#red mercury made in germany price
Since 1992, Roteschemie has been manufacturing / producing red mercury 20/20 258 99.9999999% (N9) and (N5), silver liquid mercury, and Caluanie Muelear oxidizers in Germany. Roteschemie is the oldest German manufacturer of red mercury, with 83 employees and sales of 9.5 billion euros in 2021. This article summarizes the company's services, products, and certifications.
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ssdmaurice · 6 months
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argentvive · 5 years
Jon’s Resurrection: The Role of Ghost
On the show, Jon was resurrected by Melisandre, with Ghost standing by.
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I wrote about this scene a long time ago. 
 I argued that Melisandre washing Jon and cutting his hair was a solve et coagula ritual.  I also said I thought that the fan theory that Jon warged into Ghost when he was stabbed could well be correct.
Recently, I was going through the emblems in Atalanta fugiens and came across one (XXIV) I have never posted before that may provide a clue to how GRRM intends to write this scene in the next book.
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There are two scenes here.  You need to read the emblem like a comic strip, except front to back rather than left to right.
In alchemy, the King is the Philosopher’s-Stone-to-be.  He must be “killed” so he can be resurrected, young and vigorous.  The wolf is a symbol for antimony, the wolf of metals, the universal solvent, the mercurial water. 
(Similarly, the dragon is a symbol for Mercurius at the beginning of the Work.  Jon and Dany are both closely associated with animals that are symbols for the “lower, earthly self which the soul must learn to subdue and train, so that the higher self...may at last reign.” Lyndy Abraham, p. 60)
The caption for the emblem reads as follows:
The wolf devoured the king and after the wolf has been burnt, it returned the king to life. (Michael Maier, Atalanta fugiens, XXIV)
So in the foreground you see the wolf “devouring” the king--well, taking a little nibble at least.  Then in the background, you see the wolf who devoured the king being burned, and in the process, the king is restored to life, young and whole. 
This leads me to think that Ghost will play a critical part in Jon’s resurrection in the next book.  GRRM can hardly have Ghost eat* Jon, but he can certainly take in Jon’s consciousness, his life force.  The books spend quite a bit of time describing Jon warging into Ghost, so the precedent is there.  
(*If you see a parallel between this Emblem and Little Red Riding Hood, who IS eaten by a wolf, you’re probably on to something.  Notice how the revived King is wearing a cape, which should be red as a mark of his transformation into the Red King, the Philosopher’s Stone.  What I don’t know is much the Grimms added to the folk tales they collected in 19th century Germany.)
But then what about the second scene?  How do we get Jon alive again?  To follow the emblem strictly, you’d have to have the Night’s Watch burn Ghost, somehow forcing Jon’s spirit back into his dead body.   I guess that could work.  But I prefer a scenario where Melisandre is involved, as on the show.  But no matter what, Ghost will be in that room and I expect that  the first clue we will get of Jon’s resurrection will be from the direwolf, as on the show.  
I’m appending the entire discourse for Emblem XXIV, for anyone who can plow through the archaic English translation (the original is in Latin).  I’ve boldfaced sentences that seem to apply to Jon, or might apply to him in the future.  
<The Hunger and Voracity of a wolf is remarkably knowne to be very great, insomuch that when his prey is wanting he will feed even upon the Earth; with which he is likewise said to fill his belly when he is about to set upon large herds of Cattle, that so being made heavier by that burden he may resist more strongly and not easily be shaken off from his hold. When he enters a fold he doth not only kill enough to satisfye his hunger but through greedinesse destroys the whole flock. He is Sacred to Apollo and Latona because he stood by her when she was in Labour, for Latona could not have delivered young unlesse he had been present. Hence likewise the wolf is thought acceptable to Apollo because he celebrated his birthday, as also because his Eyes shine and cast forth light in the midst of the night. Therefore the breathlesse body of the King is thrown to the wolf when he is ravenously hungry, not to the end that the wolf should wholly consume and annihilate the King, but that by his own death the wolf should restore strength and life to him. For there is a certain amatorious Virtue in the Tayle of the Wolf which is infused into the half dead King which makes him very desirable to all men upon the recovery of His former Health and Beauty. The Hyrcanians nourished Doggs for no other Use but that they might cast their Dead Bodyes to be devoured by them, as Cicero tells us. And so the Massagetes give men that dye of diseases as a prey to doggs. But the Philosophers give their King to a Wolf, nor indeed are they pleased with the Custom of the Sabeans, who carryed out their dead in the same manner as dung and threw their King upon the Dunghills; nor that of the Troglodytes of the Red Sea, who tyed the Necks of their dead men to their feet and hurried them along with Jests and Laughter, and so put them into the ground without any Consideration of the place of Buriall. But the Philosophers chose to follow the Custom of the Magi, who did not bury their dead bodyes till they had first been torn to pieces by wild beasts; or of the Indians, who being Crowned and singing the praises of the Gods commanded themselves to be burnt alive, least old age should come upon them. But these customs were imposed upon them all without any hopes of Resurrection or Renewall of Life. Thinges are far otherwise disposed among the Philosophers. For they certainly know that from their King devoured by a wolf there will appear one that is Alive, Strong and Young, and that the wolf must be burnt in his stead. For when the belly of the wolf is so gorged he will easily be slain, but although the King be dead he hath a Martiall or Cygnean Virtue that he can neither be wounded nor consumed. But where is this Wolf to be hunted, or whence this King to be taken? The Philosophers answer that the wolf wanders up and down in the Mounteins and Valleys that he may seize his prey, which must be drawn out of their dens and preserved for Use. But the King being fatigued with the long journey he has taken from the East at length falls down, and his death is then hastened by his grief seeing himself among Strangers, deprived of all his Honours and so little esteemed as for a small price to be sold into slavery. But it is necessary that the Wolf must be taken out of a Cold Region, for those that are bred in Cold Countryes are more fierce than in Libya or Egypt by reason of their greater hunger occasioned by the externall cold. Hence the devoured King revives with the heart of a Lyon and is able afterwards to conquer all beasts. And although he is the meanest in Aspect among his six brothers, being the Youngest of them all, yet after many miseries and tribulations he shall at last come to the most powerfull Kingdom. Hereupon Gratianus in the Rosary saith: In Alchymy there is a certain noble body which moved from Master to Master, in whose beginning there shall be Misery with Vinegar, but in the End Joy with Gladnesse. And Alanus in the same place says: There is one thing to be chosen out of all, which is of a Livid Colour, having a clear liquid metallick Species, and is a thinge Hot and Moist, Watery and Combustible, and is a Living Oyle and Living Tincture, a Minerall Stone and Water of Life of wonderfull efficacy. It is not always safe for Kings to travell out of the Confines of their Kingdoms, for if they endeavour to conceal themselves and yet happen to be known by their Adversaries, they are taken for Spyes and imprisoned; if being known they would proceed without an Army they are in the same manner of danger. And so it has happened to this Indian King, or if he had not been prevented by death it would so have happened. This capture is the first Sublimation, Lotion and Nobilitation which the Philosophers use, that the second and third may be performed with more happy success. For the second and third without the first are of no moment, the King being as yet Pusillanimous, Drowsy and Sick. For He must first require Subsidies and Tributes of his Subjects by which he may purchase himself garments and other necessaryes, and afterwards he will be rich enough and able to new clothe all his Subjects as often as He pleases. For great thinges being generally sprung from small beginnings can afterwards raise up small thinges, or even suppresse great ones if such their pleasure be. As appears by some Cities, which at first were small but were governed by mighty Kings, and so from Villages became populous and Magnificent Towns.>
Source: alchemywebsite.com   
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fullmetalirin · 6 years
Fullmetal Alchemist: Episodes 50-51
Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 50: "Death"
As zeppelins rain bombs upon London during World War I, Edward and Hohenheim flee the city. As they watch the attack from a distance, Hohenheim explains that in this world, on the other side of the gate, the science of physics has developed instead of alchemy but, because Edward's soul was transferred over without his body, the Gate of Truth within himself can be used to return to Amestris. Meanwhile, with Hawkeye's help, Mustang has sneaked into the Führer's mansion to confront him and avenge Hughes. Gluttony, moping over Lust's death, is forced by Envy to begin gradually eating Alphonse's armored body to complete the Philosopher's Stone within him so Dante can use the stone to switch bodies with Rosé. Annoyed with Gluttony still mourning the loss of Lust, Dante alchemically destroys his mind so he can be nothing but an eating machine just as he begins gradually eating Alphonse. Wrath, still moping over Sloth's death, tries to intervene by using alchemy so he can use Alphonse to revive Sloth, but Dante has Edward's original limbs removed from Wrath's body so he can no longer perform alchemy in doing so. After repairing his relationship with Hohenheim, Edward returns to Amestris and tries to stop Dante's plans and set Alphonse and Rosé free, only to be distracted by Envy, who begins tormenting him in battle. When Edward angrily demands to see Envy's true form, Envy gleefully obliges, transforming into Hohenheim and Dante's deceased son, causing Edward to hesitate in sorrow. Dante reveals that Envy was the first ever homunculus, created when Hohenheim attempted human transmutation to revive his son who died of mercury poisoning. As Envy admits this is the reason why he hates Hohenheim for abandoning him to start a new family, the homunculus instantly transforms his arm into a blade and heartlessly kills Edward by piercing him through the heart while a horrified Alphonse, Rosé and Wrath watch.
Hm, I forgot he transferred to WWI London. I thought Amestris was equivalent to Nazi Germany.
Ed is impressed by zeppelins and airplanes. Hohenheim says their mechanical engineering is better than in their world, but Amestris has pretty sophisticated manufacturing too. Trains are apparently about a century old, which is about on par with our timeline. I guess you could presume that technology hit a plateau as people figured alchemy was better for more advanced applications.
Bradley keeps his remains in his house. He's read the Evil Overlord List! Selim saw the safe, so Bradley entrusts him with the key. That's pretty smart, since it's unlikely Mustang will think the kid is relevant.
Riza has dispatched Bradley's guards and is at his door. I presume this is a diversion, because we cut to Mustang sneaking in by… jumping over the wall? I'll presume that was alchemy-assisted.
Archer is still not dead.
We cut to Ed and Hohenheim and get my other favorite scene. Hohenheim explains conservation of energy, explicitly drawing a comparison to our very first example: Al fixing the broken radio. The souls of the dead from Earth pass into their world and provide the fuel for alchemy. This makes perfect sense: we already know the Philosopher's Stone, which amplifies alchemy, is powered by souls, so it's only logical that regular alchemy work the same.
Hohenheim explains he really did love Trisha, but left because he didn't want them to see the rot. I think this is a flawed but reasonable explanation. The rot represents more than just itself: it's a mark of his sin, a reminder that this body is not his own and that he's committed atrocities to obtain it. I see this more as him being unable to bear the answer to the inevitable question, "Why are you rotting, Dad?" It's horribly selfish and cowardly of him, but at the same time, it's understandable. Humanity is flawed.
Back in Amestris, Dante needs Gluttony to eat Al to complete the Philosopher's Stone. Apparently Dante designed him to refine red water. However, Gluttony is still BSODing over Lust, so Dante destroys his mind by removing his ouroboros tattoo.
Hohenheim confirms that Dante can't create a Philosopher's Stone on her own.
Hohenheim leaves us with the bright side of Dante's philosophy: you can gain something for nothing too. When a parent loves their child, he says, there need be no cost or reward.
But Ed still clings to equivalent exchange, admitting his only argument is that he doesn't want to believe a sacrifice could go unrewarded. He believes he just has to keep trying.
And then a zeppelin falls on him! He returns through the Gate just in time, but the poor boy he was inhabiting is still certainly dead.
Back in Central, Riza tells Bradley Mustang is after him… why? To get his family out of the way? Bradley goes into the wine cellar to fight Mustang, and the door is alchemically sealed behind him.
Bradley gives basically the same speech as Dante, saying really he's helping people by keeping the Philosopher's Stones from them.
Bradley explicitly says Mustang's fireballs will be less effective in an enclosed space. Thank you!
The Gate takes Wrath's arm and leg, but not the rest of him.
Ah. Ed realizes he used Earth!Ed's life to make the jump.
And now we get confirmation Gluttony killed Marcoh way back then.
Envy has a lot of fun running through forms to taunt Ed.
Alchemy can't be used because the activation of the Philosopher's Stone makes it too reactive. What does "activating" it really mean, though? We haven't seen alchemists need to do anything special to use it before.
