#revisiting old faves and losing my mind
doitsushine92 · 9 months
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door-insurance · 9 months
Revisiting life is strange and its fandom is really bittersweet
I don’t think the fandom is completely dead, it’s not what it used to be and I accept that but it’s bittersweet
also I don’t wanna gatekeep anyone from discovering LiS late, I don’t believe in “true fans”- I’m glad we’re still getting fandom babies hehh, thankfully there is a lot of fan materials to be discovered
I just wanna be a sentimental fool about the life is strange fandom, I was there when the first episode came out I was as old as the characters and it was an event, a moment that can never be replicated- the barbenheimer for tumblr lesbians
We never had a game like this before, it felt tailor made for us and we went crazy
It was fun, you’d just log on tumblr and find new fanart of your favorite character or ship- inside jokes and shitposts were rampant, a couple of fan writers and artists came together and made a fan game- “Love is Strange” where Max gets to romance Chloe, Kate, Victoria, Amber (tell me I’m not the only who remembers shrektoria and Rachel eating a salad while laughing meme)
I made fanart and memes and they blew up but I lost that account
They’d call us sjw trash on YouTube and make fun of the game, we didn’t give a shit
But I think it was around before the storm where i started to lose interest and was burnt out, also I just didn’t like the direction they went with for the game I thought it was an unnecessary edition to the main story (Rachel didn’t need a complicated backstory, Elliot, too much conflict for 3 episodes) and I don’t think I was the only one cause this is where the fan art and fic updates started to slow down
Then I moved on to other things, other fandoms- shit happens.
Life is strange was just another part of my cringey teenage self who the hell cares I was cringe
But now I’m an adult, I have responsibilities and anxieties that I never knew I’d have to deal with- i went through a lot in the last 8 years sometimes I wish I was still that cringey ass teenager. This year was particularly bad, lost someone I loved
I stumbled upon old fan art on Pinterest and it reignited my love for the first game, I felt happy that I had something to take my mind off and goddamn revisiting the fandom years later is so bittersweet. I miss my old fandom mutuals, the blogs that used to update everyday were last active 5 years ago and most of the og fan artists had either rebranded or had left, one of them got hacked
Tumblr doesn’t make it easy for you to look up older posts, you have to rely on old blogs, Google or Pinterest (kinda made it my mission to archive what I can find)
There are new artists doing their own thing and I love that for them! Also people still write fanfics and update them, when I have the time I sketch out my fave characters and ships- it seems like there is a vocal community on tiktok but idk i don’t wanna go there
But it’s not what it was and I accept that, shit happens I’m glad I got to experience it during its peak and that I was left with good memories and content I can still enjoy
I’ve definitely seen shittier and deader fandoms
Before LiS and Steven universe there weren’t a lot of spaces that let you enjoy wlw ships, they were either upstaged by yaoi stuff or fetishized (deviantart) this game and its fan base helped me accept my identity as a lesbian, told me it’s not a fetish when two girls hold hands
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10 Years Of Songbird: Brittana Fan Project
Hello my fellow Brittana lovers!
First of all, happy 10 years to the iconic Glee episode that is Rumours and the beautifully moving performance that is Songbird. Such a pivotal part in Brittana's story, and one that will forever be ingrained in my mind. Naya's voice still gives me goosebumps and reduces me to tears on that performance, paired with Heather's genuine tearful reaction.
Second of all, this is up slightly later than planned so apologies for that, but Tumblr glitched on me big time and I had to repost this all again which considering I had a draft built up for days, was rather inconvenient, but we’re here now and hopefully it was worth the wait!
Putting this project together has brought me so much joy in revisiting my favourite ship. I don't think I will ever tire of reading about them, and hearing from others why they love them so much and how this ship resonated with them.
For me, Brittany and Santana were the first positive representation I saw of a WLW relationship. I was shook to the core watching their story unfold, in how much it mirrored what was going on in my own life with my own denial and with my own relationship. I found myself clinging to that storyline like an anchor, as if it was going to give me the answers to my own story. Throughout all the confusion I had in my own coming out and realisation that I was a lesbian, the storyline gave me hope that one day, everything would be okay. Watching them go from confused and conflicted best friends to wives gave me so much hope for the future, and now as a 27 year old out and proud gay woman, I still look at this storyline with the same love-filled eyes.
Even as Glee ended and I stepped away from the fandom, Brittana have always been a huge part of my life, always there in the background, always my comfort storyline to turn to and rewatch a bunch of times. But losing Naya last year really brought me back to the fandom and the community and reminded me why I loved them so much.
I think what I love most of all about this ship is how organic it was. It came from the fans, and from Naya and Heather encouraging the writers to take it seriously. Because of this, I also wanted to add in some little touches of Heya, and include quotes from Naya and Heather talking about their fave scenes.
I'll forever be indebted to this storyline in what felt like a really hard and confusing time in my teenage years.
So thank you Naya
Thank you Heather.
& thank you so much to all of you for taking part.
Also a huge shoutout once again to @hopefulobjectmiracle for letting me use her idea and for providing help along the way. She came up with the concept for this project with Klaine, and I wanted to create a Brittana version, but I'd strongly recommend checking out her Klaine one if you haven't already.
I hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I enjoyed putting it together :)
Brittany & Santana Talk To Holly Holliday About Their Feelings- 2x15, “Sexy”
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Choosing a favorite scene is hard so I'll choose one of my favorite lines: in the episode Sexy when Santana and Brittany first talk to Holly about their sexuality, Britt says "I don't know how I feel because Santana refuses to talk about it".
I love this line because most people would play it off as Brittany being a simpleton, but that's not the case. Brittany is saying she doesn't know if she's allowed to like Santana as more than her best friend. She doesn't know if it's right. Because if Santana isn't in to girls then Brittany could be crossing a line, a line where she could possibly be making Santana uncomfortable. Brittany obviously knows how she feels about Santana but she wants to make sure Santana feels for her in the same way before admitting to it, as not to ruin what they already have.
Landslide- 2x15, “Sexy”
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It was incredibly difficult for me to choose my favorite Brittana scene. There are so many that I love and find important to me...some of these moments were even literally life-altering. Before Brittana, for example, I didn't know that girls could be gay, and I had no idea that what I felt for some of my female friends was anything other than platonic. I'm sure I would have realized I was queer eventually, but this ship and the fandom that I found myself in made the process so much easier for me. But I digress :)
I eventually narrowed it down to four choices—Landslide, Songbird, the Heart Locker Scene in New York, and Cherish/Cherish in Heart, and out of these I've decided to single out Landslide as my numero uno, as it was this very scene that started my decade-long love affair with this ship :)
There are so many things that I love about this scene. Earlier in the show we see Brittany attempt to talk about their relationship knowing that they were more than just best-friends-with-benefits, but Santana would instantly close herself off. Still, Brittany pressed on, determined to understand what they had become, while Santana began to realize that what they had—what they could become—was worth letting herself be vulnerable, worth the risk of getting herself hurt. The fact that Landslide was the product of this early struggle gives it so much meaning ;u;
The scene itself has all these details that make my heart ache in the best way possible...the way they look at each other throughout the song, Santana's eyes a myriad of emotions, full of sadness, confusion, conflict, longing, Britt's eyes filled with concern knowing how much it's taking her best friend to be so vulnerable, then the pride that shines through when she looks at Santana after the performance; the way that Santana's voice breaks singing "and I'm getting older, too"; when she stands afterwards and goes over to Brittany, and Britt opens her arms to hold Santana instantly like it's a reflex; the way that they fit against each other so perfectly, like they were made to be in each other's arms...even the visual composition of the scene was perfect ToT That instant of them hugging each other is a study in contrasts with the way Britt's flaxen hair shines against Santana's night-dark head, and with the way Santana's soft white blouse contrasts against Brittany's deep blue denim top ;u; It's gorgeous.
My fav Brittana scene is when they sing landslide together, because it was one of the first times we got to Santana be so vulnerable
What is a landslide? Simply put, it’s defined as a collapse of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff. That’s the perfect way to describe the rocky relationship between Santana and Brittany in S2, and it‘s exactly why their performance of the infamous Fleetwood Mac song of the same name (Sexy; 2x15) is such a pivotal moment in time in for them.
Santana showed a side of herself to her friends, but most importantly to Brittany, that many would deem her incapable of ever doing. For that moment she allowed that brick wall she always had built up around her for protection to come slowly crumbling down. And the best part? She allowed that — wanted that — to happen. She needed to bare her soul to the person she loved most, but she wasn‘t sure how or when, or if she ever could.
Seeing Santana put her heart on her sleeve and confess her feelings of love and admiration for Brittany through song — finally — is one of the highlights of the entire series for me. We see her trap herself within a new world for a few minutes, one that contains only the two of them through her eyes, and let her emotions do the talking. Brittany understood everything without a single word being spoken to her. Santana hadn’t opened up to anyone at this point about how she felt, not even to herself, but so much was understood between them without saying nothing at all. My favorite spoken line is Brittany‘s, „Is that really how you feel?“
As a viewer, it was such an infamous moment because we now get to cheer for them. We see that they are on the same page with one another, that through it all, their attraction and desire for one another never wavered. They wouldn’t be a a couple for quite a bit more time, but they both now understood what we as viewers saw all along. Santana stopped denying her sexuality; she stopped denying what Brittany meant to herself. She still had a lot to sort out and wasn’t ready to free herself from the constraints of her sexuality, but she made the biggest move: allowing Brittany on the other side of that wall with her.
This performance let to the scene we grew to love known as the Hurt Locker, which is the scene that made the Brittana fandom sing praise to the high heavens. Santana felt like she could finally confess her feelings to Brittany. She was terrified, but she somehow found the courage within herself to stop closing the door on opportunities. So, I‘m thankful for Holly Holiday for being the person that Santana and Brittany felt comfortable enough to go to, and I‘m thankful for her willingness to perform with them, because it gave us much more than a song — it gave us hope. It gave us validation. It gave us Brittana.
-@TheWednesdayProject on Reddit
Hurt Locker-2x15, “Sexy”
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"A lot of people have said that scene gave them courage to come out to their parents and their friends and their loved ones, so I think that it's something that's very important, and I hope that we handled it responsibly which I think that we did"- Naya (PaleyFest 2012)
Hurt Locker is my fave scene - just Santana finally coming to feel and admit the truth within. I've probably watched it a thousand times and I'll never get sick of it. The expressions and unspoken acting Naya and Heather put into it give me all the feels!
Okay so my favorite Brittana scene is probably the scene where Santana express her feelings for Brittany during “sexy” and says she’s afraid to be with Brittany because of the talks and the way people are gonna stare and that she wasn’t even afraid to what people would say to her face but to what people would say behind her back.
And that’s because I feel the same way. I’m not a lesbian, I’m bisexual, but at the moment I have a girlfriend and I am so afraid to come out to even the rest of my family (apart from my parents and sister) because I always hear them talking about these girls with names such as “dyke” or something, and it was good to see on tv someone with the same fears and it is so good to see that they had a happy ending and got married and that all this started when they decided “not to care” about everybody else’s opinions and be themselves and be happy.
It’s so, so strange to do this without Naya, but here we are, and she and Heather made this all so beautiful. When I tried to answer this question about my favorite scene, I went first to Songbird - Naya has one of my favorite voices in this whole world - and then to Landslide, and then to Me Against the Music, and all those answers seemed really good. Brittany and Santana spoke to each other so much through music - voices and words and touch - and Heather and Naya gave themselves to their characters so much - and Naya to song so much, and Heather to dance - that they would disappear into Brittana, and would just seem like they were love, made visible. Brittana is love always seems like such a true thing to say, to me. But while what occurred to me first were three songs, I realized that my favorite scene - the one that hit me the hardest - will probably always be the Hurt Locker.
