#redraw of a sketch from November
lambswe3t · 5 months
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alicorn vash ur so special
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halfahelix · 2 years
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all I want is for Ladrien to kiss on the lips
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jewishcissiekj · 10 months
I'd show you guys my previous Cassie bday drawings bt they're embarrassingly off the mark in date and kinda ugly
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y-make-art · 8 months
"Despite my eagle-eyed surveillance, two entities infiltrated Detention Quarters PAF-4. A Fat Yellow Thing moved the stockpile of explosives, clearing the way for a group of prisoners, while a potato-headed eggplant smashed the lock open with his fist."
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I had the sketch ready since November, but it was until now that I remember to finish it, all because I've been feeling my rendering boring and simple lately.
From all the concept art in this style, this is my favorite so I HAD to redraw it in my style
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stepswordsen · 4 months
【Magi】 Judar and JuAli 🐈‍⬛🖤 ❤️ 💛
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JuAli WIP doodles 🖤 ❤️ 💛
Quick doodles before I head back to my assignments
Been a while since I drew Judar and Alibaba together… I missed them!!! I hope to draw them more~
You can see the rest under the cut~
I wasn't sure if I should post my sketches here since they're so messy but I thought I might as well
I'll copy paste my old rambles too since I have more to add this time
2024 vs. 2022
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Comparison (2022 ~ 2023)
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Comparison (November 2022)
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For the kissy one:
Wasn't sure which one I liked more tbh
1st one fits more...
Though for the 2nd one, I think Judar looks more efforted ADHSHDHSH
Since I excel at drawing meow meow mf charas
3rd one I drew in November 2022. The expressions are still cute in this one so I still like it, but my brush strokes improved a lot since then
For the hanfu Judar one:
Recent versions (+ the old one from 2022)
I've been playing around with the eyes~ I like these ones best. The eyes are bigger in the 1st one, and the others have them a bit smaller. The 1st one has a more innocent look. The 2nd has more slitted eyes and a "seductive" look?
Judar has sharp (tsurime) eyes and rings in his eyes, which are really fun to draw hehe 🤗
I'll redraw the hair soon! I just drew it quickly in like 5 minutes. It's finals season for me. I'm not fully free from this semester so I'm still quite busy, but you'll probably see small doodles from me 🙏
I'm definitely seeing art improvement (improvement in brush strokes and anatomy and proportions)
Ohtaka deliberately draws hatched lines near Judar's eyes to represent his eyeshadow 🤭 ❤️
I drew the hair quickly, so I didn't pay much attention to the shapes of the hair spikes so it's not as soft. But even with the quick doodle, the hair has better weight now. Once I get to refine things properly, I'll actually pay attention to the way his hair spikes are drawn.
I was recently rereading my old dialogue scripts from my JuAli AU and revamping them! I doodled Judar and Alibaba SO much in 2022. It's the Fire/Ice duality and Black Cat x Golden Retriever ship dynamic 🖤💛🐈‍⬛🐕
I wanna draw JuAli again soon and redraw my old doodles. JuAli is my main Magi ship so ofc I wanna draw lots of them~ I haven't gotten the time yet, but I want to draw my ships like AliHaku, SinJa, and KouMor eventually, too 🙏✨
Based on this black and red (Judar colours) hanfu I got~
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Judar rambles
I originally drew Judar wearing hanfu in 2022! Still one of my personal fave doodles ❤️ Judar is my fave (no one is surprised, I have the most obvious predictable tastes in the world LMAO). A meow meow mf perfect for my tastes.
Judar fits perfectly into the highly specific Sen-core niche that my top faves all tend to fall under - Meow meow mf. C*nty sen-core bastard cat who's violent, threatens people, and ok with murder. Bloodthirsty. Monochrome aesthetic colour palette.
Manga Judar has red eyeliner (?) and anime Judar has purple eyeshadow? Both are good, but I like Judar with red eyeliner since black and red are his theme colours! 🖤❤️ I like how the colours pop, the contrast against his design, and how it matches his red eyes.
In my HCs, Judar wears a type of hanfu called Ruqun (襦裙). Ru (襦) is the cross-collared top of a hanfu, and the wrap-around skirt is called Qun (裙). The coat jacket is called Da Xiu Shan (大袖衫).
I want him to wear black, white, red, gold, hanfu & hanfu earrings, with red eyeliner and black painted nails 🤗
I still need to pick my headcanon hanfu earrings for Judar... I imagine they'd be gold with red accessories.
