#references to an asylum
pop-idle-ultimate · 4 months
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but Pooky, you promised you wouldn't hurt them
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spacecluster · 2 months
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Some TOTA memes I've made while finishing up episode 3
I live in fear of episode four so I've decided to liveblog the experience to cope with this terror
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mrd0ll · 2 months
[Imaginary Friend Asylum REFERENCE (8/8)]
[*In my style a bit, and finally finish the reference!*]
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[I will try to draw thoses imaginary Friend *like doodles/sketch thing i do with Poppy playtime, TSAMS/LAES and my ocs* ^^!]
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marlenacantswim · 7 months
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manic pixie dream twink, love of my life, infinite beacon of joy, changeling child living its best life, hyperactive ball of charisma, ceo of howling at the moon, that's right ladies and gentlemen and all folks beyond category: it's campbell bain! ❤️❤️❤️
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daily-dr-crackpot · 2 months
Deranged Streamer
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batbabydamian · 10 months
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Merry Little Batman is out on Amazon Prime! i went to the screening over the weekend and it’s such a cute movie 😭 basically 90% Damian which was a pleasant surprise haha
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yakkety-yak-art · 1 year
public service announcement to anyone drawing the Cheshire Cat from AM’s Alice games, which I am making because I have been drawing this guy constantly for like three days bcuz my brain is broken and only after scrounging up whatever random images I could possibly find in the depths of google did I realize that cat has the Venus and Mars symbols on the backs of his ears. You can’t always see them and they’re not always even there in official art of him but they’re on his amr model and some other official art. Below is a pic of his model, part of a poster illustrated by concept artist Norman Felchle at a convention some years ago, concept art that was done by Terry Smith (both Felchle and Smith did concept art for the Alice series), and a tarot card illustration I believe was made for Asylum but im unsure by whom (in that order!) It bothered me that I missed that they were there even tho they’re not a huge detail (and also weren’t there in the original, lol) but either way I figured I’d share (and anyone who already knew can go “yeah, duh”)
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zerotab · 2 years
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hi guys! i made. uh. i made a uh i made this uh
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abstractfanboy · 2 months
It’s a full moon
IM A LOONEY FOR GOD’S SAKE, LOOK! — A FULL MOON :proceeds to howl like a wolf
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this is my contribution to the takin over the asylum fandom
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ill probably post some hcs but for now that’s it
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coldhands-sunkeneyes · 3 months
I personally would love to see both candidates on the floor of a model un conference. Against bitches trying to gavel
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marilynsweet · 6 months
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Patient 668: Cameron
Surrendered to Talonfell’s Home at a young age, Cameron has been a long time resident of the intensive care unit. Her delusions blur the line between fiction and reality, which often consist of sea life and fish.
During her stay she made friends with one Edward Rothschild, and it was noted the two often “mellowed out” in each other’s presence. However, her condition quickly deteriorated after Rothschild was released, and for several years she was in an almost idle stupor - alone and lost to reality.
However, recently she was broken out of Talonfell’s Home, and a large bounty (courtesy of the Carvela family) has been placed on her head for her safe return to the Home.
Apparently I never posted Cameron??
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soineffablygay · 5 months
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"Im Kontrast zu den fortschrittlichen Lehrinhalten und Methoden stand die ständige Überwachung und Disziplinierung der Karlsschüler durch den in der Schule allgegenwärtigen militärischen Drill. Dieser wurde von vielen Zeitgenossen kritisiert und führte dazu, dass mehrere Zöglinge ihre Ausbildung vorzeitig abbrachen oder sogar aus der Lehranstalt flohen."
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mrd0ll · 2 months
[Imaginary Friend Asylum REFERENCE (6/8)]
[*In my style a bit heh*]
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[Don't really change them a lot ;<;]
[Next and last : Pooky and Hollow!]
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Winter Sounds — Campbell Bain x Reader
*This chapter has words with slashes. This is means you use the word that applies to where you live. Like GED in America means "General Educational Development Test" while there is no U.K. Equivalent (based off a thirty-second Google search) but I found A-Levels which is what Rose Tyler refers to when talking about school in the revival Pilot so... this is how I learn about things, I pick up what I've heard in TV shows. Obviously there are other countries but I’ve never heard of any other terms for these so comment if I missed some.*
Summary: It’s Campbell and Y/n’s last day together before he goes traveling for a Radio DJ competition, unfortunately Y/n can’t come with and Campbell has become a little clingy
Warnings: Mentions of the suicide of a good friend of theirs, Spoilers for Takin' Over the Aslyum, Winter activities, Skating, Implied Short Reader, Implied Non-Scottish Reader; Mention of Past Toxic Relationship; Referenced but not mentioned relationship involving rape.
Note: I had the perfect gif for this when it was on Wattpad but I have a new laptop now and they took down my account and I can't find the gif. It was a gif of a couple kssing on the ice and then they slipped and both fell down.