Naya was just so shining there, Santana so full of love and this terrible ache and this more terrible hope, all for Brittany, that you could see Heather glowing back, though so much more quietly. It was an absolutely tremendous thing to see a full-on love scene playing out in the middle of a crowded hallway. Naya and Heather were so beautiful together, as friends and as actresses and as onscreen lovers, and after seeing that scene for the first time, I cried every day for a week, always at these quiet, unexpected times. The love and the hurt and the fear and the hope were so raw in Santana - both in Naya’s performance and in the beautiful script - that it brought everything back about the confusion of starting out with that Oh, god. I am never, never going to be like everyone else. I love her way, way too much. But somehow, the scene made my whole world feel safer. I could see myself, and others could see me. There we were on the screen, worthy and beautiful. <3 Tess
Songbird- 2x19, “Rumours”
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"I really enjoyed watching Naya sing Songbird. That's ingrained in my head, that time where I sat in the choir room and listened to her sing Songbird, because her voice is just of another world. It's always been my favorite. I will never forget that."- Heather (Entertainment Weekly 2021)
My favorite moment is Santana singing Songbird to Brittany because that is an all time classic romantic song, and Santana (Naya) sings it beautifully, and Brittany just sits there mesmerized. Plus I love what they are wearing, and how they look. i think it's signifcant that Santana sang her love for her here in the choir room, and it's where they had many of their big moments - first together, the break-up song, the flowers in 5, the proposal.
My fav scene is 100% Songbird. It’s always been my favourite song and to see it applied to a wlw relationship changed my life a lot because it made me realise that it could be me one day. Santana was always my favourite character too, so to see someone that i appreciated a lot come to terms with their sexuality made me really happy
My first fav scene out of two is Songbird of course because seeing Santana pouring her heart out to Britt is just the most beautiful thing ever. She was scared to accept who she really was and when it comes to her love for Brittany she’s not scared anymore because loving her is the easiest thing to do. Plus, seeing how Britt reacted was so beautiful. She knew Santana was scared and she was proud of how she confessed her love, through a song, because she knew Santana wasn’t good with words.
Heart Locker- 2x22, “New York”
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My favorite Brittana scene is after Nationals in 2x22 by the lockers.
What I love most about this scene is Brittanys tell it how it is attitude. When Santana said that it clearly wasn’t about winning for her, Brittany looked right through her bullshit, knowing that Santana was getting defensive, because Santana knew what this year was really about for Brittany (and herself too of course), she just didn’t want to admit to it.
You can clearly see that Santana is still scared and hiding and that she still feels like she’s is going to lose Brittany any moment. But Brittany reassures her, tells her how much she loves Santana and makes her feel safe.
My favorite Brittany is always when she’s finally allowed to have feelings and say something. Often the writers didn’t give her anything to do or just made her a caricature of a person. But when she was allowed to express herself, it was in her truest, most vulnerable form. Due to writing, Brittana often seemed one sided, but it’s moments like these that show us how much Brittany loves Santana and how much she wants only the best for her.
For me, the scene felt like the real beginning. They have been taking baby steps before, treading the water. But now Brittany dove right in and her boldness made Santana follow her :)
"What about you and I?", "I love you Santana, I love you more than I‘ve ever loved anyone else in this world. All I know about you and I is that, because of that, I think anything is possible."
I absolutely love every scene that they’re in together, but my favorite is the one where Brittany and Santana are standing outside of the lockers, talking about the glee club. i feel like it showed a lot about Santana’s character at the time and it really inspired me.
Officially Dating - 3x04, “Pot O' Gold”
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Their first official date at Breadstix!
Santana and Brittany sitting in the warm lighting of their favourite restaurant in the almost comfortable awkwardness of their tender baby relationship melted something in my baby lesbian heart.
They're teenaged best friends who fell in love and this scene is just so fluffy and cozy and perfectly reflects their dynamic - they're so obviously head over heels for each other and everything about their relationship feels new and electric and full of possibility, but they've also been love each other forever. Santana's eyes lighting up at Britt holding her hand and Britt being so purely herself and everything about the scene just screams home to me and is the moment the show really became about them to me.
One of my favorite scenes is the Breadstix scene with the holding hand under a napkin because I could completely relate to it when I was dating girls that was still not yet 100% ready to come out.
Rumour Has It/Someone Like You- 3x06, “Mash Off”
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My other favorite is the Rumour Has It/Someone Like You scene because the performance was so beautiful and haunting.
For me, it was the Adele Mashup (specifically the longing looks exchanged during it). I watched that scene over and over again when I was a kid because I felt like it did a great job of truly encapsulating what it's like to have feelings that you desperately want to pursue but can't do to your surroundings. The whole thing really stuck with me.
Naya's performance felt so genuine and, throughout that entire song, you could really feel what Santana was going through as a closeted lesbian who was terrified of losing everything. And the fact that Brittany was so close during the whole performance and, yet, instead of her singing one of the lead parts with her, they just exchange looks. I just thought it did a great job of expressing a trapped feeling.
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face- 3x10, “Yes/No”
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My favourite Brittana scene would be the small flashback when the girls are singing The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face.
Santana sees Brittany’s face for the first time and she melts.
Their smiles are so soft and I love the instant connection they both have.
My favourite Brittana moment happens when Santana is singing, The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. She sings the line, “I felt your heart so close to mine,” while a flashback of her and Brittany in the locker room plays. I get teary-eyed whenever I watch this scene. The love between them is so beautiful, and it’s so refreshing to see genuine sapphic love portrayed on screen.
Cherish/Cherish- 3x13, “Heart”
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It took me so long to decide on what my favorite Brittana scene is but i ultimately decided on the scene at the end of Heart. It’s just such a sweet moment for them. They are openly going on a date and even kiss in front of other people without caring about what anyone might say. They have come so far from the beginning of their relationship and it is just lovely to see them be so happy with each other.
Ok so my second favorite scene is in 3x13 when Santana asked the god squad to sing a song for Britt. So the scene at Breadstick at the end and the kiss they shared after Cherish/Cherish is just beautiful. Seeing Santana being so proud to call Brittany her girlfriend and singing her song for her is everything to me. Also Britt’s reaction was too cute. The love in her eyes when Joe told them the god squad was going to perform for her is the cutest thing ever. The kiss they shared at the end of the song was so passionate and it gives me butterflies every time I see the scene. It was also the first Brittana kiss we saw onscreen.
I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)- 3x17, “Dance With Somebody”
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"Watching Heather dance is fun in this number, I never get tired of watching her dance."- Naya (BTS Dance With Somebody)
"They put us in twinzies outfits. We've been singing to each other like crazies"- Heather (BTS Dance With Somebody)
My favourite Brittana scene would have to be dance with somebody (the song). I love how happy they both are and how much fun they’re having together!!! The context is romantic, but they’re also having fun as best friends, which is the root of their relationship. I just think it’s really sweet and I’m a sucker for happy pretty ladies dancing around and making each other ridiculously happy. That’s all!!!
Tongue Tied- 3x21, “Nationals”
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Q: What’s your favourite Brittana moment? A: The slow motion celebration smooch when we won Nationals
-Naya (Twitter Q&A 2012)
Mine- 4x04, “The Break Up”
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It might seem strange, to choose a breakup scene for a couple's best. It's a scene that broke thousands of hearts and continues to make us cry, even after having seen the whole journey unfold and even after knowing that Brittana will, in the end, be okay. But to me, it's a scene that encapsulates much of what I love about these two and what they mean to each other. "Sophomore year, I used to sit in this back row and secretly watch you. I counted the number of times you'd smile at me, and I'd die on days that you didn't." Half the reason why I chose this scene is this quote. The sheer power of it still shakes me whenever I hear Santana utter these words. The sincerity behind them makes me stop and truly consider what it is she’s saying. It’s a summary of their journey so far. It’s a moment of incredible vulnerability, the confession of a girl who fell in love with her best friend and was terrified of the consequences of that love. Not as much as she was terrified of what it would mean to not be loved back, though. 
But Brittany loves Santana with the same passion, even if it manifests differently. It’s why she holds on as long as she can and why it’s even harder for Santana to face their issues. Because you see, I understand that many dislike the reasoning behind their breakup and that it only happened here because everyone else was doing it. But there’s something so deeply caring about the way they consciously make the decision not to hurt each other by leaving themselves in this in-between state of long-distance relationships. Something so genuine about the way they say they would never cheat on each other but also something so mature in realizing that they can’t be what the other needs right now. That, to me, displays such a pure form of love. As pure as catching glances and counting smiles in the back row. As pure as words of encouragement and saying to someone: I'm yours. 
Even though they were already inseparable in sophomore year, Brittany smiling at Santana during Glee practice is an intimate moment that meant everything to her. And even though it hurts, Santana letting go of Brittany before they can even think of hurting each other is such a deep declaration of love. What makes it bittersweet yet hopeful instead of just being heart-shattering is the way Santana turns the otherwise optimistic and romantic song “Mine” into a sad one, creating one of the show’s most gorgeous solo performances in the process. Because when she sings Brittany is the best thing that’s ever been hers, we all know it was true in sophomore year, it is true now and it will be on the day they exchange vows. Because Santana’s right when she sings they’re gonna make it, even if it takes a while. Even if they are (and we are) crying right now, even if it takes a few more days of dying in the absence of Brittany’s smile lighting up her world. Because even when they’re breaking up, Brittana reaffirm that they’ll always love each other the most.
Santana Walks Brittany Out Of The Auditorium One Last Time- 4x22, “All Or Nothing”
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“I really liked the moment in the last episode, when we knew that Brittany was going away and it was a really sad vibe and Santana showed up and just took her hand and walked her off, I thought that was sweet.”- Naya (Perez Hilton 2013)
Valerie- 5x12, “100”
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My favorite scene by a pretty wide margin is “Valerie” from “100”. It’s got that palpable backstage chemistry that Naya and Heather had that shone through so clearly in season 1, it’s poetically choreographed, and the songs even more lyrically significant than before.
I believe that Santana and Brittany are at their best and most smitten when they’re doing what Naya and Heather love the most: singing and dancing, respectively. This is no exception. Just look at Brittany trying not to smile at the beginning. When the shot is on her after Santana starts to sing, you can see her face change from smiles to grimace as if she had forgotten herself. You can’t tell me Heather didn’t break there for a second.
Every little mannerism throughout the whole sequence is laced with that fun, alarmingly pure energy. It could’ve been just excellent acting, but it felt so real. And why wouldn’t it? Naya had to learn Heather’s dance from “Sectionals”. Watching your best friend pull off some of your most iconic moves and then joining in, that’s gotta be fun.
Yeah, Santana’s dancing the choreography from their sectionals with Mike. Within the capacity of an untrained dancer, of course. She’s trying to get Brittany back into the groove by dancing probably the most involved number that the New Directions have ever done. And one that Brittany probably had the most fun with because she choreographed it with Mike. That’s some good writing. And it works, and it’s cute, but once Brittany joins in, the sequence deviates from the original.
We get this just wonderful moment of Brittany dancing solo centerstage fully embracing her passion. After she gets her moment, she and Santana dance either with each other swing-style or towards each other. You can’t forget about that embrace at the end when Santana sort of dips her. They’re not even back together at this point. Santana doesn’t want to get back together at this point. But I feel like I’m watching them dancing at their wedding 3 hours into the reception.
