#resident: menchi
hotelofheroines · 10 months
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"I'm hungry tonight. Any ladies out there interested in indulging my craving for pussy~?"
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yuurei20 · 5 months
Short Translation from Twst the 2nd novel: Ruggie in the Cafeteria(pt4/4)
"‘You mean they have good teamwork?’ Yuuya recalls an earlier conversation with Ace. ‘Is it because Savanaclaw has so many beast-people?’
‘Well, Savanaclaw has a lot of people like us, too. I think it’s just how the dorm is. It’s 'cause they’ve got the most athletes. That’s why they’re so good at Spelldrive.’
'Now that you mention it, that came up in class this morning, too.’
Savanaclaw is based on the indomitable spirit of the 'King of Beasts,’ one of the Great Seven. And, true to that spirit, its residents all seem strong and proud of their dorm.
‘You talk Savanaclaw, you’re talkin’ a tournament-winning dorm. They’ve got a ton of athletes who have gone pro after being scouted at competitions.’
Deuce furrows his brow. ‘But last year, the dorm that won was…’
‘Exactly. That’s what caused the fight this morning. For the past two years, the winner’s been Diasomnia. If you’d watched the broadcast of the tournament last year, you’d know that.’
‘Ah.’ Deuce blinks. ‘Yeah, I can see why that’d end up in a fight.’
‘Right? Savanaclaw is probably gettin’ real tense with the tournament coming up again. It’s probably best to steer clear of them right now.’
It seems that Diasomnia has been dominating at Spelldrive in recent years. As reigning champions, Savanaclaw must see them as rivals. Now understanding the root of the quarrel from this morning, Yuuya resolves to stay far away from both dorms until the tournament ends.
‘The Spelldrive tournament…’ The raging Grim finally collapses forward onto the table. ‘I can’t be in the tournament, and then this happened to my deluxe menchi katsu sandwich…nothin’ good ever happens to me! This is the worst day of my life!’
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Grim buries his face in his front paws, which become slick with tears and snot.
Feeling sorry for him Yuuya gingerly arranges Grim’s scattered baked goods on the table, then gently strokes his hunched back. ‘You’ve got a lot of other snacks. They all look delicious, and you can get another katsu sandwich next time. Let’s just give up for today.’
‘Grrr. Damn it…’
Yuuya offers Grim a bagel that he devours in three bites, glowering at the table. ‘This alone ain’t gonna be enough…hey, Yuu! I’m takin’ your stew!’
‘Come on now, cut it out.’ Yuuya rescues his bowl in a hurry, and Grim makes a grab for Deuce’s bread.
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'Stop it! I don’t have anything to do with this!’
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‘Man, we’d better eat before Grim inhales everything.’ Ace swallows his bread whole without chewing. While he’d probably planned enjoy it at his leisure, in the end he couldn’t even taste it. In a cacophony of noise and the blink of an eye, lunchtime is over."
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zstargalaxy · 2 years
Litleo MC's Pouncing Lesson
You stayed low to the ground with a smirk on your face, tail swishing back and forth, eyes trained on a really small green bug type as it jumps from one rock to another.
It was another week for NRC but with rumours about Riddle overbloting in Heartslabyul and you involving in it but after the retake of the Unbirthday Party, the past few days for you and the students of the school had it kinda normal...for now and just continue on of what they were doing.
Leona being one of them.
Though he still has to look after you considering it's his turn to look after you you, much to he's irritation but didnt complain and not just go for it (atleast you arent THAT annoying as he's nephew) which is why you two are now in the botanical gardens with you pouncing towards the cricket and Leona sleeping in one of the benches, waiting on your lunches that Ruggie will bring.
As you kept pouncing from one spot to another to try to get the small bug-type, a familiar voice reach to your ears.
"Leona! I'm back with Lunch!"
Leona grudgingly blinked he's eyes as he sit up from he's nap "Grr...already afternoon?"
Ruggie huffed when he stood infront of he's Dorm Leader "Were you by chance sleeping here all morning? You're gonna fail another class"
You perked up with a smile on your face when you saw the Mightyena-like beastman running towards you two with the lunch he had got.
"Ruggie! Your here!" The said 2nd year snickered, ruffling your hair between your ears as he hold out your own lunch that Professor Crewel had order him to bring, which is consisted of chicken nuggets and some apple slices "Yep, and I gotten your lunch" you smiled brightly and took the small bag out of he's hands "Thank you Ruggie!".
