a sharp breath. "I just don't want to be a burden on anyone." The four of them frown as they see Rex begin to tear up again.
"You're not a burden Rex'ika, you never will be. We're here for you, no matter what." Cody wishes he could smile at Rex to comfort him some. Rex just looks down. 
"Would you like to talk about the nightmares?" Kix asks, trying not to pressure Rex into talking. 
Rex nods as he takes a shaky breath in and out. "Okay, so my dream last night, I was in the castle with everyone and Ventress was there. It was when we transformed, everything was the same except I was the only one affected. You all stayed the same.” Cody listens to his Vod’ika’s story, he really hopes that it isn’t going where he thinks it is. “When I looked around, you were all glaring at me with the most hateful expressions filled with disgust. You all hated me, even you, Bubby. That’s when I woke up.” Cody feels so much sadness for his Vod’ika, even if Rex had been the only one to transform, they would still love him. No matter what. "What was the nightmare you had just now, Rex'ika?" 
Rex presses his ears back, his expression tensing at the thought of it. "I was back in the ballroom, you were all still looking so disgusted at me. Then...then you all started shouting at me, making me feel scared and vulnerable. It was the way you shouted at me, throwing things near me to scare me off. You all kept backing me up all the way to the door. I had nowhere to go, but the doors opened up and I fell out, everyone was still scaring me away, so I ran...I ran as fast as I possibly could, and then I woke up." The thought is too much for Rex, sobbing as he finishes explaining his nightmare. They all feel so sorry for him, hating that he had dreamt of that. 
Kix and Jesse go over to him and snuggle into his fur to comfort him. Cody presses against his leg and Obi Wan sits beside him, rubbing his back. “That would never ever happen Rex’ika, even if we didn’t transform we would still love you with all of our hearts. I promise, you’re stuck with us.” Rex nods, pressing his leg against Cody, he cups Jesse and Kix on his chest and Obi Wan pulls Rex into a little side hug.
“Cody is right, Little One. that would never happen, whether we transformed or not we would have stood by you always. We love you.” Rex nods, thankful again for his amazing family. “Thank you, all of you.” Cody presses against him more.
“No thanks necessary, Rex’ika. We love you more than anything.” Everyone can hear a soft thumping as Rex’s tail starts to wag against the bed happily. Cody sighs, he’s happy that they could make Rex happy, even if it’s just for a little while. “Come on, Rex. I should check your burn and change the bandages.” Kix tells Rex, who nods.
“We’ll go do that, you guy’s can head down to the ballroom. We all need to figure out where to go from here.” Cody sighs. “Will you be okay with Kix and Jesse, Rex’ika?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine, Bubby.” Rex smiles as he follows Kix and Jesse out of the room and down the hall, heading towards his medical office. 
The three of them arrive and Rex sits down. "Jesse, could you grab some clean bandages please and take off this one please." Kix gestures at the older bandages around Rex's arm. Jesse nods as he climbs up to the cupboard where the bandages are kept. "Got them!" He hops over to the bed that Rex sits on, climbing up his arm to start unraveling the old dressing. Rex holds his arm out so it's easier for Jesse to stand and info the bandages. Jesse gasps, making Kix float quickly over to him. Kix's eyes widen as he looks confused.
"What's wrong, is it okay?" Rex sounds worried, hoping that something bad hasn't happened. "It's fine. It's more than fine actually, the burn has fully healed and the fresh skin tissue has already repaired itself. There is a bit of a scar there though. Sorry if we worried you, Rex." Kix explains, making Rex feel equally surprised.
"It's okay. Do you have any idea how?" Kix tries to think of an answer for Rex. "Hm, I don't exactly know how, but it may be because you've changed? This new form may have given you an ability to heal quicker than usual? That's my only conclusion, I'm sorry that I can't help you, Rex." Rex shakes his head.
"It's alright Kix, thank you." He pulls Kix in for a gentle hug, being careful not to hurt him. Jesse jumps in as well making them all chuckle. Kix is happy that he could help Rex, even just a little "You're welcome, Rex." 
"Let's head to the ballroom then, if you don't mind Rex." Rex nods at Kix, following him and Jesse out of the medical room. All three head to the ballroom, Rex following along behind them. His legs feel more sturdy today, he hopes to figure out how to walk on two legs today.
They Make it to the ballroom. "AUGH!! Come on!!" They turn to see Hardcase is sitting on the ground, he's been turned into an ax. He's staring at his puzzle in its box, unable to do anything since the poor guy has no hands. Jesse runs over to him.
"Do you need some help, Hardcase?" He nods his head, trying to stop the tears of frustration from falling. "I'm going to stay and help Hardcase, Okay." The two nod as Jesse dumps out the puzzle. 
"Just tell me where you want it to go Case, and I'll put it there." Hardcase nods, telling Jesse where he wants him to put the pieces.
Both Rex and Kix leave him be, the two look around. "Stop playing the music, Wreck!" They turn to see a hat rack whip a non sentient book at the piano. Rex shakes his head, chuckling to himself, it looks like Crosshair didn't change much. All the bad batch are around the piano, it seems that Hunter is a hunting knife while his baby cousin is a book. Wrecker is a grand piano too.
Rex turns to find Cody talking to Obi Wan, Plo, and Kanan. As the two walk closer they can hear what Obi Wan is saying. "I don't know what to do, Cyare. The Knight's on patrol never returned, neither did anyone else that left the castle. Me and Kanan were thinking of going out and trying to find them."
"Rex! Kix, how are you two doing?" The keldor calls out to them as he sees them approach. "We're good." Rex tells him, Cody shuffles around so that he's facing Rex.
"How's Rex's arm, Kix?" Cody asks, he hopes that it's healing alright. Kix smiles. "It's fully healed actually, must be something to do with Rex being what he is. What were you guys talking about? The Knights never returned?" 
Obi Wan strokes his nonexistent stubble in worry. "No, they haven't. Neither have little Kiara's parents or anyone else who left before the curse. Me and Kanan would like to head out and look for them, but Cody's not very happy with that plan."
"Because it's dangerous in your current condition, Obi Wan! If anyone but them sees you, all they'll see is a walking talking suit of armor, they could hurt you or worse!!!" Cody feels fear in his heart, thinking about what they could do to his boyfriend. He shudders.
"We'll be okay, Cyare. I promise you." Obi Wan leans down and presses his face against Cody's table top. Nobody comments on it or seems to mind, they all know that this is their way of showing affection while in the forms that they are in. Cody feels scared "I...I just don't want to lose you, Sweetheart." Obi Wan pulls away and looks at him. 
"You won't lose me, I'll be right back before you know it. That's if we can go?" Obi Wan turns to Rex who nods his head. "Yes, just be careful out there."
"Of course, Rex. Thank you, we'll be as quick as we can be." Kanan agrees with Obi Wan. "Yes, we'll try to stay out of sight as much as we can, if not, we'll try to blend in."
Cody sighs in defeat. "Okay, just...be safe out there. Please." Obi Wan traces Cody's scar with his finger. "We will, don't worry, Cyare." He leans down again to kiss Cody before he gets ready to leave with Kanan.
"Ready to go, Obi Wan?" Kanan walks towards the door. "Yes, let's go. We'll be back soon, everyone!" Everyone waves at them as they leave, the door shutting behind the both of them.
Everyone goes back to what they are doing and Rex looks down to Cody. He seems sad. "He'll be okay Cody, he's strong." Cody nods as best he can. "Yeah, he is…I miss him already." Rex places his hand comfortingly on his brother's table top. 
A second later, Rex's stomach growls, making him feel embarrassed "Uh... I-I'm getting hungry." Cody chuckles a little, hoping that helping his Rex'ika out will take away his sadness. "How about we get you some food, yeah?" Rex nods, following Cody as he leads him to the kitchen. 
Kanan and Obi Wan are walking through the woods, this was the area the Knights were meant to patrol. Obi Wan and Kanan have found nothing to indicate that the knights would have been here. They are coming to the outskirts of the village, they come across a cottage on the very edge.
"Something's not right, the force feels almost like it was manipulated over here?" Kanan looks over at Obi Wan, he feels the same, but there's something else. The force presence feels… Familiar?
Suddenly Aayla secura comes running out of the cottage towards them, for some reason she had no armor on at all. Only peasant clothes.
"Aayla? What's going on, where's your armor?" She doesn't answer, looking at them in confusion until she looks through the gaps in their armor, seeing right through it to the other side. She runs screaming into the house, something the two knights know is not her usual behavior.
Depa Billaba then runs out. "Master! What's going on!" Kanan yells out to her, he doesn't understand what's going on, it's like they're completely different from the people they knew. But all she does is scream in fear, she lifts Obi Wan with the force and before he can even think he's smashed against a tree. The Knight falls to the ground. Obi Wan groans as he tries to stand. His back was already achy from not sleeping in the right position last night, but this has just worsened the pain, making it excruciating. 
"Obi Wan! Are you okay? We have to get out of here." Kanan rips Obi Wan to his feet, all the suit of armor can feel is pain, screaming as he's basically dragged away by Kanan, who doesn't stop running until they're miles away and getting close to the castle.
Obi Wan is in so much pain, his back hurts so much, he would have tears in his eyes if he had them. 
Rex is sitting down at the large dining table, finishing up his waffles and strawberries as Gregor brings out some cooked meat for him, to make sure that he won't feel hungry like he was yesterday. Rex gave up trying to use any cutlery, they are just way too small for him to hold now, so he dives into it with just his mouth "Mmm, fank yousho mush." Rex tries to thank Gregor with his mouthful, making him chuckle as he watches the thirteen year old boy enjoy his breakfast. "You're welcome, Rex."
Suddenly, Fives and Echo burst into the dining room, making Gregor, Rex and Cody turn their heads to look at the twins' worried expressions. "Is everything okay, you two?" Rex asks, feeling concerned for the two. "It's Obi Wan and Kanan! They're back, but Obi Wan is injured." Rex's eyes widen, looking over to Cody who would have had tears filling his eyes, but being a desk is making it difficult. The five of them rush to the ballroom to see Obi Wan with an arm wrapped around Kanan's neck for support.
"Obi Wan!!" Cody screams out, making Obi Wan look up to see his boyfriend shuffling as fast as he can to him. "Obi Wan! Sweetheart, what happened?" Cody asks fearfully.
"We…we found…" Obi Wan is unable to think straight because of the pain and how shocked he feels right now.
"We found Depa and Aayla, but they weren't the same." Rex fears that the same thing has happened to them too. "What do you mean, Kanan? Have they changed as well? Where are they?" 
Kanan frowns and shakes his head. "They haven't transformed like us, they didn't seem to remember us at all. The way they acted, the way they were dressed. It was all different. When Aayla went running and screaming from us, Depa came out of the house, that I assume they are living in, and then she threw Obi Wan against a tree. I ran as fast as I could to get him back here." All Cody feels is anger and sadness, not believing that this has happened. He knew that this was a bad idea, but all that matters right now is making sure that Obi Wan's injury isn't too serious.
Kix flies over, Kanan turns Obi Wan over and everyone gasps. His back is quite literally bent from the impact of the tree, they won't be able to fix this medically.
