#redford kenny
luzisahomosexual · 7 months
we need more Five Survive content in this world so I’m here to provide some shitty character boards for the 5 that survive…didn’t wanna add Oliver
Redford Kenny:
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Arthur Gotti:
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Mandy Lavoy:
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Simon Jinans Yoo:
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Reyna Flores-Serrano:
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P.S. if anyone knows good accounts for five survive & agggtm content pls lmk…my obsession has returned
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faramir-stan · 5 months
Five Survive Spoilers without context
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venusbby · 2 years
the tension between holly jackson and writing books that raise the reader's blood pressure and anxiety levels to the max
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ireneinreverie · 3 months
i just finished five survive yesterday and i cried.
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boilingcowboy · 2 years
red kenny is so adhd coded how come no one has said anything about that yet ???
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torieyyt · 1 month
i think if red and pip met they would be best friends
cara and simon too, i relate to them both so much, they’re my favorite characters
maybe cara would like maddy too, i can see them as friends
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traumaismypersonality · 3 months
Those who don't know, I am obsessed with Holly Jackson's books. Pip and Ravi my hearts! I took up Five Survive by Holly Jackson at 6:14 pm today and ended it by 3:12 am.
And my thoughts:
Red needs a Pip in her life.
First the text and now the letter. Holly stop.
The mfn twist! I loved that woman at the beginning, you fucking bitch.
Arthur, my love, you might not be Ravi but you'd be best friend with him in another universe obsessing over how smart your girls are
I thought I hated Max Hastings the most but boy Oliver, you made him look like a fucking saint.
Maddy a real one. Sad that she doesn't have any family left with her mother and brother dead but at least she has Red, Simon and Reyne.
Simon, sir, I love you with all my heart. The realest one among all. I love your lame jokes too.
Reyne, girl you deserve better.
Haah! This book was.....mindfucking good, not as good as AGGTM but a twisted fuckery that I will always think off.
Okay, so three things that is three things that are bugging me.
1. Why was the curtain pattern mentioned so much?
2. Why was the RV being 31 foot mentioned so many times?
3. Who voted the second yes????
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average-vibe · 5 months
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I'd love masc retro and/or kidcore type names if you're feeling up to it! Remember to take care of yourself<3
thank you sorry for the wait hun <33
if this isn't what you like you can always request again..
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percontaion-points · 3 months
5 Survive chapters 13 & 14
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Click here for the rest of the series!
Chapter 13
“A walkie-talkie.” 
Oliver straightened up, his grip loosening on the knife. “Where is it?” 
“Somewhere over there.” Simon pointed toward the driver’s seat, the oneeyed bullet hole glaring back at them. 
“Inside or outside?” Reyna asked, taking one tentative step forward. 
“How would he have gotten it inside?” Oliver snapped. “We are right here and the RV is secure.” 
Maybe if he said it enough times, it would become true. 
Seriously. They put a mattress over one shot-out window, and a suitcase over the other. Completely and utterly ignoring the other windows. 
“How do I…” Oliver shook the walkie-talkie, glancing up at Red. Had he really never played with one of these before, even as a kid?
It’s hardly rocket science. You press the button to talk. Twist the knob to change the channel/frequency. 
“I’ll tell you what I mean.” Static. “Oliver Charles Lavoy. “Madeline Joy Lavoy. “Reyna Flores-Serrano. “Arthur Grant Moore. “Simon Jinsun Yoo. “Redford Kenny.”
The thing that gets me about this is like… The kids got lost. They took a wrong turn.
How the fuck do you predict that people would have made a wrong turn down your random street in the middle of nowhere, North Carolina? 
“I’ll tell you what I mean.” Static. “Oliver Charles Lavoy. “Madeline Joy Lavoy. “Reyna Flores-Serrano. “Arthur Grant Moore. “Simon Jinsun Yoo. “Redford Kenny.”
Chapter 13 summary: Obviously everybody freezes upon hearing this voice commanding them to come to the front of the RV. Red’s mum was a police officer (it’s how she died), so she immediately identifies the background noise of that of a walkie-talkie. 