"Oh? Smell like you gotten mine aswell" Leona stated when he smell the food that he had ordered Ruggie to get "Ugh" the Hyena beastman groaned in the mention of the Lion's food, always having to get the hard ones to get "Leona, you always want the stuff thats the most competitive" Ruggie stated "Heres your order of one Deluxe menchi katsu sandwhich and Ice tea"
"Thats a weird name" You gave a questioning look at the foreign words that Ruggie had said.
"Well we have weird lion here cub, so whats your point?" Leona glared at the snickering 2nd year "Tch, keep running that mouth Ruggie or you know what is coming for ya and Cub, get going, we adults here have a talk"
You blew a raspberry at him but quickly run away towards a grassy area of the gardens with a grin at your face when Leona tries to swipe you with he's "claws". The beastman here were really are different from your home world, since they dont exactly have claws like you, your family and some of your friends have but the students in the dorm you reside in definetly felt like how your siblings would have a pokemon battles.
Leona click he's tongue "and better stay near where I can see ya!"
"Wow" Ruggie drawled out "I never thought you would care about the cub, Leona. What? Got a soft spot or something?" A sneer on the Dorm Leader said otherwise "Stupid, as if I have a soft spot for anyone like you, especielly you should that the more difficult it is to get something, the more you want to eat it" stated factly, the Lion Prince as he took a bite out of he's lunch.
As the two kept on rambling on and on, You decided to finish your lunch later as you kept on trying to find the little Bug-type when you had saw it hopping by when you were eating. These bug-type sure are small compare to the ones back at home, so tiny in your hands that they could fit in a jar or even your pockets.
This world sure is weird, for sure.
But anyway, time to get pouncing!
Leona let out a yawn when Ruggie kept going on and on about him having to go to the meeting after school, giving him lengthy reasons like that he is obviously dorm leader and that he got nice perks because of that. He was about to go back to sleep until he saw you not that far.
'Huh, atleast she aint far' the 2nd prince simply thought "Oi Cub" You look up from your close hands when being called "Yes Mister Pyroar?".
'Again, whats a Pyroar?' Leona furrowed he's brows but brushed it off like what he had done before whenever you called him that nickname "What are you doing?" He asked you "Pouncing" It was a simple reply that you have gave to the older Lion as you open up your jands to see if you have caught the Grasshopper but quickly deflated when you didnt see it in your grasp.
The sight instantly have an expression of amusement at your little pathetic attempts. Beastman may not exactly hunt but they do knew how through their life to help their animal instincts and with the way he is seeing you pouncing, Leona cant help but find it pathetic for you were still seen from the tall grass, making small but noticeable noises and was just jumping too quickly.
Leona took a single glance at the still talking Ruggie and have gotten an idea.
"Hmm...come here Cub" the 3rd year motion you to come over quietly "Let me show you how an old-pro how its done" he whispered wickedly as he position both you and him behind a thick curtain of tall grass to prevant from being seen.
"- and as Dorm Leader, you have to show that you have earn it-
A smirk quickly went to Leona's face as he lowered your bottom and tail down more to help in keeping stealth "Just stay low to the ground..." you nodded to he's advice "okay, stay low to the ground, right?".
"- not to mention how many of the members in our dorm are quite rowyd to control and-"
"Try not to make a sound" both you and Leona deepend your hiding from any eyes what so ever.
"-So thats why you must-Leona? Leona?" Just realizing that Leona is no where in sight, Ruggie quickly turn around and look around to see if he's lazy dorm leader is still here but he too soon found out that the little Litleo is gone aswell "Leona? Where are you?! Cub!?".
"This aint funny you knew!?" Using he's heighten hearing, the 2nd year tries to hear any sounds from he's two dorm mates "Leona!? Cub!?"
And that is the reason why yoh shouldnt turn your back on a lion.
"Hahahahahahahahahhaha!!" Leona's laughter echoed across the garden as you smiled proudly at your accomplishment at getting your "prey".
"Ugh..." groaned Ruggie from the pain he had gotten from being pounced by a small yet very strong kid who is a beastman of a species unknown to him and everyone else here in Twisted Wonderland.
"Hahahahahaha! That was good, little Cub, very good" you trotted happily off of your "prey" as you stood beside Leona with a pride look on your face.
Happy that you had pass your first lesson in pouncing.
Maybe having the little Cub might be fun after all...
