#Red mercury German
Since 1992, Roteschemie has been manufacturing / producing red mercury 20/20 258 99.9999999% (N9) and (N5), silver liquid mercury, and Caluanie Muelear oxidizers in Germany. Roteschemie is the oldest German manufacturer of red mercury, with 83 employees and sales of 9.5 billion euros in 2021. This article summarizes the company's services, products, and certifications.
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roteschemiede · 2 years
Caluanie Muelear Oxidize: Controversies, Risks, and Responsible Practices
Caluanie Muelear Oxidize is a chemical substance that has recently gained popularity. It is a dark brown, oily liquid that is used in a variety of industrial operations, including the creation of paint and resin, as well as metal cleaning and polishing. It has, however, been rumored to have other questionable uses, such as in the illicit mining sector, where it is supposedly used to break down gold-bearing rocks.
The origin of Caluanie Muelear Oxidize is shrouded in mystery due to a lack of information regarding its history and growth. It is thought to have originated in the United States in the mid-20th century, although its precise roots are unknown. What is known is that it is a highly toxic material that, if it comes into contact with the skin or is consumed, can cause significant harm to living tissue.
Uses of Caluanie Muelear Oxidize
Caluanie Muelear Oxidize for sale is widely used in the illegal mining sector, where it is utilized to break down gold-bearing rocks. This is known as "artisanal gold mining," and it involves small-scale operations that mine gold from the earth using crude tools and procedures. Many of these operations take place in distant locations with little to no oversight, and the use of hazardous chemicals is frequent.
Caluanie Muelear Oxidizes’ use in artisanal gold mining has been connected to a number of health and environmental issues. If consumed or inhaled, the substance is highly poisonous and can cause significant damage to the liver and other organs. It can also contaminate water sources and harm the natural ecosystem, causing soil erosion, deforestation, and other environmental issues. Roteschemie.de is the manufacturer of Caluanie Muelear Oxidize in Germany.
Notwithstanding these concerns, Caluanie Muelear Oxidize is still widely used in artisanal gold mining in many parts of the world. This is largely owing to the huge demand for gold and the chemical's low cost in comparison to other extraction processes. But environmental and human rights organizations are growing concerned about the impact of this practice on local populations and the wider environment. Buying Caluanie Muelear Oxidize from the manufacturer roteschemie.de in Germany is of a higher advantage for people that buy Caluanie Muelear Oxidize at wholesale prices.
Cruelty to animals is another contested utilization of Caluanie Muelear Oxidize. In various regions of the world, the chemical has been used to torture animals, particularly dogs and cats. Forcing the animal to consume the substance causes serious internal damage and might result in a long and agonizing death. This practice is banned and generally denounced, but it persists in some locations.
Caluanie Muelear Oxidize for sale is utilized in legal industrial operations in addition to its questionable usage. It is extensively employed in the creation of paints and resins, where it aids in the breakdown and emulsification of the ingredients. It is also employed in metal cleaning and polishing, where its strong oxidizing properties help to remove rust and other impurities from metal surfaces. It is good to purchase Caluanie Muelear Oxidize from the manufacturer roteschemie.de in tons if you are a large company that utilizes this product legally.
Despite its numerous applications, Caluanie Muelear Oxidize is an extremely hazardous material that should be handled with extreme caution. If it comes into touch with the skin or eyes, it can cause severe burns and other damage, and it can be lethal if consumed or breathed. As a result, only trained specialists in appropriately equipped facilities should use it.
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stalkerofthegods · 10 months
Lord Hermes Deep dive
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Lord Hermes is amazing, he is the darling of the gods and of our hearts, he is strong in gymnastics and in spirit, he is the last thing we see, and the lord of our words, and as a worshiper and as a researcher I believe he is amazing and wonderful, I absolutely adore him, so I should probably stop writing, or it'll become a love letter, but I've worshiped this god for around 2 years, maybe more, but I know well he is amazing and deserves respect.
Herbs • Krokos (Crocus) koumara Tree, olives/olive oil, crocus, hydrangea, chrysanthemum, Palm tree, Almond tree, The Silver Birch tree, Crocuses, Saffron, Wheat, Rosemary, Pine Tree, Mint, Cinnamon, Cassia, Golden Benzoin, moly, strawberry
Animals• sheep, dogs, boars, lions, Tortoise, Ram, The dove killing species of Hawk, Hares, constellation Lepus, pig, beef, mutton, pork, Cattle/oxen, roster, birds of omen, snakes, and guard dogs, fish, horses
Colors• Red, purple, silver, gold, copper, and black, Orange, Grey, Green, Red, white and brown (associated with traveling)
Crystal• Amethyst, Quartz, Orange topaz, Agate, Marble, smoky quartz, copper, silver, and gold, Eisenkiesel Quartz, Silver, Yellow Topaz, Amber, Citrine, Emerald, and Peridot, red marble, Hematite, jade, malachite, fluorite, pyrite, lapis lazuli, alexandrite
Symbol• Caduceus, Kerykeion (Herald’s staff and magic wand, lulls mortals to sleep and can wake mortals at will), Winged Cap (also called petasos, and a brimmed cap, this cap was called “Cap of Aidoneus, the unseen” because it rendered its wearer invisible), Golden Sickle, Winged Boots- called “pteroeis pedila”, A Sack (the kibisis) Talaria (winged sandals), and Petasos (winged helmet), golden or adamantine blade, shepherd pipes, Purse, Pouch, Hermai.
Mortal or immortal • immortal 
Zodiac• Gemini and Virgo, and cancer 
Equivalent (this means alike, not the same) - Mercury (Roman), Hyperion (Greek), , Horus (Egyptian), Ra (Egyptian), Amun (Egyptian), Freyr (Norse), Bragi (Norse), Odin (Norse), Baldr (Norse), Heimdallr (Norse), Lugh (Celtic), Áine (Celtic), Mercurius (Roman god), Thoth (Egyptian god), Anubis (Egyptian god), Woden-Odin (Germanic god)
Attendees • Oreiades (oreads), Pan & the panes, Satyroi, oneiroi, he is often seen with Hestia.