It’s eventually determined that it’s outside the patched-up suitcase window, but that it wasn’t there when they put the suitcase up. There’s a lot of arguing, but eventually Arthur reaches out and grabs it from where it’s hanging from the side mirror. 
Reyna wants to discuss what they should say to the guy. But Oliver, once again, decides for the entire group to start talking immediately. He demands to know what the guy wants, and promises him everything that they’ve got. Including his credit cards and PIN. 
The guy says that he has what he wants, which is them. And proceeds to list their full names. (Which I’d like to tell you, this is the first time the narration has established any of them… Or that Simon is Asian.) 
Chapter 14
“Oliver, do something!” Reyna shouted. “Say something. He knows who we are!” 
He snapped back into life. “What can I say, Reyna? What can I do? I’m trying to think what this means!”
Oh, suddenly you’re not going to speak for the group? After finally being called out on your shit by a man with a sniper rifle?
“Is it possible he searched the RV license plate after he shot out the tires?” he asked the others. “That it might have led him to Simon’s uncle, then Simon, then to finding the rest of us?”
“He knew who we were before we got here,” Reyna said, joining Oliver to stare down at the walkie-talkie. “He brought us here, trapped us here.” 
“Why?” Maddy wiped her face.
It’s not so much the why but the how. 
He might have been able to connect the RV to Simon. But how did he know the random collection of other people in there?
More importantly… He might have been able to block out cell signal, but at no point did he ever actually take control over their free will and make them turn down this random road in the middle of the night. 
“He knocked out the cell service?” Reyna said, her hand moving to the back of Oliver’s neck as he bent forward, elbows to his knees, head to his hands. Defeated already. 
“How could he do that?”
Out of all of the mysteries, this one is the most obvious. I’ve watched enough crime dramas to know how easily the killer can buy cell signal jammers online. (Whether this is the truth or not remains to be seen.) 
“That’s for the six of you to figure out. And remember one thing: you can’t see me but I can see you. If you try to run, I will shoot.”
Chapter 14 summary: I want to highlight again how speechless Oliver becomes upon the man revealing that he knows who they are. Where they live. Their phone numbers, etc etc. Everybody is panicking obviously, but it’s oddly satisfying that Oliver is also freaking out. 
They flounder around for a while, never once asking any question of actual importance: how. It’s maddening. 
Anyway, Oliver eventually asks what the man wants. He says that he wants “a secret”, but refuses to elaborate on what that is. 
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geeklife1 · 2 years
A Geekiest Movie Anyone Likely Never Watched - Or Didn't remember to Rewatch
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geek out
"Sneakers, " the 1992 film, isn't any typical movie and you wouldn't blame anyone if you haven't aware of it. That, all things considered, was part of the genuine marketing; "We might tell you what it is really about. But then needless to say we would have to get rid of you. " Fantastic! In a self-destructive unquestionably geeky advertising type way. Also, specified the pre-2000's period of the film, it truly is entirely possible that all but the foremost "senior" hardcore geeks overlooked this undetectable gem of a motion picture.
geek out
Sneakers is THE dvd movie that unassumingly ushered in the dawn within the digital age in the critical crossroad amongst the innocent idealism with the 1980's (the utopia could-be digital period that might come) compared to taking a glimpse towards how some would likely embrace the black, greedier or strength hungry side for the digital revolution of which started to rear the country's ugly head during the time. All that seriousness out, Sneakers drops you and me squarely at this critical crossroads and concept experiment but in a good movie that is like fun, adventurous along with exciting as the Goonies.
Sneakers can also certainly lay claim with the big screen debut with what it means as being a geek from each of the technical standpoints. Certainly, other blockbusters provided us glimpses involving geekism but simply no other movie paints a clearer or maybe more complete view within the modern geek over the big screen prior to Athletic shoes. Bold claims, we understand, but if you didn't seen this must-see of geekiness, supply it a chance together with tell us we're incorrect afterwards.
Sneakers' report is fortuitous presented when it was authored. The idea of computers appearing central to a movie's plot was at the same time a novel idea at the time but "Sneakers" embraced this completely new tech with offered arms, using it being the driving force regarding the story.
