beeeinyourbonnet · 7 months
I heard "Renbelle" and here I am with a little prompt/headcanon)
Renard is not okay with his... bullet situation. But he insists that he accepted it, that he is fine with it, etc... The harder he insists, the less okay he actually is. Belle, ever perceptive, sees right through him.
So this is my first foray back into renbelle (and fanfic in general) in approx six centuries. Hope you enjoy ;-;
It felt like another lifetime when Belle had felt relief about the bullet in Renard’s brain slowly killing him so that she could eventually go home. These days, the home she yearned for was his arms, squeezing her just a little too tightly so he could feel the pressure and know she was there.
She knew he didn’t like her wandering the base, that a part of him feared she’d be attacked or that she would escape, but she knew that there were enough men on her side that an attack wouldn’t be a problem, and she didn’t want to escape. 
When Renard wanted to hide, he was impossible to find, but Belle had an inkling of where he might be today, so she meandered down the halls, waving to guards as she passed. The guards outside her own room had offered to accompany her, but Renard wouldn’t have wanted them to see them together even if he might have preferred that Belle not be alone.
Just as she thought she would, she found him in his control room, glowering at his reflection in a compact mirror. 
He jumped, slamming the compact shut, and the fact that he hadn’t noticed her come in told her just how important it was that she had.
“What are you doing here?” he demanded, hands clenched tightly enough to hurt—if he could have felt it.
“I missed you.” She sat in the chair usually reserved for Lagunov and rested her palms atop his fists. When he didn’t look down, she pressed her nails into his wrist. 
That got his attention. He loosened his grip, allowing her to take both hands in hers and lace their fingers together.
“I would have come by tonight,” he said. His gaze strayed toward the closed compact. She knew he’d been staring at his scar, thinking about the bullet traveling further and further down. His last CT scan showed it moving for the first time in a few months. She didn’t like to think about it.
“Didn’t you miss me now though?” She nudged his knees with hers, and was finally rewarded with his full attention.
“I always miss you.” 
He looked like he wanted to kiss her, but he only ever did when they were alone, tucked up together in their own little world. In the light of day, it was like he didn’t believe she was there. Sometimes she didn’t believe she was there.
Keeping hold of his hands, she stood to kiss him on the forehead, then settled into his lap instead. As she’d hoped, he wrapped his arms around her and rested his head against her shoulder.
“Are you dwelling?” she asked. She wanted to touch his scar while his eyes were closed, but he didn’t like anyone to touch it, so she wouldn’t violate his trust. 
“Of course not,” he scoffed. “Just thinking about where to set myself on fire to go out with the most glory.”
“I don’t want you to blow yourself up.” She cupped his cheek, knowing he would see that, and he tilted his head so she could run her fingers across his stubbly chin.
“It doesn’t matter,” he said. “What’s done is done.”
She tilted his chin up to look at her, but he wouldn’t meet her eyes. 
“Look at me.”
“Why don’t you go back to your room?”
“I’m fine.”
She pursed her lips, still gripping his chin, and he rolled his eyes.
“Fine.” He cupped her cheek with the hand not supporting her back, fingers digging in harder than usual. He wanted to feel her in his hands. “Are you happy now?”
“I’m always happy with you.” She turned her face to kiss his palm, and he watched her, all his focus finally on her. 
“You don’t have to comfort me,” he said. “I’m fine.”
“Okay,” she said. “So you’re fine. Maybe I’m not fine.”
He frowned, hand flexing at her hip. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t like thinking about it.” She tapped him on the forehead, not wanting to acknowledge it out loud. “I just want to hold you.”
He licked his lips, glancing back at the compact. She plucked it off the desk and stuck it in her pocket—it was hers anyway. 
“You need comfort?” he asked.
“Desperately,” she said. “I’m dwelling.” 
They both knew she was massaging the truth, that Belle could never be as haunted by the bullet as he himself was, but Renard slid both his arms underneath hers, crushing her to him, and kissed her collar.
