lumi-klovstad-games · 2 years
My Destiny 2 Guardian OCs Masterpost
Critical story stuff is titled in bold, everything else is short shitposting or fun/interesting filler.
The Basics (who they are, their pre-Forsaken history, why and how the fireteam fell apart)
Kaya-Sei giving Eris Morn a run for her money
Kaya-Sei's views on being made a Guardian without her consent and why she detests her Ghost, Grimsby, so much
Ramses-17 gets the first inkling of really understanding Kaya
Kaya-Sei partakes in some Dawning fun
The Return To Twilight Gap: Ramses-17 undergoes a major epiphany, story begins to get fleshed out in earnest
Kaya-Sei's feelings on Zavala (not hard to guess)
Ramses-17 reveals how he feels about practically everybody to a VHS tape (not entirely what you'd expect)
Simple Gifts: wherein our beloved Renegade inherits something dear, and has a major heart to heart with her sister.
The Vow of the Worthy: Kaya-Sei resolves to carry on her mentor's will.
Kaya-Sei snarks about Savathun (also she and Ramses are finally speaking again and generally not trying to kill each other)
Pulsar Hammers: in which Ramses-17 decides to become Robo-Thor with Reena's help, ends up founding a new Titan order.
Savathun's on Mars, Clovis Bray is being sketchy, and our favorite Renegade Hunter shows up again after a three year absence...
...and her hair has gotten much longer.
This will be pinned and updated as shenanigans ensue.
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bluebellhairpin · 2 months
I'm going to revert to 17 year old me who was obsessed with night at the museum for a second. So bare with me an imagine this reincarnation au.
So reincarnation is so completely not what ancient Egyptians believe it. It basically ruins the concept of an afterlife (something they lived their whole lives around, literally) by saying that after you die you're born again as a human. So let's say, for this sake, that soulmate reincarnation existed, but back then they didn't have much of a grasp on it. If they got visions of a past life they mightve chalked it up as divinic visions, especially, say if you were at a god-like status of Pharaoh.
So when Ahkmenrah's tablet was formed, it essentially stopped him for being reincarnated, tying his whole being to his old body. You however, didn't have the privilege. You, his soulmate, was buried somewhere else by Kahmenrah as a final "fuck you" to spite his little brother in the afterlife. You, having being reborn over and over for thousands of years and never finding your soulmate ever again - because he isn't being reborn.
However you've always had a love of all things ancient Egyptian. Something about it comforted you. Your past lives spoke for that; a writer, acreologist, teacher, explorer, even glimpses of a life in old streets of Memphis. It made sence then that now you worked in the British Museum when you weren't working on your degree.
One night had you working later than usual. Everyone else had gone home. The sun disappeared over the tops of buildings and darkness rose to follow it. The nightguard, having know you for weeks now, decided to let you stay a little bit longer as your finished up writing about the stela before you. Her face was knowing, she left you with the words "be careful", which at the time seemed like a far too obvious thing to say.
But when the carvings on the stela began to move, turning to look up at your with tilted heads, you thought that meant it was time to go home to bed. When you turned, finding the giant stature of Ramses II staring down at you, you almost screamed. When the sarcophagus lids of Merenkahre, Shepseheret, and Ahkmenrah started moving and the mummy's - no, fully dressed people - sat up, you practically fainted.
Well actually you did faint.
When you woke up though, looking up at the face of a man you knew you knew as your lost lover, you smiled. And so did he.
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you guys. you guys you guys. i think i know what i want from the final season of the penumbra podcast. i have spent the past ten minutes pacing around my room. yesterday i read up to chapter 17 of prydon's fic separate but syncopated (https://archiveofourown.org/works/30943430/chapters/76417991) which let's be honest, you've probably read already. it's phenomenal. if you haven't, you should.
so i've been thinking. i just really want to go back to brahma. i want to go back to brahma and take down the guardian angel system.
the thing is, the junoverse is a very character driven storyline, and i love that about it. the second citadel is more event driven i think, and it was more difficult for me to get into that storyline and stick with it (i'm weak i'm sorry). for example, although the first season focuses a lot on juno solving the whole martian artefact doodah, back then the penumbra crew were still finding their feet.
then junoverse season 2 happened, and the entire point of that season was basically "get juno over his trauma" (that's why it was so long oh my god). sure, there was a whole plot with ramses and the theia souls, but i think we can all agree that was secondary to juno's character development.
