gorgynei · 7 months
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i LOOOOVE the new minecraft wolf recolours but i had to fix their names. due to the wolf autism. you understand
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barksbog · 5 months
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when you're a big dramatic collie but the neighbours ducks outside the fence refuse to listen to you so you have to throw a tantrum about it
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johntorrington · 7 months
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plantshaped · 6 months
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I have many hoyas getting ready to bloom! Very exciting! The rangsan has 8 peduncles forming so far and it'll be it's first flowers ever so I'm really looking forward to them
In order: krimson queen, bella, DS-70, rangsan
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butchfriend · 6 months
i do think it's extremely funny that one of my three jobs is Mushroom Librarian. like yeah i work on a farm and at a restaurant in town and in the Fungus Archives
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katakaluptastrophy · 8 months
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The Eighth are asleep, post heretical catechism cartoons.
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gamerbearmira · 8 months
HELLO IT IS I. I'm sorry for being gone so long but I had an issue with my Google docs and everything I had written kinda got deleted.... And I kind of couldn't find where I left off with the whole rebirth of a miracle Au soooo I had no idea what to do next for it but after thinking about it I have decided that won't stop me and I WILL continue it. sorry in advance for any inconsistencies that might be in this.
Pov Isabela
She doesn't hate her youngest sister. She knows how she acts to her might be telling a different story but she doesn't. She's jealous of her. She can admit that, at least to herself, that she's jealous of her freedom and the fact that she isn't forced into any role (but is that really true? With how she's forced into the background, isn't that a role of some kind?) She knows she shouldn't act the way she does, it's not fair to Mirabel but she can't help it, besides she can make up for it all later. So when she was awoken this morning by her father and not her youngest sister she felt an intense amount of dread pool into her stomach.
Which only got worse when she got to the table to see that, besides her mother and Mirabel, everyone is already there. The feeling of panic starts to build inside of her as she takes her seat. Something happened. She knows that Mirabel would never skip waking them up, it's one of the many little jobs that she's assigned to herself and she has never, not once, been late doing them let alone not doing one of them.
She tries to keep herself calm as she looks around the table at everyone, trying to see if one of them knows what might have happened but all she sees is her own fear and slight panic reflected back at her. Poor Luisa is looking around the entire area, eyes desperately searching, she looks like she's on the verge of tears. Tia Pepa is raining slightly and the wind of her panic is noticeable she's running her hands through her braid and is repeating her mantra over and over again all while her Tio Felix tries to keep her calm, Isabela doesn't think it's working but shes not going to point that out right now. Camilo and Antonio have identical confused and scared expressions on their faces it would be funny in a different circumstance. Dolores just looks.... Confused.... That makes Isabela calm slightly because if Dolores is just confused, then maybe they're all just overreacting, maybe last night was just a bit much for Mirabel and mama is with her to make her feel better.
Yes that has to be it! Her youngest sister isn't gone, she hasn't disappeared, nothing has changed, nothing has happened, she's just in the nursery with Mama. She takes a breath of relief feeling a little silly for thinking that Mirabel would... That's she.... Yes she was being silly.
The sound of abuela clearing her throat snaps her out of her thoughts, everyone's eyes snap to abuela waiting to hear what she has to say. It's when she looks at abuela that the little amount of relief that she gained disappears entirely. The look on Abuela's face is not one she has ever seen on her before (or maybe she has...maybe it's been 10 years since she's seen it and she just doesn't remember) before she can get too lost in her thoughts her abuela speaks
"Buenos dias mi familia." Abuela pauses as they all greet her back before taking a deep breath "As you all can see Mirabel and julieta are not at the table right now, they're in the nursery at the moment because .... sometime during the night Casita decided to.... Turn Mirable into a baby." Chaos erupts as she finishes speaking. Absolute chaos.
The storm is intense and forms immediately, animals are running around screeching and breaking everything they see, Camilo's form changes from changing into all kinds of Mirables. Dolores is sitting at her seat hands on her head over her ears squeaking repeatedly. Luisa is sobbing loudly and with her full body. Plants of any and all kinds erupt all around her, not that she notices.
Because what? What did abuela just say? No, no way. There is no way. Before she even knows it she's running to the nursery barely registering the yell that follows her, kind of sounds like abuela. She can't stop herself, she has to see because there's no way. No way in hell. She can hear feet following her and by the way that the ground shakes she knows immediately who it is, Luisa.
She reaches the nursery door and slams into it with her whole body, putting way too much force behind it, and almost rips the door off the hinges as she accidentally breaks it down, she falls forward landing hard on her front. The sound of a wailing baby reaches her ears and She scrambles to get up.