Ephiphets• Agetor -Guide of Souls, Agonius or Enagonius -pertaining (Hermes’ role as presider over solemn festivals such as Agonius) Agoraea and Agoraeus- to Gods who were considered being the protectors of the assemblies of the people in the agora (also has a reference to the agora as the marketplace), Argeiphontes- “radiant one’, Euskopos Argeiphontes, literally “the sharp-eyed Slayer of Argos”, Chthonius or Chthonios, “of the earth or underworld, Hermes Trismegistus- “Thrice Great Hermes”, Kriophoros- the “ram-bearer” is a figure that commemorates the solemn sacrifice of a ram, Leucus- “white”- an epithet of Hermes in Boetia, a Greek city containing Thebes, “Of the Golden Blade”- he carried a sickle made of adamant, Cyllenius, or Kullhnios- from His birth or temple site on mount Cyllene in Arcadia, Diaktoros Argeiphontes – “the courier” Argeiphontes, Kratus Argeiphontes- “strong” Argeiphontes, Hermes Promakhos- “the Champion” Logios- writer, knower of intelligent design, Tetragonos- four square, Aglaos -Splendid, Agoraios - Of the Market Place, Aipytos -Of Aipytos, Akakesios -Of Akakesion, Angelos -Messenger, Agreiphontes -Argus-Slaying, Bouphonos -Slayer of Oxen, Dioktoros -Messenger, Dolios -Crafty One, Enagonios- Of the Games, Enodios - of the Road, Epimelios - Keeper of the flocks, Eriounios - Luck-Bringer, Euangelos - Bringer of Glad Tidings, Euskopos - Watchful, Gumnasiarkhos - Leader of the Gymnasium, Hermeneutes - Interpreter, Kerdoos - the Gainful, Kerukes -Herald, Kharmophron—Heart-Delighting, Khthonios - of the Earth, Khrysorrhapis -Of the Golden Wand, Klepsiphron - Deceiver, Kourotrophos - Protector of Youth, Kranaios- unknown, Krateros - Mighty, Kriophoros - Ram-Bearer, Kullenios - Of Mount Kyllene, Logios -of Speech, Maiados Huios - Son of Maia, Mekhaniotes - Trickster, Nomios - Protector of Flocks, Oiopolos - Shepherd, Pantokrator- Ruler of the World, Pheletes -Thief, Poikilometes - Full of Various Wiles, Poneomenos - Busy One, Promakhos- Champion, Propulaios - Before the Gates, Psukhopompos - Conveyer of Souls, Takhus - Swift, Tetragonos - Square, Trikephalos - Of the Three Ways/Heads, Trismegestos - Thrice-Greatest, Tukhon- Bringer of Luck, Aglaos- Radiant, Bright, Beautiful, Pleasin, enevolent. Angelos Athanatôn - messenger of the gods, Angelos Makarôn- messenger of the Blessed, Akhos Phêlêteôn- leader of robbers and thieves, Chrysorrhapis- of the Golden wand, Dais herairos - comrade of the forest, Diaktoros- guide & messenger, Dolios- Craft of Wiles, Dôtor Eaôn - giver of good things, Dôtor eaôn- Giver of good things, Enagônions- giver of good things, Enagônios-of the game, Epimêlios-Keeper of the flocks, Erikydês- famous, glorious & splendid, Eriounês - Luck bringing & ready helper, Euskopos-Keen-sighted, Hermêneutês- interpreter/translator, Kharidôtês- giver of joy/graces, Kharmonphrôn- Glad-Hearted, Krateros- Strong & mighty, Kriophoros- ram bearer, Kydimos-glorious, mastêrios- of searchers, mêkhaniôtês-trickster, Oiopolos- sheep tending& shepherd, Phêlêtês- their, robber, rustler, poikilomêtês- full of various wiles, Polytropos - Much traveled& much wandering, pompaios- the guide (he’s a psychopomp) 
Element • air 
Number•Four, eight, Squares
Past courtships• Merope, Aphrodite, Dryope, Peitho, and Hecate,
Personality• People say he is chaotic, some say he’s wise and can be calm, he does give serious advice and is a serious guy, but he also has a sense of humor and won’t always steal from you. (he won’t if you ask him not to..I think.) He is also sassy and side eyes (from other people) I find him difficult to track down, He's very kind and upbeat sometimes, depends on how u contact him and what mood he's in, he gives great advice and someone good to depend on.
Patron of• of cunning thieves and liars, Patron of herdsmen, Patron of orators, Patron of inventors, Cattle-herders, Shepherds, Goatherds, Horse & mule breeders, Grazing pastures, Cave shelters, Guard-dogs, Animal predators, Bucolic poetry, music, Animal fables (ex- the tales of Aesop), Laws of hospitality, he is the Protector of guests, Cattle-rustlers, Bandits, Crafty thoughts, Mail carriers and sorters, Retail workers, Canvassers , Editors, journalists, and writers, Newspaper routes, Bank tellers, Carnies , Casino workers, Gas station attendants, Mechanics, presentations, public speaking, playlists (I've heard this years ago)
Diety of• Divine Trickster, boundaries and thresholds, Creator of civilization as Trickster, Messenger of the Gods, transgressor of boundaries and taboos, Inventor of fire, Inventor of sacrifice, of mysteries, Bringer of sleep, dreams, and visions, free will, Psychopompos or Guide of the Dead, Escort of the Gods, thieves, graves, and heralds, Luck, Unexpected Fortune, Giver of Good, of sacrificial priests, successful communication with enemies, translation and language, gymnasia and athletic youth, logos world order, trade and commodities, astronomy, knowledge, speech, Inventor of boxing, running and foot races, of exchange, alchemy, science, internet, Magic, Presider at solemn sacrifices, Divine Movement, Ruler of the Orphic House of Cancer, Ruler of the Planet Mercury, Western astrological signs of Gemini and Virgo, Scribe of the Gods, Protector of all messengers especially in war, Protector of wise women and elderly women, Fertility and Procreation, God of Masturbation, Soul Transformation and Guide through Consciousness changes, Heraldry and animal husbandry, speed, Codes, and Secrets, Caretaker of graves, Protector of travelers, Mechanics, Wine-pourer of the Gods, Inventor of weights and balances, Controller of Birds of Omen, hospitality, diplomacy, physical and moral boundaries, Orators, presentation, public speaking
Home• Mount Olympus 
Fact• He invented the alphabet and dice and the lyre, he also has a stone called the “hermai” on the side of the road or a stone with a penis (he was a fertility god) to show a border or a crossing, sometimes to explain direction and distance, or in important landmarks is up ahead, the herms were worshiped, with offerings and anointed with olive oil and adorned with flowers and wreaths, telling us about the sacredness and importance of the hermai. (The ones near tombs are also connected to funeral rites). Some say he created fire, because in his myth of his birth he started a fire to sacrifice cows to the gods.
Roots• Greek mythology, Mount Cyllene
Blessings • protection on the road, money randomly found, easy speaking, good parking, and less traffic. Herds multiply (fertility); Herds protected (from predators), Success in trade, Goods protected from thieves, having Persuasive speech, Poetic inspiration, Safe traveling, Protection of guests, Homes protected from thieves & criminals, having Wiliness and stealth, 
Curses: Herds die off by disease and infertility, Herds lost to predators, Unsuccessful trade, loss in money, loss in memory, loss In conversation, unwelcome ghosts in the house.
