#regular mobius was well enough <3
bisexualcherdegre · 10 months
Loki & Mobius | Suburban Legends [+S2]
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samobservessonic · 3 months
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To start us off, Lew Stringer brings us The Unbeatable Foe. And oh look, they’ve even treated me with an “Oh look, it’s Sally Acorn!” moment right off the bat. I kind of thought those fizzled out earlier than this, but I guess not? While Kitching was known not to use Sally, I guess Stringer wasn’t so bothered about letting her show up until she eventually disappears into the background. We also probably didn’t need that shot of Porker from behind to be quite that detailed, but after seeing some of the art from that recent Lara-Su Chronicles release, this is tame. It is a bit jarring to see the old designs for Porker and Johnny now that the updated versions have appears as part of the regular Freedom Fighters in other stories, but I guess these transition periods always take a while
Anyway, mysterious floating guy!
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Okay, this joke slaps! I legit gave a chuckle here
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Sonic and Tails arrive, only to be immediately offered a gift by the stranger. Given some of Robotnik’s past tricks, I can’t blame Sonic for being cautious here, but Tails on the other hand, seems to have been caught up in the sales pitch
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Noooo, Tails! His intentions are good!
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Not the Misery Zone! Anything but that! I also love that this series has established they have a separate dimension for all this high fantasy stuff, so they could easily have been like “The magic TV sent Tails to another dimension”, but nope, this is apparently part of Mobius
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Oh well, that’s the whole plan explained. Seems pretty straight forward. I’m not sure why this particular monster is the most powerful of all the creatures in the Misery Zone, but seeing it next to the fleeing small animals, it’s definitely going to be a big problem
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The issue then flips between Tails having a bad time in the Misery Zone and Sonic fighting the monster. It’s okay Tails, I’m uncool as well and it’s not so bad
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The fight scene is pretty standard, but I’m just showing these panels because Sally is there and I like to document the rare StC Sally appearances
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Therapy with StC Sonic
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Sonic realises that the reason this guy wanted to send him away instead of Tails might not be because he can beat the monster, but because he’s smart enough to figure out how to stop it. Taking the monitor, Sonic sends the creature back just as it’s about to launch his deadly Apocalypse Blast
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Uh, bye I guess! That’s a sick burn at the end there. Y’know, I kinda feel bad for these creatures? They might’ve been called evil, but they were just living their lives up until the mysterious stranger decided to use them in this plan…
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And Tails is safely back, too! Even if Sonic is being his usual self about it. Not gonna pretend “Not when I think about it, no” isn’t a little funny. Anyway, the villain of the day heads off and according to the wiki we never see him again, so I can only assume Robotnik did indeed see to him. I even got one last Sally cameo for my troubles This was a solid one-shot and I’m admittedly a little relieved to ease back into my StC blogging with a standalone story like this. It was fun, Stringer’s jokes are punchy and genuinely made me laugh, plus Sally was there. Really, that’s all I can ask for
Oh, but that next issue teaser is quite a big one, isn’t it? While Knuckles has appeared in a special that I covered just before going on hiatus, this will be his first actual appearance in StC itself, after all the build-up Sonic 3 has been getting in the reviews and stuff. Very excited for that!
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amaskofmyart · 2 years
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A lot of the early doodles of my Sonic stuff, you can tell I’m still trying to figure out the style as well as the characters. Let’s see-
1: This was right around the time I saw the second movie and my eight-year old heart was so excited by the end credit scene that I thought I’d make a proper oc for my favorite boy. But I did also have an old ass oc from the eight-year-old brain that I wanted to bring back and give her more of a story. To be fair, she was just originally Hannah Montana the Hedgehog, because for whatever reason I wanted to be her (then again who at that time didn’t?). At the time of this drawing I hadn’t really begun to flesh her out. Now, Nex is not a fox. He LOOKS like a fox, but is much taller than normal mobians and darker shades on his fur - he is a Maned Wolf. And a total gay disaster! Clara there is a really early design I tried for my brother (it’s his oc) but she has a updated (and much better) look now, so look forward to that!
2: While the details of their meeting are still iffy as I write them, Nex and Shadow meet while Nex is still under Eggman’s “care”. Nex has known about Shadow and the events of the ARK thanks to all the files that Eggman had on them, and while he read every detail he could he couldn’t help but feel bad for those involved. He wonders what kind of person Maria would have been if not for her untimely death, if her disease could have been cured with the aid of Project SHADOW, and the ultimate life form himself! It must have been terrible to have your whole world ripped out from under you like some sort of circus act. Imagine his surprise when Eggman, his self-appointed new father, suddenly brings the very ultimate life form that Nex had spent many obsessive grief-filled nights over to their base! If only he wasn’t so socially inept perhaps he could… befriend him. (Or maybe date him or whateva lmao)
3: Hannah and Sonic are best buds. Hannah herself is a very famous singer, going all around Mobius preforming songs to breath hope and determination into the fearful citizens! She respects Sonic as the saviour of the world, but also knows just how fucking uncomfortable it is to be fawned over every waking minute - so she just treats him like a regular dude and in turn he does the same. Together they just get to be normal kids, doing whatever they feel like at the time, and if Robotnik comes out of nowhere to fuck them up their Speed-Power combo has most botniks out of commission in seconds! The purple one is Anti-Hannah, that’s right baby Anti-Mobius is a thing in my weird fucked up world because goddamn it I love the little fucked up versions (please no one tell Man Blenders (iykyk) about this). She’s Hannah’s opposite (duh) and is all in all a rude ass bitch. More on her later I suppose.
4: Nex is a genius. He was raised (if you can call it that) by Eggman, taken under his wing as a potential prodigy. The only problem, Nex hated Eggman. In his defense, Eggman had wiped out the entire Maned Wolf tribe Nex was apart of just because he was having a bad day - the only reason Nex was spared was because he showed great promise of ingenuity and brilliance at the young age of three - enough it reminded Eggman of himself and decided to spare the Maned Wolf and take him on as a son. Nex however never wanted to be his son, but knew that if he ever acted out, he would kill the young Nex without a second thought. Also Hannah has some real bad family trauma, more on that later as well.
5: Yin is one of two, and since her brother isn’t here I won’t go into to much detail about her just yet. But look forward to it ;-)
6: Hannah and Miley (Anti-Hannah) are both singers in their world, I imagine Hannah is more likely to sing songs like “Nobody’s Perfect” and uplifting shit like that whereas Miley is a total slut and will totally sing shit like “Gimme More” or “Radar”.
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imagine-loki · 2 years
Atlas: Enneagram Challenge
TITLE: Atlas: Enneagram Challenge 
AUTHOR: fanfictrashdump
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki’s life told through the spectrum of enneagram personalities he has had to adopt to survive for each situation. Sleeping At Last’s Enneagram series serves as reference. 
RATING: T-M, as we go along
NOTES/WARNINGS: Inspired by the Atlas: Enneagram series by Sleeping At Last, this series will be little vignettes of Loki’s life and the ways he camouflaged his personality to fit what he thought was needed. Language, implied smut, depictions of blood and gore, death, attempted kidnapping, a raging Loki who just realized he had feelings, and a Tony who can’t take blood and guts.
SUMMARY: The desire to redeem himself and change his perceived fate can sometimes lead Loki to alienate himself from those he holds dear. Or, Loki shouldn’t let Mobius in his head, anymore, not when he has her. 
THREE: THE ACHIEVER - success-oriented, pragmatic; adaptive, excelling, driven, image-conscious. Soundtrack inspiration –> THREE
You weren’t born to be king, Loki. You were born to cause pain and suffering and death. That’s how it is, that’s how it was, that is how it will be.
The words echoed in his head as he scrubbed back and forth through the memories on the projector. He rewound the movie and watched every grueling, painful second of failure after failure after failure. The highlight reel was, thankfully, not as crisp and clear as the theater in the TVA. There was something muddled about how the image looked. Like it was somehow being viewed through a fog of thoughts, which checked out, seeing as these were his memories he was viewing.
Overhead, the AI reminded him that he had been in the theater for six hours and that maybe it was time to stretch and take a walk. Loki briefly wondered if the AI used (and was successful) at using those reminders with Stark. Considering the level of advancement in this Universe compared to the one he had originally come from, it was a coin toss. Stark either obsessed harder and managed to do more or he occasionally had a few hours of sleep that refreshed his brain. Either way, the man’s mania ended with Loki having access to technology that allowed him to link his memories, specifically the ones he had of the TVA, onto a screen so that he could torture himself for a few extra hours a day.
The practice was becoming a regular occurrence that he had not intended to sign up for. This form of self-flagellation was both useless and tiring but he couldn’t help but succumb to wanting the pain. Was he truly born to cause pain and suffering? Sure, Mobius had said it in an effort to manipulate him the same way everyone manipulated him. He knew that, deep down, the man probably didn’t think that Loki could be that evil.
It didn’t mean that the end goal was ever any different. The images on the screen were proof.
He needed to be better.
Loki had thought that escaping his other’s, Sylvie’s, crutches was a tragedy. The Fates laughed in his face at that thought. It really turned out to be a blessing. She had cared only for her own plans for revenge; he was merely a pawn in the battle strategy. As much as he wanted to argue that he had touched her in some way, softened her soul, it simply was not true. He had been blasted to Kingdom Come and another reality because he let his guard down.
Once he had gotten past the shock, the heartbreak, it was easy enough to escape this alternate TVA. Mobius thought he was an analyst, anyway, so finding the resources needed for him to jump into another timeline was child’s play. Armed with nothing but his wits and a flaming sword, Loki had run to the only place he could think of–the Avengers.
Endearing himself to the group of heroes was difficult. Loki expected as much; he was untrustworthy in every universe. The Avengers were different, though. Rogers was not Rogers. The wizard lived in the Tower and not the Sanctum. There were multiple Widows but no Barton. Stark… well, Stark is Stark in any and every Universe, he supposed. And it was annoyingly comforting that he felt familiar.
Then there was her.
He had no idea what to make of her. She was everything Loki was not–brash, impulsive, careless, carefree, Stark’s best friend. Within five minutes of meeting him, she had decided he was no more a threat than any other man on the street, which was more than a bit insulting. She had shrugged and let him inside the building, calling Stark over her shoulder to attend to the matter before going wherever it was she hid during the day.
In battle, she was aggressive and direct. There was little strategy other than don’t die and she knew little of boundaries. Loki wanted to hate her approach, and how it reminded him a little too much of Thor in his younger years. The keyword being wanted. He had yet to be successful.
After a decidedly battering mission, they all huddled in the jet, assessing their status.
Loki found himself staring at how the fluorescent lights reflected off her dark skin while she joked with Barnes that the melanin helped disguise the bruises to both her body and her ego. There was a sudden pull of his right hand, making Loki start. She had laid his hand on her lap and was picking glass out of the several dozen divots in his palm with a set of tweezers. No warning, no question, no regard for personal space.
No way for him to look away.
He wasn’t entirely sure how they had ended up tangled in bed if he was honest. Most likely, it was one of those moments where she said something witty or challenging and he had a knee-jerk reaction to snap back. To offer a reason. To explain, because surely she could not be so naïve.