I just have to refine the eyes, redraw the hair and hanfu, and then start doing the lineart for it! I love the expression tbh
Additional rambles
I miss my sons, I wanna draw my HC designs of JuAli (with Judar wearing hanfu and Alibaba with tanner skin, wearing traditional Arabic clothes), as a fix-it for the obvious colourism going on in Magi's character designs of SWANA and South Asian inspired characters
I bought black and red hanfu back in 2023. I based my Judar hanfu doodles on it 🥺❤️ It's in Judar colours. Black red and white 🖤❤️🤍 I'm so HAPPY to get something that reminds me of my fave 🥰🤭❤️✨ I got it from the Hanfu Story~ They have such a large selection of hanfu and they're all so gorgeous~
Basically Judar themed hanfu~ I love traditional clothes, so it's my dream to collect them! Now I can use it as refs to draw him with the poses and lighting I want teehee. Hanfu & huafu look GORGEOUS to me. I also have Việt Phục like áo dài and áo tấc~
The colours are amazing!! I love black and red combo 😭💖 It's way too easy to fall into the fashion hole and collecting traditional clothes but I definitely want more in the future!
Magi: Ch. 110 - 111, Ch. 196 - 197, Ch. 239, Ch. 288
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I love how Ohtaka stylizes and draws the shape of Judar's hair and braids. It's so clever how she simplifies the shapes. It just looks so good. It looks galaxy/tornado shaped… I love how the hatched lines above his eyes in Ohtaka's inking represents his eyeliner... ❤️
Judar's expressions from Ch. 110 - 111 are so unhinged… The Ch. 288 omake Judar is iconic. Fucking crazy ass LMAO 😭😂 Love you tho! 💞🫶
I'll be honest. I've thought about changing my PFP to this Judar again from the Magi omakes, like I thought of doing it as an April Fool's joke before, but I feel like no one would bat an eye cuz of how my faves are like LMFAO
Sen-core faves: Murderous, bloodthirsty, violent (or at the very least, has a disposition for violence), MAY eat people and/or their innards 🙌
JuAli core ship posts
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And while you're at it, have the meme edit of them I made (1st image)
Anyways I made the 1st image's meme edit myself <33
Alibaba with tanner skin has such great visual contrast against his earrings~
I also wanna commission arts of JuAli at one point but I'd want to do it with my headcanon designs of them (Judar wearing hanfu and Alibaba with tanner skin wearing traditional Arabic clothes)
Art rambles
When I sketch, I draw out the expressions and decide which ones looks best (I either do it once or a few ~ several times) depending on whether I'm satisfied with it. I like the two most recent 2024 versions I showed~ The old ones are still nice... But I prefer the recent versions, because I think it shows how my art style and proportions improved.
These sketches are super messy right now so when I get the time I'll refine them more! It's just to make it consistent with my current style. I'm a little insecure about my sketches, so I prefer to keep most of them on priv for mutuals.
Since I'm not really a fan of the idea of my sketches/WIPs getting posted around when I'm bound to fix/refine/improve on them later when I get the chance to refine them. Though thankfully with my 2022+ lining style, my sketches look more "aesthetically nice" or "post worthy" to me...
Perhaps in the future... I do genuinely like my art style and I'm very happy with my art improvement, but I want to keep growing as an artist first. I want to reach the point where I manage to become more technically skilled and confident about my works (even my sketches)
Though since I posted the rest of the sketches under the cut, feel free to reblog them if you want!
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synthshenanigans · 9 months
woah hey a year has been passed wowie :0
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First two weren't posted here cos they were too long ago & not CJish related but love the way he took up 70% of the year lol
[ Full images + templates below :} ]
[TW for Bright Colors, maybe blood & very very vague themes of depression/suicide for like 2 drawings I believe]
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Long text about the arts if anyones actually curious!!
January: An old OC I completely forgot about until making this. He's based on old radio like things :}
February: Played Person 5 Royal last year & drew Joker cos idk he's neat. Fun fact, the same day I fully finished the game was the day Storm & a Spring came out. Also while grinding in the game, I had his Bidding & VoaC covers on repeat. Which was a bit annoying to do since they weren't on Spotify yet & YT on mobile didn't have looping then.
March: The Hawaii Part ii album cover :} I did post that eventually but that's the time I actually made it. Had listened to TME a couple of months before then which got me into the album, so months later I drew it cos why not? [Also the month Vol.1 fully released on everything. What's funny is my gallery for that day was a handful of memes I saved at 4am before I fell asleep. And then the next image saved is when I woke up which was a screenshot of the whiteboard in TfaR lol]
April: First main Jash art !!! And its not even with any of the songs from Vol. 1 lol. I had his Moss cover on repeat again & now that all of Vol. 1 was out, I drew Heart in some moss. Or really in the image from the video.
May: Lil animation I made of Heart with the song Don't Hit the Lights! Link to my post & the song can be found here :}. Still really like the song & even the drawings. Might remake em eventually idk
June: Sky/socialc1imb's Clue AU! I like murder mysteries & this one was real interesting so I drew it a lot lol. Might remake that one or one of the others I made at somepoint? It'll be a bit later if I do but ye
July: A redraw of a HMS piece I originally made back in May, based on the Three Wise Monkeys thing. I like the idea of it so I keep wanting to remake it.
