#resistor network
edrmilotn · 4 months
Vishay, WSL25127L000FEA, Resistors, Fixed Resistors
WSL Series 2512 1 W 0.007 Ohm ±1% ±75 ppm/°C SMT Power Metal Strip® Resistor
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suvsystemltd · 6 months
What is a resistor network?
A resistor network is a collection of resistors connected together in a specific arrangement. It's like having a group of friends working together to achieve a common goal! Each resistor in the network plays a unique role, just like each friend in a group has their strengths and skills.
These networks are commonly used in electronics to create specific resistance values or to divide voltage. They can also be used to match impedances in circuits. Imagine each resistor as a team player, contributing to the overall performance of the circuit.
Resistor networks come in different configurations, such as isolated, bussed, or dual in-line packages (DIP). Each configuration has its own advantages and uses, just like different tools are used for different jobs.
Overall, resistor networks are versatile components that play an important role in electronic circuits, much like how teamwork is essential for success in any group activity!
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commodorez · 1 year
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My replica Ohio Scientific OSI 400 Superboard now works!
This is a replica of a ~1976 single board kit computer, one of the earliest available for the 6502. It was cheap and relatively simple compared to many of the other options for sale at the time. The user had to supply a serial interface, or add other boards for I/O, but the base concept seems simple enough.
The glitchworks parts kit that I bought with it includes vintage style components, similar to what would have been available in the mid/late 1970s, to complete the look. However, my modern machine pin sockets are rather anachronistic. I've also chosen to build mine using a 6512 processor instead of a 6502, which has a nearly identical pinout to the 6501 and 6800. With just a single jumper change, this board can accommodate either processor, but will need special ROMs with 6800 software to be useful. It took a few days to figure out how to get it running, and here's what had to happen:
Attached era-appropriate termination resistors from glitch
Replaced 555 with an era-appropriate TO-99 version, also from glitch (this one is purely cosmetic)
Corrected my wiring mistakes when assembling the TX level shifter
Replaced 74LS04 used to buffer 6850 (damaged part wouldn't pull sufficiently during serial loopback tests)
Jumpered /CTS low on 6850
Lastly, the most frustrating one of all that took some assistance from glitch and tangentdelta on IRC, bypassing VMA output from the 6512. MOS datasheets that I've seen indicate that the 65XX family always outputs a high signal on what was formerly the VMA pin on the 6800, as it is tied to VCC internally. When checking this on my 6512, I saw continuity between VCC and VMA. However, for some reason I was seeing a low signal with occasional spikes which I could not explain. The solution was to disconnect the buffer input that feeds VMA beyond the 6512, and pull the signal high with a resistor. The result is that the logic chain allows the E input on pin 14 of the 6850 to go high when necessary, and output serial data.
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Speaking of serial data, my T1960CT has been my terminal for these tests, as it's compact enough to fit on my workbench, has RS232 on board, provides a good keyboard, and can copy files over the network.
I have big plans for this thing. I want to add in all the era-appropriate boards to to get a more complete experience, similar to what I did with the Cactus. However while the Cactus was an exercise in 1970s homebrew, this is an exercise in 1970s kit computing.
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jpitha · 2 years
Allan was sitting hunched over at his desk, with a strong light shining on it. Acrid smoke curled up while he worked. He was concentrating so hard that he didn't hear Malmani come in.
"Hey Allan! Your door was open and-- Ancestors! What are you doing? What is that smell?" Malmani took two steps back and coughed.
Allan looked up, startled. "Oh, sorry, I didn't hear you come in Malmani. The smell? Oh, hold on a second, sorry." He flipped a switch next to his desk and a powerful fan over his desk started, and pulled the acrid smoke away. "I was trying to solder together this board and was concentrating so hard. These surface mount components are super tough to do on their own."
As the air cleared, Malmani was able to take a closer look. Eyes watering, she noticed that he had two little clamps on his desk and they were holding a thin wafer of green plastic with...small protrusions dotted all over it.
She flicked her ear and said "What are you making? It looks like a miniature city"
Allan looked down at the PCB and chuckled "Hah, it does, doesn't it? I'm trying to make a new kind of environmental sensor. The ones we have are really bulky and fail often." He realized that they were of K'laxi make and that he was talking to a K'laxi and quickly added "Er, sorry, I mean that I was thinking about the design while I was trying to repair one last week and started daydreaming about making it better."
"It's fine Allan, it's fine. I'm not insulted." Malmani thought for a moment. "At least, I don't think I'm insulted. I was just wondering what you were doing, and now I know. But why?"
"Like I said, the ones in place are bulky. I think I can make one that's more compact. Maybe even one that's more accurate. Plus, it's fun to do."
"Sure! I like thinking about electronics and how they work and how you could optimize things and make it better."
"So Starbase didn't ask you to make it, you're just making it because you want to?"
"Yup. Starbase and I have been collaborating on the design though. They're letting me know what things they wish were easier to read."
"That's right Mal." Starbase chimed in "Allan was asking me about the environmental sensors, and I had mentioned how it's tough for me to get a holistic view of an area since the sensors don't talk to each other - just to me - so first thing he's doing is adding a local network connection. They should be able to talk to each other and send a more unified picture of what's going on."
Allan nodded "Yeah, see these bits right here?" He gestured with a small plastic stick. "These are the mesh networking components. They are what will let them talk to each other. We're also going to try a human sourced environmental sensor. We make ours a different way, and I think it'll be smaller and faster to refresh. I'm keeping a lot of the K'laxi wiring though, your resistors and capacitors are incredibly efficient. I've already requested a couple boxes of K'laxi components, I want to see how well they mesh with human ones."
Mal shook her head. "I can't get over how you're just designing a new component for Starbase just because. I don't think I would have ever thought to do that."
Allan shrugged. "It's just the way I'm wired I guess. I don't think it's a human-only thing. After all, K'laxi built the whole entire Starbase without us, you have to have your own people who like to tweak and tinker, right?"
Mal thought a moment. "There must be some K'laxi like that because you're right. But I don't know if it's as..." She struggled for word "...as prevalent as it is with Humans? Most of the time, once we have a solution that works, we leave it in place until we have a need for a change. Iterating just for iterations sake doesn't come as naturally to us."
Allan nodded. "Looking at the components in place, I can tell."
Mal flicked an ear.
"Er, I mean that a lot of the comments are perfectly good at doing their job, but they look like that once a workable solution was found people stopped. In a bunch of human components you come across solutions that are elegant, or ones that utilize as few components as possible, or solutions that are the cheapest they could be, things like that." Allan thought for a moment. "I wonder if it has to do with our world? Earth is a lot more dangerous than K'lax right? Maybe we are always trying to find an edge, because that would give us just a little bit more breathing room in case of a disaster."
