#regina x robin hood
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Every All Too Well Lyric as a Ship
Regina & Robin Hood (Once Upon a Time)
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
Princess Red Thief - Rumplestilskin
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"She stole from the Dark One"
Everly, referred to as the "Red Theif" and who is also the daughter of Princess Abigail and Knight Frederick has been keeping a secret from her parents as long as she could. She seeks help from the one man who knew everything about magic, but was anything but good. Will her secret finally be revealed when the evil queen casts her curse???
1 - Life Changing Deal
2 - Cinderella's Prince
3 - Confusing Conversations
4 - Must Be Fought For
5 - Definition of Justice
6 - Directions of Truth
7 - Playing with Fire
8 - Getting Closer to the Truth
9 - A Man Named Jefferson
10 - Closest to His Heart
11 - Finally Awake
12 -Thief History
13 - We're in Trouble
14 - The Golden Newborns
15 - True Rumplestilskin Fashion
16 - Meeting the Parents
17 - Not His First Witch Lover
18 - The Pirates Crocodile
19 - The Pirates Crocodile pt 2
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Tag list - just ask to be added @mystrey101 @melvia-ito @kmc1989 @tallrock35 @onentaien-kwara
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guardian-angel12 · 3 months
Killian: bye Emma! bye Regina! bye David! bye Henry! bye Belle! bye Robin! bye Emma !
Regina: you said ‘bye Emma’ twice.
Killian: i like Emma. Emma’s my favorite.
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candyfloss5000 · 9 months
I'm genuinely tweaking cuz why is it so hard to find a good ouat fic??? They're either peter pan/felix fics or just really bad ones that were made in like 2013. The struggle is real 😫
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kazoosandfannypacks · 2 years
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oautincorrectquotes · 2 years
Emma to Robin Hood: Look, Robin its not that hard to tell Regina you love her. Ill show you *Approaches Regina*
Emma: Regina I love you.
Regina: Wait really?! I love you too Emma!
Emma: whoopsies
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darklinaforever · 9 months
I will always hate the OUAT writers for this... Regina deserved to be happy with Robin.
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"He may look like a boy but he's a bloody demon"
Yes the fuck he is. Evil little fucker.
"I didn't need thr magic water I had this magic sword."
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"Yes the magic sword that was fake"
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"And that's what defeats nasty little boys."
To be fair that would defeat me too because I am not a very patient person.
Perhaps I would
Ugh that creepy doll again.
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Creepy haunted doll.
Fuck you pan.
You can find them Bae!
"I'm afraid it would cause your death and more importantly mine." Fair.
Toes up!
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If only he used that line on belle when kissing her "the darkness likes how you taste"
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Totally getting homoerotic vibes from tinkerbell and regina.
I can see them being together and blue finding out her kid is queer then giving her a lecture to straighten up literally.
My boyfriend???? Hook???? No emma. Pan.
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In favor of blonde Robin vs brunette.
And sooo glad he owes rumple a favor.
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And when tink didn't straighten out and snuck out with her gf again blue disowned her and now she's homeless. Then she finds out regina didn't feel the same or do the thing and she got disowned for nothing and now she's mad.
Fly away moth?
Regina is the queen of bitchy one liners.
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Regina never knew tink got disowned and was homeless and omg if I had known! I was just scared!
Robin's like... wait a fucking second we're endangering my adorable son's life for your potential gf?
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Shadows must be stupid. Because Neal's hiding spot had me dying.
Oh God the pain in Mulan's eyes. I can see the ship wrecking.
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Would you consider me mentally unstable if I told you that during my first watch of OUAT, I cried for 30 minutes straight after watching Robin Hood get killed?
Y-You would?
*coughs* well then, it’s a good thing I definitely didn’t do that . . . 😳
. . . okay maybe I did, BUT in all fairness, while I was of course crying because Robin was dead, a large part was over the fact that Regina’s happiness was once again stripped away from her, AND FOR WHAT REASON?!
I mean c’mon, she had redeemed herself countless times up until this point, I’d say she’d more than earned it. And honestly, Robin made her SO much better, he was one of the best things that ever happened to her and yet, look at how his story ended.
He did not deserve this at all.
Seriously, who was Robin’s living affecting? nobody.
Hell, the reason he died was because he threw himself infront of Regina, saving her from dying at Hades’ hand. And you’re telling me that’s NOT someone who deserves to be revived from the underworld?!
