#red veil tano
legobiwan · 4 years
forgotten first meeting with obi wan and ahsoka
So I think this would play out as such: 
In 33 BBY, a small Togruta child by the name of Ahsoka Tano was brought to the Jedi Temple by Master Plo Koon. Small, talented, and by every metric a very cute child (an opinion Plo Koon seemed desperate to share with anyone who crossed his path), she was placed in Clawmouse Clan and from there, began her first steps to becoming a Jedi. 
In 32 BBY, Jedi Master Qui-gon Jinn was killed by the being later identified as Darth Maul. An unalterable fact, described in excruciating detail in every holo, every report, every memorial that had come in the wake of the Battle of Naboo. This was a fact, inscribed in the history of the Republic and the Jedi Order, one Jedi Knight Obi-wan Kenobi was unlikely to ever forget. 
Obi-wan Kenobi sat in the Room of a Thousand Fountains, sequestered in a dark corner under a large, blooming Assari tree. To say he sat would be a bit of an exaggeration, as he more sagged into a pile of robes, flesh, and growing, itchy hair than maintained any semblance of posture. 
It had been a month. Obi-wan buried his head in his hands. 
A month to the day. 
No memorial, no mention, not even a nod from the other Jedi Masters. He shouldn’t have expected anything. It was attachment, it was weakness, and he knew it - or at least should have known it. In fact, Obi-wan had been so busy trying to keep up with Anakin, he had nearly forgotten about the dark anniversary. 
Except Anakin was in a special, day-long training for mechanically-minded Initiates. No doubt Anakin would stay, enraptured, for perhaps even longer than the scheduled event. Which left Obi-wan with nothing but time. Time and his own mind. 
And time, he was finding, was dangerous. 
Again and again, the horrid vision flashed across his consciousness, vivid and detailed in a way that would make any holocinema projectionist salivate. Him, trapped behind an electric veil of red. Qui-gon, mouth agape as Maul buried his lightsaber into his abdomen. The unholy shriek of “no” he hadn’t even realized had escaped his own throat, clawing and desperate. 
One month ago - to the day - he reminded himself miserably, Obi-wan Kenobi had failed.
Obi-wan pulled his knees into his chest, praying to the Force no one would find him here - disgraced apprentice, pitiful excuse for a Jedi Knight, and possibly the worst candidate in the history of the galaxy to be the Master of a Padawan, forget the special case that was Anakin Skywalker.
“Hewwo,” a small voice whispered in his ear. 
Obi-wan started, jerking his head up at the interruption, mildly annoyed that someone had intruded on his wallowing. A small Togruta child stood next to him, holding a stuffed Lothcat. She couldn’t have been any older than five, maybe four, he thought, taking in her diminutive stature. She regarded him with wide inquisitive eyes before sticking out her arm in his direction, offering Obi-wan the dingy stuffed toy.
“You look sad.”
“Ah,” Obi-wan stuttered, blinking his eyes rapidly. “No, I’m just - well you see, sometimes the Jedi have to - “
The child pushed the Lothcat into Obi-wan’s arms. 
“Lothy makes you better.”
Obi-wan held the toy in front of him. Had he had something similar as a child? He had no idea, his childhood a void, even his first few years in the Temple a series of wide brushstrokes, impressions of memory, their shapes and content only shadows in the back of his mind.
“Lothy makes me better,” he replied softly, giving the child a small smile. 
He let the little Togruta child lead him, half-dazed, around her favorite parts of the garden, which seemed to consist of small pools and wavy cattails, which she batted around with all the enthusiasm and imagination only an innocent could muster. Den’zar Tuillit, one of the crechemasters of Clawmouse, came to collect the child half-an-hour later, full of apologies for the inconvenience, scolding the small child for running off like that, that Master Kenobi was a very busy man, that a Jedi Knight’s meditations were serious business and not to be interrupted by children or their stuffed Lothcats. 
As they walked away, hand-in-hand, the small Togruta tucking her friend Lothy under one arm, Obi-wan realized he had no idea what the child’s name had been, that he hadn’t even tried to identify her presence in the Force.
For the best, he thought, pulling his cowl over his head as he headed in the direction of the mechanics room. It didn’t pay to get attached to any of the younglings, as endearing as they may be. No one really knew who would pass their trials, who would be chosen (or assigned, Obi-wan thought bitterly) as a Padawan and attachment, Obi-wan had realized, was only a path to pain. 
Better to forget the meeting had ever happened. 
It was only years later, after the bombing of the Jedi Temple, after Ahsoka’s trial and her eventual departure from the Jedi Order that Obi-wan had put the pieces together. He was with Anakin in his quarters, clearing out the last of Ahsoka’s belongings when he came upon a familiar fabric toy. 
“Lothy,” he breathed. 
Anakin turned and scowled. “What you are talking about, Obi-wan?” The question could have frozen Hoth over a thousand times. 
Obi-wan stared at the bedraggled toy for a moment. And then he sighed, placing the stuffed Lothcat in a box with the rest of Ahsoka’s things.
“Nothing, Anakin,” he muttered. “Just a forgotten memory.”
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aces-to-apples · 4 years
Written for Day 5: Fluff of Codywan Week 2020 @codywanweek
Here on AO3
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Category: Multi Relationship: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, CT-7567 | Rex, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: Background Padmé Amidala/CT-7567 | Rex/Anakin Skywalker, Implied/Referenced Future Rexsoka, GFY
For best results please look at this Rex and this Cody before reading.
Another one of the local little chompers marched towards the dais with all the solemnity and determination of a verd’ika plucking their first set of whites off the assembly line. Cody met Rex’s eye and they both very carefully avoided grinning at the sight. Not only could it be bad for their relationship with said locals, it wouldn’t do to let their Jedi think they were, in fact, having a good time up there.
When the kid came to a halt a ‘respectful’ distance away, Cody nodded for them to approach and bent his head to receive the kid’s blessing and subsequent gift. He watched Rex do the same.
The celebration had been going for hours, by that point, and they’d amassed a pile of shiny little wearable trinkets to give any sovereign of Naboo a run for their credits and enough blessings to make them holier than most deities. It’d been a relief, at the start of the night, to hear that—aside from the ceremonial outfits they’d been bullied into wearing—he and Rex were free to redistribute the gifts as they saw fit. Something about sharing luck, or good vibes, or what have you.
Said ceremonial outfits, on the other hand, they were obliged to keep and maintain with honor.
Obi-Wan had smoothed over any offense they’d given with their lacklustre reaction to the news but Rex’s general had been less than subtle in his delight at their new possessions. Tano, at least, had just told them they looked nice and kept her own mocking to a bare minimum.
And it wasn’t that they were grateful, Cody had reflected at the start of the celebration, when he and Rex had stepped out under the light of the moons to deafening cheers, but. It wasn’t quite their style, no matter how well the two of them pulled off the intricate, and admittedly beautiful, get-ups.
Rex, by dint of his Torrent paintjob, had been immediately deemed the locals’ Goddess of War come again and draped accordingly in layers of blue fabric. Some of it was dark and blaster-resistant and some of it pale and so sheer as to be almost nonexistent. Bands of silver, often studded with precious blue stones, were wrapped around his wrists, forearms, biceps, and throat, and a silver cap affixed with yet more jewels and a pale blue veil had been placed on his head with much reverence.
After a great deal of muttered debate, they determined that Cody must be their war deity’s twin, the Goddess of Beauty. Not an insult by any means…
The traditional garb he’d been presented with, by contrast, was deep red with a long flowing cape and headdress of heavy twisted fabric. It came with its own set of jewelry, as well, shining gold and polished red stones, bulky and eye-catching around his wrists and throat and slim and delicate around his forearms and biceps. Something about the placement was culturally significant, but hells if Cody was going to ask what.
They’d already lost the battle against: 1) staying for several days to rest and recuperate, 2) accepting the titles of living incarnations of their local deities and all the celebration that entailed, and 3) keeping both the get-ups and the gifts for themselves.
No way was Cody going to invite more conversation about their cultural practices. He could win against droids and bounty-hunters and half-baked Sith, but apparently, he couldn’t convince a bunch of over-awed, Mid Rim locals that he and Rex weren’t tools of War and Beauty.
Tools of the Republic, sure, but nothing divine.
The leader of the city they’d liberated had just smiled gently and reassured them that belief on their part was not necessary, only acceptance of their gratitude. Which came with lots of shiny metal, sparkly rocks, and a pair of gowns that they had to either accept or throw into a sacrificial fire and publicly reject.
Obi-Wan had stepped in at that point.
He’d assured everyone that they had no interest in disrespecting their culture and asked for a debrief about the ceremony.
Wear the outfits, sit on the thrones, and let people fawn over them at least a little bit, had basically been the long and short of it. But, hey, they were comfortably cushioned, well-fed, and kept hydrated throughout the whole thing, so it could have been worse. Sharp-toothed little ankle-biters shyly kissing their foreheads and handing them shiny bits and bobs before scampering off weren’t much of a hardship.
“How’re you fellas doing?” Skywalker asked, strolling up to the dais with a grin that had yet to falter all night. “Getting into the spirit of the thing? Really feeling the divinity flow through you?”
Plenty vode had wandered over to check on them over the course of the night, mostly to heckle, but the Jedi had visited just as frequently. And for similar reasons, too.
The way Rex’s general had been eyeing him all night, Cody was almost worried for Rex’s safety. He’d heard plenty of complaints from Obi-Wan about Skywalker’s willingness to eat damn near anything; who was to say that he hadn’t acquired a taste for Mandalorian-adjacent flesh and wouldn’t gobble poor Rex up in just a few bites.
He was pretty sure Commander Tano was having some kind of intermittent crisis over at their table as well.
It was his responsibility, as both Marshal Commander and ori’vod, to bring his concerns to his superior officer and then ruthlessly mock all three of them. After Skywalker eventually got tired of making Rex blush and wandered away whistling a jaunty tune to a very raunchy cantina song, that was.
“So does that ‘angel’ of his know the two of you have started sharing blankets since your last stop-over on Coruscant or should I start planning your funeral now?” Cody said archly, watching his vod’ika visibly consider punching him. “I’ll be sure to wear this and lie about how smart and good-looking you are, like a proper vod.”
Rex pressed a hand over his eyes and groaned. “Angel knows,” he admitted, darting an unsubtle glance at his general’s shebs. “What I am afraid of, though, is that next time we stop over on Coruscant she’s gonna have a whole new wardrobe just like this one and it will just happen to be in my size.”
“Well, hey, get a full-coverage veil and you’re probably good to step out with them,” Cody said with false sympathy, gleefully imagining the uproar that would cause. “Just make sure they’re made out of that fabric that’s designed to ruin holos. Pakod.”
The ol’ boy made a sound like a malfunctioning mouse-droid.
“Is it too much to believe that I’d like to spend whatever leave I get wearing as few clothes as possible?” he wailed, quietly, with a desperation that made Cody think this was an argument he and the senator had gotten into before. With this revelation in mind, he snapped a few holos of his own while Rex was distracted and vowed to get them to the senator if Skywalker’s brain cell was too lonely to manage it. “Isn’t it enough that I have this already?”
“Oh, dear me,” a low voice said from behind Cody’s left ear, “I can’t imagine how terrible it must be to have two attractive, attentive lovers who wish to shower you with tokens of their affection. Truly, Captain, your misery must be exquisite.”
Cody turned his head to press a sloppy kiss to Obi-Wan’s cheek in gratitude for the pitiful sound his words had drawn out of his favorite brother.
“General,” Rex whined pathetically, “they keep getting me plants. Alive ones, dead ones, prickly ones, poisonous ones. My quarters are being taken over by non-sentient invaders.”
Obi-Wan made a little noise of patently fake sympathy. “My old master’s quarters were like that as well,” he commiserated, pressing a kiss to the sensitive skin behind Cody’s ear. The noise of the locals around them changed in pitch, but Cody’d had enough to drink over the course of the evening to not feel worried by the change. If he was lucky, Obi-Wan would be shoved into a pretty outfit like this next. “It drove me mad that he never formally answered, let alone turned down, any of the suits. Just let the poor, smitten beings keep sending him gifts. So uncivilized.”
“Speaking of uncivilized,” Cody said, wondering if he could get away with pulling Obi-Wan down onto his lap.
Rex rolled his eyes. “If I don’t get to canoodle in public with my Jedi then you don’t get to with yours,” he huffed, leaning over to push Obi-Wan a few inches away. “Leave room for the Force, sirs.”
“‘Leave room for the Force’?” Obi-Wan repeated, nonplussed, while Cody found himself hung up on, “Canoodle?”
No longer quite so flustered, Rex shrugged. “Skywalker talks like a scandalized opera singer, sometimes, and Ahsoka says that when she catches the lads giving each other a tune-up. How’s the kid doing, by the way?”
“Well,” Obi-Wan said ruefully, “she’s seventeen and in the middle of a war and puberty. Thus far, I believe she’s coped by placing you all in the ‘dear friends and family whom deserve her utmost respect’ category of her mind, rather than allowing herself to see you as attractive young men. Tonight seems to be causing some kind of breakdown in that line of thinking.”
Cody turned to give Rex his full attention and clapped him on the shoulder. “Cheers, vod’ika, keep it up and you might have a full set soon!”
In response, Rex covered his face with both hands and groaned again.
“Remind me to send the good captain some appropriate literature about age of consent laws, would you, dear?” Obi-Wan murmured into his ear. He most assuredly was not leaving room for the Force between them. “Until then, I believe you mentioned being uncivilized?”
Cody made a mental note to remind him as requested before standing up, bowing at the local assembly, and following Obi-Wan wherever he led.
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melancholicumsomnia · 4 years
The Redeemers (A Mandalorian Fanfic) Chapter 1
All warnings/pairings and other info to follow per chapter. For now, this is safe reading for everyone.
To @pedrocentric, here’s the first chapter of the fic I told you about as promised. Hope you like it!
 By Rory
Chapter One: The Missing
Wild Space… Despite its reputation for lawlessness and chaos, this unmapped region of the Outer Rims was, in truth, quite peaceful, quite settled to remain a mystery, to continue to be relatively untouched by the seemingly never-ending conflict within the Galaxy. Even those rare incursions by both Jedi and Sith did not shatter the veil that surrounded the region.
So, it was within this great expanse that an Imperial Gozanti-class freighter materialized as though from out of thin air, a muffled bang announcing its arrival from hyperspace. The sight of any Imperial starship would’ve been cause for panic, but it seemed that the untamed Force that deeply permeated the region recognized the ship as a friendly one. For those who are sensitive to its workings, it seemed that the Force itself was eagerly, perhaps even desperately, awaiting these visitors.
Indeed, there were no Imps inside the freighter which, despite its size, was presently manned by a crew of three and a single passenger.
At the freighter’s bridge, the two Mandalorian pilots glided the ship to a slow stop, letting it settle among the stars, waiting. The Jedi standing behind them was certainly waiting with growing impatience, her dark slender gloved arms folded over her chest.
“We’re here,” the pilot quietly announced, setting the freighter on a hover.
“Wherever here is,” the Jedi muttered under her breath. She gazed outside the window. “Somehow though, this place, these stars, they seem familiar to me…” The Jedi shook off her unease. “Are you going to tell me now what this is all about? Why you have dragged me away from my quest?”
At these insistent questions, the Mandalorian sighed. “Take the controls, Reeves,” she told her co-pilot as she swiveled her chair around to face the Jedi. Bo-Katan took off her helmet and leaned forward, elbows on knees. “I did not…drag…you away from your quest, and you know it. I have spoken with Sabine and she told me that the two of you were on layover, that the last lead you had on Ezra Bridger has turned cold.”
Ashoka’s full lips twitched in a sulky pout. “I didn’t want to give up.”
“I know you didn’t. Sabine did too. But the two of you needed a fresh start, more so some time to rest and recoup after years of searching.” Bo shrugged. “I thought a brief distraction…” She spread her arms wide to the star-lit expanse behind her. “That…this…was in order.”
“But you still haven’t told me what ‘this’ is. I never figured you to be the cryptic type, Bo.”
“Do you remember that Mandalorian I sent to find you in Corvus?”
Ahsoka’s brows lifted. “He helped me defeat Morgan Elsbeth and free Calodan. Is this about the Child he was with?”
“The Child is in the safe hands of a Jedi. No, this matter is about him specifically. The Mandalorian Din Djarin has been missing for the past eight years.”
