#redtails debt spoilers
LOG 24
Just saw Tigerclaw attack a motherfucking hawk! He probably only did it because Redpaw was in danger, ok, but still, since when do cats take on hawks and survive?
Now obviously those cats are way bigger than the ones I’m used to. But anyway.
Pinestar’s frail only surviving kid has come a long way!
They still are very cryptic tho. I’m not sure I understand anything  about them.
I’m still putting on a timeline with Mrs Mitchells’ help in order to understand what’s the deal with those cats. Apparently, though, they have not always been living in this forest. Some fifty years ago or so, there were a few strays but not nearly as many as now, and not with the same build as the ones I’m studying. The papers talk about an imbalance in the ecosystem because of a new predator, most likely those cats. Obviously everything balanced again, but it’s interesting to know they’ve left a cat-shaped mark in the papers even before I came.
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justastarholder · 1 year
Aha hello it’s the nosy person again
(Sorry for asking so many questions, every time I send an ask, I think of like ten more, if I’m annoying you or something just let me know and I’ll stop)
If you haven’t guessed already, I have more questions again. It’s just the way you word things, Afton!! You make it all sound so mysterious. So you were a familiar once? Interesting. What was it like? What made you want to… well, transition to the goals you have now? According to your responses, it sounds like demons are just corrupted gods, existing to keep the world in a sort of balance. What kind of debt do you owe to… the Aberration? How did you even go about seeking him out? Also, how do you feel about being a demon that looks like an old decrepit rabbit? (I mean no insults by this, just my observations)
Why did you adopt kids? Why did you even go about having kids? You don’t really strike me as the type of demon that would want children to take care of. How do demons even have kids? All right, with (most) of the serious questions I have out of the way, how about some (two) questions about your preferences instead?
Who’s your least favorite god? Favorite? And those are all of my questions ahaha…. (I ask far too many I’m so sorry-)
Before I bully Afton- ahem- ask our friendly rabbit to answer your questions: You're not annoying! Afton may make cranky comments, but those are purely the character. I've had lots of fun reading and answering your questions! You never have to worry about sending too many asks or asking too much. If it's something I can't answer for spoiler reasons, I will let you know! I'm honestly happy to answer most questions, so long as they're not just downright insults or bullying. I also try to keep the characters amiable, even if they're the antagonists.
"Oh boy. Here we go..."
The rabbit rose from the throne with a soft groan, making his way down the steps to pace absently.
"Yes, I was a familiar. I can't really tell you about my early years. I was a young rabbit and don't really remember much of the first twenty years or so. But I do recall the moon god. I adored them. We had a good bond. There was also Hermea- the familiar of the sun god. He was this great, golden bear. We were good friends. And his daughter, Charmea, was the reason I ended up deciding to foster a child in the first place... She was so bright. Eventually Hermea had a son, too. Fred'r." He half-smiled, recalling those simpler days.
"I think you ought to know how children are made," Afton mused. "The reason I adopted was because I had no love of my own to mother a child- so I adopted a young fox god... Redtail. He was a good kid, a god born from a legend, so he had no parents of his own. Redtail was always a bit rough around the edges. He was like me in that way, I suppose. Rushing forward with his heart on his sleeve."
"I did eventually have two children, but their mother and I weren't exactly in love, so I took them in and she left. My daughter, Elizabeth and younger son, Evan. They were human, like their mother. By this time I was well into my godhood, so it wasn't all that strange. Evan and Elizabeth never really got on with Redtail, since he was so much older. But I loved all of my children, regardless of what history will say about me."
The rabbit moved to one of the windows. He stared out into the darkness for a long time.
"...It was when Evan died that things shifted." He picked at some of the grime on the glass.
"We all know what happens when the gods die. Their stars remain and become new gods. Their consciousness rejoins the Mother Star, up in the heavens." He sighed, mangled ears dropping.
"But we're not really sure about humans. I mean- we understand decomposition. And sure, you could argue that a body returning to the soil is beautiful in its own right. But what about the mind? What about the soul of my son? Was that it? Was he gone forever?"
Violet light bubbled off of his skeletal hand as he clenched his fist.
"I didn't want to lose my son forever. He was still just a child."
Afton turned back to the tapestry handing just behind the throne. A red banner emblazoned with a glittering gold sun, tattered and ruined.