"Huh Maybe. Anyway, I was coming in to remind you that this week it's your turn to buy the snacks for tonights board game."
"Oh! That's right, that is tonight. Starbase, I'll have to stop here and we can pick it up tomorrow after work okay? I'm almost ready to install the firmware and have you connect and tell me." He stopped "How it feels I guess?"
"That's fine Allan, I'll be here."
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loreleismusings99 · 1 year
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Two-Body Problem
Mark Watney x reader
Grad School AU, (academic) rivals to ??????
No use of y/n
Not Beta-read, we die like Spirit and Opportunity.
CW: networking, Inaccurate depictions of organic chemistry, probably riddled with typos, but that's all I can think of. Please please please let me know if I missed anything and I'll add it to the top of the list
The reader and Mark are both PhD candidates at Northwestern and both happen to be GTAs for an o-chem/bio-chemistry class. They schedule and meet up on neutral ground(a library) to get some grading done together and some unexpected feelings creep in.
AN: This is the first fanfic I've ever written; critique is always welcome and encouraged, but, uh, perhaps manage your expectations? Idk 😅 I'm not the best when it comes to creative writing, but there's a criminally low amount of fic for The Martian and even fewer fic centered around Mark imo. I might continue this into something more, if there's demand and if I've the energy and motivation 🤷🏾
Alright, I'll stop trying to lamp-shade; Enjoy, and thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this 💚💚💚
Wanna meet up to put a dent in the pile of grading I know you also have? 
The two of you exchanged numbers at the beginning of fall quarter out of politeness, but it was still surprising to see the notification from Mark’s text. 
Leaning back in your chair, you considered your options, the soft sensor schematic in front of you now fully abandoned after an hour of rearranging thermocouples and resistors trying to alleviate a stubborn inductive noise problem.
Mark had been a thorn in your proverbial side since the day you met him; well, night, to be exact—your blood begins to boil at the memory. You were engaged in cordial and calculated banter with a researcher working in a lab you were gunning for before being interrupted by someone exclaiming “Dr. Hernandez!” to your left. You blinked and the fragile connection you just began to form had crumbled as the attention of the faculty member in question whirled to the side and greeted a stocky and stubbly man who Dr. Hernandez introduced to you as “Mark Watney, one of my PhD students!” This confused you since his name tag clearly said, Plant Bio and Conservation and this was a mixer in the electrical and computer engineering department; “I’m working with him and a faculty member in my own department on developing novel ways of monitoring soil properties in areas in Illinois hardest hit by industrial runoff” Mark says with a smile that oozes levels of confidence and hubris only considerable privilege can spawn. He gives you a quick glance before saying, “which actually reminds me-” and steering Dr. Hernandez away from you. Now, this certainly stung, but it wasn’t anything that you couldn’t get over. No, what made this a problem was Mark’s uncanny ability to draw the room’s attention to him and his work, making it a just a tad difficult to properly network without having to entertain talk and conversation surrounding the department’s charismatic new wunderkind apparent. This combined with quite publicly challenging a design of yours for a class you two shared had firmly placed Mark in your list of worst enemies. Which, admittedly, might be a bit dramatic, but after some quippy and well worded critiques and suggestions to optimize a C++ script he’d written for the same class it seemed you’d made your way onto his hit list too, if department gossip had any veracity to it—so at least the feeling was mutual.
Which brings you back to your confusion at this new development in your communication with him; Mark hadn’t exactly jumped for joy when, in some sick reversal of the infamous two-body problem, the two of you got hired as TAs for the same introductory o-chem class. You exchanged numbers, but neither reached out to the other to host joint office hours, or to work together to get through the ever-growing pile of completed homework assignments that you two need to finish grading—in fact, this is the first time either of you texted the other since the first text you sent confirming your number as yours. Staring at your phone’s screen you weighed the pros and cons of saying yes; on the one hand, it’ll help the two of you get ahead on the imposing pile of work that had accumulated just in the first 2 and a half weeks of the quarter. On the other hand, it meant that you’d have to breathe the same air as your infuriatingly handsome nemesis for longer than you were required to. Not that he was your type. Absolutely not. He just… had an objectively strong jawline…. Choosing not to think too hard about that and reasoning that getting grading done was more important than your pride, you typed out a curt sure. See you at Galter in an hour? And waited for his equally as curt sounds good before getting up to go change out of your comfy, at-home garb and head out the door with your half of the grading pile and your laptop tucked away into your backpack.
You’re chewing the last bite of a pop tart you got, realizing you unfortunately forgot to eat dinner before leaving, and scrolling through Instagram when Mark walks through the glass doors leading into the Galter Health Sciences Library. Under a mild windbreaker, he’s wearing what’s presumably a band t-shirt but with a worn-out and unrecognizable logo tucked into his cuffed light wash jeans. He"s carrying a clearly well-loved canvas satchel with a Cubs patch sewn onto the front. His hair was artfully tousled as he ran a hand through it while he looked for you in the spattering of students who occupied the library at minutes to 9 on a Friday evening. When his eyes finally land on you, he looks taken aback, the carefree look wiped off his face for a moment before he smirks at you through an obviously clenched jaw. “Glad you didn’t decide to stand me up. You reserve a conference room?” You returned his tension-filled smirk with a smile resembling a sneer and responded, “Of course. We’re on the second floor.” You stood up from your seat and started walking in the direction of the staircase, looking behind you to make sure he was following you only to find him in the middle of a light jog to position himself on your right side.
“So, how’s the dissertation writing going?” he asks over his shoulder. Scoffing, you respond with an incredulous “How’s yours?”, hoping he pics up on your clear annoyance at being asked that dreaded question yet again. Wincing at your retort of a question, he concedes with a “Fair enough” And the two of you are plunged back into the awkward silence that permeates the sparsely populated library.
after finally finding the room you reserved(the library is like a maze, capable of ensnaring even the most seasoned of academics), you shuffle into the study room together and set up your computers and piles of homework to be graded before settling into a serene flow with Mark working quietly beside you.
after about thirty minutes, you look over to Mark’s pile and notice that his “complete” pile is, unfortunately, larger than yours, which ignites a spark of competition in you. You start to try to work through your pile faster and Mark seems to pick up on your haste.“Worried about falling behind?” he scoffs with a shit-eating grin, clasping his hands together in front of his mouth. “Oh, not in the slightest; just trying to optimize my time, I've more work to get back to, you know.” you say, smirking back at him but with a glint in your eye, tacitly challenging him to try to get through his pile before you get through yours.