“You may hold me,” he said, and she nearly laughed as she wrapped her arms around him. Even if he couldn’t feel exactly where her arms laid across his shoulders or exactly the way her hand cupped his head, he could still feel safe and warm and held. 
“Thank you.” She kissed his head, sure to make the loudest smacking sound she could so that he’d know, and she felt him smile against her. 
“I never dwell,” he mumbled into her chest.
“I know,” she said, and kissed him once more.
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ace-cf-cups · 6 months
I've just walked out of my dentist's office 😬 so while my anesthesia is wearing off, please send me prompts for renbelle, renacey, rumbelle (golden lace/woven lace/woven beauty included) or bellish! 🥺
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ubuntufm · 4 months
Tumblr media
ELL - Energy
"ENERGY" is more than a song, it's a rhythmic embrace for those navigating the twist of long-distance love. In this musical journey, eLl sprinkles a fusion of English and her native Renbel Dialect, creating a unique language that echoes the sentiments of the heart. inspired by the challenges faces by girls in long distance relationships.
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nothingeverlost · 5 years
Renbelle 5 and 15.
Wow this is the first Renbelle question in years!
Guilty pleasures
Renard  - If there’s any guilt to be had it’s not in the pleasures I take, but the lives.  Pleasure simply is.  A good book, a fine wine, a night at the symphony.  If there is one pleasure I take that might be guilty it’s in taking Belle as my own.
Belle - I chose to be with Victor without a wedding first.  The priests would say... No, they don’t matter.  Being with Victor, having him touch me, is pleasure.  If there’s any guilt it’s at least my choice.  
What it takes to make them cry
Renard - I stopped crying many years ago.  Now I don’t believe I’m even capable.  When I stand in the doorway watching Belle rock our daughter and sing to her it may feel if there is a tear.
Belle - Being frightened, but that’s not very often with Victor.  Missing him, when we were separated.  When I think about the bullet that he says will kill him someday, and know that he can’t feel my touch.
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fanworks creators self rec! when you get this, reply with your favourite five fanworks you’ve made, then pass on to at least five other creators 💗
Oh boy. Well--shit. haha
Obviously #1 is With Cherries On Top because it was the first fic I actually finished in like a decade, apart from my James Bond RenBelle fic. And because it is Max and that is my garbage husband who I am weeeeeiiiiirrrrdly attached to.
2. Corresponding Emotion -- I love my rom com AUs what can I say. they just make everyone FEEL GOOD. myself included. I wish this one got the love it DESERVED lmfao
3. FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTPRINTSSSSSSSSSS -- I started rewriting this, because this one if my love letter to MYSELF and I can do it BETTER now.
4. Far Longer Than Forever -- this one isn't even published yet but it is my Ezra x Reader Swan Princess/Annihilation crossover AU. I want to write HORROR.
5. Untitled Oberyn x Reader AU - I am working on the first part as we speak and it will be out ASAP. It has consumed me and Im so excited about it that it is already one of my favorite things I have written.
Thanks for the ask, babes. /smooch
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dreams-love-magic · 10 years
'tis that time again my friends! Taking completely new prompts for any ship as well as prompts for all my current verses including All the World, City of Dreams, No One Deserves, Going Postal, What You Wish For, Love is Threefold, etc.
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beeeinyourbonnet · 5 months
friends i just want to say that I would accept renbelle or develle prompts
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ace-cf-cups · 7 months
He barely made it through the door when Belle appeared at the top of the staircase, making the small part of him that wasn’t mesmerised by her beaming smile wonder if she was waiting for his arrival by the window ( and he would be lying if he said his heart didn’t skip a beat at the thought… he couldn’t quite remember if anyone ever waited for him before, without malicious or selfish intents not that he was anyone worth waiting for without them ).