No one had ever tried to fuck with him just for the fun of it, before. No one had ever been that stupid.
The playfulness and lack of expectation in her manner of treating him, no matter the circumstance, made something inside him crack and crumble. Especially now, in their safe-house. He was at the watch station, the scope of a gun acting as his binoculars from where she, Aurum, had set up her nest. However, the second he had been sent up to her position, he had taken over the post with a bullheadedness that rivaled his brother’s, any day. Amused rather than annoyed, she allowed him to take over, leaving her to toss mini marshmallows at his head while he kept watch. He was more irritated at the fact that she was so at ease with him in such close quarters than he was at her tossing things in his direction. 
One projectile caught the barest corner of his eye and the sound of irritation that came afterward was something that might have left Alligator Loki. “Would you stop? I am trying to do my job!”
She rolled her eyes, leaning back so that her chair balanced on two legs. “We’re just observing, Loki, not defusing a bomb. You can relax.”
He wanted to bark back that there was no time for relaxing. That he could relax when he was dead, again. And he almost did before she cut across, again, her brow adorably furrowed in what he might have seen as concern.
“You know you can relax, right? That’s why they gave us an easy job. You need to take a breather.”
Though he knew what all the words meant, they did not make sense being directed at him. “What?” He prayed that he had misunderstood and was able to lay his irritation to rest.
“I asked the others to give you the watch with me because you haven’t slept in six days.”
So, he hadn’t misunderstood. “Why would you do that?”
She balked, blinking several times as if processing the words. “Because. You haven’t slept in six days. You need rest.” Aurum had immediately known that was the wrong answer. Along with the clenched jaw, she could almost make out the faint wisps of emerald smoke drifting off him–that only seemed to happen when he was none too pleased and losing his grip on his emotions.
“You thought I’d get someone killed, didn’t you?”
His voice was poisoned honey and she knew it. She couldn’t care less. “Yes. Yourself.”
Loki stilled. The retort dancing on his tongue fizzling out into nothingness. He was going to demand an explanation about why she didn’t think he was good enough for the job or if it was just the fact that she didn’t trust him. To find that it was concern for him was… unsettling. She seemed to think nothing of his confusion as she continued.
“Loki, you’ve been on for weeks. Back-to-back missions, research, recon, gathering intel… You’re not a one-man team. And while I thoroughly enjoy the chaos you bring into my bedroom that also isn’t rest as much as a distraction.”
His heart urged him to speak, to disagree. To talk about the calm he felt while he was panting on her bedsheets, trying to catch his breath. Of the soft way she carded her fingers through his hair when worry wrinkled his forehead. How he wanted nothing more than to succumb to the desire of curling up in bed for hours with nothing but kisses and small talk to distract them. That rolling around the sheets with her was the most rest he had gotten in thousands of years. Instead, Mobius invaded his mind. You were born to cause pain and suffering and death.
And he wanted none of those things for her.
Stiffly, he turned back to the scope, ignoring the hurt expression plastered on her features for the good of them all. “We have work to do.”
“There’s nothing to do. They’re lurking. They’ll lurk here for another hour or so before quieting down for the night, the same as they’ve done for the past week.”
Loki’s jaw ticked as he fought against grinding his teeth. “Forgive me if I want to double-check your intel. You’re so easily distractible, as it were.”
Aurum scoffed, pelting him with one last marshmallow with an unnatural force that nearly almost stung. It wasn’t until he heard the door slam shut that he noticed that she had left in a huff.
Curse those spies with their light feet.
Loki bit his tongue. A sour taste invaded his mouth and made his stomach turn over. He understood what she was trying to do. Truly, he did, but it was hard for him to accept the help. It was nearly impossible for him to accept the caring nature of her silent deeds and not immediately feel like he was taking advantage of her. Had he somehow tricked her into caring for him? Mobius had called him a narcissist once. Was this just his natural ability to make people succumb to his will? To make it all about him? What was–
“No. No no no no,” Loki chanted under his breath as he watched her stalk down the street, muttering to herself and hands in her jacket pockets, walking straight for trouble.
From what he could tell through the scope, she hadn’t noticed the figures hidden in the shadows, just out of the view of the street. But they sure had seen her and were staring at her with great interest.
“Don’t make her. Don’t make her. Don’t make her. Don’t make h–“ He watched one of the thugs nudge his buddy in the ribs and gesture to her with his head. They nodded in agreement and started after her. The one leading reached out, put a hand over her mouth, and pulled her backward into the alley.
Loki lifted a hand to activate his comms, already halfway across the room and a second from wrenching the door open. “Aurum’s been made.”
Tony’s voice crackled over the comms. “What? She’s Spec Ops and you’re on a stakeout. How?”
He took the stairs by twos, hoping his legs would carry him quickly enough from the sixth floor to the ground. “That’s not important right now, Anthony!”
Tony muttered a choice string of profanities before adding. “Sit tight, we’ll be there in 60 seconds.”
“I’m already on my way!”
“Loki, you’re not supposed to be here. Fall back!”
Loki crashed through the stairwell exit and across the lobby to the street. “It’s my fault and she can’t wait!”
Armed with a dagger in each hand, he gleefully breached the alley.
The duo had grown in numbers in the short time it took him to appear. Aurum was fighting off two men twice her size, sparkling golden blood trickling down the corner of her mouth from her cut lip. He sighed in barely restrained relief at seeing her alive and upright. But his relief was immediately marred by the vivid scarlet his vision was flooded with; by the sheer anger of thinking that someone would ever think to put a hand on what he held precious.
His first dagger found its home in soft flesh and flowing blood. The second did not wait much longer to be similarly homed. Blind rage. It was the purest form of anger he had ever allowed himself to experience. He barely had any restraint. He was not looking to disarm, he was looking to tear them apart, limb from limb. He would not be her destruction, today.
Forty-two seconds later, Tony and Strange had arrived at the scene. They skidded to a halt, faces morphing from determination to abject horror at the pile of bodies in the alley. Genius and doctor scrubbed the floor for signs of their team before their eyes fell just a few feet away, deeper in the alley, resting against the wall. A blood-soaked Loki was on his knees, clinging onto Aurum’s hips as his salty tears wetted her equally soiled t-shirt. She looked halfway surprised and elated that this was how he had reacted after sparing no morsel of anger just a few minutes prior.
After the shock settled, Stephen sighed, crossing his arms over his chest and trying his very hardest not to sound like a chiding school teacher. “Not that we don’t appreciate you keeping her safe, but… how are we going to get information out of corpses, Loki?”
Tony made a quarter turn and promptly threw up, waving a weak I’m fine at the team.
“One got away,” Aurum whispered, stroking her hand through Loki’s hair. He nuzzled into her stomach and sighed.
“And that helps us, how, exactly?”
Loki lifted his head and wiped at his eyes, succeeding only at leaving a grotesque red mask over them. He sat back on his heels to take a breath. “I slipped a bug in his pocket.” He dug through his own pocket for the Stark device beeping within and tossed it over. “It’s active. He’ll go to the HYDRA base, most likely. Report back.”
Stephen looked suitably impressed. “Clever.” He raised his eyes at Aurum. “Have you tried, just, dosing him with Nyquil? Seriously, you know the man can’t relax, voluntarily. Just knock him out.”
She shot him a crooked half-smile. “Will do, Doc.”
Tony scrunched his face in confusion. “Wait, what? What am I missing? Why her?”
“Never mind, Tony. Let’s go. Jet is in the back.” Stephen stared at Loki just a second longer. “You did good. Good job.”
The acknowledgment brought a smile to Loki’s face. If he could keep it up, he would certainly make a positive impact on this world. He could do so much to help these people.
His reverie broke with another slow stroke of his hair. Loki looked up, eyes widened and glossy, as if he were staring at a wonder of the world.
“You always do well. Even when you have nothing to show for it,” she added, offering her hands to help him to his feet. “There’s nothing you need to prove.”
He accepted her hands, clambering up to his feet with a sheepish smile. Inside, he mulled over her words.
Maybe, just maybe, he could believe them for now.
Maybe today was not the day he brought death and destruction.
THREE: THE ACHIEVER - success-oriented, pragmatic; adaptive, excelling, driven, image-conscious. Soundtrack inspiration –> THREE
You weren’t born to be king, Loki. You were born to cause pain and suffering and death. That’s how it is, that’s how it was, that is how it will be.
The words echoed in his head as he scrubbed back and forth through the memories on the projector. He rewound the movie and watched every grueling, painful second of failure after failure after failure. The highlight reel was, thankfully, not as crisp and clear as the theater in the TVA. There was something muddled about how the image looked. Like it was somehow being viewed through a fog of thoughts, which checked out, seeing as these were his memories he was viewing.
Overhead, the AI reminded him that he had been in the theater for six hours and that maybe it was time to stretch and take a walk. Loki briefly wondered if the AI used (and was successful) at using those reminders with Stark. Considering the level of advancement in this Universe compared to the one he had originally come from, it was a coin toss. Stark either obsessed harder and managed to do more or he occasionally had a few hours of sleep that refreshed his brain. Either way, the man’s mania ended with Loki having access to technology that allowed him to link his memories, specifically the ones he had of the TVA, onto a screen so that he could torture himself for a few extra hours a day.
The practice was becoming a regular occurrence that he had not intended to sign up for. This form of self-flagellation was both useless and tiring but he couldn’t help but succumb to wanting the pain. Was he truly born to cause pain and suffering? Sure, Mobius had said it in an effort to manipulate him the same way everyone manipulated him. He knew that, deep down, the man probably didn’t think that Loki could be that evil.
It didn’t mean that the end goal was ever any different. The images on the screen were proof.
He needed to be better.
Loki had thought that escaping his other’s, Sylvie’s, crutches was a tragedy. The Fates laughed in his face at that thought. It really turned out to be a blessing. She had cared only for her own plans for revenge; he was merely a pawn in the battle strategy. As much as he wanted to argue that he had touched her in some way, softened her soul, it simply was not true. He had been blasted to Kingdom Come and another reality because he let his guard down.
Once he had gotten past the shock, the heartbreak, it was easy enough to escape this alternate TVA. Mobius thought he was an analyst, anyway, so finding the resources needed for him to jump into another timeline was child’s play. Armed with nothing but his wits and a flaming sword, Loki had run to the only place he could think of–the Avengers.
Endearing himself to the group of heroes was difficult. Loki expected as much; he was untrustworthy in every universe. The Avengers were different, though. Rogers was not Rogers. The wizard lived in the Tower and not the Sanctum. There were multiple Widows but no Barton. Stark… well, Stark is Stark in any and every Universe, he supposed. And it was annoyingly comforting that he felt familiar.
Then there was her.
He had no idea what to make of her. She was everything Loki was not–brash, impulsive, careless, carefree, Stark’s best friend. Within five minutes of meeting him, she had decided he was no more a threat than any other man on the street, which was more than a bit insulting. She had shrugged and let him inside the building, calling Stark over her shoulder to attend to the matter before going wherever it was she hid during the day.
In battle, she was aggressive and direct. There was little strategy other than don’t die and she knew little of boundaries. Loki wanted to hate her approach, and how it reminded him a little too much of Thor in his younger years. The keyword being wanted. He had yet to be successful.