And I mean what an appropriate song to use given the circumstance. “Valerie” is about missing an ex after coming back to your hometown. When we heard Santana solo it at sectionals, it wasn’t super meaningful. It was an excellent way to show off Santana’s vocals and Brittany and Mike’s choreography somewhat independently. But here? Let’s talk about line distribution.
First verse, Santana sings solo. Notably, Brittany is harmonizing behind her piecemeal. By the chorus, she’s joined with Santana fully. Second verse, she’s soloing, joining the dance and by the end they’re dancing together. They’re singing and dancing about missing each other together.
But the song’s not my favorite part. Not even the dance. Not really. My favorite part is the culmination. Santana and Brittany are participating in each other’s disciplines and passions.
That’s an awesome couple right there. They went from singing and dancing somewhat removed from each other to singing and dancing with each other, and even when they were broken up, they still shared their respective passions with each other effortlessly.
-@leatherzaddy on Reddit
My favorite Brittana scene is Valerie S5. It just feels so significant to me that Santana chose this particular song to get Britt out of her funk. Valerie is special to both of them, it’s the first competition solo Santana ever got and it was the first time we ever got to witness the dance skills of one Brittany S. Pierce.
It was the first time Brittany got to show off how talented she was and how she was so much more than the dumb blonde everyone thought she was. Now, however, no one thinks she’s dumb. Now everyone sees her as just another statistic for MIT.
Santana, however, sees right through that and sees her for who she really is - not dumb, not just a genius, but Brittany, the girl who loves to dance. So Santana picks the same song from the first time Brittany got to show off her dancing to prove to her once again that dancing is what she’s meant to do.
Churros Kiss- 5x12, “100”
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The infamous churros scene lives in my head rent free. Why? Because we saw a level of confidence in Brittany that we had never seen before and, in that moment, we were all rooting for her for giving us what we knew was right and what we knew we needed. The fans knew Brittana was endgame, Brittany knew, and we just sat back and waited for Santana to realize it as well. (Let’s give her credit: she knew.) We had waited 1.5 seasons for more and we finally got it, mouthful of churros and all.
I love this scene because we see Santana and Brittany a bit older and a lot wiser; Brittany knows that after all the time they had spent apart, Santana is the only one she really wants and she felt like she needed to tell her, to show her, before it was too late. I feel like everything Brittany did in this scene was very spontaneous and on a whim, and it makes it that much hotter.
The kiss. It’s my favorite kiss between the couple by a mile. Brittany put her heart on her sleeve and risked everything and just went in for the kill. You can see the twinkle in her eye right before she leaned in and she didn’t hesitate to show Santana what she wanted. I do appreciate Santana’s hesitancy because of their storyline at the time, but I don’t doubt for a second that she didn’t want Brittany back, too. She was just incredibly cautious, and no doubt, caught by surprise. They had been through so much and had finally found a place in their friendship/relationship where scars were healing and hearts weren’t as broken as before.
You can see in the way Santana looks at her after being kissed, the way in which she listens to her, that the wheels in her head are already turning. We know she knows what Brittany is saying is true. She just has to process what this means for her, for them, for her life back in New York. She’s just putting the scattered puzzle pieces back together, but she knows what the picture already looks like.
The kiss on the cheek? The delicious cherry on top. Brittany, having already been pushed away, one again doubled down on how she felt and so quickly, and respectfully, reminded Santana of that. You can see Santana’s breath hitch during this moment when their faces are so close together, and it’s obvious that her love for Brittany never wavered. As she always was, smitten is her middle name.
Brittana’s entire relationship from S1-S6 can be summed up, for me, with one infamous line spoken by Brittany during the churros scene, “You can’t recreate what you and I have.”
-@TheWednesdayProject on Reddit
The Lilies Scene- 5x13, “New Directions”
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I will always remember being a curious and scared teenager. I was almost in high school when Brittana became official and it suckerpunched me. The fear, the anxiety, the angst, the love, all of it was so relatable. Brittana had so many trials and tribulations and they always came out better and stronger both as individuals as a couple. My favorite Brittana scene is the lily scene because it was the beginning of them consciously choosing each other. The growth <3
My favorite Brittana scene is when Brittany fills the room with lilies for Santana. It really proves that the connection between them is incredibly strong and they understand each other better than anyone else. Their chemistry is off the charts and you can really feel their love for each other through the screen. The way Santana sinks into Brittany like she’s coming home and the way Britt runs her fingers up and down Santana’s arm <3 Everything about it is perfect.
I think my favorite Brittana scene is the one in 5x13, where Brittany fills the choir room with lilies for Santana, because that was the biggest time when I could truly feel their love for one another and their support of each other.
The Bedroom Scene- 6x03, “Jagged Little Tapestry”
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It's hard to pick one favorite scene because I just love them all. But I'm gonna go with the scene that made me the happiest and that's the bedroom scene before the proposal because it's such an intimate moment between the two of them. They talk about their future together, about how happy they are and of course "I will love you until infinity". I've wanted a scene like that since I started shipping them in season 2. And watching that scene for the first time was one of the happiest moments in my life. And when I'm feeling down I just watch this scene again and everything gets better.
Santana proposes to Brittany- 6x03, “Jagged Little Tapestry
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My fav Brittana scene is the proposal bc it means so much to both of them. It takes place where they fell in love and there’s so many parts in the song that remind me so much of their past
My favourite Brittana scene is probably Santana proposing to Brittany because the number they do before is fire🔥 and BRITTANA GETS ENGAGED!!
Hallway Scene- 6x06, “What The World Needs Now”
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I LOVE THE ‘did I ever tell you that I love you’ MOMENT. The little kiss and the way Santana nudges her head in Brittany’s neck. I love the whole episode, it’s so powerful and as a lesbian I really felt seen and represented.
I love that Santana reminds Brittany of heaven. I love that Brittany loves Santana so unconditionally, that she would do anything to see her happy. Brittany knows that Santana is super happy right now, but she also knows that she really misses her abuela and that she’s sad she’s not coming to the wedding. Britt’s really doing her best for Santana, and that really shows how much she loves her.
I love that we see Santana’s vulnerable side in this episode and I love to see Brittany’s protective side (especially during and after Alfie). Although abuela said she wasn’t coming, I love how the episode ended because it really shows how much Santana has grown and how much love she has in her life right now.
Brittany Confronts Santana’s Abuela- 6x06, “What The World Needs Now”
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After Santana sings “Alfie” to Abuela López as if her life depended on it in hopes that her Abuela would be a part of her life again, we have my favorite Brittana moment. At first, Abuela is confused and shocked to find out that she’s been tricked into seeing Santana sing. Brittany quickly confessed that she did trick her and informed Abuela, but also informed Abuela not only that she is Santana’s fiancée but that she loves her so much that she would do anything for her. Santana is quick to look at Abuela to gauge her reaction. Santana is hoping she has an opportunity to explain and to try to make her see how much she loves and needs Abuela in her life. Santana brings up how much Abuela means to her and how much being raised by this woman has made her a strong woman.
It’s likely that Abulea immigrated from another country. Like many children from immigrant families, they know the sacrifices their family took to her there. Santana likely heard from father (as i think Alma is her paternal grandmother) about the importance of doing good in school (and her education as she values it) and likely heard stories about the many jobs her grandma took. Likely those that are stereotypical like agricultural work, working in restaurants, or working as a cleaning lady. Jobs that were all she could get because of the limits society places on her (Abuela). ( Santana really admires this woman. She lets her know how much in the coming out scene. )
Santana embraces being Latina and holds no apology for being so, and admits that she is bigger and better than the limits society places on her. Santana wants to continue to be bigger and better. She admits that she can’t (or doesn’t want to) do that without Brittany and Abuela. Santana feels she simply exists without them. Perhaps also saying that they give her the strength she needs to be bigger and better. She is oh so hopeful that reminding her of all that will make her Abuela come along.
Unfortunately, it is not enough for Abuela. She reminds Santana that she loves her, but not enough to attend the stop following her beliefs. She adamantly says that girls marry boys and not other girls. It’s a sin in Abuela’s eyes, and she refuses to attend the wedding. What happens next in this scene makes me so proud of Santana. Before this moment, Santana was this scared little girl who hid behind this HBIC persona. In short, Santana struggled to love and accept herself.  She dated guys for status. She rejected Brittany for so long and told her she was using her and didn’t love her. She had beards and even wrote a song about a boy. She had confessed to Brittany that she was scared about all the talks and looks she would get from others. She hid her feelings and love for Brittany and pushed her away into another person's arms. While doing so, she was more angry and miserable than she had ever been. She had to witness the girl she loved more than anything be with someone else because she was too scared, and it hurt her.  It would take some more time for her to embrace herself fully. Even then, she didn’t have much choice. She was forced into accepting herself because she was outed to everyone in her school, in Lima, and in Ohio (and anyone who stumbled across that campaign ad online). Still, she did eventually get there. It was not easy for her at all, but she got there. She was happy. She surrounded herself with the love of her friends. She grew as a person. She became friendlier, was happier, and she allowed herself to love others (Brittany, Dani). Moving to New York was scary for her, but she did it anyway (with a little shove from Brittany (again, she thinks they helped to make her bigger and better). She helped her friends get a job, auditioned for Broadway, went to auditions, held various jobs, and attended school.
Santana remembered how Abuela taught her to be bigger and better than her school, her city, and her state would ever allow her to be when she was in New York. She was even bigger and better than the limits she had placed on herself, especially when she was in high school. She was determined to make something of herself. Sometimes even doing things that weren’t even her dream.
No matter the years that had passed, Brittany knew that despite Santana saying she was okay and choosing Brittany over everyone, including the woman that meant so much to her, Santana still missed her Abuela.  In this scene, unlike the last time when Santana bravely confessed to Abuela about her feelings and was gay by herself, Brittany was there alongside Santana. Brittany quickly stepped in to protect the woman she loved. Despite being upset that things aren’t going as they had hoped, she puts on a brave face and tells Abuela that it is okay if she doesn’t go. With a smile and some spunk, Brittany tells Abuela they don’t want her there. Santana is surprised that Brittany spoke up at first, too.
Brittany, who usually is kind and sweet, had her claws out. She used her genius mind to give statistical facts she’d read about to tell Abuela off. Usually, Santana would know not to speak to Abuela in such a manner. This is likely because Santana knows better. Her Abuela likely taught her to respect her elders or at least always to respect her. When Brittany finishes talking, Abuela expects Santana to apologize and stick up for her, but to Alma’s surprise, Santana doesn’t. Instead, Santana, the girl who was scared to tell her Abuela she was gay because she feared losing her, stood by Brittany, the woman she loved and who had told her Abuela to go on and love herself in a way Santana likely never has and would never dare to.
Santana doesn’t just defend Brittany or stands by her. Santana refers to her relationship with Brittany as love. She uses their love as an example of what love is. Santana, the girl who told Brittany she didn’t love her and that she was nothing more than just sex because Puck was in the slammer, the girl who refused to talk about feelings, and the girl who panicked when Rachel referred to their duet as sapphic romance, told her Abuela that what she and Brittany share is love. She uses the words “real love” to describe their relationship and what they had.
The choice of Santana words is significant. Likely, Abuela empathized the importance of love when it came to family (even if Santana experienced a lot of tough love from Abuela, her dad, and likely other family members like her mom.) all her life. Santana likely had seen a lot of it.