Sitting in a rocking chair in the corner of the room right next to the window is her mama. And cradled in her arms is a wailing baby, a frighteningly familiar wailing baby, the memories might be faded but she remembers what her youngest sister looks like as a baby, she'd been one of the first people to meet her, something that she used to tease everyone else with.
No, no please no. This can't be happening. It's a nightmare. It must be. It HAS to be. She wants to wake up now. Please let her wake up now. If she does wake up right now, no matter what time it is she'll go to the REAL Mirable and tell her how sorry she is. For everything. She'll get down on her knees and beg for forgiveness for being such a terrible sister, something she should have done a long time ago. Please please let this not be real.
She feels a hand on her shoulder and jerks away from it taking a step forward towards her Mama and the wailing nightmare baby only for the hand to come back and pull her backwards she turns to see who it is and comes face to face with her papa. He shakes his head at her and mouths 'not yet' pulling her backwards again, pulling her out of the room and into the hallway she struggles against him needing to go to her mama. She sees Luisa in the corner of her eye standing to the side of the doorway looking into the room tears streaming down her face nonstop. That causes her to stop her struggle.
Her papa guides her further down the hallway, grabbing Luisa's arm gently as they pass her to get her to follow him as well. She barely registers any of that her thoughts consumed by one thing.
She'll never be able to make up for what shes done.
IMG HIIII NICE TO SEE YOU <3333 no worries. Google Docs is a writers biggest op sometimes, I get it 💀💀 ALSO I NEED TO RELABEL ALL OF YOUR SNIPPETS SO THEY’RE EASIER TO FIND I KEEP FORGETTING I’M SORRY <\\\\3
Regardless. This is so radical. I mean home girl woke up,and found out bout what? 10 minutes later? That her youngest sister was a baby. AND SHE SAW IT FIRST FOR HERSELF 🫣 But at least she was remorseful?? Took all that but hey, it worked. Baby steps people,baby steps (pun entirely intended).
Thank God Agustín was there, cause with the way Mirabel reacted to Alma, God knows how she woulda reacted to Isabela 🌚
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How do react to that 😮‍💨 and never say never‼️‼️‼️ clwarly they were given another chance fora reason, but maybe she’s too in shock to realize that 🤠
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stockcarbaby24 · 4 months
tagged by @kazoologist to post my lockscreen, homescreen, last song i listened to, and a pretty picture!
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1. Lockscreen: Been really feeling the Fire Emblem vibes lately (Iris if you're seeing this, you know why lmaoooo) so I changed my stuff to some old reliables from my fav game. Never graduating from the weeb with anime characters as her backgrounds even as an adult(tm)
2. Homescreen: Chrom Fire Emblem Awakening you will always be my one true love 💙
3. Last Song: NEVER BEATING THE WEEB ALLEGATIONS HOLY SHIT. If y'all following this blog thought I wasn't a massive nerd surprise I guess.
4. Pretty Picture: The view from my in-laws place when I was on vacation last week, heehee💜
Tagging uhhhh @endowataru @nico-di-genova & @raapija if any of you want (sorry to annoy you with this post if not lmao)
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whoisnotmyname · 1 year
aight I'm trying to clean up some space in my inventory SO i've got these at a final sale price. I want them GONE and to good homes haha
New Prices: Main is $75usd and Extra Bod is $25
TOS: Payment thru Paypal invoice, non refundable NO NFT bullshit. Designs are for personal use only, and please don't edit my art.
Here's the first one, all the rest will be under the cut so it's not long as balls lmao. DM me if you're interested in any, thanks y'all!
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isfjmel-phleg · 10 months
Hundreds and hundreds of years ago, the region of Arclis in the nation now known as Corege crowned their first Prince, who happened to be a ten-year-old boy named Elystan. Despite his youth, he grew into quite a capable ruler and has been highly regarded historically. Over time, the title "Prince of Arclis" came to be applied to the eldest son of the monarch of Corege, and although the title is used from birth, it is officially granted at an investiture ceremony. Traditionally, the investiture takes place when the new Prince of Arclis is ten, in memory of the original Prince.
Elystan Liddick, Prince of Arclis, ought to have had his investiture ceremony around October 1905, when he turned ten, but autumn and winter were a difficult time of year for him, hard on his asthma, so the ceremony was put off until March 1906. Then April. Then May (during Book 1).
Everything was in place to happen. Invitations sent out, ceremonial garments made, even a rehearsal played out.
And then the night before the ceremony Elystan had an asthma attack. A particularly bad one. There was no way he could possibly handle a lengthy public outing in the aftermath of that.