Seeing Envy's true form stuns Ed, but… it doesn't look that recognizable? Ed says it looks like Hohenheim, but Hohenheim had a beard, and we just established he was willing to punch his mom's face. I remembered it as him looking like Ed, which would have made more sense. Still, it's a neat reveal. I've heard Brotherhood fans say it's a worse motivation than the one he has in Brotherhood, but, eh, his Brotherhood motivation was clever in theory but felt totally contrived and out of left field. Daddy issues might be cliché, but it's fitting for the more human homunculi, and it makes for a powerful parallel with Ed – further emphasized by them both being his children. I still think it'd have been stronger if we didn't learn it earlier, though.
Also, I do like that Envy violates talking-is-a-free-action to shank Ed while he's distracted.
Dante says Envy was the first homunculus ever created, so I guess Dante and Hohenheim were the first alchemists?
Rose appears to break out of her trance upon seeing Ed die.
Let's update our homunculi list real quick before the last episode:
Greed is wasted.
Lust defects, and is killed out of vengeance for a loved one.
Sloth is paralyzed.
Gluttony refuses to eat, and is made a slave to base desires.
This one is actual irony. He's spent the whole series only caring about eating things, but now, when he's actually ordered to, his human emotions get in the way. He's killed by an absence of gluttony, and becomes the embodiment of gluttony – a slave to base instincts. I find that a lot more clever than "Gluttony is eaten" – that is just so utterly trite and banal, you don't get points for that.
Fullmetal Alchemist Episode 51: "Laws and Promises"
Alphonse breaks free and attempts human transmutation as he sacrifices himself - using what's left of his Philosopher's Stone within him to revive his brother. Envy appears at the Gate of Truth, having failed to stop Alphonse, and encounters Edward's soul. Learning that Hohenheim is still alive on the other side, Envy gleefully decides to head through to kill him against Edward's advice, disappearing into the distance as a green, serpentine dragon. Edward reawakens to see his body fully healed as well as his right arm and left leg are now flesh and blood. However, Alphonse has been taken by the Gate of Truth as a consequence. After having Rosé take an injured Wrath with her and flee to Resembool, Edward attempts human transmutation, offering his own life, allowing Alphonse to return to his body, albeit his memory is recalled up to when the brothers tried to resurrect their mother. Meanwhile, Mustang successfully kills Führer Bradley with the help of his son Selim, who unintentionally weakens his adoptive father by bringing him the remains of the human from which the Führer was originally based. The Führer responsively strangles his son to death out of anger before Mustang takes his advantage. As he takes Selim's body and leaves the mansion, Mustang is confronted by Archer, who apparently shoots him in the left eye. Hawkeye arrives in time to save Mustang's life and kills Archer. Dante escapes into an elevator to find the Führer to help her exact vengeance, only to be devoured by Gluttony, who fails to recognize her. Alphonse is back in Amestris now and Edward is pulled through the Gate of Truth and is currently in Munich. The brothers both resolve to reunite again someday.
Dante snarks that maybe Ed just didn't pay enough to deserve survival – "We always come just a little short of the price."
We actually see Mustang drawing the transmutation circle with his blood. So much cooler than him doing it offscreen!
Al destroys Gluttony's jaw. Gruesome.
Mustang successfully destroys Pride. Since he didn’t use a sealing circle, I’m guessing he really did exhaust all of Pride’s lives. See, that’s acceptable to do once as a climactic cool moment. Notice also that we skipped straight to the end instead of watching him use fireballs for two minutes straight.
Riza saves Mustang by being the only person smart enough to shoot at Archer's human half.
Envy jumps into the Gate in pursuit of Hohenheim, and even manages to shake off the souls trying to eat him. Hardcore.
After the scene with Dante and Gluttony, we see the elevator open to an empty chamber. Creepy.
Ed's lost limbs are restored when he's resurrected, but it costs all of Al's Philosopher's Stone.
Sheska says Amestris is no longer a military dictatorship, but the current wars will still continue. However, they've become more tolerant towards Ishbalans.
Roy has an eyepatch. Just like Bradley! Riza said her outing him and then doubling back was part of the plan, but I'm not sure how or why.
How did Hohenheim get to Germany? The year is 1921, so he somehow survived 7 years even though his body looked to be at its limit.
Ed thinks Einstein's theories are bunk. Heh.
Ed says he planned to offer his life as the price for restoring Al. The fact that he didn't makes him wonder if he got something for nothing.
The ending spiel is a twist on the standard opening spiel: Al recognizes that equivalent exchange is not the law of the world, but he still hopes that hard work will pay off, and that one day they'll be reunited: a promise, not a law.
I think this is a good finale. The cutting around is a bit disorienting – it perhaps might have been better to resolve Mustang's side of things earlier? – but not uncalled for. I like how Mustang is actually challenged and injured in his fight scene instead of just effortlessly coasting his way to victory; he's cool without being overpowered. The final boss fight with Envy is a bit meh, but huge fight scenes were never what I was watching for in the first place (and Mustang vs. Pride kind of has us covered on that front). In terms of how this interacted with and resolved the story's major themes and questions, I think it was excellent. We learn what is behind the Gate, we learn the truth behind alchemy, we get discussion on the theme of equivalent exchange, and the protagonists' driving motive, the restoration of their bodies, is resolved. It's an open-ended finale, but not an unsatisfying one. The villains are defeated, the characters have learned important lessons, and they're going to keep on living.
Mustang's side is probably the weakest part here – Cyborg Archer is really weird and random and seemingly just there to add more tension and battles. His fight with Pride feels a bit truncated since we keep cutting away from it. I'm still not totally clear what his plan was or if it made sense, and it was very dumb of Ed not to tell him how to fight homunculi. I do like that Riza saves him in the end, though.
Ultimately, this is again the rare OG arc that I feel could have been better spread out over more episodes. Getting all the characters into position is rather rushed and relies on a bit of contrivance, and the finale itself feels like it's trying to say more things than it really has time for. But I'm still happy with what we got.
Now, this is more subjective, but I find the dual sacrifices way more emotionally meaningful here. I plan to do an ending comparison post where I will discuss this further, but for now, I think it's very powerful that Al finally has his moment of triumph. He's spent the whole story as a damsel in distress, even getting literally turned into a MacGuffin for this finale, only ever watching helplessly as people make horrific sacrifices for him while he can do nothing to save them. So here and now, he says screw it, for once he has the power and he's going to use it to save the person he loves more than anything in the world. It's so strong that it's an absolute mirror of what Ed did for him, and extremely meaningful that in a series that started with and revolved around the impossibility of resurrection we end with a true one.
But Ed, stupid, stupid Ed, can't be content with what Al gave him and refuses to learn his lesson, so he puts them back where they started. I'm not sure how I feel about that – it makes him into a very stagnant and stubborn character who refuses to learn the narrative's lessons even when they've been so firmly pounded into his skull. The point of Dante's speech, to me, was that you cannot keep throwing good lives after bad – Ed has hurt himself and so many others on this journey, justifying it to himself with sunk cost fallacy. The correct option is to cut his losses and go home, to be happy with what he still has instead of throwing away even more. Even the very fact he planned to kill himself to bring Al back shows he's still ignoring him – Al has said over and over again he doesn't want Ed to do that. Are these brothers doomed to be trapped in an endless spiral of self-sacrifice for the other? But… I gotta say, Al staying dead would have been too much of a downer. They've been through so much that they do deserve a miracle. (There's that stories-as-just-worlds striking again!)
I actually have never seen the movie, so maybe it resolves some of these things! I shall see. But for now, let's complete our list…
Greed is wasted.
Lust defects, and is killed out of vengeance for a loved one.
Sloth is paralyzed.
Gluttony refuses to eat, and is made a slave to base desires.
Envy kills himself out of jealousy.
Pride is killed by his son.
Wrath outlives them all.
An ironic pride death is easy – hoist them by their own petard. This show takes it a step further, and has Pride undone by his namesake. I'm pretty sure it is said somewhere that Selim is his biological child in this continuity, and that the capacity to sire children was one of Pride's human traits. That makes it deeply ironic that the son is the reason he dies.
I never bought Wrath's Brotherhood death as "irony". Wrath being killed by wrath… I don't even know if that's poetic, it just kind of… is. We say those who live by the sword will die by the sword, and for good reason. Wrath dying to wrath isn't unexpected or at all clever. The volatile, self-destructive sin being the only one to live, though? That's irony.
And oh my god you guys Brotherhood!Envy kills himself out of PRIDE not jealousy, he could not have been more explicit about it! Know your sins if you're gonna be smug about what deep symbolism they are!! This one is still a bit of a reach – wrath is a closer fit – but there is a case to be made that he is doing this out of a desire for the connection and satisfaction that other children have yet was denied to him.
Lastly, I think you could make a case that Dante embodies all the sins and is undone by all of them simultaneously. She believes herself above humanity, yet she is easily frustrated, slothful in her attitude towards the homunculi, envious of others' bodies, and greedy, lustful, and gluttonous for life and power. Wiping Gluttony is an act of impatience, frustration, greed, and arrogance in the assumption she could still control him.
Even aside from that, though, this is such a fitting end for her. She's spent her whole life plotting in the shadows, never allowing herself into a position of personal harm, and just as she tries to slink away to do it again she's undone by her own tangled web. Work behind the scenes, die behind the scenes.
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mybestluxe · 3 years
Top 7 Best Red Gemstones| Jewelry Guide
When it comes to coloured gemstones, colour is king. Today, many customers prioritise colour and are less concerned with the actual gemstone variety as long as the stone is durable enough for their purpose
However, it is also very difficult to locate gems by colour, since gemstone dealers prefer to list their accessibility by gem form or gem range instead of gems by colour. Although ruby is normally the first red gemstone to come in mind when most people think that a red gemstones is available, there are many other red gemstones today.
Several red gemstones have not made this list, mostly because of rareness, or may otherwise be ‘red.’ Strawberry quartz, for example, is colourless quartz with red lepidocrocite, hematitis or goethite inclusions, but, since it is not actually a red gemstones, we have not mentioned this. In our opinion, this guide should list only that type of gem.
Table of Contents
List of Top 7 Red Gemstones
1. Red Almandine Garnet Gemstones
2. Red Apatite Gemstones
3. Red Bixbite Gemstones
4. Red Coral Gemstones
5. Red Cinnabar Gemstones
6. Red Jasper Gemstones
7. Red Spessartite Garnet Gemstones
Is Red apatite rare?
Is apatite a gemstone?
List of Top 7 Red Gemstones
1. Red Almandine Garnet Gemstones
Almandine Granate is part of the red gemstones grenade family. The grenade group comprises a broad range of red gemstones; a family of complex, chemically variable silicates, with similar crystal structures. Almandine, or almandite, is the most popular of all grenades, and is also known as the “classic red grenade.” While almandine grenades are very red, they are often dark brownish-red to orange-red and pure rot, since they are seldom found in pure form, norms of other granny forms like spessartine or grossularite.. Alamandine Grenets are not often found with pure red colour. Almandine is known for its excellent like other grenets
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2. Red Apatite Gemstones
Apatite is an unusual and iconic gem, highly sought after for its many vibrant colours, including dynamic red, blue and green. Red apatite is one of the rarer or lesser recognised shades, but it will show a bright red similar to that of the fine ruby if you are fortunate enough to find one. Apatite is surprisingly made of the same substance as our teeth and bones; the phosphate of calcium. While somewhat soft in comparison to many others, its hardness resembles turquoise lapois lazuli and opal which are all most frequently used in jewellery designs, including rings, 5 on a Mohs scale of mineral hardiness.
Apatite is usually untreated and uncommon, apatite gems can also show chatoyancy of cat’s eyes. While apatite prices remain relativ affordable, large clean this red gemstones can demand hundreds of dollars a carat, particularly specimens with an outstanding saturation weighing 5 to 10 carats.
Also Read:- Top 15 Pink Gemstones for Jewelry | Jewelry Guide
3. Red Bixbite Gemstones
Though green emeralds have always been the most common in the Beryl family, red beryl is the rare. In the trade, red beryl is known as bix-bite and is somewhat unheard of by the public because of its rareness. Though emerald is part of the ‘precious 4 gemstones’ elite, red beryl is regarded as one of the world’s most rare red gemstones and is one of the most expensive. Many bixbite specimens have sold ten thousand dollars per carat, but weighing more than 1 carat is uncommon. A bixbite of 2 to 3 carats would be treated as enormous and clean; good cuts would easily warrant high costs.
Bixbite is mainly mined in south-western Utah by the United States Gemstone Mining Company. It produces between 5,000 to 7,000 carats a year, and is known to market the rare red beryl as a red springboard. Some gems sold as red beryls are pezzottaites, a rare red gemstones, however, pezzottaites are not so valuable as red bixbite beryls. They are very valuable.
