strangefellows · 5 months
*holds up microphone to you*
(also i 100% get the feeling of not knowing how to interact w/ the fandoms ur apart of ;-;)
OH HELLO THANK YOU FOR THE ASK it really is such a mood isn't it, im just sitting here like I Want To Talk But Howmst-- ;u;
BUT YES! HCS! I don't have fully formed headcanons for all of my nuggets yet but I have a few bits and pieces!
Almost all of the main facility nuggets I have are between 15-21, none of them are adults (except two)
Tybalt is Control captain and i love him, he's a loudmouthed little shit troublemaker who's kind of everyone's friend, everyone trusts him a lot
Anzo in Control and Odelia in Information are siblings (big sis/little bro), and Regina in Records and Khama in Safety are twin sisters
Deva in Control is Tybalt's second, and during the last few days she took over command of Architecture for a bit; she's a sassy deadpan snark machine and really competent
Cecily in Training and Adzo in Extraction are friends from the same Nest, though Adzo is a bit more spoiled brat while Cecily is spoiled sweet
Harriet in Information (is based on a nugget from TQ's LPArchive LP) is weird. Very weird. Probably spent a little too long in Extraction weird. She has cutesy nicknames for all the Abnos
Ania, the Safety Captain, has a bit of a crush on Netzach; Zaph on Safety team is also an Extraction transfer he's a bit cracked but he and Khama are the two most badass fighters outside Disciplinary, they have the Apocabird / Whitenight gifts to prove it
Alban in Command is the youngest agent and everyone kinda babies him; Salome in Command is. Also weird but not because of the facility, she's just always been weird. Do not let her flirt with you. Daud in Command is a former U Corp whaler, he's a bit of a hot mess and very tired, one of the two agents older than 21.
Ryland is the Welfare captain and one of the most trusted and well liked captains besides Tybalt, he's a reliable big brother type. Livia in Welfare is the youngest besides Alban and one of the newest agents, very shy and sweet.
Disciplinary captain Aphra is a LEGEND, she is queen badass lesbian everyone is in awe of her. Her and her whole team have the Apocabird gifts, they took it out the first time it breached. Disc team is almost all girls save for Halldor, who is very quiet and kind of autistic and chill.
Records team is also all girls save one, Gidon, who is also pretty quiet but more because he's just content to let others take the lead; the girls are known as the Records Queens because they're the scariest girl clique ever and pretty on top of shit; their captain Dido is older too, the other one above 21, and she's scariest.
Nieve in Extraction is a sweetie and friends with most everyone; Edda and Raisa down there are the current weirdos, and Max the captain is a nice guy. All of them somehow aren't scared of Binah at all.
WOW OK THAT'S MORE THAN I THOUGHT but i love everyone so much haha...
Some other misc LobCorp hcs: Yesod is from District G, Hod is from District N. Yesod knows (and Hates) Hermann Limbuscompany. Ayin and Hokma are both from District B and grew up next door neighbors. I can't think of more off the top of my head but! That's a good place to start i think THANK YOU FOR ASKING;;;
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name-of-the-day · 4 months
All the R names!
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rei-fashion-corner · 11 months
swastamita 2023 part 3
part 3 of swastamita 2023 review
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gusti ayu fina puspawati & mega oktaviyanti titled poise. the looks are elegant. both of it done really well but there's no cohesiveness on the 2 design. it feels like its from 2 different theme. it still a great clothes 8/10.
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nazhira zahran & anggita tri ayuningtyas titled mega mendung. okay i like the second one and for the first one i found it kinda ugly. the first one looks like slapped together with no care for balance on the design. if for only look 2 i'll give it 8.5/10 but since i be judging it based on the collection i'll give it 6.5/10.
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viela sofa hanifah & vina nurhendriyani titled mahyang. this looks is soooo good the design is really muach muach chef kiss. it's clean. the vision is there. 8/10
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salma haniah & hanna yulianty pratiwi titled suka cita, i like the colour n silhouette but that flower pattern kinda look bad. old people shit i dont like it. it honestly ruin the whole clothes 6.5/10
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adisha namira & wafa nabila putri titled javan leopard. i dont really like the colour of the left one. it looks messy but its not that bad. the second one i really like its simple n classy. ill give it 7/10.
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jihan fadilla & amalia rachma attorik titled festive d'tomohon. this one like an old school shit like 1960's shit that only focus with the beauty of it. it looks really good but u know its not rei review without hating on old school shit. 7/10.
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eliene austriani & ghina pramesti titled holusculum. i never really into the cotage core look but this is fit the style n it looks really good especially the second one. its really easy to look at. its soft n flowy. 7/10
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devi selviana tiurina & syarifah niswayul khaira titled afsun de toraja. when everything is the main character no one ended up getting the spotlight. that's how i feel about this looks everything is so loud it ended up become just incoherent noise. 6.5/10.
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devi maya oktaviani & mindy nanda nabilah titled mahyang ayu. the asymmetry is fun, it elevate the design but the silhouette still just a simple one. ill give it 6.5/10.
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ardea regina ginting & salma halimatus sadiyah titled funkies. now this is what i love. this has a big vibe that punk vibe that jun takahashi vibe that i really love. this collection grab my heart and attention. 9/10
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andini pramestisya putri & kiffa cecilia titled dharma dewata. this one is classy the choice of colour make it more intimidating i love it. it kinda remind me of alexander mcqueen. 8/10
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mutiara azahra & raisa zahra titled killok laleng lippa. this one have the same problem with the selviana tiutina & syarifah niswayul khaira collection. incoherent white noise. 6.5/10.