The choice of the word “real” may indicate just how deeply Santana was hurt when Abuela disowned her. We did see her cry in season 3 when Santana came out to her. Still, the choice of words makes me think that Santana felt deceived about family sticking together and loving each other no matter what (something Abuela mentions in this very same episode in the Queso Por Dos segment) because of how quickly things changed when she came out. All it took was a confession and a few seconds for that love to disappear.
It’s possible she viewed what she knew as love before, as fake love, or love that was not unconditional. Santana choosing to use “real love” to describe her relationship with Brittany is Santana saying, “We stick together and love each other unconditionally, unlike you and I or my own blood.”
Santana then says that Brittany is her family. Again, Santana reminds us that she chooses Brittany over anyone. Again, she’s touching on her previous statement that she and Brittany are an example of “real love” or (as Santana believes with all her heart) a family that sticks together and loves each other no matter what. This is a big deal for Santana.
She is coming full circle because, in the early seasons, Brittany didn’t always come first. She often came second or last to status, beards, prom queen, people’s opinions, etc.
Santana, a girl that misses Abuela, the person she wishes would love her again, has reached a point in her life where she loves herself and Brittany so much that she no longer needs her Abuela or her support, love, and approval. Santana knows she has a lot of that already. A lot, a lot.
The next part in this scene is parallel to Abuela and Santana’s previous scene some years prior from season 3 when Santana comes out to her. In season 3, Abuela told Santana to leave her house with no other word after Santana came out. Despite Santana’s pleas, Abuela had had the final say. In this scene, things are different. Instead of faltering and hiding, Santana puts her foot down and stands her ground. She keeps her head high and has the final say (something that I believe Abuela taught her when teaching her how to be bigger and better than what the world was going to give her permission to be), and Abuela had no choice but to walk away without another word.
To finish this scene, Santana leans into Brittany. Brittany comforts her (like I’m sure Brittany did the first time Santana came into Abuela the moment she could (which I believe was as soon as Santana got into her car where Britt was waiting (just in case Abuela wanted to meet her))). Santana knows she can count on Brittany. She is her family now. They stick together and love each other no matter what, even if it means being disappointed when things don’t go as planned.
Had Abuela and Santana never made up, I would have been completely okay with it because this scene shows a lot of growth in Santana.
It makes me feel so proud of Santana. She cared so much about others' approval. She had been so scared of her feelings for Brittany that she let herself be miserable and made others feel that way, too. Santana ended up being bigger and better than the limits she and society places on her. In doing so, she learned to accept and love herself, Brittany, and their family. Proudly so. While she wanted Abuela in her life, she decided to let Abuela go and instead surround herself with her new family, one that had plenty of “true love.” A lot, a lot.
That is freaking beautiful, and I absolutely love it.
(Also, protective Britt is 😍🥰).
Pre-Wedding Scene- 6x08
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Q: Favourite  Glee scene ever? A: My wedding! -Naya (Twitter Q&A 2015)
“My favourite scene to film was the wedding with me and Naya. It’s just a beautiful memory that I am so thankful I have during this time. It happened at the same time as I was getting married, and it just felt like a double wedding, if you will, because that was the title of the episode. It just kind of summed up our entire relationship on the show and it felt so real, and so magical, to do that with one of my best friends.”- Heather (Cameo 2015)
After too much thinking, I’ve decided that my favorite Brittana scene is the pre wedding when they’re getting ready and Britt freaks out because Santana sees her before the wedding, thinking it’s a bad luck thing. And then Santana says to her that rules don’t apply to them and that they make their own luck. After that they kiss in the most perfect way. It’s my favorite because by saying that to Brittany, Santana made it clear that no matter what traditions say or people believe, everyone can choose how to be happy.
My favourite Brittana scene would have to be just the whole wedding episode if i’m being honest aha (i love all the Brittana scenes lol its soo hard to choose haha) because it shows that love is love and that anyone can get married if you love one another doesn’t have to be man and women, it can be women and women or even man and man! Love is love! I love the episode also because they are just soo cute in it lol, like Brittany having all the pre wedding worries and then Santana calming her down, ahhh its just soo cute aha.
It’s so ridiculously hard to pick my favourite Brittana scene, when they all mean so much. Each one means something different for them in terms of their story.  Though they may lack screen time compared to other couples on the show, their scenes are filled with so many firsts. First time Santana admits her feelings, first time they mention their officially dating, first kiss, first I love you in a relationship when they're both happy...so they’re each special for different reasons. Even the break up has Santana admit for the first time that she had feelings for Brittany way back in Sophomore year (S1). Something that was implied but never verbalised before that point.
It's hard to pin it down to just one. I love 2x15 for the obvious reasons of getting to see Santana admit what was already clear to see. That she loved Brittany. Seeing her finally admit that was just really poignant for me. 
Landslide and Songbird hold such special places in my heart. The bravery. The love. Everything. I felt it all.
Heart was the fluff we so sorely craved for 3 seasons, and they finally we got it in the best way, and we got our first on screen kiss (3 times over).
5x12/5x13 had me feeling euphoric because finally after a season of absolute crap they finally got back together. The kiss was amazing, and we got to see Brittany lay it all on the line for Santana and make it clear who her top choice always was deep down.
6x03 was like a treasure trove of pure joy. The softest bed scene ever which I love for, my fav duet from them and ofc the proposal. Seeing Santana so boldly (I felt so proud of her in this moment) declare her love for Brittany in front of everyone (something she once thought she'd never be able to do), and for Brittany to be able to see that after their rocky start of "I'm not making out with you because I'm in love with you and want to sing about making lady babies", was everything! The call backs to Landslide were just ugh, and it really showed how far they had come. Santana’s speech and how nervous she is, plus Britt’s tears and the way she snatches the ring, lives in my head rent free.
6x06 is also like, incredible, and one of my fav ever Brittana episodes. Just the whole damn episode and how domesticated they are, Santana’s bravery, Brittany’s protectiveness, all the soft af dialogue that looks like it’s been plucked straight from a fanfic. The “did I ever tell you that I love you?” “tell me again” scene is one of my all time favourite scenes from them ever, and I can’t with how utterly adorable and playful and in love they are. Essentially, my love for the ship holds no bounds so there are too many “fave scenes” to count. Truthfully, I could write an in-depth analysis about every single one one of their scenes and how it touched me in some way, but I think if I had to pick just one I'd go with 6x08 the pre-wedding scene.
It's their last major "two-shot" scene and I honestly think it captures everything. Not only is it just contextually sweet the way Santana can't wait any longer to see Brittany and the words that she says, and the way Brittany is nervously freaking out, it ties up a lot of their story. Santana says with confidence "you love me, and I love you" after what seems like a lifetime of self-doubt, finally she knows Brittany loves her and no longer has to question that. This is the same girl who begged Brittany to say she loved her back as a scared closeted teenager, and now she's standing in front of her on their wedding day knowing that Brittany loves her without even needing to hear it. But regardless we do get an "I love you so much" from Brittany, unprovoked by Santana, which again is a callback to that heartbreaking 2x15 scene. It was all Santana ever wanted to hear back then, now she gets to hear it so freely on their wedding day. Their wedding day guys!? Nothing can ever top that for me, for them to have that ending to such a imperfectly perfect story, after all the erasure, the angst, the break-up, seeing them with other people, watching Brittany go off to MIT and thinking yep...this ship is done because Heather's never coming back now. 
The way Santana manages to calm Brittany and make her see clearly, is everything, and it really shows that yin/yang dynamic that I love so much about them.
Being someone who felt like I was living vicariously through them and seeing them get the ending of all endings and get married which is such a rarity (or certainly was at the time) for WLW ships was EVERYTHING. There's also the kiss (my fav kiss of there's) and the fact that moments later Abuela comes in and finally makes amends with Santana. It was the perfect, happy, full circle ending to a rollercoaster of a story, and nothing will ever get more satisfying than that.
Full List Of Scenes & YouTube Links 
Brittany & Santana Talk To Holly Holliday About Their Feelings
Hurt Locker
Heart Locker
Officially Dating
Rumour Has It/Someone Like You
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)
Tongue Tied
Santana Walks Brittany Out Of The Auditorium One Last Time
Churros Kiss
The Lilies Scene
The Bedroom Scene
The Proposal
The Hallway Scene
Brittany Confronts Santana’s Abuela
Pre-Wedding Scene
Top 5 Scenes
Each of them had 3 responses each.
Hurt Locker
Lilies Scene
Pre-Wedding Scene
Season Breakdown
Season 2, Season 3, Season 6 (5 scenes each)
Season 5 (3 scenes)
Season 4 (1 scene)
Season Popularity By Number Of Responses
Season 2 (12 responses)
Season 3 (9 responses)
Season 6 (8 responses)
Season 5 (6 responses)
Season 4 (1 response)
Thank you all so much for reading, participating, sharing etc. I really hope you’ve enjoyed it!
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Do you have a favorite level within each game or even one out of all games / is there a specific level that stuck in your mind since you first played it?
Mine would be the second to last I think in DH1. The one, where you walk over a bridge and it's all orange light on one side and deep shadows on the other. In daud's dlcs it would be the boyle mansion, because I love the flooded building. I've loved the edge of the world in DH2 because Karnaca's atmosphere is such a breath of fresh air and the trail of whale blood through the bright and sunny district reveals very much about the game's world. For DOTO it would either be the bank job or the royal conservatory. It may sound pretty weird but the atmosphere within the bank job gives me vacation vibes lol. Also the moment you take the twin bladed knife feels amazing every time. I also really like the hidden features in the royal conservatory.
Thank you for running this blog, it really means a lot to me. Happy Pride! 🏳️‍🌈
Honestly all the levels in the DH series has a lot of personality in them, and so much visual storytelling. Each one has a different feeling to it while all matching up to eachother perfectly. Never do I feel like one doesn't belong with the others, they all feel part of the same world, and they feel so lived in too.
Everyone has their favorites, and you picked some good ones. I think youre refering to Kaldwin's Bridge which is a very well done level and is certainly pretty to look at, but its rather big with a lot of loading points, and it's a bit choppy and tedious for me. I do like the area around Sokolov's house though. The test subjects imprisoned in the streets and the crumbling buildings around his perfect apartment is great environmental storytelling. Personally my favorite in Dh1 is The Flooded District. The reflection it paints for Corvo, that after everything, things can still get worse and there's still a light at the end and he can't give up. That even after hating Hiram Burrows and wishing death on him, Daud hides there, in the mass grave Burrows made, protected by the rats, flood waters, rivercrusts, and weepers. It's just *chef's kiss*.
I think the one in Daud's dlc's is actually Brigmore Manor, which is one hell of a level. We learn that Daud and Delilah have a lot in common just by the way they work. They both have large followings they share their power with, hidden under everyone's nose. Dispite this, the difference in atmosphere tells the player that Daud is trespassing here. He's met someone who can match him, maybe even best him, and he has to be careful not to lose what little he has left. Brigmore is probably my fave too, but The Surge comes very close. Being in Daud's base, cutting up Overseers, and freeing his Whaler kids is very satisfying.
Edge of the World is a great intro to Karnaca. You get a feel for the atmosphere, learn about smaller power struggles (Howlers vs Overseers), and get a feel for just how bad things are there. I love taking my time in this level, finding the runes and talking to Mindy Blanchard just because it is a very pretty level that's fun to explore. I also like how it ironically leads you to Addemire, which is dark and claustrophobic. My fave in DH2 though is Crack in the Slab. Going between timelines wasn't something I'd done in a videogame before, and it made learning about Aramis Stilton and the rest of Delilah's allies extremely interesting. I love the little details you can mess with in the past to convenience you in the present too. There's a lot to go though twice over in that level, and I always find something new each playthrough. Also, in the ambience music in the present, you can hear a rhythmic banging, and I theorize you can hear the miners being overworked from Aramis' home.