"Kix? What do we do." Cody asks him, a tremble in his voice. He shuffles closer to his boyfriend, pressing softly against the hand that's hanging down. Obi Wan does his best to lift his hand, placing it over Cody's scar. They're both so scared, Cody can feel Obi Wan trembling in pain.
"I… I don't know, Cody. We could get a hammer and bend it back into shape, but it would hurt him. I don't know what we can do that won't cause him excruciating pain." 
"I might be able to help with that!" Everyone turns to see a glowing woman, she has long flowing green hair. 
Her eyes are green as well. She has a long yellow dress and her voice almost sounds like it has an echo. She looks like a goddess, everyone feels absolutely terrified.
"Oh no, not another one!" Cody yells, he doesn't want them to be cursed any worse than they already are. The woman puts her hands up in surrender at the knights that raise their swords towards her and Rex hunches down over top of Fives, Echo, Kiara and Stutter. 
He growls at her angrily, Rex's chest is so close to the four that Fives has to put his candle out in fear of burning his Ori'vod again. "I am not here to curse any of you again, I promise. I'm only here to help you." She glides over to Obi Wan, Cody and Kanan tries to block her but she just floats through them.
Obi Wan looks up at her as she places her hand on his back gently, everyone watches as her hand glows and Obi Wan's back bends back into shape. But he doesn't scream in pain like expected, on the contrary he sighs in content. 
"There, all better. Do you believe that I'm trying to help now." Everyone in the room nods, including Rex. "What's your name, mam." The woman chuckles. 
"I go by many names. The Goddess, The Daughter, Morai, but you may call me The Enchantress." Rex walks over, bowing to her the best he can. " Well, I'm Prince Rex. Are you actually here to help us?" The enchantress nods." Of course, I helped your friend, didn't I." She gestures to Obi Wan, who's standing up and stretching his back out as if nothing happened. Cody is pressing himself into him, doing his best to hug Obi Wan.
"Now let me take a look at you, young man." The enchantress moves closer to Rex, he flinches as she goes to place her hand on the side of his face. "It's alright, I'm just going to look through your memories, to when this all happened. This is the work of a witch, am I correct?" Rex nods, looking a little nervous as her hand emits a warm glow by his face. "Hm, Ventress...that witch will do anything just to use her magic on anyone for fun."
"Can this be changed back, Enchantress?" Rex tries to not let his hopes get the best of him. The enchantress frowns as she finishes looking at Rex's memories, stepping back a little. "I cannot change you back. I don’t have the power to end the curse." Rex’s ears droop, and Cody shuffles over to him, he presses himself into Rex. He knows that Rex still blames himself. “But I may be able to change it.” Everyone including Rex looks up at her, Rex’s ears perk up.
"How?" Rex is confused. How will she be able to change it? "I am able to change the curse so that there will be a way to end it, if you will allow it." Rex nods frantically, looking around at his friends and family, who nod as well. “Yes, change it please.” She nods, using her powers to pick up the rose that Ventress had given them for payment. “This rose will bloom for thirteen years, when it starts to wilt you will have only two years to fall in love, and earn their love in return before the last petal falls or this curse will truly be permanent.” she makes the rose float down gently into his hands.
He looks at it with confusion and worry "Love me? Nobody would want to love something like me." Rex whimpers as he convinces himself that he'll never be loved by anyone. "This will be the only way, Prince Rex. Your fate lies only in your hands and those of your true love's. You must find your true love if you are to break this curse." The Enchantress starts to slowly fade away into glowing dust. 
"Please, there must be another way, Enchantress!" Rex begs her, wanting an easier way to correct his mistake. Once she disappears completely, Rex is filled with fear and regret. He tries to hold back the tears as he just stares at the rose in his hands. "Are you alright, Rex'ika." Rex turns around to see Cody. 
"I... I'm so sorry." Cody looks at Rex confused. "For what?" 
"That all of this has happened. The damage has been done and I feel that I'll never be able to fix this mess." Rex presses the rose gently to his forehead, sobbing a little. Cody shuffles closer, pressing himself against Rex's leg "It's alright, Rex'ika. We'll get through this together, we promise. Whatever you need, we'll be here to help you." Rex looks around to see everyone nod, making him feel a bit more hopeful to know that he has such a kind and loving family.
At least his family has hope now to break the curse, but all Rex can think about is, who could ever learn to love a monster like him?
taglist: @pinkiemme @ellie1366 @captainrexisboo @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @lightning-wolffe
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writer1 · 4 years
A regretful Wolf and his Beauty
Chapter Nine
Beast!Rex x Fem!reader
Summary: As punishment for his actions, young prince Rex was cursed to become a monster by a witch. The only thing that saved him from his fate was an enchantress, who gave him a condition. He has to find true love in order to redeem himself and he only has until the last petal of the enchanted rose falls. Rex's family helps you by guiding your way into his heart. Rex's fate now lies in your hands.
A/N: This is a collaborative fic with @ahsokatano-thetogruta.
Warnings: mention of starvation and sickness. Mistreatment of Ezra
Threepio gallops as fast as he can, following the path that your father took, leading you to a large castle. The fog lays low along the ground. “What is this place?” Threepio suddenly rears his head back with fear as he neighs. “Threepio! Please, steady.” you hop off of his back and then pull his face close to yours to calm him down. “Steady.” Threepio calms down.
You look at the gates, seeing that they are adjar. Through the bars, you see something on the ground. When you realise what it is, you gasp. You run through the gate and pick up your Father's hat. “Papa.” You feel worried for him, but you ready your sword while walking towards the castle entrance.
Fives sits with head on his hands on the edge of Cody's table top as the guilt swells up inside of him for what happened to Echo earlier. He wouldn't have been able to forgive himself if anything had happened to his twin. “Fives.” He looks up to see Echo standing next to him. “It's okay, I'm alright.” he tries to reassure Fives. 
“I...I was just trying to be hospitable.” His candles dim down a little. “You could have gotten so much more hurt. Or worse-”
“It's alright Fives, it's not your fault.” Echo gives him a hug, being careful of the candles. "Hello?! Papa?!" Fives and Echo both jump at the female voice, they look at eachother. 
"Cody! Did you hear that too?" Cody nods, shuffling to turn toward the voice. "Yeah, it must be the man's daughter. He's the only person she would be looking for." Echo shudders, thinking about what he did to him. They all freeze when a girl in armor walks by. They watch her go, then all jump up.
"We need to get Rex, now." Fives nods, leaving Echo on Cody and hopping off to find his older brother. This is not good.
“Buir! Buir!” Plo turns around to see four little teacups hopping up to him. “Buir, there's a girl in the castle!” Wolffe shouts out. Plo just shakes his head.
“Stop telling jokes, Wolffe. We've already had enough trouble for one day.” Plo finishes filling up the bowl of warm water for his adopted sons. “Really, we saw one.” 
“Not another word.” “But--” Wolffe, along with his brothers, are picked up and placed in the water, making a small splash. 
“A girl!” Plo is startled, turning around to see Kiara. “I saw a girl in the castle!” 
Wolffe bobs out of the water. “See. I told ya.”
You search the castle, heading down to the dungeon. You walk down the long, steep stairs. "Papa! Are you here." You listen carefully. "Shiny!" It's quiet, but you hear his voice. You run down the stairs even faster, finally finding him in a cell. He's sick, and shivering.
"Oh, Papa. You're going to be okay. I promise!" You grip his hand through the bars. Your Papa shakes his head rapidly. "No, no. You… You have to get out of here, Shiny." You shake your head.
"No! I won't leave you!" Bail curses under his breath. "Shiny, you don't understand. There's a terrifying beast here, he'll trap you too, Go!" He pushes you away through the bars, but you will not give up on him. You pick up your sword, swinging it and trying to cut the lock off. Bail had already backed away.
"I'm getting you out of here, Papa! If it's the last thing I do!" Before you go to swing, you feel a large hand grab your shoulder, pulling you away from the cell. You gasp and lose your grip on your sword and it goes flying down the passageway and into the darkness. 
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!” The loud, growly voice makes you stumble back hard against the wall, but luckily your armour protects you so it doesn't hurt as much. 
“Who's there?” you frantically look into the darkness for whoever just spoke. “Who are you? Are you the one who imprisoned my father?!” You try to sound as fearless as you can, but the darkness and whistling of wind blowing down into the dungeon just adds to how terrifying this place is.
“The master of this castle.” The stranger growls at you as you sense it walking around. “I've come for my Father. Please, let him out! Can't you see, he's sick-”
"THEN HE SHOULDN'T HAVE TRESPASSED HERE AND HURT MY BROTHER!” His voice makes you tremble slightly, worried that he won't let your father go. You are confused, but all that matters right now is Bail's safety “But he could die. Please, I'll do anything!”
A growl is let out again. “There's nothing you can do. He's my prisoner.” The voice walks away. “There must be some way I can-'' You then have an idea. “Wait!” They stop just before they leave, growling once again. 
You look at your father for a moment before looking back towards the darkness. “Take me instead!”
“YOU-” He pauses as his expression softens, still masked by the shadows. “You would...take his place?” You nod.
“Shiny, no! You don't know what you're doing!” Bail screams out, worry washing over him like crashing waves in a stormy sea. You try to ignore his pleading. “If I did...would you let him go?”
“Yes. But, you must promise to stay here forever.” He steps into the light ever so slightly, making you look skeptical at him. "Step into the light?" You ask him, making the stranger huff nervously before sighing. He slides one foot into the light, then his whole body. You breathe in sharply.
He's a werewolf, you know that for sure. You've read many books about them, he has blonde fur, his head is that of a Wolf's, with piercing honey- brown eyes.
He has a snout with razor sharp teeth, his body is more or less covered by his cape, but you can see that he's human esque from the neck down until you get to his legs.
They have haunches, then turn into wolf-like feet. His hands have claws as well. His ears press back against his head. His pants are ripped and shredded, and he has a fluffy tail swishing behind him.
"Do you still want to trade places?" He asks, but you bravely nod, something he was not expecting, not even from a knight. "Fine, your choice." He rushes into the cell, grabbing your Papa and carrying him out. You rush in.
"Wait! Let me say goodbye!" You yell, but the monster just keeps going, dragging Bail behind him. You stand in the now locked cell, holding back your tears.
You will give no one the satisfaction of seeing you cry. You walk around the room, knowing that this will be all you'll see from now on, but you're happy that your Papa is at least safe. 
You take your helmet off and sit down against the wall, closing your eyes and trying to fall asleep. It takes a few minutes but you manage to fall asleep after the day you had.
"Hello?" You open your eyes to see that the monster has returned, he looks at you, almost timidly. "What do you want?" You ask him angrily, he flinches at your cold, hard glare. If looks could kill he swears that he would be dead the second you looked at him.
"I… I came to take you to your room." You feel confusion fill you. "Room? What do you mean, room? I'm not going anywhere with you!" You tell him, crossing your arms. He glares at you. "Well, would you rather stay in here. Because it would save me a lot of trouble." 
You sigh in defeat. "Fine." You stand up, and he leads you out the door. You note that he walks on two legs.
He has a smirk on his face that makes your blood boil. Rex feels satisfaction in getting you to leave the cell, he finds you very stubborn. It annoys him to no end. He's happy to have won this small victory against you.
