#rebirth maiko though
modstarfell · 1 year
i want maiko and seina to meet, while their styles are completely different... i think seina would enjoy learning how to dance in other styles.
also the idea of seina playing the violin and excitedly watching the other basically break dancing to what shes playing.
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a-student-out-of-time · 10 months
Please share the ReBirth thoughts!
//Alright, if you insist!
//First off, I really like the cast. You can probably tell my favorite character is Marin, but I like Ayumu, Aruma, Maiko, Kego, and really everyone has their merits ^^
//I have to admit, though, that I take issue with a lot of aspects of the story itself. Not quite to the same extreme as SDRA2, as I don't think it completely derails its own plot, but there are still sticking points to me, some of them pretty heavy given the subject matter of the game:
(CW: Discussions about bullying, oppression and racism included)
I appreciate that they changed the reactions to Ayumu being a cross-dresser away from the grotesquely transphobic attitudes in the original Japanese version, but I'm not fond of the implication that Ayumu became an enby because of Emi's abuse. Even if it wasn't the intent, that's how it comes across.
Everything that happened with Maiko and Saiji is textbook fridging. It doesn't really do anything for the story beyond artificially setting up his death and lots of drama.
I don't like that they can talk to the dead. Kasumi having the ability to channel spirits is supposed to be unpleasant for there and that's why it doesn't happen often, but if they can just pull ghosts back to get information, that really undermines a lot of the deaths in a way the story never really recovers from. Chapter 1 literally ends with Maiko coming back, explaining the misunderstanding that got her killed, and hugging everybody. Come on.
The talent-switching machine Chapter 3 feels like it completely breaks the motivations of the villains just by existing.
The multi-kill for Seishi, very Murder on the Orient Express, where it turns out Marin is the one who accidentally killed him feels...I dunno, I think it's why I prefer DT's idea for the Blackened. Having the Blackened by the one who delivered the fatal blow feels far too easy to exploit for emotional manipulation.
Everything having to do with Narumi.
//Now, I have to say, I like that this game has two masterminds, one motivated by despair and the other by hope. It's pretty unique. My problem mostly has do with the motivation.
//See, Akira's motivation is purely self-centered, wanting revenge on Kego for the death of his grandmother, Sumiko Kamiya, the Former Ultimate Ghostwriter. A woman who became a despair during The Tragedy and, as a result, was swayed to that side himself.
//In contrast, Narumi is the daughter of Taizo Osone, the former Ultimate Chef, and is the middle child of a huge number of siblings. The two of them were very close, Taizo helped her hone her own talent, and he was an active member of the Rights For Ultimates (RFU) movement. This was a group that sought to promote equal rights against people who were blaming them for the Tragedy.
//And it was during one such RFU protest that a riot broke out and Taizo was gunned down by police. An event that broke Narumi's heart and drove her to seek revenge against the system that had caused all of this. That's how she wound up crossing paths with Akira.
//The problem here is that, in her quest to seek justice for her father, Narumi becomes another example of the "oppressed minority who goes too far" cliche. Instead of targeting the system that hurts people like her, she targets other Ultimates and puts them in a killing game, thinking that by causing another Tragedy, she and Akira can become the new heroes and getting people to love Ultimates like they did back in the day.
//Now, of course, Akira's actual goal is just to destroy society as revenge for Sumiko's death and to spread despair once again. But because he dies in Chapter 2, that ultimately means most of the blame falls onto Narumi's shoulders. And what happens to her by the end?
//She gets sentenced to life in prison, with Ayumu promising to finish what she started. This sounds nice and all, but coming at the end of the story, it feels more like an empty platitude. How will Ayumu dismantle this oppressive system? How will equal rights for Ultimates be earned? How will any of this get solved?
//No idea! That's just how the story ends!
//I don't like this kind of storytelling because it often perpetuates negative and dangerous stereotypes, and even if the villain is functionally right, their actions within the narrative are effectively meant to get us to dismiss those ideals for change in favor of the status quo.
//The fact that Narumi is dark-skinned really doesn't help.
