electrosquash · 2 years
Ngl the Reichsbürger Razzia today hitting international news (and therefore the dashboard) for once and Americans explaining it as 'Qanon going international' really grates on my nerves.
We've been dealing with these fuckers for decades now, they've recently tried attacking our power grid and rail infrastructure to induce a revolution, they've been planning to abduct ministers, they've been a major motor of fascism, antisemitism and antivax activities, they've tried storming the parliament, they're armed to the teeth, they placed their members in our parliament, in the police police and in the army. Not because of Qanon but because they believe the german empire to never have ceased existing and the current government to be illegitimate. (They ignore that the third reich was dissolved the moment germany capitulated because they want to instill the monarchy, fascism and/or and the borders from 1871 again, which extended to Kaliningrad) And now that it has reached public consciousness it's all being americasplained as just another extension of their politics instead of a deep structural problem in germany.
Don't get me wrong it SHOULD be major news because they are dangerous as fuck even if they come across as totally off the rails and yes they do use Qanon structures to empower themselves and yes some of them believe in Qanon too. But i'm so tired of everything being tied to US politics all the time without people even trying to understand the local context.
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weiszklee · 9 months
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I'm sorry but the image in my mind of someone typing their name and address in an online form in order to register with a group explicitly aimed at overthrowing the German government and reinstating the monarchy is infinitely funny to me.
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unfug-bilder · 4 months
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Der Wahlprüfungsausschuß des Bundestages wird entzückt sein, wenn dieser Reichsbürger sein dummes Zeug zur Europawahl (!) bei ihnen anliefert.
Wer die Bedeutung der 🖤🤍♥️ noch nicht kennt, sollte sein Wissen dringend erweitern. Andernfalls kann mensch sie beim Lesen als unwichtig übersehen.
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Twenty-five people have been arrested in raids across Germany on suspicion of plotting to overthrow the government.
German reports say the group of far-right and ex-military figures planned to storm the parliament building, the Reichstag, and seize power.
A minor aristocrat described as Prince Heinrich XIII, 71, is alleged to have been central to their plans. According to federal prosecutors, he is one of two alleged ringleaders among those arrested across 11 German states.
The plotters are said to include members of the extremist Reichsbürger [Citizens of the Reich] movement, which has long been in the sights of German police over violent attacks and racist conspiracy theories. They also refuse to recognise the modern German state.
An estimated 50 men and women are alleged to have been part of the group, said to have plotted to overthrow the republic and replace it with a new state modelled on the Germany of 1871 - an empire called the Second Reich.
"We don't yet have a name for this group," said a spokeswoman for the federal prosecutor's office.
Three thousand officers took part in 130 raids across much of the country, with two people arrested in Austria and Italy. Those detained were due to be questioned later in the day.
Justice Minister Marco Buschmann tweeted that a major anti-terror operation was taking place and a suspected "armed attack on constitutional bodies was planned".
The federal prosecutor's office said the group had been plotting a violent coup since November 2021 and members of its central "Rat" (council) had since held regular meetings.
They had already established plans to rule Germany with departments covering health, justice and foreign affairs, the prosecutor said. Members understood they could only realise their goals by "military means and violence against state representatives" which included carrying out killings.
Investigators are thought to have got wind of the group when they uncovered a kidnap plot last April involving a gang who called themselves United Patriots.
They too were part of the Reichsbürger scene and had allegedly planned to abduct Health Minister Karl Lauterbach while also creating "civil war conditions" to bring about an end to Germany's democracy.
The latest plot is also said to have involved a former far-right AfD member of the lower house of parliament, the Bundestag, who was lined up to be installed as the group's justice minister, with Prince Heinrich as leader.
Heinrich XIII comes from an old noble family known as the House of Reuss, which ruled over parts of the modern eastern state of Thuringia until 1918. All the male members of the family were given the name Heinrich as well as a number.
As well as a shadow government, the plotters allegedly had plans for a military arm, with active and former members of the military a significant part of the coup plot, according to reports. They included ex-elite soldiers from special units. The aim of military arm was to eliminate democratic bodies at local level, prosecutors said.