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meandmyechoes · 8 months
King-Ohger ep44
Onii- stops himself
roboles husty XD
yeah yanma how did you get the emblem if your king ran away?
they kept the ball on untransformed rita thank you TT
everyone is so pretty in the OP shots and there's gira
ah Racles's still not in the OP yet.
I'm so jealous of the Tokyo Tower event :(
Oh gosh I love Himeno's dress so much. a ballet vibe.
"let's become one then. let's hold shoulders." "It's not going to be that literal."
oh yesss it's getting spicy~~!
omg. 王之氣度
like Gira, Racules kneeled for an apology - but only on single-kneel and he didn't bow all the way to the ground. Also he kept the langugae exteremly formal and official.
why did you guys even go with Yanma's idea.
that convinced me balloon-hammer is a game popular across all chikyu for y'all to agfree with it.
WAIT Rita just called him "Silver" XD -> nope heard it wrong it's 審判 shinpan
yo Kaguragi that's so dirty why did you bring out people's parents
you know that's not gonna work she's a lesbian TT
the nazo fist pose in show TT
"No need for you, Tool" Rita is so- so cool when they are cold <- lost cause.
the stream broke when Yanma snapped his fingers-
omg yanma??? r u ok??
but yeah very captivated by his mad scientist quality and any of them from the start could be wild with unchecked power
He's not turning PEOPLE into shugod souls right????
okay i'm getting chills now…
"Yanma, you are a king too! You should know only to use the power to protect the people!"
oh god god… redblue
skapon tanuki and his tako menchi…
her spells work on herself too?!
oh bye bye you're dead when you grow giant
finally that bitch DIES
dancing to Try & Fight
I missed you King-Ohger TT
wait we haven't solved the "power residing in king's emblem" plot yet.
It's bit of a let down (then whatever is) from ep39 but I don't really mind as long as that leech DIES
hehe CEYS live broadcast.
goods lineup too so tell us a certain idol will be singing
ooooh they are talking about ep17 good i need to savour this asap
"onegai da." clutches heart
oh god, it's such a nice wrap up for Yanma to propose a re-form as the one who broke the alliance in the first place.
"Did you get brainwashed?" lmao
they. suzuracs are already in so-married phase.
thank you for the material adding to yuzuki rita voice comparison.
the first kings divided the power so they can keep each other in check and when they unite again they can achieve the ultimate power of the cosmos
the back shot of them in jail TT
"reach pass 2000 years" TT
yess basically everything I asked for last night THANK YOU.
besides Gira, Kaguragi is the second one that alaways put "people" on his lips so I'm curious about how he'll contrast with Rita who has no people that love them. Thank you Rita manga for the call and response with TV.
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Oviedo FL Neighborhoods - The Different Neighborhoods in Oviedo FL
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Located in Seminole County, Oviedo has been known for its small town charm, a warm climate year round and excellent schools. The city is also a great place for families with children. Oviedo offers a wide variety of parks and recreational activities for families to enjoy. In addition, the city is also close to UCF and Valencia College.
Oviedo is a small town with a population of approximately 35,000. The city's real estate market is very prosperous. Homes in Oviedo cost more than the Florida average. However, the average cost of living is significantly lower than the cost of living in Florida. Homes in Oviedo have appreciated in the last ten years at an average of 7.4%. The median days on market have increased since last year.
The city of Oviedo has a wide variety of neighborhoods. There are several older choices, and a growing number of new home communities. Some of the new developments include townhouses, apartments, and retail.
Oviedo is also known for its historic homes. The city has two downtown areas, which offer a variety of shopping and dining options. The Nelson and Company Historic District is located within the city. The First Methodist Church of Oviedo is also a historical site. There are also many trails to enjoy within the neighborhood.
The neighborhood of Tuska Ridge is located in Oviedo, and provides sidewalks throughout the neighborhood. This neighborhood is also close to the University of Central Florida, and has easy access to shopping and dining. The neighborhood also has a clubhouse with fitness center. There is also a soccer field and splash pad area.
In addition, Oviedo has several high schools with excellent ratings. The Oviedo schools spend $8,792 per student on average. The student to teacher ratio is 16 students to one teacher. The high school in Oviedo offers many Advanced Placement classes. The city's schools are considered some of the best in Central Florida. There are also a variety of parks in Oviedo, and families can enjoy picnics in the summer months.
