we-must-protect-crow · 2 months
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lions-ut-blog · 7 months
Drifter Revolver: Songs and Mishaps Part 1
Disclaimer: mentions of body horror
After spending 3 months of practicing and resting. Redrix checks his belongings. "Okay. I have ammo for my guns, healing items, and the bag with extra clothes." He puts the ammo boxes in the bag. "Are you ready?" Chara and the other souls around Redrix. "We are ready. Are you going to take Samantha with you?" Redrix shrugs and closes his bag. "That's her choice to make." He checks his guns. "I'm not forcing her to accompany me." Chara sighs. "Okay.” She disappears along with the others.
Samantha enters the room and sees Redrix. "Oh, getting ready to leave?" Redrix nods. "Checking if I have everything." He reloads his guns. "Did you get my old knife?" Samantha tosses the knife to Redrix. "Here." Redrix catches it and checks it. "Good, the other blacksmith fixed it." He tosses it back. "Keep it. You will need it. Besides I have a better knife." Samantha puts the knife on her waist belt. "Do you have an idea of where to go?" Redrix shrugs as he stands. "I don't know. Probably traveling to random AUs like I usually do." He looks at her. "You want to join me?" Samantha takes her bag. "I owe you my life. I will accompany you until we are even." Redrix tosses the room's key to her. "Okay. Keep the key with you in case we get separated." Samantha catches the key and puts it in her pocket.
Redrix wears his hat and coat. "hold onto your bag." He grabs Samantha's shoulder. Samantha raises a brow. "Why?" Chara appears. "Redrix, don't." Redrix side eyes Chara. "Trying to teleport us out." Samantha looks at what Redrix is looking at. "Are you okay? What are you looking at?" Redrix gives his attention to Samantha. "I'm okay." He tries to teleport to an AU with Samantha and ends up somewhere in the Omega timeline. "Hmmm, it seems that no one can teleport in or out unless using a door." Samantha falls to her knees and is a bit dizzy. "A warning would be appreciated." Redrix looks around. "Noted." Samantha Stands. "What are you looking for?" Redrix summons two of his blaster beasts. "A door." He sends them out.
Samantha stretches. "You think a door might take us out of here." Redrix shrugs. "Probably. After, we came here through one." Samantha spreads her wings. "I will head to the town and ask for a way out." Redrix gives her a thumbs-up. "Okay." Chara appears. "You know for someone smart, you are dumb sometimes." Redrix looks at her. "Well, I'm in an unfamiliar situation, so I'm trying my options. Besides we are in the same boat here." Chara sigh. "As much as we hate our current situation, I will agree." She rubs her temple. "You will have to tell her about me and the others, or she will think you are crazy." Redrix hangs his head down. "I think that's already established." He opens his menu. "Either way, I need to find a way out for us." Chara notices Redrix's blasters come back. "I guess the blasters didn't find anything." She sees their odd appearance. "Do your blasters always look like this?" Redrix pats his girls. "Now that you mentioned it. They look different, probably a side effect of me being a human." The two blasters bark and disappear.
Samantha comes back and lands in front of Redrix. "I found a way out." Redrix glances at Samantha. "What is it?" Samantha walks to a nearby empty building and opens its door. "We just need to think about where we want to go before opening a door in here." Chara looks at Redrix. "It seems that solves the issue." Redrix walks to the door and looks through it. "That seems to be true. The forest looks familiar." He goes through it and Samantha follows him. "We are in your universe, right?" Samantha nods and closes the close behind her. "Yeah, it's the only place I could think of." She flies up and looks at Redrix. "I will head to my village to see if anyone is there." Redrix summons one of his blaster beasts and hops on it. "I will accompany you." Samantha smiles. "Thank you and try to keep up." Redrix chuckles and pats his blaster. "Don't worry my girl knows your scent." Chara crosses her arms. "You have a lot of trust in her." Redrix notices the sun is setting and snaps his fingers to form a fireball on Samantha's shoulder. "Keep it with you. It will help you see in the dark." Samantha chuckles. "Okay. I will see you later." She leaves Redrix and goes to check on her village.
At the village, two skeletons walk around looking for any survivors. One of the two skeletons goes to a partially burnt school. "Rhythm, I will check this building." Rhythm looks at his sister. "Be quick, Melody. We don't know what lurks in the dark." Melody nods as her brother continues the search outside. "I will try to." She enters the building and explores it. She looks around and notices charred bones lying on the floor. "Poor souls. They didn't get a proper burial." She hears footsteps. "Hello? Is anybody here?" She follows the sound. "Me and my brother are here to help." She hears whispers surrounding her as she enters a dimly lit room. "We are not here to hurt you." A figure limbs out of the dark. "L E A V E." Melody feels a shiver down her back. "Are you okay? Do you need help?" The figure's chest and head open revealing rows of teeth and eyes as its body contorts and screeches.
