#recipes from mpd
plothooksinc · 7 months
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
Rise!Mikey. Everyone else I can get a decent handle on, but Mikey Contains Multitudes and got most of his focus episodes scrapped from the second season so it's hard to work out how much of each personality trait goes into the recipe and what switches him between Living Sunshine and The Doctor Is In Is A Threat, Actually. I know what he's not (fanon often has him as the family therapist without any of his own outlets, or ridiculously sweet and innocent and baby, or a boy suffering from MPD! He is none of those things) but mixing the levels right is still a work in progress.
I don't think I do a bad job with him! But I am also quite convinced I could do better.
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
I've seen a lot of good recs from authors under this question and they're all definitely ones I agree with! So I will go with reccing an author I haven't seen yet, and that is Mad and Thick as Thieves. I've only read their Rise stuff, but holy shit I love their Rise stuff. Go forth and enjoy!
Thanks for the questions!
Ask meme here.
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trouble-clef · 3 years
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day 3 (???) of my incredibly inconsistent posting of the recipes conceived in the metaphysical determinism verse by @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors! I hope I did the energy potion proud, especially.
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daring-elm · 3 years
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i uh. saw people making nice art of mpd recipes and decided to let the chaos academia play
(i promise i have nice handwriting, usually, and will letter a prettier recipe when i have the time but for now i hyperfocused on this)
@tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors and the id is under the cut
id: two images of the same heavily scrawled-upon piece of paper. one corner is stained brown by tea or coffee. in messy handwriting, the text reads:
Energy Potion
cup of tea -> green -> (black see earlier reports)
energy drink (monster) [scrawled out, beside it in all caps:] not monster; Red Bull
powdered light ½ tsp
disposable cup, marker -> impact? sharpie good results
tea (-> remove bag), then energy drink, [underlined] then light
2 scruples Sun dissolved into 20 oz Water
[a series of symbols, including the symbols for Sun and Pisces]
the notes around it read, from top to bottom:
meeting 6
trust barista
no boiling water (ruins le
bread, milk, [crossed out] eggs
[all caps] don't forget; thursday 8am
ask cat will explain
100 too low
dish soap
end id.
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Introduction to the Call Of Duty: Zombies Storyline (Basic Information - Events Of Moon)
BASIC INFORMATION  Artifacts:  -The Summoning Key - The Keepers craft the Summoning Key, a device that allows them to manipulate the Aether. Holding power over reality itself, they use it to create Agartha.  -The First Transference Device - The Keepers master the ability to travel between dimensions.
 -The Dark Aether - Some Keepers begin to experiment with the Dark Aether, which corrupts and corrodes their souls. Among them is The Shadowman.  -The Aether Pyramid - The Corrupted Keepers create the Aether Pyramid, a device capable of absolute power. A schism forms between them and those Keepers untainted by the Dark Aether.
 Events:  -In The Beginning - There was only the Aether and the Keepers. Among them were two beings who would later be known by many names. One would be known as Doctor Monty, the other as The Shadowman.  -The War Of Agartha Begins - War breaks out between the Corrupted, and the Uncorrupted Keepers.  -The War Of Agartha Ends - Facing defeat, the Corrupted Keepers hide the Aether Pyramid on a moon within one of the newly discovered dimensions. After banishing the Corrupted Keepers to the Dark Aether beneath creation, the remaining Keepers take on the mantle of Guardians. Trapped in the Dark Aether, the Corrupted Keepers contort and evolve over Eons, ultimately becoming the Apothicons. They desire, above all else, to return to Agartha.  -5 AD - Known the planet has a gateway to Agartha, the Apothicons send meteors of Element 115 to Earth. They believe humanity will one day use Element 115 to wage war amongst themselves, opening a rift that will allow the Apothicons to escape the Dark Aether.  -1292 - The Great War between humanity and the Apothicons begins.  -1294 - Sir Pablo Marinus is saved from the clutches of a Margwa by four unknown heroes. They would later become known as Primis.  -1299 - Together with the Keepers, Primis defeats the Apothicons, bringing The Great War to an end.  -1300 - Before they seemingly disappear from history, Primis instructs the Wolf King to begin building Der Eisendrache.  -1318 - Honoring the Wolf King's dying request, his loyal servant Arthur scatters and buries his bones in the grounds of Der Eisendrache, accompanied by the King's Wolf.  -1318 - Temporal Rifts teleport Arthur to Resolution 1295 in 2025 Angola.
(Everything up until now is a constant among all timelines)
ULTIMIS  -1908 - A meteor containing Element 115 crashes near the Stony Tunguska River.  -1925 - Doctor Edward Richtofen joins the Illuminati.  -1931 - Large deposits of Element 115 are discovered near Breslau, Germany. Doctor Ludvig Maxis, a German Scientist, is sent to investigate.  -1931 - Maxis forms Group 935, an international organization dedicated to the study of Element 115. Maxis tells his scientists they "represent the future of technological advancement" and will be "pioneers of human discovery." The group swears to work in secrecy from their respective governments. As Maxis says, "We cannot afford to let this power fall into the wrong hands."  -1934 - Samantha Maxis is born. Her mother dies in childbirth.  -1936 - Maxis invites Richtofen to join Group 935. He agrees, secretly acting on behalf of the Illuminati's interests.  -1937 - The Imperial Japanese Army discovers Element 115 meteor fragments in a swamp within Japanese territory. They build the Rising Sun Facility to continue research. Division 9 is created to oversee its operation.  -1937 - The United States government discovers deposits of Element 115 at Groom Lake.  -1939 - Maxis and Richtofen begin teleportation experiments with the Matter Transference Prototype, to mild success. The subjects are teleported, but their chemical composition is altered, leaving them catatonic and changed.  -1939 - Using Element 115, Maxis and Richtofen resurrect one of the teleported corpses for the first time. Initially it obeys, but soon becomes rabid and attacks them. The test subject is euthanized.  -1939 - Richtofen begins development of the Wunderwaffe DG-2.  -1939 - Maxis turns to the Reichstag for additional funding. Germany agrees to the request, expressing interest in their weapons research, teleportation technology, and the reanimated undead subject.  -1939 - During Test Trial 151, Richtofen and Doctor Schuster successfully teleport a walnut. This is the first successful test where the chemical composition of the object is maintained throughout the process.  -1939 - "Edward's Walnut Delivery" fails to impress Maxis, who declares it a waste of time. He reveals to Richtofen that Group 935 will soon be funded by Germany. Richtofen worries this will lead to massive defections, so he and Schuster decide to continue their teleportation experiments behind Maxis' back.  -1940 - Richtofen and Schuster conduct their first human teleportation test. Richtofen is so confindent in its success, he volunteers himself. Teleported to the Moon, he encounters the MPD, the Aether Pyramid hidden by the Apothicons. While inspecting the device, Richtofen is electrocuted and begins hearing the many voices of corruption, including that of The Shadowman. The device then teleports him to Shangri-La. Corrupted by the Dark Aether, Richtofen is gradually being driven insane by an obsession to find Agartha.  -1940 - Richtofen is worshipped by the natives of Shangri-La; an altar is built in his name. Richtofen encounters the Focusing Stone for the first time.  -1940 - After a near month absence, Richtofen returns to Schuster with a plan to build Griffin Station.  -1940 - Richtofen renounces his involvement with the Illuminati. When asked how he could abandon his obligation to the Order he says, "Teddy was a liar."  -1940 - Construction of Griffin Station on the Moon begins. Frustrated with Maxis' alignment with Germany, other disgruntled Group 935 scientists join the cause.  -1940 - Maxis instructs his assistant Sophia to write a letter to the Reichstag High Command requesting additional funds. Though he reports that mass production will soon be under way shortly, Der Reise lacks not only the funding, but sufficient volumes of Element 115.  -1940 - In response to Maxis' request, Germany creates two new facilities for Group 935. They are the Kino Facilty, a repurposed theater, and the Asylum Facility at the Wittenau Sanatorium in Berlin.  -1940 - As per Germany's request, the Japanese Imperial Army hands over the Rising Sun Facility to Group 935. Division 9 remains involved on site.  -1940 - Group 935 establishes a research facility in Siberia near the Tunguska River.  -1940 - Group 935 establishes a research facility at Der Eisendrache.  -1941 - Nikolai Belinski's wife is killed during the German advance into the Soviet Union. In an effort to numb the pain, Nikolai increasingly turns to Vodka.  -1942 - Maxis gives Fluffy to Samantha. The dog is expecting a litter.  -1942 - Maxis tests the first file for storage on the data servant.  -1942 - On the data servant, Maxis catalogs locations  with prominent Element 115 deposits. He includes information about its various applications and cites that the reanimation of dead cells is a possible side effect.  -1942 - Richtofen completes the Wunderwaffe DG-2 prototype.  -1942 - With Griffin Station completed, Richtofen names Doctor Groph lead scientist, and returns to Earth to continue 'the charade' with Maxis. Working alongside Schuster, Groph is left to discover how to power the MPD.  -1942 - In a speech to his staff, Groph talks optimistically about Griffin Station's establishment as a permanent base of operations.  -1942 - Maxis develops the Ray Gun prototype at the Rising Sun Facility. H. Porter works on developing the 2nd Generation Model.  -1942 - A result of temporal rifts in 1963 Kino, Monty reaches across time and offers little nudges. One nudge is developing Group 935's Element 115 fused elixirs. They create four medicinal beverages known colloquially as Juggernog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, and Double Tap.  -1942 - Group 935 continues development of a Weapons Upgrade Machine.  -1942 - Groph and Schuster unwittingly discover how to charge the MPD. When Schuster kills a rat near the device, its death inexplicably begins filling the tank, charging the device. They report their findings to Richtofen.  -1942 - Richtofen begins sending soldiers and scientists to the Moon to be sacrificed; their souls are used to charge to MPD.  -1942 - Takeo Masaki is dispatched by the Emperor to oversee the work of Group 935 and Division 9 at the Rising Sun Facility.  -1942 - Richtofen shares the Element 115-based Elixir Recipes with Griffin Station. They develop Mule Kick.  -1942 - Nikolai's brother is killed in the Battle of Stalingrad.  -1942 - Richtofen created the Monkey Bomb.  -1942 - In a personal log, Maxis expresses concern over Element 115's impact on Richtofen's behavior. No longer trusting him, he wonders if it was a mistake to invite him to Group 935.  -1942 - Accompanied by Sophia, Maxis is tranferred to the Kino facility to focus on creating Germany's undead army. Samantha is left in Richtofen's care.  -1943 - Maxis worries he and Sophia have grown too close. He considers sending her away.  -1943 - Nikolai is captured by German Forces during the Battle of Stalingrad. He becomes a subject in Group 935 experiments.  -1943 - Maxis reports success with Subject Two-Six, whose 'violent outbursts have been greatly reduced." Maxis believes "this method of treatment will be 100 percent effective in most cases."  -1943 - The Battle of Stalingrad ends.  -1943 - Maxis reports the treatment has been perfected. He believes if "Subject Two-Six can retain the impressions longer than twenty-six hours, then the delivery of the zombie army can be accelerated."  -1943 - After attacking a handler, Subject Two-Six is killed and deemed "another setback."  -1943 - Harvey Yena begins his work with Group 935.  -1943 - Primis arrives from Dimension 63. In an effort to prevent the events that are about to unfold, they formulate a plan to stop this dimension's Richtofen.  -1943 - Richtofen is contacted from the House by Maxis, who warns that "The test subjects must never be allowed to be awakened, the havoc that could be wreaked upon the future by such simple-minded individuals would be catastrophic."  -1943 - Takeo reports to the Emperor that the work being done at the Rising Sun Facility is "unacceptable."  -1943 - Primis Richtofen is teleported to the House in Agartha, reuniting him with Maxis.  -1943 - On the orders of the Emperor, Takeo is taken prisoner by Group 935 and Division 9. He is used as a test subject for experiments.  -1944 - After the setbacks with Subject Two-Six, Maxis reports new success with the Undead Army. However, he maintains his belief that the undead cannot be controlled or maintained.  -1944 - Pablo Marinus, a Mexican Spy, is captured by Group 935 at Der Eisendrache.  -1945 - In his cell, Pablo writes of vision of a great war. He describes a "great battle against strange demon-like creatures who [were] trying to devour the Earth. In his vision, he sees four knights protect him from certain death. He makes a note that the knights wore tunics similar to those in Der Eisendrache.  -1945 - NACHT DER UNTOTEN - An Allied plane malfunctions over an airfield and crashes. German Army trucks, transporting the undead and Element 115 between Group 935 facilities, is struck in the crash. The marines surviving the crash hold out against the undead as long as they can.  -1945 - Peter McCain infiltrates Group 395 at Der Reise.  -1945 - Groph and Schuster develop the Wave Gun.  -1945 - Richtofen travels to the Siberian Facility to do further research on "live specimens." As her temporary guardian, he takes Samantha with him. Group 935 begins transferring three test subjects for experimentations: Nikolai, Pablo, and Takeo.  -1945 - While Richtofen works at the Siberian Facility, Group 935 begins development of Deadshot Daiquiri.  -1945 - The test subjects arrive at the Siberian facility for Richtofen's experiments.  -1945 - CIA Handler Cornelius Pernell confirms that Peter McCain has successfully infiltrated Group 935 and has been transferred to the Asylum Facility. Cornelius suspects Group 935 is losing control of their experiments and has sent in a Marine Recon Unit to extract McCain. Thomas "Tank" Dempsey is to lead the squad.  -1945 - Peter is outed as a spy and captured by Group 935.  -1945 - Richtofen reports Pablo has died following a spleen removal. He also reveals he's been performing experiments on Samantha.  -1945 - WW2 ends. Group 935 continues their research.  -1945 - Temporal Rifts begin to affect the Asylum facility. An Orderly reports increasing problems with test subjects. Many in the facility have begun hearing voices coming from the walls, including the sobbing of a boy and a girl, screaming, and "a man shouting for children to close the windows."  -1945 - An outbreak occurs at the Asylum facility. Peter McCain escapes.  -1945 - VERRUCKT - Dempsey, John Banana, Smokey, and fourth marine arrive at the Asylum Facility to find it overrun by zombies. They fight off the horde as long as they can. Dempsey is apprehended by Group 935.  -1945 - John Banana writes messages and records his last words while being eaten alive by an undead Smokey.  -1945 - Richtofen reports another spy has been captured and will be brought in to replace "the Mexican." The subject is Dempsey.  -1945 - Cornelius Pernell attempts to send a transmission to Peter McCain, telling him to rendezvous at the Rising Sun Facility.  -1945 - Dempsey arrives at the Siberian Facility.  -1945 - Richtofen documents the personality traits of his test subjects. Dempsey's "intellect seems low, but his will is strong." Takeo is "still staring at the floor, muttering what sounds like some kind of proverb over and over again." Nikolai has "recently begun responding to stimuli, but only after [injections of] a new serum made primarily from vodka." Richtofen notes that their minds have been almost entirely broken, with no memory remaining of who they once were.  -1945 - Maxis returns to Der Reise. He orders Richtofen to do likewise so they may continue their work on the Matter Transference Device.  -1945 - Richtofen returns to Der Reise with Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo and Samantha.  -1945 - Maxis reports on Richtofen's findings with his live test subjects, noting that while their baseline psyche remains intact, all specific memories have been lost.  -1945 - Infuriated to learn that Maxis has not been mass-producing the DG-2 as he swore he would, Richtofen revels in his plot to destroy Maxis and Samantha, vowing that he will no longer continue to work on his undead army.  -1945 - Groph reports to Richtofen the MPD is nearly ready.  -1945 - Groph radios Richtofen to inform him that the device has been powered up and is awaiting the conduit. Richtofen says he will proceed with Operation Shield and dispose of Maxis and Samantha.  -1945 - Though frustrated that the 'matter tranference tests... have been largely unsuccessful," Maxis acknowledges "that the test subjects [departure] from their original point of origin is undeniable." However, Richtofen's suggestion that the subjects have been transported not through space, but time itself causes Maxis to worry if his "irrationality may soon prove a libility to our endeavors."  -1945 - Maxis and Richtofen perform teleportation test trials on Test Subjects 3, 4 and 5. All fail, including Test 5, where Maxis uses Fluffy. As Test 6 fails, Fluffy - now changed - is teleported back into the chamber. Samantha sees Fluffy and runs into the teleporter. Maxis chases after her. Richtofen seals them both in the test chamber and teleports all three of them.  -1945 - Samantha is teleported to the Moon while Groph and Schuster work on the MPD. Running into the MPD, she is drawn inside of it, where she becomes corrupted by the Dark Aether.  -1945 - Maxis is teleported to the Crazy Place and develops the power to merge with electricity.  -1945 - Richtofen returns to the Moon. Learning Samantha is trapped in the MPD, he orders Groph to teleport Maxis there to coax her out of the device. He also warns Groph to keep an eye out for an "evil looking dog."  -1945 - In an effort ot free Samantha, Maxis approaches the MPD and persuades her to come out. Once she does, Maxis givers her an instruction, "Kill them.... all." Maxis kills himself and merges with the technology of Griffin Station, while Samantha unleashes the undead upon the base.  -1945 - H. Porter activates the alarm as an outbreak occurs at Der Reise. Before taking a cyanide capsule, he says he's "all out of hope... god forgive us all."  -1945 - Richtofen returns to Der Reise and awakens Dempsey, Takeo and Nikolai. With no recollection of who they are or who Richtofen is, they agree to help him. The four would become known as Ultimis.  -1945 - Peter McCain parachutes over the Rising Sun Facility. He dies shortly after.  -1945 - SHI NO NUMA - Ultimis travels to the Rising Sun Facility to recover Richtofen's diary. Upon reading it, Richtofen begins to form his plan to defeat Samantha.  -1945 - DER REISE - Ultimis returns to Der Reise. With his diary, Richtofen plans to use the telelporter to return to the moon and confront Samantha. Unfortunately, the Wunderwaffe DG-2 overloads the teleporter and sends them through time to Kino - causing Richtofen to drop his diary.  -1945 - Group 935 is disbanded.  -1946 - The United States and the Soviet Union share the resources recovered from Group 935's various research stations. Richtofen's diary is among the items recovered by the Soviet Union.  -1946 - The Pentagon hires many former Group 935 scientists in an effort to replicate their work.  -1946 - As with their US counterparts, the Soviets hire many former Group 935 scientists. Among them is Harvey Yena, who forms the Ascension Group.  -1952 - The Pentagon begins experiments involving their own versions of the undead.  -1955 - The US Government transfers a number of Element 115 experiments to the Groom Lake Facility.  -1955 - Gersh and Yuri Zavoyski begin working for the Ascension Group.  -1956 - SHANGRI-LA - Explorers Brock and Gary discover Shangri-La. During an eclipse, they're unwittingly trapped in a time loop. Sally, sent back in time from 2011, is trapped in the same loop. Ultimis arrives in Shangri-La. With the help of Brock and Gary, they acquire the Focusing Stone. From their, Ultimis travels to the Groom Lake Facility.  -1959 - The Pentagon constructs their own prototype teleporter, and commence experimentation.  -1962 - Studying Group 935's medicinal elixir research, The Ascension Group develops PhD Flopper and Stamin-Up.  -1962 - Gersh begins work on Project Thunder.  -1962 - Gersh and Yuri begin work on the Gersh Device, Codenamed Project Mercury.  -1963 - The Pentagon begins development on their own version of the Wunderwaffe DG-2.  -1963 - The Pentagon begins development on their own versions of the Winter's Howl.  -1965 - KINO DER TOTEN - From Der Reise, Ultimis is teleported to Kino. This marks the first time Ultimis travels across space and tiem. Temporal Rifts occur across dimensions. In light of these developments, Monty feels obligated to step in, and begins to make changes in the background across time. He helps Group 935 invent Perk Machines. He adds chalk drawings to the walls. Little nudges. Ultimis locates a Lunar Lander and fly to the Ascension Facility.  -1963 - Gersh informs the senior staff that Yuri has been removed from Project Mercury and has been transferred to Rocket Research.  -1963 - Yuri begins to notice the appearance of children's toys around the facility.  -1963 - Upon reading Richtofen's diary, Yuri begins to hear Samantha's voice. Over several days, her voice will consume him, driving him to the brink of insanity. She orders him to resume work on the Gersh Device. He obeys.  -1963 - Gersh announces to the committee that Project Thunder is nearing completion. Gersh reveals Yuri may need to be removed from Ascension entirely, having observed his being "hostile towards other scientists... and frequently [observed] muttering to himself."  -1963 - Obeying Samantha's wishes, Yuri tricks Gersh into activating the Gersh Device. The rift created absorbs him and allows Samantha to travel through. Yuri is also absorbed and transported to the Pentagon.  -1963 - ASCENSION - Ultimis arrives at the Soviet Cosmodrome and free Gersh from the Casimir Mechanism. Richtofen recovers his diary, and learns that they need the Vril Device from the Siberian Facility for his plan. Maintaining his etheral form, Gersh sends them into a rift to their next destination before beginning his travels across space and time.  -1963 - FIVE - In the Pentagon, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon and Robert McNamara meet with Fidel Castro in the aftermath of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Due to the events at the Cosmodrome, a zombie outbreak occurs. Samantha sends Yuri to the Pentagon to thwart their survival. After Gersh is freed and Ultimis departs from the Cosmodrome, the outbreak ends at the Pentagon. All four survive.  -1963 - In an effort to avoid another undead outbreak, the US Government creates the Broken Arrow program, establishing several facilities across the country. The Groom Lake Program is folded into Broken Arrow.  -1973 - Broken Arrow recovers a shard of Element 115 from Division 9.  -1979 - Russman begins work at Broken Arrow. Over the course of his employment, his extensive exposure to Element 115 leads to significant memory loss.  -1983 - Broken Arrow begins live animal experiments with the shard, creating Bios.  -1986 - A containment breach involving the Bios occurs at one of the Broken Arrow facilities. Russman is one of the few to escape alive. The facility is shut down and abandoned. Its projects are tranferred to other locations.  -2011 - CALL OF THE DEAD - After entering the rift, Ultimis arrives at the Siverian Facility in 2011, where they find themselves trapped in a closet while George A. Romero films his latest project at the location. Samantha, in her pursuit of Ultimis, unleases an undead outbreak. The film's stars fight the undead horde, ultimately recovering the Vril Device (the Goldenrod) for Richtofen. Ultimis teleports to Shangri-La in an effort to acquire the next artifact required to defeat Samantha: The Focusing Stone.  -2011 - Following the disappearance of the Call of the Dead cast and crew, Romero's assistant Sally begins the search for her boss. Her journey leards her to Shangri-La during an eclipse, which sends her back in time to April 25th, 1956.  -2025 - Broken Arrow creates the Denizens.  -2025 - Broken Arrow accidentally creates Avogadro.  -2025 - In desperate need of more Element 115, Broken Arrow uses an excavator to drill near the Nuclear Testing Facility known as Nuketown.  -2025 - MOON - Using the Vril Device (Goldenrod), the Black Egg found on the Moon, and the Focusing Stone, Richtofen completes his Grand Scheme and swaps bodies with Samantha on the Moon, giving him full control of the zombies and the Aether. Maxis contacts the remaining members of Ultimis through the station's electronics and askfor their help to defeat Richtofen. They agree. They launch missile at Earth, leaving it fractured and broken. They sever Richtofen's connection with the Aether, but he maintains control over the zombies. Once Maxis controls the Aether in 2035 he returns to the Moon and plucks Samantha from Richtofen's body to join him in Agartha.
