#revenge of the sith headers
mondlevan · 1 year
oii, vc teria alguma header do anakin skywalker q combine com esse icon?
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sure baby! i chose these 8 from revenge of the sith, hope you like it
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kimageddon · 2 years
A Prince of Dathomir - Chapter 106
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-|- Page header by space-b33 -|- Masterlist -|-Prince of Dathomir Masterlist -|- Sins of the Father Masterlist -|- Art Masterlist -|- Check out my : Ko-fi / AO3-|-Prompt Challenges-|- Art Attack Weekly Challenge -|- Commissions Open -|- Join my tag list -|-
Maul x Nightsister OC (Zaiya Valessa) - Slight Canon Divergence - Prince of Dathomir Masterlist
Word Count: Approx 2800
Contains/Warnings: None
Chapter Summary: Zaiya reflects on the actions of Ventress and receives a strange visitor in a vision.
Notes: (at the end)
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Nightsisters - Part 2
It was an utter failure. 
The entire mission Asajj had planned had failed -- Dooku lived and the three Sisters had limped home defeated. Zaiya was not overly surprised of course. Asajj from what she understood had failed in many of her missions so to see her slink back with her figurative tail between her legs was something that made Zaiya smirk. She was not overtly pleased about it, and kept her amusement hidden. What she was concerned about was the fact that Asajj did not seem ready to give up on her endeavour. 
The new sister spoke with Talzin and Zaiya could not help but feel the discomfort crawling up her back. 
[I do not understand why you allow yourself to be subjugated by the tall female,] Sixy said while they were alone. Zaiya bristled. She didn’t like the way it’d put it… but it wasn’t wrong. 
“There is an order to things here… like you cannot override primary directives, I cannot disobey Mother Talzin, I do not have the power to defy her,” Zaiya said sourly. Maul watched her from the chair across the table. She sat in her own chair, her legs folded and her arms draped across her knees, her chin resting on them. 
[Ah, like Master and his former Master,] Sixy supplied. Maul let out a growl in response. 
“It’s correct,” she sighed.
[He,] Sixy said suddenly.
“Hm?” Zaiya frowned. 
[I prefer to identify in the masculine sense,] the droid explained. 
“Oh… I see, thank you for telling me,” she replied. She wasn’t aware droids had the preferences, though she had noted there were differences in presenting programming. “He is correct,” she repeated. “I have a bad feeling, sire, I just can’t shake it.”
“You’ve had many such incidents,” Maul said quietly, “is this another premonition feeling?” 
“It feels the same,” she said with a nod. Asajj had returned during the previous rotation and she had been in talks with Mother Talzin since then. Maul may have assuaged most of her concerns at being replaced in regard to him… but for Mother Talzin… she was not so sure. 
Perhaps she should speak with Asajj personally. Put her anger aside -- as difficult as it was. Asajj did what she did under the directives of the Sith. She was free of them now and longed for revenge on them. By Zaiya’s reckoning, that ought to stretch toward Sidious too. There was a chance she might know more about Sidious and his plans. 
For the good of the plan to destroy her true enemy. While Zaiya had not forgiven the other woman, she knew she had to try. Surely she would see things similarly to Zaiya, see that she needed to join them. 
“I will speak with--” Just as she had begun to concede the idea that she would swallow her pride and try to appeal to Asajj, a cold feeling descended upon her. “Do you feel that?” she asked. Maul too, looked alarmed. 
“It is the Dark Side,” he hissed. 
Zaiya was on her feet at once, hurrying out of the chamber to the door, her Lord and droid followed quietly. They made their way down to the balcony, looking out to the main village square. There, the three witnessed a male figure, clad in black, tall, white hair and bearded. 
“That’s Dooku,” she gasped, “what is he doing here?!” It was dangerous, if he sensed any of them, they were done for. She only had to hope Dooku didn’t think to look for anyone in the Force. Their advantage lay in the fact he was not expecting any of them to be there or be alive for that matter. Frustratingly, it meant she could not get too close to listen in on their conversation, lest she risk being spotted. 
Getting too close to the Sith Lord and Mother Talzin as children had been the gravest mistake of their young lives. She would not be so foolish as to repeat it. 
Her gaze was drawn to Sixy, droids gave off no signature in the Force. Not only that but he could record anything he witnessed. She had to wonder if Dooku planned to stay here for a while, it seemed like a long trip just to talk. What did he want with Talzin anyway? Surely if he knew who was behind the attack he would not have come alone, he would have invaded, full force, droids and all. 