4. Red Coral Gemstones
Red coral, due to its intense colouration and lustre, is a particularly common and sought after gemstone. It is a member of the community of organic gemstones, including pearl, amber and ammolite, and is grown since time immemorial for decorative use. The majority of red coral gemstones are coral rubrum types, very unique rose to rooted coral varieties. Often called “noble coral,” Corallium rubrum is considered the most desirable coral in jewellery. Also included in this noble coral is the famous ‘angel coral,’ a precious coral pink to salmon.
Often called “noble coral,” Corallium rubrum is considered the most desirable coral in jewellery. Also included in this noble coral is the famous ‘angel coral,’ a precious coral pink to salmon. Coral gemstones are particularly rare and valuable because coral takes millions of years to form. Today, the majority of red corals are dyed or pictorial stones. A traditional term, used as a red granat cabochon, which were symbols of friendship, may also be traded as “carbunctures.” Red coral is also an essential gem of jyotish; referred to in astrology in the Vedic language. Jyotish is an ancient discipline combining mineralogy, planetary scientists from Hindu and Asian.
5. Red Cinnabar Gemstones
Not only is Red Cinnabar a vivid mineral, there are certain peculiar gemological characteristics. Since time immemorial, Cinnabar has been identified and used as both a pigment and a source of mercury by ancient Romans. It has also been used for decorative purposes in South America and China. Generally, it can be found and faced as a vein-filling mineral on rare occasions.
However, it is not always used for gems but is used as a collector’s pier because it is particularly soft (2 to 2.5 in the Mohs scale). Indeed, it normally appears on the bucket list of each gemstone and mineral collector because of its rare and very uncommon properties. Cinnabar has a high and exceptionally dense refractive index. Its particular gravity rate is 8.1; very few minerals are denser than cinnabar.
6. Red Jasper Gemstones
Jasper, which takes its name from the Greek “spotted stone,” is another well-known gemstone member of the vast and diverse quartz family. Jasper gemstones, including red, brown, orange, yellow and green, can be found in a wide range of patterns and colours. In fact, unicolored jasper is unusual because it often consists of up to 20% foreign content. As a result, almost all jasper gemstones are multicoloured and feature streaks, spots or flamelike patterns.
Jasper generally is a variety of chalcedony, but it is graded and divided in its own distinct quartz category thanks to its special grain structure. Jasper stones have many trade names that are similar to those of the agates in many places, but that have distinctive patterns or colours. But none of the trade names are formally recognised, so only the most avid gem collectors use them mostly.
7. Red Spessartite Garnet Gemstones
The big, different groups of grenade gemstones belong to Spessartite garnet. While a number of different grenades, including color-changing grenades and malaya grenates (or malayas), belong to the spessartin species, the actual gemston known as ‘spartite’ usually refers to the fiery orange grenade. A bright red orange, also referenced in the trade as ‘mandarin orange,’ is the most common colour in the spessartite grid. Bright orange-red spessartite is one of the most common garnets thanks to its extremely good hardness and brilliance (7.5 on Mohs scale); the product of the high refractive index.
Spessartite grenets are also used but the samples are eye-clean. It is the inclusions that always make the design of colourful jewellery more interesting. Since spessartite granny was very unusual and almost unexpectedly for use in commercial gems before the recent discovery in Namibia. Its meaning, ‘spessartite,’ comes from former events in the “Spessartine” forest in Germany. In the past, garnets were used as amicable gems and were often exchanged as a sign of love for mates.
Is Red apatite rare?
Although Apatite is an abundant mineral found in many countries, gem-quality crystals are very rare and plagued by erratic production. … Red Apatite was discovered approximately three years ago from a hidden Brazilian site, yet to be revealed.
Is apatite a gemstone?
As a gemstone, apatite is seldom used. Clean coloured transparent stones and cabochon-cut specimens were covered. Cat’s-eye apatite is a known name for chatoyant stones; asparagus stone is a clear, green stone, white stone was called moroxite.
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Saint Vrain New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88133
"Saint Vrain New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88133
Saint Vrain New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88133
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Acting career where do i start?? where is safe and affordable places to live in LA?
Hi everyone first let me just say thank you for your time in advance. I want to move to LA and start my acting career but i have never been in LA so i dont exactly know where would be safe to live and also affordable. Also i wanted to ask about acting a lil bit. I have no experience but i Know thats what i want to do since i can remember but i lived in Germany my whole life and the opportunity isn't really big there and now that im moving to the us I thought why now go after my dreams. After all you'll never know unless you try right... I am 27 years old female I am originally from Ethiopia but i grew up in Germany. I speak 4 languages but thats all i have to offer because i dont have any previous acting experience nor i have never went to acting school. So where do I start??? Any suggestions???? Every advice helps thank you so much for your time again.!!!!!
Is there any way to get my health insurance to cover the cost of a body lift?
6'1 , 25 y/o male, spent the majority of the past 4 years dropping from 430lbs to a current 198lbs. The weight loss has left me with large amounts of sagging skin on my inner thighs, pelvis, abdomen, chest and upper arms. All of these areas are covered in large amounts of stretch marks as well, which leads me to believe these areas will never recover without surgery. Now my chest and arms are not nearly as big of an issue as working out at the gym has started to fill these areas in with muscle, but no amount of situps are tightening the skin around my abdomen, and no amount of leg exercises are firming up my inner thighs. Cardio actually seeems to make the issue worse as I lose even more weight. I've also begun to notice that the more the skin sags around my torso, the more my lower back hurts. Also, chafing on my inner thighs and buttocks makes cardio pardon the pun, but a pain in the ***. I know insurance companies don't like to cover cosmetic surgeries but there has to be something that can be done.Any ideas?""
Has anyone heard of 21st.com car insurance? They gave me a quote that was 500 dollars less than Geico!?
I gave the agent everything on my Geico policy and they quoted me with a 500 dollar six month premium which is less than what I pay for with Geico (almost 1000 dollars!!) Sounds to good to be true. Is it? Has anyone had a bad experience with them? Good experience? Please share.
How much is motorcycle insurance for a 16 year old?
If I'm a 16 year old male in Texas, what would be an average price for insurance on a newer model sports bike 750cc""
I want a car! what car(s)do you recommend to buy for a new driver?
cars that are new (not broken down second hand cars) and come with cheap car insurance for new drivers please help me!
How to find how much my car is worth for insurance purposes?
I was involved in a car crash, legally not my fault - but is still going to come off my insurance. The car is written off and I'd like to know what to expect the insurance company to offer me - and perhaps argue that the car is worth more if I can. Car was a Seat Ibiza 1.4S, Reg no. Y828 TGC. About 128,000 on the clock. In good working order. Five previous owners, part history for three of them. No visible rust. Small dent rear bumper. M.O.T. good for another 4 months. Have already tried a few online valuations, they vary so much I'm not sure they're much good to me.""
Will a Roush 427R Mustang VIN look like a regular Mustang GT on Insurance?
I was looking at a 07 427R mustang. When I called to get an insurance quote she told me the VIN said it was a 07 Mustang GT Deluxe. Is this right? or is it a fake? It has all of the number plates under the hood, including the built by plate.""
What does it cost too get sr 22 insurance?
just need to know a ball park fig
Got a fine for no car insurance.?
I got a fine for no car insurance in nj, but I do have insurance i just left it at home what will possibly happen to me? do you know how much is gonna cost me""
Illegals can buy health insurance now. If they pay the premiums BCBS will sell them health insurance.?
Is that wrong of Humana and Blue Cross Blue Shield and the other Insurance companies?
How much should i be paying for car insurance?
I'm a 18 yr old male...driving a 94 Pontiac Firebird. How much should i be spending? appreciate the help. [ my GPA is 3.6 if that has anything 2 do with it]
What car is the lowest on insurance?
Im in the market for a new car and I need a car with low full coverage insurance payments. Any suggestions? Thanks!!!
Would my car be an insurance write off?
my automatic gearbox has gone on my car and cost of repair is 4000 supplied and fitted this is more than the cost of the car please help
How does being self employed affect car insurance rates?
I was laid off a month ago (I'm actually happy I was because I was not enjoying work at all). I've started my own company, and I mostly work from home and I don't drive very much. My car insurance is up for renewal. It says I drive 1-3 miles to work or school. Should I tell them that I'm no longer employed? Do you think my rates will go down???""
Which companies offer life insurance to clients who have chronic health problems?
I am 37 years old with a diagnosis of lupus (not flaring) with a history of minor kidney involvement, deep vein thrombosis, and high blood pressure. I have been trying to get life insurance but have been consistently denied by the major companies to which I have applied. Does anyone have any suggestions? The only suggestion I received from one company was the hint to purchase Accidental Death and Disability, and if my medical condition worsened, to have an accident . I am hoping for better advice.""
What cars would you recommend for a 17 year old?
Hi, I would like to get a car when I pass my driving lessons. What types of car are cheap, look good, and are of good quality? cars sold in the uk. If anyone has any answers or suggestions, please post an answer, thank you x""
How much is full coverage car insurance under the general?
Im 16, drive a 2005 kia spectra, get good grades and live in az oh and the car isn't red.""
What companies do not offer employees health insurance?
I was wondering what kind of companies do not give their employees health insurance, besides temp agencies? Thanks""
Where is a good place to get an Ohio Health Insurance Quote?
I just moved to Ohio and I need health insurance. I used to Live in Florida and I had Humana but that seems expensive here. Where shoudl I get health insurance in Ohio.
Car insurance on a Mustang gt?
I'm a male, 19, years old going on 20 next month.. I'm wanting to save up for an older model (1999-2003) Mustang gt. I know there are different kinds of auto insurance agencies around but can someone maybe give me a rough estimate of how much i would have to pay each month for my own insurance? I've had no accidents or tickets/ felonies ever since my driver's license have been issued to me.. And i drive about 15 miles to work one way and 20 miles to college one way. Thanks!""
Do older cars cost more for insurance? I was thinking of getting a bmw m3 2002 or 05.?
or for my 1st car should i just get a infinity? cus someone told me for those cars insurance is like 220 a month!!
How much will Insurance cost me?
I'm 16, and I want to buy the 2012 Ford Mustang GT. I live in a nice area where the auto theft is low. I live in nothern Ohio if that makes a difference. And my parents are not paying for my insurance. Can any 1 give be a ball park estimate on a 16 year old with a sports car?""
""How much will it cost for liability insurance for property maintenance, residential construction and masonry?""
I have just registered my business. This business specializes in residential property maintenance, residential construction and residential masonry. I would like to know approximately how much I will need to put down for liability insurance that would cover me if anything was to go wrong. I have no employee's and no vehicles to add on. I want to only be covered for liability. Thank you very much and I hope to have a better understanding on this matter soon thanks to you!""
SHould i trust AIS insurance broker co.?
I just got an auto insurance quote from AIS and they gave me $250 for 6 months for my 1999 ford. that's like $44/month for a 15000/30000 liability insurance and it is through MERCURY insurance co.... should i trust this and go with it?? i currently have GEICO paying $545 for 6 months
When is an insurance company going to come along who cares about careful drivers?
my car insurance quote has just arrived, the price has gone up by 80 from last year the year before it went up 20. I suppose it was the all the snow we had which caused extra claims. but I have never made a claim in the last 15 years and that was when someone ran into me. why should we keep having to pay for these mindless idiots who cause these increases, why cannot insurance companies talk to each other and triple or quadruple persistent offenders untill they have gone without a claim for 3 years instead of keep hiking up the insurance of careful drivers. well this is the last straw for me.I am selling my car, a stripey punto 2 years old with 4,000 miles on the clock. what should I get for it.""
Saint Vrain New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88133
Saint Vrain New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88133
""Does anybody know where to get a cheap 50cc twist and go moped, with cheap insurance?""
Does anybody know where to get a cheap 50cc twist and go moped, with cheap insurance?""
Car Insurance(state farm) hit & run accused of hitting a object?
i was driving on the freeway tunnel(day time) when i noticed the guy driving on my left-side merging into my lane and struck my right fender,so when i get to the end of the tunnel to wait for him the guy simply drives off.I then call my ins and claim a hit & run etc. i gave them the details they say they'll fix it.3 months later i come to find out that they are claiming it's my fault that i hit a object or a guard rail or wall how can i go about this and fight it.the rep that help wasn't any helpful at all she said she re email a letter stated it was my fault and how to fight it. any help will b appreciated !!! i also i asked the lady if i can show pics of a cars that have been into collision with object i even told her it would be pics of my car(not actually my car) but u know what i mean she said they only go off what they see""
Will a new insurance company looking into rates know of a ticket which hasn't been sent in guilty or not yet?