//RWBY, the MCU, Shadowrun, even The Last Airbender suffered from this in the episode where they introduced Bloodbending. I know a lot of people like that episode, but I really don't care for it. It takes a victim of oppression by an imperialist society, held captive and dehumanized for years, and turns her into an unrepentant villain that tortures random civilians and revels in killing. And then when she's defeated, she's returned to that same oppressive system as if that's meant to be justice.
//The irony is that, had Akira stuck around, all of this would've been easily solved. Make HIM the guy who hijacked Narumi's good intentions, lied to her, tricked her and pushed her too far. She still has a hand in all this without making her out to be another example of this cliche, and instead of being sent to rot in prison, she tries to actually change things for the better.
//Hell, you can include Seishi in that as well. Rather than just a hitman sent to kill Ayumu, have him showcase how much he's suffered under this oppressive system and how much he wants to be free of it too. You can still have the talent-switching machine, maybe as a promise for anyone who kills, and Seishi says Ayumu can escape with him and both of them will be free of their respective talents they hate.
//Yes, I understand this is all just an outline of how the story would've gone and the final product might've been different, but the greater-scope villains here should be the ones orchestrating the system that hurts people, not people trying to take a stand against the system and change it or bring it down.
//I don't think Rebirth is bad at all, it just suffers from a lot of the flaws and misunderstandings that come with trying to write nuanced stories about prejudice. Making the oppressed just as bad as the oppressor is not deep or complex storytelling when it's designed to get us to see challenging the status quo as bad.
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bpd-seishi · 5 years
for the au ask meme: the drrb talent gamble, pregame drrb, and the sdr2-drrb talent shift? owo - strawberry anon (i'm gonna send in a few more in portions!)
@strawberry-dangancanons i think three at a time is too many oops ;w; 
but!! rin has given me permission to link to the docs for these aus so u guys won’t be left totally in the dark uwu uwu so let’s go 
drrb talent gamble i’d also link the outfit doc but it’s unfinished pfft
1. astronomer seishi has 100% eaten a bath bomb at some point in his life, at the urging of shiori. he couldn’t help it, listen, it had sprinkles! it looked so good! he had to be taken to the hospital immediately afterwards RIP
2. he watched the alien movies when he was six because he was interested in space and he didn’t think they’d be that scary, and also they were just on at the time. he couldn’t sleep for weeks afterwards, but surprisingly, this wasn’t enough to crush his love for astronomy! 
3. for a while after the killing game, seishi couldn’t sleep alone. he had to have someone be there, be it akira, marin, shiori, hikaru or tsuki (even though she’s a robot, she still counts of course! :’0) (and her purr function is pretty comforting too ;w;) 
4. sometimes akira and marin talk about coding together, and even collaborate on projects sometimes. seishi has no idea what they’re talking about, but he loves hearing them so excited, so he usually listens in anyway and acts as their snack/water boy when they’re working really hard on something aaaaa
5. you know those little glow in the dark stars you can get for your room? seishi 100% has those all over his walls and ceiling. it’s partially because he lives for the space aesthetic, and partially because he’s deathly afraid of the dark lmao 
pregame drrb (rin’s posts, + marin and seishi) 
1. seishi’s super attached to his monomi plushy, even bringing her to school for a while until some bullies threatened to destroy her. he still adores her, though, and sometimes he talks to her to soothe himself 
2. most of the fanfics seishi would write for danganronpa involved talentswaps he created with marin, and they were often really long and explored how the different talents/personalities would cause different murders to happen. stuff like that’s always really fascinated him, and it was part of the reason why marin was able to get him into the series uwu 
3. seishi has 100% has cosplays of chiaki and mikan! he just....hasn’t worn them in public, because he’s too afraid to. he also wants a kyouko cosplay, but he has to save up for it. meanwhile, marin also has a chiaki cosplay, as well as a sonia cosplay, and they met ayumu at a con because he was wearing a nagito cosplay :0 
4. seishi’s online friends with a username of stardust-nico-xo who also writes fic for danganronpa! she writes a lot of poetic-y f/f stuff and seishi really appreciates her style. it took him like forever to actually work up the nerve to talk to her outside of fic reviews though RIP (if you couldn’t tell already it’s one himuro nico haha) 