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ayu fitriani & nanda aryandita titled cartenz pyramid. this one is beautiful. the asymmetry with the sleeve on the left look is really muach muach chef kiss i really like it 7.5/10.
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alya najwa rachman & rifa dzahabiyyah titled lereng samudra. this is cool the colour is as themed. but the thing i really love is that depth effect that created by making the colour blue transition from light to dark. 8.5/10.
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nadira zahra syihab & syifa sabilla adriana titled surga kecil diujung timur indonesia. this is simple n clean. looks modern. it's giving girl boss. 7/10.
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tiara ovelia & queenie salsabila bismutia titled sumba ethestrianism. i dont hate the cow girl look. yeehaaww 6.5/10
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auranisa dyah qonita & jilan harizhah jauza suhendar titled lu'lu mabelo. this is loud in a correct way. it screams "look at me" and when u look at them u werent disappointed. 7.5/10.
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olivia & anggun futikatun ni'mah titled lirik loorik. it looks kinda boring even tho its loud. its the annoying kid that want attention. 6.5/10
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agnes herlynn eka putri, fika aulia putri hamim & putri syifa salsabila titled putri nayanika. this one i like it. the design is playful with that asymmetry that done excellently. ill give it 7/10.
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dinar nurdani, zahra ardhya & farah khofifah ilham titled the story of toraja. i see the vision but it isn't done amazingly, it's just okay. its really look bland. 6/10.
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 9.5
Achalasia Awareness Day
Amazon Rainforest Day
Another Look Unlimited Day
Beard Tax Day
Be Late for Something Day
Bill Murray Day (Canada)
Clifford the Big Red Dog Day
Dia de Santiago Iglesias Pantin (Puerto Rico)
First Day of School (Vietnam)
Flg Day (Mozambique)
Flag-Flying Day (Denmark)
Freddie For A Day
Freddie Mercury Day
Gaura Parva (Nepal)
Hassaku-sai (Kyoto, Japan)
International Day of Charity
International Day of the Vaquinta Marina
International Indigenous Women’s Day
International Multiple Myeloma Day
International Pierre Robin Sequence Awareness Day
Jury Rights Day
Mexican Marigold Day (French Republic)
National Actdumb. Day
National Cellulite Day
National GIF Day
National Shrink Day
On the Road Day
Red Cross Day
Regata Storical (Historical Regatta; Venice, Italy)
Straight Story Lawnmower Day
Teacher's Day (India)
Tweet Like Werner Herzog Day
Working Mothers Day
World Day of Siblings
World Day of Tourism Journalists
World Spinal Cord Injury Day
Yrittäjän Päivä (Entrepreneur Day; Finland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bitter Beer Day
National Cheese Pizza Day
World Samosa Day
1st Tuesday in September
Another Look Unlimited Day [Tuesday after 1st Monday]
Camo Tuesday [1st Tuesday]
Play Days begin [Tuesday through Saturday after 1st Monday]
Protect Your Groundwater Day [1st Tuesday]
Telephone Tuesday [Tuesday after 1st Monday]
World Art Drop Day [1st Tuesday]
Independence Days
Bir Tawil Empire (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Abdus of Susa (Christian; Saint)
Alto (Christian; Saint)
Bertin (Christian; Saint)
Caspar David Friedrich (Artology)
Charbel (Christian; Martyr)
Day of the West Wind (Pagan)
Duhamel [du Monceau] (Positivist; Saint)
Gargling Day (Pastafarian)
Genebald (Christian; Saint)
Genesia (Day of the Dead; Ancient Greece)
Gregorio Aglipay (Episcopal Church)
H.L. Mencken Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Janmasthami (Birth of Lord Krishna; Hindu)
Jupiter Stator (Ancient Rome)
Laurence Gustiani (a.k.a. Laurence Justinian; Christian; Saint)
The Moes (Muppetism)
Teresa of Calcutta (a.k.a. Mother Teresa; Christian; Saint)
Ursicinus of Ravenna (Christian; Saint)
Yodeling Day (Pastafarian)
Zechariah and Elisabeth (Anglican and Eastern Orthodox Church)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Batman: The Animated Series (Animated TV Series; 1992)
Blue Christmas, recorded by Elvis Presley (Song; 1957)
Bonanza Bunny (WB MM Cartoon; 1959)
The Chain Gang (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
Citizen Kane (Film; 1941)
The Criminal, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1953)
Dr. Zhivago, by Boris Pasternak (U.S. Novel; 1958)
Greenpernt Ogle, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 105; 1961)
It (Film; 2017)
Louder Than Love, by Soundgarden (Album; 1989)
The Mail Animal or Bullwinkle Stamps His Foot (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 106; 1961)
No No: A Dockumentary (Documentary Film; 2014)
On the Road, by Jack Kerouac (Novel; 1957)
Ping Pong Playa (Film; 2008)
Sherman’s March (Documentary Film; 1986)
Smile, Darn Ya, Smile! (WB MM Cartoon; 1931)
A Street Cat Named Sylvester (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Trolley Troubles (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
The Wrestler (Film; 2008)
Today’s Name Days
Albert, Larentius, Roswitha, Teresa (Austria)
Elisaveta, Hari, Zahari (Bulgaria)
Borko, Eudoksije, Lovro, Roman, Tereza, Terezija (Croatia)
Boris (Czech Republic)
Regina (Denmark)
