sandersshiping · 7 months
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Incorrect Quotes
For Ships with characters from
Sanders Sides
Cartoon Therapy
Thomas's Shorts
List of ships sorted by character (will be updated as more gets added to this blog)
Ships involving Character Thomas
Thomas/Nico - Karrot Kings
Thomas/Janus -Thomceit
Thomas/Patton -Patmas
Thomas/Virgil -Thomxiety
Thomas/Remus -Intrumas
Thomas/Roman -Romthom
Thomas/Logan -Lomas
Thomas/Remy -Thomsleep
Thomas/Emile -Thomile
Thomas/Roman/Janus -Roceitmas
Thomas/Roman/Patton -Royalimas
Thomas/Roman/Logan -Logincemas
Thomas/Roman/Remus -Roceitmas
Thomas/Roman/Virgil -Prinxiemas
Thomas/Virgil/Patton -Moxiemas
Thomas/Virgil/Logan -Analomas
Thomas/Virgil/Remus -Dukexiemas
Thomas/Virgil/Janus -Anxceitmas
Thomas/Janus/Patton -Moceitmas
Thomas/Janus/Remus -Thomceitmus
Thomas/Janus/Logan -Loceitmas
Thomas/Remus/Logan -Intrulomas
Thomas/Remus/Patton -intruthomality
Thomas/Logan/Patton -Logicalimas
Thomas/Remy/Virgil -Thomsleepxiety
Ships involving Remus
Remus/Thomas -Intrumas
Remus/Virgil -Dukexiety
Remus/Janus -Dukeceit
Remus/Roman -Remrom
Remus/Patton -Intruality
Remus/Logan -Intrulogical
Remus/Remy - intrusleep
Remus/Janus/Thomas -Thomceitmus
Remus/Janus/Roman -Remroceit
Remus/Janus/Logan -Intruloceit
Remus/Janus/Patton -Intrumoceit
Remus/Janus/Virgil -Anxceitmus
Remus/Virgil/Roman -Intruprinxiety
Remus/Virgil/Thomas -Dukexiemas
Remus/Virgil/Patton -Intrumoxiety
Remus/Virgil/Logan -Intruloxiety
Remus/Thomas/Roman -Remromas
Remus/Thomas/Patton -intruthomality
Remus/Thomas/Logan -Intrulomas
Remus/Logan/Pattton -Intrugicality
Remus/Logan/Roman -Intrulogince
Remus/Patton/Roman -Intruroyality
Ships involving Roman
Roman/Logan -Logince
Roman/Virgil -Prinxiety
Roman/Thomas -Romthom
Roman/Janus -Roceit
Roman/Patton -Royality
Roman/Remus -Remrom
Roman/Thomas/Janus -Roceitmas
Roman/Thomas/Remus -Royalimas
Roman/Thomas/Logan -Logincemas
Roman/Thomas/Patton -Royalimas
Roman/Thomas/Virgil -Prinxiemas
Roman/Virgil/Patton -Anaroyality
Roman/Virgil/Logan -Analogince
Roman/Virgil/Remus -Intruprinxiety
Roman/Virgil/Janus -Anaroceit
Roman/Logan/Patton -Royalogicality
Roman/Logan/Janus -Roloceit
Roman/Logan/Remus -Intrulogince
Roman/Remus/Janus -Remroceit
Roman/Patton/Janus -Royaliceit
Roman/Patton/Remus -Intruroyality
Roman/Patton/Thomas -Royalimas
Ships involving Patton
Patton/Logan -Logicality
Patton/Roman -Royality
Patton/Virgil -Moxiety
Patton/Thomas -Patmas
Patton/Remus- Intruality
Patton/Janus -Moceit
Patton/Logan/Roman -Royalogicality
Patton/Logan/Janus -Lomoceit
Patton/Logan/Virgil -Analogicality
Patton/Logan/Thomas -Logicalimas
Patton/Logan/Remus -Intrugicality
Patton/Logan/Janus -Lomoceit
Patton/Virgil/Roman -Anaroyality
Patton/Virgil/Thomas -Moxiemas
Patton/Virgil/Janus -Anamoceit
Patton/Virgil/Remus -Intrumoxiety
Patton/Janus/Roman -Royaliceit
Patton/Janus/Remus -Intrumoceit
Patton/Janus/Thomas -Moceitmas
