#restaurant burgers just don't do it for me like an actual home grilled one
ranger-kellyn · 4 months
got the windows open and i can smell one of my neighbors grilling and i want a burger so fucking BAD now :(
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I just found your diner AU? (Sorry not sure what it's called) but it's amazing. I'm invested in stressed out student Hux and grumpy line cook Ren/Ben. Please tell me is Rey is the owner who inherited the diner from Luke or Leia, are finn and poe general managers, what's phasma's roll? Is Rose their maintenance or HR person? And is there more to read? Thanks.
(The fic tag on my blog for this is Hands off Hands out, because that's what we say when we finish an order, and then when we need servers to get it out of the window. Hands off we don't say much, but it can be helpful, but Hands out is probably said seventy times an hour at lunch, because something about lunch makes servers lazy about running food, especially when no one is on window and Expo is trying to do both jobs)
i have worked in a lot of restaurants but the first one was called broadway diner in Missouri where I went to school, dropped out, and turned to the food service industry so i didn't have to move back home. It had seven booths and a ten seat counter and I was a sassy waitress it was great. During a hippie film festival one year I rented a sailor costume from a local shop and we had a special small menu and it WAS the peak of my serving career I was so cute. I have the diner acumen I could have done this gdi
BUT, this is definitely a steak house based off the one I work at now. We have an open kitchen, because the restaurant was founded when those were cool, and the whole thing is build around a wood fire grill at one end that honestly? It's so hot but does cook a very cool burger and we get to keep a shopping cart full of wood that we 100% stole from a walmart around. (It used to be a costco cart but those are too big, it was taking up to much space. I have never asked how we got the walmart cart here, as the nearest walmart is a mile away, while we're right next to a costco)
Our line is one section, and then theres a dividing wall, and right behind it is the prep area, or true back of house, as it were. there are technically two kitchen doors, but I've deciding that clarifying which one their going through at any time would be more confusing than just trusting the reader to go with me on this journey. The dish pit is off one, as is the server alley, and the management office and back door is off of the other. The only cues will be context or something
BUT, time for the actually back story. Leia Organa is the anakin, an anthony bourdain-esque figure who was not great to his wife and died of an overdose because the industry is rife with substance problems. this likely wont be covered in the fic, but it's fun backstory. She, having learned to love the industry but also learning from her father's mistakes, started opening restaurants and not doing drugs, and she eventually hired Han Solo as a manager. They fell in love, but she's a professional, so she sold the restaurant to someone to open another, and they started dating. Eventually, they got married and opened some unnamed restaurant. They sold that, and opened this restaurant, and everything was going great. Ben is conceived and grows up in this restaurant, and also comes to love food. Then a recession hits, and business is bad. Han and Leia start fighting, argue about management and other things, eventually they divorce. Han buys out Leia's half of the restaurant, she starts doing her own thing with those funds.
Right around this time, Ben is trying to break into the industry, and he doesn't want to work for his dad, so he starts working at the restaurant that his uncle Luke manages. Doesn't own, because he thinks owning a restaurant is a seperation from truly being in it, or something dumb. This Does Not Go Well. He leaves and works a shitty, back breaking minimum wage job at a NOMA-esque restaurant run by snoke. Maybe he develops a coke habit, but there's definitely a drinking problem, because he's working fuckin 70 hour weeks and barely has enough energy to breathe let alone take care of himself. He absolutely burns out, walks out during a shift and never goes back.
After a month of moping, he comes to work at the millenium falcon, the restaurant our story takes place in. It used to be called something else, but Leia kept the naming rights to the previous restaurant, so there was a rebrand. It wasn't a petty thing, the name was incredibly sentimental to her, but idk enough about star wars to make up that name. I'm open to suggestions
Which Brings us to your actual question, which I 100% have an answer to, because I've assigned most of the main characters their staff positions.
Hux, obviously, is lead host. I doubt he has a key to the restaurant, but he's the guy who makes sure all of the servers are doing their side work and organizes the alley. In return for this work, he makes $4/hour instead of the state minimum $2.13, which isn't much but is something, and since he's 100% not claiming his cash tips, it doesn't affect him too much, come tax season.
Ben is a key holder, and mainly manages so that his dad can have some time to hang out and not be in the restaurant. You can love a place and still get tired of being there.
Han is the owner-operator. If something goes wrong, ultimately, the fault runs up to him. He hates this, wishes it was still Leia's problem, but understands her decisions. (They still talk, she comes in every once in a while. It's a cordial relationship.)