I recently got a ticket for failing to drive in the correct lane, but I haven't sent it in guilty or not guilty yet. And now I am looking into car insurance rates. Will the insurance company know I got the ticket?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance you have found for Louisiana?
We by far are one of the highest rated states in the US. I am looking for ways to save money and I am sure this is a good way. What company works for you?
A question about car insurance.?
My girlfriend hit a small deer about 6 months ago, it did not do much damage, I called the insurance company and asked them what to do, they asked me what it did and then told me it probably was not worth it since she we have a 500 dollar deductible. Well today I took it in and got the oil changed and asked how much the headlamp was to fix so they looked at the car and told me that deer did about 1500 in damage. Is there anything I can do or am i screwed?""
Is it illegal to drive a car thats not yours without insurance?
I need to know if it is legal to drive someone elses car even if i dont have car insurance but the owner of the car does i dont own a car but my half brother does and lets me use it the only problem is i don't have insurance is it still illegal for me to drive this car i do have a valid license this is in Ohio
Whats the best practical car or van insurance wise for a banned driver?
I was banned from driving due to a dr10 conviction and rest assured i have heartedly learned my lesson from this experience. My question is im looking to get my life back on track and so was wondering if anyone would know whats the cheapest practical car or van insurance wise for say if i wanted to start a buisness or just best overall. When i say practical i mean at least something that could pull a trailer as i e been told a 1400cc would be inadequet. Im 22 with no no claims bonus so i know its gonna be hard but any info appreiciated. Please no lectures i know what i did was a stupid incident but i truly have learned from it.
""Would something like an older, heavier car get me a better insurance rate? Any insurance lowering tips also?""
I'm a 16 year old teen guy (I know, I know) and I'm getting a car. Would an older, heavier model of car, like a large van or something, reduce my incredibly high rates? Looking an an out here. I don't have enough money to pay for it all. Any insurance lowering tips, besides drivers ed and good (already qualify) would be great.""
How much auto insurance should I carry?
Is it true that depending on your net worth, you should get more or less auto insurance? I'm a college student so I only work part-time and only have a modest amount saved up. The value of my car is about $4000. Right now I have 50000/100000 for injury, 50000 property damage, and 50000/100000 for uninsured or under-insured motorists. I have no comprehensive or collision coverage. I can not afford those. But liability wise, am I good or would it be OK to buy less or should I buy more auto insurance? I am not on my mother's insurance policy because with her being in another state, and the car being garaged with me, it's not worth it and I'm not sure if it's possible""
License suspended because of no insurance?
What happens after that? I live in California and I couldn't afford insurance then but now I can. Question is will i be able to get my license back if I get insurance immediately or will I have to reapply for a new one and pay back fines which add up daily?
How much would car insurance cost me as a teenager?
Now i heard that the insurance is riduclous for teenagers these days. Im planning to buy a mazda sportscar worth around $25000. around how much should I be ready to pay for my car insurance a year... btw the insurance must be SUPERIOR insurance meanin the best insurance .
Does wreckless driving increase your insurance cost?
my friend was donutting
I want to buy a car insurance on my own and i am 18 years old.?
I want to buy a car insurance on my own and i am 18 years old. and i am going buy an used car (130,000miles). I get just have my driving license. i am a no experience driver. I live in EDISON NJ 08837, is it possible my car insurance is high than $2000/ year?""
I want to start a health insurance company how would I go about doing that?
I want to provide people with an affordable insurance that will also pay fair rates to the pharmacies and hospitals. I used to work for a pharmacy and saw how if the customer got a good price on a drug then the pharmacy got screwed over and vice versa. This needs to change, please help me make that change.""
When selling your car without insurance and tax?
just bought a new car and want to sell my old one, but is it ok for someone(buyer) to have a test drive if the car has no insurance and no tax? and then drive it home as well""
Will my auto insurance rates increase if I put a claim in for the theft of my keys?
My purse (along with car keys) was stolen a few weeks ago. I called Toyota to get an approximation as to how much it would cost to replace the keys (just over $350 for a remote and transmitter key). My mom (I'm still under my parent's insurance) contacted our insurance agency and they said they would cover it and our rates would not increase. I figured the car should be rekeyed too since the thieves had my address. I went to Toyota to get a written estimate - they were having trouble printing off a written estimate and wrote it on a card - rekeying would be just over $350 so keys+rekeying = just over $700. My mom sent my dad today to get it written on company letterhead, etc. and he came back with an over $2,000 estimate - it looks like they actually want to pull the locks out and replace a computer??? So my mom is saying we're not putting in a claim because our insurance rates will increase (even though no one has said they would increase) in the meantime I have to worry about my car being stolen (I have a club on it), people going into it, etc. So, typically, would one's auto insurance rates increase after putting in a claim for theft? Does it make a difference if it's $700 or $2,000? I would just figure the insurance company wants your car to be as safe as you do so you don't have to claim even more for a stolen car.""
How much does it cost to get insurance on a motorcycle?
whats the average cost? do you know the cost in vancouver, canada?""
When looking for car insurance..do I need a car to find car insurance?
I am planning on buying a cheap used car. I dont have it yet so I dont know the make and model yet. Also..is it better to say I got my license at 16? or at 22? Why do they ask all this? What is a good price for car insurance for a 22 yr old full time college student with a 2.98 gpa, im also a part time worker. i only make around 400 bucks a month. Can even afford it?""
Cheapest car insurance for 18 year olds?
I know the rate is different for everybody but what do you think the best insurance company would be for me? I turned 18 in December, I've had my license since September of 2010, no ticket, accidents, etc.. and I drive a 98' Honda Civic.""
What are the average car insurance yearly rates for a teenager in Chicago with Good Grades?
What are the average car insurance yearly rates for a teenager in Chicago with Good Grades?
Why do people think I haven't looked hard enough for affordable health insurance?
On a political blog I mentioned that as an equity partner in a law firm I paid Aetna $12,000/yr for parent-child coverage because law firms require the partners that own it to purchase their own coverage. We received the rates that companies with approx 100 employees are charged. I also paid a share of what the firm contributed to employee coverage, which came out of profits Conservatives jumped all over me for failing to shop around. I had failed to mention that we switched from Blue Cross to Aetna for cheaper rates in exchange for greater rationing, i.e., less participating doctors, higher co-pays, etc. Can somebody recommend a reliable insurer with lower rates that Aetna?""
Dented vehicle? How much more is no deductible auto insurance?
some time ago I dented my car as a result of backing into a pole and I have never gotten it fixed because I cant afford the deductible and I have been with the same insurance company since that time so is it ok to just change to a no deductible insurance policy and than maybe report it and have it fixed-I'm not trying to be dishonest-Im sure I would be just paying the difference for having no deductable monthly. Also, is there even a time limit to report an accident? I dont even know the exact date, but I was with the same insurance company""
Will my insurance go up in missouri if i get a speeding ticket for going 15 over the posted speed?
will my rates increase? i was going 60mph in a 45mph zone.
Where can i get cheap auto insurance in mass ?
OK. So I'm basically a new driver only got my licence about 3 months ago and now I'm buying a car. I am 20 years old and don't know if I am going to pay like 400 a month cause that's insane. Does anyone know a cheap auto insurance company or any where, where I could get help?""
Saint Vrain New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88133
Saint Vrain New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88133
How much will car insurance cost if I decide to buy a 2000-02 Chevy Corvette?
I have a clean driving record; I have never been in an accident, no tickets, no nothing. I'm not saying its true but I heard from a friend that it cost about $500 a month for car insurance for the vette?""
Why won't my insurance company let me transfer our No Claims Discount to a different car/policy?
We have been insuring our Audi with the Co-op, who I've generally found to be reasonable. However, now we have a problem. A couple of months ago we bought a van with the intention of replacing the Audi with the van. But the van needed some work doing on it, so we took out a second insurance on the van with the Co-op, so we could still drive the Audi. At the time, I was disappointed to be told that we could not have a No Claims Bonus on the van, as they said it could only be applied to one policy at a time. But they gave the clear impression that when we cancel the Audi insurance, we could then transfer the NCB to the van. The Audi has now broken down, so we want to cancel its insurance. However, yesterday when I called them, they now said they cannot transfer the NCB to the van as it would be being transferred 'mid-season' to a different car policy. They said they could only have applied it to the van if we had changed the original Audi's policy to cover the van, instead of taking out a different insurance policy for the van. This seems ridiculous. Surely, we are entitled to our NCB?! Why should it matter that it is mid-season or not? I explained that if I cancelled our insurances with them and went to another company, I would be given a NCB on the van so why won't they give it to me. They agreed! I really don't want to change, as I don't trust other companies and the Co-op seem more ethical than others. But this seems so stupid. To get round this silly rule without changing company, I'm thinking of cancelling the van insurance and changing the Audi insurance to the van, ie. do what they said I should have done in the beginning. What do you think?! (Also, is it ok to keep the Audi uninsured, given that it cannot be driven, but is parked on a public road?)""
Car insurance help for a young driver?
I'm looking to buy this 2002(51 reg) 1.6L Volkswagen Beetle Hatchback. I'm a new driver and have looked everywhere for a cheap insurance quote. I'm just wondering whether the insurance will go down by much after my first year driving? thankyouuuuu x
My car insurance wants to void policy?
I have a ford fester 3 doors that is insured with more than. My dad has a stroke and was getting worse as my mum or dad cannot drive I got a Peugeot 206 with 5 doors so that it would be easier for my mum and dad to get in and out of the car when taking them shopping, I also use the car when my partner is using my ford fester. My son (NAME DRIVER) uses my Peugeot 206 to go to and from college this is 3 days a week. Out of 7 days a week my son uses my Peugeot 3 days to do to college they are the only days he uses it. I use it the rest of the week. My son had a crash on the 30/09/2010 on the way home from college. The crash was not his thought as the car had just pulled out on him when the other car should have stopped. The car that crashed into his span the car around and smashed into the side of him, where the car has impacted him side (DRIVERS SIDE) the seat belt locked so my son had to climb out on the seat belt and get out the passenger side as the drivers door was smashed him. We have a witness and CCTV of what happened. When we called the insurance company (MORE THAN) they asked what happened and my son told them. They then said they will be in touch. That night we had to go to hospital as he is really has back, neck and wrist pains. It has not been 27 days since the crash and since then we have found out that we have been investigated for fraud has they are saying we lied about the amount of car in our house hold. My partner has 1 work van, 1 car that is on a classic insurance, and then I have 2 cars. When taking out the new insurance policy for my Peugeot I only said I have 1 car and that was the ford fester which I did, however is I was doing a new policy for me in my name I didt know I had tell them about other cars that my partner has. Now they are saying the under writer have sent u a letter saying if you pat 550 we will add the other card onto the policy and also change the name over to your sons name and u can say he is the main user. HE ANY THE MAIN USER 3 DAYS A WEEK HE USES IT THEN I USE IT THE REST. So they are kinds of bribing me? I own the car and brought it with my money and on the car registration document it says my name So if I say ok I will pay u the 550 the car does not belong to my son Cox it dont say his name of it.""
How Do I Get Medical Insurance...???
In my situation: I'm 16 and covered under my mother's insurance through the state because she has a disability- I'm moving in with my self-employed father who's covered by his wife's insurance (which is through her job). When custody get's switched over, I'm no longer covered by my mother, and my dad doesn't have his own plan. Since no one can afford 700 dollar bills every time I get a sore throat or tooth ache, what the hell should I do? Advice PLEASE.""
""My car was totaled, can I haggle with the insurance company?""
My car was totaled and the insurance is only offering me $11,500, but the same car (year/make/model) with same mileage on it ranges from $13,500 - $15,000 in my area. Can I haggle with them to give me more? I have not yet accepted the $11,500, I tried to tell them, but they keep saying they won't give me more, shall I ask for a supervisor, I don't know if insurance companies are starting off low and you can drive it up a bit?""
""I have no insurance and I need help on OCD I'm in Phoenix, AZ please help.?""
I have no insurance and I need help on OCD I'm in Phoenix, AZ please help.?""
Is a subaru wrx a good car for an 18 year old?
I'm 18 and I'm thinking about buying a wrx. It has 150000 miles with maintenance history and was run on high octane gas... seems to be mechanically taken care of. It needs a new paint job but I don't mind the project. Is it hard to drive this car on 5spd for people who have minimum manual experience? (i can drive a manual but I haven't had much practice) I plan on taking care of it and running it easy. How much does insurance increase if there's a lein in the car? Is it difficult to transfer leins? Car has 6600 left on lein and its a 2003.
How can I make my car insurance quotes cheaper?
