#reena feng
lumi-klovstad-games · 2 years
My Destiny 2 Guardian OCs Masterpost
Critical story stuff is titled in bold, everything else is short shitposting or fun/interesting filler.
The Basics (who they are, their pre-Forsaken history, why and how the fireteam fell apart)
Kaya-Sei giving Eris Morn a run for her money
Kaya-Sei's views on being made a Guardian without her consent and why she detests her Ghost, Grimsby, so much
Ramses-17 gets the first inkling of really understanding Kaya
Kaya-Sei partakes in some Dawning fun
The Return To Twilight Gap: Ramses-17 undergoes a major epiphany, story begins to get fleshed out in earnest
Kaya-Sei's feelings on Zavala (not hard to guess)
Ramses-17 reveals how he feels about practically everybody to a VHS tape (not entirely what you'd expect)
Simple Gifts: wherein our beloved Renegade inherits something dear, and has a major heart to heart with her sister.
The Vow of the Worthy: Kaya-Sei resolves to carry on her mentor's will.
Kaya-Sei snarks about Savathun (also she and Ramses are finally speaking again and generally not trying to kill each other)
Pulsar Hammers: in which Ramses-17 decides to become Robo-Thor with Reena's help, ends up founding a new Titan order.
Savathun's on Mars, Clovis Bray is being sketchy, and our favorite Renegade Hunter shows up again after a three year absence...
...and her hair has gotten much longer.
This will be pinned and updated as shenanigans ensue.
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jornal-do-reboucas · 5 years
Oscar Niemeyer será a maior sede da 14ª Bienal de Curitiba
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A 14ª Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporânea de Curitiba: “Fronteiras em Aberto” será inaugurada oficialmente neste sábado (21), no Museu Oscar Niemeyer (MON). O maior museu de arte da América Latina é também a maior sede do evento, apresentando o trabalho de aproximadamente 100 artistas distribuídos entre as Salas 1, 2, 4, 9, 11, Espaço Araucária, Torre, Olho e Espaço Externo.
Excepcionalmente neste sábado, em razão da abertura da Bienal, a visitação ao MON será encerrada às 17h. A bilheteria fará a venda de ingressos até as 16h. A visitação às salas da Bienal, com entrada gratuita, terá início às 18h.
Com destaque à participação de artistas contemporâneos dos países do Brics (Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul), as obras expostas contam com curadoria de Adolfo Montejo Navas (Espanha), Tereza de Arruda (Brasil/Alemanha), Ernestine White-Mifetu (África do Sul), Gabriela Urtiaga (Argentina), Massimo Scaringella (Itália), Daniel Faust (Suíça), Esenija Bannan (Rússia), Lu Zhengyuan (China) e Li Xiangning (China).
“A Bienal é o conhecimento do novo e o revisionismo necessário. O olhar novo e o novo olhar. É um continente novo para quem precisa migrar em busca de novas inspirações. São 25 anos de reinvenção”, afirma o secretário estadual da Comunicação Social e da Cultura, Hudson José.
A diretora-presidente do Museu Oscar Niemeyer, Juliana Vosnika, diz que o MON, orgulhosamente, é um dos espaços oficiais do evento. “Aqui, exposições e atividades da Bienal não se limitam às paredes internas do prédio e vão além. O público se surpreende com instalações na área externa, performances ou propostas interativas no vão livre, além das significativas exposições nas salas oficiais”, explica.
Juliana afirma ainda que, como instituição, o Museu Oscar Niemeyer compartilha do mesmo objetivo da Bienal: extrapolar paredes e fronteiras. “O principal desafio do MON é estar cada vez mais próximo do público e incentivar a sociedade a fazer parte do cotidiano do Museu, o que o mantém vivo e dinâmico”.
Assim como a Bienal, o objetivo do Museu é transbordar arte e através dela atingir cada cidadão. “Olhamos para o futuro tendo a certeza do quanto ele depende do acesso à cultura. Parabéns, Bienal, por contribuir para manter as fronteiras sempre abertas por meio da arte”, diz Juliana.
Bienal no MON: espaços expositivos
A sala abriga duas exposições em homenagem aos países integrantes do Brics. A primeira, de curadoria da sul-africana Ernestine White, traz trabalhos dos artistas Buhlebezwe Siwani (ZA), James Webb (ZA), Khaya Witbooi (ZA), Lerato Shadi Mosako Wa Nako (ZA), Lucky Mbonani (ZA), Mary Sibande (ZA), Noria Mabasa (ZA), Sethembile Msezane (ZA) e Simphiwe Ndzube (ZA).
A segunda exposição tem como curadora Tereza de Arruda, com obras de Farnese de Andrade Neto (BR), Isabelle Borges (BR), Navjot Altaf (IN), Rakhi Peswani (IN) e Reena Kallat (IN).