 -2035 - The remaining members of Ultimis are sent back in time to the 1960's with Richtofen's soulless and comatose body before the events of 'FIVE'.  -1963 - Cornelius Pernell makes audio punch cards. In them, he talks about his plans for Broken Arrow and the experimenting. He also talks about Ultimis arriving. He says, "Earlier today, while Doctor Schuster was performing Test Number 11, we had an unexpected arrival through the teleporter. We've been unable to verify what year they came from - our struggle with temporal anomalies during teleportation is well documented - but we are certain of where they came from: the Moon. This event alone is baffling enough, and is without explanation, but it becomes downright absurd when you take into account that I know two of the four individuals: Corpral "Tank" Dempsey of the United States Marine Corp., who I knew personally, and was declared K.I.A. after a failed rescue op to recover Peter McCain; and Doctor Edward Richtofen from Group 935, who went missing weeks after we formalized the agreement to initiate Operation Stapler. I didn't recognize the other two, but they, and Corpral Dempsey were in a delusional, near-catatonic state. Medical evaluations shows they've suffered from exessive Element 115 exposure, and, quoting our medic, I'm not even sure how they're still alive. As for Doctor Richtofen, initially, we believed him D.O.A.. Upon closer examination, we discovered his body is very much alive, just zero brain activity. How it came to be that these four men were on the Moon, we may never know. However, for the immediate future, we'll be keeping them here at Groom Lake. They are ideal candidates for additional 115 testing."  -1963 - After assisting Primis Richtofen in aquiring the blood vials, Undead Richtofen goes to Groom Lake to reunite his soul with his body. Cornelius makes note of this in another punch card when he says, "I'm filing this report on behalf of Private Gordan. Private Gordan was working graveyard in Hangar 4 where our new test subjects are being kept. At 0300 this morning, Private Gordan reports a, quote, "bright, blue, oval-shaped light beam materialized in the room," endquote. Out of said light beam, stepped, and I quote, "a zombie dressed in a World War Two German Military uniform." This 'zombie' did not interact with Private Gordon, but, instead, slowly walked up to the comatose body of Doctor Edward Richtofen, who, up until now, we've been unable to resusitate. Private Gordon then observed this 'zombie' touching the body of Doctor Richtofen, at which point, the zombie... turned.. to ash, and Doctor Richtofen immediately let out a gutteral shriek and began cackling. I cannot verify Private Gordon's story, but what I can tell you is that, as of this morning, Doctor Richtofen is very. Much. Alive. And he is very animated. So much so, we've since had to have him sedated."  -1963 - CLASSIFIED - After being experimented on by the staff of Broken Arrow, Ultimis is now forced to fight for their lives while in the Pentagon during a zombie outbreak. At some point, they are captured and locked up in Hangar 4 again. Dempsey questions how Richtofen had gotten back into his body after the events of Moon, to which his question is shrugged off by both Richtofen and Nikolai. As Nikolai starts drinking from his vodka again, Primis steps through a newly opened portal in the cell, and Primis Nikolai recruits them to help defeat Doctor Monty. They leave through the portal after an intruder siren goes off.  -2025 - Camp Edward, better known as 'Nuketown', was created in the 70's as a nuclear testing facility and an Element 115 drilling site by Broken Arrow. Using the blueprints of the MPD, Broken Arrow had created the American Pyramid Device. Cornelius Pernell and his staff used something called the Elemental Shard, a special Element 115 fragment that can truly bring back the souls and minds of the dead, and can regenerate the energy it uses (regular 115 only revives the body, and it can be used up, and that's why zombies attack people), and they brought back Peter McCain. When the DOD told them to hand over the Elemental Shard, Cornelius Pernell had broken it in half and gave them one half, claiming it to be the whole thing so he could continue his experiments. Marlton Johnson takes a canister of Element 115 as evidence of what's going on before he hides in a broom closet in the nuclear bunker, then returns it when an A.D.A.M. unit is brought to the door. Rushmore, the AI of the facility, who seems to have most of his programming based off of Cold War US propoganda, along with all the A.D.A.M. units and mannequins, had been given souls created by the Elemental Shard, and it made them feel emotion, which caused many problems for the staff and other people there.  -2025 - ALPHA OMEGA - After Ultimis is recruited by Primis, they travel to Camp Edward, a Broken Arrow facility in Nevada to retrive the Elemental Shard. After they do, they get a disturbing radio call from Maxis in the House in Agartha telling them that Monty is aware of what they're doing. Maxis manages to teleport the children out of the house before Monty kills him, and Samantha and Eddie arrive in the garage Primis and Ultimis are in. The corruption Monty had claimed to remove from her soul shows up once again as she wishes for death to Monty, and to destroy the Aether and Agartha. (Meanwhile, little Eddie is just looking happy as can be, despite seeing Maxis get eaten alive and seeing the bloodlust Samantha clearly has.)
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suuchii-tart · 6 years
Offical MPD OC Sheet
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please ask her any question you’d like!
Rima Aihara | Metro PD: Close to you
At first glance there was nothing usual about her, standing several feet from the female her overall aura felt warm and inviting. The clear medium beige skin, dots of large and small freckles adorning her cheeks and nose. With those eyes that seemed to be so kind with its grayish brown tone. Those perfectly thin but dark kept eyebrows that naturally arched delicately over her captivating eyes. Plump and glossy pink lips, curving upwards into a gentle smile. Her enchanting face, framed with long charcoal colored locks. The length of her hair fell to the middle of her back, in a dead straight sheet from her parting. Some stubborn strands refusing to stay down stuck upwards slightly but it didn’t make her look any less beautiful.
Her outfit was simple office clothing. A powder blue collared blouse with very few, if any wrinkles. The cherry red tie around the collar which complimented her undershirt very well. Her blazer was a dark-grey blue that was worn atop the rest, leaving the first two buttons open. A semi-short pencil skirt holding an almost black colour. She also had sheer black thigh highs that was tight on the skin, but not enough to be uncomfortable. To top it all off, four inch heals that made her stand at 5’7.
Rima was and will always be a kind soul. She has a tendency to mother her coworkers, not in a scolding angry mom type of way though. Always making sure to carry around snacks and extra food just in case so she can feed someone if they skipped breakfast or had nothing for lunch. Her work space also has extra pens and notes for anyone to use if they needed. She loves to be relied on. When she scolds someone, she usually does it softly but sternly at the same time. Don’t worry she doesn’t have a mean bone in her body. But she does like to pick on some of her close friends, a bit sassy for her own good sometimes. She’s never afraid to speak her mind either. Often times she’s seen ruffling her bangs, since they always get messy throughout the day. When she’s upset, she bites the inside of her cheek and pouts a little but she doesn’t really say when she is. It’s just something you’ll know if you work with her~ Also she gets embarrassed quite a bit over little things. Her cheeks and tips of her ears flush a deep red and she sputters over herself. But other then that, this major mom friend will smother you till the end of time.
Rima’s mother and grandparents were the only family she had growing up, her father had passed away while they lived in New Zealand and left behind his fortune. At the age of 10, her and her mother moved to Japan to be closer to her mother’s family. Unfortunately, her mother got sick quite easily and Rima had to take care of her all the time. Thus brining out her caring nature. To make her mother proud, the young woman wanted to become some sort of doctor. She heard that the job pays well and it would help with the financial aid her mother needed. But along the way of that, she found a great interest in science. More specifically, forensic science. She became the top of her class and her teacher recommended she turn that interest into a career. So from then on, Rima decided she’d go into the that field. She went to school for four years and graduated top of her class with her masters degree in forensic science at age 21. Immediately, she was scouted and was transferred to work at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department as a forensic specialist right after school. Accepting the opportunity right away, she was assigned to partner up with a male only a year older then she is who’s name is Ryohei Kimura. Together, they work on several cases and became excellent partners as well as good friends. She made a good name for herself and was known to be a very friendly lady who takes her job very seriously even with her motherly tendencies.