Patton/Remus/Roman -Intruroyality
Patton/Remus/Thomas -intruthomality
Patton/Roman/Thomas -Royalimas
Ships involving Logan
Logan/Virgil -Analogical
Logan/Remus -Intrulogical
Logan/Janus -Loceit
Logan/Roman -Logince
Logan/Patton -Logicality
Logan/Thomas -Lomas
Logan/Patton/Janus -Lomoceit
Logan/Patton/Thomas -Logicalimas
Logan/Patton/Roman -Royalogicality
Logan/Patton/Virgil -Analogicality
Logan/Patton/Remus -Intrugicality
Logan/Thomas/Janus -Loceitmas
Logan/Thomas/Remus -Intrulomas
Logan/Thomas/Virgil -Analomas
Logan/Thomas/Roman -Logincemas
Logan/Roman/Janus -Roloceit
Logan/Roman/Remus -Intrulogince
Logan/Roman/Virgil -Analogince
Logan/Janus/Remus -Intruloceit
Logan/Janus/Virgil -Analoceit
Logan/Virgil/Remus -Intruloxiety
Ships involving Virgil
Virgil/Roman -Prinxiety
Virgil/Logan -Analogical
Virgil/Remus -Dukexiety
Virgil/Janus -Anxceit
Virgil/Patton -Moxiety
Virgil/Thomas -Thomxiety
Virgil/Remus/Janus -Anxceitmus
Virgil/Remus/Roman -Intruprinxiety
Virgil/Remus/Logan -Intruloxiety
Virgil/Remus/Patton -Intrumoxiety
Virgil/Remus/Thomas -Dukexiemas
Virgil/Patton/Janus -Anamoceit
Virgil/Patton/Roman -Anaroyality
Virgil/Patton/Logan -Analogicality
Virgil/Patton/Thomas -Moxiemas
Virgil/Patton/Logan -Analogicality
Virgil/Janus/Roman -Anaroceit
Virgil/Janus/Thomas -Anxceitmas
Virgil/Janus/Logan -Analoceit
Virgil/Thomas/Roman -Prinxiemas
Virgil/Thomas/Logan -Analomas
Virgil/Logan/Roman -Analogince
Virgil/Remy/Thomas -Thomsleepxiety
Ships involving Janus
Janus/Roman -Roceit
Janus/Remus -Dukeceit
Janus/Logan -Loceit
Janus/Virgil -Anxceit
Janus/Patton -Moceit
Janus/Thomas -Thomceit
Janus/Patton/Logan -Lomoceit
Janus/Patton/Remus -Intrumoceit
Janus/Patton/Thomas -Moceitmas
Janus/Patton/Roman -Royaliceit
Janus/Patton/Virgil -Anamoceit
Janus/Logan/Thomas -Loceitmas
Janus/Logan/Roman -Roloceit
Janus/Logan/Virgil -Analoceit
Janus/Logan/Remus -Intruloceit
Janus/Remus/Thomas -Thomceitmus
Janus/Remus/Virgil -Anxceitmus
Jannus/Logan/Roman -Roloceit
Janus/Thomas/Virgil -Anxceitmas
Janus/Thomas/Roman -Roceitmas
Janus/Virgil/Roman -Anaroceit
Janus/Roman/Remus -Remroceit
Ship involving Orange
Ships involving Remy
Remy/Thomas -Thomsleep
Remy/Otto -Remo
Remy/Remus - intrusleep
Remy/Virgil/Thomas -Thomsleepxiety
Ships involving Emile
Emile/Thomas -Thomlie
Ships involving Otto
Otto/Remy -Remo
also huge thanks to @thomas-sanders-shipname-glossary this would have taken so much more time without their blog!
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Sanders Sides OT3 Names
Glossary Masterpost
A list of the shipnames of Sanders Sides pairings that include three people! Orange is included with temporary shipnames until we know more about him, as has been voted in this poll! Ordered by however it made sense to me.
Many of these I have come up with as I haven't found any already existing ones. If you have any additions, please feel free to send an ask, message or submissions!