next, season 3. season 3 is definitely character driven, you literally can't deny it. it focuses on each member of the carte blanche in turn, and it uses the plot, finding the curemother prime, as a secondary tool to further the true point of the season: getting to know the characters.
season 4 i'm a little less certain about because i'm typing this post straight into tumblr fresh out of my brain (if anyone wants to help out with the analysis i'd love that). but i think the point of season 4 is to test and showcase the bonds of the carte blanche with each other, and juno rescuing them all is not only a good story, but also a good way to show off the relationships they built in season 3. his relationship with nureyev is shown through periodic reading of the journal, and juno's copious inner monologues (i say like i'm one to talk when all of these thoughts are swirling around in my own head).
then, season 5. the point of this season mirrors that of season 2, but this time, we need to get nureyev over his trauma. this is way trickier, because we're not inside nureyev's head, we're still in juno's. it's still character driven because the aim is to help nureyev, but the plot is given by juno having to chase him across the galaxy. hence, juno's hesitation when he finally finds nureyev.
well, steel, you've caught him. now what the hell are you going to do with him?
there is no plot to drive the character study anymore. our goal was to help nureyev, and juno (poor juno) has done all he can. the ball falls squarely into nureyev's court now, and juno has no say in the plot of the rest of the story. this is why i have been chewing myself alive since the last episode — we know what's next for the characters emotionally, but we have absolutely zero idea what's happening next plot-wise. it's killing me.
(what was the point of this post again?)
OH WAIT I'VE GOT IT. so. since our whole thing for this season is helping nureyev, and we all want him to go batshit fucking insane, i really want nureyev to go back to brahma, and finish what he started two decades ago. i think it's the perfect circular story arc to keep them occupied while nureyev heals emotionally from the fallout from everything going on with slip.
also, sorry to get real for a second, but i've just been tearing myself apart being morally outraged at the world we live in, and the fact that i'm barely able to do anything about it. maybe one day i could, but until then, it would be nice to see my favourite space gays set an example.
now, i know there's complications with this. nureyev refused to take the guardian angel system down in the first place because of the damage it would cause, and i'm willing to bet he hasn't excised that moral core just yet, no matter how hard he's trying. but i'm sure they can find a way to make it work. they have rita, after all!!
they're definitely hinting at a homecoming arc for juno. i think nureyev needs one too, is all.
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i-like-polls · 8 months
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embersoftheorder · 1 month
DWC - August - Day 1 - Melee
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Blue light blazed across the wet stones of the claustrophobic tunnel of Stormwind's sewer system. Light was a valued and rare commodity down in the depths of the city, but it was thanked and enjoyed by those who tread it's foul waters. Tonight's wanderers included the Inquisitor Cheryl Duun.
Her green tinged goggles glowing with soft translucence as they cut through the dark to light her hindered sight, as much as she wished the glowing blue axe in her hands would brighten the darkness more. Her armor was tightly pulled to her muscular body to keep from snagging on anything, a piecemeal of chain and plate to protect as much as offer her speed. Her boots, soles tight and thick to keep from slipping into the slow flowing muck below her, gripped to the stone floor as she swung the stone blade of her weapon into the body of another kobold.
Most would consider the kobolds an easy foe, if even that as above the ground they were considered more of a minor inconvenience to the small folk of Elwynn and beyond. But here, here they were something different. Sinister, strong, and cunning in their movements and plans. Wielding weapons far superior to the crude stone or stolen steel, these were forged with a knowledge that they should not have. It was unnerving to see at first, but now after so many months of this vicious dirty work it was dangerous.
Beside her Cheryl heard Ramses give the order to hit the wall, the soft hum of his charged up weapon roaring to life behind her. The inquisitor gave a nod, not knowing if he saw it but she focused hard into the Tre's energy and caused it to flare bright watching the rats raise their hands at the sudden flash. Her own vision dazed from her bang, but she knew what to do as she flattened against the slimy stone wall.
There was a whine, a burst, and then the cheap smell of ozone as the arcane cannon went off. There was no fire or heat, but there was force and it was enough to hammer into the clump of foe rats ahead of the small band of catchers. They didn't even scream as they were blown back and smashed into the walls, the bodies gently folding and thumping down into the murky depths below them.
"Tides," murmured the woman as she blinked a few times behind the frame of her goggles. Her hand reaching up to pull them down and around her neck as he looked back to Ramses. The draenei smiling as he stood up and shouldered the cannon, even though he needed to duck a bit to keep his horns from scrapping the top.