And then there's DOTO... DOTO, my beloved. This game really brought Billie Lurk's character to life and I enjoy every second of it. My fave here would be Follow the Ink, for reasons similar as to why I like Edge of the World. It's nice to explore and there's so much to do story-wise, and even more to just find or interact with. I do wish the story flowed from one point on the map to the other, like how Edge of the World slowly lead you to the black market, wall of light, overseer outpost, then to Addemire Station. I find I'm going back and forth a lot in Follow the Ink, but that's nit-picking. If anything, it gives me time to stumble across things more. I will say though, The Bank Job is probably the strongest level in the game, and the writing is the best there. Billie getting a hold of the knife, pointing a finger in The Outsider's face and telling him she's coiming, no matter what it takes, only for The Outsider to look her in the eyes and tell her that Daud, the closest Billie had ever come to family, is dead?... Heartbreaking. I'm racing back to the ship. I know he's lying, and he has to be, right? But nope, he wasn't. Billie burning her ship called Dreadful Wale, an anagram for Farewell Daud, as his pyre hurts so much. I love the very ending too and how Daud is low chaos option, and to be honest, I shouldn't have been surprised by that. Ironically, mercy and forgiveness were themes in the background of Daud's dlcs.
Some honorable mentions would be:
-Bottle Street/Holger Square: Learning about Overssers, Slackjaw, Granny Rags and you get to see my man Geoff Curnow! Please switch the poison btw.
-Lady Boyle's Last Party: You fuck around with guards and rich ppl bc they think you're one of them and that's quite the critique on the upperclass huh. Don't forget to sign the guestbook as The Empress' alleged assassin!
Return to The Tower: Hiram Burrows is finally his own undoing, and his worst nightmares have come true! What a satisfying downfall. How poetic. Bitch deserved everything he got.
-Light at the End: In high chaos, Martin shoots Pendleton after calling him inbred and that's hilarious to me. Also in low chaos. Emily will scold Havelock and tell him to "sit in the corner and think about what [he's] done!" In honesty, it's a good climax.
-Eminent Domain: Timpsh's downfall in low chaos is one of the most poetic and well written eliminations in the games. Seeing him faint in front of a General of the City Watch always makes me laugh.
-Coldridge Prison: Revisiting the place as Daud and seeing how it's changed since Corvo's escape was very interesting. There's a lot of details to interact with like other prisoners, executions, and doomed escape attempts.
-Addemire Institute: The Crown Killer was an interesting antagonist, and there's a lot of notes and clues to what Addemire was like before The Duke ruined it. The entire situation is very tragic, but not all is lost!
-The Dust District: It's just really fun to explore Karnaca ok? Also Corvo's old house is there.
-Hole in the World: I love how it hints that there's a low chaos option, but you don't realize it until you talk with Daud’s spirit and all the hints come together. I like wandering around the place too since we don't get to see The Void this much anywhere else.
Sorry this was so long, but I really love how well thought out these game are, and I really rambled! Happy pride to you too!
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vveissesfleisch · 4 years
or top5 fics you've written? (in order of personal preference)
man,  great q! hmm...i’m not sure i have an actual, hard favorite, because i love all of my fics for various reasons, but here are some bangers that i am pretty pleased with in no discernible order (fail, i know) (also heads up, they’re all porn):
the handler - this spicy little meatball was my first kylux fic and probably my fave depiction of hux that i’ve written. i love space garbage!
under your spell - oh, this old thing. one of maybe two (?) fics for this pairing, which is amanda/john from the saw franchise. yeah. yup. i sure did! but it’s super hot and super disturbing, it’s the pinnacle of self indulgence, it might actually be my favorite fic that i’ve written. maybe not, but i really do love it.
tempest - this is a kICKASS purge au fic i wrote for harry/draco a couple years back during a music-themed fest, inspired by the song tempest by the deftones. this is definitely my favorite of my h/d fics. 
i hide my tongue behind my teeth and buy myself a new belief - my one and only peaky blinders fic (somehow!!!), and i am still pretty tickled with how the prose came out.
the shortest distance between two points is a line from me to you - my labor of love!! my 1917 slow-burn fix-it where everything is beautiful and nothing hurts! i love this fic soooo so so so much, but ah!! i still have to post the epilogue (on account of being the loosest of loose cannons). maybe i will do that this week. 
i didn’t put any of my old guard fics on here because it was already way too hard to choose. i am just continuously losing my mind over joenicky and am thusly pretty starry eyed over all of my recent fics, so just roll them into one superfic and slap them on here as a bonus fave. 
this made me appreciate my own writing and revisit some fun older stuff, so thank you for this ask!
(also, if you do click on any of these, please, oh god, please read the tags before deciding if you want to ride this ride.)
Ask me my Top 5 anything!
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bex-pendragon · 4 years
Fandom asks: A, B, F, M, U
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I’m watching Leverage for the first time and I’ve become very invested in this found family of thieves! 
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
I can’t think of one right now. Maybe Jake and Amy? Initially I thought he was too immature for her, but he grown up so much without losing his boyish charm. I kind of changed my own mind about that one though.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
Star Trek fandom! I started watching it when I was 8 or 9 years old and I’m still watching the newest versions of it today. It’s such a great fandom to grow up in because you can revisit it at different stages of your life and learn something new every time.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
I kind of want to befriend Queen Elsa because I think she could use more friends. Or I’d befriend Catherine Morland and start a book club with her.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Let’s do some different faves than usual to change things up:
Michael Burnham from Star Trek: Discovery. Unfairly hated on by certain parts of the fandom. Screws up on a grand scale and spends the rest of the first season atoning for it. Overall an amazing, complex, well-rounded character who I will defend to the death.
Penelope Alvarez from ODaaT. I’m kind of halfway between the ages of Penelope and her daughter Elena, so there are times when I relate to Penelope more, and times that I relate to Elena more. Penelope has a quality I call “subtle badassery”. She’s smol but she’ll absolutely kick your ass.
Peggy Carter, because she’s just the best and everyone needs to appreciate her more.
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byebyler · 5 years
My random It 2 thoughts
That I just want to get out bc I want to talk about it, not because I have any piping hot takes or anything. Hiding it under a read more to spare you all
So basically before we go see any new movie, my sister will be like “Well I’ve been reading stuff online and here’s every shitty thing anyone has said about this movie so far” and I’m always just like mhmm but this time I especially didn’t care? Idk I was excited about the movie and the comments had me hesitant but actually none of it was all that bad to me. There was something about the flashbacks not adding anything to the story, and the horrible baby-fication cgi they used on the kids to make them look younger, but it didn’t really bother me. The cgi looked worst on Richie but even then I didn’t care cause tbh I liked his scenes the best. I think the flashbacks were some of my fave parts, just cause I love the kids. They’re so adorable and such good actors and yeah 
Even the love triangle between the adults was just whatever. It wasn’t as bad as I expected. Mostly because it wasn’t even there to me? Like Bev forgot who wrote the letter, she thought it was Bill, it was actually Ben and then Benverly happens. Way to go. Also I was like pssh I don’t care about Benverly but then when they were separated and Ben starts in with “Your hair is winter fire!”??? It made me cry, ngl
Honestly though the adults were kind of the weak point for me? Like I only know Bill Hader and Jessica and James, and I’m sure everyone else has been good in other stuff. But they just seemed kinda bleh for me. Mike was good enough, Bill had some good moments, and the guy playing Eddie was like amazing at mimicking young Eddie. And I love Bill Hader. I loved his portrayal of Richie. Tbh Richie was my favorite in this movie. In the first movie I’m gonna say it was Eddie, cause he had the most personality and was funny and charismatic and had good line delivery. And yet I don’t like adult Eddie for acting just like young Eddie lol go figure. Anyway I just love Bill Hader. He was my favorite part of the whole movie 
Although honestly some of the comedy bits were odd for me. Like a joke or one liner in places there shouldn’t really be a joke or one liner? Idk I just felt like they could’ve edited better. Same with some overly long scenes. Several times I found myself sitting there just like ....so this is why the movie is three hours long? Was it worth it? Idk
Like it was just trying to be comedy horror instead of just a horror drama? I don’t really know how I felt about all that. Also the whole set up was just... I don’t know. Like everyone comes together, there’s the scene in the restaurant, and before you know it everyone is split up again for like an hour looking for tokens?? So much time is spent on Bill getting his bike back and I thought the little bell on the handle was going to be his token but then he just gets the paper boat from the sewers and that’s it?? And all the stuff at the carnival. Like it was a cool scene and carnivals were hot in horror/sci fi this summer (Us, Stranger Things) so I guess it’s a given. But idk all the stuff with the kid just felt like it could’ve been easily cut. And we didn’t even waste time going along with Ben or Mike (surprise!) to find their tokens so I feel like they really could’ve cut stuff down. But again, Bill Hader and the flashbacks were some of my fave parts so I guess I can’t complain about the Richie stuff, in the past or present 
Also god. The scene where he starts carving “R + ” onto the bridge. I was like “If I have to see an R + E on there I’m gonna lose my goddamn mind” and my sister was like “Oh you know he’s going to revisit that spot at the end after Eddie dies and stare longingly at it” and I was like well I’m gonna lose my goddamn mind then. And I did 
Oh and I loved Henry Bowers, I thought he was great. The part where he gets in the car and zombie!Patrick is driving cracked me up more than anything else. It was hilarious. Also it was totally unbelievable that young Bowers fell like fifty feet down that well and banged all up against the sides of the rock walls and was able to walk away with no broken bones or internal bleeding or head trauma?? I guess he’s invincible since he was like possessed or whatever 
Other random thoughts: I cried so much during the movie. Like not full on sobbing but tearing up practically every ten minutes. Even at the beginning with the gay bashing because yikes. That was brutal to watch. That little girl with the birthmark- honestly I thought she had her face painted at first since they were at the carnival. I didn’t even realize it was just her skin. Also idk what happened to her bc I wasn’t looking, but I knew they were gonna do like a countdown fakeout and then make you wait and THEN do the jump scare. Still wasn’t looking. Also the weird long limbed old lady scared me. I thought it was just going to be an old lady but nope. And I jumped at the Paul Bunyan statue part. But I also jumped when Richie locked his car and it lit up and made a noise sooo I’m basically a scaredy cat. But yeah those parts did scare me but also the cgi was so bad? Mostly with the old lady. It just was not fun to look at. They did a spider head monster like in The Thing. They should’ve also honored The Thing by throwing some practical effects in there to switch it up. But I guess that’s asking too much 
Anyway I know the movie is still fresh in my mind and every time something is new I’m just like “this was the best!” but I really did like it. For everything I complained about, I still thought it was a great movie. And I kind of like how fucking looong it was because that just gives us more content to watch and rewatch and comb through. I know I’m already planning to see it in theaters at least two more times. But yeah lately it’s getting harder and harder to find something to be excited about but this did the trick for me, for now. I really loved it, and I love both parts of the whole, and I think when part 2 comes out on blu ray and I can watch them back to back, it’ll be a good cohesive piece
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S2 Ep 47: How Exactly Can Any of This Get Resolved In 2 Episodes?