1) Patton / Roman / Logan - LMP, Logincality, Morolo, Royalogicality, Rologicality
2) Patton / Roman / Virgil - Moxince, Anaroyality, Royalixiety
3) Patton / Roman / Janus - Royaliceit, Romoceit, Moroceit
4) Patton / Roman / Remus - Intruroyality, Remropat, Remromality, Royalismus
5) Patton / Roman / Thomas - Royalimas, Thomaton
6) Patton / Roman / Nico - Moroco, Patcoman, Royalico
7) Patton / Roman / King - Royaliking
8) Patton / Roman / Orange - Royaliange, Mororange
9) Patton / Logan / Virgil - Analogicality
10) Patton / Logan / Janus - Lomoceit, Logimoceit, Loceitality, Logicaliceit, Moloceit
11) Patton / Logan / Remus - Intrugicality, Intrulogicality
12) Patton / Logan / Thomas - Logicalimas
13) Patton / Logan / Nico - Logicalico, Patloco, Moloco
14) Patton / Logan / King - Logicaliking
15) Patton / Logan / Orange - Logicalirange, Molorange
16) Patton / Virgil / Janus - Moxceit, Anamoceit
17) Patton / Virgil / Remus - Intrumoxiety, Modukexiety, Moxiemus, Anamoduke, Anaintruality
18) Patton / Virgil / Thomas - Moxiemas, Thvipat
19) Patton / Virgil / Nico - Moxieco
20) Patton / Virgil / King - Moxieking, Kingmoxiety
21) Patton / Virgil / Orange - Moxierange, Anamorange
22) Patton / Janus / Remus - Deintruality, Intrumoceit, Modukeceit, Moceitmus
23) Patton / Janus / Thomas - Moceitmas
24) Patton / Janus / Nico - Moceitco, Nimoceit
25) Patton / Janus / King - Moceitking
26) Patton / Janus / Orange - Moranceit
27) Patton / Remus / Thomas - Intrualimas
28) Patton / Remus / Nico - Intrualico
29) Patton / Remus / King - Intrualiking
30) Patton / Remus / Orange - Intrualirange
31) Patton / Thomas / Nico - Thomoco, Thompatco
32) Patton / Thomas / King - Thomaliking, Thompatking
33) Patton / Thomas / Orange - Patmasange, Thomalirange
34) Patton / Nico / King - Patcoking
35) Patton / Nico / Orange - Patcorange, Monirange
36) Patton / King / Orange - Mokingange
37) Roman / Logan / Virgil - Analogince
38) Roman / Logan / Janus - Roloceit, Loroceit, Loginceit
39) Roman / Logan / Remus - Intrulogince, Remrolo
40) Roman / Logan / Thomas - Logincemas
41) Roman / Logan / Nico - Roloco
42) Roman / Logan / King - Roloking
43) Roman / Logan / Orange - Logincange, Rolorange
44) Roman / Virgil / Janus - Anaroceit, Prinxieceit, Prinxceit, Viroceit
45) Roman / Virgil / Remus - Intruprinxiety, Remroxiety, Prinxiemus
46) Roman / Virgil / Thomas - Prinxiemas
47) Roman / Virgil / Nico - Prinxieco, Rovico
48) Roman / Virgil / King - Prinxieking
49) Roman / Virgil / Orange - Prinxieange, Anarorange
50) Roman / Janus / Remus - Remroceit, Remromceit, Roceitmus
51) Roman / Janus / Thomas - Roceitmas
52) Roman / Janus / Nico - Roceitco, Janicoman
53) Roman / Janus / King - Roceitking, Kingroceit
54) Roman / Janus / Orange - Rorangeceit
55) Roman / Remus / Thomas - Remromas, Reromas
56) Roman / Remus / Nico - Romroco
57) Roman / Remus / King - Royal Thruple, Remromking
58) Roman / Remus / Orange - Remromrange, Remrorange
59) Roman / Thomas / Nico - Rocomas, Ronimas
60) Roman / Thomas / King - Kingromas
61) Roman / Thomas / Orange - Romthomange
62) Roman / Nico / King - Rocoking, Kingcoman
63) Roman / Nico / Orange - Rocorange, Nirorange
64) Roman / King / Orange - Rokingange, Rorangeking
65) Logan / Virgil / Janus - Analoceit
66) Logan / Virgil / Remus - Analomus, Intruanalogical, Intruloxiety, Anaintrulogical
67) Logan / Virgil / Thomas - Analomas
68) Logan / Virgil / Nico - Analoco
69) Logan / Virgil / King - Analoking
70) Logan / Virgil / Orange - Analorange
