#red mercury company
Since 1992, Roteschemie has been manufacturing / producing red mercury 20/20 258 99.9999999% (N9) and (N5), silver liquid mercury, and Caluanie Muelear oxidizers in Germany. Roteschemie is the oldest German manufacturer of red mercury, with 83 employees and sales of 9.5 billion euros in 2021. This article summarizes the company's services, products, and certifications.
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cazshmere · 1 month
12th House Synastry and the Blockages Faced in the Relationship (Planet Overlays)
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DISCLAIMER‼️: This explanation is mainly from the perspective of the planet person, but the feelings and experiences described might also resonate with the house person. Both sides may find some relevance in these observations. Please note that this focus is solely on the negative outcomes of these synastry placements. There are undoubtedly beautiful and positive elements that can arise from these connections as well so take these with a grain of salt. These are just my personal observations and are meant for entertainment purposes only; it may not resonate with everyone due to the nuances of astrology. Please respect my work and avoid copying or stealing it. Enjoy reading!!
Sun ☀️ : With this synastry, the Sun person feels that their true personality is restricted or blocked. They don’t understand why or how the house person perceives them in a way that is far from who they actually are. Sensing the house person’s apprehension towards them, they might try “switching personalities” to appeal to or be accepted by the house person, driven by a need to please them. The Sun person feels misunderstood and is unsure why the house person doesn’t see them the way they want to be seen. The sun person could also be some sort of enemy disguised as a friend to the house person.
Moon 🌙 : With this synastry, the Moon person’s true feelings and intentions may seem hidden or concealed for various reasons. The Moon person might feel the need to put up a front to appeal to the house person and gain their acceptance. This can also manifest as the Moon person harboring negative feelings towards the house person but pretending to enjoy their company, reflecting the restriction of their true emotions. This dynamic can lead to a lack of genuine emotional connection and increase misunderstandings. A lot of jealousy also comes into play with this synastry
Mercury 🗣️ : As I'm focusing more on the negative side of this synastry, I have to point out that this is a major red flag placement 💀💀. Communication, which is crucial in any relationship, is significantly blocked here. The Mercury person might withhold their thoughts and intentions due to fear of how the house person will react. This could also involve the Mercury person bad-mouthing the house person or even snitching on them, while putting up a front and pretending to be all buddy-buddy with them. With communication being a barrier, this can also manifest as a language barrier or misunderstandings between the two, leading to further communication problems.
Venus 🩵 : Ahh, the planet of love being in the 12th house 😭—very iffy. With this placement, love is literally blocked in this synastry due to unfortunate circumstances. This could mean that the Venus person doesn't know how to be lovey-dovey with the house person and ends up being rude, though in a more playful way, as Venus tends to be gentler. The Venus person might feel that the house person won’t accept their love and as a result starts “teasing” or “playfully bullying” them as a subtler way of expressing themselves. Since the Venus person can’t externally express their love, they turn these feelings inward, leading to the creation of fake scenarios. In these scenarios, they are genuinely expressing their love for the house person, and what plays out in these fake scenarios is what they actually want to portray in real life but are somehow unable to. The venus person also feels that the house person might not understand the way they love and that’s why they end up not expressing themselves openly and that’s where unrequited feelings and love occurs. You will never know unless you try right?
Mars ❤️‍🔥 : Lmao, this one is the most interesting! As we know, Mars is the planet of initiation and motivation. When Mars falls in the 12th house, it blocks any chance for progression - be it physically, mentally or emotionally. Mars is a very instinctual planet, and being placed in the 12th house can lead to confusion about their true instincts. The Mars person might doubt themselves and try to pull back to avoid overstepping any “boundaries”but the mars person often takes the idea of "overstepping boundaries" a bit too literally and ends up not making any move at all. Contact is blocked. This has to be one of the worst synastries because if contact itself is blocked, how can a relationship even be formed? It blocks all the areas such as the development of love, feelings, communication, etc.
Jupiter 🧿 : This placement is comparatively easygoing, but as we focus on the hindrances in this synastry, it can present some challenges. Jupiter represents expansion and abundance, but when it falls into the 12th house, it amplifies themes related to spirituality, mysticism, spirituality, etc. While one of Jupiter’s natural traits is the art of bringing joy and luck into wherever it lands, this can manifest as the Jupiter person bringing immense joy and luck to the house person. However, the Jupiter person might come across as excessively optimistic, which the house person may find confusing or overwhelming. This difference in outlook can leave the Jupiter person feeling let down because the house person doesn’t share their perspective or beliefs. As a result, the Jupiter person might hold back their optimism and viewpoints to better ‘connect’ with the house person on a higher level.
Saturn 🪐 : With this synastry, discipline and structure are blocked. The Saturn person may feel off balance and unstable when they’re with the house person. The house person might have a very fluid and mutable way of living, which is probably something the Saturn person struggles with or entirely opposes. However, with 12th house synastry, there is often a need for pleasing and acceptance from both parties. As a result, the Saturn person might bend their own rules and try to go with the house person's “flow,” but they won’t feel comfortable doing so because it creates a sense of imbalance in their life.
Neptune 🧜���‍♀️ : This placement is quite tricky and can be confusing. Neptune, the planet of dreams and illusions, falls in the 12th house, which can block a clear sense of reality. The Neptune person might find their ability to perceive the house person’s true nature clouded, leading to misunderstandings or unrealistic expectations. The house person may feel like their true self is hidden or misunderstood, and the Neptune person could struggle with setting clear boundaries or distinguishing between fantasy and reality. This can create a foggy dynamic where both parties have a hard time grasping the other’s true intentions and feelings.
Pluto ⚡️: This placement can be intense and transformative, but it also comes with its hurdles. Pluto is all about transformation and power, and in the 12th house, it blocks the ability to fully experience or enact personal change. The Pluto person may find it difficult to navigate deep transformations within the relationship, leading to feelings of being stuck or unable to evolve. This can manifest as unresolved issues or hidden power struggles. The house person might struggle to understand or support the Pluto person's need for transformation, leading to a dynamic where growth feels obstructed and hidden tensions simmer beneath the surface.
Uranus 🛸 : This placement brings a unique set of challenges. Uranus represents uniqueness and innovation, but when it falls in the 12th house, it blocks the ability to fully express or embrace individuality. The Uranus person might feel stifled or unable to showcase their unique qualities in the relationship, leading to feelings of frustration or alienation. They might struggle with feeling accepted for who they truly are, and their innovative ideas or unconventional traits could be suppressed. This can cause the Uranus person to feel disconnected from the house person, who may not fully appreciate or understand their uniqueness.
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banner/pic credit : @/crisscreen and @/only-ranpo
© cazshmere 2024 [All Rights Reserved]
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astrobydalia · 10 months
Your present... Relationship observations pt. IV
I know you guys love these so here's more! As always, enjoy and happy holidays!
work by astrobydalia
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long post!
A common thing I've seen in the charts of people who are firmly monogamous is moon-mercury aspects (this is not the only indicator ofc). Their decisions and interests are guided by what they feel so once they set their heart on someone... that's it for them
A very interesting lesson that I took from doing so many synastry/composite readings is that the "like attracts like" trope is WAY more powerful than the "opposites attract" trope. Here are some of the most common similarities I've spotted:
couples sharing the same ASC (this one is SO common)
Very similar aspects to the moon: I’ve noticed many couples have each of their moons aspecting the same planets, specially, outer planets, usually in similar (sometimes even the same) aspects. For example person A has Moon Square Pluto and person B has moon opposite Pluto (both harsh aspects)
A common thing I've seen in many couples synastry is Venus square Venus aspect
On the other hand I’ve noticed that flings or really passionate relationships tend to have Moon square moon in synastry
Moon sextile Moon relationships are so perfect imo. They have the easy understanding of the trine and the passion of the square/opposition
I’ve seen a lot of unrequited love situations have Venus square/opposite Moon. The moon person is attached to and idolizes the Venus person. The Venus person enjoys moon’s company but they aren’t that romantically involved or interested
Earth Moons are very fond of stability what is known to them but they secretly want someone who takes them out of their comfort zone and opens them up to deep and exciting emotional experiences. I've noticed they usually end up with partners who are more sensitive, expressive and spontaneous
I’ve noticed Venus-Pluto natives (square, opposition, conjunction) end up building some kind of resentment towards their long-term partners overtime and won’t let them go. The type to spend years married to some they secretly hate and also the type of person who demonizes every single one of their exes. It’s like they tend to attract relationships that wake up a dark side in them
Something I keep seeing over and over is that Cancer placements are playerssssss (both men and women). They will treat you like you’re “the one” but that doesn’t necessarily mean they have an actual intention to settle with you😭 they're just getting carried away by what they feel in moment so I guess they are unintentional players???
Leo and Libra placements on the other hand are intentional players imo. They love the romance and chasing just for the validation it gives them
In order to keep a Cardinal Venus/Moon interested you need to keep showing up like your relationship is brand new. Doesn’t matter how long you’ve be together or how comfortable you are with each other, they want their partner to still make an effort to impress and romance them like it’s the first date and they're bound to do the same
Women with Libra Mars I've noticed tend to attract mamas boys or child-like men with mommy issues. These women are always the dominant or mature ones in their relationships
Capricorn Mars women are dominant too and have a strong character but they chase men who are equally as independent as them if not more
Something I’ve noticed with Pisces/Neptune 7th house (and also Pisces Venus/Juno to an extent) is that yeah they put their partner on a pedestal but they also low-key tend to take their partner for granted? I’ve noticed they expect their partner to be indulgent, permissive and basically tolerate their bs. Little is talked about how their tendency to ignore red flags goes both ways; they want their partner to ignore their red flags too and forgive all their behaviors
What is up with Aquarius and Pisces placements attracting each other all the damn time?
Water Venus/Mars win the award for most obsessive lovers out there
I’ve seen a lot of people with Mars in the 7th house who were divorced or never married. One friend of mine who has this placement says she doesn’t want to marry at all or have a relationship cause she’s too independent
Women with fixed Mars are attracted to men who have rough or bold characteristics such as beard, tattoos, toned body, deep voice, etc. or just a very bold presence in general. They also have a thing for men who have a very confident, understated and nonchalant demeanor/personality to them
Women with mutable Mars and their attraction to flighty and chaotic men who don’t give them the time of day. I’ve seen this countless times 😭😭😭
I've seen harmonious aspects between Mars-Moon in people that work very well together! This aspect typically means fertility which in a work environment translates into a fruitful relationship. The two people wanting to create/initiate things together with lots of motivation
Who came up with the idea that Aries Moon/Venus are disloyal and flighty? All I keep seeing irl is these natives tend to have a strong attachment to their partners. Once they're in your corner they won't ever let you go fr. They could have a tendency to get attached to the wrong people tho
I’ve seen many many couples having 7th house Mars in synastry but this overlay is super chaotic imo, creates a back and forth dynamic that ends nowhere. The house person is the chaser here, they are always pushing commitment on the Mars person cause they don’t want the mars person to “slip away” or something. The mars person enjoys the eagerness of the house person and finds it very attractive and could enjoy challenging the house person’s interest. Eventually if the mars person isn’t that interested they get bored and are often the first ones to walk away
A very similar outcome I've seen happens with 7th house Mars in Composite. This could make the bond between the two a bit "forced" and dragged out. This also means the connection will really be put to the test, you guys may have to fight for your connection a lot which can either bond you more or exhaust you, could eventually become tired of the relationship and how much energy it takes to keep it alive.