Preedik, Priidik, Priido, Priidu, Priit, Reedik, Vidrik (Estonia)
Mainio, Roni (Finland)
Raïssa (France)
Hermine, Roswitha, Urs (Germany)
Zacharias (Greece)
Lőrinc, Viktor (Hungary)
Vittorino (Italy)
Klaudija, Perse, Persijs, Vaida (Latvia)
Dingailė, Erdenis, Justina, Stanislova, Stasė (Lithuania)
Brede, Brian, Njål (Norway)
Dorota, Herakles, Herkulan, Herkules, Justyna, Laurencjusz, Stronisława, Wawrzyniec (Poland)
Regina (Slovakia)
Obdulia, Teresa (Spain)
Adela, Heidi (Sweden)
Elizabeth, Raisa, Raya, Zachary (Ukraine)
Bert, Bertha, Bertie, Bertin, Berton, Burt, Burton, Rigoberto (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 248 of 2024; 117 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 36 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 1 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Geng-Shen), Day 21 (Bing-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 19 Elul 5783
Islamic: 19 Safar 1445
J Cal: 8 Aki; Oneday [8 of 30]
Julian: 23 August 2023
Moon: 62%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 24 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Duhamel (du Monceau)]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 76 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 15 of 32)
Calendar Changes
Muin (Vine) [Celtic Tree Calendar; Month 9 of 13]
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 9.5
Achalasia Awareness Day
Amazon Rainforest Day
Another Look Unlimited Day
Beard Tax Day
Be Late for Something Day
Bill Murray Day (Canada)
Clifford the Big Red Dog Day
Dia de Santiago Iglesias Pantin (Puerto Rico)
First Day of School (Vietnam)
Flg Day (Mozambique)
Flag-Flying Day (Denmark)
Freddie For A Day
Freddie Mercury Day
Gaura Parva (Nepal)
Hassaku-sai (Kyoto, Japan)
International Day of Charity
International Day of the Vaquinta Marina
International Indigenous Women’s Day
International Multiple Myeloma Day
International Pierre Robin Sequence Awareness Day
Jury Rights Day
Mexican Marigold Day (French Republic)
National Actdumb. Day
National Cellulite Day
National GIF Day
National Shrink Day
On the Road Day
Red Cross Day
Regata Storical (Historical Regatta; Venice, Italy)
Straight Story Lawnmower Day
Teacher's Day (India)
Tweet Like Werner Herzog Day
Working Mothers Day
World Day of Siblings
World Day of Tourism Journalists
World Spinal Cord Injury Day
Yrittäjän Päivä (Entrepreneur Day; Finland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bitter Beer Day
National Cheese Pizza Day
World Samosa Day
1st Tuesday in September
Another Look Unlimited Day [Tuesday after 1st Monday]
Camo Tuesday [1st Tuesday]
Play Days begin [Tuesday through Saturday after 1st Monday]
Protect Your Groundwater Day [1st Tuesday]
Telephone Tuesday [Tuesday after 1st Monday]
World Art Drop Day [1st Tuesday]
Independence Days
Bir Tawil Empire (Declared; 2015) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Abdus of Susa (Christian; Saint)
Alto (Christian; Saint)
Bertin (Christian; Saint)
Caspar David Friedrich (Artology)
Charbel (Christian; Martyr)
Day of the West Wind (Pagan)
Duhamel [du Monceau] (Positivist; Saint)
Gargling Day (Pastafarian)
Genebald (Christian; Saint)
Genesia (Day of the Dead; Ancient Greece)
Gregorio Aglipay (Episcopal Church)
H.L. Mencken Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Janmasthami (Birth of Lord Krishna; Hindu)
Jupiter Stator (Ancient Rome)
Laurence Gustiani (a.k.a. Laurence Justinian; Christian; Saint)
The Moes (Muppetism)
Teresa of Calcutta (a.k.a. Mother Teresa; Christian; Saint)
Ursicinus of Ravenna (Christian; Saint)
Yodeling Day (Pastafarian)
Zechariah and Elisabeth (Anglican and Eastern Orthodox Church)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Batman: The Animated Series (Animated TV Series; 1992)
Blue Christmas, recorded by Elvis Presley (Song; 1957)
Bonanza Bunny (WB MM Cartoon; 1959)
The Chain Gang (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
Citizen Kane (Film; 1941)
The Criminal, by Jim Thompson (Novel; 1953)
Dr. Zhivago, by Boris Pasternak (U.S. Novel; 1958)
Greenpernt Ogle, Part 1 (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 105; 1961)
It (Film; 2017)
Louder Than Love, by Soundgarden (Album; 1989)
The Mail Animal or Bullwinkle Stamps His Foot (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S3, Ep. 106; 1961)
No No: A Dockumentary (Documentary Film; 2014)
On the Road, by Jack Kerouac (Novel; 1957)
Ping Pong Playa (Film; 2008)
Sherman’s March (Documentary Film; 1986)
Smile, Darn Ya, Smile! (WB MM Cartoon; 1931)
A Street Cat Named Sylvester (WB LT Cartoon; 1953)
Trolley Troubles (Disney Cartoon; 1927)
The Wrestler (Film; 2008)
Today’s Name Days
Albert, Larentius, Roswitha, Teresa (Austria)
Elisaveta, Hari, Zahari (Bulgaria)
Borko, Eudoksije, Lovro, Roman, Tereza, Terezija (Croatia)
Boris (Czech Republic)
Regina (Denmark)
Preedik, Priidik, Priido, Priidu, Priit, Reedik, Vidrik (Estonia)
Mainio, Roni (Finland)
Raïssa (France)
Hermine, Roswitha, Urs (Germany)
Zacharias (Greece)
Lőrinc, Viktor (Hungary)
Vittorino (Italy)
Klaudija, Perse, Persijs, Vaida (Latvia)
Dingailė, Erdenis, Justina, Stanislova, Stasė (Lithuania)
Brede, Brian, Njål (Norway)
Dorota, Herakles, Herkulan, Herkules, Justyna, Laurencjusz, Stronisława, Wawrzyniec (Poland)
Regina (Slovakia)
Obdulia, Teresa (Spain)
Adela, Heidi (Sweden)
Elizabeth, Raisa, Raya, Zachary (Ukraine)
