#renji hater
renjihoe · 1 year
Renji Haters Are Not Bleach Fans!
My brain is trying to mathematically make sense of how someone who claims to be a Bleach super fan, a certified Kubo dick rider and someone who has consumed every ounce of “Peak Fiction” (Bleach) content written by Kubo himself, can simultaneously be the biggest Renji hater. It makes no sense to me. You cannot POSSIBLY think that Kubo is the best fiction author when Renji is ONE of the characters that shows off his writing skills the most, WITHOUT “plot armor” (looking at you Soul Reaper, Quincy, Hollow, Bout ICHIGO KUROSAKI!). You disregard all of that simply because “he can’t fight”. You cannot possibly think Kubo is the best writer to ever exist when he’s explained on multiple occasions as to why Renji is “weak”. You cannot POSSIBLY think that Renji is “useless” when Kubo himself CHOSE to make Renji one of Ichigo’s right hand men. It’s like you skipped the ENTIRE SERIES!! I get not liking Renji, he’s not everyone’s cup of tea and that’s fine, but to straight up be a hater is downright outrageous in my opinion. Smh…some of y’all need a good rewatch and to actually pay more damn attention to what you’re watching. Renji hate is so overplayed at this point. Unfortunately I don’t think his big TYBW moment will change some of the brainless Bleach fan’s opinions. 🙄
I could go into so much more detail about how Renji showcases Kubo’s skills the most but it would be difficult putting it into words. The video I’ve linked below does an amazing job of breaking down Renji’s character. I highly recommend this person’s channel for any Bleach fans who enjoy learning more about the series and characters they love so much!
Renji Abarai Character Analysis
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tropefiends · 2 years
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renji abarai lookbook fall 2022
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recurring-polynya · 5 months
*raises hand slowly* major fan, love your work! I actually only recently discovered your Bleach works in the last few years and I think I've reread all of them at least 3 times. But after reading your "The Greatest Family in Soul Society" series, I've been wanting to ask: How do you think they reacted/handled the aftermath of events in the Bleach Special One-Shot? Specifically Ichika, who possibly for the first time witnessed one of her parents in legitimate danger?
Thank you very much!! 💕
So for starters, if the Hell Arc every actually becomes a thing, I strongly suspect that this will be get addressed on-screen. Kubo clearly intended both Ichika and Kazui to have prominent (although probably not protagonist-level) roles. If this happens, Rukia and Renji will probably either handle this in some terrible way that causes Ichika to feel like she has to go against them and redeem herself or they'll get, like, trapped in Hell or something and she and Kazui will have to go rescue them. It is incredibly rare to see good relationships between parents and their children portrayed in fiction, and my expectations are on the floor for this one.
I talked to my husband about this for a long time this morning because I couldn't think of a single example of a good parent-child relationship in media where both characters have roughly equal narrative weight, and he couldn't either. Usually, the choices are a) parents dead or out of the picture, b) parents are awful and selfish and learn the error of their ways, or b2) generational trauma, which is the same, but parents bad behavior is excused because their parents did it to them. There is also c) stoic parent with lifelong duty raises stoic child to fulfill the same duty, which is the best of the lot, but it's still not great. It's also not really Renruki's style, especially because they've got Byakuya right there as an example of what being raised like this does to a person. 
Maybe Kubo will come up with something interesting, though! I would love to see it if he did!
With all that out of the way, I'll lay out how I think it should go, or how it would go if I were writing it, I guess.
For starters, we are still in a shounen anime. Bleach plays the "young person witnesses an act of violence and is saved" card constantly. As anime goes, I think Bleach actually does a fairly decent job of acknowledging the trauma that goes along with this, but it's also usually deployed as a thing that spurs the "witness" character to want to get stronger. Furthermore, the witness character usually has no sort of support system and receives no comfort after the fact--Kensei saves child-Shuuhei and then calls him a wuss before peacing-out. I doubt Shin'ou had any sort of trauma support group for Renji, Momo, Izuru and Shuuhei after their disaster fieldtrip --in all likelihood, the attitude was more like "wow, you got to see Captain Aizen in action, how lucky for you!" Even in the aftermath of the scene where Renji rescues Jinta and Ururu, Jinta is shown sitting by himself rather than seeking comfort from either of his "parents" (who, granted, are focused on healing Ururu).  That one has an added bonus ofJinta-has-always-treated-Renji-extremely-disrespectfully and then Renji saves him and gets gored pretty gruesomely.