"I think I got them," Ramses added with a hint of humor as he smiled with his softly glowing blue eyes.
Cheryl let out her own laugh as she tried to blink her vision clearer, not daring to touch her face down here again as she had when she first started. "I think so too. Come on, we got tunnel 17-C to go."
"Always, commander."
"Just Cheryl, Ramses."
"Very good, Just Cheryl," the draenei replied back, a wide smile on his face at his own joke.
Cheryl Duun rolled her eyes with her own smile before fishing her goggles back up before they pressed on into the under dark.
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soutakuphi · 4 months
Yugioh Stars reference sheet #9
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"Prepare yourself. This is the end."
Name: Kyoji Ryuga
Age: 17
School year: 3
School/Organization rank: Obelisk Blue
Deck: Ancient Aliens
Duel Disk: KC D Academy Duel Disk v.9 Obelisk Version (Ryuga Custom)
Best friends: Fellow classmates. His Butler. His Sister.
Disliked people: It's unprofessional to dislike others for petty reasons.
Likes: Dueling. Filing papers. Tea. Sewing. Watching Documentaries. Clear conversations.
Dislikes: Disrespecting the family name. Sloppy performances. Misunderstandings. Insulting his sister.
Alternative Career: CEO of Ryuga Entertainment.
Frequently summoned/Ace monster: Ancient Alien Ramses Dark (tentative)
"You've done well."
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pharaohgargamel · 7 months
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Персонаж придуман мной
Имя: Гаргазес (слияние двоих имен Гаргамель и Рамзес). Возраст 17 лет. История: когда ему был всего 1 месяц его отец умер и с тех пор его растила мать. Она запрещала ему покидать дом и всё время держала под тотальным контролем. У Гаргазеса никогда небыло друзей или домашних животных. Кроме того у него волшебная алергия на синтетику и он не может носить современную одежду так как в нем есть частица крови чародея. Но мать заставляла его носить современную одежду и это причиняло ему проблемы. Не выдержав тотального контроля и лишения свободы он сбежал из дома и несколько недель скитался по стране. Он буквально выживал. Однажды он по пути увидел заброшенную небольшую средневековую церковь с башней где решил переночевать но выяснилось что это дом Гаргамеля. Юноша имея дружелюбный и искренний характер смог найти общий язык с Гаргамелем и поздже выяснилось что Гаргамель его дядя, брат близнец его покойного отца Гурмелина. С тех пор они стали жить вместе и Гаргазес открыл в себе небольшие магические силы.
1. В оригинальных комиксах «Смурфики» у Гаргамеля был брат-близнец Гурмелин.
Колдуны могут жить долго. Действие «Смурфиков» происходит в средние века; Гаргазес родились в начале 21 века. До сих пор неясно, что стало причиной смерти его отца Гурмелина. По одной из версий, это был беззаконный народный суд, поскольку Гурмелин был колдуном и жил в небольшом городке, где люди опасались колдунов.
Гаргазес ничего не знал о своем отце и знали только его имя.
Собственное имя Гаргазес представляет собой комбинацию двух имен из-за того, что его мать хотела назвать его Рамзесом, а его отец Гаргамелем в честь своего брата-близнеца.
Волосы Гаргазеса никогда не стриглись, поэтому они доходят ему ниже колен.
Хочу в ближайшее время написать об этом фанфик. Поэтому это всего лишь очерк истории.
The character was created by me
Name: Gargases (fusion of two names Gargamel and Ramses). Age 17 years. History: When he was only 1 month old, his father died and since then he was raised by his mother. She forbade him to leave the house and kept him under total control all the time. The Gargases never had friends or pets. In addition, he has a magical allergy to synthetics and cannot wear modern clothes because he contains a particle of the sorcerer's blood. But his mother forced him to wear modern clothes, and this caused him pain in the form of allergies and small burns that only he could see. Unable to withstand total control and deprivation of freedom, he ran away from home and wandered around the country for several weeks. He literally survived with all his might. One day, on the way, he saw an abandoned small medieval church with a tower, in which he decided to spend the night, but it turned out to be Gargamel’s house. The young man, having a friendly and sincere character, was able to find a common language with Gargamel, and later it turned out that Gargamel was his uncle, the twin brother of his late father Gurmelin. Since then, they began to live together and Gargases discovered small magical powers in himself.
In the original Smurfs comics, Gargamel had a twin brother, Gurmelin.