"I pleaded with the greater gods to find some way to undo it. They told me I was meddling in something I'd be better off leaving alone. I couldn't stand that thought. Even my former master told me that the only choice I had was to let go."
"But I didn't want to let go." The window beside him shattered as he slammed his fist against it.
"I poured myself into my research, and I confess I neglected all else. The humans began to pray for me less and less and I grew weaker. Older." Afton dragged his good hand down his face.
"...And then Elizabeth died, playing around in the ritual room of the temple. Ensnared by one of the very tools I'd created to try and understand how I might bring Evan back to us." Afton laughed bitterly.
"At that point, my oldest son left for the seas. He no longer wanted anything to do with me. And my good friend, Hermea, had lond since taken to wandering... I became desperate. When I again appealed to the greater gods, most of them shunned me. They told me I had only myself to blame... But the youngest of them. He took pity on me and told me a well-kept secret. He told me about the Aberration."
Cold white eyes bore into you. Afton seethed with a hatred that couldn't be fathomed.
"Do you know what corruption is? What it truly is?"
"It's not a disease or some sort of physical change. Corruption is what happens when a god makes a pact with the Aberration. It hasn't happened many times, but I'd take being forsaken by the Mother Star a hundred times over if it meant I could see my children again. I don't care how this body festers. I don't care what it costs."
"...As for what the Aberration asked of me... I'm afraid that I can't say. You'll know soon enough. Everyone will." He turned back to the ruined window.
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warriorcatsamino · 2 years
Gray Wing’s Passage
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If you have been scrolling at all recently through any Warrior Cat based Social Media or just looking through the fandom in general, you have probably noticed a reoccurring theme. Most influencers in this fandom and even your average artists and writers have been creating artwork, stories, videos and more celebrating the 20th anniversary of Warriors. As of 2023, Warrior Cats is officially 20 years old with the first book ever of the series “Into the Wild” being published January 21, 2003. In that span of time, 6 other arcs; The New Prophecy, Power of Three, Omen of the Stars, Vision of Shadows, The Broken Code and A Starless Clan have been written and released. Similarly countless super editions such as Firestar’s Quest, Skyclan’s Destiny, Yellowfang’s Secret, Tallstar’s Revenge, Crookedstar’s Promise, Bluestar’s Prophecy, Moth Flight’s Vision, Hawkwing’s Journey, Crowfeather’s Trial, Squirrelflight’s Hope, Leopardstar’s Honor, Onestar’s Confession and many more have been published. Countless novellas also, such as Redtail’s Debt, Tree’s Roots, Leafpool’s Wish, Spottedleaf’s Heart, Pinestar’s Choice, Goosefeather’s Curse, Mapleshade’s Vengeance, Tawnypelt’s Clan, Ravenpaw’s Farewell, Dovewing’s Silence, Hollyleaf’s Story have been written. You may have noticed however that I am leaving out an entire section of Warriors books, having to do with the clans’ history. Don’t fret! I haven’t forgotten and in fact, that arc and subsequent stories are the topic of the piece above.
For those unfamiliar, alongside the main series arc, the Erins published another arc that is considered to be a sequel to the main series. This set of 6 books aimed to tie up missing threads about the clans’ history and was the first books (other than field guides) to speak of the clans origin. The arc I’m hinting to is the ‘Dawn of the Clans’ arc. The first DOTC book, The Sun Trial, was released March 5, 2013, and followed a protagonist never before mentioned in previous books. This protagonist is actually the subject of the piece above; his name is Gray Wing. For context, I will give a quick summary of Gray Wing’s backstory and personality. ⚠️ Spoilers ahead for DOTC and similar novellas and super editions along with some of the field guides ⚠️ According to the Warriors Wiki, “Gray Wing was a member of Windstar's camp in the forest territories. He was born in the Ancient Tribe to Quiet Rain alongside his brother, Clear Sky. When Half Moon spoke of a new home, Gray Wing chose to stay behind; however, after his younger brother Jagged Peak left to follow the group, Gray Wing joined them on the journey. He stayed with Shadowstar's group on the moor and adopted his brother's orphaned son, Thunder. Realizing his brother had changed, Gray Wing cut ties with Clear Sky. Gray Wing and Turtle Tail became mates and he adopted her kits, Sparrow Fur, Pebble Heart, and Owl Eyes. Gray Wing was chosen to lead the group after Tall Shadow, though he decided to co-lead with her following his asthma he developed from a fire. Gray Wing eventually stepped down leading the group following a battle with Clear Sky, and mourned Turtle Tail's death deeply. He helped defeat One Eye and Slash by drawing out battlestrategies, and once his mother died, he left the pines to the moor and became mates with Slate, who had his kits, Black Ear, White Tail, and Silver Stripe. Due to his asthma, Gray Wing passed away after renaming the group to Clans. He ascended to StarClan, watching over his kin, and gave Windstar, Thunderstar, and Blackstar one of their nine lives.”