She couldn’t figure it out, Talzin seemed friendly with him, did they know each other? From the files in the Republic system she knew Dooku had been a Jedi, had she known him then? Or was it after, during the time Zaiya and Maul were… 
She watched the two tall and imposing figures enter the main temple where Talzin took the rare guest on Dathomir to speak. Zaiya turned and spoke off her shoulder, not taking her eyes off them. 
“Sixy, I want you to monitor them if you can, listen in, but don’t get too close, understand?” she said firmly, she heard the droid's head turn, the soft whirr indicating so. 
[Yes, Mistress,] he replied and she listened to the mechanical footfalls depart as Talzin and Dooku disappeared from her sight. 
She didn’t like not knowing. She didn’t like the way Talzin had just accepted Asajj into her confidence so easily. She couldn’t shake the itching in the back of her skull. Her gloved hand gripped the railing of the balcony tighter. Maul’s hand rested beside hers, she could feel his rage simmering below the surface. To see his replacement face to face almost. She turned to look at him finally, his upper lip twitched with a barely concealed snarl. 
“If we had more power, we would not have to hide like this,” he said bitterly.
“Soon, Sire.”  She met his gaze, green and blue blazed with determination. 
“I would tear the Galaxy asunder and lay it at your feet,” he replied and she felt a shiver run up her spine. A small smile curved her lips and her free hand adjusted his collar gently. 
“You say the sweetest things sometimes,” she said with a chuckle. He smirked in return and she just hoped Sixy was able to find out something useful.
The planet changed and swirled beneath her, night and day were death and life -- the dark and the light. She walked along the path set before her, in the distance, a great tower-- as the dark loomed ever deeper as she approached it. Something there was what she needed, though what she searched for… she did not know. But something drew her forward. 
The tower grew larger and larger in her vision, the imposing structure seemed to suck all the heat from the world around it, the traditional Nightsister robes she was apparently wearing were not enough to protect her here. 
It felt like hours that she walked, the scenery growing darker -- not just the sky, but the ground, the trees seemed ashen, charred, the foliage seemed to turn dark and fade into nothing as she drew closer. 
A grand staircase awaited her at the base of the tower, which itself was sharp and angled, as though it were a dagger, stabbing into the sky. The stone was like black ice, freezing on her feet even through her soft shoes as she climbed higher and higher to the huge curved doors at the top. It was grand, and evoked fear just in its construction. There was a voice that spoke to her in the back of her mind, warning her in alarm that she did not belong there. 
Before she even reached out to the heavy-looking ring handles, the doors opened on their own. 
As though she were expected. 
Zaiya Valessa walked forward into the mouth of what looked to be her doom, but something drove her on, despite the warnings and prickling on her skin. Part of her wanted to run, or scream, or cry. But she did not. 
Columns rose and lined the grand chamber, between each was what at first looked like a painting, but as she looked closer, it appeared to be in motion. As though it were a moment captured in time. Dark figures, welding swords of red light, often fighting those wielding blue or green. Sometimes a figure stood with items, as though in victory over some challenge. She did not know them, but part of her found it all so familiar. 
In the background of all of them, was always the same figure, tall, cloaked, imposing as the tower, his face barely visible, and the more she went along, the more she saw it clearly. Pale, red markings below the eyes and eyes that glowed a familiar gold, though the whites of his eyes were black. She shivered on seeing them, it felt as though those eyes followed her, beyond the limits of these captured moments. 
Another staircase lay ahead and she began to climb, the light that illuminated the interior seemed to be the same green of the magick in her eye. Sconces and torches lit with the neon green flames, a chandelier too hung above, ornate and frightening in its angles and sharp edges. 
The more she climbed, moving toward yet another set of doors at the top. They were even more ornately carved, a relief depicting the Great Gorgara - a massive winged beast that lived high in the far mountains. It was larger than many light starships and fed on the rancors and larger nydaks. 
Many Nightsister clans offered tribute to such beasts in days of old, but the Gorgaras were territorial and to Zaiya’s knowledge, there had not been a Matriarch that had been able to tame one in generations. This creature looked fearsome and proud, the relief so lifelike she was sure it would lean forward at any moment. It bore markings on its face similar to the figure in the moving paintings below. Her tattooed fingers brushed the surface without fear and for a moment she swore she could feel the soft fur of the creature. 
A flash of what seemed to be lightning blinded her for a moment and she heard the doors creak open slowly. Her eyes blinked away the light and she peered into the gloom once more. There was something in the distance and she began to move forward again, something like a candle light in the shadows. Her eyes narrowed as she tried to see it closer. 