Oviedo is a great place to raise children, and is one of the top places to raise a family in Florida. It is a family-friendly city that has a large population of college-educated adults. This means that the city will likely offer family-oriented services, which is important for families with children. Oviedo is also known for its lower crime rate than the average for the nation. The city has a small, but growing, historical district.
Located in Florida, Bertha is an unincorporated community. It is a relatively small community, but it is considered to be a promising place.
The city of Oviedo offers a wide variety in entertainment, including restaurants, airboat tours, and butterfly encounters. In addition, the city hosts over ten holiday events in December. The city also has an Easter Marshmallow Drop, and the Festival of Frights in October. The city has a number of unique events, and the community is very welcoming.
Residents of Oviedo love to enjoy a burger at Ruby Tuesday or a taco at Moe's Southwest Grill. Other popular places to eat in Oviedo include Burgerfi, Menchie's, and First Watch.
Known as one of the best places to live in Florida, Goldenrod neighborhoods offer a dense and suburban feel. These neighborhoods are characterized by moderate political views and a high quality public education system.
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What is Pressure Washing Orlando? 
Whether you're looking for a new driveway or are preparing for a home improvement project, you might be wondering what pressure washing Orlando can do for you. Pressure washing is the process of applying a soap solution to a surface to remove dirt and grime. You can use a soap solution with a poled brush for the best results. Although pressure washing Orlando is an effective way to remove dirt and grime, it should be used with caution. You don't want to damage sensitive exterior surfaces or cause expensive future repairs.
The Pressure Guys, LLC 5372 Rocking Horse Pl, Oviedo, FL 32765 (407) 917-7748 https://www.thepressureguys.com/
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hxhhasmysoul · 4 years
I should be writing something else but I was thinking about the Mito youtube star AU and i think it goes like this:
Mito used to work a boring office job when she was bringing up Gon and taking care of Abe, now Gon’s an adult with a job and Abe passed away Mito’s been putting more time into her youtube channel. In the past it was a small hobby. Now she has various series and it’s a full time job, she also gives cooking and gardening classes. She’s friends with Palm and Menchi, two other big youtubers who specialise in cooking. Gon’s a bit afraid of both Palm and Menchi. Mito has a devoted fanbase and they just love her to bits. She gets fanart and packages and so on.
Gon’s a detective. When he’d been in college he’d found his father after a long investigation. The meeting was disappointing all around. And he realised he’s good at finding things and people that are hidden. So he decided to be a detective and solve difficult cases. Gon can get too involved into his cases, his work/life balance is poor. Working with Kurapika exasperates this problem. Mito worries and wants Gon to have a better life.
Kurapika is Gon’s partner, they became a detective because they want to find the gang that killed their family. They used to be very angry, now they are more methodical. They have a tendency to overwork.
Leorio’s an investigative journalist. He gets into trouble because he’s an uncompromising truth teller. He’s now investigating mismanagement in the police and instances of police violence and abuse of power. Kurapika and Gon are his secret informants.
Cheadle is Leorio’s editor in chief. She needs to walk the tightrope between her what her corporate bosses want and what she thinks is right. She wants her journalists to do their job well, but there’s pressure not to rock the boat, because corporate is in with the politicians and other elites. Her main boss is Pariston, who recently inherited the corporation under dubious circumstances. 
The Zoldycks are a clan of renowned doctors and have their own hospital.
Zeno and Silva are heart surgeons. For obvious reasons.
Kikyo is an eye surgeon. For obvious reasons.
Illumi is a neurosurgeon. For obvious reasons.
Milluki is a gynecologist and obstetrician - as a nerdy guy starting medschool he joked that it’ll let him see naked ladies every day. Once he started working though he really got into the idea of having a baby and once his wife got pregnant he can’t stop spamming his family about it. Killua is so done with pastel nursery photos at this point.
Kalluto just finished their residency as an ear and nose doctor, they know sign language and want to work with hard of hearing patients.
Alluka is a pediatrician. She works on the same ward as her girlfriend Canary.
Nanika is an anesthesiologist, she works at the ER with Killua.
Zeno and Silva wanted Killua to follow their footsteps and become a heart surgeon, but Killua decided he wants to work at the ER, he prefers the variety and adrenaline that comes with it.
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phgq · 4 years
Marikina, Mandaluyong set aside funds for Covid-19 vaccine
#PHnews: Marikina, Mandaluyong set aside funds for Covid-19 vaccine
MANILA – The cities of Marikina and Mandaluyong have allotted funds for the purchase of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) vaccines for their residents.