The Jedi’s mouth gaped open at that shocking revelation. Before Ahsoka could further question her friend and comrade, Axe Woves entered the bridge. “It’s acting up again.”
Bo nodded towards the Jedi. “Take General Tano with you, Woves. I’m sure she would like to see what we have in the cargo hold.”
Ahsoka’s eyes widened at that remark but didn’t say anything more, choosing to follow Woves outside the bridge instead.
With the Jedi gone, Bo turned her seat around and pounded her fists on the console. “Damn you, Din Djarin! How could you do this to me?”
“Maybe now is the time that we should give up on him,” Koska Reeves put in beside her. “Even back then, he made it very clear to us what his priority was.”
Between gritted teeth, Bo retorted, “No, we can’t. Not until the matter of that…thing…in the cargo hold is resolved.”
“But…what if…” Koska began, but then shook her head, unable to finish. “Never mind.”
Bo didn’t ask. She knew what was going through the Nite Owl’s mind. What if you were never meant to wield it?
In just a few minutes, a shaken Ahsoka returned to the bridge. She was rubbing her gloved hands together. From where she was sitting, Bo could see the scorch marks on the Jedi’s fingers. But what Ahsoka said next, surprised her.
“You must turn back now, Bo.”
“We can’t.”
“The pulsating lights on the blade…” the Jedi began nervously. “…They are cycling a set of coordinates in this area. A place which should not exist, at least not anymore!”
“WHAT IS THAT?” Koska gasped beside her.
The two women gazed outside and they could not contain similar gasps. Floating before them was a gigantic octahedron monolith that appeared out of nowhere.
“Something’s wrong,” Ahsoka stared at the ominous figure ahead. “The last time I saw that thing, it was a dull red color. But now, it’s flashing green and red, as if…”
“As if what?!”
The Jedi’s next words came out as a breathless whisper. “As if the Light and Dark Sides of the Force are waging war inside it.” She gripped Bo’s shoulder and squeezed it hard. “Take us away from it…NOW!”
Bo-Katan and Koska didn’t hesitate as they began pushing buttons and flicking switches. “Reversing thrusters…”
But before they could retreat even a single inch, they were shot by a beam of light, blinding them and numbing their minds into blank oblivion.
                                              * * * * * * * * * *
When Ashoka returned to consciousness – shaking off the cobwebs in her head with a groan – it was to find Bo-Katan and Koska already marching out of the bridge.
Trust a Mandalorian to bounce back so quickly, she thought wryly as she hurried off after the two warriors.
Emerging from the freighter, the Jedi did a quick survey of the planet she had visited – albeit unwillingly – many years back. Much of the Mortis landscape remained the same but with a few distinctive differences. The rapid shifting of the seasons marked by the growth and death of vegetation, the dark, craggy landscape but with more of those glowing crystalline trees as if something – or someone – was feeding greater amounts of energy to them. Ahsoka’s jaw dropped though at the sight of the monastery still standing intact on its solitary mountaintop a short distance away. At the base of the mountain were the ruined, rusty remains of a Gauntlet starship.
“That’s impossible!” she exclaimed, going to Bo’s side. “The last time I saw that monastery, a giant crystal crashed into its tower!”
“Well, it’s still there,” Bo remarked nonchalantly. “The coordinates point to that exact spot,” she pointed at the monastery. She turned to Koska. “You stay here with Woves and keep an eye on…”
Koska gave her commander a simple nod before striding back inside the freighter.
To Ahsoka, Bo said, “Let’s go.”
Using a pair of speeder bikes, Bo-Katan and Ahsoka arrived at their destination. As they climbed the high steps, they both pulled out their weapons – Bo, a pair of blasters, and Ahsoka, her lightsabers. But as they entered the monastery, neither of them was prepared for the sight that greeted them.
In the great throne room, lying curled up in a fetal position on the dais, was the still figure of the Mandalorian they had been searching for. Although his beskar armor gleamed like new, his clothes underneath and his cape were in tatters. His gloved hands were clenched tightly into fists. The hollows on the floor beneath his hands were deep from the punches that he had driven into the tiles. Ahsoka was stunned to see Din Djarin surrounded by battling tendrils of green and red energy. She saw how the red tendrils would caress that curled form, sometimes piercing through his gleaming beskar armor. The green tendrils would swat those questing arms away and shield the Mandalorian in what could only be described as tenderness.
“How are we going to get him?” Bo eyed those waving arms warily.
Hearing that intent, an angry hiss filled the air and dark red tentacles suddenly reached out from beneath the bridge they were standing on. Stepping before Bo-Katan, Ahsoka sliced through those grabbing, piercing arms with her lightsabers.
“Stay back!” Ahsoka warned as Bo took a single step towards that still form. “I’m not sure what’s going on, but let me handle this!”
Great was her surprise when a red tendril that was coming up behind her was blocked by a long, slender green arm. Whirling, she saw that the green tendril emanated from a glowing emerald force shield which covered Din Djarin.
Closing her eyes, Ahsoka raised her hand and reached out to that sentient green shield. “You summoned us here, didn’t you? We have come for the Mandalorian. Let us take him.”
Understanding her command, the green tendrils burst from the shield and spread outwards, pushing the red tendrils back. Bo and Ahsoka hurried over to the Mandalorian.
Ahsoka touched the pulse at his neck and breathed a sigh of relief. “He’s alive, at least.” To confirm this, she saw the Mandalorian’s right fist clench weakly. She was about to remove his helmet, but Bo stopped him.
“Let me do it,” Bo said at the Jedi’s inquiring look. “Djarin would probably want a fellow Mandalorian to remove his helmet.” As Ahsoka moved to the side, Bo-Katan gently lifted the helmet, revealing Din Djarin’s face.
In the years that the Mandalorian went missing, Bo was expecting Din Djarin to have aged somewhat, considering all the trials he had gone through. However, the Din Djarin lying before them looked the same age as he did the first time that they met him. The only signs of aging on him were the locks of silver gray hair that formed an arch above his forehead and the scraggly, patchy beard that grew on his face. That brow was presently etched with deep lines of pain, his eyes squeezed shut.
Ahsoka touched his forehead and flinched, drawing her hand back as though burned. “We must get him out of here now! This place is killing him!”
“Wha— I don’t understand?”
The Jedi let out a frustrated groan. “Why hadn’t I seen it back then? Din Djarin, the Child, the bond he had with Grogu…and now…the Darksaber….”
“Dank farrik, Ahsoka! Explain yourself! What’s wrong with him?”
Ahsoka bit down on her lip to clear her mind of these troubling thoughts. “I’ll explain everything later. Perhaps we need to do some tests on him. I don’t know! But what I’m certain of is that both the Light and Dark Sides of Force are battling for control over him. If he stays here on Mortis any longer, he will die!”
Bo’s face hardened. Her questions would have to wait. Together, they carried the Mandalorian out of the throne room, heading towards the main doors. As they crossed the twilit bridge, the green tendrils formed a protective tunnel around them, keeping the flailing red tendrils at bay. As soon as they descended the steps, there was a low, ominous rumbling.
As she secured the Mandalorian to the seat behind Bo, Ahsoka trained her gaze upward. She let out a gasp at the sight of the monastery’s crumbling tower. Not only that, the entire planet of Mortis was collapsing all around them. Ahsoka realized then that it was Din Djarin who had been keeping the planet intact.
Before the Jedi could get on her speeder, a large piece of masonry dropped down, crushing it.
“Come on!” Bo shouted. “This bike can handle all three of us!” She then barked into her commlink, “Take off now, Reeves! We’re heading your way!”
Kickstarting the speeder bike, Bo sped off with Ahsoka jumping on behind her, the Mandalorian sandwiched between them. As the planet crumbled around them, they made their way through the craggy landscape, dodging rocks and swerving through rock formations that seemed to block their path at every turn. As larger rocks and floating crystals started falling down on them, Ahsoka leaped to her feet on the speeder’s seat and sliced through the debris with her lightsabers.
Seeing the freighter rushing towards them, Bo revved up the bike. She could not help the approving grin that formed on her face when Koska turned the freighter 360 degrees so that the open hatch of the cargo hold gaped before them. With effortless ease, Bo rode the speeder into the hold at full speed, coming to a halt a mere few inches from the wall at the far end. As soon as they were safe inside the freighter and the hatch closed, Koska engaged full thrusters and blasted off into orbit. Again, they were enveloped in a bright white light.
They emerged, fully conscious this time, into open space, only to jerk forward as explosive waves washed over them. Looking out of the cargo hold’s little window, Ahsoka saw only the red debris of the now destroyed Mortis portal, zipping past them from where it once was.
Turning, the Jedi saw Bo-Katan standing beside the speeder bike, supporting the limp form of Din Djarin.
Nodding grimly, Ahsoka said, “Let’s take him to the med center.”
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dincobb-ao3feed · 4 years
by martamatta
“Until the time is ripe, we must disappear. I will teach you to communicate with your Master”. Obi-Wan solemnly nods with a small respectful bow. "There is also another thing you must know..." continues Master Yoda "On Tatooine not only watch over Luke Skywalker you will have to". The younger Jedi frowns "What does this mean?". “A last mission for the Order and a favor for your deceased Master” explains the other, a veil of sadness in his voice “Very recent this discovery is and must remain secret. Your last pupil awaits you on that planet, you will have to find him and train him in the ways of the Force”. "Is there anything Qui-Gon Jinn?". The older Jedi slowly nods “He planted a seed, when he met the young Anakin. The will of the mysterious Force was in that moment, but now everything is clearer to us... ”. Yoda takes a short break to look out the big window and observe the stars, fatigue is in his eyes "A sad future hangs over that planet, but from it a will and a strong heart will be born. Qui-Gon's baby must be a secret. If the Emperor knows about him, he will hunt him down. To the dark side he will take him...".
Words: 2264, Chapters: 1/12, Language: English
Fandoms: The Mandalorian (TV), Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Cobb Vanth, Din Djarin, Peli Motto, Boba Fett, Fennec Shand, Koska Reeves, Bo-Katan Kryze, Ahsoka Tano, Axe Woves, Migs Mayfeld, Cara Dune, Moff Gideon (Star Wars), Grogu | Baby Yoda, Greef Karga
Relationships: Din Djarin/Cobb Vanth
Additional Tags: Adventure, Romance, Humor, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence
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frist-dumblr · 7 years
 0; 1; 1 Bar Phone Signal; 1 Bar Wi-Fi Signal; 1 Side Dice; 1-Star Dragonball; 1-Up; 1-Up Mushroom; 1-Up Text; 1/1 Domino; 1/2 Domino; 1/2 Heart Container; 1/3 Domino; 1/4 Domino; 1/4 Heart Container; 1/5 Domino; 1/6 Domino; 1/7 Domino; 1/8 Domino; 1/9 Domino; 100 Bonus Points; 100 Rupees; 104th Trainees Squad Crest; 11 Music Disc; 13 Music Disc; 2; 2 Bamboo; 2 Bar Phone Signal; 2 Bar Wi-Fi Signal; 2 Side Dice; 2-Leaf Clover; 2-Star Dragonball; 2/2 Domino; 2/3 Domino; 2/4 Domino; 2/5 Domino; 2/6 Domino; 2/7 Domino; 2/8 Domino; 2/9 Domino; 2014 FIFA World Cup Logo; 2nd Potion; 2snacks Icon; 3; 3 Bamboo; 3 Bar Phone Signal; 3 Bar Wi-Fi Signal; 3 Bombs; 3 Side Dice; 3-Star Dragonball; 3-Up Moon; 3/3 Domino; 3/4 Domino; 3/4 Heart Container; 3/5 Domino; 3/6 Domino; 3/7 Domino; 3/8 Domino; 3/9 Domino; 300 Rupees; 3D Glasses; 3rd Street Saints’ Logo; 4; 4 Bamboo; 4 Bar Phone Signal; 4 Bar Wi-Fi Signal; 4 Side Dice; 4-Star Dragonball; 4/4 Domino; 4/5 Domino; 4/6 Domino; 4/7 Domino; 4/8 Domino; 4/9 Domino; 420 Icon; 4chan Logo; 5; 5 Arrows; 5 Bar Phone Signal; 5 Bamboo; 5 Bar Wi-Fi Signal; 5 Bombs; 5 Rupees; 5 Seconds of Summer Logo; 5 Side Dice; 5 Silver Arrows; 5-Star Dragonball; 5/5 Domino; 5/6 Domino; 5/7 Domino; 5/8 Domino; 5/9 Domino; 6; 6 Bamboo; 6 Side Dice; 6-Star Dragonball; 6/6 Domino; 6/7 Domino; 6/8 Domino; 6/9 Domino; 7; 7 Bamboo; 7 Side Dice; 7-Star Dragonball; 7-Up Logo; 7/7 Domino; 7/8 Domino; 7/9 Domino; 8; 8 Ball; 8 Bamboo; 8 Side Dice; 8/8 Domino; 8/9 Domino; 9; 9 Bamboo; 9/9 Domino; 9 Side Dice; 9GAG Logo; ? Block; ??? Type Icon; ???/The Blue Baby 
