namranii · 3 months
ough what abt dadspy headcanons? like yk how spy is scout's dad and allat (platonic ofc)
Spy as a Dad Headcanons 🕵️‍♂️
When scout first found out he had an actual identity crisis.
He started avoiding Spy, and was in denial for a long time.
I have this thing that Spy didn’t know that Scout was HIS KID until he actually got to know him, then he realized
Even though Spy acts like an asshole sometimes, he still cares. So he’s going to watch his son from far away. Very far away.
Buying rich people clothes for scout and then just saying “It’s because you have no taste.”
Scouts gonna take a long time to warm up to Spy as a dad, but once he does, he’ll stop being annoying to spy.
Scout thought that his dad was Tom Jones for MONTHS (basically canon)
Spy didn’t want to leave scout and his mom, but he felt like he had to so that he could keep them safe.
Im sorry that it was so short, this is all I can think of but enjoy!!
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lixwax · 2 months
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(translation: Do you have any questions? || I'm sorry for my English with a translator ;) )
I was accepted to be a spy in role-playing! I'm still noob at drawing, but 7 hours of suffering with the mouse were not in vain. all the difficulties were in the anatomy, he was still crooked, the eyes did not turn out the way I planned. but everyone seemed to like the spy. Expect a pyromaniac soon :P (I condemn smoking as much as possible || and spread the songs of Mylene Farmer in the end >:/ )
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morbid-mouse · 1 year
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started this one awhile ago too and just pushed it out coz i want it to be done. lowkey dont like it but its impossible for me to not post art I do 😆😅
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ncalabby · 8 months
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REDspy 🔴🔵 BLUspy
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catgirlscout · 1 year
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Hello dear fellow tf2 enjoyers. Have you recently craved for a ridiculously passionate, drawn-out, self-indulgent and at times horny, Fantasy AU of your favorite old men (and Scout and Pyro)? Including magic, wizards, dragons, knights with fancy swords and armor, having sex with said knights, found family, vampires and other mythical creatures. Oh boy, then do I have the FanFiction for you. Read The Fortresses (Medieval Mercs AU) on Ao3!!!!!!
Anyway Schleichwerbung aside, I would be really happy if you would check out my fanfic. There's some sketches and the map from the world building. I am putting a lot of work into it and I am very, very much in love. It's mostly for my own self enjoyment, so the updates are kinda irregular but the chapters are relatively short and easy to read. I just posted the newest chapter (Chapter 3) and I have a set outline for at least the next three chapters. Also, there are some really cool ships in this. The main ones are BLUDemo x REDScout, REDSniper x BLUSpy, REDSpy x BLUEngie, Heavy x Medic, BLUSniper x BLUScout, Soldier x Merasmus, Saxton Hale x Mr. Bidwell, Administrator x Miss Pauling. And there's even a bunch of OCs (mainly Scout's brothers) and children of OG mercs. There is to say there will be smut in this fanfiction, which will be relevant to the story and I don't know how explicit it will gonna get. But looking at my notes there will definitely be some SniperSpy, HeavyMedic and SoldierMerasmus fuckery in earlier chapters. And most definitely SpeedingBullet and Saxwell in the later ones as the story progresses. So yeah...hope anybody is looking forward to that. I sure am. In the meantime I also have a lot of other fanfics finished and actually exactly 20 wips currently. I lack any sort of self control. Help!
That's it. Enjoy your day!
Btw the map was made with Inkarnate. I literally put my whole Scoutussy into that map, it took like 9 hours to make. But it was completely free because I am a cheap whore.
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hellborg · 2 months
Sick License plates I spotted today:
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another-delta-lover · 11 days
It's funny how it's only implied that the REDSPY is either BLU SCOUT'S and/or RED SCOUT'S
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How the teams work
In this world there’s no clones or twins, it’s just the 9 mercs. The teams are split up like this:
Also Pyro sometimes
(the only one who gets auto balanced a lot. Very friendly with both teams. No one is really bothered by this, it’s just another Pyro thing that every so often the Administrator announces he’s changing teams and she’ll happily wave bye and go see his other friends.)