Rey is the Front of House Manager. This means a couple of things. 1) she does the ordering for things like liquor and bar cordials, and probably also glassware and flatware. She decides how sections are set out, what reservations windows look like, and which POS they're going to use. (Han doesn't care as long as it uses paper tickets. Big order screens kind of ruin the open kitchen look.) She's also the person who tries to calm a table down when their food is taking too long or someone gets too drunk, and she's Very Good At It.
Mitaka is Lead Host. If you make a reservation, you're likely talking to him. I haven't decided if the restaurant will have bussers, yet, because we don't, and if not, Mitaka will also help clear and clean tables to create a faster turnover rate.
The Knights of Ren all work various positions on the line. They exist as periphery characters because a restaurant this size needs a lot of people to function. They'll all get nicknames because they have silly star wars names and I can't handle them, honestly.
Poe is a bartender. Look that man in the eyes and tell me he's not a bartender. You can't, because he is.
Finn is a tough one for me. Right now, he's a server, because it was plot convenient for me. Originally, I had him doing togo orders, because togo is the bridge between FOH and BOH like he is between the first order and the resistance, and it made sense for me. He may end up serving as both, because we have a few people that do that.
Rose is another character that mainly exists in the background? I don't know much about her so I just have her as a server, and she may end up developing an importance but as of now, she's just rolling silverware and taking orders in the miasma of this story.
Phasma, my sweet, lovely, wonderfully tall queen, is a pantry cook. They do salads, fry, and dessert and are often one person doing the job of two. I'm a pantry cook, I'm putting a lot of love into her, because I fuckin love pantry, as I am a mad woman.
(If you were wondering Ben is competent at all of the stations but he mainly works expo or grill. Han can do all of them, but he prefers dish, because when you're on the line all the time being a dishie for a day is a fuckin vacation. It's a day where no one is yelling at you unless they need plates and everything can be solved pretty easily. my first BOH job was a dishie job at a dennys I have a soft spot for it.)
Realistically, I need a few more people to fill out the actual story, and I may just straight up borrow my coworkers bc we have some wild people.
And I'm not kidding when I say most of the major plot points are things that truly happened at my restaurant. It's been a great source of inspiration.
Also please let me know if any of my terms aren't common knowledge and need to be explained? Like I don't expect people to know a santoku by name but beyond that I'm really trying to feel out what the general knowledge base for restaurants in the regular world is. not even in a pretenious way but in like a "why would regular people need to know what a cambro is, and that while yes, cambro is a brand name, when used as a improper noun, refers to a 22 or 12 quart container like this
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thatgoblin · 3 years
RE Boys Meeting Readers Parents for the First Time
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Requested by Anonymous
Warnings: Rude AF parents
You were nervous to say the least. It wasn't often you brought a partner home to meet your family and with summer in full swing along with BBQs and cook outs, it only seemed natural that you bring Piers to one that your family was hosting.
Showing up in his jeep, you hoped that he would fit in, well rather your family would like him. You didn't exactly fit in yourself, but if they were tolerable or cordial even, that would be a dream come true.
Bringing in side dishes you'd picked up at the store, you and Piers walk through the front door and are greeted with waves and hellos from your siblings and aunts and uncles. It was practically a reunion at that point.
Setting things on a table outside as your dad grilled, you knew you had to introduce Piers to everyone, but first your parents.
"So what do you do, son?" You father asked as he kept his eyes on the burgers he had on the grill. "For work that is."
"I'm an agent for the BSAA. It's kinda like the military, but it's not just for one government. We have branches all over the world."
"So, you think the US military isn't that great then?"
Oh gods, no. Please, please, please, don't.
Of course your dad does indeed go there.
"Of course not, Sir. My commanding office was in the Air Force as well as a special tactics team for the police himself before founding the BSAA. I served a four year stint in the Marines myself before transferring."
That seemed to satisfy your dad as he gave a nod before he waved you on to go meet your mom.
Dad was the easier of the two, Mom was. . . Mom could break relationships up so easily and you wondered if she knew she wielded that power.
"So, your Y/N's boyfriend?"
"Yes, Ma'am."
"Well, I hope they won't run you off like their last partner, what with all the emotional tantrums and needs."
"No, Ma'am. I don't plan on letting something small like that push me away."
"Small?" She laughed. Actually fucking laughed. "You certainly haven't seen them at their worst then."
"Maybe not, but they've seen me at my worst and I doubt some tears and screaming would make me want to leave."
You excused the two of your quickly. Jesus, why did you even go? Because they'd call and guilt you, that was why.
"Ignore them. I'm not upset with you about anything and no matter what they say, it won't change how I feel about you."
Giving you a kiss to the head and a squeeze around the shoulders, the two of you went to spray your nieces and nephews with the hose.