Ah, it’s 4AM, and these people decided it was finally time to pass out after a day of getting tied to bandsaws, getting tied to anchors, getting abducted, getting possessed, getting tied to various types of chairs, building box forts to escape your abductors, falling off of the box forts you built, beating up like 8 people, falling madly in love with Serenity, throwing lots of dice at people, falling out of love with Serenity, learning to see for the first time after a very major operation, having a fistfight on the roof of a 4000 ft in the air blimp, eating a mountain of tacos at a buffet, falling into the ocean, driving a helicopter into a shipping crane, drowning, telling your school bully that you are a reincarnated Pharaoh, learning that your favorite playing card is your one true love who died 5000 years ago, getting dangled off of a 20ft rope tied to a flying helicopter, deciding that your favorite playing card is in fact NOT your one true love who died 5000 years ago, telling a bunch of strangers about that one time your baby brother killed your Dad after seeing a single motorcycle, and getting trapped in the Shadow Realm in a giant hourglass.
They’re pooped. And, we get a nice montage of all of Kaiba’s itty bitty luxury beds that were really only built for Yugi and Mokuba and have been just super inconvenient for everyone else.
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And Joey is not dreaming about donuts, instead he’s having guilt dreams.
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and then, yes, she in fact did chain herself up to a wall and he watched her drift away.
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Man, by Yugioh standards she just got engaged, right? Good thing everyone else thinks Bakura’s in a plot coma because that is going to be the most unexpected walk of shame.
Also in this montage, Kaiba is not sleeping, and is instead staying up on his computer researching dragons. Yeah. Sounds about right. I honestly can’t picture Seto asleep. I don’t think he does that. I think occasionally Seto kind of pauses wherever he’s sitting like a fish, does a quick Rem cycle, and then he’s back to furiously typing on whatever computer he’s sitting at 10 minutes later.
(read more under the cut)
Meanwhile, these two are duking it out on the roof. I reallllllly wish they were actually punching each other like Tristan and Duke showed us a few episodes back but, nah, it’s cards.
Again, no matter who wins this fight, it will be a very good outcome for our protagonists, so it’s really a fight between which of the evil dudes do you like more? Do you like the Local Nasty Boy Next Door who cannot go to card prom with you because he’s too busy stabbing himself in the arm and murdering? Or, do you prefer the New Cargo Pants obsessed boy in town who seems completely unaware of which century it is, what a blimp is, and what clothes are supposed to be worn with what clothes. Or, is your fave Oldstyle Cargo Pants, who committed atrocious acts of blasphemy, violence and murder just so he could drive a motorcycle around at a moderate speed while wearing a sensible helmet and senseless pink crop hoodie?
All of them really want to destroy/rule the world, all of them really want to kill god (well, Yami, so basically the laziest godform I’ve ever seen in an anime) and all of them probably smell like super bad. Make your bets, they’re all three gonna have a card fight.
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And to make this duel somewhat more confusing, Marik likes to sort of take over Bakura’s body and shout at himself. It’s...there’s a lot of psychological stuff going on right now. Anyways, this is when we find out officially that Odion decided not to tell Marik that he killed his own Dad, and instead blamed it on Shadi.
So I guess that’s why Shadi’s been hiding this whole tourney? I mean, Shadi...just kind of peaced out...and like other than being an exposition dump I’m not sure why he ever bothered to come here today?
But because Marik was in Tea’s brain without me knowing, he overheard the true story for the first time, and he was like “ah yeah I’ve killed a loooot of people, this makes sense.”
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Bakura has taken almost an entire season, but he’s decided that now he’s playing cards anyway, he wants the good kind. Bear in mind, Bakura was passed out during the other duels where we found out that God Cards are ass.
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And I will say that like, in caps there’s some things I can’t really show you since they’re meant to move--but Bakura and Marik turning into pieces as they duel was visually a pretty fun idea. It felt like the animation team was really enjoying it. Like this was their duel to cap the season and so they made it as much a ridiculous spectacle as you can a paper card game. (and the animators probably welcomed a change of place, they’re running out of weird ways to place cards down on a very large watch)
And then we revisit a familiar locale.
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So like...this place is different.
First off, my favorite giant green bowling pin is just...gone...and then second off, either Yugi is just getting older, or Yami is just taking up that much more space. But this room definitely wasn’t brick lined before, which is...that kind of says a lot about what Yugi’s been sacrificing to have this puzzle installed into his brain.
Also, apparently Yugi drew a fish once and he was so proud of it, that it got immortalized in here.
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The red tomagachi is exactly like the one I had in Middle School. I killed it so many times. I also like how they dodged Nintendo copyright but still gave us a little nod that yes, Yugi is a Nintendo nerd but legally cannot say so. I actually went and looked up handheld systems, and this one looks a lot like the Gameboy Advance. I cannot imagine the spooky stories that happened involving this particular Gameboy Advance, and if maybe that’s why Yugi no longer plays the thing.
Like I’ve been catching up on some GDQ and with Yugi’s curse, do you think he CAN just casually play a video game? Or, do you think he’s just always speedrunning and breaking games whenever he sits down to them? Like he’s just naturally doing TAS runs every time he picks up a controller, glitching through walls and going to the final boss when he’s only at like level 2? Like when he picks up Pokemon he probably almost never has encounters, and then when he finally does it’s just MissingNo and he’s like “Man, I have like 20 of these, and they all look like ass! I just want a freakin rattata.”
Anyways, Yugi was feeling kind of bored here so he went across the hall to visit his friendly neighborhood parasite.
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And so, much like how Marik has decided to have a heart to heart with himself on a very tall ledge, so has Yugi and Pharaoh. Except, they’re not having a chat about who killed their own Dad, because we have never seen that guy and he may as well not exist, it would make no difference on the show.
Unless there’s a twist coming up that Yugi killed his own Dad, which, even with this show, I think we can safely assume he has not.
I’m pretty sure.
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Just angsting out in my mind labrynth with my 5000 year old emo ghost, wearing lots of guyliner and belts around both our necks. Staring into the abyss made of the convoluted maze of unused stairs and unopened doorways of my unraveling mind. Don’t mind me.
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I can’t believe they brought up Shadi only to completely change the subject because even these two are like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Bro brings up that between the two of them, Pharaoh is a lot more hesitant about looking into his past. Something about people being stored underground for 5000 years and the murdering and all that extra stuff makes him maybe consider that maybe this power ain’t so great. So he’s just...decided not to open doors anymore. Yugi’s going to do it anyway, and Pharaoh will support him in that search, but Pharaoh alone is just fine not knowing if he was an evil asshole 5000 years ago. He doesn’t want to know or really see the point in finding out if it’s fact or not. There’s enough evidence already there. Ignorance is bliss and all that.
But it seems like if one is doubting the other has to not doubt just out of necessity. I don’t know what happens to this brain if both Yami and Yugi become depressed.
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I mean like...
It was on the wall in the museum, right?
And like, Ishizu is down the hall and you could just ask her, right?
Shadi is around, he probably knows, or at least can go invisible and check.
The short term memory on all the children on this show, I swear. It’s almost as bad as real life children.
Anyway, the very last episode of the season is next and like...we made no steps towards resolving any of these plot strings so next episode is either going to be 4 hours long or it will just be a title card at the end of the episode that says “And then they all died! The end!” just like my very first stop motion animation feature when I was a wee tot, which honestly would probably make more sense than how they will probably end up tying all these lose ends. If they...ever do it.
Not holding out.
Anyway, if you just got here, this is a link to read all these recaps in chrono order from S1 Ep1, knock yourself out http://steve0discusses.tumblr.com/tagged/yugioh/chrono
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summerb4jc · 5 years
11, 12, 13, and 15 for your fic, please!
As per usual with this sort of thing, I got carried away and this is very long, I am THE OPPOSITE OF HEMMINGWAY. but lo! My answers:
11. What do you like best about this fic?
Ok so, The Private Letters of Christine Daae is currently my only fic, based on a web series of the same name that I made my senior year of college. I put a lot of thought and work into how to modernize the story of Phantom while keeping it Leroux-accurate, and I had tons of details that I wasn’t able to use in my single-camera, vlog style series.
I love that I can fully flesh out the world of the story as I saw it in my mind, I like revisiting the New York I’ve created in my head for this story. In the novel, Christine says “I heard him for three months before I saw him.” So I love exploring how these two characters would fall into this situation, especially in a more skeptical 2014-2015 (when the web series aired) as opposed to the late 1800’s.
12. What do you like least about this fic?
The self-doubt, I guess? I feel like I’m getting a late start to the fanfic game, and this is my first fic, so it comes with the territory I suppose. I am enjoying myself immensely (seriously, this is my favorite writing project right now), BUT! there’s definitely a part of me that can’t help but see this as too wordy, too rough, too etc., etc. etc. If I spend too much time focusing on wishing I had more comments/faves my brain goes “HAHA! See! Perhaps you are not good at this!” BUT!!!! I know it’s important to remember that I’m writing this for me, I’m learning a lot, and that is what I am trying to measure the experience by that rather than comments/faves.
ALSO! I am finding that it is very easy for me to get caught up in the details. Like, Christine will be in her dressing room, right? And I want her to go to the stage. I could just cut to the stage. Just jump right too it. But do I do that? No. No! I find my self detailing journeys down hallways that serve no purpose other than to get us from point A to point A.1 when I really just want to get to B. Seriously. In my last chapter I had to try and restrain myself from explaining, step by shadowed step, how Erik got from the manager’s office to his box and I was like “SUMMER. HE HAS BEEN SLITHERING THROUGH THE WALLS FOR THREE PARAGRAPHS. GET! TO! THE! BOX!” How do I stop doing this? I do not know. I have not learned.
13. What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
Ooh, fun question! Ok, when I write I use my Spotify playlist Ink For My Pen, which is mostly instrumental music and soundtracks that don’t distract me. (Memoirs of A Geisha, Stranger Things, Ghost Story, and more!) I also listened to Faust while writing about Faust to help get the feel of what Christine was rehearsing.
So, since this is such an introspective story (lots of our girl Christine dealing with Emotions™️) I would say the soundtrack from A Ghost Story is a good fit OR! Whatever moody music you like to listen to when imagining yourself in a Sad Rain Scene OR! Faust, during the Faust scenes.
15. What did you learn from writing this fic?
SO MUCH! Oh my gosh! I started this whole story as a way to practice writing, as well as get myself writing more consistently.
There’s something freeing in expanding or retelling a story I already know, and I feel much less pressure than when I’m working on my original stories. Last year I finished my first rough draft of my first novel. I was over the moon! BUT! My word, reading through that bad boy is like fighting my way through an autumn forest. All branches, no leaves. Here is an excerpt from when I was trying to meet a Symbolic Word Count of 50,000 words:
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Yes, those are all actually in my first draft, and MUCH more of the same. The story itself (my baby, but I’m not blind) feels like a mobile, separate pieces all connected with string.
Writing this fic has let me just write, for fun, no pressure to be the next great American Novel, no NaNoWriMo word count to hit. I’m just telling a story. By giving myself this freedom, I’m learning to write better.
My first novel is chopped up in little pieces, different narrators, different writing styles, etc. I had a really hard time just writing “normally” (i.e. a consistent point of view for more than 1 chapter with either a first person or third person narrator) and I jumped around a bunch. Some sections are prose poetry, there are letters, text messages, I even put an old college essay in there at one point...
In this fic, since I knew the story so well, writing “normally” has been a breeze. The more I do it, the easier it is, and the more confident I feel in my writing. It’s even helping me figure out how to beef up my second draft of my novel!
More than that, it’s teaching me to love writing. I’ve always really enjoyed it, even wanted to be a writer when I was in middle school, but I moved onto other interests (art and film) for a while. TPLoCD is so much fun for me, and I get so invested when I work on it that I lose track of time. Just a few weeks ago I accidentally stayed up until 4am writing! That had never happened before!