Horrified, Melody bolts out of the room and notices more figures appearing. "?!?!?!" She looks behind her and sees the disfigured figure. "I need to get out." She blocks the way with a couple of bone walls and continues running until she is out of the building. "Rhythm!! Where are you?" She looks around and searches for her brother as it becomes night. Rhythm comes out of the corner and looks at his sister. "What is it, Melody?" Melody grabs his arm. "We need to go now." The twins hear a horrid overlapped screech. Rhythm looks at the direction of the sound. "What is that?" Melody looks around and notices a building with minor damage. "I don't know but it seems dangerous." She drags her brother to the building and hides in it.
A malformed creature drags itself through the village looking for the twins. Rhythm sneaks a peak through the window and sees it. "That thing is really big. It will be difficult to defeat--" He notices someone flying and attacking the creature. "I better help." He looks at his sister. "Stay here." Melody watches her brother leave the building. "Wait." She looks through the window and clutches her chest. She goes out and sings a lullaby to the creature. The creature looks at Melody and lets out a screech as it attacks her.
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Redrix, Samantha, and RT Chara belong to @lionwriters-blog and @lions-ut-blog (both are me)
Rhythm and Melody belong to @koko-doodle
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I’d love for a mission in Destiny 2 that honors Lance Reddick by having it take place in different levels that references his roles (John Wick, The Wire, Horizon, Castlevania and Eric Andre) while we have help from Redrix-3 (Levar Burton)
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poorlytunedukulele · 4 years
Day 18 - Rift
Nadim Patel: This will be a tournament to remember, folks!  Never before has the Second Crucible League seen such triumph, such spirit, such drama!  We sit on the eve of what is sure to be a historic match.
All week fans have been watching in awe as the reigning champions, Fireteam Bash, has juggernauted their way through the bracket!  Though suffering some early setbacks, including a down-to-the-wire overtime win in round 2, the Pride of the Peregrine District seem to have found their stride, capping off the Semifinals with a devastating victory!
But our defending champions are only one half of the story.  On the other side of the bracket, a contender no-one saw coming!  Fireteam CPO was originally a wildcard pick, but they’ve become quite the darkhorse in this race, taking win after win against incredible odds.
By the time you will be watching this, we’ll be only half an hour from the starting whistle.  But tonight, it is Final Round eve, and tonight we are lucky enough to have none other than Andal Brask, leader of Fireteam CPO, in the studio with us.  Welcome, Andal, it’s great to have you here!
Andal Brask: Thanks, Nadim, it’s good to be here.
N: Now, Andal, before we begin, there’s a question I have to ask, one the fans have been begging us to ask all week.
A: Ah, I think I know.
N: What’s the deal with CPO?
A: It’s an in-joke, actually.  In the world of Vanguard operations, the five Hunters on our team are known as ‘The Crew’.  That’s me, Cayde-6, Tevis Larsen, Shiro-4, and Azra Jax.  But you can’t compete in Crucible tournaments with only five, so we brought in an extra.  So CPO stands for Crew Plus One.
N: And what a plus one he has been!  Redrix-3 has been making a very big name for himself.
A: What can I say?  Kid’s a natural.
N: Ah, but this is your interview, Mr. Brask, your time to shine.  Every team is only as good as its leader.
A: Leader has to work with what they’ve got.  Not gonna lie, I’m lucky to have a big pile of talent to work with.
N: That last round in the Semifinals- what a nailbiter!  Can you tell me what was going through your head going into it?
A: Oh, I can tell you exactly what was going through my head. 
The Hunter jumped high, eyes flashing, then there was a whir and a snap and the sky fell.
Chayam had been on the receiving end of Shaxx’s Fists of Havoc enough times.  This was a bit different.  He should be dead.  But only Carlo’s Ghost chirruped.
Strike that.  With a spin, Joy-4 was down, too slow in fumbling for her shotgun.  The Hunter rounded on Chayam.
He leveled his Auto Rifle on her and let loose.  She spun her Staff in a circle, creating a forcefield of Arc that deflected his bullets.  At least it kept her from advancing, for now.  Until his magazine ran out.
Then he took a bullet to the shoulder.  There, in the hallway, another Hunter was taking careful aim with his Hand Cannon.
Chayam spun to the side, reloading his gun with practiced efficiency.  “Inside!”  he cried into his comms.  “They’re coming inside!”
The Hand Cannon barked again, then he was dead.
A: Azra Jax is very useful as a distraction.  She was the only one with her Super up, but she pulls that Arc Staff and everyone just loses it.  So we send her inside, close-quarters, to draw their focus.  Throw in Cayde for some mid-range support- he’s also very flashy- and you’ve got yourself a very convincing diversion.  They couldn’t stand against a whole fireteam, but if they had to deal with a whole fireteam, that means we’d be in a good position to score.
Cyril peered down his scope.  There were calls for reinforcements on the inside lanes, but he had a feeling there could be a second prong of the attack headed for the outside.  The opposing team had shown some pretty unique tactics so far.  He wouldn’t put it against them.
There!  Movement at the end of his lane.  He shifted the rifle against his shoulder, ready to fire at the first thing that came around the corner-
A bullet tore through his thigh.  The deep boom of another Sniper Rifle echoed through the arena.  Cyril faltered and turned for cover, but it was already too late.