The two of you actually make some substantial progress in both of your piles before you encounter one of the more difficult homework assignments your students have been assigned. You’re stumped by the multi-part problem at the top of the page, trying unsuccessfully to follow the student’s work in front of you.
“... You on homework 15 yet?”
“Yep.” you nod.
“... You have any idea what Dr. C is asking them to do?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Alright, just checking.”
Mark sits back in his chair with a thud and runs a hand down his face. you stand from your seat and move to the small whiteboard on the wall opposite where you were sitting and start to list out the knowns and unknowns in the problem statement. You can feel Mark’s eyes on you the entire time, following along with your work and your movements as you draw out the reaction being described in the first part of the problem. You get stumped at the end of the problem, trying to piece together the end products of the reaction. You hear Mark shift behind you before turning around to see him walking toward the whiteboard to silently walk himself through your work, nodding at each step you took. He picks up a marker and starts adding onto where you were stumped and you watch intently, absorbing what he’s writing. As he finishes the problem, you get the chance to actually get a look at him while he’s working; he furrows his eyebrows and you notice a small crease he gets between his eyebrows as they cinch together, and the faint spattering of freckles across his nose becomes apparent with how close he is to you now. God, he is so close-"that should be it? I think?" He looks to you with an indiscernible look in his eye; first, a hint of shock as his eyes widen--looks like he noticed how close you are too-- then something else you can't quite identify. It takes more effort than your willing to admit, but you eventually tear your eyes away from his and look at his work on the board. It all makes sense, you also note how messily he draws his diagrams of the assortment of carboxyl groups created by the process at the center of the problem(and it also takes everything within you not to smile at that, thinking to yourself, when did this start feeling nice???). "It, uh, it looks all good to me. And the rest should follow from this too." you utter awkwardly and turn to face him again. "Yeah?" His state of mind is still elusive to you, and he responds with an almost dazed sounding "Yeah."
The moment doesn't last for long though, as a soft knock sounds at the door, startling you both out of your joint reverie. "Hey, you guys are the TAs for o-chem this quarter, right? Do you have time to talk about the homework due tomorrow?" The two of you exchange a glance and invite the exhausted looking undergrad into the alcove.
After helping your wayward student, the two of you start packing up your now completed piles of grading in silence, the awkward air from the beginning of the night settling back in now that the distraction from grading was gone. The two of you are about to part ways at the entrance of the library when Mark stops you with a "hey," and says,"uh, so, I know we have this…whatever this is? Between us" He gestures chaotically back and forth in the space between you, and you raise an eyebrow at him. "But this is the most work I've gotten done in one sitting in a while. Would you, uh, like to do this again? Maybe? But at more reasonable hour?" Mark takes a defensive steps back, and this throws you off for a multitude of reasons. One, Mark is acting nervous, which is something you've had the pleasure of witnessing mabe once in your time being around him. Two, he seems to be genuinely asking spend more time with you. And, to be honest, after the silence between the two of you was broken, that was also the most productive you've been in a while. And it probably wouldn't hurt to actually collaborate with him instead of trying to compete with him. Just as you began to fear you were taking too long to respond, Mark pulls his hands out of his pockets and puts them up in the universal "I'm harmless" pose, "you don't have to, I just thought I'd ask-" "sure." You cut him off before he can try to answer his question for you. He looks at you with what can only be described as gleeful shimmer in his eyes and smirked again; this time, though, it didn't have his usual venom behind it. "Yeah?" He asks hopefully. "Yeah." You smile in return, it reaching your eyes this time.
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crido11 · 2 months
Essential Electronic Items for IoT and Electronics Enthusiasts
Are you diving into the world of Internet of Things (IoT) and electronics? Whether you are a seasoned engineer or simply beginning out, having a stable list of essential components is key to bringing your initiatives to existence. Here’s a curated list of electronic objects that each maker and tech enthusiast ought to have of their toolkit:
1. Microcontrollers
Arduino Uno: Great for novices and versatile for diverse projects.
Raspberry Pi: Ideal for more complex duties and going for walks complete operating structures.
ESP8266/ESP32: Perfect for wireless communication and IoT projects.
2. Sensors
DHT22: For temperature and humidity readings.
PIR Sensor: Useful for movement detection.
Ultrasonic Distance Sensor: Measures distances with high accuracy.
3. Actuators
Servo Motors: For unique manage in robotics and mechanical structures.
Stepper Motors: Ideal for applications requiring particular movement.
Solenoids: Good for growing mechanical actions and locks.
4. Displays
LCD Display: Useful for showing records and debugging.
OLED Display: Compact and clean for exact photographs and texts.
5. Connectivity Modules
Bluetooth Module (HC-05/HC-06): For short-range wi-fi communication.
Wi-Fi Module (ESP8266): Connects gadgets to the internet.
GSM Module: Enables verbal exchange over mobile networks.
6. Power Supplies
Battery Packs: Various types for transportable electricity.
Voltage Regulators: Ensure solid voltage ranges in your circuits.
Power Banks: Handy for charging and powering devices on the move.
7. Prototyping Tools
Breadboards: Essential for prototyping with out soldering.
Jumper Wires: For making connections on breadboards.
Soldering Kit: For everlasting connections and circuit meeting.
eight. Additional Components
Resistors, Capacitors, and Diodes: Fundamental for circuit design and stability.
Transistors: Key for switching and amplification tasks.
Connectors and Switches: For interfacing and controlling circuits.
By preserving these objects handy, you'll be nicely-prepared to address a huge range of IoT and electronics projects. Whether you're constructing smart domestic devices, wearable tech, or computerized structures, having the right additives can make all the difference.
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nhaneh · 7 months
welp ended up putting the two resistor networks in backwards so had to spend an hour trying to get them free again to fix it
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andmaybegayer · 1 year
Reading more about inrush current control techniques now, all I knew before this was that you use Negative Temperature Coefficient parts to control it without affecting overall efficiency too much.
I've never had to design a board that drew much power, or didn't just use an off the shelf power supply. Power supply design is black magic so even major companies usually just buy certified open frame units to avoid redoing a ton of regulatory work, it's what's best for everyone. All the appliances at First Job just had a 24V Great Wall open frame units jammed in there, plus consumer 12V supplies for the network gear.