The sight of her hurrying down the steps and towards him made him tense up, though, as it awakened more than unwelcome memories… because the last time someone hurried towards him like this, jumping into his arms the moment he stepped through the door, it was Elektra and that was the day he found out ( more like confirmed to himself, really, because the subtle signs were always there, he was just too in love to be anything but wilfully ignorant ) that she didn’t love him but merely used him as a pawn in her plans, someone to do all the dirty work for her and then run back to her side like an obedient chertov dog begging for scraps of her affection as treats for a job well done…
His blood was beginning to boil at the memories - the pain, the pure agony of that love, far worse than any pain he could ever experience physically - but then Belle was in his arms, so warm and soft ( that he knew without needing to feel her against him… though he certainly would love to ) and pure, and her lips were meeting his in a very enthusiastic ‘welcome home’ kiss - the kind of kiss Elektra would never give him - and as it deepened and he had to plant his feet more firmly on the ground to keep himself and his precious beauty from falling over, he thought of Elektra no more. 
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tokyoghosts · 10 years
I'm afraid of the down escalator... I nearly fell off one at the mall once and now I always look for safe, non moving stairs!
im in love with escalators ;ladsjf i have urges to go up the down escalator but i dont want to embarrass myself so i try to control it
tell me an interesting fact about yourself and I will reply with an interesting fact about myself
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nothingeverlost · 6 years
How about Renbelle. A moment of feeling
“Excuse me?” He couldn’t have heard her right.
“Scones. And some jam, if you have any fruit. I’d only need an hour or so, if I might.” Belle spoke softly, so no one overheard the request. “I could make enough for everyone, if you like.”
“They have their rations.” He wasn’t going to even contemplate her cooking for the men. He shouldn’t be contemplating her cooking at all, yet here he was leading her down to the kitchen and ordering out the men that were taking their break around the fire. It was Sunday, and Belle wanted afternoon tea.
“My mama taught me how to make scones.” There was butter and sugar. After that he lost interest in paying attention to the ingredients. His attention was split between watching the doorway to make sure the men were staying away and watching her hands. He could lose himself completely in watching her hands.
“And now we wait.” It was some time later when she came to the table, carrying two teacups. The smell of fruit was light in the air as a pot of jam simmered on the stove.He’d been a very young boy when last he’d smelled such a smell in a warm kitchen.
“Thank you.” she hesitated a moment, holding onto the teacup even as she offered it to him.
“It was nothing,” he shrugged. Her fingers brushed against his as he took the cup, no matter how he tried to avoid it.
“It was more than nothing. I just wish...”
“I wish I knew your name so I could thank you properly.” She sat next to him at the table, rather than across from him. She was sitting too close.
“You know my name. Renard.” If she had been anyone else he would have been suspicious about why she asked. There were not very many people who knew very much about him.
“That’s not your only name, though, is it? The men call you that and you wouldn’t allow them such an informality as using your first name.” She stirred her tea with more focus than was required. He wondered if it was nerves or consideration that had her looking away. It was the fact that she wasn’t looking, perhaps, that allowed him to answer.
“Victor.” It was a mistake, he was certain, and yet he could no more hold it in then he could stop looking at her. She did not touch him, and yet when she turned to look at him he could feel her smile against his skin. Yes, it was a mistake.
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tinuviel-undomiel · 10 years
TEA Nominations: Renbelle
I see there is no Renbelle nominated yet for TEA awards so here is my recommendations:
One Mountaintops in Russia by thatlassiegotglassed
The Great Wide Somewhere by beeeinyourbonnet
The Kidnapping, Wedding and Family Renbelle verse by NothingIsEverLost
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dreams-love-magic · 10 years
Going Postal, Ch. 3
Going Postal, Chapter Three
Pairing: Renbelle
Rating: T
Words: 1,965
Summary: Renard is trying to escape opposing forces and disguises himself as a mail-order husband, never expecting someone to want to buy him. But Belle is not your ordinary someone, and he is nowhere near prepared for this.
An invitation to lunch from a drunk woman was not something he should have accepted, but Miss Belle French the tourist librarian intrigued him. It had been a long time since a person had done that. They had talked until dawn, so it came as no surprise that she was still in bed come noon. He did not sleep much anymore, which made no meeting time a problem for him. This vixen clad all in red that would not stop staring at him was becoming a problem though. He knew he should not insult Belle’s friends before even meeting the woman herself, so he tried something that was a new path for him.
“You are staring.”