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In contrast, Rukia and Renji have both been on the "witnessed the trauma" side of this before, and never had adult figures in their life to help them process anything. They lost and buried three friends before they even went to shinigami school. I think they know how much that sucked and how much damage it did to them psychologically and would be pretty sensitive to what Ichika is feeling. It's actually kind of funny because if they hadn't gone through a lot of trauma together, they might just be stoic about it and think that maybe their own kid should just suck it up, but they were definitely able to see how much it affected the other one. Like, part of the reason they even had a kid was to try to make up for the shitty childhood the other one had to go through.
Rukia and Renji probably run a pretty weird household because on one hand, they spent their own childhood taking care of themselves and making their own decisions and living with the consequences. They did a lot of actual crime, like a lot. Trying to tell their kid what to do would feel like a weird overreach to them. On the other hand, they're soldiers, so they are used a formal discipline system where sometimes you get punished because that's how you learn and make up for your mistakes. Overall, though, I think they respect Ichika as a person they are trying to guide to adulthood, much the way you guide a green recruit into becoming a strong officer. Yeah, she shouldn't have snuck along on a mission for lieutenants, and now she knows why. They're probably still going to yell at her and make her sweep the yard or something, but that's she's their kid, and they know that waiving the punishment would make her feel even worse.
Also, while this may be the first time Ichika has witnessed her dad getting stabbed (and it may not be), it's not like this idea is new to her. I'm sure Rukia and Renji have come home with injuries before, or not come home, and she had to go visit them at the Coordinated Relief Station, or possibly had even go stay with Uncle B for a while. (Uncle B, whose own father actually did die in the line of duty and I've read at least one fanfiction where he was there). A thing I like about Rukia and Renji as characters is that they respect each other's decisions about what danger they are willing to walk into. If they err, it's generally on the side of not stopping each other enough, and I think that is both very stupid and very charming of them. It speaks to the overinflated confidence they have in each other, and also I am tired to death of overprotectiveness being spun as romantic, when 90% of the time it's just patronizing or selfish.
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I guess to sum up, I'd say I would like to see Ichika come out of this with more respect for the gravity of her parents' job (vs. the 'dad and Ikkaku went to have fun without me no faaaaaiiirrr' attitude she started the one-shot with). It is interesting that she was able to see the Hell-guys when the lieutenants weren't able to. I hope that isn't something that just gets dismissed (and if nothing else, I think this is a case where Kyouraku as Head-Captain would be like "no I want to hear this" where Yamamoto would have been like "I don't listen to children!") I would prefer to see her get included in the action intentionally, where she's nervous about it, but trying to put up a front of bravado (both because she doesn't want anyone to know how much it scared her seeing her dad get stabbed trying to protect her and also because this is peak Young-Rukia-and-Renji behavior). Seeing what her parents are like on the job, realizing they're both extremely cool but also huge doofuses, and slowly gaining real confidence in herself because they show confidence in her would be a pretty refreshing story, imo.
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bothzangetsus · 1 year
Ichibe's power is too high-concept to be wasted on Ichibe, I'm sorry
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Okay but the confidence in her that ♥️ 👑
Maturity is realising there is a reason she got God level abilities. And it's because like Ichigo she was compassionate, courageous and forgiving.
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Renji Abarai using his true Bankai, "Sōō Zabimaru", against Mask de Masculine, from ep.18!
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mossyhound · 2 years
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renji's message to the haters
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bleachbleachbleach · 8 months
i vaguely remember you saying in a post that you thought bleach background music was bad and it made me think of this specific track called ‘ceremony commences’ which is obviously supposed to sound ‘sad’ but is just so weird that it completely misses the mark. it was playing over a scene of renji reminiscing on rukia and i almost started laughing
It's true, we are the #1 Bleach bgm haters. XD But it's consistently uplifted as a masterwork and some of the best to ever do it, so I'm glad that many others really like it!