The both of you walk out of the dungeon and up into the castle, darkness still surrounding you. The rooms you pass by are huge, nothing like you are used to back at your small cottage. “The castle is where you'll be living now. You can go anywhere you like, but you are not allowed to go to the west wing.” 
“What's in the west-” “IT'S FORBIDDEN!” You feel a shock of fear pulse through you, but after a moment you just feel annoyed at him. 
“I'm only curious.” you say as you finally reach the bedroom that you'll be staying in. Rex made sure that no one was living in it when he picked it out for you.
He opens the door for you, letting you in “You will be having dinner later in the dining room. That is not a request!” he growls as he slams the door behind you.
You walk to the bed and slump down on the floor beside it, only being able to think about your father. But knowing that he's safe now makes you feel somewhat better.
Back in town, the tavern is lively, filled with music. Though sitting by the fire is Maul, feeling solemn and gloomy.
“Who does she think she is? That girl has tangled with the wrong man. No one says no to Maul.” He hits his fist on his chest, trying to gesture how great he is.
“Huh! Darn right.” Ezra is walking up behind him, being careful not to spill the beer that Maul told him to get for him. The only reason the eleven year old is allowed in the tavern is because of Maul.
“Dismissed! Rejected! Publicly humiliated!” He shouts out, grabbing the drink Ezra was carrying to him “Why, it's more than I can bear.” He drinks the whole lot in a few gulps.
“More beer?” Ezra offers kindly, making Maul glare at him before turning away and slumping in his chair. “What for? Nothing helps. I'm disgraced.”
Ezra looks at him in confusion “Who, you? Never! Gaston, you've got to pull yourself together. Gosh it disturbs me to see you, Maul, looking so down in the dumps." Ezra starts singing to his hero, trying to cheer him up.
"Ev'ry guy here'd love to be you, Maul. Even when taking your lumps." Ezra swings around one side of the chair, but Maul just turns away. Ezra huff's.
"There's no man in town as admired as you. You're everyone's favorite guy." Ezra moves around his chair, trying to see Maul's face. 
"Ev'ryone's awed and inspired by you. And it's not very hard to see why. No one's slick as Maul. No one's quick as Maul." Ezra starts singing and dancing around his idol, he's actually happy for once in his life.
"No one's neck is as incredibly thick as Maul's. For there's no man in town half as manly. Perfect, a pure paragon! You can ask any Tom, Dick or Stanley. And they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on." The rest of the tavern stand up, it seems that they might join in.
"No one's been like Maul. A king pin like Maul." The rest of the tavern sings along, trying to cheer up their strongest member, Ezra can see that it's working. Hopefully this helps him avoid that beating tonight.
"No one's got a swell cleft in his chin like Maul." Ezra jumps over near Maul again. "As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating!" Maul finally gets up and starts singing.
"My what a guy, that Maul! Give five "hurrahs!" Give twelve "hip-hips!" Ezra and the tavern sings as Maul flexes.
"Maul is the best and the rest is all drips." The little boy sings his heart out as the tavern joins in once he finishes. "No one fights like Maul. Douses lights like Maul." 
Ezra jumps back over to Maul. "In a wrestling match nobody bites like Maul!"
"For there's no one as burly and brawny." The triplets sing. And giggle as Maul picks up the bench that they are sitting on. "As you see I've got biceps to spare."
“Not a bit of him's scraggly or scrawny” Ezra gets thrown around a little by one of the guys, he hits the ground, groaning as he gets up.
"That's right! And ev'ry last inch of me's covered with hair." Maul pulls his shirt down, revealing his hairy chest.
"No one hits like Gaston. Matches wits like Gaston." Everyone sings together, feeding the Zabrak's ego even more. "In a spitting match nobody spits like Gaston." Ezra swings as he spits on the floor.
“I'm especially good at expectorating! Ptooie!” Maul sings as he spits much farther than Ezra. “Ten points for Maul!” Everyone songs.
“When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs, ev'ry morning to help me get large. Now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I'm roughly the size of a barge!” Maul sings, making Ezra groan a little under his breath, he's heard that story many times since Maul found him. Ezra hates eggs, but Maul forces him to eat them.
“Oh, ahhh, wow! My what a guy, that Maul! No one shoots like Maul. Makes those beauts like Maul!” Ezra gets up, singing once again. “Then goes tromping around wearing boots like Maul.” Ezra stomps around to prove his point.
“I use antlers in all of my decorating!” Maul gestures to the decorations around the Tavern.”
“My what a guy, Maul!” Everyone sings out, cheering as they raise their drinks in the air.
The Tavern doors burst open, a gale of ice cold air blows in. “HELP! SOMEONE HELP!!” Everyone stops to see Bail come running in. They are all confused. “He's got her! He's got her locked in the dungeon!!” he grabs onto someone's shirt.
“Who?” They ask.  
“Shiny! We must go, not a minute to lose!!”
Maul leans forward in his chair “Woah, slow down, Bail. Who's got Shiny locked in a dungeon?” he asks with a sarcastic and mocking look on his face. 
“A werewolf!” Bail cries out. “A horrible, monstrous werewolf!” He stops and looks around at everyone, realizing that the room has fallen silent. 
A moment later, everyone bursts out laughing at him, beginning to mock him. “Is it a big werewolf?” someone asks.
"With a long, ugly snout?”
“Hideously ugly!”
“And sharp, cruel fangs?”
“Yes, YES! Will you help me?” Bail can't take anymore of this, feeling the worry for you build up with every passing second. 
Maul stands up from his chair “Alright, Bail. We'll help you out.”
Bail feels happy for the first time today, a smile spread wide across his face. “You will? Oh thank you, thank you!” A male Twi'lek and a male Rodian pick him up by his arms, dragging him towards the entrance. They open the doors and throw Bail out into the snow. “Oh!” he cries in despair.
You’re sitting in your room, just minding your own business. You would try to escape, but you gave the monster your word. And you never go back on your word. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK. 
You turn to the door, hearing the loud knocks, you look up at the time and realize you are missing dinner, you smirk with satisfaction. “I THOUGHT THAT I TOLD YOU TO COME DOWN FOR DINNER!!” The monster screams, you just lean against a wall, arms crossed. “I’m not hungry.”
“You come out now, or I’ll break down the door.” the monster says quietly, straining not to yell. “Try it.” you hiss, egging him on. He huffs angrily. “Fine, if you don’t eat with me, then you don’t eat at all.” you huff. “Fine by me.” The monster loses his temper now. “FINE!!!” you hear him stomp away, sitting down on your bed. You won’t leave this room, you don’t even care if you starve. 
You won’t risk getting in that monster’s way, you have no idea if he’ll hurt you or not. And you don’t want to find out the hard way. You walk over, laying in your bed and curling up, ignoring the pain of hunger that is already starting.
“Rex’ika?” Rex turns to Cody, who’s shuffled up to the bed. “Do you need something, Ori’Vod?” Cody sighs, pressing his side against Rex’s hand that's hanging off the bed. Rex notices and lifts his hand up, setting it on Cody.
“Everyone’s hiding, they’re scared after what happened to Echo earlier. The girl is staying in a room now?” Rex nods, he just didn’t have the heart to leave her in the dungeon. “You shouldn’t have yelled at her.” Cody tells him simply, he had heard the commotion. Rex sighs. “I know, she just annoys me so much!”
“Give her time, Rex'ika. A lot has happened today, for all of us.” Cody leans up into Rex's hand, trying to comfort his little brother as much as he can. 
“Yeah…” Rex sighs as he stares up at the ceiling. “It's just that we only have two and a half years left to break the curse. No one, not even her, will ever see me as anything but a monster.” 
“Y-You a-a-are n-not a m-m-monster, O-Ori'Vod.” Rex looks to the other side of the bed to see the fifteen year old paintbrush float with ease onto the bed and then snuggle into Rex's side. Rex smiles “Thank you, Stutter.” Stutter wishes that his Ori'vod could see him smile. He's gotten used to being a paintbrush for the last twelve and a half years, but not being able to see his face makes him sad sometimes.
“Yeah, we'll always see you for who you are on the inside, Rex'ika.” Rex pats Cody's table top gently. “Thank you, Bubby.” 
You wake up to stomach pains, you’re starving. You haven't eaten since lunch yesterday. You sit up to see almost all of your things in your room. Both your helmet and satchel. You stand up and walk over, grabbing your satchel. Your sword is nowhere to be found and you huff.
You sit on your bed, grabbing your book out of your satchel, you start reading it to distract yourself from the hunger pains. You have gone without food before, you and your papa aren’t the wealthiest people, you’ve gone through tough times. The way you got through it then was reading to take your mind off of it. After a few hours you put your book down, and take a look around the room. It looks like something from a dream, something that only a rich person could afford.
KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK. You turn to the door. “Will you be joining me for dinner tonight.” it’s the monster once again, your stomach growls at the thought of food, but you ignore it. “I’m not hungry.” you tell him, but all you hear is grumbling from the otherside of the door.
“Fine, I’ll leave you alone then.” he whispers almost sadly, and you hear the monster walk off with heavy footfalls. You sigh, you wonder why he didn’t yell at you when you refused, like yesterday. But you ignore it, he might be trying to get your guard down, and you won’t let that happen. You lay down and go to sleep, ignoring the pain in your stomach. You cover up a raspy cough, you haven’t been feeling very well.
Rex sits in the kitchen, huffing as Gregor and the chef’s make dinner, because you refused to come again. This is the third time you’ve refused to eat dinner with him. “I can’t believe that she keeps refusing, I’ve asked her nicely… at least, the last few times I have.”
“I know Rex’ika. But she’ll come, you just have to be nice.” Cody reassures him, and Fives puts his candle out. Patting Rex’s arm. “Yeah Rex, it's going to be fine. You know, she must be eating while we’re asleep.” Fives tells him, and he nods. She has to be.
“What are you talking about?” Rex, Cody, Fives and Echo all turn when Gregor flies over. ”What  do you mean, Gregor?” Rex asks, hes confused.
“I mean, no one comes in the kitchen at night. We thought that you guys had been taking her food?” Rex’s eyes widen at that. “You mean that she hasn’t been in here at all?!” The oven mitt shakes it’s head as good as it can, and Rex’s eyes widen.
“So she hasn’t eaten in about three days? Maybe more?” Cody asks, Rex can hear the worry in his brother’s voice. Rex thinks about what he said to you the first night. “It’s my fault.” Rex whispers, ears pressing against the back of his head in guilt, and Cody turns to him. “What are you talking about, Rex’ika?”
“I...The first night she was here, I told her that if she doesn't eat with me then she wouldn't eat at all.” Rex holds his head low, realising how bad it sounds now. He was so focused on getting you to eat with him that he hasn't given you anything to eat at all. Everyone who can, expresses a look of shock and worry. Even Echo, who was accidentally hurt by your father, feels concern for you.
“Do you know what she likes to eat?” Gregor asks Rex, ready to make you something to eat. “Uhm… I don't know.” Rex rubs the back of his neck nervously. 
“Okay, I'll make her some sandwiches with some ham and lettuce. Hopefully that will be okay for her.” Gregor gets to work, grabbing the equipment and ingredients required. “Thank you Gregor.”