Seguindo as homenagens ao grupo Brics, a sala exibe obras de artistas contemporâneos brasileiros, russos e chineses. Sob curadoria de Adolfo Montejo, ganha destaque Cildo Meireles, um dos maiores artistas contemporâneos brasileiros. Os curadores Tereza de Arruda, Esenjia Bannan e Lu Zhengyuan trazem artistas como: AES + F (RU), Bai Xiaogang (CN), Berna Realle (BR), Cao Jigang (CN), Chen Shuxia (CN), Fan Bo (CN), Fan Xueyi (CN), Huang Wong Sally (CN), Ilya e Emilia Kabakov (RU), Kang Jianfei (CN), Kang Lei (CN), Li Xiangqun (CN), Leonardo Kossoy (BR), Liu Qinghe (CN), Liu Zheng (CN), Luo Fahui (CN), Pang Maokun (CN), Sergei Tchoban (RU), Sui Jianguo (CN), Tan Xun (CN), Wang Chengyun (CN), Xiong Yu (CN), Yan Feng (CN), Yu Xiangming (CN), Zhan Wang (CN) e Zhang Congyun (CN).
A exposição “Entremundos”, de curadoria de Adolfo Montejo Navas, apresenta o trabalho dos artistas brasileiros Alex Flemming, Mario Cravo Neto, Anna Maria Maiolino, Ana Vitória Mussi, Arthur Bispo do Rosário, Arthur Omar, Cao Guimarães, Eliane Prolik, Geórgia Kyriakakis, Julio Leite, Marcelo Cipis, Paulo Bruscky, Paulo Climachauska, Raul Mourão, Rejane Cantoni, Rubens Gerchman, Victor Arruda, Ana Dantas, André Vallias, Anna Bella Geiger, Giselle Beiguelman, Nelson Leirner, Regina Vater e Márcia X.
A Bienal ocupa também a Sala 9, onde temporariamente funciona o Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Paraná. Nesse espaço estarão expostas obras de artistas chineses e sul-africanos, sob curadoria de Massimo Scaringella e Ernestine White.
Na Sala 9, a Bienal apresenta também projetos de arquitetura contemporânea sob curadoria do suíço Daniel Faust, responsável pelo Circuito de Arquitetura da Bienal.
A curadora argentina Gabriela Urtiaga apresenta uma mostra de mulheres artistas argentinas, sob discussões estéticas e etimológicas no que tange a relação entre feminismo(s) e arte contemporânea, através do trabalho das artistas Catalina Leòn, Diana Aisenberg, Inés Drangosch, Inès Raiteri, Karina El Azem, Marisa Caichiolo e Teresa Pereda. A sala também conta com a curadoria de Massimo Scaringella, que traz ao público trabalhos de Alexis Minkiewicz (AR), Christian Balzano (IT), Daniel Mullen (GB), Hannes Egger (IT), Hannu Palosuo (FI), Jorge Miño (AR), Meital Katz Minerbo (IL), Philipp Messner (IT), Raquel Fayad (BR), Silvana Camilotti (BR), Stefano Cagol (IT), Virginia Ryan (AU), Jane Katharina di Renzo / Ineke Reinders (DE/TR), Elena Dahn (AR), César Meneghetti (BR), Patricia Claro (CL), Yan Longjiao (CN), Dai Hua (CN), Wang Jingwei (CN), Valérie Oka (CI), Igor Grubic (HR), Annu Palakunnathu Matthew (IN), Adriana Omodei (IT), Agnese Purgatorio (IT), Sergio Racanati (IT), Antonio Trimani (IT), Yohan Han (KR), Shay Frisch (IL), Munkhjargal Jargalsaikhan (MN), Hassan Meer (OM), Muzna Almusafer (OM), Su Hui-Yu (TW) e Yao Juichung (TW).
Na Torre, em direção ao Olho do MON, o público poderá conferir trabalhos dos artistas Eduardo Scala (ES), Joan Brossa (ES) e Nicanor Parra (CL). No Espaço Araucária, será exibido o trabalho de Eduardo Kac (BR).
O Olho apresenta o tema geral da 14ª Bienal de Curitiba: “Fronteiras em Aberto”. Sob a curadoria de Adolfo Montejo Navas, os visitantes terão contato com obras dos artistas Antoni Muntadas (ES), Arthur Omar (BR), Daniel Canogar (ES) e Juan Luis Moraza (ES). Tereza de Arruda Adriane Guimarães (BR), Anne Le Troter (FR), Brigitte Waldach (DE), Clemens Krauss (AU), Emmanuel Bornstein (FR), Gaëlle Choisne (FR), Gerda Lepke (DE), Hito Steyerl (DE), Jasmina Metwaly/Philip Rizk (PL/CY), Liv Schulmann (AR/FR), Nino Rezende (BR), Olaf Nicolai (DE), Reena Kallat (IN), Thu Van Tran (VN), Tobias Zielony (DE) e Veronika Kellndorfer (DE), sob curadoria de Tereza de Arruda.
Na parte externa do MON, será possível visitar as obras de Alex Caminiti (IT), Jairo Valdati (BR) e Marcos Amaro (BR), com curadoria de Massimo Scaringella, além da artista Ana Vitória Mussi (BR), com curadoria de Adolfo Montejo Navas.
SOBRE A BIENAL - A 14ª Bienal de Curitiba acontece de 21 de setembro de 2019 até 1° de março de 2020. Nesta edição, conta com o tema “Fronteiras em Aberto”, assinado pelos curadores Adolfo Montejo Navas e Tereza de Arruda. A programação geral terá a participação de artistas dos cinco continentes, com destaque para artistas da Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul – países membros do bloco Brics.
Esta edição ocupará todos os museus e centros culturais de Curitiba e também terá sedes em outras cinco cidades do Paraná, além de Florianópolis (Santa Catarina) e Brasília (Distrito Federal).