Kovac paused to catch his breath.  If he could flank a group of them, he’d be able to pull his Super and take their momentum away.  Already his palms itched with Solar, ready to take the Gun and reduce his foes to ash.  All he had to do was find them.  There was red in his motion tracker ahead-
There was a stabbing pain in his back, then the cold steel of a knife at his throat, then nothing.
A: Tevis is good enough to outsnipe the snipe and outsneak the sneak.  So he had our backs for the first phase.  Hopefully if everything went wrong, he could have his Tether up by the time the other team recovered the Spark and made it his way.  The plan was then to have Azra and Cayde fall back on defense.  Didn’t happen, obviously.
Joy-4 ran out of spawn.  “It was a feint,” Carlo announced.  “They’re already here!”
Too late for that announcement. 
A hail of Pulse Rifle fire took down Carlo.  Cyril was also hit and had to dive back into cover.
As soon as the clatter of bullets stopped, Joy-4 turned back around her corner and aimed down her sights.  But there was nobody there-
Up, her brain told her.  She had just enough time to look up and see the Titan flying above her let go and drop.
A: Shiro-4 was our spark carrier, with me as backup.  Didn’t really need me much in the end, I was just there in case Shiro got taken down, provide extra covering fire until then.  But that didn’t happen.
‘Bedlam’ seemed too calm a word.  There was screaming, there was gunfire, and behind all of it, the crash of armor against armor.  Their fireteam was being pushed back relentlessly- it was give ground or die.  Three of their party were still tangled up with the Arcstrider and the Gunslinger, too far away to help.
Cyril would normally take a 3v3.  Even odds.  Even odds didn’t matter when you had a battle-mad Titan charging through your spawn.  He was fast and he hit brutally hard.  Even the bullets Cyril piled into him didn’t seem to slow him.  The Titan leapt into the air.  Cyril saw death.
It all happened too fast.  Unseen, unnoticed, a short Exo slid in and deposited the tiebreaker point.
The rift ignited behind Redrix-3, turning him into an imposing silhouette as the victory announcement played.
A: Like I said, kid’s a natural.  I just let him do his own thing most of the time.
AO3 Link
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leftnipsdoodles · 6 years
hey do you guys wanna know sth fucked up?
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i got this bad boy. last few hours before reset no less lol
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gayuldrensov · 6 years
saw the meatball 5 (?) times in 30 games this week so im really curious to see the actual spawn outside of full curse week if i even do gambit this week
also truly fuck the change to not guarentee drops on kills because outside of invader in super kills, the ship and reset 3 ghost are all im missing for dredgen
a blue drop from killing the meatball shouldn’t happen. feels like a slap in the face. what am i meant to do with that????
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thesevenseraphs · 4 years
Bungie Weekly Update - 9/10/20
[I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted one of these. It’s been a combination of being light TWABs and a lack of motivation to post. But this one is meaty with details and changes so it’s worth sharing!]
This week at Bungie, we’re consuming stacks of Light. Within Destiny 2, the exodus of Io, Titan, Mercury, and Mars continues. Zavala has tasked you with spreading word of impending Darkness and keeping our beloved vendors up to speed. There are still a few more loose ends to tie up on these destinations, so get to it. Along your quest, you’ll have some final chances to earn unique loot and fill out your collections before access to various strikes is impeded by the Darkness.
While the Traveler may have chosen you, it’s almost time to go beyond the Light. Don’t forget where you came from, though, as we’re celebrating Destiny’s almost-seventh birthday this week! Yeah, we know, it’s been six years. But seven is darker.
If you haven’t snagged the sweet wallpapers or seen our Stasis deep dives, head on over to our fresh blog article covering the fun! While we're celebrating the past, we're also getting ready for the future. Whether you’re a veteran of Destiny or have just been rez’d in the Cosmodrome, thank you for playing, and thank you for being a part of our community.
A few TWAB’s ago, Luke Smith took some time to run through changes to our philosophy in doling out rewards through the various activities of Destiny 2.
Hit the article again if you’d like a refresher on vanity, cosmetics, and more. Today, we’ll be focusing on core playlist rewards (strikes, Gambit, and Crucible).
To quote the article, here’s what you can expect on November 10:
We are adding a new set of Armor for the core playlists (strikes, Gambit, and Crucible).
This armor shares a set of new geometry, with decals and shaders specific to the activity.
We will create new sets like this each Year (e.g., Year 4, Year 5, Year 6, etc.)
This set will arrive alongside the next expansion.
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This armor can be earned by completing activities or through vendor rank-ups. Weekly challenges are also being updated to offer avenues for players to earn higher-stat packages for these armor sets.
Additionally, Year 4 will see the return of pursuit weapons. For those of you who may have joined our community in the last Season or two, these weapons have static perks, but allow for some customization. The final two perk columns have multiple perks to choose from, so you can tailor your weapon to your desired playstyle. Our eagle-eyed Guardians may recognize this beauty from a recent Stasis trailer….