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You had met Leon's grandmother, the woman was lovely if not completely there. She lived in a nursing home that had the best care possible and Leon made sure it stayed that way.
So when it came time to meet your family, you nearly made up an excuse to stay away, but after nearly 9 months and your mother pestering you into a dinner at an Italian place near them, you gave him and hoped Leon wouldn't be scared off.
Granted the man had literally been through warzones, infected with mind controlling parasites, and so much more, it was the mundane things that you worried would be too much for him.
He thought it was cute, giving you one liners of sass to irritate you out of worrying.
What really worried you wasn't that your parents wouldn't like Leon because he did have a good paying job, his own car, his own home, didn't have debt, but it was the fact that he was 20 years your senior that made you nervous.
Hell, your dad was only older than him by 10 years and your mom 6.
Sure he looked good for 44, but that didn't mean much when it came down to his age.
At the restaurant, you couldn't stop worrying the cloth napkin in your hand as your parents and Leon spoke. They were curious and wanted to know about him.
Leon answered everything perfectly. Nothing too descriptive about his job, his hobbies including working on an old mustang he bought as well as crossword puzzles, seeing friends, and watching 'the sports.'
You knew the last one was a life because Leon hated watching sports. He'd rather be playing them himself.
"So, how old are you, Leon?" Your dad asked.
This was it, this was the big on. They ate up everything he had to say before hand, so maybe that would account for something.
"I'm 44, turning 45 in a few months."
"Oh. That's interesting."
You were gulping down the water to keep you from making any noise or comment as your Dad changed his look.
"So what's a 45 year old man doing with a 24 year old that just moved out on their own not 3 years ago?"
Were it not obvious, you would have slid under the table to hide how red your face was getting.
"Because I love them."
Okay, that helped a lot. You couldn't help the smile on your face as you watched Leon remain calm.
"Love's a big word there."
"But it's accurate. I love them and they love me. If I didn't mean it I wouldn't say it."
"Any previous marriages? Kids?"
And there was mother chiming in to try and ruin it.
"No and no. I never had time for a real relationship or kids with my job so I didn't pursue either. It's within the last year that I've had some changes at work and no longer really work out of the office, so it felt like I was able to have a steady relationship."
"So, this is your first real relationship then?"
"All my relationships are real, I assure you. If I wasn't able to commit to someone, I wouldn't. That was the mature thing to do as well as a healthy one. Just because I didn't have a romantic relationship for so long doesn't mean I don't know how a partnership works. I can rely on Y/N, confide in them, work with them, and know that they can do the same for me. Sure there's some bickering, but all relationships have that. It's part of it. That doesn't mean I want to leave them. I'm sure you two have had bad fights that felt like it was the end of the world, but it turned out you cared for each other too much to let it ruin your relationship."
Never in your entire life had your parents been stunned into silence. It was a sign from the heavens. You were going to marry that man.
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It was a rare treat for Chris and you to see family separately, so when it came time for your family to meet Chris, you were. . . Well, freaking out.
Chris was confused, but supportive. It was just dinner with your family to introduce him and your promotion at work, what could go wrong?
So, so much.
Holy shit, how were you going to do this? Your sister and her perfect husband would be there, constantly showing how perfect she was while you were the younger sibling that was constantly compared to her.
"Just take it one moment at a time. I mean, I've see you yell at soldiers bigger than me and leave them in near tears. You've got this."
He's trying to be sweet, but he doesn't know where you learned that skill.
Walking in, your sister and her husband were having drinks outside with your parents, already eating. So much for showing up on time.
"I'm sorry, we just couldn't wait. Your sister was hungry and couldn't help herself, so we all joined in," your mom said.
Of course she was.
"Here are our sides."
You put on a smile and try not glare at your sister.
"Everyone, this is Chris. Chris, this is my mom, dad, sister, and her husband."
"It's a pleasure to meet all of you."
Ever the gentleman, he pulls your chair out for you before sitting himself.
"So how did Y/N managed to snag such a handsome man as yourself?"
And it begins.
"Well, we met when they were training at the BSAA obstacle course and I saw them wipe the floor with the other agents, setting the record for best time ever."
"Oh, you must like the strong ones." Your sister giggled as you put food on your plate and Chris', purposefully staring at the table.
"Strong or not, it was just the first time we met. We worked together for a few months on a project and got to know each other better and when the project was over, they asked me out to dinner."
You eyed the nearly empty bottle of wine and cursed your mother for using large wine glasses.
"Of course they asked first. I'm not surprised. They've always been a bit boy crazy, needing a boyfriend all the time. I could never keep up with them honestly." Your mother's drunk cackle made you want to claw your own ears in hope that they'd never hear it again.