Bert, Bertha, Bertie, Bertin, Berton, Burt, Burton, Rigoberto (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 248 of 2024; 117 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 36 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 1 of 28]
Chinese: Month 7 (Geng-Shen), Day 21 (Bing-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 19 Elul 5783
Islamic: 19 Safar 1445
J Cal: 8 Aki; Oneday [8 of 30]
Julian: 23 August 2023
Moon: 62%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 24 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Duhamel (du Monceau)]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 76 of 94)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 15 of 32)
Calendar Changes
Muin (Vine) [Celtic Tree Calendar; Month 9 of 13]
0 notes
porchwood · 8 years
Fic Fragments: Jack/Raisa OUaT Drabblet
I kind of forgot I wrote this and found it in the midst of my poking-with-a-stick about the hard drive. It’s incomplete (and will almost certainly stay thus), but a couple of seasons ago the Robin/Regina (i.e., Robin Hood/The Evil Queen) pairing on Once Upon a Time gave me serious Jack/Raisa feels. So, if you’re bored... *cringes*
Raisa twined her fingers with Jack's and for the first time in an eternity, laughed.
Her archer, her outlaw. The man with the mockingjay tattoo. The first ever to make her believe – no, realize – that a happy ending was possible. They'd sparred and jested, but when it mattered, she'd laid her very heart in his hands, and when he'd surrendered it, briefly, to protect his child, had offered her his own in its stead, to serve for the both of them.
In the end he’d stolen it back for her, and then laid his hand over it as they shared honey-wine before her fire and traded unhurried kisses, full of whiskers and Jack’s gentle, musical laughter. Her home, so cold and grand and forbidding, was full of warmth and light with him inside its walls. She’d prepared him a meal, crisp apples from her precious tree and butter, folded into pastry just like Janek used to make; the kind that melted on your tongue in a moan.
Jack’s reaction had not been disappointing, nor was tasting her cinnamon and brown sugar on his lips afterward. She would have gladly sat on that hearth rug for a year or more, but then Peeta was at the door, rapping with a sort of determined eagerness intended to disrupt them, his curly head, a reflection of Janek’s, peeping around the corner, with Jack’s daughter’s head just below.
Come on, Mom, he’d urged. We need to get to Sae’s. They’re going to name the baby.
Baby, she thought with a sort of dazed happiness as she gazed into Jack’s startling silver eyes and imagined cradling his child – their child – to her breast.
Children had never been an option until Peeta, till she procured that perfect tiny boy with the face like Janek’s and the thatch of downy bird-hair that turned ashy and fat with curls on his second birthday.
She looked at Jack’s little girl, her little tanned hand twined through Peeta’s, and felt as though her newly restored heart might burst. Two children. A soulmate and two perfect children...
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bebemoon · 2 years
looks for names list~
163 notes · View notes
paulinedorchester · 2 years
Jewish singers of Western classical music
Compiling this list — the last in this series for the foreseeable future, although I’m well aware that there are others that I could do — has been a frustrating experience.
What I’m looking for, ultimately, is self-identification, which isn’t always forthcoming. And you can’t always trust Encyclopedia Judaica, which follows Israeli policy in determining Jewish status, i.e., one Jewish grandparent makes you Jewish, no matter what. (This is settled law in Israel, and it’s caused no end of trouble.)
Also, I’m not willing to knowingly include here the likes of Alma Gluck, who was a practicing Christian Scientist for most of her adult life, nor Richard Tauber, a life-long, if largely nominal, Roman Catholic who was bewildered to learn, in 1933, that he did in fact have a Jewish grand-parent. Since I’ve tended to err on the side of caution, there may be artists who should be on this list but aren’t.
You also won’t find here a number of artists whom my instincts tell me must be Jewish, but who are being, or were in their time, insufferably coy about it. (Jake Arditti, Beniamino Gigli, Jonas Kaufman, Selma Kurtz, Margarete Matzenauer, Jakub Józef Orliński, Annie Rosen, Regina Sarfaty: I’m looking at all of you.)
I’ve had to be vague about birthplaces in some cases, because some of these singers were born in jurisdictions that either no longer exist or whose names have changed. (Poland didn’t exist as a nation when Rosa Raisa was born there, and I don’t know what part of Poland — Austrian, German, or Russian — she came from.)
What applies to the earlier lists also applies here: I’ve included many of the younger ones solely on the basis of reputation, without having heard them. Not all are or were A-listers, but they are all people who sing or sang Western classical music for a living, or taught others to do so, or a combination of the two.
And finally, I should point out that while stage names are now a rare phenomenon in classical music, they were fairly common in the past — especially for singers! (Richard Tucker was born Reuben Ticker, for example.)
