#red is also a color that it is associated to extrovert people
usertae · 2 years
now i'm the one curious what color do you associate yeonjun with??
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libraincarnate · 1 year
astrology notes: 6 🐉
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quick note: i'm absolutely not an astrologer. these are just a collection of some observations, thoughts, theories, and personal experiences. with that being said, i'm still learning along the way & i may come back to edit this post to make corrections. above all this is just for fun. lastly, keep in mind that i’m not reading your birth chart and i know nothing about you. these are just some possibilities that may or may not apply to you. enjoy!
🗡 sag mercury: “be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it.”
🗡 @elysiansparadise had mentioned that people with sun square moon may have parents who have a strained relationship with each other or they may be very incompatible. my friend has this aspect and long before checking her parents’ synastry chart i thought they worked better as friends.
her parents were childhood friends- her mom has an aquarius venus which can be a “friends to lovers” type of placement. they have an 11th house stellium in their synastry chart.
they have been married for a long time- her dad’s venus aspects her mom’s saturn. with that being said, venus represents aphrodite, love, femininity, women, love & mars represents ares, masculinity, men, sex. her dad has venus opposite mars in his natal chart and her mom has mars square venus in her natal chart.
they’re different in the way that moon and the sun are night and day. her dad is more logical & reserved/introverted. her mom is more emotional & social/extroverted. they share the same faith but they also have some important differences regarding their religious beliefs. she’s loud, he’s quiet. etc.
🗡 how many of you with scorpio, mars, or a fire sign in the 8th house have red as your favorite color?
🗡 taurus/libra/venus in the 2nd house: these natives are so naturally beautiful & radiant. they don’t have to try hard at all. they have a personal sense of style. jewelry was made for their bodies.
🗡 libra rising: libra rising is known for having beautiful symmetrical faces. i’ve noticed some people with this placement who don’t have symmetrical faces might wonder why.
#1 you’re human so it’s normal to have an asymmetrical face, most humans do.
#2 you may have have one of your dominant planets in the 1st house. remember that different planets rule different body parts and are associated with different physical features. for example, if you’re moon dominant and it’s in the first house you may have a fuller/rounder & cherub like face. mars dominant 1st house- strong/defined face & forehead, could be androgynous, lusty eyes. saturn dominant 1st house- intimidating smaller eyes, mature face, sharp facial structure/features.
or you may have harsh aspects to your rising sign. for example venus relates to beauty so having venus opposite rising may have an influence on your appearance or how symmetrical your face is.
#3 with that being said having harsh aspects to your rising doesn’t make you unattractive. you're gorg/handsome regardless so who cares.
& if you’re not a libra rising, you can also apply this logic if you don’t have much of your rising sign’s physical traits.
🗡 neptune-venus aspects: wanting to “fix or save him/her” fall in love during the process and live happily ever after.  
🗡 leo mars: might not like when people touch their hair, certain people like hairstylists may be excepted.
🗡  the house your venus is in can show what you like or love about yourself, what others like/love about you. some of your attractive traits & qualities. and what you like about others.
venus in the 1st house: you might really love your self and be an advocate for self love. others may love your personality, your perspective of life, and think you have a beautiful body. you could be attracted to confidence, the way a person carries themselves.
venus in the 10th house: you may like your work ethic, how independent & disciplined you are. others may like the way you take initiative, your ambition, your honesty. you could be attracted to those who possess fame and success.
venus in the 3rd house: you may like the way you think/your way of applying logic and processing information. others may love talking to you, how you have a way with words, your accent. you could be attracted to well kept or veiny hands, people with vehicles like luxurious cars or motorcycles.
venus in the 4th: you may love your mom a lot or think she's really beautiful. like being at home & could be into interior design. others may like your family/being around them, the idea of starting a family with you, your warm and nurturing personality. could be attracted to those who are family-oriented and possess emotional intelligence.
🗡 fixed signs in the 9th house: if religious, they take their spiritual life seriously and are a firm believer in whichever doctrine they subscribe to. very devoted individuals. consistently going to a place of worship like church, the mosque, a temple, synagogue, etc.
these aren’t fixed signs but cancer in the 9th gives me mother mary vibes lol. virgo here would probably be quite pedantic and technical regarding things like details about sacred text and spiritual practices/rituals.
🗡 having both gemini and scorpio placements in a chart can make one sneaky, stealthy, ninja, fbi son of a gun. scorpios know how to be secretive, source information, remain in the dark and disguising themselves as your shadow as they observe you. able to move around quietly. geminis are fast, agile, also able to source information, devious, double agent like, quick thinkers. they both just know things. always a step ahead.
🗡 jupiter in the 5th or positively aspecting your ascendant or inner planets in the 5th house: winning games, contests, bets, money, prizes without much effort. i remember winning bingo like 5 times in one round and people started getting annoyed lol.
if you read this until the end i hope you enjoyed it & thank you so much for reading. ♥︎♥︎♥︎, those hearts are for you.
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navarresimp · 2 months
I'm a big fan of your SMT 4 Apocalypse art... not gonna lie I've become a fan of Asahi/Toki because of it. You have any headcanons to share for the pair?
First of all I’m so glad to hear that you like my art and that the tosahi proaganda is spreading like a virus.
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Second of all! Absolutely! I like to think they’re absolutely an introvert/extrovert kinda couple. Toki is very unsure in social situations (as hinted at by some dialogue in the game), mainly due to her sheltered upbringing in the Ring of Gaia and almost no contact to kids her age. She is however very street smart and knows her business in combat. Asahi is like the complete opposite, being raised in a bar and constantly being around other people and having a mainly intact family, she is quite open to other people and knows her way around making new friends and sussing other people out, but holds herself back in combat.
Toki is super clingy when it comes to her girlfriend, often standing wordlessly next to her and even glaring at anyone (often not even intentionally) who interacts with her. Whenever she catches anyone being rude to Asahi while she’s working, Toki will throw them out. During the start of their relationship she often wore Asahis clothes until she later bought her own drip(leaving the Ring of Gaia she basically had to leave her belongings there). Toki loves listening to Asahi ramble no matter what (often about bar stuff and hunter quests). If creepypastas are a thing in Tokyo in 2038, you know Tokis knee deep in that slenderman lore, she has some serious wierdgirl vibes.
Asahi admires Tokis strength and perseverance. She’s a big fan of PDA, worrying about it being too much for her girlfriend sometimes, Toki assures her doesn’t bother her. Asahi loves doing Tokis hair and makeup, often styling it in new and creative ways. Asahi often indulges in creative and sometimes childish things, which Toki doesn’t really care for much, but she just likes spending time with her. Asahi doesn’t like to admit this, but above everything else, the kinshicho hunter association is her top priority. She will do anything to keep her dads legacy going. If she has to work overtime she does cancel dates, which does sometimes cause conflict between the two of them.
Their favorite date spot is the fairy forest, where they go on walks and just enjoy the peace and quiet admitst the battlefield that is Tokyo. Asahi sometimes sneaks leftovers from the Kinshicho hunter association so they can Picknick at the lake deep in the forest (Asahi keeps forgetting the shadow riddle required to get there, but toki got it memorized since day one).
I hope this is enough headaches for now! This started off as more of a crackship back then but honestly they would work so good as a couple! ALSO THEY ARE LITERALLY RED AND BLUE! THE SHIP COLORS EVER
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imthepunchlord · 8 months
So the Wu Xing is:
Wood - Butterfly
Fire - Ladybug
Earth - Bee
Metal - Cat
Water - Peacock
That's what I'm thinking. I think that'll work best in how they work and who can match with what. And it can also work off kwami personalities. Ish. Pollen and Duusu are the only real issues, but otherwise everything works well.
Working off the canon power (and not any more as we're not there yet poll wise), Butterfly echoes Wood as it's rooted but expansive, a social butterfly that branches out and extends to others. Wood as an element seeks to nurture and support, and it's an element that has promise for leadership, all of which can apply to the Butterfly's power of granting others a means of empowerment and being a distant leader offering direction. Wood negatively also has issues with anger, which canon wise is the biggest source of emotions that creates supervillains.