August: I honestly can't remember if I posted that art or not. Actually yea I don't think I ever did PFFT. It's one of the few drawings I did of myself this year & its from CJs Not Perfect cover [as you can tell by the lyrics on it]. Also one of the very very few vent-ish arts I made. I like the background more than anything but its still neat ig?
September: Art for one of the best songs ever. I love Fine, I'm Fine its so good & I listened to it for like 70% of the 20+ hours it took me to make the drawing. Still proud of it so there's the sketch I drew on paper, the one on my tablet & then the final versions.
October: There was a lot from this month due to Jashtober. I still like this one lot & it wasn't insanely rushed so I picked this one to show lol.
November: I have no idea why I made a fun lil soul. I was having an identity crisis over my art style & ig decided to draw the guy who is a walking identity crisis/j
December: Same as September. One of my favorite songs ever was covered & released, so I made a drawing like everyone else lol.
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fuzzysoulyt · 9 months
HCH news?
I guess I can give news and updates to the tumblr branch of the hch fandom for those who are wondering how Momo's doing and such since Momo has been updating on her patreon since August about HCH updates [and Pandora's Devils but there hasn't been any PD updates other than that it Will return]
I won't show any art, obviously, but I can describe things
In August, Momo shared some ideas for a new character's design, and a few days after that, she shared a whole line of new season 2 characters ^^
In September, she shared a personal drawing
In October, she shared a picture that has sketches of the main six HCH characters doing different expressions for expression practice! Each drawing has some text underneath saying stuff about the character that gives the same vibes as a 'tag yourself' meme
No updates in November
3 days ago Momo updated Twice!! The first post is another personal thing but this time it's two doodles of two fellas, an alien and a robot The second post is a redraw of an older Patreon drawing from 2021 of August and Sapphia as Light Yagami and whatever the lady's name is from Death Note [the original drawing has Luna as Ryuk but she's not present in the redraw]
TODAY she updated again with three screenshots of sketches from season 2!! All of which are of August having several crises <3
That's all the updates so far in case any of my HCH friends/mutuals and other HCH fans want to know how everything's going, since Momo's been mostly silent on Webtoon and Instagram
I don't know if it's a good idea to describe the drawings and posts, so if Momo herself wants this taken down or have the descriptions more vague, I'll comply ^^ If you can, please consider supporting Momozerii on Patreon! Of course, no pressure, it's your money :]
And if anyone is curious if she updates her patreon again, lemme know, and I'll see about making another 'Momo Update Post'
Stay High, my Homo Classes -Fuzzy.
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livewireprojects · 2 months
Old Sonic sketches(Plus extras)
Found some old sketches I had on DA & wanted to show them. Some sketches have the date I scanned them in the corner of the image because the date changes if I edit them & I had to edit them cause they're all bmp files along with needing editing to be darkened. It's there to show how old they are & cause I found it interesting, if the image doesn't have the date I'll list mention a date that's mentioned in the DA post or something related. Not all the images are in order of date.
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The image on the left was posted November 8, 2012 while the one on the right is from August 27, 2013
These were some wedding sketches I drew with the one on the right being a pic I made for a teacher I had in high school.(Graduated 2014) The pic on the left was a Sonadow & Silvaze wedding with Tails catching Sonic's bouquet while Cosmo(who was revived at some point) giggles.(tfw When you might end up marrying next thanks to a moment at your older brother's wedding & your girlfriend knows too)
Shadow & Sonic's rings(on the wrist) was inspired by a comic by Segamew on DA were Shadow used one of his inhibitor rings to propose to Sonic.(Fun fact at the time I didn't know what his rings did past the fact Shadow wore them, I only learned about the reason recently) I use a different idea for mobian wedding items now.
I find it semi funny(semi cause it looks cringy) that when I posted this to DA I was like "I'm using Shadonic instead of Sonadow so fuck you" to be honest this came from past Naruto shipping were ship names go by who is tops. I've gotten over it by now but if I'm not using ship names I still put the top first.
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This was drawn in 2015
The top images are Monoko from Yume Nikki & Sonic as nightmarens from the NiGHTS series. I might redraw/redesign these one day but dunno. The little mini doodles between them are an old design for my self-insert Sonicsona & Monoko next to me. I don't know the context for them.
At the bottom is Reala(nightmaren this time instead of my OC Reala the hedgehog), Jackle & my nightmaren OC Halldis dressed up. Next to them is Pinkie Pie semi Rayman style.(By that I mean floaty limbs)
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The one on the left is cropped cause you don't really need to see my old Raymesis/Dark Rayman(Who is turned over a new leaf, also thought they were the same person back then) x Rayman stuff. Funny enough two images were edited into this from the cropped side cause they're semi related.
