#reminds me of this one time a ‘friend’ made fun of me for my t1d
crybaby-bkg · 2 years
why do I always get so embarrassed when I think about writing for a chronically ill reader omfg
and for the longest time, I never liked reading fics where the reader was said to do explicit things that I can’t, or have to measure first, or consult with my doctor about it beforehand. but now? I love being able to step out of my body, be able to smoke, drink white liquor with no carbs in my belly, eat a midnight snack without too much thought about it. but I also just want to write about things I can’t do, and still being loved all the while.
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charlescandles · 7 years
Start the Rock and Roll and keep rolling
Once again the Raleigh Rock’nRoll series came again this year to Raleigh. Like last year they have the Remix Challenge, complete the 5k on Saturday followed by the Half or Full the next day and earn an extra bling. So, I am doing the Remix again for a pre-run the day before the Marathon. This though I convinced my daughter, Bianca to run the same 5k event with me.
Like the last two years, this event is always a reminder of how easy the wheels can fall off during the big event. I selected the Full to be my main Marathon event for the spring season. For that reason, I skipped the Tobacco Road Marathon this year. Last year I was coming from a calf injury, this year my left foot started to gave me some problems after the second 20 training miler workout 0session. This 5k was a good test for the marathon distance but more about that later.
The Expo was similar to the past couple years. Very decent, lots of vendors, products and goodies. Bianca brought her friend with us to pick up her bib. She had a lot of fun browsing the different booths and even ended up with a box of instant rice from one of the booths. Since we went early on Friday there were not many people when we got there but just before we left it was getting crowded.
The morning of the event the usual breakfast, Hot cereal (Cream of Wheat), a latte and a banana an hour before the start of the event. Sugars checked before eating and they were on the high end and rising. I do not know but a lot of times when is race time it does that. A quick bathroom visit and we left the house early since the event was about 40 minutes away. It was great temperature, warmer compare to last years.  My daughter was not used to the cold that much, since she is a competitive swimmer, she does not have too many early training runs when is 30, 40 or 50 degrees outside.
The starting line area was very open and the people were getting ready, stretching, walking and jogging. We waited for a couple of my running friends and after that, I went out for the usual mile warm up run. By the time I was done it was time to walk to the starting line. There were about the same amount of runners compare to last year, at least it seems. My daughter and I were assigned corral two. That was just one corral behind the elites and the second out of 10 corrals. We settle in the back of corral 2, that gave us some room, to slow down a have fun in this event.
After the National Anthem and a few minutes later and off we went. The course was similar than last year, a little by hilly. Nothing too bad but plenty of small ups and downs with a few sharp 90º turns. I started my music and ran close to the turns and tackling each up hill with a steady high cadence. Bianca remained next to me for about half mile as I started to press the pace. There was this other runner that passed me pretty fast and I decided to follow pursuit. Mile 1 came and went fast, I checked my pace and was a little bit slower than PR pace but under 8-minute mile pace. After mile 1, it was a passing game with the runner I was following. I passed him, mostly during the uphills and a few seconds later during the flat and downhill portion he will pass. I grabbed some water at the water station even though I did not need it, sip some a discarded the cup. Mile 2 came and I slowed down a bit more, my left foot started to hurt a bit, not bad but just reminding me that I was not completely healed. Next quarter mile was uphill, no problem, I passed the runner again. With a half mile to go, I saw Bianca approaching the last small loop. She looked that she was having fun. The last portion of the event was completely downhill so I pressed on a bit, but I started to laugh when the runner passed me flying towards the finish line. All was good. I finished with 24:45 slower than last year’s finish of 23:38.
After finishing I quickly made my way to the sideline where my daughter was coming down the hill very fast, finishing very strong. She was very happy to complete the 5k and to receive her medal. It is all about the bling. Also the finish line there was my friends from work Alex and Roland, they both did very well.
I believe I am ready for tomorrow’s marathon. Foot feeling ok, some pain but it will be fine. Sugars were higher at the end of the event but I was feeling good and looking forward to lower temps (4 degrees lower) for tomorrow. I was really happy that my daughter was able to take some time from her swimming shcedule to join me for this event. It was alot of fun. Now for a foam rolling session, some food and some good old fashion rest.
Month/YearEventLocationTypeTime Apr-17Raleigh Rock&Roll 5kNC5K24:48
  Event Highlight & Learning Points Highlights:
Course: Starting corrals were better than last year, narrow but sufficient for this type of race. After starting line were ample and nice. The course was a little bit hilly, nothing too challenging but it has frequent ups and downs. Last 1/4 of a mile was mostly downhill.
Venue: At the finish, bananas, snacks, plenty to drink and good music.
Expo: Nice expo at the Raleigh convention center. Many booths and freebies.