And as Wood is yang (extroverted, energetic, direct, ect.), Nooroo can act as a yin counter to the typical Wood personality. Someone who is calm and reasonable in the face of the more emotionally volatile Wood personality, and is more likely to be heard and worked with as Wood thrives off connections and seeks their own self growth. And the bit we see with Nooroo is that he is eager to engage and eager to help humans grow (until he found out Gabriel wants to be a villain).
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Ladybug with Fire, first and foremost actually works off color very well, as Fire's color is red. Fire is an element strong associated with love, often romantic, but can also extend to self-love and love for others, and one of Ladybug's biggest symbols is love. Working off other cultures too, Fire is tied to cleansing, burn away the impurities, and Ladybug is THE cleanser. Fire is also known to be the most creative of the 5 elements, which can work off Ladybug being Creation, and much like Wood, Fire is an element that has promise for leadership, often aims for the position, and is very charismatic, literally wants to light up people's lives. And Ladybug users, especially backed by Tikki, seem to be the preferred leaders and encouraged to solve everyone's problems.
And as Fire is a yang element, Tikki acts as the yin counter. She's very direct, involved, and forward, but she's also a lot more focused and knows what to prioritize (or what she prefers to prioritize), as Fire can be distracted and chaotic, she can help give direction to the fiery personality. Fire, while a sociable element and is charismatic and likes to be the center of attention, it can be too intense, burn too hot, and just as quickly as it draws people in, can send them away. This can work off Tikki getting involved in her human's social life, desiring to give advise on how to work off people, and desiring to improve leadership skills. And as Fire does have a risk of being very selfish and overbearing and hotheaded, it makes sense for Tikki to take this stance to encourage her humans to be benevolent, helpful, patient, and considerate. Fire also can have really bad burn outs and that can work off Tikki's habit to be encouraging and affectionate, it's her means to try and reignite that flame.
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Bee matching with Earth largely comes down to color, as Earth's color is yellow, and it works more off how bees function and their symbolism. Earth is the neutral between yin and yang, it's balanced and even, making it an element of diplomacy, compromise, and harmony. Earth thrives for functionality, for things to work as expected. Earth is helpful, wants everyone happy, seeks to provide support and a foundation. While adaptable, the element does drag it's feet and doesn't like to be rush, can be stubborn, and expect integrity and honesty. And I see this echo bees in how they work, this element embraces teamwork and community and order and bees thrive off all playing their part, working as a team, and everyone shouldering their share of the weight. Bees are also big symbols of communication which works off Earth's diplomacy. And while bees are known to sting, it's a last resort for them, they'd rather not if they can, which can also work off Earth as not being a very aggressive element. Bees like Earth also have a system of functionality figured out but are open to adapt and change as needed and make compromises. Like, bees are willingly working with people, they're actually the only animal that will unionize if they're with a bad bee keeper.
Pollen (and her power) does throw a wrench in things as they went for an eager servant personality for her and an aggressive power, which was more done to work off Chloe than actually work off what the bee kwami should've been and what the power should've been. By how I have things going, Pollen ideally should be neutral and flexible, and aim to help a human find their role and help them thrive in it, help them learn to be more of a team player, help them become a leader, help them learn to assist others, or find some means of order if they're life is chaotic. For an actual personality, we'll go with sassy but social-able, open minded, sweet as honey but don't push her buttons (which, really, if Pollen truly reflected actual worker bees, things with Chloe would've gone differently as worker bees terminate bad queen bees).
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Cat can work off Metal as this is an element that's tied to their definition of structure and order. Metal is an element of perfection, they have an idea of how things should be and how things should go, and get irritated when things don't go as expected. It works off cats having an idea of how things should go for them and have fits when things don't. This element is also known to be emotionally distant, standoffish, and cold, which can work off cats being aloof and independent, and works off the concept of Destruction which is a power that most people are leery of. Metal is also known to be analytical and brilliant, which would be a requirement to use Cataclysm, and does have potential to be leaders and see to it that things get done (though they may struggle to connect with their team). Metal's biggest negativity is grief, which can tie back to Destruction and the finality of it.
Plagg can nicely act as the yang to the yin element. He's easy going, flexible, and lazy as a counter to Metal personalities who like things to go as planned, see things are finished efficiently, and enjoy being busy and delving into their interests. Intentionally or otherwise, Plagg does keep his holders on their toes and throws wrenches in their daily lives, helping them break up that established order and learn to live with some chaos in their life, learn to adapt and work with it. Plagg also reflects the Metal personality in that, when Metal comes to love another, they love deeply, which works off Plagg coming to care deeply for his holder, even to an unreasonable point.
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Lastly, Peafowl and Water. Wu Xing as a whole represents a cycle of life, with Water representing death/soul/the end, and that can work off peacocks being tied to spirituality, rejuvenation, and being regarded as the earthly phoenix, where the end will pave the way to new beginnings and new life. Water is also an element of duality, tied to truth and clarity, but also secrecy, inner depths, and being withdrawn. Water is also a knowledge seeker, is observant, and seeks to expand. This nicely works off peacocks being symbols of vision and truth, spiritual enlightenment, and guidance. Water is also noted to be a hidden danger (play off murkey water), and that can play off peacocks being very bold and daring, able to consume snakes and use their venom as a means to bring out the vibrancy of their feathers.
Duusu I have yet to really see her(?) personality cause I haven't watched s5 at all, I don't know how much she even appears in s4 post her Miraculous getting fixed and her mental state healed, but ideally Duusu should act as the yang counter to the yin element, probably a very iconic duo of the extrovert and introvert. Duusu should be flashy, flamboyant, talkative to counter the more quiet and withdraw Water personality, but she should also be incredibly observant and able to match the wavelength of the humans she's dealing with, which can play off Water being a fluid and flexible element that's always able to adapt to it's environment.
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So, not an entire match working off canon strictly, but I think there's a good bases for these elemental match ups and why kwamis can be the way they are. So I think that's the ideal: Butterfly is Wood, Ladybug is Fire, Bee is Earth, Cat is Metal, and Peafowl is Water.
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dxmoness · 11 months
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𝕾𝖔𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖆 𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖚
“𝓞𝓱, 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓷 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓶𝓮? 𝓘 𝓼𝓾𝓹𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓮 𝓘 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓼𝓪𝔂 𝓪 𝓯𝓮𝔀 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼...”
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─────── BASIC INFO . . . !
NAME — Sorana Duvessa Misheru
NICKNAMES — Sora, Rana (Lucifer's nickname for her)
AGE — 21 (at the end of the novel)
GENDER — Female
SEXUALITY — Straight but she can be Bi for her other simps (sideyes Jami and Aurelia)
BIRTHDAY — July 22nd
POWERS — ???
ETHNICITY — Japanese
LANGUAGES — English, Japanese, Korean
VOICE CLAIM — Raiden Shogun (japanese)
HEIGHT — 5'4
EYE COLOR — Her eyes are coloured purple, the cursed colour, but there are times when she's angry they flash red due to the thing she hosts within.
SKIN COLOR — She is pale white like incredibly pale. Some think this is an issue.
─────── PERSONALITY . . . !
EXTROVERT , INTROVERT , AMBIVERT — Sorana is an ambivert though she leans more to the introvert side.
HOW DOES SHE ACT AT FIRST AND THEN HOW SHE'LL ACT WHEN SHE'S USED TO YOU — cold. it'll take ages to warm her up, but when she does she'll act like she needs to protect you and will keep you safe.
HABITS — Sorana has the habit to skip meals, sleep a lot, refuse to let you help her even if she has a fatal wound. She also had the habit to stay up late because exploring the night is her comfort activity.
FEARS — She's afraid that anyone be close to her because she's cursed. She's also scared of anyone finding out of her health problems since it causes judgement from the elders.
─────── INTERESTS . . . !
