#recognizing new artist
coochiequeens · 5 months
Finally a peice that talks about how 5 of the 6 in the people killed in the sydney stabbings were women. And yes he was mentally ill but he felt entitled to a girlfriend.
By Victoria Smith 16 April, 2024
Did Joel Cauchi, the man who killed six people in a Sydney shopping centre, do so because he was mentally ill? Or did he do it because he hated women?
Five out of six of Cauchi’s victims were women, which does seem targeted. Nonetheless, according to his family, Cauchi, 40, “battled with mental health issues since he was a teenager”. For this reason, some have found talk of misogyny unseemly, if not exploitative. To categorise Cauchi’s act as male violence against women, if not terrorism underpinned by misogynist ideology, can be appear dismissive of genuine sickness. Sometimes, bad things just happen because people are unwell. 
For women who live with men who have severe mental health diagnoses, there is little comfort in discussions such as these. On the one hand, there is an enormous amount of pressure to downplay the idea that mentally ill men are more likely to be violent than other men (they are, but to say so is viewed as contributing to stigma). On the other hand, is it fair for a man with severe mental illness to be judged by the same moral standards as other men? Shouldn’t we be recognising that they cannot control their perceptions and fears?
See rest of article
The Sydney attacker was desperate for a girlfriend, his family has revealed as police confirmed that he had targeted women.
Joel Cauchi killed five women and one man during a knife attack on the Bondi Junction Westfield shopping centre on Saturday.
Karen Webb, the New South Wales police commissioner, said: “The videos speak for themselves. It’s obvious the offender had focused on women and avoided the men.”
The majority of the 12 people Cauchi seriously wounded were female, including a baby girl.
Andrew Cauchi, his father, said on Monday he knew why his mentally unwell son had targeted women. The 76-year-old told reporters outside his home in Queensland: “Because he wanted a girlfriend and he’s got no social skills and he was frustrated out of his brain.”
Describing his son as “very sick”, he described trying to deal with the feelings of “loving a monster”.
A “heroic” policewoman who stopped a lone knifeman mid-rampage during a killing spree in a Sydney shopping centre has been named.
In one of several heroic attempts to disarm the attacker on Saturday, Amy Scott, a NSW Police Inspector, walked up calmly behind the attacker and ordered him to drop his weapon.
When he refused to do so and lunged at her with a knife, she shot him.
Six people were killed after the culprit – later identified by police as Queensland man Joel Cauchi – went on a stabbing spree in Westfield Bondi Junction, including a mother whose baby is reportedly now in a critical condition.
“She is certainly a hero. There is no doubt that she saved lives through her action,” Anthony Albanese, the Australian prime minister, said on Saturday.
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devils-yui · 14 days
Remade my TFP oc, QuartzStreak,
and finally gave her twin, Sundrive a reference too
(Click for better quality. Likes, reblogs, and replies are awesome too!! <33)
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Here’s some other doodles I made, this is mainly Quartzstreak’s time after she was left alone on Earth and joined the Decepticons. Also the doodle in the corner is just me, as the creator, talking to Quartzstreak. I made her story to correlate with the canon as much as I could while also projecting all of what my 11-13 year old mind could cook up to craft her absolute hell scape of a backstory.
Bit of a lore blurb below:
Within the faction that was, “The Reformes”, QuartzStreak and Sundrive were the split-sparks of the leader of The Reformes at the time, Magnochrome, basically a group of Neutral “mercenaries” of sorts who were intent on encouraging one or the other side to win, eager to hasten the process in whichever way they could in order to get the war done with. Whether that resulted in the Autobots winning or the Decepticons, all that mattered was that peace would once again be established, even if both sides ended up scrapping each other in the end.
Quartzstreak and Sundrive’s weapons are both short swords but upon her split-spark’s passing in battle, QuartzStreak took to her twin sister’s blade and made a double-edged sword out of it instead to honor her.
Quartzstreak was a well-renowned sniper amongst her rank, along with the fact that she was an admirable warrior and soldier who indulged in a multitude of technological enhancements, often too many as she would occasionally test to herself when she wasn’t tinkering or repairing other works in her spare time, be it ship, weapon, or some other project. Quartzstreak claims that she had earned her sniping skills from her Sire, and her skills behind a blade from her leader, and Carrier, Magnochrome, rendering her to be a very lethal subject, best suited for stealth missions.
and Sundrive was more better suited as a prodigy in the medical/technical field, often tinkering away as well and learning how to utilize both machine and medicine. Sundrive had crafted up a tool of sorts that would work in similar fashion to “stitching” as it would slightly burn the surrounding metal of the wound and apply a steel resin of sorts that would carefully form around the area and fill it in. This steel resin substance would eventually settle and allow for the biological matter to adhere to it and the substance would end up copying the biological matter and synthesizing it in replication, eventually sealing and healing up the wound. (The tool’s inspired by stitching, 3D printing, and etc…). Both the twins would often feed into each other’s interests and they would come to learn a lot from each other, with Sundrive taking to her twin’s skills in combat, and Quartzstreak with her interest in the medicinal field
Much of Sundrive’s tools in her passing ended up being lent over to Quartzstreak to which she still uses even during, or after the war now.