Weather: Clear skies, great 54º with just 71% humidity with just a little bit of a breezy
T1D: Sugars were a little bit high but in running range at the start. Remained there throughout the event, started to go up after the event.
Fueling: Pre-Race: 1 serving Cream of Wheat Cereal and Latte. A banana about an hour before the start.
Race: Little bit of water at the water station.
Post: Water and a Latte.
Learning Points:
Foot hurting for too long and so close to an big event is nerve breaking. Perhaps like before I am going to need to adjust expectations.
Running with family and friends is awesome.
from Start the Rock and Roll and keep rolling
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A Thank You Letter to My Diabetes
New Post has been published on http://type2diabetestreatment.net/healthy-tips/a-thank-you-letter-to-my-diabetes/
A Thank You Letter to My Diabetes
Thank you, it’s only two words but I was raised to always remember my P’s & Q’s. As such, I thought diabetes needed a reminder of some of the things it gives me to be thankful for. Hope you enjoy.
Thank You Letter To Diabetes
10/01/2017 Mr Type1Bri 95 Pancreas Drive Pumperstown London T1D 5uck5
Dear Diabetes
I am sure you are wondering why I am writing to you today, I bet you don’t get much fan mail after all.
The reasons behind my letter to you are quite simple, I just wanted to take the chance to thank you personally for all you have done for me since we met in 2014.
Being able to help others is a real honour. An honour that being with you 24/7 for the past three years has nurtured. Without all of the challenges, you kindly put my way, I wouldn’t have the experience I do to share with others, who are struggling to get to know you. For this, I thank you Diabetes.
As you know before we met you wouldn’t have me walking 10 miles through London for the fun of it. Having you in my life has given me the focus I need to give some time and effort into charity work. For this alone many people will be grateful, thank you Diabetes.
Having the confidence to go and meet new people. I would not have dared to travel into the capital city and venture into a room full of strangers on my own before I met you. You see we all love having you as a friend so much, we have meetups just to talk about how “great” you are. The confidence gained from having you as a mutual friend of so many other great people has been inspiring, and for this Diabetes, I thank you.
Using my Facebook and Twitter accounts for a real purpose, rather than sharing pictures of animals doing funny things. Now I can use it to help arrange meetups with some of your other acquaintances. (Apologies for never inviting you to our get together’s, but in all honesty, it’s best you don’t come along). So for making me use social media for a purpose, I thank you Diabetes.
For making friends out of strangers I will be forever grateful. Without you being such a common denominator there are so many awesome people, which I now see as friends, who I would never have met. For being such a good ice breaker, I thank you Diabetes.
Introducing me to the world of blogging is one of your biggest achievements. Before I knew you I didn’t have a passion for basing a blog upon. You have given me an endless supply of inspiring ideas and topics to discuss with others. For being so in-depth, I thank you Diabetes.
For making me more active I have to give you some credit. You see before we met I had become a bit lazy with exercise. Having you in my life has spurred me on to do more exercise and keep myself healthier. Thank you Diabetes for being such a motivator to get me to the gym once again.
For teaching me the mathematical skills Carol Voderman would be proud of. The daily challenge of dividing the number of carbohydrates in my food by my insulin ratio to work out an accurate dose really keeps the grey matter in top form. So for this, I thank you Diabetes.
I don’t want to end my letter on a bad note but need to just let you know a couple of things. I think that what you are doing to so many other people who have to live with you every day is awful. You try to grind them down. They just start to deal with your ways then you go and move the goal posts. It really isn’t fair, still don’t get all down hearted there are plenty of other people, just like me, who are there to offer help and support to them, when you start playing up.
Hope my letter of thanks has made your day.
Count Your Blessings
Find a positive and grab it with both hands
When times get tough with your diabetes just take five minutes. Have a good think about what areas of your life having this has made better, I’m sure on a down day this will be a challenge, but I bet there are a few things to be appreciative of.
Let me know what diabetic “blessings” are in your life.
For now
Take care, be thankful it’s there.
Photo Credit: June Laves (Pixabay) and Brian Hoadley
Diabetes Type 2 Tips Diabetes Escape Plan Does Diabetes Destroyer Really Work? Original Article
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Being A Stark (5)- Peter Parker x Stark!femReader
Word Count: 2153
Warning: None I think
Author’s Note: I had a completely shitty T1D day yesterday and wasn’t able to get this up. However, here it is and hopefully you enjoy!
Becoming A Stark Chapter One | Being A Stark Chapter One | Master List
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When Happy pulls up in front of MSST, your heart is pounding in your chest. Everyone else stepped back into the world over a week ago and you’re facing it alone. “You going to be alright kid?” Happy asks, looking at you through the rearview mirror.
“Yeah. Fine.” You mutter before grabbing your backpack and lunch. It felt like deja vu, apart from the fact that you weren’t about to panic when you started ninth grade the last time.