A flame roared to life in braziers on either side of her -- Zaiya froze for a moment, looking to her immediate left and right. Unlike the cold green light, these flames were a bright red. With a deep breath, she pushed on. After several paces, more flames ignited and the way was illuminated a little more. 
The golden light ahead still shone, but as she drew nearer, the little light became two. More red flames lit the room and she could faintly make out the beginning of yet another stairway that led to the two gold lights. A few more paces and another two braziers lit, revealing not a stairway, but a dais. It was then she realised the candles she was seeing were in fact not flickering flames… 
But two eyes. 
And they were looking right at her.
She stopped before it and two more lights lit behind the platform, revealing an ornate and immaculate throne that looked to be made of black glass. Sitting atop the glittering throne was the figure from the moving “paintings” from before. Impossibly tall, white face and red markings… the black and gold eyes. 
He was stunning. 
Zaiya’s mouth ran dry and she was left speechless. 
“It has been so long since a mortal has visited me,” he said and the power in his voice made her tremble. “Why have you come?”
“I-- I was compelled,” she replied, giving the only answer that she could think of. What was it other than compulsion? “Who… are you?” she whispered, struck by his utter magnificence. 
“I am all that was…” In a blink he was gone and she heard his voice in her ear, “all that is…” she whipped around but could not see him. “...and all that is to be.” She looked back up and he was back, lounging languidly on his throne. “I am all that is Dark and Powerful.”
“You are …Sith?” she asked, confused, the images below were surely Sith depictions. 
“A primitive term. I am, and yet I am not. I am far more than a Sith could ever be,” he explained unhelpfully. “I believe your people knew me by another name.” There was a flicker in the light and for a moment she saw a gigantic wolf, glowing yellow eyes peering down at her. His maw opened to reveal fangs the size of her forearm. 
Zaiya’s eyes widened and she dropped to her knees at once. She knew Him. 
“The Fanged God…” she whispered. 
By the Void! How was this possible?! Her mind filtered back to everytime she had cursed in his name. His laugh, rich and powerful, swam about her ears and she felt weak. “I beg your forgiveness, your Eminence, I had not the wisdom to recognise you,” The Nightsister dare not lift her head. 
“Rise, little one,” she felt his large fingers brush underneath her chin and guided her to standing. Her head craned to look up at him and she had never felt so small before. His thumb brushed her cheek on her bad side. “The Dark has scarred you…” His beautiful mouth curved downward in displeasure. “Who dared harm my Priestess?” Zaiya blinked in shock.
“P-Priestess?” she stammered. 
“Who else could you be? To have walked through the dark as you have with no fear…” His voice sounded so utterly familiar and yet ethereal. “You are mine.” 
“I am honoured to be chosen,” she breathed. 
“It was not my doing, but yours. You earned your place, your power,” he said firmly. She felt a rush run through her as she looked up in awe. 
“Then… what do you wish of me, your Eminence?” 
“Nothing… for now. But in you I will place my power. It will grow in you as a seed might and you will become stronger that you might do my work and hear my voice.” It was a blessing beyond anything she could have imagined! “When the time comes… I will call for you. For now…” The Fanged God’s massive hand rose to rest flat on her chest, a surge of heat ran through her to chase away any and all of the cold she had previously felt. He leaned down, and before she could say anything, his mouth slotted against hers and he kissed her.
The power rushed through her all the way to her toes… she was floating in the dark, only His warmth to guide her. Her eyes closed and there was darkness once more. 
Zaiya’s eyes opened in the dark of her room and she looked around. Where…? The fire had gone out and the room was so cold. There was warmth against her back and chest as she had felt in that throne room. She realised Maul’s arm was slung across her chest and his body heat was the thing chasing away the cold. 
Was it… all a dream? Did that really happen? 
Perhaps it was. That would explain why the Fanged God looked similar to Maul in his facial features and shape. Why his voice was so familiar. She must have just been dreaming. 
Yet she could still feel the tingling of the power in her body. She didn’t know what it was but it had felt so surreal and strange. With the way things had gone, Sixy being unable to gather the information she had wanted, and her having read over so many ancient scrolls… She was sure it was just a conjuration of all the old folk tales and legends and texts she’d been consuming. Not to mention the anxiety that came along with the Dark Side incursion of Dooku’s visit. She had not even been able to meet with Asajj in order to win her over for their plan to destroy Sidious. It had been too dangerous to wander the village with Dooku there.
Combining that with her desire for power… no wonder she had had such a dream, she reasoned. There was a perfectly logical explanation. Of course there was. 