71) Logan / Janus / Remus - Intruloceit, Logceitmus, Loceitmus
72) Logan / Janus / Thomas - Loceitmas
73) Logan / Janus / Nico - Loceitco
74) Logan / Janus / King - Lokingceit
75) Logan / Janus / Orange - Lorangeceit
76) Logan / Remus / Thomas - Intrulomas
77) Logan / Remus / Nico - Intruloco
78) Logan / Remus / King - Intruloking
79) Logan / Remus / Orange - Intrulorange
80) Logan / Thomas / Nico - Lomasco, Locomas
81) Logan / Thomas / King - Lokingmas
82) Logan / Thomas / Orange - Lomasange, Thorangical
83) Logan / Nico / King - Locoking
84) Logan / Nico / Orange - Locorange, Nilorange
85) Logan / King / Orange - Lokingange, Kinglorange
86) Virgil / Janus / Remus - Intruanxceit, Anxceitmus, Dukexieceit
87) Virgil / Janus / Thomas - Thviceit, Anxceitmas
88) Virgil / Janus / Nico - Anxceitco
89) Virgil / Janus / King - Anxceitking
90) Virgil / Janus / Orange - Anxceitange, Anaoranceit
91) Virgil / Remus / Thomas - Thvimus, Dukexiemas
92) Virgil / Remus / Nico - Dukexieco, Anadukeco
93) Virgil / Remus / King - Dukexieking
94) Virgil / Remus / Orange - Dukexieange, Anadukerange
95) Virgil / Thomas / Nico - Thvico
96) Virgil / Thomas / King - Thviking
97) Virgil / Thomas / Orange - Thvirange, Thomxieange
98) Virgil / Nico / King - Vicoking, Vikingco
99) Virgil / Nico / Orange - Vicorange, Nivirange
100) Virgil / King / Orange - Vikingange, Kingxieange
101) Janus / Remus / Thomas - Thomceitmus, Intruceitmas
102) Janus / Remus / Nico - Dukeceitco
103) Janus / Remus / King - Dukeceitking
104) Janus / Remus / Orange - Dukeceitange, Demusange, Deoramus
105) Janus / Thomas / Nico - Thomceitco
106) Janus / Thomas / King - Kingceitmas
107) Janus / Thomas / Orange - Thomceitange
108) Janus / Nico / King - Janicoking, Kingceitco
109) Janus / Nico / Orange - Janicorange, Derangeco
110) Janus / King / Orange - Kingceitange
111) Remus / Thomas / Nico - Inturmasco
112) Remus / Thomas / King - Intrumasking
113) Remus / Thomas / Orange - Intrumasange
114) Remus / Nico / King - Intrucoking, Dukecoking
115) Remus / Nico / Orange - Remcorange, Remnicorange
116) Remus / King / Orange - Intrukingange
117) Thomas / Nico / King - Kingthomco
118) Thomas / Nico / Orange - True Karrots, Thorangeco
119) Thomas / King / Orange - Kingmasange
120) Nico / King / Orange - Kingcorange, Nikiorange
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rip to my single remroceit wip that i am going to have to either overhaul or never finish because the "have i grown" video gave me remus and janus being siblings vibes and i can no longer ship them. i recognize the irony here.
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remromloceit · 4 years
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🎶 Mod Bow makes an entraaaaance 🎶
It’s the boys!!!! Lookit them and all their glory!!!!
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crows-ace · 4 years
The sides having a meeting
Remus: *generally causing chaos*
Virgil: That man in a menace to society
Roman and Janus, swooning: We know~
Virgil: That isn't a good thing you two
Virgil just giving off some ace vibes right now as he watches his friends swoon over the natural chaotic disaster that is Remus "Tentacles" Sanders~
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daily-remrom-doodle · 4 years
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Snake Pranks says "Easy ways to make your boyfriends admit they want to be a trio!"
First time drawing Janus as a stick figure!
Based off this Chip & Dale gif.