I have a theory that your preferred house overlays could be indicated by your Venus/7th house/Juno. For example if you have Leo Venus you might enjoy 5th house synastry, if you have Neptune or Pisces in the 7th house you might feel comfortable with 12th house synastry, etc. Let me know what you think about this
I’ve noticed that 8th house synastry results in a lot of physical touch going on so people who have this as their love language might be specially fond of this overlay. This is the couple that literally can’t keep their hands off each other
Scorpio Moons 🤝 sabotaging the few healthy relationships they have in their life. They eventually learn to keep the right people after really going through it tho
With 7th house synastry you can really feel like something's missing when you don't have that person around.
When moon falls in fire houses in synastry the two people are always excited to see each other
Moon in 1st house in synastry is the only 1st house overlay that is not superficial. The connection is usually very genuine while it lasts. This person likely sparks a lot of nostalgia and you remember them fondly
When someone’s personal planets fall in your 4th house, you feel like this person can see you for who you truly are deep down
Gemini Venus/Juno/7th house: the people they date tend to have almost identical characteristic, there's always this blatant "twin" factor in the people they date or attract. For example all their exes worked in the same industry, have the exact same personality, etc
Venus Observations...
Libra Venus has the rep for being big flirts and charmers but this is actually a Cardinal Venus thing tbh cause, as I've said in a past post, they love the chase, they just all do it in different ways
It's true Virgo Venus are picky but this doesn't necessarily mean they have high standards. Yes, stay with me here. These natives have a very clear series of characteristics they want a partner to meet and that's how they are picky/critical (earth) but if those boxes are checked, they don't care much about anything else (mutable) and can be quite flexible. They don’t really care if their partner is not the most sought after person
In contrast, Capricorn Venus are picky AND have high standards. They want the best of the best, the perfect partner
Virgo Venus wants a partner that doesn’t need validation however they want their partner to validate them all the time
Aquarius Venus will only commit if they see a future with that person. Not only they are ruled by Saturn (which rules longevity) but they are also ruled by Uranus which rules innovation, Aquarius is the visionary of the zodiac so Aquarius Venus people need to feel like their partner will help them evolve or "upgrade" as a person in some way (not in a materialistic way like Capricorn but rather mentally). That's why they are attracted to people who are "different", intelligent or eccentric
The reason why Aquarius Venus is "flighty" as per my observation is because they tend to go for partners who are radically different from them and as a result they often stumble upon many incompatible partners
Leo Venus is very underrated when it comes to acts of service, I’ve noticed this is a very common love language for them
In my experience Pisces Venus natives are SO deceitful and immature. I'm sorry I really wanted to like this placement but they always make me cringe and are only cute on the surface imo. The type to lead everyone on by saying things they don’t mean and exaggerating compliments. They’re very passive in love and romanticize bare minimum. This means they don't expect their partner to take accountability but the native never takes accountability themselves either. They ignore issues in relationships and instead of working things through they expect everything to be fixed with lovebombing and/or pretending like nothing happened. Men with this placement tend to be emotionally unavailable and always want to date a doormat girl. Women with this placement are childish and tend to have princess complex
The only Venus sign that doesn't care much about looks from what I've seen is Scorpio Venus. They care more about the bond and chemistry over their partner fitting a certain type.
Also, what is up with Scorpio Venus and dating people they don’t actually like that much or at all? 🤨 They be dating people that low-key annoy them
Libra, Leo, Capricorn and Taurus Venus very much care about looks in a partner. Taurus/Capricorn Venus natives I've noticed pay special attention to how a potential partner dresses and grooms themselves
All Fixed Venus natives are pretty obsessive to honest, it's not just Scorpio. I've noticed they like the idea of having some sort hold or control over their partner. Their love language is making themselves indispensable in some way cause they enjoy feeling like they're partner will always need them and won't get away from them
Men with Pisces/Libra/Cancer/Taurus Venus have a thing for women who are people pleasers or stereotypically feminine and charming. They like it when a woman is kind, gentle, understanding, accommodating, etc
Men with Fire Venus are attracted to confident and independent women who have this it girl vibe to them
Something else I’ve noticed with Fixed Venus natives is that they have a thing for partners that have a mysterious or reserved vibe to them. Not necessarily introverted, but people who protect their privacy or keep to themselves a lot.
Mutable Venus fall for partners that have this very open and outgoing vibe to them. Again, not necessarily extroverted, but people who have a more bubbly personality
Cardinal Venus natives will only fall in love with someone who they deeply admire. They commit to people who have this put together/respectable vibe to them
Juno Observations...
I've actually observed Juno synastry is very significant in business relationships not just romantic ones. In fact, those married couple I've seen with heavy Juno synastry also tended to be involved in business together
Sagittarius Juno I've seen manifests mostly as the native getting a spouse that is very permissive and gives them a lot of freedom, a spouse that never says no to anything. This placement overall gives a very respectful and supportive spouse. However because of this the Sag Juno native will have a tendency to cross boundaries in the marriage and take their spouse for granted
In general both Sagittarius and Pisces Juno have a tendency to "abandon" their spouses either physically or emotionally and kinda forget about them from time to time. This doesn't necessarily have to mean disloyalty tho.
Sag Juno natives want to feel like they have the freedom to go and do their own thing, like they'll leave for days or weeks on end and their spouse won't mind and will indeed support the native. They don’t like to feel like marriage hinders their desire to live freely but rather encourages it. Side note: I have seen some cases in which Sag Juno natives actually did abandon their spouses/families either for another partner or because they were perusing better opportunities
Pisces Juno natives will give a more sacrificial energy kinda like "babe I love you but I have to go, I'm sorry". There's something that stops the native from actually being there for their spouse, but this placement indicates the spouse is bound to be very forgiving because they'll see is not your fault in a way
Cancer/Capricorn Juno is an indicator of having a marriage with traditional gender roles or traditional values.
I’ve noticed Scorpio Juno natives or Scorpio ASC in the Juno PC have a marriage that REALLY rubs people the wrong way. Others could see your relationship as toxic or even predatory in nature. People believe that you landed your spouse (or vice versa) through manipulation, abuse, deceit, stalking, controlling behavior, etc. This placement also means you met when either of you were going through a hard time so there could be some case of trauma bonding here
I’ve seen that soulmate relationships tend have their Junos in the same element (most common case). Honorary mentions: Juno in opposite signs or signs ruled by the same planet
Leo Juno natives are a bit flighty and afraid of commitment. They just want a partner for the sake of the romance and feeling spoiled. They want the relationship to stay fun and playful and really dislike the sense of seriousness and "settlement" that can come with marriage sometimes
With Juno in the 7th house either you or your spouse will be in a relationship when you meet
When looking at the Juno PC, Capricorn placements/Saturn in the angels/Saturn conjunct inner planets indicates long-lasting marriage
Fixed Juno natives will have a spouse that is completely fascinated and obsessed with them. You want your spouse to worship you specially with Leo and Taurus Juno. The way your spouse will love you will boost your ego thus acting more confidently after marriage. The energy of the marriage could be a little overbearing or suffocating depending on other aspects
I've observed this in virtually all cases with Virgo Juno have a tendency to attract very inconsiderate partners that make them feel like they're not good enough (the opposite can be true). They had unsuccessful first marriage that drained the shit out of them but they eventually find someone who is very modest and nurturing
Cancer/4th house Juno natives have a VERY hard time moving on from their exes if they ever saw that person as marriage material.
From what I've seen Capricorn Juno doesn't create that much of a delay or age gap in marriage. It can of course, but in most cases these natives marry in their late 20s to their first serious bf/gf and they usually have an age difference of 2-5 years approximately. This placements I’ve seen manifests mostly as “I married my high school/collage sweetheart and we’ve been together forever” kinda scenario OR marrying someone from your past you reconnect with later in life
Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn and Aquarius Juno indicates you'll marry your soulmate or your relationship with your fs is karmic or from a past life. You might meet your spouse after fulfilling some karmic lesson or some life milestone
Cardinal Juno/Juno in the angles tend to be very proud of their spouses or being married in general. Could be the type to be very invested in finding a life partner cause they tend to turn marriage into a very essential part of their lives and themselves
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work by astrobydalia
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You just moved in the house next door to Bucky’s and when he welcomes you to the neighborhood, he completely forgets what he was going to say cause he’s stunned by your beauty and he eventually asks you if you want to hangout with him and Steve which you immediately accept🥰
Never Been More Sure
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PAIRINGS: Construction Worker!James "Bucky" Barnes x Reader
WARNINGS: FLUFF, overworked reader, reader needs a break, loud music. Grumpy Bucky
*not proof-read*
His grip on the hammer tightens as he hears the base from the house next door increases.
“Jesus,” he mutters, Bucky looks at his watch as see that’s it three in the afternoon. He then looks at Steve, “who the hell would be listening to music this loud at this time of day?”
Steve looks up from the blueprints and squints his eyes at the house next to the one they’re working on and hears the bass he’s best friend was talking about. “Dunno man,” he shrugs.
The house flipping project was not knew to Bucky’s experience, but it was albeit different from his usual construction work, but when the man who own the company, who also happens to be his best friend, tells him he needs some help, Bucky’s up and ready to help.
He enjoyed renovating the house, but what he did not enjoy was the loud music playing from the house next door.
It would always be the same playlist every day, at the same hour, at maximum volume.
He’d always grit his teeth as he felt the vibrations through out the entirety of the house.
He parks his truck in the driveway and steps out, Bucky looks up into the sky and see’s the orange hue of the rising sun tainting the blue sky.
He sighs and walks into the house gets all the equipment up and ready for action.
Steve arrives a little while later and sets up too, they talk about random updates on their lives when Steve stops to a specific topic.
“Oh, and the person next door, the one that blasts the music is apparently new to the neighbourhood too,” he says as he uses a hammer to nail in some wooden floorboards.
Bucky pauses as he holds some tiles under his arm, “yeah?”
To which Steve nods too, “yeah.”
There is it, again.
The bass.
Bucky shakes his head in annoyance and rubs the bridge of his nose trying to push away the oncoming headache.
Steve had to go and get some caulk for the bathroom, so it was only Bucky working out some things.
“Fuck this shit,” he drops his tools and walks out of the house in his beige construction boots.
He was on the sidewalk to the house next door; he sees the plants on the porch and the little metal porch table and chair on the corner. With each step towards the house, the bass gets louder.
Walking up to the door he clenches his jaw as he hears his heart thumps to the beat of the base, he clenches his knuckles and knocks on the door a bit too loudly.
Your mind was too focused on working on your code and trying to find your bug and trying to understand why your program runs on an infinite loop, that you almost did not hear the loud knock on your door.
Your mind reels itself back into the real world, where Freddie Mercury screams through your house about some woman being a killer queen.
You walk to your front door, as you do you feel the base course through your body, providing you’re tension some sort of release. You open the door to see a 6’ something beefy man with hair till his shoulders, the bluest eyes you’ve seen, and a pair of construction vest and a hard hat.
You, however, are cladded in a tank top and red flannel pyjama pants.
“Uh hi, may I help you?” you look at him confuse, like you weren’t totally checking him out a few seconds ago.
I mean you really can’t blame you, when he is doing the exact same thing as you were: checking you out.