Sorcerers can live a long time. The Smurfs takes place in the Middle Ages; the Gargases were born at the beginning of the 21st century. It is still unclear what caused the death of his father Gurmelin. According to one version, this was a lawless people's court, since Gurmelin was a sorcerer and lived in a small town where people were wary of sorcerers.
The Gargases knew nothing about their father and only knew his name.
Gargases own name is a combination of two names due to the fact that his mother wanted to name him Ramses and his father Gargamel after his twin brother.
5. Gargases' hair has never been cut, so it reaches below his knees.
I want to write a fanfic about this soon. Therefore, this is just a sketch of history.
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rastronomicals · 1 month
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11:55 AM EDT August 17, 2024:
Ramses - "Time" From the album Eternity Rise (1978)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: Obscure 70s Prog
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team-ramses · 3 months
In Children of the Storm Ramses seems to say that he consummated his relationship with Enid Fraser, but he was too young in Lion in the Valley and she was married in Seeing a large Cat. Thoughts? TIA
Ugh you’ve hit on one of my least favorite sub-plots in the entire series. lol. It is strongly hinted at as having happened in Seeing a Large Cat (when Ramses is 16/17, gross) and Enid is (un)happily married. 
Although I guess this question from Amelia is faintly hilarious if you know what Ramses was up to that afternoon.
In Chapter 10, they are setting up the fake seance, and Amelia decides Enid is to be the princess and that Ramses needs to help her get ready to play the part. And then she sets it up so they have an afternoon alone together. I’m like, Amelia. No.
“Ramses, will you come here a moment?” He joined us, and I explained, “I have been telling Mrs. Fraser that she is the one to play the role of the princess. She will need a proper costume and a certain amount of coaching; you are the obviou one to acquire the former and do the later.”
“That would be very kind of you, Ramses,” Enid said.
Ramses said in a rather odd voice, “I would be happy to advise Mrs. Fraser, but perhaps--”
“But me no buts, Ramses. I have never approved of your interest in and practice of the art of disguise; here is an opportunity to apply it to a useful end. That is settled, then. Enid, Ramses will come round--let me thing--just after luncheon. We must attend the funeral services tomorrow morning. Can you get rid of Donald for the afternoon, Enid?”
“Yes, certainly,” Enid said. “All afternoon, if you like.”
She looked much brighter. I had sprung it on her rather abruptly; I ought to have realized it would take a little time for her to accustom herself to the idea. I gave her an approving smile. “I must take my little family home. Donald is half-asleep already.”
“Mother,” Ramses began.
“Say good night to Mrs. Fraser, Ramses.”
“Good night, Mrs. Fraser,” Ramses said.
“Good night, Ramses. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.”
Scarcely had we got our gear together, however, than we saw Ramses and David coming toward us. I deduced that they had stopped by the house to change, since they were wearing riding costumes.
“Goodness, is it so late as that?” I exclaimed. “I trust you are satisfied that Enid is ready for this evening, Ramses?”
“She seemed satisfied,” said Ramses.
In Chapter 11, the family questions him about what they chose for Enid’s costume and hairstyle and Ramses says this and no one blinks an eye. This family I swear.
“After considering various alternatives,” said Ramses, “we concluded it would be best for her to wear it under a loose garment--a tea gown, I believe she called it. She will change into it and the costume after dinner.”
“What about her hair? Nefret asked.
“She will let it down. It is very thick and long,” Ramses said. “It reaches almost to her waist.”
Anywho, it definitely happened that afternoon and hopefully never again.
Love any question that makes me dig out an Amelia book. Even ones about Enid. :-)
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interstate35south · 10 months
back on my bullshit (it’s been an hour)
thought that’s been clanking around my brain for a bit abt how the open ended information in dislyte events has the POTENTIAL to be great plot points if treated with just an OUNCE more of consideration
like i think about the event stories all the time (shocker) and what really gets me is just a specific pair of examples of “open ended” going wrong and right
lone star. if i’m being real, half of why i like it so much is nostalgia BUT bias aside, i think lone star was overall a good event, if a little simple compared to later events (but no surprise there). the thing is though, there’s this missed opportunity for SUCH a good parallel in the last act. following her parents’ -and later ray’s- deaths, anita does not waste ANY time, she was up and “i need to find the bastard who did this and put him in the ground” which, while real and valid, garners the equally real and valid response of “no, you’re like eleven, take it down a notch” from ollie. the thing is, that’s EXACTLY what ollie did. there’s no confirmed timeline on gray dust and whatnot (more house ramses lore pretty please) but based on the timeline of the shadow decree forming and drew and laura at the union, it’s safe to assume ollie was like 11-17 ish when his dad was killed. my point being, he was young, he was a kid, he probably had the exact same conversation with drew that he has with anita, except he’s now on the other side of it. the entire point of lone star (as i understood it) was that there may be evil in the world, but that makes it all the more necessary to rely on others and let them rely on you. ollie immediately protesting anita holding the EXACT same mentality that he had should’ve been some kind of realization, however momentary, that just maybe, he was setting himself up to fail by isolating himself in his pursuit of leon. but no. they just kinda like. move on?? anyways i think the main reason anita didn’t become ollie is bc laura was there (go laura!)