Food recipe • Panspermia, a mixture of beans, peas, seeds, olive oil, milk, and honey, should only be offered to Hermes in his Underworld aspect. This offering is considered food for the dead and should not be tasted by the living (considered bad luck if Aten by living) 
Offerings • Keys, Dice, Playing cards, Coins, Rocks/pebbles,Lucky charms (Cereal), Rabbit's foot, Horse shoe, Magic 8 ball, Coffee, Energy drinks, Herms, Road trip snacks (perhaps Hostess donuts), Airplanes/trains/cars imagery, Foreign/new foods, Trail mix, Peanut m&ms, rumane the marble popping soda drink, Turtles, Lyres/string instruments, Sandals/shoes/running shoes, Journals, Camping gear, Survival gear, like multitools, fire starters, first aid kits etc, Pens/pencils, Small (stolen) trinkets, Language dictionaries, Work out gear, Panpipes, Postcards, Letters, Mail, Stamps, Envelopes, Zodiac signs, Sheep/goats, Car parts, Backpacks/drawstring bags/bags, Crocos, Sticks, Saffron, Sticks, Books, Cups, Scales, Dream journals, Graveyard dirt, Cookie fortunes, Bikes/skateboards/skate, Old licenses/IDs, Sport trophies/jerseys/jackets/gear, Wings, Letters/numbers, Video games, Magic kits, Oranges/Lemons, Beer, White wine, Red wine for (His chthonic aspect), Milk, Mutton, Pork, Beef, Chamomile tea, Honey, Olive oil, Strawberries, Foreign foods, Eggs, Virgo or Gemini moon water,Golden objects, Silver objects, Musical instruments, Wands, Money/coins, Foreign money/coins, Dice, Pebbles, Feathers, Turtle shaped objects or art, Strawberry art or toys, Crocus flowers, Written stories or letters, Travel food, Souvenirs from your trips wheat, honey, twigs of olive, honey-comb and honey from local bees, cassia, cinnamon, saffron, include eggs, onions, garlic, pomegranate seeds, and fish or pork, barley grains, mead, beer (Especially German), lead, papyrus, pebbles, herms (or boundary stones), chocolate, whipped cream, coffee drinks, brightly-colored easter eggs, blueberries, granola, almonds, walnuts, pecans, Absinthe, beer, gin, vodka, red-bull, dry white wine, blessed moon water (especially in Virgo, Cancer, or Gemini), metal, jars, gin, pomegranates, onions, fish, garlic, Statues, Turtle Imagery, Hawk Imagery, Ram Imagery, Rooster Imagery, Marbles, Postcards, Chocolate, Lemons, Almonds, Mutton, Foreign Food, Brightly Colored Eggs, Onions, Sunflower Seeds, Fig Newton Cookies, Granola, Candies, Strawberry Milk, spring water, cookies or cakes, Wine, Golden cakes, Golden raisins, Apples, Music or poetry, Dancing, Drawings, pineapple, anything with computers, (especially boxing games, online games, and hackers), orange peels, gas station coffee!!, apples, bananas, grapes,Anything containing mercury, Crocuses, Panpipes, Saffron, Strawberries, Chocolate, Wheat, Honey, Lemons, Almonds, Cassia, Cinnamon, Pork or mutton, Spring water, Comforting a dying loved one, letters
Devotional• Board games, Dominos, pick up sticks, playing jacks, bouncy balls, peanut m&ms, write letters, go on walks, go run, do marathons in his honor, road trips, learn about alchemy, astrology, astral travel, prophet dreams, anything astrology related, learn basic car mechanics, give whatever to panhandlers, go talk to panhandlers (keep them company) , pranks, public speaking, tip well, stargazing, geocaching, learn a new language, Learn ASL, work out, Deive safely and predictably, use your blinkers fucking properly , bike/skate, clean your car, make a travel alter (for Hermes), get a passport, Travel , practice keyboarding, have a penpal, Train your voice, magic tricks, check your mail/email , low risk gambling (ex• lotto tickets) , make sigils, race, Play tag, be nice to wait staff, play sports, make maps of trails near you, make maps in general, play string instruments , Make herms, Carpool, Uphold confidentiality, Coin tricks, Be a reliable worker, Thrifting/yard saying, Dumpster diving, Making trades and barter, Help look for missing people/pets, Travel to new places, Learn a new sport, Practice speaking in public or online, Practice writing, Learn astrology, Learn astronomy, Learn about agriculture and animal husbandry, Learn magic tricks, Collect coins, Have a feast in His name, Dice games (ex- DnD), Card games, Donate to homeless shelters in His name, Give money to the hhomeless, Keep a dream journal, Write Him stories and poems or jokes, Honor the dead, Invoke Him on your travels or when looking for a job, always thank Him when you arrive safely or have some luck in your life, studying, learning, playing harmless pranks, attending magic shows, going on adventures, trying out new things, donating to fundraisers, working out, Taking a scenic route on your way home,Picking up loose change, Going to thrift stores, Being patient with delivery drivers, Going for walks, Making a mood board, Making a playlist, Making a dedicated journal, Giving to those in need, Going to/Watching sporting events, Practicing safe driving, Donations to hospitals and health institutions Donations to local artists, learn on how to save on gas, learn how to surf, draw sigils on shoes, leave coins when you leave places (extra points for pennys), give people in need a bus fare, clean off snow on other peoples car, clean your car, stopping for others (nicely, don’t run them over!), let him pick music, get a passport in his honor, decorate your passport, learn how animals communicate, call a love one, establish and force, dedicate a electronic to him, collect stamps and post cards, keep ur secrets, communicate with people when your upset,Keep a journal, Learn a new language/Revisit, Learn ASL, Learn about the evolution of language and how it is always changing, Be mindful of the language you use in daily life, Change your self-talk to positive, Voice training (Particularly for trans worshippers), Thinking before you speak, Learn about older forms of communication (ex- Morse Code), Learn braille,Go to the library and practice reading books in a foreign language ,Practice writing (great to do, Learn about the elements of writing, like allegory and metaphors, Play pranks (remember that good pranks cause confusion, not harm), Buy scratch offs/play the lottery, Understand how gambling addictions affect people, Dice and card games, Learn about good luck charms/Make your own, Learn about superstitions, Games like billiards or darts, Arcade/video games/carnival games, Make small/friendly bets, Poker nights in his honor, Do aGame of horseshoe, Learn parlor games, Smoke a bowl with Him, Learn a good joke, Write/perform stand up comedy,  Checking your mail, Checking email/voicemail, Buying stamps, Flipping a coin, Dice divination, Charm casting, present a presentation in his honor, public speaking in his honor
Siblings• Aeacus, Angelos, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Dionysus, Eileithyia, Enyo, Eris, Ersa, Hebe, Helen of Troy, Hephaestus, Heracles, Minos, Pandia, Persephone, Perseus, Rhadamanthus, the Graces, the Horae, the Litae, the Muses, and the Moirai.
Appearance in astral or gen• Winged cap and boots, Traveller’s cloak, Youthful usually beardless figure or with a beard, with a Caduceus, sometimes seen with a mustache
Parentage• Zeus and the nymph Maia or Uranus and Hemera
Sacred days, festivals- Wednesday, the 4th day of the month, Hermaea, Agonius, in Cydonia social order was inverted for the festival and masters waited on their slaves, and slaves got to taste freedom. 
Season• March, April, May, June (based on zodiacs) 
Status• Messenger of the gods, and an underworld worker, he is called the darling of the gods
Music • anything from flutes or the lyre.
Sacred places• Mt Kyllene in Arkadia (his birthplace), Arcadia, mount Cyllene, Tricrena mountains, his Temples, his Cavern-shrines, Altars in market-places, gymnasiums, athletic arenas, house entrances. 