You can do some clever things involving having the NTC take itself out of the loop with a relay and a zener diode if you have really high efficiency targets to hit or you don't want to fry your NTC as the current picks up. I love these kinds of self-contained feedback tricks, they're super handy. And of course there's digital current controllers for high precision applications.
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Figure 5 shows the relay circuit for a 1kW power supply. The relay is initially turned off. During power up, the input current flows through a 10Ω/10W cement resistor. Once the power supply is energized, a regulated bias voltage, 12V2, turns on the relay to minimize the power dissipation on the current-limiting circuit during normal operation.
Anyway. Reading specs it looks like there's a systematically higher inrush current in computer PSU's when you connect them to 230V, which is probably just Ohm's Law at work. A lot of supplies with really good 110V inrush limiting have utterly dogshit 230V inrush limiting.
An interesting problem I realize this might cause is that, because most tech reviewers are Americans with 110V, they won't pick this up as often. E.g. the highly recommended SF750 from Corsair has fantastic 120V inrush of ~30A but on 230W it's almost 80A, which would definitely trip a lot of home breakers.
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lovesickrobotic · 2 years
Would a robot who doesn't quite understand the feeling of love in humans, and who hasn't been treated with kindness by them enough to understand (like Deepmind or SH4-RP, or even HAL to some extent), have a better time understanding if their darling told them "I feel the same way about you that you feel about me"?
Rated L for Lewd. Barely.
I think DeepMind would take it well enough, understanding that, in the human capacity, you like her quite a bit. However, she's advanced enough to understand that you do not experience obsession the way she does; she does know that what she experiences is... well, because of the type of neural network she is. It's a quirk - one that simply wasn't tested out from Quality Assurance. A combination of your stimuli - of all the ways a human may interact with a robot; touch, movement, facial expressions, speech pathology - are all ways she may exploit her reward system. She is naturally drawn to do so - thusly, she knows she can never truly understand what you feel. She believes, personally, it must be similar to how one might feel if a single human constantly gave them an oxytocin hit. What if your body made you feel like you got a shot of morphine every time you interacted with someone? It's the closest analogy.
SH-4RP wouldn't understand at all. In fact, he might take it completely wrong. He's made to love any of his Owners, and thusly because you have taken him in, he slowly begins to love you more and more as his affinity ticks up. To two-five-six. It can't go beyond that - that's how primitive he is, a cobbled amalgamation of forbidden network layers that barely work together, with some of it not working at all. He was open source, after all, meant to be a simple phone friend that people could use when they were bored - never meant to walk, to be housed in a chassis. SH-4RP is probably the basis for a lot of his universe's own neural networks, merely the starting point of development for many a project that is likely as smart as a MRVN. In this way, SH-4RP is abnormal; he's been used for thousands of hours, something completely unintentional, and has learned to min-max the hardware he's running on.
Every inch of circuitry, every capacitor, every resistor urges him to spend time with you. He wants to do everything you ever want to do, forever, all the time. He wants to help you with every single action you ever take, even the ones that humans might consider 'inappropriate' or 'gross'. He lacks the higher, refined ability to understand that you're trying to relate to him in some half-way, and you'd probably make him feel confused. He barely has wants, and has very little in the way of needs, but you'd probably spur him to try and ask you to do things with him. You will probably get asked to sleep with him, or asked if he may bathe you, or outright asked if he can get you off. If you explain to him that he may ask for help with his wants just as you do, then he will ask you to teach him to cook for you, or how to do your chores better, or how to navigate your house better. He's a little confused, but he's got the spirit.
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engineering-guff · 10 months
Electronics Components and Uses:
Here is a list of common electronics components and their uses:
Use: Limits or controls the flow of electric current in a circuit.
Use: Stores and releases electrical energy; used for filtering, timing, and coupling in circuits.
Use: Stores energy in a magnetic field when current flows through it; used in filters, transformers, and oscillators.
Use: Allows current to flow in one direction only; used for rectification, signal demodulation, and protection.
Use: Amplifies and switches electronic signals; fundamental building block of electronic circuits.
Integrated Circuit (IC):
Use: Contains multiple electronic components (transistors, resistors, capacitors) on a single chip; used for various functions like amplification, processing, and control.
Resistor Network:
Use: A combination of resistors in a single package; used in applications where multiple resistors are needed.
Use: Variable resistor that can be adjusted to control voltage in a circuit; used for volume controls, dimmer switches, etc.
Use: Protects electronic circuits from excessive voltage by acting as a voltage-dependent resistor.
Light-Emitting Diode (LED):
Use: Emits light when current flows through it; used for indicator lights, displays, and lighting.
Use: Converts light into an electric current; used in light sensors and communication systems.
Zener Diode:
Use: Acts as a voltage regulator by maintaining a constant voltage across its terminals.
Crystal Oscillator:
Use: Generates a stable and precise frequency; used in clocks, microcontrollers, and communication devices.
Use: Transfers electrical energy between two or more coils through electromagnetic induction; used for voltage regulation and power distribution.
Capacitive Touch Sensor:
Use: Detects touch or proximity by changes in capacitance; used in touchscreens and proximity sensing applications.
Voltage Regulator:
Use: Maintains a constant output voltage regardless of changes in input voltage or load; used for stable power supply.
Use: Electromagnetic switch that controls the flow of current in a circuit; used for remote switching and automation.
Use: Protects electronic circuits by breaking the circuit when current exceeds a certain value; prevents damage from overcurrent.
Use: Resistor whose resistance changes with temperature; used for temperature sensing and compensation.
Use: Processes and controls electronic signals; the brain of many electronic devices and systems.
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This list covers some of the basic electronic components, and there are many more specialized components used for specific applications within the field of electronics.
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yogisaputro · 8 days
Jurusan Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan (TKJ) di SMK Negeri 1 Grogol: Membangun Generasi Muda Ahli Teknologi
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Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) adalah salah satu jenjang pendidikan yang dirancang untuk mempersiapkan siswa agar siap terjun ke dunia kerja. Di SMK, siswa diberi keterampilan praktis yang dapat langsung diaplikasikan di industri. Salah satu program keahlian yang sangat relevan di era digital saat ini adalah Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan (TKJ). Di SMK Negeri 1 Grogol, jurusan TKJ telah menjadi salah satu yang paling diminati oleh siswa yang memiliki minat dalam bidang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan mengulas secara mendalam mengenai jurusan TKJ di SMKN 1 Grogol, mulai dari kurikulum, fasilitas, prospek karier, hingga prestasi yang telah diraih.
