#reverend daughter gideon au
ambiguouswren · 1 year
So nervous to post this & I'm still working out a few things but here's my Reverend Daughter Gideon head canons:
Gideon arrived at Drearburh just like in canon. The Reverend Father and Mother sacrificed 200 children just like canon.
Except this time it didn't yield a Necromantic Harrow. It fails. Gideon, however, unknowingly being the daughter of John at the time, started showed great Necromantic prowess very early on, whereas Harrow showed none. So having no other options and more out of desperation than want, Gideon is officially adopted as the Reverend Daughter and Harrow went into Cav training. Palleamena & Priamhark maybe still unalive themselves & Gideon puppets out of panic. I haven't worked that bit out yet.
Thus, Gideon was shown no love from the Reverend Father and Mother who were now living not just with the shame of sacrificing 200 of the children of the Ninth, but for it being an entire failure. Pushing that displeasure both on Gideon, the child they did not want, and Harrow, the child that represents their greatest failure and possible doom of the House. Gideon and Harrow obviously spend their whole lives taking it out on each other. Harrow funneled that rage into her sword work, wanting to be the best at something, Gideon learned to be a great Necromancer but still very much herself, so shenanigans ensued & people get frustrated with her. The dirty magazines ABSOLUTELY still find their way into her hands. Gideon doesn't WANT to be Reverend Daughter, but feels obligated to because they brought her up. She still desperately wants to be a cohort fighter but any time she tries to train the Nuns would pull her away to go back to Necromancy lessons. Harrow and Gideon still basically loath each other. Harrow angry that Gideon was the person she was supposed to be, & Gideon sour because she didn’t want or ask for any of this and feel reproachful that Harrow is so mad at her for something that’s so horrifically not her fault. Ortus is stuck between all this but is tied to a sense of duty (namely through parental pressures ), but he does like Gideon and I feel like they might kind of be friends? Or at least friendly. Gideon likes listening to his poetry then trying to convince him to make it more sexy. Aiglamine teaches Gideon some sword stuff when there’s a little free time, as the Reverend Daughter is still interested in it and its the only way that she can live out even a little of her dream, but she has to keep it more or less a secret. (Scene: Gideon offers to spar & Harrow just scoffs because she thinks Gideon has never touched a sword in her life. Gideon isn’t QUITE as good as Harrow but they both work up a sweat before Harrow inevitably gets her to the floor, which Gideon makes a very dirty joke about)
Crux hates Gideon and Gideon hates Crux, nothing changes there.
Crux can go touch grass but I appreciate he cares a bit for Nova. So this stays, obviously. Overall I think Gideon’s personality is the same. She still has dirty magazines tucked away, she still works out and has some buffness to her but more for aesthetic then survival like Canon Gideon did. Maybe a bit more lean than large. But she naturally has a bigger build (prob hereditary from Wake). Also she can’t get QUITE as bulky because of how Necromancy was stated to affect the body OR this is an AU and we do what we want because we love a buff Gideon. (or at least I do and this is my HC) I'm sure I'll think of more stuff as time goes by and ultimately this is just my take and all takes are valid. I just love this AU so much. Thank you for reading! Ahhhhhhhh
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sinshiney · 1 year
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I just think that they’ve probably practiced kissing in the Nova AU
(description and no paint under the cut)
[ID 1: page one of a two page comic. Panel one is a narrow frame of the Reverend Daughter Gideon’s mouth and shoulders. She is wearing skull paint and black robes with bone jewelry, including a labret piercing. She says, “that reminds me!” Panel two is Gideon pointing towards the viewer, her black robes billowing. She shouts, “I officially BAN you from hanging out with that slimy bean pole!” Panel three is a distant shot of Harrow’s head and shoulders. Gideon’s finger can be seen pointing at her from the bottom. Harrow looks slightly annoyed and says, “I’ll add it to the list.” Gideon shouts, “I’m serious!” Panel four is the only one with a background, and it is of an indistinct hallway that is lined with columns and is dimly lit from the far end by a wall sconce. Gideon and Harrow face each other. Gideon raises a hand imploringly and says, “Ianthe Tridentarius is dangerous. Harrow has a hand on her hip and says, “I tire of your preoccupation with her. She doesn’t even have any keys.”
ID 2: page two of a two page comic. Panel one is a bust shot of Gideon, from Harrow’s point of view. Gideon says, “And yet, she has knowledge of the theorems used in the labs! You don’t think that’s weird?” Panel two is a bust shot of Harrow, from Gideon’s point of view. Harrow says, “Everything here is weird! Especially your decision to make her the focus of your jealousy!” Panel three is distant shot of Gideon from the waist up. She looks off to the side and fidgets with her hands. Gideon says, “If you looked in the dictionary, you’d find that it’s envious. And I’m hardly envious of--” Harrow cuts her off by saying, “It’s one hundred percent jealous!” Panel four is of Gideon and Harrow facing each other. Harrow has come close to Gideon and touched her thumb to the labret piercing, her fingers curling under Gideon’s chin. She is smirking. Harrow’s other hand remains near her hip, holding the chain of Samael where it is looped off of her belt. Gideon is surprised and her head inclines slightly towards Harrow. Her visible arm is somewhat raised, as though unsure what to do.]
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[ID 3: Panel four of the second page. Gideon and Harrow without face paint.]
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wyyrdplayy · 3 months
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Some designs! gonna make another ribcage
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wiccaphiliaa · 3 months
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Reverend daughter of the Ninth House, Necromancer Gideon.