"Mother. It's just that there's always a revolving door of boys with them that we never really get to meet them."
Of course your sister had to pipe in, making you sound like all you did was just date or sleep around as if it was a bad thing.
"I wouldn't know, we've been together for nearly 9 months."
Bless that man. Having had to raise Claire, he would have to learn to have a quick wit and come backs.
"9 months? Wow, and you're not pregnant yet? I'm surprised you haven't had a baby yet."
Of course your brother in law added into the dog pile.
"We talked about kids and decided not to have any."
Your words stunned everyone else who looked like you'd just spat on the table.
"You mean, you don't want to have any grandbabies for me?"
"You'll change your mind. You're still young."
"But you two would have such cute babies and I'm sure you'd be great parents."
"When did us having babies start involving you?"
It was Chris' turn to shock everyone.
"Last I checked, I'm not in a relationship with any of you, so why would us having or not having kids matter? You wouldn't be raising them, feeding them, clothing them. We would and if we don't want to have that responsibility, why would we have kids for you to dote on but hand back after an hour? If you want that, get a dog or better yet a doll. At least then you don't have to worry about actually taking care of a living thing."
You were incredibly turned on by him just laying down the truth and taking the piss out of everyone. He was definitely getting head tonight.
"Seems kind of rude of you to say that?"
"Oh? Like how you continued to act like Y/N having multiple partners somehow makes them less than? And saying that in front of me as if you were trying to break us up wasn't rude? Or how about assuming their sexual activities and making them out to be some sort of deviant that's careless about their actions? No wonder I haven't met any of you yet, I wouldn't want to know you if I could help it."
The table was silent and you knew that he was perfect and that he was going to always have your back.
"I like him," your dad piped in with a chuckle.
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Tag List: @abysswhiskey11 @interviewedchicken @lonely-af-fangirl @girl-obsessed-with-things @mmmm—-15 @depressedthebluefox @whimsywispsblog @singingsiren98 @parkerschurros @chrissyreid @bohica160
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lareinenoir · 5 years
∆Milk and Honey∆
Tom Hiddleston x Black! Reader
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Pt 2/?
"Pam, you have no idea how sweet he was. Like...I didn't know he'd offer to drive me."
"Aw, I'm jealous. So jealous, Y/N! I can't even get Rick to open a door for me." You could hear her rolling her eyes. "Don't get me wrong, Rick is a sweetie when he wants to be but driving you back to the hotel is absolutely wonderful."
"So...uh...did he call?" You ask after you both laugh over the phone again.
"Patrick? Yeah he did. He wanted to know where you were. He sounded worried."
"Tell him to stay in Dubai and do whatever he has to do."
"Oh come on, Y/N. You can't still be mad at him?"
"I am. I really am. He said he'd be home to make up for missing my birthday. He never showed up."
"Hes tryin', girl."
"Yeah, tryin'. Cute little bracelets won't make up for that. Thats what I get for marryin' a city boy."
"You can take boy out of the city but not the city out of the boy."
"Shoulda listened to my Gran. She said I could do better then Patrick Reginald St. John."
"He's a hard workin' man. He just wants the very-"
"I don't care. I just want him to be there for me. Seriously, I can't remember when the last time I had sex. Like good, body aching, heart stopping sex."
"Just do what I do, watch porn."
"Hell no. Why would I want to watch people have sex when I ain't havin' sex. Its torture of the highest order."
"Just tryna help."
"Sorry, I'm just a bit frustrated. Lets stop talking about this and talk about clothes. I have no idea what I'm gonna wear tomorrow."
"Whats the occasion?"
"Tom invited me to his house. And before you get your bonnet in a knot, its just to meet the rest of the team. Thats it."
"Have I mentioned how jealous I am." Pam asked giggling. "Did you ask what attire he was lookin' for?"
"I did and he said to come as you are." You answer "Imma face time you. I only brought so many clothes."
"Alright." Pam hung up and you quickly face timed her and showed her your closet. "Oh sweet pea...I mean where is the rest of it?"
"Oh come on, Pam. Please help." You beg and give her a pouty face.
"Sweet pea, I think your gonna run outta clothes. You packed for only a couple weeks. But there is hope. If he said come as you are then...maybe you could get away with a nice blouse and a jeans. Add some pointed shoes and call it casual."
"Pamela Francine Ruth, you are absolutely the best friend in the world!" You sigh making a kissy face at the camera.
"So I've been told. Don't forget about us little people in Mayfield when you're all famous. I gotta go and start making dinner. Tell me all about it tomorrow after the party, m'kay?"
"Yeah. Bye." You say and she blew a kiss and hung up.