A; A Button; A Elder Futhark Rune; A Logo; A State of Trance Logo; A Tile; A-Acute; A-Circumflex; A-Macron; A-Umlaut; Aang; ABBA Logo; ABDL Flag; Abimegender Flag; Abnegation Faction Symbol; Aborosexual Flag; Abra; Abraham Lincoln; Absol; Abstergo Entertainment Logo; Abstergo Industries Logo; AC/DC Logo; Ace; Aceflux Flag; Acespike Flag; Achievement Hunter Logo; Acorn; Adagio Dazzle’s Cutie Mark; Adeisexual Flag; Adidas Logo; Adipose; Admiral Ackbar; Adventure Time Logo; Aegislash; Aerodactyl; Aesc; African Grey Parrot; Agahnim; Agate Ring; Age Play Flag; Agender Flag; Agender Symbol; Agility Skill Symbol; Ahirukutchi; Ahsoka Tano; Air Element Symbol; Air Man; Air Rune; Airbender Symbol; Airou; Airplane; Airship; Aka Shatsu no Rozerutchi; Akachantchi; Akamaru; Akatsuki Logo; Akiyamalidatchi; Akoiromantic Flag; Aku Aku; Akuma; Akuma's Logo; Alabama; Alabaster; Aladdin Sane Logo; Alakazam; Alaska; Albino Cat Eye; Albino Llama; Alex; Alexandrite; Alexigender Flag; Algeria Flag; Alice; Alien; All-Night Mask; Alliance Insignia; Alliance to Restore the Republic/Rebel Alliance Logo; Alomomola; AMAB Trans Flag; Amaterasu; Amaura; Amazonite; Amber; Amber Potion; Ambonec Flag; American Football; American Football Conference Logo; American Horror Story: Asylum Logo; American Horror Story: Coven Logo; American Horror Story: Freak Show Logo; American Horror Story: Hotel Logo; American Horror Story Logo; Amethyst; Amethyst Ring; Amicussexual Flag; Amity Faction Symbol; Ampersand; Amulet of Glory; Amy Rose Icon; AmyLee33; An Dango; Anahata Symbol; Anais Watterson; Anakin Skywalker; Anchor; Ancient Wood; Andre of Astora; Androfluid Flag; Androgyne Flag; Androgyne Symbol; Android Logo; Androphile Flag; Androsexual Flag; Androtchi; Andy Bogard; Anesantchi; Anesigender Flag; Angel Moroni; Angel Slime/HaloSlime; Angelic Rune; Angelica Charlotte Pickles; Angeligender Flag; Angenital Flag; Anger; Angler Fish; Angler Key; Angry Bones; Angry Sun; Animaru Kajikuchitchi; Ankh; Annoyed Emoticon; Annoying Dog; Anoboy Flag; Anogender Flag; Anogirl Flag; Anononbinary Flag; Anonymous Mask; Anti-Possession Symbol; Antiboy Flag; Antidote; Antidote Herb/Snow Herb; Antigirl Flag; Antigua & Barbuda Flag; Antilon; Antoinetchi; Aoba Seragaki; Aokumotchi; AOL Instant Messenger Logo; Aperture Science Logo; Aplatonic Flag; Apogender Flag; Aporagender Flag; Apothisexual Flag; App Store Icon; Appa; Apple; Apple Bloom; Apple Juice; Apple Kid; Apple Logo; Applejack; Applejach Head; Applejack's Cutie Mark; Apresalterous Flag; Apresplatonic Flag; Apresromantic Flag; Apressexual Flag; Apricorn Box; Apricot; Apricot Luma; Aprocreationist Flag; Aqua’s Wayfinder; Aquamarine; Aquariagender Flag; Aquarius; Aquila; Aradia Megido’s Logo; Arceus; Arctic Monkeys Logo; Arekkusu Garushiatchi; Ariel; Ariel Symbol; Aries; Arigender Flag; Arizona; Arizona Cardinals Logo; Arizona Diamondbacks Logo; Arkansas; Arm Mimic; Armacham Technology Corporation Logo; Armadyl Symbol; Armenia Flag; Armin van Buuren Logo; Aromorskin/Mega Armorskin/Psychoserum; Aroflux Flag; Aromantic Flag; Aromatisse; Arospike Flag; Arrghus; Arrow; Arrow Icon; Arthur Read; Articuno; Arty Logo; AsaDoratchi; Asajj Ventress; Asexual Flag; Ash Ketchum's Cap; AshDubh; Ashigyotchi; Ashitchi; Asobutchi; Assassin's Creed Logo; Assemblage 23 Logo; Astrologian Class Icon; At Sign; AT-AT; Atari Logo; ATB Logo; Atlanta Braves Logo; Attack Skill Symbol; Audino; Aum/Om; Aurora; Aurora Symbol; Auroros; AURYN; Australian Dollar Symbol; Austria Flag; Autistic Symbol; Autobot Logo; Autosexual Flag; Autumn Leaf; Autunite; Avalugg; Avengers Logo; Aventurine; Aviator Sunglasses; Avocado; Awesome/Epic Face; Aww Emoticon; Axigender Flag; Azelf; Azerbaijan Flag; Azorius Guild Logo; Azure Potion; B; B Button; B Elder Futhark Rune; B Tile; Babatchi; Baby Luigi; Baby Mario; Baby Peach; Babymotchi; Babytchi; Back to the Future Logo; Bacon; Bad Apple; Bad Religion Logo; Badminton Racket; Bag of Bells; Bagubagutchi; Bahamas Flag; Bahrain Flag; Bakutchi; Bakyura Call Icon; Balance Badge; Balloon; Balrog; Bamboo; Banana; Banana Bunch; Banana Peel; Banana Split; Bananas; Bandos Symbol; Bangladesh Flag; Baradorutchi; Barbaracle; Barbecue Sauce; Barbie Logo; Bard Class Icon; Baron von Blubba; Barta; Bartholomew JoJo “Bart” Simpson; Baseball; Baseball Bat; Basic Badge; Basketball; Bass Clef; Bass Guitar Icon; Bassnectar Logo; Bat; Batman Beyond Logo; Batman Logo; Batman Sign; Battleship; Bauxite; Bawnd; Baymax; BB-8; BDSM Flag; Beach Ball; Beacon Badge; Beaker; Beamed Quavers; Beamos; Beanstalk; Bear Flag; Beartchi; Beast Boy; Beautiful Condition Icon; Bedtime Bear; Bee; Bee Mushroom; Beer; Beer Bottle; Beer Mug; Beet; Beetle; Belarus Flag; Belgium Flag; Bell; Belle; Belle Symbol; Bellossom; Bellsprout; Belltchi; Bellusromantic Flag; Belson Noles; Beluga; Ben 10 Logo; Bender Bending Rodriguez; Benin Flag; Benson; Benzatchi; Bera Symbol; Bereft Peak; Bergmite; Berry; Berry Game Boy Color; Berry Tree; Beryl; Best Friends Symbol; Betamon; Betty Boop; Bhat Symbol; Bi-Han/Noob Saibot/Sub-Zero; Bialterous Flag; Biamory Flag; Biathlon Logo; Bib Fortuna; Bicycle; Bidoof; Biflux Flag; Big Blue Rupee; Big Boss Gotchi; Big Gold Rupee; Big Green Rupee; Big Grin Emoticon; Big Heart; Big Key; Big McIntosh; Big McIntosh’s Cutie Mark; Big Red Rupee; Bigender Flag; Biker Helmet; Bikertchi; Bikkuritchi; Bill Cipher; Bill/Gajintchi/Sam; Billkotchi; Billotchi; Binacle; Biohazard Symbol; Bird Deviltchi; Bird Key; Birdo; BirthdAy ’15 Badge; Birthday Bear; Bisexual Flag; Bisexual Symbol; Bistre Potion; Bit; Biyomon; Black Apricorn; Black Ball; Black Bird; Black Bishop; Black Bomberman; Black Chocobo; Black Green Clash Poogie; Black Honey Poogie; Black Iron Greatshield; Black King; Black Knight; Black Light of Death; Black Mage; Black Mage Class Icon; Black Mana; Black Pikmin Head; Black Queen; Black Ranger/Zachary “Zack” Taylor; Black Ranger’s Helmet; Black Rook; Black Tiger Sex Machine Logo; Black Veil Brides Logo; Black Widow Symbol; Black Yoshi; Black/Polari Luma; Bladder; Blair’s Soul; Blake Belladonna’s Symbol; Blanche Deveraux; Blank Stare Emoticon; Blank Tile; Blank/1 Domino; Blank/2 Domino; Blank/3 Domino; Blank/4 Domino; Blank/5 Domino; Blank/6 Domino; Blank/7 Domino; Blank/8 Domino; Blank/9 Domino; Blank/Blank Domino; Blast Mask; Blastoise; Blaziken; Bleach Logo; Bleeding Buff; Blinded Buff; Blinky; Blitzcrank; Block B Logo; blocks Music Disc; Bloo; Bloober; Blood Aspect Symbol; Bloodrayne Symbol; Bloodshield; Blooper; Blossom; Blowing Wind; BLU Demoman Symbol; BLU Medic Symbol; Blue; Blue Apricorn; Blue Armos Knight; Blue Baby Bottle; Blue Baby Yoshi; Blue Ball; Blue Bird; Blue Bottle; Blue Candle; Blue Candy; Blue Cane; Blue Chaos Emerald; Blue Chocobo; Blue Christmas Light; Blue Coronet; Blue Cross; Blue Crown; Blue Crystal; Blue Crystal Switch; Blue Darknut; Blue Diamond; Blue Dummy/Pacifier/Binky; Blue Excitebike; Blue Falcon; Blue Goriya; Blue Jewel; Blue Keycard; Blue Kinstone; Blue Kirby; Blue Lamp; Blue Lantern; Blue Leever; Blue Light of Hope; Blue Luma; Blue Lynel; Blue M&M; Blue Mail; Blue Mana; Blue Masked Lovebird; Blue Octorok; Blue P-Switch; Blue Pendant Necklace; Blue Pikmin; Blue Pikmin Head; Blue Potion; Blue Puyo; Blue Ranger/Billy Cranston; Blue Ranger’s Helmet; Blue Raspberry Gummy Bear; Blue Raspberry Jolly Rancher; Blue Rhapsody; Blue Ring; Blue Rope; Blue Rubik’s Cube; Blue Rupee; Blue Sceptre; Blue Sidestepper; Blue Skull Key; Blue Snake; Blue Squid; Blue Staff; Blue Star; Blue Stray Fairy; Blue Switch Block; Blue Tektite; Blue Tiara; Blue Toad House; Blue Wizzrobe; Blue Yoshi; Blue Yoshi Egg; Blue-Gold Macaw; Blueberry Pop Tart; BMO; BMW Logo; Bo; Bob; Bob-omb; Boba Fett; Bobsleigh Logo; Boi Flag; Bokuhoshitchi; Bolin; Bolt Badge; Bomb; Bomb Flower; Bomb Icon; Bomb Sign; Bomb Soldier; Bombchu; Bomberman; Bombos Medallion; Bon Bon; Bone; Bonfire; Bonnie; Bonnie’s Eye; Boo; Boo Mushroom; Book; Book of Mudora; Book of Seals; Bookworm Green/Jade; Boomerang; Boomerang Bro.; Bordergender Flag; Borderlands Logo/Vault Symbol; Boreasexual Flag; Boss Bass; Boss Key; Boston Red Sox Logo; Bot; Botamon; Botswana Flag; Bottle; Bottle of Blood; Bottle of Pixie Dust; Bottle of Scotch; Boulder; Boulder Badge; Bow; Bow & Arrow; Bow Tie; Bowl of Ramen; Bowling Ball; Bowser; Bowser in Koopa Clown Car; Bowser Symbol; Box of Crayons; Box Slime; Boxertchi; Boxing Gloves; Bracelet; Braixen; Brammy; Brand of the Exalt; Brazil Flag; Brazil Strip; Bread; Breath Aspect Symbol; Bremen Mask; Brendan; Brick Block; Bridge; Briefcase; Brigham Young University Cougars Logo; Bright Sun; Brimstone; Broa Symbol; Broccoli; Brofist; Broken Tuni Nut; Bronzor; Brooklyn Nets Logo; Brown Ball; Brown Chocobo; Brown Kirby; Brown M&M; Brown Mushroom; Brown Ranger’s Helmet; Brown Robot; Brown Sauce; Brown Staff; Brown Yoshi; Brownish Yellow Plumbob; Bub; Bubble Buster; Bubble Man; Bubble Pulse; Bubbles; Bucket; Buckler; Bucktooth Emoticon; Buffy: The Vampire Slayer Logo; Bug Badge; Bug Type Icon; Bug-Catching Net; Bulbasaur; Bulgaria Flag; Bullet Bill; Bullet Bill Launcher; Bully’s Friend; Bumpty; Bunbuntchi; Bunkotchi; Bunnelby; Bunny; Bunny Hood; Bunny Link; Burglar/Robber/Thief; Burger King Logo; Burgertchi; Burgundy; Burkina Faso Flag; Burning Buff; Burning Flame; Burnt Meat; Bush; Busstoptchi; Butcher; Buttercup; Butterfly; Butterflytchi; Buzz Lightyear; Buzzblob; Buzzy Beetle C; C Tile; C-3PO; C-Acute; Cactus Angel; Cactus Flower/Hypnotic Pollen; Cadoboy Flag; Cadogirl Flag; Caduceus; Caduceus Round Shield; Caelgender Flag; Cain; Cake; Calcifer; Calculator; Calculator Icon; Calendar Icon; Calgary Flames Logo; California; Call of Duty Logo; Call of Duty: Black Ops II Logo; Call of Duty: Black Ops III Logo; Call of Duty: Ghosts Logo; Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Logo; Calumon; Camera Icon; Cameroon Flag; Can of Pepsi; Can of Slurm; Canada Flag; Canadian Dollar Symbol; Cancegender Flag; Cancer; Candor Faction Symbol; Candy; Candy Cane; Candy Corn; Candy Crush Saga Icon; Candy Floss/Cotton Candy; Cane of Byrna; Cane of Somaria; Canisgender Flag; Canon Logo; Capcom Logo; Cape; Cape Feather; Capricorn; Capsuletchi; Captain America Logo; Captain America Symbol; Captain America's Shield; Captain Dexter Grif; Captain Hammer Logo; Captain Lavernius Tucker; Captain Michael J. Caboose; Captain Phasma; Captain Richard “Dick” Simmons; Captain Viridian; Captain’s Hat; CaptainSparklez; Captcha Card; Car; Carbink; Carbuncle; Carl the Cupcake; Carrie Krueger; Carrot; Cartoon Network Logo; Cascade Badge; Cassette; Cassgender Flag; Castform; Castle; Cat; Cat Bowl; Cat Mario; cat Music Disc; Catbug; Catbus/Nekobasu; CatDog; Caterpie; Cauldron; Caustic Ooze Buff; Caution Symbol; Cave Bat; Cave Spider; Cavity Tooth; Cavusgender Flag; Ceasesexual Flag; Cecil; Celebi; Celebtchi; Celestia “Celeste” Ludenberg; Celtic Knot; Censor Bar; Central African Republic Flag; Cerberus; Cerberus Logo; Ceterosexual Flag; CH; Chack; Chaco; Chad Flag; Chain Boots; Chain Chestplate; Chain Chomp; Chain Helmet; Chain Leggings; Chaka Heart; Chalcedony; Chamametchi; Champagne Bottle; Chandelitchi; Chanel Logo; Changing Season; Channeler; Chansey; Chantotchi; Chao; Chaos Rune; Chaosgender Flag; Charcoal Potion; Charitable Badge; Charitchi; Charizard; Charles; Charles Crandall Norbert “Chuckie” Finster Jr.; Charlie Brown; Charlie Scene; Charmander; Charmeleon; Checkpoint; Cheer Bear; Cheese; Cheiragender Flag; Cheri Berry; Cherish Ball; Cheritchi; Cherries; Cherrim; Cherry; Cherry Cola Gummy Bear; Cherry Gummy Bear; Cherry Jolly Rancher; Cherry Pop Tart; Chesnaught; Chespin; Chest; Chestnut; Chestnut Angel; Chevrolet Logo; Chewbacca; Chiaki Nanami’s Hairpin; Chibi Moon Symbol; Chibipatchi; Chibomon; Chica; Chicago Bulls Logo; Chick; Chicken; Chicken Kabob; Chicken Leg; Chief Verdigris; Chieri Sono’s Kirara; Chile Flag; Chill; Chilli Pepper; Chilly Pepper; Chimchar; ChimneySwift11; China Flag; Chip; chirp Music Disc; Chitchi; Chobitamatchi; Chocolate; Chocolate Bar; Chocolate Chip Pop Tart; Chocolate Fudge Pop Tart; ChoHimetchi; Choice & Accountabilty Ribbon; ChoMametchi; Chomper; ChooChoosGaming; Choose the Right/CTR Logo; Choribotchi; Chousakutchi; Choushutchi; Chowder; Christopher Cross “Chris” Griffin; Chrysoprase; Chubby Angel; Chubby Deviltchi; Chuchutchi; Chukatchi; Ciaotchi; Cigarette; Cincinnati Museum Center; Cinderella; Cinderella Symbol; CinnamonToastKen Logo; Circle; Circle Button; Circle Cookie; Citrine; City Crest; Clarence Wendell; Classic Santaclautchi; Classictchi; Clauncher; Claus; Clawitzer; Clear;; Clear/Moon; Clefairy; Clever Condition Icon; Cliff Badge; Clione Deviltchi; Clock; Clock Icon; Cloud; Clover; Club; Clyde; Coal Badge; Coal Ore; Cobalt Drill; Cobble Badge; Cobra Starship Logo; Cobrat; Coca-Cola Logo; Cockatiel; Cocktail; Coco; Coconut; Coconut Cannon; Cody Hida’s Digivice; Coffee; Coffretchi; Coigender Flag; Coin; Coke; Cola Gummy Bear; Cole; Colombia Flag; Colombo; Colon; Colonel Sarge; Colorado; Colourless Energy; Combee; Combusken; Comet; Comma; Commander Badge; Commoboy Flag; Commodore 64 Logo; Commogirl Flag; Companion Cube; Compass; Compass Icon; Computer; Conch