-She’s half Japanese and half New Zealand, her accent is barely noticeable but in certain situations it becomes more obvious.
-Knows how to cook a series of family recipes by heart.
-Loves to drink and has a very high tolerance to alcohol.
-If she finds something really funny but doesn’t want to interrupt something, she covers her mouth and holds onto the wall while her body shakes, trying not to burst out in laughter. That in itself is a funny sight.
-She’s really big on skinship, usually patting someone’s shoulder or head, even placing her hand atop someone else’s. And if she thinks you need it, she will open her arms to invite you in a comforting hug.
-Favorite food is rice
-She’s a pretty patient person but if enough is enough she’ll say something
-Believe it or not, she knows how to actually fight. But she’d rather not harm anyone unless she really had to.
@ania-da-pez @cheerfulblossom
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List of things I’ve read that are infinitely more disturbing than Killing Stalking --now alphabetized! (/^_^)/
A Cruel God Reigns in Heaven by Hagio Moto
Aigan Shounen by Shin Mizukami 
Battle Royale by Koushan Takami
Berserk by Kentaro Miura
Boy Next Door by Kaori Yuki 
Color Recipe by Harada
Copernicus no Kokyuu by Asumiko Nakamura
Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z. Brite
FRANKEN FRAN BY Katsuhisa Kigitsu
Gemma by Meg Tilly
Giglio by Inariya Fusanosuke
Goth by Otsuichi
Gyo by Junji Itou
Ichi the Killer by Hideo Yamamoto
Kimochi no Yukue by Meiji Kanako
Kindan Series by Mashin Okabe 
Kusatta Rasen by Ogawa Chise
Mai-chan’s Daily Life by Waita Uziga 
MPD Psycho by Eiji Otsuka
Mr. Arashi’s Amazing Freakshow by Suehiro Maruo
Niichan by Harada
Nishikaiden no Akuma by Ogawa Chise
Ouji no Hakoniwa by Ogawa Chise 
Okane ga Nai! by Shinozaki Hitoyo
Perfume by Patrick Suskind
Sadistic Boy by Tori Maia
Shigurui by Takayuki Yamaguchi
Shiiku Gakari Rika by Motoni Modoru 
Sumomo by Harada
The Anatomy of Evil by Michael H. Stone
Toriko: Aigan Shoujo by Mashin Okabe 
Tourou no Ori by Psyche Delico
Ultra-Gash Inferno by Suehiro Maruo (WHAT. THE. FUCK!)
Wisconsin Death Trip by Michael Lesy
Wolfsmund by Mitsuhisa Kuji
Yajirushi by Harada (You want “abuse as entertainment”? THIS is abuse as entertainment, motherfucker)
Yami BL (collection of dark BL stories)
Zion no Koeda by Inariya Fusanosuke
Sit the fuck down haters, you wouldn’t know “disturbing” if it ejaculated on your computer screen.
Sick and tired of people saying this work is “so disturbing and bad and evil and ewww”. Bitch, where did you come from, the Disney channel? KS is TAME, some of the tamest yet intriguing shit I’ve read, and yes this includes psychological yaoi. There are much worse depictions of “evil psycho homosexuals” that you’re complaining about, and worse depictions of the mentally ill. Regarding the representation of BPD, it’s 50/50 “good”/”bad”, so you can’t speak for everyone saying that it’s not a good representation since you are not everyone who has BPD on Tumblr, or the world.
Oh and Sangwoo is Bi, thanks for erasing his sexuality. Yeah he shames YoonBum for being in love with another guy but that’s what assholes do: They attack someone’s insecurities where it hurts most, even if that makes them a hypocrite. It’s almost like, people are complicated creatures that say and do shit that is contrary to what they think, feel, and believe. :O
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detoxnearme · 7 years
Alcoholism Facts 2015
Industrial and construction
And photos. over 16
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And the disease
And professional and research
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Ronald Reagan: Ronald Reagan, 40th president of the United States who served from 1981 to 1989 and was previously a well-known film actor.
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Alcoholism Facts 2015 was first published on www.detoxnear.me
from DetoxNear.me - Feed https://www.detoxnear.me/alcoholism-facts-2015/
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maritzaerwin · 4 years
Top 10 Superfoods to Boost Your Productivity
We all have those moments of mind-wandering and having a tough time to focus while working. Those are usually the moments when your productivity has hit the wall. 
Now, if this happens too often, it might be because you’re tired, can’t sleep well, or your personal issues are interfering with work. Either way, your daily working routine needs to change so that you can work effectively again.
Aside from getting some much-needed sleep and rest, you may need to rethink your eating habits. As stated by the World Health Organization, “adequate nutrition can raise productivity levels by 20% on average”. 
Luckily for you, there are certain types of food that can not only increase your productivity but also make you happy and healthy. Since these foods have superhero-like effects on your productivity and general health, they’re called superfoods.  
What Are Superfoods and Why Are They Important?
Considering that they consist of a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, superfoods are good for your physical and mental health. In addition, they can lower the risks of diseases.
In general, a nutritious diet can help you:
Decrease the risk of heart disease.
improve your memory and other cognitive functions.
safeguard your cells and organs from toxins.
boost your immune system.
reduce the levels of cholesterol.
Naturally, when you’re healthy, you’ll be able to focus on work and to be productive. So, in a way, these superfoods improve your health, but also your brain functions. Thus, they’re known as brain foods, as well. 
Superfoods are mainly fruits and vegetables, but certain types of fish and animal products, too. So, let’s have a closer look at the top 10 superfoods that boost your productivity and learn more about their benefits. 
1. Blueberries
You may prefer eating them fresh, in a smoothie, or with pancakes. Either way, keep indulging in blueberries. These berries are one of the best brainpower boosters.
Blueberries can increase some brain function, for instance, cognitive impairment. Cognitive impairment can be a short-term or permanent condition. This condition can cause issues with one’s thinking, communication, or memory. 
There were many pieces of research on how blueberries impact cognitive impairments. In one of these studies, there were nine older adults with mild cognitive impairment. They drank blueberry juice every day. The results of the research showed that there was a significant improvement in memory performance after 12 weeks of consuming blueberry juice. 
In addition, blueberries are high in antioxidants, the substances that stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. Therefore, eating blueberries will keep your mind fresh. 