The scene depicted above, which actually has a speedpaint on YouTube (if you are interested, you can find the link here) was commissioned by a user called TheHeatRush on YouTube. It portrays Gray Wing’s passage to Starclan after his untimely death due to asthma. Honestly, Gray Wing’s death was extremely tragic as not only did he leave his mate who recently had his kits; he also left his brothers, nieces, nephews and adopted children behind. It’s kinda strange actually, as Warriors has kinda a questionable history with adoptions. In POT, when it is revealed that Squirrelflight adopted her sister’s kits, she is treated with disgust and hatred by most of the cats closet to her. Adoption in the main series is almost treated as being taboo and strange, with Thunder preferring to go with his biological father despite he [his father] abandoning Thunder at a young age. But, me and the rest of the team would love to know YOUR thoughts on this matter! Can you believe that Warriors is 20? What’s your opinion on the DOTC arc? What’s your thoughts on Gray Wing? Do you think this series treats adoption correctly? Leave all your thoughts, opinions and feedback in the comments below. Did you like the art style of this piece? If you did, consider leaving a like on the original post on Amino. Supporting the original artist directly benefits this account! This is by motivating more creators to allow us post their work which gives us more content to share with you all. On a similar note, do you want more Warriors centered content? I would recommend joining the Warriors Amino where we have a fun and active community that creates art, writing and more based on the battle cats you know and love! 
Original Post linked here.
Original Artist linked here.
~ 🍵🥔
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cryptidslugreads · 4 years
"flea-bitten water rat" may be one of my newest fav insults
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yarrowleef · 5 years
I won't spoil too much, but several things happen in Redtail's debt that retcon who he is as a character.
I just read it, cause it only took like an hour lol 
Imma be honest, I’ve seen several people state that the novella did something to ruin Redtail’s character, and I’m honestly super confused as to what y’all are talking about??
Redtail didn’t have a character? He’s never done anything before or had more than like a couple lines. This was great for his character, it actually gave him one. I actually really liked him. If people are upset that he killed someone, I don’t really know why considering it was an understandable accident under pressure. Or maybe because he didn’t line up with fanon? but really you guys, everything about Redtail’s “character” that we’ve come to accept is 110% made up. We just collectively created an OC. You can’t get upset that the authors didn’t take our baseless fanfic into account, that’s a little unfair
The only one who got his character absolutely butchered was Ravenpaw, idk who that Ravenpaw was, but I don’t know her. (seriously, i’m so frustrated by that-Ravenpaw’s most notable trait is that he was ALWAYS scared and timid from day one, and that Tigerclaw only made it worse, what is this “taking after him” nonsense???)
Anyway, the only retcon that really matters is in that end plot point, not in anyone’s character. (though I’m still miffed about Ravenpaw, he didn’t have a huge role) It fucked up the main series plot. Like REALLY fucked it up. I haven’t seen a fuck up this bad since Yellowfang’s Secret took the very-important-main-series-plot-point about Brokenstar killing Brightflower’s kits and instead blamed it on a fox for no reason. Good lord HOW do you miss that, I really really want the authors to explain. I was actually enjoying this novella a lot up until that point, gdi
ffs and the dumb thing is, it didn’t add anything? I mean, cool temporary drama about Redtail being forced to kill because of Tigerclaw’s fuck-up, but it makes no sense at all for Tigerclaw to kill him AFTER Redtail finally does what he wants??? If Oakheart still died in a rockfall that was somehow triggered by the skirmish, it would have given Redtail the opportunity to tell Tigerclaw off once and for all-threaten to make him lose his respected status or something for disobeying a simple order- then Tigerclaw finally being pushed to murder him would have like. Made sense. Instead of “wow Redtail, good job, you’re finally doing what I’ve always wanted! I’m legitimately impressed! now i’m going to kill you” wtf??? come on we were doing so good up until this point why does warriors keep doing this to me
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cuddlycharizard · 5 years
I want to have a go at fixing Redtail’s debt
I haven’t read the book but I read a read through of it. My main issue is the whole Oakheart thing. Great job Erins, can’t even remember a crucial plot point of arc 1. If you don’t know, in this novella Redtail kills Oakheart. Yeah that’s right, no rockfall, at all. Redtail just slits his throat after Oakheart threatened Ravenpaw.