LIKES — Sorana enjoys the simple things like books and animals! She also likes naps and cuddles (simps take notes). Any night activity is also a favorite by our sleeping beauty. Night trips? Yes. Horseriding at night? Hell yes. Midnight picnics?! Sign her up she'll be there fast. A hidden thing she likes is training with her brother, Damien.
DISLIKES — She dislikes being woken up from her sleep, if you do that consider yourself fucked. She also hates anything bitter in particular hence why she does not drink coffee or alcoholic drinks that often. (A bonus: Damien.)
INSTRUMENTS SHE CAN PLAY — Sorana plays the harp, piano, flute, guitar and violin. She mostly plays the harp and piano though. Especially around Damien or her father, Roman. Damien enjoys listening to Sorana playing the harp and uses it as his sleeping music while Roman likes listening to her playing the piano while he works since it relieves him of his stress. (A bonus to her voice that Bravo enjoys to listen to!)
HOBBIES — Sorana's hobbies are baking or cooking, sleeping, reading, listening to music and playing the piano. She likes baking sweets and cooking her food by herself since she does not like the thought of being lazy and letting all the servants do the work that it would be better if she did. Sleep is a yes for this sleeping beauty. She'll sleep anywhere, anytime. Unless she feels like staying awake of course. Books are her main escape from the pressuring world she lives in. She likes listening to music and people singing. Which is why Legis and Lucifer exist as her favourite companions. She also enjoys playing the piano and learning new pieces!
PETS — Sorana has three phoenixes, Dusk, Dawn and Midnight! She also has her two fearsome beasts, cats, Death and Kyoto. Not to mention her dragon... we'll ignore that one for now. Another pet of hers, which is more of a human, is her brother's pet, Daemonis.
FAVOURITE FLOWERS — The flower she is associated with, roses. But lavenders come second!
FAVOURITE TYPE OF MUSIC — She doesn't mind any kind of music as long as it's music.
─────── MISCELLANEOUS . . . !
HER TITLES — Many call her the Rose of the Empire, the elders call her "Qui Producit Chaos" meaning the One who Brings Chaos. Though when Lucifer married her, everyone called the couple "The Devil and his Demoness."
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─────── NOTE?!
I was gonna add some things like the thing she suffers from and her cup size but if you guys wanna know that you can just ask me🚶‍♀️
this is especially for @primordixl , @lxdymoon0357, the Sorana simps.
@achy-boo , @yevene , @writerig , @roseadleyn
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Digimon Adventure and Colour Theory - Taichi Yagami: Orange (& Blue) [Text Source: Colours Explained]
“Cheerful and optimistic, orange is energetic, spontaneous, and dynamic. It’s a color that resonates with young people, but that can also be arrogant and prideful. It stimulates us, mentally and physically. Still, it can be superficial, insincere, and exhibitionist. At the same time, orange is an attention-getter without being too aggressive, and it conveys transformation. As an open-minded and risk-taker color that changes with the seasons, orange is uplifting, offering emotional endurance and igniting motivation in dark times.”
More information on how Taichi relates to his signature colour “orange” (and his associated colour “blue”) under the cut.
“Orange is a color of extremes. It’s a hue of polarizing opinions, you hate it, or you love it. Still, orange is a dynamic color. It evokes change, movement, and transformation, and this premise is confirmed by its presence in nature - sunsets, vegetables, and fire. The color orange is strongly associated with tropical landscapes and summer, yet it is the color of harvest and fall. 
Orange represents the changing seasons, and therefore, it is often used as a transitional color.
In the meaning of the colors, orange is vibrant, energetic, warm, and fruity. However, it can also be abrasive and insensitive. To the human eye, orange conveys warmth because its fiery undertones give the sensation of heat. Hence why it’s often depicted in scenes where fire and sun are present. Calm and yet lively, the color orange radiates and oozes with delight from its playful shades to its inviting comfort.
The color orange is a harmonious combination of red and yellow, hence why it has traits of both colors. Orange is happy and enthusiastic like yellow, but it also is a physically stimulating color full of energy like red. Orange stimulates appetite. It can trigger hunger in its reddish hues.
Orange ignites encouragement, excitement, and enthusiasm. It is a color for adventure lovers and risk-takers pushing people out of their comfort zone. It instills spontaneity and confidence, providing those who use it with the courage to face their fears. This color is social and inviting. Of all colors of the spectrum, orange is the most extroverted one. It aids in the assimilation of new ideas, freeing the spirits of their limitations and letting them be themselves. Furthermore, it stimulates social communication but without judging the introverted ones. Orange acknowledges it isn’t for everyone and reassures those who are not up for the task.
Orange is dynamic, saucy. Therefore, it’s no surprise such an intense color has negative associations as well. The color orange can be so self-confident and enthusiastic that it can become arrogant, prideful, and lack care for others. Similarly, despite its positive associations, orange can be superficial, insincere, dependent, exhibitionist, and inexpensive. It can convey a lack of serious intellectual values and awful taste.
Still, unlike its neighbors (red and yellow), orange evokes emotional responses to deal with problems. It encourages emotional strength in depressingly dark times. It helps us bounce back from despair and disappointments. After all, orange is one of the liveliest colors. It’s an uplifting spirit that ignites motivation helping us see the bright side, rejuvenating our souls. It offers a positive outlook on life.
Orange gemstones are believed to help ease depression, protect from evil thoughts, and give vitality.
Orange is a secondary color that is complementary to blue, according to the CMYK color model. Beyond that, orange is a warm color that combines perfectly with the cool blue. But it is complementary of purple, according the RGB color model.”
Meanwhile, Taichi’s associated colour (the one he is usually seen wearing) is “Blue”: 
“The most universally appealing color on the spectrum, blue, has non-polarizing traits. It is a calming and relaxing color, and it enhances cognitive skills, especially creativity.It gives a soothing sense of peacefulness, but also the impression of authority. Still, not all associations with the color blue are positive. Blue can also be fragile, depressive, impersonal, and even cold. Too much blue can be an appetite suppressant. All in all, blue is a versatile color that can fit most situations when combined with the right colors.”
To sum it all up:
There is a reason why the Crest of Courage has a literal “sun” as its symbol (whereas his Digimon partner bears the power of fire): Taichi is the sun, the adventurous, courageous main character that is either loved or hated (especially by the fandom), he is that fiery, vibrant force that drives things forward, a healthy eater, yet he is encouraging and warm and the glue that “keeps the gang together”, who inspires and leads them. While he also develops the tendency to overthink, he can usually be associated with being an extroverted person who does accept others for who they are. His overall theme is indeed “change”, coming to terms with his less desirable attributes and tendencies; being inconsiderate, arrogant, insincere towards his own feelings and thus also his friends, etc. He has to overcome negativity and depression in order to deal with all the problems at hand - even if things are not easy to balance and rather controversial. But that is what a future diplomat has to deal with anyway, right...?
It’s no surprise that blue (Yamato) and purple (Koushirou) are his complementary colours, as they’re literally complementing him perfectly. The same goes for the close bonds he shares with with red (Sora) and yellow (Takeru). Last but not least - it is also no surprise that blue is the colour he is most likely to wear. It’s his more mellow, contemplative side - both soothing and thought provoking, even it may also be more prone to depression.
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mocha-writes · 1 year
Sun, Moon, and Star OC Meme
Tagged by: @perkeleen-lavellan 
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Isaac Hawke
Honestly, this ended up being the only motif left after assigning moon and star to my Inquisitor and Warden, but it fits a cheerful extrovert with red hair. Besides being a musician, I’ve pictured Isaac as someone who gardens--I don’t know if I’ve discussed this headcanon anywhere before or not, but I want to think that he and Merrill actually restore the gardens at the Amell estate--and the idea of sunlight as restorative and nurturing seems relevant for that. There’s also a connection with Varric’s tarot card representation (the Sun), so I think this suits Isaac rather well.