5. occasionally, after a really hard day, seishi will invite marin over for comfort’s sake. sometimes though he’ll start to cry, and one time as a spur of the moment decision marin picked up his monomi plush and started talking to him in character until he started to calm down. it’s kinda become a ritual for them now if he gets really worked up and otherwise inconsolable and yes this headcanon is really self-indulgent let me have this okay i’m ;o;
sdr2-drrb talent shift (+ outfits if you guys are interested) 
1. at some point seishi totally wears chiaki’s swimsuit yes i just wanna see him in a bikini shut up okay? and all of his classmates are confused as to why he wants to wear a “girl’s” bathing suit. he just tells them that he wants to feel pretty lol (may or may not have a fic i wanna write about this scenario but ssshh) 
2. as mentioned in the outfit doc, misuzu has a dragon tattoo on her back. at one point she brings this up to seishi and he gets really excited at the thought (he just thinks it’s neat!) and asks if he can see it. at first she thinks he’s hitting on her though which leads to some. awkwardness lmao but like,, oh, honey....no--
3. akira’s music is a mix of emo rock and screamo. basically think mcr and [insert popular screamo band idk i don’t listen to that genre lmao]. he also sings for the group like ibuki does in chapter 3 and while it scares the absolute crap out of seishi, ayumu’s actually kinda into it. he’s emo leave him alone pfft 
4. i’d like to think that marin, maiko, and nico have a love triangle-ish, ot3 dynamic, kinda like gundham, kazuichi and sonia except healthier and with less stalking lmao 
5. like fuyuhiko, misuzu also wanted kasumi to leave their master-swords woman dynamic behind while being on the island. however, kasumi is much more manic and even less socially inclined than peko, so she pretty much botches that plan immediately when seishi and ayumu introduce themselves to the two of them and she pulls her sword on them :’) 
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despairing-disaster · 2 years
001 drrbv?
Man, it's been a while since I thought about rebirth
Favorite character: Aruma my beloved <3. Honestly, a part of me expected this one to change over time, but no. My sense of humor is the same as it's always been.
Least Favorite character: Honestly don't think I have one. There are quite a few who are kinda "meh" for me, but I don't think there's anyone in the cast I really dislike anymore.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Itsumori, seiyumu*, rokujima, osoroki (let's go rarepair), and Nico x Maiko (whatever their ship name is)
*more for the drama of it all than as a proper ship, if I'm being honest
Character I find most attractive: Probably Aruma or Seishi, but honorable mention for Kazuomi as well.
Character I would marry: Saiji seems like he would make a good husband, ngl.
Character I would be best friends with: Also probably Saiji. He definitely seems like he needs a friend and we're probably equally matched in social aptitude anyways.
a random thought: Rebirth voices, for as well known as it is, would probably have been a titan on par with DRA/SDRA2 had it not been cancelled.
An unpopular opinion: Mitsunari is overrated. He's not a bad character or anything, but people simp for this man so much when I have forgotten he existed more than once. Think I know why so many people have the hots for him tho...
My Canon OTP: Gonna say seiyumu on the basis that I'm pretty sure that it's the only truly canon ship (kinda) that got explored. Again though, my previous point with this ship still stands.
My Non-canon OTP: I still really love osoroki. I have literally no reason to love this ship as much as I do, but I do.
Most Badass Character: Aruma in terms of having a fucking whip, Mikoto in terms of pure competence. 
Most Epic Villain: Zen. Fucking. Katagiri. He's awful and I love him so much.
Pairing I am not a fan of: There’s honestly nothing in terms of ships that I like, seriously hate. 
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Honestly, I don’t feel like anyone truly screwed up any of the characters (although I know the folks more into og rebirth probably disagree with me on this) but there are a handful of characters where I feel like they may have had one intention while writing them initially and then switched gears later. I think Aruma seems like the most obvious case to me, but I may be biased.
Favourite Friendship: Aruma and Kazuomi. Honestly, I feel like they’re perfect for each other and they really do well to try and keep each other in a good state of mind. You can tell Aruma really has his best interests in mind and wants to see him improve himself and you can also tell Kazuomi really cares about Aruma as a person even if he tries to act tough.