When it comes to other ingredients rich in antioxidants, blueberries are almost at the top of the scale. Take a look at the graph below for more details about these ingredients.
So, whenever you feel you can’t think clearly, take a break, and have some blueberries for a snack. 
2. Avocado
Avocado is a fruit packed with vitamins such as K, C, E, and B-6. Plus, avocados also include niacin, riboflavin, magnesium, beta-carotene, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Avocados hold lutein, an antioxidant from the carotenoid group. Lutein boosts working memory and problem-solving abilities. According to the researchers from Tufts University, including avocado in your diet can increase levels of macular pigment density (MPD). That leads to enhanced cognitive performance. Researchers believe that eating avocado regularly is an effective way to maintain cognitive health in the aging population.
Aside from these benefits, avocado will help you keep your healthy cholesterol levels and will minimize eye damage. 
3. Banana
One of the best morning routines to make your day more productive is to eat a banana. Here’s why: one banana has the exact amount of glucose that your brain needs during a day. Glucose is vital because your brain cells use it as their fuel.
Banana also contains elevated levels of magnesium. In fact, a large banana usually has 37 milligrams of magnesium. This mineral is quite useful for your brain because it supports the electrical activity of the nerve cells in your brain.
Finally, a large banana has 12 milligrams of tryptophan and the same amount of tyrosine. These are amino acids that your body needs to produce serotonin and dopamine. Since serotonin and dopamine regulate your mood, eating bananas will make you feel good, too.  
So, on a busy morning when you don’t have time for breakfast, be sure to at least eat a banana. It will make you and your brain happy.
4. Tomato
Did you know that tomato is 95% made of water? This superfood has a large amount of vitamin C, fiber, lycopene, and beta-carotene.
Speaking of lycopene and beta-carotene, there is an umbrella term for these two molecules – carotenoids. The purpose of these molecules is to protect fat in your body. This is especially important for your brain because nearly 60 percent of the brain is fat. 
There are many other reasons why you should incorporate tomatoes in your daily diet. For instance, tomatoes are good for your skin’s health. Plus, they help lower the risks of having heart attacks and strokes. 
5. Spinach
Popeye’s favorite vegetable should be an essential part of a daily diet of those having an anemia condition. The reason is quite simple – spinach is rich in iron.
Besides this incredible fact, here are other reasons why you should eat spinach more often. This green vegetable has a high amount of vitamin K, which can slow the process of age-related cognitive decline. 
We’ll dive into more details. There was a study at Rush University in Chicago. This five-year-long research gathered 954 elderly people who ate green vegetables, like spinach. 
The results of this study showed that vitamin K can slow cognitive decline. So, people who had one or two meals with green leafy vegetables per day had cognitive functions of a much younger person (11 years younger than them).
Apart from vitamin K, the chlorophyll in spinach is quite healthy since it can prevent cancer. Spinach is also rich in potassium, which decreases blood pressure.
6. Eggplant
When cooking with eggplant, be sure not to peel off its skin. The eggplant skin contains many healthy antioxidants, such as an anthocyanin called nasunin.
Nasunin is beneficial because it can safeguard brain cell membranes against the damage from free radicals. In general, anthocyanins can enable blood flow to the brain. Therefore, there’s less chance of a memory loss. 
If you eat eggplants often, it will help you decrease your levels of cholesterol. Additionally, this vegetable lowers the risk of heart disease. 
7. Eggs
Eggs contain many vitamins and minerals, mainly folate, pantothenic acid, selenium, and iodine. Besides, eggs have choline, a micronutrient that’s vital for many bodily functions.
For instance, choline helps maintain a healthy nervous system. It can also improve memory. Now, two large eggs provide you with almost half the amount of your daily choline requirement. That makes egg a superfood for your brain. 
Moreover, eggs are rich in protein, which is why they help the body repair body tissues. Plus, vitamin A, vitamin B-12, and selenium found in eggs will keep your immune system healthy. 
8. Quinoa
Quinoa consists of omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, and lysine. Besides, quinoa is a protein because it has all 9 amino acids.
Since quinoa is rich in fiber, it can lower the levels of cholesterol and glucose. Therefore, quinoa prevents heart disease and diabetes. 
Moreover, quinoa has high iron levels. Iron is vital for transporting oxygen to our brain cells. Plus, the vitamin B2 in quinoa ensures keeping our brain healthy.
Another perk of making meals with quinoa is that quinoa protects you against cancer, thanks to its flavonoids, kaempferol, and quercetin.
9. Salmon
Salmon is one of the best foods for your brain. As we mentioned before, nearly 60 percent of the brain is fat, actually fatty acids. These are mainly docosahexaenoic acids (DHA), which are omega-3 fatty acids. And, the salmon is packed with omega-3 fatty acids. 
Now, DHA is vital for your brain, but the brain can’t produce DHA on its own. As explained in the Science Line article, “DHA is like a warm winter coat for your brain cells.” In other words, DHA shields your brain cells from injury and minimizes cerebral inflammation. Hence, be sure to eat salmon regularly. Your brain will be thankful. 
The omega-3 acids are beneficial for your heart, too. Consuming salmon often may protect you against heart disease.
10. Dark Chocolate
We bet you won’t forget to include this sweet into your eating routine. Dark chocolate is truly a superfood because it has antioxidants, manganese, magnesium, and fiber.
Compared to other types of chocolate, dark chocolate is the healthiest one. The reason for this is flavanol, the ingredient found in dark chocolate and cocoa. The flavanol is proven to benefit brain functions.
For instance, there was a study published in the Frontiers in Nutrition that included dark and white chocolate. A group of young adults consumed dark chocolate (rich in flavanol content) and the other group ate white chocolate (with low levels of flavanol). The results showed that, two hours after the chocolate intake, participants who consumed dark chocolate had much better memory and reaction time than those who ate white chocolate.
Aside from improved brain functions, dark chocolate can improve blood flow and lower levels of blood pressure. 
Now, reading about all these superfoods may make you hungry. That’s why we have several easy recipes for you. Of course, these meals include only healthy choices we’ve covered so far. 
A Healthy Menu That Improves Your Productivity
To increase your productivity in the workplace and try new flavors as well, here are some recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.
For Breakfast
Blueberry Smoothie
Blueberry smoothie is an ideal choice when you’re not that hungry in the morning, but you need to energize yourself. 