Ao longo dos meses de evento, o público contará com uma agenda intensa de circuitos, palestras, intervenções urbanas e oficinas, como os já tradicionais Circuito de Galerias, Circuito de Arquitetura, Circuito de Ateliês, Circuito Universitário (CUBIC), Semana de Performances, entre outros.
Por fim, expandindo ainda mais suas fronteiras, a Bienal contará com uma programação de mostras internacionais em países da América do Sul e Europa. A programação completa pode ser conferida nas redes sociais e no site da Bienal de Curitiba.
Instagram: @bienaldecuritiba
Patrocínio: Furnas, Copel, Havan e Bergerson.
REALIZAÇÃO - Secretaria da Comunicação Social e da Cultura do Governo do Paraná, Fundação Cultural de Curitiba, Prefeitura Municipal de Curitiba, Secretaria Especial da Cultura do Ministério da Cidadania do Governo Federal.
SERVIÇO - A visitação ao MON será encerrada às 17h. A bilheteria fará a venda de ingressos até as 16h. A visitação às salas da Bienal, com entrada gratuita, terá início às 18h.
Museu Oscar Niemeyer (MON) - Rua Marechal Hermes, 999 - Curitiba – Paraná.
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lumi-klovstad-games · 2 years
Renegade Hunter Kaya-Sei returning to the Solar System after having fucked off to Mara-Sov-only-knows-where doing Mara-Sov-only-knows-what for several years:
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lumi-klovstad-games · 4 years
Ramses-17 has taken to referring to Savathûn as "The Taken Queen" in his briefings with the loosely reassembled Fireteam Opera.
Kaya-Sei's response:
"Savathûn wouldn't know an actual queen if one sent me to kick her ass. And wouldn't you know it? One just did."
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lumi-klovstad-games · 4 years
Kaya-Sei, finally visiting the upper levels of the Tower again with regularity, but wearing her helmet around Zavala at all times and generally being a heroic mime around him when she's not lurking menacingly on the borders of his peripheral vision like a ghost out of an old horror flick.
She starts using words as soon as he begins to visibly squirm from discomfort.
'Tis an uneasy peace.
Cayde would be proud.
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lumi-klovstad-games · 4 years
Ramses-17, hearing stories of the ancient god Thor from Reena Feng, started putting ideas and calculations through his head.
"Hey Bookclub, you and me... we could make it work."
"Make what work?"
"I fail to see how--"
Ramses punched a rock in full Striker mode, then pulled out his Sunbreaker Devastator Maul.
"That. In this."
Reena Feng paused for thought.
"That... might be doable..."
The history of the Titan orders would go on to record a new chapter of Titans was born that day:
The Pulsar Hammers.
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lumi-klovstad-games · 5 years
Simple Gifts
“I hate you.”
Kaya-Sei whispered as she grimaced in the Traveler’s direction from the wreckage of the Old Guardian Tower.
“You took so much from everyone. You may have been trying to help, but it wasn’t worth it. If you hadn’t come here, the Darkness never would have found Earth. The Collapse never would have happened, the Awoken would have never been made... things would have been better. Nothing you brought with you was worth the suffering that followed you. And my sister and I would have been free to live and die on our own terms if you’d never come. I hate this immortality. I hate that I wasn’t asked or given a choice. Most of all, I hate you.”
“It really was just trying to help, sis. That’s what it does. It helps people.” Reena’s sweet voice bubbled through the wreckage of what had been the old courtyard. “It’s no less than either of us try to do every day.”
Kaya-Sei turned, and in what was by now a very rare occurrence, removed her helmet in front of a Guardian. Of course, it wasn’t just any Guardian. It was her twin sister.
“Keyword: try.”
Reena sighed.
“Try is all anyone can do anymore.” she said, wandering the ruins of the shattered courtyard, examining bits and pieces of a past neither could go back to, including the scorched husk of the tree that had given her a place to read and keep an eye on things at the same time. “I’ll never get used to seeing this place ruined like this. Red Legion really did a number on this place.”
“You say that every time we come here, Reen.”
“And it’ll always be true.”
“Remember the poetry competitions we had here?”
“Remember Cayde’s submissions?”
Kaya-Sei laughed a genuinely heartfelt laugh for the first time in a time too long to really consider.
“Those attempts at verse that turned into hilarious rambles about whatever was on his robotic hamster brain at the moment? Unforgettable.”
“And Ikora’s overly pretentious and hypercalculated sonnets?”
Kaya-Sei smiled. When she wanted it to be, it was like it all happened yesterday. That, of course, was part of the problem.
“I miss those, Reen. I like the freedom Mara gives me, but the Reef is just a little short on poetry slams.”
“You could visit the new Tower more often, Kai. I heard Zavala finally offered to bury the hatchet after you saved his neck in that bunker in the EDZ.”
Kaya-Sei paused, and looked up at the sky, which had clouded over and was beginning to give the first drops of rain.
“I’ll give it some more thought. It’s just not the same without Cayde there.”
“Saint wishes you were around more. I know that much. He says that he really enjoyed that snowball fight and was hoping for a rematch some time.”
“Snowball MASSACRE was more like it.” Kaya-Sei chuckled, “I will confess, I do like Saint.”
“Might even get Saint to strongarm Shaxx into taking part in a poetry slam. I know Drifter wants in on one. Guy’s going stir crazy in the Annex.”