Character I most identify with: As of late, probably Akira... I’m literally a NEET, idk what else to say T-T
Character I wish I could be: Kazuomi is transition goals. That’s it. That’s all I’m gonna say. 
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The Third batch of Makoto's soulmates: Setsuka Chiebukuro, Yuki Maeda, and Sora DR Rebirth: Ayumu Fujimori, Maiko Kagura, Akira Tsuchiya, and Seishi Yodogawa and DR TheAfter: Tachihaki Hatami, Koin Hatoyama, Yukime Ryo and Konoe Shimatate. (Hoo boy, this is going to be a fun one) How does it feel to have your former and current enemy as your soulmate?
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It feels a little awkward, with Tsuchiya at least...I mean, I’m only in this situation thanks to him and the rest of Zetsubou.
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Fujimori though...I never actually got to meet him. He was mainly an adversary to Hajime...
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However, hearing how he was from Hajime and a few other accounts...I really did feel for him...
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I understood how he felt, and... well, now I know what it’s like to be trapped, where the world seems like it’s fighting against you...So I understand his plight and while I can’t say what he did was right...It’s not that he did so without reason, or in the name of Despair.
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imaginefanganronpas · 4 years
Okay so you did one where the SDRA2 chracters came to life from your screen and spawned in your house.I want to see how you will react when the DRRB characters came to life and spawned in your house. (Btw love yr writing😊)
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Sure, I can do that! I feel like the interest for Rebirth has been shrinking a whole lot, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna ignore them, I have a friend who love’s Rebirth so I need to deliver after all! I...Hope this is alright xD
Rebirth cast at my house
-It would probably be right after the SDRA2 cast finally managed to get back to their own world and I thought I would finally have a quiet minute, but the one cast going caused the other one appearing and me immediately having a stroke because why is this shit happening to me-
-Hopefully it wouldn’t be that bad, the rebirth cast might be easier to  handle….I mean, hopefully, they need to be entertained after all
-There are some rather obvious things, I send Kego to the nearby club which is conveniently the biggest club in all of my country, so Kego will have a good time DJing there if he even gets let in considering he is so small 
-There was unfortunately no temple for Misuzu I could take her to, so I tried to introduce her to some other hobbies. Turns out she is really into Archery and joined a nearby club. She only does it for athletic purposes though
-Ayumu is pretty casual about it and thinks this whole incident is his fault, but I let him use and probably break all my gaming consoles and give him some of the very few manga I have
-We would prolly gather around on the evenings, order takeout and just play some silly party games and watch movies, I mean, if they manage to get me off my work, I have so much to do, you would be very surprised
-Seishi needs constant reminders that murder is not always the right answer for everything and to leave any dead bodies he MIGHT cause on the neighbours porch, because she is a bitch that is going to retire soon anyway-
-”Stop stop stop! Kasumi! No summonings! Kego! No loud music! Seishi-.....uhh, what do you like besides books?”
“No vengeance for you!”
“I was gonna say I’ll get you back for this but that isn’t possible anymore-”
-I let Akira chill in the basement and hack stuff as long as it doesn’t get me into any trouble or my things are being hacked so he is being taken care of too
-Hopefully they don’t break anything and remember to replace the toilet paper, otherwise my mom will get really mad because I always forget to replace it 
-Mikoto would prolly not do that much and just be out all day and I wouldn’t question her because as long as she doesn’t give me any trouble I’m fine with it, I have more than enough to do 
-Kazuomi needs to put on a shirt, everything else is unacceptable and he always needs a distinguished person that prevents him from being an idiot
-I would just sent Saiji to the nearest graveyard but I don’t think people would react very positively to him suddenly appearing and having no idea of the traditions in my country, so I needed to give him something else to do…….I let him do gardening, it was close enough, jsut that he plants flowers instead of dead people, so he thankfully didn’t complain-
-Believe it or not, but somehow everyone survived and so far nothing broke
-Marin was not very difficult to entertain given that she sleeps a lot and doesn’t have to forecast the weather now that she is at my place, even if the lack of work also seems to stress her out just a bit
-Maiko is enjoying her off time very much and is exploring my place, going swimming and all that jazz and just having a good time with her and her friends, she often went with Nico and Saiji out with him being awkward but charming and Nico being shy and Maiko being the one to break the ice with the locals
-Aruma sleeps in the room as much away from me as possible, I like her a lot, but I don’t want to be whipped or potentially screwed so please spare me pretty whip lady-
-I gave Kasumi a Ouija board and let her run wild and scare our asshole neighbours as long as she left the toddlers we had in the neighbourhood alone. I think she had a pretty good time if the maniacal cackling was any indicator
-it would be very chaotic but it wouldn’t be anything that I couldn’t handle, so it’s all good! ^^ But please don’t send them to my house at the same time-
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missmyloko · 6 years
Kanzashi of The Month: November - Colored Leaves
An entire month that doesn’t focus on flowers!? You bet! But who needs flowers when you have almost every color of the rainbow? As always, all kanzashi are from Kazurasei.