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Our goal is to have a pursuit weapon available per Season, earned through a focused quest. Banshee will give you a choice between Strikes, Crucible, or Gambit to earn the base model. Make sure you take a moment to think about how you want to earn the weapon, as you'll be locked in to specific objectives for whichever activity you pick. 
Once you finish the main quest, Commander Zavala, Lord Shaxx, and the Drifter will offer you an additional quest which will reward you with weapon ornaments to the theme of their respective activities. If you’re omnivorous and enjoy all three offerings, all three will be available to you.
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So, now that we've caught your eye with some fancy armor and a new sniper, let's take a quick look at how things are changing for core activities as you launch into your new adventures on November 10. Strike, Gambit, and Crucible playlists are being streamlined.
Starting in Season 12, the Director will be updated to reduce the number of playlists available at a given time.
Featured Modes:
Both Survival and Survival: Freelance will be available
Weekly rotator:
Clash, Mayhem, and Showdown
Private matches
Limited Availability
Iron Banner
Iron Banner: Freelance will make its debut in Season 12.
Similar to Competitive, this will be a smaller node next to Iron Banner when the playlist is available.
Weekend Availability
Trials of Osiris
Note: Adept weapons, rewarded to those reaching the Lighthouse, return to Trials of Osiris in Season 12. (More details on functionality to come in a Sandbox preview, currently planned for October.)
Vanguard strikes and Nightfall: The Ordeal will be your two playlist options.
Each playlist will continue to offer weekly challenges for Powerful loot.
Nightfall: The Ordeal will continue to feature matchmaking at lower difficulties, and increased rewards for higher difficulty options.
Note: We’re also looking to add Adept weapons to strikes in a future Season. We’ll have updates closer to Season 13 on what to expect.
As covered last week, Gambit and Gambit Prime will be consolidated into a single mode. We have some additional details on specific rule changes, as well as development notes from the team on how things are changing, and the goals behind them.
Hi Gambiteers! We wanted to give you an explanations of rules changes coming to Gambit in November, as well as a key update from last week.
First, some goals we wrote down before we started:
Build a more approachable Gambit Prime, keeping the one-round format with a longer round, but without the Gambit Prime armor perks.
Rebalance the motes phase to last 2/3 of each match, rather than half of the match.
Speed up the Primeval fight (compared to Gambit Prime) to give more of the feeling of a ‘boss rush.’
We started with the Gambit Prime encounters, full stop. However, without the Reaper buffs, the Large bosses that come in enemy waves were too tanky – so we pulled them all down to miniboss or elite. The pacing should feel like how Gambit feels for a pickup group, or how Prime feels for a fully kitted team.
We also playtested the “having the motes” phase target a score of 150, and/or have a heavier mote drain, but this allowed organized teams to steamroll even more effectively – not less. So, we pulled back to the current Gambit Prime mote target and drain.
We started with the Gambit Prime Blockers, but pulled the Taken Captain from the Blocker lineup, as he proved a little too potent for a 10-mote Blocker. We replaced him with the Phalanx, who can be tough to kill, but not as lethal. Since we don’t have the armor perks, we also had to remove the 20-mote Giant Blocker.
We kept the invasions during mote phases at three – just like Gambit Prime – but pulled back the minimum time between invasions during mote phases from 10 seconds to 20 seconds. It never feels good to get invaded back-to-back.
For the boss fight, we started with the Gambit Primeval fight, removed the timed Slayer buffs, increased the Primeval health and potency of the slayer buff given by when killing envoys. We respawn the envoys every 40% damage done to the Primeval – so if you get invaded and the Primeval is healed a lot, you have the opportunity to get more Slayer buffs and catch up. The fight length ends up somewhere in between the original Gambit and Gambit Prime, so we adjusted the invasion timer during the Primeval phase to match – right in between Gambit and Gambit Prime timing.
So, overall this mode will be a little quicker than Gambit Prime – mostly due to shortening of the boss phase and the removal of the larger bosses from the fronts, but one that still gives that great Gambit feeling that you all love.
We see you’re hungry for info, and we’re excited to bring the heat. As we approach Beyond Light, we’ll have more details on how your weekly rituals are changing. Economy, Eververse, Sandbox, and more. We’re looking forward to talking about things like solo queue Iron Banner, but we have a few things left to tie up as we approach launch.
Stay tuned…
Last week, we announced some changes coming to Triumphs in November. Various Triumphs and Seals will soon become unavailable, leaving you to figure out which things to prioritize before the end of the Season. Partnering with some community API creators, there are now multiple options for you to create a checklist of sorts. Here’s a quick list in no particular order. They’re all amazing, and we hope you find one that suits you best!
Destiny Item Manager
Destiny Tracker
Many thanks to these creators, and we’re excited to see how their portals and communities grow as we begin another year of Destiny content.
Destiny 2 Update 2.9.2 shipped this Tuesday, and the Player Support team has been prowling the #Help forum in search of fresh bugs to smash. Thankfully, it doesn’t look like there are any major issues cropping up!
This is their report.
Players will no longer freeze when respawning in Gambit.