Most people denied that they were morbidly fascinated by his scars, that they found him hideous. This woman was blunt, and he could work with that. He inclined his head toward her and glanced down her body.
“It is a bit early for your clients, no?” he prompted. She smirked, and it was not the angry reaction he had been expecting. His solitude must be draining his power to provoke people, and that could not be allowed to stand.
“Daytime discounts. So how do you know Belle?”
Right to the point, then. Even though he had only been in her presence for two minutes and twenty-seven seconds he had expected no less. His answer was a perfectly raised brow, something she clearly did not approve of if the tightening around her mouth was any indicator. There it was, then. Every person had a button that they tried to hide, and Renard had perfected both finding and pushing them over the years. It appeared that this woman’s button was not receiving the answers she believed herself entitled to. He would keep her in the dark, then.
“I’m just looking out for Belle. She is my best friend. You look like some sort of rapist-slash-serial killer.”
All intentions of not insulting her flew out the window. He opened his mouth to tell her she looked like a cheap American whore but was interrupted by an outburst from behind him.
“Ruby! How dare you?”
He turned to appraise the woman that could only be Belle, and any thought of letting fly with a barrage of contempt for her friend flew from his mind. He had not allowed himself to have hopes or expectations, maintaining that this was strictly for his own prosperity. Somehow she still managed to exceed all of his non-existent dreams. Her hair was dark and damp, the ends that brushed her bare collarbone slightly curled. She wore some sort of sundress with thin straps and obnoxious colors, but he was not interested in her clothes. She had perfect curves and a full lower lip that appeared badly abused, and he surmised that she must bite it quite a lot. A tendency for anxiety, then. Despite all of that, it was her eyes that pulled him in. The brightest blue he had ever seen in a human face was watching him with the slightest hint of consternation badly hidden in its surface. The mix of shame and worry present there reminded him of why he was here: this was a convoluted form of business, not a romantic endeavor. He could not help but scowl deeply as the grand fantasy illusion he had so, so briefly entertained came to a screeching halt.
“You wanted lunch,” he reminded her abruptly. Belle seemed taken aback by the accidental angry lilt to his voice and he fought not to flinch. The hooker had no such filter.
“Wait - you’re going out with him?” She sounded disgusted, and he grudgingly admitted that she was not wrong. After seeing Belle in person, he himself was having doubts about disgracing her with his presence in public. Belle’s immediate glare was fierce and could almost have rivalled his own. For a moment he envisioned her holding a gun to match that fierce stare. He could tell it would not suit her, but the image was...heady nonetheless. He immediately admired her, and he hated it. This was not supposed to be about attraction and admiration.
“Yes.” She did not elaborate further, and Ruby cast him an anxious glance that was not at all subtle.
“As your best friend I feel the need to protest, Belle.”
“And as a grown woman I feel the need to tell you to mind your own business, Ruby Anne.”
Ruby flinched, and Renard found himself smirking as if he himself had delivered the shot. Belle was feisty. He had never been able to resist a woman with an attitude. The woman in question grabbed a small fabric clutch and reached for his arm with a tight smile. He jerked away instinctively. Hurt flashed openly across her soft face, and for just one moment he cursed the rough life that had led him to fear human contact. Just as quickly as the emotion had appeared on her delicate features it had vanished and she shrugged, leading him to the door. Ruby did not attempt to say anything more.
She should have known better than to leave Dmitri alone with Ruby. God, what a disaster. And who knew what else had been said before Belle had even arrived? If they weren’t already out of the apartment Belle would had locked herself in her room. Do the brave thing, she reminded herself. With that thought at the forefront of her mind, she turned to her stiff date with an encouraging smile.
“I’m glad you came.”
“Did you think I would not?” It was accusatory and tense, but Belle tried to ignore it. He could have still been upset over Ruby’s rudeness. Besides, hadn’t he told her he wasn’t exactly a people person? She had probably made the worst decision possible by asking him to go out to lunch with her in the middle of a highly populated city. She was horrible at this, inexperienced to a fault, but decided she could at least be honest with him.