Horn; Confederate Flag; Connecticut; Connie Maheswaran; Constitution Skill Symbol; Converse Shoe; Cooked Chicken; Cooked Fish; Cookie; Cookie Monster; Cooking Mama; Cool Condition Icon; Cool Drink; Coral; Coral Triangle; Coral-Eye Badge; Core Cannon; Corn; Corndog; Corrupt Bunny; Cosmic Moon Brooch; Cosmic Rune; Côte d’Ivoire Flag; Cottonee; Count Dooku; Couple’s Mask; Courage the Cowardly Dog; Cow; Cowboy Hat; Crab Claw; Crabby; Cracker; Crackertchi; Cranberry & Cherry Sorbet; Creep; Creeper; Cresselia; Crimson Potion; Crippled Buff; Crisis Moon Compact; Crobat; Crona’s Soul; Crono; Crop Icon; Cross; Cross of St. Peter; Crotchet; Cryaotic; Crying Emoticon; Cryptogender Flag; Crystagender Flag; Crystal; Crystal Ball; Crystaltchi; CTR Shield; Cuba Flag; Cube; Cubone; Cucco; Cuccodex; Cucumber; Cue Ball; Cup of Coffee; Cupcake; Cupiosexual Flag;; Currypantchi; Customer Service Expert Badge; Cut Man; Cute Condition Icon; Cyan Squid; Cyberman; Cyberman Helmet; Cyndaquil; Cynthia; Czech Republic Flag D; D Logo; D Elder Futhark Rune; D Tile; Da Kurlzz; Daffy Duck; Daisy; Daisy Duck; Daiyatchi; Dale; Dalecarlian Horse; Dalek; Damage Dealer Icon; Dan; Dandelion Game Boy Color; Dango Obatchi; Danish Krone Symbol; Danny; Danny Phantom Logo; Daredevil Logo; Dark Blue Cat Eye; Dark Chao; Dark Chocolate; Dark Element; Dark Knight Class Icon; Dark Magician Girl; Dark Side of the Moon Logo; Dark Type Icon; Dark Type Symbol; Darkness Energy; Darth Maul; Darth Maul’s Lightsaber; Darth Vader; Darts; Darumatchi; Darwin Raglan Caspian Ahab Poseidon Nicodemius Watterson III; Dash Berlin Logo; Dauntless Faction Symbol; Dave Strider's Logo; Davesprite; Davis Motoyima’s Digivice; Dawg; Dawn Stone; Dazzlitchi; DC Universe Logo; Dead Child; Dead Kennedys Logo; Deadlox; Deadman Wonderland Prison Logo; deadmau5 Mask; Deadpool Logo; Deadshot Daiquiri Perk; Death Machine Power-up; Death Star; Death the Kid’s Soul; Deathly Hallows Symbol; Debatchi; Debian Logo; Debutchi; Decepticon Symbol; Decotchi; Dedenne; Defense of the Ancients Icon; Defqon.1 Logo; Dekatama Protagonist; Deku Mask; Deku Nut; Deku Shield; Deku Stick; Delaware; DeLorean Logo; Delphigender Flag; Delphox; Demialterous Flag; Demibisexual Flag; Demiboy Flag; Demifluid Flag; Demiflux Flag; Demigenderqueer Flag; Demigirl Flag; Demihomosexual Flag; DemiMeramon; Deminonbinary Flag; Demipansexual Flag; Demipolysexual Flag; Demiromantic Flag; Demisemihemidemisemiquaver; Demisemiquaver; Demisexual Flag; Demon Eye; Demondrug/Mega Demondrug/Hot Drink; Denmark Flag; Denver Broncos Logo; Depagatchi; Derpy Hooves; Derpy Hooves’ Cutie Mark; Desinoromantic Flag; Destiny Logo; Destiny’s Embrace; DeviantArt Logo; Devil Mametchi; Devil Oyajitchi; Devil Zuccitchi; Deviltchi; Dexter; Dialga; Diamond; Diamond Axe; Diamond Boots; Diamond Chestplate; Diamond Helmet; Diamond Leggings; Diamond Ore; Diamond Pickaxe; Diamond Ring; Diamond Shovel; Diamond Steve; Diamond Sword; Diavlo; Dig Dug; Digg Logo; Diggersby; Digivice; Diglett; Din; Diopside; Dipp; Dipsy; Dirk Strider’s Logo; Disabled Symbol; Disguise Pen; Disgust; Disney Cruise Line Logo; Disney Logo; Ditto; Dive Ball; Divination Skill Symbol; Divine Nature Ribbon; Divine Rose; Division Sign; DJ PON3/Vinyl Scratch; DJ PON3/Vinyl Scratch’s Cutie Mark; Djibouti Flag; DNAtchi; Doctor Albert W. Wily; Doctor Thomas Light; Doctor Violet; Doctor Who Logo; Doctor Whooves’ Cutie Mark; Dodge Ram Logo; Doe; Dog; Dog Bowl; Doge; Dogutchi; Dollar Sign; DOLLARS Logo; Dolphin; Dome Fossil; Domgender Feminine Flag; Domgender Masculine Flag; Domgender Nonbinary Flag; Dominican Republic Flag; Domino’s Pizza Logo; Domo; Don Gero’s Mask; Donald Duck; Donatello; Donut; Doom Aspect Symbol; Doopliss; Dora Winifred “D.W.” Read; Dorotchi; Dorothy Zbornak; Dory; Dotetchi; Doublade; Double Cherry; Double Chest; Double Points Power-up; Double Scoop Cone; Double Tap II Root Beer Perk; Double Tap Root Beer Perk; Doug; Down Arrow; Downloaded Icon; DP Snamis; Dr. Mario; Dracky; Draenei Class Symbol; Dragalge; Dragon Coin; Dragon Energy; Dragon Radar; Dragon Type Icon; DragonBall Z Logo; Dragonite; Dragoon Class Icon; Drake; Drakefluid Flag; DrakSlime; Draw Something Logo; Dreamitchi; Drifloon; Drink Me Potion; Drippy; Drone Dalek; Drugged Meat/Cold Meat; Drum; Drums Icon; Dry Bones; Dryad; Duck; Ducklett; Ducky; Dumbbell; Dumbo; Dummy; Duosion; Duraboy Flag; Duragirl Flag; Duranonbinary Flag; Dusk Ball; Dustbin Beaver the Moptop Tweenybop; Dynamo Badge E; E Elder Futhark Rune; E Logo; E Tile; E4 Logo; E-Acute; E-Circumflex; E-Macron; E-Tank; E-Umlaut; Earl of Lemongrab; Earth; Earth Badge; Earth Element; Earth Element Symbol; Earth Rune; Earth Symbol; Earthbender Symbol; Eat Me Cake; Echo Screen; Echoing Howl; Éclair; Ecto the Fancy Banshee; Ectogender Flag; Ed; Edd/Double D; Eddy; Edible Ghost; Eduardo; Eek Emoticon; Eevee; Eeyore; Eevee Head; Egg; Egg (Tamago) Sushi; Eggplant; Eggplant Wizard; Egoboy Flag; Egogender Flag; Egogirl Flag; Egononbinary Flag; Egypt Flag; Eiyuutchi; Electric Cherry Perk; Electric Type Icon; Electric Type Symbol; Electronic Arts Logo; Elements of Harmony; Elixir; Elmo; Elsa the Snow Queen of Arendelle; Ember Seed; Emerald; Emerald Ring; Emolga; Empoleon; Empty Heart; Ender Pearl; Enderman; Endoboy Flag; Endogirl Flag; Energy Sword; England Flag; Enlightened Logo; Envy; Equius Zahhak’s Logo; Eraser; Eridan Ampora’s Logo; Erinite; Ermac; Err; Erudite Faction Symbol; Espeon; Espeon Head; Espigender Flag; Estonia Flag; Eternal Dalek; Eternal Moon Article; Eternal Spirit; Ethan; Ether; Ether Medallion; Etsy Logo; Euro Sign; Evanescence Logo; Eve; EVE Hypo; Evenstar; Exclamation Mark; Existiboy Flag; Existigirl Flag; Existinonbinary Flag; Exit Mouse; Exit Sign; Expecgender Flag; Eye Drops; Eye of Horus; Eye of Providence; Eye of Sauron; Eyegore; Ezio Auditore da Firenze F; F Elder Futhark Rune; F Tile; F-Zero Logo; f(x) Logo; Face Key; Face With Surgical Mask; Face With Tears Of Joy; Facebook Icon; Fairy; Fairy Badge; Fairy Energy; Fairy Harp; Fairy Ocarina; Fairy Slingshot; Fairy Tail Guild Mark; Fairy Type Icon; Faith Ribbon; Falling In Reverse Logo; Falling Star; Fancy Llama; Fang Slime/Wild Slime; Fantastic Dizzy; Fantastic Four Logo; far Music Disc; Faroe Islands Flag; Farore; Fast Ball; Fast Forward Button; Fat Fairy; Fat Flag; Fawn; Fear; Feather; Feather Badge; Feed Icon; Feferi Peixes’ Logo; Feldspar; Felisgender Flag; Felvine; Female Eclectus Parrot; Female Symbol; Female Toilet Sign; Femgender Flag; Fen Badge; Fennekin; Ferrari Logo; Fertile Soil; Fever; Fiat Logo; Fictosexual Flag; Fierce Deity’s Mask; FIFA World Cup Trophy; Fighter; Fighter’s Sword; Fighting Energy; Fighting Type Icon; Figure Skating Logo; File Not Found Icon; Fill With Color Icon; Finland Flag; Finn; Finn the Human; Finsexual Flag; Fire Arrow; Fire Bro.; Fire Element; Fire Element Symbol; Fire Energy; Fire Flower; Fire Herb/Hot Pepper; Fire Medallion; Fire Rod; Fire Rune; Fire Sale Power-up; Fire Shield; Fire Stone; Fire Stingray; Fire Type Icon; Fireball; Firebender Symbol; Firecracker Burst’s Cutie Mark; Fireflies Logo; Firegender Flag; Firemaking Skill Symbol; Firework; First Aid Kit; Fish; Fishbone; Fisting Flag; Fix-it Felix Jr.; Fixed Tuni Nut; Fizzy Pop’s Cutie Mark; Flabebe; Flame; Flame Princess; Flamingo; Flan; Flandre Scarlet; Flappy Bird; Flareon Head; Flask; FLCL Logo; Fletchling; Fleur-de-lis; Flip Flop; Flippers; Floppy Disk; Florette; Florges; Florida; Flosstradamus Logo; Flounder; Flower; Flower Cookie; Flowertchi; Flowey; Fluidflux Flag; Fluorite; Flurry; Flute; Flute Boy; Fluttershy; Fluttershy's Cutie Mark; Fly; Fly Guy; Flying ? Block; Flying Rooster; Flying Type Icon; Fog Badge; Foie; Foongus; Football Boot; Football/Soccer Ball; Ford Logo; Foreman Pig; Forest Badge; Forest Medallion; Fork; Fortress; Fortune Teller; Fossil; Four Leaf Clover; Four Sword; Foxy; France Flag; Frankenstein’s Monster/The Creation; Frappuccino; Fraysexual Flag; Freddy Fazbear; Freelancer Agent New York/Foxtrot 12/York; Freelancer Agent North Dakota; Freelancer Agent South Dakota; Freelancer Agent Texas/Artificial Intelligence Program Beta/Allison/Tex; Freelancer Agent Utah; Freelancer Agent Washington/Recovery One/Prisoner 619-B/David/Wash; Freelancer Agent Wyoming/Reginald; Freeze Badge; French Fries; Fried Egg; Fried Rice; Friend Ball; Friend Bear; Fries; Frisk; Froakie; Frog; Frog Mario; Frog Suit; Frogadier; Frogger; Frozen Buff; Frozen Logo; Fruit Drink; Fruity Bubblegum Gummy Bear; Fryguy; Fudgesical; Fujio; Full Heart; Full Heart Container; Full Magic Container; Full Moon Cello; Full Stop/Period; Fullmetal Alchemist Logo; Fume-shroom; Fun Ghoul Gun; Funhaus Logo; Funny Man; Funshine Bear; Furi; Furikotchi; Futabatchi; Fuzzy; Fygar G; G Elder Futhark Rune; G Tile; G0y Flag; Gabon Flag; Gabumon; Gaikotchi; Galactic Empire Logo; Gale Seed; Gambia Flag; Game Boy; Game Center Icon; GameCube Controller; GameCube Logo; Gamzee Makara’s Logo; Gandalf the Grey; Gandalf the Grey’s Hat; Gankotchi; Ganon; Gardevoir; Garnet; Garnet Ring; Garo’s Mask; Garrison/Stationary Guard Crest; Gasha Berry; Gasha Seed; Gastly; Gatomon; Gatten Abukotchi; Gay Flag; Gears of War Logo; Gel; Gem Slime/Gold Slime/MinerSlime; Gemigender Flag; Gemini; Gender Binary Flag; Gender Neutral Flag; Gender Non-Binary Flag; Genderblank Flag; Genderdormant Flag; Gendereaux Flag; Genderfluid Flag; Genderflux Flag; Genderfuck Pride Flag; Genderfuzz Flag; Gendermaverick Flag; Gendernegative Flag; Genderpositive Flag; Genderpunk Flag; Genderqueer Flag; Genderqueer Symbol; Genderstrange Flag; Gendervague Flag; Gendervoid Flag; Gendfleur Flag; General Grievous; Genesect; Gengar; Genie’s Lamp; Genjin Galtchi; Genjintchi; Geno; George; Georgia; Georgia Flag; Germany; Germany Flag; Getatchi; Ghana Flag; Ghast; Ghast Tear; Ghastly Doll; Ghost; Ghost Deviltchi; Ghost House; Ghost Jr; Ghost Shroom; Ghost Type Icon; Ghost's Eyes; Ghostbusters Logo; Giant Bat; Giant’s Mask; Gibdo; Gibdo’s Mask; Gift of Time; Giggles; Ginger; Gingerbread House; Ginjirotchi; Ginjirotchi Angel; Giorgio Armani Logo; Giraffey; Girl Deviltchi; Glaceon Head; Glacier Badge; Glass Dagger; Glass of Apple Juice; Glass of Orange Juice; Glass of Red Wine; Glass of White Wine; Glasstchi; Gloom; Glowstone Dust; Gmail Icon; Gnarled Key; Gnome; Goby; Godzilla; Goggles; Goku; Golbat; Gold; Gold Axe; Gold Ball & Chain Trooper; Gold Coronet; Gold Crown; Gold Ingot; Gold Kinstone; Gold Medal; Gold Nugget; Gold Ore; Gold Pickaxe; Gold Rupee; Gold Shovel; Gold Sword; Golden Apple; Golden Bonnie; Golden Boots; Golden Carp; Golden Chestplate; Golden Chocobo; Golden Delicious Apple; Golden Fox; Golden Freddy; Golden Harvest/Carrot Top; Golden Helmet; Golden Leggings; Golden Llama; Golden Mushroom; Golden Potion; Golden Scarab; Golden Snitch; Golden Steve; Golden Sword; Golden Tooth; Golem; Golf Ball; Golgari Swarm Logo; Goma Dango; Gomamon; Gomez; Good Luck Bear; Good Works Ribbon; Goodra; Google Chrome Logo; Google Hangouts Icon; Google Logo; Google+ Icon; Goomba; Goomba in Goomba’s Shoe; Goomba’s Shoe; Goomy; Goonie; Goro; Gorogorotchi; Goron Elder; Goron Mask; Goron Vase; Goron's Ruby; Goronade; Gosutchi; Gotchi King; Gotchi Queen; Gothita; Gourmetchi; Gozarutchi; Graceful Dahlia; Gracidea Flower; Graduation Cap; Grand Theft Auto V Logo; Granny Smith Apple; Grape Gummy Bear; Grape Jolly Rancher; Grapefruit; Grapes; Grass; Grass Crest Shield; Grass Energy; Grass TM; Grass Type Icon; Gravestone; Graveyard Key; Great Ball; Great Fairy; Great Fairy’s Mask; Greed; Greedo; Green Apricorn; Green Baby Yoshi; Green Ball; Green Berry; Green Bird; Green Bottle; Green Cane; Green Cat Eye; Green Chaos Emerald; Green Cheep Cheep; Green Chocobo; Green Christmas Light; Green Cockatiel; Green Diamond; Green Egg Block; Green Grapes; Green Kinstone; Green Kirby; Green Lantern Logo; Green Light of Willpower; Green Luma; Green M&M; Green Mail; Green Mana; Green Panther; Green Pepper; Green Plumbob; Green Potion; Green Puyo; Green Ranger/Tommy Oliver; Green Ranger’s Helmet; Green Requiem; Green Robot; Green Rubik’s Cube; Green Rupee; Green Stray Fairy; Green Switch Block; Green Tea Sherbet; Green Tiara; Green Yoshi Egg; Green-Winged Macaw; Greenland Flag; Greninja; Grey Cloud; Grey P-Switch; Grey Robot; Grey-Aromantic Flag; Grey-Asexual Flag; Greyalterous Flag; Greygender Flag; Greymon; Greyplatonic Flag; Greyromantic Flag; Grief Seed; Grinder; Grippatchi; Groot; Grotle; Ground Type Icon; Grovyle; Grumpy Bear; Grumpy Cat; Grundle; Grunt/Unggoy; Gryffindor Banner; Gryffindor Shield; Guardian Icon; Guinea Bissau Flag; Guinea Flag; Guinness Symbol; Guitar; Guitar Icon; Gulasantchi; Gumball Machine; Gumball Tristopher Watterson; Guriguritchi; Gusty; Guthix Symbol; Guy Fawkes Mask; Guy-Manuel’s Mask; Gyaraboy Flag; Gyarados; Gyaragender Flag; Gyaragirl Flag; Gynefluid Flag; Gynephile Flag; Gynesexual Flag; Gypsytchi; Gyroid H; H Tile; Haban Berry; Hail Hydra Logo; Haiti Flag; Half Heart; Half-Life Logo; Hallowed Breastplate; Hallowed Greaves; Hallowed Helmet; Halo Logo; Hamburger; Hammer; Hammer Bro.; Hammer Bro.'s Hammer; Hammer Suit; Hamsa; Han Solo; Hanagatatchi; Hanami