Bucky taps his foot impatiently waiting for the door to be opened, and when it does the string of cuss words that he had planned to use evaporates from his tongue.
He takes in your messy hairdo and the glasses that perch on your nose.
His heart stutters for a sec, he can’t even bring himself to answer the question you asked. And when you repeat it again, he just lets out a serious of “uh’s” and “um’s”.
You look at him questioningly, wondering what a construction worker would be doing around these parts. Then you remember the house that’s being renovated on your left.
“Oh you the guys working on house next to mine, yeah?” You say as you lean against your doorframe.
Bucky stands straighter and gets himself together. “Uh, yes ma’am,” he nods he scratches his stubble.
“I’m sorry for knocking so loud, ma’am. But I’ve been working on the house for a few weeks now and I can’t help but hear the…. music from your house,” he says looking into your eyes and stuffing his hands into the hands of his cargo shorts.
You blush immediately, “shit. Oh my god, I’m so sorry it’s just when I get locked into my work. I just need some loud base so it does get loud in the noggin’,” you say and tap on your temple, and then cringe.
To your luck, Bucky chuckles at your little stunt and nods.
“What work needs music so loud that it can break the sound barrier,” he crosses his arm and gives you a smirk.
Your legs almost turn to jelly at his smirk.
“Well, um, I code…...A lot. I work in Machine Learning,” you say as your wring your hands and laugh nervously.
Bucky raises a brow, impressed at your revelation of what you do for a living.
“Impressive. Well then, I really shouldn’t say anything that would affect your work-,” he starts but you cut immediately.
“No, no, no, it’s my fault I’ll reduce the volume. I should’ve done it sooner, but I was just seriously locked in. I’m like running on five cups of coffee, it’s literally insane. My boss thinks that I am able to code an entire authentication system in two weeks, and that’s where she her screws are loose in her head. Cuz, no one in the entire world can build an entire TWO-WAY authentication system in two weeks. Like who does she think I am Mark Zuckerberg, I can’t-,”
You pause as you realise, you’re going on a rant. Bucky’s eyes are slightly raised in shock.
“Sorry I really shouldn’t be rambling about my job to some stranger, I’ll lower the volume Mr…,” you drag the last bit hoping he’ll finish it off you.
“Barnes, James Barnes. But my friends call me Bucky,” he sticks his hand out and asks for yours, which you tell gladly.
“And don’t worry, we all have those days,” he says giving you a little nod of sympathy.
You smile softly at his efforts and thank him before giving a tight smile and a “See you later” and closing the door of your humble abode.
Bucky notices the reduced volume of the music in the following days, he smiles as he can only hear the traces of the 80’s/90’s music you play from your home.
Steve see’s the look Bucky has as he watches your house.
“Have you met ‘em?” Steve asks as he continues to tile the kitchen.
Bucky, without looking away from the house, responds with a yes.
Steve chuckles, “you gave ‘em a piece of your mind? Threaten ‘em? Is that why their music is barely audible now, hmm?”
Bucky shakes his head, “she’s gorgeous, Steve.” He remembers how you were dressed with you first opened the door and it made his heart flutter again.
“Yeah?” Steve asks, with a smirk on his face. Bucky death glares at Steve, to which Steve chuckles at.
The blonde looks at his watch as sighs, “well it’s time for lunch, wanna clock out?” To which Bucky nods to.
Soon they make it to Bucky’s truck and Bucky can’t help but stare at your house.
“Ask her if she wanna join,” Steve pushes Bucky in your direction.
“Should I? I dunno man,” the brunette scratches the back of his neck. Steve just rolls his eyes and shoves Bucky to the stairs leading up to your porch.
You excepted there would be a bug in your code. But what you didn’t expect was your doorbell to ring.
You got up and felt your grey sweats unstick from your thighs, you shudder at the feeling.
You make your way to the door and open it up to reveal the man you were secretly hoping it would be.
“Hey Bucky, gosh I hope the music isn’t loud again,” you laugh nervously to which Bucky shakes his head and reassures you.
“It’s perfect, doll. Greatly appreciated,” he smiles giving a soft smile.
You return with your own and then a confused look glazes your face, “oh, great. Then, why are you…?”
Bucky helps you finish the sentence, “My co-worker and I were heading to grab some lunch, just wanted to check in and ask if you wanted to join us?”
“Oh,” you look behind him and see and equally handsome blonde man waving in your direction with a 100-percent-typical-American-golden-boy smile. You nervously wave back and look back at Bucky, “Oh I don’t wanna impose.”
Bucky huffs and chuckles, “you ain’t imposing, Doll. I’m offering.” He raises a brow in question, waiting for your answer.
“How long have you been at your computer?” he asks straightforward. You reel you head back in slight confusion at the sudden change of topic, “uh, since this morning?”
Bucky nods and replies, “you need a break.”
That you didn’t disagree with, since you are desperate for one.
But you feel as though you’d disturb Bucky and his friends lunch.
“You sure I won’t be imposing?” you ask him as you bite your lip.
“Never been more sure of anything else in my life, doll.”
Hey Lovelies! this has been sitting in my drafts for a while now, and I FINALLY finished it. My deepest apologies @sergeantbarnessdoll for not completing it sooner, it isn't the same as you asked I hope that's all good 🤧🤧🤧.
This was also a fix I was planning to make! ( a fix that included a construction worker Bucky Barnes’s, cuz that AU is soooo underrated)
Lemme know what y'all think!
Till' then,
Stay Coquette-y,
Anya 🫶🏽🕊️🎀
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arminsumi · 10 months
Can i request megumi comforting reader after a bad day? i need happy comfort fluff today and you words are magic
★ Stargazing with Megumi
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★ Pairings : fem reader / Megumi
★ Synopsis : Megumi takes you stargazing. Who knew he was such a space nerd?
★ Content : fluff, comfort, cheesy/dorky flirting
★ Note : 🪄🔮 sprinkling cosmic happiness dust on u rn!! hope u feel better!!
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Arms spread out, laid on your back in the cool grass as a humid summer breeze drifts by, looking up at the dusky purple sky as stars slowly start to appear one by one.
Megumi shifts around next to you, trying to get comfortable. He bends his knees, you glance at his legs and note how much longer his legs are than yours.
A soft sigh leaves his nose. He brings his hands together over his midriff and fidgets his fingers while stealing sideways glances of you.
One particular star in the sky has caught your attention. It shines like a jewel. You blink at it, ignoring all the other littler stars that are coming out.
"Megumi, which star is that?" you ask.
"That's Venus."
You stare at Venus. "Why is it so much brighter than the rest?" you wonder aloud.
Megumi looks over at you, his heart throbs, then he looks back to Venus.
"Because it has thick clouds that reflect lots of sunlight." he answers your curiosity, "Uh, and it's the closest to earth. You know, it's also the hottest planet in our solar system — because of its clouds."
He goes on a long, dorky ramble about planets and constellations. You smile and listen to him geek out about space.
Just a few hours earlier, Megumi had found you lingering gloomily on the steps outside Jujutsu High.
He did a double take and furrowed his brows when he saw your weighted expression. Characteristically, he sunk his hands into his pockets and approached you coolly.
"What's that heavy face for?" he asked.
"Bad day." you shrugged.
"Oh..." he stiffened, "What happened? Do you want to talk about it?" he asked softly.
"No, nothing in particular happened." you replied, "It's just been one of those days, you know?"
He scrambled his brain for ideas that could make you feel better.
What would the others do?
What would Yuji do? He'd crack jokes until you smiled and then infect you with his contagious laughter. What would Nobara do? She'd take you out on the town for retail therapy — and hype you up in the fitting rooms until you felt like the hottest person in the world. What would Gojo do? Probably give you one of those bone-breaking hugs while saying something dumb like "Don't be sad, it's just life, kid."
But joking didn't come naturally to Megumi, and he didn't believe in retail therapy, and he was too shy and reserved to give you a bone-breaking hug, and he was too sensitive as a person to tell you to just get over it.
"Uh, do you want to stargaze with me?" he asked.
That was the only idea he could come up with. Laying in the grass and stargazing was something he did when life exhausted or disappointed him. The stars could call back his calmness.
"... I feel bad for Mercury, it must be lonely without moons." Megumi finishes his long ramble about Mercury.
"I think I'm Mercury." you joke, laughing at yourself.
Megumi looks over at you, "Then I'll be your moon and keep you company."
Your cheeks warm up.
"Okay, then let's tell 'em to rename Mercury to Megumi and throw a me into its orbit, too."
Megumi fidgets with his fingers more as you and him flirt like dorks.
"... yeah, and then you can orbit around me." he nods.
"Sounds like a good time. I'd love to orbit around you."
His cheeks go red, but the lamps are too far away to illuminate his face and reveal his blush to you. So you just barely see his lips purse together into a smile.
"I'd also love to orbit around you. I could be like your moon admirer."
You burst out laughing at last, and then Megumi feels accomplished; he could actually fix your mood with some stargazing and dorky astral flirting.
For the rest of the night, he teaches you how to spot famous constellations and passionately talks about outer space. At some point, when he's saying something about Pluto, you zone out to his voice.
"... and you know, personally, if I were Pluto I'd be enraged. How dare they."
"You got a bone to pick with NASA, Megumi?" you chuckle.
"It wasn't NASA it was the IAU. And yes I have a bone to pick with them."
"So, why was Pluto downgraded to a dwarf planet?" you ask.
Megumi clicks his tongue, "Uhhh... something about it not absorbing surrounding debris or something? Like asteroids and stuff. But jeez, maybe the asteroids are Pluto's friends and he doesn't wanna absorb them, you know?"
You turn on your side and use your arm as a pillow. Megumi feels you looking at him, so he looks over at you.
"You're quite passionate."
"That's a nice way of calling me a space nerd."
"No, I mean it! I hardly ever see you talking so heatedly about anything. You're usually pretty calm."
Megumi smiles a little. "Bet it's funny to see me heated about big rocks floating in a vacuum, huh?"
"Yeah it's hilarious. Anyways... we should get back before we fall asleep here."
"Have you never slept under the stars? It's a great experience." Megumi says.
"I have not. But it's getting cold so... you better keep me warm."
Megumi tenses up as you snuggle him. The sudden closeness and feeling of your warmth and softness takes him aback and he goes completely silent.
You rest your head in the crook of his shoulder, sinking into him like a pillow.
"Hey Megumi?"
"Isn't Venus the planet of love?"
"Nothing, nothing... just thinking."
His heart pounds.
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© arminsumi
I do not permit the copying/reposting/translation/plagiarism of my works. Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
This is fictional work.
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tinydefector · 2 months
reading that perfume scenario i js imagine a bot spraying their human lover with a lil bit perfume before going down on them like adding salt to steak
It truly is a favourite of mine because I love the idea of perfumes and working like a pheromone enhancer, but like the number of scenarios this can lead into outside of the fic I wrote for Ratchet.
Let me know you you guys want more little pieces like these ɓecuase I like doing these kinda things when I'm not up for writing a fic so enjoy. ^^
Megatron masterlist
Optimus Masterlist
Prowl masterlist
Thundercracker masterlist
Such scenarios as
- date night with optimus where you dress up nicely with a lovely perfume/cologne and from the moment you get into his cab to go out he's struggling, and trying to be polite and a decent date but he turns into an actually feind when he gets to kiss you and every part of his stoic facade is out the window as he kisses across your skin taking in every inch and savoruing it like its the last time he's ever going to taste something this divine. It's fair to say your very sore afterwards, to Optimus you taste like Energon Z with bismuth and copper.
