#retto gaming
thesillyexpresser · 6 months
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I was thinking about the crack trip that is the Pokémon ScarVio TCG manga and how it compares with the depressing plot of the base game, and I’m still not over how in the TCG manga, Turo and Sada just adopt some feral child in the woods and just leave it with their non-Arven child, Retto, because they thought it was cool they shared names.
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trgcprnc · 1 year
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HELLO. I'm too lazy to make a proper promo rn, but my name's RETTO, if you're interested in roleplaying with an ALUCARD/ARIKADO, based off of the CASTLEVANIA GAMES, could you please reblog this? thank you!
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mistbow · 1 year
Visual Opposites
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I want to take a closer look at this visual: Sorey at the front and center. To his left is Mikleo, to his right is Rose; but perhaps the better framing is that Sorey is the right to Mikleo’s left and the left to Rose’s right, since he’s the central point here. The protagonist.
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When you look at the status art, this is true as well. When Sorey is with Mikleo, he’s on the right (from his side), Mikleo is to the left of him. They face each other, but their eyes see opposite directions. (I also want to note: Sorey’s bangs swoop to the right, Mikleo’s bangs swoop to the left.) (Everyone also knows this, but Mikleo almost always stands to Sorey’s left in the game, with the big exception when Sorey’s right eye was blind, then Mikleo switched to Sorey’s right side to cover him better.)
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In contrast, Sorey and Rose face the opposite directions, yet their eyes are looking at the same direction. Their poses are even the same (mirrored), the way they stand, the right hand on their weapon, and the left hand. They’re just back-to-back. When Sorey is with Rose, he acts as the left, from his point of view here, Rose is to his right. (Sorey is still to Rose’s right though, from her side; they’re both humans to each other.)
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Sorey on the left, Rose on the right, again.
Remember that in Zestiria, the right represents the mundane, the physical, while the left represents the spiritual.
Another interesting thing, from the perspective of character design, is their colors.
First off, I want to say that Sorey is mainly associated with two colors: golden/orange/yellow and deep blue. The latter is kind of obvious enough, but the former comes from the feather/bird motif that is treated as something very personal to him.
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The accessories normally worn by Sorey (attached)
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空に飛び立って 幼い頃からいつも身に着けている羽の耳飾り。穢れを知らない鳥は故郷を飛び立ち広い世界を目指す。
Fly into the sky A feather earring that he has always worn since he was a child. The bird, knowing nothing of malevolence, takes a flight off from its homeland to the vast world.
And just so people don’t think I’m making stuff up, some few examples where golden/orange/yellow is treated as his image color as well:
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As seen from examples above, Sorey’s color is golden/orange/yellow when he’s with Mikleo, whose main image color is blue (as a water seraph), sometimes with teal-ish tone or even outright teal itself (of course, since the color is actually called 水色 in Japanese... water color, or maybe I should’ve translated it aquamarine?). And they do at least share the color blue (see also the Aizen Myouou part of this post), and even to an extent, golden/yellow.
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I also want you to pay attention to their eye colors, green and purple/violet.
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These are both complementary colors in certain color models (to be fair, not the exact colors, because they still need to think of how to make the individual character designs look pleasing, but the general colors are). Pairs of colors which, when combined or mixed, cancel each other out (losing hue) by producing a grayscale color like white or black.
(Sorey’s blue also complements Mikleo’s yellow, just like Sorey’s yellow complements Mikleo’s blue.)
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They are, in theory and on the color wheel, opposite colors, but the finest harmonies are those between colors exactly opposed (retto contrario). Complementary colors look especially dynamic together because they play up each other’s intensity while appearing balanced since they equally stimulate different parts of the eye. A natural example of opposites attracting.
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(I talk more about Sorey’s and Mikleo’s complementary colors here btw.)
Now, we go to Sorey and Rose.
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Blue and red aren’t exactly opposite colors in theory, but since blue most often represents the cool and red most often represents the warm, people come to see them as opposites as well. Even their colors tell us of their characters: Sorey the calmer one and Rose the more hotheaded of the two. It plays into their red oni and blue oni dynamic.