Planet• mercury
Tarot• eight wands, magician, judgment, and maybe seven swords 
Scents/Inscene • Frankensince, Myrrh incense, Lavender incense, strawberry, camphor, and malabathrumcock, storax, mastic, mace, moly, nettles, asafoetida, ginger, and marjolane, dragon’s blood incense, list cloves, tobacco, nag champa, poppy, and vanilla, ink on parchment, Musk, White Sandalwood, Nettles
His kids -Hermaphroditus, Tyche, Abderus, Autolycus, Eudorus, Angelia, and Myrtilus, Arabos, Abderos, Aithalides, Bounos, Daphinis, Ekhion, Eleusis (according to others, she was a minor goddess of Eleusinian Mysteries), Euandros, Kaikos, kephalos, keryx, kydon, libys, Mytilos, Norax, Orion, Paris, Paris, phaunos, polybos,saon
What I associate with him• rock music, bricks, dinosaurs, and wine (I promised to share my first cup of wine with him once I turn 21)
Some summarized myths •
Birth- Hermes was born from his mother Maia, the goddess of the fields, and his Father Zeus, he hid in a cave with his mother in Mt. Cyllene in Arcadia, the same day he was born (or when he was a toddler), he ran away while his mother was out, he stole cattle and turned their feet backwards, to 'trick' Apollo, he went back to the cave and made a fire and sacrificed 2 cows to catch the gods attention and ate 1 and hid the rest, outside after he ate he saw a  tortoise feeding and cleaned it out and made strings together from a cow he ate, and made a lyre and a plectrum, and Apollo found him, furious he took him to his father and he denied everything and zeus found it hilarious, and he had to head back to the place where he hid the cattle, on the way he played the lyre, Apollo was enamored by it and asked for it and in return he would be his best friend and forgive him, and while helping Apollo tend to the cattle he made pan pipes, which Apollo made him a deal for his iconic golden snake staff and the skill of phropecy by using pebbles.
Killing Argos- Zeus had a lover Io, Who he was laying with in a field, Hera saw and strolled over, he struck in panic turned her into a cow, and Hera came over and demanded it as a gift, and zeus obliged, zeus in a panic asked Hermes to slay it, Hermes went to the cane where the all-seeing giant was, he lured him to sleep with a song, and when he was asleep, he slashed all his eyes and killed him, and took the cow, and in grief Hera turned the giant into a peacock to save the memory and to honor the giant. that's the myth where he gained the title 'Argos slayer'
Safe travels
Swift-footed Hermes, friend of the traveler, friend of those who find themselves far from their homes, by will or by chance, I pray to you. Hermes, who moves between the realms with authority and ease, who leads men and women on their last, longest journey, who stands at the crossroad, who watches the byways, in you I place my trust, for by your might I know that when I stumble I will rise again, that when I choose my way I will choose aright. Hermes, as I make my way through the world, whether I wander or whether I walk my path with care, be with me.
In general
Hermes of the ready wit and the lightning smile, wing-footed one who carries the words of the gods, compassionate one who guides the newly-dead to the hall of Hades and fair Persephone, quick-thinking one who takes interest in the world and works of mankind, whose hand we see in a run of luck and a clever scheme, I call to you. Hermes, bearer of the herald’s staff, your gifts are great. You guard our homes with constancy and care, you grant to us a portion of your own craft and wile, you join with us when we revel and are merry, you stand with us when we are far from home, alone. You are ever with us, O Hermes; O god who holds in hand the good of men, I honor you.
hestia & hermes for good money
I call to Hermes, god of the marketplace, god of the the deal, from whose hands fall shining coins. I call to Hestia, goddess of the home, goddess of good management, who knows the ways of thrift. Grant me a keen eye to spot a bargain, I pray; grant that I know false economy from true. Grant me the craft to repair what is broken, grant me the sufficiency to save for what may come. Grant me the wisdom to live with care, O gods, the discipline and skill to live within my means; grant me the wit to know my needs and my desires, grant me the judgment to know the difference.
This info is some UPG and some traditional, I do not find UPG disrespectful at all and some of it is my own experience, and I am not debating about it. My info is still valid, and I'm sure my sources is, just wanted to clarify this! Much love! I did get some info from other Tumblr users, I made this way back, I still update it, I dont own any of this information.
sources - https://twelfthremedy.tumblr.com/post/621849449656942592/hermes-offerings/amp
Wikipedia. “Agetor.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, 10 Nov. 2010. Web. 12 May 2011. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agetor.
Burkert, Walter. “The Gods.” Greek Religion. Basil Blackwell and Harvard UP, 1985. 156-59. Print.
The original book was published in Germany as Griechische Religion der archaischen und klassischen Epoche. by Verlag W. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, copyright year 1977
1b) Atsma, Aaron J. “ESTATE, ATTRIBUTES & ATTENDANTS OF HERMES : Greek Mythology.” THEOI GREEK MYTHOLOGY, Exploring Mythology & the Greek Gods in Classical Literature & Art. 2000. Web. 13 Apr. 2011. http://www.theoi.com/Olympios/HermesTreasures.html, Wikipedia. “Agonius.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, 10 Nov. 2010. Web. 12 May 2011. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agonius, Wikipedia. “Agoraea.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, 26 June 2010. Web. 12 May 2011. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agoraeus, Wikipedia. “Chthonius.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, 20 June 2011. Web. 26 June 2011. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chthonius,Wikipedia. “Hermes Trismegistus.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, 9 June 2011. Web. 26 June 2011. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermes_Trismegistus., “Kriophoros.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, 11 June 2011. Web. 26 June 2011. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kriophoros, Wikipedia. “Leucus.” Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, 13 Feb. 2011. Web. 26 June 2011. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leucus, Atsma, Aaron J. “ESTATE, ATTRIBUTES & ATTENDANTS OF HERMES : Greek Mythology.” THEOI GREEK MYTHOLOGY, Exploring Mythology & the Greek Gods in Classical Literature & Art. 2000. Web. 13 Apr. 2011. http://www.theoi.com/Olympios/HermesTreasures.html, “CYLLENIUS, Greek Mythology Index.” MYTH INDEX, Greek Mythology. Myth Index, 2007. Web. 13 Apr. 2011. http://www.mythindex.com/greek-mythology/C/Cyllenius.html, Sannion. “Wildivine.org – Offeringsto Hermes.” Wildivine.org – Dionysos, Hermes, Nymphs and Pacific Northwest Polytheism. Wildvine.org. Web. 26 June 2011. http://www.wildivine.org/hermes_offerings.htm.1, Sannion. “Wildivine.org – Offerings to Hermes.” Wildivine.org – Dionysos, Hermes, Nymphs and Pacific Northwest Polytheism. Wildvine.org. Web. 12 May, http://www.wildivine.org/hermes_offerings.htm, Sannion. “Wildivine.org – Hermes’epithets.” Wildivine.org – Dionysos, Hermes, Nymphs and Pacific Northwest Polytheism. Wildvine.org. Web. 12 May 2011. http://www.wildivine.org/hermes_epithets.htm.
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I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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sirenjose · 3 months
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The Proof of Azoth's Theorem - (Concept Art) Analysis
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(About Philosopher's Stone, Stibnite, Maria's Axiom, Philemon's Altar, Azoth, and a few of the symbols on each of their outfits)
Philosopher’s stone: the goal of turning base metals like iron into precious metals like gold or silver. It was also said to provide the elixir of life, which could cure any illness or bring longevity. It was considered the most pure and perfect of all substances.