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Image courtesy of Kazurasei.
Momiji (紅葉) - Colored Maple Leaves
Ichō (銀杏) - Ginkgo Leaves
Matsuba (松葉) - Pine Needles
The second most popular month for tourism in Kyoto is November, and it’s edging closer to April’s haul each year. Before rebirth in the spring there must be death in the fall, and the millions of trees that encompass Kyoto give a show more colorful than fireworks in the process. Every temple becomes a treasure trove of colors in the form of changing leaves and become venerable a haven for photographers. The term for autumn, Aki (秋), is made up of the characters for “Tree” (禾) and “Fire” (火), which directly eludes to the colorful leaves!
The most popular autumn leaf to observe by far is the maple leaf. The Japanese variety of maple trees, Acer palmatum, which encompasses hundreds of different species, are popular around the world for their bold colors, so it’s only natural that they’re also popular in their native country. As discussed before, maple leaves can be known by two different names in Japanese depending on their color. Regular green maple leaves are known as Kaede (楓), whereas colored maple leaves, defined as any that have changed color, even slightly, are known as Momiji (紅葉), which literally means “Red Leaf.” Momiji can also be used as a blanket term to describe all autumn leaves, but it has since become synonymous with the maple leaf.
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Image courtesy of Kazurasei.
The second most popular tree to observe in the autumn is the Ginkgo or Maidenhair Tree. Its leaves are prized in the karyukai due to its shape that closely resembles a folding fan. The graceful leaves also tend to flutter when they fall, which are said to resemble the fluttering of a fan in an alluring dance. Unlike the maple leaves, ginkgo leaves are made from rounded tsumami petals, which provide a beautiful contrast to the maple leaves’ pointed leafs. Unlike shidare from almost every other month, the “petals” for November are actually made like the leaves and feature pointed shapes. They’re meant to mimic individual leaf points instead of petals, so they look very sharp, literally!
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Image courtesy of Kazurasei.
Keeping on the topic of leaves, it may seem a bit odd that pine needles are a common feature during the month, but their status is viewed as that of the leaf of an evergreen. The two kanji that make up “Pine Needle” in Japanese literally mean “Pine Leaf,” so the beautiful green needles are often added to maple and ginkgo leaves as a bit of an accent. They also serve a very important artistic function! The small, golden bases that are added to the needles help to attract the eye first. Then the pine needles, which are made from wrapping very thin, shiny threads around sticks, are often set at angles to provide movement for the eye to travel around the kanzashi. 
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Image courtesy of Risha Soul. 
Leaves are extremely versatile as maiko can wear motifs that showcase the full spectrum of colors available for the month, which can range from green to yellow to orange or red and sometimes even brown! It’s rare to see a leaf that only has one or two colors, so kanzashi fans are well served during this time, many of which are the maiko themselves!
Like other full motif shidare, November’s leaves can be worn by junior and senior maiko alike. It’s often used as a bridge between the two seniorities, so it’s commonly seen being worn by junior maiko who are about to become senior, like Katsuhina (佳つ雛) of Odamoto (小田本) in Gion Kobu (above). The swaying leaves on this full motif shidare are as elegant as the wind blowing gently through the trees, so it’s the perfect way to show off autumn’s versatile colors!
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Image courtesy of Onihide.