And Talfrin, who had to cancel the ceremony and make evasive excuses to everyone, was furious. This had been put off a few too many times for him, and people were starting to talk. Elystan was the only heir Talfrin had, and if he couldn't make it to his own investiture ceremony, what did that say for the future of Talfrin's very new and still tenuous dynasty? This could not be allowed to continue.
So Talfrin did something that he had never before done as a father--stormed into his son's room and gave him a thorough tongue-lashing. It was high time Elystan outgrew this nonsense that his mother's putting into his head about being delicate. A future king of Corege cannot--must not!--be weak. Elystan could be as strong as he made up his mind to be. But clearly he was choosing to wallow in this effeminate laziness. He was not ready to be King of Corege someday, let alone Prince of Arclis, so he could forget about that investiture ceremony. That honor was only for someone worthy of it, and until Elystan could prove that he had what it took to succeed a man like Talfrin, he would have to wait. If he didn't want the Liddicks to be the laughing stock of the Continent, he would need to start putting some effort into building himself into what a Prince of Arclis ought to be. He could conquer the asthma, or let it conquer him. His choice.
Elystan had another attack later that afternoon.
Shortly afterward came the events that led to Talfrin's forced abdication, so Elystan never did get that investiture ceremony.
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lynxgriffin · 1 year
eldritch spamton??
Already covered in this post!
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
I'd love to know how you honour the Sabbath and keep it holy if you do observe it, if you have certain family/community practices or traditions, what denomination you're a part of and how that affects/forms your Sabbath-keeping, how and when you started observing the Sabbath, and what hopes/goals/thoughts you might have, if you don't observe and want to/don't observe regularly/don't observe in a way that is restful!
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gumpistol · 2 months
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🔎 - Their last 3 search terms
- ' all you can eat bbq near me ' - ' how to fix a smashed tv screen ' - ' cats wearing mini crocs '
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   ❝ what? cats and crocs are cool. ❞
      keep your priorities straight.
  he was successful in his search for two of these things. the third he promptly gave up on when it proved to be too much work.
𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐀 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐊!! / from anonymous aardvark
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northern-passage · 2 years
So what do you have against pansexuals? Because that’s what Clem should be labelled as.
you've been in my inbox for 2 weeks now sending me multiple messages about this all because i called my character gay
i never even said anything about pansexuality? you're putting words in my mouth and making up a version of me that literally doesn’t exist just to get mad at for no reason.
please go touch grass and leave me alone
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softagenda · 9 months
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scarletwix · 2 years
request: Jasico old men couple where they've been together for decades and now they're complaining about arthritis
Jasico nation I knew you'd come through!!
A/N: Have 1,320 words of pure, unmitigated sap-itude. Initially this was going to be a couple little scenes that all started with the same question, to highlight their lives together.... but it got away from me a bit in the middle there, ngl. There's truly minimal complaining (about arthritis or otherwise) tbh, not because they wouldn't but because the spirit of fluffy jasico possessed me, and since this is my first time writing for them since 2016(?????) I thought I'd just see where it took me. Enjoy!
"Did you ever think we'd make it this far?" Jason asked Nico, still beaming, still holding tight to Nico's hand, despite the fact that Nico knows his palms are sweaty and have to be gross by now. Nico's lips still burned from the kiss that Jason had bestowed upon him after Nico's (admittedly brash and over-the-top) confession. (He hadn't wanted to look nervous. He hadn't wanted to chicken out. Jason had taken his hands to stop them from shaking anyway.)
"No," Nico admitted. He'd been braced for rejection, anticipated the taste of it like blood on his tongue and been surprised when he was met with the smile on Jason's lips pressed to his instead.
"I..." Jason began, but he fell silent, unable to finish the sentence as his hands trembled at his side. Nico didn't answer him. He knew that some questions were rhetorical, some sentences were too big to articulate, and that some things didn't need to be said aloud.
He let Jason lean on him as they watched the reconstruction of New Rome. He pressed a kiss to Jason's temple, where laurels might have sat, in another life.
"Did you ever think we'd get to see something like this?" Jason asked, the joy in his voice tangible as Nico let his boyfriend spin him around the dance floor.
"Of course," Nico scoffed, as if he hadn't spent his whole life waiting for the knowledge that his friends had died. Waiting for the moment that he could feel their souls enter his father's realm.
He'd never thought he'd get to walk someone he loved down the aisle, never thought he'd cry at anyone's wedding, because for the longest time, he hadn't thought any of them would live that long. Even while helping plan the whole thing, while learning how to dance with an increasingly-flustered and clumsy Jason at his side.
He gripped Jason's shoulders a little more tightly when Jason swung him back into the circle of his arms. Outwardly, it appeared that he was holding on to keep his balance, but truthfully, the solid weight of Jason's shoulders under his hands grounded him.