Kaya-Sei paused for a long while. Grimsby, her ghost, floated around the periphery, knowing enough about his relationship with Kaya-Sei to not say anything to her. He knew his opinions, no matter what they were, were violently unwelcome. Unwelcome though they were, Grimsby still had them, many of them in fact. One of them was that Kaya-Sei needed to spend more time around her fellow Guardians, the only people who could truly understand her. After a few seconds that seemed like an eternity to Grimsby’s machine intelligence, Kaya-Sei finally spoke up.
“Okay, Reen, you win. I’ll visit, but only if you can promise to rope Holliday, Jalal, and Lakshmi into your next little poetry slam too.”
“Yeah, Jalal’s win that time really floored me too. You’d never expect a guy that frumpy to have a secret artistic side.”
“I know, right? Just be advised, Petra and I are gonna work HARD on the poem I’ll be bringing.” Kaya-Sei’s face was now full of mischief, and Reena breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Her sister was still underneath all that ‘Queen’s Shadow’ business, after all.
“If it gets you to show up, I’ll overlook that breach of our usual rules.” Reena half-joked. Her face straightened quickly. “Hey, uh, Kai? I got a present for you. Well, not really a present, but, Cayde left a will, and everything.”
“Yeah, I got the Ace.”
“That’s not all he left you.”
Kaya-Sei’s expression turned to confusion as Reena Feng produced a bundle of black cloth. It was badly worn, with red accents. As Kaya-Sei unfurled it, its identity became obvious.
“This is...” she muttered, holding back tears.
“I don’t really understand you Hunters much, but he wanted you to have this. “Any weapon worth using needs some sights to keep it on target”, he said.”
Kaya-Sei sank to her knees, clutching the cloth that had belonged to a Guardian who had been absolutely everything to her.
“Th-thanks Sis. I think I need to be alone for a while.”
“It’s okay Kai. I get it.” Reena leaned over Kaya-Sei and kissed her sister on the forehead, “We’ll meet up later, yeah? And, uh, keep me in the loop about this business with Ana Bray and Rasputin, okay? I’m always ready to help.”
Reena Feng left as quickly as she arrived, leaving Kaya-Sei alone with a silent ghost and her own thoughts.
“Yeah. Okay.” She finally responded to nobody.
She looked to the Traveler and buried her cheek into Cayde’s old cloak, silent tears dripping into the old fibers.
“I guess maybe you did give a few gifts worth having, after all.”
Grimsby wasn’t certain, but he thought maybe, just maybe, his Guardian was still smiling into those old clothes.
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lumi-klovstad-games · 5 years
Ramses-17′s opinions on Destiny 2′s cast in the unfortunate event of his Death or Amnesia
The Prompt: Your Guardian, or a character of your choice, making video logs in case they die or start losing their memories
*shuffles nervously in front of the camera*
Hey you... so, I guess I’m either dead-dead or I’ve lost my memory completely. If I’m dead, I hope I pulled a Cayde-6 and went out like an absolute badass, defiant to the end. I mean, not that I’m eager to punch out or anything, but I at least hope my death measures up to what I hope my life amounted to. Preferably, even more so, but that’s a tall order. It’s been quite a life so far.
Some notes: I hope Saint-14 is still hanging around. If he is, go say hi. Make friends with him. He’s a damn good example of the very best of us. The image of a Guardian. He’s the icon I strive to live up to -- he taught me what it means to be a Titan and a Guardian. Just don’t don’t engage in a snowball fight with him. I don’t care how tempting it seems.
Be nice to Zavala. Yes, he’s made some dick calls, I mean, really dick calls... but his one love and loyalty is the City. Everything he’s done, smart or not, kind or not, was in its defense. He just... doesn’t understand that not all Guardians are like him, I think. You can get the story of what went down between us from Ikora, Shaxx, or Reena Feng but... dammit I’m just no good at telling stories. Point is, don’t judge him too harshly. There’s a good man underneath that gruff and social ineptness. Kind of like me, I guess.
Speaking of Reena Feng... it’s taken me a while to come to terms with the girl, and the choices she made, but ultimately... she made a better call than I did at the time. Showing mercy to Kaya-Sei was absolutely the right call, and I’m glad she was there to stop me. If she hadn’t been there, I think I would have regretted my decisions forever. If it’s Ramses-18 watching? Go thank that plucky Warlock. Say 17 told you to do it. She’ll laugh it off, tell a joke to try to deflect how much it makes her feel, but she’ll really appreciate it. With luck, you’ll be best friends with her, just like I used to be.
On the note of Kaya-Sei: she’s not that different from Zavala. She’s stuck in her way of seeing the world, but she’s not a bad person. If you cross paths with her, don’t treat her like the traitor everyone says she is. You can absolutely trust her, and this is coming from me, so that’s gotta mean something. Normally I wouldn’t say “trust the personal hitwoman of Mara Sov”, but if Kaya’s involved, take her side. She’s damn well earned that apology from me. Also her judgment is much better than it looks from the outside, which is a good thing because sometimes she really looks like a moron. Don’t tell her I said that. I mean, the part where I called her a moron. Go ahead and flatter her with the bit where I said she has good judgment. Mostly because it’s true.
Quick bits: Ikora Rey? Excellent sagely counselor. If you have concerns, she has some of the best advice out there. If you’re concerned about where to turn or what to do, ask her. You won’t regret it.