Here are all ingredients you’ll need:
1 cup of blueberries (fresh or frozen).
½ half cup of yogurt.
½ teaspoon vanilla extract.
1 tablespoon of brown sugar or a sweetener of your choice.
Add all the ingredients in the blender, blend them for a couple of minutes, until the mixture is smooth.
You can serve in a glass or in a mug, whichever you prefer. If you’re in a hurry, just pack the smoothie and take it to work.
For Lunch
Salmon and Spinach
This recipe consists of two superfoods that make a delicious combination of flavors. 
You’ll need the following ingredients:
1 tablespoon of sunflower or vegetable oil.
2 skinless salmon fillets.
250g of spinach.
2 tablespoons of reduced-fat crème fraîche.
lemon juice (you’ll need half of lemon).
2 tablespoons of flat-leaf parsley.
In addition, you can use chopped lemon wedges when serving the dish.
Preheat the oil in a pan.
Then season the salmon and fry it for 4 minutes each side. You’ll notice that the salmon will soon get a golden color.
Then, cook the spinach in the hot pan.
Season it and cover the pan. You don’t have to cook it for too long, one or two minutes would do fine. 
Next is the sauce. You need to heat the crème fraîche at a mild temperature.
Add lemon juice, parsley, and some salt and pepper.
Don’t let the sauce boil.
Finally, the serving. First, place the spinach on the plates, add the salmon on top, and then some sauce. Place the lemon wedges aside. 
For Dinner
Eggplant Pizza
Instead of dough, you’ll use eggplant slices for this type of pizza. 
Here are the ingredients:
1 large eggplant.
1 tablespoon of olive oil.
salt and pepper.
6-7 tablespoons of tomato paste.
1 can of fire-roasted tomatoes (14 oz.).
1 tablespoon of garlic powder.
1 tablespoon of Italian seasoning.
300g of shredded mozzarella or cheese of your choice.
Cut eggplant into slices. Season with salt, pepper, and some oil. Bake them for 20 minutes at 400°F (200°C).
Be sure to flip the slices after the first 10 minutes of baking. 
Take the slices out of the oven and add tomato paste on top of them.
Then, add fire-roasted tomatoes.
Season the slices with garlic powder and Italian seasoning.
Finally, add cheese and bake for another 10 minutes, so that cheese can melt evenly.
For Snack
Healthy Banana Bread
Here’s an idea: make banana bread in the evening and you’ll have a tasty snack you can pack for work. 
You’ll need the following ingredients:
3 medium ripe bananas.
2 cups of rolled oats.
2 large eggs.
¼ cup of maple syrup or honey.
1 teaspoon of cinnamon.
1 teaspoon of baking soda.
Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Be sure to grease the loaf pan with cooking spray or simply with some butter.
Combine all the ingredients and stir them together.
Pour the mixture into the pan. If you want, you can slice another banana and garnish the batter.
Bake for 30-35 minutes.
To check if the bread is done, you can insert a toothpick. If it comes out clean, you don’t need to bake it any longer.
Wrapping Up
The power of superfoods lies in the fact that they contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, and other healthy components. Furthermore, that’s why superfoods take your bodily functions to another level, especially brain functions. 
When eating superfoods on a daily basis, you’ll be able to think clearly, to focus your attention on work, and to be productive. And let’s be honest, knowing that dark chocolate is among the superfoods gives us more motivation to eat healthily. 
So, next time you pack your lunch box for work, think about your choices. Be sure to take some of these productivity boosters with you.
The post Top 10 Superfoods to Boost Your Productivity appeared first on CareerMetis.com.
Top 10 Superfoods to Boost Your Productivity published first on https://skillsireweb.tumblr.com/
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trouble-clef · 3 years
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today’s post from @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors‘ metaphysical determinism verse includes the recipes of meadowcream and my favorite one that I’ve done, elvish honey rolls! I decided to put the ones with the least and most added design on together--I hope the meadowcream one doesn’t look too boring in comparison. 
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trouble-clef · 3 years
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now for the other good luck muffins from the metaphysical determinism verse by @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors! this recipe is also by virgil so the pen is purple again. enjoy! so as not to ovelm I will be posting the rest (there are six I think?) over the next few days.
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trouble-clef · 3 years
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right ok so I finally finished my project for the metaphysical determinism verse by @tulipscomeinallsortsofcolors ! i said I would post (the rest of) it and after approximately 9000 years I am doing so! basically the idea is that these are webpages  and I tried to take care to make each character’s little notes unique and also the fading is not  an accident--it’s kind of meant to be like when your printer is running out of ink and it prints unevenly? am I overexplaining my art? maybe i’m overexplaining my art. anyways if you like these recipes or the wonderful AU/story by tulip maybe you will also enjoy this ok bye i’ll stop rambling now--I present to you bluberry good luck muffins! more to come!
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i'm so glad you liked my recipe sjdkfks i wasn't sure if it was only funny to me but you certainly boosted my self-esteem :D
i really want to make another recipe when i have the time—i'm leaning towards one of the hobbitish ones for the "german grandma recipe passed down through generations" vibes since recipes of the sort are abundant in my house and just need to decide which one to do lol
some favorite details include
the fact that this piece of paper is also apparently his grocery list
the coffee stain
the incredibly ominous “DONT FORGET” in all caps, which is too far away from any particular piece of text to clue the reader in to what, exactly, he is supposed to not be forgetting
“no boiling water (ruins le”  - which i can only presume was supposed to say “ruins leaves” and then Logan literally got distracted halfway through writing the sentence
“dish soap” written at the very bottom and completely contextless
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hello hello hello! i love your writing in general, but today i was hit over the head by inspiration after seeing your latest post for recipes for Metaphysical Determinism, and so I thought I would make a little “webpage” that Patton printed and wrote on! I hope you like it!
V: oh my GOODNESS this is absolutely amazing!! i love the way you formatted the handwriting and the little url is so funny!!! this is really really cool!!!
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whoops and now it’s a series (with your permission of course)
V: you can absolutely make it a series, go crazy, i love this so much!! the purple pen and the underlining really endear Virgil to me even thought this one doesnt technically have any commentary
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Oh my god you're making the elvish takeout recipes???? Every time I reread murphy's law I go fucking wild over the description of meadowcream. It sounds so fucking good and I want to eat it immediately
i am absolutely the kind of person who eats flavored whipped cream with spoons so can confirm askdjalksdjlk
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