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tippenfunkaport · 1 year
There is unfortunately a new art thief in our midsts.
Here is the original for the Glimmer haircut fan art (two pictures)
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Please make sure to give love to the original!
Our wonderful fan creators work so hard to make us beautiful things for free, the least we can do is credit them for their hard work!
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kvroii · 3 days
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Poison World, Chapter 12 - Kori sees a memory of when she first met Phecda: having been sent to assassinate him at his coronation a few years prior, she had pushed her dagger into his back and held him as she realized she didn't want to kill him after all.
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peridots-pixiwolf · 1 year
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sketches from @mipexch 's whiteboard a couple days ago!!
also feat. a very small reference to @onlineviolence :]
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aokiinoki · 2 months
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how I would style a Jujutsu Tech uniform + rough self portrait <3 (yes I’m sticking my tongue out in the forefront pose)
ft. my favorite shoes
(I’ve been posting a bunch of old art so it’s nice to finally show a new one, freshly finished. Just a rough sketch though, to test out some new brushes I got!)
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kuriotea · 2 months
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my favorites ✦ . .  ˚ . . ✦        
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jacksprostate · 3 months
So what advice WOULD you have for people who might suspect themselves to be autistic, especially those who can’t get an official diagnosis? /gen
Yeah sure, under the cut!
My philosophy focuses around problem solving and improving circumstances rather than focusing on getting or following the path of a diagnosis. So the first thing I recommend if you feel you're struggling, is start actually writing down things you struggle with. Big or small. And then for each, start making a plan on how to mitigate or remove your struggles. Obviously, easier said than done. Lord knows it takes a lot of time, effort, and discipline. However, the biggest thing, is keeping a mindset where it is: you have struggles with x. But this is not a permanent thing, this is something you can work on. You may not be as naturally adept as some people, but this is a challenge and you can face it and improve how it affects your life. This is something that has to be done whether you follow the whole diagnosis route or not, because it's the requirement for living, lol.
I will give an example from my own life.
Firstly, I have always very much struggled with food intake. Eating is something of a chore to me, a lot of food is repulsive (less so than before, thankfully), cooking is a lot of energy. Eating healthily is even more of an issue since you have to make and eat so much more of less calorically dense foods. Over the past 4 years, I've improved a lot though, though it has been trying at times. First, I catelogued my issues. My biggest issue is due to eating little, I wasn't getting enough calories, and I was always tired and weak. I was often sleepy, struggled to concentrate. I was on the verge of being underweight but considered not — yet, I had pretty life impacting symptoms. It was actually thought that I had more severe problems due to all the deficiencies I had. So, the first thing I did was seek out high calorie food that I could use to at least increase my energy. Preferably avoiding outright junk food, but basically, I started routinely trying to eat a meal with lots of carbs once a day. As my energy slowly increased, I started trying to fit in healthier snacks and whatnot, but ultimately (even now!) my goal, 100% is just making sure I get enough calories that I'm not tired tomorrow. It was difficult, especially since my appetite was so surpressed hunger didn't really come back until like 6 months in. Nowadays I do get hundry but still find it unfortunately easy to ignore, though I'm a lot better with it. Anyway, focused on high calorie foods. Once I had more energy, I worked on *cooking* high calorie meals. Literally, just like pasta. Noodles with poor man's pesto (garlic, basil, parm, salt). Ramen. I still eat that like once a day lol. My new challenge is shifting that a bit but it's a work in progress. Anyway, while I regressed some sometimes, I started regularly cooking a very very low effort meal once a day, and eating smth that made sure I had energy for the next day. A lot of my symptoms improved even though my diet was still essentially shit. Then, I also worked on taking a multivitamin. I am very bad at sticking with medications so frankly this is still on and off for me, but I'm planning on incorporating it into my morning routine before work and that should help. I did do this consistently for a while, and this helped. All this happened over 2-3 years. If I ever ate out, I made sure to get something with meat and vegetables since I knew I wasn't getting it at home. Now, my most recent success is I've started managing to meal prep and bring lucnhes to work. I do really simple air fryer chicken and rice/couscous, or fried rice (good for veggies). So far I've managed to consistently bring food, which is a goal I've never dreamed I'd be able to manage on my own! Super awesome. I also found 'drinking' my meals is easier sometimes, so I found smoothie mixes I can tolerate that have more nutritious things. And I do that sometimes. Anyway, I'm finally at the point where the struggle is less eating, and now more expanding my consistent cooking and making myself a better diet. But that is SIGNIFICANT success compared to where I was originally, when I wasn't cooking and I was barely eating and it was physically impacting my life in a way that made it much harder to claw my way out of. But, despite it taking a long time and having a lot of backsliding, I was able to significantly improve.