“I wasn’t sure. It isn’t as if this is the most typical of situations.” She had tried to joke, but the way he glanced at her from the corner of his eye told her he did not appreciate her attempt at levity and her would-be humor fell flat. Was he offended that she was teasing him about his profession? Wait, that sort of thing wasn’t an occupation, was it? She rushed on to cover the awkward silence she had created. “So what do you do? You know, for work?”
He didn’t seem inclined to answer her, and she was just about to call the whole thing off when his rolling accent cut across her nervous preoccupation. “I involved myself in international trade. I am...retired,” he explained, but the slight hesitation in addition to his young age made her wonder.
“You must have travelled a lot then,” Belle tried. She desperately hoped he wouldn’t mind her poking about in his life. He had agreed to come to lunch with her, had he not? At least, she assumed it was she who had asked and he who had accepted. She couldn’t entirely remember, but that made the most logical sense given his introverted nature. Had he expected their lunch date to be a silent affair?
“No.” He didn’t elaborate, and before Belle could stop herself she was biting her lower lip raw. They had to stop and wait for traffic before they could cross the narrow street, and the air around them was weighed down by their silence. He looked at her while a car flew in front of them, and something in her face must have prompted him to continue. “I stayed here. They brought things to me.”
“Oh.” They finally crossed the street while Belle mentally kicked herself. He had finally begun to open up to her and that was all she could come up with? For God’s sake. As a teenager she had been forced to sit to dinner with Gaston’s parents after they had caught them in bed together, and that meal was less awkward than this was already turning out to be. She fished for anything they could possibly talk about and blurted out the first thing that sprung into her addled mind. “So why are you selling yourself?”
He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk to stare at her, something flashing in his eyes that resembled rage or an emotion close to it. A man bumped into Dmitri’s arm, causing her date to immediately recoil and reach to his hip. Belle blinked as she watched a forced calm come over him, the corner of his right eye twitching. He had mentioned something about guns on his webpage. Maybe he had been a bodyguard?
Or maybe he really was a rapist-slash-serial killer and she had just offended him. She blanched.
“What I was doing on there is no business of yours, book girl. The better question strikes me as what were you doing there.” It was the most she had heard from him in one go. He hadn’t actually asked her a question, despite his use of an interrogative word. He spoke as if he didn’t expect her to oblige him with an answer and therefore couldn’t be bothered to phrase it as a question. For some reason that both saddened and irked her.
“I was drunk,” she admitted, a bit stung by the way he had already turned away from her. A condescending huff of breath escaped him that she could not qualify as a laugh.
“It was not subtle.”
Belle flinched again. She was a complete idiot, she admitted to herself ruefully. This was a mistake before it even happened, and now it was beyond a disaster. Belle stopped following him, a part of her protesting that they hadn’t even reached the restaurant and things could still turn around. He halted when he realized she was no longer following and looked back at her in annoyance. The agitation faded from his face to be replaced with a blank stare.
“I have upset you.” Again, it was a statement. Belle automatically began to shake her head, but stopped herself before she could lie.
“This was a mistake.” He did not looked surprised at her words, and somehow that bothered her more than everything else they had already gone through.
“Yes, but here we are.”
He didn’t even try to deny her words, but Belle couldn’t find it in her to be offended. Though she didn’t yet know what the question was, his words were not the answer she was looking for. It was far too simple a response to cover the misery she was putting herself through for no good reason. He was looking at her with that blank expression, being overly careful not to sway her decision with as much as a twitch. Belle nibbled on her lip again. He was pushing her away, and she should be angry, but she had chosen him because he pushed people away. He needed someone whether he would admit it to himself or not. Perhaps it wasn’t meant to be her, but didn’t she owe it to them both to try?
No, she heard Ruby’s voice stress in her mind. Her lips fell into a tight frown. Though Ruby was not here, the voice resembling her was right. She didn’t even know him, and she owed him nothing.
In the end Belle wasn’t sure which thought it was that convinced her to shrug and continue walking, but he followed her with what she liked to believe was relief. Every instinct of self-preservation she possessed screamed at her to abandon ship and go back home, but Belle matched his steady pace and didn’t look back.