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chainsaw-raven · 14 days
harrow nova au, save me…harrow nova..save me harrow nova au
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domibomz · 3 months
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im doin smth nasty
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mayasaura · 2 years
Kiriona Gaia/Her Divine Highness AU where Gideon escapes from the Ninth to join the Cohort, and gets claimed by John only a year or two before canon.
The lyctor trials happen approximately on schedule, but this time it's a combo event! Who Wants To Be A Lyctor, and The Bachelor Nine Houses: a chance to win the hand of Her Divine Highness Kiriona Gaia, only daughter of the Emperor Undying!
There are two main reasons for The Bachelor competition, one Gideon knows about and the other she doesn't:
One: She's a plant to manipulate the lyctor trials. John's a bit more invested this time around, after the whole baby plot reveal left him bereft and short-handed. He wants Gideon to get to know all of the candidates and report back to him.
Two: John thought it would be funny and is trying (and badly failing) to wingman for his socially awkward daughter.
Gideon is John's plant in the lyctor competition, but the marriage contest is a setup for Gideon. Here you go, kid, your very own fantasy romcom scenario, now will you finally make a move on that girl you're physically incapable of shutting up about?
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wrenegade-art · 1 year
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲. 𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐭, 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫.
Cw: blood
Fuck backgrounds. Took too much away. ANYWAYS have some Harrow Nova/RD Gideon post beating eachother to shit brainrot. Will be posting a Timelapse of it soon
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As stated by the scholars, rd!gid resurrecting like the jesus cosplayer that she is
And close up. Yeah she’s a baby here i wrote 13 for that reason
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jbm04 · 5 months
What if Reverend Daughter Gideon's real necro affinity was not bones?
She does bones because she has to. She's like... okay at it? Not OG-Harrow good though. Doesn't love it the same way.
But instead, she has a love for healing? Not like... flesh magic healing. Full-body/spirit healing. Something no one else in the empire can do.
What if she could bring people back from the dead?
Given OG Gideon's ability to see thanergy/thalergy signatures, maybe RD Gideon, a practicing necromancer, can actually do what John does. (in my head, in this bubble, Gideon is still John's daughter).
So she can see the soul. She can grasp it. Tie it down. Different than spirit calling though.
This is something else.
And it's a big Harrow Nova/RD Gideon secret.
This being an interesting possibility, how many times do you think she's brought Harrow Nova back to life?
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inneedofgriddlehark · 7 months
Controversial take, but Harrow would not be a goth guitarist. She'd be a bassist. She puts way too much effort into the theory and groove of her bass lines. She's setting the entire tempo of the set with drummer Camilla, so guitarist Griddle can shred the fuck out to her showboaty hearts content and Palamedes's baritone just kinda vibing and complimenting. Look Harrow would lay down such a bluesy rhythm that Geezer Butler would cry in shame. Cliff would want to rework Orion. I'm just saying her tiny little bird hands would be fucking magic on those strings.
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peixesoluvel · 1 year
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eerna · 2 years
Man I love gtn but no one ever talks about how the dynamic between gideon and harrow is impacted by the fact that gideon is basically a slave. Crux even calls her "chattel" at one point, and she has been an indentured servant of the house and of harrow for her whole life. I don't really have a point but. Kinda fucked up if you think about it
Interesting you mention that because I've seen it discussed very often, both in canon and among the readers! Harrow straight up says "I have taken you to this killing field as my slave" in her big pool scene monologue. Ianthe and Gideon discuss it in HtN, with Ianthe claiming that she and Harrow are a better match because they are equals as opposed to the oppressive cav/necro dynamic. The power dynamic between them is VERY fucked up in the beginning, and the author intended that so that she could flip it around later. Gideon's journey to becoming lyctorship fodder is accepting what she's been told her entire life, that she is nothing but fuel to keep the Ninth House going, while Harrow's journey is rejecting this with her entire heart and doing everything in her power to stop it from happening, even if it means the failure of her own life goals and dreams. She even has 3 different AUs in her head where their dynamic is totally flipped, or maybe even equal. Ugh I am rambling but I love this story so much fbdkjsabkj
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farragoofwires · 5 months
Don' dweeblog
I just love the relationship between ortus and harrow nova. "For God's sake harrow" he says, and I love him.
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youmustbestrongernow · 4 months
Summary: In the ten thousandth year of the King Undying, Harrow Nova decides to make her twenty-seventh attempt on the life of Ortus Nigenad. She will become the Cavalier Primary of the Ninth House if it kills her. Of course the Reverend Daughter has something to say on the matter. And none of it matters anyway, because a letter has arrived and everything is about to change.
Notes: Um... so this happened, saw a post, got obsessed with an idea, started writing, got carried away, guess I really am back in writing mode, which is the best mode for me to be in, if i have a creative outlet, somehow i'm more productive at everything
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babydarkstar · 5 months
god harrowhark’s harrow nova au is SO funny to me she’s literally like ‘what if i was a naughty nasty unfulfilled vow to my house 😫 and a horrible little rebel who climbed the anastasian monument to wield the chain of samael 😳 💪🏽and what if my father whipped me so bad for it that the adopted reverend daughter (gideon) had to intervene 😳🤒 and what if i bared my blade 🗡️in the inner sanctum 🫢to challenge ortus for the title of cavalier primary⚔️ because it’s my right to go to canaan house with gideon 😳😤 and what if gideon was actually the necromancer 🔮 and i got to protect HER instead 😳💪🏽what then😤’ like you can’t tell me she wasn’t also fantasizing about nona-gideon healing her wounds in the cold dark of her cell while she pretended to be angry about it. how long has this girl been materializing a role-swap au for herself that there’s layers of deep LORE
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