I am a 21 year old, married, female driver; with no ncb and a fresh license (only just passed). I'm looking to buy a Fiat Panda 2004, 1.2L automatic (insurance group 2)...the cheapest quote I've found for this car is 1300 and that was using moneysupermarket.com I've tried other search engines such as compare the market and go compare; and insurance companies like diamond and sheila's wheels and have been quoted anywhere between 1600 and 3000! I've also tried adding my husband or my mum to the policies, but this only increases the price... Can anyone recommend any other site or insurance company to try? And please don't just comment to criticise on my choice of car as I'm not interested. Thanks :)""
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
Is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
Isn't this the same as health insurance?
The company that I just got hired at gives me the following benefits: Medical, dental and life insurance. What do they mean by medical ? isn't this basically health insurance? And do you think this is a good benefit?""
Will the insurance go up?
My boyfriend drag races his bike for fun. But the one race he got hurt. His brother offered to ride it home for him, since we didn't have a trailor. His brother wrecked it on the way home. But since it wasn't my boyfriend driving, will his insurance go up?""
Insurance quote for my car?
I looked all over the place and insurance is very expensive or me. I am 17 years old. The car is a 1998 Mitsubishi eclipse gs 2 door. The car is under my moms name. I am currently under state farm and I qualify or the good student discount and safe driver discount on another car. I am currently paying 400 dollars for that car.
How much is an MRI without insurance?
How much is an MRI without: insurance, for the left leg, & in NY.""
How much does is cost to become a driver in the UK?
I'm weighing up the pros and cons of learning to drive over my reliance on public transport. I want to take account of everything, (insurance, cost of average car, etc). I figure 20 for provisional license. About 800 for lessons (40 x 20), plus another 150 for the test, 50 for the theory test. What other things do I need to consider each year? (I'm approximately 30 years old, if that matters)""
Car Insurance?
Ok so my Car Insurance is due 9th Feb, ive had my quote through from Direct Line and I wanna stick with them... Thing is though, Im waiting to start receving incapacity benefit as i am really unwell and unable to work at the minute..so i cant afford it until my benefit starts coming through My car is taxed until June My question is, can i cancel my insurance and keep the car parked outside my house, but obviosuly not drive it, until i can get the insurance OR do I have to inform DVLA and declare my car as off the road?? Many thanks! xxx""
What insurance company is best for self employment health insurance?
I am thinking about becoming self employed. What company offers the best insurance policy for self employed people?
""Hi, i am due to renew my car insurance and HASTINGS ESSENTIAL is the cheapest, i want to put my dad?""
on the policy and my current insurer wants an extra 73, whilst hastings will put him on for less than my renewal quote for just me, i am currently with ECAR and it costs 1 a minute to phone customer services, if any one is insured by hastings or ecar i would love to hear your feedback, many thanks, Dan.""
How can I get discounts on auto insurance?
I want to know more about auto insurance discounts. I would like to reduce costs so a discount will be nice.
How is the Mitsubishi Lancer GTS classified by most insurance companies?
I've been researching insurance quotes in preparation for buying a new (used) car, mainly for various sporty compact sedans. When I got to the 2010 Mitsu Lancer GTS, I was pretty appalled at how much higher the quote was than the others, like the Subaru Impreza and Mazda3 Sport, despite having extremely similar horsepower, speed, safety features and crash test ratings. Is it considered a sports car or something? Does it get lumped in with the uber-expensive Evo because of the word Lancer ?""
Insurance for pre- existing condition?
My friend was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor, she has scheduled a MRI for march and then they will determine whether she can go through surgery. The problem is she had recently exchanged jobs (just prior to the tumor news), and apparently cannot be covered with her present Insurance company as her condition is pre-existent. Now, the tumor is located in the fourth entricle of the brain (where the spinal/cerebral fluid is housed). She will probably need Chemotherapy. Can she be re-insured or covered by a different plan.? Can a single mother qualify for medi-care instead? She is in TX""
What is the Best & cheapest insurance in Texas?
I drive a 1989 Toyota Camry, I just go to and from school (less than 2 miles away) i only drive the car like Mon. & Wed. and yet i have to pay like 150 for car insurance, in 6 months of paying, i pay what my car is worth. So i wanted to know is there any cheap insurance i dont care if they suck or anything like that, i just want something below 100 dlls. so please tell me which insurance you use and how much you pay a month that would really help. Thank you in advance -Angela""
I need to find the best car insurance!?
I'm looking to buy car insurance on an 04 Chrysler Sebring. I have been in a few accidents so I know finding it cheap will be a little hard. But I'd like to go as cheap as possible, what would you reccommend ? I'm just looking for opinions :) I'm 19 if that matters .""
Insurance for honda civic?
Does anyone no how much insurance is for a Honda civic, I am 17. Do i have any hope of getting any?""
Car insurance and speeding points?
Hey, when I was 18 I got 3 points for speeding. It is coming up to 5 years since I got them and when doing insurance quotes it always says 'any speeding convictions within 5 years' I was just wondering, dees that mean once it has been 5 years, that I won't have to declare them anymore? and will they completely disappear from my driving record/license? Also, please no replies saying 'grow up, dont speed etc. I know, which is why I grew up and haven't for 5 years. Thanks.""
Saint Vrain New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88133
Saint Vrain New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88133
How much would it cost if i put full coverage on a 2007 Nissan Altima?
I want to buy a 2007 Nissan Altima 2.5s and want to put full coverage on it. I want to know how much or approx how much would it be? and whats the best insurance out there that wont cost too much each month. geico? the general? farmers? progressive? Please respond back!
How much will it cost to run a car in the UK (17 Years Old)?
I know insurance is a good 4-5k but how much does it cost to run (Fuel, Etc.) I have a job and I work about 15 miles away.. I drive about 100 miles a week and I work for 5 days during the week. Any help will be appreciated!""
What car to get for my first that will be low on insurance?
How much for the car and insurance it will cost me ?
How will this speeding ticket affect my insurance?
I got a speeding ticket. The insurance is under my fathers name. Will the insurance price go up because of MY speeding ticket?
Anyone know any companies that provide really cheap insurance for uk drivers?
Anyone know any companies that provide really cheap insurance for uk drivers?
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deducatble do you have? Feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance and do you support obamacare?""
Why is auto insurance so expensive?
I am 17 years old and male, I'm also about 3 weeks from 18. I recently got a quote from Geico on a 97 Ford Explorer and they returned with $280 A MONTH for minimum coverage! My question is: -Are there any other options that would be cheaper than 200? Possibly around $100 to $150? -Would being added to my family's plan be cheaper? My dad owns a mustang and we also have a Ford Explorer, is Geico going to charge more even if I don't ever drive the mustang? -What can I do too get a cheaper quote? I can't afford nearly $300 a month! -I'm almost 18, Male, A Senior in High School, Currently Employed, Have average grades, Never had a DUI, car accident, and never been arrested. I'm not married as well. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks! -Shawn""
Car accident will his insurance pay for the rental?
I got hit by a Semi the police came we exchanged insurance info I got estimates faxed them to his insur and they paid me but now the Body shop guy say's its gonna be a week to fix ...show more
I have insurance for a car I had for 6 days. The insurance co. says it's a total loss. They gave me a value?
Audatex is not kelly blue book they look at craigslist & not the dealer. Craigslist sometimes has cars where a mechanic might not catch it but is damaged. The price I paid is higher due to getting sick & credit went down so I had to go to a local dealer with higher interest. They want the insurance check plus $1700.00 & interest. So I will pay for this thing for over 1 1/2 years. I had it 6 days when some crazy driver almost hit me I turned & hit a wall. The insurance company says I loose my good driver discount. Since I will have to wait to pay off this car I can cancel my insurance once the dealer gets the check. Is there any California law that would say if this happens I would be able to pay off the car. It's worth more as a loss then to try to fix it. Please help. Thank You.
What's the cheapest business car insurance company?
There are different business car insurance companies, I have heard Erie insurance is one of the best ones, do you know of any other companies that might be better or similar? thanks""
Young drivers - What is your insurance?
Hey there! Im an 18 year old male , and to get insured on a 1999 1.0 GLS Vauxhall Corsa it will cost 3000+ a year! Am i doing something wrong , what kind of car should i look for? (that quote was from Gocompare.com). So yeah , young drivers what is your insurance , what is your car and insurance company? Thanks""
I was driving without proof of insurance.?
The cop pulled me over for speeding but did not cite me on that charge. He just cited me a fix it ticket for not having proof of insurance in my car. I am insured and have a card to prove it. I am a minor in California. Will I have to go to court on my date or can I do it earlier? What will happen to my record? What will I have to go through? thanks
""I have a NJ DUI, How much will my insurance go up?""
I got a dui in NJ, no accident involved, how much will my insurance go up per month, if i pay 168 per month now? I would like some personal examples, etc.""
Can my husband's employer to force him to pay for and enroll in company's insurance plan?
My husband received a letter from their corporate office stating that in 2014 all employees will have to enroll and pay premiums for health insurance on their plan and that if they ...show more
Why do people buy insurance?
is it for saving or protection of life? What are the reasons that motivate people to buy insurance?
""How much would it cost me for motorcycle insurance in toronto, ontario?""
I'm 16, going on 17 in march, and have my G1. I have a 1984 Honda cm250 custom that has been sitting in the garage and I've decided I'd like my M1 as well. Before I get it I was interested in how much I would be looking at paying for it per month/year. It would be used for pleasure, to get to and from school, and the odd day to go driving, probably less then 12 000km a year. If there's any info missing I'll gladly add it in. Here's all the info on the bike: Years Manufactured: 1982 - 1984 Category: Classic, Custom Engine & Transmission Engine Displacement: 234.00 cc (14.28 cubic inches) Engine Type: Four Stroke Twin Horse Power (kW): 17.00 (12.4) @ 7500 Compression Ratio: 9.4 : 1 Compression Pressure: 170.7 psi (12.0 kg/cm2) Bore x Stroke: 2.09 x 2.09 in (53.00 x 53.00 mm) Valves Per Cylinder: 2 Fuel Control: OHC Ignition System: CDI Cooling system: Air Gears: 5 Number of Plain / Friction Plates (cutch): 6 / 6 Transmission Type / Final Drive: Chain (1982, 1984) Belt (1983) Weight (including oil and gas): 317.5 lbs (144.0 kg) Top speed: ~75 mph (120 Km/h) Fuel Efficiency: ~50 mpg, city (21 Km/L) Engine & Transmission Front Wheel Dimensions: 18 in Rear Wheel Dimensions: 16 in Front Tire Dimensions: 3.25S18-4PR Rear Tire Dimensions: 110/90-16 59S Front Tire Pressure: 25 psi (1.75 kg/cm2) Rear Tire Pressure: 25 psi (1.75 kg/cm2) Rear Tire Pressure (>200 lbs): 32 psi (2.25 kg/cm2) Front Fork Travel: 5.5 in (140 mm) Front Fork Oil Capacity: 4.56 fl oz (135 cc) Rear Fork Travel: 2.9 in (75 mm) Front and Rear Brakes: Expanding Brake (hub) Engine & Transmission Spark Plug Type (NGK / ND): CR7HS / U22FSR-U Electrical System Voltage: 12 volts Alternator Output: 190 watts @ 5000 rpm Fuel capacity (total): 3.3 gal (12.5 lit) Fuel capacity (reserve): 0.4 gal (1.5 lit) Oil Capacity 1.6 qt (1.5 lit)""
Questions about insurance in NJ?
I just got my probationary license in NJ, and have a couple of questions about insurance. My parents have put me on their insurance plan and today i was given two POI cards-- one for each of their cars. Now, the problem is that I mostly plan to drive my grandmother's car. She lives with us and is getting to the point where she does not drive much anymore. She was told by her insurance company that i do not have to be put on her plan because we live in the same house, but i'm just curious how i would go about proving that i am insured if i ever got into an accident in her car. Can i just hold on to a copy of my POI from one of my parent's two card (in my wallet) to show a police officer, or do I need something specifically for that car? Thank you for the help :)""
How much would a jeep commander insurance cost if you have state farm?
I was wondering how much would the insurance cost and what is the average pay for insurance?
A break in car insurance between my old and new car?
Hi, Tomorrow my current car insurance with my S reg corsa is due to expire at 12:00pm (Noon) now I have decided not to bother renewing this as tomorrow night I am going to buy a new car for which I have already put down a deposit. Now I have been told I cannot insure this new car now as I don't own it yet, but im worried that if my car insurance has a break in it then it will affect me - I currently have 2 years no claims and don't want to loose this - does anyone have any knowledge of what happens in the situation? Also with me not being able to insure the car until i own it, how do i go about getting the car back home from the showroom? Please helpppp""
What are some affordable nationwide health insurance plans in New /Hampshire?
looking for health insurance for my husband and unborn baby.
