emily84 · 2 years
also, since this started out as a football blog in the late 2010s, i just wanna say that iker joking about coming out is rich when back then ppl (including the media!) made fun of his relationship with david beckham because everybody thought they were fucking.......
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bayernsnutella · 6 years
redcardhomophobia tumblr com/post/48705406598/ivan-rakitic-homophobic-and-racist-comments I feel like this is so much worse than blackface by someone ignorant. I personally can’t talk shit about any footballer because my favorite also did something really bad once. But since you do condem these things (I love your blog though and good luck to Croacia tomorrow!)
Oooo okay this. Yes I heard about this, about 4-5 years ago when it first happened. And I was so shocked and upset. So I googled around to see if it was legit, and I couldnt find it where he said that part of it (idk if the article was in another language or something) but I did find a Croatian one. So I read that one, and in it he says that he was completely taken out of context, saying that he has no problem with anyone, and that he accepts anyone and everyone on his team, he accepts all his team mates. So obviously, this was 4-5 years ago so finding that article would be difficult. Its also all in Croatian so not sure that would be much help because most people cant read it. So this obviously leaves me in a predicament because, I never found the original posting of where he said the first stuff. If it was a publisher that isnt English or Croatian it could possibly be a mixup in translation. I haven't 100% forgiven it, and I don't want to make excuses because maybe he did say it and then just backtracked, I don't know. But I 100% remember reading the Croatian paper on it. My hope is that he matured and learned better, but like I said I don't know. I like what he does for my country, but I have never outright supported him, because of this whole situation. I'm just kinda meh with him. I hope that makes sense. I don't want it to seem like I take it easy on someone just because they are on my national team or on my favourite team, because I don't. Thanks for the question btw ☺️
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white-harbor-blog · 13 years
Court dismisses discrimination suit against “no homosexuals” football president Vlatko Markovic
Ughhh why so useless Courts/UEFA???
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mackdaddyofthecravate · 14 years
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forallmylove-blog · 14 years
Because this is something that's important to me
Justin Fashanu Campaign. Please help give homophobia in football, and in general, a red card.
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danzafila · 14 years
Tumblr media
Embarrassing admission time: I some times okay, a lot of times check on ontd_football because they have some interesting articles interspersed through all the fangirling... and, you know, they post Crackovia videos and all of Ryan Babel's Twitter stories.
Anyways. I just saw this post about combating homophobia in football/football culture. It looks like they're trying to kick off a campaign under the title 'Red Card Homophobia.' There's a blog, Facebook page, and even a Tumblr. They're also using the hashtag #redcardhomophobia on Twitter. Everyone should check this out and support it. Homophobia anywhere is wrong and leaves an ugly blotch on an otherwise beautiful game. 
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emily84 · 2 years
"Sono gay e non voglio più nascondermi".Con un video postato sul suo profilo Instagram il calciatore dello Sparta Praga, Jakub Jankto, ha scelto di fare coming out.
Come tutti gli altri, voglio anche vivere la mia vita in libertà. Senza paure. Senza pregiudizio. Senza violenza. Ma con amore. Sono gay e non voglio più nascondermi".
Jankto, che ha 27 anni, attualmente gioca nello Sparta Praga, in prestito dal Getafe, ma è stato anche in Italia: nel 2015 arrivò all'Udinese, che lo mandò in prestito in Serie B all'Ascoli. L'esordio in A, a Udine e poi alla Sampdoria, per poi trasferirsi in Spagna nell'estate 2021. In totale ha giocato 155 partite in Serie A, segnando 17 gol.  
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emily84 · 14 years
Steven DAVIES (24, UK) is the first professional cricketer to come out of the closet <3
(...) Heaven help the Premier League footballer rumoured to be gay. The abuse from the terraces is incessant, the willingness of the authorities to stamp it out conspicuous by its absence. Casual homophobia is tolerated in a way casual racism is not. Nasty Britain bares its teeth.
Cricket may be a gentler, more civilised game, but it is vitiated by the same prejudices. If gay cricketers were as common as gay actors or civil servants or accountants, Steven Davies would not have felt the trepidation he did before making his announcement. The fact that he is the first professional cricketer to come out while still playing is a black mark against our national game. There must have been others. That seems statistically certain. But they clearly felt intimidated at the prospect of admitting it. (...)
full article here:
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emily84 · 14 years
Brazilian referee Valerio Fernandes Gama, 32, who works in the Ceará Championship professional division, in the North-East of Brazil, admitted that come nightfall he lives a second life as a woman.
“My female name is Laleska, only at night, when I go out to party in my hometown, Beberibe.” – in the state of Ceará – declared Fernandes Gama to internet newspaper “Folha de Sao Paulo”. Fernandes Gama also denied ever having been discriminated for being a homosexual. Of all the referees in Ceará, I’m the only one who’s gay. And nobody ever bothered me about it. They respect me as if I were a woman. In the world od football, and as far as I’m concerned, I have never encountered discrimination or prejudice.  
The referee also told the newspaper about one time when some footballers of Ferroviario (a Ceará football club), noticed him one night in a club (disco) and recognized him; the reaction he got was nothing like he expected: the players congratulated him for having the courage of pursuing a career as a referee in the world of professional football.
Nevertheless, many players who don’t know him end up calling him “Mrs.”, because of his effeminate appereance.
“It’s funny, because when the footballers do know who I am,  they don’t treat me like other referees, they never yell at me “faggot” or “bitch”… the worst they’ve yelled at me is “thief” when I make a call they don’t like.” Explained Gama, who has seven siblings, three of them homosexuals like him.
Source is EMD (so, yeah, a little superficial/condescending, but there ya have it):http://www.elmundodeportivo.es/gen/20110125/54105566533/noticia/arbitro-profesional-brasileno-confiesa-que-por-las-noches-es-mujer.html
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