Even though they’re leaves and not blooms, November’s various leaves still follow the rules of juniors and seniors when it comes to sizes. Senior maiko, like Kanoka (叶果) of Kanoya (叶家) in Gion Higashi (above) wear one or three of a motif to make a bold statement and show off their impending transition into adulthood. As the tips of a ginkgo leaf are round they are often placed in a circular formation, both to make the entire motif look like a cute circle, but also because it resembles a pin wheel! This reminds us that even the most senior maiko are still children, but that this time is shortly coming to an end, just like the lives of the leaves. 
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Image courtesy of Japanexperterna.
In the case of junior maiko, the various leaf kanzashi are the ultimate rainbow that draw attention to them immediately and keep that sight burned into the minds of those who behold them! The bells notify you that they’re close, the shidare brings your eye up, and the main cluster explodes into an array of hues you never thought were possible, like with Mamefuji (まめ藤) of Tama (多麻) in Gion Kobu (above). You may have noticed that a few of the kanzashi do have small flower added to them, and this isn’t too uncommon. The flowers are small Chrysanthemums, which were the main motif for October and are a prominent autumn flower. However, the chrysanthemums are not meant to compete with the leaves in November, but rather to offer a soft palette to the otherwise strong colors of the leaves ^^
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 6 years
knees knocking and blood flowing so
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2P86VVq
by Marshmellowtea
(also known as newsflash, the shsl assassin is the biggest pussy ever)
it's class bonding night, and akira decides to bring a movie for them to watch!
too bad it's a horror movie.
maybe seishi should just admit when he's in over his head.
Words: 5343, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of bpd!seishi verse b/c i do what i please
Fandoms: Dangan:Rebirth, Dangan:Rebirth-Voices, DRRB
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Yodogawa Seishi | Katagiri Zen, Yodogawa Seishi, Tsuchiya Akira, Itsuki Mikoto, Kagura Maiko, Sakuma Kego, Samejima Kazuomi, Izumo Kasumi, Todoroki Aruma, saiji and ayumu are briefly mentioned, it's partially an ensemble cast, everyone's mentioned but only these characters are like., relevant - Character
Relationships: Yodogawa Seishi & His Classmates, Yodogawa Seishi & Tsuchiya Akira, Yodogawa Seishi & Itsuki Mikoto, Yodogawa Seishi & Kagura Maiko, there's also some uhh. implied shippy stuff if you look closely ;O
Additional Tags: spoilers for the japanese version of rebirth, though this fic is more based in the rebirth-voices interpretation for once, huh, anyway Important Tags, Mental Health Issues, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, horror movies, Non Graphic Descriptions of Violence, non graphic descriptions of gore, it really doesn't go into detail, seishi has bpd and ptsd but he doesn't realize this, he's also autistic but that's not really relevant here i just wanted you to Know, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, seishi has friends who love him and you can't change my mind, Mentions of Rape, as in there's a scene in the movie they watch that resembles rape, and it's kinda implied that rape has happened to a main character, that's as far as it goes though, implied food issues, tbh this whole fic is just. implied issues lkadjflksjk, Childhood Trauma, Panic Attacks, my headcanon backstory for seishi sure is something huh, anyway kagura maiko is everyone's best friend and you can quote me on that
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2P86VVq
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modstarfell · 1 year
How ya doing so far?? Any plans to do? :D
Also random question, but what's the first fangan series you got into?
hihi! I've been taking it slow so very mellowed in general. Moving has made things a bit difficult but trying to be somewhat active. (*゜ー゜*)
I've always known about the idea of fangans, but I don't think I've ever fully deep-dived into it like I have for SDRA series. My very first one I've consumed though technically had to of been ReBirth. Towards the start of revoices but I didn't stay around revoices for long before trying to find more about the original in my own ways. (I keep up with the ReBirth creator on twitter though)
ReBirth will always hold a close place in my heart. (More specifically, Maiko will.)
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modstarfell · 2 years
Hello everyone who may visit!
I’m mod star! or the “Star.txt” fellow that appears on OOC posts on my blogs! This blog was made so I can have a place dedicated for my rambles about the blogs without having to clutter up my main too much. I hope we can get along!
