birbwell · 1 year
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"we will make sure that you pay for everything you did."
been sitting on this scene redraw from the beginning of the year and now they are free to frolic on the internet yay
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portraituresque · 2 years
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Remigius - Self Portrait
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kaidaastuti · 2 years
Jika salah satu dari kita lebih dulu pergi, mari berjanji untuk tidak saling meratapi dan terus melanjutkan hidup lagi.
Jika itu aku yang lebih dulu pamit, maka pastikan hidupmu tetap baik-baik saja. Kamu boleh bersedih. Tapi jangan lama-lama ya. Ada cita-cita yang masih belum tuntas. Ada amanat yang masih harus kamu jaga.
Maka tetap lanjutkan hidupmu. Cari kembali cinta yang bisa memelukmu sepenuhnya. Bukan tipu-tipu. Yang tak hanya menyayangimu, tapi juga segenap keluargamu. Lalu nanti ceritakan tentangku sesekali waktu. Jangan tentang aibku. Tapi kenangan manis bersamaku. Dan semoga walau sebentar aku di hidupmu, akan jadi cerita yang selalu berharga untuk kamu kenang.
Jika itu kamu yang lebih dulu beranjak, ku pastikan tangisku tak akan terlalu lama. Bukan karena aku tak mencintaimu, tapi aku tak ingin air mataku menjadi penghalang jalanmu di sana.
Nah, tapi jangan minta aku mencari penggantimu. Tak bisa kubayangkan melalui cerita dengan seseorang yang bukan kamu. Tenang saja, aku akan terus berjalan. Tapi ijinkan aku berjalan sendiri ya. Biar kelak di surga nanti semoga aku tetap menjadi pasanganmu.
Jika salah satu dari kita lebih dulu pergi, hai bukankah tiap-tiap yang bernyawa pasti akan mati? Biar ku sampaikan terima kasih, karena kamu yang menemaniku di sepenggal perjalanan ini. Meski jauh dari sempurna, semoga kamu ridho ya, Mas, akan diri ini.
Terimakasih... 😊
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moonlitmistyforest · 4 months
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Remigius Adrianus van Haanen - A Winter Evening, 1844
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greeneryarchive · 10 months
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returning home in winter (1839) - remigius adrianus van haanen
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dajo42 · 2 years
my new d&d character is a warforged named [Robotic All Terrain Automaton version 2.0 model E] or R.A.T.A. 2E for short
theyre a warlock of the archfey with the urchin background which comes with a pet mouse
which might sound like a strange character
but thats because the actual character is their "pet mouse" who is actually an archfey stripped of most of their power and cursed to take the form of a mouse who has taken over a nonfunctional warforged and controls it by secretly pulling wires on top of its head
i want to reiterate that the warforged is named R.A.T.A. 2E
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famousdeaths · 5 months
Remigius de Fécamp was a Benedictine monk who was a supporter of William the Conqueror.
Link: Remigius de Fécamp
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bebs-art-gallery · 10 months
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Winter Twilight in the Rhine Valley by Ernesto Strigelly (19th century) ❅ A Winter Landscape with Wood Collectors Before a Small Village (1890) by Remigius Adrianus van Haanen ❅ Winter Landscape with Cottages (1907) by Władysław Ślewiński
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birbwell · 1 year
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the columnbs of the dirt
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portraituresque · 2 years
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Remigius - Self Portrait
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mapsontheweb · 4 months
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Barbarians and Romans: the geopolitical recomposition of the 5th century.
1 : « Atlas historique mondial », Les Arènes, 2019
2 : « Atlas de Rome et des barbares », Autrement 2018
via cartesdhistoire
The presence of barbarians could not be resolved by force alone, so the emperors chose to address the issue politically. Treaties that settled barbarians in specific regions helped to stop the violence and costly devastation from a fiscal standpoint. Additionally, the barbarians strengthened the imperial army against other barbarians, usurpers, and anti-tax revolts. There was also hope to integrate them into the empire.
During the 5th century, the status of federates recognized by the emperor allowed local elites to cooperate with the barbarians while remaining loyal to Rome. Political reasons (such as the legitimacy of the barbarians' presence granted by the emperor), acculturation (acceptance of Christianity, Latin culture, and many Roman social traditions), and long-standing relations with the Romans facilitated the acceptance of barbarian power, as they often belonged to the same late Roman world.