Ok so I’ve got two ways I would fix this story, one going off the death scene alone and the other reworking pretty much the whole story
1) The entire Oakheart death scene
This is how it should have gone down
Redtail pins Oakheart down. Tigerclaw starts goading Redtail into killing him
Redtail almost does but stops, comes to his senses and lets Oakheart go
Tigerclaw is furious and lunges at Oakheart
Redtail grabs Tigerclaw’s scruff to stop him killing Oakheart as Oakheart is hurtled back into the rocks
Oakheart slamming on the rocks causes the rockfall
Redtail lets go of Tigerclaw and tries to dig Oakheart out
Tigerclaw, not caring Redtail just saved his life, grabs Redtail, hauls him away from the rocks and pins him to the ground.
Tigerclaw kills Redtail in basically the same kind of way it goes down in the novella
2) The story
When I first read the previews of chapter 1 and 2 for Redtail’s debt, this is the direction I thought the story would have gone.
At the battle against RiverClan, Oakheart saves Redpaw after he stumbles into the river from battling another warrior
Redtail always remembers the mercy Oakheart showed him and strives to be a warrior like Oakheart.
When reflecting on all his success (becoming deputy) he believes the act of kindness Oakheart showed him is down to it. He modelled himself as a warrior after Oakheart.
He acknowledges that he may have taken up Tigerclaw as a role model before Oakheart saved him, but he is thankful he did not because something unsettles him slightly about Tigerclaw’s ambition.
Note: Tigerclaw will not have been displayed as villainous as he was in the real Redtail’s debt, but there are moments that make Redtail doubt Togerclaw’s intentions but he shrugs it off.
Now onto that fateful battle
Oakheart gets beaten and is at Tigerclaw’s mercy. Tigerclaw is about to kill Oakheart but Redtail hauls him off, leaving Oakheart free to leave. Before running off, Oakheart nods at Redtail, Redtail knows that Oakheart remembers saving him and he knows that his debt to Oakheart has been repayed.
But the disturbance between the three caused the rocks to become loose, Tigerclaw runs away but Redtail is frozen with fear.
Oakheart runs back and shoves Redtail out of the way.
Redtail, horrified, begins to try and shift the rocks, lamenting about how yet again he owes Oakheart his life and how now he can never repay this debt. He realises Oakheart did more for Redtail than Redtail did for him, both in saving life terms and the fact that Redtail is the cat he is because of Oakheart
Tigerclaw hauls Redtail away, calls him weak, a traitor etc and kills him.
Now after this it’s a bit sketchy and I’ve just thought of it so ignore it if you want, it’s based off my headcanon that Redtail became a ghost shortly after his death.
Redtail wakes up, a ghost and realises he will be unable to move on until Tigerclaw has seen justice and he has somehow repaid Oakheart again.
He sits in on Oakheart’s vigil.
He realises that the way he can repay Oakheart is watching over RiverClan a bit as Oakheart would. Redtail manages to guide Mistyfoot’s kits towards Fireheart and Greystripe during the storm, he buffers the current against Silverstream slightly, allowing her to cross the river to get to ThunderClan safely, so even if Silverstream would die, her kits will be fine. He also does an assortment of other things in RiverClan camp, helping Oakheart’s clan mates.
Obviously he’s still very much present in ThunderClan as well.
He causes Tigerclaw to slip on the blood that allows Fireheart to beat him in Bluestar’s den.
Redtail passes on once Tigerclaw is banished
Oakheart collects Redtail and thanks him for everything he did for RiverClan and states that what Redtail did, Oakheart can never repay.