After a decidedly battering mission, they all huddled in the jet, assessing their status.
Loki found himself staring at how the fluorescent lights reflected off her dark skin while she joked with Barnes that the melanin helped disguise the bruises to both her body and her ego. There was a sudden pull of his right hand, making Loki start. She had laid his hand on her lap and was picking glass out of the several dozen divots in his palm with a set of tweezers. No warning, no question, no regard for personal space.
No way for him to look away.
He wasn’t entirely sure how they had ended up tangled in bed if he was honest. Most likely, it was one of those moments where she said something witty or challenging and he had a knee-jerk reaction to snap back. To offer a reason. To explain, because surely she could not be so naïve.
No one had ever tried to fuck with him just for the fun of it, before. No one had ever been that stupid.
The playfulness and lack of expectation in her manner of treating him, no matter the circumstance, made something inside him crack and crumble. Especially now, in their safe-house. He was at the watch station, the scope of a gun acting as his binoculars from where she, Aurum, had set up her nest. However, the second he had been sent up to her position, he had taken over the post with a bullheadedness that rivaled his brother’s, any day. Amused rather than annoyed, she allowed him to take over, leaving her to toss mini marshmallows at his head while he kept watch. He was more irritated at the fact that she was so at ease with him in such close quarters than he was at her tossing things in his direction. 
One projectile caught the barest corner of his eye and the sound of irritation that came afterward was something that might have left Alligator Loki. “Would you stop? I am trying to do my job!”
She rolled her eyes, leaning back so that her chair balanced on two legs. “We’re just observing, Loki, not defusing a bomb. You can relax.”
He wanted to bark back that there was no time for relaxing. That he could relax when he was dead, again. And he almost did before she cut across, again, her brow adorably furrowed in what he might have seen as concern.
“You know you can relax, right? That’s why they gave us an easy job. You need to take a breather.”
Though he knew what all the words meant, they did not make sense being directed at him. “What?” He prayed that he had misunderstood and was able to lay his irritation to rest.
“I asked the others to give you the watch with me because you haven’t slept in six days.”
So, he hadn’t misunderstood. “Why would you do that?”
She balked, blinking several times as if processing the words. “Because. You haven’t slept in six days. You need rest.” Aurum had immediately known that was the wrong answer. Along with the clenched jaw, she could almost make out the faint wisps of emerald smoke drifting off him–that only seemed to happen when he was none too pleased and losing his grip on his emotions.
“You thought I’d get someone killed, didn’t you?”
His voice was poisoned honey and she knew it. She couldn’t care less. “Yes. Yourself.”
Loki stilled. The retort dancing on his tongue fizzling out into nothingness. He was going to demand an explanation about why she didn’t think he was good enough for the job or if it was just the fact that she didn’t trust him. To find that it was concern for him was… unsettling. She seemed to think nothing of his confusion as she continued.
“Loki, you’ve been on for weeks. Back-to-back missions, research, recon, gathering intel… You’re not a one-man team. And while I thoroughly enjoy the chaos you bring into my bedroom that also isn’t rest as much as a distraction.”
His heart urged him to speak, to disagree. To talk about the calm he felt while he was panting on her bedsheets, trying to catch his breath. Of the soft way she carded her fingers through his hair when worry wrinkled his forehead. How he wanted nothing more than to succumb to the desire of curling up in bed for hours with nothing but kisses and small talk to distract them. That rolling around the sheets with her was the most rest he had gotten in thousands of years. Instead, Mobius invaded his mind. You were born to cause pain and suffering and death.
And he wanted none of those things for her.
Stiffly, he turned back to the scope, ignoring the hurt expression plastered on her features for the good of them all. “We have work to do.”
“There’s nothing to do. They’re lurking. They’ll lurk here for another hour or so before quieting down for the night, the same as they’ve done for the past week.”
Loki’s jaw ticked as he fought against grinding his teeth. “Forgive me if I want to double-check your intel. You’re so easily distractible, as it were.”
Aurum scoffed, pelting him with one last marshmallow with an unnatural force that nearly almost stung. It wasn’t until he heard the door slam shut that he noticed that she had left in a huff.
Curse those spies with their light feet.
Loki bit his tongue. A sour taste invaded his mouth and made his stomach turn over. He understood what she was trying to do. Truly, he did, but it was hard for him to accept the help. It was nearly impossible for him to accept the caring nature of her silent deeds and not immediately feel like he was taking advantage of her. Had he somehow tricked her into caring for him? Mobius had called him a narcissist once. Was this just his natural ability to make people succumb to his will? To make it all about him? What was–
“No. No no no no,” Loki chanted under his breath as he watched her stalk down the street, muttering to herself and hands in her jacket pockets, walking straight for trouble.
From what he could tell through the scope, she hadn’t noticed the figures hidden in the shadows, just out of the view of the street. But they sure had seen her and were staring at her with great interest.
“Don’t make her. Don’t make her. Don’t make her. Don’t make h–“ He watched one of the thugs nudge his buddy in the ribs and gesture to her with his head. They nodded in agreement and started after her. The one leading reached out, put a hand over her mouth, and pulled her backward into the alley.
Loki lifted a hand to activate his comms, already halfway across the room and a second from wrenching the door open. “Aurum’s been made.”
Tony’s voice crackled over the comms. “What? She’s Spec Ops and you’re on a stakeout. How?”
He took the stairs by twos, hoping his legs would carry him quickly enough from the sixth floor to the ground. “That’s not important right now, Anthony!”
Tony muttered a choice string of profanities before adding. “Sit tight, we’ll be there in 60 seconds.”
“I’m already on my way!”
“Loki, you’re not supposed to be here. Fall back!”
Loki crashed through the stairwell exit and across the lobby to the street. “It’s my fault and she can’t wait!”
Armed with a dagger in each hand, he gleefully breached the alley.
The duo had grown in numbers in the short time it took him to appear. Aurum was fighting off two men twice her size, sparkling golden blood trickling down the corner of her mouth from her cut lip. He sighed in barely restrained relief at seeing her alive and upright. But his relief was immediately marred by the vivid scarlet his vision was flooded with; by the sheer anger of thinking that someone would ever think to put a hand on what he held precious.
His first dagger found its home in soft flesh and flowing blood. The second did not wait much longer to be similarly homed. Blind rage. It was the purest form of anger he had ever allowed himself to experience. He barely had any restraint. He was not looking to disarm, he was looking to tear them apart, limb from limb. He would not be her destruction, today.
Forty-two seconds later, Tony and Strange had arrived at the scene. They skidded to a halt, faces morphing from determination to abject horror at the pile of bodies in the alley. Genius and doctor scrubbed the floor for signs of their team before their eyes fell just a few feet away, deeper in the alley, resting against the wall. A blood-soaked Loki was on his knees, clinging onto Aurum’s hips as his salty tears wetted her equally soiled t-shirt. She looked halfway surprised and elated that this was how he had reacted after sparing no morsel of anger just a few minutes prior.
After the shock settled, Stephen sighed, crossing his arms over his chest and trying his very hardest not to sound like a chiding school teacher. “Not that we don’t appreciate you keeping her safe, but… how are we going to get information out of corpses, Loki?”
Tony made a quarter turn and promptly threw up, waving a weak I’m fine at the team.
“One got away,” Aurum whispered, stroking her hand through Loki’s hair. He nuzzled into her stomach and sighed.
“And that helps us, how, exactly?”
Loki lifted his head and wiped at his eyes, succeeding only at leaving a grotesque red mask over them. He sat back on his heels to take a breath. “I slipped a bug in his pocket.” He dug through his own pocket for the Stark device beeping within and tossed it over. “It’s active. He’ll go to the HYDRA base, most likely. Report back.”
Stephen looked suitably impressed. “Clever.” He raised his eyes at Aurum. “Have you tried, just, dosing him with Nyquil? Seriously, you know the man can’t relax, voluntarily. Just knock him out.”
She shot him a crooked half-smile. “Will do, Doc.”
Tony scrunched his face in confusion. “Wait, what? What am I missing? Why her?”
“Never mind, Tony. Let’s go. Jet is in the back.” Stephen stared at Loki just a second longer. “You did good. Good job.”
The acknowledgment brought a smile to Loki’s face. If he could keep it up, he would certainly make a positive impact on this world. He could do so much to help these people.
His reverie broke with another slow stroke of his hair. Loki looked up, eyes widened and glossy, as if he were staring at a wonder of the world.
“You always do well. Even when you have nothing to show for it,” she added, offering her hands to help him to his feet. “There’s nothing you need to prove.”
He accepted her hands, clambering up to his feet with a sheepish smile. Inside, he mulled over her words.
Maybe, just maybe, he could believe them for now.
Maybe today was not the day he brought death and destruction.
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mimisempai · 3 years
You may be out of my sight, but never out of my mind
During his journey with Sylvie, Loki realizes that Mobius occupies his mind much more than he thinks.
5 times where Loki thinks about Mobius and 1 time where he realizes that he misses him.
Loki along the episode 3, in the episode Mobius is not present... physically, but in Loki's head... it's another story...
1992 words - rating G
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As he tried to keep up with her, Sylvie wryly asked him, "What exactly makes a Loki a Loki?"
Seriously, why were they all asking him the same thing? Loki remembered their first discussion with Mobius.
"All I seek is a deeper understanding of the fearsome God of Mischief. What makes Loki tick?"
Mobius... who seemed to know him before Loki even answered him. Who seemed to know before him what made him tick. Mobius who had made him tick, who had helped him see his flaws, but who hadn't used them against him.
He wouldn't reveal anything to Sylvie, he didn't know her well enough to trust her yet. Though a little voice in his head whispered to him, "You didn't know Mobius for much longer when you made yourself vulnerable to him."
Yes, but Mobius was Mobius as Loki was Loki.
He sighed before replying, with his usual verve, "Independence, authority, style."
Some would say three words weren't enough to describe him, but it was enough for now.
Sylvie sneered and retorted, "So, naturally you went to work for the boring, oppressive time police."
What a cheeky woman, she didn't know anything.
He protested, "I don't work for them. I'm a consultant."
Even though several people at the TVA had repeatedly reminded him of his place in the short time he'd been there, Loki liked to think that Mobius considered him as such.
If Loki was honest, he had enjoyed "working" with Mobius. Not to mention the way they had "grown closer."
But now... he didn't even know if they would get reunited and if they did... he didn't even want to think about it. He couldn't. He didn't have time for that.
Sylvie replied, "You don't know what you want."
Loki answered with a deflection, even though deep down he knew exactly what he wanted, or rather who he wanted.
"I can't sleep in a place like this."
Loki, surprised, asked Sylvie, "You can't sleep on a train?"
She replied, annoyed, "No. I can't sleep around untrustworthy people."
That he could understand.
Of course, he couldn't help but think of the last time he had slept like that.
In the TVA archives, while he and Mobius were doing research, Loki had fallen asleep. He hadn't just dozed off, he had fallen deeply asleep.
One could argue that it was because since New York he hadn't really been able to sleep, so exhaustion outweighed caution, or that he was bored with the research, but Loki knew it wasn't either of those reasons.
