#reply :: bo
total-drama-brainrot · 7 months
('LOSER, BABY' is a great song for Alenoah!)
NOAH: We're both losers, baby We're losers, it's okay to be...
ALEJANDRO: Someone who's a little loco?
NOAH: Baby, that's fine by me!
ALEJANDRO: I'm a loser, honey A trickster and a dummy But at least I know I'm not alone!
NOAH: You're a loser!
NOAH + ALEJANDRO: Just like me! :)
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sosrantings · 1 year
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orangesinwinter · 2 years
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dread0narrival · 28 days
I know there isn't a lot of info about her rn, but may I also request Bo x Vesper, and maybe a Bo x Corbeau? 😳💦
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Bingo!! We have a bingo 🥳
Traumatized Vesper would be so head over heels for Bo omg ya girl is obsessed 😬 I see them becoming fast friends over their shared love for all things horror👌 Both of them being shy and awkward nerds would make dating more complicated but not impossible! Vesper just needs to be more courageous and make the first move! I want them to have movie nights marathons watching their favorite horror flicks, cuddling on the couch and falling asleep in each others arms as the other kisses their forehead goodnight 🥹
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We have another bingo!
I feel the need to explain Corbeau’s views as it will play a big role in understanding him 😂 sorry if this is long winded!
Corbeau’s had really messed up relationships with other humans in the past and because of this he views (most) humans less than animals.
But on the flip side he is the biggest animal lover 💗 that’s the main reason he maintains his farm as most if not all of the animals residing there are either strays, or surrenders from neglect situations.
But because of these factors I think he’d have mixed feelings on a beastkin LOL now if Bo had been hiding her animal features when Corbeau decided to nap her imagine his surprise when he sees a cute little cow human in his care.
He’d def find Bo cute but she’s still his captive and not sure how their stress levels would be finding out Corbeau runs a human farm and sells their meat other cannibals. He’d be kind to them, give them their favorite meals, a nice room for privacy and a few of amenities to help them pass the time and feel more “at home” and less like a prison cell. Bo would definitely be treated better than the rest showing a bit of favoritism lol
Now if this was shipping only without the captor/captive dynamic Corbeau would be attracted to Bo and her being a beastkin would be in her favor since we now know Corbeau is not fond of humans. Also! Corbeau has a hard time understanding emotions and is more logical about them. He’s learned how to behave by people watching and watching movies but it’s just surface level. If Bo is patient enough with him I think they could have a real relationship 💗
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Tiny Bo for your viewing pleasure 🥹
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woo-bin · 4 months
“Is it just me or this weather has been a bit bi-polar?” Bo shivered as suddenly temperatures have gone from 70s to in 50s in last 12 hours. “We are going to need at least a light jacket” @dencesin
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mitamicah · 5 months
Meow there and happy five months on T 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
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Thank you Jayyy 😄😻😽
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mmolia · 2 months
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featherstcnes · 9 months
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@bloodymyhands asked for angst and i delivered
a part of her wished she could say that she knew this was a bad idea from the start. it seemed a simple enough mission, though. a small tactical team ( led by the armorer ) would go in, get what they needed, and get out. bo had trusted the intel given to her by a few other mandalorians -- she'd even done some of her own research. for all she knew, the city that the team was going to was going to be empty. it was supposed to be abandoned, destroyed since the empire had left. and yet the moment she lost contact with the team, she knew that things had turned sideways. there had been consistent check ins. and while she had waited for a response, giving them time in case they were needing to stay quiet, there was a point that bo-katan couldn't sit idle anymore.
and so she found herself on the same planet that the other mandalorians had went to, attempting to be as stealthy as possible with the group she'd brought to save those that she'd lost contact with. " move out, " bo-katan commanded tilting her head down the hallway. they'd cased out the seemingly empty town for a bit before coming up with a strategy. she just had to hope that it ended up working. the seemingly old town was just a facade, as its depths below were remnants from the empire. bo had her blasters in her hands, preparing to defend herself if necessary. there didn't appear to be many heat signatures around -- at least not yet.
careful feet brought her down an empty hall, hearing footsteps from the other mandalorians in the other sections of the labyrinths down here. her eyes immediately focused on the image of the armorer's helmet and furs on the desk near what she assumed were holding cells, but she found only one door closed. her stomach dropped instantly. was she still alive? was this part of her armor just perched on this desk as a warning to bo and her team? a sign that they were next for coming here to save their people?