I’ll post a variety of things here from interactions BTS, WIP sprite edits and other things regarding my blogs. Just a reminder though I have no affiliation to either games series creators and I’m just a fan writing an AU based off (fan)canon material.
Please take caution when reading my works. I try and tag accordingly but you are responsible for your own media consumption. Not all of my works are filled with fluff and I avoid putting my works in main tags for that reason. There will be some darker moments involved.
I prefer to be credited for my edits, or at least told that you will be using them somewhere and doing something with them. PLEASE DO NOT use my edits in NSFW environments.
Muse List: (Long under cut)
Blowback: Annabelle | Akeru Yozora | Chinami Hasami Kana Ise | Kanjiro Hayamoto | Kazuki Watanabe Mai Yurino | Mikihiko Koyasunaga | Misako Rokuhana Ryo Koumori | Seina Datenashi | Shozo Asayoru Tato Shigami | Torae Akatsubaki | Toshiro Takahara Yosaku Fujita | Yukari Koime
Danganronpa Another: Aiko Maeda (and Mr.Maeda to some extent) | Akane Taira | Ayame Hanato Haruhiko Kobashikawa | Hikaru Ando | Juu Kinjo (and Ms.Kinjo to some extent) Kakeru Yamaguchi | Kanata Inori | Keisuke Iranami (and family to some extent) Kinji Uehara | Kiyoka Maki (and Rika/Yuzuki to some extent) | Kizuna Tomori Midori Yamaguchi | Mikako Kurokawa | Minako Tomori Mitsuhiro Higa | Rei Mekaru (Both games) | Ryutaro Maki Satsuki Iranami | Teruya Otori (Both games) | Tsurugi Kinjo (Both games) Yamato Kisaragi | Utsuro
SDRA2: Emma Magorobi | Hajime Makunouchi | Hibiki Otonokoji Iroha Nijiue | Kanade Otonokoji | Kokoro Mitsume Mikado Sannoji (Both real and AI versions) | Monocrow (and 'original' by Yuri) Nikei Yomiuri | Setsuka Chiebukuro | Shinji Kasai Shobai Hashimoto | Sora | Yoruko Kabuya Yuki Maeda | Yuri Kagarin
Despair time: Ace Markey | Arei Nageishi | Arturo Giles Charles Cuevas | David Chiem | Eden Tobisa Hu Jing | J Rosales | Levi Fontana Min Jeung | MonoTV (and Mai to some extent) | Nico Hakobyan Rose Larcoix | Teruko Tawaki | Veronika Grevenshchikova Whit Young | Xander Matthews
Project Edens Garden: Damon Maitsu | Diana Venicia | Eva Tsunaka Grace Madison | Kai Monteago | Mara (and Cara to some extent) Toshiko Kayura | Wolfgang Akire
Rebirth: Ayumu Fujimori | Akira Tsuchiya | Aruma Todoromi Kasumi Izumo | Kazuomi Samejima | Kego Sakuma Maiko Kagura | Marin Mizuta | Mikoto Itsuki Misuzu Aisaka | Mitsunari Koga | Narumi Osone Nico Himuro | Saiji Rokudo | Seishi Yozogawa/Zen Katagiri
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bpd-seishi · 5 years
What do you think about the plot/spoilers of drrbv?
okay i wasn’t sure when i was gonna answer this but i got all worked up and upset again so i guess now’s a good time as any lol 
not sure if i’m allowed to post the spoilers doc so if you wanna see it just dm me and i’ll send you the link 
putting this under a cut cuz spoilers and also this gets kinda venty and long 
okay first off, disclaimer. nothing against the voices team, even though i am really upset. please don’t send this to them, or harass them, or anything like that. i trust all of you not to do that anyway, but i felt like i should say it anyway given my,, feelings. also second disclaimer i’m just going off what i remember reading because i refuse to look at the doc again, it genuinely makes me nauseous. 
so, uh, i guess that answers your question, lol. i hate it. i really, really do hate it. 