anyways, truth unveiled. to this day one of my favorite events, definitely one of the ones that could’ve stood to be 4 or 5 chapters. one of the things i loved so much about it though was that it unintentionally recontextualized basically, why li ling is the way he is. he was a leash kid off the leash until he met yun chuan, who instilled in him the idea of strength and moral responsibility, pretty much changing the course of his life (to the person on here who said mateo is li ling if he never met yun chuan, know that never leaves my head). anyways, he’s learned these important truths of life and his responsibility to other people and literally as SOON as he goes off on his own, BAM yun chuan arrested (vine boom), killed in jail (vine boom). for a crime that?? no one seemed to tell him?? like no wonder he has no trust in authority, it was the justice system’s responsibility to uncover the truth, but instead, an innocent man died for a lie. it’s interesting though, that yun chuan’s guidance was still so influential that it manifested in a li ling with a strong moral code regardless of rules. anyways i am BEGGING on my knees for more information abt the li family and li xiao bc like li xiao advancing in society for the ten years following the incident and then intentionally impeding the investigation continued to reinforce li ling’s idea of authority and justice backed by strength instead of general regulation
teehee those are my thoughts
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gyrhs · 2 years
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I posted 69 times in 2022
40 posts created (58%)
29 posts reblogged (42%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 67 of my posts in 2022
Only 3% of my posts had no tags
#gyrhs - 37 posts
#merlin bbc - 33 posts
#bbc merlin - 25 posts
#merthur - 22 posts
#arthur pendragon - 21 posts
#merlin - 17 posts
#merlin emrys - 14 posts
#stucky - 11 posts
#gyrhs art - 7 posts
#captain america - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 60 characters
#man i want those stickers but the shipping to mexico just no
My Top Posts in 2022:
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So, it's the Holy week and my annual "watch Prince pf Egypt because in national TV there is only cheap biblical movies", and that inspired this whole AU for Merlin.
Basically, Ygraine doesn't die when Arthur is born but she ends up with poor health, which infuriates Uther and he decides to enslave the magical people, to save Merlin, Hunith helped by Gaius conceal Merlin's magic and he ends up being raised by Ygraine and as a brother to Arthur. Years later Merlin discovers his origins, runs away and ends up living with the druids, discovers that he's Emrys at the Crystal cave and that he should liberate  the magical people.
There's drama but ends happily because Arthur unlike Ramses knows when he's wrong and accepts his wrong doings. (bonus: Arthur with Ramses clothes, just because I can).
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1,155 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
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1,186 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
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1,451 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
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1,490 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Of course, the king wants to order...