Enemies will no longer stop spawning in Hexahedron area in the Prophecy Dungeon, blocking players from progressing.
Players who completed Tommy's Matchbook catalyst pursuit will no longer be re-awarded it.
Redrix’s Broadsword will now be available to reclaim from Collections.
Players will no longer block quest progress by acquiring Calcified Light without the quest active.
CURRENT KNOWN ISSUES While we continue investigating various known issues, here is a list of the latest issues that were reported to us in our #Help Forum:
Player badge counts will sometimes not update when the Season of Arrivals Collections badge is completed.
The Tribute Hall’s Completionist triumph doesn’t count Season Collections badges.
Players need to complete the Exodus: Preparation quest before they can begin the Exodus: Evacuation quest for Traveler’s Chosen.
The Artifact is sometimes enabled in Iron Banner.
Bounties/progress is sometimes not counted in Iron Banner.
For a full list of emergent issues in Destiny 2, players can review our Known Issues article. Players who observe other issues should report them to our #Help forum.
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mazkandrew · 4 years
[Destiny 2 new exotic quest Spoilers!]
In the new exotic quest , Saint and Shaxx are discussing about the crucible’s pinnacle weapons , and this part actually triggered me
Saint : “Tell me more about the weapon you crafted for young Redrix... the claymore...?”
Shaxx : “Broadsword.”
Saint : “Yeah , right.”
Me : *Season 3 competitive flashbacks* Bitch , it’s C L A Y M O R E
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spartanlocke · 6 years
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[ Text: “Lore: Redrix's Claymore
"On the ladder and in the fight, momentum is the answer."
Redrix-3 slid past roaring tracers and slammed into a concrete lectern so hard he cracked it, tiny puffs of dust drifting up around him. "Randy, you idiot!" he screamed into his radio. "You pissed him off!" "I shot him," came Randy's voice over comms. "That's what we do in the Crucible, Redrix." Just as Redrix thought it was safe to leave his cover, heavy rifle fire thundered against the other side of the dais. His opponent was warning him to stay put. He keyed his radio. "But you didn't kill him, Randy. Now he knows where we are. I'm pinned down! Wait for everyone else to catch up—" The sky fell. Redrix only heard it when he felt it, every atom of his body dissolving as a bolt from the blue sky blasted a crater into the earth. His emerging fireteam was caught in the wake. Their ghosts brought them all back in staccato bursts of Light. Lord Shaxx beckoned them into the crater he had made. "Make take," Redrix said. His fireteam and Shaxx all stared. "Make take," Redrix tried again. His Ghost frowned, and ran a beam of Light across Redrix's chassis. "How many of these tests are you going to make us take?" Redrix managed. His Ghost nodded. "Just the one," Shaxx said. "Spread the word. Starting today, the Crucible is ranked. And you've all just been seeded. Go make history." ] - (link)
Yes Hello I love lore transcripts of Shaxx kicking ass 
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double-eagle-viii · 6 years
For my entire Call to Arms this week, on all 3 characters, I’ve been up against teams of 4 EXCLUSIVELY. Not an exaggeration - the enemy team I’ve been matched with has always been a fireteam of 4 people. Sometimes the same clan, sometimes not. Naturally, a bunch of bumfuck randos (myself included) aren’t going to do well against organized groups of Graviton Lancers, so my score has plummeted from “on track to get Redrix’s by the end of July” to “in danger of going down to the lowest rank.” And of course, it’s always these groups who are the most poorly-behaved, taunting and teabagging until their little monkey brains light up like the Griswold family Christmas tree. My question to Bungie’s matchmaking algorithm: what the fuck?
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we-must-protect-crow · 2 months
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lions-ut-blog · 3 months
Drifter Revolver: Songs and Mishaps Part 3
After escaping from Nightmare. The group finds themselves falling into a cold lake. Melody swims to the lake's surface. "Is everyone okay?" Rhythm emerges and looks at his sister. "I'm okay. I don't know the other two." Redrix emerges with Samantha on Lilly's back. "We are okay." He looks at the sky and sees dark clouds. "We need to find shelter quickly." Rhythm glances at Redrix. "Why should we listen to you?" Redrix swims past the twins with Lilly. "A storm is brewing. If you two want to be swept by it, be my guest." Melody looks at her brother. "We should go with them, brother. It's the least we can do after he saved me." Rhythm looks at the sky then at his sister. "Fine. Only because we owe him, not like I like the idea of being indebted to someone." Melody smiles and swims after Redrix with Rhythm.
Reaching the shores, Redrix looks at Samantha. "Are you okay, Samantha?" Samantha nods, and her wings disappear. "I'm okay. Thanks." She gets off Lilly and pats her. "Thank you as well." Lilly nuzzles Samantha. Redrix looks at the twins. "Do one of you know where are we?" Melody squeezes the water out of her hair. "I don't know. It's my first coming here." Rhythm walks past Redrix. "Follow me." The group follows Rhythm.