Do i have to keep paying insurance on a scrapped car? My insurance runs out in August.?
I am planning to scrap my car next week but my insurance runs out in August. Am I legally expected to continue paying for it or can i cancel it?
Who's responsible for rental car insurance after an accident?
Last month my car was run into in a parking lot while I was shopping. No question who was at fault. We exchanged information and I contacted their insurance company. Their insurance agreed to pay for all repairs and the rental. However, they did wouldn't pay for the insurance on the rental, claiming it is my responsibility. I only have liability, so the additional insurance cost $8.99 per day, in the end I had to pay $360. I'm wondering if now I can take this to the people who hit me, since if they had not hit me, I wouldn't be out $360. Could I demand them to pay it, maybe even take it to small claims?""
What is the cheapest car insurance you can get for young drivers?
What is the cheapest car insurance you can get for young drivers?
How can I lower my insurance rate?
I got a speeding ticket back in july of '04. My insurace went up recently. I am past the traffic school time. I live in CA. Is there anything I can do to lower my rate increase
What cars have cheap insurance for a teen?
Not looking for some online thing with only a couple new cars. In YOUR experience what cars have the cheapest insurance? Right now I'm looking for any beater as looks really don't matter too much as I'm only gonna pay like $500 or a little more depending on the car and only going to drive it for 3-4 months or so (unless its a classic) because with the job I am getting next month Ill be able to afford a much nicer car and insurance in no time. I got a quote for an 03 civic si coupe at 400 bucks a month (while on my dads insurance) I am 17 and thats too much for me right now heck i could buy an old beater civic for that much. So I'm thinking going back as 90's and up (I'm all for classic cars but I dont think the insurance will be any less because they think all old cars have massive and fast motors and are death traps. I like this 87 monte carlo ss that isnt too old but again the insurance sees ss and adds another $100 -_- ) theres also a 76 camaro with a 305 that I really like and its already yellow! (bumble bee anyone?) though i dont know how the insurance would be for that. It's just a regular one as there was no z28 option in 76. Now I'm thinking what about the early 90s civics such as the hatch? though I would guess insurance would still be high because they are easy to steal see my frustration no matter what cheap car i think of insurance finds a reason to skyrocket rates What cars can you recommend me that I can get for a grand? cheap insurance and cheap gas would be good too but if the fbodys arent too bad on insurance then i dont care about the gas.
Saint Vrain New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88133
Saint Vrain New Mexico Cheap car insurance quotes zip 88133
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smoothshift · 6 years
Alternate history of motoring - part 2 (1956-60). via /r/cars
Alternate history of motoring - part 2 (1956-60).
Time for another one.
Part 1 - https://www.reddit.com/r/cars/comments/8dzd4k/alternate_history_of_motoring_1st_part_195055/
World events:
The Franco-South-Vietnamese anti-Vietcong offensive continued. However, in May, Chinese soldiers joined the war, turning a smackdown of the Vietcong into a stalemate on both sides.
The US was urged to join the fighting, but its populace did not want another war. It didn't help that the new president-elect, Richard M. Nixon, pledged not to do that. His election also meant that the Interstate Project would get defunded, and the space program - closed.
In April, a plot to assasinate the 1st Secretary of the Soviet Union Communist Party, Lavrientiy Beria, was discovered. As a result, Nikita Khrushchev, Georgiy Malenkov and Vyacheslav Molotov, the triumvirate behind it, were executed.
With no competition in the Party, Beria started a policy of liberalization. Moderate freedom-of-speech laws were established, a lot of spending was moved from military projects (including the cancelled space program) to civilian ones, and small enterprise was allowed.
However, this resulted in the "Months Of Fighting" in Mideastern Europe. On 24th October, anti-commjnist demonstrations in East Berlin turned into outright fighting and a revolution. Insurgents started attacking the government buildings, and they soon got support from the American, French and British troops in the city, as well as aerial supplies from these nations. In December, West German, French and Austrian soldiers joined the insurgents in GDR.
November brought figting in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary. Each nation had a different outcome. After a week, the Polish government decided to start conferences with the rebels - the decided outcome was that there would be a parliamentary election in 1957, with the Worker Party candidates getting a guaranteed 50% of seats. Two weeks later, the Hungarian goverment tried to flee Budapest, but they were captured and imprisoned, and the rebels took over. The only place where fighting continued was Czechoslovakia.
The Red Army didn't intervene in these cases, as Beria strongly believed in his "socialism in one nation" principle.
In December, street fighting began in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. It was still ongoing by the end of the year.
Also, talks about the European Economic Commonwealth, European Atomic Commonwealth and Euro-Arabian Oil and Gas Commonwealth continued.
1956 was a wild year for the US car industry.
As a result of opposition to Mexican manufacturing, strikes shook GM, Ford and Chrysler. This resulted in delays in car production, and the 1957 model year having trouble arriving at the dealers. In fact, Holdens, Opels, German Fords and Borgwards had to be imported from Europe.
This was a golden opportunity for the UAM, as their union stopping meant there weren't such delays. They launched a campaign, "If the Big Three won't make it, we will", in which customers who cancelled their Big Three car reservations were able to get discounts for their cars. This made UAM #2 in US car sales, right behind GM.
Another boost to their reputation was the Packard Florida, a V12 GT coupe/convertible with torsion bar suspension, another handling world-beater after the Talladega.
The new Holden/Chevrolet/Pontiac/Oldsmobile/Buick and Ford/Mercury compacts, as well as their performance versions, were well-received by the press, but what do reviews matter for cars that you have to wait long for, and then receive them badly-built?
The UK had quite a few important events on the car scene.
Rolls-Royce-Bentley showed their answer to Delahaye and new US fullsizes, the Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud and Bentley S12, V12-engined unibody luxury sedans, which were immediately dubbed "the new global standard"
The Lotus 6 got a Lotus-built engine, giving better performance than the previously-used Jaguar ones, and, more importantly, not coming from a defunct brand.
The MG MGA was shown, a "reasonably-priced" mid-engined sports car, using the new Oxford/Magnette's mechanicals.
However, most importantly, the Hillman Imp, a transverse FWD small car designed by Alec Issigonis, showed up. It sold very well, and outshone the new GM small car, the Vauxhall Cornet, as well as Ford, Austin and Morris designs.
Also, Morris' decision not to update Lanchester and Daimler designs was a bad one, with sales of these brands going down.
New French designs also surfaced, in form of the Citroen 16CV, an innovative V8 luxury sedan, the Renault 3, a small economy car, and the Simca 700, the 3's competitor. Also, Bugatti showed the Type 312, which managed to go up to 286 km/h.
The German car market was limited at the end of that year, due to fighting, and the Wartburg 311 had to have its production start delayed.
In that year, the Portugese automotive industry started, with the PAF 1300, a diesel family sedan, entering production. Spain pledged to do a similar thing.
That year's LeMons victory went to Citroen, with its purpose-built LM56 winning the race.
Hino started producting the 500, a licensed 4-door version of the Fiat 500. It became a relative sales success, owing to its low (for non-kei-car standards) price.
Also, by that year, all 5 Japanese carmakers were making pickup trucks around 1600cc - that car type really took off.
World events:
The French and Southern Vietnamese got the upper hand in Vietnam in June, thanks to the deployment of the first French nuclear bomb on the Vietcong and Chinese forces. The increased war effort in France, as well as metal from the scrappage scheme, also helped the French, to the point where by the end of the year there were only a few Vietcong/Chinese holdouts.
In Germany, the Allied offensive continued, and by June, Berlin was taken by the capitalist forces. Next month, the German states reunited under the Federal Republic, and the capital was moved to (somewhat damaged) Berlin.
The forces moved to Czechoslovakia, capturing Prague, the government seat, in September.
In January, protests started in Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria and Romania. While the Albanian and Yugoslavian goverments stopped theirs, next month, the rebels captured the Romanian goverment, and the Bulgarian communists gave a similar compromise to the Polish one, but with them taking a guaranteed 30% of parliamentary seats and the president, in March. Surprisingly, in the July elections, the Bulgarian communists won 32%. In Romania, the postcommunists got 25% and lost the presidential race.
February saw the Soviet government give up and plan independence referendals in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Disappointingly for the Soviets, the September voting showed that all three republics wanted independence.
In April, elections were held in Hungary and Poland. In Hungary, the postcommunists were banned from competing, and their leaders arrested, despite protests. In Poland, the Workers' Party had to use its guaranteed 50% of seats, as they get 21% of the vote, and their opponents had their presidential candidate, Edward Raczyński, chosen.
The European Commonwealths talks were set back by the need to discuss all the potential new entrants.
In America, a new party, the Patriot Party, springs onto the scene, demanding import tariffs, right-to-work laws and continued segregation.
In the same country, the Global News Network, a 24-hour news station, came to the market in October. Despite comments like "who the hell wants to watch/listen to the news all the day?", its success surprised everybody, with BBC in the UK even announcing the idea of BBC News, a similar concept.
As GM, Ford and Mopar cancelled Mexican manufacturing plans, the strikes eased up. Still, there were a few setbacks in the introduction of new GM, Ford and Mopar fullsizes, with GM now joining the unibody club and ditching Pontiac due to low sales.
The UAM's gains weren't reversed, and it kept its #2 spot even after the introduction of the new fullsizes and the Willys Eagle/Studebaker Corsair/Kaiser Vigor/Hudson Roamer midsize line.
Still, GM had a few new tricks up its sleeve. The new FWD Cadillac Eldorado showed Delahaye that Americans can also build sporty luxury sedans, and the LaSalle line, comprised of the Series 40 (rebadged, more luxurious Opel Kapitan with a LaSalle V8) and Series 50 (a V8 FWD car, drawing a lot from the Caddy Eldorado) drew many import car customers. The new Chevrolet Corvette, a mid-engined supercar, used stock Chevrolet mechanicals to create a relatively affordable supercar. Finally, there was the Chevrolet El Camino, a midsize coupe utility for those upgrading from Holden and Ford utes.
Chrysler decided to show the benefit of their full frames by making a line of three coachbuilt Imperials, the Saoutchik Roadster, the Vignale Coupe and the Park Ward Saloon. Despite the cars' high prices, the whole project lost money. It didn't help that quality troubles had put them low in sales and in the red.
Ford, meanwhile, showed two new sports cars. The Thunderbird was a mid-engined supercar, similar to the Corvette, and the Mustang was a Taunus-based 2+2 sports car, topped by the TRS version, a Lincoln V8-powered NASCAR homologation special. The company also launched the Edsel brand, which, despite similarity to Fords, sold relatively well, and entered the diesel market with their new V8 and I6 diesels.
As street-legal cars were seen as not good enough for NASCAR any more, the series allowed carmakers not to make homologation specials and have non-street-legal parts. This made the 1957 homologation specials gain value from the dealer gates, especially in case of the Ford Mustang TRS, 1957's NASCAR winner.
The German car market of that year was quite small, due to the war. In fact, the lost sales made NSU file for bankruptcy - the company was bought by Ford for its production facilities.
Meanwhile, in France, the small car market boomed, thanks to a scrappage scheme similar to America's 1954-5 one. However, the wartime "blacked-out" trim and saving made bigger cars a bit less popular, causing Citroen to delay the GT's market entrance and giving Peugeot financial problems.
In the UK, Lanchester and Daimler showed new cars. While they were good designs, the improper build quality was bogging them down.
The Italian car market showed substantial growth, allowing Lancia and Alfa Romeo to stay independent. Lancia showed the Monza, a smaller, V6 alternative to the Stelvio.
Meanwhile, foreign automakers started setting up shop in newly-capitalist countries, and AWZ, Skoda and FSO were getting ready for entering Western markets.
The Zaporozhetz ZAZ850, a small sedan with a 850cc engine, is released to great popularity, and as per govermental pledges, efforts are made so that demand is fullfilled.
In LeMans, all the major companies now had special LMP prototypes, with the Alfa Romeo C57 being the winner.
In Japan, new car licenses were bought - Isuzu went into a joint venture with Citroen,making the 4CV and 6CV, Toyota got a license for the Plymouth Belvedere and Nissan began making the soon-to-be-discontinued Mercedes-Benz 190.
World events:
The French colonists and Southern Vietnamese managed to quash Vietcong forces and assume control of the entire nation by February. Still, Northern Vietnam was left devastated by war, and the South is not much better.