2,402 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
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Civ 6 Tickle Headcannon Masterpost
Final Tier List
Part 1 - Abraham Lincoln
Part 2 - Alexander the Great
Part 3 - Amanitore
Part 4 - Ambiorix
Part 5 - Bà Triệu
Part 6 - Basil II
Part 7 - Catherine de Medici (Black Queen)
Part 8 - Catherine de Medici (Magnificence)
Part 9 - Chandragupta
Part 10 - Cleopatra (Egyptian)
Part 11 - Cleopatra (Ptolemaic)
Part 12 - Cyrus the Great
Part 13 - Dido
Part 14 - Eleanor of Aquitaine
Part 15 - Elizabeth
Part 16 - Fredrick Barbarossa
Part 17 - Gandhi
Part 18 - Genghis Khan
Part 19 - Gilgamesh
Part 20 - Gitarja
Part 21 - Gorgo
Part 22 - Hammurabi
Part 23 - Harald Hardrada (Konge)
Part 24 - Harald Hardrada (Varangian)
Part 25 - Hojo Tokimune
Part 26 - Jadwiga
Part 27 - Jayavarman VII
Part 28 - João III
Part 29 - John Curtin
Part 30 - Julius Caesar
Part 31 - Kristina
Part 32 - Kublai Khan
Part 33 - Kupe the Navigator
Part 34 - Lady Six Sky
Part 35 - Lautaro
Part 36 - Ludwig II
Part 37 - Mansa Musa
Part 38 - Matthias Corvinus
Part 39 - Menelik II
Part 40 - Montezuma
Part 41 - Mvemba a Nzinga
Part 42 - Nader Shah
Part 43 - Nzinga Mbande
Part 44 - Pachacuti
Part 45 - Pedro II
Part 46 - Pericles
Part 47 - Peter the Great
Part 48 - Phillip II
Part 49 - Poundmaker
Part 50 - Qin Shi Huang (Mandate of Heaven)
Part 51 - Qin Shi Huang (Unifier)
Part 52 - Ramses II
Part 53 - Robert the Bruce
Part 54 - Saladin (Vizier)
Part 55 - Saladin (Sultan)
Part 56 - Sejong
Part 57 - Seondeok
Part 58 - Shaka
Part 59 - Simón Bolívar
Part 60 - Suleiman (Kanuni)
Part 61 - Suleiman (Muhteşem)
Part 62 - Sundiata Keita
Part 63 - Tamar
Part 64 - Teddy Roosevelt (Bull Moose)
Part 65 - Teddy Roosevelt (Rough Rider)
Part 66 - Theodora
Part 67 - Tokugawa
Part 68 - Tomyris
Part 69 - Trajan
Part 70 - Victoria (Age of Empire)
Part 71 - Victoria (Age of Steam)
Part 72 - Wilfrid Laurier
Part 73 - Wilhelmina
Part 74 - Wu Zetian
Part 75 - Yongle
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cosmocast · 1 year
EPISODE 30.1: All News Edition
OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.stcosmocast.com
Discord community hub: https://discord.com/invite/hytg7K6xym
Ramses, Jackie, and Benjas are SWAMPED with news and need an entire suplimental episode to talk all of that we need make a seperate suplimental episode for it! we discuss the new dub on Crunchyroll, Ray Mona's documentry, toy news, Manga news, and Movie news! TIMESTAMPS: 00:00:00 Intro 00:02:00 THE DUB IS ON CRUNCHYROLL! WE WIN GUYS! 00:18:06 Ray Mona's documentry in breif 00:23:03 Myth Cloth 20th Anniversary... thing... announced! 00:29:38 Myth Cloth EX Scorpio Milo announced 00:31:52 Tamashii Nation World Tour stops annnounced. Myth Cloth Seiya will be sold. 00:42:25 Final Edition covers and date for issues announced 00:45:25 Saint Seiya Next Dimension resumes in Shonen Champion 00:50:00 Champion Red publishes Lost Canvas, Meio iden Dark Wing, Santia Sho Memories, Rerise of Poseidon, and Episode G chapters in one issue! 01:04:36 Theater chains in the US holding contest for free KotZ Stuff 01:08:25 Ramses did an oopsy and we go back to the Manga for Time Odyssey news 01:17:55 NEW MOVIE POSTER! 01:23:05 Masami Kurumada suprises cast and guest at Red Carpet Premire of the movie 01:40:10 Q&A 01:56:10 Closing, Promotion
Links of Interest: Ramses and KRF's other show: Sailor Moon Sez https://anchor.fm/sailormoonsez https://twitter.com/SMsezPod
Ramses' other show: Saturday Morning Squad https://twitter.com/SATAMSquad https://satamsquad.tumblr.com/
Team's personal twitters:
Benjas: https://twitter.com/MexicanGeek502 Ramses: https://twitter.com/El_Ramses Jackie: https://twitter.com/flowermiko
Team's Instagrams
Benjas: https://www.instagram.com/craterisbenjas/ Ramses: https://www.instagram.com/el.ramses.83/
OPENING: Jump Ultimate Stars - Sactuary Guidepost by LearsimanZX Covers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbEA3CLdLmQ
ENDING: Starting The Ends - Chikyuugi by Shadow Hero Team https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6AM6Euml4I
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Tell me about The Affordables and your OCs within.