One of those under investigation is a member of the Special Commando Forces, and police searched his home and his room at the Graf-Zeppelin military base in Calw, south-west of Stuttgart.
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bopinion · 2 years
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2022 / 49
Aperçu of the Week:
"A democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch."
(Benjamin Franklin)
Bad News of the Week:
Usually Santa Claus brings gifts on December 6 - at least for the children who deserve it. This year, Ukrainian children, of all people, are out of luck. The European Union had pledged 18 billion euros for the coming year - independent of military aid - so that the Ukrainian civilian state would remain capable of acting. So that, for example, kindergartens and schools can continue to operate and a bit of normality can be maintained.
But now Hungary has blocked precisely this aid at the meeting of EU finance ministers: Hungarian Finance Minister Mihaly Varga vetoed the decision, which, like so many others, requires unanimity. Surely this was no coincidence, as the same meeting was also supposed to be about freezing financial aid to Hungary for not implementing rule-of-law reforms and fighting corruption the way it needs to. This decision was postponed - so the veto was simply blackmail.
Good thing the EU doesn't want to be blackmailed. "There must be no discount here for opportunism," said German Finance Minister Christian Lindner in response. The 26 other EU states now want to seek an agreement to provide the money for Ukraine by another route.
Bad thing that this is likely to be difficult. Precisely because of the unanimity principle. With the signing of the Treaty of Rome in 1957, the precursor of the EU, the European Economic Community, was founded. By only 6 countries. Who were very much in agreement about the common goals. Today there are 27 countries, not really all of which can be counted as a community of values.
The result is a cumbersome apparatus that has largely failed to adapt its processes and structures to the changing situation. The smallest country, Malta, has a population of just 320,000. And yet, in principle, it has the same voting weight as, for example, Germany - which, with over 83 million, represents 260 (!) times as many inhabitants. One can find that unfair. Just as California can find it unfair that with 69 times the population it sends just as many senators to Washington as Wyoming.
The protection of minorities is fundamentally a high good. If you want to apply that in this context. In almost all democracies, the principle of equality (Latin "ius respicit aequitatem": "The law respects equality") is a principle of constitutional law. One man, one vote. If this is not applied - for reasons that are certainly just as good - there would at least need to be ways and means of preventing abuse of the disproportionate weight of votes. But these do not exist. And that is why little Hungary can paralyze big Europe.
Good News of the Week:
Crazy people are everywhere. Conspiracy theories, too. But sometimes not even my great imagination is enough to explain to me what ideas one can come up with. Take the so-called "Reichsbürger" ("Citizens of the empire") for example. In principle, they claim that the Federal Republic of Germany does not exist. Because they deduce from absurd interpretations of the constitution, papers of the four occupying powers after World War II or the 2-plus-4 treaties on German reunification that this country was never properly founded. So the German Reich would continue to exist, be occupied and subjugated by a private law organization.
This leads them to deny the state any legitimacy to represent its citizens. And, in fact, they place themselves above the law - after all, the constitutional state is "not responsible" for them, so to speak. But only they themselves. Unfortunately, this leads not only to harmless craziness such as hoisting the imperial flag over their homes, but also to actual danger for state institutions. In the week just ended, it came to light that a frighteningly large group of these Reich citizens had actually planned the violent overthrow of the government. In other words, terrorism.
Among the leaders are such illustrious personages as a prince, a Corona-denying doctor, a top chef or a judge and former members of the parliament of the AfD - there the name "Alternative for Germany" gets a whole new meaning. Particularly frightening, however, are various former police officers and even elite soldiers. In other words, the armed arm of the movement. Last Wednesday thus saw the largest anti-terrorism operation in the history of the Federal Republic to date: some 3,000 officers from the federal and state governments were and are on the job, conducting raids in 11 states, collecting evidence and executing arrest warrants.
The Federal Prosecutor's Office accuses around 50 men and women of having formed a terrorist organization with the aim of eliminating the constitutional order of the Federal Republic of Germany and establishing a state modeled on the German Reich of 1871. Among other things, the group planned to storm the Reichstag building (Germanys Capitol Hill), to bring about civil war-like conditions by attacking the power supply, to kidnap federal ministers and to depose the federal government. For the moment of the "seizure of power", people had apparently already been selected for important ministerial posts.