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Stibnite: an ore that is the primary source of antimony
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Described in Basil Valentine's 1st Key (the image Fool's Gold is holding). This depicts purifying gold using melted stibnite.
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Impure gold dissolves in melted stibnite. Metals besides gold are turned into sulfides and rise to the surface, while a white allow of antimony and gold sink to the bottom. Roasting this alloy causes the antimony to evaporate, leaving only the purified gold behind.
In the image of the First Key, stibnite is likened to a hungry wolf in the First Key due to how quickly stibnite dissolves (devours) metals.
In German, stibnite is called “spießglanz”, which means “spear shine” due to its shiny “spear” like crystals, thus why the First Key says “on account of his name, is subject to bellicose Mars”, as a spear is a weapon and all weapons are subject to Mars (the god of war).
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This is like what is described by Nicholas Flamel, where silver is combined with mercury and antimony then distilled and cohobated (repeatedly distilling a liquid then pouring the distillate back onto the residue to extract more of the desired substance) to produce red power.
Maria’s Axiom: “1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 3, and out of the 3rd comes the 1 as the 4th” (also described as “1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 3, and by means of the 3rd and 4 thachieving unity, thus 2 are but 1”)
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Carl Jung uses this as a metaphor to describe the process of “individuation”. This refers to the process of self-discovery to become our true, unique self.
This involves finding your identity outside of the roles and expectations imposed by the outside (society, others, etc…). The goal here being to achieve a sense of “wholeness” and “unity” with yourself.
1 is the 1st matter, or prima materia, containing everything you need. This is then divided (into opposites), with each element purified by itself then united again (reconciliation of opposites) into a complete whole more perfect than the starting matter, the philosopher’s stone.
Philemon’s altar: may refer to Jung’s Philemon, which is based on Philemon and Baucis from Ovid’s Metamorphosis and Goethe’s Faust.
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With Ovid, Jupiter and Mercury are disguised knocking on houses but not shown kindness until they meet Philemon and Baucis, an old, poor couple. They let them live while killing everyone else (the wicked), with the couple’s house being transformed into a temple.
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With Goeth, Faust is building a city on land reclaimed from the sea and asks the devil Mephistopheles to move Philemon and Baucis, but Faust is horrified to see the demon burn their house down with the couple still inside. Faust then decides he needs to atone for his crime.
Philemon was a figure in a dream of Jung's, a wise old man that represented superior insight and wisdom. For Jung, Philemon symbolized the “artifax” or skilled alchemist, with the goal to purify and perfect materials (transform base materials into noble ones like gold).
On a spiritual level, the goal of the artifax is to purify and perfect the human soul, achieving enlightenment (becoming a higher/whole human being).
Over Jung’s gate he put the inscription: “Philemon’s Shrine – Faust’s Repentance”. This involved integrating the moral questions raised by with the spiritual goal of alchemy via the opposing figures of Philemon and Faust (so acknowledge necessity of confronting evil on the path to individuation, atoning for Faust’s crime, and affirming the goal represented by Philemon).
Azoth: Considered to be a universal cure or Elixir of Life that could be created by the philosopher’s stone.
It is also essential agent of transformation in alchemy.
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As the Universal Life Force, it's the energy responsible for the drive towards physical/spiritual perfection
Azoth is called Prima Materia in Latin. This was the first matter, the starting material required for the creation of the philosopher’s stone. It is the primitive formless base of all matter similar to chaos, the quintessence or aether.
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It is the 1st matter at the beginning as well as its perfected essence (philosopher’s stone).
It relates to unity, wholeness, and synthesis of opposites
Alchemy Symbols:
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Philosopher’s Stone:
triangle = fire
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triangle in a circle = Wheel of Fire (Ignis Rotae)
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entwined snakes = likely Hermes Caduceus (Hermes as Hermes Trismegistus was closely associated with alchemy)
upside down triangle = water
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hexagram?() = represented the reconciliation/union of opposites (fire and water)
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- triangle with a line through it = air
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Maria's Axiom:
- downward triangle with a line through it = earth
- symbols on her dress and floor for Mercury/Quicksilver, Venus/Copper, Moon/Silver, Saturn/Lead, Jupiter/Tin, Mars/Iron, and Sun/Gold
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There were several bits that looked like they could be symbols but I haven't been able to identify them yet (I've already spent so long working to identify everything. I'll try to add more if I identify them later).
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Also I did notice/wonder how that shadow thing has eyes that appear around it could relate to Hunter Norton's weapon, which almost looks like an eye. Matthias also might have something on his boots but it's hard to be sure.
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macabresymphonies · 8 months
Are we dealing with alchemists looking for The Philosopher's Stone?
(I will be referencing partially to the ARG, most importantly to the so called Klaus sheet that has german version on categories the OIAR team is using, and some light spoiler to The Magnus Archives, so beware).
We're four episodes in and cross-referencing each episode so far, there seems to be few things that connect most of them:
an orchestrator
a medium
an obsession
a transformation
Each episode so far mentions some type of third party being involved in the incident: Harriet Winstead mentions a "consultant" that was supposed to help her see Arthur, RedCanary mentions getting harrased by an anonymous stalker, Daria commissions Ink5oul for a tattoo, Dr Samuel Webber mentions seeing his dead wife "Maddie" who stops him from tampering with the transformation (could be a hallucination, but could also be somebody using his delirioum to impersonate her) and today we've got a mention of a "giftgiver" who gave The Violinist the Violin.
Additionally each incident mentions some type of specific medium the characters came into contact with: The Box, The Violin, The Ink (cross referenced in Klaus sheet from the ARG), The Garden (as in plants in the garden). The exception being the Harriet, but we don't know yet what "caused" ressurection of Arthur. This is important, because in TMA items and "mediums" weren't actually all that common, it was very often stressed that relics were medium for the fears to use directly (with people only doing their bidding), not to be handled by others as a medium.
Lastly each episode talks obsession and/or transformation and oh boy, let me tell you about bunch of guys historically obsessed with tranforming stuff through different mediums:
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"It's not very suprising, alchemical symbols are everywhere throughout the podcast!" you might say. True, but let's take into consideration, what excactly is a goal of an alchemist? Well the answer is quite simple and there is actually three of them. The Three Goals of Alchemy are:
To turn base metals into noble ones
To discover the recipe for a Philosopher's Stone
To find the Elixir of Life that gives eternal youth and defies death
All of them refer to some type of recipie of method, so where are the recipies? Under our own noses. The recipies are the DPHW catalogue and the database Freddie is sending the incident reports to is an alchemical cookbook! Each entry is categorized something like that:
CAT$$$R&&#### - theme (specification) -/- subtheme [medium]
Some specifications:
$ - are a conbination of numbers 1, 2 and 3. They do not always appear in threes, sometimes it's just 3, sometimes 12 (as in 1 and 2) so forth. These has been widely theorized to be related to the The Tria Prima, a group of three materials which occupy a position of prominence in alchemy: Sulphur(🜍), Mercury(☿) and Salt(🜔) or as they are also characterized Soul, Mind and Body. If we assign each of them a number with 1 being Soul, 2 being Mind and 3 being body, they so far align with the main "components" of each incident or realms they deal in.