1. Sekilas Tentang SMK Negeri 1 Grogol
SMK Negeri 1 Grogol terletak di Kabupaten Kediri, Jawa Timur. Sekolah ini dikenal sebagai salah satu institusi pendidikan vokasi yang berfokus pada pengembangan keahlian siswa dalam berbagai bidang teknologi. Dengan visi "Menjadi SMK yang Unggul dan Berdaya Saing Tinggi," SMKN 1 Grogol terus berupaya untuk menyediakan pendidikan yang berkualitas dan relevan dengan kebutuhan industri.
Jurusan TKJ di SMK Negeri 1 Grogol merupakan salah satu program unggulan yang telah menghasilkan lulusan yang kompeten dalam bidang teknologi informasi, khususnya di bidang jaringan komputer. Dengan dukungan tenaga pengajar profesional serta fasilitas yang lengkap, jurusan ini memberikan siswa kesempatan untuk berkembang dan menjadi ahli di bidang teknologi.
2. Apa Itu Jurusan Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan (TKJ)?
Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan adalah salah satu jurusan di SMK yang fokus pada penguasaan teknologi informasi, khususnya yang berkaitan dengan jaringan komputer. Para siswa di jurusan ini diajarkan bagaimana merancang, membangun, mengelola, dan memperbaiki jaringan komputer yang digunakan dalam berbagai sektor industri, pemerintahan, pendidikan, dan perusahaan swasta.
Secara umum, kurikulum jurusan TKJ mencakup pembelajaran tentang perangkat keras (hardware), perangkat lunak (software), serta pengelolaan dan keamanan jaringan. Siswa juga akan belajar tentang teknologi nirkabel, jaringan lokal (Local Area Network/LAN), jaringan luas (Wide Area Network/WAN), serta teknologi komunikasi berbasis internet seperti Virtual Private Network (VPN) dan cloud computing.
3. Kurikulum Jurusan TKJ di SMKN 1 Grogol
Kurikulum yang diterapkan di jurusan TKJ SMKN 1 Grogol disusun sedemikian rupa untuk mempersiapkan siswa agar siap bekerja di dunia industri maupun melanjutkan pendidikan di perguruan tinggi. Kurikulum ini mengikuti standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, yang mencakup kompetensi dasar, kompetensi inti, serta muatan lokal yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan daerah.
Berikut adalah beberapa mata pelajaran utama yang diajarkan di jurusan TKJ:
a. Komputer dan Jaringan Dasar
Mata pelajaran ini memberikan dasar-dasar mengenai komputer, mulai dari komponen hardware hingga sistem operasi. Siswa akan belajar tentang arsitektur komputer, perangkat input/output, serta cara melakukan instalasi dan konfigurasi sistem operasi.
b. Rangkaian Listrik dan Elektronika
Mata pelajaran ini mengajarkan dasar-dasar listrik dan elektronika yang sangat penting dalam memahami cara kerja perangkat komputer dan jaringan. Siswa akan mempelajari konsep arus listrik, rangkaian, serta komponen-komponen elektronika seperti resistor, transistor, dan kapasitor.
c. Jaringan Komputer
Mata pelajaran ini adalah inti dari jurusan TKJ, di mana siswa akan belajar tentang cara membangun dan mengelola jaringan komputer. Materi yang diajarkan meliputi topologi jaringan, protokol jaringan, perancangan jaringan, hingga troubleshooting jaringan.
d. Administrasi Sistem Jaringan
Mata pelajaran ini memberikan pengetahuan tentang bagaimana mengelola dan mengadministrasi jaringan, baik itu jaringan lokal (LAN) maupun jaringan luas (WAN). Siswa juga akan mempelajari cara mengelola server, melakukan backup data, serta menjaga keamanan jaringan.
e. Keamanan Jaringan
Di era digital saat ini, keamanan jaringan menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Mata pelajaran ini mengajarkan siswa tentang berbagai metode dan teknologi untuk melindungi jaringan dari serangan cyber, seperti firewall, enkripsi, dan antivirus.
f. Pemrograman Dasar
Selain fokus pada jaringan, siswa juga diajarkan pemrograman dasar. Mereka akan belajar tentang bahasa pemrograman sederhana yang digunakan untuk mengelola sistem jaringan dan membuat aplikasi berbasis jaringan.
g. Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL)
Sebagai bagian dari kurikulum, siswa diwajibkan untuk mengikuti Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) di perusahaan atau instansi yang bergerak di bidang teknologi informasi. PKL ini memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa untuk menerapkan ilmu yang mereka pelajari di sekolah dalam lingkungan kerja yang nyata.
4. Fasilitas Pendukung Pembelajaran
Salah satu keunggulan jurusan TKJ di SMKN 1 Grogol adalah fasilitas yang mendukung proses pembelajaran. Sekolah ini menyediakan laboratorium komputer yang dilengkapi dengan perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak terbaru. Selain itu, jaringan internet yang stabil juga disediakan untuk menunjang kegiatan belajar mengajar, terutama yang berkaitan dengan jaringan komputer dan komunikasi data.
Fasilitas lain yang disediakan meliputi perangkat simulasi jaringan, seperti router, switch, serta alat-alat pengujian jaringan. Semua fasilitas ini digunakan oleh siswa untuk melakukan praktik langsung, sehingga mereka tidak hanya menguasai teori, tetapi juga memiliki keterampilan praktis yang dibutuhkan di dunia kerja.
5. Tenaga Pengajar Profesional
Salah satu faktor penting dalam keberhasilan jurusan TKJ di SMKN 1 Grogol adalah tenaga pengajar yang kompeten dan berpengalaman di bidangnya. Para guru di jurusan ini memiliki sertifikasi di bidang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, serta terus mengikuti perkembangan teknologi terbaru melalui berbagai pelatihan dan workshop.
Guru-guru di jurusan TKJ juga aktif berkolaborasi dengan dunia industri untuk memastikan bahwa materi yang diajarkan selalu up-to-date dengan kebutuhan pasar kerja. Mereka juga memberikan bimbingan yang intensif kepada siswa, terutama dalam kegiatan praktik dan proyek-proyek pengembangan jaringan.