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beeeinyourbonnet · 7 months
I know it's been a very long while, but do you plan on continuing Great Wide Somewhere one day? Some day?
I just read it and I love it so much!
Omg thank you so much ;-; I wasn't planning on it (because I didn't think it would have readers) but I am definitely open to it! I miss Renard xD
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ace-cf-cups · 7 months
Renard and Renbelle have me in a chokehold so I'm about to post a little ficlet I wrote yesterday while half-asleep but I don't even know if it's any good ( especially compared to renbelle titans like @beeeinyourbonnet and @nothingeverlost and @dreams-love-magic 😅 ) so feedback is much appreciated!
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nothingeverlost · 5 years
Any rumbelle/anyelle of your choice -- How are you guys weathering the virus with the library shut down and business at a standstill?
After seeing that jane Austen post I’m going to go bullet points on some of the ships (ask me for any I haven’t mentioned that you want.)
Guest!verse - Henry, Belle and Gold are staying home.  Emma calls twice a day and is *this close* to slapping Hook because adventures are one thing but 24 hours a day with him is driving her nuts.  He doesn’t take anything seriously and she’s worried about Henry.  Belle is baking and they’re all reading a lot.  Gold is using magic to create diversions when they need it and Belle is protesting about costs.  Gold argues that the the cost of magic is lower than the cost of one of them getting sick.
Penny!verse - Gabe is home with Bay and Claire.  Belle is working and because she’s around so many people she’s not coming home.  Henry’s staying with Mary Margaret and Neal, David and Belle are bunking with Emma and Graham (thought they’re sleeping in their offices some nights.  Gabe really hates that Belle’s out there and he can’t be with her.  Claire wants her mom.  Bay is doing his best to distract and entertain them both.  Belle calls as much as she can and they facetime.  Belle is relieved that her family is safe.  She doesn’t dare mention (out loud) that Gabe is in a high risk group because of his age, but she worries when he makes noises about shopping or leaving the house.
Bellish (Hamish/Belle) - Belle has closed the library but is still working there every day on her own, delivering books to people’s doorsteps, running virtual book discussions and trying to find ways to relieve the stress for people.  Hamish is doing what he does, with little regard for his own safety.  He and Doc are the only ones wandering the streets most of the time, other than Rory and belle making grocery and book deliveries.  They talk over the phone and through windows, and have had a few rather erotic phone sex sessions.
Carelle - Carl, Belle and Ben are staying in the apartment, since school is canceled.  Graham is staying with his boyfriend for the duration.  Carl’s planning lessons for his own class, for Ben, and for some of the kids he talks to regularly from his owl school, mostly now in America.  Belle is trying to come up with ways to keep a kid entertained in an apartment that seems smaller by the day.  She likes having Carl in her bed every night, though, and watching Carl teaching her son.
Renbelle - Renard has guards surrounding their home, keeping anyone out.  They are well stocked and remained well stocked at all times (Belle doesn’t ask for details.). She, Sophie, and Renard spend all their time together either in the house or walking in the forest.  The men guarding the place stay at least 12 feet away.
Nostelle - Nosty manages to get Belle into a shelter, and he and his boys hunker down under a bridge, stealing what they need, scaring away anyone that comes near.  Cops check on them and Nosty coughs and then threatens to lick them all.  Belle shows up after three days, declaring that she can’t take the shelter anymore, she’d rather be with her boys.  She tells them every story she remembers.  
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japan-overload · 10 years
renbelle replied to your post: anonymous asked:hi I'm living in ...
They should ask Cliones, she’s from Yokohama and is very helpful in matters like this!
silversash replied to your post: anonymous asked:hi I'm living in ...
The last time I stayed in Japan, I’d just ask, “is it okay for me to do this?” And they (my host family) would tell me if it’s ok, or give me a reason if it’s not ^^ have funnn
ah that's nice!
effloro replied to your post: anonymous asked:hi I'm living in ...
I do not think it would offend them. maybe start with a simple- have you ever been to it? :)
Yes, I agree just a simple question should be fine.
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