Some time passes with heavy rain. The group arrives at a cabin. Rhythm takes a key from under the welcome mat and opens the door. "Let's go inside before the weather worsens." Samantha gets off Lilly. "How do you know about this place?" Rhythm glances at Samantha. "I come here whenever I need to train." Redrix helps Melody get off Lilly. "You seem to be training a lot." He grabs his and Samantha's bags from Lilly's mouth. "Good girl. Go rest with your siblings." Lilly barks and disappears.
Melody walks to her brother. "Is coming here what you do when I'm with Dream and Ink?" Rhythm glances at his sister. "Yes. At least you were with trustworthy people." He looks at Samantha and Redrix. "Unlike those two." Redrix hands Samantha her bag and slings his over his shoulder as he glances at Rhythm. "How many rooms are there, boy?" Rhythm takes Melody's hand. "2 bedrooms, a living room, 2 two restrooms, and a kitchen." He goes inside and takes his sister with him.
Samantha walks to the cabin. "What's his problem?" Redrix follows her. "Lack of trust. I don't blame him. We are essentially strangers to them." Samantha sighs. "I guess you are right." She closes the door behind Redrix. "Rhythm, how about we split the rooms between us? Melody and I take a room while you and Redrix take the other room." Melody tugs Rhythm's hand. "It's a good idea besides we could bond together." Rhythm stares at Samantha. "Suuuuure." Samantha pulls two towels from her bag and hands one to Melody. "Well, I will change out of my wet clothes." She walks past Rhythm and looks at Melody. "Are you coming, Melody?" Melody nods and follows Samantha to their shared room.
Redrix takes two sets of clothes out of his bag. "You need to cut your sister some slack, boy." Rhythm crosses his arms. "Why, so Nightmare can corrupt and use her for his own twisted plans? Over my dusts." Redrix tosses a towel at Rhythm. "What or who is this Nightmare fellow?" Rhythm catches the towel and sits down. "Nightmare comes from an AU called Dreamtale, at least the 2nd AU with the same name." Redrix raises a brow. "Go on." Rhythm drys his face. "He is a self-proclaimed God who feeds off negative emotions and the sorts. He is after Melody because she can bring out positive emotions similar to his twin brother Dream but through songs." Redrix takes a piece of cloth and cleans his revolvers. "I assume this twin sibling of his can harm him? Considering, he spit out one of my bullets." Rhythm nods. "Yeah. Despite this, Dream doesn't want to end his brother." Redrix sets his guns on the table. "That's wishful thinking. And the whole positive emotions thing revolts him, right?" Rhythm takes his overcoat off. "That's the jist of it." He rubs his face. Redrix gives Rhythm a set of clothes. "Worry about that later. Right now, change your clothes so you don't catch a cold." He leaves Rhythm alone to change.
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Redrix, Samantha, and Lilly belong to @lionwriters-blog and @lions-ut-blog (both are me)
Melody and Rhythm belong to @koko-doodle
Dream and Nightmare belong to Jokublog
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bunchamunchafaunus · 5 years
Gotta do some bare minimum stuff in D2 before I take a break
If I get 4/5 bounties done on each character, plus whatever glory progress I make when I get to my Warlock, I should be either close to or at my 4th reset this season, and closer to getting Revoker, which will leave me with one more Valor reset to go till I get the Redrix Broadsword
I think if I do the bounties as a bare minimum each day this week and next week, even with Iceborne and Borderlands 3, I should be able to get both of those pinnacle weapons
hopefully I can get the last rapid Grenade Launcher kills I need for Mountaintop’s triumph too in that time
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grimoriodonick-blog · 6 years
Memórias - Ano 1 - Parte 1
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Ele olha pela janela de seu quarto recém reformado na “Nova Torre”, e por um segundo, a memória da Luz do Viajante quebrando o invólucro e as correntes que a Legião Vermelha lhe impuseram, atravessa sua mente como atravessaram Ghaul, distraindo-o por alguns segundos... ou seria minutos, talvez horas?
- Onde eu estava mesmo? - pergunta o arcano.
- Estudo sobre a história da Colméia. - responde seu Fantasma.
- Ah, sim... Osmium, Deuses Vermiculares, Lógica da Espada... esses grimórios estão fora de ordem e desorganizados, me lembre de coloca-los em ordem, Luzinha...
- Pela milésima vez, não me chame assim... e esse trabalho já está sendo feito por vários guardiões, com o volume número um sendo lançado em breve.
- Sim, sim... esse estudo todo está me deixando com a cabeça pesada... - o arcano desabafa passando a mão na cabeça.
- Seria bom descansar um pouco. - aconselha o Fantasma.
- Coisa que não fizemos nesse último ano... primeiro a invasão da Legião Vermelha comandada por Ghaul, a quase-destruição da Última Cidade, a incursão ao Leviatã do Imperador Calus, a volta de Osíris! Panoptes e Argos! Ana Bray! Rasputin! Defender o Imperador Calus do Val Ca’uor. E pra fechar com chave de ouro, tivemos que enfrentar um Deus Vermicular, Xol e seu lacaio Noktris... meu Viajante, que ano!
