#ref: tadgh canons
writermuses · 2 years
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writermuses · 1 year
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writermuses · 2 years
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But Lover, Please Stay With Me || Abigail Lebreton & Tadgh Pairceir
Her throat scratched, dry with nervousness over the minute hand on the bedside clock showing just five minutes until her date. It had been ages since Abigail had gone on a date. In truth, when she received approval to study abroad in France she had told herself that she would have fun, no ties. Tadgh had taken her by surprise. With extended family in France, many of her weekends during her study abroad program had been spent with them. It was a sort of stipulation her parents made before letting their only child travel alone across the world. Still, Abigail made time for fun with people her own age and had been out dancing when they didn’t make plans to show her around. Those nights out had introduced her to countless attractive Frenchmen. Tadgh, however, was this Irish exchange student in her French literature class that kept to himself- possibly the only person that never flirted with her. So, she lost herself in memories as she waited…
Abigail couldn’t help but think about the frustration of the lack of his attention, even that frustration led to her being annoyed with herself. With a shuffle of paper and the slamming of textbooks, class let out and Abigail lingered. She had noticed the book he was reading, a book hidden behind the course’s textbook, and decided to talk to him. A part of her felt curious about the book and another part of her was curious about him. Tadgh had always been quick to answer when called on but never rose his hand. She had noticed his answers were never wrong, but that his French was poor and only made more difficult to understand with his thick Irish accent. Everything about him intrigued her with every step closer, then she looked at him and realized what those people flirting with her must have looked like and her cheeks flushed a deep melon. “Ce que tu lis?” Her American accent was easily disguised when she spoke her fluent French.
She watched his Adam’s apple bob before he answered, “Le cours est terminé. Pouvons nous parler en anglais?” Abigail wondered if it was because he didn’t want to speak French or because he knew she was American. She didn’t give answer him, studying his hands as they covered the title of the book he’d been hiding. Though Abigail had thought he was unaware of her curiosity, he certainly was and the next thing he said threw her off her game, “Sheol tú, A gealach-bhíoma ar an domhain, domhain uisce-domhain, Chun teacht ar Endymion.”
With her eyebrows shooting up she couldn’t help but utter a surprised “What?” The corners of his mouth tugged into a smirk. It was obvious he was trying to control it but the longer the tension grew they both eventually ended up bursting into laughter. The classroom was long empty by the time they stopped laughing, Abigail slipping into the seat next to him. She would be the one to break the silence, “What language was that? What were you saying? It sounded to pretty to be a blow off… not that I’m assuming that you want to talk to me.”
Tadgh looked at her, his blue eyes studying her own, “It’s John Keats… just, in Irish Gaelic. If you let me pick you up for dinner tonight I could read some to you?” Abigail mulled it over, wondering if he wasn’t so different from everyone else after all. The way he looked at her flustered her and his accent gave her goosebumps. To Tadgh, however, the waiting was the worst part and his eyes fell after a few minutes, the books slipping into his bag. “It’s fine. I’ve seen that you’ve had plenty of other offers.”
Standing up in tandem with him, Abigail wasn’t sure if she should be offended, surprised, flattered, or some combination thereof. “I’ll have you know that I was just thinking of what to say. I’ve never met some fancy Irish guy before and… You just surprise me is all.” Biting her lip she looked up at him, feeling woefully small next to him. “How about I help you with your french and you tell me about Keats– and all those other books you bring to class and hide behind your textbook.” He raised an eyebrow as if to ask her if she’d really seen him doing this. “Yes, I notice things, too, smarty. Pick me up at seven by the fountain.” It wasn’t a question and she turned and walked away, her cheeks hot with embarrassment and excitement.
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writermuses · 2 years
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writermuses · 1 year
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writermuses · 2 years
💦 💯 👮 🎥 💝 💘 - for Nate, Hannelore, Tadgh, Beatriz, Cara, and Sirius, please.
💦 At what age did my muse lose their virginity?
Nathaniel lost his in high school, probably junior year so 17-ish.
Hannelore lost hers at 14, the summer before high school.
Tadgh was in college. He’s picky and reclusive... probably around 19/20
Beatriz was 16, sleeping with a coworker at her first job
Cara was 25, waited until she was done with school
Sirius was 18 and probably drunk for the first time in his life
💯 What is my muse’s ideal date?
Nate loves/prefers quiet dates: picnics, candlelit dinners, movies at home
Hannelore wants new adventures, whether that’s in a bedroom or a boat trip 🤷‍♀️
Tadgh says one that doesn’t happen 🙄 Ride a horse up a mountain.
Beatriz just wants good food and better company
Cara hates surprises, loves competition; Bowling, trivia, sporting events
Sirius says ideal? Museums! Poor date 😬 
👮 Has my muse ever had sex in public?