No matter how exhausted he was, no matter how tired he was, he had never slept in the presence of anyone else without his subconscious being in a state of minimal awareness.
It was ingrained in him. Few people had given him reason to trust.
In a place like the TVA, filled with hostile people, the presence of one person had been enough for him to let his guard down and sleep soundly.
He couldn't help but wonder why.
What was it about Mobius that was breaking down Loki's defenses one by one? Worse, what did Mobius have that made Loki's defenses fall one by one without making him want to run away?
Sylvie was a little more open and asked, "Hang on a second. So, tell... Tell me about your mother."
Sylvie was different in a way, kind of like Mobius, she made him want to confide... a little. Or was it because she was a variant of himself? In any case, he didn't mind answering, even if the news of his mother's death was still tough to accept.
"I barely remember her. Just blips of a dream at this point. You know, when I was young, she'd do these little bits of magic for me. Like turn a flower into a frog or cast fireworks over the water. It all seemed impossible. She told me that I'd be able to do it too because... Because I could do anything. You wanna see?"
He twirled his hand and mini fireworks erupted from it. He smiled, proud of himself.
Sylvie snorted and said, "Not bad.
Then Loki added, "She was the kinda person you'd want to believe in you."
Knowing the truth about his mother's death now, his sadness was all the greater. He could never again give her reason to believe in him.
The same little voice came again, "But there is someone else..."
There was someone else he would want him to believe in him.
Someone else who had believed in him enough to ask him for help, even if it was to fulfill his own agenda.
Mobius who had put his head on the line so that Loki wouldn't be reset, because he had seen something in Loki the same way his mother had always seen something in him.
Mobius had told him something that had resonated with him, like an echo of his mother's words.
"I guess I'm wondering why does someone with so much range just wanna rule?
But then things happened and Loki had to make this choice in a hurry.
He wondered if Mobius still believed in him now.
He could still hear him shouting just before he went through the portal.
"Loki wait!"
He couldn't help but hope that the man would listen to him before judging him.
That Loki would still have time to show him that yes, he could be believed in.
"How about you? You're a prince. Must've been would-be-princesses or perhaps, another prince." Sylvie punctuated her sentence with a little wink, as if she was daring him to prove her wrong.
But Loki was proud of who he was, and he wouldn't hide, he answered her with a little smile, "A bit of both. I suspect the same as you."
She nodded and Loki continued, "But, nothing ever..." he paused because what he was about to say was not completely true anymore.
However, Sylvie finished his sentence for him, "Real."
As he heard Sylvie say this word out loud, he realized it was no longer true. He took a sip.
This sort of relationship they had started with Mobius before they left for Alabama, Loki didn't want to believe it wasn't real.
He, the master of illusion, didn't want to believe that the emotions Mobius stirred in him weren't real.
He couldn't believe that the caress of his fingers, the taste of his lips that he could still feel were not real.
The very idea that the understanding and compassion he had read in Mobius' eyes was not real, it was terrifying to Loki.
Because for once he'd caught a glimpse of something that could only be his, not a throne, not a title, not glory. Just something real.
Sylvie had fallen asleep and Loki found himself alone with his thoughts, his thoughts that were only directed towards one person.
So he continued to drink and as the musicians played a melody that reminded him of Asgard, uninhibited by alcohol, he felt like singing and dancing.
With a snap of his fingers, he changed his borrowed uniform into that of the TVA.
It wasn't the leathers of Asgard, nor his god-like outfits, but he felt better right away.
Because it was the same as Mobius and it made him feel like he belonged. That the bond was not broken.
The jacket, even though it had the horrible name of Variant on the back, it was Mobius who had given it to him, who had told Loki that he looked smart in it.
Okay, drunkenness made him particularly sappy, but after all, for a short while, he felt like letting go.
He began to sing and dance in the middle of the dance floor, with some of the other passengers joining in.
When she sings, she sings “Come home”,
When she sings, she sings “Come home”
He almost burst out laughing when Sylvie woke up and saw him on the dance floor. She asked him where his uniform was. He just shrugged his shoulders and continued to sing and dance happily.
Suddenly the music became slower and more nostalgic, similar to a song his mother used to sing to him, and he leaned against the bar and couldn't help but sing along,
I stormsvarte fjell, jeg vandrer alene
Over isbreen tar jeg meg frem
I eplehagen står møyen den vene
og synger “når kommer du hjem?”
Men traner danser og fossene stanser
når hun synger, hun synger “kom hjem”
And before the emotion took over, he began to dance and sing happily again in an attempt to keep the nostalgia from overwhelming him.
When the music stopped, he returned to Sylvie and took his place in front of her.
She asked him with a raised eyebrow, "What did you just sing to look so troubled?"
Loki with a slightly tight throat, but trying not to let it show, answered, "It's Asgardian, it says :
In storm-black mountains, I wander alone
Over the glacier I make my way
In the apple garden stands the maiden fair and sings,
"When will you come home?"
Loki had to stop, overwhelmed by emotion.
Sylvie, her eyes devoid of all mockery, said softly, "So there is a would-be-princess somewhere..."
Loki chuckled sadly before replying, "I like metaphors you know, in this instance, it's not a princess, it's a prince, and I don't know if he's waiting for me or hoping to see me again, it's not even really my home, but..."
"...but you'd like to believe it, right?"
Loki could only nod.
Sylvie was explaining to him how her power worked as they made their way to where they could escape.
"That young soldier from the TVA, her mind was messed up. Everything clouded. I had to pull a memory from hundreds of years prior, before she even fought for them."
Loki stopped, shocked, not wanting to realize what Sylvie's words implied.
He asked her, urgently, "What? What'd you just say? Before she joined the TVA?"
She answered as if it were the most normal thing, "Yeah. She was just a regular person on Earth."
"A regular person?"
"Loved margaritas."
Loki continued as he began to understand, "I was told that everyone who works for the TVA was created by the Time-Keepers."
Sylvie laughed, "That's ridiculous. They're all Variants, just like us."
Loki appalled, "They don't know that!"
Mobius doesn't know that. The way he talks about the TVA, the jetski, Casey not knowing what fish are. They don't know that!
As they ran toward their destination, Loki couldn't stop the stream of thoughts that swirled in his head.
He thought back to their discussion.
"I think a TVA agent showing up on a jet ski on the Sacred Timeline, that would create a branch for sure."
"It'd be fun, though."
"Yeah, it'd be really fun."
"So, why read about them?"
"Just helps remind me of what we're fighting for."
How would he react if he learned that his whole life was a lie?
Loki knew it. Loki had lived it. He had been devastated when he learned that his parents were not his parents.
Loki's heart bled for Mobius, even though the man didn't know yet.
Mobius who had that kind of candor that Loki had lost for so long.
At that moment he realized how much he missed the man and how much he had become an important presence in his life. For the first time since they met, he didn't want his comforting and protective presence. He didn't want Mobius to be there for him, he, Loki, wanted to be there for Mobius.
He felt like protecting and comforting.
He felt like fighting for something other than himself.
At that moment, it wasn't the time keepers, or the tempad or anything else that mattered to him.
He had only one thought, only one word in his mind.
The whole serie here : The story of Loki and Mobius
🌈 Happy Pride month ! 🌈
To celebrate, 1 day, 1 story.
Be ready for smiles, laugh, fluff, tooth rotthing fluff, positive vibes and a lot of love!
Not beta'd
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e350tb · 6 years
Iron Horses: E350 Plays Transport Fever - Part 3
Episode III: The Curse of the Unexpected Hillside
You’d think I’d learn.
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Our railway adventure is ready to continue, but first, a quick notice regarding the name of Metropolis Station - I think I’ve come up with an appropriate name.
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All passengers boarding at Metropolis will now be doing so at Shuster Steet Station, which is of course named after Joe Shuster, co-creator of Superman.
With that out of the way, let’s get back to work.
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Our first task today is get a goods train running, and I can pretty easily do that by delivering from an oil well near the main line to an oil refinery. That can turn oil into fuel, which can then be delivered to Mobius. Exactly what’s using petrol in 1853 is anyone’s guess, mind. I blame Tails. He always looked shifty to me.
A further benefit of connecting these industries is that it can form the nucleus of a cross-country line to Elmore, and from there to Shelbyville and beyond.
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Branching off the main line is fairly easy, although right now the branch line is only connected to Mobius. Metropolis and Jump City will probably be connected in the future.
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The new goods station slots in without fuss. I’ll have that off to the side for when we start running passenger trains through to Elmore - we don’t want them having to wait for goods trains to load up.
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From there, connecting the refinery is fairly easy.
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And bam. Goods train, nice and easy. This is a GWR 57-class 0-6-0, and I’ve painted it a nice black for goods work. Note the open cab, which I’m sure was appreciated in Britain, a country where it certainly doesn’t rain a lot.
But that’s enough dealing with oil right now (we’ll come back when the refinery builds up some fuel production), it’s time to connect Duckburg to Metropolis!
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So the good news is that the route basically already exists. The railway can just follow roughly the same route as the road through the valley. I’m sure the result will be very scenic for passengers.
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Construction intially goes very well - but then we get to Duckburg to place the station.
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I had not noticed that hill. Isambard Kingdom Brunel I am not.
After laundering a lot of money through pork barreling, I work on smoothing the terrain. This solves one problem, but creates another.
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That hill is going to be a challenge, but it’s a challenge for another day. For now, the station has been built, and we can connect it to the main line.
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We take a quick diversion to get a second goods train running to connect the fuel to Mobius.
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At long last, Duckburg is connected to the network! I extend the existing train service from Mobius to Metropolis to stop there.
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And so the first train ambles along the new line. But I’m not interested in ambling. See, what if people want to go to Duckburg from Mobius, but they don’t want to stop at Metropolis? What we need is a nonstop express service, a largely pointless prestige train to catch the headlines.
I can see the paper now; ‘SPIDER-MAN: THIEF OR MENACE?!’ and then we’re mentioned on like page three or something.
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We’re going to use this oddly-named engine - the Crampton. Named for it’s designer, Thomas Crampton, the Crampton designs never quite caught on in Britain but were very popular in Europe. They’re perfect for what we want, because they’re the fastest engines available.
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Here she is. If I’m honest, she ain’t pretty, but she’ll do ninety kilometres an hour (56mph) and that’s what’s important. I buy a second run to keep the train regular - it’ll need a name though.
Part of me wants to name it the Flying Duck. If you want to stop me from doing that, please god help me think of a better name.
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And here we in late 1854, with four cities connected to the network. The logical next step is to connect Gotham City or perhaps Elmore, and carry on from there.
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We could also expand over the river to Hillwood, but it would require surmounting this problem. We can do it, but it will be both hard and expensive. It may be easier, in fact, to swing due east and connect Gravedale instead, but that would mean giving up the direct route through Hillwood to Empire City, and I’m not sure I want to do that.
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On the other hand, we can easily reach Gotham, and from there we can head on to Ooo with very little hassle. It’s easy, so it’s probably what I’ll do next.
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But for now, that’s all she wrote. We’ve got a decent network and a lot of trains - definitely not bad at all. Tune in next time as we run a line to Gotham, consider investing in supervillain proofing and deliver a lot of petrol to people who probably don’t need it in 1854.