This sort of thing can be applied to mental health stuff, social stuff, etc. Basically, identify your issues, identify solutions — long term goals but also specific short term steps that will get you there. And then keep trying. Even when you fail. Even when you give up for a long while. Even when it feels like it isn't working. Keep trying. And eventually you'll have made progress even without realizing.
I also applied something similar to trying to work out how to socialize well. Which may be applicable for you. The best thing you can do in my experience is watch people, be confident, and try to pay attention and learn how to interpret people's comfort levels and what's common casual topics of conversation and what's not. Yes, it's hard, and it's usually not intuitive, and that's a big part of why you may feel you are autistic, because this seems entirely foreign in a way it's not to other people. But it is a skill you can learn. At this point, I can hold a conversation with my coworkers, even if we don't have much in common or if we have differing opinions or whatnot, I can have a good lunch conversation and come off as 'intense, but nice'. Which is a good thing to aim for. Like with the eating, I recommend a lot of reflection and efforts to catelogue and identify areas of struggle and how you can observe and practice improvement. The more you do all this, the more it will genuinely become less manual and more automatic, like driving a car. There's a lot you think about when you first start driving, that you aren't consciously thinking about 5 years later. It's the same way. And also, try not to take your fuckups too personally. And some people just won't like you. It is what it is. Just keep chugging.
I know, it is easy to sit here and be like "why should I have to figure out and stick with common topics of conversation? I'm not into those :/" Lord knows, I always felt dumb and out of place whenever people bonded over sports. But what these common topics are, their purpose is essentially like a little olive branch, a thing the person is offering to try and make it easier to chat by commiserating over a common thing, whether it's a issue, a thing yall like, or something else. I'll probably never manage to follow sports teams and I don't want to, but I will nod along as some guys talk and commiserate when they express feelings about wins or losses. The point is to bond. That's why the weather is such a huge topic. Small talk serves a huge purpose! The more you become familiar with how to casually hold a conversation with someone you don't know well over one of these topics, the easier it'll be, and most social stuff develops from that sort of thing. As you bond over the olive branch topics, you can flesh out anecdotes and experiences and personal stuff as you become better friends with people, rather than throwing it all at someone at once and hoping they catch and like you. It lets you sort of get a feel for people, and you can keep it at the small talk level instead of just not talking at all or immediately proceeding to best friends mode. It's a comfortable middle.
I also really recommend, for anyone, engaging and developing a fondness for the world around you, and practicing having appreciation for everything. It has helped my mindset and capability to keep trying. I really recommend learning to identify some category of things in nature in your area, because you'll feel more grounded in the world, you'll see more detail, and the world will feel less threatening.
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keymintt · 11 months
Fun fact: Dimetrodon was not a dinosaur. It's not a reptile at all and is way more closely related to mammals than anything else. It's a synapsid! Dimetrodon was called a "mammal-like reptile" when it was first discovered, but then we realized that was wrong.
exactly! i've always found that super interesting tbh
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merethessc · 2 years
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Friendly reminder of this little au i've created and a redraw of its first appearance
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frobby · 6 months
synthV teto actually makes me so happy cuz not only is she back but SHES GOOD! Shes joined the league of mainstream vocaloids with gumi, vflower, kafu and miku of course. Sue used to be an april fools joke in the shadow of miku but now she stands on the same stage even upstaging her we love to see a girl living her dreams
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girlboyzone · 10 months
i think we all should just rewatch genloss and let it all sink in a bit .. just let all the themes about content creation and feeling stuck to old content and feeling like you can’t move past your old work ruminate just a bit .. just a wee bit
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viriborne · 2 years
Obey Me fans’ scariest opponent: the reblog button
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 2 months
I feel like the Grammy’s should have a breakthrough artist category to separate from the artists that have been around for a bit and broke through and the artists that are actually new to the industry.
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nival-kenival · 4 months
The mortifying ordeal of being known when an artist recognizes your face at a convention
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sketchhead-thoughts · 2 years
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Today I had some really good soba and they had this sticker wall so OF COURSE I HAD TO-
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