The next day, she woke to a text from Tom.
°Tom Hiddleston°
Tom: Good morning! I don't know how good hotel food is but would you like to go out for breakfast? I'll come pick you up.
You: Breakfast? Sounds great. I've been dying to try a traditional English breakfast. All I know is grits and eggs with toast
Tom: Maybe we can switch breakfast. I've never had grits
You: You have no idea what you're missing.
Tom: I was hoping that you and I could talk a little more. Maybe actors and actresses you have in mind.
You: Fantastic!
You: I will be down in five minutes.
"I'm spending the day with him! So...do I wear the same outfit?"
Not wanting to stress, you put on the outfit Pam helped pick out and start getting ready. When you walked out side, Tom was near the car smiled when he sae you.
"Y/N, you look lovely this morning." He tells you, taking your hand and kissing it lightly
"Thank you. You look great as well." You say back, trying not to show how heated your cheeks were getting. He led you to passenger side and opened the door.
A couple minutes later, you were outside a somewhat private restaurant. He had on sunglasses as you walked in.
The hostess sat you down in the back and he finally took them off. "Is this spot ok?"
"Its fine." You nod as he pulled out your seat.
The two of you ordered and the topic of comfort foods. "What's yours, Y/N."
"I have to say burgers with grilled pineapple. Its so good. My friend Pam makes the best burgers and I always grill the pineapples sprinkling a little cinnamon on it." You answered and Tom was laughing a bit. "I know, it ain't the most healthiest food choice."
"Oh no." He shakes his head "I'm not judging. I honestly don't think I have a comfort food. I eat whatever looks good and for my diet."
"Right. I forgot. You are an actor and actors have to keep their bodies looking sexy." You giggled taking a sip of your sweet tea watching him bit his lip and blush. "Speaking of actors, who did you have in mind?"
"Y/N that's a choice I think you should make. Its your script-"
"Tom, you're directing and producing. I don't know Hollywood like you do." You say
He pauses and then nods his head. "Fine. We'll do it together. You tell me who you have in mind and I'll suggest a few things that will help guide your final decision."
You nodded your head, agreeing as the food came out. Tom thanked the waiter and you looked at the food. "Wow, it looks great!"
"Tell me how it is after you try it." He chuckled
Tom really liked hearing about Mayfeild. He was laughing and smiling at your stories. He was actually listening and paying attention to what you were saying.
"Don't get me wrong, Mayfield is great but I could go without the Baker's. Donna and Gerald have nine kids and all of them get on my nerves! The little one, shes about five and let me tell you, shes the devil incarnate. Daisy is a feisty little thing, but at the same time I don't blame her. She's the only girl in the Baker family. That's assuming Donna doesn't pop out another one- I'm sorry." You say picking up a fork and looking down. "I was rambling won't I? You probably have something you wanna-"
"No no no." He shakes his head reaching across the table taking a hold of your hand. Instantly the fork drops and you hold your breath as Tom gives you a very kind grin. "I ramble too. I like hearing you talk. Please keep going."
Tom's hand slips and you grin back, shyly trying to hold it together. Your chest felt a bit heavy and your eyes began to water. You were about to cry.
"Excuse me." You scramble to get up and kept your head down not really caring who you were running into.
You were glad the bathroom was empty. Trying to not cry out loud, your hand goes over your mouth and you sob in the bathroom stall. You didn't know why- no- you knew why. Deep down you knew why you were sobbing. You just didn't know why at that moment.
"Y/N? Y/N?"
Tom followed you to the bathroom. The womans bathroom and you definitely knew it was him because of his shoes you saw under the stall.
"Are you alright in there? I'm so sorry if I said anything to upset you. It wasn't my intention to hurt you-"
"Tom please stop." You say, trying to sound like you were fine. Failing miserably, you cover your mouth again to keep from crying out loud again. "It wasn't you, I promise it won't you. I just-"
"Let me in? Please." He asks
You didn't want him to see you cry but here he was in the stall. Taking in a breath you inhaled Tom's scent as he held you in his arms. Warm and that feeling of someone holding you made your body quiver. You hadn't been held in a mans arms in long time.
You didn't want him to let go of you.
"Do you wish to talk about-"
"No. Thank you though. I...I really needed that."
Tag list: @tell-me-a-poem @thatweirdwalangpake @schizonephilim @hisparadox @thereignwillneverend @empressoftheundergroundsun @nirvanaslovechild @inlovewith3 @smartiedork @naughtybaroness30 @fanfictionaffair @nobodynobodynobodynob @gerli49 @spookytyphoonbouquetsblog @angelicvixenn @wtficantfindausernam
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