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automaticvr · 7 months
Virtual Move│Fabrika Filmes │StypeLand + RedSpy - stYpe
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zoranphoto · 1 year
SENNA M DOBIO EMMY! Prestižna nagrada ima veliko značenje za njega: ‘Ponosan sam’
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Senad Galijašević, poznatiji kao Senna M je devedesetih harao hrvatskom dance scenom, a sada se pohvalio velikim karijernim postignućem. Naime, Senna M je postao jedan od ponosnih vlasnika nagrade Emmy. “Ponosan sam što sam vlasnik Emmyja za postignuća u inženjerstvu, znanosti i tehnologiji u suradnji sa StYpe. Hvala svima što ste vjerovali u nas”, poručio je Senna M ispod fotografije na kojoj pozira s prestižnom nagradom. Bivši glazbenik svojim postignućem pohvalio se na društvenim mrežama, a u komentarima ispod objave ubrzo su mu se javili brojni pratitelji kako bi mu čestitali.     Stype, koju spominje Senna M, hrvatska je tvrtka sa sjedištem u Zagrebu koja je osvojila televizijsku nagradu Emmy za svoju tehnologiju optičkog praćenja i proširene stvarnosti u televizijskim prijenosima, piše Bug.hr, a njihovi televizijski prijenosi s posebnim dodacima korišteni su i na američkom Super Bowlu. “Kakvo priznanje! Upravo smo dobili nagradu Emmy za inženjerstvo, znanost i tehnologiju za našu industrijski vodeću tehnologiju praćenja kamerom, StypeKit i RedSpy. Hvala svima koji su pridonijeli podizanju StYpe-a na višu razinu”, napisali su na službenom Twitter profilu tvrtke.     What an accolade! 🥳 We were just awarded the Engineering, Science & Technology Emmy for our industry-leading camera tracking technologies, StypeKit and RedSpy! Huge thanks to each and every person who has contributed to taking stYpe to the next level! pic.twitter.com/WqgWFDXB5P   — stYpe (@stYpeTV) September 29, 2022   Senna M danas izrađuje kamere koje kupuje i NASA. Jedna od njegovih kamera koristila se na snimanju hit serije ‘Igra prijestolja’.   “Ovo je sigurno najsretniji dio mog života, osjećam se korisno. Ne prodajem maglu, prodajem nešto konkretno što ljudima treba i sretan sam. Cijeli život se bavim tom magijom lijepe slike i nije bilo teško krenuti”, rekao je svojedobno za In magazin. Domaća publika imala je prilike prošle godine gledati Senada u RTL-ovom showu “Masked Singer” u kojemu se ”skrivao” ispod maske Balthazara. Tada je otkrio da prije toga nije pjevao 20 godina, a publiku i gledatelje je oduševio svojim pojavljivanjem. Dnevno.hr Read the full article
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silence-caravan · 3 years
Wanna get rid of those annoying Daddy Issues?
Well, don't be a wuss and get rid of the source!
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I've seen in multiple fanfics, and i don't blame the writters, that when Scout discovers that Spy is his father he gets mad but then he kinda warms up to him. Which is FINE, i enjoy those types of DadSpy fanfics.  But like… do you really think that Scout would truly calm down that quick?  You think he wouldn't go fucking apeshit?
He lied on his death bed on his face, he keeps seeing is mother outside of work, all of his co-workers seem to already know that he's his father, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if his brothers back in Boston know!
TL;DR: Spy is and was a mediocre parent, Scout would wreck his shit if he finds out.
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monotone-inkwell · 3 years
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albarthos · 3 years
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Some StBlackSt fanart! *dies*
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Also rebranded the blog again lol
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scruffypegasus · 4 years
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Naga Spy Headshot 02 
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in-visiontv · 5 years
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#stype #redspy #bbcsport #bbc #stypegrip #stbasilscathedral #redsquare (at Saint Basil's Cathedral) https://www.instagram.com/p/BkGAd4xATqd/?igshid=1ksit8p9ptg9t
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