For example, the Salian Franks entered the Empire around 290 as dedicates in Batavia and settled in Toxandrie in 342. In 451, they allied with Rome against Attila, then against the Burgundians and the Visigoths. At the death of Childeric, Remigius of Reims considered Clovis a natural partner. Similarly, the Goths signed their first treaty with Rome in 332 and regularly helped Rome from 413 to 460 against other barbarians (Alans, Hasdingi Vandals, Suevi), usurpers (Jovinus), Bagaudae revolts (454), and invaders (Attila). They had been in the Empire for a century when they were recognized as independent. The Burgundians signed two treaties as federates around 413 and 442. After 458, their leaders defined themselves as masters of the Gallic militia for more than half a century. The Ostrogoths, on their part, came to Italy at the request of Constantinople.
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realcatalina · 7 months
William Carey and Mary Boleyn
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Per your request this post is dedicated to portraits of Mary Boleyn and her husband William Carey. And first thing you must be aware is that neither this portrait of William nor any of many versions of portraits of Mary are originals.
Large ovals nor large round portraits werent around in Tudor times. (Round miniatures existed.)
And Mary even as sister to the Queen never had status of royalty and wasnt supposed to wear ermine(parliamentary robes were exception). That is definitely alteration, yet it is in every single version of her portrait i know of.
I couldn't track down her original, but i found photo of William's. In which he wears lynx fur, not ermine. Much more apropriate for his status, and very often confused by people for ermine.
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And it clearly says 1526, not 1528 as the copy of his portrait on wikipedia. And states he was 30 at the time, thus he was born in either 1496, or 1495. His outfit is very interesting, and i bet most you werent aware how elaborate some Tudor male outfits might be.
If colours in copies are to be trusted, the part with lines is from cloth of gold(which in lesser amount nobles were allowed to wear), combined with cloth of silver or shiny grey silk. Personally i am inclined to say silk, because it doesnt give metalic wibe.
This is 100% not Holbein's work(copy is said to be after Holbein), but possibly by artist which also painted this portrait of Henry VIII.
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I have speculated it might be late workshop of Meynnart Wewyck. If it turned out to be true, then William's portrait would be proof the workshop was still around after 1525, when Wewyck disappears from records.But you know, Holbein's workshop was around for short while after his death also.
Only other painter which we know worked in England at the time is elusive Master of Brandon portrait(portraits by him bellow) in his work we see similiar basic shape of male fashion, yet nothing as elaborate, nor consistent with style of artist which painted Wiliam Carey.
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Mary's portrait has at least 7 versions, not discovered by me but found by katherinethequeen.com.
Hever Castle,Warwick Castle, Holyrood Palace-Royal Collection Trust, Private Collection, Rockingham Castle, The Lord Wharton+ two more round versions.
But i want to share my observations upon them.
I have seen many copies of different portraits, and i find it very disturbing how similiar to each other they are.
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Naturally across centuries copies are created by different artists, and they all put their own mark upon it...and over time the some versions become unrecognizable from original.
Here most of them are carbon copies of each other. So much so, it wouldnt surprise me if majority were mass produced by same artist, or same workshop.
Royal Collection Trust has most information about their version. Stating Portrait of a Lady called Mary Boleyn, Lady Stafford (c.1499-1543) is from c. 1630-70, and it is atributed to Remigius van Leemput (d. 1675). He was both painter and art dealer.
You might for example know his copy of Whitehall Mural:
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And observant person might notice some similiarities...between Jane Seymour in Whitehall Mural and alleged portrait of Mary.
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I mean, if i just did few changes. It would become disturbing.
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I am not sure of course, but I wanted to make you aware...it is possibility. Wouldnt even require that much effort on part of artist.
In 17th century the public interest in old art was big, especially for portraits of royalty or important figures from history. And sometimes art dealers created the 'new originals'(fakes), by getting inspired by existing art...and adjusting some details.
If it is a 17th century fake...then Jane Seymour is not the sole inspiration, another painting would account for rest of the details.
The artist had access to royal collection and other places, in 17th century most of Tudor portraits were still instact. It wouldnt be that hard for him to copy it. With only the size of medal being bit unsual, but not impossible. Ok, gable hood missing the paste ends-but it is missing from almost every copy.