“Rex.” He turns around to see Fives and Echo standing atop of Cody. “Fives and I would like to take her food to her.” 
Rex shakes his head “No she could hurt y-” He pauses, realising that you probably won't have the energy to do anything or hurt them. “Okay, you can.”
“We'll leave it for her by her door and come straight back here, so don't worry, Rex.” 
A few minutes later, Gregor had made some sandwiches, putting them on a tray along with some fruit. “Here, this should be enough for her.” Gregor says passing the tray to the twins. “Thank you, we'll be right back.” Fives had put his candles out on his hands so he wouldn't make the silver tray hot and ruin your food. He grabs the tray, along with Echo who grabs the other side. They both carry the tray out of the kitchen and up the stairs, it's a little difficult but the twins had figured it out over the years. They’ve had to bring food to Rex this way before. They arrive at your door, setting it down.
Fives knocks, then the two run around a corner to hide and wait. They wait for a few minutes, giving eachother worried glances. “What should we do, Fives?” Echo asks his twin, who thinks for a moment. “I’m going to go check on her, something’s wrong.”
Fives goes to walk away but Echo grabs his arm. “No, we should get Rex!” Fives shakes his head. “It’s quicker if I go, besides we’re twenty-one now! We don’t need to call Rex for everything. You stay here, I at least don’t have any pieces that can be removed!” Fives hops over to the door as Echo watches nervously.
Echo sighs and waddles as fast as he can up to the door. “We’ll go together.” Fives nods, and Echo uses his hands to give him a boost up to the doorknob. Fives turns it and hops off of Echo’s hands, then hops in followed by Echo.
“Hello, are you in here, miss?” Fives hops over to the bed, he sees you sleeping in it. He feels worry fill him when he realizes that you’re still in your armor. He turns to Echo. “Something’s wrong, she looks pale, and her armor is still on?” They jump when they hear you cough, it's small and raspy. It sounds really weak, like you’re out of breath.
“We should go get Rex and Cody, also Kix. Something’s really wrong!” Fives nods, agreeing with Echo, this isn’t fully from you not eating. “Lets go!”
taglist: @ellie1366 @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @lightning-wolffe  @pinkiemme
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writer1 · 4 years
A regretful Wolf and his Beauty.
A/N: This is a collaborative fic with @ahsokatano-thetogruta.
Chapter Four
Beast!Rex x Rex!reader
Warnings: slight injury.
Summary: As punishment for his actions, young prince Rex was cursed to become a monster by a witch. The only thing that saved him from his fate was an enchantress, who gave him a condition. He has to find true love in order to redeem himself and he only has until the last petal of the enchanted rose falls. Rex's family helps you by guiding your way into his heart. Rex's fate now lies in your hands.
The ballroom falls silent, the only sound being Cody's voice as he calls after Rex, seeing him run away as fast as he can from everyone. He can't bear to face them after what has just happened. 
Cody tries to move but it's very difficult now not having the same legs before he was cursed. He shuffles around on the spot to look at everyone around the room. 
Everyone has changed into inanimate objects, but when he sees a set of armor dressed in clothes and lying on the floor, he immediately recognizes who it is. "Sweetheart…" he almost whispers out as he moves awkwardly towards Obi Wan who isn't moving.
"Obi wan? Sweetheart, are you okay?" He can't tell, but Obi Wan is looking right at him.
"Yeah...yeah I think so." He replies, struggling to get up.
"Here, you can hold onto me." Cody offers as he shuffles a bit closer to Obi Wan's side.
"Thank you, Cyar'ika." Obi Wan holds onto Cody as he props himself up onto his feet. He looks down to see that his body is now just a hollow suit of armor. "Where's Anakin?" The both of them look around the room, expecting to find him in a smaller suit of armor.
"I'm right here." The deeper voice behind them startles them both, turning around to see that the clothes that Anakin was wearing are now in shreds on the floor. He's in an adult's suit of armor, much like Obi Wan's, but he has a piece of brown cloth attached to his helmet. The cloth resembles his hair while human. Obi Wan also has orange feathers on his helmet. Both Obi Wan and Cody feel shock flow through them.
“Anakin!!! What happened? Are you okay?” Anakin tries to stand to walk over to the two, but he’s not used to his new body at all. He stumbles, falling to his knees. Obi Wan motions for him to stop.
“I… I don’t know? I’m not in pain anymore, but I feel weird, too big and my voice sounds different. What about you?! You’re a suit of armor too, and Cody’s a desk!” Cody and Obi Wan glance at each other, they don’t know what to do. Anakin tries to get up again, stumbling to Obi Wan before falling to his knees and into the older man’s arms. 
“Obi Wan." He looks up at Obi Wan "I’m scared.” Obi Wan hugs him close, he can hear in Anakin’s voice that even though he sounds like a grown man, he’s still just a scared twelve year old. Anakin nuzzles against Obi Wan. Obi Wan rubs his back, wincing at the sound of metal rubbing against metal. Cody keeps Obi Wan propped up while he holds the terrified child, Anakin’s been through so much already, first a life of slavery and now this!
"Shh, it'll be alright Anakin. I promise, I'm here for you." Obi Wan's voice is gentle and comforting, Cody just looks at the both of them, wishing so badly that he could hug them.
Anakin's attention turns to a whining sound coming from somewhere in the room, so he looks around, trying to locate the source of the sound. He then sees a footstool padding around the room, looking like it is searching for someone as it moves around and sniffs everyone it passes. It took Anakin a moment to overcome the confusion, but then it hit him. "Artoo?" The little stool raises to attention at the familiar name. "Artoo, over here boy." 
Artoo hears where the sound came from and runs over to it. He stops and looks a little afraid to see the menacing armor in front of him. "It's okay, Artoo. It's me." Anakin holds out his hand and Artoo cautiously scoots over. He sniffs the hand and then barks happily at the familiar scent of Anakin. He jumps up on Anakin, making Obi Wan let go of the boy, allowing him to cuddle Artoo better. 
"HERA!?" The three of them turn to see another suit of armour wobbling a little as it walks around. The suit it is wearing over the armor is the exact same one that Kanan was wearing. He also has brown feathers on top of his helmet, resembling his ponytail when he's human. 
"Kanan? Is everything alright?" Obi Wan is worried.
"No, I can't find Hera. She's not here." He tries to keep his voice steady as he fears the worse for his wife. "What if something bad, really bad, happened to her?"
"It'll be okay, we'll find her. Don't worry." Obi Wan gets up off of the floor using Cody's help again, standing on his feet now. He places a comforting hand on Kanan's shoulder, it makes a loud clunk that echoes around the room. 
Everyone else has started to talk amongst themselves, Cody thinks about what they should do next. Coming to the decision that they should search for Rex, no one knows exactly what the witch did to him besides turning him into a werewolf.
He could be hurt, and obviously he's already terrified. He's just a kid, and that Ventress made him think that it was his fault, Cody knows that he would have reacted the same way as Rex did to the spilled drink. Anyone would have.
"We need to find Rex!" Both Obi Wan and Anakin turn to him, nodding in agreement. "While we're searching we can keep an eye out for Hera." Kanan nods at Cody, as the oldest prince shuffles around on the spot.
"We need to search for Rex! Does anyone mind helping?" All the adults and teenagers nod, none of them blame Rex for this, they just need to know if their young cousin is okay. The staff nod as well, they all hope the kind young prince isn't hurt.
"Okay, the ones who can't move will stay with the younger kids. We'll all split up, okay." Everyone nods, 99 and a few others stay behind with the kids while the rest leave, searching in different directions for Rex. 
Obi Wan helps Cody move better, and Cody vice versa. He will let nothing stop him from finding his Rex'ika, not even this. Anakin and Artoo run up stairs, checking Rex's room. It's completely empty, no Rex in sight. 
Anakin feels worried for his friend, he's absolutely terrified of being a suit of armor, he can't imagine how Rex is taking to being a werewolf. He's also trying to find Padmé, she had left shortly before the curse to grab something from her room.  
Anakin feels terrible that Padmé might've gone through the same, crucial pain him and everyone else did, he wishes that he was there to comfort her. As he is searching through rooms, he realizes that he has walked into Padmé's room. 
He looks around, seeing an angel tree topper placed in front of a mirror on top of a desk. He's about to leave seeing no sign of Padmé, but then the angel moves, turning around to look at him. Anakin recognizes the dress to be the exact same as Padmé's, and those beautiful brown eyes he loves to look into whenever she's around. It's Padmé.
She screams in fear and terror as she floats away to hide from the walking armor that just walked on its own into her room.
She hides in the closet, pressing her back against the door. She doesn't know what's going on, one minute she left Anakin to grab his Christmas present from her room, and the next she's writhing around on the floor in the most excruciating pain of her life, becoming this!
She looks older than she's supposed to be, when she looked in the mirror she realized that she looked just like her older sister now. The exact same age.
"Padmé! Padmé, it's okay. It's me, Anakin." Padmé shakes her head, that can't be Anakin. She closes her eyes and listens to his voice, realizing that it sounds like Anakin's, just deeper and older. 
She peeks out, looking at the suit of armor. The armor's body resembles Anakin's, it even has a brown cloth where his hair should be. She float's out, flying up and landing in Anakin's outstretched hands. 
He holds her gently, afraid of breaking her tiny, porcelain body. She places her tiny hand gently where his cheek would be. She tears up, surprised that she could even cry like this. Anakin has no such luck, he has no face.
"Ani! What happened to us?" Anakin shakes head. "Ventress was a witch, she spilled some red punch on Rex's shirt and he snapped at her. He tried to apologize, but she cursed him and all of us. She turned him into a giant wolf creature and he ran off, now we're looking for him. It was like a game to her."
"That's awful. That really happened to him?" Anakin nods. "I can help with searching for him too."
"Thank you, Padmé. That would really help us out." Anakin smiles. It's there, even though it's not visible. "Let's go."
Everyone is busy running around the castle searching everywhere for Rex. Kanan is looking for him as well, but he's also looking for Hera. He checks all of the rooms thoroughly in high hopes of finding her. He picks up his pace, now running around the halls calling out her name, hoping that wherever she may be, she can hear him. 
He runs past a few more rooms to then get to his and Hera's room. He stops to check if she is there. "Hera?" Nothing. He begins to walk away to continue the search.
"Kanan." He freezes when he hears his name, it's muffled so he couldn't tell where it came from. He listens carefully to hear it again. "Kanan." And that's when he hears her voice. It's Hera who's calling out.
"Hera? Hera, where are you?" 
"Come back into our room." He turns and walks back into the room, Hera is still nowhere to be seen. Kanan is confused. "I'm over here, Love." He tries his best to follow the sound of her voice. The sound came from the mirror, so he walks around it to see that she isn't behind it. "Kanan…" he feels his eyes widen when he realizes that the sound of her voice came from within the mirror.
Kana slowly turns his head to see that she is trapped inside of it. Hera appears to be faded, almost like a ghost, because of the glass between her and the world. Her eyes widen in slight disbelief that this is her husband "Kanan, is that really you?"
"Yes, darling. It's me." Kanan wants to cry when he sees her lift up her hand, placing it on the glass that separates them both. He places his silver, armored hand on the glass, almost as if they were together with nothing in-between to stop them. Seeing Hera trapped like this tears his heart to pieces, unable to pick them back up from the absence of her touch. 