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Solomon Trevelyan
Solomon has the color scheme for this, with albinism making him unusually pale and white-haired, but thinking of the moon as a representation of mystery, cycles, and emotion, I think this fits him as well. He’s a necromancer whose magic taps into life energy itself and deals with spirits that could easily be considered demons, and his life has been marked by phases that ultimately end in a “return”: growing up in the Alienage, being adopted into his father’s family after his mother’s death, being sent to the Circle where he gradually goes from rebellious apprentice with multiple escape attempts to Senior Enchanter and person who keeps the Ostwick branch of the Libertarians afloat after news of Kinloch Hold’s near-downfall causes a decline in membership, the Circle falling just for him to end up as part of the delegation of mages at the Conclave, being Inquisitor, and finally shedding that title by disbanding the Inquisition as well as his “human” name in favor of reclaiming “Sulevin,” his birth name that he had no choice but to give up when recognized by his father, Bann Trevelyan. He’s gradually had to learn to bottle up his emotions and get better at picking his own battles just to survive, but I still picture him as someone who feels a lot, deeply, and this, combined with “dark forces aren’t necessarily evil” and “it’s never too late to reconnect,” make me think a moon motif suits him.
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Ephraim Surana
This one came to mind immediately, because I’ve had “Ephraim studied astronomy in the Circle and is fascinated by the stars” as a headcanon for long time. Thinking about stars as crucial to navigation and as ways of understanding the world, considering all of the myths and history associated with constellations both in our world and Thedas, I think this motif suits Ephraim, who I also associate with stories and history. I feel like I’ve talked about the headcanon that he loves romance novels and has written fanfic for his favorite ones a lot, but one I haven’t focused on as much is “he translated and made copies of the Eluvian manuscript that’s crucial to the plot of Witch Hunt, so there’s no stealing of the text from Ariane’s clan by Morrigan, who’d have her own copy that Ephraim shared with her during the Blight.” I want to think there was an entire “ring” of mages dedicated to ensuring access to their people’s knowledge that the Chantry tried to claim and to preserving what they might have brought with them from outside the Circle, like songs, recipes, etc. It’s not an original idea by any means (thank you Kari/October-Rosehip for having things like this in Macsen’a backstory if you see this), but the sheer concept of an “underground elven library in Kinloch Hold” compels me. To bring this back around to stars, thinking of them as omens makes me think of Ephraim as well—he’s my oldest Dragon Age OC and has been through so many changes. I’ll probably mess with his story more if I ever get to replay the series again. But one theme I want to think has been consistent with him, and one I want to keep, is “no matter what one has done, one can always decide and try to be a better person.” When I think of omens, I think of symbols, mysterious and powerful, and I think that suits the Hero of Ferelden.
Tagging: @scribbledquillz @zeesqueere @musingmycelium and anyone who wants to do this and needs an excuse. Let me enable you. There’s no obligation, as always, this was just fun and I thought I’d share
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ultramarine-spirit · 1 year
About cover 4 of wmmap, the one where athy and jennette appear. I've always wondered why athy is at night and jennette is in the day and I don't think it's because the usual thing. I mean, normally extroverts are related to the sun while introverts are related to the moon and Jennette is not an extrovert and Athanasia is not that introverted (in fact the fandom always associates Athy more with the sun and Jennette with the moon)
Now I think Spoon did it that way because Jennette, being more ignorant and naive, lives in a bubble where she believes that everything is happy or rather has a more positive vision of life, while Athy, being smarter and more aware of things, besides having the constant fear of dying again as in the first life is related to the moon.
Actually, I think of Athy as the sun and the moon at the same time (maybe lp athy= moon, wmmap athy= sun(?) And I feel that it makes her character more complete and interesting and not just following the same stereotype (it's already getting boring that all the "sunshine" are all ignorant and happy and that the "midnight" are all depressive people) Personally I think that Athy is extroverted and introverted, her personality changes depending on the person, with Claude, Lucas or Jennette she is always more extroverted but with people she doesn't know she's more introverted (and I think that's more realistic than always having only one personality)
What do you think?
I think your analysis of cover 4 is pretty spot on! It reflects season 2 when things started to go terribly wrong for Athy and good for Jennette, from her point of view at least. So that's why Athy appears on the night side and has a serious expression, while Jennette is on the daytime and is smiling. It also parallels how things were for them in Lovely Princess. And I agree with you, I think all the visual cues are there to contrast their opposite types of characters. They are back to back, close to one another but on "opposite sides", Athy is wearing a bright red gown and jewelry while Jennette is wearing brown and subdued colors, night vs day, Athy's serious expression (because she is smarter and knows what's going on) vs Jennette's happy smile (as you said, being naïve/ignorant allows her to be happy but unknowingly cause Athy more pain).
The cover reflects said narrative themes more than simply establish a night/day association for Athy and Jennette. I agree with you, Athy has very explicit links to the sun (being called the "future sun of Obelia", the novel ending with her literally stepping into the light, tons of visual symbolism), the moon (most of her important scenes happen at night and under the moonlight) and the stars (the scenes at the World Tree, the use of stars in some of her outfits). Comparatively, I don't think Jennette is very heavily associated with either of them, unlike other characters (Claude to the sun, Diana to the moon, Lucas to the night, moon and stars).
About Athy's personality, I have always thought she is more on the introverted side, but not in a stereotypical way. She is bright and upbeat with the people that are close to her, but those aren't many people, much less the ones she fully trusts (she was very guarded even with Jennette until the very end of the story, and with the rest of the nobility it's even more apparent). But Athy is also the heir to the throne, and a very capable at that. She knows when to be assertive, when to be cold and when to be more sociable. So I don't think we can categorize her personality into a simple neat "type".
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decorworks · 8 months
What Your Bedroom Color Reflects About You
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The color of your bedroom is more than just a visual choice, it's a reflection of your personality, emotions, and the ambiance you seek to create. Afterall, your bedroom is a personal sanctuary, a space where you retreat to unwind, relax, and rejuvenate. Whether you're drawn to calming blues, passionate reds, or serene neutrals, your color selection can offer fascinating insights into your inner world. We explain the psychology behind different bedroom colors and what they might reveal about you.
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1. Soothing Blue: Tranquility and Harmony A bedroom adorned in shades of blue exudes tranquility and calm. If your room is dominated by this serene hue, you likely value peace, order, and a sense of emotional balance. Blue suggests that you seek a peaceful retreat, a place to unwind from the demands of the world. You're known for your thoughtful and introspective nature, and your bedroom color reflects your desire for a space of quiet contemplation. Blue also has a cooling effect, making it an excellent choice for those who seek to unwind and escape the stresses of the day.
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2. Passionate Red: Energy and Intensity Red is a bold and passionate color that evokes strong emotions. This bold and passionate color suggests that you're full of energy, enthusiasm, and a zest for life. You're not afraid to make a statement and your bedroom color reflects your confident and extroverted nature. A red room might also indicate your romantic inclinations, as red is often associated with love and desire. It can also indicate a passionate and romantic nature.
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3. Tranquil Green: Balance and Growth A green bedroom embodies growth, renewal, and a connection to nature. If you've chosen green for your sleeping space, you likely have a nurturing and down-to-earth personality. You value balance and harmony in your surroundings and seek to create a haven that promotes relaxation and well-being. Your bedroom color reflects your desire for a space that fosters personal growth and a strong connection to the natural world. Green promotes a sense of calmness and renewal, making it an excellent choice for creating a relaxing oasis.
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4. Calming Neutrals: Timeless Elegance Choosing neutral colors like beige, gray, or white for your bedroom suggests a preference for timeless elegance and simplicity. You appreciate a clean and uncluttered environment, and your bedroom color reflects your understated yet sophisticated taste. Neutrals also indicate your adaptability and open-mindedness, allowing you to create a serene space that can easily adapt to different moods and styles.
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5. Enigmatic Purple: Creativity and Individuality Purple is often associated with creativity, spirituality, and luxury. People who gravitate toward purple bedrooms tend to have a keen imagination, a love for the arts, and a desire for a tranquil environment. If your bedroom is dressed in shades of purple, you're likely a person with a unique and artistic flair. Your bedroom color reflects your desire for a space that nurtures your creative pursuits and allows you to express your individuality. Purple also hints at your introspective nature and your ability to find beauty in the deeper aspects of life.