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remromfantasies · 4 years
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JJ livin the Dream~
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logan-if-you-will · 4 years
I love the game, it's free on Mobile, please play it, I love it so much.
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just a lil something something for the group chat who was thirsty for some remroceit
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angelcorebabyowo · 4 years
Anyone want to roleplay RemRom or Remroceit? I'm bored asf and just need somthing to do
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Remromceit story idea   full on romance, turn back if it’s not for you
I saw this post and got a story idea but since I have the writing skill of a cracked pebble I’ll just list how it would go. 
 - Remus and Roman fell in love with each other years ago. Both hid it from the other and went through various stages of despair, self-hate and depression. They buried their feelings as deep as possible, certain that they will never be reciprocated.
- They still love each other and although they’ve doubted to ever find happiness they fall in love with Deceit.
- It feels like the universe is mocking them when they realize that the other one has feelings for Deceit too.
- Deceit loves them, both.
- He can’t decide. He won’t.
- He knows he could end his own loneliness and give at least one of them happiness but he just can’t choose one of them.
- He made that clear. Which was an error because it means that he DOES have feelings for them so both of them are adamant to continue wooing him.
- Deceit is unable to not answer a smart and witty flirt in kind and the brothers are very creative in their flirting’s. It leads to many funny exchanges.
- He’s also a very attentive observer so he soon recognizes the repressed feelings the brothers have for each other.
- For more angst, he’s convinced himself that the feelings both have for him are nothing more than an attempt to repress their love for each other more, consciously or subconsciously
- He begins to mend the gap between the brother and tries to get them to realize that their love is reciprocated
- At the same time he distances himself from them again, so it won’t hurt as much when they finally have each other and there’s no need for him as a distraction anymore
- Roman and Remus become closer again but they notice Deceits increasing absence and before the situation between them is cleared they confront Deceit (which was totally not part of his plan, stupid brothers)
- They have a big talk where everything comes to light. Roman and Remus not only realizing that the other loves them too but that they can be together. Deceits worry about being a distraction target for their feelings. His love for both of them. Their love for him.
- They decide to try a relationship between the three of them.
- There’s still a bit of awkward tension between the brothers so Deceit, sly snake that he is, tips on his cheeks and asks for a kiss from both of them but ducks out at the last second so they kiss each other instead.  (like in the gifs from the post that inspired this) 
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i love remroceit (remromceit?) so much its like janus has these two himbo arm candies, theyre both hot and hes the braincell
janus is like these are my two boyfriends, dont you all wish you were me
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leoninekelter · 4 years
I drew some ships with Virge in it! I want to draw some poly ships w/ virge, request some and I might :)
You can also request just 2 people ships, and yes, even RemRom. Its incest, but I swore to myself this would be a safe account for any ship, and that includes the creativitwins. I dont necessarily ship it myself, but that doesnt mean others dont.
I inked them in a while ago, and so they're kinda behind on how I draw now. I hope you like them :)
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I wasnt able to color in Deceits shirt because I used whiteout like 10 times trying to get it right. I forgot to erase the sketch behind it too, so you see my signature twice (I always sign the sketch in case I dont finish, and then the ink so I dont forget to do it later) and my handwriting is sloppy... what they're saying is this:
Deceit: Are you allowed to wear a Nirvana shirt to a P!ATD concert?* Shouldn't that be considered treason?
Virgil: Do I look like a rule follower to you? And who says treason, what are we, a monarchy?
*I know P!ATD broke up and it's just Brendon Urie but shushhh
And this was funnier in my head I'm sorry.
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Logan got his ears pierced! And yes, he is dressed emo, people underestimate aesthetic Logan, that's my life >:(
Virgil: You?! Logan Sanders, you got your ears pierced?!
Logan: um, yes... You did it, why cant I?
Very cute in my opinion :)
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^once again funnier in my head^
Coffee gay and soft Emo gay dating? How about fuck yea
Remy: Come onn, play Hum Hallelujah already.
Virge: no, you promised me American Idiot.
I like to imagine their first conversation was an argument over the best Fall Out bOy song ever, and also it is canon that Virge listens to Green Day fight me
I have more coming that I made before hand, please like, follow me, reblog and/or comment, it gives people more motivation than you think!