Drifter? Keep well away from that smarmy bastard. Something about him doesn’t add up, and the loot just isn’t worth the risk.
Ada-9: Worth kissing up to. Her gear is second to none. Just... learn to put up with the attitude; it’s not going away.
Devrim Kay: I may not have taste buds, but his tea is so good I’ve forgotten that fact any number of times. You can rely on him too. He may not have a Ghost, but he’s every inch a guardian in my book.
Asher Mir: ...kind of an asshole with a heart of jerk. Deal with him only when you must.
Sloane: Lady gets stuff done. Can be gruff, but don’t let it get to you. She’s worth getting to know.
Failsafe: I used to stop by every weekend and play board games with her. You should too. I know she likes the intellectual stimulation and the company.
Ana Bray: Ana Bray.... what do I say about her? That she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen? That I’m grateful to have ever known her? That she’s kick ass? That she helped me discover some bits about myself before I was all... metal? Ana’s brave and beautiful and unconventional and a trouble magnet, but she’s up there with the best of us. She should be a legend, in my opinion. But maybe I’m biased. If you’re watching this, Ramses-18: go get her, Tiger. 
Eris Morn: Queen of spookiness. Has a knack for knowing where we should really make our stand. You should absolutely dance in front of her. The worst that can happen is raisins. *barely contained laughter* 
Emperor Calus: Bad news, and definitely that “friend” nobody should like. Steer clear.
Xur: Oh dear god, ditto. Even if his loot is awesome, he’s shifty as hell and keep an eye on him. You don’t need his gear anyway. A real Guardian makes do and has plenty of tools in every situation anyway. Whatever he’s selling, you don’t need it. Even if it is really, really cool.
Tess Everis: Shrewd woman. Offers some neat stuff, but keep your hand on your cash when you deal with her, because she’ll probably rob you blind and call it “commerce”. Cayde never did finish that investigation of whether or not she ran Eververse sweat shops in the City. You should look into that for me.
Fenchurch Everis: I really don’t think he exists. Tess 100% made him up. I mean, has anyone ever actually seen him? Like, in person? Exactly. He’s pure fiction and you need to tell Tess to knock those stupid stories off.
Petra Venj: God I hate her. But... *sighs* she occasionally makes a good point and she’s handy in a fight. Also, if you kill her, I’m pretty sure Kaya-Sei will go all hitwoman on you and you will not make it through the rest of the week so play nice, I guess.
Mara Sov: Everything I just said about Petra Venj goes triple for Mara Sov.
Mithrax: Pretty damn chill for a Fallen.
Spider: Same, and oddly trustworthy. Do not trust him anyway, just for pragmatism’s sake.
Osiris: Means well but will 100% screw you over purely by accident. Keep your distance, but be ready for Ikora to draft you into cleaning up his latest mess on a monthly basis.
Banshee-44: Ever seen an Exo with Alzheimer’s? Banshee’s as close as you get. I heard a rumor that 44 is just the amount of reboots he lost count at. Either way, he’s got a memory like a sieve, but it’s hard to find a better gunsmith. Be patient with him. He’s been through more than I could possibly know.
Shaxx: He’s loud, he’s proud, he will get you killed many, many, many times, but he’ll help you stand back up every time. He’s quality guardian.
Lord Saladin: He’s grim, but like Eris, he comes by it honestly. Make sure he adds my name to his list.
Amanda Holliday: God I love her. She’ll have more than few tales to tell you about me. Not just me, lots of interesting stuff from our recent history. I think she’s seen almost as much as I have, and in a much shorter span. I have no clue how she keeps it together, but she does, and I’m grateful.
Suraya Hawthorne: I mean, she’s a nice gal and a great ally, but I think her desk job is getting to her -- sometimes it seems like she doesn’t realize how much stuff actually happened since she took her posting in the Tower. Poor girl needs some time in the field again if you ask me.
Who else is left? I guess I should mention Caesar, my ghost. Hopefully he’s watching over a Ramses-18, who is hopefully watching this. We’ve been through some times together, and hopefully, he’s there to get you through some more. I couldn’t ask for a more stalwart partner.
I guess all that’s left is me. I’ve always been a survivor. From Twilight Gap all the way to the Crimson Spire Offensive, I’ve made it through battle after battle. If I’ve lost my memory, maybe in some way it’s a blessing. I can’t begin to tell you the things that witnessing what I have does to a mind. Sometimes it’s better to simply know what you’ve faced and overcome and not know the details. I wouldn’t choose to forget any of it, but... if I have, I’d be hard pressed to say I regret the loss. But if you’re watching this, I don’t care if you’re Ramses-18 or someone else: by watching this, you’re picking up a piece of my legacy.
Go on and make something great with it. Most (keyword: MOST) of the folks I’ve mentioned will help. But you’ve sat and listened to an old Exo reminisce long enough. The future’s yours, Guardian. Go build it.
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lumi-klovstad-games · 5 years
Fireteam Canon
Since I don't take time to figure out who's following this blog vs who's reblogging my OC content, I often wonder if a given person reblogging one of my short fics about Kaya-Sei, Reena Feng, or Ramses-17 actually has any idea who these people are, or what the canon behind them is.
Like, I certainly think that they do. I hope they do.