(They also share the golden/orange/yellow accents.)
Then you have Sorey’s cloak that is mostly white with some black and Rose’s jacket that is mostly black with some white. What does this remind you to?
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This is the taiji (太極) symbol, often seen when people talk about yin and yang (陰陽). The principle that embodies all potential things, including time and space. It shows a balance between two opposites with a portion of the opposite element in each section. Everything, as seen in the symbol, has both yin and yang aspects; imagine a hill with both a side that has the sun shine upon it, the other side will be the side that is shaded. They seem like opposing forces, but they’re actually complementary forces, interacting to form a dynamic system in which the whole is greater than the assembled parts.
(Also, if seraphim are associated with white, then we can assume that the humans are to be associated with black. They are, after all, malevolent creatures, even though they’re so much more than just the malevolence they produce. Still, though, this is a reductive way to look at both seraphim and humans: each has both their black side and white side, and they’re more than the sum of their parts.)
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mazakisoft · 2 years
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howdy hey, it’s RETTO! my dash on this side is pretty dead! so if you don’t mind if you could like or reblog this if you want to interact with a mix manga(primary) and game verse version of BILL the creator of the storage system! thank you!
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k-chips · 2 years
Manifesting quel quel dannato dlc per pla 🤞🏻🤞🏻 devo pure sapere dove sta Volo (ho una crush assurda per quel pirla non giudicarmi)
Che poi i giochi nuovi avrebbero retto benissimo se la Nintendo avrebbe continuato con la Wii U perché è più potente, ma gli secca fare i giochi fatti bene- 🧍 i giochi vecchi reggevano bene tutti i Pokémon.
Bayonetta 2 sulla switch era una figata pazzesca sia di grafica che di storia, il 3 ha fatto cagare sinceramente 😕
Almeno di bug era meglio Pokémon che Hogwarts Legacy HAHAHAH- i bug di Pokémon erano solo a livello visivo.
Io credo che Volo si sia raccontato bene, nonostante la sua uscita di scena sia fin troppo veloce lol però resta uno dei villain migliori dei giochi pokemon.
Non credo propio sia una questione di Switch, anche perché Zelda è uscito 6 anni fa e ha sempre girato benissimo. Il problema è Game Freak e The Pokemon company che non si prende il tempo di sviluppare i giochi. A loro basta che esca un gioco ogni 3 anni anche se ne servirebbero 5 :\
E i bug non sono neanche la parte peggiore di ScarVio, sono solo gli elementi più divertenti da raccontare. Potrei stare un botto di tempo ad elencare la merda di ScarVio, senza nominare i bug, ma non ti annoierò ahah
In ogni caso, un dlc di Pla lo DIVOREREI. E ci sono letteralmente mille pretesi per fare un capitolo aggiuntivo
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lgswd · 3 months
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"Bargrivyek il giusto, Bargrivyek il mite, Bargrivyek il retto." Loot of Gatescrollwizard Dungeon è un racconto a episodi che si gioca come un libro-game. Sei abbastanza nerd per giocarlo? Ai dadi l'ardua sentenza!
Lgswd.it | Gioca o perisci!
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blackpanther1976 · 1 year
Besuch mal die neue retto Oberfläche auf PC und Konsole https://youtu.be/6wElWQUSRCw Retro #ArcadeAnt Games zocken #p5
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divinecruel · 1 year
#DIVINECRUEL ⸻ a portrayal of professor divus crewel of disney's twisted wonderland . interpretation pulled from the mobile game , manga , and anthology . primarily headcanon based . stuck in the new post editor . dressed up by retto . est 07.17.23 .
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superhent · 1 year
Dokyuu Hentai - The Story & Progression
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The world is headed toward extinction and the Earth Defense Force (EDF) has to save it by destroying the libido-devouring alien invaders called “Kiseichuu” that feed on human sexual energy. Retto Enjou, a high school student, joins the team of heroes to fight against the enemies.
XERO Gear: The team wears XERO suits that are equipped with a sensor to monitor the amount of H-energy they possess, which is intertwined with the human libido. It can be accumulated and channeled into an array of weapons, but only if the user has sexual arousal.