- sensual nights laying in bed with Megatron as he runs his servos over your waist holding you close as he admires and denies himself the luxury of so much. So to speed things up you decide to put some perfume on and it humbles Megatron very quickly. How much restraint he has despite how the perfume enhances everything. He's a slow and very dedicated lover despite what many would think. It turns into a very long night of soft kisses and soft vore. Him enjoying the taste of your skin on his glossa and when the taste fades he ask for you to put more perfume on. To Megatron it taste like Red energon with Magnesium, Lithium.
- the late night work hours where Prowl is focused on work, hours after he should have been back due to someone else mistake, he goes to snap at whoever had intupted his work when the scent hits his nasal Ridge and his helm shoots up and locks on to you. Watching like you're a meal prepared for him. That's how you end up on his desk, legs over his shoulder plating as he indulges. Prowl isn't one to indulhe like this. He isn't easily swayed by lust. but this late at night, he enjoys taking it slow and indulging in your company. To Prowl, you taste like his favourite energon blend from before the war. Just casual energon, Mercury, and crystal.
- the first time. Thundercracker's first-time smelling perfume on you was when you were testing out different ones you had been given. The sweet scent catches him off guard, and that's how he finds himself watching. I'm watching as you try new clothing and test spray perfume on your wrist. But when you make your way over to him, asking him to tell you what he thinks, it leads to him pressing your wrist to his lips, It turns into a night of taste testing. It has Thundercracker riled up, and you aroused, but it turns into a game of how long it takes either of you to finally crack. For Thundercracker, it takes like pure energon with Uranium.
Let me know if you would like to be added to tag list (tagged for every fic)
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lua-magic · 8 months
Intresting Astrology facts.
Cancer ancendent, their seventh lord is Saturn and their seventh house is Capricorn, hence they face lot of dissatisfaction in their married life and has to work for their partners alot .
Gemini ancendent always look for their better half or wants company to complete them, as Gemini is ruled by Mercury and Mercury being kid, always wants to be with someone.
Taurus ancendent are great foddie as moon is exalted.
Any planet that gets combusted has special purpose in this life time, as you have done lot of mistakes regarding that planet in previous life so in this life that planet is combusted.
Mercury combust- You have to learn to be confident and develop leadership qualities in your life time
Venus combust- You have to learn to balance your finances, work and love life and become grounded in relationship.
Mars combusted- You have to show courage and help people unconditionally and also be humble about your strengths.
Jupiter Combusted - You need to be humble about your knowledge and show respect to elders and gurus in your life also give knowledge unconditionally.
Saturn combusted - Saturn -Sun conjunction becomes problematic only one you have poor relationship with your father, otherwise this combination is good for someone who wants to go for government job and can reach great heights, but again be humble, otherwise Saturn will trouble you
You have to respect, father, government, and higher authority.
For natives ruled by nakshatra of ketu, ie Ashvini, Magha and Mula(ketu), their lucky planet is Mercury, so if they really maintain good circle of friends and keep developing their skills, and do something for kids always they will really prosper in life.
Moon is another planet which is good for their well-being, if the align themselves with moon cycle and carry Moon related objects like Moon water, or even stay near flowing water they can keep themselves physically and mentally balanced..
Native ruled by nakshatra of Rahu Ardra, Swati and satbhisha (Rahu) their lucky planet is Mars, always have cordial relationship with your brother, be courageous, involve yourself in some kind of sports or excercise. You will notice great changes in you
Lucky objects to Carry with you are green colour cloth or objects with you .
For natives of moon nakshatra ie Rohini, Hasta and sravanam nakshatra, Sun is the lucky planet, so if they become disciplined in life and start taking sun bath daily they will notice great change in their life, another planet is Jupiter, whose constant blessings will keep them physically and mentally fit.
You can carry with you, yellow topaz especially to work place, it will get you good results.
For the natives of sun nakshatra, kritika, uttarphalguni, uttarshada Venus is lucky planet, so start taking care of you daily and spend some time and money on self care and self love, pray to female goddess and respect females, you will notice great change in your life in a positive way, lucky object that you can carry with you for your mental and physical well-being are idol of elephant or picture of elephant.
For natives of Baharani, poorvaphalguni and poorvashada ruled by Venus , their lucky planet is Ketu, so if you want to prosper in life you have to be spiritual and detached and learn more about Spirituality and occult.
Lucky objects that you can carry is any red colour cloth or gemstone with you.
Natives ruled by Saturn nakshatra Pushya Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada, their lucky planet is Jupiter, so atleast have one teacher or guru in your life, if you want to progress and lucky stones that you can carry with you for your mental and physical well being are any photo of female goddess or white crystals.
Native ruled by Mercury nakshatra Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Revati their lucky planet is Saturn, so serve or do charity, especially do something for old age people, and lucky object that you can carry is Photo of Sun, or "Surya Yantra"
For the Mars ruled nakshatra Mrigashira, Chitra, and Dhanishtha Moon is the lucky planet, so respect your mother or mother like figures in your life and pray to moon goddess and allign with moon cycle to manifest. Lucky objects that you can carry is black cloth or stones to help you in your professional and personal life..
Jupiter's ruled nakshatras Punarvasu, Vishakha, and Poorvabhadrapada "Rahu" is the lucky planet, and rahu represents ancestors, so praying to your ancestors and seek their blessings would be really help you.
Lucky objects that you can carry with you are any triangular objects with you to help you grow personally and professionally..
I am mentioning here moon nakshatra that nakshatra in which your moon is present
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What do you do when someone you love is a psychopath and a serial killer? How do you pick up your life and move on from it?
If you're Lionel Luthor, you don't. Your son betrays you and the legacy you built for him, and so your heart betrays you too. You sit at your desk with those damn pills your quack of a doctor prescribed and one too many drinks. You feel a warning twinge on your arm before excruciating pain, red and angry, blooms in your chest, and you never see the morning. 
The only good thing about this is that you never see your son go to trial for killing 47 people over a span of 6 years. People whisper that you are one of Lex Luthor’s victims.
If you’re Lillian Luthor, you don’t either. You clean the damned mess these Luthor men left you. You take over the company that your husband had the gall to leave you, just as he left you with your only daughter. You clean up the tatters of your family’s reputation and legacy that your son left behind. 
In the eyes of the world, you move on. You rise, finally able to flex the muscles so long held back by your husband and the rest of the world's expectations. And you bring Luthor Corp with you. 
The millstone of the trials and scandal hang heavy on your neck, but all your life you have taught yourself to walk gracefully among lesser beings with your back straight and your head held high, just as you did as a young girl with textbooks on your head. This is no different.
But once a month, you make a pilgrimage to Stryker’s Island. To Lex. To the son you loved the best way you knew how, the only way you knew how - with a firm grip and the relentless, uncompromising push to achieve excellence, the intractable determination to make him grow into his fullest potential. That this potential was realized in murder, malice and manipulation was not your intent, but the world is far too quick and vindictive in their judgement because he is a Luthor. The mightiest always fall the farthest, and those beneath them wait hungrily for the chance to pull them down.
Your daughter leaves you too. The daughter who emerged, not from your body, but from your husband's infidelity. The same one who once looked up at you with eyes full of innocent trust that you vowed you would reciprocate in the best way you knew how. And so you did your best to prepare her, to mold her in your own image - into what a Luthor woman should be in this cruel, savage world that both worships and hates Luthors. 
You’ve seen what the world does to Luthors who do or say the smallest wrong thing and you never want her to suffer those whispers and so you tell her yourself. Better she hears it from family than the mouths and forked tongues of strangers.
But she is too hard-headed and too soft-hearted to comply. She rejects your bequest, the ungrateful girl, and tries to escape the Lena Luthor you tried so hard to cultivate all these years. 
As if you don't know. As if you could forget that it was her who brought this down upon all of you. Her, and that detestable Clark Kent. 
And if you are Lena Luthor, you cannot move on. You cannot escape it. No matter how far you stray from your family. No matter how many reparations you make, no matter how hard you strive to separate yourself from the curse it brings -- it always finds you.
It finds you in the dark hours when you’re by yourself without the touch of another woman or the burn of alcohol to distract you - and suddenly you’re a scared little girl again, walking into an ominous house made of grim oak, unforgiving marble and dark shadows. And the only warmth you receive is not from a largely absent and formidable father nor from a condescending and controlling mother, but from a charismatic and mercurial brother who taught you how to play chess and promised you the world.
But it turns out his shadow was the darkest of all, and you didn't see until it was too late.
How could you not see it?
You were just a girl at that time, Agent J'onzz once tried to comfort you with that fact. Back when Lex was arrested.
Just a schoolgirl home for the holidays -- shoes polished as bright as the naivete in your eyes, uniform pressed to Lillian's exact standards, picture perfect but always with just one tiny detail you forgot that was enough to attract notice and invite criticism. This time it was the glasses sitting slightly crooked on your face. 
You were more concerned with weathering the scorching disapproval just long enough until you got back to boarding school that you failed to notice Lex's distance. You failed to recognize the signs. You failed to decode his lies.
You failed.
By the time you got back to boarding school, he would have killed 2 more people.
By the time you caught on, he'd already killed 31. Those lives are all on you, because you were so absorbed by yourself, you didn't see what was happening under your nose. And those 3 agents Lex killed because he refused to come quietly? The judge and jury he poisoned at the trial? That's on you too.
Forty-seven lives taken. Forty seven more than there should have been if you hadn't been so blind. 
If only you hadn't been comforted by the gentle hand holding yours under the table throughout Lillian's litanies of your shortcomings everytime you were home from school. If only you hadn't fallen for the "adventures" he had tricked you into that always ended with you in disgrace or punished, like that time you stole Lionel's prized pen from the King of Jordan, just for him. 
If only you hadn't believed the fairy-tale dream of the two of you escaping to the snow-covered mountain peak, of finally being free of the Luthors’ oppressive presence.
And now he's serving 20 consecutive life sentences, and you've devoted your life to studying and stopping people like him.
Now you have 10 years of experience as a profiler and an undercover operative for both the Interpol and the FBI. Your work has taken you from Toran, to Kaznia, to Corto Maltese, to Metropolis, and now to National City.
You have seen the worst humanity has to offer, from terrorists to human traffickers to serial killers. But you keep looking into the abyss.
Because you looked into it once, you stared it in the face, and you didn't recognize it for what it was. 
Or, a Supercorp Criminal Minds AU
There's actually 3 major plots in this, and they all intersect in varying ways
The first is Lex as a serial killer
The second is about Sam and Reign
The third is the most vague one, which includes Lena’s birth mother and Leviathan
It starts (as the intro says) with Lex being a serial killer who killed 47 people. In one version of this story, Clark is a reporter who, like Lena,  made the connection between Lex and the murders. One night after dinner  with the Luthors, Clark sneaks into Lex’s study to find evidence he can use for his story. 
He’s rummaging in a desk when he hears a voice from the doorway.
“You  won’t find anything there.” Clark whips around to find Lena standing  there, silhouetted against the light coming from the hall. He tenses,  thinking she’s about to tell her brother what Clark was doing. 
“If  Lex really is behind these murders, and I know you think he is, you  won’t find anything there. He’s not foolish enough to hide evidence  here." 