- Só faltou melhorar seu desempenho no Crisol... - provoca o Fantasma.
- Nem começa! Você mais do que ninguém sabe que um arcano passa mais tempo sobre os livros ou em campo fazendo missões, do que matando e sendo morto no Crisol... como se eu precisasse de mais um fuzil de pulso na minha coleção...
- Quem desdém quer comprar heim... *cof, Sabre de Redrix cof*... - provoca o Fantasma.
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- Há! Até parece... mesmo que até para comprar essa arma eu precisaria chegar no ranque três do Crisol Competitivo... e ambos concordamos que essa divisão do Crisol foi uma péssima idéia do Lorde Shaxx.
- Sim, foi... menos pra 9000 guardiões que conseguiram a arma, eles tão felizes da vida... mas o Lorde Shaxx disse que vai ter mudanças nas regras do Competitivo em breve.
- Menos mal, quem sabe nessa próxima temporada eu seja mais ativo por lá. Só espero não encontrar o Lorde Shaxx em nenhuma partida... sabia que na primeira luta do Crisol Competitivo, o Lorde Shaxx dizimou com o Punho do Caos o esquadrão inteiro do guardião Redrix-3?
- Ouvi falar dessa história! - seu Fantasma se empolga. Ele sempre quis que seu guardião participasse mais do Crisol, mais por preocupação com o treinamento dele do que pela glória e fama.
- Falando sobre história, você gravou a nossa luta contra o Val Ca’uor no Pináculo Estelar?
- Sim, já fiz o upload para seu servidor particular.
- Pena que não estávamos com o esquadrão completo do nosso clã... tivemos que contratar dois guardiões mercenários. O pagamento foi o espólio no fim da luta, até que saiu barato, visto ter saído da conta do Calus!
- Revendo a gravação, lembrei que você usou muito o fuzil automático Primus Fantasma... [analisando dados]... contagem de baixas: ~10.000.
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- Sim, meu fuzil automático favorito... gosto muito também daquele feito pela Nova Monarquia em parceria com a Häkke, Loquitur IV.
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- Loquitur IV... analisando dados... contagem de baixas até o momento: 2033
- Puxa, usei bastante ela também.
- Mas as armas que o Calus nos concedeu, foram as que mais usei mesmo...
- Gostaria de dados de baixas das armas das incursões a partir do momento que você as deixou obras-primas?
- Não, obrigado. Mas por favor, adicione à agenda o seguinte: estudar e rever os grimórios das armas da Incursão. Essas armas tem muita história pra deixarmos passar, contadas pelo próprio Calus.
- E com você usando elas, guardião, muito mais história! Entrada na agenda adicionada.
- Temos outras gravações?
- Sim, algumas... quer revê-las?
-  Hoje não, vamos encerrar o dia. Depois assistimos. Quero aproveitar as comemorações do Solstício. Vai ter fogos de artifício, a Ikora tá planejando relembrar as memórias da invasão da Legião Vermelha e guardiões que deram a vida pela Cidade vão ser homenageados também. Inclusive ela que vai fazer o discurso de abertura!
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See, I get what Bungie was going for with the Redrix, but Jesus these matches are obnoxious.
I expect full teams, all using boring meta stuff, sure.
But every single round either becomes team fights over heavy ammo, or team a steamrolls team b with zero chance of fighting back.
And since they took away skill based matchmaking, going up against full teams with max glory, just trying to be cunts and show off to their twitch subs, happens too damn often.
And the point values never changing between ranks is idiotic. 20 for a win, +5 to a Max of x4 of a streak. Rank 1 is 200, not bad, rank 2? 800, with the 20 for a win. Then rank 3 is 2000, two fucking thousand. Even with max bonus, that's just so excessive.
I was even trying to organize a community event so more people could get it, but hey, go back and pay XxS3LL0uTxX on twitch real money for a carry, which he definitely won't rage quit after one loss, then conveniently disappear with the cash you gave him anyway.
Damn it Bungie, ranked PVP isn't rewarding actual ability, it's rewarding the most repetitive, obnoxious, meta weapon abusing behavior.
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thesevenseraphs · 5 years
Bungie Weekly Update - 8/22/19
This week at Bungie, we broke down a barrier. Over the last few months, we’ve been talking about the future of the Destiny franchise. From the ViDoc to the recently released Director’s Cut articles (Parts I, II, and III), we’ve unraveled a map and plotted a course for our future. This week, we took one of our bigger steps with Cross Save.
For many of us, this is one of the most exciting pieces of the puzzle. Our teams have been hard at work to bring this feature to Destiny 2 and enable you to play with your friends, no matter which platform they call home. We’ve already started seeing reunions throughout the community on Xbox, PlayStation, and PC. If you haven’t shared your story yet, let us know on Twitter or the forums. Who are you most excited to fight the Darkness with, now that Cross Save is live?
This week was indeed a busy one, as we’ve also deployed an away team to gamescom in Germany, to dish out some new details on Shadowkeep and Season of the Undying. If you missed the news, be sure to check out the videos below!