there’s just,, a lot here to be honest. i guess i’ll go ahead and start with the obvious source of upset here: seishi’s whole character arc. we all know how i feel about him i mean it’s pretty obvious that his fate would come into play here 
it’s not even just the fact that he dies, it’s.....well, there’s a lot here that i fucking hate. first off, i straight up refuse to accept the fact that marin killed him lol. even if it was just an accident, like,, marin isn’t stupid. why would she put her hand over his mouth if he was suffering from poisoning? and even then, wouldn’t narumi technically be the killer because she was the one who poisoned him in the first place? i dunno if that’s the point like marin was just supposed to be a scapegoat or something, but either way it’s fucking bullshit. and....mikoto?? cutting his head off?? to hide evidence??? unless i misread that???? first off, why the fuck would she do that, and second off, that’s just....too much. i don’t think you could show that in an actual danganronpa game, ffs. they had one character who was dismembered, and he was a robot, for god’s sake. now, i will admit to not finishing v3, so forgive me if i’m mistaken in assuming this, but still it’s just. yikes?? 
and onto another thing with seishi, they really said fuck seiyumu rights here, huh? ngl i guess this is pretty biased since it’s such a huge comfort ship for me but i really do think it’s shitty, manipulative writing to tease the ship like this and then suddenly yank it away and have him try to kill ayumu anyway. even if it wasn’t a ship i cared about so much i still would be upset about them doing that it’s such a cruddy thing to do, like. they evidently were going to share a kiss scene and everything, and didn’t they even confirm seishi had romantic feelings for ayumu?? i don’t understand why they would have all that and then continue with the assassination plot unless it was just to make the whole plot more “edgy” and/or like,, try to show how evil and bad seishi is. which is honestly pretty stupid when they wrote him to be the biggest dork ever but what the fuck ever i guess none of that actually matters in the scheme of things. fuck characterization, who needs it? 
IN SPEAKING OF THEY REALLY SCREWED OVER A LOT OF CHARACTERS HERE, HUH. i really thought they’d let saiji live because i remember seeing that miwashiba originally wanted him to live in their version until his va dropped out, but they decided to toss all that out the window. and, hey, his death/arc could’ve been interesting anyway, i would’ve been sad but not this upset if they actually did something with him, but they instead decided to make his whole fucking arc rely on maiko which. just isn’t fair to either of them. maiko deserves better than to be “fridged almost gf that causes saiji to kill” and saiji deserves better than to be “guy who only thinks about maiko and his guilt over her death to the point where it overrides every other bit of his characterization”. that whole murder plot/chapter motive didn’t make a lick of sense anyway. just. fuck. 
i also really think they screwed over mikoto in having her be a killer, to be honest. her whole character in miwashiba’s original version was that she hated needless killing, and, idk, it just seemed weird to me that they decided to completely ignore that. and they made her spoiled and bratty like??? i don’t know it just rubs me all the wrong way. i also take issue with narumi being the mastermind to be honest. i feel like it could’ve worked, if they’d set it up better, and i dunno, maybe it would’ve been if they’d been able to continue, but her reasoning for doing it is just......it’s another thing i take issue with. that whole backstory is convoluted, and i can’t get through the exposition part of the doc without getting a headache. you can say what you want about miwashiba’s version, but it’s at least cleaner, and it makes more sense. and i don’t even wanna talk about akira’s involvement here i still don’t understand it. 
i’m starting to run out of steam and i’ve probably gone on long enough anyway (lord knows me and my friends gone on extensively about this) but it basically for me boils down to a lack of awareness over their own characters, too convoluted of a plot, and a lot of pointless edginess and what feels like twists for the sake of shock value (like what is the point of changing the pot as a weapon in chapter one to an acid squirt gun???? who asked for that????), and i know a lot of my friends feel the same, too. i really wish i could find something to be excited about for it, i mean, apparently they were going to have an arc about kazuomi being gay and i guess that’s neat but like. fuck. everything else kinda spoils it for me. 
most of this probably won’t affect the way i interact with the series much since voices is just an au of the og rebirth and i tended to prefer the original anyway when writing fanfic for it but,, the whole thing just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. reading the epilogue bits made my stomach sink, and not in a good way that i think they were going for. 
and of course, it’s fine if you disagree with me, but it really upset me and i had to get it off my chest and i’d really like it if we didn’t discuss it too much on this blog, please. i can’t even pretend to be excited about it, it’s got me that fucked up. 
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