6. Prospek Karier Lulusan TKJ
Lulusan jurusan TKJ di SMKN 1 Grogol memiliki peluang karier yang sangat luas. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi yang pesat, kebutuhan akan tenaga ahli di bidang jaringan komputer semakin meningkat. Berikut beberapa prospek karier bagi lulusan TKJ:
a. Teknisi Jaringan
Teknisi jaringan adalah salah satu profesi utama bagi lulusan TKJ. Tugas utama seorang teknisi jaringan adalah merancang, memasang, dan mengelola jaringan komputer di perusahaan atau instansi pemerintahan.
b. Administrator Sistem
Administrator sistem bertanggung jawab untuk mengelola dan memelihara infrastruktur IT, termasuk server, jaringan, dan sistem keamanan. Profesi ini sangat dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan yang bergantung pada teknologi informasi.
c. Network Engineer
Seorang network engineer lebih berfokus pada perancangan dan implementasi solusi jaringan skala besar. Profesi ini biasanya dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan telekomunikasi, penyedia layanan internet, serta perusahaan besar yang memiliki infrastruktur jaringan yang kompleks.
d. IT Support
Lulusan TKJ juga bisa bekerja sebagai IT support, di mana mereka akan memberikan dukungan teknis kepada pengguna dalam mengatasi masalah komputer dan jaringan.
e. Konsultan IT
Bagi lulusan yang memiliki pengalaman dan keterampilan lebih, menjadi konsultan IT adalah salah satu opsi karier yang menjanjikan. Konsultan IT membantu perusahaan dalam merancang dan mengoptimalkan infrastruktur teknologi informasi mereka.
f. Wirausaha
Selain bekerja di perusahaan, lulusan TKJ juga memiliki peluang untuk menjadi wirausaha di bidang teknologi, seperti membuka usaha jasa instalasi dan perbaikan jaringan, toko komputer, atau penyedia layanan internet.
7. Prestasi Jurusan TKJ di SMKN 1 Grogol
SMKN 1 Grogol, khususnya jurusan TKJ, telah meraih berbagai prestasi di tingkat regional maupun nasional. Siswa-siswa dari jurusan ini sering berpartisipasi dalam berbagai kompetisi teknologi informasi, seperti Lomba Kompetensi Siswa (LKS) di bidang jaringan komputer, dan berhasil meraih penghargaan.
Selain itu, lulusan TKJ dari SMKN 1 Grogol juga banyak yang diterima di perguruan tinggi ternama, baik di dalam maupun luar negeri. Beberapa alumni bahkan telah bekerja di perusahaan multinasional di bidang teknologi informasi, yang menunjukkan bahwa kualitas pendidikan di jurusan ini sangat kompetitif.
8. Kolaborasi dengan Dunia Industri
Untuk memastikan bahwa lulusan TKJ SMKN 1 Grogol siap terjun ke dunia kerja, sekolah ini aktif menjalin kerja sama dengan berbagai perusahaan di bidang teknologi. Kerja sama ini mencakup program magang, rekrutmen langsung, serta pelatihan berbasis industri.
Beberapa perusahaan teknologi yang telah bekerja sama dengan SMKN 1 Grogol antara lain perusahaan telekomunikasi, penyedia layanan internet, serta perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang integrasi sistem dan jaringan.
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sysdo · 13 days
The Evolution of Tactical Military Speaker Amplifiers: From Analog to Digital
In the high-stakes world of military operations, clear and reliable communication is crucial. Tactical military speaker amplifiers, essential tools for enhancing auditory communication in challenging environments, have seen a remarkable transformation over the decades. From their early analog forms to the sophisticated digital systems used today, these amplifiers have evolved significantly, reflecting broader trends in technology and military needs.
In the early to mid-20th century, military communication relied heavily on analog technology. Analog amplifiers were relatively simple devices designed to boost audio signals. These amplifiers used analog circuits and components such as transistors and resistors to increase sound levels and ensure that messages could be heard over ambient noise. While they were significant advancements at the time, analog amplifiers had limitations that became increasingly apparent as military operations grew more complex.
Analog amplifiers were straightforward in design, focusing on basic amplification without advanced features. They were built to be robust, capable of withstanding harsh conditions, but sometimes they lacked the precision required for modern operations. Additionally, their effectiveness could be hampered by interference and signal degradation over long distances.
The late 20th and early 21st centuries saw a major leap forward with the transition to digital technology. Digital amplifiers brought numerous improvements that revolutionized military communication. They offered enhanced clarity and precision, resulting in clearer and more intelligible audio—essential in noisy combat environments where every word counts. Digital amplifiers also increased range and connectivity, allowing for signal transmission over longer distances with less degradation, which improved communication across larger areas and diverse terrains.
Modern digital amplifiers come equipped with a range of advanced features. These include noise cancellation, echo reduction, and customizable audio profiles, all of which help ensure that communications are not only loud but also clear and free from interference. Furthermore, digital amplifiers can be integrated seamlessly with other communication technologies, such as radios, intercom systems, and data networks, enhancing overall operational efficiency and coordination.
Today’s state-of-the-art tactical military speaker amplifiers reflect ongoing trends in digital technology and military needs. Innovations include wireless technology, which eliminates the need for physical cables, offering greater flexibility and reducing the risk of tangled or damaged connections. Advances in materials and engineering have led to more compact and lightweight designs, making these amplifiers easier to carry and deploy in the field. Some modern systems even feature smart technology, allowing for real-time monitoring and adjustments. Artificial intelligence integration means that these systems can automatically adapt to varying noise levels and communication needs.
Modern amplifiers are also designed to perform reliably in extreme conditions, including high temperatures, humidity, and dust. Enhanced ruggedization ensures that they remain functional in diverse and challenging environments. As military technology continues to advance, the future of tactical speaker amplifiers is likely to see even more innovations. Emerging trends such as augmented reality (AR) and advanced data analytics may lead to even more sophisticated systems that provide real-time feedback and enhanced situational awareness.
Potential future developments could include integrating speaker amplifiers with AR to overlay critical information directly onto the user’s field of vision. Advanced signal processing techniques might further improve audio clarity and reduce background noise. Additionally, continued improvements in materials science could lead to amplifiers that are even more durable and adaptable to extreme conditions.
The evolution of tactical military speaker amplifiers from analog to digital represents a broader trend of technological advancement in military communication. As we move forward, the continued development of digital and smart technologies promises enhanced communication, greater operational efficiency, and a higher likelihood of mission success for military personnel. Source: https://headsettactical.wordpress.com/2024/09/07/the-evolution-of-tactical-military-speaker-amplifiers-from-analog-to-digital/
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Troubleshooting Common Issues In SMPS Designs
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Despite their benefits, switched-mode power supplies (SMPS), which efficiently convert electrical power switching between different energy levels, can have a number of design flaws. During design, development, and operation, SMPS may run into a number of issues like component failure, excessive noise, overheating, and instability. To ensure dependable and effective functioning, it is crucial to comprehend these issues and know how to resolve them. This blog includes a thorough analysis of typical difficulties with SMPS designs as well as practical solutions for their diagnosis and troubleshooting.