Shadowkeep gamescom trailer
Season of the Undying trailer
Now, let’s look to our immediate future. We’ve begun preparations for the PC move to Steam, and we have some live game calendar updates to discuss.
This week, we also began the transition of Destiny 2 to Steam. Players can now begin to prepare for the launch of Shadowkeep by linking their Steam and Battle.net accounts using the Bungie.net/PCMove portal, with Destiny 2 becoming available on Steam starting October 1. This will ensure that all of your Guardians, Gear, Game ownership and Silver will be available at Shadowkeep launch.
NOTE: As we prepare to transition Destiny 2 to Steam, your last chance to purchase Destiny 2, any expansions, or Silver on Battle.net is September 3, 2019. Additionally, players may pre-order Destiny 2: Shadowkeep on Steam, but will not be able to play until October 1. Additionally, players may begin to purchase Silver on Steam starting October 1.
With Season of Opulence coming to a close, we wanted to make sure you had ample time to get into the action with your friends on PC and got proper warning before your favorite Eververse items went on hiatus. Make sure to grab Silver before September 3, so you don’t miss your final chances to snag some community favorites:
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Next week begins your final month of the Season of Opulence. Lord Saladin returns with the power-enabled combat of the Iron Banner.
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Start: August 27, 10 AM PDT End: September 3, 10 AM PDT
Increased Valor also returns, so if you’re hunting for those final resets required for the Redrix’s Broadsword quest, this is the perfect time to jump in. Moments of Triumph has also been extended through September 17, so this may help you earn the Crucible pinnacle weapon that’s been holding you back from the “MMXIX” title.
Whether we wanted it or not, we’ve stepped into a war with the Hive on Mars. So let’s get to taking out their… wait a second, this isn’t what I meant to start with.
With a bit of extra time before Shadowkeep ships, we thought it would be a good idea to get the community in fighting shape to return to the Moon. Not just you, but the entire community. What better way to focus your attention on the Hive than to challenge you in the ways of old? As we have a Quality of Life update coming on September 3 that touches some Mars content, why not double down and maybe help a few aspiring Wayfarers along the way….
Start: September 3, 10 AM PDT
End: September 10, 10 AM PDT
Community Objectives:
Defeat 175 thousand Wave 7 Escalation Protocol bosses
Defeat 300 million Hive on Mars
Mars Nightfalls
Defeat Nokris 150 thousand times
Defeat Xol 100 thousand times
Use 300 thousand Override Frequencies
Rewards: Now, this wouldn’t be interesting without rewards. If all objectives are completed during the event, any player to complete at least one Nightfall will be granted a unique emblem, granted to only those who rose to the Mars challenge.
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This also serves as an opportunity for you to further impress Emperor Calus. If the community reaches all the above goals, Calus will unlock additional rewards for successful Menagerie completions. Starting when goals are met, players will be guaranteed two rewards when slotting their runes and opening the chest, and an additional reward will be added each Friday for the remainder of the Season.
Good luck, Guardians. We’ll be watching.
For every deployment, there’s a risk that wires may get crossed or things may fall out of place. Destiny Player Support has been holding the line in the face of cross save and PC migration, ensuring FAQs and need-to-knows are available for your consumption. Now that both of these features are live, they have updates.
This is their report.
Steam Linking and Cross Save
This week, Steam Linking and Cross Save went live for all Destiny 2 players on Bungie.net.
Steam Linking is a preparatory step for PC players for when Destiny 2 moves to Steam this fall, and is required before PC players can enable Cross Save. To initiate Steam Linking, please visit our PC Move page.
Cross Save allows players to bring their preferred set of Guardians with them across all supported platforms in Destiny 2. To enable Cross Save, please visit our Cross Save page.
Cross Save: 90-Day Waiting Period
As we’ve mentioned in past weeks, players who disable Cross Save will encounter a 90-day waiting period before Cross Save can be re-enabled. This is a security feature that safeguards players from a number of worst-case scenarios.
In addition to disabling Cross Save, any of the following actions will also result in a waiting period where Cross Save cannot be enabled or disabled:
Players who purchase Silver cannot disable Cross Save until 90 days after the Silver was purchased
Players who perform a refund for purchased Silver through a platform storefront cannot activate Cross Save until that Silver is re-purchased for that account
Players subject to a ban or restriction cannot activate Cross Save, or disable Cross Save if it is already active, until that ban or restriction has expired
This information has been added to our updated Cross Save FAQ. Players who encounter other issues with Cross Save are encouraged to report to the #Help forum.
Solstice of Heroes Ending Soon
This week is the final week for players to participate in Solstice of Heroes 2019. At the weekly reset next Tuesday, August 27, Solstice of Heroes will end and the European Aerial Zone will no longer be accessible. Additionally, players will no longer be able to upgrade their Uncommon (Drained) or Rare (Renewed) Solstice of Heroes armor sets.
Players who have unlocked the Legendary (Majestic) armor sets may continue to complete objectives and masterwork their armor after Solstice of Heroes concludes. For those of you who missed Shattered Throne last time it was available, it will be returning on August 27.
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