(Post-Asylum; May be connected to "Sweet Jane" or read alone; If you decided to include this in Sweet Jane, this takes place between the ending of the series and the epilogue written by me.)
"I want your love to consume me like an oversized winter coat. Hands clasped around my waist like buttons done up properly."
Early March, 1995 (Early Eight months since the events of Takin’ Over the Asylum)
They had known for nearly two months that Campbell would be leaving but Y/n was on her way to get her A-Levels/GED since she had dropped out of secondary school/high school to go to the asylum but now it seemed that it had hit Campbell as he was even more clingy than normal.
"Campbell." She groaned as he hugged her from behind as she was trying to make Scottish Lentil soup for the two.
"But... baaaabe, I'm leaving tomorrow. I won't be able to see you in three weeks." He whined, burying his head into her back. "I won't be able to touch you. I won't be able to snuggle you as we sleep. I won't' be able to hear your voice."
"We can still talk on the phone." She protested.
"It's not the same! I won't be able to kiss your back." He whined.
He kissed her back before trailing to her shoulder as he pulled her sleeve up to reveal her shoulder and kissed it, "I won't be able to kiss your shoulder." He moved to her neck, "I won't be able to kiss your neck." He grasped her hips and turned her around and kissed her cheek, moving to her jaw and chin. "I won't be able to kiss your cheeks, your chin, your jaw." He pulled away to ease her to the counter beside the stove before pressing her against it as she couldn't help but smile and giggle. He kissed up her face to her forehead. "I won't be able to kiss your face." He tilted her head up and he kissed her lips. "I won't be able to kiss your lips."
"Cam... we..." He kept quieting her with kisses before moving to her neck, though it seemed he was taking in her scent as he kissed her neck. She had leaned her head back so he could have access with he happily obliged with open-mouthed kisses. "Campbell, it's five. I, uh, I had some plans for a date tonight. But we need to eat first."
"What kind of date? Dinner? Movie?" He hummed.
"No, that's why we're eating now." She said.
"Wait a minute, it's nearly twelve in the morning. What date takes place after midnight?"
"It'll be outside. You'll need to dress in warm clothing. But I need to finish the soup first." 
He gave her a smile with a deep emotion in his eyes, she couldn't quite detect, "What?"
"I just love you so bloody much." He said, earnestly.
Campbell and Y/n walked through Glasgow with her being all vague which kept Campbell frustrated and all pouty.
"Be patient, Cam."
"I'm not a patient person!" He almost yelled.
"Oh, I know." She said, playing with her satchel that she refused to show Campbell what it contained. "Just wait and see."
"Just wait and see!? Do you have any idea how irritating that is!?" He whined.
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She eventually led him to a park, it was a rather snowy March, so the pond at the park was frozen, she took a pair of ice skates out of her satchel.
"You want to skate at one in the morning?" He laughed.
"Well, I'm a looney." She teased.
"Yes, you are." He grinned and kissed her, he cupped her face with both hands. "Yes, you are."
Ten minutes later, Y/n was teaching Campbell how to skate, though he was a bit clumsy but she kept him up by holding his hand.
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At one point, she did an impressive spin, which made her hair spin around her head like a H/C halo as Campbell watched with a dropped jaw... drooling slightly.
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"How'd you learn how to do this anyways?" He laughed, flailing his arms, trying to keep himself upright.
Y/n spun around and her smile faltered before turning bittersweet, "Uh, when I first arrived to Saint Jude's... Fergus took me." 
"He took me a few times, not even expecting me to talk. I picked this up quick and I even laughed. He considered that a victory." She said, sadly.
Campbell slid over to her and embraced her, which he originally intended to do but also to stop him from falling. "I miss him too." Campbell said in her ear, he pulled away.
She handed her hand out in front of her, offering it to him which he took and she skated with him, he... well, to say, he got the hang of it isn't right, but he wasn't completely fall-on-his-face-with-each-stroke terrible. 
At one point, she tripped and nearly fell but Campbell caught her through this threw him off balance and he fell with Y/n landing on top of him. 
They laughed at this and kissed, they decided they had had enough and put their shoes on that they had clipped to their belts and got up on the ice.
 Campbell brushed off some snow and then turned to his girlfriend who was looking at him with a sparkle in her eyes.
"What?" He laughed.
"I love you so bloody much too." She said.
He grinned... like a maniac... like a looney and he pulled her in by the waist for a slow, passionate kiss but slipped on the ice now wearing his normal shoes and he pulled Y/n closed which brought them both down with her, once again, landing on his chest.
"I just can't play it cool." He laughed.
"I don't know. Nineteen-year-old Radio DJ. Hyperactive, loud, energetic, passionate, enthuastic, charismatic, spontaneous, easy-going, creative, independent, brave, funny, sarcastic, sexy..." He clicked his tongue and winked at her.