Marikina Mayor Marcelino Teodoro said the city has allocated PHP82.7 million for the procurement of the vaccines, which is included in the city's PHP2.3 billion budget for 2021. 
“We have a budget allocation of PHP 82.7 million which was approved last November 2020 to procure the vaccine,” Teodoro said in a message to the Philippine News Agency (PNA) Tuesday.
Teodoro added that the city government is just waiting for the list of approved vaccines from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) and they will prioritize front-liners such as healthcare, medical workers as well the working population for the immunization against Covid-19.
“'Yung mga economically active at socially mobile, gagawin namin (ang vaccination) in partnership sa retail, industrial and manufacturing, small and medium scale (Those who are economically active and socially mobile, we will do the vaccination in partnership with retail, industrial and manufacturing, small and medium scale enterprises). Our targeted sector is the working population so we can sustain economic activities,” he said.
In Mandaluyong, Mayor Menchie Abalos said the city is shelling out PHP200 million as an initial fund to procure the vaccine to guarantee that residents will receive free Covid-19 vaccines this year.
"Sisikapin namin na mabigyan ng bakuna ang lahat ng Mandaleños sa oras na magkaroon na ng bakuna kaya't hinihingi namin ang kooperasyon ng lahat (We will try to get all Mandaleños vaccinated once the vaccine is available so we ask for everyone's cooperation)," Abalos said in a radio interview.
Abalos also tasked the city's 27 village chiefs to expedite the processing of F1 forms (Family form1) to complete the data bank of its residents. 
"Umaapela din ako sa lahat ng residente sa lungsod na i-fill out ang mga F1 forms para malaman natin kung gaano karaming bakuna ang ating kukunin (I also appeal to all city residents to fill out the F1 forms so we know how many vaccines we will get)," she said.
She also hopes that the data bank of the city's residents will be completed immediately as it is announced that in March or April this year there will be a Covid-19 vaccine.
Abalos also formed a committee to oversee the vaccination and ensure that there are enough vaccines for all citizens of the city. 
The Covid-19 cluster committee members will oversee the development of a proper vaccination system and are expected to complete all processes by next month. 
Abalos said the city government is making a mobile app that will serve as a registration portal for Mandaleños who will voluntarily get vaccinated and it is expected to launch next week.
Currently, the government is negotiating with several pharmaceutical companies for the procurement of Covid-19 vaccines – Pfizer Inc., Moderna, AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Novavax Inc, Sinovac, and Sputnik V.
On Monday, Malacañang welcomed efforts of some local government units (LGUs) to secure doses of a Covid-19 vaccine, saying it would mean more vaccines for the entire country.
Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque, however, explained that the purchase of Covid-19 vaccines would be a government-to-government transaction.
Last December, Roque suggested using the local funds to purchase vaccines not among vaccine brands already identified by the government. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Marikina, Mandaluyong set aside funds for Covid-19 vaccine." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1126378 (accessed January 05, 2021 at 10:15PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Marikina, Mandaluyong set aside funds for Covid-19 vaccine." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1126378 (archived).
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lumberjackprincess · 7 years
I didn’t actually get tagged yet, but I saw @probably-your-spacemom ‘s post and decided to tag along (get it?).
So, here goes...
Five things you’ll find in my jacket pockets (the original says bag but I changed it just for me because I have four pockets with some weird shit that I keep in them):
- a freshly sharpened swiss army knife w/ the goods built in
- a plastic Menchies spoon
- a giant wad of keys
- an old unfinished friendship bracelet
- a handful of neon sharpies
Five things you’ll find in my bedroom:
- a small cardboard box fort in which I reside most of the time
- several failed terrariums 
- many moths
- a keyboard piano
- a box of rug-hooking materials and tools
Five things I’ve always wanted to do:
- kiss someone??
- sing in front of a crowd??
- pass school??
- get a role in a musical/play?
- become good at arts
Five things that make me happy:
- theatre
- spacefam
- memes
- musical soundtracks
- me lookin cute af
Five things I’m currently into:
- Voltron
- a decent handful of musicals (I have a lot in my ‘listen to’ queue)
- Rick Riordan books
- Steven Universe
- memes
Five things on my to do list:
- try to actually do some homework
- for real i have eleven assignments due in two days
- take a shower (It’s covered in watermelon juice from yesterday)
- eat
- sleep (ha)
I’m bad at tagging people, so here goes: @sarahkatlinewalker @idhrentelcontar @eggbott @oforlikelalune @unnecessaryjames @ttuck650 @deefiregirl @halfbloodwitch @small-potted-plant
Feel free not to do it, and I probably missed some people.