Mario Ancona (1860-1931), baritone, Italy
Rafael Arie (1922-1988), bass, Bulgaria
Sharon Azrieli, soprano, Canada
Richard Bernstein, bass, USA
Rachel Blaustein, soprano, USA
John Braham (ca. 1775-1856), tenor, UK
Lucienne Bréval (1869-1935), soprano, Switzerland
Katharine Carlisle (Kitty Carlisle Hart; 1910-2007), soprano, USA
Aryeh Nussbaum Cohen, counter-tenor, USA
Netanya Davrath (1931-1987), soprano, USSR
Shannon Delijani, mezzo-soprano, USA
Jeanne Diamond, soprano, USA
Pauline Donalda (1882-1970), soprano, Canada
Edis de Philippe (1918-1978), soprano, USA
Daryl Freedman, mezzo-soprano, USA
Rachel Frenkel, mezzo-soprano, Israel
Blake Friedman, tenor, USA
Allan Glassman, tenor, USA
Hannah Goodman, soprano, USA
Oren Gradus, bass, USA
Sheri Greenawald, soprano, USA
Hermann Jadlowker (1878–1953), tenor, Latvia
Cheri Rose Katz, mezzo-soprano, USA
Solomon Khromchenko (1907-2002), tenor, Russia
Alexander Kipnis (1891–1978), bass-baritone, Russia
Nina Koshetz (1894–1965), soprano, Russia
Isa Kremer (1887-1956), soprano, Russia
Maya Lahyani, mezzo-soprano, Israel
Evelyn Lear (1926-2012), soprano, USA
Adèle Leigh (1928-2004), soprano, UK
Samuel Levine, tenor, USA
Brenda Lewis (1921-2017), soprano, USA
Assaf Levitin, baritone, Israel
Estelle Liebling (1880-1970), soprano, USA
Emanuel List (1888-1967), bass, Austria
George London (1920-1985), bass, Canada
Channa Malkin, soprano, Netherlands
Jeffrey Mandelbaum, counter-tenor, USA
Mikhail Medvedev (1852-1925), tenor, Russia
Robert Merrill (1917-2004), baritone, USA
Ottilie Metzger (1878-1943), contralto, Germany
Rinnat Moriah, soprano, Israel
Andrew Morstein, tenor, USA
Rosa Pauly (1894–1975), soprano, Austro-Hungarian Empire
Jan Peerce (1904-1984), tenor, USA
Roberta Peters (1930-2017), soprano, USA
Ian Pomerantz, bass-baritone, USA
Rosa Raisa (1893–1963), soprano, Poland
Miriam Rap-Janowska (also known as Miriam Janowsky; 1891-1992), soprano, Latvia
Judith Raskin (1928-1984), soprano, USA
Spencer Reichman, baritone, USA
Chen Reiss, soprano, Israel
Regina Resnik (1923-2013), mezzo-soprano, USA
Neil Rosenshine, tenor, USA
Aaron Marko Rothmuller (1908-1993), baritone, Yugoslavia
Charlotte de Rothschild, soprano, UK
Arieh Sacke, tenor, Canada
Gidon Saks, bass-baritone, Israel
Dalia Schaechter, mezzo-soprano, Israel
Doron Schleifer, counter-tenor, Israel
Joseph Schmidt (1904-1942), tenor, Romania
Friedrich Schorr (1888–1953), bass-baritone, Austro-Hungary
Rinat Shaham, mezzo-soprano, Israel
Neil Shicoff, tenor, USA
Beverly Sills (1929-2007), soprano, USA
Julia Sitkovetsky, soprano, UK
Wiliam Socolof, bass-baritone, USA
Daniel Sutin, baritone, USA
Jennie Tourel (1910-1973), mezzo-soprano, Canada
Richard Tucker (1913-1975), tenor, USA
Sandra Warfield (1921-2009), mezzo-soprano, USA
Nofar Yacobi, soprano, Israel
Jennifer Zetlan, soprano, USA
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dear-indies · 3 years
do you have any alternative fcs for eiza gonzalez? i would appreciate it if you do! hope you have a lovely day or night ❤
Lauren Ridloff (1978) Mexican / African-American - is deaf.
Paola Núñez (1978) Mexican.
Melody Thornton (1984) Mexican / African-American.
Eréndira Ibarra (1985) Mexican - bisexual.
Alyssa Diaz (1985) Colombian / Mexican.
Audrey Esparza (1986) Mexican [Catalan, Spanish, possibly other].
Mayra Leal (1986) Mexican.
Nazanin Mandi (1986) Persian, Mexican, Spanish, Unspecified Native American.
Ana Brenda Contreras (1986) Mexican.
Daniella Pineda (1987) Mexican.
Tracy Z. Francis (1987) Mexican / Afro-Jamaican.
Courtney McCullough (1987) Chinese / Mexican.
Stephanie Sigman (1987) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] / German, possibly other.
Alejandra Espinoza (1987) Mexican.
Bárbara de Regil (1987) Mexican [Lebanese, possibly other].
Mishel Prada (1987) Dominican, Mexican, Puerto Rican, and French
Ximena Navarrete (1988) Mexican [Spanish, as well as Unspecified Indigenous, small amount of African], and one sixteenth British Isles [English, distant Irish].
Teresa Ruiz (1988) Mexican.
Marycarmen Lopez (1988) Mexican.
Francia Raisa (1988) Mexican / Honduran.
Cristina Rodlo (1990) Mexican.
Jude Salazar (1990) Mexican.
Regina Blandón (1990) Mexican
Luz Pavon (1991) Afro-Mexican.
María Chacón (1991) Mexican.
Zuleyka Silver (1991) Mexican.