(yes I know Hades said the crystal that killed Robin blinked him from existence, but for some reason a part of me thinks Hades was bluffing, just to screw with Regina even more. There has to be some world where Robin’s soul is currently at. And in my mind, Robin’s at peace in this other world and watching over the Swan-Mills-Charming-Stilskin Squad and their adventures while also just waiting for the day that Regina, Henry, Roland, Nobin and the others will eventually join him.)
What makes his death a hundred times worse is that, like Regina said to Emma, it’s not fair that Hook got to come back from the dead, but Robin didn’t.
Look at it this way, before their redemptions, Hook was a pirate that would sail the seas, pillaging and killing hundreds of people with zero remorse, but Robin? He was just a common pickpocket. Not trying to hate on Killian because he did end up redeeming himself after coming to Storybrooke, but looking at it from the angle of Robin and Hook's wrongdoings, Killian seems to deserve a fate of death more than Robin. I feel like if anything, Robin has probably only killed one or two people ever, and it was most likely in self defence or something.
Oh, and another thing- Hook mentions that he was revived as a reward for helping defeat Hades. Uhhhh . . .
And he helped just as much as Hook did, even more so, in my opinion. If Robin hadn’t sacrificed himself, Regina wouldn’t have had the time to knock the crystal away from Hades. And if Regina hadn't knocked it away from Hades then Zelena wouldn’t have been able to grab it and use it to kill him. Hook, he got the missing book pages to Emma, who was outside the building when Zelena killed Hades. Even if the pages hadn’t reached Emma, Robin and Regina would’ve still been in the office with Hades and the crystal. But, I’ll give Killian credit; if he hadn’t gotten the pages to Emma, she wouldn’t have tried breaking the protection spell on the building, and then Robin and Regina probably wouldn’t have had a diversion to sneak in the office.
Just another little note, I HATE how they gloss over the funeral and his death in general. I don’t feel as though everybody’s reaction to it were really touched upon in the following episodes.
All in all, I’m just so upset at how badly they screwed up this epic couple and storyline. Robin didn’t deserve to die. Regina didn’t deserve to watch another True Love die in her arms.
They both deserved better.
Sorry for the rant, I’m just REALLY passionate about this topic
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tvshowscouples · 3 months
If you love Regina&Robin (Once Upon A Time) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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countrymusiclover · 2 months
1 - Life Changing Deal
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Princess Red Thief
Part 2
Tag list - just ask to be added @mystrey101 @melvia-ito @kmc1989 @tallrock35
Peaking my head through the treeline I saw the large castle in front of me. I ran straight for the nearest window reaching inside my cloak drawing a sword I stole from the soldiers armor outside my chambers. Swinging it against the glass it shattered when I ducked my head so it didn't get in my eyes. Climbing through the window I dropped down on my knees inside the castle. "Okay, now where's that dagger?"
Heading over to the cabinets filled with objects I began rummaging around for the specific blade in question. I started throwing books and other things on the ground until one of the globs shattered onto the floor and a voice called out behind me. "Looking for something specific are you, dearie?"
"Show yourself, beast." I draw the sword I used on the window holding it out in front of myself for defense.
A Purple cloud of smoke appeared in front of me. "Here I am, dearie." The figure in front of me had curly brown hair and scaly skin. He was dressed in leather and snake skins.
"What are you? Are you the one they call Rumple...Rumplestiltskin?" I questioned tightening my grip on the blade handle.
The figure giggles performing an over the rope bow. "Indeed I am Rumplestilskin. Now who are you and why so foolish to try and steal from the Dark One?"
"My name is Everly. My parents are Princess Abigail and Prince Frederick." I explained to him moving towards the long table that was in the center of the room.
The dark one clicked his tongue putting his fingers together. "Ah yes I recognize the princess's name. She and King George's son are supposed to wed through a deal I help arrange. But that doesn't explain why you've tried to steal from me."
"I am here because I am a threat to my kingdom." Placing my freehand on the table my palm turned red and I could feel the magic running through my fingertips. The cabinet behind me that had seen through glass suddenly shattered into a million pieces at my feet. "I have an uncontrollable amount of power even though neither of my parents were born with magic."
He nodded, waving his fingers at me. "And you needed my dagger to force me to help you control it."