That being said, we really loved the remix/usage of Ichigo's theme when Ichigo and the rest of the gang make their first appearance in TYBW. We were like "this scene slaps and so does the music, which is a feat because I hate this song!" It's not even a nostalgia thing because that's the one and only time I've ever heard that song and felt that it was a welcome addition to my life experience.
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tg-pilled · 5 months
favorite tg ships? any unpopular ship opinions?
Favourite Ships
HIDE/KANEKI - They are the reason I wake up every fucking day of the week oh my god. I just. The death kiss, the pining, the unrequited love for a Hot minute. I mghsjfsbnsskn. Them <3
TOUKA/YORIKO - OUGH they are the lesbians of all time! They kind of have a similar dynamic to Hide/Kaneki to me BUT I think their dynamic is much healthier. Since Touka isn't grappling with living in two worlds Miley Cyrus style, she definitely has more insight on the ghoul world. So rather than hating herself for having two different worlds to be a part of, she can just hate herself for being a ghoul! 😻 I think Yoriko helps her overcome this line of thinking a Lot and inspires Touka to start eating around her. I think Yoriko would also find Touka's ukaku to be beautiful. Yoriko 100% decorates their apartment with those colours and wears those colours proudly.
UTA/RENJI - I love when a grumpy man has an edge lord bf what can I say.
AKIRA/TAKIZAWA/AMON - Why do they look at each other like that bruh 💀 Need I say more?? Akira and Amon both are down horrific for Takizawa like.
Unpopular Ship Opinions
Idek if this is unpopular but I dislike Hinami/Ayato DEEPLY. I am their number one hater on fucking god. I don't like Hinami or Ayato shipped with anyone At All.
Anyone x Rize is a no go for me. I think she's better as a stand alone character, no shipping involved. I feel like shipping her with other characters kind of takes away from her whole Vibe. I can't explain it really it's just. A vibe.
A ship I like that I think not many ppl do (?) is Kaneki/Amon in :re. In the original series NO I DO NOT SHIP THEM but in :re I can see the vision. They're not my favs but I don't mind them either.
Kaneki/Arima is a Huge red flag for me. I despise that ship SO MUCH. I appreciate them for their parallels and the storytelling they have but it is HEAVILY implied Kaneki sees him as a father AND it's a weird dynamic too :/ Idk it just is gross to me
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rafs13 · 2 years
The bleach fandom: hypocrisy in shipping.
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I’ve seen a lot of ship wars in the bleach fandom especially after the anime came back just 3 weeks ago, but the hypocrisy is too much.
Yes this has to do with ichiruki and ichihime fans, especially how each fandom for both is being toxic to another. But the hypocrisy comes from saying everyone cannot ship ichiruki because ichihime is canon. That isn’t correct. You have shippers in all fandoms shipping anything and anyone regardless if it’s canon or not.
Look at the MHA fandom? You have people shipping characters with less than 2 minutes screen time, or characters they know is never gonna be canon (tododeku, miriko x bakugo, kaccacho, kirisima x bakguo etc) but no one bats an eye or forced those shippers to ship Todomomo, Izuku x occacho, karimari x jiro, kirishima x ashido? Those ships are likely to be canon or canon coded.
I have seen zutara shippers still ship zutara after atla ended years ago. To this day. You don’t see kataang shippers forcing them not to, there maybe some wars but not to this extent.
Even in the bleach fandom you have shippers who like Ichigo x grimmjow shippers, Rukia x Byakuya, renji x Jackie, ishihime etc. I don’t see any bleach shipper or the fandom attacking them by forcing them to drop their ship just because it’s not canon.
I also notice that there is more leeway for fans to ship homosexual ships than heterosexual. Again no one is batting a eye at ichigo x grimmjow shippers but ichiruki have to stop shipping ichiruki because it’s not canon? This happens to in jjk, with geto and gojo, you can’t ship gotohime or you will get attacked as people “see” or “act” like geto x gojo is canon. The same thing happens in MHA, you can’t ship any heterosexual ship without other shippers shipping homosexual ships attacking you. It can happen vice versa but it mostly happens with to shippers who ship heterosexual ships.