What started out as "self-administrators" and spread with lateral thinkers grew into a terror cell with an estimated 23,000 members of whom one in 10 is prone to violence. Fortunately, the potential danger was not dismissed as the harmless crankiness of aluhut wearers, but was correctly assessed, observed and analyzed in detail, and ultimately comprehensively and effectively suppressed. The rule of law, which is according to them not supposed to exist, thus functioned solidly. And it has protected its citizens and officials against danger from within.
Personal happy moment of the week:
We have just returned from the Christmas market. In the snowy parc of Rottach-Egern on the shores of Lake Tegernsee in the midst of the foothills of the Alps. A breathtaking and romantic scenery. With good friends and all the children. With fireplaces and a live brass band. But above all with culinary delights to eat and drink. All in all, for me, the most beautiful combination of this season.
I couldn't care less...
...that many South Koreans will soon be officially younger. The parliament in Seoul passed legislation on Friday to abolish the "traditional method of calculating age." According to the so-called "Korean age," a baby is already one year old at birth. And on every January 1 - rather than on his or her birthday - one year is added. As a result of the abolition, many South Koreans will soon be formally - "in line with international standards" - one or even two years younger. After all, I've always been bad at math. But apparently I had understood a few basic principles earlier than Korean traditionalists.
As I write this...
...snow is falling for the first time this season. And it really does: neighbors shovel garages free, children build snow castles, the bushes in the garden have 20 cm thick white caps on. Very nice. But for us, stupidly, also annoying. Because we won't have a car with winter tires until almost two weeks from now. Therefore, my wife was shopping today on foot and with a backpack, I will ride my bike at -11 degrees celsius to the train station tomorrow morning and next week we will rent a winterized car for a big combined errand trip. Everything has a price.
Post Scriptum:
U.S. basketball player Brittney Griner was arrested entering Russia for cannabis oil, which is legal in her home country, and sentenced to nine years in prison. Russian arms dealer Viktor But earned the nickname "Merchant of Death" as well as 25 years in prison in the U.S. for illegal weapon traffic in troubled areas. Due to a deal that even involved Joe Biden, both are now free - after a prisoner exchange at Abu Dhabi airport. Looking at these two calibers, I realize who the real winner of this deal is. Hint: not a Democrat.
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tomorrowusa · 2 years
A power-crazed president. A coup plot centered around an armed group taking over the meeting place of the country’s law makers.
No, I’m not talking about Trump and the terrorists who invaded the US Capitol in January of 2021.
Events in two other countries reminded us on Wednesday that we constantly need to stand on guard for democracy.
First to Peru. 🇵🇪
Peru president removed from office and charged with 'rebellion' after alleged coup attempt
Peru’s president, Pedro Castillo, has been removed from office and detained on charges of “rebellion” after he announced he would shutter congress and install a “government of exception” – just hours before he was due to face an impeachment vote.
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In a televised speech, Castillo said he would temporarily shut down congress, launch a “government of exception” to rule by decree and called for new legislative elections.
The move immediately prompted mass resignations from the cabinet, and accusations that Castillo had attempted to seize power illegally.
“I strongly condemn this coup d’état and call on the international community to assist in the democratic re-establishment of democracy in Peru,” tweeted the foreign minister, César Landa, as he announced his resignation. “Castillo took this decision without my knowledge or support.”
Castillo’s bid to avoid an impeachment vote swiftly turned into an own goal as the armed forces and the police withdrew their support, saying, in a joint statement, that Castillo’s move was “contrary to the established constitutional order”.
Meanwhile, Peru’s constitutional court called Castillo’s decision to dissolve congress “a coup” and said the leader was no longer in charge of the country.
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Castillo became president winning by the narrowest of margins in June 2021, shaking up the country’s entrenched class system.
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But the novice president made numerous blunders, appointing barely qualified ministers and accumulating allegations of corruption and influence trafficking linked to his family and allies, which were investigated by the public prosecutor’s office.