He did as his therapist had bid and tried to bid the anxiety farewell, let it slip from his mind. He could always panic later, he reminded himself. He was determined to enjoy the night.
"I never thought, when I first met you, that you would turn out to be the love of my life," Jason was saying, both of Nico's hands in his.
Nico thought back to the boy that he'd been at fifteen. Gaunt and gangly and lonely enough to hurt, his very presence a weapon of it's own.
That had been before Hazel, really. Before Jason or Will or Leo, even, had dulled the edges of his loneliness and helped him remember how nice it had been, once upon a time, to have people.
He tried to think of how he would react, to meet that boy now.
"Bit of an oversight, on your part," he said, instead of any of that.
Jason snorted a laugh. "I'm - stop it, you're interrupting my speech," he protested. with no real heat behind the words.
"My bad," Nico said solemnly, "I'm listening, I swear," he schooled his features into a perfectly blank mask. "How's this?"
Jason pressed Nico's knuckles to his forehead, their fingers still twined together, as if staving off a headache.
"Insufferable," he said, but there was still a laugh wrapped around his voice. "But I love you anyway."
"Very generous of you," Nico felt the corners of his lips twitch at the sound of the word 'love,' the way that they always did.
"Very generous," Jason agreed. "I don't think anyone else could handle it."
Nico felt his face soften into a smile. Jason was clearly nervous, or he might have noticed the way that his smile widened a bit more. He nearly said 'you're absolutely right,' and let Jason have this, but...
He'd never get an opportunity like this again. Nico heaved a sigh, careful to make sure his smile didn't fade, so Jason's anxiety wouldn't have time to rise.
"Guess you'll just have to marry me, then."
"Guess s-what?" Jason squawked. Nico couldn't hold back the laughter that bubbled up in his throat. He felt his shoulders begin to shake with it. "Did you--" Jason spluttered, half outraged, half delighted, "Did you just hijack my proposal?"
Nico scoffed, though it was undermined quite a bit by the fact that he was still grinning from ear to ear, "Your proposal? I think you'll find that I just proposed to you."
To emphasize this point, Nico reached into his pocket for the ring that he'd asked Leo to help him make months ago. He held it up in the negligible space between them and waited for the shock to wear off and the gears to turn in Jason's head.
The awestruck look on Jason's face as he took in the sight of the ring was well worth the hours bickering with Leo about the design. And the hours upon hours of persuading Leo that no, really, Jason's engagement ring did not need special features.
Jason's cheeks flushed a bright, brilliant scarlet, and he hid his face in Nico's shoulder.
"Is that a yes?" Nico asked, shoving down the fluttering unsure voice that still tried to claw at him, sometimes.
"Of course it's a yes," Jason responded, his voice muffled by Nico's sweater. He sounded nearly offended that Nico felt the need to clarify.
"Hand," Nico demanded, his satisfaction at his victory suddenly overshadowed by the level of sheer joy he was experiencing.
Jason raised his hand, turning his head so he could watch as Nico slid the ring onto the appropriate finger.
He allowed himself a moment to be an absolute sap, safe in the knowledge that they were alone, and pressed a kiss to Jason's new accessory.
"Now," Nico said, unwilling to let it go entirely, "what was it you wanted to ask me?"
Nico smiled, looking out over their balcony. In the distance, if he squinted, he thought he could see the light from the sunset glinting off of the Campanile de San Marco.
"Need your glasses?" Jason teased, as if his own eyes hadn't gotten gradually worse, until his lenses were nearly as thick as Nico's pinky finger.
"I'm not reading, I'm enjoying the view."
Jason rose, albeit slowly, to join him. A few of his joints popped as he stood and Nico grimaced in sympathy.
"It is beautiful," Jason agreed. When he leaned on the banister, the sunset caught his hair. For a moment, it was the bright, burnished gold of his youth. For a moment, all Nico could see was the bright young man who had saved his life and demanded nothing but his friendship in return. "I'm glad you talked me into coming here."
"Ah, the water levels are still too high," Nico griped, if only because it was his response every time. "I wish you could have seen it before it began to really sink." Entire sidewalks he had walked in his childhood were gone, either lost beneath the water or deemed too dangerous to cross. Some things remained. Some things were new.
""Did you ever think we'd get this much time?" Nico asked, without really meaning to. Jason's face split into a wide smile.
"Not at all," he admitted. He reached out and took Nico's hand, running his thumb over the ring Nico still wore, despite the fact that his knuckles had warped with age, and if he ever wanted to take it off, now, they'd have to cut it off of him. He'd never admit that he liked the sound of that, particularly because from the moment Jason had put it on him, he'd never wanted to take it off. "But I'm glad we did."
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