"I do apologize, Rumplestilskin. I wouldn't dare steal from someone who is declared so powerful if I was not so desperate for a solution to this. I wish to help my mother free my father from his golden prison but I can't do that if this ability or curse isn't kept at bay."
"Magic is not always a curse, Red Thief." He stepped closer to me snapping his fingers and a silver dagger appeared in his grasp. He showed me that his name was engraved on the blade. "I will help you if you choose to embrace your power."
I fired back knowing the rumors that members across kingdoms had spread about him. He used only dark magic and was notorious for making deals with the most desperate types of people. "What do you want in return from me? I know you always want something back for a price."
"I'll enchant your cloak given that I do rather like the color red on you. Once it is enchanted you and I will be connected consciously. You will help me with my deals and the customers that are connected with them."
"What do you mean like if someone breaks a deal with you you'll make me kill them?" I questioned hearing the darkness in his voice.
Rumplestilskin smirked. "I'll decide what fate I wish to bestow on them. Now do you accept my offer or not?"
"I don't know if I can go through with this, Dark One. Ahhh!" I screamed bumping into one of the curtain covered windows seeing my palm turn red again but this time the curtain caught on fire.
Rumple snickers at me. "It appears you don't have any other option here, Red Thief."
"My name is Everly." I corrected him even though I probably shouldn't since he could turn me into a bug and kill me easily if he so wished.
He stepped closer where I shifted the hood of my cloak since it was blocking my view. Our eyes met and I could see he had deep brown eyes. "So long as you work for me I can call you whatever I wish. Unless you think you can find help through someone else."
"I suppose I will. So I'll take your deal." Extending my hand I paused unsure if I would hurt him if I touched him.
He grasps my small hand in his larger one. "We have a deal, Red Thief."
Resting my chin in the palm of my hand I kept scanning my eyes over the paperwork that was in front of me. I had been doing the storage inventory for the pawnshop for as long as I could remember. In my opinion every object had a story that needed to be told rather than just sitting in the dusty old store. But that wasn't what my boss believed. He thinks there's a price of money for everything. "Let's see the unicorn chandelier, tea set and red cloak are all accounted for. Wait red cloak, I didn't see that here."
"It has to be here. It has to be here. If it isn't he will dock my pay." I frantically began searching around every cabinet in the shop not finding the piece of clothing anywhere.
The store bell rang making me shriek running back to my desk in the back room trying to play it cool. The curtain got pushed open and Mr. Gold stepped inside the room. "How has the inventory gone tonight?"
"Uh, pretty good. How was your walk?" I asked him tapping my fingers on the desk nervously, hoping he didn't notice.
His brown, almost chocolate eyes focused on my gaze. "You seem nervous, Eve. Any particular reason why?"
"No reason. Just wishing to be done with work for the evening, sir." I lied to him.
He sent me a half smile revealing a bag from behind his back in his other hand that wasn't holding onto the cane he used to walk with since he had a limp. "It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that you realized this was missing?" He drew something from the bag and I gasped seeing a red cloak fall down while he held it up in front of me.
"I....I....um. Sir, I am sorry. I thought I had accounted for everything. I don't know how it ever left the shop." I began panicking, running my fingers through my hair that I had left loosely.
Mr. Gold chuckles breaking the intense silence that I was feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Calm down, lass. I saw that it was dirty so I took it to the cleaners. Figured it should look in better shape before I gave it to you."
"Oh god that's a relief." Putting a hand over my forehead I sighed in relief. "Wait a minute. Give it to me, why would you do that?"
Gold moved forward offering me his freehand after he laid it on my desk briefly. Putting my hand in his I allowed him to help me get to my feet. "I saw that it was your size from the looks of it one day. And no one in this town has claimed it so I thought it shouldn't go to waste. May I?" He gestured holding it up and opened it in his hands.
"Sure...thank you this wasn't really necessary." I turned around putting my back to his front feeling him place the fabric on my shoulders.
Gold smiled when I spun around so he could clasp the front pins together. "Perfect fit, dear. Just like I had thought. Now don't you worry about paying me for it. It's on the house."
"Thank you, sir." I smiled looking up to meet his gaze since he was slightly taller than me.
He waved a finger in my face grabbing a hold of his cane prepared to leave to collect the town's rent. "I told you to either call me Adam or just Gold. Now come, we have money to collect."