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6. Cheerful Yellow: Optimism and Warmth A yellow bedroom radiates warmth, positivity, and optimism. If your bedroom is bathed in this sunny hue, you're likely a cheerful and outgoing individual. Your bedroom color reflects your desire for a space that uplifts your spirits and welcomes positivity. Yellow also indicates your sociable nature and your ability to spread joy to those around you.
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7. Balanced and Neutral: Gray Bedrooms Gray is a neutral color that can convey a range of emotions depending on its undertones. Lighter grays can evoke a sense of sophistication and balance, while darker grays can create a cozy and cocoon-like atmosphere. If your bedroom is gray, you likely appreciate simplicity, elegance, and understated beauty. Gray also serves as a blank canvas, allowing you to infuse your space with accent colors and personal touches. The color of your bedroom is a powerful form of self-expression. It offers a glimpse into your emotions, desires, and the atmosphere you wish to create within your personal sanctuary. Whether you opt for soothing blues, passionate reds, tranquil greens, or any other color, your bedroom becomes a canvas that reflects the intricate tapestry of your personality. So, the next time you step into your bedroom, take a moment to appreciate the unique statement your chosen color is making about you.
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my-reference-notes · 10 months
The Color Psychology of Orange
Bright and persuasive, orange results from the combination of yellow and red. As we have seen in the previous section, yellow denotes optimism and cheerfulness, while red can suggest intense feelings of love and even dominance. Orange sits in the middle of those extremities: it promotes rejuvenation, communication, and positivism. This color also enhances extraversion, allowing people to let go of their inhibitions and express themselves more freely. 
Combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow.
Associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics.
Represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation.
The color of adventure and social communication.
Orange is a combination of red and yellow. Red is filled with energy and stimulation, and yellow is responsible for the happiness and cheerfulness. It is a more active color because it makes us react by gut feeling, and we feel at that particular moment.
It is the color that gives you shelter in though moments, by not allowing you to sink into grief or disappointment. It brings a high degree of positivism, always rejuvenating us in the most difficult moments. The great and invigorating benefits of the orange color should be used every day, even if it is just a small object, like a mug or a pen, which we use in our daily tasks.
Effects of orange
Enthusiasm: Orange is optimistic and extroverted - the color of the uninhibited.
Rejuvenation: Orange helps to restore balance to out physical energies.
Courage: Orange helps us to take account of our lives, to face the consequences, to take action and make appropriate changes, and then to move onward and upward
Vitality: Has a more balanced energy than red, not as passionate and aggressive, but full of vitality.
It is a color that will always help us look on the bright side of things, even though reality is often not too bright. For instance, it can bring us encouragement and motivation in our tough financial periods, giving us the power to keep going until we manage to find solutions and improvements.
The color will also inspire us to be active, increasing the sense of competition and the courage to assume some risks. It will also make us feel stronger from a physical point of view. The people that are inspired by this color will feel the need to be on a constant move. Because it is an extrovert color, it also makes people forget about inhibitions and show-off at least a little.
Orange is a very social color, making people open up and enhance their communication. It is a very inviting color, so it is great if is used as a decorative color for parties, as it gets people talking and inspires a good mood. To make a dinner with family, or with friends, more pleasant, use lighter shades of orange to decorate the table or surroundings. If you didn’t know, pastel orange shades would increase the appetite. So you will end up having a great time eating, drinking and talking. Thus, it isn’t the best choice of color for your kitchen if you are trying to go on a diet.
It is an excellent color if we want to learn new things and look for new ideas. It lifts up our personal limits allowing us to assimilate more and develop. It also gives us a greater self-respect and the impulse to respect others.
The positive traits given by the color are optimistic, enthusiast, sociable, self-confident, flamboyant, adventurous, inhibited and agreeable. Among the negative traits of this color are exhibitionist, superficial, inexpensive, dependent, unsociable, or too proud. It is great for bonding groups and increase your social interactions. It can also encourage a divorce, from the point of view that it helps people move on and leave behind a life that was unsatisfactory. It represents the new beginnings.
Positive Traits
sociable, optimistic, enthusiastic, cheerful, self-confident, independent, flamboyant, extroverted and uninhibited, adventurous, the risk-taker, creative flair, warm-hearted, agreeable and informal.
Negative Traits
superficial and insincere, dependent, over-bearing, self-indulgent, the exhibitionist, pessimistic, inexpensive, unsociable, and overly proud.
If favorite color
You easily move from life's setbacks
Patience is not one of your virtues and you can be quite forceful and domineering over others when under stress
You can be indecisive, inconsistent and unpredictable
You may be unkind practical joker
When feeling fearful, orange lovers feel it in their abdomen, as though it is tied in knots
Deepest Need
to be with people, to socialize with them, and be accepted and respected as part of a group
If disliked color
You are not comfortable in large groups
You do not like partying and socializing
You are more comfortable with a small circle of friends
You don't like flamboyance and showing off
You may be holding yourself back socially
It can also indicate anger at having been treated cruelly at some stage in your life
If we are to take the shades of orange, each one has a particular meaning. Peach color is excellent for communication, influences good manners and calms down. Golden orange represents vitality and self-control. Amber helps the confidence and self-esteem, but it can also give a degree of arrogance. Burnt orange is the color of aggression, pride, and tension. Dark orange the color of the advantage taker, making a selfish earn out of everything.
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psychedddd-out · 1 year
𝐄𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭 #𝟏: 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲… 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐬! ·˚ ♡
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Written: March 24, 2023 During one of our first few weeks, I was really excited with the topic that we were going to discuss. Actually, I had no idea what the topic was going to be until it was revealed and to my surprise, it was one of the topics that I actually was hyper-fixated for some time in my life, personalities and of course, the brain. During this time, we talked about how humans can have different personalities that allow us to uniquely coexist and interact with the people around us. In addition to this, we were also able to identify what “color” we associate our personality with and how understanding these theories about personalities helps us.
In our discussions, we discussed the several personality theories that exist, and I am even familiar with some of them such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) which was highly popularized within the youth for the past two years. However, I believe what my personal favorite would be the Four Colors by Insights Discovery, that is composed of a circle split into four parts that each represent different traits and aspects of personalities. The reason as to why I like it is because although it is not really a theory, it is simple and easy to understand way of categorizing personalities not just for those in the academe, but also for regular people who just want to get to know themselves a little bit more.
Going into detail with this, the circle of the Four Colors is split into, as the name suggests, four colors namely: cool blue, fiery red, earth green, and sunshine yellow. For the first color, blue, it’s more of the introverted and reserved type, cool like ice. As for green, it’s also introverted but more of a nourishing type, which makes it “earth” green. Fiery red on the other hand, is extroverted and is the competitive and determined type, like fire. Lastly, the sunshine yellow is extroverted as well but more on the social and like the softer version of red, yellow brings positive energy hence its name “sunshine” yellow.
I actually associate myself to a combination of fiery red and sunshine yellow. Perhaps I can even make my own shade, “ominous orange”. I was able to say this because I possess a lot of traits from both such as being sociable and enthusiastic, but at the same time demanding and strong-willed. With this being said, I believe that the Four Colors is like a palette that artists hold. Artists won’t be able to paint with just three or four colors, they have to mix some of them to make the perfect shade. Like in the Four Colors personality, we might not fit into just one category so we sometimes need to make and mix our own shade.
Understanding personalities is crucial because from what I know, I will be dealing and studying with a lot of people in my degree program and most of these people are from outside the university. I will be practicing the ways of life of these people and in understanding them, I of course, need to know their personalities so I can properly know how I will be approaching them, how I will talk to them, and more. After all, unique individuals need unique approaches!