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droneseco · 3 years
Audeze Penrose Wireless Gaming Headphones Review: A Sensational Audio Experience
Audeze Penrose
9.00 / 10
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The Audeze Penrose headphones come with a weighty price tag, more than many gamers would be willing to part with for a gaming headset. So, the question is, do the Audeze Penrose wireless gaming headphones deliver?
Brand: Audeze
Battery Life: 15-hours
Noise Cancellation: No
Bluetooth : Yes
Outstanding audio
Well balanced soundstage
Easy to setup, fast connection
Dual Bluetooth connection
Very low latency audio with 2.4GHz wireless
Might be uncomfortable for some users
Planar magnetic drivers more delicate
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Audeze Penrose amazon
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You don't always have to spend big bucks for the best quality product. That's a common fallacy when it comes to technology. But every now and then, you really do get what you pay for, and the Audeze Penrose wireless headphones fit that bill, delivering sublime audio quality in a comfy package.
Does the Audeze Penrose have issues? Perhaps. Can the excellent audio carry it over the line?
Let's find out in our review of the Audeze Penrose wireless headphones.
What's in the Box?
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Before sticking the headphones on for the audio test, what comes in the Audeze Penrose box?
Audeze Penrose headphones
Audeze 2.4GHz Wi-Fi dongle
Detachable microphone
1x USB Type-C to Type-C cable
1x USB Type-C to Type-A cable
1x 3.5mm jack to 3.5mm jack cable
Tape measure
Yes, that's right. There's a tape measure in the box. The tape measure is actually part of a separate Audeze product, the Audeze Mobius, which includes a head tracking option for your screen. As awesome as that sounds, this feature isn't included with the Penrose.
Audeze Penrose Specifications
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The Audeze Penrose headphones support 2.4GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections, and this model works with your PC, Mac, PlayStation 4 or 5, Nintendo Switch, Android devices, and iOS devices.
You've probably spotted the omission from the list: the Xbox Series X, S, and One. Fear not. The Xbox has its own version of the hardware, the Audeze Penrose X. It even has a green color scheme to match!
Onto the Audeze Penrose spec list:
Design: Over-ear headphones
Color: Black, with blue trim
Drivers: 100mm Planar Magnetic
Magnetic structure: Fluxor magnet array
Magnet type: Neodymium N50
Frequency response: 10-50,000Hz
Diaphragm: Ultra-thin Uniforce
Connectivity:4GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5.0
Battery life: Up to 15 hours
Charge time: 3 hours
Battery type: Lithium polymer
Microphone: Detachable "broadcast quality" microphone
Weight: 320g
Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4 & 5, Nintendo Switch
Audeze Penrose Design
The Audeze Penrose headphones come out of the box featuring a clean design. Audeze hasn't pushed the boundaries of design into any new dimensions, and the overall appearance of the headphones is okay, but not great.
The Penrose model features a blue band around the earcup, while the Penrose X (the Xbox version of the headphones) features a green stripe. The colored strip breaks up the black, but you cannot escape the feeling of plastic, which doesn't immediately scream "quality." But although the design doesn't have the wow factor, the Penrose headphones' build quality is plain to see, and the parts feel well made and solidly built.
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The artificial leather earpads cover comfy padding, while the earcups themselves are adjustable, both on the ear and at the headband's connection. In terms of weight, 320g is perfectly average for a set of wireless headphones, and once you pop them on and get adjusted, you won't notice them.
One thing I would note is that the Audeze Penrose headphones do have a snug fit. My head isn't particularly large, and the headphones are comfy and form a good seal around my ears. However, those with a larger head might find them less comfortable during a prolonged session. That said, this is speculation, as I don't have a larger head to test with.
You'll find an array of dials and inputs on the left earcup, allowing you to mute, adjust microphone or headphone volume, and switch between the headset's three connection modes. The buttons and dials are all easy to use and responsive enough, and the inclusion of an integrated microphone volume dial is welcome, especially if you regularly play online games.
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The power button on the headphones takes a few seconds to activate, which is a little odd, taking around five seconds to switch the headphones on or off. Talking of power, the Penrose doesn't have any battery life indicator. The battery is either working, or not, without any warning. Audeze markets the Penrose with a 15-hour battery life on a single charge.
The headset I was sent lasted for around 13 hours and 30 minutes on average, depending on what I was doing and volume changes during testing. 13.5 hours of playback certainly doesn't put the Audeze Penrose in the top battery bracket, but it's far from the worst, either.
Something to consider is that planar magnetic drivers are more power-hungry than regular dynamic drives, so the Penrose is bound to give something up in battery life. Over 13 hours of playback is enough for most people for a day of work or a prolonged gaming session, so the battery life isn't an issue.
A Note on Handling Planar Magnetic Headphones
The Audeze Penrose planar magnetic design does make it more susceptible to air trapping behind the ultra-thin diaphragm. Audeze recommends that you take care when putting your Penrose and Penrose X headphones on, giving them a moment to adjust to the difference in air pressure after creating a seal around your ears.
As per Audeze customer support:
We recommend exercising certain cautions when handling planar magnetic headphones: trapped air can create high pressure and sudden pressure changes could damage the diaphragms, and this is not covered by warranty. When you put the headphones on or take them off, it's not a good idea to press them hard and fast against the head, so we recommend slow and steady movement to allow the air pressure to stabilize.
Audeze Penrose Sound Quality
In short, the Audeze Penrose headphones are some of the best-sounding headphones currently on the market. They're nothing short of superb, easily accommodating any genre of music you throw at it, delivering each note, tone, and vocal harmony with precision.
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The 100mm planar magnetic drivers allow the headphones to recreate any audio environment accurately, and it's clear Penrose has spent a great deal of time making sure that these headphones can bring your favorite track or game to life.
Interestingly, the Audeze Penrose's overall excellent quality makes it difficult to pinpoint specific areas of distinction. As ever while testing headphones, Spotify's Songs To Test Headphones With playlist is my erstwhile companion. In other reviews, you might read about headphones having a bass-heavy tuning or stuttering with fast-paced high notes.
The Audeze Penrose, on the other hand, does none of this. It just eats it up and keeps coming back for more.
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It's a similar scenario for gaming, too. After all, the Audeze Penrose headphones are meant for gamers. You'll actually find yourself picking out more audio details in your game environment than with other headphones, even in games you've already played to death. This is an impressive quality and one that is hard to match among the rafts of other gaming headphones and earbuds out there.
Resultingly, you'll always hear where an errant gunshot came from and where those quiet footsteps are approaching from, while other details, like the metal of a car scraping down a barrier, sound better than ever before.
Another thing to note about the Audeze Penrose audio experience is that you don't have to turn the headphones up to notice all of these additional sound features. Even at lower volumes, the sound quality and response is exceptional.
The Audeze Penrose headphones don't include any Active Noise Cancelling technology. While the lack of ANC might make some users shy away, you should know that the Penrose forms a semi-noise blocking seal around your ear anyway.
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As the Penrose are closed-back headphones, they block a huge amount of background audio out, even without active noise cancellation. Indeed, I'm testing the Audeze Penrose headphones in a house with three children on their Easter break—you wouldn't know they're home.
One final note on the audio side of things. The microphone is very easy to use and adjust, but the quality sounds somewhat muffled. You can communicate well enough in online games and voice chat apps, but it isn't as clear as other microphone options.
Audeze HQ
The Audeze Penrose has a companion desktop and mobile app that you can use to adjust or create custom EQs and switch the Sidetone feature on and off. Both the desktop and mobile apps are basic, allowing you to save an EQ preset to the headphones.
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One slight irritation is that you cannot connect wireless to the app using the supplied dongle (which is for a 2.4GHz wireless connection for audio). As such, when you want to adjust the EQ on your desktop, you have to plug the Audeze Penrose into your computer using a USB Type-C cable.
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It's only a small problem, but if you have a few different EQs you like to use for different music types, it will become a bit of a drag.
Should You Buy the Audeze Penrose Headphones?
Audeze was the first company to bring planar magnetic drivers to consumer headphones, with the Audeze Mobius.
Now, Audeze is bringing that planar magnetic tech to a different market bracket, losing some of the high-end features from the Mobius (such as 3D head tracking and Waves Nx surround sound), but still delivering outstanding audio quality.
The Audeze Penrose headphones are easily some of the best-sounding headphones on the market right now. You'll be hard-pressed to find a better soundstage, even with the default EQ settings.
The big question comes in the price. Currently, the Audeze Penrose headphones retail for $300, making them one of the more expensive headphone options for gamers.
If you have the budget available and you want a top-notch audio experience, look no further than the Audeze Penrose.
Audeze Penrose Wireless Gaming Headphones Review: A Sensational Audio Experience published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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solarpunksoftie · 7 years
Mark Isn’t Dead
(step-by-step spoilers ahead!)
Y’all. Y’all. 
My bro and I, the theory sibs, had a 5 hour jam sesh and have been pouring over the last 3 chapters and have come to the conclusion that Markiplier isn’t dead. This is gonna be a really long post, but basically we got a plot, a scheme, and the staff and detective are in on it.
Ok, So I guess I’ll go as chronologically as I can with my evidence, but there may be some mobius double reach-arounds.
so going in TRUE chronological order. I’ll start with the security tapes. The eye is drawn so quickly to the Time Stamp because, obviously we’re looking for time, but watch:
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on the footage that ACTUALLY MATTERS the TIME doesn’t mean anything at all. It’s the DATE that should matter. 3 days before the party and subsequent murder. Mark discusses the trustworthiness of the staff that will be at the party. Note he doesn’t bring up the groundskeeper at all, presumably because he shouldn’t be present.
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Anyway, from there, the lightning upon discovering the murder draws THREE people to the scene, specifically the three discussed in the scene from 3 days ago. They all react rather similarly. YOU are then immediately accused of murder. The only wild card in the room? trying to wrap things up quickly? Hm.
There’s then a lot of talk between the three of them, mostly confirming each others validity in their positions and agreeing. You’re made the partner, possibly to keep a better eye on you so you don’t wander off on your own.
Damien doesn’t discover the scene until after the crime scene has been established properly, and seems realistically distraught. He has the most genuine response in this situation imo. I’m convinced he’s at the very least not guilty. 
From the time the crime scene is established onward, we don’t see the body again. It’s under a very bulky sheet. could be anything under there
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This seems like such a lazy and obvious slip-up??? There is only one guest not present and that is the Colonel. Seems like he just needs an excuse to leave,,, after the detective disbands them. Why would he really need an excuse? Why would he lie so poorly? is it code?
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Again, a genuine distraught friend. Not suspicious. A bean who needs a hug and a cry. I’ll stop talking about this genuine man. The only person actually acting like an old friend just died. Just know in my book he’s clean.
So now we get some repetition, to drive home an idea, only it seems to be completely disregarded. But its not. It’s deliberate as hell.
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He leads us to the wine cellar. And he doesn’t just lead us there, he makes a show of it. He narrates the whole thing, talking about evil and seeming afraid of the cellar. Why? The chef is right next to us in the kitchen, just off screen.