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hotelofheroines · 3 months
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"Invites are being sent out for my 'Super Horny Lesbian Dinner Party'. Let me know if you want an invite! The rules are as follows:
The food is specially chosen for its aphrodisiatic effects. Non-drugged substitutes are available.
Ladies only. Trans, NB, and Intersex friendly.
Once you enter the private area, please strip down.
Please place your dish in the designated area before engaging in the sexy fun-time orgy.
Dessert will be served 1 hour after dinner. Hopefully. Included is jello containing anti-toxin for the aphrodisiac and electrolytes to revitalize you."
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omresult · 5 years
Menchies Hersheys Experience Sweepstakes - Enter To Win Trip
Menchies Hersheys Experience Sweepstakes – Enter To Win Trip
Menchies Hersheys Experience Sweepstakes is open for the legal residents of the United States and the District of Columbia and for those who are at least 18 years of age or older at the time of entry period. The Menchies Hersheys Experience Sweepstakes began on 1st June, 2019 and ends on 30th June, 2019. The Prize for the winner of the Sweepstakes is a trip for 4 to Hershey, PA to experience…
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joesbrownusa · 8 years
Houses For Sale in Mercer Island, WA
4150 Boulevard Pl, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $3899950+
A unique offering from JayMarc Homes. Location and expansive views are the palette for your custom designed residence. The Marbella plan offers you the opportunity to live grand from the aesthetically pleasing exterior to the well thought-out living spaces and the breath-taking views. This is a custom build home so we can build and design to your taste and inspiration. Lot to be purchased prior to construction start. JayMarc is Houzz 2016 Customer Service Award Winner.
8132 SE 44th St, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $3198000
Stunning New Construction by Kim Schademan Custom Homes. 5 Bed, 5 Bath, Bonus Room, Den w/FP. Impressive Two Story Foyer, 1,400 Sq. ft. Outdoor Room, Professional Chef Kitchen, Slab Leather Granite, 4 Ovens, 2 Dishwashers, 3 Pantries & Wine Chiller. Wolf, Sub Zero & Bosch. Distressed Maple hardwood floors, Metal Clad Windows, Custom Alder Front Door, 4 Fireplaces, Blue Stone Pavers, Air Conditioning, Security Cameras, Crestron Music Distribution system. Location, Privacy and Westside Living!
9324 SE 68th St, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $1398800
Newly Renovated Northwest Style. The expansive kitchen includes quartz countertops, high-end appliances and a 24-bottle wine chiller. The open great room is dressed with a charming brick fireplace creating the perfect place to entertain. The lower level includes guest suite, and rec room with wet bar. The home has a spacious backyard and patio sited on a quiet street backing to a green belt. A very convenient location, just minutes from all parks and benefits Mercer Island has to offer.
9055 SE 79th St, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $2068000
Breathtaking views of Mt. Rainer & Lake Washington, from almost every room! Enjoy the blue water serenity, warmth and natural light. With the sunny southern exposure, this spacious 5 bed home offers an ideal floor plan for luxury living & entertaining. Main level features elegant hardwood floors throughout, gourmet kitchen complete with granite counters. Master suite with luxurious bath, indoor hot tub, entertaining decks & lots of storage. Close to Clark Beach & shopping. Great Schools.
4825 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $375000
Over ½ acre of sylvan splendor and privacy. Wonderful site to build your urban forest retreat. Site will require a substantial driveway to get to the building site. Most of the work necessary to build on this site has been completed. This includes topographical survey, wetland determination, geotechnical, environmental reports and even plans for a 4 BR, 3.5 bath 3597 sq ft home. Priced to sell and help is available to get the project thru City of Mercer Island permitting process.
6857 SE 33rd St, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $2300000
Crafted by Gary Redman w/ views in mind, this custom craftsman celebrates island living and PNW vistas. An effortless blend of luxury finishes (oak, marble and granite), light-filled spaces and casual comforts. Gourmet kitchen w/ quality SS appls, butler’s pantry and 4-burner gas range. Entertain on the large deck w/ hot-tub or retreat to the main floor master suite w/ stunning views. Home office, bonus rm, lower level wine cellar and more. Private park-like setting, only mins to Seattle and the Eastside.