“If you don’t feel ready, say the word and we can head back to the cabin.”
“I’m not a chicken. I can do this.” 
“Never said you were.” Happy smiles at you. Part of you wishes that your mom or dad had come with you, but your dad is still healing and Pepper had to take Morgan to her school near where you live now, so it meant that Happy was your ride. “You’ve got this kid. But if at any point, it gets to be too much, I’m a call away. I’ll just be at SI.” You nod, before opening the car door. From across the street you can hear the paparazzi calling your name, trying to get a look at Tony’s daughter that disappeared. But you’re distracted the moment you hear a familiar voice.
“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” You look up to see Peter’s hand reaching for yours as you climb out of the car. You can’t help but smile finally seeing him again. Was it your fault you hadn’t seen him since after the battle? Yes. But now he’s here and that’s the only thing you can think about. 
“Hey Parker.” You say, wanting it to feel like old times to try and calm yourself. “Since when are you fine with the paps just seeing you waiting?” When the paparazzi were here, Peter usually walked next to you until you were inside the building.
“Lost each other for five years. I think that deserves not caring about the paparazzi any more.” He shrugs as you two walk towards the front doors of the school, your hand wrapped in his. “You ready?” He asks as he opens the door for you.
“No, but let's do this.” You answer honestly as you walk inside. You expect everything to look different, but it looks… normal. There are posters hanging on the wall about clubs and events. There’s a banner hanging reminding people about homecoming coming up in a few weeks. It was like nothing had changed. Peter’s arm moves to wrap around your shoulder, pulling you into him.
“So ninth grade all over again?” He teases.
“Going to fail chemistry this time. I feel it in my bones.” You say already dreading your third period.
“Won’t let it happen babe. Between your dad and I, we’ll make sure you pass.” Peter smiles as he walks with you towards the lockers. You had already sent him pictures of your new schedule and your locker number last week when everyone who Blipped got their’s. You have three classes with Betty, unsurprising since they’re trying to fit all the Blippers into similar classes. Your English class is only Blipped students according to Betty, because there wasn’t enough space without creating a new class. “Come on, let’s go dump your stuff in your locker.” He stops the two of you in front of your locker. You spin your locker combination and open the door, expecting to find an empty locker, but instead there’s a cup of coffee waiting for you.
“What is this?” You pick it up to find that it’s still warm.
“Thought you might need something to make your day a little better.” Peter shrugs, the tips of his ears going a bit pink. “I went to your favorite shop and got your usual.” You look at the cup in your hand and then back at him. “Almond milk latte, sugar free hazelnut syrup, two Equal.” He recites. Next thing you know, your lips are pressed to his, not knowing how to say what you want to to him. 
“I love you.” You mumble against his lips.
“All I had to do was bring you coffee?” Peter asks as he pulls back slightly, still keeping you in his arms. You had said it to him during your call in the middle of the battle, but hadn’t mentioned it again since then. Peter was sure you had been putting space the past week between the two of you. So hearing it again was music.
“All you had to do was be you.” You shrug, taking a sip of the coffee.
“I love you too.” He adds, realizing he hadn’t said it back. “I should have said it when you did, but I do-” You smirk before cutting him off with your lips. You love his rambling, but right now, you’d rather just kiss him.
“There’s probably an empty classroom if you two want some privacy.” Betty teases from behind you. Peter starts to pull back, but you lean forward to place one more kiss on his lips.
“Make fun all you want Betty, but I just happen to have the best boyfriend.” Your hand pulls Peter’s into your hold as you turn to face your friend who already has her books. 
“You two are in love, the world gets it. However if we’re late to English, Mr. Briggs will not have it.” You place your lunch and your backpack in your locker, before taking the binders and books you need for your first few classes. Peter holds your coffee as you rummage through your bag grabbing what you need. You throw a bag of extra pump supplies into your locker and take some low snacks to throw in your pencil bag. As you do this, Betty peppers you with questions about what school work you reused and what you actually redid to get ready to come back to school. After you slam your locker shut, you turn back to Peter and take your coffee back. 
“Thanks.” You smile, saying both for holding it and for getting it.
“Anytime.” Moving the cup so it sits in your hand that holds your binders, books, and your laptop, you reach with your other hand for Peter’s hand. You and Betty will literally need to pass Peter’s locker to get to your class so you have more time with him. This moment of talking with one of your best friends while walking down the hallway with your boyfriend, it almost makes it feel like the Blip never happened. Peter walks you all the way to your English class.
“You’re going to be late if you don’t get going.” You say, not letting go of his hand. 
“So I get detention. It’s not the worst thing that could happen.” Peter shrugs.
