joyce-stick · 1 year
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レミフラ | pixiv link | art by Zeronose
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devouring-hive · 2 months
I need a momentary break, for tonight at least.
I'm down to send-and-answer questions and do smaller things, but I feel myself burning out. Tomorrow though, we will return in force, of course.
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frankenfran · 15 days
remiflan is pretty fun... what if you were immortal vampires and you locked your hyper little sister in her basement room for like hundreds of years but she just comes out whining about how you didn't play with her like a sad, needy little puppy who can shoot beams. she says she'll only calm down if you kiss her. again.
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treesurface · 15 days
can i reblog one piece of really pretty remiflan art. or will i be burned at the stake.
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angyo · 8 months
It's fun how friendly a lot of yuri authors are with each other and how many fandoms they all share.
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Working together for the noble purpose of bringing more yuri to the world. In this case minakata sunao and nakatani nio making remiflan doujin together. Almost reminds me of taiyaki bringing all those yuri authors together for the mother daughter incest yuri collection lol
(blood berry trap)
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soutenraibu · 2 years
What about TH fandom
Hell yeah 2hu!
otp Mokou Keine & Murasa Nue. I am a simple animal.
favourite canon pairing There really isn't 'canon' per se but Mokou Keine.... is what I'll tell myself.
worst pairing ever I'm not gonna shit on people's ships, but RemiFlan doesn't spark joy in me.
guilty pleasure pairing Seija Nue hurr
a pairing you want to see more I'd love to see more Nue and Murasa because it's just cute haha. You see them paired with other characters more for being in the same game.
that pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”  It's less "lol no" and more I just don't care but YukaRei? YuyuYou? SakuRemi?? It's more of a 'meh'
favorite non-romantic pair Marisa and Flan friends v cute. Suika and Yuugi also v cute!! Hecatia and Kurapi also chaotic duo lol.
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endlessgarden · 15 days
i'm projecting in the tags of that remiflan post pretty heavily but like you get it
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touhousecretsanta · 2 years
TITLE: Ringo-Andou’s Wishlist
WISHES: hi i really like tengu im in a very momiayahata mood so anything with aya + hatate + momiji together is good. If that’s too complicated then just Aya is fine, or Seija because I like Seija
PET PEEVES: Any weird fanon stuff you’d see in a random innocent key video a.k.a panty thief aya, emo yandere girl hatate (that is a real thing my friend, this isnt a bit), and uwu cute awoo momiji
ABILITIES: I like to draw i don’t draw well but my god i do my best one day at a time
WON’T DO: anything hetero sorry, and of course any weird shit like remiflan you know
VOLUNTARY SANTA: No sorry, life stuff preventing me this year [pensive]
Also thank you all once again for doing this and please have a very good christmas!
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sad-and-lost22 · 4 years
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hellmumheccy · 6 years
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Found something I made freshman year
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flan-chan12-blog · 7 years
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joyce-stick · 1 year
A Touhou Project fanbook collaboration by Nio Nakatani (Rireba) and Minakata Sunao
Scanlated by Hennojin Commissioner: Nekoanime15 Translator: Potato Editor: Satoshi Proofreader: Orla
Tags: Biting Flandre x Remilia Incest Love triangle Remilia x Sakuya Vampire Yuri
Dynasty Reader
[just a few pages of the 30 because tumblr slapped me with a mature label for directly posting the entire thing]
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vivi266 · 2 years
something something look, yuri
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sumechiayuu · 4 years
hey lori-hime, asa-turneys partner, who youve reblogged from, literally supports incest. on the evening of the 26th of may they explicitly said they ship two sisters and laughed when that was brought up
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ahiijny · 5 years
Course selection season again, and for my next study term, I have 5 electives to choose now
Some considerations I’m keeping in mind
Curriculum graduation requirements (e.g. I still need 1 List A course and 1 CS ATE course, along with 3 open electives...)
Time requirement (e.g. my group’s fourth year design project might need a lot of time next term, and considering my poor work ethic lately, maybe I shouldn’t take trains...)
Prerequisites (e.g. 488 actually sounds sort of interesting, but it requires 370, which I didn’t take, oh well)
Also very important is how useful the course is for fanfic ideas like this one sounds like it might give some insight on how Hakase built Nano or oh what about this one that reminds me in Symphogear XV we found out that the Custodians created humanity to be used as a biological calculation terminal group and this one sounds like it might be useful for figuring out how stuff like that could work or or or
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klondipedia · 4 years
Remilia, Tewi, Nitori, and/or Yukari?? :3
Sexuality Headcanon: Pan, I imagine
Gender Headcanon: Cis Girl
A ship I have with said character: Uhhh, none really
A BROTP I have with said character: Remilia and Reimu are bro’s for sure
A NOTP I have with said character: RemiFlan
A random headcanon: Her hair is dyed pink, originally blonde like Flan
General Opinion over said character: I like her a lot!
Sexuality Headcanon: Mother Fucker (Aro)
Gender Headcanon: Nonbinary
A ship I have with said character: None
A BROTP I have with said character: Tewi and Chen!
A NOTP I have with said character: None
A random headcanon: She’s very fast, probably able to outrun most Gensokyans (sides the obvious ones)
General Opinion over said character: vvv cute
Sexuality Headcanon: Lesbian!
Gender Headcanon: Nonbinary, uses She/Her
A ship I have with said character: NitoHina
A BROTP I have with said character: Nitori and Momiji: Waterfall Gang
A NOTP I have with said character: none really but i’m not a fan of Nitori x Marisa
A random headcanon: She got into a giant robot battle with Rika’s Evil Eye and the Hisoutensoku
General Opinion over said character: funny kappa go cucumbrrrrr
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi
Gender Headcanon: Cis
A ship I have with said character: None
A BROTP I have with said character: On the contrary, I love the idea of Yukari hating Mima’s guts and Mima taking advantage of this by being annoying as shit
A NOTP I have with said character: YukaRei
A random headcanon: Actual inventor of the spellcard rules, along with Mima, Okina, Kasen, and a few other powerful figures
General Opinion over said character: train
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