Left image:(Added in mini pics at the bottom of list)
Left to right, top of page to bottom of page
Rayman Sonic that I didn't put much effort in past hair & outfit
Rayman as a seedrian, this was made before learning that male seedrian look very different from the girls. He's a plum plant from the Rayman series.
Normal Rayman waving
Rayman!Sonic sitting down
An attempt to draw mini Rayman & Rayman!Sonic flying using their hair. Rayman obviously with helicoptor bangs, Sonic flapping like he's a bat/bird.
Right image:
Left to right, top page then middle page then bottom page
Older Rayman with kids
Rayman!Shadow & Rayman!Sonic, these are their old designs with Shadow's being inspired by Kanda from D.Grayman's hair & mitarashiarts's past design for gijinka Shadow. I guess I gave him Raymesis style eyes given how I drew them.
Rayman!Sonic in a Rayman version of Sonic after being blinded by Eggman(context my version of Sonic at some point in the future was blinded by Eggman)
Rayman!Sonic wandering around & hiding that he's Sonic & injured
A scene of old design Shadow finding Sonic after he was heavily injured & almost drowned in Rayman style
Random doodle of Sonic in a random art style
An old prototype design idea for revived Cosmo, two versions of her as a plant based deer. I ended up going with a plant based chipmunk in the end.(With help from a friend when I mentioned some suggestions)
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I don't fully remember the context behind the pic on the left I just know it was a scrapped idea. I think the idea was Silver visiting the past as a kid & helping Sonic after the reboot or after the reboot in Sonic 06 he was born in the past & made friends with Sonic.(The middle pic is meant to be them before the re-boot) I'm guessing this was before the paper towel comic I made.
The right image is meant to be Sonic walking with his siblings as they unknowingly pass by the spirit of Tikal with a bunch of Chao(plus Sonadow chao) & Chip. Sonic notices him & Chip waves to his future friend. From what I understand the idea is Chip some how got a chance to see Sonic in the past after the events of Sonic Unleashed.(Likely way on DA I named this "Meeting again before I knew you") No idea how Sonic can see them without his glasses on since Underground Sonic is blind without them. According to DA this image didn't need much fixing up.
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Here's a pic I drew on one of my folders for school(2011 was my first year of high school)
I had to grayscale this because the folder is yellow & it'd look stupid
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Left to right
-Sonic as a young child with his adopted dad after they decided to go frog hunting for the first time
-The idea behind this was Sonic returning to where he grew up before going to live with Uncle Chuck after helping his siblings & mom rebuild the kingdom after defeating Robotnik. I think the idea was that Sonic still met/took in Tails at some point cause there was an idea of Tails bringing Amy, Shadow & the others to meet his older brother.
Version 1 was meant to be Sonic having become more like he use to be before the trauma of losing his adopted parents & losing his confidence thanks to bullying(for being different) & the stress of the war. He's happily being Sonic in the woods he was raised in. Version 2 is just Sonic as I depicted him at the end of Sonic Underground were he has gained confidence but is still slightly timid & very sweet.(No idea why it says "Southern bell-ish" I'm guessing this was the only description I could think of)
-Sonic dressed in his adopted mom's outfit
-Sonic before losing his adopted parents & being taken in by his uncle. Sonic was a happy & energetic, he loves exploring the woods & learning to play music. He's a kid that hasn't fully learned that the world is full of things to fear despite knowing the dangers of going too close to areas everyone knows is Robotnik's territory.(I guess think of Robin from the game The Path were she didn't realize it's dangerous to fall out of a shopping cart nor jump on a werewolf)
The poor kid is in for many horrors when he made the poor choice of hunting for frogs near one of Robotnik's bases.
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Posted to DA May 28, 2014
Classic Rayman as a puffball, Sonic as a puffball & anime Kirby as whatever Rayman is
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Posted to DA June 24, 2019
Why I can't draw Sonic's eyes like they're meant to look
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Adding another pic last minute, this is an old sketch dump of Sonic & his siblings from my old Sonic stuff that went on to lead to my Lost Prince AU
Left to right
The sight Uncle Chuck saw when he got home. Thanks to having enough of the bullying while struggling to deal with losing his adopted parents Sonic chopped his hair/quills off to look more normal.
Sonia fixing Sonic's hair while Manic finds it funny she used a bowl to cut Sonic's hair
Sonic meeting his siblings for the first time as they hide somewhere after managing to run into each other. Moments later they're told what they're meant to be doing.
Sonic amazed, I think this was inspired by Ojamajo Doremi/Magical Doremi some how
Old design modern Sonic holding plushies I use to give him when he was a kid, lion & lamb plushies, I don't remember the context I think this was when he was living with his dad
Sonic laying on the ground with the plush dolls
Another old design modern Sonic
The triplets managing to sleep in a proper bed after some traveling
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hexfloog · 9 months
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2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024
Can you believe there's barely 10 days left to the year?? Because I can't! Time to lay my feelings bare again!!!