grabbing the helmet and the furs that the woman donned every day, bo-katan moved further down the hall to the door that she had seen shut. all of the other cells were empty, at least down this hallway. she had to assume that the other mandalorians were held elsewhere. but truthfully? the others were the last thing on her mind at the moment. pressing a button on the pad on the frame of the door, she saw the door quickly slide open, only for her to be met with a sight that had her frozen in place. the unmasked features that her eyes immediately went to, the vision of a woman that her mind wouldn't let her forget even if she'd attempted to. the voices of the men and woman she had brought with her faded around her, and all she found herself able to do was stand in the door frame, staring at the woman that was equally someone she admired and someone she had let herself hate for years.
her fingers tightened on the grip of the woman's helmet in her hand. all this time. all this time, and bo-katan had been blind to the possibility that the armorer was anyone from her past. she should have known, hearing how many times that the woman had spoken of death watch, even if it had just been in passing. rook kast. she would remember that face anywhere. it had been engraved in her mind the moment she'd lost mandalore.
" bo-katan! " she'd heard axe's voice break her out of her trance. " i'm here, " she yelled after a moment, clenching her fists. somehow, she had taken further steps into the cell. she let herself look at the woman again, seeing the blood in her hairline, the shallow breathing that was the only sign she was still alive. the footsteps coming closer down the hall had her making a split second decision to cover the armorer's face with the helmet once more, careful to avoid hurting her any further with the movement. soft brown hair stuck out from the bottom of the helmet, but bo didn't have the time to care to fix it. she couldn't, not now.
when axe rushed in, talking about incoming ships and blaster fire, bo nodded. " is everyone safe? accounted for? " once she received confirmation, she leaned down towards the armorer. " help me get her onto my ship. " she said, axe not hesitating as he moved to one side of her, moving an arm around the woman to help get her up, bo supporting from the other side. there was blaster fire ringing in the air the moment she set foot outside, but bo ignored it as she rushed to get the armorer onto her ship to set the woman down on a seat. she'd have to hope that the trip was gentle enough to get her home safely -- it wasn't as if she had a ship with bunks, with anything useful to help the woman. this would have to be enough.
" go, " axe had said. and she had. the mandalorians were not on the losing side of the battle this time. they would make it home safely, bo-katan knew that.
when she'd arrived back on mandalore, she'd avoided the med bay that part of the tribe had been rebuilding, and she'd immediately went to the forge. to the quarters that the woman in her arms had been building as a place for herself, away from everything else. once she was sure that they were alone, bo took off her helmet, placing the blue metal piece on a table near the door frame before she moved over to the armorer. she grabbed whatever supplies she could around the room, knowing that the woman had to have something that bo could use to at least help clean her up. once she had a few spare pieces of clean cloth, she moved back to the armorer's bedside. before she could tell herself otherwise, bo took off the woman's helmet. she'd already seen her once. and bo wasn't sure what injuries that she had. she was sure that the armorer had plenty of injuries under her clothing. but bo didn't see any rips or too much blood on the fabric, and so she kept her hands away. cursing under her breath, bo used the fabric to brush away at some of the blood on the armorer's head. her touch was firm, yet still gentle as she moved over the other woman.
a part of her felt as if she should feel like she owed the armorer nothing, now that bo knew who she really was. but how could she just let her suffer?
once she had cleaned her up enough to the point where it looked as if the bleeding had stopped, bo cleaned her hands of the woman's blood and took a deep breath. she felt like she barely had processed exactly who was laying in front of her, but at the same time, her mind felt like it couldn't even begin to attempt to. she didn't know what to feel and some quiet part of her was grateful that she didn't have to speak yet. that she didn't have to attempt to put words to how she was feeling. despite the endless thoughts running through her mind, she sat at a chair near the bed, eyes focused on the unconscious woman. her feelings aside ( both good and bad ) , bo knew that she couldn't just leave the woman alone. maybe the armorer would never forgive her for seeing her like this. maybe she would never let bo speak to her again because of it.
she would say she didn't care after the events of the day, but bo-katan knew that would be a lie.
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norvstforthvwickvd · 1 year
Safe & Sound || Starter for @sah1x1s
"Knock knock! I'm coming in whether you like it or not! Sarah, let's go!" Bo yelled as she walked through the front floor of the Miller's house, like she's done almost every day for the last few years. Bo was Joel and Sarah's next-door neighbor. She used to babysit Sarah when she was a baby back when Joel worked 24/7 just to keep food on the table. They've been like a little family ever since.
"Joel! You better be up!" She yelled towards his still shut bedroom door as she went to make herself coffee and start breakfast. As small of a town they lived in, it wasn't uncommon for anyone to just walk into anyone house. Everyone knew everyone.