Dango; Hanatarezoutchi; Hanatchi; Hand Cursor; Hanekotchi; Haneotchi; Hanger; Hanitchi; Hanyu Furude; Hanzo Hasahi/Scorpion; Happy; Happy Berry Logo; Happy Emoticon; Happy Face; Happy Meal; Hardhat Beetle; Hariutchi; Harlequin Rune; Harry Potter Logo; Harumichitchi; Harutchi; Hashitamatchi; Hashizoutchi; Hat Santaclautchi; Hatenatchi; Hatokamitchi; Hatsune Miku; Hatsune Miku Logo; Hatugatchi; Haunter; Hawaii; Hawaikotchi; Hawainotchi; Hawkeye Symbol; Hawlucha; Head; Headdress; Headphones; Heal Ball; Healer Icon; Healslime; Heart; Heart Aspect Symbol; Heart Cookie; Heart of the Ocean; Heart Wand; Heartchi; Hearthstone; Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Logo; Heartless Logo; Heat Badge; Heats Flamesman; Heavy D!; Heimerdinger; Heliotrope/Bloodstone; Helix Fossil; Hello Kitty Logo; Helmetchi; Hemiboy Flag; Hemigirl Flag; Hemidemisemiquaver; Heminonbinary Flag; Henry’s Book; Herb/Ivy; Herbal Armor Buff; Herbal Healing Buff; Herblore Skill Symbol; Hermaphrodite Flag; Hero Chao; Herobrine; Hetalia Logo; Heteroflexible Flag; Hexagon; Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi Logo; Hi-Potion; Hibiscus; Hidatchi; High Battery Level; Hikotchi; High-Five Ghost; Hill; Himespetchi; Hinatchi; Hinotamatchi; Hiratchi; Hitodetchi; Hitomi Shizuki; Hive Badge; Hodenge; Hogwarts Crest; Hohotchi; Hollow Mask; Holy Water; Homer Jay Simpson; HomeStuck Logo; Homoalterous Flag; Homoflexible Flag; Homosexual (But Not Homoromantic) Flag; Homura Akemi; Homura Akemi’s Soul Gem; Honda Logo; Honey; Honeydew; Honeydew’s Logo; Honeytchi; Hong Kong Dollar Symbol; Hoodz; Hookshot; Hoopster; Hope Aspect Symbol; Hoppetchi; Horde Insignia; Horn of Gabriel; Horoboy Flag; Horogirl Flag; Horononbinary Flag; Horoyotchi; Horrified Debuff; Hoshitchi; Hot Dog; Hot Dog with Barbecue Sauce; Hot Dog with Brown Sauce; Hot Dog with Mustard; Hot Dog with Tomato Sauce; Hotdog; HotTeatchi; Hourglass Cursor; House Arryn of the Eyrie Sigil; House Barathron of Storm’s End Sigil; House Dimir Logo; House Frey of the Crossing Sigil; House Greyjoy of Pyke Sigil; House Lannister of Casterly Rock Sigil; House Nymerous Martell of Sunspear Sigil; House Stark of Winterfell Sigil; House Targaryen Sigil; House Tully of Riverrun Sigil; House Tyrell of Highgarden Sigil; Howie; Hufflepuff Banner; Hufflepuff Shield; Hullaballoon; Humba the Banana; Hungary Flag; Hungry Buff; Hunter of Hunter’s Covenant Symbol; Hunter Skill Symbol; Hunter Symbol; HuskyMUDKIPZ; Hyacinth; Hyacinth Macaw; Hylian Shield; Hyottokotchi; Hyurutchi I; I Elder Futhark Rune; Ï Elder Futhark Rune; I Tetrimino; I Tile; I.G.G.Y. the Pixel-Munching Snaffler; I’ve Seen It Badge; I-Acute; I-Circumflex; I-Macron; I-Umlaut; Ibatchi; Ice; Ice Arrow; Ice Blue Game Boy Color; Ice Cream; Ice Cream Cone; Ice Flower; Ice Hockey Logo; Ice Rod; Ice Skate; Ice Type Icon; Ice Type Symbol; Iceberg Badge; Iceland Flag; Ichigo; Ichigotchi; Icicle Badge; Idaho; Idemoromantic Flag; Igglybuff; Ignignokt; iHasCupquake; IKEA Logo; Illinois; Illuminated Buff; Imgur Icon; Immune to Gases Buff; Immunizer Power/Juice/Mega Juice; Imotchi; Impediogender Flag; Impossible Triangle; India Flag; Indian Red; Indiana; Indicolite; Indigo Bottle; Indigo Cane; Indigo Diamond; Indigo Light of Compassion; Indigo Potion; Individual Worth Ribbon; Indonesia Flag; Infected Mushroom; Infernape; Infinite Logo; Infinite Symbol; IngenDer Flag; Ingward; Inky; Insect Badge; Insomniac Logo; Insta-Kill Power-up; Instagram Logo; Integrity Ribbon; Intergender Flag; Intersex Flag; Intersex Flag; Intersex Symbol; InuYasha Logo; Inverted Question Mark; Invisible Buff; Iolite; Iowa; iPhone; iPod Touch; Irken Logo; Iron Axe; Iron Boots; Iron Chestplate; Iron Helmet; Iron Ingot; Iron Leggings; Iron Man Symbol; Iron Ore; Iron Pickaxe; Iron Pot; Iron Shovel; Iron Sword; Isaac; Israel Flag; Italy Flag; Itatchi; iTunes Icon; Ivory; Ivory Potion; Ivysaur; Iwatchi; Izzet League Logo J; J Tile; J.R.R. Tolkien Logo; J-Dog; Jack; Jack O’Lantern; Jack Skellington; Jack Ü Logo; Jackass Logo; jacksepticeye Logo; Jade; Jade Harley's Logo; Jade Potion; Jade Star Badge; Jake English’s Logo; Jake the Dog; Jamaica Flag; James; James Bond Logo; James Pond; Jane Crocker’s Logo; Jango Fett; Japan Flag; Jar Jar Binks; Jar of Nutella; Jar/Pot; Jasmine; Jasmine Symbol; Jason Voorhees’ Mask; Jasper; Jaspersprite; Jaune Arc’s Symbol; Jay; Jayne Cobb’s Hat; Jeff; Jeff Randell; Jellyfish; Jerry; Jess; Jessie; Jet; Jet Badge; Jet Star Gun; Jewelboxtchi; Jeweltchi; Jidoutchi; Jigglypuff; Jigsaw Piece; Jiji; Jimmy; Jinn/Sylphid; Jinx; Jirachi; JLS Logo; John Deere Logo; John Egbert’s Logo; Johnny 3 Tears; Johnny Bravo; Johnny Cage; Jolteon Head; Joltik; Jon; Jonny 2X4; Jonquil; Jordan Flag; Journal 3 Logo; Joy; Judas; Juggernog Perk; Juice; Jumping Piranha Plant; Jumping Pumpkin Plant; June; Jungle; Jungle King; Junior Clown Car; Junko Enoshima’s Phone; Jupiter; Jurassic Park Logo; jw.org Logo; Jynx K; K Elder Futhark Rune; K Tile; K.K. Slider; K-9; Kabotchi; Kadabra; Kafei’s Mask; Kagamine Rin; Kai; Kaitchi; Kajiguchi Abukotchi; Kakuna; Kakutchi; Kaleidomoon Scope; Kaleidoscope; Kamaro’s Mask; Kamek; Kanata Shinonome’s Kirara; Kanaya Maryam’s Logo; Kandi Patterns Logo; Kano; Kanra Call Icon; Kansas; Karatchi; Kari Kamiya’s Digivice; Karkas Vantas’ Logo; Katamari; Katara; Katsuma; Kazuichi Soda; Keaton’s Mask; Kebia Berry; Kee Berry; Keese; Keiichi Maebara; Keldeo; Kentucky; Kerbal Space Program Logo; Kermit the Frog; Kettle; Kettledrum; Kevin; Key; Key Icon; Keyboard Icon; Keyhole; Khaki; Khorne Symbol; Kid Blue; Kidney; Kikwi; Kilalatchi; Kinakomotchi; Kinbo Koi; Kindred; King; King Boo; King Dedede; King Llama; King of All Cosmos; King Slime; King Worm; Kingdom Hearts Logo; Kingdom Key; Kingender Flag; Kingyotchi; Kinky People In Vanilla Relationships Flag; Kinotchi; Kip Symbol; Kirby; Kirby on Warp Star; Kirin Tor Logo; Kirk, Knight of Thorns; Kirlia; KISS Logo; Kiwi Cupcake; Kiwi Fruit; Kiwi Game Boy Color; Kiyotaka “Taka” Ishimaru; Klefki; Klingon Logo; Knife; Knife Party Logo; Knight Lautrec of Carim; Knight Shield; Knowledge Ribbon; Knuckle Badge; Knuckleduster; Knuckles the Echidna; Knuckles the Echidna Icon; Kobra Kid Gun; Kodak Logo; Kodama; Kokiri Sword; Kokiri's Emerald; Kolechia Seal; Konami Logo; Konohagakure Symbol; Koopa Clown Car; Koopa Shell; Koopa Troopa; Korean Won Symbol; Korilakkuma; Korra; Kracko; Kracko's Eye; Krieg; Kuai Liang/Sub-Zero; Kuchikotchi; Kuchiotchi; Kunai; Kunoitchi; Kuriboh; Kuribotchi; Kuritchi; Kuro; Kurokotchi; KuroMametchi; KuroTsubutchi; Kushipatchi; Kutchitamatchi; Kuwait Flag; Kylo Ren; Kylo Ren’s Lightsaber; Kyoko Sakura; Kyoko Sakura’s Soul Gem L; L for Lee; L Lawliet’s Logo; L Tetrimino; L Tile; La; Laa-Laa; Labradorite; Lady GooGoo the Glitzy BooHoo; Lady Luck; Lady Rainicorn; Ladybird/Ladybug; Lakitu; Lala; Lamp; Lance “Scorpion” Bean; Lando Calrissian; Lapis Lazuli; Large Invader; Large Planchette; Large Totoro; Larry Koopa; Latin Cross; Latvia Flag; Lava Bucket; Lava Juice; Lava Soup; Lavender; Law Rune; LDShadowLady; Leaf; Leaf Stone; Leafeon Head; Leafmon; Leaftchi; League of Legends Icon; League of Nations Logo; Leather Boots; Leather Cap; Leather Flag; Leather Girl Flag; Leather Pants; Leather Tunic; Lebanon Flag; Lee Kanker; Leek; Left Arrow; Left Parenthesis; Left Shark; Legend Badge; Lego Logo; Lemon; Lemon Gummy Bear; Lemon Hearts’ Cutie Mark; Lemon Lime Sorbet; Lemon Sherbet; Lemon Slice; Lens of Truth; Leo; Leogender Flag; Leon Kuwata; Leonardo; Lepidolite; Leprechaun; Leprechaun Hat; Lesbian Flag; Lethargender Flag; Letter; Level Ball; Levitating Buff; LGBT Flag; Libra; Libragender Flag; Libya Flag; Lickitung; Lie Ren’s Symbol; Life Aspect Symbol; Life Energy; Life Mushroom; Life Shroom; Light Arrow; Light Aspect Symbol; Light Blue Cat Eye; Light Blue Yoshi; Light Element; Light Medallion; Lightbulb; Lightning Bolt; Lightning Cross; Lightning Energy; Lightning Potion; Like Icon; Like Like; Lilac; Lime; Lime Cake; Lime Green Squid; Lime Gummy Bear; Lime Slice; Limnosexual Flag; Linda; Link; Lionheart; Lips; Lipstick; Lipstick Lesbian Flag; Lithuania Flag; Little C.H.A.D.; Little Miss Tiny; Litwick; Liu Kang; Lizard; Llama; Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon; Location Marker; Lock; Loki’s Helmet; Lollipop; Lollipop Chainsaw Logo; Lolo; Lopez the Heavy; Lopmon; LordMinion777 Logo; Los Angeles Dodgers Logo; Los Angeles Lakers Logo; Lotad; Louisiana; Louisville Cardinals Logo; Love; Love Ball; Love-a-Lot Bear; Lovebird; Lovegender Flag; Lovelitchi; Low Battery Level; Lucario; Lucas; Lucca; Ludoboy Flag; Ludogirl Flag; Ludononbinary Flag; Ludwig von Koopa; Luge Logo; Luigi; Luigi’s Hat; Luke Skywalker; Luke Triton; Lumina/Wisp; Lumpy Space Princess; Luna; Lunar: The Silver Star Logo; Lunar Eclipse; Lure Ball; Lust; Luvli; Luxembourg Flag; Luxury Ball; Lyra Heartstrings; Lysandre M; M Elder Futhark Rune; M Logo; M Tile; M. Bison; Macaroon; Macaw; Mace Windu; Machinist Class Icon; Mad Pride Flag; Madagascar Flag; Madeon Logo; Madoka Kaname; Madoka Kaname’s Soul Gem; Magdalene; Mage Class Symbol; Mage’s Staff; Magenta Potion; Magenta Yoshi; Magiboy Flag; Magic: The Gathering Card; Magic Ball; Magic Bean; Magic Boomerang; Magic Cape; Magic Element Symbol; Magic Hammer; Magic Mirror; Magic Potion; Magic Powder; Magic Rod; Magic Skill Symbol; Magical Boomerang; Magical Shield; Magicite; Magifluid Flag; Magigirl Flag; Magikarp; Maginonbinary Flag; Maiden’s Kiss; Maidtchi; Mail Icon; Maine; Major League Baseball Logo; Majora's Mask; Majorika; Makiko/Madeleine Kirie Dotchine; Mako; Makoto Yokomizo’s Kirara; Maku Tree Leaf; Malachite; Maldives Flag; Male Eclectus Parrot; Male Symbol; Male Toilet Sign; Mali Flag; mall Music Disc; Malloty Knox Logo; Mamegoma; Mamekotchi; Mameotchi; Mameshiba; Mametchi; Mami Tomoe; Mami Tomoe’s Soul Gem; Manalterous Flag; Manaphy; Mangle; Mango Sorbet; Manipura Symbol; Map; Maple; Maps Icon; Marcy; Mareep; Marie Kanker; Marie Mjolnir’s Eye Patch; MarineAngemon; Maringender Flag; Mario; Mario in Goomba’s Shoe; Mario’s Hat; Mark of Cain; Marked for Sacrifice Buff; Markiplier Logo; Marle; Marny; Maroon Ball; Marotchi; Marowak; Mars; Marsh Badge; Marshtomp; Martini Glass; Marvin the Martian; Maryland; Masexual Flag; Mask of Scents; Mask of Truth; Masked Lovebird; Masktchi; Massachusetts; Master Ball; Master Belch; Master Chief; Master Higgins; Master Shake; Master Sword; Mattaritchi; Mauritania Flag; Mauritius Flag; Maverique Flag; Max Revive; Maxwell; May; May Kanker; McDonald’s Logo; Me Gusta Face; Meat; Meat Boy; Medical Officer Super Private First Class Frank DuFresne/Doc; Medicine of Life; Medicine of Life & Magic; Medicine of Magic; Medium Battery Level; Medium Totoro; Mega Aerodactyl; Mega Alakazam; Mega Blastoise; Mega Charizard X; Mega Charizard Y; Mega Gengar; Mega Gyarados; Mega Haunter; Mega Lucario; Mega Man; Mega Mewtwo X; Mega Mewtwo Y; Mega Mushroom; Mega Scizor; Mega Stone; Mega Venusaur; Megatchi; mellohi Music Disc; Meloetta; Melon; Memeotchi; Memeputchi; Memetchi; Memorial Stripes Poogie; Meow; Mercury; Mesprit; Messages Icon; Metal Chocobo; Metal Energy; Metal King Slime; Metal Slime; MetalGreymon; Metapod; Metaromantic Flag; Metool; Metroid; Mew; Mew Berry; Mew Ichigo; Mew Lettuce; Mew Pudding; Mew Ringo; Mewtwo; MGMT Logo; Miami Heat Logo; Miami Hurricanes Logo; Michael “Mike” Wazowski; Michelangelo; Michigan; Micro-Goomba; Microphone; Midnight Blue Game Boy Color; Mikazukitchi; Miles “Tails” Prower; Miles “Tails” Prower Icon; Military Police Brigade Crest; Military/Uniform Flag; Milk Bucket; Milk Chocolate; Millennium Eye; Millennium Falcon; Millennium Necklace; Millennium Puzzle; Millennium Ring; Millennium Rod; Mima; MimeSlime; Mimifuwatchi; Mimitchi; Mimiyoritchi; Mimori Kishida’s Kirara; Mind Aspect Symbol; Mind Badge; Mind Vision Buff; Mine Badge; Minecraft Logo; Mineral Badge; Mini Mushroom; Mini-Moldorm; Mining Skill Symbol; Mink; Minnesota; Minotchi; Minsexual Flag; Mion Sonozaki; Mirror Shield; Miso; Mississippi; Missouri; Mitarashi Dango; Mitsubishi Logo; Mitt; Mizutamatchi; Mjölnir; Mobile Sprout; Mobile/Cellular Phone; Moblin; Mocha; Mockingjay Pin; Mohitamatchi; Mojo Jojo; Moltres; Monapatchi; Mondo Owada; Money Bag; Monferno; Monk; Monk Class Icon; Monoeye; Monofluid; Monokuma; Monomate; Monomi/Usami; Monster Assault Logo; Monster Heavy Metal Logo; Monster High Logo; Monster Khaos Logo; Monster Lo-Carb Logo; Monster Logo; Monster MIXXD Logo; Monster Ripper Logo; Monsters, Inc. Logo; Montana; Monty Mole; Moogle; Moon Ball; Moon Crystal Compact; Moon Pearl; Moon Sceptre; Moon Stone; Moon Wand; Moonstone; Mooshroom; Mordecai; Morganite; Mortal Kombat Logo; Mother of Pearl; Motimon; Mottle Slime; Mouse; Moustache; Movie Reel; Mozilla Firefox Logo; Mr. Bump; Mr. Canvas; Mr. Game & Watch; Mr. Game & Watch Stock Icon; Mr. Pringles; Mr. Rush; Mr. Saturn; Mr. Snoodle the Silly Snuffler; Mr. Turtlepedia; Ms. Flower; Ms. Frill; Ms. Pac-Man; MTV Logo; Mudkip; Mug of Hot Chocolate; Muladhara Symbol; Mule Kick Perk; Multiplication Sign; Multisexual Flag; Munna; Muse Logo; Musharna; Mushroom; Mushroom Stew; Music Box; Music Icon; Mustard; Mutogender