Victoria Volkova (1992) Mexican - trans.
Okairy Giner (1992) Mexican.
Yalitza Aparicio (1993) Mixtec and Triqui.
Naressa Valdez (1993) African-American, Mexican, Unspecified Native American, Italian, Portuguese.
Renata Notni (1995) Mexican.
Zión Moreno (1995) Mexican [Spanish and Unspecified Native American] - trans.
Cierra Ramirez (1995) Mexican / Colombian.
Coty Camacho (1995) Mixtec and Zapotec Mexican - pansexual.
Here ya go!
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tohavelost-arch · 4 years
i searched for the icon post i was using for linda forever on this laptop but decided to just try it on my old laptop and found it first try like jeez
also regina king is the fc of raisa’s mom js
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
Star, August 19
Cover: Hollywood Divorce Lawyers Tell All 
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Page 2: Julianne Hough reveals she’s not straight 
Page 4: Star, Leonardo DiCaprio and Margot Robbie and Brad Pitt 
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Page 5: Pics -- Lake Bell, Hugh Jackman, Christina Milian and daughter Violet 
Page 6: Lisa Marie Presley’s tell-all 
Page 7: Selena Gomez’s BFF kidney donor Francia Raisa hasn’t spoken to her in more than nine months since a falling out related to the singer’s post-transplant lifestyle, Zac Efron obsessed with working out, Elton John made Taron Egerton blush with his flirty remarks 
Page 8: Kylie Jenner’s wild night at a strip club, pals fear Celine Dion’s BFF backup dancer Pepe Munoz is an opportunist, Star Spots the Stars -- Peter Facinelli and Lily Anne Harrison, Camila Cabello, Eva Longoria, Jennifer Garner and James Whiteside, Julianne Hough 
Page 10: Star Shots -- Pink, Andy Cohen and Jerry O’Connell and Rebecca Romijn
Page 11: Jada Pinkett Smith, Harry Styles 
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Page 12: Tina Fey, Jason Sudeikis and Judy Greer and Lee Pace, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Angela Bassett 
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Page 14: Al Roker, Lady Antebellum, Logan Lerman and Al Pacino
Page 15: Rumer Willis, Vinny Guadagnino 
Page 16: Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi and Deena Cortese and Angelina Pivarnick and Jenni “JWoww” Farley, Adam Levine, Lily Aldridge
Page 18: Amber Heard, Kyra Sedgwick, Zachary Quinto 
Page 19: Emma Roberts, Molly Shannon 
Page 20: Normal or Not? Heidi Montag, Goldie Hawn, Kelly Rowland 
Page 22: Fashion -- Best of the Week -- Catherine Zeta-Jones, Adriana Lima, Taylor Schilling 
Page 23: Eva Longoria, Uzo Aduba 
Page 26: Bryan Randall spoiling Sandra Bullock for her birthday but when will she get a ring 
Page 27: Brie Larson’s new man Elijah Allan-Blitz, Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost’s wedding plans 
Page 28: Will Tyler Cameron give the Bachelorette Hannah Brown a chance 
Page 29: Duchess Meghan Markle wants Prince Harry to keep their private life private after he revealed he only wants two kids, nobody wants Daniel Craig to heal from the injury he sustained on the set of Bond 25 more than his wife Rachel Weisz who’s tired of being his personal nurse 
Page 30: Cover Story -- Hollywood divorce lawyers tell all -- Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt 
Page 31: Blake Sheldon and Miranda Lambert, Matt Lauer and Annette Roque 
Page 32: Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, Mel B and Stephen Belafonte, Paul McCartney and Heather Mills 
Page 33: Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, Wendy Williams and Kevin Hunter, Jonathan Scott and Kelsy Ully, more divorce shockers 
Page 34: Lady Gaga’s new man is sound engineer Dan Horton, the truth about Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper 
Page 36: Endless work commitments and parental demands plus a perfection complex are driving a rift between Reese Witherspoon and husband Jim Toth 
Page 38: Stars who worked for other stars -- Kim Kardashian West 
Page 39: Bethenny Frankel, Jenna Dewan worked for Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake (who she briefly dated) 
Page 40: Mindy Kaling for Conan O’Brien, Jennifer Garner for Stephen Colbert 
Page 41: Kanye West, Allison Williams 
Page 42: Double Takes -- Lucy Liu vs. Jourdan Dunn 
Page 43: Pink vs. Regina King 
Page 44: Style -- slip dresses -- Emily Ratajkowski 
Page 46: Beauty Routine -- Mandy Moore 
Page 48: Entertainment 
Page 50: Q&A with Tarek El Moussa of Flip or Flop 
Page 60: Parting Shot -- Bella Hadid in Greece 
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ohmoguer · 2 years