I love it, and I’m so glad I started writing it. Oh! And the word count for the story? 40,000!!!! and I’m only a quarter of the way through!!!! Like I said! Way too wordy, and once I finish I definitely want to pare it down to something reasonable, but the fact that I am so close to 50,000! And I wasn’t even thinking about it! I was just having fun! It blew my mind!
Anyway, @majora-the-trekking-hobbit thank you for the ask, it was a lot of fun to answer!
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Undefined Behavior Is My Famicase Game Of The Year 2018
It's that time of the year, in which METEOR throws an art show featuring fictional Famicom cassettes.
Now, I'm a somewhat hard to impressive individual, though I was able to find a record number of carts (about 20) that I not only found pretty to look at, but which also got me wishing that they were playable. A self-produced requirement that may seem silly to some, but hey, that's just me. Anyhow, here's the rest of the bunch...
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BTW, a bonus mention for @brent_ashe's entry, for also designing the packaging...
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It's also that time of the week, in which I go over all the stuff I tweeted the one before. So! Sticking with fake games for bit; Ikea is finally publishing games for the PS4 and the names alone sound a lot more interesting than their offerings for the Xbox 360 (via @campbellbird148)...
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I wasn't joking about the 360, cuz case in point; hopefully Grand Theft Alex improves upon Grand-ma's Auto’s flaws (the load times were atrocious; via kotaku.com)...
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Anyone else remember that Genesis game that would have starred only the female members of the X-Men? (via segacity)
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Sticking with old game mags, we've got another cover to cover tour of an entire issue, courtesy of Chris Alamio at Classic Gaming Quarterly. And this one's a good one; Nintendo Power #7, the one with Mega Man 2 on the cover...
... It's a great watch; Chris makes the same observations and asks the same questions you have also also made, back in the day (and have since long since forgotten). It's also perfect for a lazy Sunday. You know, how video game magazines used to be?
Yet another thing I miss about game rags are the ads. The sillier the attempt at being shocking, the better (via oldgamemags)...
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Today’s recommended reading is a survey of all the times Mortal Kombat graced the cover of game mags during the 90s (via retrovania-vgjunk)...
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Behold the IRL inspiration for Allen Snider, from the forthcoming Fighting EX Layer (via mysterious0bob)...
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I REALLY wish Fight Zone, a mid-90s UFC rip-off) had lasted long enough to at least spawn a really bad tie-in video game for the Jaguar CD (or Nuon via lordmo & lordmo again)...
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Forget dragon punches, forget hurricane kicks, forget fireballs… none are as effective as the most devastating blow of them all: heartbreak (via newkidsonmycock31)...
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For perhaps obvious reasons, I try to avoid anything related to politics, but as someone who is part Korean, this image strikes a serious cord (via basedsatan)...
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It’s funny how I’ve never even come close to thinking about what it'd be like to have a real deal shield from Legend of Zelda, until getting a decent look at one, and then all of a sudden (via retrogamerblog)...
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It’s practically summer weather here in NYC, which is the perfect weather for some Flying Power Disc (aka Windjammer) action + related attire... tho going outside & not playing video games is also an idea I guess (via miki800.com)...
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I want… no... I need this Astro City shirt from GAMESGLORIOUS (via miki800.com)...
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They also have a Mega Drive shirt featuring some sexy girl, which I’d be more into if it was someone I recognized… like Tyris Flare, Blaze Fielding, or Amy Rose (via @GAMESGLORIOUS)...
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As someone with a brain crammed full of ultra obscure Sega knowledge, I still had zero idea about the existence of their Video Driver system...
Meanwhile, did you know that Chuck E. Cheese's origin is grim af? (via @topherflorence)
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A fresh coat of paint always does an indie cab good (especially if it’s been in a DIY space for several years; via @DBAArcade)...
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Cuz it’s been a while since I posted random arcade pics (via duchamp-is-innocent)...
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It’s Virtua Fighter 1, 2, and 3 (well, technically, it’s 3, 2, and then 1; via gaijira)...
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Not sure what the games are in this instance (the one on the right is something for the Neo Geo, that’s all I know; via b0mbass)...
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"vaporwave arcade" (via alext)...
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Hey, arcades in the US can be pleasing to the eye as well, make no mistake (via sadboyxclique)...
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That feeling you get when you come across an assortment of arcade machines, and you realize The Simpsons is included (via gamefreaksnz)...
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Nothing fills me with such unbridled joy like arcade pics circa the early 80s (via retropopcult)...
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Another snapshot from the golden age of gaming in the United States (via tvgame)...
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Meanwhile in Japan; Space Invaders was insanely popular everywhere, including the US, but in its homeland, it was on a whole different level (via videogamesdensetsu)...
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I’m a sucker for any “detailed” interpretation of what the Space Invaders look like… I also love buttons based upon shmups (via miki800)...
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Not that anyone has asked, but if I had to choose my fave shmup ship design, I would have to the SA-77 from Silpheed...
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... That last image is from videogamesdensetsu, BTW/FYI. Also BTW/FYI: my affinity for Silpheed's SA-77 naturally means that I wouldn't mind a miniature replica on my toy shelf.
Like this one (via my homepage, fort90.com)...
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Or this one (via dannychoo.com)...
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Am not as into the SA-08, aka the ship from the very first Silpheed (the Sega/Mega CD version is actually a remake), yet this model is neat nonetheless (via @musuke_twit)...
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Revisiting that old blog post of mine, to get that Silpheed model pic, reminded me of others based upon Radiant Silvergun & Ikaruga that I’d also love to get my grubby mitts on...
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I also still need to get my hands on this transformable Vic Viper from Zone of the Enders, even if I’ve never been super fond of its ship form (a moot point given how I’d probably keep it in its mecha form; via zakgaigar)...
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I believe I’ve highlighted this R-Type kit not all that long ago, but when you repost pics as much as I do, it’s easy to lose track (via shmups)... 
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So all the pics above, of ships that soar among the stars, engaging in wars, were all tweeted on a single day. May the 4th to be exact, due to the fact that I didn't have anything directly related to Star Wars Day handy. With this Star Fox gif being the most popular of the bunch (which again I might have shared already once, a long time ago; via k-eke)...
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This past Friday also marked the grand re-opening of The Rodney Shop!
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And also making a grand return was the man who redefined what's musically possible on a Game Boy, who came back to redefine what's musically possible on... a calculator? (via @Nullsleep)
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Time for a bonus track: if there was an adaptation of the film Escape From New York on the MSX-2, this is what it would sound like...
Please enjoy this pic of a Super Nintendo controller covered in vaseline for whatever reason (via kotaku.com)...
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And last but not least, a question: is there enough background info on the game Alien Solider to justify a near 20-minute video? The answer: yes... 
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fonulyn · 8 years
oh ohh if you're bored, let's play a game of recommending your favorite books :D (truth is i need something new to read but i don't know what should i read lol)
ohhhh i’m so sorry i only saw this now! i was so bored i went to bed xD BUT YES BOOKS! i... don’t really know what genres you like so this is gonna be all over the place (bc my faves are all over the place too ahaha) i’m just going to link wikipedia in case you want plot summaries or so (beware spoilers tho ;D)
ok so. first some sci-fi! 
The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov -- basically one of my ultimate faves, i’ve read it like 15 times in three diferent languages lmao. idk why it’s stuck with me, but i somehow find new things with every re-read. i used to be a huge fan of the second part, but as i grew older the third part somehow became a new favourite. (it also contains one of my favourite quotes, which is apparently a quote from Schiller originally, "Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain.") basically it’s about the dying Earth and a parallel universe that seems to be extending a helping hand (such boring summary i’m sorry lmao).
Nemesis by Isaac Asimov -- a habitable planet is found, but something is not quite all it seems with the planet dun-dun-duuuunnn~
Nightfall by Asimov again lmao (see a trend here?) and Robert Silverberg -- it is set on a planet that has six suns and is always illuminated, and no one has ever seen a night. so what happens when they do? (i think it’s not only enjoyable to read, it’s also inspiring!)
basically i'd recommend Asimov’s stand-alone books, as it feels like he tends to lose focus with his long series? the series aren’t bad at all, either, but the stand-alones are excellent.
Solaris by Stanislaw Lem -- is really good too. Solaris is a planet that’s covered by an ocean that appears to have a mind of its own, impossible for the scientists to understand. attempts at communication end up just taking a toll on their sanity.
okay let’s abandon scifi and move to fantasy, i’ll keep this shorter i promise.
The Death Gate Cycle -series by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman -- it's got seven parts, and i just recently re-read the entire series. i just love the characters in it, how they develop and grow, and form friendships. that's always what makes or breaks a book (or a movie) for me.
The Tales of Alvin Maker -series by Orson Scott Card -- it's partly alternate history, partly fantasy, and i'm so bummed that the series hasn't been finished LET ALONE BEEN TRANSLATED TO FINNISH GODDAMN, they haven't translated the latest book and i doubt they ever will. ANYHOW it's good.
i love fantasy as a genre in general, i’ve read so many good ones, but i’m trying to limit myself here lmao.
then the historical (more or less) novels
The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas -- let me tell you i LOVE this book?? i’ve read it a dozen times, again in three different languages lmao, and it never ges old. most of my friends think it’s boring but i find it absolutely delightful.
The Black Tulip by Alexandre Dumas -- again, delightful. i love this novel.
The Etruscan by Mika Waltari -- i made a book report on this when i was 16 lmao, but i’ve re-read it since and it’s still one of my favourites. it mixes actual historical events with fiction.
actually I’d recommend ANYthING by Mika Waltari. sadly, not all of his works have been translated (the english-speaking world missing out on his crime novels is atrocious), but he is fabulous.
Ivory Carver trilogy by Sue Harrison -- the series focuses on prehistoric Aleut tribes and I think I've read it again like... six times? i'm currently reading Harrison's other trilogy (the Storyteller trilogy) and it's really good too, though I prefer the aforementioned one.
okay then some random honorable mentions??
i love Jane Austen okay, especially Pride and Prejudice.
Little Women by Louisa M. Alcott is charming and one of my childhood favourites that i still revisit sometimes.
Emily of New Moon by Lucy M. Montgomery is another one that i loved growing up. it’s a part of a trilogy too, and they’re all good.
The Judge Dee mysteries by Robert van Gulik are sort of a breath of fresh air among the traditional murder mysteries? idek i enjoyed them a lot.
okay i'm gonna name-drop Colleen McCullough too, i loved The Thorn Birds, The Song of Troy and The Touch, at least!
okay I gotta mention the Harry Potter series and the Hunger Games series too bc i did enjoy the hell out of them too, but those everyone has probably already read lmao.
i’m so sorry i don’t think you wanted a massive reply like this lmao. but well. here you go? :D i’m sure i’ve forgotten some absolute favourites too, and it bothers me, but i need to run because i’m having visitors over in like fifteen minutes and i’m sitting here in my nightgown ;D
ALSO feel free to recommend me books too, srsly, i’m always open for suggestions!