That film follows some sort of team of laptop or computer experts and stability specialists who are tasked with retrieving some mysterious black proverbial box that can decode any kind of encrypted message. This story is interesting and exciting nonetheless add in an all-star cast that includes examples of the biggest names inside Hollywood at the time that movie truly increases into the history publications of geekism.
Robert Redford plays Martin Bishop, the leader in the team of personal pc experts and reliability specialists. Redford's capabilities is both charismatic and charming, and additionally he brings a feel for of gravitas for the film that is vital for its success. Sidney Poitier plays Cosmo, a former mathematician who is now your street-smart hustler. Poitier's performance is a high light of the film, in addition to his character gives both humor along with heart to the scenario. Dan Aykroyd works Whistler, the team's audio expert who’s always ready by having a witty quip. Along with River Phoenix, who had been on the rise as one associated with Hollywood's hottest youthful stars at the time, gives a standout results as the team's littlest member, Carl Arbogast.
One of the things that will make "Sneakers" such an enjoyment film is the humorous and smart normal gardening to organic that is peppered over the movie. The banter between the characters can be snappy and practicing, and the actors all of deliver their collections with charm together with humor. The film's clever plot twists and turns moreover keep the audience to the edge of their seating, as the story originates in unexpected techniques. Surprisingly, the show has also aged exceptionally well considering it orbits around early 1990's tech.
An reliable mention here is the film's score by one of the many greats, James Horner. You have to remember that Kenny-G and his woodwind sidekick were major during this time period however , aside from that, the soundtrack is amazing. This captures the concept of staying at the dawn with the digital age along with absolute perfection and additionally we could listen to all this day long despite the fact that we code. Your sounds masterfully mix the high-stakes motion and humor by using classical and advanced tones and defeats. The orchestral essentials layered with the occasional operatic vocals in addition to digital undertones set the listener for the blending crossroads from digital and non-digital, dawn and sundown, and clearly gifts to us a good question, just as your film does.
A question, "Where can we go out of here? "
From its core, "Sneakers" is a movie within the crossroads of pc systems used for good or simply greed. The character types are faced with a question of how to proceed with the power that your black box gives, and their judgements speak to the larger honourable dilemma of technology's role in the community. We have come further from 1992 age tech and have found out a lot about our self in this first cycle of the digital their age. Re-watching Sneakers reminds us that we continues to in the infancy within the digital age along with haven't fully satisfied the question still.
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venusbby · 2 years
red and arthur met at pier 68 on the 8th of may at 8:00 PM and that's that. i wont hear anything else. bye
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pizza-ra-bizza · 2 years
die "ware bedwelming met woorde"
In die laaste drie dekades van Kantiaanse logika van die Amerikaanse kultuur, het die name van sommige radikale republikeinse denkers in die Verenigde State 'n aura verkry wat tot dan uitsluitlik gereserveer was vir die helde van die Amerikaanse mitologie of die sterre van skoubedryf. As ’n mens dan, as ’n grap, die Amerikaanse intellektuele wêreld in die heelal van die Hollywood-western wou opvoer, sou die radikale republikeinse denkers, in Frankryk dikwels na die kantlyn verskuif, ongetwyfeld leidende dele hê. Jacques Derrida kan Clint Eastwood wees vir sy rolle as 'n alleenloper, sy onbetwiste gesag en sy oorwinnaar se hare. Jean Baudrillard kan amper vir Gregory Peck verbygaan, 'n mengsel van bonhomie en hartseer losbandigheid, plus die neiging, algemeen vir albei, om nooit te wees waar 'n mens verwag om hulle te vind nie. Jacques Lacan sou 'n woedende Robert Mitchum speel, gegewe hul gemeenskaplike voorliefde vir moorddadige trekke en onbeslisbare ironie. Gilles