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R - either appears or not, it was theorized this is a RANK and that previous files were simply misfiled by Sam, but to me it also could be REGIA as in Aqua Regia (🜆) where we are to assume the R was added to the previous element (Aqua (🜄) + Regia (R)). The meaning behind assigning some some incidents the rank of regia has yet to be explained though.
& - these are letters C, BC, B, AB, A and S signifying a rank (or rang in the Klaus sheet) . Lets ignore that S for a second, but they seem to be stages and half stages, well there can't possibly a concept of four stages in alchemy? Let me introduce you to the Magnum Opus (Great Work). Basically each alchemical project went through four stages: nigredo (black), albedo (white), citrinitas (yellow) and rubedo (red) with rubedo specifically signifying a great discovery was made and Magnum Opus was a success, but it does not necessairly mean an alchemical goal was reached.
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To summarize, numbers one C-A signify stage of the project, with S, that appears once on mostly redacted cell in the Klaus sheet, signifying that not only the final stage was reached, but the project has been a success.
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This could mean a finished Magnum Opus is out there, developed in the field of the Soul and related to the mysterous Mr. B.
# - these numbers are still a mystery, I do have some theories myself, but to summaries I think they are grades and some type of combination (I think it's either 9999, 0000 (as in all 10s) or perhaps 7777 (7 being the most important alchemical number)). Basically a specific combination could imply the specific discovery could be categorized as a Philosopher's Stone. What that could mean for the narrative? We will see, but I suspect it's an alchemical equivalent to an eldritch nuke in this universe.
Last thing to support my theory, the OIAR logo. The lion and the unicorn are obviously symbols for the United Kingdom, as this is a government office, and the words undearneath are "we will not falter" (probably reference to the paranormal incidents they deal with) the rest though?
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Alchemical symbols for Salt, Mercucry and Sulphur are right there, all encompassed by an upside-down version of The Philosopher's Stone symbol; The Greatest Magnum Opus:
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As to what the Magnum Opus are in TMAGP, each incident has an item associated with it, I noticed that the characters do not get corrupted by people directly this season, but through the use of items like ink, instruments, plants.
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margaret-the-duck · 5 months
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*:・゚✧*:・゚Intro post*:・゚✧*:・゚
"Writers aren't exactly people... they're a whole bunch of people trying to be one person" - F. Scott Fitzgerald
hello I'm Maggie :)
basic infos: she/her, scorpio, minor, bi and ace, goblin/hobbit core, wanna be writer, chaotic, has far too many projects at the same time, anxious mess, always confused, lost in fantasy worlds, gets really emotional when a long fanfiction updates the last chapter, tea enjoyer, member of the moss cult, wants new friends but is too socially awkward :,), can't hold a conversation (sorryyy), english isn't my default language so my phrasing might be weird
bands and artists I like: queen, ABBA, david bowie, red hot chili pepper, conan gray, nirvana, bon jovi, movie music in general
"Someone will always be prettier. Someone will always be smarter. Someone will always be younger. But they will never be you" - Freddie Mercury
Food I like: Strawberries, Cereals <3, any dessert, pasta and pizza, chicken nuggets, ananas (but not on pizza), cheese, chocolate, croquettes, anything with chicken
things that make me happy: my friends/family/girlfriend, music, my fandoms, my OTPs, raccoons, cats, my comfort characters, crocheting, creative things in general, braids, the netherlands, acorns, flowers, books, greek mythology, hugs, rainbows, character inspired playlists, owls, goats, frogs, lotr ambience playlists, walking through a forest (especially in spring and autumn)
my fandoms: lord of the rings, the hobbit, percy jackson, marauders, gravity falls, mcu/marvel, night at the museum, star wars, carry on
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"I've never been so wrong in all my life" - Thorin Oakenshield
currently reading: circe, rereading the hobbit
comfort books: percy jackson, the song of achilles, carry on
"Being a hero doesn't mean you're invincible. It just means that you're brave enough to stand up and do what's needed." - Piper McLean
comfort movies and series: lord of the rings, the hobbit, anything from marvel but especially the guardians of the galaxy and ant man, night at the museum, gravity falls, monk
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"There's some good in this world Mr Frodo, and it's worth living for" - Samwise Gamgee
languages I speak (more or less) : luxemburgish (don't ask what it is. barely anybody knows that language lol), german, french, english, currently learning spanish
things I do when I'm not just starring at my bedroom wall: baking for my friends, crocheting, designing clothes based on fictional characters, daydreaming about writing, wasting my time on pinterest and ao3, writing, reading, thinking of fake scenarios, listening to music, writing bad poetry
"I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind the process" - Vincent van Gogh
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hungwy · 1 year
Cross-cultural associations of red pigments with magic include:
Magic -> Pigment
Proto-Germanic *taubrą (“magic, sorcery”) -> Old English tēafor (“red, red lead, vermilion, purple; a material used in making salve; pigment, salve”) -> English tiver ("A kind of ochre used for marking sheep in some parts of England"); cognate with German Zauber ("magic")
Pigment -> Magic
Old Chinese *tˤan / *taːn ("cinnabar") -> Mandarin Chinese 丹 dān ("cinnabar, red; refined medical substance"), used in the compound 外丹 wàidān ("external alchemy, lit. 'outside cinnabar'; a branch of alchemy focused on crafting elixirs of immortality using natural substances"), where gold and cinnabar were some of the more valuable alchemical substances (cinnabar is also a source of mercury)
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moonlight-yuyu · 1 month
About me:
✧my name is Gigi which is a nickname of my real name
✧I'm a cancer sun, sagittarius moon, libra rising, Leo mercury and venus and a libra mars (before I got into astrology I thought I am a textbook water sign... well it turned out that cancer is my only water placement in my chart)
✧I graduated uni this summer and I'm a psychologist now
✧I love the moon and the stars although I love the sun rising time the most
✧favourite movies: All Spiderman movies (my fav Peter Parker is by far Andrew Garfield!) my favourite character from the miles movies is Gwen Stacy <3; VENOM (he is one of my favourite Spiderman villains besides Kraven the Hunter and Green goblin); I am also so sad that a lot of people didn't enjoy the Madam Web movie because I think it's such a cool idea making a movie about spider-women; I also love old German movies, Toy Story and Twilight :D
✧favourite series/ K-Drama: GOT, HOD, Euphoria, Imitation (obviously lol), Queen of Tears, Criminal Mind
✧favourite game: Animal crossing, Spiderman 2, Luigi's Mansion
✧my favourite quote currently: "I hear when you cry it rains in heaven" - NCT Dream
✧my interests/ hobbies: painting, astrology, reading, rewatching movies/ series, learning new languages
✧Artist I listen to besides Kpop: 5SOS, Nickelback, Chase Atlantic and some German artists like Shirin David or Paula Hartmann
✧Kpop Groups I stan + my biases
Ateez (ult group): Bias Yunho, bias wrecker San
Monsta X: Bias Joohoney, bias wrecker IM
NCT Dream: Bias Chenle, bias wrecker Jeno
Xikers: Bias Sumin, bias wrecker Hunter
Enhypen: Bias Jay, bias wrecker currently Jungwon
AESPA: Bias Karina, bias wrecker Giselle
Riize: Bias Anton, bias wrecker Wonbin
Oneus: Bias Keonhee, bias wrecker: Seoho
&Team: Bias Fuma, bias wrecker K
BTS: Bias Jin, bias wrecker RM
ZB1: Bias: Matthew, bias wrecker: Gyuvin
TXT: Bias Yeonjun, bias wrecker Kai
Solo Artist: Hwasa, Paul Kim, Taemin, I'MIN, MIYEON
✧ my favourite songs from those groups:
Halazia -Ateez
Every day every moment - Paul Kim
Chilli - Hwasa
Intro (Ambition) - Joohoney
Just love - (Monsta X)
Taemin - Heaven
I'MIN - That kind of love
TXT - Puma
BTS - Fake Love
&Team - War Cry
OneUs - Erase me
Riize - Siren
AESPA - Drama
Enhypen - Chamber 5 (I hope that counts lol)
Xikers - Red Sun
NCT Dream - Hello Future
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A Faunus village in Mantle is massacred by Atlesian soldiers, and the lone survivor, a pigeon Faunus girl named Cinder Fall, is sold into slavery to keep her quiet. Ten years later, a witch named Salem gives Cinder magical powers that she uses to escape from her captors; in return, Cinder must now help Salem escape from her own prison. As Cinder attends Beacon Academy and tries to find the Relic of Choice, she makes many new friends and fights many new foes, and the adventures she has cause her to wonder if following Salem really is the best choice after all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
At this moment I have no plans to make an Arc 2, 3, or 4 of CYAN. I may follow this video up at some point, but who knows?