The idea of people reblogging Simple Gifts by itself, for instance, without any knowledge of the context of Kaya-Sei's little speech to the Traveler, or why she doesn't visit the tower, or why Grimsby doesn't say anything to her, etc... That's just slightly puzzling.
Like, I appreciate that my work is appreciated, but... Maybe I need to do periodic masterposts where I link things together.
And since I'm under a Bunker Down mandate, I have a ton of free time, so I'm thinking about going back and revisiting some of Fireteam Opera's canon and putting it into similar short fic form. Would anyone care to know what canonically went down between these losers from a more personal standpoint? Or how the team came to form in the first place? Any potential customers there?
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lumi-klovstad-games · 5 years
So, it's canon that EXOs have weird dreams right?
Well Ramses-17 has been having even stranger ones, and he's beginning to suspect they're memories from the man before the EXO. Gradually, he's coming to understand Reena Feng and Kaya-Sei's drive to know who they were before they were Guardians.
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lumi-klovstad-games · 5 years
Ghost names
My Titan, Ramses-17, named his Caesar and he's basically like an orderly for a staff officer in terms of personality: deadpan with moments of snark out of left field. Frankly kind of boring.
My Hunter, Kaya-Sei, has a Ghost named Grimsby. Grimsby and Kaya pretty well despise each other, and only interact (or even look at each other) inasmuch as their jobs require them to. Kaya is fond of letting him take hits that she knows won’t leave him damaged, and seldom calls him by his name, preferring to call him “Thief” because, well, umm, some pretty good reasons.
My Warlock, Reena Feng, has a Ghost named Volga, and she's a semi-psychotic ball of mischief and curiosity who should never ever be left unattended because she will MERCILESSLY prank any unsuspecting bystanders in the vicinity unless she's given pressing work to do.
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lumi-klovstad-games · 5 years
My Destiny 2 OCs
I did say this was coming.
My 3 characters are a former fireteam (Fireteam Opera) that chronologically served together for most to all of the first game. My Hunter and Warlock are twin sisters that were raised as guardians together at the beginning of the main campaign, while the Titan was assigned to them later, during the House of Wolves Uprising.
The team split during the events of Forsaken, each of them processing Cayde’s death differently.
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Race: Awoken
Callsign: Longarm
Ghost’s name: Grimsby
Kaya-Sei, as the hunter of Fireteam Opera, knew Cayde the best. She respected him the most. What their relationship was… whatever it was… it couldn’t be quantified or labeled. They were whatever the other needed. It wasn’t for no reason that Kaya inherited the Ace of Spades. She’d considered him family for a long time. Though skilled in the use of all weapon types, she prefers to use a bow and arrow in battle, and failing that, an assortment of knives, and Trust, a custom handcannon given to her by the Drifter. While a member of Fireteam Opera, her callsign was “Longarm”, befitting her preference for fighting from a distance and love of old westerns.
Before Cayde’s death, she was an exceptionally warm and kind Guardian, always quick with a joke or witty remark. Far from being a cold sniper, she brought life and light to her comrades, and showed a great deal of sympathy for the Eliksni, or “The Fallen” as other Guardians called them. She did not share this sympathy with the more overt followers of the Darkness, such as the Hive and the Vex, however. She did manage some level of respect for the Cabal, though this was largely the respect one affords a worthy opponent, which persisted even after the Red War.
There was some thought among Commander Zavala and Ikora Rey that Kaya-Sei might have taken Cayde’s place as the Hunter Vanguard, but these hopes were quickly dashed as Kaya’s mood steadily darkened, and she took more and more solo operations, each one riskier and more reckless than the last, and the body count she left behind did nothing but grow. When on team operations, she was cold, distant, and she seldom obeyed orders, preferring to go her own way to inflict the most fatalities possible and cause as much terror and pain among the enemy as she could. Cayde’s death, it turned out, had taken her purpose, and all she could do now was kill. 
During her quest for revenge, she was reunited with Petra Venj, whom she had worked with several times before and had built up a close relationship, and the two began bonding almost immediately during their pursuit of Uldren Sov — the ringleader in Cayde’s murder, and now-thoroughly-insane brother to Queen Mara Sov of the Reef. Unlike with Cayde, it was easy for Kaya to know what this bonding with Petra was to her: more than just a partnership of convenience, she saw in Petra the close partner that she never had in Cayde. There was a romance to their interactions that she’d never had before, and Petra also connected Kaya with her lost past, the life she’d had before she was called to be a Guardian and her memories were taken from her. Over time, Kaya came to share Petra’s deep respect and loyalty to Mara Sov, Queen of the Awoken. More than that, her love for Petra solidified her loyalty to the Reef. This was something Zavala felt he could not allow: a Guardian with loyalties elsewhere other than the City and the Traveler was a flight risk too large to ignore, and the rest of Fireteam Opera was mobilized to retrieve the errant Hunter under the hope that their history and connections might make Kaya-Sei more willing to listen. She was not.
What they found was Kaya-Sei, rebranded as The Queen’s Shadow, a clandestine assassin sent on dangerous hunts for the most elusive and dangerous prey. Utterly dissatisfied with Zavala’s leadership of the Vanguard, his hesitance to face threats, and his reluctance to avenge the City’s losses against those who had harmed it, Kaya-Sei had found new life and meaning among the Awoken, fully embracing her heritage and rejecting her former loyalties in favor of a new loyalty to Queen Mara Sov.