"What happened?"
"There was a witch that turned Rex into a wolf-like creature. She was laughing as she started cursing everyone else inside the castle." Hera's eyes widen.
"What? Is he okay?" 
"We don't know. After the transformation had finished, he ran away from all of us and he's hiding somewhere in the castle. Cody asked everyone, except the children and anyone who couldn't move, to help with looking for him. When I didn't see you in the ballroom, I panicked. I feared that...that something had happened to you." Kanan's voice wavers a little. Usually if he is feeling like this, he'd have Hera there to hold him and wash all of his worries away.
"I'm alright, Love. I'm here, I'm safe." She smiles as she presses her head against the glass. Kanan does the same, almost like they were giving each other a Keldabe kiss. “How are you feeling about this, Love?” Hera asks him, gesturing to his body. Her body for the most part was unchanged, Kanan, on the other hand, looks completely different.
“It's… It's really strange, I’m completely different. I don't even have a face, I can feel a few things on my face but I can’t feel my mouth. I have no idea why. I can even feel myself blink but it just doesn’t show, it's hard to show my emotions at all.” Kanan reaches up to touch his face where his nose once was, only feeling the front of his helmet, he sighs. “I don’t know how to handle this Hera, I’m scared.” 
Hera sighs, she wants to pull her husband into a hug so bad, she doesn’t even care if the metal could scrape her. “Whatever happens, we’ll get through this together. I’m still right here, even if I’m stuck behind a wall of glass.” Hera presses a kiss to the glass, Kanan does the same, pressing the front of the helmet against the glass gently, so as not to break it.
Fives, Echo, Kiara and Stutter are all sitting together. None of them aged up like Anakin did, besides their bodies but only a little, 99 said that he figured it was because objects' bodies won’t grow. No one knows why Anakin sounds and looks older, but they’ll try to figure it out.
“We can’t just sit here and do nothing!” Fives suddenly yells out, startling Kiara from where she was cuddling next to the candelabra, careful not to get burned. “W-W-What do y-you mean, O-O-Ori’Vod?” Stutter asks Fives quietly from where Echo was cuddling him, the clock jumping up.
“I mean that we’re sitting here while our Ori’Vod is out there, afraid and all alone, we have to help him.” Fives, we can’t. Look at us.” Kiara gestures down to her feather duster body. “We have to, it's partly my fault we're like this anyway. I’m the one who decided to play that stupid prank, it helped to stress him out and cause him to accidentally act rude to the witch.”
“Fives, it’s not your fault. No one’s at fault here, it’s that mean old witch's fault.” Fives nods. “Thanks Kiara, but we still have to go help find Rex, he’s our brother.” Echo sighs, listening to his twin.
“He’s right! You and Stutter can stay here if you want.” Fives smiles at Echo, happy to be going with his twin. “Oh no, you are not leaving me behind. And I don’t think that Stutter will let you go without him either.” She points at the paintbrush who is sticking so close to Echo, they are touching. 
“So we’re all going! Now we just have to escape the adults.” The four look around, Fives spots one of the other doors, so when the adults aren’t watching, the four sneak out. “This is so dangerous! Prince Cody will kill us when he finds out.” Kiara whispers to Fives, who smirks. “Well! Danger is my middle name!” Fives says proudly.
Echo scoffs loudly. “Oh, I thought that it was Rupert!”
Obi Wan holds onto Cody as they still carry out the search for Rex. Everyone has split off in smaller groups to cover more of the Castle, hoping that they will find him sooner that way, so they are both on their own, hearing the sound of Obi Wan's clattering armour as he walks. He tries to make some sort of conversation.
"You know, I don't even want to know what's under this armour." 
If Cody had a face right now, he'd look deeply confused. "How come, Sweetheart?" 
"It's just that...I feel empty and hollow, like there's nothing there." 
"Even if there is nothing there, you are still you. The man I love with all my heart." Obi Wan wants to smile, but it's so difficult to do so without having a mouth. He looks down at Cody, seeing a scratched marking near the corner of the table top of him, the same shape as his scar when he's human. 
"Thank you, Cyar'ika. I love you so much." If Obi Wan had a heart, he's sure that it would be beating fast for Cody, loving that he has such a wonderful man in his life. He softly strokes the top of the desk and Cody loves how it feels inside of him, but he's struggling to physically feel Obi Wan's touch.
"You're welcome. I love you lots too, Sweetheart." Cody wishes he could smile at Obi Wan and kiss him till his heart's content. 
The two come in a full circle, ending back at Rex’s room. Anakin had told them about checking it already, They go to leave when they hear a tiny sob. “That sounded like Rex!” The voice was deeper, but Cody would know that voice anywhere, and so would Obi Wan.
“He must have hid in here after Anakin checked it.” Both men turn to each other, and Obi Wan let's go of Cody,  moving forward. Pushing the door open, they walk in to see clothes thrown all over the room, they are all ripped and shredded. 
In the middle is thirteen year old Rex, he’s laying on the floor in a fetal position, hugging himself and crying quietly.  Cody feels his heart break when he realises that the reason the clothes are ripped is because he was trying to force them on, just to get some sort of normalcy. “Oh Rex’ika...”
Rex hugs himself tighter, curling in on himself. Obi Wan lets go of Cody, looking at his boyfriend and asking silently for permission to approach the boy, Cody gives him as much of a nod as he can. 
Obi Wan approaches Rex slowly, he kneels down, placing a hand on the boy’s back and starts rubbing it softly. This is a child he’s known for years,who he’s been helping Cody raise for two years along with Anakin. This kid is like his own, and he hates to see him in pain.
“Rex?” Obi Wan asks, continuing to stroke his back. He can hardly feel anything through the metal armor. “Rex, your brother’s here to talk, and so am I.”
“Go away.” Rex whispers, his voice a lot deeper than it should be. “Now, you know that we can’t do that, Little One.” Obi Wan says quietly, using the nickname he’s had for Rex since they met. Cody watches with a broken heart, wishing that he was human just so that he could give his Vod’ika a hug. 
Rex whines, just wanting to be alone and doesn't want to face anyone after what he's done. "GO! Please…" Cody shuffles closer to him.
"It's okay, Rex'ika. We just want to help you."
"I don't deserve anyone's help, besides you probably all hate me now. This happened because of me." Cody and Obi Wan share a worried look with each other, 
"We don't hate you. We only want to help you and make sure that you are okay."
"Obi Wan's right, we are your family and we love you no matter what, Rex'ika." Cody shuffles around Rex so he is in front of the whimpering boy on the floor.
Rex looks up to see the desk that Cody has transformed into. "Bubby..." He sits up slowly and then wraps his arms around Cody, hugging him the best that he can and starts sobbing again. "I'm so sorry."
"It's alright, as long as you are alright everything is going to be okay." Cody tries to sound as if he's smiling down at his little brother, hating how much he is unable to do now that he isn't human anymore.
Rex and Cody sit there for a few minutes, Cody letting Rex cry. After a few minutes Obi Wan walks over, kneeling down and he starts rubbing Rex’s back again. “I’m so sorry Cody, I did this to you.” Cody feels even more anger at the witch for what she said to Rex. “No, you didn’t. Ventress did. All you did was get a little annoyed over someone ruining something you like. You were a little rude about it, but honestly anyone would have reacted the same way.”
“Cody’s right, Little one. None of this is your fault, witches don’t care whether you’re a rude person or not. She just wanted some entertainment and we were her unlucky pick, I saw her spill that drink, it was not an accident.” Rex nods, pulling Obi Wan against him in a hug with the arm that isn’t wrapped around Cody. “May I ask what happened here Rex’ika? It looks like a tornado with a sword swept through the room.” Rex’s ears press against the back of his head in embarrassment.
“I… I just wanted to feel normal again, so I ran in here after Anakin left. I couldn’t get my clothes to fit. I just kept trying to get them on, and they kept ripping whenever I tried to get them to fit, then I ran out of clothes and I just broke down. Then you guys got here a little while later.” Cody listens to Rex’s story, he feels so bad for him. He wished that him and Obi Wan had arrived sooner. “Where were you before that Rex?” Obi Wan asks, and Rex’s ears drooped.
“After I ran, I hid in Mother and Father's old room.” Rex whispers, Cody knew that he would hide in there, that was the first place him and Obi Wan had checked. “I tried to hide under the bed like when I was little but I… I wouldn’t fit.” he feels a little embarrassed. Rex’s ears droop even more. “They would hate me...” Rex whispers sadly.
"Don't say that Rex, you've done so much for everyone during the time you have been Prince. Mother and Father would be so proud of you and they would want only the best for you." His brother's comforting words make Rex feel happy and sad at the same time. He's so glad that he has such an amazing and loving brother like Cody. 
"What do you think that they would think of me now? I’m a monster.” Cody and Obi Wan look at each other sadly, they hate that Rex referred to himself as a monster. “You aren’t a monster Rex’ika, all that matters is who you are on the inside as a person. Our parents would be so proud of you, no matter what your appearance may look like now." Rex believes what his brother is saying, hoping that he’s right.
“Is everyone mad at me?” Rex asks, scared of the answer. Obi Wan senses the fear. “No one is mad at you, on the contrary Cody asked for help looking for you. And everyone that could, came to help.” Rex’s ears perk up fast. He thought that everyone would be angry and hate him for causing the curse. 
“Really! They aren’t mad that I caused this?” Cody sighs. “ I already told you Rex, you are not at fault here. You’re a kid, all kids have bad days, and all kids are rude at one point or another.” Rex nods, he’s so happy that no one’s mad at him. 
Cody suddenly notices a quiet thumping sound. “What is that noise?” He asks, looking around. Obi Wan sees the embarrassed look on Rex’s face, and quickly looks behind him. He sees exactly what he expected to see. “Well Cody, it seems to be your brother's tail.” 
Rex feels so embarrassed, he quickly swishes his tail around, grabbing it to make it stop moving. His ears press against his head and his face feels hot from blushing, Obi Wan places a hand on the boy’s back. “It's fine Rex, nothing to be embarrassed about. We all have new features that are bound to be embarrassing too.” Rex nods.
“Yeah, it's kind of embarrassing that I can only shuffle around now Rex. It's fine, I promise.” Rex smiles, pressing his head against the top of Cody’s desk in a keldabe kiss. “I love you Bubby, I’m still so sorry.”
Cody does his best to move up a little, pressing into the Keldabe kiss. Rex turns and gives Obi Wan one too, who presses into it. “Now, no more apologizing Rex, okay? You did nothing wrong.” Rex nods. “Okay, I won’t apologize anymore.” he agrees.
“Do you think that you’re okay to come back to the ballroom with us, Rex’ika?” Cody watches as Rex’s ears press tightly against the back of his head, he shrinks down and nervously plays with the longer, blonde fur on his tail. “I… I’m scared Bubby.”
Obi Wan rubs Rex’s back soothingly. “It's going to be okay, Little one. We’ll both be with you.” 
Cody agrees, but before he can say anything, the door swings open. The three of them turn their attention to the doorway as they see Fives, Echo, Stutter and Kiara stumble into the room and fall on the floor. They look up to see Rex, whose ears have fallen back again. He doesn't want the kids to see him like this. Like a monster.