Zaiya rolled over to lean further into Maul’s sleeping embrace, even in his sleep he held tightly to her. Even in the dark he was gorgeous. 
You are mine.
A shiver ran up her back and she had the eerie feeling of being watched. But still it was all just a dream. A figment of her stressed mind reaching for convenient answers where none were. One thing he’d said was true. She had fought for the power she had. She did everything she could to earn it. She would not wait for an answer to fall into her lap. 
Despite the feeling of dread in her gut, she would seek out Asajj tomorrow and let the dream fade. That’s all it was. Just a dream. 
Wasn’t it?
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Notes: Hello friends! I hope you like this one, I had a lot of fun with the dream scene. What do we think? The Fanged God in all his glory! I wonder what Maul is going to think of all of this? Yikes.
I hope you all are having a wonderful day and week and I think you are all awesome. Next chapter is titled 'Selection' …and if you've watched the Clone Wars episodes… uh… yes. Don't think too hard about it…
As always I love feedback and comments they really help. Love you guys, see you in a fortnight.
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FAVORITE COLOR(S): Turquoise, lavender, black (gee, wonder why those are in my header...) FAVORITE FLAVOR(S): Coffee, adobo, grilled jalapeño, blue raspberry, chai, curry, smoked gouda FAVORITE GENRE(S): Angst, Horror, Fantasy, Myth and Legend, Mystery, Sci-Fi, whatever takes me out of reality at the moment FAVORITE MUSIC: Gothic country, rock, reggaeton. FAVORITE MOVIE: Revenge of the Sith, Peter Pan (2003), Prince Caspian, Mulan, Treasure Planet, Brother Bear, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron. X-Men. There's more. I don't really pick favorites. FAVORITE SERIES: Well that's even harder to pick. Daredevil, The Punisher, The Flash, Stargate: Atlantis, Teen Wolf, Carnival Row, Redwall. Wolverine and the X-Men. Again...there's more. And that's not even touching on book series... LAST SONG: Cover me in Sunshine LAST SERIES: Just started s2 of the magicians, one before that was how to get away with murder LAST MOVIE: Turning Red (I really have a hard time watching movies so yes I haven't watched one since last I answered this question) CURRENTLY READING: via audiobook but Ghost Story in the dresden files CURRENTLY WATCHING: The Magicians. I can only ever binge a show start to finish in a mad dash, I do badly with bouncing back and forth for some reason. CURRENTLY WORKING ON: Actually writing something, and resisting the urge to post all of it and rather put some of it in the queue to spare myself...
Tagged by: @brooklynislandgirl who am I to argue with what Turtle says
Tagging: everyone not getting a day off tomorrow
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editfandom · 2 years
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anakin and padme headers
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kurtskrow · 3 years
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Happy Valentines day, y’all.
I did AOTC last year. Time for ROTS.
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sydneyadmu · 3 years
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revenge of the sith (2005) headers
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darthvadeh · 4 years
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Anakin & Obi-Wan mobile gif headers (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
-three 540x300 headers
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packsparadise · 4 years
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Headers Star Wars
c) @axlandme
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Obi-Wan Kenobi
© @agentzcully or @packswithoutpsd on twitter
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d3serto · 6 years
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revenge of the sith headers / anakin skywalker headers
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(c) @taystenforks on twitter
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mondlevan · 1 year
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anakin skywalker icons
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twt: @szamofada
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skywalkqr · 2 years
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rots headers
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amcidala · 3 years
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Padmé Amidala Icons <3
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peachy-ash · 3 years
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𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐬: 𝐞𝐩 𝐢𝐢𝐢 - 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐡 - anakin skywalker
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editfandom · 4 years
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revenge of the sith headers
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kurtskrow · 3 years
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- Time for irrelevant details. Pause at 01:12:33 we see Palpatine using Anakin’s saber. At 01:17:12 Anakin’s hilt is a different model than the one for dueling. You can tell because it’s much more bulky, as well as shiny, than the one in the Anakin v Obi.
- Pause at 01:33:05 Anakin has two flesh hands instead of one.
- 01:41:00 Poggle is the only one that got amputated.
- 01:43:06 look at the bottom left, you’ll see Anakin’s ship and Artoo on the second floor. But at 01:43:54, his ship can’t be seen on the second floor.
- 01:51:17 or 01:51:18 there he is. Hayden’s stunt double. And 01:51:20 we see Ewan’s stunt double. Mad props to them. They need more credit.
- And yes, I found all these lil details on my own.
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