Clark doesn’t say anything, he just stares at her.  Lena pauses, looking away. "I… I didn’t want to believe it. Not Lex… He  wouldn’t…” Steel injects itself into her green gaze. “But the more time I  spend with him, the more clearly I see the truth. You see it too, don’t  you?" 
Clark straightens up and nods gravely. “Yes.”
The FBI eventually becomes involved in the investigation, and the team includes a certain agent on the fast track to becoming the unit chief, J’onn J’onzz.
J’onn meets Lena only briefly, but he’s struck by the young girl’s keen intelligence and remarkable calm. (Eventually, he becomes the one who suggests that Lena consider a career in profiling and criminal psychology).
Fast forward a couple of decades later, Lena is working with the BAU. The other members of the team here are J'onn, Alex, James, Brainy and Winn. Lena is a transfer from Interpol, and she's had years of experience in profiling, suspect and victim identification, as well as infiltration, under her belt (I also hc that she worked briefly with the CIA and the MI6, mostly in intel, profiling and undercover work).
For the sake of her anonymity (and also because it was necessary for her undercover work), she's erased all connections to Lex and the Luthors (including old photographs and newspaper articles until the name Lena Luthor is but a footnote in the Luthor history with nothing to tie her to who she is now). She's also changed her last name. (I'm torn because I just don't know if I can use the name Walsh for Lena, it doesn't sound.. right? Idk So for now, she's Agent Kieran).
Lena is very professional, almost intimidating. She’s revered by the younger agents in the Bureau, well-respected by her colleagues and highly praised by her superiors. But she's very guarded and keeps everyone at arm's length, doesn't go out for after-work drinks with the others, practically sleeps with one eye open — years of working undercover and living with a serial killer will do that to you.
Until a certain promising young recruit comes along.
Kara is new in town — the adopted sister of Alex Danvers, the cousin of one of J'onn's old friends (I don't think teaming family members up is actually allowed in the FBI, so some suspension of disbelief is required here). Lena is assigned to oversee her training and transition into the team herself.
Kara's sunny demeanor couldn't clash more with Lena's icy, professional facade. Lena approaches the task with thinly-veiled impatience and something remarkably close to disdain.
However, Kara quickly proves to be more than a perky attitude and a pretty smile. She squirms at blood, which Lena is quick to exploit at first (What FBI profiler can't stand the sight of a corpse? "We profile serial killers here, not celebrities in high-waisted jeans.").
But Kara displays true empathy to the victims and their families, she's sensitive to other people's emotions and knows just what to say to get a reluctant victim or witness talking. She's extremely dedicated to catching the unsubs, and relentless in her investigation. Not to mention, she's extremely handy to have around in a crisis.
Lena finds this last part out when they're on a case, trying to find a missing girl.
The team is headed to the unsub's apartment, but on a hunch, Lena heads to an abandoned warehouse near the apartment, with only Kara as backup. They enter the warehouse, and just as they're clearing the rooms and checking for the missing girl, the unsub attacks Lena and manages to pin her to the ground, choking her. Kara gets there just in time to shoot the unsub in the leg, saving Lena's life.
Later that evening, Kara and the rest of the team go to the bar to celebrate. Lena is absent, as usual.
Just as Kara is getting another round of drinks at the bar, a low, smoky voice interrupts her. "Didn't profile you as a drinker, Danvers.”
Kara squeaks, nearly dropping the drinks, and turns to see Lena smirking behind her. “I wonder what other surprises you're hiding behind those glasses and cardigans."
"Agent Kieran! I didn’t expect to see you here— No, these aren't all for me, I— " Lena's face softens at Kara's babbling, and she takes a few of the shot glasses from Kara's hands.
"You know, I have a rule..." A wry smile lifts one corner of her lipsticked mouth. "Anyone who saves my life gets to call me Lena."
Kara blushes profusely at the other woman’s arched eyebrow. "Well then, if I'm calling you Lena..."
Lena smirks. "Kara it is, then."
For the first time — much to the gaping surprise of the rest of the team she's worked with for years — Lena joins them for a post-case drink.
To everyone's — and no one's — surprise, the pair quickly become the best of friends.
Two days into their friendship, Lena starts jokingly calling Kara Supergirl. Three weeks later, they start grabbing lunch together. Three months in, Kara sends Lena a video of herself petting a St. Bernard on the street only to be bowled over in a mass of furry paws and puppy licks — and the cadets Lena is training are even more bowled over to hear the "Ice Queen" laugh. Of course, they're later treated with a scorching glare and a sharp reprimand, but it's a revelation just to discover that she's actually physically capable of laughing.
By six months, the whole department is in a secret "will they or won't they" betting pool. A year in, and every other department has stakes in the pool (Alex publicly condemns the pool, but secretly bets a hundred bucks that "they will" by winter).
One time while they're eating lunch together, Kara tells Lena why she became a profiler when her career was in journalism.
"It just felt... too late. I'd be covering these stories about these terrible things, people who were already victims, and I thought... it's too late... Don't get me wrong, I loved being a reporter. Journalism was a way to bring truth out there, to give voices to these victims, but.... I wanted - needed - to do something more. I wanted to stop these things from happening. To keep these people from becoming victims."
But despite their growing closeness, Lena has yet to tell Kara about Lex, or about her life before the BAU.
She doesn't tell Kara about the woman she'd loved once, who hates her now because of the lies Lena told her. She doesn't tell her about Reign. She doesn’t tell Kara about the sweet young girl living far, far away, who plays soccer and loves to sing and read. The little girl Lena loves from afar, but knows only through secret updates from James, because it's for her own good.
Because that sweet little girl that Lena hasn't seen since she was a baby deserves to live a life that's whole and good — away from those who love her, but could hurt her. Whether she's thinking about Sam or herself, Lena doesn't know.
There are too many secrets, Lena decides, as she shoves them all one by one into their little boxes, clamping the lid securely shut. Kara is too good to be tainted by any of them.
Kara, who gets squeamish at the sight of blood, but resolutely hunts each killer like an avenging angel. Kara, who somehow, somehow still believes in the good in people.
And when she realizes that there is very little of that to be found in Lena Kieran or Lena Luthor, Kara will hate her as much as Lena hates herself.
But then the day comes when Lena receives a package in the mail.
She reaches in and pulls out two things: one, a chess piece — the white knight — and the other, a surveillance photo of Kara and Lena having lunch together.
On the back of the photograph are three cryptic little words that fill her with dread: “See you soon, sis.”
Panic overrides logic and years of training, and Lena stashes the package and its cursed contents into her safe. Heart racing, she calls the warden at Strykers. It takes several favors, but she manages to procure video footage confirming that her brother is still incarcerated. Despite the visual confirmation, she doesn’t sleep a wink that night, nor the night after.
Everything is quiet after that, so quiet that Lena is almost lulled, if not into a sense of complacency, then at least a state of less vigilance. Everyone needs a breather, a reprieve from paranoia at some point, and that is exactly what Lex is counting on.
A string of seemingly-unrelated murders heralds Lex's return, luring the BAU — and Lena — closer and closer. Lena knows she should leave, and leave soon. The closer the team gets to figuring out it's Lex, the more danger they're in — not just Kara, but the rest of the team that Lena has now come to care for.
But Kara, being Kara, holds onto Lena and keeps her from leaving.
Kara knows her too well now. She knows that something is wrong. She pushes without pushing, in that earnest yet respectful way, relentless in her concern for the people she cares about, yet still mindful and considerate in her efforts. It's one of the things Lena loves about her.
And then, after coming home from a case one night — Kara is shot by an intruder in her apartment.
The whole team is thrown into chaos trying to find Kara’s assailant. They all agree that the attack cannot be random, but there’s a frustrating lack of evidence anywhere.
But Lena knows.
The lack of clues is a glaring clue in and of itself. She knows this is Lex’s handiwork. Her brother’s way of getting back at her for “telling on him”, just like he used to when they were children. Except the stakes are infinitely higher this time, and he has gone too far.
And Lena — who should've known — didn't prevent it. She was too selfish, too greedy, wanting more time — more time with Kara, more time with her team, her family — and now this is the result.
Lena knows that Lex will go after everything and everyone she loves, because he wants to hurt her. Luthors are not raised on half-measures. Win the game, or burn the board. He will not stop, Lena knows this. Not until either of them is dead.
While half the team is waiting at Kara’s bedside, and the other half is delving into Kara’s case — two people are noticeably missing.
Alex can’t bear to see her sister looking so weak and vulnerable in that hospital bed.
Instead, she goes to Kara's apartment to clean her sister’s blood off the wall before Kara gets home from the hospital.
She's just getting a bucket full of soapy water when she hears movement at the door. Alert, Alex already has her gun out and trained at the door.
When the door opens, all Alex sees is a flash of black hair and wide green eyes before she gets a gun aimed at her too.
"Lena?? What the fuck?! What are you doing here??"
Alex puts her gun down slowly, her heart still hammering. Lena cautiously does the same, her hands held out to her sides.
Alex gestures at the door "How did you—?"
"Kara gave me the key three months ago." Lena's eyes haven't lost their wary edge, but she has the decency to look a bit abashed. "She said I could come over anytime."
"Yeah, but Kara's still in the hospital. What are you doing here?"
"I know that," Lena slants her a light glare as she looks around Kara's apartment. "I just — I wanted to make sure the place is secure, and... well... I didn't want Kara to come home to that."
She gestures at the blood-spattered wall, but looks away quickly. As if she, like Alex, can't bear to stand the sight of Kara's blood.
It's funny. They're both seasoned agents, they deal with horrific things on an almost daily basis. The sight of blood rarely fazes either of them anymore. Except this is Kara's blood.
It seems impossible that Lena could get any paler, but here she is, as white as a ghost and looking just as sick as Alex feels. And yet, she's still here. Out of everyone in Kara's circle of friends and family, only Alex and Lena are here, performing a task that somehow seems more terrible than anything either of them have encountered.
It's in this moment that it begins to dawn on Alex just how special Lena is. How special she may still become.
Alex bends down and drags the bucket of soapy water to the wall. She doesn't look at Lena, and instead focuses on the wall and swallows down bile at the sight of her sister's blood. Over her shoulder, she mutters "Grab a sponge."
"That's not gonna be enough. We, um—" Lena clears her throat and chokes out. "— need bleach."
Alex nods curtly. "Under the kitchen sink."
Lena gets the bleach, and the two of them silently begin scrubbing Kara's blood off her walls, and that's that. Once they're done, Alex gets a couple of beers that Kara keeps especially for Alex in her fridge and offers one to Lena.
Then Alex gives her a mild version of a shovel talk lol
And then, two days before Kara is released from the hospital, the news breaks. Lex Luthor, convicted serial killer, has escaped from prison.
All eyes are focused on the BAU screen, except J’onn’s. He turns to his left. Lena Kieran watches the television without batting an eye.
Lena waits only until after Kara has come back home, to make sure that she's safe, that Alex is staying with her for now.
Looking at the blonde tucked into blankets on the couch, soft and vulnerable, Lena can't bring herself to say goodbye, so instead, she just leans over to kiss Kara on the forehead and says good night.
Then without a word, without even packing a bag, Lena Luthor leaves National City to lure her brother out of the shadows.
Lena makes her exit just as the team is on the cusp of finding out that Lena Kieran is Lena Luthor.
She leaves her apartment intact, knowing that Kara and the rest of the team will eventually search it. She sticks the surveillance photo of her and Kara on the bedroom mirror and writes on the glass in red lipstick: "I'm sorry. I promise I'll make this right."