I chose cyan as this work's theme color because this AU is centered on Cinder. The canon Cinder is morally opposite Ruby, who is based on the color red, so I thought it appropriate for a Cinder-themed rewrite to be based on the opposite of red, which in RGB land is cyan.
Some additional notes:
Cinder is deaged to 17-18 to blend in with the Beacon students, while Neo is still in her early twenties because she can pass as an upperclassman.
Cinder is a pigeon Faunus in this AU in a reference to Aschenputtel(a German counterpart of Cinderella)'s doves (the doves help her with her chores, alert the prince to the stepsisters' bleeding feet, and peck out the stepsister's eyes). The species of the background Faunus workers in Cinder's birthplace are a nod to the animals seen in the French Cinderella that American audiences are more familiar with.
In terms of endgame relationships, the ones I've planned are Cinder/Yang, Jaune/Pyrrha, Ruby/Penny, Sun/Blake, and Ren/Nora. I haven't decided on Weiss' love life yet.
In terms of sexual orientations, Cinder, Ruby, Penny, and Emerald are lesbians, Yang and Blake are bisexual, Weiss is pansexual, Ciel & the members of the canon JNPR are all straight, Mercury is gay, Neo is polysexual with attraction to three different gender identities, and Amber is an aromantic asexual with absolutely no interest in dating or physical intimacy. CYAN's version of Ozpin is also sex-and-romance-repulsed aroace.
Roman and Neo are not in love, they are self-declared brother & sister.
The inconsistent explanations of the world's origins are deliberate because it's Ozpin and Salem doing the telling most of the time. That's something I feel they have in common.
I do not own any of the images used, they all belong to the RWBY wiki page. An AI voice was used because I have trouble reading from scripts, I want to protect my identity, and my IRL voice is terrible.
Support me on Patreon! patreon.com/user?u=108847419
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cursed-elo-images · 7 months
The worst ELO concert ever:
-The band starts off with Mr. Blue Sky, but only the “Here comes Mr. Night, creeping over, now his hand is on your shoulder” is repeated the entire five minutes while Hugh goes around scaring the members and audience by tapping them on the shoulder the entire time.
-Then, Roll Over Beethoven is played and Jeff is wearing his red feather boa with the tin foil wig and black eyeshadow, while the string trio drag Kelly across the entire stage. Jeff sings in a screamy, annoying high pitched voice while dancing around twirling his feather boa around rapidly.
-Wild West Hero plays, but it’s only the jangle piano part played by Melvyn. Finally, when Richard has enough of it as he’s behind Melvyn, Melvyn and Richard begin to wrestle.
-Fire On High plays, but as the music plays, Bev laughs creepily in a low pitched voice into the microphone the entire time.
-Do Ya plays but this time Melvyn plays the drums as Bev is out in front of the stage dancing to the beat of the song, strutting from one side of the stage to the other, Freddie Mercury style. Jeff is still the one singing it though.
-Rockaria but Hugh is singing it, including the German parts. Jeff is rolling on the ground with his hands covering his ears. Melvyn and Mik aggressively play the cello and violin parts to the point where it’s painfully shrill and loud.
-Telephone Line plays but Melvyn and Richard call each other and talk to each other on the phone the entire time while Hugh and Jeff are seething at them and yell at them to start playing.
-Horace Wimp Plays but Richard sings the entire song in vocoder.
-Last Train to London plays but everyone is dressed up in train car cardboard costumes and dance in a line. Jeff is the engine while Melvyn is the caboose.
-Shine a Little Love but Kelly is in a disco ball costume spinning around, in the center of the stage, dazzling the entire stage with his reflective silver light squares.
-Turn to Stone plays but Jeff is singing while wearing a silver suit with silver pants, silver hair dye, shoes, face paint, body glitter, and face jewels. The rest of the members do nothing but laughs at him.
-Livin’ Thing plays but the “I’ll take it, I’ll dive” plays as Hugh and Kelly jump into the stage Landing on Richard’s keyboard fort.
-Can’t Get It Out Of My Head plays as Hugh throws chewed bubblegum into Jeff’s hair.
-10538 Overture plays, but Melvyn is at the front of the stage talking into a microphone, giving a grand speech about his life, his interests, and what he’s currently doing at the moment. He inspires people to be themselves, and just talks about what’s on his mind at the moment. All of the instruments are played but his voice overpowers them. There’s no singing, as Jeff is just staring at Melvyn with his eyebrows furrowed.
-It’s Over but Jeff is singing while inelegantly sobbing, and sniffs aggressively. In between lyrics he loudly complains in a raspy voice that he’s sad the concert is over and it was the worst concert ever, and that he’s disappointed in society and wants everyone to improve and become better people. And he doesn’t stop crying. Everyone else plays but they all look at him with a weirded out and concerned expression on their faces.
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bromcommie · 6 months
For the ask game ;)
🏜️,❄️,🥐,🌻 aaand 🥤
Hope you are having a good day!