4721 Forest Ave SE, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $2468000
Rare opportunity to own custom home on MI’s desirable Forest Ave neighborhood.Panoramic western views of Lake WA, Downtown SEA, Seward Pk, & the Olympic Mts.One lot back from the lake.Few minutes to downtown MI, schools, parks and I-90.Perfect vantage pt to watch the Blue Angels/Seafair in the summer.Top of the line throughout w gourmet kitchen.4 bedrms, 4 bathrms plus den/crafts rm or possibly another bedroom, family rm, recreation rm, plus library area..Wine cellar.Grassy flat fenced backyard.
7227 93rd Ave SE, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $2588000+
Barcel Homes proudly presents this thoughtfully designed home at the south end of Mercer Island. Designed to fit the needs of the modern homeowner, there is a great room complete with 30 Kitchen Island with quartz countertops that opens to the dining and living area to create seamless entertaining spaces. With over 4100 sq ft this 5 bedroom and 4 bath home has 10’+ ceilings, a warm modern palette, 3 car garage, hardwood floors as well as radiant concrete floors and A/C.
9252 SE 46th St, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $1775000
Panoramic views of Lk and Mts. from this NW Contemporary home close to MIHS and Library. Expansive wall of windows enhances the scenery from entertainment sized living room and formal dining. Chef’s kitchen. Dedicated master suite in upper level with vaulted ceilings, Zen like bath with cedar deck Jacuzzi, heated floors and space for yoga. Views from lower level rec room and 4BRs. The tiled atrium leads to an oversized 2-car garage and private entrance to a tranquil guest suite.
4112 W Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $885000
Mid Century Modern house in great location facing SW w/partial lake views. So much potential to make this house a wonderful home. Beautiful yard w/large patio and nice landscaping. Spacious living room w/hardwood floors under carpet, vaulted ceilings, large picture windows, and a deck looking out to a nice view. Master w/vaulted ceilings and bath. Basement is unfinished- room for another bedroom, large family room and plumbed for a bathroom w/ shower. Great opportunity to live on the island.
2500 81st Ave SE #117, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $488000
Rarely available, huge THREE bedroom/1720 square foot home at the Mercer Isle. This outstanding West-facing unit has a great floor plan & includes a large living room & separate rec room that can be used as a office. The 2 guest bedrooms & guest bath are on the opposite end from the master which has its own ¾ bath. Large storage room inside the unit, plus an oversized storage room located downstairs. Parking spot is close to the North entrance & a shared laundry facility is down the hall. No special assessments. NO RENTAL CAP.
6464 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $1100000
The perfect sweet spot of lake & mountain views, a large and private 17,064 sf site & a 2,750 sf home. Traditional detailing with brick and wood exterior and new roof. Inside features 3 bedrooms, den, family room, formal space with 2.5 baths and 2 fireplaces. Additionally, there is 1,000 sf of unfinished space awaiting your vision. Just 2 lots up from the water- come wander, dream & enjoy!
Undisclosed, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $140000
This is your chance to own a Menchie’s Franchise for about half of the cost of establishing a new one. The store is in a great village location with plenty of walk-in traffic. The business is clean and well laid out and is so attractive that it is very hard for children to walk or drive by without asking their parents to stop in. The equipment and fixtures are in compliance with the franchise and are like new, well maintained and spotlessly clean. The owner is selling to pursue other business interests so his loss is your gain. This is a great buy for a franchise that normally takes mor e than $300,000 to establish, and the seller is willing to pay your franchise transfer fee with a full price offer. Call or email now for more info on this well established yogurt franchise store. Go to this web address to learn more about the Menchie’s Franchise. https://youtu.be/GmwC3CT7pMo
2930 76th Ave SE #A302, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $445000
Light & bright 3rd floor Chateau upper building, w/ panoramic views of downtown MI, Bellevue skyline & Cascades. See the majestic sunrises from the unit or the large covered deck. Updates include designer paint, crown moldings & newer windows. Kitchen features open to dining area, lots of cabinets & counter space, pantry, stainless steel oven, refrigerator & wine cooler. Level access w/ no stairs from carport to unit. One covered parking. Strong HOA. Roof and decks are about 3yrs old
5830 W Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $1742000
This stunning new home was completely renovated and re-imaged in 2016. Spectacular western lake views and sunsets over the Olympics from both the main level and master bedroom. Entertainers will delight in the well-equipped gourmet kitchen, walk-in pantry, open great room and high ceilings. With more than 5600 sq ft of streamlined living space, there is ample energetic flex space for a media room, pool table and guest areas. Walk to parks and Groveland Beach. Best Value on Mercer Island.