At the same time, the independent republics of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia were established, and protests against communism started in the Karelian part of the USSR. Protests spread across the country, and Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia declared independence. Finally, on 10th October 1958, the highest officials of the USSR were captured and arrested, and the country was turned into the Russian Republic, with an election scheduled for 15th March 1959.
However, this caused the start of independence movements in the other non-ethnically-Russian parts of the country. While most of these protests were stopped, Ukranians, Belarussians and Tadjikistanians were still protesting by the end of the year, and ZAZ factory equipment was being moved to Niznyi Novogorod, where GAZ was located.
Meanwhile, in America, the ideas of continued segregation, import tariffs, union busting, isolationism and balancing the budget - the Patriot Party program - were getting more popular. In fact, many representatives and senators started promoting them, as Mexican and Asian outsourcing started taking US jobs.
In Europe, the economic cooperation talks continued. There were some issues - the sides were divided about accepting the former Eastern Bloc, and Arab countries wanted freedom for Algieria if the whole thing was meant to include their oil.
All of this was beneficial to GNN, which was doing 24 hour reporting on the events. The foreign events were reported on in a quite low-tech pre-satellite way - recorded on tapes and then sent by plane to the company's NY headquarters.
Seeing the need for that and the defunding of state space programs, Lockheed Martin started a department that was meant to take part in commercialization of space.
Volvo started working on its own factory in the United States. This was big news, as it was the first time a foreign company would open their own factory, not a joint venture, in the US. Meanwhile, despite all the political developments, which made UAM think about giving a larger role to US manufacturing, VW started working on one in Mexico.
Brazil also had new developments - UAM and GM factories opened there. Ford set shop in Chile, while Mopar's Brazilian assembly kept being constructed.
Meanwhile, Jeep began making the RJ-6, a closed SUV placed in size and equipment between the CJ-5 and Studebaker truck-based "station wagons", and based on Studebaker trucks. It became a great success, placing UAM above GM in sales for 1958. In general, it was partially due to cheap Mexican manufacturing, and partially due to their emphasis on quality.
During the RJ-6's tests, UAM testers noticed that the SUV was faster around the snowed tracks than actual performance cars of the brand. This made them work on 4x4 systems for road cars.
Seeing the relative success of the other Big Four brands' diesels, GM began work on theirs.
Meanwhile, Chrysler's financial troubles kept on happening, despite the release of their new compacts.
In the UK, the new Austin A30 and Rover P5 became sales successes in their classes, thanks to good engineering and quality. Also, Hillman released the Imp S, which,,thanks to its good handling, was a rallying success.
Lotus released the 7, another supercar, with a high-revving DOHC V8 engine. It was very fast, thanks to its light weight. TVR built a similar, but bigger, car, the 5800, using a Mercury V8. The car wasn't that fast around corners, and couldn't break straightline speed records, but was more comfortable than other mid-engined supercars, and had a 2+2 layout. It showed other makers supercar buyers want comfort, too.
The European GT market boomed - Lancia, Alfa Romeo, Bugatti and Citroen all got into the market, with Bugatti's car being the fastest 4-seater of the day.
The more plebeian segments also were doing well, and some of the new cars, the new Hotchkiss Avanta and Opel Olympia, even took their good performance to the US market. Diesels kept proliferating, with more brands offering them.
Luxury brands had some new stuff, too - Hotchkiss revealed the new 4200, meant to rival the new Rolls-Royces, Daimler reworked its entire product line, from the BMW 1200 to the Mercedes-Benz 400RS, and Rolls-Royce-Bentley showed the RR Silver Seraph and Bentley Continental, smaller I6-engined sporty sedans/coupes/convertibles.
The former Eastern Bloc cars weren't selling badly in the West, but the low prices necessary to sell them in the postcommunist world necessitated low profit margins.
Also, in Spain, SEAT started operating with the 1300, a midsize diesel wagon, and began exporting it to other European countries.
UAM signed a joint venture agreement with Nissan, offering them licensing for some of their cars, while Nissan would sell UAM cars through their dealerships in Japan and other Asian countries.
World events:
While the Russians gave Ukraine and Belarus independence by March, the Tadjikistanian figting was turning into a war. What's worse for the Russians, nuclear bombing your own territory was viewed as a rather bad course of action, so that wasn't really an option, and the new parliament was divided as whether to continue the war.
Besides that, Armenia and Azerbaijan had their own war - since April, they were fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh. Two months later, India and Pakistan started another mountain war by fighting over Kashmir.
In September, a rebellion against British rule started in Rhodesia. However, the Brits used their new nuclear weapons against the rebels, which, after the US said they would do that in their territories, and France said the same, was a deterrent for anti-colonialists.
A month later, the US government made it legal to fire workers without a reason, which was seen as a deterrent from another wave of strikes.
Besides that, European negotiations ensued, and Eastern Bloc getting into the integration, as well as Algieria becoming independent, was starting to be the dominant roadmap.
The change in labor law made US automakers resume the construction of factories in Mexico.
Chrysler's financial and quality troubles continued, and the company started seeking some goverment aid. However, the US government declined all appeals for a bailout. While they managed to sell Borgward to VW as unprofitable, it did nlt help the company as a whole.
The company was unable to follow new trends, which the other makers could. The Chevrolet El Camino found competitors in the Ford Ranchero and Studebaker Compostela, while the Ford Mustang was rivalled by the Chevrolet Camaro, Oldsmobile Angeles and Studebaker Sportsman.
After a few years on the market, the Packard Talladega was updated, now more daily-drivable, following the TVR-originated development on the sports car market.
In the UK, Rover released the T5, a mid-engined 2+2 GT using the 3.7 performance version of their new V8, which had its less powerful variant, a 3.2 one, show up in the P5. Austin-Rover used its earnings to buy Triumph and Jensen.
With many new 4-stroke developments rendering DKW and Saab's 2-strokes outdated, both companies started falling intl financial insolvency.
Volvo, meanwhile, showed the new Philip, an I6/V8 luxury car, to the world. It became quite successful, and part of that success was in its 3-point seatbelts, which Volvo made sure to patent, despite the inventor's qualms.
It faced fierce competition, with the latest rivals being the new Opel Kapitan/Admiral (the latter being Opel's rebadged LaSalle 40, joined by the Diplomat, an Euro version of the LaSalle Series 50), Peugeot 504, Alfa Romeo 2700 and Lancia Flaminia.
In Italy, Ferrucio Lamborghini started working on a luxury car company that would try to outshine Delahaye, Rolls-Royce, Daimler, Mercedes-Benz and the US makers.
Eastern Bloc brands were falling into financial troubles, as their products had trouble competing against new, and even used, Western cars. While Skoda, Tatra and Russian brands weren't doing that badly, and AWZ was not far behind, Poland's FSO was in real trouble, and started unofficially seeking a buyer, with the new Syrena underperforming.
China's people's car program was cancelled again, and the focus was moved to creating a luxury car.
Japan's goverment decided to allow free creation of automotive brands, and it quickly ensued. The first new company was Subaru, with a kei car (200), a cheap and low-quality (typical car for Japan) pickup truck - the Sambar and a licensed version of the recently-replaced Ford Anglia.
The Egyptian goverment announced the start of its "national car" efforts, therefore prompting the start of independent African car industry
World events:
After monts of fighting, the Tadjikistani rebels finally surrendered in July, and Russia started regaining control over the area. The fighting in Kashmir remained unresolved.
However, a revolution broke out in Cuba in May, and it was important in the presidential race. While the ruling Republicans managed to somewhat appease Patriot Party voters by abolishing minimum-wage laws, the revolution was used by both opposition parties as a sign of the Republicans' weakness.
The 1960 election was a three-horse race between the Democrats, Republicans and Patriots. However, none of the parties attained a majority of electors, so after a brief constitutional crisis a second round was held in December, in which Harry F. Byrd (P) managed to beat John F. Kennedy (D). The fierce race was an opportunity for GNN, which now had enough domestic events for 24 hours of news.
Algieria was given independence as part of European Commonwealth talks, which entered the "fine legal details" stage.
With all-new fullsize, compact, midsize and truck designs from GM, Ford and UAM, new sales records were broken, although the coffers of all brands were exhausted, and the situation benefitted the lenders to all of them.
UAM's four-wheel-drive systems in their fullsize and midsize cars, while having opened up to rather slow sales, started picking up by the end of the year, partially due to good reviews and rally performance.
Meanwhile, Mopar's troubles continued. They didn't have money to show new generations of cars for that year, and it showed - their cars looked a bit old and overstyled, compared to the sleek 1961 cars, trucks and SUVs of the Big Three.
In Brazil, GM's Brazilian wing started working on a cheap pickup truck, a car that would satisfy the developing country.
Also, Nash went bankrupt that year, and its factory in Kenosha was bought by GM.
The new Triumph Herald/Austin A40 twins and the Hillman Husky, both equipped with FWD, shook the British compact car market, and the Austin A20 did the same in subcompacts. This, together with the Hillman Imp, started showing European automakers FWD was the way forward.
VW already had the memo. The new Type 4, a compact liftback/wagon, as well as the subcompact Polo hatchback both had front transverse FWD, and they quickly started taking the market over.
In France, Citroen showed the new 2CV and 4CV, both FWD, but they were traditional fastback sedans with longitudinal engines. Meanwhile, Peugeot started reengineering the 404 prototypes to be FWD, and Simca did the same with 1300 and Aronde ones.
In Italy, Fiat, Lancia and Alfa Romeo merged into the AMI conglomerate, despite the new Alfa Romeo Alfetta and Lancia Stelvio supercars keeping the brands' competition. The new corporation began merger talks with Chrysler.
In the Eastern Bloc, the only companies with good fortunes were the ones in Russia, thanks to a large and booming domestic market. The others, while selling enough cars to get by, couldn't get good profit margins.
In the newly liberalized car market of Japan, Honda and Mazda sprung to the scene, both offering new kei cars. New brands weren't having that much trouble, thanks to the booming economy.
In India, Hindustan showed the H1, an inexpensive pickup truck. It quickly entered production, and most of early ones went to the Kashmir front, as there were relatively few private buyers for such stuff in India back then.
0 notes
philatelicdatabase · 8 years
Air Mail Stamps: Made to Fly
I rather like Air Mail stamps of the world, used on airmail covers (of course), which logically is why they were issued. The sight of the familiar blue and red bordered airmail envelope emits a subliminal message, evoking images of distant, beckoning, exotic places. For me, at least.
Collecting Air Mail stamps has been a popular pursuit in Philately, particularly since the 1930s, by which time most countries had issued a stamp, or series, primarily dedicated for use on the rapidly developing airmail services. The more adventurous included covers carried on inaugural airmail service flights (“First Flight Covers”), which may or may not have been franked specifically with “Air Mail” stamps.
Over the years I’ve met a number of Air Mail stamp enthusiasts, although strangely none who collect those same stamps used on commercial cover. That’s a pity, for this is a rich field for specialisation. Airmail rates varied depending upon such factors as distance, and the rates were often volatile, rising or decreasing with fluctuations in demand, for example. Material on the whole is reasonably available, although it can take some effort to track down. But, hey, that’s the fun in such collecting, and often when material is found it can be pleasantly affordable; comparing relative scarcity with corresponding stamps mint or used (off cover).
This month I’ll feature commercial covers bearing Air Mail stamps from a variety of countries. I’ve selected series’ which have a number of stamps; most lend themselves admirably to goals such as development in to a one-frame or greater exhibit. Ten of the twelve subjects are to Australian destinations, to add a little familiarity.
For 2009, why not surprise yourself and take up the challenge of collecting one or more subjects in this field? You may well end up with a collection which is a best-of-kind, without having to go broke in the process.
Figure 1. Ancient meets modern in this stylish series of 21 from Egypt
Egypt between 1933 and 1938 produced an ambitious bicoloured series of Air Mail stamps, many in vibrant colours. Figure 1 provides an indication of how a usage collection featuring these stamps would be a joy to behold. This 23 June 1937 use from Simon Arzt, a department store in Port Said, with it’s own Post Office (!), bears the 90m, 5m and 40m, making up the 135m airmail rate to Australia. Destined for Inglewood (Qld), it arrived at Brisbane 1 July, which indicates it was on board Imperial Airways’ service IE 559.
Figure 2. Switzerland: Art Deco design elements for the inaugural Air Mail stamps
Commencing in 1923, Switzerland produced a series of 13 Air Mail stamps. Unmistakable elements of Art Deco predominate for the stamps in this series; the “Pilot” featuring in the 35c and 40c would not be out of place in Fritz Lang’s classic Metropolis (1927). Figure 2 has the 45c, 50c, 65c, and regular issue 30c, making up the 1f 90 second weight step airmail rate (5-10gms) to Australia. It left Lugano 27 April 1936, and endorsed “Londres – Karachi”, would have been conveyed on Imperial Airways’ service IE 335 to Karachi, thereafter by QANTAS to Darwin, arriving Melbourne 10 May.
