crookedspoonfic · 2 years
[fic] Lingerie (FF7: RenoTseng)
The feeling of utter relief when you finally manage to write something again after almost half a year *hysteric laughter*
le désir prend place dans ce qui adviendra (FF7: RenoTseng, 1.1k, M)
Tags: Established relationship, inappropriate texts during work hours, how tag
Summary: Tseng receives a text from Reno. With an image attached, the like of which he has not even dared to let himself dream about.
In the middle of the meeting with the new rookies, Reno slams his hands down onto the table. The rookies gawk at him, startled out of their discussions, some seeming to shrink into themselves, no doubt expecting a tirade from the vice-director of the Turks. Tseng makes a note of their names to review their files. Maybe desk jobs might suit them better than field assignments if they're this easily cowed by someone as unthreatening as Reno.
(Read more on AO3.)
Written for @neurotoxia because I’ve been meanly neglecting her and writing stuff for other people for way too long, lol.
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chaos-silk · 9 years
Couples meme thing: FF7 Letters verse: Reno and Tseng. Because I am a lil shit and we all know those two being any sort of domestic is the day Ruru's going to completely go over the deep end, haha.
Oh god, it doesn’t really matter what verse I put them in, they all turn out weird.
- Reno, he’s also prone to licking instead. Tseng is so not amused.
- I’d say that neither is really prone to being jealous really. I mean, they could be dead tomorrow so little things like that don’t really stick in their mind.
- A Turk is never too drunk to drive. That said, Tseng is usually the designated driver, but if he’s not there, Reno will happily sleep it off on the floor of whatever hole he’s crawled into.
- Reno likes to try and look after Tseng when he’s sick, but that usually fails spectacularly and ends with Tseng trying to shoot him or kill him. Tseng has enough sense to feed Reno a remedy or hit him with Esuna when he starts sniffling. A sick Reno leads to a hallucinating Reno and we can only speculate what a hallucinating Reno will get up to. It might end with inanimate objects revolting against their oppressors.
- Reno is not only responsible for dragging Tseng into the water, he’s also responsible for crashing the helicopter in the first place and leaving them stranded on the island in the first place -or hacking the computer so they have a mission at Costa de Sol-.
- Reno again, because Tseng is carrying so much tension and needs to relieve it. Which leads to releasing other types of tension, if you know what I mean. Attempts usually make Tseng smack him upside the head, especially during work hours, but once they are off the clock all bets are off.
- Depends on the vehicle. Tseng is not allowed to touch Reno’s baby -the helicopter-, but Reno is not allowed to even breathe on Tseng’s car most of the time. Not that that stops him.
- Tseng. If Reno is left unsupervised all he would eat is barfood, vitamins and twice his weight in junk food. Tseng buys him lunch under the excuse of trying to keep him in fighting shape, no one believes it.
- By mutual agreement, no one mentions their parents. As far as Reno is concerned, he doesn’t have them and as far as Tseng is concerned, his are dead.
- Reno. Sometimes it’s a hit, sometimes it’s a miss. Tseng enjoys it much more than he will ever let on, which would be why Reno keeps doing it.
- Tseng, Reno’s actually a good dancer when he’s drunk. Once Tseng is drunk, really drunk, all of that poise and grace goes out the window. He’s like an awkward block sliding about the dance-floor, stiff in all the wrong places.
- Reno bawled like a baby the first time he saw it and now takes great pains to avoid being in the room when that part comes on the screen. He’s also been known to randomly act it out at inappropriate times because he thinks it’s funny. Tseng was not amused.
- As Reno likes to point out, technically they are always wearing matching clothes because they’re wearing the same uniform. Tseng says it would only count if Reno was wearing his tie.
- Neither. Turks get paid enough that any spending limit is already set over the top. And they can usually write it off as a business expense.
-Breakfast? What is breakfast? Usually they’ve been up for a couple hours by the time breakfast rolls around, or are unconscious. Either or. Reno usually stops by to make sure Tseng’s at least ate something during heavy workdays -in exchange for lunch usually-, but otherwise breakfast is just something that happens to someone else.
- Tseng has every important day written down and marked in every calender he has access to. In code, because that kind of sentimentality is fatal in a Turk. Reno usually forgets what day it is on a daily basis, so anniversaries are always a surprise.
- Reno, usually as a joke.Tseng thinks about it in the dead of night, but neither is willing to talk about it seriously.
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