The core triumvirate is:
Hoff, properly Tobias Hoftsler, a Cradler (thanks to life-extending treatments, someone born when humanity was 'in the cradle'. 1997 in this case). About 70% cybernetics at this point. Owner-operator of the company and the Nazarbayev-class ship, 51338 Hisahide, from which it's based. Involved in no small part in the profession so he can buy property in warzones for pennies on the dollar and then reap the rent money and reconstruction funds after winning. Well-known among the movers and shakers of the Frontier and one of the people who most shaped the mercenary profession in the modern day, though he's retired the alias he was using at the time to avoid Space YouTube historians trying to interview him. Being heavily cyberneticized with almost five centuries of warfighting experience makes him among the deadlier people in the Frontier, but as his extensive contact list doesn't yet include Arty The Friendly Shell (the talking artillery shell who gives a shit about how big a badass you are and convinces all his brothers to do so also) he doesn't let it go to his head.
Jacoby, properly Jacoby Ibrahim Almeversten, a veteran marine and boarding-crewman of the Ozark Nomad Flotilla. Described by some as a Mad Libs Person, considering he's an openly and somewhat flamboyantly gay space marine raised by Chechens (literally, Ozark Flotilla has a sizeable Sunni population and his middle name is that of his second-father figure). Usually fights in his advanced power armor as most Flotilla troops do (its own separate rant) and the technical expertise that comprises basic life skills for any Flotilla citizen earn him a spot as the Hisahide's chief engineer. The veritable baby of the crew at a youthful 74, he often finds himself negotiating for the company to people offput by the fact that Hoff looks like a cybernetic embalmed corpse (most Cradlers look healthier, it's just that Hoff has an earlier model of the treatments and is too much of a cheap-ass to spring for a round of the improved ones)
Ramses, properly a 17-digit hexadecimal serial number, the crew's top hitter. A fairly early-emergence Killbot. Fights as many Killbots do, just by being an incredibly fast and heavily-armored son of a bitch with a normally crew-served general-purpose rocket machine gun. While he doesn't actually use any of it when talking to any of the company, ship crew, or any passengers or spec-traders the Hisahide takes on as side-hussles (Retaining normal Killbot aloofness and a dry, somewhat cruel analogue to a sense of humor), he possesses an extensive database on social cues and nonverbal communication. This is because he supplements his income by posing as an entire e-sports team of Space Vtubers.
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internalmyth · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 1,349 times in 2022
That's 1,325 more posts than 2021!
168 posts created (12%)
1,181 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,068 of my posts in 2022
Only 21% of my posts had no tags
#art - 295 posts
#faven.script - 151 posts
#bromide - 108 posts
#beneath wild starlight - 61 posts
#three rivers down - 27 posts
#eoe - 26 posts
#& she writes! - 23 posts
#rilke my beloved - 22 posts
#to the trees my darling - 20 posts
#wind and roses - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i have a dialogue but it needs a situation and to have a situation you need a problem and to have a problem you need characters who need to
My Top Posts in 2022:
Orpheus trope my beloved!!!!! I love it more than enemies to lovers. When a character follows their love down into moral hell or a bad situation, so that they can ensure that their love returns alive. The devotion!!! The love!!! The Consequences!!!
4 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
As tagged by @icemaiden, my blurbo list consists of the following:
Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice (2005) and his ability to feel So Much but unable to express himself in a way that is true to what he is feeling. The way he is always so thoughtful but constantly misunderstood.... And Elizabeth, the way she loves her family despite their shortcomings and is willing to bat for them.
Katherine Barlow from Holes and the immense guilt she felt after Sam was murdered. The way she buried her treasure in the place he died and returned there to die as well. The way he was the last man she kissed who was alive, and after that every man she kissed was a corpse.
Ramses from the Prince of Egypt. Specifically the responsibilities placed in him as the eldest to do good be good be strong always.
Roman from One for My Enemy and his parallels to Judas from the Bible. The betrayal he commits in an effort to prove himself and has to suffer for. The way he tries to protect his brothers and make it all better but only succeeds in making it all worse. The unloved one despite being just like his father.
Harold Finch from Person of Interest my pathetic little man but the smartest of them all. The way he took on strays, gave them a purpose, and did not boast of his wealth. The way he taught a machine compassion and when the machine became sentient, it decided to be shaped in his image.
Takehito Kumagami from the Charlotte anime. His selfless nobility always makes me tear up a little.
Eiji Kashii and his speech about righteousness and doing good in Juuni Taisen really stuck with me. His determination to be noble at all times and use his powers for right rather than gain really endeared him to me.
Hector from Castlevania my pathetic and far too trusting man. He's so lame and too tender and I just want him to be happy.
Celty from Durarara my beloved. She's so normal despite being one of the most abnormal individuals in the city and I love her for that. For being the one who remains normal and okay even when everyone else is not.