J'onn is the only one who knows the truth of who Lena really is, and in the end, he's the one who tells them.
With Lena gone, it's clear to J'onn that she's about to do something monumentally stupid, like sacrifice herself for the team. He gathers everyone, and tells them the truth.
The group is gathered around the conference table, staring at pictures of young Lena on the screen.
Tiny Lena, not even 5 years old, just after she was adopted by the Luthors, her wide green eyes sad and confused, her little hands clutching a worn, well-loved teddy bear.
Six year old Lena and a teenaged Lex Luthor standing together in front of Lena's new school. The little girl in her neat uniform, holding onto the older boy's hand, looking at her big brother with an adoring smile.
Fifteen year old Lena on summer vacation, and a now-adult Lex, the young girl perched on the hood of a restored vintage car with Lex's hand on her shoulder. Lena is thinner, more gaunt, and her smile less bright, but Lex is different. He's grinning at the camera, looking every inch the charismatic billionaire playboy. You would never know from Lex Luthor's easy smile that he had already been killing for 5 years at this point.
Finally, the last Luthor family portrait, taken the year Lex was arrested. They're a beautiful family, there's no denying that. Each person in the photograph is regal and proud — but in each set face, there's a private war being waged. Lena looks far older than her sixteen years. Her face shows no emotion in each cut line, but her eyes betray all: a somber intensity that's impossible to look away from. Lex is the exact opposite. His smile is charming and draws the viewer's gaze, but his eyes are cold and dead. Within 8 months, Lex would be in prison, Lionel would be dead, Lillian would be running the company, and Lena would no longer be a Luthor.
Kara feels... she doesn't know how she feels.
There's anger, shock, confusion and... hurt. A lot of hurt, a heavy ball of it resting on the base of her spine, mixed with the ache of a longing she doesn't understand, something broken that only confuses her more. So she decides to settle on the anger.
Yes, anger is good. It gives her a sense of purpose and clarity, and it doesn't threaten to make her curl up into a tiny ball. She's angry that her best friend — one of the most important people in her life, second only to Alex — has been hiding all of this from her for years. She's angry that Lena, who has taught her so many things — not just about being a profiler, but about life and love and friendship — didn't trust her enough to tell her about any of this.
Anger is good, because it keeps the tears stinging the back of her eyes from falling, because... because Kara's always thought she knows Lena better than anyone. Had believed that out of everyone, Lena had trusted her, Kara Danvers, enough to get to know her. But now, it seems she doesn't really know Lena at all.
The screen flickers.
Everyone blinks up at the screen in confusion as it begins to glitch. Suddenly, the photos of Lena disappear from the monitors. It’s replaced by what looks like a grainy video feed. Kara turns to J’onn, who shakes his head, frowning. This was not his doing.
“What the hell?” Alex frowns up at the monitor and nudges Winn, who immediately squints into his computer screen. “Who’s doing that?”
“I have no idea...” Winn mutters. “Gimme a second...”
It looks like feed from a surveillance video, except it’s showing what looks like a cabin. Even from the pixelated image, it looks well-decorated, expensive, like something from a country home magazine. Outside the far window, Kara can see a view of snow-capped mountains. Outlined in the middle is a dark shadow of a man.
“They live soft, luxurious lives, don’t they? Your so-called friends. Oblivious, unencumbered by knowledge, and so pathetically... mortal. Fragile.” A smooth baritone voice cuts through the static, and Kara’s blood chills. That voice is familiar. “You and I, we have been trained in the hard school of danger and war. Haven’t we, sister mine?”
Another figure steps out of the shadows and into view, and Kara gasps. Even in the grainy image, Lena’s smile is sharp and icy. “Comparing yourself to Alexander the Great now, are you? But then again, you always were trying too hard, Lex.”
I don't know exactly how happens, I haven't figured it out yet, but Lena confronts Lex with the intention of killing him, except she's the one who's "killed".
And Lex, being the sadistic ass that he is, had the whole thing captured on a hidden camera and it's being broadcast on every BAU monitor, for Lena's family to see.
The whole team watches Lena "die".
But Lena had a failsafe. She told someone of her location, maybe Andrea or Jack or Jess idk, and had them standby to help her in case something happened.
The whole time Lex streams their confrontation, Kara is frantic. The table suffers under her fury, splintering with the force of her desperate grip.
Every time they get nowhere trying to track Lena and Lex, Kara punches the walls, and Alex has to hold her sister back, afraid of how Kara is losing control.
When the feed broadcasts Lena's death, it seems almost unremarkable. One second, Lena is standing, the next she's on the floor, lifeless and unmoving.
A deadly silence grips the BAU conference room. No one is moving, not even breathing. It's as if when Lena dropped dead on the feed, so did they. They wait. And wait.. and wait.
Lena doesn't move.
On the screen, Lex checks his sister's vitals and satisfied, steps over his sister's body and out of sight. The camera blacks out.
They all stare dumbly at the screen for a long moment, afraid to move, as if moving from their frozen spots would make it true.
It's Alex who stirs first. She jumps into action, frantic, ordering Winn to get the feed back, but it's impossible. The room erupts in a blaze of action, but Kara... Kara's the only one left staring at the screen, frozen in shock and disbelief, as if she can't believe it's real.
It’s not. It’s not.
In the interim between Lena's death and the reveal that she’s alive, Kara spends every waking moment hunting down Lex or secretly looking into Leviathan (which she also uncovers when she digs deeper into Lena’s life before the Luthors and learns more about Lena’s mother).
Kara goes down so deep into the rabbit hole, that Alex is genuinely afraid for her sister. She almost prays that they don't find Lex Luthor. Not because she doesn't want that man brought to justice, but because she's afraid of what Kara can and will do once she sees him.
Kara hasn't mentioned Lena's name in months. But then again, most of their team hasn't.
In the months since Lena’s death, two new members have been brought int the BAU team, William Dey and Nia Nal.
William and Nia know very little about Lena from the team itself, because her name is hardly mentioned. Nia only knows Lena through her reputation, and through what Alex and the other agents outside of their team have told her. 
Alex is the only one in the team who says Lena's name because she hates that everyone tiptoes around it.
Lena was their friend. Her friend, and it's not right that everyone flinches at her name, that they can't look at the plaque of her on the memorial wall. She knows how hard it is to look at Lena's picture there, just as hard as it was to look at Kara's blood on the walls.
But Alex is not gonna be the one to look away. Lena didn't look away when they cleaned Kara's blood off the walls, and Alex will not look away from her either. She's gonna hunt Lex Luthor down like the animal that he is and make him pay for taking Lena from their family.
But Alex is getting worried about Kara.
Her sister doesn’t sleep anymore. Barely eats. Kara doesn't stop — she pores over old files of Lex's murders, goes over the old profile, possible places he might be. Alex is worried about her fixation with Lex. It's not healthy. Kara's grief — or her refusal to grieve — is gonna drive her to the ground.
So she confronts Kara about it.
They're in the BAU conference room when Alex finally speaks up, but Kara meets her gaze head on. With one hand, she points to the empty seat Lena used to favor, right across Kara's. "Lena's chair, Alex. What do you see when you look at it?... Nothing, right? We've left it empty all this time. No one can bear to sit it in. Tell me, what do you see, right now?"
Alex glances over at the chair, then back at her sister "Kara..."
"Tell me what you see, Alex."
Alex sighs. "Nothing."
"Exactly. Nothing." Kara nods, her eyes hard. "Do you wanna know what I see? I see her, Alex. I see Lena sitting across from me, just as clearly as I can see you now.”
Alex swallows at the intensity burning in her sister’s eyes.
“I see her everywhere, Alex. All the time. I see her smile, her eyes, and I—" Kara's voice cuts off with a sob. The agony in her eyes is almost too much for Alex to take. It takes a long moment before Kara can speak again.
"I can't stop, Alex. Whenever I stop and I look at her, I — I know she's - she's gone, but she looks so alive, and I— I know the only way I can get any kind of peace about it is knowing that Lex Luthor has been wiped off the face of the earth."
A frisson of fear shivers down Alex's spine. "Killing Lex won't bring Lena back, Kara."
"I know that, Alex." Kara's eyes are dark as flint. "Believe me. I know."
Sometime after Lena’s “death”, the BAU receives an unannounced visitor.
Lillian Luthor strides into the BAU bullpen, tall and imperial in her furs, her icy glare making everyone it lands on feel small and insignificant.
She strides past the bullpen, past Kara, and comes face to face with J’onn. Her cold blue eyes render everyone in the room silent. She scoffs her hatred into his face.
 "Taking my son away from me wasn't enough for you people, was it? You had to take my daughter away from me too. I warned her. I warned her this would be her undoing, and I was right. And now she's dead." 
They end up having to work with Lillian to find Lex, because as Lillian says "It takes a Luthor to find a Luthor." [And there's gonna be an interrogation lol. I just have this vague idea of Lillian talking about Lex and Lena.]
"The truth is, I lost Lena long before now.” Kara suspects that this is the closest anyone has come to hearing regret in Lillian Luthor’s voice.
“I was.... harsh on her, in a way I never was with Lex. Lex always had a sharp edge to him, but Lena — Lena was too soft, too vulnerable. A Luthor cannot be soft. Not when the world is watching, waiting for you to make the smallest mistake."
It’s not enough. It’s nowhere near enough. Kara slams her hands on the table, unable to believe the nerve of this woman. J'onn grips her arm in warning, but Kara ignores him, snarling at Lillian, her anger plain on her face. "You abused her! You made her feel unworthy of love, unable to trust anyone—"
Lillian lifts her chin. "I made sure my daughter could face a world that's hungry for Luthor blood. I made her a Luthor."
"She was just a little girl when she came to you!" Kara shouts, her fury growing by the second. "A little girl whose mother just died, who was looking for love, and instead she found you. She trusted you—"
Lillian's voice rises, a flash of heat scorching the cool, detached dignified tones. "I made her strong!" 
"She didn't need to be strong!" Kara yells, surging up to her feet, her face inches away from Lillian. J'onn grabs her shoulder, restraining, but Kara presses forward. "She needed someone to love her! And you answered that with nothing but condescension and neglect! The only one in your family who made her feel loved was a psychopath who betrayed her!"
Lillian is struck silent, her eyes wide and her face strained as she stares at Kara. Kara meets the older woman's eyes, staring her down without the fear that a younger Lena must have shown Lillian all those years ago.
Kara wishes she could've been there to hold that young Lena in her arms, wishes she could've taken her away from the family that broke her.
"The Luthor name didn't deserve Lena. You never deserved her."