So I definitely slowed down quite a bit compared to 2022, but I still made enough to fill the template and, in spite of everything else, lots of life development things happened these last 365 days that I think makes 2023 one of my best years in recent memory :)
I have less to say about the art this time. The drop in quantity checks out when I stop to reflect on just how much time I spent on each one. I definitely don't have as many sketchy works to show off this time either (probably in no small part due to the fact that I've also slowed down on Detco) - and that's probably owed to having spent most of my art effort this year drawing for other people, be it commissions or fan projects, and I already know that I'm more inclined to take risks when I have just myself to please. It's not a bad thing, that's just how it is.
I suppose my one observation of this year's body of work is that the vast majority of it is quite ambitious. Real pushing-my-comfort-zone stuff, but it's more of a polished brand of risk rather than the kind you get sketching ideas on the spot. Some examples:
February - both a collab and a thing that became a fan cel intended as an autograph piece at a con
April - simultaneously a gift and a very personal piece
June - silly comic (anything humorous is automatically out of my comfort zone)
August - community project + comic page redraw that really tested my ability to find a new style to play with
September - made to become tangible merch (it did)
October - redraw of my very first digital piece
November* - character design from text description only and formal reference sheet commission (my first ever)
December* - digital watercolor + fake children's paperback cover
*active WIP, not yet complete
It's not that much (really, it's average output for me) but I will take my wins where I can get them, especially since this is pretty much the scope of my art projects this year. Didn't really have much time or energy to write, or make more models, or scan more cards, because... ya girl was too busy getting a promotion/raise, moving out, enjoying the best con experience of her life (so far), volunteering, meeting lots of new people, dating again, having general fun, eating good food, trying new things, finishing a monthly art challenge for once, playing creative romhacks, waking up to new career opportunities, etc. etc. etc! It feels like so much happened this year!!
I tend to be harsh on myself and often feel like my life is not going anywhere, but this year really made me feel like I'm finally gaining some momentum again. And like... I don't expect (or want) to live life in the fast lane or anything, but stagnating isn't good, either, and with every passing year I have to ask myself with a little more sincerity what my future looks like.
So all that said, thanks very much for sticking around and suffering me another year <333 Who knows what 2024 will bring!! But for the first time in a while, I think I am looking to it with more than just a resigned "meh" and I hope the same for anyone reading this, too.
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emilyrox · 9 months
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My Art Summary for 2023! Template made by ArielDrawsDragons on DeviantArt! January/February: No art. Didn't have much time to make art for myself, and I hadn't made anything for class yet. March: Poster for the font Franklin Gothic. Not really attached to this one. April: Pros + Cons of Different Headphone Types Zine. I know I posted this in May, but I actually finished it in April. My favorite are bluetooth over-ear headphones. May: The House of Moth Menu. I was inspired by GHOST and Pals' song "Honey I'm Home" for the theme. Had a lot of fun coming up with the food options! June: Circus Baby from FNAF: Sister Location. I made it for my cover of "At Sister Location" by Chi-Chi. July: Titan!Luz. I started sketching it on my iPad while hanging out with some friends. We all just had a drawing session together. I'm really proud of this piece because her Titan design is extremely detailed (and her HAIR. It's beautiful and fabulous and I didn't wanna mess it up). I also like the glow effect on her chest and hat. August: Redraw of Carly from the revival's S3 finale. So iCarly consumed my brain over the summer. Creddie became canon, Spencer has 11 kids??, I want to kill Paul, it's a good revival. But the reveal of Carly's mom??? DUDE. I knew I had to redraw that scene. I'm really proud of the hair and the background in this one. September: Still Life Illustration. I took a Digital painting class this semester, and learned how to use ProCreate. I like the shading in this piece, and think I replicated the plant very well. October: Flower Art. I recreated two different plants I found in plant books, and then made copies and changed the color/hue of them to make a more full composition. November: Redraw of Emma from the OUAT S4 finale. I love this scene and I love her outfit and she kicks ass. December: Redraw of Regina from OUAT S1 ep 21. I love this scene and how intense it is. Also gives more insight into Regina's character and the guilt she feels.
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i hadn't made boifang art since, november? december? so here
@aceingdeeznuts' boifang as lumity edit gave me inspiration to make a redraw of the dance scene from "enchanting grom fright"
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(i got lazy on lineart and decided to use the sketch as lineart)
Original Screenshot
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doodleswithangie · 9 months
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doodleswithangie’s 2023 summary of art
As is tradition, I picked 12 pieces of mine from this year that I think came out really well, or that I'm really proud of making, or remind me of good memories! All these posts (and more that couldn't fit!) can be found in my art tag “doodleswithangie” and on my Instagram.