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Word Count: 549
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combinedmixture · 1 year
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Beauford Delaney (December 30, 1901 – March 26, 1979) was an American modernist painter.  He is remembered for his work with the Harlem Renaissance in the 1930s and 1940s, as well as his later works in abstract expressionism following his move to Paris in the 1950s.  Beauford's younger brother, Joseph, was also a noted painter. Beauford Delaney was born December 30, 1901 in Knoxville, Tennessee. Delaney's parents were prominent and respected members of Knoxville's black community. His father Samuel was both a barber and a Methodist minister. His mother Delia was also prominent in the church, and earned a living taking in laundry and cleaning the houses of prosperous local whites. Delia, born into slavery and never able to read and write herself, transferred a sense of dignity and self-esteem to her children, and preached to them about the injustices of racism and the value of education. Beauford was the eighth of ten children, only four of whom survived into adulthood. He summed up the reasons for this in a journal entry from 1961, saying "so much sickness came from improper places to live – long distances to walk to schools improperly heated… too much work at home – natural conditions common to the poor that take the bright flowers like terrible cold in nature…" Beauford and his younger brother Joseph were both attracted to art from an early age. Some of their earliest drawings were copies of Sunday school cards and pictures from the family bible.  "Those early years which Beauford and I enjoyed together I am sure shaped the direction of our lives as artists. We were constantly doing something with our hands – modelling with the very red Tennessee clay, also copying pictures. One distinct difference in Beauford and myself was his multi-talents. Beauford could always strum on a ukulele and sing like mad and could mimic with the best. Beauford and I were complete opposites: me an introvert and Beauford the extrovert." The Delaneys attended Knoxville's Austin High School, and among Beauford's early works was a portrait of Austin High principal Charles Cansler. When he was a teenager, he got a job as a "helper" at the Post Sign Company. However, he and his younger brother Joseph were drawing signs of their own. Then some of his work was noticed by Lloyd Branson, an elderly American Impressionist and Knoxville's best known artist.  By the early 1920s, Delaney became the apprentice of Branson. With Branson's encouragement, the 23-year-old Delaney migrated north to Boston to study art. With perseverance, he achieved the artist's education he desired, including informal studies at the Massachusetts Normal School, the South Boston School of Art and the Copley Society. He learned what he called the "essentials" of classical technique. It was also while in Boston that Delaney had his first "intimate experience" with a young man in the Public Garden. Through letters of introduction from Knoxville, he also received what he referred to as a "crash course" in black activist politics and ideas; having associated socially during his years in Boston with some of the most sophisticated and radical African-Americans of the time, such as James Weldon Johnson, writer, diplomat and rights activist; William Monroe Trotter, founder of the National Equal Rights League; and Butler Wilson, Board member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. By 1929, the essentials of his artistic education complete, Beauford decided to leave Boston and head for New York.
(via Beauford Delaney - 55 artworks - painting)
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akaraboonline · 1 year
What Color You Prefer Reveals About Your Intimacy Style
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Did you know that the color someone wears can reveal a lot about the psychology behind his or her personality traits and sexual preferences? What Color You Prefer Reveals About Your Intimacy Style Yes, according to color psychology, the color of your favorite clothes reveals not only your basic personality but also your sexual personality!
Look for your favorite color below to find out what color psychology reveals about your intimacy style:
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What Color You Prefer Reveals About Your Intimacy Style 1. Red Red is energizing and exciting, a call to action for lovers who like to initiate and engage fully. It evokes feelings of confidence and passion, as well as a desire for food or sex. Red lovers are easily aroused, and once ignited, the sexual spark can last for hours. Natural explorers and red lovers can be impulsive and unconcerned with details, so make sure your sex is safe and consensual! 2. Black Are you dressed entirely in black? Perhaps you prefer kinky sex. Black is associated with mystery and hidden charms, but also with hidden agendas. Many black clothing fans are masochistic or sadistic in nature, and they enjoy the dynamic of serious power play in the bedroom. Do you feel more wild when you put on a pair of black leather pants or boots? Although black is perceived as powerful and unfriendly, it also exudes sophistication and elegance, making it a popular choice for high society events. It creates a barrier between us and the outside world, allowing us to keep our secrets safe. 3. Gray Gray suggests a lack of emotion. People who prefer gray aren't sure what they get excited about because they can't commit to the mystery of black or the illumination of white. It's a solid, stable color that encourages logic and reason over passion. Men who wear gray may view sex as a way to relieve tension, whereas women may view sex as a way to procreate or accommodate their partner. While gray can be formal and elegant, it is not glamorous or attention-grabbing. Gray wearers who are conservative and self-sufficient may become lonely as a result of shutting down their emotions in new relationships. 4. Blue People who love blue are affectionate and exude inner peace. They are sensitive to their partners' needs and are invested in turning love into fine art. Blue lovers are 'givers' who like to build strong relationships and bask in the glory of a successful union, with honesty, trust, and loyalty as defining qualities. They are not quick to judge or change, and they may need expert advice and time to think things through (such as a new sexual request or fantasy), but when they commit, they go all the way with a passion that is much deeper than lust. 5. Pink Pink is all about unconditional love, romance, and intimate caring, combining the passion of red with the purity of white. can relieve anger, aggression, and resentment, but it also connotes naivety and inexperience, which is why it becomes subversive and twice as sexy when paired with a stronger color like black. lovers embrace sensuality and are likely to indulge their bodies with massages or baths, inviting you to join them on their journey of self-love and nurturing.  lovers will not rest until each partner is satisfied. Sex can be wild, but it is always fulfilling. 6. Orange Orange is upbeat and enthusiastic, emphasizing the intuition and "gut feelings" that we all have. Wearers of orange are highly adventurous and extroverted, and they not only have sexual fantasies, but they make those fantasies come true! Orange, while impulsive and risk-taking, also represents great communication and a positive attitude. Someone who adores the color orange will engage in conversation with you and steer it in exciting new directions until you're both undressed. Expect an assertive, intuitive lover who values foreplay as much as sex and is willing to engage in 'naughty' behavior if the urge arises. 7. Yellow Yellow is a creative and independent color, ideal for people who enjoy new and exciting ideas, such as new sexual positions, sexual fantasies, or sex outside. Complications frequently accompany yellow, whether it's the need for another sexual partner or another 'appetite' demanding attention. Satisfying the yellow personality requires a lot of spontaneity (think quickies!) and creating new relationship patterns to keep things interesting. 8. Purple Purple and violet lovers have the energetic qualities of red combined with the trusting stamina of blue, giving them a strong charismatic pull. Highly sensitive and compassionate, they indulge bodily desires frequently and with a wide range of intensity, so expect a lover who enjoys a quickie just as much as a big production. Purple lovers are great candidates for sexual fantasy and role play, getting caught up in everything from the sexy story to the details of the costumes. Remember their desire to stand out in a crowd and be rewarded for their uniqueness. 9. Green Green wearers strike a balance between yellow's mental clarity and blue's emotional depth. They know what kind of partner they want and are ready to commit fully when they find it. They enjoy watching others and find voyeuristic fantasies extremely erotic, sometimes in groups, as green lovers are also known to be excellent hosts who value prosperity and abundance. Read the full article
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The True Color Personality Test 2022
What is a true color personality test?
A true color personality test 2022 is an online quiz that check which color suits your personality by analyzing your answers using artificial intelligence.
It uses color theory concepts to assess various aspects of an individual's character, including emotions, motivations, behaviours, and attitudes that help people better understand their unique preferences and tendencies.
It helps when deciding on work, relationships, clothing, and home decor items, developing strategies for dealing with the challenges and providing guidance in your personal or professional life.
How does the true color personality test exactly work?
A true color personality test involves categorizing words into color groups, assessing color associations and matching colors with emotions.
The results of true color personality tests can help people make more informed decisions about the colors they choose for their work or home space, boost self-awareness, and help people better understand their strengths and weaknesses.
Following are the easy steps to taking a true color personality test -
To start the true color personality test, click the 'Start Test button, and your questions appear on the screen.