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crowleys-hips · 3 months
i've learned not to say it  because wars tend to break out after these words are spoken the words themselves might as well be a call to arms an ill omen, a portent of death three words always followed by bloodshed whole rivers turning red three words always followed by famine years and years of hopeless starvation three words always followed by calamity  smoke in lungs, poisoned veins three words always followed by silence violent, ear-shattering silence 
so i may never say it, just to keep us safe oh, but i hope that you know i hope my eyes and my actions can convey  what my words cannot i hope that every time i gift you something a smile, a laugh, my time, a glass of wine,  your favorite dessert, a night out, a song you've never heard i hope that you know
i hope that every time i do anything for you, make a warm cup of tea, tidy up the place,  help you out of danger, keep you company in loneliness,  put up with your endless antics and complain all the way as i do it anyway
i hope that you know
i can't say it it might bring forth our own apocalypse if i do but it's there, can you see it? can you feel it? it's been there all along
tag list under the cut
@wibbly-wobbly-blog @goodomensafterdark @phantomram-b00 @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @charlotte-zophie @crowleys-curl @quoththemaiden @thewibblylever @genderqueer-hippie @lickthecowhappy @celestialcrowley @sabotage-on-mercury @ineffabildaddy @ineffable-rohese @rainbowcrowley @alwaysbemybae @fearandhatred @roof-of-trees @weasleywrinkles @brokewokebespoke @eybefioro @captainblou @amagnificentobsession @marika-misc @phoen1xr0se @simonezitrone79 @thatqueercookie @tiptopticketyboo @veil-of-lament @celticseawych
please tell me if you wanna be removed or added
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hallucie · 2 years
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🪷Astro Observation 8🪷
✨Saturn conjunct Jupiter✨ As these natives age they long to remain young. These people are always into the latest style no matter how old they may get. Saturn can cause a reality check, often setbacks in growth at a young age. They are forced to learn constant lessons with their optimism in life. Young people often look up to them as a leader.
✨Libra risings✨ I’m so sorry, these people are so pretty but majority of them have no ass. Just two little pancakes— like even the men. For some reason it’s like they have a really good upper body and then nothing at the bottom. It has to be balanced— one or the other and not in a symmetrical way either.
✨Uranus 3H✨Can cause one to have ticks or an over active mind. This can spawn as severe anxiety, especially in primary school.
✨Venus 11H✨ the people will love you. This can show up as one being adored in huge events. People with this placement are also really good hosts for reality shows.
✨Capricorn Venus✨ a love for really old things, or things that last for a long time. Capricorn really loves function over form, they’re also really resourceful.
✨Aquarius Placements✨ somehow these people are adored by many, but hardly do a thing to get people to like them. It seems like everyone they meet enjoys their company, I think it’s because Aqua placements show their most authentic selves and it’s accepted by most.
✨Mercury Virgo✨ natural born comedians. So good at self deprecation. They always know the right thing to say and when to say it even if it sounds a little corny.
✨Gemini Moon✨ most often THINK about how someone may feel. They hardly ever lean into intuition for how someone may feel. Use head over heart method. They also really cherish writing and communication as a form of emotional bonding. Would be the type of people to write “open me in 10 years” letters. Really good body behavior analysts.
✨Gemini Placements✨ Live like they’re on an adderall high, but without the focus. If Gemini placements could have 8 arms they would.
✨Libra Mercury✨ specifically women will talk an absurd amount. It’s not inherently bad, but I think they just don’t like the silence. It’s like they feel the need to keep the conversation going.
✨Aries Venus✨ can often overdo going after what it wants. Maybe in the sense of knocking someone else down to run and get the last toy on the shelf. Being unaware of how it’s desires may hurt others. Also may have a hard time with crossing boundaries, this can show up as being really interested in someone way before they get to know them even if the person they’re interested in wants to take things slow.
✨Pluto 1H✨ These people are often bullied by others for their looks. Their looks never lean into societal standards. I’ve seen people with this placement have large facial birthmarks, scars, red patches, or even severe cystic acne on their face that may be seen as “unappealing”.
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NASCAR Pantera ‐ First To 300
A reporter sat in a late-night cafe, sipping coffee and attempting to calm his nerves after a high-speed ride with Gary and his Pantera. The deafening roar of the V-8 engine still echoed in his mind, and his hands shook as he held his cup. It was as if he had just escaped from the clutches of the devil himself. Tragically, a few minutes later the devil caught up with Garry Mitsunaga and his red Pantera!
For students of Japanese car culture, the Mitsunaga Pantera that graced the cover of Option Magazine is a significant page of Asian tuning lore, as it was the first street-legal vehicle to achieve a recorded speed of 300 km/h in Japan.
Actual speed was 307.69 km/h on the infamous Yatabe Test Circuit in November 1981, making it the most legendary Pantera in all of Japan. Figuring Yatabe was too dangerous for civilian drivers, and wanting to take the human element of unpredictability out of things, driving duties at this event were performed by professional racer Kunimitsu Takahashi, who is considered the father of drifting.
Yatabe was the preeminent destination for high-speed testing in Japan from the 1960s to the 1990s. However, it was closed two decades ago due to a tragic accident involving Masa Saito, the editor of the tuning magazine Option. After the accident manufacturers started shifting towards more contemporary testing facilities.
Prior to the Porsche-vs-Skyline dreams of the 1990s, the streets of Japan were ruled by the infamous Midnight Club running Pantera's, Firebirds and American V-8s. For those unaware of the Pantera, it is an Italian-American sportscar with a Ford 351 Cleveland engine and were sold in the early 70's through Lincoln Mercury dealerships.
Leading up to November 1981, top speeds were achieved by vehicles such as the S30 Fairlady, tuned by SS Kubo, which reached a maximum speed of 257.60km/h. The fastest imported car, surprisingly, was the Trust Firebird Trans-Am, which recorded a top speed of 264.71km/h. So when the Pantera eclipsing the 300km/h mark it was a huge leap forward and a landmark achievement, becoming the benchmark for all the street racers and tuners to beat.
Mitsunaga was not entirely content. Only a speed above 320 km/h (200 mph) would suffice. It is said that Takahashi advised him against driving the Pantera outside of a racetrack. Mitsunaga disregarded the warning.
Just before the accident, he was transporting a journalist down a 38 kilometer (24 mile) stretch of the Tomei Expressway. With a recorded time of 6 minutes and 20 seconds he averaged 250 KM/H ( ~160 MPH).
Not long after dropping off that rattled journalist, he supposedly totaled his Pantera while avoiding a taxi. They meet their end at approximately 1:40 a.m. on November 28, 1981. Tragically, Mitsunaga died in the accident, instantly.
At the moment of his death, Garry Allan Mitsunaga was already a legend in the Japanese dragstrip and top-speed racing scene. He was an American, born in Hawaii and employed by the Harman Kardon audio group. The company sent him to Tokyo in 1975 to work for one of its Japanese divisions, in sales.
Upon his passing, he was revered as a patron saint of street racing, inspiring countless individuals to pursue ever-greater velocities. Despite his non-Japanese origin, he was a hero to the local community, and his legacy lived on through the Mitsunaga Pantera, a symbol of both the thrill and the peril of this high-octane pursuit. Although the whereabouts of the Pantera are unknown, its engine showed up for sale in 1995.
Mitsunaga's Pantera, was tuned by Masaru Hosoki from ABR, one of Japans most famous tuners. It also featuring a 600hp engine built by Mario Rossi, an American NASCAR mechanic and crew chief for the likes of Bobby Allison and Glenn “Fireball” Roberts. Rossi was also the guy that built the only Dodge Daytona to compete during the 1971 season. It's only race was finishing 7th at the Daytona 500 with a de-stroked Plymouth 340 TA engine to meet the new 305ci engine displacement mandate for the five Ford & Chrysler aero cars during the 1971 NASCAR season.
Rossi has been embroiled in controversy since his involvement in the $300 million drug smuggling scandal that shook NASCAR in 1982. Four days after the 1982 Daytona 500 in Florida, authorities arrested 66 people, including several associated with NASCAR teams, on what has been labeled “Black Thursday.” Among those implicated in the scheme that authorities believe grossed $300 million were owner Billie Harvey and driver Gary Balough from the team on which Rossi was working as a mechanic. Rossi’s role (if any) in the drug operation is unclear – though his own daughter implicates him.
Rossi's whereabouts have been a mystery since his disappearance, with some believing him to be in the witness protection program in the United States. Despite claims of his death in a plane crash off the Bahamas in 1983, the insurance company asserts that the plane in question has been sold multiple times without any recorded accidents.
What’s legend and what’s fact we are unlikely to ever know for certain. What we do know, however, is that Garry Mitsunaga and his Pantera dared to dance with the devil in the witching hour.
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darlixg · 1 month
what is this type of character called?
As a start, these are some of my favorite characters that i think are similar in some way:
-Toph Beifong (Avatar)
-Lance (Voltron)
-Stuart Pot, 2D (Gorillaz)
-Mammon (Obey Me!)
-Damian Wayne (DC)
-Lee Ping (Detentionaire)
-Geto Suguru (JJK)
-Herrscher of Sentience (hi3rd)
-Testament (Guilty Gear)
-Ivan (Alien Stage)
-Suletta Mercury (The witch from mercury)
-Sunday (Star rail)
-Tweek Tweak (South park)
-Hong Lu (Limbus company)
-Go Bok-Su (married in red)
-Alucard (Hellsing)
-Allen Walker (D. Gray-man)
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basically this^
I'm aware that some are more on the darker or religious way, but most of them seem to me like the sunshine character with deep depth hidden in them, acting tough but with a soft side to them, multifaceted and resilient taking on whether they are internal or external challenges, some being groomed and suffering because of other peoples choices.
I love when a charcter holds great complexity to them, have a strong sense of identity or they struggle with that identity and accepting it and having a meaningful build up growth and development.
-For example, one of my favorite character developments these characters go through, is Testaments from Guilty gear.
How Testament begins to reclaim their autonomy and struggles with the guilt and trauma of their past actions, trying to reconcile their existence as a Gear with the remnants of their humanity. They go through a journey of redemption and self-discovery, as they shift from a being of pure destruction to someone seeking to protect others and find a sense of peace.
-Or Damian Wayne's development. How he goes from a brash, arrogant child warrior to a more mature, responsible, and empathetic hero. His growth is marked by his struggle with his violent upbringing, his desire to prove himself, and his gradual acceptance of the values his father embodies. Despite his tough exterior, Damian’s evolution reveals a deeply complex character who cares deeply for those close to him and strives to atone for his past, making him one of the more dynamic and compelling members of the Bat-family.
Tbh, i could go on forever for each of these characters, some that have affected me deeply are Geto Suguru's crisis, Sunday's grooming and fighting with his beliefs, Ivan's character alone is the most fascinating thing for me, as well as Toph's strong independet personality that i just love so much!
I want to find more complex, sunshine, strong or weak but manipulative characters that strugle with life or however these kind of characters are described as. Smart and going after their beliefs without changing for the greater good but for themselfs.
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marzipanandminutiae · 4 months
I figure you might know this: is there any connection between historic poisonous makeup / skin cream, and the tendency of modern skin whitening creams to have high heavy metal levels? Like, one paper suggested that the high mercury levels of black US women are explicable by (illegally imported) creams and not e.g. pollution. Does mercury/ lead / arsenic actually improve skin somehow, or is it a contaminant, or what?!
Yikes! I always feel awful for people who are subject to those pressures- for light-skinned women, we're told to set ourselves up for cancer by tanning, and dark-skinned women are pressed to use poisonous bleaching creams. It's not the SAME pressure, since one has the weight of systemic racism behind it, of course. I just find it interesting (in a sad way) that no matter what skin tone you have, someone wants you to harm yourself to change it.
That said, I don't know much about skin-bleaching agents in the past (besides lemon juice for getting rid of freckles, which is a great way to badly sunburn yourself). Venetian ceruse and other white lead "foundations" were basically just a translucent white paint, not a skin product. The lead was only to get the white color. They were also not as commonly used- at least in the 16th century and later -as people often think today. The dangers were pretty well-known, if not fully understood, to the point where the 1760 death of unpopular socialite Maria Gunning was blamed on white lead makeup. A story which is still widely believed, even though I found no solid evidence for it being anything but slander.