[Image Description: Previews of twelve pieces of art made by this artist in 2023. The second, third, and fourth images show a selected piece of art made during that month. All images are captioned “doodles with angie’s 2023 Summary of Art”. Brief descriptions of each month’s art is under the cut. End ID]
January: Fanart of Ryan Akagi and Min-Gi Park from "Infinity Train."
February: Comic of the adult Losers Club from "IT Chapter Two."
March: Sketch doodles of Richie Tozier from "IT Chapter Two."
April: Fanart of Luz Nocera and her friends from "The Owl House."
May: Screenshot redraw of Stede Bonnet and Ed Teach from "Our Flag Means Death."
June: Fanart of the PCs from Dimension 20's "The Ravening War."
July: Fanart of the PCs from Dimension 20's "Dungeons and Drag Queens."
August: Fanart of The Sugar Plum Fairy and Lapin Cadbury from Dimension 20's "A Crown of Candy."
September: Fanart of he PCs from Dimension 20's "Mentopolis."
October: Comic of Ed Teach from "Our Flag Means Death."
November: AU scene of Stede Bonnet, Ed Teach, and their crew from "Our Flag Means Death."
December: Comic of Aziraphale and Crowley from "Good Omens."
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wyvernquill · 2 years
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Happy New Year, everyone! Have a summary of some of my favourite art pieces of 2022 - brief descriptions/characters and fandoms/links to where the individual pieces are posted (if I have posted them publicly at all) can be found under the cut!
January: A portrait of Helsing from The Vampire Dies In No Time, for this fic here.
February: A Valentine’s Day Exchange gift, featuring Purson from Mairimashita! Iruma-kun! handing over a “Devilentine” card, which is here on Tumblr.
March: A sketch of Opera from Mairimashita! Iruma-kun! as a skeleton.
April: A sketch of a stained-glass window featuring Bob Clergy from The Vampire Dies In No Time, with Helsing gazing up at it.
May: An illustration reminiscent of a movie poster for this Indiana Jones AU fic, starring Azz and Clara from Mairimashita! Iruma-kun!, also here on Tumblr.
June: A redraw of the “I’ll slit your throat, that’ll shut you up!” - “You’re beautiful...” scene from Princess Mononoke, with Kuwabara and Shinji from The Vampire Dies In No Time.
July: An illustration for a still-unposted Mob Psycho 100 fic, in which Tome (possessed by Dimple) kicks an enemy goon in the face while doing a backflip.
August: An illustration of Stanley from The Stanley Parable in front of a wall of paintings holding screenshots of the game, which was drawn for this fic and is here on Tumblr.
September: I was writing my Bachelor Thesis during this month, and also moved right after handing it in, sooooo... no art in September. But I hope you enjoy this meme I made to remind myself of the deadline.
October: The hands of Dream of the Endless and Hob Gadling from The Sandman only barely touching each other, an illustration for my Soulmate AU fic, art also here on Tumblr.
November: One panel of a MUCH longer Sandman comic based on the lyrics of “Who Wants To Live Forever”, the full thing can be found here on Tumblr.
December: The Vampire Dies In No Time fanart, featuring Northdin, a vampire, applying a turning bite to Bob Clergy’s neck.
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stepswordsen · 1 year
JuAli WIP doodles
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So, I'm just gonna post my old JuAli doodles from November ~ April. Obsessed with them. I've been thinking about them non-stop. Judar is wearing traditional Chinese hanfu in these :) 
Here's my JuAli doodles for now <3 They're pretty messy, so I'll put them under the cut. Also I'm putting my thought rambles under the cut too. They’re snippets of thoughts I had, including ones with friends, feel free to read them if you’re curious!
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Some rambles
I was considering whether I should post my JuAli doodles since I usually prefer to keep my art account for finished arts only, but I wanted to show my love for them. I still have to refine and redraw these tbh, but I'm excited to work on these in the future! 
I also didn’t know whether to post these rambles under my art or make a new post on my side blog. Well. It’s going here now. I’ll post the rest of my sketches and another rambles in another post 
The first two Judar in hanfu doodles are some of my fave drawings ever. I really want to finish this one soon...
I think Judar has red eyeliner in the manga, and the Magi anime has Judar's eyeshadow as purple? In Ohtaka's coloured arts, it looks like a more saturated red colour to me.
I like Judar with red eyeliner/eyeshadow like how Ohtaka colours in the manga. I like how the colours pop and the contrast against his design, and how it matches his red eyes. Also cuz black and red are his image/representative colours to me anyways
I want Judar to wear black, white, red, and gold hanfu... I’ve also been looking into hanfu earrings for him. I'm thinking of red and gold. I want him to have red eyeliner and black painted fingernails.
Also, in the future, I'd also like to draw Desi inspired Alibaba wearing kurta with churidar!
Some thoughts on JuAli
I love how my friends described them as besties and one-sided enemies/worsties dynamic (from Judar’s end lmfao), it’s soooo funny. I feel like they’d have a sort of Love-Hate relationship at first, like when you hate someone so much it’s love...