"What are you four doing here? I told you to stay in the ballroom." Cody sounds stern, seeing their sheepish and guilty expressions, except for Stutter because he is a paintbrush now and didn't have a face, but he can guess that the small four year old is feeling just the same.
Stutter picks himself up off of the floor. He has to imagine that he is walking to be able to move around by floating instead. "W-We were w-w-worried a-about R-Rex." The twins and Kiara all nod because they are worried for him too. 
"Yeah, we came searching as well. Then we heard voices in this room, so we listened to what you were saying. Sorry." Fives apologises, helping Kiara off of the floor.
Cody sighs, he can't be mad at them for being just as fearful and worried as he was for Rex. "I'm still not happy that you didn't stay where you were, but now that you're here you can stay. There's no point in sending you all the way back to the ballroom." The four of them thank him before looking over at Rex who still looks nervous.
"Are you okay, Vod?" Fives asks, leading the others to walk closer to Rex.
"I'm okay. Are...are you not scared of me?" The question throws them all off, making them feel confused and surprised that Rex would even ask that.
"Of course not, Rex. You are still our brother." They all smile and nod at him, making him tear up a little and his ears perk up again, happy that they aren't afraid of him.
Just to prove how much he isn't afraid of him, Stutter floats over to Rex and presses himself into the soft fur, giving him a hug the best he can. Rex smiles and gently puts his large hand on Stutter's back, being careful not to hurt his Vod'ika.
"I l-l-love y-you s-so much, O-Ori'Vod." The little name is special to Stutter and Rex, he’s the first person who Stutter had ever called Ori’Vod. His brother’s and father would never allow him to call them anything other than sir’s, if he did he would be punished. He was so scared when he arrived at the castle, he would only call anyone sir or mam, and was too afraid to even ask for seconds at dinner if he wanted it. Rex was the one that helped change that, everyone tried but Rex was the only person who could get him to ask for the things he needed, the day that Stutter called him Ori’Vod was the best day of Rex’s life. 
Rex hums happily. "I love you too, Vod'ika." A moment later, Echo and Fives jump onto Rex as well, now having a group hug making him feel much better already and he chuckles at how adorable his little brothers are. 
"C'mon Kiara, you can join in too if you'd like?" Fives offers Kiara invitingly to join in with the group hug. She smiles as she floats over and cuddles as well. 
Cody smiles, wishing that he could join in on the group hug too, but just seeing them happy makes him feel happy too. He watches them as he sees a part of Rex's fur on his right arm near Fives' hand glow a little brighter. It takes him a second to realise that his fur is catching alight from the candle on Fives' hand. Cody can't do anything, being a desk is proving difficult to do anything he could do before. "Fives, move your hand away, now!" He gestures as best he can up to where the fur is catching fire. Obi Wan sees what's happening and feels fear as Rex can start to feel the heat burn his skin underneath the soft, blonde fur. Fives moves away from his Ori'Vod as Rex yelps and whines. Obi Wan rushes over and immediately pats out the fire.
"I'm so sorry, Vod." Fives looks like he wants to cry, he feels awful that he burned Rex. 
Rex hisses at the after burn. "It's alright, it's not your fault, Fives. You didn't mean to burn me." He gives a weak smile as the pain lessens.
“Are you okay, Prince Rex!” Kiara asks him, and he nods with a smile at the young girl. Fives told him about the kiss between them, he thinks that she might be perfect for his brother. When they’re older of course.
Cody is concerned for his little brother when he sees the red mark where the fur has burned off. "Maybe we should get Kix to make sure it is okay. It looks pretty bad." Rex whines, he really doesn't want anyone else to see him like this. He just feels so uncomfortable right now.
"It's alright, Little one. We'll be right here with you." Obi Wan's smile is comforting to Rex, so he looks around to see everyone else nodding as well.
"Thank you." He says timidly, still scared but thankful that he has such a caring family.
"Everyone is still searching for you, so we'll have to look for Kix." Rex nods at Cody, understanding that everyone will need to know he's okay now that he's been found, so he doesn't mind if people see him, but he's still so scared. "Everything will be okay, Rex'ika, I promise."
"Thank you, Bubby." Rex smiles as confidently as he can, he then tries to stand. The first few times he's walked in this form it was on all fours, he wasn't thinking about it. But he doesn't want to feel more like an animal than he already does.
He's really wobbly due to his feet and legs being a completely different shape than he's used to. Plus he's a lot bigger too.
"Do you need help, Rex'ika?" Cody asks, he can see how hard it is for Rex to balance.
Rex let's out a huff of annoyance at himself. "No, I'm fine." He struggles to keep himself using his two back legs and they give in making him collapse onto Cody. Luckily he's strong enough to hold up his little brother who is much bigger now.
Rex starts to sniffle and cry, realising that he will have to walk like an animal. He puts his sad thoughts aside and positions himself down towards the floor so he is on all fours. He sees everyone look at him, making him feel embarrassed and nervous.
"It's alright Rex, we don't mind. If this is the best way for you to walk then it's okay." Cody wishes that Rex could see his smile.
"I...I just wish that I wasn't like this. I wish I could just walk normally again and just be normal again." Rex's tail falls between his legs and his ears press back against his head.
"It'll be alright, Vod'ika. We'll figure this out. Together." Rex nods at his big brother, knowing that he'll be there for him, always. 
He sees Obi Wan walk towards the door. "You ready to go, Little one?" Rex nods as they all walk towards the door to leave his room to search around the castle for Kix.
taglist: @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @pinkiemme @captainrexisboo @ellie1366
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writer1 · 4 years
A regretful Wolf and his Beauty
Chapter Five
Beast!Rex x Fem!reader.
Summary: As punishment for his actions, young prince Rex was cursed to become a monster by a witch. The only thing that saved him from his fate was an enchantress, who gave him a condition. He has to find true love in order to redeem himself and he only has until the last petal of the enchanted rose falls. Rex's family helps you by guiding your way into his heart. Rex's fate now lies in your hands.
A/N: Hey, this is a collaborative fic between myself and @ahsokatano-thetogruta. 
Warnings: feeling of anxiety, treating an injury, fear, self hatred.
Rex, Cody, Obi Wan and the four kids leave the room, Rex is still embarrassed about walking on all fours but it's not too bad. "Where should we go first?" Rex asks nervously. 
"We'll start by checking the rooms, someone's bound to be looking for you up here." Cody tells him, shuffling forward. Rex feels guilty everytime he sees his Ori'Vod's new form, he's trying not to feel guilty since Cody told him that it wasn't his fault, but it's hard. "Okay, let's go." They move forward, heading to the room right next to Rex's. There's no one in there.
Rex stifles a yawn, it's starting to be night time. He already didn't get much sleep last night, so he's exhausted. But he doesn't tell anyone, he can keep going. "Rex!!" Rex startles, hearing a deeper voice call out his name. He turns to see an adult suit of armor running down the hall towards him.
The suit has tatters of clothes on it, a brown cloth on it's head, and a footstool running and yipping behind him. It stops right in front of Rex. "Rex!! Are you okay, we've all been looking everywhere for you." The suit of armor tries to hug him but Rex flinches back, not knowing who it is.
Obi Wan and Cody realize what's going on, but before they can say anything Anakin beats them to it. "Wait, you don't recognize me? I'm your best friend." Anakin asks sadly, he's drooping now and feels like he would cry if he could. Rex's eyes widen, he looks at the suit of armor over again. Realizing the resemblance and that the tatters of clothes are, in fact, Anakin's.
"Anakin!!?" Rex shouts, staring at his best friend in shock. Rex is about the same size as the now armored adult Anakin while standing, or an inch or two taller. "What!!! Wait, Are you older?"
Anakin chuckles nervously. "Yeah, we still don't know why. And it's only physically, I still feel like a kid on the inside." Anakin looks back over his shoulder at the nervous angel hovering just behind him. "Padmé is here as well."
Everyone is confused about where she might be. "It's alright Padmé, you don't have to hide." Anakin encourages her to come out from where she was hiding behind him. The others gasp in surprise. She is smaller and she still looks human, except her body is made out of porcelain.
"Padmé, it is you." Rex looks at her dress, noticing it is the same one she was wearing at the party. 
"Yeah, the only thing that's really changed is that I look older, like how Anakin looks older but he's still the same inside." She smiles back at him, glad that they are in this together.
"As long as you are okay. I'm so sorry that this has happened." Rex feels a pang of guilt inside of him.
"Anakin told me what happened, this was never your fault. It's the witch's." She sounds annoyed that someone could do such a thing and then blame it on someone else, saying that it's their fault. 
"Thank you, though I still feel somewhat responsible." 
Padmé floats over to Rex and places her tiny porcelain hand on the side of his face. "We promise that we'll help you through this. You've helped us so much as well so it's the least we can do." She smiles at him and then floats back to Anakin, then she decides to sit down on the edge of footstool Artoo.
Anakin walks a little closer to Rex, slowly as not to make Rex feel uncomfortable "So can I give you that hug now?" Cody and Obi Wan watch the interaction between the two, neither of them had even thought to explain Anakin's predicament to Rex. 
Rex nods shyly, him and Anakin would give hugs to each other all the time, Anakin was considered family among the Royals, but Rex isn't sure why Anakin would want to hug him in this form.
Rex leans against the wall, standing to make it easier for Anakin to hug him. The Knight doesn't wait, wrapping his arms around the young werewolf. He squeezes tightly, pulling away only to give his best friend and brother a keldabe kiss. It takes Rex a few moments to get up the courage to hug his friend back, smiling. His tail starts wagging, thumping against the wall.
"What happened here?" Anakin asks, spotting the burn on Rex's arm.
Rex chuckles as poor Fives looks so guilty. "Me and my brothers did a group hug… we may have forgotten about Fives' hands being candles." Anakin chuckles, as Obi Wan and Cody continue to watch. 
Anakin and the kids have all helped Rex with this, and he them. Cody doesn't know how to fix this, the witch never gave them a way to break the curse, so it's very likely that it's permanent. He can't bear the thought of everyone being stuck in these forms for the rest of their lives. 
And how is Rex supposed to run the kingdom, if anyone outside of the castle sees him like this, they will hunt him down. The very thought would bring tears to Cody's eyes if he had them. "Is everything okay, Cody?" The desk turns to see Obi Wan looking at him, he's sure that if Obi Wan had a face he would be deeply concerned.
"I…" Cody hesitates for a moment. He doesn't want to burden his boyfriend with his worries right now. "I'm fine, Sweetheart" He tries to sound convincing, but Obi Wan can tell that something is bothering him, but he doesn't push him to say something he doesn't want to say.
"Okay, if there's anything you need to talk about, I'll be here for you, Cody." He places a comforting hand on Cody, seeming as he can't smile he may as well find another way to comfort his lover.
Cody tries his best to lean into the touch "Thank you, I appreciate it." He turns to the rest of the group. "Right, we need to go and find Kix now to help treat Rex's burn."
Everyone agrees and begins to search the castle again for Kix. Artoo pads around everyone, jumping happily and wanting someone to play with him. He goes to Anakin and whines by his feet. Anakin chuckles. "We can't play right now, Boy, but I'll give you lots of attention later, okay?" The little footstool barks in delight, making Anakin smile.