And leave a ship request if you'd like :)
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Why is there so little Remroceit on Tumblr??? Exactly four(4) Remroceit items that are tagged!
Edit: Found out there's another tag for the version of it I like. Twinceit.
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daily-remrom-doodle · 4 years
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Heaven forbid someone whisper, "He's part of some scheme"
Your enemy whispers, so you have to scream
I know about whispers
I see how you look at my sister
- First Burn, Hamilton
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twodragonsflying · 4 years
A comprehensive list of all the possible ships between the six Sanders Sides. (even the ones I personally don’t like because I’m not here to shove my opinion on you)
Some of these names I just bullshit on the spot tbh.
Janus/Logan (Loceit)
Janus/Patton (Patceit, Moceit)
Janus/Remus (Receit, Demus, Dukeceit, Trashnoodle)
Janus/Roman (Roceit, Princeit)
Janus/Virgil (Anxceit)
Logan/Patton (Logicality)
Logan/Remus (Intrulogical, Lomus)
Logan/Roman (Logince)
Logan/Virgil (Analogical)
Patton/Remus (Intruality, Momus, Moduke)
Patton/Roman (Royality)
Patton/Virgil (Moxiety)
Remus/Roman (Platonic: Creativitwins) (Romantic: Remrom, Romrem)
Remus/Virgil (Virus, Dukexiety, Anus)
Roman/Virgil (Prinxiety)
Janus/Logan/Patton (Logicaliceit)
Janus/Logan/Remus (Intruloceit, Logceitmus, Loceitmus)
Janus/Logan/Roman (Delogince, Roloceit)
Janus/Logan/Virgil (Analoceit)
Janus/Patton/Remus (Intrumoceit, Deintruality)
Janus/Patton/Roman (Royaliceit)
Janus/Patton/Virgil (Anamoceit)
Janus/Remus/Roman (Remroceit)
Janus/Remus/Virgil (Intruanxceit)
Janus/Roman/Virgil (Prinxieceit)
Logan/Patton/Remus (intrulogicality)
Logan/Patton/Roman (Morolo)
Logan/Patton/Virgil (Analogicality)
Logan/Remus/Roman (Intrulogince, RemRoLo)
Logan/Remus/Virgil (Analomus)
Logan/Roman/Virgil (Analogince)
Patton/Remus/Roman (Intruroyality, RemRoPat)
Patton/Remus/Virgil (Intrumoxeity)
Patton/Roman/Virgil (Anaroyality)
Remus/Roman/Virgil (Intruprinxiety, Remroxiety)
Janus/Logan/Patton/Remus (intrulogicaliceit)
Janus/Logan/Patton/Roman (Mologinceit)
Janus/Logan/Patton/Virgil (Analogicaliceit)
Janus/Logan/Remus/Roman (RemRoLoceit)
Janus/Logan/Remus/Virgil (Analodemus)
Janus/Logan/Roman/Virgil (Loginxieceit)
Janus/Patton/Remus/Roman (Intruroyaliceit)
Janus/Patton/Remus/Virgil (Anaintrumoceit)
Janus/Patton/Roman/Virgil (Royalianxceit)
Janus/Remus/Roman/Virgil (PrinDukexiceit)
Logan/Patton/Remus/Roman (LogicaliRemRom)
Logan/Patton/Remus/Virgil (Intrulogicmoxiety)
Logan/Patton/Roman/Virgil (LAMP, CALM)
Logan/Remus/Roman/Virgil (Prinxieintrulogical)
Patton/Remus/Roman/Virgil (RAMP)
Janus/Logan/Patton/Remus/Roman (Intrumoceitlogince)
Janus/Logan/Patton/Remus/Virgil (DRLAM)
Janus/Logan/Patton/Roman/Virgil (DLAMP)
Janus/Logan/Remus/Roman/Virgil (Dukexieloginceit)
Janus/Patton/Remus/Roman/Virgil (DRAMP)
Logan/Patton/Remus/Roman/Virgil (DukeLAMP)
Janus/Logan/Patton/Remus/Roman/Virgil (DRLAMP)
Note: yes I know incest is wrong and that Remus and Roman are technically brothers. But not all polyamorous relationships require every single party involved being romantically or sexually engaged.
Stop thinking that please.
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