My friend mentioned that because Alibaba is so different and the complete opposite of him, it makes sense he doesn’t understand it, but it only shows that he’s curious and that deep inside he wants to know.
And Judar would just constantly be like “I really don't get this guy at all” and “I don't understand what he's thinking at all!” Like how he was with Alibaba on the Dark continent. I think it’s interesting how he recognized that Alibaba has qualities that draw people to him, but just couldn't understand why.
I love their Fire and Ice duality. Light/Darkness. Angel/Devil. Hot and Cold. Enemies to Lovers. They’d bicker and kiss and make out. Twink on twink violence is their love language /lh
I feel like in the early stages of them catching feelies they’d both be really awkward around each other and constantly headbutt each other… They'd always be pretty competitive with each other, but they'd warm up to each other over time.
I love their setup, I’m obsessed with them and their vibes. They’re so funny and cute… I love their dynamic, their vibes are impeccable. I could sense the sen-core with them, I love them so much.
I awaken to my final form. Meow meow mf x Empathetic, loving ball of sunshine… It's the sen-core ship formula: meow meow mf x ball of sunshine. Morally questionable/morally bankrupt x morally agreeable <3
Also I love Light/Darkness, Yin/Yang and Sun/Moon/Eclipse themed ships. And Rivals/Enemies to Lovers. Opposites contrast :)
I love Opposites Attract ships that are also combined with any of these tropes: Narrative parallelism (Yin/Yang, Light/Darkness, Sun/Moon/Eclipse tropes), Protagonist x Rival/Antagonist/Opposing Figure, Reconciliation of Opposites, Fated Enemies/Rivals, etc.
Sen-core characters/ships: being a menace to A) the world and/or B) their rival/enemy/lover.
Alibaba is the sun, and Judar’s leitmotif is the black sun (just like Douman). And he’s also technically the moon. One of my friends told me she sees him with Eclipse symbolism, which is really interesting.
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scoutsunset · 1 year
I guess what I’ll have to do now in this tumblr is more Molly McGee stuff. Hello there! Thanks for stopping by for taking note of my definitely healthy obsession with this show called The Ghost and Molly McGee. I might be…slightly into this show… as much as you are!
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Dates back to November 8th, 2022. Just four days earlier I started watching the series to kill time in my getaway to Spain. This was my first time drawing Molly, with a sleep-deprived expression quite similar to one she makes in the S1 episode “The Greatest Concert Ever”. I drew this in school and I have a very nasty habit of showing drawings I’ve made to peers — one said this was literally her.
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Dates back to November 18th, 2022. This was definitely more in-model than the last Molly drawing was. I started drawing the head and then put the torso in later.
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AHHH LIBBY LIBBY LIBBY!!! Dates back to November 22, 2022. Of course this one featured Libby Stein-Torres. Originally she had a sad look in her face which I tried to make it look like she’s gulping or whatever. My brother didn’t want her to look depressed so I made her smile! (:
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And now we flash forward to March 13th, 2023 with this redraw of a frame from the episode “Talent Show” where Molly insists to Libby that she might have a talent worth sharing! Spoilers: she did.
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And here we have my most recent, dating back to April 4th, 2023. It’s that dreamy heartthrob, Oliver Chen. Like my second Molly drawing, I started off with just the head, before moving on to the torso later. I even shared my impression on Ollie on the side:
I thought this dude was someone’s OC put into a really elaborate fan-animation fanfic thing. He’s for real now. I mean, he’s kinda cool, I guess…
This drawing got the attention of co-creator Bob Roth on Twitter! Nice!
and…that’s basically it. Hope you enjoyed it! I’ll basically be posting more of my art here in the coming weeks, so if you really liked the sketches, stick around here because you might see more. G’day! ,-.-,
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ALRIGHT! ENOUGH YIPPY YAPPING ON MY END!! I’m never gonna get these things to see the light of day if i just put them off. So here we go: EVERY (Jackbox Games) ILLUSTRATION AND SKETCH I AM STILL PROUD OF THAT I HAVEN’T POSTED PUBLICLY (With dates included according to their properties) MASTERPOST! [MAY OR MAY NOT UPDATE!]
Nothing violently inappropriate, but i did draw The Wheel in a non-revealing maid outfit at some point as well as M. Bubbles eating a heart they ripped out of the wall, but nothing that’ll give grandma a heart attack...except for maybe Cookie Masterson getting tricked into reading the Ẓ̷̛̞͚͗̋̌ạ̵̢̨̬̿͐͂͘͠ḻ̴̯̲́͒g̸̰͌͛ȯ̵̙́ incantation, that one’s pretty intense!
The Trivia Murder Party victims but as grotesque monsters (Date: 28th of November, 2020)
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Fun fact: i ended up sculpting both Sloth & Envy’s designs out of clay during art class, no i do not have them.