Nate here says that’s absolutely not gentlemen behavior and absolutely has
Hannelore lists ski lift, ferris wheel, and moonlit ocean amongst her favorites
Tadgh flatly says yes
Beatriz hasn’t, but is open to trying
Cara just rolled her eyes and said, “Lawyer.”
Sirius has but, given his current job, wouldn’t likely try that again
🎥 Who is my muse’s celebrity crush?
Nate’s are Julia Roberts and Gene Kelly
Hannelore has a “healthy obsession” with Jason Momoa and Angelina Jolie
Tadgh shrugged and said “Audrey Tautou, I guess?” also mumbles Colin Firth
Beatriz wants a Justin Baldoni and Diane Guerrero sammich STAT
Cara is still crushing on Sandra Bullock and Leonardo DiCaprio
Sirius said Saoirse Ronan and then panicked about her age 🤦‍♀️ 
💝 Does my muse like Valentine’s Day?
The YES - Nathaniel, Hannelore, Cara
The NO - Tadgh
The INDIFFERENT - Beatriz, Sirius
💘 What are the ways my muse says ‘I love you’ without actually saying it?
Nate will give his partner gifts and adjust his plans to make time for them
Hannelore offers to help, finding ways to take things off their plate so they can relax
Tadgh will make them something; poetry, a beautiful porch swing, a clock
Beatriz will cook and clean for them, give them a massage
Cara takes them to do things they enjoy, even if she hates it
Sirius leaves daily affirmations on their mirror, gives a lot of forehead kisses
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writermuses · 4 years
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writermuses · 2 years
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writermuses · 2 years
4, 8, 19, 33, 34 - tadgh
4. Do they have a false name? Why? Does it have any meaning?
That’s verse dependent. If it’s where he’s published his poetry then that’s under A.J. Pairceir which is for late Abigail and his son who’s a junior. They were his inspiration for most of his work and he didn’t want fame for his work, simply to release his love for them so that he could  move on.
8. Do they have any scars, beauty marks, or other natural unique skin details?
MANY. When his parents sold him for drugs, he was beaten and abused. Before that truth came out he was sent to school filthy and bullied. So he has scars from those attacks too. When his in-laws, wife, and son were killed he was beaten and there are scars from that assault as well as scars from his subsequent years of crippling depression. Some scars are covered with tattoos now.
19. Are they a daredevil or more cautious?
Cautious af. 
33. When confronted with danger, how would they react?
Depends on the danger. He probably couldn’t survive caring about another person just to watch them die, so he’d try to do everything to save that person. However, anyone getting to that point with him is pretty damn impossible at this point. He’s a hermit and has castle fortified fucking walls up. If it was just normal danger on his farm he’s unbothered. Someone threatening him, he’d walk away.
34. What is their motto or a quote that inspires them?
“But that’s life. It’s fluid, always moving, always changing. You either flow with it or you drown.”
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writermuses · 2 years
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The INFJ personality type is very rare, making up less than one percent of the population, but they nonetheless leave their mark on the world. As Diplomats, they have an inborn sense of idealism and morality, but what sets them apart is the accompanying Judging (J) trait – INFJs are not idle dreamers, but people capable of taking concrete steps to realize their goals and make a lasting positive impact.
INFJs tend to see helping others as their purpose in life, but while people with this personality type can be found engaging rescue efforts and doing charity work, their real passion is to get to the heart of the issue so that people need not be rescued at all.
Inspiring and Convincing
Determined and Passionate
Extremely Private
Always Need to Have a Cause
Can Burn Out Easily
One of the things INFJs find most important is establishing genuine, deep connections with the people they care about.
In friendship it is as though INFJs are searching for a soul mate, someone who shares every facet of their passions and imagination.
The highest goal for INFJ parents is for their child’s choices and beliefs to culminate in a cause that they are able to act on, contributing to the world around them.
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writermuses · 3 years
❤⚔♥😈👎🏻 (Tadgh)
❤ : Where on their body is your muse most sensitive?
Wrists, which may be because I’m a carpenter and writer so my hands are rough and numb after getting banged up, but someone running their thumb across my wrist or kissing it will at least give me goosebumps but has definitely gotten me hard more times than I care to admit.
⚔: Does your muse have any specific kinks?
Yes, many, but have one for now: TPE... There’s something really beautiful about that level of trust and power.
♥: Does your muse like to cuddle after sex? Anything else for aftercare?
If it’s a partner, yes absolutely! I’ll cuddle and care the shit out of my lover. A one night stand? Nah, I’m outta there.
😈: Favorite sex position?
👎🏻: What is an absolute deal breaker in the bedroom?
Spitting. The fuck is that disrespect about? Make it make sense.
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writermuses · 3 years
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Topthorn watching Kholstomer snuggle Shadowfax.
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