 He knows every inch of this house, the Colonel says you’ll find answers in the house, and you’re shown a room exactly once immediately after. He makes such a show of running down the stairs, wailing “If only he was still alive!!” loud enough for half the house to hear, probably.
He’s giving us hints, serious hints, but if the others find out he’s telling us he’ll be in deep shit, so he has to make a show of being emotional and opaque. 
So we creep out of the basement, bump into the cook who says some vaguely incriminating stuff, probably to distract us from the house and get the focus back on the people. He shows us the security animatronic (theres no way you can convince me thats not what it is), likely expecting us only to look at last night and find nothing, not to flip back several days and find conspiring. 
Now in the middle of all this I’m gonna jump to the first chronological Jim short, Suspect With a Shooty?!
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On our timeline, this is the longest stretch of time we are away from the Detective while the body’s whereabouts are still presumed. As he leaves the living room onto the balcony, he keeps checking over his shoulder. Presumably to be sure he could be weird in peace. Jim babbles on as he has his private weird moment (which he is later loathe to discuss as to why he wasn’t watching the body and why I place this Jim first in the sequence). At the end of the video, something seems to alert the Detective that he may not be alone, and he runs off very specifically away from the eyeline of the area where you meet Damien. One can presume what alerted him was Damien exiting onto the balcony.
Next we take a wander outside and get some NPC conversation from Damien, leaving us on “We’ll talk later, I need to think.”
And then we see this:
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Why hide behind a bush? Why sneak around away from Damien?
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Why Colonel, what an advantageous spot. What a lovely overlook to spy on Damien and y/n’s conversation. What a good distance to talk to someone down on the porch below. Maybe warn him that company was arriving?
But Gene, you ask, i thought the conspiracy was between Mark, the detective, and his staff? Yes, reader I did, just bear with me a little longer. Or a lot. It’s gonna be a double reach-around, don’t worry.
Then as you know, we find the lack of body in the living room and the chapter ends.
So chapter two begins with just us and the Detective standing around the missing body. And then, in the same order as before, with just as much rehearsed regularity, the Butler and Chef enter. Once again, none of them act distrustful of eachother.
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But then, right on our heels, the Colonel (its so hard not to call him wilford) pops up, with the same pacing and obfuscating energy as the other’s entrances. He says some mystifying things regarding re-murdering a decidedly mobile corpse before excusing himself to go zombie hunt. 
The Butler points out the fact that the Colonel and Mark are the same age. So they do acknowledge that they look the same. The Detective follows the Colonel’s exit by blatantly saying he doesn’t trust him, or anyone for that matter. The Butler and Chef make some... odd reactions.
The Detective asks us to walk with him, presumably so he can give us some insights in confidence.
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“Why Tonight”???????? That could be a writing slip-up, a mistake, but knowing what we know now about the events later that evening, I don’t think so. Sure I think the character made a fruedian slip, but I don’t think the writers did.
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This whole monologue. Why give it to us? To tell us he can’t be trusted.
This one line alone tells us a few things. He’s lying to us to get us to stop asking questions. He doesn’t trust us. There is ONE (1) other person he doesn’t trust, who can be considered a wild card or meddlesome. Well, headcount, we have the Butler, the Chef, Damien, yourself, and the Colonel. So other than you, who has the Detective been avoiding? Damien. Hm.
So as you walk he continues to blow smoke up your ass until you get to Mark’s destroyed room.He leaves you to look for evidence when suddenly,
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the Colonel pops up. My, my, how does he get around so quickly? Hm.
The Detective hands you over to his vaguely threatening conversation that runs and rambles and utterly distracts you from looking for anymore clues or finding any answers, always conveniently disappearing when Damien appears. Why is everyone avoiding Damien? Or is he trying to lead us into a private conversation with Damien? A conversation he knew would have to happen, since spying earlier revealed that Damien had more to say?
Eventually Damien pulls us away from the Colonel and finally has a very important conversation with us. One where he starts to hint at some suspicions of his own, regarding the Detective And The House.
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Hiding in the house? Hm.
So we hear gunshots, run inside to see the altercation between the Detective and the Colonel, and in the frustration and heat of the moment we get this golden gem:
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in my own home
In My Own Home
Mark IS the Colonel. At least sometimes. He made a plan with the Detective and his staff to fake his death. The Colonel never interacts with the dead body in any way, and once the sheet is down we can’t even visually verify there’s a body under it. He repeatedly tries to stop the investigation by shouting it down and defaming himself to dishearten us. 
But how does he get around so fast? Well, what does every good Mansion have? Secret passages. Ways to pop up unexpected in your own home. He’s been in the house the whole time. In the walls, spying, corralling us and Damien for something. Maybe the Real Colonel is tied up in the basement somewhere. Who knows?
So we start off with the entrance of Selene. And the Colonel responds very uncharactaristically soft.
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He sounds more like himself, like Mark, for a moment, in his surprise before composing himself and acting erratic again.
Selene starts dishing out exposition, the Jumanji line drops giving us a possible explanation to the space-time bending ways of the Colonel, the boys play with lightning.
Flash Forward to the Oracle sight sequence. Its prefaced with “Keep your enemies close.” A phrase we’ve heard a few times. I think the visions warn us of not only things to come, but of our “enemies.” And who is featured in not one, not two, but Three of these visions as the point of interest?
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At this point we haven’t seen the Colonel in person since the round table scene, but one more interesting thing occurs between the plotting three. Once the groundskeeper is revealed the Detective loses all of his cool. Flashback to the first point, Mark and the Detective had a conversation about this days ago and Mark didn’t tell him about any groundskeeper. This is a wildcard who could ruin whatever they have planned. Then he and the Butler have a weird exchange specifically regarding the Colonel.
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The way the Butler’s lines are delivered is everything here. “Well,,, he appeared Tired... and went back to his room.” Tyler gives a lean and a nod and everything short of a wink wink nudge nudge. They’re talking around something right in front of you. A way of telling each other “he’s doing what he should be, he’s safe and out of the way.” without giving away that something more covert is happening. I only caught it because I’ve watched this 12 times at minimum.
I dont know what they’re planning, maybe it was for Selene, maybe it was different and Selene has thrown a wrench into things, who knows. Maybe Damien is the true wildcard, knowing them all so well it threatens the plan and he must be avoided. But something Is Going Down And Mark Is ALIVE.
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nicosbitch-blog · 7 years
Best games as of September 2017
When it pertains to racing games without an up-front price tag, Gameloft has actual winenrs with Asphalt Xtreme as well as Asphalt 8: Airborne. The former is an offroad design racer with a selection of tracks, on the internet multiplayer, and also different vehicles that you can unlock. Asphalt 8: Airborne is an older video game, but has a metric lots of material for you to play through. It additionally has on the internet multiplayer and also various other activities to play. These are both really solid auto racing video games considering their cost-free cost, yet their in-app acquisition strategy is a little hostile. They're great experiences. They're both exceptional complimentary Android games.
Essential Ops is amongst the more recent generation of first individual shooters and also it is just one of the best. In this title, you'll battle terrorists in a range of urban-oriented levels or you can play as the terrorists if you want to. It has a solid online multiplayer community where you can play with your buddies too. It's still an operate in progress, yet it appears to hit all the right marks and also it's updated often. If you 'd like a very first individual shooter that's entirely complimentary, NOVA 3: Flexibility Version is rather great also. They're both cost-free Android games worth looking into.
Clash Royale is the latest video game out of Supercell. They also made Clash of Clans, a former entrant on this listing. In Clash Royale, you'll collect cards, build decks, then contest in individually battles with on-line challengers. You'll gain prizes when you win. In a similar way, you'll lose trophies when you shed. You'll additionally reach form clans to share cards, difficulty clanmates to fight, and also you'll have a variety of chances to open new cards. It's a solid card video game and a great different if you simply cannot get involved in Hearthstone. If Clash Royale simply isn't your point, Supercell likewise makes the very preferred Boom Beach as well as Clash of Clans games. Either of those are good enough to earn this listing also.
It's risk-free to state that Cut the Rope has actually overshadowed Angry Birds as the essential time throwing away problem video game on mobile in the meantime. The collection has actually progressed in a positive fashion as well as Cut the Rope: Magic is the current model. The core auto mechanics include you addressing challenges in unique methods to help Om Nom the monster eat the sweet. There are a ton of degrees, power ups, transformations, and also tactics that will certainly be called for and you can finish each degree without the use of in-app acquisitions. It will certainly just take some time due to the fact that this game does rely upon a power system.
Results Shelter made huge waves in 2015 as well as was just one of the best totally free Android video games released that year. In After effects Shelter, you need to build a sanctuary, take in survivors (called Dwellers), and create a flourishing environment. You'll have obstacles such as fires, raids by AI bad guys, and so on however otherwise it's a very typical builder simulation video game. The in-app acquisitions take virtually an outright rear seat in this title and also the developers have actually been good (up until now) on launching new and also updated web content.
Final Dream Brave Exvius is possibly the very best Last Fantasy-themed freemium video game around. It includes lots of elements from the original games, including real town as well as dungeon expeditions, concealed treasures, secret dungeons, and lots of lore. The game play is easy to discover yet you'll need to assume seriously in order to beat employers and also tough opponents. You're often compensated for visiting everyday as well as extra objectives, pursuits, and also activities assists keep the video game fresh. This is about like it gets for freemium titles. If this set isn't really doing it for you, however you love Final Dream, you can also experiment with Mobius Final Dream and Last Dream Record Caretaker which are both pretty good free Android video games.
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is a card dueling video game where you open cards, develop decks, and after that duel other players making use of the deck you developed. You can build several decks and Blizzard has been respectable with putting out regular updates to add more cards and content. You can likewise log right into your account on mobile or on PC which is an actually great touch. If you don't intend to deal with real players in real-time PvP combat, you can constantly oppress on some crawlers for method. It's free to play makings it very easy and also obtainable for every person to experiment with. It's certainly one of the most effective cost-free Android games out there.
NOVA was just one of the initial effective initial individual shooters on Android. NOVA Tradition is the current installment as well as it's already one of the best free Android video games. It comes pack with far better compared to typical graphics as well as controls. There is additionally a story line, online multiplayer setting, and a basic crafting system. The game has a sc-fi plot. Therefore it brings something a little different compared to the majority of mobile shooters. It'll no question be among the very best games released in 2017.
Pokemon Go was the most significant mobile game of 2016. In fact, it was the largest ever before. Despite the fact that its popularity has actually tapered off a bit, the video game is still a really strong free alternative. Players can check out the real life around them all while capturing Pokemon, taking down gyms, and also discovering Pokestops. New enhancements consist of legendary Pokemon, raid battles, and a lot more. The video game continuouslies progress beyond just what numerous remember it to be. It is among the great free Android video games.
Smash Hit and also PinOut are 2 of the most strong limitless runners out there and they're from the very same programmer. Smash Hit gives you a very first individual perspective as you throw steel spheres at glass panels to stay clear of certain death. It's tranquil, enjoyable, as well as it looks great. PinOut is an infinite pinball game where you should introduce the sphere with various levels and also barriers for life. Both free Android video games look wonderful, play well, and have special mechanics for this category. Both titles have an optional pro variation that unlocks checkpoints so you could continue from a conserved game. Or else, there are no ads, no in-app acquisitions, as well as absolutely nothing getting in between you as well as the game.