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The public prosecutor’s office confirmed late on Wednesday that Castillo had been arrested and charged with allegedly “breaching constitutional order”, after he was accused of an attempted coup and seen fleeing the presidential palace.
Earlier in the day, the country’s national police tweeted that “former president” Pedro Castillo had been detained, shortly after congress voted to remove him.
And meanwhile in Germany. 🇩🇪
'Glimpse Into the Abyss': Germany Takes Out Far-Right Coup Plotters
German police carried out massive raids on Wednesday on a suspected far-right terrorist network which was allegedly plotting to violently overthrow the government.
The network was headed by a minor aristocrat and contained special forces soldiers and a former MP.
Germany’s public service-run Tagesschau reported that with 3,000 police officers targeting 130 locations, the raids were probably the biggest anti-terror operation in modern German history.
The network belonged to the radical Reichsbürger (“Reich citizens”) scene – followers of a distinctly German strand of sovereign citizen ideology, who believe the modern German state is illegitimate, and controlled by a shadowy “deep state.”
Prosecutors said the group believed in a mix of conspiracy ideologies including QAnon, and had even tried to establish contacts with representatives of Russia, who they delusionally believed would help them achieve their goals. 
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The morning raids targeted 130 locations across 11 German states. Twenty-five suspects were arrested, including one in Austria and another in Italy, with 22 accused of being members of the alleged terror network, and three others of having acted as supporters. All but one of the arrested suspects were German nationals, bar one Russian national, referred by prosecutors only as Vitalia B, in line with German privacy laws, who is alleged to have helped the network’s attempts to establish contacts with Russia.
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“This isn’t just one of the biggest raids against the far right in Germany in years, it’s actually the largest anti-terror raid ever here,” said Nicholas Potter, an expert on right-wing extremism at the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, a Berlin-based anti-racism organisation..
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“Their plans were very concrete: they wanted to attack the energy grid, storm the Bundestag, establish a ‘new state order’ with their own ‘shadow cabinet’ in waiting, and try state prosecutors and judges at a trial they call Nuremberg 2.0. They wanted civil war. And they allegedly wanted it before Christmas. This is terrorism.”
So in Peru, Pedro Castillo was removed from office and arrested on the same day he tried to shut down Peru’s Congress. That’s what should have happened here on January 6th. Just as Castillo had desired to “rule by decree” Trump has since talked about terminating the US Constitution.
In Germany, an armed far right group with connections to QAnon (and perhaps Russia) was plotting to storm the Bundestag and seize control of the government. That plot is an echo of what happened at the US Capitol. There are still armed extremist groups in the US who are prepared to use force to forward their agenda.
Regardless of country, the real conflict in the world these days is between democracy and tyranny. Those of us who prefer democracy cannot afford to become distracted by minor internal divisions.
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memenewsdotcom · 2 years
Germany arrests 25 over coup plot
Germany arrests 25 over coup plot
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politikwatch · 8 months
#Verschwörungen: #Reichsbürger, Neue #Rechte und #Radikalisierung
Die #Wahrheit der #Anderen
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taunuswolf · 10 months
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Verfassungsschutz noch immer auf rechtem Auge blind?
Massive Hausdurchsuchung bei einem Zeugen
Wie der Spiegel berichtet, haben zehn Polizisten mit Maschinengewehren in der letzten Woche die Wohnung des Ex-Ehemanns der Linken Abgeordneten Sahra Wagenknecht, Ralph Thomas Niemeyer durchsucht. Grund sollen Ermittlungen im Rahmen der Reichsbürger-Gruppe um Heinrich XIII. Prinz Reuß gewesen sein.
Der Wohnungsinhaber war zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht zu Hause, war aber über diesen Besuch nicht begeistert. Eine Sprecherin der Bundesanwaltschaft bestätigte die Durchsuchung, erklärte jedoch, dass Niemeyer lediglich als Zeuge geführt wird. Wozu dann bei der Personalknappheit 10 schwerbewaffnete Polizisten dienen sollten bleibt unklar.