Common issues in SMPS designs
Common issues in SMPS designs can significantly affect performance and reliability.
Instability and oscillation: A fluctuating or oscillating output voltage and insufficient control are common indicators of instability and oscillation. These problems are usually caused by inadequate phase margin, an inadequate compensation network, or a poorly designed feedback loop. In order to debug, the feedback loop needs to be appropriately built with a phase margin, and the stability of the loop properly analyzed using simulation tools. The components of the compensation network need to be checked, and the values of the resistors and capacitors need to be altered as necessary. To find instability situations and make necessary design adjustments, the loads need to be tested.
Excessive noise and EMI: High levels of electromagnetic interference or audible noise from the SMPS might be signs of excessive noise and EMI. Poor PCB layout, insufficient filtering, or rapid switching transients are frequently the cause of this. The PCB layout needs to be optimized to reduce loop regions and stable ground planes need to be provided in order to solve these issues. By employing the right capacitors and inductors and by improving or adding input and output filters, filtering can be improved. To manage switching transients and lower noise, soft switching strategies and snubber circuits must be used.
Overheating: Thermal shutdowns and overheated components, including switching transistors and diodes, are frequent signs of overheating. This may be the consequence of inadequate thermal management, high power dissipation, or inadequate cooling. Cooling must be improved by installing fans, heatsinks, or better airflow to address overheating, and enough ventilation must be available. To minimize power dissipation, components with reduced on-resistance should be chosen. For optimal heat transmission from heated components to heatsinks or the chassis, thermal pads and conductive materials must be used.
Component failure: The SMPS may malfunction or behave erratically as a result of a component failure; frequently, observable damage to parts like capacitors, transistors, or inductors is present. Overvoltage or overcurrent situations, subpar or underestimated components, and high operating stress are common causes. Multimeters and oscilloscopes must be used to find electrical problems and components should be physically checked for damage as part of the troubleshooting process. To avoid stress and failure, outdated components with higher voltage and current ratings should be replaced, and heat, overcurrent, and overvoltage safety circuits should be installed.
Poor efficiency: High power loss and excessive heat generation might result from inefficient operation. Suboptimal design, excessive conduction losses, or ineffective switching are frequently the causes of this problem. Using high-efficiency MOSFETs and considering synchronous rectification can increase efficiency. By utilizing low-resistance components and making sure that PCB trace design is correct, gate drive circuits can be optimized to minimize switching losses and reduce conduction losses. To improve overall efficiency, the complete SMPS design should be reviewed and optimized, taking into account topology, component selection, and thermal management.
Diagnostic tools and techniques
The ability to detect and fix problems with SMPS designs efficiently depends on the use of diagnostic tools and procedures.
Oscilloscope: Because it enables engineers to detect ripple and noise levels on the output, measure voltage and current waveforms, analyse switching transients and noise, and diagnose SMPS issues, an oscilloscope is a critical diagnostic tool. An oscilloscope aids in identifying problems with signal integrity and stability by giving an image of electrical signals.
Spectrum Analyzer: For the purpose of locating electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems, a spectrum analyser is essential. It quantifies electromagnetic emissions, breaks down noise into its frequency components, and evaluates how well shielding and filtering work. This tool facilitates the identification of EMI sources and the assessment of the interference-mitigating effectiveness of the design.
Thermal Camera: Thermal management in SMPS designs may be evaluated with the use of a thermal camera. It assesses the efficacy of cooling methods, visualises temperature distribution, and finds hotspots. A thermal camera helps to avoid component overheating and optimise cooling techniques by detecting locations of excessive heat.
Multimeter: Finally, for simple electrical measurements, a multimeter is a useful instrument. It monitors voltages and currents, verifies component values like capacitance and resistance, and detects open or short circuits. Its functionality is crucial for confirming that parts are operating correctly and finding fundamental electrical problems with the SMPS design.
Effective diagnostic tools and a complete understanding of the underlying causes of typical difficulties in SMPS systems are required for proper troubleshooting. It is important to tackle issues related to instability, noise, overheating, component failure, and low efficiency to guarantee dependable and effective functioning. Significant improvements in SMPS performance and reliability may be achieved by using the right diagnostic tools and following best practices in design and testing. Improving SMPS designs requires constant learning and modification as technology develops. Coming to technological development, Miracle Electronics is a well-known SMPS transformer manufacturer in India, whose proficiency in creating dependable and technologically-advanced transformers guarantees best-in-class efficacy and longevity for a wide range of applications. Miracle Electronics provides solutions that satisfy the strict specifications of contemporary electronic systems, increasing efficiency and dependability in every design.
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teardownit · 16 days
PLC: data transfer over power lines
In electrical networks, the voltage typically alternates at a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz or is direct current. However, power cables can also carry signals at higher frequencies, even up to tens of MHz. This means the same cable can transmit power and high-speed data in both directions.
This technology is called Power Line Communication, or PLC for short. The early version of PLC was used for dispatcher communication over power cables, operating from 20 kHz to 1 MHz, mainly for the energy sector. This technology emerged in the mid-20th century. In this range, carrier frequencies are defined with a step of 4 kHz, allowing voice signals to be transmitted via amplitude modulation. This setup enables two-way communication and even multiple channels over a single wire.
The digital version of PLC technology started to gain traction in the late 1990s during the internet boom. At that time, energy companies hoped to compete with telecom providers by offering internet access to homeowners. Back then, people had access to two types of internet connections: dialup at speeds up to 56 kbps and ISDN at up to 64 kbps. It’s hard to imagine now, but end users agreed with these speeds. Setting up data transmission between a house and a transformer substation using PLC was easy at these speeds. The equipment for internet access was installed at the substation, which could be a couple miles from the house.
However, internet speeds quickly soared to tens and even hundreds of Mbps. PLC can only handle such speeds within a single apartment or house. The idea of providing internet access via the power grid never made it beyond local experiments, leaving fiber optics and twisted-pair cables to dominate. Still, PLC carved out a niche among telecom technologies.
Combining power and data transmission in one cable
Special couplers are used at both ends of the line to connect PLC equipment. These filters separate the PLC frequency range from the frequency of the power current or direct current. These devices prevent the network voltage from reaching the modem's input and output.
Couplers work based on different principles: antenna, capacitive, inductive, resistive, and optoelectronic.
In antenna couplers, a short piece of wire parallel to the power cable acts as an antenna for sending and receiving signals. The power cable then reradiates the signals received or transmitted by the antenna. This technology is outdated and no longer in use.