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total-drama-brainrot · 6 months
(in reference to the will wood anon)
Memento Mori: the most important thing in the world
- 🐰(definitely making p!noah fanart based on this song)
I remember Perp mentioned this song before, in the context of "Noah wins the Aftermayhem challenge and has to perform a song when he returns" (which is always a really fun idea to think about, since you could- with enough gumption- justify having Noah sing anything in that context), but if that song's inspired you to draw fanart for a silly underdeveloped AU of mine then go wild with it!
The fact that people are inspired by my scattered thoughts enough to make fanart is. Still so wild to me. 🥺
It's definitely got the same vibes as the other songs that've been suggested for p!Noah, especially with the whole "listing ways you will die" thing!
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cienie-isengardu · 1 year
i've chewed thru lots of your lin kuei posts and i really love the info compiling/research/analysis you've done. after reading thru parts of your analysis on retirement within the lin kuei vs how defecting or leaving is punishable by death, what do you think of mk1's recent little lore drop that madam bo was lin kuei earlier in her life?
Thank you!
Madam Bo being once a Lin Kuei is so far one of my favorite additions to MK1 lore! She is a hilarious character but also so nice to hear about another female Lin Kuei out there.
Within the new timeline, with Lin Kuei being protectors of Earthrealm instead of assassins, I think it makes sense the members of the clan could retire in peace though I'm not sure if "retirement" is a right word? Madam Bo still performs duties assigned by Liu Kang, to whom Lin Kuei also reported just before Bi-Han went rogue. If anything, she came directly under orders of Fire God to train and take care of future champions - and doesn't that speak a lot about trust put into her? - so maybe because her new duties and long-termed undercover mission would interfere with the clan's duties, she renounced them with the consent of the Grandmaster, especially if Fire God personally asked for her assistance?
At the same time, MK1!Bi-Han makes a big deal about bloodline (or it is more about the supernatural abilities?) and because he and Tomas do not share blood, he does not consider Smoke a true Lin Kuei even if he wasn't completely ignorant of him as a brother. And sure, it could be just Bi-Han being a cold jerk but then Kuai Liang mentioned Sektor and Cyrax are loyal to Bi-Han and isn't it a bit suspicious that those two are loyal to the brother that refuses to acknowledge "outsider" as Lin Kuei?
(And this is one of the most standing off difference between old Lin Kuei and the protectors of Earthrealm, as the assassin clan welcomed people from other countries / ethnicity like Tomas (Europe) and Cyrax (Africa) and no "native" member made a fuss about them being born outside China or looking differently? To be honest, this is a pretty surprising change and I won’t lie, I’m a bit concerned about Cyrax here, as Tomas lost his European roots?)
So, if Madam Bo was once a Lin Kuei, I do wonder if there is any familiar bond between her, Bi-Han and Kuai Liang (and Smoke), especially since she seemed pretty familiar with Bi-Han non-verbal communication beside the obvious truth? You know, how she laughed after Bi-Han scoffed at Kung Lao's remark why they need more training if they beat down Lin Kuei?
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I'm still not familiar with all new lore / characters intros, but so far I think if Fire God Liu Kang asked Lin Kuei for Madam Bo's assistence, there was no reason why the Grandmaster would refuse request of his, (at least technically speaking) superior.
For those who didn't know it yet, the Madam Bo as Lin Kuei bit of lore comes from Scorpion vs Kung Lao intro:
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sosrantings · 2 years
If reply 1988 has 100 fans, I'm one of them. If it has one fan, it's me. If it has no fans, I'm no longer alive.
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the-trinket-witch · 11 months
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"Not that I need candy from my own dormmates or anything, but I'm nervous about going out... I feel silly wearing a costume like this."
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Yuu thought if Bo wanted a change in costume, they knew a neat idea for one that'd fit him pretty well. But if it's just gen. nerves getting to him, they're content grabbing double for him
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anxiouspark · 2 years
5 stars to the confession scene btw. (idk if getting on a rollercoaster when you're afraid of heights was romantic but) the drop like the way he confessed and then the camera angle when the rollercoaster drops gave the adrenaline rush alr and like that def made the scene impactful is all I'm saying
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Favourite Female Character Game
I was tagged by @lurkingshan here and, as I'm always up for giving great female characters the love they deserve, here is a list of ladies who made my heart flutter every time they showed up on screen.
(A mainly K-Dramas with a sprinkle of old BBC dramas as an acknowledgement of the formative influence they had over me)
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dosa-sambhar · 1 year
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This scene was so funny, had me SCREAMING and LAUGHING lmao
the reaction of their mother 💀
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