Flag; My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Logo; Myanmar Flag; Mystery Mushroom; Mythosaur Symbol N; N Tile; N7 Logo; N-Acute; Naga; Nagisa Momoe; Nagisa Motoyima’s Kirara; Nall; Namibia Flag; Nana; Napstablook; Naruto Logo; Naruto Uzumaki; National Basketball Association Logo; National Football Conference Logo; National Football League Logo; National Hockey League Logo; Nature Element Symbol; Navi; Nayru; Nazotchi; Nazz Van Bartonschmeer; Nebraska; Nebularomantic Flag; Needle of Blood; Needle of Fairy Dust; Needle of Magic; Needle of Medicine; Needle of Poison; Needle of Water; Nekomaru Nidai; Nemo; Nepeta Leijon’s Logo; Neptune; NERV Logo; Ness; Ness' Mum; Nest Ball; Net Ball; NettyPlays; Neuroaromantic Flag; Neurogender Flag; Neusexual Flag; Neutrois Flag; Neutrois Symbol; Nevada; New Document Icon; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; New York Jets Name Plate; New York Knicks Logo; New York Mets Logo; New York Yankees Logo; Newgrounds Logo; Newsstand Icon; Next Track Button; NG; Nickel; Nien Nunb; Niger Flag; Nigeria Flag; Nightmare Dream Eater Symbol; Nightmare’s Key; Nik; Nikatchi; Nike Logo; Nine Inch Nails Logo; Ninja; Ninja Class Icon; Ninja Llama; Ninji; Ninsexual Flag; Nintendo 64 Controller; Nintendo 64 Logo; Nintendo Entertainment System Controller; Nintendo Logo; Nintendo Wii Logo; Nipper Plant; Nipper the Titchy TrundleBot; Nirvana Logo; Nitro Crate; No Battery; No Data Received Icon; No Phone Signal; No Smoking Sign; No Volume; No Wi-Fi Signal; No-Face/Kaonashi Mask; Nobody Symbol; Noiz; Nokotchi; Nomasexual Flag; Nonbinary Flag; Nonbinary Boy Flag; Nonbinary Girl Flag; Nonbinary Symbol; Nonbiritchi; Nora Valkyrie’s Symbol; Normal Type Icon; North Carolina; North Dakota; Northern Ireland Flag; Norway Flag; Note; Note Block; Note Icon; Notes; Notes Icon; Novigender Flag;; Novosexual Flag; Nullgender Flag; Nunchaku; Nurse Symbol; Nutrients/Mega Nutrients; Nurturing Warmth; Nutty; Nuu Emoticon; Nyan Cat; Nyan Cat Head; Nyaromon; Nyatchi; Nyctogender Flag; Nyokimon; Ŋ Elder Futhark Rune; O; O Elder Futhark Rune; O Tetrimino; O Tile; O-Acute; O-Circumflex; O-Macron; O-Umlaut; Oathkeeper; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Oblivion; Obotchi; Obsidian; Ocarina; Ocarina of Wind; Ocelot; Ocho; Octagon; Octavia; Octopus; Octorok; Oddish; Odeko; Odesza Logo; OE Ligature; Of Mice & Men Logo; Officer Vermilion; Ohio; Ojitchi; Ojyotchi; Okay? Okay. Logo; Oklahoma; Olaf; Old Man; Olivenite; Olivine; Olympia; Olympics Logo; Om Nom; Omanyte; Omegle Logo; Omnigender Flag; Omnisexual Flag; Omnitrix; Omututchi; One Direction Logo; One Ring; One-Eyed Minion; Onigiri; Onion; Oniontchi; Onyx; Onyx Ring; Opa-Opa; Opal; Opal Ring; Opeo; Orange; Orange Ball; Orange Bottle; Orange Cane; Orange Cat Eye; Orange Diamond; Orange Flower; Orange Gummy Bear; Orange Kid; Orange Light of Avarice; Orange M&M; Orange Plumbob; Orange Potion; Orange Rubik’s Cube; Orange Rupee; Orange Sceptre; Orange Slice; Orange Squid; Orange Staff; Orange Stray Fairy; Orange Umbrella; Orange Yoshi; Orange/Co-Star Luma; Ore Chunk; Oregon; Oreo; Organ of Evening Calm; Original 1978 LGBT Flag; Orina Aida’s Kirara; Orko; Oscar, Knight of Astora; Oscar the Grouch; Oshawott; Ostro; Ototchi; Ouran High School Crest; Oval; OWSLA Logo; Oyajitchi P; P Bag; P Elder Futhark Rune; P Tile; P-Switch; P-Wing; Pabumon; Pac-Man; Pachikutchi; Pachirisu; Paddle; Padparadscha; Paintball; Pakistan Flag; Paladin Class Icon; Palico; Palm Tree; Palmon; Panalterous Flag; Panama Flag; Pancakes; Panflux Flag; Pangender Flag; Panplatonic Flag; Panromantic Flag; Pansexual Flag; Pansexual Symbol; Paopu Fruit; Paparatchi; Paper; Papyrus; Para-Beetle; Paraboy Flag; Paragirl Flag; Paragon Logo; Parallelogram; Paralyzed Buff; Paranonbinary Flag; PaRappa the Rapper; Parasect; Park Ball; Parrot; Parsnip; Partial Heart Container; Partly Cloudy; Party Poison Gun; Passbook Icon; Passion Fruit Sorbet; Patamon; Patapatatchi; Patrick Star; Paula; Pause Button; Paw Print; Peace Sign; Peace Symbol; Peach; Peach Lovebird; Pear; Pearl; PearlGel; Peashooter; Pecha Berry; Pegasus Boots; Pegasus Seed; Pelipper; Pencil; Pendant of Courage; Pendant of Power; Pendant of Wisdom; Pennsylvania; Pentagon; Pentagram; Penultisexual Flag; Pepe the Frog; Peppa Pig; Pepperdance’s Cutie Mark; Peppermint Butler; Pepsi Logo; Percentage Sign; Periboy Flag; Peridot; Perifluid Flag; Perigirl Flag; Periodic Table of Elements; Perry the Platypus; Peru Flag; Peso; Peter Löwenbräu Griffin; Peter Pepper; Petittchi; Petrus of Thorlund; PewDiePie Logo; Phanto; PhD Flopper Perk; Phineas; Phione; Phoenix Down; Phone Icon; Photo Finish; Photos Icon; Pi Symbol; Pichikutchi; Pichimon; Pichu; Pick Color Icon; Pidgit; Pig; Pig Snout; Piglet; Pikachu; Pills; Pin; Pineapple; Pineapple Gummy Bear; Ping Pong Ball; Pink Apricorn; Pink Baby Bottle; Pink Ball; Pink Beads; Pink Berry; Pink Candy; Pink Chaos Emerald; Pink Diamond; Pink Dummy/Pacifier/Binky; Pink Lantern; Pink Marshmallow; Pink Panther; Pink Potion; Pink Ranger/Kimberly Hart; Pink Ranger’s Helmet; Pink Ring; Pink Squid; Pink Stray Fairy; Pink Umbrella; Pink Yoshi; Pink/Hungry Luma; Pinkie Pie; Pinkie Pie Head; Pinkie Pie's Cutie Mark; Pinky; Pinterest Icon; Pinterest Logo; Pipotchi; Piplup; Piranha Plant; Pirate’s Bell; Pirorirotchi; Pisces; Pit; Pixelboy Flag; Pixelgirl Flag; Pixelnonbinary Flag; Pizza; Pizza Dude; Placiosexual Flag; Plain Badge; Planeswalker Symbol; Plank; Plankton; Planktontchi; Plant Badge; Platoniromantic Flag; Play Button; Playboy Logo; PlayStation Logo; PlayStation 2 Logo; PlayStation 3 Logo; PlayStation 4 Controller; Plue; Plus Sign; Pluto; Po; Pochitchi; Podobos Tower; Poe; Poe Clock; Poe Dameron; Poe Dameron’s X-Wing; Poe Soul in Bottle; Pointer Cursor; Points Icon; Poison Apple; Poison Mushroom; Poison Symbol; Poison TM; Poison Type Icon; Poisoned Buff; Poisoned Meat; Poké Ball; Pokémon Dollar; Pokémon Flute; Pokémon Logo; Pokémon X Logo; Pokémon Y Logo; Pokey; Poland Flag; Politoed; Poliwag; Pols Voice; Polyalterous Flag; Polyamorous Flag;; Polygender Flag; Polyplatonic Flag; Polyromantic Flag; Polysexual (But Not Romantic) Flag; Polysexual Flag; Pontiac Logo; Pony Flag; Ponyo; Ponytchi; Poo; Pooka; Poop; Pooter; Pop Tart; Popcorn; Popo; Poppet; Popsical; Popsicle; Poro; Poromon; Porygon; Possessed Nayru; Postman’s Hat; Pot of Gold; Potato Mine; Potion; Potion/Mega Potion; Potion of Fire Resistance; Potion of Harming; Potion of Healing; Potion of Invisibility; Potion of Leaping; Potion of Night Vision; Potion of Poison; Potion of Regeneration; Potion of Slowness; Potion of Strength; Potion of Swiftness; Potion of Water Breathing; Potion of Weakness; Pound Cake; Pound Symbol; POW Block; Power Balloon/P-Balloon; Power Bracelet; Power Button; Power Glove; Poyomon; Praegender Flag; Prayer Skill Symbol; Premier Ball; Pressure Pad; Preterboy Flag; Pretergirl Flag; Pretty Lights Logo; Pretzel; Pride; Priest Class Symbol; Previous Track Button; Prince; Prince Zuko; Princess Anna of Arendelle; Princess Cadence; Princess Celestia; Princess Celestia’s Cutie Mark; Princess Daisy’s Crown; Princess Leia Organa; Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon’s Cutie Mark; Princess Peach’s Crown; Princess Rosalina; Princess Toadstool; Princess Zelda; Pringles Logo; Prinplup; Private Franklin Delano Donut; Private Kaikaina Grif/Sister; Private Leonard L. Church; Priz; Professor Elm; Professor Hershel Layton; Professor Oak; Professor Vitellary; Proquasexual Flag; Proquusexual Flag; Psi; Psychic Badge; Psychic Energy; Psychic TM; Psychic Type Icon; Psyko Punkz Mask; PuchiChocotchi; Puchioyatchi; Puchiputchi; Puchitchi; PuchiTeletchi; Pudsey Bear; Puerto Rico Flag; Puff-shroom; Pukatchi; Puma Logo; Pumpkin; Pumpkin Cake; Pumpkin Pie; Pumpkinhead; Punimon; Punisher Logo; Pup; Puppy Play Flag; PuppyCat; Purple Ball; Purple Chaos Emerald; Purple Chocobo; Purple Crystal; Purple Excitebike; Purple Grapes; Purple Jewel; Purple Kirby; Purple Pendant Necklace; Purple Pikmin; Purple Puyo; Purple Ring; Purple Rupee; Purple Squid; Purple Yoshi; Pusheen; Pyonchitchi; Pyonkotchi; Pyramid; Pyramid Jewel; Pyrite; Pyrope; Pyrrha Nikos’ Symbol Q; Q Dance Logo; Q Tile; Q-Bert; Qatar Flag; QU; Quake Badge; Quake Medallion; Quartz; Quartz Ring; Quaver; Queen Amidala; Queer Flag; Queerplatonic Flag; Question Mark; Quick Ball; Quick Revive Perk; Quilladin; Quoiromantic Flag; Quote R; R Elder Futhark Rune; R Tile; R-Acute; R2-D2; Raava; Rabite; Radish; Raft; Rage Aspect Symbol; Raichu; Raiden; Rain; Rain Badge; Rainbow; Rainbow Badge; Rainbow Cross; Rainbow Dash; Rainbow Dash Head; Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark; Rainbow Llama; Rainbow Necklace; Rainbow Potion; Rainbow Special; Rainbow Star; Raindrop; Ralf Jones; Ralph; Ralts; Rammy; Rana; Ranged Skill Symbol; Rank A; Rank B; Rank C; Rank D; Rank E; Raphael; Rapunzel; Rare Candy; Rare Steak/Well-Done Steak; Rarity; Rarity Head; Rarity's Cutie Mark; Raspberry Pi Logo; Rat; Ravenclaw Banner; Ravenclaw Shield; Raw Meat/Hot Meat; Rayman; Razer Logo; Reaper; Reblog Symbol; Recipsexual Flag; Recorder; Rectangle; Red; Red & White Round Shield; Red Apple; Red Apricorn; Red Armos Knight; Red Baby Yoshi; Red Ball; Red Beads; Red Bean Tea Sherbet; Red Berry; Red Bird; Red Bottle; Red Candle; Red Cane; Red Chaos Emerald; Red Cheep Cheep; Red Chocobo; Red Christmas Light; Red Coin; Red Coronet; Red Cross; Red Cross Logo; Red Crown; Red Crystal; Red Crystal Switch; Red Darknut; RED Demoman Symbol; Red Diamond; Red Dragon; Red Egg Block; Red Excitebike; Red Flower; Red Gala Apple; Red Goriya; Red Hot Chili Peppers Logo; Red Jewel; Red Keycard; Red Kinstone; Red Kirby; Red Lamp; Red Lantern; Red Leever; Red Light of Rage; Red Luma; Red Lynel; Red M&M; Red Mage; Red Mail; Red Mana; RED Medic Symbol; Red Mushroom; Red Nail Polish; Red Nocturne; Red Octorok; Red Pendant Necklace; Red Pepper; Red Pikmin; Red Pikmin Head; Red Plumbob; Red Potion; Red Puyo; Red Ranger/Jason Lee Scott; Red Ranger’s Helmet; Red Ring; Red Robot; Red Rope; Red Rubik’s Cube; Red Rupee; Red Sidestepper; Red Skull Key; Red Snake; Red Staff; Red Star; Red Stray Fairy; Red Switch Block; Red Tektite; Red Tiara; Red Toad House; Red Umbrella; Red Windmill; Red Wizzrobe; Red Yoshi; Red Yoshi Egg; redb15; Redstone Dust; Redstone Ore; Redstone Torch; Ref; Regeneration Buff; Relationship Anarchy Flag; Relic Badge; Reminders Icon; Ren; Rena Ryugu; Renamon; Renault Logo; Renegade Symbol; Repeat Ball; Repeater; Reptar; Reptile; Republic of Ireland Flag; Republic of the Congo Flag; Requeissexual Flag; Resistance Logo; Reuniclus; Reverse Mushroom; Revive; Revive Icon; Rewind Button; Rex; Rey; Rhett & Link Logo; Rhindle; Rhode Island; Rhodochrosite; Rhodolite; Rhombus; Ribotchi; Rice Bowl; Riddler Logo; Rigby; Right Arrow; Right Parenthesis; Rilakkuma; Ring; Ringotchi; Rinnegan Eye; Riolu; Rip Van Fish; Rising Badge; Rob; Robin; Robin Logo; Roc’s Cape; Roc’s Feather; Rock; Rock Slime/Rubble Slime; Rock Type Icon; Rocker Symbol; Rocket Launcher; Rocket Raccoon; Rockstar Logo; Roggenrola; Rogue Class Symbol; Roll Eyes Emoticon; Rolling Sea; Rolling Stones Logo; Roloduck; Romani’s Mask; Romania Flag; Ropa; Rope; Rosa; Rosaniline; Rosario Cross; Rose; Rose Lalonde’s Logo; Rose Nylund; Rose Quartz; Rosie833; Rotating Block; Rotten Tooth; Round Jewel; Route 66 Logo; Roxas; Roxy Lalonde’s Logo; Royal Crest of Hyrule; Rubber Duck; Ruby; Ruby Ring; Ruby Rose’s Symbol; Ruby’s Gem; Rumble Badge; Runaway Llamas; Runecrafting Skill Symbol; Rupee; Rupee Icon; Rupoor; Russia Flag; Rusty Bell; Rwanda Flag; Rydia; Ryu; Ryuk’s Eye
17 notes · View notes
smokeybrandreviews · 4 years
Breaking Bad Actors
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The myth of “Go Woke Go Broke” is hilarious to me. Everyone is out here reporting that, if you actually have a social conscious about your productions or business, you end of tanking your profits by alienating those who don’t “agree” with that position. This ain’t it, bud. Some of the most progressive shows on television, are some of the most revered. Avatar: The Last Airbender literally has no white people in it and no one cares. The show is good and respects the cultures it pulls from to build that world. Hell, even Korra has it’s moments, when it’s not up it’s own ass with the abrupt shift toward everything Avatar was against. Adventure Time was one of the best cartoons on television for it’s entire run. It grew up with the audience and never got preachy about it’s politics, even if the ending was a little forced. F*ck, man, Steven Universe exists. That sh*t ain’t my flavor but i get why it’s popular. Before anything, Steven Universe is a good show. It tells a decent story but the characters therein are what drive that show’s popularity. A stable of characters that are, effectively, all lesbian. “Woke” content can be great when the representation is integrated into the show organically. Owl House does a good job with this, or, at least it does so far. We’ll see if they start forcing things going forward. You start running into trouble when that sh*t is forced.