Yes ichiruki shippers have been toxic but it’s from both sides, and to say many ship lchiruki inspite of ichihime is a lie. We ship it because of the moments they had in the manga, you can interpret it as platonic but it can also easily be interpreted as romantic. “The man in my heart” sounds pretty romantic, if orihime had said that about ichigo I would deem it romantic and so would you ichihime shippers. Yes renruki is canon but remember she said that about ichigo before it was. Also Ichigo wanting to make rukia smilie again during the ss arc, that can also be interpreted as romantic, so why cannot that be for Rukia? That’s why many ichiruki shippers ship ichiruki, based on those moments. Again it depends on the person, but you cant force ichiruki shippers to not see that as romantic just because it’s not canon.
Because people interpret and ship what they like regardless of what’s canon, especially if there is a lot of material in the manga to support the ship. For ichiruki there is. It’s not like there was zero interaction between them and they have zero relationship and bond. They have the strongest bond between any character in bleach, next would be kisuke and yoriuchi.
Plus not every ichiruki shipper hates orihime and not every ichihime shipper hates rukia. Its hypocritical to think that every shipper is for this shipping war when many of us just want to ship. Us re blogging fan art and liking content of our ship doesn’t make us a rukia or orihime hater.
Stop writing rude things too to any shipper who ships something you don’t. I know ichihime is canon but what I don’t need is people swearing at me for shipping ichiruki. And verse versa for any ichihime fan who is getting harassed and isn’t engaging in the war.
It’s okay to talk about the pairings and say your opinion about everything and what you ship. You can voice your opinion online respectfully. But it’s not okay to attack people and force them to ship what you do, for you to brag about your ship being canon.
That’s hypocrisy.
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ichinoue · 2 years
Hello! Do you think in the future there's possibility of Kubo makes a story focused on Ichigo and Orihime's love relationship? Like the concept he did with WDKALY. Idk but I have that impression that Kubo was not really into Ichihime? I mean.. He made their chemistry very implicitly, only people who read it thoroughly would understand their development (as we can see there are so many readers who failed to see it) . Let's stick with his clarification about how Bleach is a shounen story that wasn't focused on romance, but he could executed the romantic atmosphere for RenRuki, even from the earlier arc when Renji showed us so many times about how important Rukia for him. We could see that Rukia and Renji always stick to each other in almost every arcs, it's not difficult for us to see their lovely dynamic. But it's kinda 'dry' for IchiHime, to the level of me who ship them from 2008 found it's make sense that those IR said that IH is lack of moments. Kubo prolly understands clearly that many people would hate it if he writes a story a focused on IH, since we know Orihime has a handful of haters everywhere. I could understand it. He even let it to our imagination on how Ichigo and Orihime went through their relationship. Did you ever think that way too? (Sorry for my awful grammar, I'd love to see your response)
Nah, I don't think he would make a story based on their relationship. I think we would still see them featured as a couple, of course, in any future works involving Ichigo and Orihime like we saw in the special Hell verse chapter, but their relationship wouldn't be the main focus of the story. Bleach is a shounen after all, so a spin-off about a romantic couple doesn't seem very fitting to me. If you mean a novel rather than a spin-off, WDKALY already addressed how their relationship came to be, and even WDKALY was not solely based on the RR love relationship; rather, it was used as a means to catch up with the characters and events happening in SS and Karakura following the war, culminating with Renji and Rukia's wedding and Ichigo's confession to Orihime.
I don't agree that IH was too implicit to notice or understand. I think the reason many readers failed to see that it was being written with the intention of becoming a romantic couple in the end was because they had already pinned their hopes on the more popular main male/female pairing from the very beginning, which generated an extreme dislike for IH as a result for being the direct competition, and so they weren't looking at the pairings objectively, which created a lot of denial and confirmation bias. Even in IH's most obvious moments, they still closed their eyes and shook their heads in denial.