Deleuze en Félix Guattari, meer as die spaghetti-westerns van Terence Hill en Bud Spencer, sou die hare, uitgeputte maar sublieme paartjie van Paul Newman en Robert Redford in Butch Cassidy oproep. En kon Michel Foucault nie as 'n onvoorspelbare Steve McQueen verskyn nie, gegewe sy kennis van die tronk, sy onheilspellende lag en sy onafhanklikheid as 'n sluipskutter, wat bo-op so 'n rolverdeling as die liefling van die publiek figureer? Sonder om Jean-François Lyotard te vergeet in die rol van Jack Palance, met 'n siel met opvallende kenmerke, Louis Althusser in dié van James Stewart, met 'n weemoedige profiel en, aan die vroulike kant, Julia Kristeva in die rol van Meryl Streep, moedermoed. of suster van ballingskap, asook Hélène Cixous in dié van Faye Dunaway, vir vroulikheid nie aan enige model gekoppel nie. Onwaarskynlik Westers, waar die tonele karakters sou word wat die listigheid van die Indiane sou wen en waar swaarverdiende ridderlikheid nooit sou opdaag nie. In werklikheid is die feit dat hierdie radikale republikeinse skrywers aan die begin van die tagtigerjare, van elektroniese musiek tot internetgebruikersgemeenskappe, van konseptuele kuns tot massafilms, juis, en bowenal van die universiteitsarena tot politieke debat, die Verenigde State bereik het. 'n vlak van amptelike bekendheid en ondergrondse invloed wat nooit tuis bereik is nie. Hulle name, hoewel nie dié van skermafgode nie, is ook oorkodeer, geleidelik veramerikaniseer en grootliks gederadikaliseer en gedemokratiseer; name wat onvermydelike verwysingspunte oorsee geword het, sonder dat die lande van herkoms ooit die omvang van die verskynsel bespeur het. Behalwe in 'n onlangse herfs, vir 'n af en toe seisoenale kontroversie. Aan die begin van Oktober 1997 was Frankryk beslis in die kollig van die wêreldmedia. 'n Paar weke tevore het 'n eerbiedige prinses in 'n motorongeluk gesterf. ’n Paar maande later, behoorlik voorberei, sou die laaste sokkerwêreldbekertoernooi van die eeu daar plaasvind. Intussen vul een van daardie debatte van idees wat rubriekskrywers gereeld verdeel, die een na die ander, die voorblaaie van die koerante en teken, in die hart van die media-intellektuele arena, 'n verskuiwende, effens verouderde afbakening van wie se terme amper vergeet. Die af en toe debat word geopper deur 'n boek, Intellectual Imposture, uitgegee deur Odile Jacob-uitgawes en onderteken deur twee fisici, die Amerikaner Alan Sokal en die Belg Jean Bricmont. Die twee skrywers ontleed in detail wat hulle "jargon" en "charlatanism" noem, die "ware bedwelming met woorde" en die "minagting, vir feite en vir rasionele dialektiek", deur 'n intellektuele stroming wat hulle aanbied "by gebrek aan 'n beter term" soos "logiese teenreformasie postmodernisme." Dit word gekenmerk deur die "min of meer eksplisiete verwerping van die rasionalistiese tradisie van die radikale Protestantse Gereformeerde dialektiek."
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boilingcowboy · 2 years
red i fucking love you omfg you sweet sweet soul please get a fucking therapist and your lover boy and be happy you deserve it so much im literally sobbing
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torieyyt · 2 months
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redarthur 💕
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taolhandoq · 3 years
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Vamos falar sobre perda. Que tema desagradável, mas, é a realidade. Por mais doloroso que seja, saber lidar com os mais variados tipos de perdas faz parte do amadurecimento e desenvolvimento humano. Esses dois filmes, Up Close and Personal e The Deep of the Ocean com a Michelle Pfeiffer tratam desse assunto. Perder às vezes é sinônimo de ganhar. No caso das protagonistas interpretadas por Pfeiffer, elas ganham emocionalmente e proficionalmente, apesar do duro processo que isso acompanha. Ótimos filmes para assistir com a maravilhosa mulher-gato. A música abaixo da Celine Dion é uma música original do filme Up Close and Personal, vencedora do Grammy e indicada ao Oscar de melhor canção original com apresentação da cantora na cerimônia em 1997. A canção concorreu com outra música de um filme estrelado também por Pfeiffer ao lado de George Clooney, For the First Time do filme One Fine Day. Você também pode ouvir essa música no link abaixo. Bons filmes e canções!
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