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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is how you don’t do diversity in your shows. Look, i love Catra as a character. She’s the best thing about that show. Scorpia and Entrapta re close but Catra is the only character with any semblance of an arc. I'm glad Catra got her happy ending but it was a f*cking slog getting there. The problem with the new She-Ra as a whole, is that it’s an exercise in virtue signaling. This is a bad show to begin with, bad writing, poor direction, rambling plot, but calling out the lack of quality earns you the title of sexist or anti-female or whatever else, because the diversity of the show has been weaponized by bad actors for the cause. It’s wild to me because it’s sister show, Voltron: Legendary Defender, does the exact same sh*t and is still beloved, even if the last two seasons were less than ideal. Why is there such a stark difference between the two shows? It comes down to the quality of the narrative, the focus of the production. Voltron had a story to tell. It's characters were developed and grew along with the narrative. There was a ton of diversity in that show, even a whole ass gay marriage at the end, and no one was wielding pitch forks about any of that because it was organic to the story the creators wanted to tell. She-Ra was a framework for the show runner to preach at an audience. It fell into the same trap that Star Wars under Kathleen Kennedy did and fans responded in kind. Hell, the Castlevania adaptation is one of the best shows airing now, and there was a legit bisexual love scene where Alucard was visibly bottomed and no one bat an eye, never mind the race bent characters turned fan favorites. Isaac, I'm looking directly at you. You don’t go broke when you go woke. you go broke when you get antagonistic about your sh*tty narrative being called out for what it is and use the diversity in your show as a shield from criticism. If your sh*t is bad, there isn't any amount of black dude or gay chicks that can cover that sh*t up, bro. F*cking make a better show.
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I actually follow a lot of right-wing blogs and watch what could be considered toxic male YouTube channels specifically to understand that point of view. I don’t agree with anything they ever say, but I would prefer not to exist in an echo chamber. I need to have properly diverse opinions and takes to be well informed. I'll admit, though, it is exceptionally hard to see their logic, mostly because it’s racially charged nonsense, but i get why they're angry. A lot of it does have to do with entitlement and ignorance but, under all of that backwards nonsense, there is a valid point which should be considered; No one wants to be told what to think. Overtly. You can‘t put whatever message you want in anything you make, as long as it’s subtle and clever. Take Get Out for instance. That sh*t is a straight up accusation of white people and their predatory ass nature but they love that sh*t. Jordan Peele spent an hour and forty-four minutes, calling these motherf*cker out on their bullsh*t and they gave him an Oscar for it. Audiences rewarded his veiled sermon about the parasitic nature of white “culture” with fifty-seven times his budget, in profit for the studio, catapulting his directing career into the stratosphere. How the f*ck did he pulled that off when Brie Larson became the arch nemesis of every neck beard, toxic man-child, and MAGA cultists on the entire interwebs for just saying that we should have less stories about white dudes? Subtlety. Get Out is a masterclass on how to say something career-ending, while packaging it in an incredibly palatable way. Before anything that film is excellent. The writing is on point. The message is cleverly buried under layers of outstanding performances and deft direction. You’re too entertained to consciously realize you’re being directly accused of being sh*tty people. Cats aren’t looking to engage intellectually with their entertainment so you can technically say whatever you want, however you want, as long as you distract them enough to miss the sermon on a conscious level. Larson openly making her stance known to Hollywood, while commendable, is too easy. It's too direct. Sh*t makes you a target, not a hero.
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Diversity matters. I think that sh*t should be in everything because the world, itself, is mad diverse. A lot of the culture here, in the states, is driven by people who look like me. Fashion, music, sports; The stuff that get the youth going is all manufactured by people with melanin. It’s mad disingenuous to present a “Hollywood so white” face to the world when the world looks so much more colorful than that. If this year has taught us anything, it’s that there is a very vocal minority that hates to see faces which don’t look like their own, prosper. Entire cities have burned because of it. Entire careers have been lost because of that. The answer isn’t to go the other way. The answer isn’t making “The Force Female.” The force was already female. Ahsoka Tano, Darth Talon, Mara Jade, and Darth Treia were all female but also great f*cking characters. Rey was a plot device that cheapened the already rich and diverse universe that Lucas allowed great creators to expand. The force was already female, and black, and Asian, and white, and blue, and green, and red, and orange, and whatever else because it was designed to be that way. Star Wars failed and sent Disney into a panic because they let a chick with an inferiority complex and massive ego, do whatever she wanted with a franchise that has existed for forty f*cking years, because Twatter has opinions and so does she. Kennedy forgot to make sure the plot around those opinions was good enough to distract you from her politics. She forgot to tell a good story and just decided to preach. No one wants that sermon in a movie, not even the most Woke motherf*cker in the world.
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As a creator, myself, i get it. I’ve been on the other side of that Tumblr activism and, more than anything, it feels like if you don’t agree with whoever’s politics, you are automatically the problem. I mean, i got called racist for the way i speak by a black chick, while being black myself. It was surreal and stupid. This chick didn’t like the tone of two reviews i wrote, on a blog with eleven year’s worth of content. Like, for real? Okay. I type how i speak on that blog and i can’t help that i speak with an “urban” flair. I grew up in the ghetto. I speak to my friends like this because they grew up in the same neighborhoods. I actually have a firm grasp on grammar and syntax. I’m a proper writer by trade, working toward getting my first novel published and, guess what? It’s chock full of f*cking diversity. Not because I'm preachy, but because that’s a realistic portrayal of the whole ass world. Because i grew up in a neighborhood that had White people and Mexican people and Asian people and Indian people and Native people and Pacific Islanders and Fijians and whatever else. The world is, inherently, diverse and catering to one extreme or the other is f*cking ridiculous to me. Just tell good stories with strong characters. If the narrative is accessible, you can inject whatever the f*ck you want to say directly into the audience but you have to have a great story to start from. You have to make those colorful characters real. You have to package that bitter pill with a sugary coat so it goes down easy for those who would refuse the dose. If not, you’re just going to antagonize the audience and no one is going to give you the time of day. They're just going to tell you to get out.
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0 notes
smokeybrand · 4 years
Breaking Bad Actors
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The myth of “Go Woke Go Broke” is hilarious to me. Everyone is out here reporting that, if you actually have a social conscious about your productions or business, you end of tanking your profits by alienating those who don’t “agree” with that position. This ain’t it, bud. Some of the most progressive shows on television, are some of the most revered. Avatar: The Last Airbender literally has no white people in it and no one cares. The show is good and respects the cultures it pulls from to build that world. Hell, even Korra has it’s moments, when it’s not up it’s own ass with the abrupt shift toward everything Avatar was against. Adventure Time was one of the best cartoons on television for it’s entire run. It grew up with the audience and never got preachy about it’s politics, even if the ending was a little forced. F*ck, man, Steven Universe exists. That sh*t ain’t my flavor but i get why it’s popular. Before anything, Steven Universe is a good show. It tells a decent story but the characters therein are what drive that show’s popularity. A stable of characters that are, effectively, all lesbian. “Woke” content can be great when the representation is integrated into the show organically. Owl House does a good job with this, or, at least it does so far. We’ll see if they start forcing things going forward. You start running into trouble when that sh*t is forced.
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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is how you don’t do diversity in your shows. Look, i love Catra as a character. She’s the best thing about that show. Scorpia and Entrapta re close but Catra is the only character with any semblance of an arc. I'm glad Catra got her happy ending but it was a f*cking slog getting there. The problem with the new She-Ra as a whole, is that it’s an exercise in virtue signaling. This is a bad show to begin with, bad writing, poor direction, rambling plot, but calling out the lack of quality earns you the title of sexist or anti-female or whatever else, because the diversity of the show has been weaponized by bad actors for the cause. It’s wild to me because it’s sister show, Voltron: Legendary Defender, does the exact same sh*t and is still beloved, even if the last two seasons were less than ideal. Why is there such a stark difference between the two shows? It comes down to the quality of the narrative, the focus of the production. Voltron had a story to tell. It's characters were developed and grew along with the narrative. There was a ton of diversity in that show, even a whole ass gay marriage at the end, and no one was wielding pitch forks about any of that because it was organic to the story the creators wanted to tell. She-Ra was a framework for the show runner to preach at an audience. It fell into the same trap that Star Wars under Kathleen Kennedy did and fans responded in kind. Hell, the Castlevania adaptation is one of the best shows airing now, and there was a legit bisexual love scene where Alucard was visibly bottomed and no one bat an eye, never mind the race bent characters turned fan favorites. Isaac, I'm looking directly at you. You don’t go broke when you go woke. you go broke when you get antagonistic about your sh*tty narrative being called out for what it is and use the diversity in your show as a shield from criticism. If your sh*t is bad, there isn't any amount of black dude or gay chicks that can cover that sh*t up, bro. F*cking make a better show.
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I actually follow a lot of right-wing blogs and watch what could be considered toxic male YouTube channels specifically to understand that point of view. I don’t agree with anything they ever say, but I would prefer not to exist in an echo chamber. I need to have properly diverse opinions and takes to be well informed. I'll admit, though, it is exceptionally hard to see their logic, mostly because it’s racially charged nonsense, but i get why they're angry. A lot of it does have to do with entitlement and ignorance but, under all of that backwards nonsense, there is a valid point which should be considered; No one wants to be told what to think. Overtly. You can‘t put whatever message you want in anything you make, as long as it’s subtle and clever. Take Get Out for instance. That sh*t is a straight up accusation of white people and their predatory ass nature but they love that sh*t. Jordan Peele spent an hour and forty-four minutes, calling these motherf*cker out on their bullsh*t and they gave him an Oscar for it. Audiences rewarded his veiled sermon about the parasitic nature of white “culture” with fifty-seven times his budget, in profit for the studio, catapulting his directing career into the stratosphere. How the f*ck did he pulled that off when Brie Larson became the arch nemesis of every neck beard, toxic man-child, and MAGA cultists on the entire interwebs for just saying that we should have less stories about white dudes? Subtlety. Get Out is a masterclass on how to say something career-ending, while packaging it in an incredibly palatable way. Before anything that film is excellent. The writing is on point. The message is cleverly buried under layers of outstanding performances and deft direction. You’re too entertained to consciously realize you’re being directly accused of being sh*tty people. Cats aren’t looking to engage intellectually with their entertainment so you can technically say whatever you want, however you want, as long as you distract them enough to miss the sermon on a conscious level. Larson openly making her stance known to Hollywood, while commendable, is too easy. It's too direct. Sh*t makes you a target, not a hero.
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Diversity matters. I think that sh*t should be in everything because the world, itself, is mad diverse. A lot of the culture here, in the states, is driven by people who look like me. Fashion, music, sports; The stuff that get the youth going is all manufactured by people with melanin. It’s mad disingenuous to present a “Hollywood so white” face to the world when the world looks so much more colorful than that. If this year has taught us anything, it’s that there is a very vocal minority that hates to see faces which don’t look like their own, prosper. Entire cities have burned because of it. Entire careers have been lost because of that. The answer isn’t to go the other way. The answer isn’t making “The Force Female.” The force was already female. Ahsoka Tano, Darth Talon, Mara Jade, and Darth Treia were all female but also great f*cking characters. Rey was a plot device that cheapened the already rich and diverse universe that Lucas allowed great creators to expand. The force was already female, and black, and Asian, and white, and blue, and green, and red, and orange, and whatever else because it was designed to be that way. Star Wars failed and sent Disney into a panic because they let a chick with an inferiority complex and massive ego, do whatever she wanted with a franchise that has existed for forty f*cking years, because Twatter has opinions and so does she. Kennedy forgot to make sure the plot around those opinions was good enough to distract you from her politics. She forgot to tell a good story and just decided to preach. No one wants that sermon in a movie, not even the most Woke motherf*cker in the world.
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As a creator, myself, i get it. I’ve been on the other side of that Tumblr activism and, more than anything, it feels like if you don’t agree with whoever’s politics, you are automatically the problem. I mean, i got called racist for the way i speak by a black chick, while being black myself. It was surreal and stupid. This chick didn’t like the tone of two reviews i wrote, on a blog with eleven year’s worth of content. Like, for real? Okay. I type how i speak on that blog and i can’t help that i speak with an “urban” flair. I grew up in the ghetto. I speak to my friends like this because they grew up in the same neighborhoods. I actually have a firm grasp on grammar and syntax. I’m a proper writer by trade, working toward getting my first novel published and, guess what? It’s chock full of f*cking diversity. Not because I'm preachy, but because that’s a realistic portrayal of the whole ass world. Because i grew up in a neighborhood that had White people and Mexican people and Asian people and Indian people and Native people and Pacific Islanders and Fijians and whatever else. The world is, inherently, diverse and catering to one extreme or the other is f*cking ridiculous to me. Just tell good stories with strong characters. If the narrative is accessible, you can inject whatever the f*ck you want to say directly into the audience but you have to have a great story to start from. You have to make those colorful characters real. You have to package that bitter pill with a sugary coat so it goes down easy for those who would refuse the dose. If not, you’re just going to antagonize the audience and no one is going to give you the time of day. They're just going to tell you to get out.