Dokyuu Hentai: The Story & Progression
Aside from fighting against the aliens, HxEros must also deal with Censor Bugs that steal the H-energy from humans and use it as their own power source. This is where the team’s erotic side comes in.
The lustful girls of HxEros each have their own unique abilities. They can each be used to progress through the game’s Chapters. However, they are separated in their progression so that they won’t all be seen in the same Chapter. They can be unlocked and selected after each reset or switch of Chapters.
Sora & Maihime: The two girls are the only members of the Saitama branch who can control and use their H-energy. They have a lot of perverted thoughts and are drawn to erotic manga, but their H-energy is much stronger than they think. Click here to understand a lot of details visit super hentai 
Kirara: The other girl of the Saitama branch is a sexy babe who loves to draw erotic manga. She is also a great fighter and her H-energy is very strong too.
Hand-or-Object Underwear: This is something the girls are taught to do in case they need to use their H-energy. It also destroys their clothes so they have to carry spares.
Covert Pervert: Momoka, Maihime and Kirara all have a lot of perverted thoughts that they don’t like to admit, but they are not in any way abnormal. They are all very talented in their own ways and their ability to make others pervert is a trait that they are proud of.
Crazy-Prepared: The teen girls of the Saitama branch are always carrying extra clothing in case they need to use their H-energy. Sora is particularly crazy-prepared as she carries multiple changes of clothes, while Kirara carries her own H-energy containing device called a “XERO suit” that can store her energy.
The team also uses a device called a “Censor Bug Killer”, which is designed to destroy any Censor Bug that tries to absorb their H-energy. This device is also capable of exploding when a Censor Bug is about to absorb their H-energy, allowing them to fend off the creature and escape.
This is a fun and entertaining anime that will leave you feeling ecstatic. It will definitely be a hit for the young and old alike! It has a funny and absurd storyline which will certainly surpass your expectations. It is a must watch for those who are looking for a good laugh and a refreshing change in the action genre.
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thesillyexpresser · 8 months
APPARENTLY TURO AND SADA HAVE A CHILD IN THE TCG MANGA THAT’S NOT ARVEN??? It could be a translation error but I don’t think so??? Tf??? (Dw they’re not as bad as the base game parents like they seem to have a good relationship with this other son) (but they’re still bad parents) (you’ll see why)
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What? Arven’s Turo/Sada didn’t even play with him?? They died?? He saw their robot clones get isakai’d away from him?? Stop being so dramatic, Arven. AT LEAST HE WASN’T LEFT WITH A FERAL CHILD THAT COULD BITE HIS FACE OFF??? AND THAT HE TO TEACH THE TCG TO??? LIKE WHAT???
Even if this all was a translation error or this was some character who just looked like Turo/Sada or whatever, it’s still unfortunate funny that no matter the universe, no matter the child, Turo and Sada will refuse to know how to properly parent.
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forgxtemall · 3 years
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You're too nice
This definitely isn't a bad thing; it's not your fault that the world is full of assholes who will take advantage of you for being kind and helpful. But it is important to know your self-worth, and to acknowledge that you can't make it through life without hurting people. If you got this result stop worrying so much about not hurting others, and make sure that other people (and you) respect your boundaries. After all you're great.
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Your head is in the clouds
Daydreaming is great, and I'm sure you have a very creative imagination, but escapism isn't everything, and isn't any way to deal with your problems or enjoy life. If you got this result try to recognize that there's beauty in the real world, and maybe develop a 5-year plan.
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You're an asshole
Do you have trust issues? Because I feel like you might have trust issues. I'm sure you've put up walls to protect yourself from getting hurt, but in the end pushing people away and ignoring your feelings isn't going to help anything, and will probably just hurt you more in the future. If you got this result consider letting other people in, and realize that if you do get hurt you can always grow from it.
Tagged by: @tm83s​ TYSM <3!
Tagging: @acalculatedfuture​, @obliviouskind​, @aurosine​, @kyohansha​ and anyone feeling like doing this! JUst say I tagged you!
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snowedmgic · 4 years
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Not important but just-- Bread. That’s it, that’s the joke.