Hodor from GoT and his simple loyalty to Bran (despite Bran having been the cause of every ill that ever happened to him), the way his name was a foretelling of the sacrifice he would pay.
Dagonet from King Arthur (2004) and his quiet kindness... His gentle strength.
4 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
Really tempted to add EoE to the Faven!verse. I'm already planning to have Blood of Cain as part of the Faven!verse, but as a prequel.
5 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
url change: from womansaints to holykings. cannot believe it wasn't taken.
6 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
jaime and brienne, my beloved battle couple, you will ALWAYS be famous.
6 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ghoullest · 2 years
backstory for my muses since dossiers are taking my ass a WHILE.  a lot of this is mostly - compliant with g1 lore, but there’s some divergencies.
draculaura — the daughter of camilla, a human resident of romania — her father, gaius, was a roman soldier who was killed in battle before draculaura’s birth.  gaius was the descendent of one of dracula’s servants, and so dracula took camilla in.  draculaura was born not long after, and named to honor the monster who’d saved both their lives.
dracula fell in love with camilla not long after, and the two were to be married.  however, dracula left the castle for a few weeks — in his absence, a plague swept through the town, and the townspeople blamed camilla for cursing them.  when dracula returned, camilla was dead — either to the townspeople or plague, he never tells draculaura — and draculaura, still a very young child, was very sick.  dracula turned her.
the loss of his love drove him to cruelty, and he became more like the stories.  the humans hate and fear monsters, but draculaura couldn’t watch her father terrorize them, after a few hundred years (  and some close calls with humans herself  ) fled, eventually settling at monster high.  
draculaura is technically ‘in hiding’ from him, though he knows where she is.  he disapproves of her refusal to drink from living creatures, her running from home, and her pacifistic nature.  they write very rarely, and it’s always tense.  a few times he’s tried to take her back by force, but she’s always bested him.  once clawd and clawdeen helped.
it’s hard.  she loves him.  there were many wonderful happy times, living with him, both before and after camilla died.  she knows she owes him a great ebt.  and yet...
cleo — cleo was born in egypt to the pharaoh ramses de nile. but when cleo was roughly 16 - 17, there was a coup.  an adviser led ramses and his daughters to underground quarters prepared to house them if they came under attack; the plan was for them to be wrapped in magic cloth that would sustain them until the guards dealt with the danger.  the queen was lost in the chaos, and what remained of the family was put to sleep, expecting to be woken soon.  they didn’t realize that the advisor, most the servants, and even cleo’s own uncle had all turned against them.  the advisor was meant to kill them as they slept; whether it was a mercy that he did not is not something cleo knows.
they woke after 1000 years in the tomb they’d hidden in, unaware of how much time had passed, trapped in pitch blackness — as years passed, all of them went slightly mad.  nefera especially mourned the loss of her future and her mother, and spent most of her time speaking with a flower she’d been given shortly before the coup.  the family realized that as long as they were wrapped in the magical bandages, they would not age, die or starve.
hundreds of years later, an earthquake damaged the tomb and allowed some light in, though none of the family could escape through the narrow hole.  nefera’s flower bloomed into a human being — er, well, a monster being — and, being very small, escaped to find help.  she never did.  an uncountable number of years later — though cleo expects it was likely several hundred, if not over a thousand — the family escaped on their own.
cleo can’t remember if her father was always cruel to her, or if that came with the time in the tomb.  but he’s cruel now; he often berates her and emotionally abuses her, and encourages nefera to do the same.  despite her arrogant attitude, cleo has a very fragile sense of self due to the abuse she suffers at home.
operetta — operetta is a monster born in france, though she’s done most of her growing up in new gorleans on her parent’s housebout.  she’s got a comparatively positive relationship with her surviving parent, her father; though things seem strained, both because he wishes they would be slightly more formal as he is, and because —
“operetta!  your face —” “don’t, it’s —” “who did this to you?” “it hurts...”
they won’t tell him who gave them those scars, and while he doesn’t resent her, his worry is palpable and the secrets force distance.  all he knows is that the scars are far too innate to be an accident.  for a time, he suspected operetta’s friend, fynn, and forbid them from being near one another — even tried to kill him.  she convinced him that they weren’t to blame, after some time, saving their life.
despite the scars on their face and the way their mask sometimes seems to hide them, operetta is a confident monster, tough, fearless, and a bit of a diva, though notably less super - feminine than many of the monsters that surround them.  
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