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beaft · 8 years
harry potter! (love from milk fic anon)
hmm, let’s see:
the character i least understand: …umbridge. at least, i understand her well enough on an intellectual level, but she’s about as far away from my mindset and beliefs as it’s possible for a character to be
interactions i enjoyed the most: harry and malfoy! oh my god, the banter, the sass, i fucking lived for it and the unresolved sexual tension but we don’t talk about that
the character who scares me the most: fenrir greyback, probably? i was never frightened of voldemort (i don’t think anyone really takes voldemort seriously - he’s too much of a cartoon villain for that), and umbridge just made me viciously angry. greyback, on the other hand…mm. i think it’s that interplay between animal and human - i’ve never been especially frightened of people, but i can get quite easily frightened by monsters, particularly unthinking ones, because they’re totally unpredictable and they can’t be reasoned with. 
the character who is mostly like me: luna lovegood is the one i got compared to constantly when i was at school, because of the whole dreamy/kooky thing, but honestly we’re nothing alike personality-wise - she’s far more serene and comfortable with herself than i am, and seems to function mainly off faith, whereas i tend to rely more on logic. i think i definitely have shades of tonks (the clumsiness and weird sense of humour, for instance) and also a bit of dumbledore (the ambition, the moral relativism, the spectacular fashion sense). i can’t think of any one character who i relate to above all, but those two probably come closest
hottest looks character: evanna lynch as luna was just. holy shit. the perfect blend of ethereal and grounded, complete with ophelia-like floating hair and perfect skin and amazing eyes and honestly i’m not okay
one thing i dislike about my fave character: now this one’s complicated, because in terms of characters i find the most interesting, it’s probably snape. and obviously i dislike nearly everything about snape on a purely moral level, and i don’t think i need to clarify any more than that because y’all already know what i’m talking about. but in the category of “characters who i would love and protect with my life and who i would like to be best friends with, please” it’d probably be hagrid. the thing that immediately springs to mind is how disparaging he is about the other (non-gryffindor) houses - like, i get that that’s partly a result of jk’s worldbuilding, which puts a whole lotta weight on the “slytherins are evil lying liars who lie” thing, but telling an eleven-year-old kid that “there’s not a single wizard or witch who went bad who wasn’t in slytherin”? or, “hufflepuff are a load of duffers”? not cool, hagrid. 
one thing i like about my hated character: umm. again, difficult. umbridge has very, very few redeeming qualities, but i’d say it is interesting to finally have a female villain who doesn’t fit into either the “old witch” or the “femme fatale” archetype, but falls somewhere in between. “cutesy” things like kittens and the colour pink are so far removed from being a threat that allowing them to be representational of such a menacing character becomes a form of weaponised femininity that doesn’t revolve around being sexually appealing (through a masculine lens, that is) or dangerous. and that’s actually pretty innovative, when you think about it.
a quote or scene that haunts me: “it is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities” just. whole philosophy. right there. also the scene of harry destroying dumbledore’s office after sirius’ death always gets me - it’s just so raw and awful and really captures that feeling of a complete emotional breakdown and loss of control. “you do care - you care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death with the pain of it.” ouch.
a death that left me indifferent: tonks. not because i didn’t like her as a character - i did! i love tonks and i wish to goodness she’d come out of book seven with her sparkiness and bubblegum hair intact. but it’s hard to feel emotional about a death that’s brushed over in the space of a couple of sentences and never revisited. jk was clearly trying to communicate the senselessness of war and how the deaths pile up until individual casualties lose their significance, but as a farewell to characters we’ve got to know and love over the space of several years, it felt pretty hollow.
a character i wish died but didn’t: i feel terrible saying this, but: george. for some reason the idea of the twins being separated and george being forced to live out the rest of his life with a piece of himself missing hurts more than the idea of the two of them going out as a double act, ideally in a blaze of glory. let him go with fred and skip the sad headcanons and the whole creepy “george married fred’s girlfriend after the war” thing and i’ll be happy. well, not happy but marginally less emotionally destroyed
my ship that never sailed: luna/ginny…tbh……..(also dean/seamus but that was probably offscreen canon anyway let’s be real)
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Charlotte Josephine
CJ Two ways of writing: having a plan and not. Inspired by everyday life. Writes little but often then puts the pieces together like a puzzle. - Confidence - Reading and language - Watching alot - Space and respect Write a list of colours: Pink Purple Green Red Brown Yellow Orange Blue Chocolate bars: Mars Twix Kit Kat Galaxy Bounty Kinder bueno Bathroom cupboard: Toothbrush Deodorant Tampons Toilet roll Perfume Sun cream Tablets Teenagers bedroom: Plates Cups Bed Dressing table Clothes Shoes Straighteners Lady handbag Make up Tampons Purse Phone The pill Paracetamol Book Diary List of fans as tic lies I need to feed my fish My bus was late I need to see my Nan I find it easier when no one else is in the room to do my presentation You're my fave I love you A list of things todo when embarrassed Go toilet Bite nails Put the focus on someone else Go red Shit myself Play with my hair Look at my feet Leave the room Pretend you don't care Think of being in bed/comfort zone A list of BIRTHDAY cake wishes I want to meet Harry styles I wish for a someone to love me I wish for concert tickets I wish for money I wish for everyone to be happy I wish for no arguments I wish to have the people who mean most, forever I wish for my friends to come home from uni I wish for a mini A list of things that terrify us Spiders Losing my friends Being hated by everyone Not going anywhere in life Disappointing my family Death The unknown My pets dying Never having kids Getting pregnant at the wrong time Throwing away something I didn't realise was important. A list of things you'd find on a summer holiday: Factor 50 suncream A burnt ginger Alcohol Books People awake at 7 to put a towel on a sunbed Tanned people Lost languages A list of hiding places: My bed My car Millie's house The park Under my bed Behind a door I'm a hole Under the stairs Anywhere dark The green room Aunty jos house The library Things never said to a parent I smoke You're child is a Cunt You raised you're kid shit I've fucked your daughter I hate you Places to stand when the sea is rough In bed Somewhere where there is no sea On a boat In the sea with a snorkel Pavement Masculine or feminine things Blue Pink Muscles Hard labour Giving birth Emotions Trust someone: Raw Honestly Hearing what you don't want to but need to Having my back when I'm not in the room Being there when I need them most Answering the phone Going along with my lies Meeting your girlfriends parents for the first time: "Hi John nice to meet you, yes this is your daughter, yes she's wearing my top and no, she hasn't got shoes on because she was at mine last night not at Chloes like she said and yes that is my cum in her hair" - as if I'm going to say that out loud as my first words to John but it's definitely what's running through my head rn... how about a simple hello and hand shake, that could work right? But I don't want him to think I'm too formal.. fuck. Right that's it I'm not going. I don't understand why first impressions are always hard. When In actual fact it a simple hello. Everyone seems to always over think it. Ofcourse I want to make a good impression but I'd much rather not lick his ass hole because a year down the line he's going to know the real me and know I was putting on this front to impress him. Why can't I go in with the simple "alright mate, I'm your daughters new boyfriend, I respect her a lot fuck on a daily and think she's fucking hilarious" but nah got to respect that although he knows that the hand he just shook has actually be all over his daughter... he's thinking, I'm thinking it, might as well say it right? But instead I go with the, "nice to meet Mr Smith, I'm Daniel" "do I work?" Well yeah in a bar one day a week I'm still a student.. "still a student at the age of 21... living of mummy and daddy still then?" Why the fuck do I need to be questioned about what I do as long as what I'm doing makes me happy, I'm living my life not you. Blake: Age: 21 Cats or dogs: Dogs Live: house in leatherhead How do they spend their days: High as a kite writing music for the homeless. What is a smell that calms them: Petrol Three words to describe them(mum): a little podgy, good boy, likes candles Happiest on holiday: Florida At 8 he wanted to be: Fireman Item of clothing wear too much: Adidas original jumper in Kaki Phrase to often: but think of the homeless man Secret: I have a kid Roll model: my nan Fave drink: Redbull Vodka and Lime Lost virginity: his family friend Louise at 18 (he begged her init) On his own he dances to ballets Deeper secret: he is a professional ballet dancer Parents : mum is his world dad is a rich wanker Place: His studio, his workspace but also his hobby, he has his own chair (that no one else can use) others can join him but not use his chair. There is a hidden mirror for when he wants to practise ballet. Blue dim to the room - no windows. Constant music playing, there's a window to the booth that has a sticker of his dog and nan on the right hand corner. Smells like hard work, has a little can of petrol hidden under his desk where is chair is for when he gets stressed. There a aircon unit that always makes a slight noise of fresh air coming into the room. Everything is black apart from the lighting. Wearing something unusual: he's wearing a leotard under his clothes - it quite tight but he likes it, no one can see it but he knows he's wearing it. Smells fresh out the packet never had one before but always envious when watching professional ballet people wear one. I didn't mean todo it, it just... *sitting in his studio* staring at his hidden mirror - reveals it from behind its curtain. Looking at himself in his new leotard practising first position. A 1,2,3 second 1,2,3 first 1,2,3 second 1,2,3 first... *phone rings - it's zain* Wag1 Blake I'll be outside in 2. Blake: gets dressed quickly, hides his 'ballet for beginners book' and sits in his chair.. zain opens the door "oiiii wag1 G what you saying" Blake realises the mirror is still on show.. "shit" Madting when did you get a mirror in here..." B:"errrm yesterday init... it's for..." Z: it looks sick bro, makes the room feel massive.. Zain sits down Z: "oi you heard this new tune" Plays some bad man song Blake tries to release his wedgie that his leotard is giving him.. Zain is oblivious keeps mixing music Blakes burst out "I didn't mean todo it, it's just one day I saw your sister...." Z: "what do you mean my sister..." Blake: it just she was standing there in her leotard and it got me... Z: got you what bruv why you looking at my sister in a leotard bruv are you a pedo or something Blake: wait what... Z: staring at my sister whilst she's dancing wtf if wrong with you Blake: no no bruv it's not like that.. I wasn't looking at her because she had no clothes on.. I mean very little clothes on and don't get me wrong she looked fit init but" Z"what the fuck do you meeeeeeaaaan, what didn't you mean todo stare at her fat peachy beautiful ass" Blake: wait what... Z: forget get that... Blake: nah it's just I was fascinated Z: fascinated by Me and An old man in an army uniform We are in a very busy train station on a Monday morning I want success But there is a shark in the way I'm a busker, I've tried making it in acting, I've tried making it in dance and now singing but here I am... Monday morning the busy crowd is coming and I'm playing my guitar... people chuck coins and pennies and some cunt chucks a button... all I've ever wanted is success.. all I ever need is success but my success and the worlds are completely different, I just want to be heard, respected and a warm house to go home to, to see my loving family. I see an old man approaching.. he's wearing a uniform shit do I need to run? My license doesn't cover this station... I start packing my away my equipment, collecting my scraps of money... I look up again and he's just standing there... his uniform looks worn but well kept, badges glistening.. his boots are shinny and still smell of polish. He chucks a £50 note in my case.. "I tried to make it one time too but the army called for me instead" I stare.... my heart still racing from preparing to out run the Feds... He reaching out a hand to help me up... I take the offer, my hands trembling from adrenaline. BOTH HAVE THE SAME SHARK TATTOO. Fish tank This is England Shane meadows I really enjoyed Charlottes workshop as she opened my mind to write everything and anything and atleast one of them if not more will blossom. You don't have to have an order or a reason when you first start just start. I find writing terrifying, I'm always cautious that it won't have a good ending, beginning or even an interesting plot but Charlotte made me feel so comfortable to just write. Going forward I definitely will write down any ideas even if I leave them for months and revisit them with a fresh mind. Overall when it comes to writing my own script I will not give up and I will accept mental blocks and stop to allow my brain to breathe. Watching films and TV series really inspire me to help build characters however Charlotte opened my eyes to embrace what is happening in the moment day to day, as well as through books and seeing live theatre. There is never too much detail to a character or a place.
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