Their battle was horrifically violent, tearing apart the asteroid-built Golden Age space station where they met, but it ultimately ended mercifully, as Reena, Kaya-Sei’s sister and Warlock of Fireteam Opera, had a change of heart and suddenly used the full force of her Light to restrain Opera’s Titan, Ramses-17, and permitted Kaya-Sei to depart peacefully.
Kaya-Sei still does business with the Tower, but prefers to avoid dealing directly with the Vanguard, collaborating instead via mutual allies such as Suraya Hawthorn, Ada-1, The Drifter, and  Devrim Kay. She insists that she still fights for the Light, but could not and will not continue under the restrictions the Vanguard placed on her. Her Ghost, Grimsby, has mixed feelings on the subject.
Now operating as a wild card in most matters (a wild card representing the cunning and unpredictable queen of the Awoken), there is one matter of certainty with the renegade Lightbearer: Kaya-Sei can always be counted to race to the defense of her sister despite their conflicting loyalties. Furthermore, she has thus far steadfastly refused to deal permanent death on any Guardian or their Ghosts. Despite this, she is regarded as a traitor by Zavala and many inhabitants of the Last City, and is considered one of the Vanguard’s most bitter losses.
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Reena Feng
Race: Awoken
Callsign: Vampire
Ghost name: Volga
The Warlock of Fireteam Opera, Reena is Kaya-Sei’s twin sister, and the two are fiercely loyal to each other, having faced life, death, and immortality back to back. The two Guardians are legend in the City, though Kaya-Sei’s status as a deserter and “traitor” has caused Reena to be more highly regarded in the public eye, a fact that does not sit well with her. She always considered Kaya the greater hero.
While Kaya’s combat style is narrowly focused on hitting hard and fast from a distance, Reena’s is highly flexible and close-up. She has learned to harness the power of Void Light to enhance her durability and healing, and even suck the life force out of her foes and replenish her own in an instant. Her resulting callsign, “Vampire”, therefore lends her a dark reputation that quickly is shattered upon meeting her. Reena is practically an image of her sister trapped in amber from a time before Cayde’s death: she is warm, sociable, and bubbling over with energy. Get her talking about a subject she adores, and you’ll leave with a whole new encyclopedia of knowledge… whether you asked for it or not. Her curiosity (and some would say mad disregard for protocol) is shared and rivaled only by her Ghost, Volga.
The only place Reena is more at home in than the battlefield is the library, and several of her scholastic works have been used by Ikora Rey for Vanguard projects, including the construction of the Vex Gate used to purge The Undying Mind from history. Certifiably a genius by any measure, Reena served as Opera’s tactician, and her keen insight has accounted for many victories, and the blunting of several losses.
Cayde’s death disturbed Reena, but nowhere near the degree to which it had affected her sister. Reena’s solution to processing her shock was to throw herself into researching the Scorn who had been responsible, as well as seeking to uncover the growing madness festering in the heart of the Crow Prince, Uldren Sov. In the end, she discovered the secret only shortly after Kaya-Sei had delivered a fatal punctuation bullet to the Prince’s head. This was something Reena considered a personal failing on her part, as she had hoped to diagnose and rehabilitate the Prince rather than kill him.
Part of the reason that Reena blamed herself was her history of attempting forbidden research into who she and her sister were before being called as Guardians. She did not make much headway until meeting Ana Bray on Mars; Ana taught Reena methods of unconventional thinking that left Reena more able to pursue the facts by learning to think as someone other than a Guardian.
After that, the rules drilled into her head that Guardians shouldn’t look too deeply into their pasts ceased to be a restriction as Reena dove into this research. She discovered that she and Kaya-Sei had been Queensguard for Mara Sov in the Reef long ago. This knowledge deeply troubled Kaya-Sei, who had been repeatedly told not to trust Mara by Zavala. It may be that this was the moment that the seed of rebellion was first planted in Kaya’s heart: this is certainly what Reena has come to believe, and as a result she deeply regrets uncovering their past. Doubtless, this belief played a part in her decision to permit Kaya-Sei to leave the service of the City when she had been sent along with Ramses-17 to secure and retrieve her. Had it not been for Ikora Rey’s counsel and intervention, this decision would have certainly cost the Warlock dearly upon her return to the Tower.
The aftermath of the botched retrieval served as the end of Fireteam Opera. Ramses-17 was no longer willing to trust Reena to have his back, and the two somewhat less than amicably decided to operate solo with much love lost.
However, the paths of the twins are forever intertwined, and their journeys seem to constantly lead them to meet and collaborate. Indeed, it was Reena who approached Kaya-Sei at Eris Morn’s behest to begin investigating the Sublunar Pyramid. While Reena grieves that her twin walks a different path, she takes solace in the knowledge that they are forever loyal to each other, and that their love as sisters is stronger than any flag or banner.