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wearetheveils · 7 years
[WARNING: THIS. Is a wall of text. Read on.
@nomdeplummy @thepurpah ]
He was rarely surprised, but…
The café was closed, for “renovations”. Unheard of for the day time hours, and unfortunate for the lovely day staffer Dorothy. She was spending more time with Xen, something about her genuine sweetness and care appealing to the fragility that Dorothy was feeling (and of course it was a place away from Lan). Dorothy was feeling particularly lonely, rejecting a man that will always love her because, in her eyes, he’d always be stained in the blood of her abuser. Then being rejected by a man that seemed softer but more cunning in his cruelty, rejected because he chose. She was a very old school gal, so neither Lan or Percy or Vaan could fault her for her choices for they were hers to make. Lan was a greedy lover and could’ve etched a place in his heart for her but she felt it was too crowded, by memories of the past and the pile of corpses that Lan had a hand in. She mostly certainly did have a type, the mischievous kind, those that were in their core very soft but enjoyed (and yes, Lan did enjoy it) the gloomier, lethal and morally ambiguous side to life.
It was a blessing she was being looked after by someone so sincerely sweet, Vaan could vouch for that. In all his years living, Xen was truly the sweetest creature he’s had the pleasure of meeting and working with. Didn’t matter that the lady of Blue Veil could clinch her fist and turn a diamond into fine powder, the same hand could rise to protect and gently handle the most delicate of glass. And Dorothy was most certainly made out of glass at the moment.
Still, whenever the café was closed, that usually meant something was going on with the owner. When one of his many eyes watched Vincent put up that blaring sign of “CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS”, of course he had to slip away from his nest to see what was going on. He knew Maas took on the enormous, daunting task of helping Red Veil with her nightmares. Doing that meant he had to learn about certain things, events, secrets, memories, and all of her dirty, dirty, dirty skeletons (some still bloody, some still rotting, some with only the flesh ripped off and muscles pulsing but useless) that she had. Because though Maas knew that she was very old, he didn’t know the scope of what she had done in her life. Not even a pinprick, no matter how much sin he could see with his keyhole pupils.
Slipping from behind a bookshelf to the café part of her store, Vaan ran his fingers along the spines of long dusty books (some quivered, others flinched from his touch) and paused when he saw the counter. He was surprised, and this one was very pleasant. Smirking face stretching into his trademark grin, he approached the bar top counter and sat at it. “Usually when you lay on counter, it means something is up,” He began casually, “Or something is really, really biting at your brain.”
She snickered, opening her eyes to stare at the ceiling. “No my friend,” She said and inwardly he shuddered in delight from hearing her voice, “I’m simply relaxing.”
“Relaxing?” He leaned onto the hard wood, closer to her and hovering above her head. “After being in a forced nap for how long? You’re still tired, duckling?”
“No, no.” Tano stretched out her limbs with a yawn, softly moaning in pleasure from the releasing pops in her joints before she deflated again, hands on her stomach with one leg dangling over the counter edge. “Physically I’m quite rejuvenated. I ate my weight for the past several days in my room when I woke up.”
Vaan snickered. That was about several dozen oil rigs worth of food.
“Then I slipped away and sunbathed for hours in the Summer Court of the faelands.”
Her skin did look particularly caramelized and a deeper shade that her normal warm brown color.
“Then it was business as usual. Getting in contact with all my clients, setting the flow of my business again. Easy, easy work.”
“No buts.” Yet again, he was surprised. “I’m not lamenting  how easy it was to fall back into my favorite hobby, I’m quite pleased how simple it is in all its complexity.” She turned on her side, facing him and cradling her head in her arms as she smirked at him. “I’m relaxing before I get back into my love life.”
“Ahhh…” Oh yes, that multiple tentacled monster. “Who gives you the most pause?”
“None of them.” Roses. Her aura began to smell very softly of sweet pink roses. Then the deep fragrance of jasmine, the teasing scent of daisies. The floral scents she associated with her boys. Softly, voice dripping with adoration, “I miss them…”
“Believe me, duckling. They miss you. Very, very much.”
Hades was raising his daughters in a slowly growing more hostile environment. Some of it from Persephone, starting to feel... something about having a husband (that she didn’t want) raising children with another woman (who she didn’t meet, though she most certainly knew of her). Demeter was feeling fouler towards mini Mica and little Ruby, who were only growing smarter and slowly losing their baby voices for the more refined voice of their father. Still puppies, still toddlers, sounding like mini ladies. And missing their mother, their mitéra. Zeus didn’t dare mess with Hades after getting a “firm talking to” from Tano herself, Hera was the supportive aunt of the twin were-pups.
But as with all godly domains, some worked like houses of royalty. Intrigue, misinformation, danger, and sabotage. The tiny ladies were in danger so long as Hades kept them as his, and honestly… Who would dare cross the manifestation of death? Vaan couldn’t wait to find out…
Timothy and Evangeline were happy, they had each other. Timothy however was feeling some guilt for there was this very, very lovely lady at Evangeline’s school who was laying it on thick about how attractive he was. Vaan wondered if he would nurse this possibly growing affection he was gaining towards her. Evangeline just missed her Ta-ma, being rocked to sleep by her, being tucked in, receiving help with her homework and her angelic growth. She didn’t know what was wrong, all she knew was that her Ta-ma was asleep and Maas told her that she was a little sick. Now, every night and with her father, she would pray for her to heal. Her pure heart only wished for the best.
Percival… Percival. He was in love, secured in loving Lan. His son Yutah was still a brat and growing into some behaviors of his Satyr blood that Percy wasn’t sure how to handle but he was doing his best (thankfully, it wasn’t making it worse). He was using Lan’s place as a new nest, going to and from there with Yutah. Yutah didn’t mind Lan, he knew his dad always loved the man, but he always made sure every day, right after school, he’d be in Goldleaf. Vincent had grown fond of Yutah’s sass and allows him to curse to his heart’s content, and Dorothy was like an aunt for him. Unknown to Percy, Yutah was making a flower chain for Tano, a suggestion by one of his classmates to sate his loneliness for her. A flower for every day she was asleep… Beautiful and sad. Quite like his father.
“I’ve been lying here, comfortable and meditating on a thought. ‘How can I integrate myself back into their lives’?” She chuckled humorlessly, rolling again to be on her back as she stared blankly at the ceiling. “There’s still the hope they’d forget about me… Move on. At least the twins, I know deities have infinite memories.”
“As much as Timmy boy made so much of himself from you?” Dramatically he emphasized his words with his hand motions. “Your blood courses in his veins, made him a special beast. Ghost human AND dragon, of wind! You pulled him from the limbo of his old shambles of home, nursed him back to health, made him feel both sweet, hard, passionate love?” He leaned so he was hovering inches over her mouth with his sharp, painful grin. Whispering, he said simply, “How could he stop himself from loving his savior?”
Tano looked at him with feigned disdain before she smirked, rolling her eyes. “You already know what I’m about to say.”
“Suuuure!” He cleared his throat, then began a perfect mimic of her voice. “He shouldn’t romanticize me like that, I’m not worth it.” He grinned wickedly at her. “I mean, yeah sure his dick is delicious.”
Tano put a hand to her mouth to muffle her giggles, he continued.
“I trained him well. Boy can get this pussy popping like hot grease at a tailgate party in the middle of July. And, yeah, so what he likes to put my ankles by my ears and tear my guts up?”
“That’s NOT TRUE!” Tano screamed out while laughter ripped from her throat. Something in him moved… how he missed that sound.
“And he can spell out the names of all his forefathers on this cat starting from, “We The People”---”
“Stop it Vaan!” She was begging, her arms clenching her sides while she rolled dangerously close to one edge then the other. This was… joy. She was feeling pure joy, without any of her sadness dulling down the edge, without reservations, without… This was like how she was before, before the loss of her son, before the terrible deeds she did for the sake of fulfilling her collection. Something tickled in his memory, reaching, struggling…
“And he got GALLONS of belly warming juice but that doesn’t mean that he---”
“Vaaaaaaaan! No!” She howled, and that’s when he remembered.
Huh… Maas… Did an excellent job. This would mean he deserved a reward… Later.
He wasn’t the only one responding to her laughter, to her happiness. The books on the shelves began to vibrate, shaking off months of dust from their spines, their roosts, their pages. Their guardian was back and they could feel it, they wanted to be presented at their absolute best selves for her. The ones that took up residence in some of the literature swept up the dust, removed cobwebs, shooed away the small bugs that nibbled at the lettering of some books. They too were glad, grateful, that she was home.
Tano was out of breath when her laughter finally died down, cheeks sore and sides still throbbing. Taking a moment to collect herself, she then looked at Vaan from her lying position. “Hey Vaan.”
“Yes, dear?”
“Cuddle me.”
Vaan tsked, licking his canine from her demand before swiftly scooping her up and teleporting to the lounge chair. It still smelled like her seadog stray (from another life, another time line), like his disease and his trembling love for her. Here is where Vaan sat, with Tano on his lap and on his chest, one of his arms draped lazily around her waist and the other resting on the top of the chair. She was still not quite to her normal weight, he could feel that, but she also wasn’t wasting away like Maas had witnessed, feared. He wouldn’t admit it out loud (unless she asked), but he did miss his Infrared Veil…
She hum-purred against his chest, adjusting so her legs would be draped over one of his knees as she laid against him. “Your skin has always fascinated me…” She mumbled into his shirt, nuzzling his chest. “Even now, it shifts from spots of frigid cold to painful heat, but never too long to hurt… Just… keeps you alert…” There was a steady shift to his body temperature, now it was at the burning warmth that would be very uncomfortable to humans but oh how she loved the burn as it spread along her body. “Much better,” She dragged out, sinking more into his lap and on his chest.
They sat in comfortable silence, Vaan looking at her while watching countless other things. For just this once however, he dulled down his vision on the millions of other things to focus solely on her. This wasn’t the first time he’s done this… It happened a few times before… Always when she was in crisis. This time, she was soothed, content. He wouldn’t dare say she was “happy”, happiness doesn’t come easy for someone like Tano Ridges. It tended to come with strings…
She twisted in his lap, now using it as a large chair as she laid against him. She was purring in thought, on a sound frequency only other dragons could pick up (or something like Vaan). Stroking his arm around her waist idly, she said, “I’m thinking about the past Veils for some reason.”
“Intriguing indeed,” He hummed with a curious grin, “What makes you think of them?”
A slight dip in her thoughtful purring. Guilt. “Lan…”
“The lovely boy that will love you from there, here, and back again. Your Soul Merge… Quite literally the love of your life.” He snickered happily. “And the next one, and the next one, and the the infinity thereafter!” Tilting his head to the side, he licked his teeth as he observed her. “Isn’t it wonderful to find one that will love you, breathe with you, die with you..?”
“I’ve been such a shitty friend…” She groaned, letting out a puff of smoke. “I can feel when I was hurting him, you know? I didn’t mean to do it, I don’t mean to do it. Even though he knows there are things I simply cannot tell him, for his safety and his sanity, it’s when I keep things from him that hurts him. Things about me, things like… my nightmares.” She grew more emotive, agitated, as she went on. “How can I tell him that there’s absolutely nothing he can do? That no matter how delicate and silky his love is for me, no matter how much he thinks he can love me through my pain, there’s nothing he can do?”
“Mmm…” He hummed pensively, “He’s smart enough to equate your depression to what he knows as human understanding of it. That it’s a hard, bitter and continuous pill to swallow. That there is, indeed, nothing he can do when you get depressed…” He took one of her red curls to wrap around a finger. “Except… Love you anyway.”
She was quiet as she digested his words, dissatisfaction coupled with guilt wafting off of her form. “The last Indigo wasn’t nearly so charming or murder-prone as Lan.”
Giggling, Vaan replied, “But she was just as talented and beautiful! A bird siren, with plumage of mint and soft blues… Smelled like fresh storm air and irises all the time.” He tsked. “Shame she got eaten by that dead snake god ghost…”
“Tell me about it,” Tano replied with a wince, “And finding the pieces of her left to put her ghost to rest was no easy task for me and Xen.”
“You remember the last Orange? The great and grotesque werewolf?”
“Poor thing. Disfigured in face and personality, because of her face, and yet still loved children though they were terrified of her.” She perked up. “Her and her wife are still doing wonderfully as foster parents though! Last I heard.”
“The last Yellow… Well…” His smile stretched to and past his ears. “Reminds me so much of Ryo-Lolli…”
“Is THAT why you allow her to get away with half the shit she says to you?”
“Both always keep in mind so long as they say “please”, “thank you”, and “sir” after every other “fuck off, you demon slug” or whatever, in Ryo’s case, Japanese slander she can say, all is forgiven! I’m a man of manners, duckling, you know this.” His voice added some growling to his cheerful tone. “The only difference between them is that Ryo-Lolli has never attempted to kill me…” He waved his hand, growling disappearing. “But! If I keep harassing her like I’ve been doing to pick up your workload, I’m sure that’s what it’ll eventually lead to.” Gasping, he added, “Do you remember the last Violet Veil?”
Tano groaned in displeasure, mouth twisting in an apologetic way at the memory. “That poor cursed fella. Body slowly turning into stone because of a family long curse.” She huffed, recalling something else about her old ally. “He was a dick, and not like how Maas is a dick. I mean, Maas feeds and sometimes thinks with his dick but THAT guy was just mean for no damn reason.”
Smirking naughtily, he held one of his hands to his mouth to nibble at a finger as he said, “He makes the most realistic lawn ornament.”
Jerking her head back, mouth agape, she exclaimed, “You didn’t!”
“You’re right. He was rude. Very rude. And exceptionally so during his last moments. He’s lucky I didn’t give him to a medusae to feast up, just an art collector of grotesque and sad things.” And he was most indeed grotesque and sad… Why, even though he was entirely made of stone, he was still very much aware of his surroundings and was growing old in the way stone could. Agonizingly slow… Vaan didn’t miss him. He’d pay him visits every now and then, to feast off the waves of rage the man still felt towards him, and nearly get drunk from it for his rage aged very much like wine.
“An inquiry for you, Tano.” He had her attention from how she gazed up on, body stiffening and prepared to withstand whatever request or question he had. “Lovers come and go, but kittens are forever. How do you plan on getting back into their lives?”
Before she could speak, the front door banged once. Twice. The third time, the hinges nearly popped loose, and the steady pounding was only getting more agitated. “Looks like I’m about to find out…” She whispered, her gaze softening as the door began to splinter.
With a heavy snap, the wooden door broke in uneven pieces as small, hooved feet pushed through. “VINCENT!” He called out with his tiny, gruff voice. “Vince! What is going on?! Wha--- ack!” Tripping over his handiwork and having to catch himself, Yutah huffed and dropped his book bag on the floor, preparing for a verbal fight. It’s been two days, no word from either Vincent or Tevin about why his home was suddenly closed for “renovations”. “What reno-whatever-the-fuck? Wha---” His breath hitched as soon as he saw her.
This… Couldn’t be happening. There was no way that… “Ta…” Before he knew it, his vision started to swim and blur from the tears that began to pour down his cheeks. His chest felt tight, he felt queasy, light headed. This… wasn’t real. It couldn’t be. Not with the Shadow Man sitting right there, his dad warned him about Vaan. That Vaan would play awful tricks that only he would find funny, that there wasn’t a thing Vaan found sacred that he wouldn’t gleefully violate.
But… But… She seemed so real. She… SMELLED so real, like the rosewater Evangeline would brush in her hair while she slept. Like the bubblegum scent of pink roses the twin pups would leave in small bouquets in her room. Like the summer day when she went to sleep… And she sounded so real when she said with a voice he had almost forgotten, dripping with honey and love, “Hey, little Yutah.”
“Mom?!” Drawing in the breath he didn’t know he was holding, he ran to her with his arms outstretched. “Ma!” He wailed as he met her breast, feeling her arms wrap tightly around him as he wept. He remembered the feel of her arms, how they’d make him feel protected from literally anything. She kissed at his forehead, stroked his ears and wiped his eyes in vain to slow the tears from flowing.
“I heard you…”
He gasped as he gazed at her. Her smile was like the sun.
“I heard you. Every time you read to me, Yutah. I heard you, little guy.”
For Yutah, this was the happiest day of his little life.
For Vaan, it was amusing.
For Tano. It was just the beginning of a long day.
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