Niemeyer hatte am 8. Dezember letzten Jahres dem Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz mehrere Schreiben übergeben, die er von angeblichen Aktivisten der Reichsbürger Verschwörer mit der Bitte erhalten hatte, diese nach Russland weiterzuleiten. In diesen Schreiben an den russischen Präsidenten Putin hätte Prinz Reuß vorgeschlagen als Vertreter der Regierung des "Deutschen Imperiums" in Verhandlungen über einen Friedensvertrag nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg einzutreten.
Ähnliches wird Prinz Reuß am 13. Juni 2022 vielleicht auch im russischen Generalkonsulat in Leipzig vorgeschlagen haben, wo er nach Verfassungsschutzerkenntnissen mit einer Begleiterin war - offensichtlich nicht erfolgreich.
Der Spiegel zitiert Niemeyer zu der Razzia: "Die haben das falsche Gebäude gestürmt, denn wenn sie das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz durchsucht hätten, hätten sie die von mir überreichten Originaldokumente dort gefunden." Der Durchsuchungsbeschluss diente nach Polizeiangaben dazu, weiteren Beweismitteln wie "E-Mails, Chatprotokollen, SMS-Nachrichten" und anderen Daten zu finden, die Aufschluss über "Ziele, Struktur und personelle Zusammensetzung" der Reichsbürger um Heinrich XIII. Prinz Reuß geben könnten.
Die Wahrscheinlichkeit solche Infos bei Ralph Thomas Niemeyer zu finden strebt stark gegen Null, denn er hatte die Briefe sofort an die zuständigen Stellen übergeben. Sollte also seine "Russland-Nähe" ins Rampenlicht gerückt werden oder war er nur einer von den vielen False Positives, den unschuldig Verdächtigten, die bei Überwachungsmaßnahmen immer wieder Opfer werden?
Mehr dazu bei https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/reichsbuerger-behoerden-durchsuchten-haus-von-sahra-wagenknechts-ex-ehemann-a-7b53880e-bbd4-4dfa-b7e9-459b01a4b352
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3tf Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8351-20230330-verfassungsschutz-noch-immer-auf-rechtem-auge-blind.htm
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unfug-bilder · 4 days
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suzimiya · 2 years
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Eine kurze Zusammenfassung der Faschisten-Themen.
Nazis: 'Ich hasse… 'ich hasse… #nonazis Morddrohung! Mprddrphung! #AfDMachtDumm Hetze! Hass. Reichsbürger❌ Terfs hassen⭕️en #Querdenkentötet🥝🥝
Quelle: Die Zerstörung des Hasses & Hetze der Extremisten. Quelle https://twitter.com/behindthematrix/status/1634671230878990338
I ♥ #Volksverpetzer
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nokzeit · 2 years
Anklage gegen Reichsbürger erhoben
Karlsruhe/Bobstadt. (pm) Die Bundesanwaltschaft hat am 03. Januar 2023 vor dem Staatsschutzsenat des Oberlandesgerichts Stuttgart Anklage gegen Ingo K. erhoben. Gegen den Angeschuldigten besteht hinreichender Tatverdacht wegen mehrfachen versuchten Mordes, gefährlicher Körperverletzung sowie Widerstands gegen und tätlichen Angriffs auf Vollstreckungsbeamte. Zudem werden ihm Verstöße gegen das…
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Na, das nen ich mal ne prompte Reaktion der #CDU #Merz auf die Aktivitäten der #Verfassungsfeinde #Reichsbürger https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1602704363125985280/pu/vid/1280x720/IdyWovAIYk5iZRGs.mp4?tag=12
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hansschwab · 2 years
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#nazis und #reichsbürger dürfen jahrelang waffen horten und #umsturzpläne entwickeln. #klimaschützer:innen werden schon beim #festkleben zum #staatsfeindnummereins #grenzenlos #unverhältnismäßig #luisaneubauer #fridaysforfuture #politikversagen #medienversagen #staatsversagen #paper53 #wetransfer (hier: Hanover, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmHLDZYMPM0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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politikwatch · 2 years
Deutsche #Verschwörungsmythen: #Reichsbürger und #Querdenker
Verschwörungsmythen finden auch in #Deutschland Anhänger. Sie sehen die Coronapandemie und andere Krisen als Beleg, dass dunkle Mächte im Hintergrund böse Pläne schmieden.
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