Foliage pinned to medal is very accurate but often overlooked detail, found among Holbeins sketches, and some of his work. Maybe lynx was changed to ermine.
But overall this is historically accurate outfit, consistent with Mary's lifetime. So yes, it can still be her. I cannot rule it out.
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But equally so it could be somebody else. Identification of Tudor portraits(or their coppies) originating in 17th century is totally unrealiable! By that point most misidentification already occured! By 1590s it was confusion all around, some even before.
(Of course we cannot rule out 17th century identification was based upon earlier identification, but that is hard to prove without the original.)
I also have to emphasize it is not match to her husband's portrait. Lynx vs ermine, could be minor alteration. But this is not gable hood consistent with 1526.
I don't know where they got idea the fashion within Mary's portrait fits c.1535 specifically, when this gable hood was around for more than ten years! (Since late 1520s to late 1530s/early 1540s. This shape of gown also, was around for very long time!)
So what shape of gable hood would be matching William?
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These two or in between:
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On left c.1525, on right c.1526.
Both veils still down and split, very long ends of paste.
Now, she doesnt necessarily have to had portrait done at same time as her first husband. But William Carey was noted as art-collector, who is said to even introduce Lucas Horenbout to court.
Thus we would expect this lover of art to have portrait of his wife made alongside his own. Carey's love of everything good was however also bad thing because when he died in 1528, he left behind great debt and Mary even pawned her own jewellry. Thus chances that portraits he owned stayed within the family are not so great. But perhaps the portraits simply went their separate way.
If we could find portraits of same artistic style, of woman, maybe we would find Mary. In England matching portraits of husband and wives were a thing. Plenty of portraits you know are actually pair, from royalty:
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to much humbler pairs:
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(Occasionally you find some which seem as pair at first and then you find out his wife was at least 20 years older than woman you see in the portrait...it is just inscription made by same person/artist within same year.)
But it would be greatly helpful, before we even start searching for Mary's matching portrait, to find William's original.
Isssue is, I lost it. I once found the photo of original on wikipedia and i am not sure if i saved it wrongly, or if it was time when my computer crashed and i lost all my saves. It has been several years, thus my memory of it is not great.
However, i was unable to find it again, search engine cant find him.
I vaguely recall i was going through some collection on wikipedia, lots of black and white photos. Maybe to do with art lost during WW1 and WW2? And i am not sure if back then that painting was labelled as him, nor if it was collection within UK or elsewhere. But it was recognizably this same original painting.
And it annoys me so much that i cant find it again. And we need to track down its location, and provenance, etc, to have clues as where Mary might went. And let us hope it also has coat of arms, date and age. That would be so amazing! To figure out who was the older sister.
Thus my question is: Does anybody know how to reverse search image on wikipedia?
Normal reseverse search engine come blank when it comes to any findings on wikipedia.
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I hope this was of some interest to you, and let me know what you think.
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jessilynallendilla · 11 months
I'm a quarter of the way through Pillars of the Earth 283/973
Waleran and Remigius are snakes in the church
I want to slap some sense into Tom
I want to kick Alfred's ass
I want to castrate William
and as for Philip
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also Ellen
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carry on
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Oak Forest – Remigius Adrianus Haanen // Way Out There - Lord Huron
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anastpaul · 7 months
The First Sunday of Lent, Notre-Dame de Laon / Our Lady of Laon, Rheims, France (500), St Simeon of Jerusalem, Martyr, St Bernadette, Virgin and the Saints for 18 February
The First Sunday of Lent Notre-Dame de Laon / Our Lady of Laon, Rheims, France (500), founded by St Remigius – 18 February:HERE:https://anastpaul.com/2021/02/18/our-lady-of-laon-rheims-france-500-and-memorials-of-the-saints-18-february/ St Simeon of Jerusalem (Died c 106) Martyr, Bishop of Jerusalem, Cousin of Jesus. Son of Cleopas, was a Jewish Christian leader and the second Bishop of…
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View On WordPress
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princesspuresarahk · 1 year
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Names I thought sounded cool for the Dark Turtles: Leonidas(Dark Leo),Remigius(Dark Raph),Donovan(Donnie),Marcelo(Dark Mikey) what do y'all think? I think they'd choose these names for themselves.🙂
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