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Con la presencia de la Secretaria de Turismo del Estado de Puebla, Marta Ornelas Guerrero; Humberto García, Director Operativo de NASCAR México, Alfredo Sánchez Navarro, Gerente del Autódromo Miguel E. Abed; Rodrigo de Colombres, piloto del equipo HO y de manera virtual Regina Sirvent, Betty Ramírez y Aarón Cosio, se presentó en Puebla el Gran Premio Red Cola que marca la quinta fecha de la temporada, la cual se correrá el 16 y 17 de julio. “Para nosotros es muy importante reactivar la economía a través del turismo, y lo es también para el Gobernador del Estado, Miguel Barbosa Huerta, es por ello que tener un evento como NASCAR México que provoca una derrama económica superior a los 20 millones de pesos en un fin de semana, adquiere una gran relevancia”, expresó la Secretaria de Turismo. Por su parte Humberto García hizo saber que el precio de los boletos es de 250 y 120 pesos y que pueden ser adquiridos a través la página thticket.mx, aclarando que se espera la presencia de más de 70 pilotos y agradeciendo el apoyo del Gobierno de Puebla y del Autódromo Miguel E. Abed, para poder realizar un evento de esta naturaleza. Rodrigo de Colombres de PIPSAHUB-TJLogistics-Plásticos RAISA-ARCOS supercenter-PIPSA-PETenvases De Occidente comentó que su objetivo es obtener podio porque se corre en su tierra, la cual cuenta con una gran cantidad de aficionados al automovilismo y que quiere brindarles una gran carrera. “Creo que es muy importante el lugar que se le ha otorgado a la mujer en el automovilismo, yo le agradezco al equipo HO y a Kotex la oportunidad que me están dando, estoy segura que los resultados no tardarán en llegar y porque no podría ser en Puebla”, dijo Regina Sirvent. Aarón Cosío de VIVA AEROBUS-La Buena Barra-Villas Solaris-Factum-Marketing & Advertising, aclaró que será una carrera muy disputada y que está preparado para sumar una buena cantidad de puntos: “Será una competencia muy buena para los aficionados, como se vio desde el inicio de la temporada”. En lo que se refiere a Betty Ramírez de Prestoflam, anunció el regreso del Ramírez Racing completo con su hermano José Luis en NASCAR México y su regreso a las pistas en la Trucks: “Quiero corre https://www.instagram.com/p/CfsNHaisGQf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mundo-misterio · 3 years
Grown-ish: Seis miembros del reparto abandonan la serie Freeform antes de la quinta temporada: programas de televisión cancelados y renovados
Grown-ish: Seis miembros del reparto abandonan la serie Freeform antes de la quinta temporada: programas de televisión cancelados y renovados
por Regina Ávalos, 26 de marzo de 2022 (Forma libre/Tiffany Roohani) Grown-ish transmitió su final de la cuarta temporada en Freeform el jueves por la noche, y después de que se emitió el episodio se informó que seis de los miembros regulares del elenco no regresarían para la quinta temporada del programa. Los espectadores no verán a los miembros originales del reparto Francia Raisa, Emily…
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 9.5
Beard Tax Day
Be Late for Something Day
Bill Murray Day (Canada)
Clifford the Big Red Dog Day
Dia de Santiago Iglesias Pantin (Puerto Rico)
First Day of School (Vietnam)
Flag-Flying Day (Denmark)
Freddie For A Day
Gaura Parva (Nepal)
Hassaku-sai (Kyoto, Japan)
International Day of Charity
Jury Rights Day
National Act Dumb Day 
National Cellulite Day
National Shrink Day
On the Road Day
Red Cross Day
Regata Storical (Historical Regatta; Venice, Italy)
Straight Story Lawnmower Day
Teacher's Day (India)
Yrittäjän Päivä (Entrepreneur Day; Finland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bitter Beer Day
National Cheese Pizza Day
World Samosa Day
1st Monday in September
Abbots Bromley Horn Dance (Staffordshire, UK) [Wakes Monday; 1st Monday after 9.4]
Burning Man ends (Nevada) [1st Monday]
Great Bathtub Race (Nome, Alaska) [1st Monday]
Labor Day (Bermuda, Canada, Palau, U.S.) [1st Monday]
Luxembourg City Kermesse (Luxembourg) [1st Monday]
Mouthguard Day [1st Monday]
St. Giles Fair begins (Oxford, UK) [1st Monday]
Wakes Monday [Monday after Wakes Sunday]
Yard Art Day [1st Monday]
Feast Days
Alto (Christian; Saint)
Bertin (Christian; Saint)
Charbel (Christian; Martyr)
Duhamel [du Monceau] (Positivist; Saint)
Gargling Day (Pastafarian)
Genebald (Christian; Saint)
Genesia (Day of the Dead; Ancient Greece)
Gregorio Aglipay (Episcopal Church)
H.L. Mencken Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Janmasthami (Birth of Lord Krishna; Hindu)
Jupiter Stator (Ancient Rome)
Laurence Gustiani (a.k.a. Laurence Justinian; Christian; Saint)
The Moes (Muppetism)
Teresa of Calcutta (a.k.a. Mother Teresa; Christian; Saint)
Ursicinus of Ravenna (Christian; Saint)
Yodeling Day (Pastafarian)
Zechariah and Elisabeth (Anglican and Eastern Orthodox Church)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Unlucky Monday (when Judas Escariot was born; Philippines) [1st Monday] (4 of 4)
Batman: The Animated Series (Animated TV Series; 1992)
Blue Christmas, recorded by Elvis Presley (Song; 1957)
Citizen Kane (Film; 1941)
Dr. Zhivago, by Boris Pasternak (U.S. Novel; 1958)
It (Film; 2017)
Louder Than Love, by Soundgarden (Album; 1989)
On the Road, by Jack Kerouac (Novel; 1957)
The Wrestler (Film; 2008)
Today’s Name Days
Albert, Larentius (Austria)
Elisaveta, Hari, Zahari (Bulgaria)