They've all been walking for a few minutes and Rex hears some people calling out his name. His ears perk up instantly at the familiar name and he lifts nose into the air, listening carefully. "What is it, Rex'ika?" Cody asks, seeing that something had grabbed Rex's attention all of a sudden. He hears his name again and he instantly recognizes their voices. "It's Kix and Jesse." 
Everyone is surprised at how much Rex's senses have heightened being a werewolf. They walk further down the corridor, Kix and Jesse's voices are now in earshot. The group walks up to one of the few guest bedroom’s the castle has, hearing Kix and Jesse inside. They all walk in, Artoo trotting behind them, sniffing everything. Artoo starts barking as everyone sees a pen walk out from under the bed. “Rex!! Are you oka-!” Artoo goes running at Kix before anyone can stop him, the pen’s eyes widen. “AUGH!!! No. No no no!!!” He screams, floating as fast as he can away from the footstool.
Everyone watches in horror as the puppy turned footstool chases the floating pen all around the room, Anakin runs and grabs Kix into his metal hands just before Artoo pounces on him. “Artoo, No!! Bad dog, Kix is not a toy! You okay, Kix?” He asks the pen in his hands, who’s clearly tired and… out of breath? After his ordeal. “I… I’m fine.”
“What the kriff is going on!” Everyone turns to see a piece of paper folded into the shape of a human walking out of the large closet, looking at them. “Jesse!” Rex yells just before Artoo growls menacingly, Jesse sees Kix in Anakin’s hands. Realizing what must have happened he yelps, running as fast as he can to Rex, who gently picks up the paper man. 
The young werewolf sits down with his paper cousin cupped carefully in his hands, it was difficult holding him with one hand while on four legs.. “Rex!!! They found you!” Jesse sounds excited, but he doesn’t have a face to show it.
“Yeah, Obi Wan and Cody found me.” Rex smiles happily, although he’s interested in what his older cousin has done to himself. “You folded yourself into a paper doll? Nice!” The thirteen year old tells him, Jesse nods. “Yeah, I also have plans for Kix to draw some details on me, but we decided to wait until later.” Jesse doesn’t mention why they waited, not wanting his younger cousin to feel bad. 
But Rex knows exactly why they waited, his ears press against the back of the head sadly and he can’t hold back the whine. His tail wraps around his legs tightly as his whole body droops in sadness.
Jesse places one of his hands on Rex’s finger, rubbing it soothingly. “It's fine Rex, we were all worried about you. No one minded looking for you at all, besides, I only thought of it and asked Kix about an hour ago, so it’s not like I was waiting long.” Rex smiles, bringing Jesse up to his face and nuzzling him. 
“Wait, why are the kids here?” Kix asks, noticing the younger kids standing on Cody. 
"They got worried about Rex so they came to look for him as well." Cody says with a little sigh. "But they did help Rex to feel better, telling him that being in this form doesn't scare them. And they are right." He wants to smile at the kids atop of him. "After all Rex, you are still our brother." Rex smiles, his ears perked back up from the feeling of his older brother snuggling up into his fur.
Kix smiles at the both of them and then sees the burn mark on his arm, so he rushes over to check on Rex. "Kriff! What happened?" He looks around at everyone with an annoyed look because no one told him sooner about the burn than now. He can see that the wound is fresh, telling him that it hasn't happened long ago. As he looks around at everyone, he sees Fives with a clearly nervous look on his face, still feeling guilty as he wrings his candle hands around each other nervously. 
"Don't worry about it Kix, it was only an accident. Me and Stutter were having a hug, so when Echo, Kiara and Fives joined in, the candle on Fives' hand burned me. But it's okay, it wasn't his fault." Rex explains, hoping that Kix would understand and wouldn't get too mad.
"Ah I see, I'm sorry that I overreacted, Fives" he smiles apologetically and looks over at Fives, hoping that Fives will understand that it's just his natural instincts as a doctor to do what's best for the health of other people, especially those close to him. 
"It's okay, Kix. You are a doctor after all, so I don't blame you for being worried about your cousin having an injury." Fives rubs the back of his neck. "I guess we're just all a bit stressed right now."
"Yeah, I don't know how I can treat this wound properly without having hands…" he looks around at everyone, most of them don't have hands except Obi Wan and Anakin but they are fully armoured, and there's Padmé but she is too fragile.
Jesse jumps up from where he was cuddling Rex's fur, who whines a little at the absence of his big brother hugging him. "I can always help you?" Kix turns to look at Jesse. 
"That would be great, thank you Vod. Though you won't be able to use the burn ointment in case you get wet and rip." Jesse feels sad, wanting to frown but he doesn't have a face, remembering that he's only made out of paper, so he feels a bit vulnerable.
"I c-c-can h-help with t-that p-p-part." The little paintbrush suggests, now floating above Cody. Kix smiles.
"That would be very helpful, thank you Stutter." Kix thanks his younger cousin. Rex smiles, happy that his family are being so kind to him, even though he looks like a monster. "How about we go and get you fixed up, Rex?"
"Yes, thank you." He winces at the thought of the pain on his arm. "Let's go." Everyone heads out of the room, Jesse sitting on Rex's head, holding onto one of his ears and Kix is standing with the kids on Cody. 
Neither of the two older cousins say anything about Rex walking on four legs, and Rex is very grateful for it. "How are you doing Rex?" Jesse asks, making Rex flinch. His cousin is right next to his ear, and his hearing has become much better so Jesse speaking was painful.
"Jesse! Be careful! Rex has better hearing now, and you're right next to his ear. You just hurt him." Kix tells his twin sharply, who slides down to Rex's shoulder. "Sorry Rex, is this better." Rex nods. "Yeah, it was only because you were right beside my ear."
"Good, now how are you doing? Me and Kix both saw how scared you were when you ran out of the ballroom." Rex's ears press against his head, remembering what the witch had said to him. "I… I don't know." He whispers, not knowing what to say. 
"I… I'm scared, and I feel so guilty." Jesse rubs Rex's shoulder softly, he hates that Rex feels guilty. His cousin did nothing wrong at all. "I already told you, Rex. There's no one to blame but that witch." Cody tells him again, and Rex wants to believe him, he really does. But he can't.
"I know, and I'm trying to believe you Cody. But it's hard, I can't stop thinking about what Ventress said." Anakin walks over, placing a hand on Rex's shoulder. " Cody's right. She lied, I could sense it with the force, Rex. None of this is your fault, and none of us will stop telling you that until you believe it." Everyone nods at Anakin's words, they will not let Rex believe that he's the reason this happened.
Rex nods, smiling at everyone. He loves his family, he's so glad that they aren't mad at him, even though he's mad at himself. "Rex!" Everyone freezes as they hear Rex's name called, they walk towards Kix's office to see a floating mop, followed by a floating frying pan carrying a turquoise teacup in it.
"Rex, there you are!" The mop floats over to the group, and Rex realizes who it is. "Waxer?" The mop does its best to make a nodding motion, moving the stick in a weird rubbery way that it should not be able to do. "Yep, it's good to see you, Rex. Me and Boil were worried about you." Waxer gestures to the frying pan. Rex is happy to see his 17 year old cousin’s, and one year old Numa. he does feel bad that they had to come looking for him.
"Thanks! You… you didn't have to come looking for me." The pan fly's up. "Do one of you mind holding Numa for a few minutes? I'd like to be able to look at Rex." Obi Wan walks over, carefully taking the fragile baby teacup from the pan. The little teacup giggles. 
After Obi Wan takes Numa, Boil sits up on his handle. Just like Kix he has a face, even a scratch shaped like his mustache. He flies closer to Rex, inspecting the kid's face. Rex's ears press against the back of his head as his cousin looks him over. "Ventress really changed you! Didn't she." Rex feels fear and sadness, thinking that Boil is saying that he's ugly.
"Boil! Why the Kriff are you being so rude!" The mop yells at him as the group looks at him angrily, the pan just realized exactly what he had said, and how it must have sounded to Rex.
Boil's eyes widen. "Oh, no. I didn't mean to sound rude, I'm just disgusted because that witch thinks she can do this to you and get away with it." Boil's eyebrows knit together in anger at even the thought of Ventress, but his expression turns softer when he looks at Rex again. "I'm sorry Rex." He feels a little guilty as Rex looks sad and hurt.
"It's alright, Boil. I know what you mean now, she has turned me into a monster." He frowns at the thought, still wondering why nobody hates him now because of how he looks. Waxer hates that Rex just called himself that, so he floats his way over to Rex to give him a hug. Well, it's more just that he's pressing himself into the fur on Rex. 
Rex gently places an arm around Waxer, hugging his cousin back. "Yeah, everyone keeps saying that and I believe them. But...even just having to walk on all fours makes me feel like an animal. Like I'm not myself anymore…"
"Everything will be okay, we'll figure this out." Waxer presses himself more into Rex before pulling away and floating back to his daughter, who's sitting contently in Obi Wan's hands, looking sleepy like she needs a nap. "Hey Boil, I think we should go and take Numa to bed." Boil nods and heads over, seeing his sleepy one year old niece dozing off in Obi Wan's hands. Waxer uses a soft voice when speaking to Numa to keep her slightly awake but not disturbing her too much "C'mon, Lil'un. Let's go and get you into bed." 
Obi Wan gently places her on Boil's back. "We'll see you both later." Waxer nods again and the two brothers float away. 
"Right Rex, let's go and treat that wound, shall we?" Rex nods and Kix leads the way to his medical office. There's medical supplies all over the place, Kix hadn't gotten to organizing his things yet, and he probably won't now. He looks around, flying over and finding the burn ointment. 
"Can someone.. uh… can someone please come grab this for me." The poor pen is so embarrassed, Kix keeps forgetting that he doesn't have hands. "Of course." Obi Wan says, walking over and picking up the ointment. He grabs Kix as well, carrying the two over and setting them on Cody.
"Do you mind also grabbing some bandages." Obi Wan nods, digging through a crate and grabbing them. He also sets them on Cody. "You okay with me setting these on you, Cyare.” He asks, feeling bad for not asking the first time. Cody does his best to nod.
"Of course I'm okay with you setting them on me, it's fine, Sweetheart." Obi Wan nods, stroking Cody's scar… or the mark that looks like his scar. "Okay, Rex, can you please come over here. Let's get you all fixed up." Rex walks over, Jesse's still on his shoulder, he sits down beside Cody. "Okay, do you mind applying the ointment, Stutter." The paint brush nods, dipping his bristles into the ointment and flying over to Rex.
"Sorry Rex, this is going to sting." Kix warns him, and Rex braces himself. He growls as soon as Stutter starts brushing it on, clenching his teeth against the pain.
He feels a comforting hand on his back, turning to see Obi Wan behind him. Cody presses against Rex's leg, trying to give his Rex'ika some sort of comfort. He hates seeing his little brother in pain.
"There, all done." Stutter pulls away as soon as Kix says that, and Rex sighs in relief as the pain starts to minimize. "Now can you wrap his arm up, Obi Wan?" The Knight nods, grabbing the bandages and carefully wrapping up the young wolf's arm. 