Redtail tells Oakheart the score is even and they don’t owe each other anything. Oakheart nods, they walk into Starclan together, as friends
Sorry if 2 went off on a tangent a bit, but as I did, most of it was made up as I went along on that one
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arcadeghozt · 5 years
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some dude walks into your house, shivs you when you tell him to get out, and then just starts kicking the wall in your kid’s bedroom
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skrs-cats · 5 years
xgjsnfbksjs twitter has been a bombshell of spoilers for me RIP.. I might read lost stars after two weeks (bc im still currently dying over another fandom, and god forbid i just finished a series last week and i cant handle three whiplashes of emotions weekly) but heres what i got so far from what i had been spoiled abt;
-more ghosts apparently? ?? ok thats nice
- i think shadowpaw and bristlepaw are the main favs from the new set of protags so U KNo What that means- my dumb ass will be shooting forward and will be wrapping little ol sweet rootpaw in a Hug
- is bramblestar. ok.
- also i was looking forward to redtails debt but theres a major mistake in it that completely overwrote what actually happened in the first series (from what ive been spoiled again) so im. disappointed. first graystripes kids are mistystar and stonefur and now this? big oof
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candlecatss · 5 years
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mistlestripe · 5 years
Just read redtails debt honestly i cant tell if its worse or not as bad
spoilers and me bitching below
1. the first and least thing that bothered me are the timeskips, which are understable but I would have prefered if they told a new completely new story (like crowfeathers trial-but even that had a moment of retelling but it was actually successful) instead of re-telling what we already know while fucking it up completely
2. the weird timelines, i know like SE’s and stuff fuck it up all the time but like....whos darkstripes dad? Tawnyspots was dead by the time Willowpelt was made a warrior....and whos grey, sand, dust, and ravenpaws parents????? it just skipped all that........ 2.5. also graypaw being an apprentice before redtails death......didnt he say he was on his first night as an apprentice when he met rusty???? I mean that could have been his first night, but not only do i doubt it but also it never announces it, and hes never described as “new apprentice”
3. RAVENPAW....WHY DID THEY DO THAT TO YOU.....They made him a little bitch. mini swiftpaw. swiftpaw 2.0, I tried to ignore it thinking “oh maybe redtails death just made him a little baby” but then i realized. in the first book greypaw says “ravenpaws always been a bit jumpy”, and he was even given tigerclaw to make up for it like PLEASE READ THE BOOK FIRST PLEASE PLEASE....
4. ......do i even have to say it
4(yes i do). oakheart was killed by redtail in an act of “”””protective rage”””” when not only redtail killing him but also oakheart saying he was going to kill ravenpaw is COMPLETELY out of character for him. Oakheart wouldn’t kill a thunderclan cat, especially since bluestar is leader. and Oakheart didnt even attack Ravenpaw, he just said that he’d kill him. its dumb. Redtail would be smart enough to assume hes bluffing (because he ALSO BLUFFED) and not to mention HE WAS KILLED BY ROCKS?? SAYING THAT OAKHEART WAS KILLED BY REDTAIL MAKES RAVENPAW A LIAR AND MAKES THE WHOLE REASON BLUESTAR DIDNT BELIEVE FIREHEARTS FIRST EXPLANATION POINTLESS 
5. good things though, they didnt include anything about :REDACTED:’s book, and the only inclusion of thistleclaw was him agreeing with tigerclaw.
6. I like runningkit and mousekit stuff, but werent they already born when bluestar had her kits??? i dont remember 
7. I like that they showed willow red and spotted as siblings, and I like that they included a little motherly moment with swiftbreeze (and also the cute sparrowpelt/halftail x white-eye/one-eye moment) 
8. I like that tigerclaw does seem like a threat, even though hes the most annoying character I’ve ever read (and even more annoying that redtail didnt tell sunstar the truth) 
9. giving character to the cats is solid (despite incorrect personalities...there werent any boring brackenfur esc cats)
tldr; everything was as good as novellas/SE’s go up until the timeskip to where redtails deputy
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moss-pool · 6 years
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icjsbdoskshsoa are you KIDDING ME
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I posted 33 times in 2022
That's 33 more posts than 2021!
33 posts created (100%)
0 posts reblogged (0%)
I tagged 33 of my posts in 2022
#twolegs' pov - 29 posts
#warrior cats - 25 posts
#pinestar - 6 posts
#bluefur - 6 posts
#tw death - 4 posts
#sunning rocks - 3 posts
#tw animal death - 3 posts
#not a log - 3 posts
#snowfur - 3 posts
#yellowfang - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 23 characters
#redtail's debt spoilers
My Top Posts in 2022:
LOG 27
Hailstar died. Crookedjaw disappeared over the Moor Clan territory and his chip had the same kind of malfunction/all vitals flaring/whatever that is than Raggedstar and Sunstar had. I swear those guys are having some kind of trial by pain or something to become head of clan.