Sky Force Reloaded is the most up to date in the Sky Force franchise business (which are all respectable free Android video games). Like its precursors, Sky Pressure Reloaded is a top-down, scrolling shooter where you fly an airplane and your goal is to beat crooks, stay clear of bullets, as well as perform all type of numerous pursuits. It's an ode to the traditional top-down shooters. Regardless of its extremely improved graphics, the video game stays real to those old shooters. The difference being that this one has better graphics. It's a good overall experience similar to the previous models were.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Loki Episode 2 Ending Explained: The Variant Mystery and Marvel Connections
This article contains spoilers for Marvel’s Loki episode 2, “The Variant.”
Marvel’s Loki episode 2, “The Variant” is all about exactly what you think it is: uncovering the mystery of who the murderous Loki variant the TVA is tracking. And the ending of Loki episode 2 does exactly that…or does it?
While we’re certainly meant to believe on first glance that the mysterious and magical woman under the hood is simply a female variant of Loki, and there is plenty of precedent for Loki’s genderfluid nature in the comics, there’s just enough ambiguity (and even a little bit of evidence) to point to the fact that “Lady Loki” might not be “Lady Loki” at all.
But let’s start with the golden-horned elephant in the room, because you might be wondering why there’s a lady version of Loki running around in the first place…
Lady Loki
Our story starts at the end: Ragnarok. Marvel Comics Ragnarok, that is.
Thor: Disassembled was the closing arc to the volume of Thor comics that ran from 1996’s Heroes Reborn until approximately 2004. It was written by Michael Avon Oeming and drawn by Andrea di Vito, and it was excellent, a meta take on the role of story in the world and how characters react to fate, destiny, and free will when they are part of a story. 
It’s also a surprisingly huge influence on the philosophical conversations in this week’s episode – in the comics version, Thor became the All Father and saw the cyclical suffering his people were forced to suffer as Ragnaroks recurred, so, with Loki’s severed head dangling from his belt and protesting the whole way through, Thor initiated a “final” Ragnarok and shattered the loom at the base of the World Tree. 
Two years later, Asgard was reborn over Broxton, Oklahoma, during J. Michael Straczynski run as writer on Thor. The reborn Thor was tasked with finding the reborn versions of his fellow Asgardians, and one of those, to Thor’s great surprise, was a new female Loki. She stayed pretty villainous the whole time she was a woman, most notably joining Norman Osborn’s Cabal (the bad guy mirror of Marvel’s Illuminati, a team composed of ostensibly good guys who mostly just hung out together doing a ton of awful shit). 
So how does this tie into this week’s episode and the possible Lady Loki we meet here? Well, for that we need to look at another Loki “variant” from the comics…
Between Mobius discussing the possibility that Loki wants to shake up his behavior and Loki’s claims that literally stabbing people in the back is overdone, things seem a bit reminiscent of Loki’s behavior in the comics circa Siege. In that story, Loki died a heroic, albeit somewhat pointless death against the Void. Soon after, Loki was reborn as a child and gained the trust of the likes of Thor and certain others.
This turned out to be Loki’s plan from the beginning. The “evil trickster” persona was too predictable and had hit a wall, so he staged his own death (while keeping his soul alive) and had himself resurrected as a child who wanted to use his skills for good. 
To make a long, very complicated (but very good) story short: old evil Loki overwrote the good child after a battle with Mephisto and took the child’s place. Wracked with guilt and still desiring to break the chains of his destiny (and also existing in a universe where IRL Tom Hiddleston was enormously popular and charming), old evil Loki in a teenage body decided to try and rewrite his own future and continued doing good. 
Or at least good-ish – he manipulated a group of Avengers-adjacent teen heroes into reforming the Young Avengers so he could defeat an interdimensional parasite that took the form of the Avengers’ parents, all to protect one of the Scarlet Witch’s kids from going mad with his power. This is a roundabout way of saying: stay tuned for Young Avengers on D+ in 2023, gang (Editor’s note: this show hasn’t been announced, confirmed, or even credibly rumored…but, c’mon, we all know it’s happening).
ANYWAY, one of the features that distinguished Lady Loki from her predecessor was her ability to possess her victims. This runs contrary to Loki Prime, as most of his possession abilities come from use of the Mind Stone. Otherwise, the closest thing is whatever spell he put Odin under at the end of Thor: The Dark World. This is a likely indicator that Lady Loki has a more advanced power set than Loki Prime – it’s possible that a Loki returning from the MCU’s Thor: Ragnarok and his death at the hands of Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War could have developed her powers more over time. It’s also possible she’s got some Mind Stone in her, but that’s unlikely given that we’ve seen a pile of inert Infinity Gems in Casey’s desk. 
Who is Sylvie?
But it’s also very possible that Lady Loki isn’t a Loki at all. 
In the Castillian dub credits at the end of the episode, Sophie di Martino’s character, who we’re all assuming to be Loki based on comics history and the dialogue in the show, is credited as “Sylvie.” 
Sylvie Lushton was a regular girl living in Broxton, Oklahoma, when the reborn Asgard appeared in the sky over her hometown. The reborn Lady Loki, on a lark, decided to give Sylvie powers just to mess with her, and mess with her it did. 
Sylvie, using her new powers to justify the idea that she was actually a reborn Asgardian, took on the name Enchantress (more on that in a moment), moved to New York, and started trying to join a superhero team. She was eventually recruited to join Norman Osborn’s subtly dark version of the Young Avengers, before Lady Loki dropped a bomb on her: she didn’t really exist, and was only created to entertain Loki. Sylvie refused to accept that, and healed…somehow…from a power loss tied with Loki’s death. 
From there, Sylvie was manipulated into joining more supervillain teams before posing as Amora the Enchantress to infiltrate a new Cabal of villains. When the real Amora caught wind of this, she was understandably pissed about the brand dilution and launched Sylvie into the Ten Realms to see if she would survive.
Someone Else Entirely?
The MCU is under no obligation to be faithful to the comics, and they love mixing up elements of characters and stories to suit their own storytelling purposes. To that end, it’s possible that the big Loki episode 2 ending is actually revealing a character who is both Lady Loki AND Sylvie, and considering that Sylvie was initially just a magical creation of Loki anyway, we can see how this would make sense.
The case both for and against this being Lady Loki can be found in her dialogue, particularly when she has possessed Hunter B-15. “If anyone’s anyone, you’re me,” sure sounds like something one variant Loki might say to another. But then her “don’t call me that” admonition to Loki might hint at something else going on.
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Whoever that was at the end of the episode, it’s an intriguing mystery that makes episode 3 appointment viewing.
The post Loki Episode 2 Ending Explained: The Variant Mystery and Marvel Connections appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3xiXZTI
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mimisempai · 3 years
When you kiss me, you speak to my soul
5 times when Loki receives an unexpected kiss and once when he gives one. (or more)
This story inaugurates a new series.
"Together, for all time, always"
This series is my way out in case our boys don't canonically have a happy ending.Background: After the events of the TV show, all the members of the TVA are aware of their status as variants and decide to work together on a better TVA. The main team is composed of Loki, Mobius, Sylvie and Miss Minute. The rest will come as time goes by. The stories do not necessarily follow each other.
3123 words - Rating G
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"Okay Loki! You know that in order to get your time travel pass, you have to prove that you know the rules perfectly."
Loki, annoyed, rolled his eyes and sighed,
"Honestly, I'm a rehabilitated variant, god of mischief, who saved the TVA from its slavery, that pass should be granted to me without going through any fucking tests!"
Miss Minutes jumped in front of Loki and pointed her little finger in the direction of Loki's nose, "Ttttt a god don't swear! And when the new TVA administration, of which you are a part, put the rules in place, you all decided to start over. With a new, admittedly less rigid, but still regulated basis that you signed up!  Come on, only two more points to validate!"
Loki grumbled, itching to send the little clock flying.
Unperturbed, Miss Minutes continued, "Tell me the basic rules of time travel? "
Loki began to recite in a bored tone, "Do not interact with yourself, do not interact with your ancestors, do not interact with historical figures. Don't interact with the big events in history even if it means not being able to save everyone. Pay attention to small details and use your time wisely.
"Perfect my little Loki!"
"Hey, a little respect Miss Mimi!"
The little clock coughed and Loki noticed a slight flush on her little cheeks.
"Well, then explain to me the three major paradoxes of time travel."
Loki, keeping the same jaded look on his face, recited again, "The Grandfather Paradox, if you go back in time to kill your grandfather, you effectively kill your father, and therefore yourself. The Predestination Paradox is simply when your past self is the very cause of your need to travel back in time. This creates an endless loop of travel, which is why it is also called a closed causal loop. Finally, the Bootstrap Paradox. It occurs when something is returned, often to the traveler himself, negating the need for its creation in the first place."
The little clock jumped all over Loki's desk, clapping!
"Yay my little Loki! You'll be allowed to get your pass validated!"
Loki, happy but irritated by the little machine, asked him, "So that means I don't need your lessons anymore, right?"
Loki rubbed his hands together as he said, "Perfect."
He began to move his hand, thinking of a spell to cast on the annoying little clock.
A voice whispered in his ear, "Loki... what did we say about spelling those weaker than ourselves?"
Loki turned to Mobius with a pout, "but Mobiuuus, just a little spell!"
Mobius bent down and took the hand with which Loki was about to cast his spell.
He said softly, "These hands do such beautiful magic, it would be such a shame to make them cast second rate spells."
He laid a gentle kiss to the back of Loki's hand and then walked away with a quiet step.
Loki, slightly surprised, touched lightly with his other hand the place where Mobius' lips had lingered.
Then he got up quickly, knocked over his chair and ran behind him.
Miss Minute, who had witnessed the scene, raised her eyes to the sky and returned to her screen.
Mobius was waiting outside the elevator.
Mobius turned around, Loki was coming towards him with a quick step. He looked at his watch and said with a slightly reproachful tone, "You'll really have to learn to be on time!"
Loki, with a cheeky grin on his face, replied, "I find I'm making progress, yesterday I was 13 minutes late and today only 11."
Mobius rolled his eyes and was about to answer him when they were interrupted by the voiceover from the elevator.
"The elevator is momentarily out of order, please use the service stairs."
Mobius walked to the door next to the elevator and held it open, waving his hand towards Loki.
"After you."
Loki walked past him and began to descend the stairs.
Almost arriving at the bottom, Mobius, on Loki's heels, put a hand on his shoulder and turned him to face him.
"What's wrong?" Loki asked him, surprised.
"Nothing's wrong. Everything's fine," Mobius replied softly before taking his face in his hands and leaning in to kiss him.
A few moments later, they separated to catch their breath.
Loki gasped slightly, asking Mobius, "I'm not complaining, but what was that for?"
As they finished descending the stairs Mobius replied, "It was the perfect opportunity to reverse the roles, for once I was the one who had to bend over to kiss you."
Loki was still smiling as they walked through the door.
As they passed by the elevator, the door opened to reveal the other members of their team.