And I love RR, but I don't think RR received more focus than IH? In the SS arc, sure, but IH received a lot more focus in all of the rest of the arcs. Starting from the arrancar arc, no other pairing received as much screentime or content as IH did. You say that Kubo executed a romantic atmosphere for RR via Renji's feelings for Rukia, which is true. But I think you're forgetting that Kubo did the exact same thing with IH via Orihime's feelings for Ichigo--and I would argue that IH and Orihime's feelings were even more explicit and "shoujo-esque" as it included Orihime's very explicit love confession, a hand-hold, and an almost kiss in "goodbye, halcyon days."
I think it's laughable for IR shippers to claim that IH had little screentime or moments. I compiled a list of IH manga moments here, and it's very extensive, spanning the entire manga. As I said before, IH received more screentime and content than any other pairing. Meanwhile, IR's screentime greatly plateaued after the SS arc.
So, I disagree. I don't think Kubo was uninterested in IH at all. I think if that were the case, he wouldn't have written so much content for IH. And I think if he were uninterested in it, he definitely wouldn't have made some of the most pinnacle moments of bleach so IH-centric (the arrancar/HM arcs, the Grimmjow/Nnoitra/Ulquiorra battles, the lust arc, and most importantly, the "final boss" battle against Yhwach).
I don't think Kubo cared about the hate for Orihime or IH. It clearly didn't deter him from writing a lot of IH/Orihime content, and he said himself on twitter that he would write more screentime for Orihime out of spite when people would complain or send him hate about her. Someone even compiled a graph showing that Orihime had the second most panel time in Bleach, with Ichigo being the obvious first. He wasn't concerned with catering to the haters, or holding back out of fear that it wouldn't be well received.
Basically, I think Kubo did a great job executing the romantic relationship between Ichigo and Orihime. He gave them plenty of content and development. To me, it doesn't make sense for people to complain that we didn't see their relationship confirmed until the final chapter, because that is basic shounen formula: to hold off pairing up the main characters until the very end, with a marriage and kids reveal.
As Kubo said, romance is only supplementary, after all. But even so, he still gave us more than that by confirming in WDKALY that Ichigo had been harbouring romantic feelings for Orihime for quite some time, and he created through words and a beautiful drawing the moment that Ichigo approaches Orihime to confess/ask her out.
And I think that's more than enough for a shounen.
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
Hi! I saw your post on Bleach world building and I loved it! It was so interesting and I feel like the intent behind how you use all the elements you mentioned really comes through in your writing and makes the world feel so much more grounded. The bit about the Zanpakutous reminded me of a previous post (a long time ago I think hah) where you said that Senbonzakura’s appearance in the Rebellion Arc wasn’t how you imagined them or something to that effect. Since you said you’re starting to write more of them, anything you can share on how you picture them to be? Sorry for the long ask!
Thank you!!
To be honest, I have not done enough thinking about Senbonzakura, and I've taken this ask as an opportunity to do so. Fanfic writers have weird hang-ups and one of mine is that I don't really want to make up zanpakutou headcanons for characters that are not my main blorbos. On the other hand, I have written enough Byakuya that he is...I don't know what he is to me, but at this point, I feel like it would not be too presumptive to have some my own spin on Senbonzakura.
So! For starters, I actually do like Senbonzakura's physical design in the Zanpakutou Rebellion Arc. I tend to think there were too many human-shaped zanpakutou spirits, but Senbonzakura is one that I would keep.
Here are the things I did not like (which I mention not to be a hater, but just to help me get my thoughts together):
I did not like his juvenile "become ungovernable" personality (this was mostly in the follow-on Sword Beasts Arc). I know this was meant as a comment on Byakuya's Rich Inner Life and was half a gag, but it doesn't extrapolate at all to the lifelong companion and advisor of one of the best and most disciplined swordsmen in the Gotei, a man whose life if riddled with tragedy.
I did not like the way Byakuya was generally very dismissive of him both during the climactic fight with Kouga and then again, in the Beast Swords Arc, leaving him for Rukia and Renji to deal with. I like to think that Senbonzakura is incredibly important to Byakuya. I think he is closer and more open with his sword spirit than any person in his life, and that he would regard Senbonzakura manifesting as an opportunity, not a pain in the ass.