The arsenic thing came from an 1851 scientific paper by Johann Jakob von Tschudi, in which he described Alpine peasants slowly acclimating themselves to larger and larger doses of arsenic over years. He speculated that the lovely complexions of women and girls in these villages might be due to arsenic-eating, though by what mechanism is unclear- long-term arsenic exposure actually darkens the skin, something Europeans at the time would not have held in high regard. Still, the beauty industry picked this up and unscrupulous companies began selling arsenic "complexion wafers," which made pretty much every skincare claim under the sun: they were good for acne, freckles, redness, roughness, oily skin, wrinkles...you name it. Of course, the fact that these companies were so unscrupulous probably saved women who believed the claims of "safe dosage" on the packaging- an 1893 study of one popular brand, in the Boston Journal of Health, found that the wafers contained nearly undetectable amounts of arsenic or none at all. That's just one brand, but it's not hard to imagine others doing likewise.
I know less about mercury in skincare/beauty products because you don't hear about it as much, but I did find evidence that it's been used in bleaching creams as far back as the early 20th century (again, targeting mostly women of color). Also that the use of cinnabar in some rouge preparations, in ancient Rome and Iberia, may have caused some mercury poisoning.
So yeah. Less related to the lead and arsenic history, but it seems mercury bleaching creams have at least a 100-year legacy. Horrifying.
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itmeansiris · 9 days
The Solar System Legacy Challenge: Getting to Know the Neighbors Gen 1 pt.55
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The day before Zohrehs birthday Mercury and family head down the street to meet for lunch with Kiersten and her family. When they arrive they knock and a gruff voice calls out from inside
???: It's open.
In the distance they can hear a softer voice respond, Kiersten.
Kiersten: Did you even check who it was?
Kiersten opens the door and lets them in
Kiersten: Mercury! Kason! I'm so glad you guys made it. Rufus these are the neighbors who own the gorgeous blue house near the towns center. I told you they came by yesterday to say hello while you and the boys were out.
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Rufus was in the middle of a flash card lesson with his youngest son. He cuts the lesson short, kissed the small red headed boy and stood to greet them.
Rufus: Good to meet you. Rufus, I see you've meet my beautiful wife. This handsome guy is Malachi and our oldest son Tucker is around here somewhere.
Kason steps forward to introduce his own family.
Kason: Rufus, nice to meet you. Kiersten it's nice to see you again. I’m Kason, this is my wife Mercury and our triplets Venus, Ishtar and Aphrodite and our youngest Zohreh.
Rufus: Well lets not stand in the doorway come in please.
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As soon as everyones inside, the oldest boy Tucker comes down whining loudly to his parents.
Tucker: Mooooommm you said dad would help me with my creative writing paper. I actually have to attend school tomorrow if you forgot.
Tucker plops down at the kitchen table.
Rufus: We have company buddy.
Tucker looks around noticing there are other people in the room.
Tucker: Um...sorry. Hi, I'm Tucker.
He politely introduces himself.
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M: It's very nice to meet you Tucker. If you don't mind me asking what is your creative writing story about?
Tucker smiles and animated launches into an explanation of the world he'd created and the characters and creatures that inhabited the land.
Tucker: I want the main character to become a werewolf but I've never written about werewolves. Which is where my dad came in. He loves the supernatural, but he hasn't had much time since the move.
M smiled and sat down across from him.
M: Well I just happen to know a little something about writing werewolves. Would you mind if I helped out?
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Rufus and Kiersten looked at each other surprised.
Kiersten: Thank you so much, but we couldn't ask you for that. We invited you over for lunch and to hopefully make friends-
Rufus: Yeah, not put you to work.
Kason laughed, seeing Rufus and Kiersten finish each other sentences made him like them more. They reminded him of himself and Mercury. It was easy to see they had a close family dynamic and a healthy relationship.
Kason: One thing you'll learn about M, writing is never work for her. She's a pretty amazing author herself.
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Kiersten stops in her tracks as realization dawns on her. She walks over to the bookshelf and pulls out a familiar book.
Kiersten: I knew she looked familiar. She wrote "Journals of a Werewolf".
Rufus takes a closer look at the photo on the back of the book.
Rufus: Well what do you know, that is you. I admit I'm a little ashamed now, I've read that series at least a dozen times. Can't believe I didn't recognize you.
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M laughs and reassures them.
M: Please it's better that way. But it's nice to know you enjoyed the series. Thank you
Tucker: Sooo, can she help me?
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Kiersten hesitates still
Kiersten: We really couldn't ask you to do that.
M: It's not a problem. Please I'd like to help.
Rufus: Kier she says its okay. Besides who better to help him than the werewolf master herself. Thank you Mercury. Come one Kason we can head out back. Falls taking its time and I just got a new grill I'd like to give a go before the season gets too cold. We'll take the little ones we have a swing and space for them to play.
Kason and Rufus around up the toddlers leaving Mercury to help Tucker with his story.
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After about an hour Tucker and Kiersten join the others in the yard.
Kason: Where's Mercury?
Kiersten: She went down the street to change. I thought she was dressed a little warm for the weather.
M returns 10 short minutes later and everyone is already gathered outside.
Rufus: You're just in time. Your husband was just impressing us with his culinary talents and finished up what looks like an excellent set of Chimis.
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During their meal Kason and M ask the Walter’s what brought them to Brindelton Bay. Rufus explained how he'd been promoted from his position as Constructor of Computers in Chestnut Ridge.
Rufus: The office out there is still small and well they aren't all tech savvy. So the only way to really get the promotion was to move my family to San Myshuno or the Brindelton Bay office. My choice was a clear one.
Kason: It will be nice to see a friendly face in the office.
Rufus smiled, the comment meant to instill a sense of friendship but Kason knew it had another meaning, but that was an issue for another time.
As the evening draws to an end M extends a invitation to Kiersten.
M: Tomorrow and the day after we’re having birthday parties for the triplets and Zohreh. You guys should all come by.
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Kiersten pulls M into a hug
Kiersten: We would love to, and thank you for today.
M hugs her back. When she pulls away Kiersten wiped tears from her eyes.
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M: For what? We were guest in your home we should be thanking you.
Kiersten: You and your family have made us feel so welcomed already. We've hardly seen any of the neighbors sense we've been here. The last town we lived in was so lively, and warm. The people were like family. We've been here for almost a week and your family is the first and only to come over and even introduce themselves.
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M: The neighborhood is fairly quite. More dog owners than families with kids, living so close to the clinic and dog park. Don't worry it was the same when Kason and I first moved here. We can go by the cafe or the towns national park sometime.
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M: And if we don't find any nice people don't worry, you and I are going to be good friends.
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Kiersten giggles and wipes the last of the tears from her eyes,
M: It'll be nice to have a friend close to home.
Kiersten sighs
Kiersten: It'll be good to have a friend. I'm so excited for tomorrow.
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Kason arounds up the kids as M finishes her goodbyes. Before they leave Tucker runs out and hugs M tightly
Tucker: Thank you so much Mrs.Gratz! Could you come over again and help me with more of my stories please?!
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M: I told you it's okay to call me Mercury, and I would love to help you with your stories in exchange you and your family have to come over to our house tomorrow for Zohreh's birthday. What do you say?
Tucker: I get to come to your house?! Mom we can go right?
Kiersten: Of course
She mouths thank you to M again with a fresh batch of tears in her eyes.
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M: Then i’ll see you guys tomorrow. Thank you for lunch. Have a goodnight.
*Journals of a werewolf” is the book that got M her 4th celebrity star. It was a best-seller and she won a star- accolade award. It’s the book most sims are likely to have read. She wrote 2 squeal’s.
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‘Can’t live without it’: alarm at Musk’s Starlink dominance in Brazil’s Amazon
Satellite internet service’s antennas are everywhere, from illegal mining sites to isolated Indigenous villages
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The helicopter swooped into one of the most inaccessible corners of the Amazon rainforest. Brazilian special forces commandos leaped from its metal skids into the caiman-inhabited waters below.
Their target, lurking in the woodland along Brazil’s Bóia River, was a hulking steelmining dredge, caught red-handed as it drilled into the riverbed, pulverising it in search of gold.
Onboard, troops from the national environmental agency, Ibama, and the federal highway police found tools typical of this illegal industry: three bottles of mercury, 10g of gold and an enormous drill bit used to pulp the riverbed below.
But a more modern contraption also caught their eye: a sleek white receiver made by Elon Musk’s satellite internet firm Starlink, which is at the centre of an intensifying showdown between Brazilian authorities and the US billionaire that last week resulted in his social network X being blocked in South America’s biggest country.
“It’s a satellite internet antenna that provides communications to this whole criminal network,” said a special forces combatant as he showed off the device his unit had seized – one of scores taken from such criminals this year.
“We find it everywhere now. Every mining dredge has at least one of them,” the police officer added of the antenna that was being used to connect the barge and its security cameras with an absentee owner in a city hundreds of miles away.
As recently as two years ago, few in the backlands of the Amazon – where high-speed internet has long been an unthinkable luxury – had heard of Starlink or SpaceX, the rocket company that is Starlink’s parent and has sent more than 6,000 low-orbit satellites into space to beam down signals to secluded spots such as this.
Today, Starlink’s antennas are everywhere: at illegal mining operations, but also in isolated Indigenous villages, jungle lodges and ranches, and even military bases scattered across a vast rainforest region larger than the EU.
Continue reading.
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amalgamasreal · 1 year
And they said it would fail....
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Here's the proof you need that Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury was a good idea for revitalizing the Gundam franchise. Bandai Namco Holdings announced its 2023 Fiscal Year (FY) sales results on Wednesday, revealing record-breaking revenue for the Gundam IP. Group-wide sales amounted to 131.3 billion yen (about US$967 million) in FY2023, compared to 101.7 billion yen (about US$749 million) in the previous year.
In a March newsletter, Bandai Namco Holdings president Masaru Kawaguchi specifically highlighted The Witch From Mercury for acquiring new fans among young people and women. He also highlighted the Gundam Aerial gunpla models as strong sellers.
Bandai Namco Holdings publishes financial reports as far back as FY2006. These reports reveal that Gundam's sales have not always followed a linear curve. Sales briefly dropped in FY2009-FY2010, as well as FY2015 and in FY2017-2018. However, there has been remarkable growth since FY2020, which also coincides with the increase of Gunpla sales throughout the pandemic. Case in point: 60.5 billion yen (US$45 million) of Gundam's 131.3 billion yen in sales in FY2023 was through the toys and hobby business, up from 44.2 billion yen (US$33 million) in the last financial year.
Other major Bandai Namco IPs to see growth in the last financial year include the perennial favorite Dragon Ball at 144.5 billion yen (US$1 billion)—up from 127.6 billion (US$940 million). One Piece also climbed up to 86.3 billion yen (US$636 million) from 44.1 billion yen (US$32 million) last year, reflecting the success of One Piece Film Red.
Overall, the company's net sales were 111.3% compared to the previous financial year, and the sector also saw a 103.5% gross profit. The sector to see the biggest growth was "Amusement," referring to amusement parks, arcades, and other public entertainment facilities. This segment grew by 127% from the previous financial year, indicating its recovery from COVID-19 restrictions.
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