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starswake--archived · 4 years
sometimes i still think fondly about how i ran into eternal sonata cosplayers just bc i barely meet eternal sonata fans and ,,, feels me w sm joy
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timecapscle · 5 years
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ooc . i will admit tho, for every remake i thoroughly enjoyed the redesigns more than the original ( on a look standpoint not like the whole kris/lyra thing bc tbh i like them both,,, but kris is my main girl ). like most characters don’t get drastic make overs but the ones who do look SO much better than their original designs in my opinion. 
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cuhteekaloo · 6 years
editing and replacing townies is so tiresome 
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sorenblr · 2 years
Silly question I know, but what games have you guys already played (or playing right now), and which ones are in your backlog? Just trying to get a feel before submitting possible games for you to play here!
No problem, we keep tabs on everything we've played/are considering playing. I'll paste all the relevant information after the break below:
(Bolded = games played to completion on stream)
Mythology Games Played:
Jotunn (Steam)
Apotheon (Steam)
Hades (PC)
Ankoku Shinwa: Yamato Takeru Densetsu (NES)
Maharaja (NES)
Sun Wukong VS. Robot (Steam)
Saiyuuki World (NES)
Raji (Steam)
God of War (PS2)
Wrath of the Gods (PC)
Year Walk (Steam)
Blasphemous (Steam)
Gegege no Kitaro: Kikki Ippatsu! Yokai Retto (GBA)
Rise of the Argonauts (PC)
Muramasa: The Demon Blade (WII)
Okami (PS2)
Myth: History in the Making (Commodore 64)
Skyblazer (SNES)
Dante’s Inferno (PSP)
Getsu Fuuma Den: Undying Moon (Steam)
Yokai Watch 3 (3DS)
Saiyuki: Journey West (PS1)
Knights of the Round (SNES)
Beowulf (PSP)
Shadows Over Mystara (Steam)
Little Nicky (GBC)
Binding of Isaac (Steam)
The Grinch (PS1)
Darksiders: Warmastered Edition (Steam)
Panzer Paladin (Steam)
Constantine (PS2)
Pocky & Rocky (SNES)
Pocky & Rocky 2 (SNES)
Kwirk (GB)
Spud’s Adventure (GB)
Urban Yeti (GBA)
Halloween Games Streamed (2020-21)
BUDDHIST HELL GAUNTLET: Genpei Toumaden, Getsu Fuuma Den, Jigoku Meguri, Yokai Douchuuki, etc.
Gegege no Kitaro (SFC)
Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth (Wii)
Simon's Quest (Steam)
Haunted Castle (MAME)
Gegege no Kitaro: Gyakushuu! Yokai Daikessen (PS1)
Jack Bros. (VB)
World of Horror (PC)
The Mummy Demastered (Steam)
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Randomizer (PS1)
Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge (PS2)
Megami Tensei Scoreboard:
Shin Megami Tensei: Synchronicity Prologue (PC)
Shin Megami Tensei: IMAGINE (PC)
Shin Megami Tensei IV (3DS)
Devil Survivor Overclocked (3DS)
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse (3DS)
Digital Devil Saga (PS2)
Maken X (Dreamcast)
Revelations: Persona (PS1)
Majin Tensei (SNES)
To Play Once I Upgrade My PC:
Apsulov: End of Gods 
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron 
Nioh 2
Garshasp: The Monster Slayer (lol)
Suggestions From Various Sources:
Asura's Wrath
Assassin's Creed Origins or Odyssey 
Hercules PS1/Herc's Adventures
Glory of Heracles
Kid Icarus
Valkyrie Profile
Warriors Orochi
Devil May Cry
Dragon's Dogma
Dark Souls
The Midnight Santcuary
Aztech Forgotten Gods
King of Kings: The Early Years
Shade: Wrath of Angels
Requiem: Avenging Angel
The Lost Child
Orient: A Hero's Heritage (as far as I can tell this game was never actually released)
Folklore (I fucking wish buddy)
Black Book
Tir Na Nog
Shadow Hearts
my soul will never know rest until there exists a reliable way to stream this game:
Too Human (XBOX 360)
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