This comic featuring Cookie Masterson i never finished, but it’s really funny like this so i’m posting it anyways (Date: 31st of December, 2020) [DESIGN OUTDATED]
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Greed attempting to steal one of the Murder Hotel’s lamps (Date: 30th of January, 2021) [DESIGN OUTDATED]
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Realistic fullbodies of Skippy, Gus & Sparkles (Date: 31st of January, 2021)
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The Keeper reading out the definition of CBT (Date: 15th of February, 2021) [DESIGN OUTDATED]
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Creepy Voice, however it’s referencing the end of the proper You Don’t Know Jack: Full Stream trailer (Date: 2nd of April, 2021) [DESIGN OUTDATED]
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Cookie Masterson getting tricked into reading the Ẓ̷̛̞͚͗̋̌ạ̵̢̨̬̿͐͂͘͠ḻ̴̯̲́͒g̸̰͌͛ȯ̵̙́ incantation (Date: 24th of May, 2021) [DESIGN OUTDATED] {WARNING: VIOLENT}
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FUN FACT: the power went out on a sunny day and made me lose the original file, but i was able to remake the comic using a snapshot i sent to a friend! Also: the pencil brush used to make this comic no longer exists on Photopea by default, which sucks absolute BALLS because it was a dope ass pencil brush i haven’t been able to fully replace!
Buzz Lippman falling unconscious based on a Tumblr post about him (Date: 30th of September, 2021) [DESIGN OUTDATED]
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My Jackbox host designs that coincidentally look like other characters (Date: 17th of October, 2021) [DESIGN OUTDATED]
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Mayonnaise multi-tasking, bringing his child home from school while exiting a pet door (Date: 19th of November, 2021)
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I also have a doodle of him stretching like a cat and him eating a rat, but i’m not proud of those so i’m not showing.
Sketches of food for my redux of my first Wattpad story: Jackbox Culinary (Date: 10th of February, 2022)
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Redraw of that kid annoying a girl with a trumpet, but with Creepy Voice annoying Cookie Masterson with bagpipes (Date: 10th of February, 2022) [DESIGNS OUTDATED]
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L’averne Caverne pondering her orb & a redraw of that Cars comic where Lighting McQueen states that it’s nice to be back in Radiator Springs, but with The Wheel of Enormous Proportions preparing to answer the winner’s question (Date: 2nd of March, 2022)
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There’s also a sketch of [REDACTED] dragging The Screamer to the Plinko by the legs while she screams in terror, but his legs always bothered me so i’m not posting.
The Job Job Heart by Jackbox Games (Date: 17th of March, 2022)
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The funny explanation as to why my interp of The Wheel of Enormous Proportions suddenly got jacked (Date: 1st of April, 2022)
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Octoputtz crying in the fetal position (Date: 5th of May, 2022)
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What happens when people stream Quiplash (Date: 22nd of May, 2022)
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This drawing of The Wheel of Enormous Proportions in a Victorian English maid outfit that i drew exclusively because i thought it would be funny to put a God in servants clothing {and also because The Wheel makes me feel things i don’t like admitting} and a drawing of it holding a Peep in it’s grasp to mildly prank a friend (Date: 23rd of May, 2022)
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There’s also another bust doodle of The Wheel, but that one looks off so i’m not posting it.
Rue Meringue & [REDACTED] swapping clothes due to how similar their outfits’ silhouette resembles (Date: 3rd of June, 2022)
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Rue Meringue but with proper freckles (Date: 4th of June, 2022)
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FUN FACT: This was originally going to be apart of a series of drawings where i draw characters who’s freckles are represented only via 3 dots on their cheeks and then drawing them with more realistic freckles, however this never got realized and i stopped at Rue.
Cookie Masterson being repackaged (Date: 29th of August, 2022) [DESIGN OUTDATED]
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Redraw of that comic where a grown man dresses up as a thirsty little flower but it’s The Wheel of Enormous Proportions again (Date: 23rd of October, 2022)
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Realistic headshot of Greg (Date: 25th of March, 2023)
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Redraw of that image of a woman looking at a man’s particularly perky pectorals that i drew to practice muscles, but it’s M. Bubz & The Wheel (Date: Actually today! But was most likely not going to see the light of day otherwise, so consider this a cheeky bonus!)
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FUN FACT: I HAVE MORE, but i haven’t taken photos of them yet, so they can’t be included here as all of their dates would be labeled as “today”, which isn’t in the spirit of this masterpost, but trust me: they are equally as fun as whatever these things i showed you are.
Maybe i should really start posting these things more often...i mean some of these are REALLY good, even today compared to my improved artistic abilities. It’s a real shame that i was...and sometimes still am embarrassed to post these when i really do still like them! So i’m biting the bullet and seeing how they do.
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