I did not like the way some of the other zanpakutou spirits were horny at Senbonzakura (perhaps this is more of a complaint about them).
I did not like the way Sode no Shirayuki was somewhat subservient to Senbonzakura. The Sword Beasts arc made it clear that the manifested zanpakutou had bankai-equivalent power, even if their shinigami had not yet reached bankai. I can see younger zanpakutou being deferential to hella old zanpakutou, like Minazuki or Sougyo no Kotowari, but Senbonzakura and Sode no Shirayuki should regard each other as peers, imo.
I did like the fact that Senbonzakura was masked, but instead of the sort of running joke about people trying to see under the mask, I think Senbonzakura should always be masked. Is there anything under the mask? Are they human, actually, or are they animate armor? This is Senbonzakura's business and no one else's, not even Byakuya's.
My original headcanon for zanpakutou spirits was that they were a sort of an agglomerate ghost passed down from shinigami to shinigami, where when the shinigami dies, they become part of their zanpakutou spirit, when then attaches itself to some young person with shinigami-potential. They retain their values and general themes, although these may influence the person they select, but they lose their form between incarnations, and gain a new one that is shaped by imagery that is meaningful to their new person. I guess there was some stuff, maybe in CFYOW?, about asauchi being made from thousands of souls of dead shinigami. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but it's not entirely incompatible with my original idea, so I'm sticking with mine.
To that end: I think Senbonzakura embodies the spirit of bushidou (or whatever variant of bushidou exists in Soul Society). In my mind, one of Byakuya's youthful struggles was that the adults in his life spoke one thing and did another-- they spoke of honor and morality and uprightness, and then turned around and played politics and displayed favoritism. Senbonzakura is an idea that Byakuya can look to and admire and aspire to, who doesn't have a disappointingly human side. Appropriately, they take the form of a samurai, always seen in battle dress.
I think a lot of zanpakutou are tricky or roundabout, because they need their shinigami to learn essential truths about themselves, or just because they are Like That, but I think Senbonzakura is extremely straightforward. Byakuya has to deal with enough convoluted noble bullshit in his daily life. I think Senbonzakura would give B easily explained, but nigh-impossible challenges like "Go cast sokatsui 10,000 times and get back to me." Byakuya would just go fucking do it, and then Senbonzakura would teach him some new thing.
When Byakuya was young (and I think he met Senbonzakura at a very young age), he thought Senbonzakura was male, and Senbonzakura never corrected him. As he got older and had some thoughts about people he knew and about himself, Byakuya realized that there may be masculine and feminine expressions of concepts like honor and duty, but those concepts themselves are genderless, and Senbonzakura seemed to encompass all of them. I tend to think that Byakuya identifies as male by default, and because it affords him more power in society (which is not personally important, but because it's his duty to head his clan and power is a thing he needs) but he doesn't feel particularly attached to the concept. He's also bishounen and is into a lot of stuff like flowers and poetry and tea that was very masculine in the Edo era and has been more feminized in the modern era and his signature color is Barbie pink. He probably wouldn't have given it much thought, but once he realized that he didn't know what gender Senbonzakura was, he started thinking about it more, and realized that sometimes Senbonzakura is more female and sometimes more male and sometimes both and sometimes neither, and maybe that's very cool of them, actually.
Byakuya also thought that Senbonzakura was also very not into love and romance and sex stuff. He also thought this was very cool of them, because he also wasn't much into that stuff, and many of his peers were and talked about it incessantly. Then, when he met Hisana, it turned out that Senbonzakura was big into idealized, courtly love. From what I've read, the Japanese concept of chivalric love was majorly influenced by Heian era women poets, and Senbonzakura spent most of the Hisana years in, quite literally, A Big Sapphic Mood.
I think an important thing about bankai is that it reverses, or at least removes the master-student model between zanpakutou and shinigami. Senbonzakura relinquished this very readily, and slid into the role as Byakuya's equal partner, his comrade-in-arms and truest companion. I think Senbonzakura hated Byakuya's villain era during the Soul Society Arc, because Senbonzakura's interests mostly align with the law, but when they don't, they don't. Having his zanpakutou disagree with him didn't exactly put Byakuya into any better of a mood, and he in some part blamed it on Senbonzakura being still hung up on Hisana. If he hadn't yet gotten bankai, they might have come to loggerheads, but despite their disappointment, Senbonzakura's loyalty to Byakuya won out, and they stood by him, even though he was being a butt.