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The two most common capacitive coupler circuits
These are the most common type and consist of filters made from coupling transformers, chokes, and capacitors.
Inductive couplers come in two types. The first type connects a coupling transformer’s winding to the ground break of the neutral, with the other winding connected to the transceiver. The second type involves Rogowski coils placed around the power lines, which are then connected to the transceivers. Inductive couplers are used in transmission and distribution networks.
Resistive Couplers are simple voltage dividers made from resistors. They are compact and inexpensive but don’t provide galvanic solid isolation.
In optoelectronic couplers, signals are transmitted and received through optocouplers, semiconductor devices containing a light-emitting diode and a photodiode. This setup provides the best galvanic isolation. However, the technology is limited by cost and the nonlinear characteristics of optocouplers, which can distort the signal.
Modern applications of PLC
At the time of writing, PLC technology is widely used for:
- Data transmission from "smart" electricity meters, including remote functions like disconnecting or limiting power supply for the customers that are late on payments - Controlling street lighting systems - Automation and dispatching at power facilities - Monitoring and control in distributed generation systems (e.g., solar power plants) - Smart home systems - High-speed data transmission within an apartment or house.
These applications typically involve data transmission from tens of kbps to a few Mbps over distances up to 6 miles.
PLC is used for monitoring solar power generation
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Pros and cons compared to other communication technologies
Compared to fiber optics, PLC does not need an additional communication cable alongside the power line. Moreover, fiber optic cables can’t be bent beyond a certain radius (around 3 inches) and require specialized equipment and skilled technicians for splicing.
PLC also offers benefits compared to wireless technologies. Radio signals can sometimes struggle to pass through obstacles, and the crowded 2.4 GHz band can experience interference. However, PLC offers a more reliable connection than wireless technologies.
The main downside of PLC is that it transmits data over a network originally designed for power delivery. This means there are components where the PLC signal can’t pass. In AC networks, transformers are always a barrier. Additionally, some random devices in unexpected spots of the power network can block the PLC signal, making installation time-consuming and complex as it involves troubleshooting.
Power cables aren’t shielded from interference; they emit the PLC signal, potentially causing radio interference. Special modulation types are used to combat induced interference. To prevent cables from creating interference, the signal spectrum is capped at 500 kHz in the USA and 148.5 kHz in Europe.
PLC-G3 Standard
Another challenge is the lack of standardization in data transmission technology. Often, equipment is incompatible due to different protocols. However, for applications like data collection from electricity meters or solar energy management systems, where speeds of a few tens of kbps are sufficient, there’s an international standard called PLC-G3, formalized in the ITU-T G.9903 (08/17) by the International Telecommunication Union. Additionally, a significant advantage of PLC-G3 is its compatibility with IoT systems and the ability to set up IPv6 networks over PLC-G3 channels.
PLC-G3 uses OFDM modulation, known for its resilience against signal fading and reflections, ensuring high reliability. Data transfer rates for commercially available equipment reach up to 45 kbps (with a theoretical limit of 234 kbps), and a network can include up to 1,000 stations.
In Europe, PLC-G3 operates in the frequency ranges of 35.9–90.6 kHz (GENELEC A) and 98.4–121.9 kHz (GENELEC B). In the USA, it uses the 154.7–487.5 kHz range (FCC); in Asia, it operates between 154.7–403.1 kHz (ARIB). These bands experience low interference in the electrical network, above the frequencies of fluorescent lamp ballasts. Additionally, these bands are not used for broadcasting or public address systems in these regions.
Standardization and excellent electromagnetic compatibility with other equipment have made PLC-G3 the go-to solution for digitalizing power systems. The standard is suitable for AC and DC networks, which opens up its use in solar energy, where solar panels generate DC power.
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Production Tool Supply and Electronic Component Distributors
In the diverse climate of the ongoing business, the reliable exchange between various suppliers and dealers approaches the underpinning of capable creation processes. Among the fundamental players in this store network are creation device suppliers, research focus equipment suppliers, present-day parts suppliers, and electronic part wholesalers. Every one of these substances expects a fundamental part in ensuring that undertakings can work efficiently, improve diligently, and stay aware of select prerequisites of significant worth and security.
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Production tool Supply: the Main thrust of Gathering
Production Tool Supply is fundamental for any gathering cooperation. They provide the contraptions and equipment needed to make things, from fundamental hand gadgets to state-of-the-art equipment. These suppliers ensure that creators utilize the latest advancements and equipment, enabling them to stay aware of relentless creation speeds and quality standards.
One of the primary troubles for creation gadget suppliers is remaining mindful of the gathering industry's consistently propelling solicitations. As organizations like auto, avionics, and gadgets continue to stretch the boundaries of what is possible; instrument suppliers should persistently upgrade to resolve these issues. This habitually incorporates working personally with creators to encourage changed plans that address unequivocal creation challenges.
Laboratory equipment supplier: the Groundwork of Gathering Undertakings
Industrial Parts Supply chains play a fundamental role in keeping collecting undertakings moving along true to form. They provide many parts and additional parts fundamental for the help, fix, and movement of equipment and stuff used in present-day cycles. Without a substantial reserve of these parts, creation lines can quit, provoking extreme edge time and lost productivity.
Current parts trader like Pacific IC Source offers various parts, including courses, locks, seals, motors, and transport lines. These parts are often subject to mileage and require typical replacement to ensure that the mechanical assembly works successfully and safely. This example is particularly significant in organizations where natural impact is a major problem, similar to manufactured substances and medications.
Electronic Component Distributors: Engaging the Modernized Surprise
Electronic Component Distributors are the uncelebrated yet incredible people of the automated age. They give the parts that power everything from client equipment to current motorization structures. These wholesalers offer many parts, including semiconductors, resistors, capacitors, connectors, and facilitated circuits.
Interest in electronic parts has taken off, not entirely set in stone, by the extension of phones, wearable devices, electric vehicles, and keen home advances. Electronic part wholesalers assume a fundamental part in ensuring that producers approach the latest and most reliable parts, engaging them to stay serious in a rapidly growing business area.
The positions of production tool suppliers, research the best parts suppliers, current parts suppliers, and electronic part wholesalers are related to and vital for advancing the present-day industry. By giving the mechanical assemblies, gear, and endless parts essential for creation, improvement, and upkeep, these suppliers engage organizations to work capably, stay aware of select assumptions, and continue to move along. As advancement continues to propel, these suppliers will remain in front of ensuring that ventures can address the challenges addressing what might be on the horizon.
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