3308 81st Pl SE, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $1595000
Rare opportunity to own a one of a kind, extraordinary & immaculate turn-key townhome in a convenient north end location. This private unit w/oversized windows captures lots of natural light. High ceilings & expansive walls are the perfect backdrop for your art collection. Both formal and informal spaces flow seamlessly in this smartly designed flexible floor plan. Spacious gourmet kitchen. Upper level master w/attached sitting room, lake views & spa-like bath complete the elegant master suite.
3308 81st Pl SE, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $1595000
Rare opportunity to own a one of a kind, extraordinary and immaculate turn-key townhome in a convenient north end location. This private unit w/oversized windows captures lots of natural light. High ceilings and expansive walls are the perfect backdrop for your art collection. Both formal and informal spaces flow seamlessly in this smartly designed flexible floor plan. Spacious gourmet kitchen. Upper level master w/attached sitting room, lake views and spa-like bath complete the elegant master suite.
2204 61st Ave SE, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $1167000
Live the Northend lifestyle! Walkability to the waterfront, parks and downtown MI, plus a quick commute to downtown Seattle or Bellevue. Designer touches at every corner. Painted cabinets, Carrara counters, a Waterworks faucet, Oh Joy! wallpaper, stainless appliances, and brass in all the right places. Lower level master suite has a walk-in closet, heated bathroom floors, a waterfall shower, and an extra long soaking tub. Level Westerly facing play yard. Move right in.
3218 80th Ave SE #418, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $439950
Enjoy great schools, parks, restaurants, & nearby amenities from this downtown Mercer Island condo. Smart floor plan w/generous living spaces, all new appliances in the kitchen, master bedroom w/ full ensuite bath/walk-in closet, and a second bedroom/bathroom. Living room w/fireplace opens to covered patio/balcony. Expansive windows bring in natural light. Easy walk-up, washer/dryer hook-ups in the unit, covered parking, storage, clubhouse/pool, no rental cap and 10 min to Seattle & Bellevue.
3600 86th Ave SE, Mercer Island, WA
Price: $1190000
Spacious, well-maintained Mid-Century, beautifully sited for privacy. Original architecture intact, with four bedrooms and two baths on the main level plus gathering places for everyones activities downstairs. Vaulted wood ceilings in living & dining areas which also enjoy wooded views. Kitchen/family rooms open to garden and level yard. Full daylight lower level with high ceilings and limitless possibilities opens to Zen garden. Just a few blocks to Northwood Elementary and I-90. Welcome home!
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-mercer-island-wa/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158033768065
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hotelofheroines · 2 months
Fuck Yes! to Kisala, Lilika, Rikku and Menchi from Squall
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Pillows everywhere~! She's more than welcome to lay in any/all of them.
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hotelofheroines · 3 months
Flashing Door! (Menchi)
Send "Flashing Door" for the receiving muse to open the door naked after hearing the sending muse knock
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"Hello~! What's up? Need something?" Menchi asked casually as she stood in the doorway to her suite completely naked. The nudist obviously had no shame about her body and didn't bother to put on clothes to answer the door, especially since anyone visiting or staying here likely knew what they were in for despite the hotel's official policy about the public areas of the hotel. While Menchi's tits didn't really compare to Euphemia's there were plenty full and perky, with a toned ass and thighs.
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hotelofheroines · 10 months
@siren-euphemia commented on a post:
"Come and get me~" 😘
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"I mean, I get the feeling that licking you is going to zap my tongue, but I'm bold enough to try~"
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hotelofheroines · 5 months
(¬‿¬) for Menchi~
For every (¬‿¬) I get my muse will remove a piece of clothing.
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"Hello, ladies~ Hope your having fun watching me get naked. Not like you haven't seen it plenty before~" Menchi lifted one of her toned legs up in her seated position to unzip on of her boots and repeated the process with the other.
Remaining Clothes
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hotelofheroines · 5 months
(¬‿¬)(¬‿¬)(¬‿¬) To Menchi
For every (¬‿¬) I get my muse will remove a piece of clothing.
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"No cheating, Squall~ One piece of clothing per person. But if I do get stripped, I'll give you a little bonus for participation~" Menchi slipped her fishnet shirt over her head and put it in Squall's hands, leaving her with only her bra from the waist up.
Clothes Remaining:
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