8 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
The other day i was biking around Chelford when I almost ran over Pine Starr, so I stopped and kept going by foot. I then decided to go in the bushes and observe him with my binoculars - I talked to the Starr and most neighbours, they know if they see a weird guy spying on them it’s normal, and I’m only interested by their cats - and crouched behind a tree stump. That’s how I noticed a group of three cats going to the old squat. To be honest tho it’s not been squatted in ages, but it’s still abandonned and in decrepite state.
The three cats were a solid white (with darker ear tips, my binoculars revealed to me) cat, a silver-grey one with long whiskers and a plumy tail, and a... I don’t know? A russian blue maybe? Anyway the last one looks way more blue than any cat should be allowed to be.
I regret not putting a cam in the garden of the squat, because the silver grey slipped in it through the broken fence, while the two others... stood guard? Probably?
Anyway at some point a tortoiseshell cat belonging to the Mitchells (i think?) came wandering around and the other two cats just... started screaming at it and threatening it. The tortoiseshell cat, obviously, didn’t stay long. Then the two other cats went inside the garden too and all three went back to the forest with huge packages of grass in their mouths and between their chin and chest.
I didn’t understand why on earth they would specifically come to town to get grass so I went in the garden and saw that there was a huge part of it covered in catnip, which is known to make felines (and not just cats, lions and panthers too) crazy. Just... the cats were so calm, bringing it back to wherever they went? I don’t know what’s going on. Do they, like... use the catnip for recreationnal use and wanted to be in a safe place before doing it? No that’s way too stupid an explanation.
Still, what else is there?
9 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
Some interesting news from my trailcams I reckon, although I’m only ready to talk about it now that I’ve calmed down, mainly thanks to the aid of calming tea (it’s a brewing recipe I got from my mom I might write it down there some day, but in the mean time this is supposed to be a notebook full of notes for my thesis, no my diary).
Remember those trailcams I put at Druid’s Hollow? Well I had stopped them from recording because the number of rabbits, blackbirds etc which crossed their sensors was astounding and also using electricity for naught. But last night was the full moon, and I remembered it was the full moon too when I first stumbled upon all those cats, so I put them on, on recording, and went to bed.
Morning, waking up, completely forgot I had this set up, went to the Mitchells’ for a cup of tea, we’re starting to become good friends. Mr Mitchells works nightshifts and went back home as I was arriving, with hot croissants and cookies from the bakery down the road. As we settled around a cup of tea, Mrs Mitchells told me she had insomnia and had taken on to walk to the edge of the woods last night, and had suddenly understood why people living closer than her from the forest would think it was haunted.
“Why so?” I asked.
“Because” was her response “every full moon there’s an unholy amount of mewing coming from the forest all through the night”
At that point I remembered my cams and sprung up, told them about the set up and my previous encounter, and invited them home to watch the whole thing with me. Mr Mitchells said he was going to sleep after his night shift, but Mrs Mitchells and their visiting student daughter, Eleanor, were interested and came with me.
Put on the recording from one of the cameras. Beginning of the night. FIfteen, maybe more, cats arrive, from the forest, led by a little guy with golden fur I had hunted down and tagged at sunfall and whom I thus named Sunfall, as well as Goosefeather, and the prussian blue, Bluefur as I named her, and a few others I’ll spare you.
Sunfall leaped on the big rock in the center, and all the cats just... kinda waited there. Then the River cats arrived, led by Hailstar,, and then the Moor and Swamp cats arrived too. I’ve got to tag all of those. Eleanor Mitchells pointed at a black and white Moor Cat and said he had been locked in the Crawley house at some point with their cat Jake. So now I know who Jake belongs to at last! I might get my underwear back at some point!
Anyway Hailstar, Cedarstar, Sunfall and Heatherstar... wait. I think I just realized right now that the three cats whom I named “star” were all from a different clan and all leading their groups... OK let’s say I name the leaders “star” and rename Sunfall Sunstar, even if it’s a weird name, because this way I can browse through my notes, look for “star” and know I’m talking about a leader. Yeah also my data showed recently that Sunf...star had started moving on the same patterns as Pinestar did before he left to live at the Appleby’s. I didn’t tag him before three days after Pinestar took permanent residence in town, so maybe it wasn’t instantaneous, but I definitely have to study more my daytime videos of the Forest Group camp.