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Race: EXO
Callsign: Paladin
Ghost name: Caesar
Ramses-17 was always the stick in the mud. This was the whole reason he’d been assigned as the Titan to Fireteam Opera: a rigid, by the book commander to rein in the more eccentric twins, Kaya-Sei and Reena Feng. Without supervision from a superior officer, they had an unfortunate habit of going off on wild adventures, cavorting with good-hearted but undeniably disturbing individuals like Eris Morn, and winding up indebted to Mara Sov, all of which were things Commander Zavala actively took pains to avoid: he already had ONE Cayde-6, thank you very much, and wasn’t in need of more. One was already well more than enough for him to handle. So it was that Ramses-17, an accomplished but somewhat dry EXO Titan, was assigned to Fireteam Opera in a position the Titan begrudgingly acknowledged was essentially babysitting duty. This was only compounded by their assigment to the Reef to deal with the House of Wolves Uprising, and Ramses correctly deduced that he was to be the holder of the leash, and to curtail the sisters from chasing their fascination with the Awoken too far.
He butted heads with Kaya-Sei almost immediately, and quickly formed an opinion that she was no less eccentric than Cayde-6, the Hunter Vanguard. Her sister Reena was only marginally better. All his attempts to foist protocol upon the duo met with stark (and frequently humiliating) failure. Still, he persisted in his attempts, and while he admitted that he’d never be totally successful, hoped that at least some semblance of orderly and proper conduct would rub off on the pair.
Through fire and flood, the trio fought side by side and back to back against the worst the Darkness could throw at them. They survived the House of Wolves, the Taken War, the SIVA Crisis, the Red War, Osiris’ Return, and Rasputin’s Awakening together, standing as a team. He’d built up an affectionate and professional respect for the twins: they were certainly eccentric, but when the chips were down, there were no Guardians he’d rather have at his side.
Then Cayde-6 was murdered by Uldren Sov and the Scorn.
It tormented Ramses-17 that he couldn’t save Cayde, that his team was so close and yet so far. If they’d only been a few minutes faster, they could have…
But he had lost comrades before, and he was able to quietly grieve in his own way and move past the worst of it. Being an EXO probably helped in some way that he couldn’t quite quantify. The Sisters, though… their shock and grief was raw, more palpable, and Ramses didn’t have the social grace to help them navigate it as deftly as he wanted. Platitudes fell flat. Well meaning advice came across as beratement. Orders on the field went unheeded, and operations began to fall apart faster than the team’s emotional state.
By the time Kaya-Sei left, Ramses-17 had felt it coming. He was angry, but more than that, he felt powerless. He knew he was in a situation he couldn’t fight his way out of, and in those situations, he was in uncharted territory. EXOs were purpose-built for war. This was true even before some were called as Guardians. War was literally all he was. It was not in his circuits to bring comfort or relief, and it honestly surprised him that he was able to successfully do so as often as he did. When the order came from Zavala (”Retrieve the deserted Hunter, Kaya-Sei, by any means necessary.”), Ramses felt his Light sink. He knew he was the wrong sort for this mission, and the remaining sister was too emotionally compromised – he’d seen it grow worse day after day. He protested to command, and desperately tried to get the mission reassigned to someone else, someone more neutral, who respected Kaya-Sei as a friend; she had plenty of friends in the Tower, after all.
But the Vanguard Commander was adamant: Family had to bring the wayward Hunter home.
Fearing that refusing the order or failing to bring her back would mean Kaya’s eventual execution by less sympathetic Guardians, Ramses begrudgingly agreed to the mission. She would come back because it was her sister and her friend asking. Surely, she would.
He couldn’t have anticipated the effect Petra Venj had on Kaya-Sei.
After tracking the errant Hunter to an abandoned Golden Age space station in the Asteroid Belt, Kaya refused to return. She’d avenged Cayde, she insisted – she’d killed his killers, but it brought her little peace, and she doubted that she’d ever find it back at the Tower. She then declared that she’d found true belonging with the Reef, and furthermore begged her sister to join her. She revealed to Ramses that both Twins had discovered who they’d been before becoming Guardians, and pleaded with Reena that they could both be Queensguard again: all it would take was a simple request to Mara Sov. Ramses knew in that moment that retrieval would only come one way: and that was after a long and potentially very dangerous fight.
He knew the Hunter, her methods, her abilities, her tools. He’d thought that with Reena by his side, they could safely subdue the lost Guardian and transport her back to the Tower. He couldn’t save Cayde, but he could save his friend.
The fight was worse than he’d ever imagined. He’d survived Twilight Gap, but even that hadn’t prepared him for the possibility of fighting a friend who, in a moment of complete sadness and fury, was perfectly willing to see him dead to secure her own freedom. Suddenly, right as it seemed he and Kaya-Sei were about to wipe each other out, they were bound by powerful Void Light restraints: Reena had intervened, unwilling to see her family kill each other. And she defied orders, and allowed her sister to escape the broken station with the aid of Petra Venj.
Ramses was lost for words, and his final report was not flattering. He accused Zavala of having set him up to fail, and that the mission was in fact never about retrieval. His arguments with Reena over the next few days saw a long-standing friendship and mutual respect crumble and blow away like so many dead leaves.
Fireteam Opera was no more.
In the end, he sat out the awakening of the Sublunar Pyramid: he knew that Reena was already there, and that she had enlisted her sister’s help. Ramses-17 was simply not ready for the pain of facing the family he’d failed.
Instead, he threw himself into helping prepare for the annual Festival of the Lost, a more solemn occasion for him than most years, and then led countless fireteams to victory against repeated iterations of The Undying Mind in Ikora Rey’s Vex Offensive operations. He found the comfort of the routine in such missions, even if he never did quite get used to the New Lights.
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What the future holds for these troubled heroes, I can’t yet say. I look forward to finding out.
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