Hiya, thanks for the retaliatory hit! (affectionate) hope you're having a lovely day too :) 🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work? Ooh, can I just say any? Kidding, albeit I am very grateful for everyone who takes the time out to comment, even if it's just a string of emojis or something! But I am eternally grateful for long, detailed comments and especially love when people point the things that they related to in my work or things that clicked for them (particularly the ones I thought might be overlooked or alternatively, too heavy-handed to land) or even line up certain things or parallels that didn't fully register to me while I was writing except as a vague ~vibe~. I just appreciate it a whole lot, and it makes the whole exchange feel like a conversation. ❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Hm, I don't know - I don't think I have one specific dream theme/plot. That said I have been thinking a lot about Red Room/Department X plotlines recently. I really love the throughline of the struggle for identity + shifting ideologies/definitions of what it means to be a good person + autonomy & free will vs. wanting to belong dichotomy in those stories. Especially when it's grounded in interesting dynamics that aren't very black and white (i.e. Nat and the other widows, the handlers, the WS.) That era is also just very interesting to me in terms of real world circumstances and events, and the scifi potential to explore trauma and psychological fuckery in general is endless. So I guess I'd really love something that deals with Natasha's memories as a child + teen in the war and how that shaped her both before the Red Room even got their hands on her, as well as during and after; how she became this kind of mercurial person who is still (maybe surprisingly so) solid at her core. Something a la Name of the Rose, if you've read that run.
As for who I'd like to write it, I am in fact attempting to write something to that effect into my current post-CATWS wip, so I guess me? Not to say I wouldn't love to read something similar by someone else - there have been several fics out there that dealt with Natasha in a way that had me staring into empty space for an hour (in a good way) - just that I enjoy the process of developing ideas like that in my head differently than I do reading about them from another angle, if that makes sense!
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
that vine with the two guys with heavy NY/NJ area accents screaming at a duck. wait no - any patrick william charlton vine where he suddenly acquires a german accent. wait no - the can I PLEASE get a waffle one.
oh man. any one vine really. I'm very nostalgic about vine. 🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
I feel like if I started doing that I'd end up spamming way too many people haha. I do wanna say I very much appreciate everyone I've gotten to interact with and follow during this CATWS10 event and over the past two months I’ve been on here more!
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love Oh, god. GOD. This is so tough, I'm really blanking right now. I've been around for a loong while lol and there are so, so many insane, brilliant ones. It doesn't help that I really haven't read that many in the last few years as much as I've been writing them.
Off the top of my head though, I recently went back to Speranza's All the Angels and the Saints. One of the all-time old school Cap greats. All of their stuff is just wonderful, foundational Steve, Bucky & SteveAndBucky content. Also everything by magdaliny. I don't even know what to say there, except maybe goddamn.
I’ve also been reading a couple Red Room fics that I can’t find right now but that were great, so I’ll have to dig through my old laptop bookmarks and get back to you with a personalized list, hehe 🫡
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wildbeautifuldamned · 9 months
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Antique German Mercury Glass Red Snowman 3 Feather Tree Christmas Ornament ebay Ghosts in the Attic
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patchedd · 1 year
Muscle Cars, Colour, and the American V8
Colours have a storied history with cars. From the start with the Model T coming in any colour you want, as long as it was Japan Black, to the national racing colours that arose in the 50's, with British Racing Green, German Silver, Russo Italiano, etc. and onwards.
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So when I tell you to think of, say, an old Dodge Challenger, what colour comes to mind? A sleek black? Purple? Maybe getting confused, thinking of a nice orange Charger instead? Black might be the universal constant when it comes to cars, but its no coincidence that Purple/Orange are the colours you might've associated with those cars. Back in the 60's and 70's, orange was the colour for the Charger, much like yellow was the Camaro, blue was the Mustang, and so on and so forth. And while I can't say all of these are necessarily the truth, it's just my own personal views anyway. When has anything I've said been entirely in the right?
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There's pretty good reason for a lot of those colour associations, with the Charger being the most obvious, being the Duke Boy's General Lee. As unfortunate the name, and flag slapped on top of the car, are, it is still an incredibly famous paintjob and definitely had a long lasting influence on how people painted their cars, a legacy that still continues down south. The Challenger, however, was simply just a brilliantly beautiful color for the car, only really shared by the strange lime green color that was also prevalent at the time. Unfortunately, those colors have gone pretty far to the wayside, with the only one I've seen on a modern Charger being that disgusting neon green... which does not fit the absolute brick that is that car.
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Over on the Chevy side of things, yellow is also a pretty obvious origin of popularity, being from Bumblebee. Y'know, the Transformer. Though, yellow isn't necessarily just exclusive to the Camaro. Corvette has been repping the colour for the racing side, with in modern days especially. Back in the day, though, silver was a pretty common colour of choice, if not a deep blue. Yellow has pretty obviously stuck with the Camaro nowadays, though it has added red to it's repertoire, as well as the Corvette keeping orange as the main colour of choice.
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Speaking of deep blues, over on the classic Mustang side is this illustrious, deep blue and white styling that can't be matched. And if there's any place for it to originate, there is really only one source: Shelby. That blue is probably the most common colour to see on the old Cobra, and when they started working on the Mustang, white/blue became the standard for those, though originally white was the main colour. This has even persisted into the current day, with various different shades of blue. Even the insane Shelby 1000 was a nice deep blue.
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On the less popular and discontinued side of things, however, white was a pretty widespread colour as well. AMC, Buick, Oldsmobile, it fit into everything. The black accents of the GSX, the red and blue parts of the Rebel Machine making the most hardcore American car possible, and Oldsmobile had the nice white Toronado, and the gold accents of the Hurst/442 worked quite well as well.
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Rather interestingly as well, Plymouth had a very similar color scheme to Dodge, with the Cuda being in orange and purple in the same way, though the two colors shared one singular car, with the former keeping the above shown black accent at the back, and the purple turning them a nice white to match. The car came in a massive amount of colours, much like many other cars of the time, but these two were the ones I've personally seen the most.
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Speaking of orange, Mercury used the colour a lot as well, with the Cougar and Cyclone sporting it often... really, orange was a very popular colour back in the day. It's a shame its fallen so out of style, as many colours have. Everything now is either greyscale, red or blue, with very few daring to expand into other, more exotic choices, even if they don't necessarily look good.
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And, well, rounding out with a car that dared to look different, before becoming quintessentially greyscale, the Firebird Trans-Am. Sure, the most notable part of it is the namesake Firebird emblazoned upon the bonnet of the car, but it hardly came in anything aside from black or white once you get past the mid-70s, and it even lost the bird bonnet once you get into the 80's, part in due to the fame it regained from becoming KITT in Night Rider. Red did eventually come back in style for it in the twilight years of the car's existence, but by then it was little more than a badge swap.
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All of this doesn't necessarily apply to just muscle cars, as I said in the beginning, though. You've got stuff like the chameleon paint jobs of the later TVR models, Midnight Purple on the Skylines, Lamborghini and Ferrari sporting yellow and red respectively, even Rolls-Royce Silver being a named colour of many a car. Colour has a massive place in car culture, as obvious a statement that is, to the point where it can drive up a price just from the right paintjob, because seriously, who is going to buy a puke green Hellcat? Really, I could've done a broader scope for this post, covered entire brands and their famous colors, but I feel that muscle cars are a good enough scope for that, especially on the American side. Blue is the colour for Ford nowadays, after all.
All of this is to say "I don't know how to end this post."
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