Answer all the questions by selecting the correct answer that matches your feelings.
Continue until your result is displayed on the screen.
According to your result, Our Artificial Intelligence system analyzes your answer and displays the color that suits your personality.
What are the Personality Colors?
According to color psychology, the following are the list of color that represents your personality.
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1. Red
It is associated with excitement, passion, danger, thrill, energy, and action. Many brands use red for their "call to action" buttons ("Add to cart," "Buy Now," etc.) as red is an intense color that can provoke strong emotions and encourage you to buy things.
Red color Personality traits :
Bold Thinker
Thrill Seeker
Adventure Lover
Little bit impulsive
It Can be perceived as intimidating
2. Orange
It is associated with creativity, Happiness, freedom, success, and balance. Marketers mostly use this color to grab attention to eye-catchy heading or User messages on their website like display popups, warnings, and important notes.
Orange color Personality traits:
Fun and playful energy
Social Awareness
Perhaps an extrovert
Enjoys conversation
Loves to play
3. Yellow
It is associated with Happiness and positivity. Global Brands use yellow color in their logo to feel their user happy when they see their products. Many Shopping icons on websites are yellow because they attract users.
Yellow Color Personality traits:
Positive Thinking
Calming for those around them
Infectious smiles and Happiness
4. Blue
It is associated with stability, harmony, peace, and trustworthiness. Brands that want to promote their product's durability, strength, or reliability will use blue in their logos. Computer companies like DELL & HP and websites like Facebook & Twitter use blue in their logos.
Blue Color Personality traits:
5. Green
It is associated with nature and signifies growth, fertility, health, wealth, wellness, or generosity. Green can also be associated with negative connotations such as jealousy or envy of others.
Personality traits of green:
Give advice
Help others
Enjoys the outdoors
Balance in life
6. Purple
It is associated with royalty, power, privilege, wisdom, and spirituality. It is a frustrating color as well; mostly, a person with a purple colour personality is frustrated or perceived as arrogant.
Personality traits of purple:
Craves own identity
Loves unique things
Dances on the music that no one listens
7. Pink
It is associated with femininity, playfulness, and love. It is a favourite color of children as you notice that pink color is used in many child's toy packaging or brands to signal playful, whimsical fun.
Personality traits of pink:
Little Naive
Express your emotions
Your family are important to you
8. White
It is associated with purity and cleanliness. White color is mostly used for weddings and hospitals that signify purity, and brands will often add a splash of white or use white to offset more intense colors.
White Color Personality traits:
Clean and orderly
9. Black
It is associated with boldness, uniqueness, mystery, intrigue, strength, luxury, intensity and power. In other words, it means unhappiness, darkness, sadness, pain, or grief.
Black Color Personality traits:
Bold Thinker
Perhaps a little impulsive at times
You're trustworthy
10. Gold
It is associated with loyalty, dependability, organization, thoroughness, sensitivity, punctuality, and caring. Persons with gold color personalities remember facts, like directions and instructions, set deadlines and want them to be met.
Gold Color Personality traits:
Present your argument with logical
Always part of the team
Provide critiques
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queen0fm0nsterz · 3 years
What do you think is the succession order for the Ladies to be precise?
Now, moving on to the actual succession... you guys. You know the little Lady statues we have to find in the Residence? Yep. Those girls. They match to the masked girls and their symbolism in a way that is too specific to be accidental. Or at least that's what I think.
Give these posts a read for context so you know what I'm talking about, and let's get into it.
The First Lady (In Green)
When we first enter the Residence we figure out pretty quickly that we have to find these Lady statues in order to open the door, and we do so because one of the statues is already there.
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This is Fox.
I made the connection as soon as I saw her head. I previously assumed that she may have died horribly due to the ripped off head symbolism and while that may have been the case, it was probably a reference to this statue.
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The rip on her head matches.
So, because she's the first one we find consequentially we can assume she's the first Lady of the Maw, which I think fits perfectly.
We established that, out of all of the Ladies, Fox is the one that most resembles Six in personality, and if the theory that Six abadons the Maw at the end of LN, which would result in the Maw ceasing to function, is correct, then I think it'd be beautifully poetic. I mean, it takes someone special to bring something like the Maw to life and someone who's just as special to end it, and we know both Fox and Six are very special girls.
I specified that she's dressed in green because I believe the color in which the statues are dressed in also matches their personalities.
From what I was able to find, people whose favorite color is green tend to be kind, loyal and nurturing people who often put their own needs aside in order to help others. They're intelligent, indepentent and curious, but because they're peacemakers they're also people-pleasers who end up having trouble standing up for themselves.
Some other words associated with the green she's wearing are Change, Learning and Awakening.
Don't know about you but that sounds like Fox to me.
The Second Lady (In Red)
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Tengu joins the group!
I'm a 100% sure of this one. So, the way to actually get this little statue is to replace it with a fake one that looks identical to this one except that it's made of wood.
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Since we've read Tengu's mask description, we know she had to put on a fake persona to avoid being overwhelmed and crushed by the horrors that surrounded her, which in this case is symbolized by a literal wall coming down to crush RK if you don't place the wood statue. Notice also how the Eye is wide open when the statue is removed: to me, that symbolizes the gaze of the monsters, the ones that will hurt her unless she pretends to be one of them.
About the color red. People with "red personalities" tend to be extroverts who are task-focused, meaning they tend to be quite active and always know what to do when it's about getting to their goal. This leadership they display can often be interpreted as them being bossy and mean, since they're so driven they often forget about other people's feelings.
Some other important words associated with red are Courage, Tenacity and Energy.
Now. I'll be honest with you guys: I only placed Tengu as the second lady because the official order puts her as the second statue to get (after Fox which we already have), but she may be interchangeable with the next one.
The Third Lady (In Blue)
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To get to her, we have to solve the three eyes puzzle, then enter and entirely cold and dark room, then solve the paintings puzzle and then we get to her, but we have to be quick or else we get turned into stone.
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We know that Scarecrow is terrified of the monsters that surround her and, unlike Tengu, she prefers to hide away and avoid them altogether instead of trying to mix with them. The security eye could be a reference to the paralizing fear she would feel when she leaves her safe place to mix with the monsters.
I'm also pretty sure Scarecrow used to be a worker on the Maw - and she may not have been alone. You see, to get to her we need to solve the famous painting puzzle. We established that the pictures are all of previous Maw workers who were there during the years (based on the fact that all the current employees, including the missing Bellhop and the Ferryman who only appears in the comics, are present).
And the pictures of these two girls in particular caught my attention, because they have the same clothes as the headless statues in the next room. Perhaps, the ripped painting of the Pretender in Scarecrow's room was a reference to these? She was also missing her whole head.
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They look very similar and, because one looks older and one of the statues is slightly taller than the other, I'll assume they used to be sisters. Maybe one of them became the Lady while the other kept working at the Maw?
This is just an assumption I'm making though. I'm not so sure of this theory; I'll try to look for more clues to base it on but I'd like to hear you guys' thoughts on this.
Now, about the color blue. People with a blue personality tend to be sincere and trustworthy. They have a need for peace and harmony and they like to keep for themselves. Relationships, especially family bonds, are important to them. They also tend to be rigid and to strongly dislike unpredictability, because of their need to be in controll of their lives.
Other words associated with the color blue are Faith, Trust and Purification.
And lastly...
The Fourth Lady (In White)
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I'm a 100% sure this is Teapot.
If the the literal Maw being her container, keeping her imprisoned inside, isn't enough to convince you, then let's take a look at the path we have to take in order to get to her.
First of all, she's locked behind not one, not two, but three doors, all of which are a challenge to open. The way to get to her is quite the adventure, something Teapot would definetely enjoy being the explorer. She's guarded by the Shadow Children, who only show up during this particular segment - and about the Shadow Children, did you notice the kid in a cage?
However, the thing that caught my attention the most was the last door separating us from her.
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Huh! Isn't that familiar! It's the same set of stairs Six climbed at the end of LN 1. So it seems as if the ending really was hinting at Six becoming the next Lady after all.