"Understand, Gold." I nodded wearing the red cloak since it was quite cold outside. I followed after my boss and we drove out to our stops finding leaving the inn as our final one for the evening.
Granny, the owner of the inn, spoke as we walked up the wooden stairs. "Now, what's the name?"
Opening the door, Gold and I came face to face with a blonde woman wearing a bright red jacket that I had never seen before in this town. Meaning she must be someone new which hadn't happened for 28 years if I had done my math correctly. The woman spoke her name, giving me a name to go with the new face. "Swan. Emma Swan."
Gold responds to her squeezing my hand in his and I could have sworn I heard him say something else but in a completely different voice. "Emma. What a lovely name....Red Thief."
"Did you hear someone say Red Thief?" Looking at my boss I raised a brow at him confusedly swearing that I had heard something.
He shrugged his shoulders not saying anything yet I saw some light in his eyes where he had recognized something in this room but just wasn't going to share it with me. He shifted his gaze over to the elderly woman. Granny passes Mr. Gold a roll of bills. "It's all here."
"Yes, yes, of course it is, dear. Thank you. You enjoy your stay...Emma." Gold put it away in his suit pocket touching the door handle, opening it once more calling out to me. "Eve?"
"I'm coming, sorry." I paused standing behind the blonde woman while I ran my freehand over the red fabric that I was holding on my other arm feeling like I had seen it before.
Shaking my head I pulled myself from the trance that I was in following him outside being able to hear the conversation between the girls still inside. "Who's that?" Emma asked.
Ruby peaked out the window seeing me still standing on the front porch. "Mr. Gold. He owns this place."
"The inn?" Emma asked more.
Granny reached down in the drawer pulling out a key. "No, the town. So, how long will you be with us?
"A week. Just a week." She responded.
Granny handed her the key. "Welcome to Storybrooke."
"So who is the woman that is with him if you don't mind me asking?" Emma held the key in her hands heading towards the staircase to go check out her room.
Rudy closed the curtain focusing on the new women. "I don't know if this is true or not. But most people in this town have only seen her with him. She's worked for him for years. I think she was abducted by him or something."
"Rudy!" Granny snapped at her granddaughter. "What makes you think such a thing?"
The girl put a hand on her hip. "Maybe it's the fact that she doesn't talk to anyone else in this town. She's only ever seen with him or doing small jobs for him. That's just strange to me."
"I'm sorry for my granddaughters crazy theories. Enjoy your time here, Ms. Swan." Granny ended the conversation before things went further. Emma went up the stairs and I ran down the stairs meeting Gold at his old car. We drove past the clock tower and I couldn't believe I saw the hands move.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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horsetailcurlers2 · 1 year
HELP ME FIND A FIC (outlaw queen)
idk if anybody will be able to help bc not many people read OQ fics anymore, but there is a fic i read once a while back and i cannot find it anywhere. i don’t remember if it was on ff.net or ao3 or if it was a one shot or not but it was a missing year fic in which regina got stung or bitten or otherwise poisoned by something and began to get sicker and sicker with fever until she started hallucinating. HOWEVER, there are (at least) two distinct stories with this exact plot because there is one i keep finding that i know is NOT the one i’m looking for (it’s also great it’s just not the specific one i’m trying to find lol). the one it is NOT has three chapters and regina sort of quarantined herself on a dusty cot in an abandoned room and robin took care of her because he had contracted the same illness or been stung by the same venom before so he was immune and also we saw regina’s hallucinations from her perspective. i’m pretty sure in the one i’m looking for, we only see her hallucinations from robins perspective and she’s in her chambers the whole time she is sick. sorry if this is too confusing or too vague but if anybody can help me that would be awesome!
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wikisl · 2 years
I have a OUAT prompt, if anyone is interested:
Cora dies when Regina is still young and Henry marries a nice woman who may just be more powerful than Cora and Rumplestiltskin.
Optional: Henry and his new wife adopt Zelena. And/or get a couple of kids.
Optional 2: Regina and Robin know each other as children.
Have fun and don't let my tags stop you!
Let me know if you like and use it.
If you want, tag me on AO3. WinnieKirk https://archiveofourown.org/users/WinnieKirk
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alannacouture · 2 years
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Happy endings exist in my headcanons la la la
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rockonlavender · 6 months
Could someone real quickly give me the lore of Regina and Robin Hood? Beginning -ending it’s for a possible future fic that involves drunk Regina.
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