Borko, Eudoksije, Lovro, Roman, Tereza, Terezija (Croatia)
Boris (Czech Republic)
Regina (Denmark)
Preedik, Priidik, Priido, Priidu, Priit, Reedik, Vidrik (Estonia)
Mainio, Roni (Finland)
Raïssa (France)
Hermine, Roswitha, Urs (Germany)
Zacharias (Greece)
Lőrinc, Viktor (Hungary)
Vittorino (Italy)
Klaudija, Perse, Persijs, Vaida (Latvia)
Dingailė, Erdenis, Justina, Stanislova, Stasė (Lithuania)
Brede, Brian, Njål (Norway)
Dorota, Herakles, Herkulan, Herkules, Justyna, Laurencjusz, Stronisława, Wawrzyniec (Poland)
Regina (Slovakia)
Obdulia, Teresa (Spain)
Adela, Heidi (Sweden)
Elizabeth, Raisa, Raya, Zachary (Ukraine)
Bert, Bertha, Bertie, Bertin, Berton, Burt, Burton, Rigoberto (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 248 of 2022; 117 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 36 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guìyuè), Day 10 Xin-You)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 9 ʼĔlūl 5782
Islamic: 8 Ṣafar 1444
J Cal: 8 Aki; Sunday [8 of 30]
Julian: 23 August 2022
Moon: 71% Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 24 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Duhamel (du Monceau)]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 76 of 90)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 13 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 9.5
Beard Tax Day
Be Late for Something Day
Bill Murray Day (Canada)
Clifford the Big Red Dog Day
Dia de Santiago Iglesias Pantin (Puerto Rico)
First Day of School (Vietnam)
Flag-Flying Day (Denmark)
Freddie For A Day
Gaura Parva (Nepal)
Hassaku-sai (Kyoto, Japan)
International Day of Charity
Jury Rights Day
National Act Dumb Day 
National Cellulite Day
National Shrink Day
On the Road Day
Red Cross Day
Regata Storical (Historical Regatta; Venice, Italy)
Straight Story Lawnmower Day
Teacher's Day (India)
Yrittäjän Päivä (Entrepreneur Day; Finland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bitter Beer Day
National Cheese Pizza Day
World Samosa Day
1st Monday in September
Abbots Bromley Horn Dance (Staffordshire, UK) [Wakes Monday; 1st Monday after 9.4]
Burning Man ends (Nevada) [1st Monday]
Great Bathtub Race (Nome, Alaska) [1st Monday]
Labor Day (Bermuda, Canada, Palau, U.S.) [1st Monday]
Luxembourg City Kermesse (Luxembourg) [1st Monday]
Mouthguard Day [1st Monday]
St. Giles Fair begins (Oxford, UK) [1st Monday]
Wakes Monday [Monday after Wakes Sunday]
Yard Art Day [1st Monday]
Feast Days
Alto (Christian; Saint)
Bertin (Christian; Saint)
Charbel (Christian; Martyr)
Duhamel [du Monceau] (Positivist; Saint)
Gargling Day (Pastafarian)
Genebald (Christian; Saint)
Genesia (Day of the Dead; Ancient Greece)
Gregorio Aglipay (Episcopal Church)
H.L. Mencken Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Janmasthami (Birth of Lord Krishna; Hindu)
Jupiter Stator (Ancient Rome)
Laurence Gustiani (a.k.a. Laurence Justinian; Christian; Saint)
The Moes (Muppetism)
Teresa of Calcutta (a.k.a. Mother Teresa; Christian; Saint)
Ursicinus of Ravenna (Christian; Saint)
Yodeling Day (Pastafarian)
Zechariah and Elisabeth (Anglican and Eastern Orthodox Church)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Unlucky Monday (when Judas Escariot was born; Philippines) [1st Monday] (4 of 4)
Batman: The Animated Series (Animated TV Series; 1992)
Blue Christmas, recorded by Elvis Presley (Song; 1957)
Citizen Kane (Film; 1941)
Dr. Zhivago, by Boris Pasternak (U.S. Novel; 1958)
It (Film; 2017)
Louder Than Love, by Soundgarden (Album; 1989)
On the Road, by Jack Kerouac (Novel; 1957)
The Wrestler (Film; 2008)
Today’s Name Days
Albert, Larentius (Austria)
Elisaveta, Hari, Zahari (Bulgaria)
Borko, Eudoksije, Lovro, Roman, Tereza, Terezija (Croatia)
Boris (Czech Republic)
Regina (Denmark)
Preedik, Priidik, Priido, Priidu, Priit, Reedik, Vidrik (Estonia)
Mainio, Roni (Finland)
Raïssa (France)
Hermine, Roswitha, Urs (Germany)
Zacharias (Greece)
Lőrinc, Viktor (Hungary)
Vittorino (Italy)
Klaudija, Perse, Persijs, Vaida (Latvia)
Dingailė, Erdenis, Justina, Stanislova, Stasė (Lithuania)
Brede, Brian, Njål (Norway)
Dorota, Herakles, Herkulan, Herkules, Justyna, Laurencjusz, Stronisława, Wawrzyniec (Poland)
Regina (Slovakia)
Obdulia, Teresa (Spain)
Adela, Heidi (Sweden)
Elizabeth, Raisa, Raya, Zachary (Ukraine)
Bert, Bertha, Bertie, Bertin, Berton, Burt, Burton, Rigoberto (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 248 of 2022; 117 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 36 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Guìyuè), Day 10 Xin-You)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 9 ʼĔlūl 5782
Islamic: 8 Ṣafar 1444
J Cal: 8 Aki; Sunday [8 of 30]
Julian: 23 August 2022
Moon: 71% Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 24 Gutenberg (9th Month) [Duhamel (du Monceau)]
Runic Half Month: Rad (Motion) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 76 of 90)
Zodiac: Virgo (Day 13 of 31)
0 notes
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