Figure 3. Skill of the Engraver to the fore in Czechoslovakia’s superb 1930 series
Featuring a variety of aircraft, the Czech set of eight Air Mail stamps issued in 1930 (a 30h followed in 1939), is certain to delight lovers’ of recess-printed stamps. Figure 3 provides an indication of what to expect, containing as it does not less than half of the original set. Here a 5k, 10k, 2k and 50h make the 17k 50 third weight step airmail rate (10-15gms) to Australia, departing Bratislava for Sydney on 14 January 1939. There is no arrival datestamp on reverse; I speculate that this article was on Imperial Airways’ service SE 75, which arrived at Sydney 25 January.
Figure 4. Sudan’s handsome series of 12 probably for the more ambitious
Another fine recess-printed series, Sudan’s 1932-37 Air Mail stamps, featuring Statue of General Gordon, is probably not for everyone. Material is not easy to come by, certainly not addressed to Australia. Figure 4 is; a 20 January 1932 cover from Khartoum to Canterbury (Melbourne). The 5m, 10m and 2p paid the 2p 15 rate for airmail to Cairo only, thereafter entering the surface service to Australia. Imperial Airways’ IE 148 would have provided the airmail service leg.
Figure 5. Unusual design, vibrant colours from Bulgaria
Designs for Air Mail stamps can be imaginative; they were often intended to convey mail to other countries, and national pride no doubt brought out the best in designers. The Bulgarian Air Mail set of eleven issued between 1931 and 1938 probably resembles no others. Figure 5 is an 11 November 1935 item from the remarkable correspondence to Henry B. Smith, a Wool Broker in Melbourne. That material came on the market only in the ‘nineties, prior to which prewar airmail to Australia from Bulgaria, and various other former Eastern Bloc countries, was very scarce indeed. Airmail items to other countries, for this series and others featured, are generally more readily available than those to Australasia. The 1 l, 30 l, 20 l and 2 l x2 pay the 55 l airmail rate to Australia. This likely was the second weight step airmail rate (5-10gms); I have a 35 l, presumably first weight step. Sent via Athens, the arrival in Melbourne was on 3 December.
Figure 6. Exotic designs from Thailand; we would expect no less
Figure 6 contains seven of the eight stamps of Thailand’s 1925-37 Air Mail series, featuring the “Garuda” Bird, suggesting the recipient may have been a stamp collector. However, the postage rate of 1b 10 is correct for 60s airmail + 50s registration fee, so we’ll give this the benefit of the doubt as being “commercial” use. From Bangkok to Gympie (Qld) on 17 April 1931, this article was carried on the KLM service to Batavia (Dutch East Indies), arriving 25 April, thereafter entering the surface mail, received at Brisbane 23 May.
Figure 7. Striking Air Mail series’ from German Third Reich era
The 1934 Air Mail stamps of Germany comprised two designs. The 5pf to 100pf (nine values) featured the striking Golden Eagle, Globe and Swastika, the 2m and 3m Count Zeppelin and Airship Graf Zeppelin. Very Third Reich, and Figure 7 is very representative of the era; the stamps were used in Austria during Germany’s annexation (“Anschluss”) of that country. This 12 August 1938 registered airmail Vienna to Sydney bears 10pf, 100pf x2, 25pf, and 2m. The aggregate franking of 5m 35 was for 45gms airmail to Australia (4m 05) + registration fee (1m 30).
Figure 8. From Yugoslavia’s very fine 1937 Air Mail series
Airmail to Australia from Yugoslavia prior to WWII is rather scarce. That changed after the war with the huge migration intake. Figure 8 is an early wartime airmail of 11 March 1940 from Belgrade to Sydney. This was carried by Imperial Airways, from a late service for IA became BOAC on 1 April 1940. From the 1937 Air Mail set of eight (two further denominations appeared in 1940) we have the 50p, 5d and 20d, a total of 25d 50, which I believe represented 21d 50 airmail + 4d registration fee. Here and elsewhere, some of the rate comments are deduced from material I have access to; I apologise in advance if I have misinterpreted.
Figure 9. QANTAS, BOAC, Japan Airlines convergence?
Figure 9 is one of the two items featured which are not destined for Australia. This is close enough, being from QANTAS office in Japan, to that in Singapore! An 8 November 1952 solo use of the 160y stamp from the 1952-62 Air Mail set of eleven (with slightly revised designs from the 1951-52 series), this paid the fourth weight step airmail rate (40y x4). Interestingly, the Air Mail label was that of BOAC, suggesting this QANTAS inter-office item was carried by the opposition. The Aeroplane over Mt. Tate subject stamp presumably features a Japan Airlines plane; JAL was formed in August 1951, and the original series featuring this stamp appeared in September 1951. An unusual convergence of three airlines in one item, if I’m correct.
Figure 10. Art Deco interpretation of “Mercury” from CuraÇao
More reminiscent of a character from a 1930s Flash Gordon novel, the very individual designs of the stamps in Figure 10 are in fact a representation of the more widely known “Mercury”. The series of 13 stamps in this series seldom made their way to Australia; mail communication between the Netherlands Antilles and Australia has always been minimal. This 12 August 1941 item from Willemstad to Brewer Racket Co (maker of tennis, squash, badminton racquets) in suburban Melbourne, bears the 45c, 1g 40 and 60c stamps from the set, and was censored both in country of origin, and upon arrival in Melbourne. The rate of 2g 45 paid for full airmail service by KLM.
Figure 11. “Pegasus” an infrequent visitor to Australasia
One of the great designs in Air mail stamps must surely be that issued by Uruguay in 1929. I’ve not been able to locate an example of this stamp on an item to Australasia, and we’ll have to settle for one to Germany, shown as Figure 11. The pair of 30c denomination should be adequate to confirm the wonderful design. Sent from Montevideo to Berlin via France, the rate of 62c was for the basic airmail service. No less than 36 stamps (!), plus subsequent surcharges, make up this series. Latin America is the king of Air Mail stamp series’, and material is generally plentiful and inexpensive. Three years ago I decided to build a portfolio of pre-1940 Latin American commercial airmail covers, exclusively by selecting attractive items on eBay and placing a maximum bid of US$10. This proved to be a successful formula, and winnings began to flow in. I couldn’t believe how such attractive, exhibitable items could be so readily obtained, and for such a low average entry price, which ended up closer to US$6 than to US$10. After a year or so I focused on unrelated acquisitions, returning only recently to this former activity, in order to see if market sentiment had changed. To the extent that material remained reasonably plentiful, nothing had changed, but the average entry price by my reckoning had increased to around US$15, from US$6 two/three years earlier. I can’t help but think that as supply becomes absorbed – it is finite after all – the average entry price for this material will continue to increase. Latin American commercial airmail material is one of my most highly recommended collecting fields.
Figure 12. Festooned U.S. Air Mail stamps to lubricate one’s taste
We’ll complete this introduction to Air Mail stamps with the U.S., which has issued it’s fair share of such stamps. They’re quite attractive, and reasonably available. The differential between used on cover, and off cover, at least in my Scott Specialized Catalogue for 2000, suggests that Air Mail stamps used on commercial cover are one of the great bargains in World Philately. For example, in my catalogue, the 1918 16c is 35c used, and 55c used on cover, the 24c is 35c used, 75c on cover. I doubt if this anomaly is a reality in the market place, but I’ll make a point of finding out. I’ll buy such items on cover all day long at such bargain prices! Figure 12 contains three different later issues from two series’, the 10c and 20c (x7) from the 1926-27 set of three, and the 50c (x4) from the 1935-37 set, also of three. A 30 May 1941 use from New Orleans to Brisbane, the aggregate $3.50 postage paid the fifth weight step airmail rate (2-2½ozs.) for the “China Clipper” service. Censoring during wartime took place upon arrival at Brisbane.
Air Mail stamps can have a lot going for them in the visual stakes. Would you agree? When on commercial postal articles, they can take that attribute to dizzying heights (pun unintended). Good luck with your Philately and in general for ’09.
Rod Perry has been a philatelic trader since 1962. He founded Rodney A Perry Auction Galleries (now Millennium Philatelic Auctions) in 1971. As a collector he has exhibited nationally and internationally. Rod prefers his used stamps on cover and likens taking a stamp off its original cover to converting a tree to woodchips.
For more information please visit Rod’s website The National Stamp Gallery.
Air Mail Stamps: Made to Fly was originally published on Philatelic Database
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junker-town · 8 years
Canada and Mexico now need to qualify for the 2021 World Baseball Classic
Monday’s Say Hey, Baseball looks at a tough weekend for USA’s neighbors, the ruthless Rob Manfred, and the high cost of the heater.
Listen, we know it’s tough to catch up on everything happening in the baseball world each morning. There are all kinds of stories, rumors, game coverage, and Vines of dudes getting hit in the beans every day. Trying to find all of it while on your way to work or sitting at your desk just isn’t easy. It’s OK, though. We’re going to do the heavy lifting for you each morning and find the things you need to see from within the SB Nation baseball network, as well as from elsewhere. Please hold your applause until the end, or at least until after you subscribe to the newsletter.
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Canada and Mexico have had teams in every World Baseball Classic thus far, but that might not be the case in 2021 after their respective showings in this year's tournament. While the top two teams in each pool advance and the third-place team earns an automatic qualification for the next WBC, the last place team in each pool is dismissed entirely, and has to earn their way into the next main tournament through a qualifying round played the year before. That's how Colombia, Australia, and one of this year's most signficant WBC successes, Israel, made it into the 2017 tournament. And it's how Canada and Mexico are going to have to get back to the World Baseball Classic, as they are the last-place clubs in their pools.
Mexico is out because of the way standings are calculated in a tie-breaker scenario: while they defeated Venezuela 11-9 on Sunday, the WBC uses runs allowed per defensive inning to determine who gets to play in a tiebreaker game. So, out of the three 1-2 teams in in Pool D, Mexico had the most runs allowed per defensive inning, and they'll be the ones who have to win their way back to the WBC in 2021. Meanwhile, Italy and Venezuela will play on Monday for the right to join Puerto Rico in the next round. This won't be Mexico's first qualifier, either: they had to win their way into the 2017 tournament by defeating Germany, Nicaragua, and the Czech Republic, but unlike Israel, their journey stopped in round one.
As for Canada, their elimination comes amid an identity crisis. The future of Canadian baseball is bright, and yet, Team Canada's manager, Ernie Whitt, decided relying heavily on retired MLB veteran Ryan Dempster was the way to go against a stacked Team USA lineup in a win-or-go-home affair. Canadian stars like Joey Votto didn't participate, and while Canadian baseball players are talented in their own right, it's harder for them to hide that kind of loss that teams like the US or Dominican Republic could shrug off thanks to depth. Maybe being outright eliminated from main tournament play will be the wakeup that Canadian players and coaches need to build the team that finally makes it to round two of the WBC.
Jose Bautista's surgically repaired shoulder seems pretty alright on Sunday when he one-hopped a throw to Welington Castillo and kept the walk-off Colombian run from scoring. The Dominican would later win this game seven-run 11th.
The WBC employs different rules from the 11th inning onward to save pitchers, who are on a pitch limit in the tournament. So, Japan and then the Netherlands had two baserunners on to begin their respective halves of the 11th inning, and it was Sho Nakata and Japan that capitalized on the gift.
While Canada and Mexico will need to win their way back to the WBC, Team USA advanced to the second round and will get another shot at the Dominican Republic.
Ian Desmond was hit by a pitch in the fourth inning of a spring training game, and the Rockies announced preliminary tests revealed a hand fracture.
The Mercury News recently published a feature wondering if all this high velocity is to blame for the rash of pitcher injuries.
Michael Baumann writes that Rob Manfred is a ruthless negotiator, and that's bad news for the players. This is a tremendous look at Manfred's background and capabilities.
Ken Rosenthal doesn't want to say any two country's fanbases should act the same, but the WBC has made him wish American fans showed a little more joy in their day-to-day.
If you collected Donruss baseball cards, you might be pronouncing your childhood wrong.
The Red Sox have rotation depth, but David Price's recent scare and Roenis Elias' injury are reminders things change in a hurry. Enter Hector Velazquez.
Chris Tillman suffered a setback in his return from a shoulder problem. The Orioles have options to replace him, but none are exciting.
It's time for the Yankees to determine their window.
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