Now, color segment!
Of course, the color white is associated with innocence and purity. It's also associated with health, which I think is quite ironic considering the reversed teapot is a sign of illnes. People with white personalities tend to be open minded and efficient, organized and with a sense of order. On the other hand, they can be perfectionists which leads them to be critical of both others and themselves.
Some important words associated with the color white are Comfort, Hope and Isolation.
This last one really applies to Teapot in my opinion, see how her room is separated from all the others and she's locked away, all alone.
(In case anyone was wondering: our Lady is wearing a darker shade of tangerine.)
Wow! This one was a lot of work. I hope you guys enjoy it! Let me know what you think.
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mercurytrinemoon · 3 years
On houses, house rulerships & how ya'll should stop associating them with signs + a rant on the meaning of the 8th house
This is one of those moments where I'm going to say (read: rant, so heads up, I may sound pretentious) that modern times keep distorting astrology. I’m talking about associating houses with signs/planets (aka the “12 letter alphabet”, briefly mentioned by William Lilly in the 17th century but ultimately it became a product of modern astrologers: first attempted by Alan Leo and decades later popularized and named by Zip Dobyns). Can we just... use a neuralyzer and make people forget that method? It's ingrained in people's minds because, seemingly, it's easier to learn that way - search astro basics in google and you'll see things like "9th house=Sagittarius=Jupiter". This compressed version of astrology seems more accessible and easily digestible for a casual reader and not many newbies try to even question that approach. But there's a reason reputable astrologers these days are trying to erase it from everyone's minds. Signs are traits, planets are vessels, houses are areas of life. Houses are a completely different thing + every person has their own chart with their own house rulers. You can't say Mars is the “natural” ruler of the 1st... well unless, of course, you're an Aries rising, then yeah, your 1st is ruled by Mars, 2nd by Venus and so on.
Sure, some houses share accidental similarities with planets that have been assigned to them by modern *cough*lazy*cought* approach. Example, the 3rd rules communication... oh and so does Mercury. But then again, Mercury has nothing to do with health, injuries, work - all things 6th house. 7th is relationships and 2nd is money & values... and it so happens that Venus shows our attitude towards these things. I would sometimes find myself loosely refer houses to planets, like “oh the 3rd mercurial house” just because SOME of them do fit with the characteristics... and because it's a language that is well-understood (I won't do that anymore). BUT even when I started learning astrology, I had a red light go on in my head when people would straight up go "Moon in Virgo or Moon in the 6th". It never made sense to me. These are completely different things. And I've seen some awesome astrologers who would state things like "oh Aquarius Sun is basically the same as Sun in the 11th", like nah, dude. Because why? Aquarius is the friendly type and the 11th rules friends? Because Aquarius is the big innovator and 11th stands for hopes and dreams? But Aquarius is also a rebel who's stiff in their beliefs. Aquarius is a weirdo, is the 11th house the house of weirdos? No. Aquarius likes to be independent and usually has issues with feeling of not belonging anywhere, while 11th rules communities. THAT'S CONTRADICTORY. Because they're not the same.
Want more examples? Having Venus in Aries is completely different than Venus in the 1st. What do people usually say about Venus in the 1st? That it makes the native charming, lovely, well-put together, with great manners, maybe beautiful, graceful, maybe a bit shallow. When in Aries? None of these characteristics fit, on top of that, it's in its detriment. Our poor gal Venus is uncomfortable and confused in Aries. She's like, "conquer? Swords? Selfishness? Obnoxiousness? Sparring? You're telling me to fight people? What am I doing here???" 
I think it most shows in the 8th house, which... *deep breath* has gone through so much (ironically since it rules transformation), like, there's a lot to unpack here. "tHe sCorPioNic HoUse": tell me in what way does Scorpio have to do with inheritance, death, taxes, other people's stuff? These are the og topics associated with the 8th house. And by the way, it doesn't have to be a material inheritance, because I saw people being confused by that. You can have your 10th house ruler in the 8th so maybe you'll inherit that job as a chairman in your father's corporation, along with its renowned name. Or your 6th house ruler is in the 8th so you'll inherit a genetic health condition from your parent. 
Now, modern astrology, as per usual, tried to turn it into something positive (and psychological because apparently according to modern notion, astrology can’t predict anything so it’s only psychological *eye roll*) and put its rose-colored glasses on it so they'll say things like: transformation or taboo topics - like okay, makes sense, it's an intense house after all. Like a near-death experience or a metaphorical death will be transformative and maybe hard to talk about. And Scorpios do have the tendency to go through drastic situations in their lives and to dig deep & not being afraid to uncover secrets and all that's unknown and scary for others. There you have it, some convergence. But still, Scorpio and the 8th house are two different things.
Then there's the topic of the 8th house and sex. Actually, side note, a quick history bit, the 2nd century astrologer, Vettius Valens saw sex in the 7th house - because that was the thing that happened after marriage - it represented two people coming together. In medieval times it then moved to 5th house of kids - because children-making requires intercourse, duh. Listen, I get that the 8th, as the follow-up to the 7th, is seen as joined resources; and joined everything, including bodies... or bodily fluids... (tmi?) after you get married or whatever. I don't think that makes sense in the modern times. I mean, go ahead if you want to associate the 8th with sex but after some time of studying astrology, I see it almost exclusively in the 5th as it's the house of pleasures. Simply. Besides, technically you can get yourself off and don’t need anyone else to assist you. My issue, again, comes from the root of the association with the 8th. Modern astrologers started linking 8th with Pluto and Scorpio in medical astrology rules reproductive system and so Scorpio is seen as the fReAky sEx dEMon blAh blaH (honestly, try asking Scorpios about their intimate life and they'll run for the hills abashed). So it turned out that 8th house is the "plutonian one" (I had a moment today wondering if it's plutonian or plutonic and idk anymore) so therefore it must rule sex. Well that logic doesn't make sense because everyone knows that the first and most important planet in the matters of sex is Mars but none of ya'll go and say "1st house is the house of sex because it's ruled by Aries". So no, houses are not the same as signs/planets.
12th house has a similar issue. This one has literally nothing to do with Pisces. Like, I feel bad for Pisces honestly, you guys don’t deserve being dumped into the 12th. It's a rather gloomy house and the most positive thing you could come up with it is being the house of imagination and intuition - because it rules the subconscious and partially your mind. And Pisces is usually characterized by those two. Or you could say that they're both kinda foggy in nature - 12th is the unattainable. But that is literally the closest you can get with them correlating. Other than that, 12th is hidden enemies, succlusion, illness (but mental or chronic, it's a bit different than 6th). There's nothing piscean about it really.
But I get it, open most of the astrology books and you'll see chapters called that way. Why? Because it's easier to publish something that's shorter aka simpler for the reader (actually that was one of Dobyns' reasoning behind spreading that approach). That’s why I said it’s lazy. And someone would argue that it’s easier to learn this way - because the information is compressed into 12 sections (signs) instead of 24 (signs+houses) or even more if you include delineations of every house ruled by each sign. Like, “well if I memorize the meaning of Cancer and Moon then automatically I’ll also memorize the 4th house”. But in fact, it’s so limiting in the long run and then forces you to unlearn what you have learnt, which is actually harder than taking the time and grasping the proper meaning right away. And again, with time it warps the meaning of everything.
Saying house=sign completely discredits the purpose of even having houses. And then on top of that it leads to people not understanding their own charts because they don't know the core meanings of the houses and instead look at them through the lens of signs. "I have planets in Gemini but I'm not that talkative and extroverted". Well okay, where are those planets? Are they in the 7th? Then maybe they're not talking about you but about people you come in contact with? Are they in the 4th? Well maybe it's your fam that has those qualities? The 11th? Are your friends like that? Houses are areas of your life, you can't say "Moon in the 3rd or Moon in Gemini" - Moon is "how", house is "where" - these are not the same things, even if they have a few traits in common. 
Ok, rant over, bye.
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