Obi Wan makes sure to be very gentle, not wanting to hurt Rex. He's careful not to rip out any fur while wrapping up Rex's arm. "There, is it too tight? I didn't rip out or pull any fur, did I." 
Rex shakes his head. "No, it feels good." Kix flies up to check it over, looking closely at the bandages. "It looks good, nice job Obi Wan." The Knight nods, happy to have helped.
"Okay, are we good to head to the ballroom? Hopefully Waxer and Boil spread the word of finding Rex to everyone." Rex plays with his tail nervously again, he really doesn't want to go into the ballroom. It's going to be crowded, and he really doesn't want a bunch of people staring at him.
"Do we have to?" Rex asks quietly, Cody shuffles a little, turning towards him. Everyone can tell that he's scared. "It's going to be fine, Rex'ika. No one's mad, everyone's going to be so relieved that you're okay." Rex sighs, nodding.
"Okay, are we going to be making food soon? I'm hungry, do you guys even eat?" Everyone looks at each other, they never even thought about the fact that no one's eaten in hours. And the only one who noticed was Rex.
"Well, it does make sense, we're all objects. But Rex should have eaten a while ago, we are getting him some food as soon as we're done in the ballroom."  Obi Wan tells everyone. They all agree, it does make sense, besides, some of them don’t have mouths to eat with anyway.
"Please don't make me go…" Rex whimpers, his fears are getting the better of him. Cody turns to everyone. "Can you all step outside for a moment, I need to talk to Rex alone." They all nod, and everyone walks or floats out. They're all worried for Rex, Padme carries little Stutter onto Anakin's shoulder to rest, it's way past the four year olds bedtime. 
Once everyone is out, Cody turns to Rex. The young werewolf is hugging himself tightly, tears in his eyes and his tail is wrapped tightly around his legs. 
Rex looks up when Cody has shuffled closer up to him, his heavy tears nearly spilling out with just the slight movement of his head "Please, Bubby. Don't make me go down." Cody's heart shatters, hating seeing his Rex'ika look so afraid. 
He shuffles around Rex, allowing the boy turned werewolf to lean into him and tries his best to give Rex a hug by leaning into him. Rex's sobs echoed throughout the room, the feeling of anxiety and fear eating away at him with each passing second. "Shh, it's alright, Rex'ika. No one is going to be mad at you, or even afraid of you for that matter." Rex wipes his eyes a little and sniffles, his ears pressed back against his head. 
"Why wouldn't they be?" Rex looks up at his big brother with watery eyes.
"We are your family. We would never abandon you, so when you need our help,  we'll all be here for you. No matter what, okay?" Cody's smile isn't visible, but it's there. Rex nods his head and then his tail starts to wag again, making him feel embarrassed. He's going to have to get used to that. "It's okay, Rex'ika. You don't have to be nervous." 
"I know, I'm just really happy to have such a great big brother like you, Bubby." He wraps his arms around Cody in a thankful hug. "You're welcome, Rex'ika. It's what brothers are for." Rex presses his forehead against the top of Cody, near his scar. He's grateful to have his brother there to help him out.
“Are you ready to go now, Rex’ika. As soon as we’re done we’ll get you some food, then you’re going to bed. I can see how exhausted you are.” Rex nods, getting on all fours. “Can you, Obi Wan and Anakin help me figure out how to walk on two feet please. I hate walking like this.” Cody nods. “Of course Rex’ika. Tomorrow we’ll help you, but I probably won’t be much help.”
Rex nuzzles his cheek against the side of Cody, ignoring the roughness of the wood. “I don’t care, I just want you there, Bubby.” Cody would be smiling at his little brother if he could. “Of course. But you might want to stop nuzzling me, you might get a splinter in your cheek, Rex’ika.” Cody jokes, and feels a warmness where his heart would be when he hears his baby brother chuckle for the first time since before being cursed.
“I don’t care.” Rex whispers, making Cody laugh. “You will when we have to pull it out.” Rex smiles, he stops nuzzling cody. His tail is wagging happily again. “I love you, Bubby.” 
Cody wishes that he could hug his sweet Vod’ika and never let go. “I love you too, Rex’ika. No matter what you look like, you’re still my little brother, and I promise that nothing in this world or the next can change that."
"Thank you so much, Bubby." Rex whispers, holding back tears from what his brother had just said. "You're welcome, Rex'ika. Now come on, you are probably starving." Rex's stomach growls loudly, answering for him. He can feel the heat rise to his cheeks.
"I knew it, we'll go to the ballroom for a few minutes. Then we'll see about getting you some food, hm?" Rex smiles and nods. "Yes please." Cody heads towards the door and Rex follows behind the shuffling desk. Rex opens the door walking out to see the group, they all have worried expressions, and Kiara floats towards Rex.
"Are you okay, Prince Rex." Rex smiles, nodding. "I'm okay now, but you can just call me Rex, Kiara. Any friend of Fives is a friend of mine." The feather duster nods, quickly giving him a hug. "Thank you prince…. I mean Rex. Your fur is so soft by the way."
Rex chuckles kindly, feeling a little embarrassed because it isn't a phrase that he's used to hearing "Thank you, Kiara." She smiles back at him. "You're welcome, Rex." 
"Shall we head to the ballroom now, then we'll get you some food?" Cody prompts his Rex'ika, glad that he's feeling a bit braver to face everyone else. Rex takes in a long deep breath "yeah." He breathes out, ready to face other members of his family and friends.
Everyone leads the way before Rex, he'd rather not be in front of them because he still feels nervous about how he looks, so having lots of people looking at him from behind will just make him feel insecure. Down the hallway, the sound of a piano plays an out of time tune, sounding a little broken but it still sounds sort of good.
They all arrive at the ballroom, hearing voices making conversation and sounding more like themselves. The sound of children playing and laughing echoes around the room as they all decided to play some games with each other. It looked like they were playing hide and seek, and now they are smaller it makes the game seem a lot more fun too because there are so many more hiding places.
Rex is glad that they have recovered after what had happened earlier on, seeing everyone writhing in pain and agony as they started to change and morph into inanimate objects. He smiles at the sight of children having fun with each other, 99 watching over them of course. 
As soon as Rex got through the door, everything fell silent, making Rex feel nervous again. His ears press back just a second before everyone calls out his name in unison and then hastily make their way towards him. Rex sees a little music box hop towards him and he has a pretty clear idea who it might be. "Soka, is that you?"
The little box stops just in front of him, opening the lid up to reveal an older looking Togruta in a burgundy dress. Rex could tell that this is Ahsoka, he recognizes her markings on her face, montrals and lekku. "Yeah, Ori'Vod. It's me." Rex looks surprised, she even sounds older too, though her excitable personality tells him that this is still his little sister. She hops over a little bit closer to Rex, grabbing one of his fingers and hugs it, wrapping her tiny arms around it as much as she can. "I'm glad you're okay, Rex! How are you?" She says with relief, happy that her big brother is okay now. 
"Yes, thank you. I'm alright, Soka." He pats the top of her head very gently using a single finger, making sure not to hurt his little sister. “I’m so glad that you’re okay, Rex. I was so scared when you ran and we couldn’t find you.” The little statue nuzzles against Rex's finger, loving the comfort of his fur. Rex smiles at his baby sister, he's so happy that she isn’t afraid of him.
taglist: @pinkiemme  @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @lightning-wolffe @captainrexisboo @ellie1366
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writer1 · 4 years
My masterlist
Fives Masterlist
Rex x reader: confessions
Rex x sick reader
captain rex x reader: hair
Captain rex x reader: sleep
Sick!Rex x reader
Rebels!Rex x reader The abandoned base
Rex x reader: Changes
Captain Rex x Werewolf reader
The soulmate switch
WereRex x reader
Full moon
WereRex Cuddles
The Experiment (part 1)
The Experiment (part 2)
Bad Dreams
Comfort in Darkness
Comforting Cuddles
Soft Cuddles
Falling for a Kaminoan adopted by different parents and has never been to Kamino headcanons
Return to the Light
Commander wolffe x injured reader
Commander wolffe x former separatist reader
Part 1
Part 2
Commander wolffe x reader: The prank
Commander Wolffe x reader: scars
Wolffe x reader: The Halloween bet
Wolffe x reader: anger and hurt
Wolffe x reader: found through a scar
The Nightmare
A Late Return
A Sleepy Wolf
commander cody x reader : reunited
Arc Trooper Echo x reader
Arc Trooper Echo x reader Part two
Echo x Witch reader
Falling for a Kaminoan adopted by different parents and has never been to Kamino headcanons
Pranks and Cuddles
Sleepy Conversations
Sweet Sunrises
A Frightening Rescue
A Midnight Run
Secret Fangs
Valentine Surprise
A Fox's Curse
Chapter 1
The Rescue
Going on mission's with Crosshair headcanons
A Transformative Reunion
A Captive Wolf part 1
A Little Gift
Cuddling and hand holding headcanons
Cuddling and hand holding headcanons
Cuddling and hand holding headcanons
Free and Loved
Fulcrum's Wolf (part 1)
Fulcrum's Wolf (part 2)
Growing up a wolf
A new change
The Bad Batch
A very real legend
First shift with the love of four werewolves
Love and Comfort
Hurt Jedi reader after Order 66
The Bad Batch and Stutter reunion during Rebels
Fatally wounded reader on battlefield
Tortured by separatists
Young Padawan during Order 66, going with the bad batch
The fishermen and the young Mer
A Sniper’s Life Changing Injury Part 1
Bad batch and bluejay winged reader
Hunter asks reader out
Bad batch and cat reader
Look for the Light That Leads (Me) Home
The Big, Not So Bad Wolves AU: A collab with @ahsokatano-thetogruta
The Hidden Secret
One Big Family AU: A Collab with @ahsokatano-thetogruta
Forever Life Changing Events
Chapter 1
Monster request's
Request rules
Fear of the unknown (Wererex x Reader) Masterlist Old version.
Fear of the unknown rewrite Masterlist
A 501st christmas (wererex)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
The ghosts that protect
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
A ghostly Christmas day
A regretful Wolf and his Beauty (a collab with @ahsokatano-thetogruta) Masterlist
My oc fics Masterlist (Mostly Stutter)
Rexwalker Masterlist
Stutter and Dogma Masterlist
Six Inch Soldiers
Mostly drabbles based on @dakt37 art six inch soldiers.
Boils ruined caf
All Fics: you'll be tagged in everything including multi chapter fics.
@ahsokatano-thetogruta @lightning-wolffe
All oneshots: you'll be tagged in all my oneshots.
Werewolf: tagged in all Werewolf fics(mostly wererex)
My oc's: you'll be tagged in any fics with my ocs
Stutter: you'll be tagged in any of my fics in the Chosen au
@pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @haloangel391
Fear of the Unknown taglist
Taglist: @captainrexisboo @tobitofunction @pentaghasm @ohmsjedi @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @ellie1366 @marine-captain-deku @reimet @commanderrivercc-3628 @ahsokatano-thetogruta @captainrexwouldnever
The ghosts that protect taglist:
@meridiansdominoes @jadetheaverage @everyfandom-girl
A regretful Wolf and his Beauty taglist:
@ellie1366 @pinkiemme @trash-dino-5000
A Distant Ghost and an Echoing Wolf Masterlist:
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