The four “star” all went to the top of the great rock and, one after the other, just... meowed loudly for a long time. All the other cats just... stared at them. It was... very eery. Then all four went down the rock, cats from all groups started to meddle, for half an hour it was just... cats meowing like it was nobody’s business, then it started raining and all four “star” cats just... meowed very violently and the four groups dispersed.
It feels very much like I’m in a found footage horror movie and am going to be brutally murdered by a bunch of wild cats.
10 notes - Posted October 10, 2022
LOG 13
Cut short my log the other day because Snowfur had been hit by a car and I jumped on my bike to see if there was a way to help her, but by the time I was outside my garage, her vitals were all flat.
Ever since, Bluefur’s been staying in camp and Thistleclaw (Snowfur’s mate? I think?) has been avoiding or attacking her on a regular basis.
I don’t know why, but that dark tabby for whom I haven’t decided a name yet, Pinestar’s son, has completely lost it on a poor black kitten who I’m sure is from the Daniels’ housecat? Luckily my dear old Bluefur saved the little guy but boy was that violent!
On an unrelated note, Yellowfang is clearly nearing her term, I can’t wait to see what her kittens look like!
10 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The other day I was hiking in the forest, going from Allerton to Chelford, and decided to go to Druid’s Hollow while I was at it, which is a landmark signaled in the guides.
Anyway I had greatly underestimated the time it would take to go on foot from Allerton to Chelford, and the sun started to set, which is never a good thing when you’re hiking in a forest you don’t know, but I knew that Druid’s Hollow was straight before me, and there was a dirt road from there to a bridge across the river, and then it was a ten minutes jog to the Morgan Farm camping, so even if I couldn’t find my way to Chelford before the night, I knew there would be people to ask for a ride there or at least a phone to call a taxi not that far from where I was.
The moon was full which might have contributed to the spooky atmosphere, but as I saw the gigantic oaks that formed Druid’s Hollow from afar, I started hearing meowings. Like, much more meowings than cats normally use, I should know, I’ve spent my childhood taking care of cats, both wild and pets, and wild cats generally dont meow if not to kittens. But anyway, I keep going, because, hey, wild cats or not, I’ve got to go there to take the dirtroad to Morgan Farm.
And when I set foot on Druid’s Hollow... there were at least fifty cats, including four on a big rock in the middle. That was... well, Spooky to say the least. But also, there was something about those cats. They all stopped meowing and stared at me. They were... I don’t know how to express it. First thing, they were bigger than any normal wild cats I ever saw. Secondly, they seemed way smarter than normal cats, and normal cats are already smart enough. And thirdly, one of the cats had a completely crooked jaw, an injury no cat would survive in nature, but it was fine and well here, like it had been healed, and sorry but even veterinaries would have trouble healing such an injury - I should know, I interviewed quite a lot during my studies.
So anyway I ran away but I had hesitated too long to pick my thesis subject (I’m a major in nature preservation) and I only have one week left to chose. So I’m pretty sure I’m going to come back there. For research purposes.
I’m writing a thesis on those weird cats.
19 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
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bladealvis · 6 years
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cryptidslugreads · 4 years
wait i jus realized, it said frostfur an goldenflowers kits
i didn realize bramblekit an tawnykit were born this early? thought it happened later on
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My few thoughts about new Warriors' books, spoiler alert!
Lost Stars is interesting, seriously, all the main characters are appreciable, but I have to finish the spoilers so idk
Shadowstar's novella is sad but nothing special btw
Redtail's Debt was a disappointment, I really liked Redtail's personality, but they were probably to scared to mess with the timeline, so they just pick a random fight with windclan and make Tigerclaw obviously evil. Even after this, they still messed up with continuity and made a huge mistake in the end, seriously, change an important story point just to do sad stuff is bad, at least for me, everyone can have their opinion tbh
Tawnypelt's Clan is surprisingly a cute novella, seriously, it has Tawnypelt POV, her love for Rowanclaw is so pure and tragic, plus her bond with Dovewing and Shadowkit is so adorable. Last, there is the tribe and Stormfur is there, alive as well with new kits. My fav novella of this collection
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giftplane · 5 years
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“I don’t owe you anything, anymore.”
I used @draikinator ‘s redtail design for this! nvn
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