I don't remember if they hung out much in the Zanpakutou Spirits Arc, but I do think that Senbonzakura would like Hyourinmaru a lot, because they are both Noble and Dignified Beings, and I think Hyourinmaru returns the feeling, because Senbonzakura is polite and honorable. As I said earlier, I think Senbonzakura should regard Sode no Shirayuki as a peer-- they are somewhat alike but also very different in some respects. I think Senbonzakura is rather curious of Sode no Shirayuki, actually. Mysteriously, at least to Byakuya (and definitely to Renji, if he knew about it), I think Senbonzakura has a very "yeah, they're cool" attitude about Zabimaru. Senbonzakura is very fond of both Rukia and Renji and their zanpakutou and is very hype for Ichika when she comes along.
I think that's all the Senbonzakura thoughts I got in me for now! This was a lot of fun, thanks for the ask!
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thorneprincess · 1 year
Muse's Info Sheet
Tagged: @baiika (ty and ilu)
Tagging: @godkilller @keikakudori @wild-pineapple-butt @penetrantswiftweaver @owabisuru and @codename-freya
Name: Akiko
Alias: Little princess by her family, Jorogumo by haters
Gender: cis woman
Age: early to mid twenties (you know how shinigami aging is)
Species: shinigami
Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown
Abilities/Talents: extreme file management, kidou, photographic memory, resourcefulness, sheer force of will
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: atheist
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Japanese, English, a bit of French
Family: Her massive family plus people from her division her parents lowkey adopted
Friends: Kaisa, Renji, Momo, Suzuran and others
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual  / asexual / unsure / questioning / other (omnisexual)
Relationship status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship / other (divorced
Libido: sex god / very high / high  / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other
Eyes: brown / blue / green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other
Height: under 3 foot / 3-4 foot / 4-5 foot / 5-6 foot / 6-7 foot / above 7 foot
Weight: under 100 pounds / 100-150 pounds / 150-200 pounds / 200-250 pounds / above 250 pounds/ Other (I have no idea how this works)
Scars: several thin silver scars from over the years. Maybe a few skin patches from childhood
Facial Features: sharp eyes. button nose. furrowed brows.
Tattoos: depends on verse.
Dogs or Cats?
Birds or Hamsters?
Red or Blue?
Yellow or Green?
Black or White?
Coffee or Tea?
Ice Cream or Cake?
Fruits or Vegetables?
Sandwich or Soup?
Magic or Melee?
Sword or Bow?
Summer or Winter?
Spring or Autumn?
The Past or The Future?
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reavenedges-lies · 2 years
It will soon time to be petty about all the shitty Renji(Bleach) haters cause my boy is a bad ass and has one of the best underdog stories in anime and y'all are just fucking mean
If Zaraki wasn't a thing he absolutely could've been a Kenpachi and i will die on this hill
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ryssabrin · 2 years
maybe i'm just a hater bc i've become so partial to orihime but rewatching bleach it's really hitting me that rukia just kinda. sucks? like she has barely any motivation of her own and is super passive in the storylines she is involved in. and it would have been so easy to just like. give her a life goal? one that like getting adopted by the kuchiki family helps maybe? rather than just making her a vehicle for all of the male characters around her (byakuya, ichigo, renji, hell even urahara and aizen, etc.) to progress their own arcs?
even in the one storyline she does have a little agency in, the kaien thing, she's really more a passive observer in it up until hueco mundo when she meets the espada using his body. it takes that long to see rukia take an active role in her own arc!
idk. it's ironic to me that orihime is the more traditional support type damsel love interest and yet she's written with a lot more of her own agency and motivation than the other female lead who's portrayed as the more physically capable and independent one.
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goldenthyme · 2 years
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I see it's "incredibly specific reaction image/meme because of bleach fandom" posting time 
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