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"Mmm, do say more things you like about my personality." He hummed, playing with a short lock of hair of hers. 
"Impulsive, loud, hard to keep track off." She teased.
"Oh, you wound me." He groaned, dramatically.
"How about this? Sweet, loyal, handsome, romantic, hot..."
"Yeah. That's the ticket." He said, nodding, "But you forgot one thing. Totally, ridicouslously in love with you and definitely going to miss you for the next three weeks."
"Me too. You've been in my life for less than a year and already... I can't imagine my life without you. You're all the things I just said and more. You are the best guy I have ever dated though granted, given the last and only other one abused me for years on end and traumatized me into muteness, that wasn't a high bar." She looked down, averting eye contact with Campbell.
Campbell tucked the lock of her hair behind her ear, "He won't ever hurt you again, baby. Never ever."
She shivered a little and concerned appeared on his face, "Shite. Your nose is all red. You're freezing. Let's get ho... let's get you home." Once off the ice and pulled him back and he looked at her.
She stepped closer, raising herself on her tip-toes while weaving her hand through his hair on the back of his head and kissed him slowly when she pulled away, his eyes fluttered open and then shook his head.
“Sorry, you know, most girls, normal girls, always dream of having the perfect kiss with the perfect guy.” She said and then cringed, “Sorry, that was like the cheesiest thing ever.”
“Yeah, it was. So that’s super embarrassing for you.” He teased but then she sneezed. “Let’s get you home before I have to drop out of the DJ competition to take care of you. Come with me, Juliet. Follow your Romeo.” Then he immediately slipped and fell back down, face first in a pile of snow.
Campbell handed her a cup of freshly made hot chocolate with whipped cream after she got out of the shower when they got home.
"Oh, how thoughtful." Y/n said, cupping her boyfriend's cheek and stroking it with her thumb.
She took the mug and drank a big gulp, letting it warm her insides as she had already began to get cold from the shower.
Campbell grinned when he saw she had whipped cream on her nose, he leaned over and licked and kissed it off.
"Campbell!" She laughed.
"Mmm. Tastes only slightly more sweet than usual."
"The whipped cream?" She asked.
"No, you. Your taste. The taste of your skin." He teased.
"God, you're a dork." She drank some more hot chocolate and as soon as she swallowed he kissed her, allowing him to taste the hot chocolate on her lips and she giggled against his lips. "You're so weird, Bain."
"You are simply beautiful, L/n." He hummed.
Thirty minutes, later at like, two-thirty in the morning, they were both finally in bed.
"Promise me something?" She asked, laying on his chest.
"Hmm-mmm." He hummed, half-asleep.
"Campbell." She smacked his chest and he propped himself of his elbows to look at her, albeit, slightly sleep blurry-eyed.
"Hmm?" He asked but she didn't answer, he looked at her and saw her biting her lip, nervously. He sat up, wrapping his arms around his knees, "Babe, what is it?"
"Promise me you won't find some girl wherever this competition is going to to take you, someone who's willing to have sex with you..."
Campbell tilted her head up and kissed her before pulling back and looking her dead in the eye and saying, seriously, "One year ago, if someone were to ask me what my perfect dream girl would be, she wouldn't even come close to you." He kissed her gently again and then gave her a goofy smile, "That cheesy enough for you?"
"Yeah, and it was super embarrassing for you." She teased and he pulled her into his chest as they laid back down with him burying his face in the top of her head.
"I'm in this for the long run, Y/n. I promise. Your first time should've be special but it wasn't, I'm willing to wait until you're ready." He whispered. "God, I'm going to miss you."
"I'm going to miss you too." She said and leaned up and kissed him.
He turned off the light and they drifted to sleep.
At the airport, the next afternoon, Eddie was saying goodbye to Francine while Campbell hugged Y/n, repeating how much he loved her and kissing her passionately.
"Call me? Every day. Even if it's the middle of the night for me." She requested.
He laughed, "You bet. I'll tell you about my day. Probably have to get another room from Eddie or else, I'll annoy him. You call me too. If you just want to talk, you call me. Even in the middle of the night."
"Babe, you'll be having a competition. I can't do that. You call me, I'll call you if you're awake. You call me every time you land and I'll look up the time zone differences and call you."
"I'll keep my mobile on me at all times."  He promised and kissed her.
"Campbell, we've got to go." Eddie said, irriatedly.
Campbell groaned, "Bye, babe. I love you." He said and pecked her lips before going with Eddie to board the plane.
“Wait!” Y/n shouted, running at him, he turned and felt her attack him with a hug. "Two years ago, when I was still talking, if you asked me to describe my perfect dream guy, he wouldn't even come close to you either." She said into his ear.
He chuckled, “You stole my line.”
“Campbell!” Eddie shouted.
“IN A MINUTE! I have to go. Love you.” He kissed her again and ran off with Eddie.
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siebrendeparadox · 13 days
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[reduced resolution; click here for more info]
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