“Until you want to do stuff after school and you can’t because of detention. Go. I’ll see you at lunch.” You kiss his cheek, but as you start to pull away, he turns your face ever so slightly to kiss your lips. “Go.” You laugh as you push him away. Walking into class you take the empty seat behind in front of Betty. 
“You too are too cute, you know that right.”
“Yeah, I lucked out.” You say as you set the stuff in your arms down, while your phone buzzes in your pocket. Glancing at the screen you can’t help but roll your eyes. Peter just left you, why is he already texting you?
PP: You know, I could get used to the taste of coffee if it’s always from kissing you.
Y: You’re ridiculous you know that.
PP: You love it.
Y: That I do.
“Miss Stark, I understand it’s your first day back, however the bell has rung, so phones away.” Mr. Briggs' voice comes from the front of the classroom. 
“Sorry!” You put your phone into your pocket. Betty taps your shoulder and whispers six words to you.
“Peter’s already getting you in trouble.”
“Shut up.” You mumble.
“Now let’s get into our discussion on A Brave New World. We only have today and tomorrow to finish with it, so let's jump right in.” You pull out a notebook and a pen to make notes on your favorite class. Having it first thing in the morning will make taking ninth grade all over again more fun. 
The morning passes with a relative ease. You had to talk to each of your teachers about your diabetes, which is nothing new with a new school year, but seeing as half of them had you before the Blip, there wasn’t as much info dumping for them. By the time you got to lunch though, you’re ready to just curl into Peter’s arms, and honestly, you could go for a nap. You swing by your locker to switch out your books as well as grab your lunch. 
“How’d the first half go?” Peter’s voice is next to you and you’re almost surprised to hear him, until you remember that his Mechanical Energies class is right across from your locker.
“It went fine. Calc 1 is awful already since I missed a few weeks of catch up. But English and German were good.”
“And Chemistry?” He asks, noting the class you skipped talking about.
“Kill me already.” You say as you slam your locker shut and take his hand.
“And have Tony Stark after me? I don’t think so.”
“He wouldn’t hurt you.”
“If I hurt you, he’ll make an exception.” Peter looks at you, seeing you don’t believe him. “Baby, your dad made time travel to bring you back. He would do anything to keep you safe. I’m not risking it.” Peter explains as you walk to the table your friends sit at. “Guys, tell Y/N I’m right. Her dad would definitely kill me if I killed her because Chemistry isn’t her subject.”
“Your dad would probably use the excuse of Peter accidentally tripping you as enough of a reason.” Betty says as she pulls the contents of her lunch out. 
“See, point made.” Peter says as he places his own sack lunch on the table. “Therefore, you’ll just have to make it through Chemistry with some help. I hear you and I have pretty good chemistry anyway.” His eyebrows move up and down at you.
“You’re ridiculous. I already said that once today.” You work on pulling your lunch out.
“And you also said you love me because of it.”
“Because of it or in spite of it?” You tease, adding up the numbers written across your lunch so you can put it in Queenie.
“Both.” Peter says before kissing your cheek.
“Some of us are trying to eat here. Don’t be gross.” MJ teases.
“Honestly, it’s all Peter’s fault.” You shrug as you type the numbers into Queenie to get your bolus started. 
“Fine, I’ll keep that in mind the next time you want a kiss.” Peter teases, making a face like he wouldn’t give you anything you asked for.
“Play for both teams and you always win.” You wink at him as his face falls. “I have other options.”
“What?” Peter’s voice goes up an octave.
Betty rolls her eyes. “Like she actually would.” You know Betty’s right, but you shrug and smirk at Peter.
“Fine, fine, I’ll be the gross one, but I’m not sharing you.” He says wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into him. “Only one person should be kissing those lips.” 
“Yeah? You’re right. Only kissing Spider-Man from here on out.” MJ, Ned, and Betty laugh as you kiss Peter’s cheek. 
“If that’s how you feel, maybe I need to go have a talk with Spider-Man and see what his intentions are.” Peter says, not letting go of the arm around your waist.
“Probably nothing good.” You smirk as you raise an apple slice to your lips.
“That sounds about right.” Peter says trying to peel his orange with one hand and failing, but not willing to let go of you. You take the fruit from his hand and peel it apart easily before handing it back to him.
“You can use your other hand, you know?”
“I could, but it’s fairly happy where it is.” His thumb moves up and down along your side. You roll your eyes at him as your friends fall back into talking about things that have happened in the past week. Mentions of new memes and stories that happened fill the space as you listen. Your head falls to Peter’s shoulder as you keep eating. The blue sweater he’s wearing is soft against your cheek, but more importantly being where you are, your nose is filled with the smell of Peter. Mainly a citrus note entwined with something earthy. And it calms you immensely. Your dad was right about leaning on him instead of pushing him away. It’s making today easier.
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