"Huh? Is the elevator fixed yet? We took the stairs because they reported that the elevator was momentarily out of order, like... three minutes ago."
"What? But we got on it three minutes ago, four floors higher than you."
Loki looked back at Mobius with a little doubt.
Mobius replied, "Just because you're the god of mischief, doesn't mean you're the only one who can use it."
"Argh, for crying out loud, dates, more dates, always dates!!!"
Loki rubbed his eyes trying to fight the fatigue that was overtaking him.
He stood up, took a few steps to stretch his legs before returning to his seat and continuing to flip through his files.
"Need a helping hand?"
Mobius put his hand on Loki's shoulder and gently squeezed it before sitting down across from him without waiting for an answer.
He continued, "I know this isn't your favorite part of the job, Loki, but it's part of it and I'm glad to see that despite your reluctance, you're not afraid to pitch in.
Loki grunted, "I just don't think it's fair, Sylvie never has to do this kind of work. She's always out there."
"Have you been traveling through time, through all kinds of apocalypses like her for that long?"
"Hmph!Always the voice of wisdom huh?"
Mobius snickered, "Me? No, of course not, but the wiser of the two of us, that I am."
"You prick!" muttered Loki.
"Hey, I heard that!"
They both immersed themselves in the files.
After two hours, Mobius saw Loki get up.
"I'm going to stretch my legs for two minutes."
Five minutes later he saw a small bowl of salad appear in front of his eyes.
Loki said to him as he sat down, "to make up for my bad mood of earlier."
Mobius put his hand on Loki's forearm, "Loki, there is nothing to forgive.  You are allowed to have mood swings. I'm not asking you to be someone else. But thank you for the consideration."
He ate the salad Loki had brought him while the god got back to work.
A little later, he was disturbed in his research by a light snore, he looked up at the familiar sight of Loki asleep, his head on his crossed arms.
He had a fond smile. He knew that this kind of work must seem tedious to someone like Loki and yet, even though he grumbled and acted like a drama queen on a regular basis, it didn't stop him from working seriously.
Looking at the time, he thought they had worked enough for today.
He stood up and whispered in his partner's ear, "Loki, wake up. It's late. We're done for the day."
As Loki slowly opened his eyes, Mobius placed a kiss on the top of his head before getting up and going to put the files away.
Loki straightened up and was stretching again when Mobius returned.
"Was I dreaming or did you kiss me on the head?"
"Unfortunately my sleeping beauty's lips weren't accessible so I had to settle for kissing the top of her head to get her to wake up."
Mobius winked at her and headed for the door.
He turned and said again, "Are we going home?"
Loki, who still hadn't gotten used to the warmth these few words provoked in him, quickened his pace to join him.
When Mobius arrived at the cafeteria, he saw Loki concentrating at the dessert counter.
He joined him, placing his hand on his lower back to signal his presence.
"You look completely absorbed in the contemplation of these desserts. Do you have a favorite?"
Loki turned his head toward him and grumbled, "There's always so much to choose from. And every time there's a new kind. I don't even know what to choose. In Asgard there was fruit and... fruit."
Mobius was amused every time Loki was faced with this kind of problem. He made it an insurmountable challenge. This time, Mobius offered to help him.
"If you want we'll take several and share."
Loki nodded, " You choose, because I don't know what to take."
"Okay, go sit down, I'll pick and join you."
Mobius took a sample of several desserts, located the table Loki was sitting at and joined him.
They spent the next hour sharing the dessert plate. It was just the two of them left in the cafeteria. Loki was finishing the tiramisu while Mobius was bringing a last spoonful of chocolate mousse to his mouth.
"So, have you made your choice? What's your favorite?"
Loki licked his lips and replied, "Undoubtedly the tiramisu."
He put his spoon down and asked Mobius, "What about you?"
Mobius, who was sitting next to him, moved closer and looking at Loki's lips, murmured softly, "I'm hesitating between the chocolate mousse and the tiramisu."
He closed the distance between them and placed his lips on Loki's. Loki parted his lips and let Mobius explore his mouth with his skilled tongue. Mobius finished the fierce kiss with a light bite on Loki's lower lip, soothing him with a final lick. Then he moved back.
"I think in the end, tiramisu is my favorite."
They had just returned from the mission and were in the locker room.
Loki was putting his things away in his locker. As always after a successful mission, he was so excited that he was talking non-stop.
Replaying the events in detail, and because he was Loki, he didn't hesitate to emphasize the moments when he and Mobius had been particularly good.
The rest of the team was used to it and listened with one ear.
Mobius smiled fondly.
Continuing to babble, Loki followed the rest of the team for the post-mission debriefing.
As he walked out the door, he felt himself being pulled back. Then a hand reached into his hair and pulled out the tie that held it together.
He looked back at Mobius who was putting the rubber band in his pocket.
Mobius walked over to him.
"Why did you do that?"
Mobius replied with a mischievous smile, "Because when you have your hair tied back, I can't do that."
He raised his hand, and pushed behind Loki's ear the strands of hair that fell over Loki's face, letting his hand linger on the god's neck.
" Neither this."
With his hand on the back of Loki's neck, he ran his fingers through Loki's hair to comb it before gently grabbing it and pulling his head back slightly.
Having cleared with this gesture the throat of Loki, he deposited a rain of butterfly kisses.
Loki sighed, his lips parted, "Mobius..."
Mobius moved back again leaving his hand in Loki's hair.
"Nor this."
He raised his second hand and joined it with the first on the back of Loki's neck, tangling his fingers in the long black strands before pressing gently, forcing the god to tilt his head forward. Their lips were so close that each could feel the other's breath. Mobius pressed his lips to Loki's, his fingers clutching his hair as the god's hands found his waist.
Their kiss was long and slow, and when Mobius pulled back, nipping at Loki's bottom lip, He saw that his eyes were clouded and his mouth wide open.
"That's exactly why I like you better with your hair loose."
With a smile, he kissed Loki briefly on the cheek and headed for the locker room door, the bouncy step of one who has just won a victory, oblivious to Loki's hungry stare.
Loki had had enough.
Mobius obviously enjoyed starting fires with Loki and never extinguished them.
Loki was on edge.
Not that Loki didn't appreciate Mobius' spontaneous displays of affection and kisses, the man was extremely inventive and talented, but he felt like a ball of clay in his hands.
His pride as a god of mischief was at stake!
He had to regain the upper hand, just a little, just a few moments.
"Hoho miss Minutes, looks like someone needs to get laid!"
"Hey Syl! I'm just a pure little watch. I don't want to know anything about your sex lives!"
Sylvie sitting with her feet up on Loki's desk fluttered a paper cutter in the air and snickered back, " Which sex life Mimi?"
The watch returned to the screen and grumbled, "Never mind, Loki and Mobius's love life is none of my business! Hmph!"
Loki with his hands on his hips and a dark look in his eyes, muttered to Sylvie, "Don't you have a job to do instead of gossiping with that piece of junk clock?"
"Hey jerk! I heard you!" Shouted the little voice from the monitor.
"It's so much more interesting to watch you mope about your mustachioed prince."
Loki slumped into the other chair, a sulky look on his face.
"It's not so bad though?" asked Sylvie, studying him, her chin on her hand.
Loki told her everything, from the kiss on his hand to the fiery kiss in the locker room.
"And you dare to complain?!" Sylvie asked him, quite irritated, "You have a man who is completely devoted to you, and full of attention for you.  Do you realize how lucky you are?"
"Wait, Syl! It's not that I don't like it. On the contrary, but... argh" Loki tugged at his hair, "I don't know how to say it, before, the Loki before the TVA, I've always been a hedonist who enjoys the pleasures of life, who takes and throws, but now, even though I'm still a hedonist, I don't just want to consume anymore, I want to give too. And right now I feel like I'm the only one receiving."
"Aw, you're cute you know."
"Hey! Don't make fun of me!"
"But no, well just a little bit, but really Loki, the fact that you're thinking about this, shows how much you've evolved right? Have you even tried talking to Mobius about it?"
Loki shook his head, "You know me, I often talk a lot to mask my insecurities and also because I like to listen to myself talk, but anyway what I mean is that when it's serious I'm unable to express myself properly."
"And show him?"
Sylvie rolled her eyes, "Loki, are you the god of mischief or not? You are capable of seducing anyone! Don't embarrass me!"
A few moments later, alone in his office, he thought back to this discussion.
How could he surprise Mobius?
Mobius who knew how to read all his tricks...
Of course! The answer was obvious!
What better way than a direct approach!
He waited for the right moment and went to Mobius' office, sure to find him there.
As he walked through the door, Mobius looked up, a smile blooming on his face as he saw Loki.
"Loki!" He wanted to stand up, Loki stopped him by waving his hand. With one hand he locked the office door and with the other, using a flick of his wrist, he turned Mobius's chair around before walking towards him.
Then, without warning his lover, he straddled Mobius' lap and framed his face with his hands before throwing himself on Mobius' mouth.
Mobius pushed him back slightly and managed to articulate, panting, "Wait, wait, wait Loki! What's the matter with you? Not that I'm against it, but I'm surprised, pleasantly surprised, that you'd take the initiative like this."
Loki with his forehead and lips against Mobius' replied, equally breathless, "The problem is that my lover has been teasing me all week, kissing me everywhere and at any time, and hasn't given me a chance to return the favor, so now you shut up and let me kiss you! It's my turn!"
As Loki resumed the interrupted kiss, Mobius decided, with the last fragment of coherent thought he possessed, that all he had to do was enjoy it. He just ran his hands over Loki's hips pressing him closer until there was no more space between them.
He tried to control the kiss, but Loki would not let him, and finally, after a brief struggle, he gave in to the kiss and the shivers of pleasure that ran down his spine.
He believed to be out of air when Loki moved back slightly and fixed him, the eyes shining with satisfaction, licking his lips like a cat which had just devoured a pot of cream.
They slowly caught their breath and Mobius couldn't help but gently tuck a lock of Loki's hair back behind his ear in a gesture that was becoming more and more familiar.
Loki leaned into Mobius' hand.
"Hey Loki, more seriously," Mobius told him softly, "does it bother you that I'm acting like this? Because you know you can tell me."
Loki sighed, "It doesn't bother me per se, it's just the lack of reciprocity, the fact that I'm receiving a lot and giving nothing."
Mobius shook his head with a smile, "Sweetheart," he couldn't help but notice that Loki seemed to appreciate the endearment, "that's not how it works. When you kissed me just now, did you feel pleasure?"
Loki, indignant, protested, "Yes, of course I-"
Mobius put a finger to his lips.
"It's the same for me, you know. I am aware that in your head the gears are spinning wildly non stop, but in such cases, don't think. Just enjoy it, there's nothing selfish about it."
Loki nodded, then passionately kissed his lover once more, until they were both out of breath again.
Then Loki traced a path of kisses from Mobius' chin to his ear and nibbled on his lobe before whispering, his breath making Mobius shudder, "The rest is for later my love..."
He stood up and headed for the door while swaying his hips, fully aware of the gaze that followed him.
Then before he walked through the door, he threw over his shoulder, with a mischievous smile, "I too can light a fire and make you burn for me."
Not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
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